Easa Airworthiness Directive: AD No.: 2012-0143
Easa Airworthiness Directive: AD No.: 2012-0143
Easa Airworthiness Directive: AD No.: 2012-0143
Note: This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued by EASA, acting in accordance with
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 on behalf of the European Community, its Member States and of
the European third countries that participate in the activities of EASA under Article 66 of that
This AD is issued in accordance with EC 1702/2003, Part 21A.3B. In accordance with EC 2042/2003 Annex I, Part M.A.301, the
continuing airworthiness of an aircraft shall be ensured by accomplishing any applicable ADs. Consequently, no person may operate
an aircraft to which an AD applies, except in accordance with the requirements of that AD, unless otherwise specified by the Agency
[EC 2042/2003 Annex I, Part M.A.303] or agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry [EC 216/2008, Article 14(4) exemption].
Manufacturer(s): Turboméca
Applicability: All ARRIEL 1B post-mod TU 148, ARRIEL 1D, ARRIEL 1D1 and ARRIEL 1S1
turboshaft engines, all serial numbers, except those with Gas Generator 2
stage turbine wheels installed that have incorporated Turbomeca modification
TU347 in production, or have been modified by Turbomeca Service Bulletin
(SB) 292 72 0347 in-service.
These engines are known to be installed on, but not limited to, Eurocopter AS
350 B/BA/BB/B1/B2 and Sikorsky S-76A+/A++/C helicopters.
Reason: Several cases of release of gas generator 2nd stage turbine blade occurred in
service, with full containment of debris. These events resulted in an
uncommanded In-Flight Shut Down (IFSD) of the engine. While awaiting
terminating actions, it was decided to implement mandatory check and
replacement of the turbine in order to reduce the probability of uncommanded
engine IFSD.
EASA AD 2007-0018 retained the requirements of previous DGAC France AD
F-2004-047 and included changes with regard to ARRIEL 1B engines only.
Reduction of the turbine blade life limit from 6 000 hours to 3 000 hours was
taken as a precautionary measure following additional events.
EASA AD 2007-0018R1 reduced the original AD applicability following
introduction of a new Turbine P/N 0 292 25 039 0 available for all ARRIEL 1
engine models through Turboméca Modification TU347 or SB 292 72 0347.
This new Turbine incorporates improvements that are the terminating action for
this AD. Therefore inspections and replacement requirements were deleted for
engines equipped with the new Turbine P/N 0 292 25 039 0.
Since issuance of EASA AD 2007-0018R1 new cases of release of gas
generator 2nd stage turbine blade pre-TU347 have occurred at lower blade
service lives compared to previous events.
Prompted by these findings, EASA issued AD 2009-0236, which superseded
AD 2007-0018R1, by lowering some inspection thresholds and repetitive
intervals, lowering the life limits of the 2 stage turbine blades, and lowering
replacement thresholds of the 2 stage turbine disks and blades installed on
the pre-TU347 2 stage turbine wheels, for single-engine applications.
Since issuance of EASA AD 2009-0236, further modifications of post-TU347
nd nd
2 stage turbine wheels have been approved, and those modified 2 stage
turbine wheels are also not affected by the requirements of this AD. It was
therefore possible to establish the list of pre-TU347 2 stage turbine wheels to
which the AD requirements are still applicable. AD 2009-0236R1 was therefore
issued to limit the list of affected pre-TU347 2 stage turbine wheels, to which
the AD requirements are still applicable. In addition to that, further changes
have been made to align the writing of this AD to the current writing standards.
Since issuance of EASA AD 2009-0236R1, it has been identified that some
pre-TU347 2 stage turbine wheels P/Ns had been omitted in the list of
Appendix 2 of EASA AD 2009-0236R1.
For the reason described above, in order to avoid further possible mistakes or
omissions, this AD supersedes EASA AD 2009-023R1, retaining its
requirements, and requires, for engines without Turboméca modification
TU347, accomplishment of repetitive inspections of the 2 stage turbine
wheels, and depending on findings, accomplishment of applicable corrective
actions. It also requires the implementation of life limits for the affected 2nd
Stage Turbine Blades.
(3) Replacement of the 2 Stage Turbine Disk and Blades:
The replacement requirements for the 2nd Stage Turbine Disk and Blades
are provided in:
Table 3.1: 2nd Stage Turbine Replacement Requirements – ARRIEL 1B
Table 3.2: 2nd Stage Turbine Replacement Requirements – ARRIEL 1D,
(4) From the effective date of this AD, do not install a Gas Generator 2
stage turbine wheel, or a Gas Generator module (M03) on en engine,
unless in compliance with the requirements of this AD.
Note 2: Inspection intervals for ARRIEL 1S1 engines are unchanged
compared to the requirements of AD 2007-0018R1.
Note 3: Inspection requirements, 2 stage turbine Blade life limits and
turbine replacement requirements do not apply to post TU-347 turbine,
which is the terminating action of this AD.
(5) Modification of an engine by installation of a post-TU347 turbine
constitutes terminating action for the repetitive inspections and life limits
required by this AD.
Ref. Publications: Turboméca MSB A292 72 0807 Version E, dated 29 October 2009.
Turboméca MSB A292 72 0810 Version C, dated 24 July 2009.
Turboméca SB 292 72 0347 (any revision).
The use of later approved revisions of these documents is acceptable for
compliance with the requirements of this AD.
Appendix 1
Table 1.a: 2 Stage Turbine Inspection Requirements
Once the 2 stage turbine has accumulated 1 200 EFH or 3 500 cycles since new or since inspection in a
repair centre:
Configuration Condition Action Interval
(Not to Exceed)
If no check has been
previously done or if the
blades have been in Do a check of the
operation for more than relative position of Within 50 EFH 150 EFH,
100 EFH since a check the 2 stage turbine
ARRIEL 1B, blades, in until installation
according to relevant MSB of an inspected
ARRIEL 1D, (1) accordance with
MSB A292 72 0807 pre-TU347
ARRIEL 1D1 turbine fitted with
If the blades have been in Version E, Par.
operation for less than 100 2B(1)(a)&(b) or Within 150 new blades
EFH since a check done 2B(2)(a) EFH since the
according to relevant MSB last check
(1) (2)
& : Refer to Table 1.b
Table 1.b: Acceptability of checks performed in accordance with previous and latest MSBs
Appendix 1 (continued)
Appendix 1 (continued)
Table 3.2: 2nd Stage Turbine Replacement Requirements – ARRIEL 1D, 1D1
Condition on 12
November 2009 [the Repetitive
Configuration effective date of EASA Action Compliance Time Interval (Not
AD 2009-0236 at Original to Exceed)
Engines with 2 stage
turbine blades having
accumulated more than
1 500 EFH since new, or Before next flight
2 stage turbine disk Note: Already required
having accumulated more nd by AD 2007-0018R1
than 1 500 EFH since new Replace the 2
or inspection stage turbine
disk and blades
whichever occurred first with an Repeat
inspected pre- nd replacement
Before 2 stage nd
TU347 turbine before 2
turbine blades have
fitted with new stage turbine
accumulated 1 500
ARRIEL 1D, blades or a blades have
EFH since new, or
1D1 nd
Engines with 2 stage post-TU347 nd
Before 2 stage 1 200 EFH
turbine blades having turbine in
turbine disk has since new
accumulated more than accordance with
accumulated 1 500
900 EFH and less than MSB A292 72
EFH since new or
1 500 EFH since new 0807 Version E,
inspection, or
2B(1)(c)or(d) or No later than 30 June
2B(2)(b)or(c) 2011
whichever comes first
nd nd
Engines with 2 stage Before 2 stage
turbine blades having turbine blades have
accumulated less than 900 accumulated 1 200
EFH since new EFH since new