PN3-400-0.1M Voltage Converter Module
PN3-400-0.1M Voltage Converter Module
PN3-400-0.1M Voltage Converter Module
PN3-400-0.1M is miniature high voltage power supply module. The module is designed
for PCB mounting in portable radiation control equipment. Small package size as low as
17*4*11mm is achieved through the use of modern and stable electronic components. The
PN3-400-0.1M module withstands short-circuit and 200% overload for any period of time.
Main features of the PN3-400-0.1M module are low quiescent current and high efficiency
over wide range of output current. Different output voltages in 50 – 900V range available
by order.
Fig. 1. Typical quiescent current vs. Input voltage Fig. 2. Typical output voltage vs. Input voltage