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Special Manufacturing Processes

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani

IIIT DM Kancheepuram, Chennai

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram

• The ultrasonic vibrations are produced by the transducer.
• The transducer is driven by suitable signal generator followed by power amplifier.
• The transducer for USM works on the following principle: piezoelectric effect, and
magnetostrictive effect.
• Magnetostrictive transducers are most popular and robust amongst all.

Sectional view of magnetostrictive transducers

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Horn or concentrators
• The horn or concentrator is a wave-guide, which amplifies and
concentrates the vibration to the tool from the transducer.

Types of horn or concentrator

 The horn or concentrator can be of different shape like

 Tapered or conical
 Exponential
 Stepped

 Machining of tapered or stepped horn is much easier as compared to the exponential one. 3
Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Material removal rate
 Effect of process parameters on material removal rate (Q / MRR)
• When the amplitude of the vibration
increases the MRR is expected to increase
• MRR increases with increasing static load
(feed force). However, after a certain critical
feed force it decreases because the abrasive
grains get crushed under heavy load
• MRR should also rise proportionately
with the mean grain diameter (d). When
‘d’ become too large, the crushing tendency
• Concentration of abrasives directly
controls the number of grains producing
impact per cycle.

• The ratio of workpiece hardness / tool hardness affects the MRR quite significantly. Apart
from the hardness, the brittleness of the work material plays a very dominant role. Brittle
material is machined more rapidly.
• Apart from the process parameters, the viscosity of the fluid used for slurry also affects the
MRR. With increase in viscosity, the MRR reduces.
• Although the MRR is a very important consideration for USM, however so is the surface finish
Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani 4
IIITDM Kancheepuram
Material Removal Rate and Surface Finish
Work material Relative MRR
Glass 100
Brass 6.6
Tungsten 4.8
Titanium 4.0
Steel 3.9
Chrome steel 1.4

Grain size is inversely proportional to grain diameter 5

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Applications of Ultrasonic Machining

• Drilling
• Grinding
• Profiling
• Coining
• Piercing of dies

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Various Work Samples Machined Using USM

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Use and Limitations

 Used for machining hard and brittle metallic alloys, semiconductors, glass, ceramics,
 Used for machining round, square, irregular shaped holes and surface impressions
 Machining, punching or small blanking dies.


 Slower than conventional machining processes

 High tool wear compared to other unconventional processes, as abrasive particle particles
affect both work-piece and tool.
 Can be used mostly for hard brittle material. Ductile metal cannot be machined by USM.
 Drilling deep hole is not possible.

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM)
Unconventional machining processes

Mechanical Chemical/Electrochemical Electro-thermal

 Ultrasonic machining
 Abrasive jet machining
 Water jet machining

2. Abrasive jet machining (AJM)

 The water jet machining was started in late 1960s for cutting
 In early 1980’s abrasives were introduces in place of water and there by the abrasive jet
machining (AJM) was introduced
 Abrasives fine particles are accelerated in a gas stream (commonly air/CO2/N2 at a few
times atmospheric pressure)

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM)
 Abrasives particles are gradually accelerated and directed towards the focus of machining

(less than 1 mm from the tip) in a controlled manner.

 As the particle impacts the surface, it cause a small fracture, and the gas stream carries

both the abrasive particles and the fractured (wear) particles away.

Image courtesy: Prof. M. Ravi Sankar, NPTEL course 10

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM): Components
• Abrasive delivery system: Quantity controlled
by vibration
• Controller: For controlling the movement of
nozzle (CNC programming)
• Gas propulsion system (Pump):
• Supply clean and dry air to propel abrasive
• Compressor or cylinder filled with gas

Gas characteristics

• Gases must be non-toxic, economic and easily available

• Gases must not flare excessively when discharged from the nozzle
• Commonly used gases are CO2, N2 and air. Air is most preferred due to universal
availability and its non-toxic nature

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM): Nozzles
Abrasive jet machining nozzles

High pressure
gas supply
Gas line

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM): Nozzles

 Focusing tube is usually made of Tungsten Carbide (WC) or Sapphire due to their high


 Nozzle orifice diameter range: 08. to 3 mm

 Nozzle length: 50 to 80 mm

 Nozzle pressure: 2 to 8.5 kgf/cm2 (depending on workpiece material, MRR requirements)

 The mixing chamber has a typical dimension of inner diameter 6 mm and a length of 10


Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani IIITDM Kancheepuram
Happy Learning!

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