Teacher'S Program: Cahagnaan National High School
Teacher'S Program: Cahagnaan National High School
Teacher'S Program: Cahagnaan National High School
Division of Leyte
Matalom, Leyte
Modality: Modular Distance Learning
School Year 2021-2022
Name of Teacher : ROXANNE A. CABASE
Position : TEACHER II
Eligibility : LET
Educational Qualifications:
College : BSED Major in General Science
Graduate Studies : 27 units MAEd Science
Years in Service : 9 years
8:00-9:00 - Distribution and - Sorting and - Monitoring of - Performing other - Printing the
retrieval of learning returning to the Grade 10- Rizza teaching-related Leaner’s WHLP
packages hub the retrieved Mae learners works.
learning packages
9:00-10:00 - Checking and - Checking and - Home Visitation - Printing the
monitoring of my recording of Teacher’s WHLP
class advisory’s outputs
learning packages
10:00-11:00 - Monitoring of Grade 10 - Monitoring of - Printing of -Preparing of the - Performing other
Lemwel learners Grade 10- Minette modules for the Weekly Home teaching-related
learners following week. Learning Plan works.
11:00-12:00 - Checking and - Checking and -Preparing of -Preparing of other
recording of outputs recording of other reports reports
12:00-1:00 LUNCH BREAK Prepared
1:00-2:00 - Monitoring of Grade - Monitoring of - Sorting of - Monitoring of - Sorting of Teacher
II 10- Rosabel Grade 10- Roxanne modules for the Grade 10- Armando modules for my
2:00-3:00 - Checking and - Checking and following week. - Checking and class advisory
recording of outputs recording of recording of learning packages
outputs outputs
3:00-4:00 - Performing other - Performing other - Creating of video - Preparing the - Sorting of
teaching-related teaching-related lessons ILMF learning packages
works. works. of my assigned
area (Brgy.
4:00-5:00 - Home Visitation -Preparing of the - Home Visitation - Performing other - Performing other
Weekly Home teaching-related teaching-related
Learning Plan works. works.