This document outlines the content standards, performance standards, essential learning competencies, and duration for a Grade 2 Health subject across 4 quarters. It includes topics such as nutrition, sense organ care, family health, and safety. The goals are to help students make good decisions, develop healthy habits, express emotions appropriately, and understand safety rules to protect themselves.
This document outlines the content standards, performance standards, essential learning competencies, and duration for a Grade 2 Health subject across 4 quarters. It includes topics such as nutrition, sense organ care, family health, and safety. The goals are to help students make good decisions, develop healthy habits, express emotions appropriately, and understand safety rules to protect themselves.
This document outlines the content standards, performance standards, essential learning competencies, and duration for a Grade 2 Health subject across 4 quarters. It includes topics such as nutrition, sense organ care, family health, and safety. The goals are to help students make good decisions, develop healthy habits, express emotions appropriately, and understand safety rules to protect themselves.
This document outlines the content standards, performance standards, essential learning competencies, and duration for a Grade 2 Health subject across 4 quarters. It includes topics such as nutrition, sense organ care, family health, and safety. The goals are to help students make good decisions, develop healthy habits, express emotions appropriately, and understand safety rules to protect themselves.
intentionally helpful or harmful Week 8 H1IS-IVh-9 to one another distinguishes between good and Week 9 H1IS-IVi-10 bad touch practices ways to protect oneself against violent or unwanted Week 10 H1IS-IVj-11 behaviors of others * These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.
Grade Level: Grade 2
Subject: Health
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
K to 12 CG Code Competencies 1st Quarter The learner… The learner… states that children have the right to nutrition (Right of the H2N-Ia-5 Week 1 understands the 1. demonstrates good child to nutrition Article 24 of the importance of eating a decision-making UN Rights of the Child) balanced diet. skills in choosing *discusses the important H2N-Ib-6 food to eat to have a function of food and a balanced Week 2 to Week 3 balanced diet. meal H2N-Icd-7 considers Food Pyramid and 2. consistently practices Food Plate in making food Week 4 to Week 6 H2N-Ifh-9 good health habits choices and hygiene for the displays good decision-making sense organs H2N-Iij-10 skills in choosing the right kinds Week 7 to Week 8 of food to eat 2nd Quarter demonstrates consistently practices good describes ways of caring for the understanding of the health habits and hygiene Week 1 to Week 4 eyes, ears, nose, hair and skin in proper ways of taking for the sense organs H2PH-IIa-e-6 order to avoid common childhood care of the sense health conditions organs describes ways of caring for the Week 5 to Week 6 H2PH-IIfh-7 mouth/teeth 343
displays self-management skills in H2PH-IIij-8
Week 7 caring for the sense organs 3rd Quarter 1. demonstrates 1. consistently adopts describes healthy habits of the Week 1 to Week 2 2FH-IIIab-11 understanding of healthy family family healthy family demonstrates good family health H2FH-IIIcd-12 Week 3 to Week 4 habits and practices habits and practices 2. demonstrates an 2. demonstrates understanding of positive expression of explains the benefits of healthy H2FH-IIIef-13 Week 5 managing one’s feelings toward expressions of feelings feelings and family members and respecting ways of coping with expresses positive feelings in differences negative feelings Week 6 H2FH-IIIgh-14 appropriate ways demonstrates positive ways of expressing negative feelings, H2FH-IIIij-15 such as anger, fear, or Week 7 to Week 8 disappointment displays respect for the feelings H2FH-IIIj-16 of others 4tth demonstrates an demonstrates consistency discusses one’s right and understanding of rules in following safety rules at Week 1 responsibilities for safety to ensure safety at home and in school. H2IS-IVa-12 home and in school identifies hazardous areas at Week 2 H2IS-IVbc-13 home identifies hazardous household products that are harmful if ingested, or inhaled, and if Week 3 H2IS-IVde-14 touched especially electrical appliances recognizes warning labels that identify harmful things and Week 4 H2IS-IVf-15 substances explains rules for the safe use of Week 5 H2IS-IVg-16 household chemicals follows rules for home safety Week 6 H2IS-IVh-17 344
identifies safe and unsafe
practices and conditions in the Week 7 H2IS-IVi-18 school practices safety rules during Week 8 H2IS-IVj-19 school activities * These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.
Grade Level: Grade 3
Subject: Health
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
K to 12 CG Code Competencies 1st Quarter The learner… The learner… describes a healthy person demonstrates consistently H3N-Iab-11 Week 1 to Week 2 understanding of the demonstrates good importance of nutritional decision-making skills in explains the concept of guidelines and balanced making food choices malnutrition H3N-Iab-12 diet in good nutrition and identifies nutritional problems Week 3 H3N-Icd-13 health describes the characteristics, H3N-Ief-14 signs and symptoms, effect of the various forms of Week 4 to Week 5 malnutrition discusses ways of preventing the H3N-Ief-15 various forms of malnutrition H3N-Igh-16 *discusses the different nutritional guidelines H3N-Ii-17 Week 6 to Week 7 • nutritional guidelines for Filipino H3N-Ij-18 describes ways of maintaining H3N-Ij-19 healthy lifestyle Week 8 evaluates one’s lifestyle H3N-Ij-20