2020/2021 GST211 COURSE COMPACT: @lmu - Edu.ng
2020/2021 GST211 COURSE COMPACT: @lmu - Edu.ng
2020/2021 GST211 COURSE COMPACT: @lmu - Edu.ng
Course code: GST 211
Course title: Philosophy, Logic & Human Existence (2 Units)
Course status: (Compulsory)
Course Duration
Two hours per week for 15 weeks (30hours)
Lecturer Data
Name of the lecturer: Mr. Ogoma Daniel Ebun
Qualifications obtained: B.A., M.A. Phd in view
Unit: Directorate of University Wide Courses.
E-mail: ogoma.daniel@lmu.edu.ng
Office Location: Number 224, Wing B, New College building
Consultation Hours: Monday-Friday (8-10am, 3-5pm).
Course objectives
At the end of this course, students would be able to:
(i) explain the nature and meanings of philosophy
(ii) explain in details the major branches of philosophy
(i) Change their orientation about philosophy
(ii) Understand the value of philosophy in the society
(iii) Be moral, rational, critical and logical in their thinking
Lecturing method complimented with class participation is the best for the nature of
this course.
For this section- the lecturer provides the topic of each week, objectives, description, study
question and other information posted below.
The students should be able to explain the nature of the problem, and responses to the
Week 15
Topic: Examination
To examine the students on all that has been taught during the semester.
Reading List:
Adeniyi, R.O. (2004) (ed): Introduction to Philosophy and Logic, Lagos, Newsletters.
Aboluwodi, A. (1998): Philosophy of Education: An Introduction, Lagos, Greenline
Benjamin, I. (2011) (ed): Philosophical Reflection on the Common Good in Africa:
Enugu, Delta Publications.
Bertrand, R. (2000): History of Western Philosophy, London Routledge.