A Comparative Study of Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete With Plain Cement Concrete

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



T. Sai Vijaya Krishna1, B. Manoj Yadav2

Assistant Professor, QIS College of Engineering
Professor, QIS College of Engineering

This work aims to study the behaviour of jute fibers mixed in concrete as a reinforcing material for improving the mechanical
properties of concrete. Several experiments were conducted on jute fibers, jute-cement mortar and jute fiber reinforced concrete
in this research. For this study, a total of 24 mortar specimens for compressive strengths and 144 concrete specimens i.e. 48
cubes, 48 prisms and 48 cylinders each consisting of ordinary concrete, 0.5%, 1% and 2% Jute fiber reinforced concrete are
tested for their compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths respectively for different curing periods such as 7, 28, 56 and 90
days.It is observed that the JFRC specimens with 1% jute content, cured up to 56 days has significant improvement of mechanical
properties such as compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength with respect to ordinary concrete.



Recent advancements and research in material technology
has led to the development of special concretes such as
polymer concrete for high durability, fiber reinforced
concrete for preventing cracks in concrete, high- and ultra
high-strength concrete for applications in tall buildings and
bridges, light weight concrete for reducing foundation loads,
and high performance concrete for special performance

In both developing and developed countries, it has been a

technological challenge in the field of the design of low cost
and durable fiber reinforced cement concrete.The type of
fibers currently been used include steel, carbon, polymers,
2.1 Materials
glass and natural fibers. Cost-effective considerations have
limited the usage of carbon fibers in cementitious Jute fibers (grade-bright) were collected from Nellimarla
composites on a marketable level for their non-ecological jute mills, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh (India).
performance. Natural fibers have the potential to be used as
reinforcement to sceptical the innate scarcities in Cement used is of OPC 53 grade JAYPEE cement. The
cementitious materials. Substantial researches are being coarse and fine aggregate are obtained from local dealers.
done for usage of reinforcing fibers like jute, akwara, sisal,
bamboo, sugarcane bagasse, coconut husk in cement 2.2 Tests on Materials
composites typically in case of building materials.
2.2.1 Jute Fibers: The following are the Tests that
This research work mainly deals with fiber-reinforced are conducted On Jute Fibers
concrete i.e. with jute as a fiber reinforcing material in
concrete. Usage of natural fibers in a relatively brittle i. Water absorption: The water absorption study of jute
cement matrix has attained significant toughness and fibers was done in accordance with ASTM D570-98.
strength of the composite. Effective modifications are to be The oven dried jute fibers are shown in Fig. 1.
done for such fibers to attain durability in a highly alkaline
cement matrix. An explicit chemical composition has to be
preferred that can transform the fiber surface as well as
reinforce the cement composite.

Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016, Available @ http://ijret.esatjournals.org 111
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

fibers of 0.5%, 1% and 2% w.r.t. cement is added to

cement paste and its behaviour is observed.
iii. Compressive Strength of cement:
The compressive strength of cement mortar is
conducted as perIS: 4031-1988 (Part 6) and while
preparing the test specimens,jute fibers of 0.5%, 1%
and 2% content w.r.t. cement are also added to
cement mortar and the behaviour is observed.

2.3 Casting and Curing of Concrete Specimens

The concrete specimens such as cubes of size 150 mm × 150
mm × 150 mm, cylinders of 150 mm diameter and 300 mm
height, prisms of size 500 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm are
Fig. 1. Oven dried Jute Fibers casted as per the standards with different jute contents such
as 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 2%.
The water absorption is calculated as
The casted specimens are then cured for different periods of
𝑤 2 −𝑤 1
Water absorption (%) = x 100 …..(1) 7, 28, 56 and 90 days.

where, 2.4 Testing of Concrete Specimens

w1 is the initial weight of oven dried jute fiber before After the curing period is completed, the specimens are
water absorption and tested for the following tests:
w2 is the weight of jute fiber after water absorption. a) Compressive strength of Concrete:
The concrete and JFRC cube specimens of size 150 mm
ii. Tensile strength and % of Elongation: × 150 mm × 150 mm are tested for compressive
The tensile properties of the jute fibers were strength as per Sec. 5 of IS:516 –1959.
measured using Universal Testing Machine 20K
tensile testing machine. For more accuracy some of b) Flexural strength of Concrete:
the samples of fibers are tested manually with loading The concrete and JFRC prism specimens of size 500
the fibers with weights and tensile strength is mm × 100 mm × 100 mm are tested for the flexural
obtained by using a simple formula as follows strength as per Sec. 8 of IS: 516–1959.

Tensile strength of jute fiber c) Split tensile strength of Concrete:

The concrete and JFRC cylinder specimens of size 150
Load applied on the sample (P)
(σ) = .......(2) mm diameter and 300 mm height are tested for the split
Area of the fiber (A)
tensile strength as per IS: 5816 - 1999.
Area of the fiber (A) = ………….(3) 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

The following are the results obtained from the above

Diameter “d” of the fiber is obtained using screw
explained tests:

While conducting the tensile strength test the fiber 3.1 Jute Fibers
tends to elongate and this elongation is also recorded. From the tests conducted on jute fibers, the water
The percentage elongation at break of the jute fibers absorption, tensile strength and the percentage elongation
are calculated and are found to be varying with are observed as follows:
modification of jute fibers. Water absorption = 205.26%
Tensile strength = 262.6 MPa
2.2.2 Test on Cement Paste Reinforced with Jute % elongation = 1.16%
Fibers 3.2 Cement Paste Reinforced with Jute Fibers
i. Standard consistency:
a) Standard Consistency
The standard consistency test is as per IS: 4031-1988
The jute fibers are chopped in to 25~30 mm pieces and
(Part 4) and while conducting the test the jute fibers
is then mixed with cement paste to check the standard
are also added in 0.5%, 1% and 2% w. r. t. weight of
consistency behaviour of cement paste. The Table.1
cement and its behaviour is observed.
shows the variation of standard consistency with respect
ii. Setting time characteristics:
to variation in jute loading.
The setting time of cement paste is conducted as per
IS: 4031-1988 (Part 5) and during the test the jute
Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016, Available @ http://ijret.esatjournals.org 112
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table. 1:Standard Consistency with variation in Jute Note:

Content Control- Nominal M20 (1:1.5:3) Concrete Mix;
Jute Standard JFRC-Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Description Loading Consistency
(%) (W/C) 3.4 Mechanical Properties of Concrete Reinforced

Control 0 0.34 with Jute Fibers

a) Slump test for Workability of Concrete:
RJC 0.5 0.38
Slump test is conducted as per IS: 1199-1959 for testing
RJC 1 0.40 the workability of Plain concrete and Jute Fiber
Reinforced Concrete keeping W/C ratio as 0.5 as shown
RJC 2 0.42 in Fig. 2.

From the results, it is observed that as the jute content

increases, the amount of water required for making the
cement as paste also has been increased.

b) Setting Time characteristics:

The jute fibers are chopped in to 25~30 mm pieces and
is then mixed with cement paste to check the setting
time characteristics i.e. initial and final setting time of
cement paste with different loadings of jute such as
0.5%, 1% and 2% w.r.t. weight of cement. The setting
time characteristics are observed as shown in Table. 2.
Fig. 2. Slump test
Table. 2: Setting Time Characteristics with different Jute
loadings The slump tests for concrete with different contents of
Initial Final Jute fibers are conducted and are tabulated in Table. as
Jute shown below.
Setting Setting
Description loading
time Time
(%) Table. 4: Slump Test of Concrete with different
(min) (min)
contents of Jute Fibers (untreated)
Control 0 38 316 Fiber Slump
S.No Mix code content value
RJC 0.5 46 342 ratio
(in %) (in mm)
RJC 1 52 359 1 Control 0 0.5 62
RJC 2 59 367
2 RJFRC 0.5 0.5 48

3.3 Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar 3 RJFRC 1 0.5 45

The cement mortar incorporated with raw jute fibers and
treated jute fibers are casted in to 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm x70.6 4 RJFRC 2 0.5 42
mm size cube specimens. The results of compressive
strength of those specimens are shown below in Table. 3.
Table. 3: Compressive Strength of cement mortar with Control- Nominal M20 (1:1.5:3) Concrete Mix;
different contents of Jute Fibers (raw) JFRC-Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Compressive Strength
(in MPa) after The variation of slump of concrete with different
Description Content
7 days 28 days contents of jute fibers are shown in Fig. 3.
(in %)
curing curing
Control mix - 38.4 53.7

JFRM 0.5 32.4 44.5

JFRM 1 30.8 40.3

JFRM 2 27.5 37.7

Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016, Available @ http://ijret.esatjournals.org 113
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

62 35 33.19
60 30.37

Compressive Strength (in MPa)

50 45 30 29.48
28.44 28.07
42 26.67 26.96
40 25
20.89 7
30 days
20 14.31
13.60 28
10 days

0 10 56
Control 0.5% 1% 2%
mix JFRC 90
0 days
Control 0.5% 1% 2%
Fig. 3 Slump of Fresh Concrete with differentcontents of mix Untreated JFRC
Jute fibers
Fig. 4: Compressive strength of Concrete with
Thus from the fig. it is seen that as the content of jute differentcontents of Jute fibers
fibers increases the slump value i.e. workability of
concrete decreases. Thus from Fig. , it is observed that at the initial stages
i.e. 7 and 28 days the compressive strength of JFRC
b) Compressive Strength: declines with increase in jute content with respect to
Compressive strength of concrete is conducted as perIS: ordinary concrete. But on further curing i.e. for 56 days,
516 - 1959 for testing the concrete cube specimens with the compressive strength of JFRC increases upto 1%
different contents of Jute fibers for different curing jute content and on further curing the compressive
periods such as 7, 28, 56, 90 days. The results of strength of JFRC decreases
compressive strength test for different curing periods
are as shown in Table. c) Flexural Strength:
Flexural strength of concrete is conductedas perIS: 516
TABLE. 5: Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube - 1959 for testing the concrete prism specimens with
specimens for different curing periods different contents of Jute fibers for different curing
Fiber Compressive Strength (in MPa) periods such as 7, 28, 56, 90 days. The results of
Description Content flexural strength testfor different curing periods are as
(in %) 7days 28days 56days 90days shown in Table. 6.

Control 0 20.88 29.48 30.37 31.63 Table.6: Flexural Strength of Concrete Prism
specimens for different curing periods
JFRC 0.5 17.06 28.44 31.26 30.3
Fiber Flexural Strength (in MPa)
Description content
JFRC 1 14.31 26.66 33.19 31.11 (in %) 7days 28days 56days 90days

JFRC 2 13.6 24.88 28.07 26.96

Control 0 3.2 4.4 5.1 5.3

Note: RJFRC 0.5 3.4 4.6 5.3 4.8

Control- Nominal M20 (1:1.5:3) Concrete Mix;
JFRC-Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete RJFRC 1 3.6 4.8 5.8 5.4

The variation of compressive strength of concrete with RJFRC 2 3.2 4 5.2 4.96
different contents of jute fibers are shown in Fig. 4.
Control- Nominal M20 (1:1.5:3) Concrete Mix;
JFRC-Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete

The variation of flexural strength of concrete with different

contents of jute fibers are shown in Fig. 5.
Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016, Available @ http://ijret.esatjournals.org 114
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

6 5.8
5.4 4 3.75
5.3 5.3 5.2
Flexural Strength (in MPa)

5.1 3.53 3.57 3.67

4.97 3.42 3.55 3.40 7 days
5 4.8 4.8 3.5 3.42

Split Tensile Strength (in MPa)

3.34 3.28 3.25
4.4 3.13
4 3
4 3.6
3.4 2.5 2.39
3.2 3.2 7 2.26 28
1.98 2.08 days
3 days 2
days 1.5
56 1 days
90 0.5
0 0 90
Control 0.5% 1% 2% Control mix 0.5% 1% 2% days
mix Untreated JFRC Untreated JFRC
Fig. 5: Flexural strength of Concrete with Fig. 6. Flexural strength of Concrete with differentcontents
differentcontents of Jute fibers of Jute fibers
The flexural strength of concrete reinforced with jute The split tensile strength of concrete reinforced with jute
fibers increases with jute content upto 1% and increase fibers increases with jute content upto 1% and increase in
in strength continues up to 56 days of curing. On further strength continues up to 56 days of curing. On further
curing, the flexural strength of JFRC declines w.r.t curing, the split tensile strength of JFRC declines w.r.t plain
concrete. concrete.
d) Split Tensile Strength:
Split tensile strength of concrete is conductedas perIS:
5816 - 1999 for testing the concrete cylinder specimens This paper describes the influence of volume fraction of jute
with different contents of Jute fibers for different curing fibers on mechanical properties such as compressive
periods such as 7, 28, 56, 90 days. The results of strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength of
flexural strength test for different curing periods are as concrete of mix proportion 1:1.5:3 with w/c ratio as 0.5.
shown in Table. 7. Based on the experimental analysis, the following
conclusions are made:
Table. 7: Split Tensile Strength of Concrete cylinder (1) Compressive strength of cement mortar decreases with
specimens for different curing periods increase in jute loading.
(2) For a constant w/c ratio i.e. 0.5, increase in the content of
Fiber Split Tensile Strength (in MPa) jute fibers, the workability of concrete decreases.
Description Content Admixtures are required to enhance the workability
(in %) 7days 28days 56days 90days properties of JFRC.
(3) Early age of compressive strength of concrete i.e. at 7
Control 0 1.98 3.34 3.42 3.53 and 28 days, decreases with increase in jute content.
(4) For extension in period of curing i.e. 56 and 90 days the
RJFRC 0.5 2.26 3.42 3.57 3.28 compressive the compressive strength increases up to 1%
and then decreases with further increase jute loading.
RJFRC 1 2.39 3.55 3.75 3.67 (5) Flexural strength and split tensile strength of concrete
increases up to 1% of jute loading and decreases with further
RJFRC 2 2.08 3.25 3.40 3.13 increment.
(6) The mechanical strength properties of concrete with 1%
Note: jute content has attained their maximum strengths for a
Control- Nominal M20 (1:1.5:3) Concrete Mix; curing period of 56 days and on further curing i.e. for 90
JFRC-Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete days the mechanical strengths decreases.
(7) The maximum value of mechanical strength properties of
The variation of split tensile strength of concrete with JFRC i.e. 1% JFRC with curing period of 56 days are
different contents of jute fibers are shown in Fig. 6. compared with 90 days of ordinary concrete are as follows.
Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016, Available @ http://ijret.esatjournals.org 115
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Mechanical property Increase in strength

Compressive strength 4.93%
Flexural strength 9.43%
Split tensile strength 6.23%

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