GK B5 Build Instructions v5.6
GK B5 Build Instructions v5.6
GK B5 Build Instructions v5.6
Getting Started
Congratulations! This kit is culmination of the experience gained in making Geiger Kits over the past several years. I hope
you enjoy building it as well as using it. Try to take your time, and enjoy the journey.
General tips:
"Sometimes just a few hours of trial and error debugging can save minutes of reading instructions."
Even if you’re experienced, you run the risk of wishing you had considered something beforehand.
Use the Build Sequence and Parts List (below). It describes the part orientation and options as you go.
Use the assembly pictures and schematic (below) to help you.
Missing parts / extra parts – You are more likely to get an extra part, but if something is missing, let me know.
Take your time! It takes at least 2-3 hours to build this kit. Solder the right part, the right way, the first time.
Parts are hard to unsolder.
To cut down on noise, the PCB uses a "ground plane". So all of the lighter red on the bottom of the board is copper, and it
is connected to the ground. The reason for mentioning this is so you understand why a neat soldering job is important.
Joints that slop over the pad and on to the ground plane will cause a problem.
When you solder, start with a good iron, with a good tip that's freshly tinned. Solder the joint so that you have a nice round
dot that stays inside the darker red. Do not use too much solder, and add enough heat for a good flow. The holes are
plated through, so don’t worry about getting solder up to the top of the board. A “3rd hand” with a piece of solder in one of
the alligator clips can be handy when tacking in IC sockets, etc.
You will notice some pads will connect to the back plane. These have 4 little traces from the back plane to the hole, like a
"+”. These pads will require more heat. I usually solder that side of the part last.
Do not use flux paste and avoid flux pens – especially in the HV area! Many will leave a residue that is slightly
conductive. External fluxes can cause wacky problems. Simply use rosin core solder.
I do not recommend using lead free solder for the kit. In my experience, it makes parts even harder to unsolder, and more
heat is needed which may damage the pads. I will not do any board repair if lead free solder was used.
Below is a picture of a terrible soldering job on the kit, and to the right are great examples from the Adafruit Guide to
Excellent Soldering which I recommend having a look at.
PCB layout . . .
Step 2 – Inspect and Clean the board:
It doesn’t take much of a conductor for 500V to get around on. So a clean board is important. At a minimum, brush the
bottom of the main board with an old toothbrush to remove any solder dust when you’re finished soldering.
If you want to remove excess flux, one of the simplest ways is to use alcohol – the kind from the hardware store - and a
toothbrush. Be sure to blow off the water that is created or at least let it dry well before powering up the board. However,
there are better solvents like commercial flux removers. Just be careful not to use something that removes more than the
flux! Some water soluble flux pens like the Kester #2331-ZX can leave a conductive film. If you used a flux pen like that,
be sure to thoroughly clean the areas where it was used.
If you hear clicks congratulations! Now you might look at Appendix III – HV Test and Adjust. However, the HV should
already be adjusted to ~450V which will work with most tubes.
A nice way to take advantage of this jumper is by controlling the HV from your sketch. Simply remove the jumper and run a wir e from an output
pin you are controlling in software, to the positive screw terminal. Then power the board from the 4 pin power header. Putting a HIGH on the
output pin will turn on the HV and a LOW will turn it off. I used this idea in the Wireless Monitoring project to turn on HV only when needed.
Note that when the microprocessor is powered off, and the MUTE_JMP is not cut (see below) the sound from the speaker is diminished. If you
want to conserve battery power by shutting off the microprocessor, you can sacrifice the IR mute ability and not jumper the MUTE_JMP.
Power Consumption:
The current drawn by the kit depends on several factors such as the HV setting, display type, and CPM. The current measurements below were
taken on this version of the PCB.
HV = 450V (as shipped), background CPM ~32mA (at 12,000 CPM add ~7mA) (at 940V HV max HV add ~16mA)
with backlight off ~24mA
with display removed (i.e. a balloon flight) ~22mA
with microprocessor off (UC_PWR jumper open) ~5mA
Note: Tone mode increases power used by 30-40mA.
When running under about 4.5V, the voltage should be stepped up – see the LiPO section below. If the kit is powered with Vcc below about
4.2V the HV circuit will work, the display will work (but will need more backlight), and the click sound will be quieter.
The Pololu regulator replaces the voltage regulator in the kit. It can be mounted vertically on the top of the board in the same pads the standard
voltage regulator uses. When mounting this way, the parts side of the Pololu faces toward the bottom of the board.
Another option is mount the Pololu regulator on the bottom of the board. as shown in the picture on the left. Again,
it is soldered to the same pads as the voltage regular supplied with the kit. To keep a low profile, the 90° header
supplied has another 90° bend on the long pins soldered to the part. If you want to do this, make sure it is
orientated as shown, and that it is well insulated (good electrical tape, or heat shrink). You can secure it with double
sided tape as shown.
In either case, be sure it is orientated correctly. It does not have reverse voltage protection and you may let out the magic smoke.
This section will show you how to measure, and adjust the HV section of the circuit. If you are happy with the way your kit is working,
you could skip this. You can do a quick test of the HV and click circuit by quickly shorting the tube wires – preferably across a high
resistance. (I use my finger, but can’t suggest that you do that.) If you hear clicks, or the speaker screams, your HV is probably OK.
When measuring voltage, a typical DVM will put a load on the circuit it's measuring of about 10MΩ. This load is far too much for the tiny
amount of current available, and the DVM will read much lower than the actual voltage. A meter with a 10MΩ input impedance may
read 214V when the voltage is closer to 420V. You need at least a gig-ohm (1000MΩ) of input impedance to get accurate values of the
HV for Geiger circuits.
One way to increase the input impedance of your DVM is to put large resistors in series with the probe and multiply the reading you get.
Adding 9 10MΩ resistors in series adds 90MΩ. If you want a full gig-ohm of input impedance, it's best to just buy a single 1GΩ resistor
(example). Once you have the resistors added in series with the meter, you have to multiply the reading by some factor. The formula
for this is:
Vactual voltage = Vreading X (Rprobe + Rmeter) / Rmeter
So for example, if you built a 90MΩ “probe” for a typical 10MΩ meter, you’d have 90 + 10 / 10 = 10 so you’d multiply your reading by
10. If you used a 1 GΩ resistor (1000MΩ) with the same meter it would be 1000 + 10 / 10 = 101 so you’d multiply your reading by 101.
What’s the difference between using a 90MΩ vs. a 1000MΩ probe? Here is what I saw:
222V with no probe (10MΩ meter), 358V with a 90MΩ probe, and 460V with a 1000MΩ probe.
The high voltage is best measured from the cathode (band side) of D2 and ground. Connect your meter to a ground on the board,
and if using the 90M ohm probe described above, put it in series with the positive probe of your meter. Touch the other end on D2. It’s
OK to measure without the 90M ohm probe you will just get low readings and maybe a whine from the speaker. If you get something
like 200V without the probe - congratulations! The HV circuit is working.
You can get an approximation of the HV by measuring the resistance of R5. (An easy way to connect to R5 is one probe to ground and
the other to the base of Q1 or emitter of Q2.) The chart below shows the HV at various resistances of R5. Voltage was measured with a
1 GΩ probe. Note however, that since small changes in resistance make large changes in voltage and the specs on the individual parts
may vary it is only a guideline.
However sometimes the operating range is not specified, or it may have changed with age, or you simply want to set the HV
“dynamically” and not by a measured HV. This section describes a method that doesn’t depend on being able to measure the actual
The idea is to adjust the HV so that it is in about in the middle of the tubes operating range – this is the “plateau” as shown below.
Within this plateau the tube will have about the same sensitivity regardless of the voltage. Put another way, once the tube is in its
operating range, the HV you run at is not critical, and has very little effect on counts.
So how do you do this? First let’s look at the data sheet for two of the most common tubes. The readings in red are what I actually
measured with my 1000MΩ probe and multiplying by 101. With a 90MΩ probe your readings will be different but the technique will be
the same.
Notice the operating range for the tube. It’s 125V wide for the SBM-20 (475-350) and 200V wide for the LND 712. If your readings sort
of followed the spec. you can assume about the same range and figure your high end of operating range. Now take the center of your
operating range as your recommended voltage and set your pot to that. Finally, take two aspirins, and quit messing with it. It’s not that
critical, GM tubes have a wide range of operating voltage.
Appendix IV - Wiring the External Controls:
The diagram below shows how to connect the switches, buttons, etc. that are supported by the current board and
software. Note that the controls you choose add are up to you.
Note on the Backlight Switch - Wiring a switch to control the backlight depends on the version of the PCB you have.
Beginning with PCB v5.6 you simply remove the jumper and wire in a switch as shown.
Appendix V – LCDs and Wiring:
Selecting an LCD:
An LCD display is included with the kit but you may want a certain color or size - i.e. 2x8, mini, etc.
When selecting an LCD the main requirement is that it uses the extremely common HD44780 (or compatible) chipset. It should also be a 5V
display (again, most are). Most have a backlight. If they do, some require a current limiting resistor for it. See the specs for your particular LCD.
A consideration might be the ability to still read the display with the backlight turned off. (A switch to turn off the backlight can save about 8mA.)
For this, you want a "transflective" display that shows the characters in black against the background - usually green. These might not look as
"cool" as other LCDs, but they can be read with the backlight switched off. Here is an example of this type of display.
There are many places to get an LCD such as Sparkfun, Adafruit, etc. There are also many listed on eBay.
Finally, with a software change you can use a DOGM character display . These are small, very bright, and offer a lot of options. On the other
hand they generally require more power when the backlight is on, and are somewhat expensive. If you are interested in this display, see this
The simplest way to extend the LCD to your case is to wire 1:1 from the display headers on the board to the LCD. You can use 90° male
headers to plug into the display headers and on the LCD side, either use female headers or solder directly to the LCD.
For some (rare) situations you can also connect the LCD directly to the appropriate I/O pins. In that case you will need to supply the contrast
pot and the backlight resistor. The following diagram shows those connections.
Appendix VI – Schematic