Energies 15 00334
Energies 15 00334
Energies 15 00334
An Assessment of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of
Energy Efficient Retrofits to Existing Residential Buildings
Orlaith McGinley 1,2 , Paul Moran 1 and Jamie Goggins 1,2, *
1 MaREI Centre, Ryan Institute & School of Engineering, College of Science and Engineering,
National University of Ireland, H91 TK33 Galway, Ireland; o.mcginley2@nuigalway.ie (O.M.);
paul.t.moran@nuigalway.ie (P.M.)
2 Energy Resilience and the Built Environment (ERBE) Centre for Doctoral Training, National University of
Ireland, H91 TK33 Galway, Ireland
* Correspondence: jamie.goggins@nuigalway.ie
Abstract: Quantifying the wider benefits of energy efficient building retrofits is crucial to incentivise
householder retrofit investments. This research recognises the value of key performance indicators
(KPIs) for assessing and demonstrating retrofitting benefits and provides an assessment of KPIs
for evaluating retrofits. An integrated framework for evaluating retrofits using a set of economic,
social, and environmental KPIs is proposed. This KPI framework is then applied in a pre- and
post-retrofit assessment of five case study dwellings located in Ireland, revealing its usefulness in
demonstrating the wider benefits of retrofitting to householders, with a view to driving retrofit
investment. Three of these case study dwellings had state-of-the-art retrofit technologies installed as
part of the works, including heat pumps and solar PV systems. In addition to demonstrating the wider
benefits of retrofitting, the framework allowed for the identification of potential causes for differences
in performance of these technologies across households, as well as patterns of underperformance.
Such insights are useful for the future design of these technologies and retrofit packages, as well
as policy measures, which support householders in the adoption and use of these measures. The
Citation: McGinley, O.; Moran, P.; results demonstrate that householders experience various benefits from retrofitting. Showcasing
Goggins, J. An Assessment of the Key the different benefits that householders receive from retrofitting, and their satisfaction with the
Performance Indicators (KPIs) of
retrofit works, can serve to de-risk retrofit investments, and inspire others to seek similar benefits
Energy Efficient Retrofits to Existing
through retrofitting. Applying the developed framework to a larger, comparable sample size, can
Residential Buildings. Energies 2022,
distinguish the retrofit packages, which perform best across the KPIs and various household profiles.
15, 334. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Furthermore, the application of the developed framework can serve as an evidence base for retrofit
designers, contractors, and policy makers in the design of retrofit packages and policy measures that
Academic Editor: Patrick Phelan
will maximise the benefit for householders.
Received: 21 November 2021
Accepted: 27 December 2021 Keywords: key performance indicators (KPIs); energy efficient retrofits; residential buildings;
Published: 4 January 2022 sustainability
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop an integrated framework of key per-
formance indicators (KPIs) which are to be used to demonstrate the wider benefits of
retrofitting to householders, with a view to encouraging homeowners to invest in retrofitting.
KPIs are used to assess the performance of the critical project goals and are considered
especially useful for dealing with complex contexts such as the sustainability assessment
of construction projects [31,32]. Moreover, given its applicability for the performance
assessment of retrofitted buildings, the KPI approach is fast becoming one of the most
valuable tools for the quantification of the benefits of retrofit implementation [31,33]. This
paper, firstly, provides an assessment of the KPIs used for evaluating retrofits, based on a
review of the existing literature. Based on the critique of existing studies and models, this
research develops an integrated framework of KPIs for evaluating the economic, social, and
environmental benefits of building retrofits that should be included in retrofit evaluations at
a minimum. This integrated framework is then applied to five case study dwellings in the
west of Ireland, to reveal its usefulness in demonstrating the wider benefits of retrofitting
to householders, with a view to encouraging homeowners to invest in retrofitting. Finally,
the implications of applying the proposed framework for policy and practice are presented.
Table 1. KPI categories identified in the existing literature for demonstrating the multiple benefits of
retrofitting to householders.
Table 2. Recommended key performance indicators (KPIs) of energy efficient retrofits to existing
residential buildings.
KPI Category
Economic Investment cost
Life cycle costs (LCC)
Payback period
Change in market value
Social Change in Indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
Change in health & well-being
Change in fuel poverty
Satisfaction with retrofit
Environmental Energy consumption savings
CO2e emissions savings
Change in Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
2.1.1. Cost
Firstly, the investment cost was identified as a KPI across various studies [17,22,31,33,38].
Typically, the minimisation of investment cost is an objective function in the design of
retrofit solutions [17,22,31,33,38] and in pre- and post-retrofit evaluation studies [39–41].
From the householder perspective, the investment cost is considered an important KPI,
given that a householder’s willingness to invest in retrofit often depends on the level
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of benefit they receive relative to the investment required [43]. Additionally, the high
investment costs associated with energy efficiency upgrades and a householder lacking
the financial resources to undertake a retrofit are major obstacles [16,17,62–65]. Therefore,
the investment cost is included as an economic KPI, as it provides evidence of the various
types of benefits householders could receive, depending on the level of investment they
are willing to commit to the retrofit. Indirect costs, such as stable labour costs, static mate-
rials costs, and minimum variations costs have been included as economic KPIs in other
studies [31,33], but are excluded as part of the investment cost KPI used in the framework.
Life cycle cost (LCC) is frequently included in the economic assessment of
retrofits [22,31,33,35,42] and is commonly used to compare the investment cost of a retrofit
with the economic benefit of alternative retrofit design solutions [17]. Moreover, LCC
analysis is mandatory for the achievement of cost-optimal levels of energy performance, as
required under the energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD) [66]. From a house-
holder perspective, the LCC KPI is considered useful, as it indicates the economic benefit a
householder will receive over a certain time period following a retrofit [67], thereby making
it possible to identify the most cost-effective retrofit strategy [42]. Given its usefulness in
this regard from a householder’s perspective, the LCC is included as an economic KPI in
the cost category in the KPI framework.
Other economic KPIs prevalent in the literature include the payback period and net
present value (or net present cost) [21,31,33,35,43]. For the KPI framework, the net present
value KPI is not included as a distinct KPI as it is accounted for in the LCC analysis.
The payback period measures the length of time necessary to recover any investments
made [68]. This is often considered a crucial factor to speculative householders, who may
prioritise a fast recovery of their retrofit investment [67]. A reasonable payback time is
often considered a motivator for retrofitting [68,69], while on the other hand, both the
perceived lengthy payback periods and lack of knowledge with regards to payback periods
associated with retrofits are some of the frequently cited barriers to householder investment
in retrofit [16,17,70]. Therefore, from a householder perspective, the payback period is
considered a useful economic KPI [22], and is generally considered an accessible KPI that
can be easily understood by householders. However, while the payback period is often
used as an additional KPI [21,35–37], its inherent limitations do not make it appropriate
for use as a distinct KPI, as it does not take into consideration any benefits or costs that
occur after the payback period [67]. Therefore, it is better used in conjunction with more
accurate indicators, such as the net present value or in this case the LCC, which consider any
benefits that occur after the payback period and provide a better measure of the investments
profitability [66,67]. Additionally, care should be taken in handling the payback period,
as it may result in an over-emphasis on how quickly householder investments can be
recovered, meaning that householders may favour less efficient retrofit investments, with
short-term paybacks, as opposed to more efficient retrofit investments, with long-term
paybacks [67]. Nonetheless, its usefulness is recognised, and it is therefore included as part
of the KPI framework.
the KPI framework. However, IAQ, lighting and acoustics are not evaluated in the case
study presented in this paper due to a lack of data.
have also been included in retrofit design decision-making frameworks [22,31,33], and
retrofit performance evaluations [35,40,41,43,50,51].
While energy and carbon emissions savings are a well-discussed benefit of retrofitting,
the influence of environmental benefits as a motive for householders’ decisions to undertake
retrofit projects is questionable, with conflicting findings being present in the literature.
For example, some research has found that often, it is the non-energy related benefits that
motivate householders to invest in retrofitting [26,83], with environmental benefits being
of little concern or irrelevant in the decision [25,84,85]. On the other hand, however, some
research has found evidence that environmental benefits and concerns are relevant in a
householder’s decision to invest in retrofitting [9,12,27,86]. As such, this would suggest
that demonstrating the energy consumption and emissions savings resulting from retrofit
implementation may result in increased engagement by environment and climate motivated
householders. Increasing energy efficiency and targeting emissions on a global scale is
crucial. Moreover, energy models in the design phase must be validated [50], and the
potential rebound effects of retrofitting, which form key barriers to residential energy
efficiency must be examined [67]. Thus, energy and carbon emission related KPIs have
been incorporated as core KPI categories in the developed framework.
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Collection
Quantitative and qualitative data, obtained from pre- and post-retrofit monitoring of
case study dwellings, were used to evaluate the KPIs. There were four main forms of data
collection during the pre-retrofit and post-retrofit monitoring of the case study dwellings,
including: (i) surveys on the physical characteristics of the buildings; (ii) pre-retrofit and
post-retrofit participant surveys; (iii) installation of temperature, relative humidity (RH),
Energies 2022, 15, 334 9 of 26
1.3% in the sale value of property in Ireland. Assuming each rating increase in the BER scale
results in a 1.3% value increase in residential buildings following a retrofit, the increase
in market value is determined. In this case, secondary data specific to Ireland was used.
While this was useful in this instance, it is acknowledged that such an approach may not
be applicable to other countries.
The normalised heating energy data (kWh/HDDs) for each phase (i.e., pre-retrofit and
post-retrofit works) was multiplied by the average HDDs experienced in the case study
dwellings locality during the heating season, for a period of 10 years beginning in 2005, to
estimate an annual heating energy usage. A base temperature of 15.5 ◦ C was assumed in
this analysis. Base temperatures are considered the temperatures at which no heating is
required for buildings to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures [98].
Electricity and oil energy usage levels were recorded once a month. For the purposes
of the analysis, six months of pre-retrofit electricity and oil energy consumption data, and
six months of post-retrofit electricity and oil energy consumption data have been utilised.
Householders were asked to estimate their annual solid fuel costs during pre- and post-
retrofit surveys. Solid fuel annual energy usage (including timber, briquettes, coal, and
turf), was estimated using fuel costs per kWh for the relevant fuel type [99].
Electricity usage for lighting and appliances (that is, other than for space heating) was
normalised to kWh/day and multiplied by the number of days in a year to determine the
annual energy use. Specific details on how annual energy use for electricity was calculated
in specific case studies where electricity usage is also used for space heating is outlined
for each specific case in Sections 4.1–4.5. By subtracting the post-retrofit energy demand
from the pre-retrofit energy demand, the estimated annual energy demand savings were
determined for each case.
4. Case Study
Data collected from a pre- and post-retrofit study of five case study dwellings in the
west of Ireland are used to demonstrate the wider benefits of retrofitting based on the
economic, social, and environmental KPIs of the integrated framework. Details of the
procedure followed to recruit potential research participants is given in Appendix A. The
five detached rural case study dwellings, otherwise referred to in this paper as Case A–Case
E, were retrofitted as part of SEAI’s Better Energy Community scheme [100]. Each case
study received varying levels of grant aid for their retrofit works from the SEAI (see Table 3).
Retrofits were completed between July and November 2016, with Case A, Case B, and Case
E having photovoltaic (PV) systems installed in February 2017.
For the calculation of thermal comfort improvements in the dwelling, using the method
described in Section 3.3.1, temperature and RH data loggers were installed in each case
study dwelling, in the kitchen, living room, and three bedrooms of each dwelling. The
data loggers used were ‘Easy Log EL-USB-2+’. It should be noted that temperature and RH
readings recorded in one of the bedrooms in Case C were removed from the analysis due to
the sensor recording erroneous data. Temperature and RH data were recorded every 15 min,
both pre- and post-retrofit, from December 2015 to February 2018. The temperature and RH
data are based on data recorded from the 16 December 2015 to 25 May 2016 (pre-retrofit)
and the 15 December 2016–18 May 2017 (post-retrofit). The possible effects of external
temperature on the thermal comfort results were considered, using historical weather data
that was obtained from the Claremorris weather station, which is within 30 km of the case
study dwellings [101]. However, detailed analysis of the effect of external temperature on
temperature improvements resulting from retrofitting was outside the scope of this study.
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Table 3. Post-retrofit KPI results for each of the case study buildings. Values in brackets are
the a percentage change of post-retrofit results relative to the pre-retrofit results or b pre-retrofit result.
For the calculation of fuel poverty alleviations, using the methodology described in
Section 3.3.2, the annual rate of income inflation in the Irish context was taken as 1.0 %,
based on data obtained from the Central Statistics Office (CSO, Cork, Ireland), for the period
2008–2019 [102]. To take into consideration any uncertainty with regard to the income
inflation rate, future predictions were also made at income inflation rates of 3% and 5%.
For the calculation of annual energy demand savings, using the methodology de-
scribed in Section 3.4.1, electricity and oil energy usage levels were recorded once a month.
For the purposes of the analysis, six months of pre-retrofit electricity and oil energy con-
sumption data (16 December 2015–25 May 2016) and six months of post-retrofit electricity
and oil energy consumption data (15 December 2016–18 May 2017) have been utilised.
Householders were asked to estimate their annual solid fuel costs during pre- and post-
retrofit surveys. Solid fuel annual energy usage (including timber, briquettes, coal, and turf),
was estimated using fuel costs per kWh for the relevant fuel type [99]. In this instance, fuel
prices were sourced from SEAI’s domestic fuel cost archive [99]. The annual operational
energy costs are inclusive of 13.5% VAT [99]. To determine the average annual price increase
rate, fuel prices from 1998 to 2018 were sourced from SEAI’s domestic fuel cost archive [99].
Fuel prices for wood and turf were only available from periods 2005–2018 and 1999–2003,
respectively. External temperature data for Claremorris (Ireland) was used to normalise this
heating energy data, using the method described in Section 3.4.1. In this instance, a base
Energies 2022, 15, 334 13 of 26
temperature of 15.5 ◦ C in Ireland was assumed by SEAI when using the HDD method [98].
Electricity was used for lighting and appliances in all cases. Specific details on how annual
energy use for electricity was calculated in specific case studies where electricity usage is
also used for space heating is outlined for each specific case in Sections 4.1–4.5.
In the calculation of annual CO2 emissions savings, using the methodology described
in Section 3.4.2, the annual rate of decarbonisation of the Irish electricity grid was taken
from [103] and accounted for in the results.
For the calculation of pre- and post-retrofit EPCs for each case study dwelling, the
standard assessment procedure for Ireland was used. A BER was assessed using a standard
assessment procedure referred to as Domestic Energy Assessment Procedure (DEAP).
The theoretical energy demand was estimated based on the version of DEAP (when it
was known as the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure) published in 2012 [104]. The
following version, published in 2019 [105], provides a more detailed procedure for assessing
the theoretical domestic hot water energy demand. Some of the information required for the
new procedure was not collected during the building inspections. A BER was determined
pre- and post-retrofit.
Using the estimated annual energy consumption pre- and post-retrofit and the level of
energy demand associated with each BER ranging from A1-G, BERs based on the measured
energy consumption were determined. The electricity demand for appliances was included
when assessing the BER even though it is not accounted for in a theoretical BER estimation.
This represented the energy demand for a full year, whereas the theoretical BER is based
on the energy demand for the heating months (October–May).
Figure 1 shows the cases pre-retrofit with a description of the cases and the retrofit
measures given in Section 4.1–Section 4.5.
4.1. Case A
Case A is a solid masonry wall house (94 m2 heated floor area) constructed in the 1960s
occupied by a family of four, including two children. The house underwent substantial
work, including retrofit measures to the building fabric and heating system. Double-
glazed PVC windows and doors replaced single pane timber windows and doors; 100 mm
expanded polystyrene external insulation and acrylic render were added to the solid
masonry external walls. Electric storage radiators and instantaneous domestic hot water
heaters were replaced with an air source heat pump (ASHP), heating controls, radiators,
and a hot water tank. In addition, a 2.1 kWp PV system with an inverter was installed.
It should be noted that Case A used electricity for space heating and water heating pre-
and post-retrofit (as well as for lighting and appliances). Case A had an ASHP installed as
part of the retrofit works. In this case, to normalise the space heating energy using HDDs
(as described in Section 3.4.1), it was assumed that 61% of the electricity usage for Case A
was related to space heating, based on the finding that 61% of end-use residential energy
in Ireland is accounted for by space heating [98]. The remaining 39% of electricity energy
usage was normalised to kWh/day and multiplied by the number of days in a year to
determine the annual energy use.
4.2. Case B
The retrofit works of Case B primarily focused on the heating system. The two-storey
detached house (118 m2 heated floor area) had an ASHP, heating controls, radiators, hot
water tank, 2.1 kWp PV system and inverter installed. The new electricity-based heating
system replaced an oil-based central heating system. The owner of the 1960s detached
house complemented the oil-based heating system pre-retrofit with a solid fuel stove and
maintained the option of using the solid fuel stove post-retrofit. The occupancy of the
home also changed following the retrofit with one of the occupants (a woman of more than
75 years of age) passing away, leaving the son aged between 46 and 55 years of age as the
sole occupant.
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 27
Energies 2022, 15, 334 14 of 26
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. (a)
Figure 1. Case A,A,
(a) Case (b)(b)Case
B, (c) CaseC,C,(d)
(c) Case (d)Case
CaseD, D,
andand (e) Case
(e) Case E. E.
4.1. CaseAs
A the retrofit work consisted of changing the oil-based space and water heating
system to an electricity-based ASHP, it was important to differentiate the electricity con-
Case A for
sumption is aheating,
solid lighting,
masonry andwall
appliances, (94 m2 heated
house post-retrofit. To dofloor area)
this, the constructed
pre-retrofit daily in the
1960s occupied
electricity byfor
usage a lighting
family andof four, including
appliances two children.
was assumed The post-retrofit.
to be the same house underwentThus, sub-
the difference between the pre-retrofit and post-retrofit energy usage was
stantial work, including retrofit measures to the building fabric and heating system.assumed to be the Dou-
post-retrofit space and water heating energy required in Case B. Case B
ble-glazed PVC windows and doors replaced single pane timber windows and doors; 100also had a solid fuel
stove acting as a secondary heating system that remained in operation post-retrofit. Data
mm expanded polystyrene external insulation and acrylic render were added to the solid
from the electricity meter for Case B was unavailable for the post-retrofit stage of the study.
masonry external walls. Electric storage radiators and instantaneous domestic hot water
heaters were replaced with an air source heat pump (ASHP), heating controls, radiators,
and a hot water tank. In addition, a 2.1 kWp PV system with an inverter was installed.
It should be noted that Case A used electricity for space heating and water heating
Energies 2022, 15, 334 15 of 26
Thus, electricity bills from April 2018 to March 2019 were used to estimate the electricity
energy usage post-retrofit, with the heating energy normalised for the period 1 April 2018
to the 31 March 2019 using the HDD procedure described earlier in Section 3.4.1.
As electricity was not used for space heating purposes in Case B pre-retrofit, the
electricity usage data from the pre-retrofit six-month monitoring period was normalised
per day and multiplied by the number of days in a year to determine their annual electricity
usage for lighting and appliances.
4.3. Case C
Case C, with a heated floor area of 107 m2 , received retrofit measures for the building
fabric and heating system. The bungalow home constructed in the 1950s and occupied by a
woman more than 75 years old, installed 200 mm of earth wool insulation along the joists
of the attic. The oil boiler and hot water tank components of the primary heating system
were replaced with more energy efficient versions as part of the retrofit works. A solid fuel
range, which acted as a secondary space heating system, was replaced with a solid fuel
boiler. In addition, three radiators were replaced and heating controls installed. Oil and
solid fuel were used for the space and water heating requirements of Case C before and
after the retrofit works.
As electricity was not used for space heating purposes in Case C pre-retrofit or post-
retrofit, the electricity usage data from the monitoring periods were normalised per day
and multiplied by the number of days in a year to determine their annual electricity usage
for lighting and appliances. By subtracting the post-retrofit energy demand from the pre-
retrofit energy demand, the estimated annual energy demand savings were determined for
each case.
4.4. Case D
Case D is a bungalow originally constructed in the late 1970s with a heated floor area
of 72 m2 . The house, which is occupied by a woman more than 65 years old, underwent a
shallow retrofit. The energy efficiency upgrades mainly focused on the space and water
heating system. A more energy efficient hot water tank and oil boiler replaced less energy
efficient versions. In addition, a new space and water heating control panel was installed for
the homeowner. Oil and solid fuel were used for the space and water heating requirements
of Case D before and after the retrofitting works
Pre-retrofit, the householder relied on their oil boiler for domestic hot water heating
purposes. The householder used a solid fuel range installed in the kitchen working in
tandem with a back boiler to circulate hot water to the radiators installed throughout the
house to provide space heating. Following the retrofit, oil was used for both space and
water-heating purposes, as the householder was advised she could not receive a grant for a
new oil boiler without switching the central space heating to operate with the oil boiler. For
the building fabric, an adhesive was added to cavity wall insulation that had been pumped
into the cavity during previous retrofit work. Furthermore, air vents were added to each of
the rooms in the house.
As electricity was not used for space heating purposes in Case D pre-retrofit or post-
retrofit, the electricity usage data from the monitoring periods were normalised per day
and multiplied by the number of days in a year to determine their annual electricity usage
for lighting and appliances. By subtracting the post-retrofit energy demand from the pre-
retrofit energy demand, the estimated annual energy demand savings were determined for
each case.
4.5. Case E
Case E switched from a solid fuel-based heating system to an electricity-based heating
system following the retrofit works. The couple, aged between 56 and 64 years, removed
the solid fuel stove installed in their bungalow home and installed an ASHP in addition to
heating controls, radiators, and a 2.1 kWp PV system with an inverter. The house, with a
Energies 2022, 15, 334 16 of 26
heated floor area of 71 m2 and originally constructed in the 1960s, had undergone previous
retrofit work including external wall insulation.
As electricity was not used for space heating purposes in Case E pre-retrofit, the
electricity usage data from the pre-retrofit six-month monitoring period was normalised
per day and multiplied by the number of days in a year to determine their annual electricity
usage for lighting and appliances.
To differentiate between the electricity consumption for heating, lighting, and ap-
pliances for Case E post-retrofit, the pre-retrofit daily electricity usage for lighting and
appliances was assumed to be the same post-retrofit. Thus, the difference between the
pre-retrofit and post-retrofit energy usage was assumed to be the post-retrofit space and
water heating energy required in Case E.
5. Results
The impact to each of the KPIs assessed using the data collected from the five case
study buildings is given in Table 3 and discussed in the following sections.
5.1. Case A
The household of Case A experienced benefits across multiple KPIs. This household
invested the largest amount of money into their retrofit works of the five cases. Despite
having an investment of close to EUR 30,000 (net of grant), the householders are predicted
to achieve payback for the works within 10 years, providing their post-retrofit energy
demand remains constant during this period. Even without grant aid, the householders
would achieve payback within 15 years.
The householders reported being very satisfied with their thermal comfort following
the retrofit. Post-retrofit, the average household temperature increased by 3.1 ◦ C and RH
decreased by 10%, respectively. In addition, one householder felt that the thermal comfort
improvements helped address the health risk their home posed pre-retrofit, stating “the
house was a health risk before . . . something had to be done or we would have had to move.
Our quality of life has improved”. Furthermore, the householder reported that previous
issues with draughts, cold, condensation, mould, and dampness no longer persisted post-
retrofit. While the householder noted that “no major hassle was caused” by the works,
they believed the retrofit process overall could be improved with better engagement with
contractors, more choice in the design of the retrofit, more information on maintenance and
guarantee of the technologies, and a better financial payment plan for the works.
Regarding the level of engagement with contractors throughout the process, the
householder stated, “no choice was given in the design of the windows and doors installed”,
or in the location of the PV invertor to allow convenient monitoring of when the panels
were generating energy. In relation to the technology installed, the householder stated, “no
one showed us how to use anything. They simply installed them and left. They didn’t
tell us how to maintain these technologies”, while also adding “no details on product
guarantees were offered either”.
Furthermore, the householder was not satisfied with all the retrofit measures installed.
In particular, the householders criticised the PV panels, stating, “the (PV) panels don’t
generate electricity consistently, so I don’t think I’m getting the payback I thought I would.
No one told me that I might need a battery to store the energy I’m not consuming until after,
and those are very expensive”. However, despite the issues with the retrofit process, the
household achieved a 71%, 65%, and 59% reduction in secondary energy, primary energy
and carbon emissions, respectively.
5.2. Case B
The householder in Case B decided to switch from an oil and solid fuel based heating
system to an electric heat pump complemented with PV panels, resulting in a 73% decrease
in LCC. The householder achieved payback within one year, given the high percentage of
Energies 2022, 15, 334 17 of 26
grant aid the householder received for their retrofit works. Without the grant, the payback
period would have been close to 13 years, based on the post-retrofit energy demand.
It is expected that the reduction in operational energy demand, which led to a lower
LCC is a result of the retrofit technology installed, and the decrease in temperature to which
the dwelling was heated. The decrease in average temperature could be partially attributed
to several factors, including the post-retrofit change in occupancy in the dwelling, and
the impact of the retrofit measures installed. Specifically, the occupancy profile changed
post-retrofit, following the death of the elderly mother that had been living in the dwelling
pre-retrofit. Post-retrofit, the son lived in the house alone. As a result, he did not heat
the dwelling to as high a temperature as he had pre-retrofit to ensure his mother was
comfortable. The second possibility is that the installation of heating controls gave the
householder stricter control over the thermal conditions post-retrofit. Despite the quantita-
tive data showing reductions in the amount of time the indoor environment was within
recommended temperature and RH levels, the householder was very satisfied with his
thermal comfort, illustrating the benefit of collecting both quantitative and qualitative data,
and the subjectivity associated with householder’s thermal comfort.
While the householder was satisfied with many aspects of the retrofit, as reflected in
Table 2, the householder believed that contractor engagement during the handover process
could be improved, stating that when the heat pump cut out, he struggled to restart it as he
was not shown how to “get it started if that happened”.
5.3. Case C
Despite a negligible decrease in energy demand (3%) and an increase in LCC (7%), the
householder in Case C believed their dwelling to be “really great” post-retrofit. The house-
holder also expressed complete satisfaction with the level of engagement with contractors
and the quality of the works, stating that the workers “were absolutely brilliant”, and “did
not stop working until the work was done perfect and were always here when they said
they would be”.
The negligible decrease in energy demand was a result of the post-retrofit coal and
briquette fuel savings only slightly outweighing the post-retrofit increase in electricity and
oil demand. The additional cost of electricity and oil per kWh, relative to that of coal and
briquettes, resulted in the dwelling’s operational cost increasing post-retrofit. Despite a
more efficient oil boiler being installed, the householder felt she used the new oil boiler
more post-retrofit than the previous boiler, as she preferred to keep the house warmer than
it was pre-retrofit. This demand for a higher temperature is reflected in the thermal comfort
results, with the average temperature increasing post-retrofit, and the amount of time the
temperature was less than 18 ◦ C decreasing post-retrofit.
5.4. Case D
The operational secondary energy, primary energy and carbon emissions of Case D
reduced post-retrofit by 21%, 20% and 23%, respectively. Despite these environmental
improvements, the LCC savings were not as high due to a higher oil demand post-retrofit.
This higher post-retrofit oil demand can be accounted for by the fact that post-retrofit, oil
was used for both space and water heating purposes. Pre-retrofit, oil was used for water
heating purposes only, with the householder using a solid fuel range for central space
heating purposes. The householder was advised that she could not receive a grant for the
new oil boiler without switching the central space heating to oil also.
The householder still achieved a relatively quick payback on the investment (<2 years),
given that the householder invested only EUR 900 into the works as she was entitled to
substantial grant aid as part of the BEC scheme. If this grant was not available, however, it
would take over 20 years for the householder to see a return on her investment, despite
only undertaking shallow retrofit works.
The householder had some issues with the level of contractor engagement and the
technologies installed, despite having no other issues with the retrofit process itself and
Energies 2022, 15, 334 18 of 26
the works carried out. The householder stated that she was not shown how to use her new
heating controls. This eventually led her to request her old heating controls be reinstalled,
as she found the new heating controls too complicated. She stated, “I liked my old heating
controls better. The new ones were far too complicated. I just want to be able to switch
them on and off . . . so they took out my new ones and put the old ones back in”. The
householder also preferred the solid fuel range for central heating as opposed to the oil
boiler, but this could not be reversed.
5.5. Case E
Case E switched from a solid fuel-based heating system to an electricity-based heating
system post-retrofit. This resulted in increased electricity consumption post-retrofit. Despite
this increased electricity consumption, the use of solid fuel in the dwelling post-retrofit
resulted in a reduction in secondary energy demand of 59%. However, the LCC increased
post-retrofit due to the cost per kWh of electricity relative to solid fuel.
The householder was completely satisfied with the heat pump installed, stating that
they had “no regrets whatsoever in choosing the heat pump, as heating the house before
was like a full-time job”. The householder also felt that the dwelling was warmer and
more comfortable post-retrofit, noting that it was also “nice to have hot water during
the day instead of switching on the immersion”. The thermal comfort improvements are
reflected in the quantitative temperature data, whereby the average temperature increased
by 1.3% post-retrofit, with the amount of time the temperature was less than 18 ◦ C reducing
by 31%.
While the householder was satisfied overall with the retrofit having “absolutely no
regrets in undertaking the works”, the householder did note that the retrofit installers were
sometimes “sloppy”, and often had a start-stop nature in completing the works.
The householder also noted problems with the level of engagement with the contractor
and the technology installed. The householder stated that in the handover process, “there
was no briefing on any of it”, in terms of how to use the installed technologies. The
householder noted there were “no manuals for anything. If it doesn’t work, we have to
figure out ourselves how to fix it”. Furthermore, the householder found the PV system
unimpressive, stating that it “seemed more interesting than it is in reality”, and that they
were not sure if they would invest in maintaining it in the future. Moreover, as a battery
was not installed to complement the PV panels, the householder noted a similar complaint
to that of Case A, whereby they found it difficult to match the electricity demand of the
house with the electricity generation of the PV panels.
6. Discussion
To date, many efforts to evaluate retrofit projects have done so through a rather
narrow lens, focusing primarily on economic and environmental KPIs, while failing to give
due consideration to social KPIs. Moreover, many studies focus on evaluating one or two
categories of KPIs. They very rarely, however, evaluate economic, social, and environmental
KPIs, within an integrated framework. This is considered less than ideal, given the fact that
other non-economic and environmental factors are important drivers to retrofit investment
decisions. Thus, the full value of retrofit improvements is underestimated.
As demonstrated by the results of the case study dwellings, householders can expe-
rience various benefits from a building retrofit. For instance, although the householder
in Case C spent more to heat the home following the retrofit, they were happy to have
completed the work and believed their home to be “really great” post-retrofit thanks to their
improved thermal comfort. The householder in Case A is estimated to achieve payback
for their investment of nearly EUR 30,000 within 10 years, with the householders also
experiencing a significant improvement in their thermal comfort. Additionally, Case B and
Case E illustrate the different benefits homes can receive from a similar retrofit package.
While both dwellings switched to an ASHP-based heating system complemented by a PV
system, one saved energy and money (Case B), while the other had a warmer home (Case E).
Energies 2022, 15, 334 19 of 26
It is acknowledged that the differences in the case study dwellings presented makes it
difficult for a cross-comparison of the benefits received following each retrofit. While this
is a limitation of this study, the importance of collecting data that showcases the different
benefits (or lack thereof) people can experience from retrofitting cannot be underestimated.
As householders are often unable to quantify and evaluate retrofit performance, there is
large potential to increase satisfaction and reduce post-purchase regret [106], by demon-
strating the multiple benefits they have received through pre- and post-retrofit comparisons.
Furthermore, it has real potential in convincing householders to undertake further retrofit
works (see [25,30,107]), and in inspiring others seeking similar benefits, especially given the
importance of positive feedback, social proof and demonstration projects in householder
retrofit decision-making [79,108,109]. In fact, the importance of such is demonstrated in
the present study, as since the end of data collection, Case C has gone on to install further
retrofit measures, including external wall insulation and a PV system.
The Irish government’s Climate Action Plan [2] aims to install 400,000 heat pumps
to existing dwellings in Ireland by 2030, in addition to the retrofit of 500,000 homes to a
B2-BER or better (i.e., primary energy consumption less than or equal to 125 kWh/m2 /y).
Three out of the five case study dwellings had state-of-the-art heat pumps installed as part
of their retrofit works, with interesting findings as to their satisfaction and experience with
these heat pumps. Existing research on heat pump adoption highlights that one of the
key barriers to heat pump adoption is a concern among householders that heat pumps are
slow to heat rooms [110], which may result from a persistent lack of understanding among
householders as to how heat pumps operate, compared with gas or oil boilers [111]. Our
study revealed, however, that householders had satisfactory experiences relating to the
heat pump and its ability to heat the home, with a householder in Case E expressing their
satisfaction with the heat pump’s ability to remove the effort needed to continually add fuel
to the stove to heat the house pre-retrofit. However, all three householders (with varying
demographic and socioeconomic statuses) in Case A, Case B, and Case E, highlighted the
lack of information provided at handover as to how to best operate and maintain these
technologies. Such findings agree with those of existing literature which finds that a poor
understanding of how heat pumps and their controls work (see [110,112]), as well as a
lack of training provision from installers on heat pump operation (see [113]), constitute
significant barriers to heat pump uptake. Thus, our findings agree with the importance
of adequate training at handover on the operation of such technologies in encouraging
heat pump uptake, as recently suggested by the SEAI [111]. This is particularly pertinent,
given the influence inappropriate heat pump use has on energy savings, and comfort levels
obtained post-retrofit [111]. If these issues persist on a wider scale, there are significant
challenges to be overcome for the achievement of the Irish government’s Climate Action
Plan targets set.
The householders in Case A, Case B, and Case E, also installed state-of-the-art PV
systems, which normally complement heat pumps from an electricity consumption per-
spective. However, a source of dissatisfaction with this technology in two out of the three
households (Case A and Case E) agreed on the difficulty of matching the electricity demand
of their dwellings, to the electricity generation from the PV system.
While the householders in Case C and Case D did not install heat pumps or PV systems
as part of their works, they did install state-of-the-art heating controls. However, despite
the similar occupant profiles in these dwellings (a widow, living alone, aged >65 years), the
householders had very different experiences of using this technology, with one householder
even having the new controls removed, given her dissatisfaction with the technology and
its use. Existing research has shown that the energy savings resulting from a retrofit depend
strongly on heating system operation; yet, heating controls are consistently regarded as
difficult to use by homeowners, particularly, in older homeowners [114]. Our findings agree
with such, and reinforce the importance of understanding and incorporating the energy
impacts of poor usability of such controls into the future design of these technologies, as
Energies 2022, 15, 334 20 of 26
well as, the need for appropriate training provision on their use at retrofit handover, and
continued customer support.
Thus, while the framework is not capable of explaining reasons for differences in
benefit levels across homes (which is a limitation), it can allow for the identification of
potential factors for differences in performance across households (e.g., temperature take-
back, reduction in temperature demand, switching fuel source, etc.). It could also be used to
identify patterns of underperformance for specific parameters (e.g., difficulty in matching
the electricity demand of the house with the electricity generation of the PV panels as seen
in Case A and E), which may need to be further investigated to understand why, and the
level to which certain retrofit packages are not obtaining certain benefits. These insights are
particularly useful for the future design of retrofit technologies, the future design of retrofit
packages, as well as the design of future policy measures, that support householders not
only in their adoption of retrofit measures, but also throughout their experiences of living
in a retrofitted home.
While this study has demonstrated the usefulness of an integrated framework of KPIs
in demonstrating the economic, social, and environmental benefits of retrofitting, some
limitations should be acknowledged. Firstly, even though the KPIs representing each core
category assessed are justified in their inclusion, they are certainly non-exhaustive, with
other KPIs in each category being discussed in the literature. They are considered to be the
minimum captured for demonstrating the wider benefits of retrofitting to homeowners and
encouraging homeowners to invest in building retrofits. As retrofit projects are complex
and can have other benefits that may not be captured using the selected set of KPIs, other
KPIs should be added if required. In addition, it should be noted that while the KPIs
assessed, and the methods used for their assessment, resulted in useful knowledge on
the wider benefits of retrofitting, it is not suggested that these methods be considered a
standard methodology for the assessment of these KPIs in the future. There is a multitude
of ways to assess these KPIs, and further, critical analysis of best practice methodologies
for doing so is needed. This is an interesting direction for future research, particularly, for
developing standardised integrated frameworks that can be applied to large sample sets.
Other researchers agree on the importance of developing standardised methods for the
assessment of such KPIs [33].
It is also acknowledged that a small sample of just five case study dwellings was used
in this study. The case studies used in this paper were part of a wider monitoring study,
consisting of a total of 13 dwellings. However, due to the loss of data collected by the data
loggers in three of the eight dwellings that invested in a retrofit, five case study dwellings
were selected for use in this study.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, O.M., P.M. and J.G.; methodology, O.M., P.M. and J.G.;
validation, O.M. and P.M.; formal analysis, O.M.; investigation, O.M., P.M. and J.G.; resources, J.G.;
data curation, O.M.; writing—original draft preparation, O.M., P.M. and J.G.; writing—review and
editing, O.M., P.M. and J.G.; visualization, O.M.; supervision, P.M. and J.G.; project administration,
J.G.; funding acquisition, P.M. and J.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 839134, as well as from
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) for the ERBE Centre for Doctoral Training under grant agreement no.
18/EPSRC-CDT/3586 and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EP/S021671/1
and the MaREI Centre under grant agreement no. 12/RC/2302_P2. The authors also acknowledge the
financial support from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) through the HEAT CHECK
project (grant agreement 19/RDD/492). The authors would also like to acknowledge financial
support from the Science Foundation Ireland (grant no. 13/CDA/2200).
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Dec-
laration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Committee of National
University of Ireland Galway (ethics ref: 16-Sept-12: ‘Achieving nearly zero energy buildings—A
lifecycle assessment approach to retrofitting existing buildings (nZEB-RETROFIT)’; date of approval
24th September 2016).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Data can be requested from the corresponding author.
Energies 2022, 15, 334 22 of 26
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
Appendix A
The research was carried out as part of the SFI-funded nZEB-RETROFIT project. The
monitoring of the case study buildings focused on examining changes in household energy
consumption and energy-related attitudes in retrofitted domestic buildings.
Potential research participants were provided with a participant information sheet.
The participant information sheet provided participants with (i) information about the
research; (ii) their role in the project; (iii) details of the organisations involved; (iv) any
conditions associated with participating, (v) any benefits or risks involved in participating;
(vi) how the information research participants provided will be used, stored, and shared;
and (vii) sources for further information to answer any queries participants mad.
If the householders wished to proceed as part of the research after reviewing the
participant information sheet, they were asked to sign a consent form. The consent form
was an agreement that outlined the roles and responsibilities they were taking on in the
research process.
Following the signing of the consent form, the participants were assigned Unique
Identifier Codes. The non-personal data were stored in pseudonymised form and not
traceable to individual participants. Research results based on personal data were shared
in aggregated or pseudonymised form and not traceable to individual participants.
Households included as part of an application to the Sustainable Energy Authority of
Ireland’s Better Energy Communities grant scheme were approached to participate in the
research project. The grant scheme supports energy efficient community projects through
capital funding, partnerships, and technical support.
A local community officer, who assisted in generating local interest in applying to the
Better Energy Communities grant scheme in collaboration with the contractor overseeing
the works, contacted locals to participate in the research study. The community officer
approached 31 households with an invitation and information letter to participate in the
research with 13 households agreeing to participate.
A suitable time for the researchers to visit the participant’s homes was arranged to
survey the physical and technical characteristics of the buildings, install the data logging
instrumentation, and carry out the semi-structured surveys. The generally took between
1.5 and 2 h, depending on the case study building.
Of the thirteen households that agreed to participate, eight decided to move ahead
with the retrofit works after funding was approved. Due to the loss of data collected by
the data loggers in three of the eight dwellings that invested in a retrofit, five case study
dwellings were selected for use in this study.
Details on the quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments are included in
Section 3 of this article and as part of Rau et al.’s [90] study on the impact retrofitting has
on the energy cultures and the sustainable-related outcomes among inhabitants of social
housing units in Ireland. Given the small number of households involved in the study, only
a descriptive data analysis could be performed with the datasets collected.
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