HEALTH MELCs Grade 2 1

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describes ways people can be

intentionally helpful or harmful Week 8 H1IS-IVh-9
to one another
distinguishes between good and
Week 9 H1IS-IVi-10
bad touch
practices ways to protect oneself
against violent or unwanted Week 10 H1IS-IVj-11
behaviors of others
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 2

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… states that children have the
right to nutrition (Right of the H2N-Ia-5
Week 1
understands the 1. demonstrates good child to nutrition Article 24 of the
importance of eating a decision-making UN Rights of the Child)
balanced diet. skills in choosing *discusses the important H2N-Ib-6
food to eat to have a function of food and a balanced Week 2 to Week 3
balanced diet. meal H2N-Icd-7
considers Food Pyramid and
2. consistently practices Food Plate in making food Week 4 to Week 6 H2N-Ifh-9
good health habits choices
and hygiene for the displays good decision-making
sense organs H2N-Iij-10
skills in choosing the right kinds Week 7 to Week 8
of food to eat
2nd Quarter demonstrates consistently practices good
describes ways of caring for the
understanding of the health habits and hygiene Week 1 to Week 4
eyes, ears, nose, hair and skin in
proper ways of taking for the sense organs H2PH-IIa-e-6
order to avoid common childhood
care of the sense
health conditions
describes ways of caring for the
Week 5 to Week 6 H2PH-IIfh-7

displays self-management skills in H2PH-IIij-8

Week 7
caring for the sense organs
3rd Quarter 1. demonstrates 1. consistently adopts describes healthy habits of the
Week 1 to Week 2 2FH-IIIab-11
understanding of healthy family family
healthy family demonstrates good family health H2FH-IIIcd-12
Week 3 to Week 4
habits and practices habits and practices
2. demonstrates an 2. demonstrates
understanding of positive expression of explains the benefits of healthy H2FH-IIIef-13
Week 5
managing one’s feelings toward expressions of feelings
feelings and family members and
respecting ways of coping with expresses positive feelings in
differences negative feelings Week 6 H2FH-IIIgh-14
appropriate ways
demonstrates positive ways of
expressing negative feelings, H2FH-IIIij-15
such as anger, fear, or
Week 7 to Week 8
displays respect for the feelings H2FH-IIIj-16
of others
4tth demonstrates an demonstrates consistency
discusses one’s right and
understanding of rules in following safety rules at Week 1
responsibilities for safety
to ensure safety at home and in school. H2IS-IVa-12
home and in school identifies hazardous areas at
Week 2 H2IS-IVbc-13
identifies hazardous household
products that are harmful if
ingested, or inhaled, and if Week 3 H2IS-IVde-14
touched especially electrical
recognizes warning labels that
identify harmful things and Week 4 H2IS-IVf-15
explains rules for the safe use of
Week 5 H2IS-IVg-16
household chemicals
follows rules for home safety Week 6 H2IS-IVh-17

identifies safe and unsafe

practices and conditions in the Week 7 H2IS-IVi-18
practices safety rules during
Week 8 H2IS-IVj-19
school activities
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 3

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner… The learner…
describes a healthy person
demonstrates consistently H3N-Iab-11
Week 1 to Week 2
understanding of the demonstrates good
importance of nutritional decision-making skills in explains the concept of
guidelines and balanced making food choices malnutrition H3N-Iab-12
diet in good nutrition and identifies nutritional problems Week 3 H3N-Icd-13
health describes the characteristics,
signs and symptoms, effect of
the various forms of
Week 4 to Week 5
discusses ways of preventing the H3N-Ief-15
various forms of malnutrition
*discusses the different
nutritional guidelines H3N-Ii-17
Week 6 to Week 7
• nutritional guidelines for
describes ways of maintaining
healthy lifestyle Week 8
evaluates one’s lifestyle H3N-Ij-20

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