Part 2

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Brief History

The Mindanao State University was created under Republic

Act 1387 as amended. It was formally organized with the induction
into office of the UP Vice President Antonio Isidro
as the first president of the first public university in Southern
Philippines before Pres. Carlos P. Garcia at Malacañang on
September 1, 1961.

Pres. Garcia signed Proclamation No. 806 which reserved

1,000 hectares out of the Camp Keithley military reservation in
Marawi City some 2,256 feet above sea level overlooking the blue
and serene waters of Lake Lanao. It is located about four kilometers
from downtown Marawi and about forty kilometers from Iligan City.
This proclamation was later enacted into law when Congress ceded
the 1,000-hectare reservation to the University under R.A 3791.

MSU formally opened its first classes on June 13, 1962 with
282 students from all the provinces and cities of Mindanao, Sulu,
Palawan, Visayas and even as far as Luzon. Nine Filipino faculty
members assisted by a group of Peace Corp Volunteers were the
initial teaching force for the Three (3) core colleges: Community
Development, Liberal Arts and Education. Today, MSU has grown
into a multi-campus University System with 17 colleges and degree-
granting units in the Marawi Campus alone, and seven (7) other
autonomous campuses in strategic locations in Mindanao: MSU-
Iligan, MSU-Naawan, MSU-General Santos, MSU-Maguindanao,
MSU-Tawi-Tawi, MSU-Sulu, and MSU-Buug.


Mindanao State University System is committed to the total
development of man and to the search for truth, virtue and academic


MSU System aspires to be a Center of Excellence in

Instruction, Research and Extension transforming itself into a
premier and globally competitive national peace university.


MSU System in committed to:

1. Lead in social transformation through peace education

and integration of the Muslims and other cultural minority
group into the mainstream society;

2. Ensure excellence in instruction, research development,

innovation, extension, and environmental education and

3. Advance national and international linkages through

collaborations and,

4. Demonstrates greater excellence, relevance, and

inclusiveness for Mindanao and the Filipino nation.


The MSU-main Campus is committed to:

1. Promote and strengthen academic excellence in all levels

of education to produce graduates who are competent to meet
future needs of humankind;

2. Enhance the visibility of the University through production

of high impact researches and innovation;

3. Respond to globalization trends through partnerships and

collaborative relationships with national and international
universities, research institutions, and industries

4. Secure and preserve the University resources and facilities

4. Integrate peace education programs in the University


6. Strengthen and sustain extension services

7. Transform the University through investments in human

resource development, infrastructures, and equipment.

The MSU-Main Campus, Marawi City

The Students


In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act

(RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act No. of
1994”, Batas Pambansa 232, and Resolution No. 321-2013
Commission en banc dated April 8, 2013, the Commission on Higher
Education, pursuant to its commitment to the utmost achievement of
quality, relevant and efficient higher education in the country, hereby
adopted and promulgated the following Enhanced Policies and
Guidelines of Student Affairs and Services, which define the scope,
procedures, the extent of regulations as well as the mechanics of
evaluating student welfare and activities for students enrolled in
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) thus:

Article I

Section1 The 1987 Philippine Constitution declares that the

State shall protect and promote the rights of all Filipino citizens to
quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to
make education accessible to all.

Section 2 The State shall establish, maintain and support a

complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to
the needs of the people and society.


Section 3 The CHED is mandated to promote quality

education; take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be
accessible to all; and ensure and protect academic freedom for the
continuing intellectual growth, the advancement of learning and
research, the development of responsible and effective leadership,
the education of high level professionals, and the enrichment of
historical and cultural heritage.

Section 4 An educational institution seeks to form individuals
who can later become productive citizens of the country and the
world. Its responsibility is not only confined to the teaching and
development of job skills, but also to the acquisition of life skills and
values. The individuals produced by the educational institution
should be able to contribute positively to the progress of his/her
country, and to the upliftment of the human conditions. Student
Affairs and Services, therefore, must systematically and deliberately
address this end objective of producing citizens suited to the aims of
the country and humanity. Higher Education Institutions must provide
a set of student centered activities and services in support of
academic instruction intended to facilitate holistic and well rounded
student development for active involvement as future responsible
citizens and leaders. These shall be collectively known as Students
Affairs and Services.

Section 5 The students’ enjoyment of their rights shall be

balanced by the exercise of accountability and social responsibility,
that is, for every right enjoyed, there is a corresponding duty and

Section 6 The rights of students to “self management” with the

exercise of right self-organize on matters that will advance their
welfare and maximize their potentials shall be invaluable.

Section 7 HEIs shall ensure full implementation of these

Policies and Guidelines and provide mechanism for its monitoring
and evaluation.


Section 8 This set of guidelines aims to set minimum

standards on student affairs and services among Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) in order to:

8.1 ensure proper balance between rights of educational

institution and student rights.
8.2 improve the quality of Student Affairs and Services
among Higher Education Institutions.

8.3 promote access to quality, relevant, efficient and
effective student affairs and services;
8.4 support student development and welfare; and
8.5 ensure that all Higher Education Institutions provide
holistic approach for Student Affairs and Services
and comply with the minimum requirements for
student affairs and services.


Section 9. This set of policies and guidelines shall apply to all Higher
Education Institutions both public and private, duly authorized by the
Commission on Higher Education and/or their respective Board of
Trustees/Board of Regents (BOT/BOR) in case of public institutions.


Section 10 Students Affairs and Services (SAS)- Student Affairs

and Services are the services and programs in higher education
institutions that are concerned with academic support experiences of
students to attain holistic student development. Academic support
services are: those that relate to student welfare, student
development and those that relate to institutional programs and
services. Implementation of these services can be unique to an

10.1 Student Welfare Services are basic services and

programs needed to ensure and promote the
well-being of students.

10.2 Student Development Services refers to the

Services and programs designed for the explo-
ration, enhancement and development of the
student’s full potential for personal development,
leadership, and social responsibility through
various institutional and/or student-initiated activities.

10.3 Institutional Student Programs and Services – refers
to the services and programs designed to pro-actively
respond to the basic health, food, shelter and safety
concerns of students including students with special
needs and disabilities and the school.

Functions and Services of the Division of Student Affairs of

MSU-Main Campus (Per BOR Resolution No. 496):

1. Provides an effective channel of communication between the

student body on the one hand and the administration, faculty
and staff on the other;

2. Receives from the students and student organizations’

suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of
the University as well as complaints and grievances of

3. Endeavors to explain the policies of the university;

4. Endeavors to resolve student problem, provided that those

that cannot be solved or lie beyond its competence shall be
transmitted to higher authorities of the University for
information, guidance or appropriate action;

5. Coordinates the operation of units in charge of student

services such as:

a. University Infirmary
b. Student Organizations
c. Student Publications
d. Student Residences Hall and Villages
e. University Library


An integral part of education and vital component of human

development, Guidance and Counseling provides professional
assistance to the students and other constituents.

The guidance program endeavors to assist the students to

formulate realistic life goal and make wise choices and decisions;
and to assist students cope with their personal, social, emotional,
academic and other problems in order to facilitate their adjustment to
college life.

1. Counseling

 Assists students to render proper decision and lay possible

alternatives regarding their academic, social, career and
other aspects or concerns.

2. Testing

 Provides objective measurement of the clients through

administering, scoring and interpreting tests taken by the
clients, and informs them of the result. Translates the result
through counseling and makes the clients know their
strengths and weaknesses (i.e aptitude, mental ability,
personality, etc.).

3. Information

 Gives accurate information to the clients.

 Posts relevant information to different colleges. Makes sure
that guidance services are known and available to all
constituents of the University.

4. Placement

 Assists students derive right decision in choosing their

course or profession through career pathing.
 Coordinates with different employment agencies and
facilitates job-fairs, seminars and workshops for the
graduating students and other interested constituents.

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5. Follow-up

 Monitors and determines/identifies the current status of the

clients through call or text and sends communication letters
after assessment on the previous counseling has been done.

6. Research and Evaluation

 Conducts research, evaluation and studies concerning

students/clients as strong bases and intervenes in
organizing programs and activities for the clients. Finds out
the status of the guidance services.

7. Students Individual Inventory

 Gathers and keeps confidentially relevant data of clients and

their profile as basis for counseling and other intervention
programs to address students’ academic, career and social
concerns that are affecting their studies.



Mainly responsible in handling, serving students’ needs and

other activities in coordination with other stakeholders. Specifically,
this section shall perform the following services, to wit:

1. Darangen- Preparation to include the pictorials of graduating

students, printing-production and releasing of the student
yearbook. Evaluate the liquidation of expenses and the early
selection and creation of Editorial Board/Staff and Advisers.

2. Students’ Insurance Coverage- Facilitating, coordinating with

legitimate insurance company providing insurance coverage to
the students, as well as processing, facilitating and coordinating,
filing and releasing the insurance claims of the students.

3. Educational and Research Fieldtrips- Managing, coordinating,

facilitating the processing of the insurance certification of the
students undergoing educational fieldtrips, practicum, OJT,

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seminars, training and the likes and issuance of necessary
special orders from the University President

4. Student Disciplinary Board- Serves as the secretary and co-

chair of the disciplinary board. Keeps the records, receives
complaints, provides notice of meeting and issues subpoena to
parties involved in any hearing or proposed amicable settlement
to the board.

5. Student Handbook- Takes the lead, facilitates all the activities of

stakeholders relative to the preparation, printing-production and
distribution of the University Handbook.

6. Mindanao Varsitarian- Guides, coordinates, facilitates and

assists the preparation, publication, production and distribution of
the Mindanao Varsitarian (student organ). Evaluates the
liquidation of expenses and the early selection of Editorial

7. USLA- Takes the lead in selecting, facilitating, evaluating,and

screening the students who may apply and qualify for the
following: University Leadership Award, AYALA, TOSP, Jose
Rizal and others.

8. Housing and Medical Services- Facilitates, assists, and

coordinates housing services of the Housing Management
Division, University Medical Services, Community Relations Office
including private cottages and other public utilities and

9. Students’ Trainings, Seminar- Workshop Opportunities both

Domestic and Foreign, Campus-Wide and System- Wide
Leadership Summit - Takes in the lead and facilitates linkaging
and networking for the students attendance or participation in the
trainings, workshops, seminars, and conferences both domestic
and foreign including system-wide leadership summits.

10. Different Colleges and Departments Fees and contributions

- Facilitates, coordinates, monitors the colleges/departments
fees and contributions and submits a report to the Office of the

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President for appropriate action such as standardization every

11. Obituaries and Other Crises- takes the lead, organizes,

facilitates the students’ financial and other forms of assistance to
be extended to any student affected.

12. Students Welfare Assistantship Program (SWAP) - Takes the

lead, facilitates, approves the implementation of the SWAP
pursuant to BOR Resolution



Chapter 62, University Code (June, 1977)

A student organization of the University or of any college or

school thereof shall be any association, club, fraternity, sorority, and
order of any other form of organized group whose members are
bonafide students of the University (Article 460, MSU Code).

Organizations that are sectarian, provincial, sectional or

sectionalistic in name and in nature are not allowed in the University.
Any organization which identifies itself with any cultural, religious or
linguistic group which may tend to promote division instead of
unification of student is not authorized (Article 461, MSU Code).

Organizations which aim to promote artistic, literary, dramatic,

civic, cultural or other worthwhile goals are under the control and
supervision of an adviser recommended by the students in
coordination with the Director of Student Affairs and approved by the
President (Article 462, MSU Code).

Mainly responsible to handle and address issues and concerns

involving the welfare and development of Campus Student

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1. Continuous Dialogue-Consultation with the Campus
Student Organizations- takes the lead, organizes, coordinates
and facilitates occasional dialogue and consultations with the
various campus student organizations for issues and concerns
affecting them.

2. Registration and Accreditation of Campus Student

Organizations- Evaluates, facilitates and approves the
registration and accreditation of Campus Student Organizations
being a partner of the administration in the improvement of the
university. Registration of campus organization during 1 st Month of
the 1st semester of the the academic year.

3. Supreme Student Government Activities, Colleges’

Student Councils, and Senior’s Council- Administers,
facilitates, and monitors the conduct of SSG Election. Monitors the
conduct of Election in every College Student Council. Monitors,
implements, assists in the reorganization of the SC members,
planning and implementation until the realization of all the activities
and auditing of the disbursement of funds.

4. Campus Student Organizations Co-Curricular and

Extra-Curricular Activities- Assists in organizing, regulating, and
coordinating the conduct and implementation of the extra-
curricular activities duly approved by the organization and the
university administration through the DSA.

5. Recognition and Incentives of Campus Student

Organizations - Plans, evaluates, and implements programs in
recognition of the exemplary performances, accomplishments and
citations of any organization. Provisioning or awarding of prizes or
incentives for motivation purposes.

6. Implementation of the Anti-Hazing and Other Relevant

Laws -Conducts, and organizes symposia, fora and dialogue-
consultations or activities that will promote student awareness on
the Anti-Hazing Law and other relevant laws duly promulgated by
the CHED, DEPED, etc.

7. Leadership Training and Development -Plans, organizes and

conducts student leadership training and development as
intervention in sustaining, motivating and strengthening the

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campus student organizations as partners in the campus wide

8. Student Organization Involvement in the Cleanliness,

Sanitation and Beautification -Plans, facilitates, coordinates the
effective participation of the Campus Student Organizations in the
university-wide cleanliness, sanitation and beautification drive.

9. Campus Student Organization Participation in the Security,

Peace and Order- Plans, organizes, conducts seminars, and
coordinates with the Security Services Department on how to
involve, sustain and maintain the cooperation between the
student’s organizations and the SS Department.

10. Financial Assistance, Exchange Program and Linkages-

Plans, initiates, coordinates and links the campus student
organizations with other organizations, entities both domestic and
foreign, for any possible financial, scholarship or exchange
program assistance.


Mainly responsible in handling the administrative and

financial support services for the employees or personnel and the
smooth operation of the entire DSA office.

1. Property, Supply and Logistics Support

Plans and implements programs on inventory and

safekeeping of office supplies and properties. Ensures the availability
of the needed supplies through scheduling, recording and

2. Financing, Collection and Disbursement

Plans and implements program on how to effectively collect,

handle, safekeep the collection of the office in the form of trust,
donation and standing fund being generated and to properly monitor,
conduct inventory of the disbursement and utilization thereof.

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3. Office Maintenance and Cleanliness

Plans on how to sustain the cleanliness and maintenance of

the office area in order to achieve and maintain healthy and
conducive working environment.

4. Personnel Concern Including Attendance, Leave

Application, Travel, and Daily Time Record (DTR)

Plans, monitors and keeps record of the personnel

attendance, leave application (i.e. sick, maternity, vacation and
study), travel and DTR and rerouting of the same to proper offices.

5. Professional Growth and Study Grants

Plans, recommends and supports personnel to pursue

graduate and post graduate studies, attend seminars, workshops
and trainings both local and international.

6. Liaisoning

Plans programs on how to strengthen coordination, linkages

and cooperation with other offices of the University, other
government agencies, Non-government Organizations (NGO) and
other private entities. Specifically, facilitates effective communication
and engagement with other colleges and offices/units of the

7. Signing of Student University Clearance

Records, keeps confidentially important or relevant students’

data. Signs the University clearance of transferees and graduating
students to ensure that students leave the University

without liabilities from their respective colleges and other offices they
have officially transacted with.

8. Lost And Found Services

Records, safe-keeps and facilitates the return of the lost and

found money or materials to the rightful owner as entrusted to the
office (DSA).

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9. Preparing and Releasing the Certificate of Good
Moral Character

The certificate of good moral character will be issued to

students who want to transfer from university, for students who
want to apply for employment as well as to students who wish to
apply for scholarship grants and for any legal purposes. After
preparing the same, it will be released to the former after having
been approved by the DSA Director.

10. Recognition and Incentives

Plans strategies, evaluates and monitors the

accomplishment performance of every employee and the
provisioning of recognition and incentive to the deserving

10. Continuous Office Teambuilding

Plans strategies on how to sustain the conduct of office

teambuilding purposely to strengthen camaraderie among
employees that surely redound to public service.

11. Complaints and Grievances

Facilitates and settles misunderstanding that may arise

between and among employees with the end view of maintaining
a harmonious relationship among them. Otherwise, if such
concern is beyond the control of the management, the same shall
be referred to the higher ups for resolutions.


The Office of Admissions (OAD) is the frontline semi-

academic unit of the Mindanao State University. It caters to
interested and qualified students who seek scholarship admission to
the University to pursue relevant and demand-driven academic
degree programs.

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As we shift to the knowledge-based economy and
technology-driven society, the Mindanao State University – Marawi
Campus is raising the bar of academic excellence, in line with the
ASEAN 2015 integration, and in response to the shift to the K-12
Curriculum to a highly competent and competitive global University.

The Office of Admissions is in-charged with the following functions:

1. implements existing admission policies and functions;

2. administers and implements the University Scholarship
Programs as may be assigned from time to time;
3. assists in administering MSU System Admission and
Scholarship Examination (MSU-SASE) and College
Entrance Test (CET) for Marawi Campus;
4. undertakes studies and recommends improvements on
admission policies and procedures;
5. renders assistance to students who have admission
problems; and
6. establishes and promotes goodwill and rapport with the
public especially with all high schools in the MINSUPALA
region for continuous input of freshmen students.

Its creation and mandates …

 Admission of students was originally a part of the Office of

the Registrar. In three (3) decades since its creation, the
MSUs seven campuses (Marawi (1962), Iligan (1968), Tawi-
Tawi (1969), Maguindanao (1973), General Santos (1974),

 Sulu (1974), and Naawan (1981)) were admitting students

on a first come-first served basis; no admission tests were
being conducted.

 The Office of Admissions (OAD) was formally separated

from the Registrar’s Office on May 18, 1978 with Special
Order No. 27-B, series of 1978; and by virtue of BOR
Resolution No. 1530, s. 1978 as amended.

General Admission Requirements

The University provides students the opportunity of an

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updated curricular programs designed for holistic development of the
total person to prepare them for top-calibre leadership roles in their
chosen fields. The Office of Admissions (OAD) was created to
effectively control the admission of students and ensure adherence
to the demands of academic excellence.

For New Applicant (Freshmen/Out-of-School Youth):

1. MSU-SASE or CET Report of Rating

2. Senior High School Report Card/Form138A (Original)
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from Senior High School
4. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
5. Medical Certificate from the University Infirmary & Medical
6. 4pcs 2x2 photo with name-tag
7. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

For Transferees:

1. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Certificate

2. Transcript of Records/Evaluation of Grades (signed by the
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
4. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
5. SASE/CET Report of Rating (for transferees from non-MSU
6. 4pcs 2x2 ID photo with name-tag
7. Medical Certificate from the University Infirmary & Medical
8. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

For Second Degree Applicant:

1. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Certificate

2. Transcript of Records
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
4. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
5. 4pcs 2x2 ID photo with name-tag
6. Medical Certificate from the University Infirmary & Medical

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Master’s/Doctorate Degree Applicants:

1. Qualifying Examination administered by Graduate School

2. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Certificate
3. Transcript of Records (TOR)
4. Certificate of Good Moral Character
5. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
6. Copy of Certificate of Marriage (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
7. 4pcs 2x2 ID photo with name-tag
8. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

Note: The student applicant must comply and submit the above
requirements to the Office of Admissions upon confirmation of
acceptance from the degree-granting College/Unit.


The Mindanao State University, as conceived under RA 1387,

has three major goals:

 To perform the traditional functions of a University, namely:

instruction, research and extension service;
 To accelerate the program of integration among the peoples
of Southern Philippines particularly the Muslim and other
cultural minority groups; and

 To provide trained manpower skills and technical knowhow

for the economic development of the MINSUPALA region.

1. Full Scholarship – Awarded to the top examinees in the

MSU System Admission and Scholarship Exam (SASE)
who indicated to enroll in the pure and applied sciences in
the Colleges of MSU-main Campus.

Grade Maintenance: 2.25 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with no failure in any academic subject

a) P5,000.00 monthly stipend;
b) Free tuition and other miscellaneous fees;

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c) Free dormitory accommodations;
d) Free personal accident insurance coverage.

2. Partial Scholarship – Awarded to the next top

examinees in the MSU SASE who indicated to enroll in
the pure and applied sciences in the Colleges of MSU-
main Campus.

Grade maintenance: 2.5 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with no failure in any academic subject

a) P3,500.00 monthly stipend;
b) Free tuition and other school fees;
c) Free dormitory accommodations; and
d) Free personal accident insurance coverage.

3. Special Muslim Study Grant – Awarded to the next top

Muslim examinees in the SASE.

Grade maintenance: 2.75 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with no failure in any academic subject.

a) P2,500.00 monthly stipend;
b) Free tuition and other miscellaneous fees;
c) Free dormitory accommodations;
d) Round-trip transportation allowance from home to
MSU once a year;
e) P800.00 semestral book allowance subject to
liquidation to the Campus Scholarship Committee
every semester.

4. Indigenous People Grant (IPG) – The IPG is awarded to

students who belong to the cultural communities i.e.
(Manobo, Mansaca, Higaonon, Talaandig, Subanen,
Tiruray of the MINSUPALA area and who passed the
SASE but are financially handicapped to study in the
University as determined by the Screening Committee.

Grade maintenance: 3.00 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with one subject failure allowed per

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a) P2,000.00 monthly stipend;
b) Free tuition and other school miscellaneous fees;
c) Free dormitory accommodations;

5. College Bound Program Grant (CBP) –The CBP is

awarded to the top forty (40) participants of the annual
Summer College Bound Program subject to availability of

Grade maintenance: 3.00 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with one subject failure allowed per

a) P2,000.00 monthly stipend;
b) Free tuition and other school miscellaneous fees;
c) Free dormitory accommodations;

6. The Honor’s list of scholars in recognition of high

academic performance.

A. Dean’s Honors’ List – Scholars who obtain a Cumulative

Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 1.75 or better during the
previous semester.

Privilege: Award of Certificate of Commendation.

B. Chancellor’s Honors’ List – Scholars who obtain a Grade

Point Average (GPA) of 1.25 or better during the previous

a. PhP2,000 Cash incentive.
b. Award of Certificate of Commendation.

C. President’s Honors’ List – Scholars who obtain a Grade

Point Average (GPA) of 1.00 during the previous

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a. PhP2,000 Cash incentive.
b. Award of Certificate of Commendation.

7. Indigenous People Grant (IPG) – The IPG is awarded to

students who belong to the cultural communities i.e.
(Manobo, Mansaca, Higaonon, Talaandig, Subanen,
Tiruray of the MINSUPALA area and who passed the
SASE but are financially handicapped to study in the
University as determined by the Screening Committee.

Grade maintenance: 3.00 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with one subject failure allowed per

d) P2,000.00 monthly stipend;
e) Free tuition and other school miscellaneous fees;
f) Free dormitory accommodations;

8. College Bound Program Grant (CBP) –The CBP is

awarded to the top forty (40) participants of the annual
Summer College Bound Program subject to availability of

Grade maintenance: 3.00 or better Cumulative Grade Point

Average (CGPA), with one subject failure allowed per

d) P2,000.00 monthly stipend;
e) Free tuition and other school miscellaneous fees;
f) Free dormitory accommodations;

9. The Honor’s list of scholars in recognition of high

academic performance.

D. Dean’s Honors’ List – Scholars who obtain a Cumulative

Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 1.75 or better during the
previous semester.

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Privilege: Award of Certificate of Commendation.

E. Chancellor’s Honors’ List – Scholars who obtain a Grade

Point Average (GPA) of 1.25 or better during the previous

c. PhP2,000 Cash incentive.
d. Award of Certificate of Commendation.

F. President’s Honors’ List – Scholars who obtain a Grade

Point Average (GPA) of 1.00 during the previous

c. PhP2,000 Cash incentive.
d. Award of Certificate of Commendation.

10. Special Study Grants:

Students with special skills and talents who, after screening,

became regular members of talent, performing, and athletic
groups are awarded Study Grants in any of the following, as

a) Darangan Troupe Study Grant

b) Sining Kambayoka Ensemble Study Grant
c) Sining Pananadem Study Grant
d) University Band Study Grant
e) University Combo Study Grant

a) Monthly board allowance ranging from P1,000.00;
b) Free tuition and other miscellaneous fees; and
c) Free dormitory accommodation.

11. Shifting of Course: Once a scholar or grantee is

enrolled in a program of study he/she cannot shift to
another program, otherwise he/she will forfeit his/her

In very exceptional cases, shifting within the same

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college may be allowed only with the permission of the
Campus Scholarship Committee.

12. Computation of Grade for Maintenance and Gaining

of Scholarship and Study Grant. The computation of
Grade Maintenance shall be by Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA).

a) The maintenance grade requirement shall not be

imposed during the first semester to provide for the
adjustment of students in College.
b) Full and Partial Scholarships can be gained within the
first two (2) semesters of study in the University.
Gaining of Scholarship is computed at 1.75 CGPA or

13. Gaining of Academic Scholarship

Guidelines and Requirements:

1. Submit at the Office of Admissions (OAD) at least grade

cards taken in two (2) consecutive semesters in the
degree program.

2. Must have reached a Cumulative Grade Point Average

(CGPA) of 1.75 or better.

3. Must be enrolled at least 18units. If there is one failing

mark, then automatically disqualified even if he/she
obtained a CGPA of 1.75.

4. If an applicant wants to shift to another course program,

he/she has to satisfy the three (3) consecutive semester

5. Application for gaining Full and Partial Scholarship is

entertained/allowed during enrolment period only.

Completion of Grades

 All “Incomplete (INC)” grades should be completed on

or before the close of the registration of the ensuing

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1. Brief History

The Office of the University Registrar of the Mindanao State

University is under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs. This enables the University Registrar to work
closely with the Deans and Directors of the Colleges and other
academic units of the University and with the Vice Chancellor. It has
its beginning in 1961 with Dr. Mauyag M. Tamano, the former
President of the Mindanao State University, the first University
Registrar. In 1964, the late Assistant Registrar Macapantao
Dipatuan, Officer-in-Charge of the office filled in the position until
1966. In 1966, Prof. Jose Agbayani, Jr., Director of the College of
Community Development and Public Administration was appointed
as University Registrar and stayed until 1969. Assistant Registrar
Disomangcop O. Moti was designated as Officer-in-Charge of the
office until he was appointed as University Registrar on June 20,
1970. Assistant Registrar Jessie T. Silang took charge of the office
after the death of Mr. Moti in October 1990 and was appointed as
University Registrar in 1993. After her retirement on July 07, 2012,
she was then succeeded by Dr. Ibrahim Mangondato, faculty of the
College of Education designated as University Registrar. Dr.
Mangondato continued on with his service in the office until his
retirement in July 2016. He continued on as Officer-in-Charge
capacity until Dr. Ansano Ampog, faculty of the College of Public
Affairs and Director of the Presidential Management Staff, assumed
as appointed Director and University Registrar on December 2016
until the present.

2. Mandated Functions, Goals, and Objectives

The Office of the University Registrar plays a vital role in
preserving, if not improving the good image and prestige of the
University. It is charged with the responsibility of enforcing University
rules on admission, registration, assessment of fees and scholastic
records. In coordination with the Office of Admissions, it is also
charged of enforcing academic rules pertinent to the different
scholarship programs of the university. It is likewise the custodian

26 | P a g e
and guardian of all scholastic records of students and sees to it that
its confidentiality is always being safeguarded.

Furthermore, it provides or furnishes data and information as

requested by the different government agencies which may be
necessary in plans and policy-making processes; keeps and updates
records of students’ evaluation sheets from the date of admission
until their graduation; furnishes other higher institutions of learning
records of transferring students whenever requested; services
Alumni as to requested Official Transcript of Records and other
public documents.

Moreover, the Office of the University Registrar aims to be

the Center of Computerized information regarding students’ records
and scholastic data in tertiary and graduate level at the MSU Main
Campus and its extension programs at the other Campuses of the
MSU System.

3. Tuition Fees and Other School Expenses

Thus, starting first Semester, Academic Year 2018-2019

MSU fully implement R.A. 10931 or the Access to Quality Higher
Education or the (Free Tuition Law) all MSU officially enrolled
full-time undergraduate students in the University are no longer
required to pay the following fees during the First and Second
Semesters of the Academic Year, to wit:

All other miscellaneous fees indicated in the said law. Billing for
each student will be charged to CHED UNIFAST.

However, subject will still be in accordance with the

approved policy of P100 per unit.

The College of Law and Graduate Student are not covered

by Free Tuition law and collects tuition and other necessary school
fees in accordance with approved policies. The following financial
obligations should be carefully noted and taken into account in the
budget expenses for the semester or academic year during which
they are done.

27 | P a g e
a. P 300.00 Application for Graduation
b. P 100.00 Diploma / Diploma Folder P 150.00
c. Annual Yearbook (Darangen) P 550.00
d. An NSTP fee of P 50.00 must be paid each semester for
two semesters during the first two years. Students are
supposed to enroll in said curriculum
e. An ID (Identification Card) fee of P 100.00
f. Senior’s Fee P 450.00
g. Alumni fee P 200.00
h. Rental (Cap and Gown) P 50.00

4. Special Fees

The following fees are imposed under certain conditions:

P 100.00 – fine for late registration per day but not to

exceed 10 days
P 20.00 – change in matriculation involving and
additional subject substitution of one subject
for another, or dropping of a subject
P 20.00 – validating test taken outside the regular period
for validation per subject
P 10.00 – laboratory deposit for loss or breakage of
University property (refundable)
P 50.00 – transcript fee per page
P 50.00 – certification for graduation
P 30.00 – certification of enrollment for one semester
only, etc.
P 20.00 – for certification not covered by any rules

28 | P a g e
29 | P a g e
Maximum Academic Load for Cross-Registration

The total number of units of credit for which a student may

register in two or more colleges or schools in the university shall not
exceed the maximum number allowed by the rules on academic

From Another Institution

On cross-registrants from other universities, no student

registered in any other institution shall be admitted to the University
without a written permit from his Dean, Director, or Registrar. The
permit shall state the number of units for which the student will be
registered and the subject that he will be authorized to take in the

Mindanao State University shall give NO credit for any

subject taken by its students in any other universities, colleges or
schools, unless the taking of that subject has been previously
authorized in writing by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,
upon the written recommendation of the Department Chairperson
and Dean or Director concerned. The authorization shall be noted
and recorded by the University Registrar or his representative and
shall specify and describe the subject authorized and indicate the
semester and school year when taken as well as the name of the
school where it shall be taken. The school shall be limited to another
MSU campus or institution with very high quality/standard.
Otherwise, student shall be given no credit for course taken without
prior approval.

Physical Education Requirements

Basic Physical Education is a pre-requisite for graduation. All

students shall comply with the requirements during their freshmen
and sophomore years.
Eight (8) units of P.E. are required for all undergraduate

30 | P a g e
Changing of Classes

All transferees to other classes after registration shall be made only

for valid reasons. No change of matriculation involving the taking of a
new subject shall be allowed after 12% of regular class meeting have
been held. Changes in matriculation shall be allowed by means of
the change of matriculation form and must be recommended by the
Adviser, approved by the Dean and submitted to the Registrar for
assessment and notation, and upon payment of P 20.00 for every
change of subject.

Dropping of Course

A student may, with the consent of his instructor and Dean,

drop a subject by filling out the prescribed form, provided that he is
not currently enjoying a scholarship or grant. If after three-fourths of
the hours prescribed for the course has elapsed, the instructor
concerned shall be requested to state whether or not the student
shall be given a grade of “5” for the course.

Registration privileges of any student who drops a course

without the approval of his dean shall be curtailed or entirely

Students who aspiring for graduation with honors must make

sure dropping of course/s will not result to underloading which
disqualifies any graduating student with such distinction.

Substitution of Subjects

Substitution of subject course may be allowed upon petition

of the student concerned under the following conditions: (1) must be
recommended by the adviser and the head of the department
concerned; (2) must be approved by the Dean concerned. In case
the action of the Dean is adverse to the recommendation of the
adviser and the head of the department concerned, the student may
appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, whose decision
shall be final; (3) must involve subjects within the same department,
if possible; if not, the subjects must carry about the same number of
units as the latter.

31 | P a g e
Every petition for substitution must be based on at least one of the
following: (1) when a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been
superseded by a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old
curriculum in line with the new; (2) conflict of hours between a
required subject and other required subjects; (3) when the required
subject is not given.

All petitions for substitution must be submitted to the Office

of the Dean concerned before 12 regular meetings have been held
during the semester. Any petition submitted thereafter shall not be
considered for the following semester.

No substitution shall be allowed for any subject prescribed in

the curriculum in which the student has failed or received a grade of
“5” except when, in the opinion of the department offering the
prescribed subject, the proposed substitute covers substantially the
same subject matter as the required subject.


The rules on attendance, unless otherwise specifically

provided, shall be followed in all colleges and units of the University,
including the National Service Training Program and Physical

Any student who, for unavoidable cause, is obliged to be

absent from the class must obtain an excuse slip from his Dean to be
presented to the instructor concerned not later than the second
session of the class after the date of the student’s return.

A certificate of illness must be secured from the University

Physician. An illness causing absence from class shall be reported
by the sick student concerned to the University Infirmary within three
days after his/her absence.

Excuses are for time missed only. All work covered by the
class during his absence shall be made up to the satisfaction of the
instructor within a reasonable time.

Whenever a student has been absent from his/her class

from two consecutive class meetings, a report thereof should be sent
by the faculty member concerned to the Registrar, through

32 | P a g e
his/her Dean. The Registrar shall call the student and notify his/her
parents immediately.

When the number of hours lost by absence in one semester

reaches 20 percent of the hours of recitation, lecture, laboratory or
any other scheduled work in one subject for that semester, the
student shall be dropped from the class roll. If the majority of
absences are excused, the student shall not be given a grade of “5”
but a grade of “dropped”. Time lost by late enrollment shall be
considered as time lost by absence.

Prolonged leave of absence must be sought by a written

petition to the Dean. The petition must state the reason of which the
leave is desired and must specify the period of the leave which must
not exceed one academic year.

For leave of absence availed of during the second half of the

semester the faculty member concerned shall be required to indicate
the class standing of the student (passing or failing) at the time of the
application for the leave. No application for the leave of absence
shall be approved without indicating the student’s class standing by
the instructor concerned. This information however should not be
entered in the official report of grades.

If a student withdraws after three-fourths of the total number

of hours prescribed for the course has elapsed, his instructor may
give him a grade of “5” if hid class standing up to the time of
withdrawal is below “3”.

No leave of absence shall be granted later than two weeks

before the last day of classes during the semester. If the inability of
the student to continue with his classes is due to illness or similar
justifiable causes, his absence during this period shall be
considered. In such a case, the student shall be required to apply an
excuse and shall present the excuse slip to the faculty members

A student, whose withdrawal from the college is without

formal leave of absence, shall have his registration privileges
curtailed or entirely withdrawn.

33 | P a g e
Any student under scholarship and / or grant may apply for a sick
leave of absence for justifiable reason duly certified to and
recommended by the University Physician without forfeiting his
scholarship and/or grant. Such privilege can only be granted for a
total period of one academic year or its equivalent. Only two (2) sick
leaves of absence can be allowed during the entire duration of the
scholarship and / or grant. A third leave of absence automatically
forfeits the student from the enjoyment of the scholarship and/or

Maximum Residency Rule

The tenure of the students in Mindanao State University is

limited to a maximum of six years for the conferment of a degree in a
four-year program, or seven years in a five-year program, provided
that this policy shall not apply to part-time students enrolling in not
more than twelve (12) unit per semester and those admitted under
special programs which normally require longer time for students to
complete the course requirements; and provided further that special
cases shall be at the discretion of the President of the University
upon recommendation of the Dean of College.

The Effectivity of the maximum residency rule (MRR) started

in the AY 1973-74.

Honorable Dismissal

A student in good standing who desires to severe his

connection with his college shall present to the Registrar a written
petition signed by his parent or guardian to this effect. If the petition
is granted, the student shall be given an honorable dismissal.
Without such petition and favorable action, no record of honorable
dismissal shall be issued.

All indebtedness to the University shall be settled before a

statement of honorable dismissal be issued. The statement shall
indicate that the withdrawing student is in good standing as far as his
character and conduct is concerned. If the student has been dropped
from the roll on account of poor scholarship, a statement to the effect
shall be added to the honorable dismissal.

34 | P a g e

A two-year basic course in military training (MS or CWTS)

for male and female students is required for graduation, as
established and maintained under the authority of Section 35-38 of
the National Defense Act. Except for those who are exempted or
disqualified, all physically-able Filipino male students of
undergraduate status shall comply with this requirement within the
first two years of residence in the University.


College of Agriculture:

a. BSA Agricultural Business Management

c. BSA Agronomy
d. BSA Animal Science
e. BSA Agricultural Education
f. BSA Agricultural Extension
g. BSA Farming Systems
h. BS Agricultural & Bio System Engineering
i. BSA Horticulture
j. BS Agricultural Food Processing
k. DAT Animal Production
l. DAT Crop Production
m. DAT Farm Mechanization
n. DABMT Food Processing
o. DABMT Entrepreneurship

College of Business Administration

and Accountancy:

a. Accountancy
b. Economics
c. Entrepreneurial Marketing
d. Management
e. BSBA Human Resource Management

35 | P a g e
College of Education:

a. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Biology

b. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) English
c. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Filipino
d. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) History
e. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Mathematics
f. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Physics
g. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Technology and
Livelihood Education
h. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Sciences
i. Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) Social Studies
j. Bachelor of Elementary in Education (BEED) Early
Childhood Education & Development
k. Bachelor of Elementary in Education (BEED) General
l. BTVTED Home Economics
m. BTVTED Technology and Livelihood Education

College of Engineering:

a. Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

b. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
c. Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication
d. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
e. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Division of Engineering Technology

f. Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering

g. Bachelor of Science in Electric and Renewable Energy
h. Bachelor of Science in Machining and Fabrication
i. Diploma in Technology major in Construction Technology
j. Diploma in Technology major in Machine Shop Technology

College of Fisheries:
a. Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
b. Diploma in Fisheries Technology (Fish Processing)
c. Diploma in Fisheries Technology (Aquaculture)

36 | P a g e
College of Forestry and Environmental Studies:

a. Bachelor of Science in Forestry

b. Bachelor of Science in Forestry major in Agroforestry
c. Certificate in Forest Technology (Agroforestry)
d. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

College of Health Sciences:

a. Bachelor of Science in Nursing

College of Hotel and Restaurant Management:

a. Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

b. Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
c. Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts
d. Basic Courses:
 Bread and Pastry Production
 Cookery
 Housekeeping
 Front Office
 Tour Guiding Services
 Food and Beverage Services

College of Information Technology:

a. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

b. Bachelor of Science in Information System
c. Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia
d. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
(Major in Networking, Database System)

King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies:

a. Bachelor of Science in Islamic Studies (Shari’ah)

b. Bachelor of Science in Teaching Arabic
c. Bachelor of Science in International Relations

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics:

a. Bachelor of Science in Biology

b. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

37 | P a g e
c. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
d. Bachelor of Science in Physics
e. Bachelor of Science in Statistics
f. Bachelor of Science in Zoology

College of Public Affairs:

a. Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Community Development

b. Bachelor of Science in Public Administration
c. Bachelor of Science in Social Work

College of Social Sciences and Humanities:

a. Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies major in

b. Bachelor of Science in in Filipino
c. Bachelor of Science in Panitikan
d. Bachelor of Science in in History
e. Bachelor of Science in in Philosophy
f. Bachelor of Science in in English Language Studies
g. Bachelor of Science in in Political Science
h. Bachelor of Science in in Sociology
i. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
j. Bachelor of Science in Development Communication
k. Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences

College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation:

a. Bachelor of Science in Physical Education

b. Professional Diploma in Physical Education

College of Law:

a. Bachelor of Laws

College of Medicine:

a. Doctor of Medicine

Graduate School:

a. Doctor of Philosophy in Language Studies

b. Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies

38 | P a g e
c. Doctor of Philosophy In Educational Management
d. Master of Arts in English Language Teaching
e. Master of Arts in Education (School Administration)
f. Master of Arts in Education (Reading)
g. Master of Arts in Education (Guidance Counselling)
h. Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (Muslim Law)
i. Master of Arts in Nursing
j. Master of Science in Biology
k. Master of Science in Teaching General Science
l. Master of Science in Teaching Elementary Science
m. Master of Science in Physical Education
n. Master of Science in Community Development
o. Master in Public Administration
p. Certificate in Governmental Management
q. Certificate in Professional Teaching
r. Diploma of Arts in Islamic Studies (Muslim Law)
s. Diploma in Community Development
t. Master of Arts in Language Studies
u. Master of Arts in Philippine Studies
v. Master of Arts in English Language Teaching
w. Master of Arts in Filipino Linguistic
x. Master of Arts in Filipino Literature
y. Master of Arts in History major in Mindanao Studies
z. Master of Arts in Psychology major in Social Psychology
aa. Master of Arts in Global Studies major in American Studies
bb. Master of Arts in Peace and Development Studies
cc. Doctor of Philosophy in Language Studies
dd. Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies

39 | P a g e
Library Policies and Procedures

Service Hours:

The Library is open Monday to Friday, from 8:00AM to

5:00PM; Saturday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. A week preceding the
Major Examinations, the Library is open Sunday, from 9:00AM to

Requirements for Borrowing:

To avail of the library facilities and services, users are required to

present the following:

a. For Students.
a. Validated University ID
b. Borrower’s Card (validated for the current semester)

b. For Faculty and Staff.

a. Faculty Loading Units;
b. Appointment;
c. Validated University ID.

c. For Outside’s Visiting Users (Proceed to Administrative

Services Division), present:
 Referral Letter;
 Validated School ID;
 Fee: P5.00/day, P20.00/week and P50.00/semester,
for the Special Permit.

Application of Borrower’s Card (Students, Faculty and Staff):

 ID Registration at the e-Library Building;
 Two (2) pcs. 1x1 ID Pictures (Latest);
 P10.00.

Validation of Borrower’s Card:

Present the following at the Records Section:

1. Validated University ID;

40 | P a g e
2. Borrower’s Card; and

Replacement of Lost Borrower’s Card:

 Report the lost Borrower’s Card at the Records Section;
 Secure Library Clearance Slip to be signed by the different
sections of Main Library and College Libraries;
 Present the signed clearance slip with validated ID and
COR/EBF for re-issuance of Borrower’s Card.

Requirements for Signing of Clearances (For Students, Faculty and


1. Library Borrower’s Card;

2. Validated University ID;
3. College Clearance may be signed after the Final
Examinations for the current semester; and
4. For Transferring/Graduating Students and
Retiring/Resigning Faculty and Staff are required to
accomplish the University Library Clearance Slip before
signing the University Clearance.

Locating Library and Information Resources

1. Search for the

needed library
resources through
the traditional Card
Catalog and the new
Take Note of the
Call Number and
location of the library
2. Present validated ID and Borrower’s Card or School ID and
Library Special Permit (For Outside Users); and
3. Present the Call Number to the Librarian In-Charge.

Loan Periods:

1. For Room Use Only (Inside Reading)

41 | P a g e
 Filipiñana Resources; Theses and Dissertations;
Reference Resources; Depository Publications;
Periodicals, Newspapers and Clippings; Vertical File
Materials; Audio-Visual Materials; and, Donated

2. Three-Day Book Loan

a. Circulation Books are usually loaned-out for
three (3) days anytime of the day and
renewable for a period unless needed by other
b. Three to Five (3-5) books may be borrowed at
a time and to be returned on due date;
c. Failure to return the book will be charged

3. Overnight Loan (Applicable to Reserve Books and other

limited Circulation Books)
a. Reserve Book may be borrowed after 3:00PM
and returned not later than 10:00AM the next
working day;
b. Failure to return the book will be charged

4. Photocopying
a. Hours: 8:00AM to 3:00PM;
b. Allowed for 30 minutes to photocopy the book.

Returning of Loaned-Out Books:

1. Borrowed books should be returned directly to the Library

Section/College Library where the book was borrowed.
Ensure that the Librarian In-Charge check off the returned
books on your Borrower’s Card.

Lost Library Books and Non-Books Resources:

1. Reported lost book shall be replaced with the same title and
author. User shall be given a period of seven (7) days to
locate the said book. After the given period, replacement is
deemed necessary.
2. Failure to replace the book, user shall pay its current price
plus 10% processing fee. After 30 days, fines shall be

42 | P a g e
imposed and library privilege of the borrower is suspended
until his/her accountability is settled.

Violation of Library Policy and Procedures:

Repeated violation of library rules and misconduct will be

justification for the curtailment of the library privileges:

 Three times overdue = Warning.

 Four times overdue = Restriction of Borrowing for One
 Misconduct = Suspension, expulsion and restriction of
library privileges, depending on the gravity of the


The Housing Management Division supervises student

dormitories and residence halls for faculty, staff and other MSU
employees in accordance with approved rules and regulations. It
also administers the established housing policies to the university-
owned housing units.
The five girls’ dormitories can accommodate a total of 1,200
residents while the men’s dormitories can house up to 1, 000
residents. Accommodation at the dormitories is free to all scholars
and grants in-aid recipients. For paying students, the semestral fee
per resident is P350 (subject to change anytime to cope with
inflation), to be paid at the University Business Office (UBO).

Dormitories/Residence Halls:

1. Rajah Indarapatra Hall Ladies Dormitory-North

Wing – Girl’s dorm.
2. Rajah Indarapatra Hall Ladies Dormitory- South Wing –
Girl’s dorm.
3. Princess Lawanen Hall-North Wing – Girl’s
4. Princess Lawanen Hall-South Wing – Girl’s
5. Super New Girls’ Dormitory – Girl’s dorm.
6. Super New Boys’ Dormitory – Boy’s dorm.

43 | P a g e
7. Rajah Solaiman Hall – Boy’s dorm.
8. Rajah Dumduma Hall – Boy’s dorm.
9. Bolawan Hall (transient) - Boy’s dorm.
10. Torogan Hall (transient) - Boy’s dorm.
11. Accredited Boarding Houses and Private

Each room is assigned with four (4) to eight (8) students and
is provided with basic furnishing such as study tables, chairs, bed
with foam mattresses and lockers. Bath and comfort rooms are

I. Objectives

1. To ensure a sociocultural integration in all University

2. To ensure that scholars and other deserving students
are prioritized and are accordingly awarded bed spaces;
3. To come up with an updated master-list of student
residents in the Housing Management Division; and
4. To facilitate the admission of qualified students in all
University dormitories.

II. General Policies and Guidelines

A. Accommodation in all University dormitories shall be in
accordance with the following prioritization scheme:

First Priority: Scholars

1. Academic Scholars
2. State Scholars

Second Priority: Grants-in-Aid Recipients and

Members of Performing Cultural Groups

1. Special Muslim
2. Economic Development Grantees,
Cultural Community Grantees, PUP Passers
3. Band and Combo Scholars, Darangan Members,
Sining Kambayoka Members, Sining Pananadem
4. College Bound Program (CBP) Graduates

44 | P a g e
5. Student Welfare Assistance Program (SWAP)

Third Priority: Paying Students

1. Those who lost their scholarship

2. Those from far-flung provinces and cities
3. Those from nearby provinces and cities
4. Those from Marawi City and other parts
of Lanao del Sur

B. Accommodation in all University dormitories is a privilege,

hence selective. Moreover, contract for accommodation is
to be renewed on semestral basis.

1. All residents are to vacate their rooms every summer and

semestral break. If they intend to live in the dorm in the
following semester, they must apply for accommodation
three weeks before the last day of classes.
2. Freshmen students shall be equally distributed to all
3. Mini-restaurants inside dormitories are strictly prohibited.
4. No student-resident maybe allowed to stay in the
dormitories beyond a maximum of five- year period.

III. Requirements for Dormitory Admission:

a. Scholar/Grant-in-Aide Recipients/Members of
Performing Cultural Groups

1. Contract of Scholarship Agreement

2. Approved Certificate of Registration
(Requirements 1 and 2 are to be submitted only
after the student is enrolled. Non- compliance
should cause the dismissal of the student from
the dormitory)
3. Interview (for freshmen and conditional
old students only) by the Dormitory
Managers/HMD Director.

Note: Upon arrival in the campus, freshmen scholars and

other grantees are afforded temporary

45 | P a g e
accommodation at the dormitories by this office.

b. Paying Students
1. Approved Certificate of Registration
2. Payment of P350.00 lodging fee per
semester to be paid at the University Business
Office (UBO)
3.Interview (for freshmen and old conditional
students only)
4. A properly accomplished application form
for accommodation

IV. When to Apply

Scholars and other grantees (new and old) may apply for
dorm admission two (2) weeks before enrollment. Paying students
will only be entertained one week after the enrollment. The former is
thus encouraged to apply before enrollment to profit from the
prioritization given them. All students applying for dormitory shall go
directly to the Unit Manager of the different university-owned
dormitories and present the requirements for dormitory admission to
the Manager. If the applicant passes the interview, the Manager
issues an accommodation slip for payment of lodging fee to the
University Business Office (UBO) before the approval of the
application by the Director of the Housing Management Division.

V. Personal Conduct
The residents in the different university-owned dormitories
shall comply with the rules and regulations so as to maintain an
atmosphere contributory to the well-being of the other residents. Any
student who conducts himself to the prejudice of other residents may
be refused future accommodations in any of the dormitory. It is the
responsibility of each resident in both his/her personal conduct and
his/her attitude toward others, to contribute to an atmosphere
conducive to study. Radios, record players, CD players, tape
recorders and other musical instruments must be operated with
regard for the comfort of other residents and in observance of quiet
hours. Silence should observed on the following study hours in the
evening: 8:00 to 12:00. Lights in the room must be switched off after
12:00 midnight except during review and examination days.

46 | P a g e
When there is no one in the room, all lights should be turned
off. Violence against person or property is an offense, hence subject
to disciplinary action. Drinking liquor or any alcoholic drink is strictly
prohibited inside the residence halls or in the University premises;
creating disturbances while under the influence of alcoholic is an
unbecoming conduct which is ground for disciplinary action and
eventual dismissal from the dormitory. Smoking is prohibited in the
room except in the receiving halls. Gambling in all form is forbidden.
Two offenses of this nature should be a ground for expulsion.
Everyone should realize the dangers involved in possessing firearms
and fireworks where two or three hundred students live in close
proximity. Possession of firearms of any type is a ground for
expulsion from the hall and from the University. Possession or use of
long knives, pallet guns, firecrackers and other bladed weapons will
result in expulsion.

All visitors shall be entertained at the receiving hall of every

dormitory. Parents, friends and relatives may be allowed to visit
dormitory resident(s) provided the door of the room remained open
and such visit is made after prior approval of the Dormitory
Management. Ladies entertaining visitors must not be in their
bedroom attire. Wearing of “short shorts” is prohibited. Women are
not allowed to enter inside the men’s dormitory except during the
Open House or with Chaperon and with the permission of the

The following are the approved visiting hours, to with:

Men’s Dormitory Ladies’ Dormitory

8:00 – 11:00 AM 9:00 – 11:00 AM

3:00 – 7:00 PM 5:00 – 6:00 PM

In order to maintain cleanliness in dormitories and their

facilities, student residents are held responsible for their proper use.
Willful damage or improper use of any of the University facilities will
result in disciplinary action plus payment or replacement cost. Any
student resident caught in the possession of firearms and other
deadly weapons (as mentioned earlier), prohibited drugs (possession
or use), caught in habitual drunkenness (three times or more) and
found gambling twice should be immediately dismissed from the

47 | P a g e
dormitory and refused admission in any other University residence

These rules and regulations shall bind the resident effective

upon his/her admission to any of the MSU owned dormitories.
Violation or infraction of any of these rules and regulations is
punishable by either reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the
dormitories and suspension or expulsion from the University in
addition to reparation or replacement cost.

VI. Norms of Conduct Responsibility of Residents:

1. The resident should respect the peace and privacy
of his/her co-residents and observe proper
decorum. Silence shall be strictly observed from
9:00 PM to 5:00 AM.
2. The residents should cooperate with the residence hall
management in maintaining the cleanliness and
orderliness of the dormitory/hall. No resident shall be
allowed to cook inside their room.
3. The residents should use toilet and bathroom properly.
The ladies should dispose of their sanitary napkins
4. The resident shall be held liable for any damage done to
the facilities issued to them and the furnishing of the hall.
5. The possession of firearms, deadly weapons, gambling
device and pornographic materials is strictly prohibited in
the residence hall.
6. Any resident using an electric fan, radio or tape recorder
which may need electric power, should first secure a
permit from the Residence Head.
7. The resident should cooperate with the
Dormitory/Residence Hall Management in the adoption
of measures to prevent fire, accidents and theft. The
dormitory/hall does not assume responsibility of any loss
of personal items.
8. Radios, Phones and other musical instruments must be
tuned at such volume so as not to disturb or make the
other residents inconvenient.
9. Study and visiting hours shall be observed at all times.
Residents, must strictly observe curfew hours which
begin at 7:00 PM and ends at 5:00 AM.

48 | P a g e
10. The resident shall not be allowed to transfer from one
room to another except if permitted by the Residence
Head and duly approved by the Housing Division.
11. Keeping pets in the Residence Hall, hanging wet leaving
soiled foot wears and other wet materials in the hallway
are prohibited.
12. Loitering around, room neighboring, singing serenading,
shouting running along the stairs and hallways, and
other deliberate actions that attract attention or may
disturb other residents during night time or any
appointed hours are strictly prohibited.
13. No student is allowed to use paste in posting notices on
the bulletin board and walls.
14. No students shall be allowed to use his/her room or any
of the premises of dormitory for any commercial activity.
15. The resident is prohibited to introduce alteration and/or
renovation of the premises.
16. Dependent or unregistered person shall not be allowed
to stay with the legitimate resident. However, a transient
may be accommodated on a case-to-case basis upon
approval by the HMD Director.



1. Physician on 24-hour duty automatically becomes

the Senior House Officer and is responsible for all
clinical functions of the Unit.

- After 5:00 P.M., he/she acts as Administrative

Officer and represents the Medical Director in an
official capacity, then renders report to the Medical
Director the following morning.
- He/She is also responsible for all house-patients
(confined) and all admitted cases during his/her tour
of duty.
- All clinical records must be completed by the doctor
on duty before the round.

2. Nurses on duty (on shift) is responsible for all nursing

procedures and keeps and maintains all medical and

49 | P a g e
surgical instruments ready for use and turns-over the
same to incoming nurses before going off.
- He/she reports to the doctor on duty any unusual
happenings within his/her tour of duty.
- Responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of
their area.

3. X-Ray and Laboratory Units are to be ever ready for

any examinations as the need may arise. After 5:00
P.M., both the Technician and the Technologist are on

4. All staff in 24 hour duty must not leave the

University Infirmary premises except in the
performance of their official duties. House calls will
be answered by the OPD Physician and other staff not
on 24-hour duty.

5. Referrals to other hospitals are only made on

exceptional cases wherein the facilities of the services
are inadequate to cope with the situation with proper
consultation with the Medical director and /or the chief of

6. Pharmacy is opened 24-hours a day on three (3) shifts.

(7-3, 3-11, 11-7).

7. All staff on 24-hour duty must be in their respective

post for easy contact especially at night when all other
staff are already off.

8. No visitors are allowed after 8:00 P.M. The Security

Guard assigned to the Unit is directed to STRICTLY
impose this procedure.


1. Time of Consultation:

8:30 A. M. to 11:30 A.M.

1:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

50 | P a g e
-After Office hours, Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays- Emergency cases only.
- student consultation is free but no free

2. Confinement:

a. Students should bring their I.D.’s during consultation

and confinement.
b. One or two watchers are allowed with the same sex.
c. Tapes and radios are not allowed to avoid disturbance
to other patients.
d. Vandalism and absconding are strictly prohibited.
e. Discharging of patients after confinement should be
office hours.

3. Visiting Hours for Confined Patients:

9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.)

4. Issuance of Medical Certificates:

A. Sick Leave of Absences:

a.) Medical Certificates should be issued only to

those who consulted in the MSU-Medical
Services and Hospital. Medical Certificates
issued outside should be noted by the Medical
Director or the MOD- Medical Officer on Duty
depending upon the duration of the sick leave.
b.) One (1) to five (5) days sick leave should be
issued by the Medical Officer on duty.
c.) Sick leaves above six days should be issued
by the Medical Director.
d.) Those for exemption like adapted P.E. and
ROTC should be deliberated by the Medical
Committee and be approved by the Medical
Director depending upon the severity of the

B. Detail at the DAST Office for ROTC/ Adopted P.E.

51 | P a g e
Depending upon the severity or extent of the
incapacity or ailment of any student concerned,
anybody seeking Medical Certificate for detail at the
DAST Office, or wishing to take up adopted PE will
be scrutinized and subsequently recommended by
the Medical Committee composed of three (3)
physicians and one (1) dentist to be submitted to the
Medical Director for approval.

5. Students who have no Health Record Form could not avail of

the students’ privileges in this University.

6. Students with self inflicted injuries donot enjoy Medical

Privileges like taking drugs, attempting suicide; self inflicted
wounds, they will have to pay full charges.

7. Confined students could avail of free confinement (no room

fee) with free laboratory examinations if needed, only if
officially enrolled, OPD or outpatient students are not entitled to
free laboratory examination..

8. Students who are not officially enrolled- (those who did not
undergo medical examination upon enrolment and no health
record) cannot avail of free room fee and free laboratory
examinations if confined.

Forms/Documents Issued by the Medical Services &

Hospital to the University Students:

1. Medical certificate for Enrolment and P. E. subject

2. Medical certificate for Medico-Legal cases.
3. Medical certificate for Prenatal to be used as
support document for maternity leave.
4. Medical certificate for P.E. & ROTC Exemption.
5. Medical certificate for Confined students.
6. Medical certificate for outpatient cases for excuse
from classes.
7.Medical certificate for study leave, scholarship

52 | P a g e

Chapter 67 of the University Code

Art. 475. Conduct and Discipline. The following rules and

regulations on the conduct and discipline of students
are hereby promulgated:

Basis of Discipline: Student at all times should

observe the laws of the land and the rules and
regulations of the University.

Art. 476. Grounds for Discipline. No student shall be

suspended, expelled or dismissed except for cause
and after due process as provided by this Code.

The following shall be grounds for disciplinary action:

1. Cheating in any form in any examination or any act of

dishonesty in relation to his/her studies;
2. Carrying within the University premises any firearms, bladed,
dangerous or deadly weapon, provided that this shall not
apply to one who has permit from the Dean or Director of his
College to possess any of the above-mentioned weapons in
connection with his/her studies in addition to a permit from
competent authorities where the carrying of such weapon is
so required;
3. Bringing, selling, keeping or drinking any alcoholic beverage
within the campus of the University;
4. Hoarding, selling, or taking, administering or giving out any
regulated or prohibited drug without prior prescription by a
duly licensed physician;
5. Any violation of law connected with marijuana, opium,
morphine and other prohibited drugs;
6. Involvement in Illegal gambling;
7. Threatening another student with the imputation upon his
person, honor or property of any wrong amounting to a crime;
8. Violation of curfew hours duly prescribed by
Competent authorities;
9. Vandalism of textbooks, references or other reading

53 | P a g e
materials belonging to the University;

10. Destroying any property belonging to the

11. Indulging in any immoral act in and outside the campus of
the University;
12. Any student who shall, by means of force or
violence, assault or attack another student shall
suffer the penalty of expulsion or dismissal from the
13.The penalty of expulsion or dismissal from the University shall
be imposed upon any student who shall, by means of
violence, prevent another student from doing something not
prohibited by law or the Code of the University or compel him
to do something against his will, whether it be right or wrong;
14. Any student carrying any firearm within the University
premises, unless in connection with his ROTC training and is
duly authorized by competent authorities, shall suffer the
penalty of expulsion or dismissal. If the firearm shall have
been discharged or used to threaten another student, the
penalty to be imposed on the offender shall also be
expulsion or dismissal from the University without prejudice to
the filing of criminal charges;
15. The penalty of expulsion or dismissal shall likewise be
imposed upon any student of the University who shall commit
any of the acts defined and penalized in the preceding
paragraphs against a member of the faculty, administrative
staff or any of its employees.

The penalty that may be imposed for any violation of numbers

1 to 11 of this Articles shall range from suspension to
dismissal depending on the gravity of each particular case,
provided that in case where the offender has previously been
penalized for any offense defined in this Code, the STUDENT
DISCIPLINE BOARD may recommend for his expulsion
and/or dismissal.

No complaint against any student shall be given due course

unless the same is in writing and subscribed and sworn to by
the complainant. However, when initiated by the University
authorities it is enough that the complaint is in writing and
states insubstantial recital the facts of the alleged offense.

54 | P a g e
Art. 477. Procedure in filing Complaint and Answer
Involving Student discipline.

a. Any or all complaints should be filed and/or indorsed

Division of Student Affairs. The Student Discipline
Board shall be composed of the following:

1. Director, Legal Services Division …... Chairman

2. Director, Division of Student Affairs …… Co-Chair
3. President of the Faculty Association ……. Member
4. One Senior Employee from the Office of the
Vice President for Academic Affair ……… Member
5. Chief Security Officer …………. Member
6. University Registrar . . ………. Member
7. SSG President ….. …… Member

Provided that the Directors of Legal Services

Division and Division of Student Affairs as well as the
University Registrar may appoint any of their senior staff to
act in their place and stead.
Even before the actual constitution of the STUDENT
DISCIPLINE BOARD for any particular case, any complaint
filed or indorsed to the Board through the DSA shall be
proceeded within the following manner:

1. The Director of the DSA or his representative confers with

the Director of the Legal Services Division or the latter’s
representative to determine whether or not a prima facie
case exist. The respondent shall be notified in writing of the
charge against him, attaching to said notice copies of
complaint sworn statements and other documents submitted
and the respondent shall be allowed not less than seventy-
two hours to answer the charges in writing under oath. In the
notice, the respondent shall be informed that he is entitled
the assistance of a lawyer and he should indicate whether or
not he elects a formal investigation if his answer is not
considered satisfactory. If the answer is found satisfactory
the SDB shall recommend dismissal of the case.

2. While the notice to the respondent is being served, the

OVPAA and the Dean of the respondent shall be notified
for record purposes.

55 | P a g e
3. Even if a respondent does not request a formal
investigation, one shall nevertheless be conducted when
from the complaint and the answer including their supporting
documents the merits of the case cannot be decided
judiciously without conducting such an investigation.

Art. 478. Hearing. Hearing by the SDB shall begin not later than
one week after receipt of the respondent’s answer or after
expiration of the period within which the respondent should

Art. 479. Frequency and Duration of Hearing. In the interest of

speedy justice, the SDB shall hold a hearing at least once
a week until the case has been resolved. In case of failure
to adhere to these rules, written explanation in every case
shall be submitted by the Board Chairman to the University
President. No hearing on any case shall last beyond two
(2) calendar months.

Art. 480. Notice of Hearing. All parties concerned shall be notified

of the date set for hearing at least two (2) days before
such hearing. The respondent, may defend himself
personally or by counselor representative of his own
choice. If the complainant or the respondent should desire
but is unable to secure the services of a counsel, he
should manifest such fact to the SDB before the date set
for hearing and shall designate a counsel for him from
among members of the University constituents.

Art. 481. Failure to Appear at Hearing. Should either complainant

or respondent fail to appear for the initial hearing after due
notice and without sufficient cause the SDB shall note this
fact and thereafter proceed to hear the case exparte
without prejudice to the appearance of the absent party in
subsequent hearings.

Art. 482. Postponement. The SDB on the application of either the

complainant or the respondent or in its own motion, may at
its discretion and for good cause, postpone the hearing for
such period of time as the ends of justice and the rights of
the parties for speedy hearing require. As much as

56 | P a g e
possible, postponement should be limited to a maximum of
three (3) days.

Art. 483. Amicable Settlement. Amicable settlement made by and

between the parties (complaint and respondent) will not
prevent the University from proceeding with the case for
the purpose of instilling discipline among the studentry.

Art. 484. Comment and Recommendations. The complete

records of the case, with the report of findings thereon
and the recommendation signed by a majority of the
members of the committee shall be forwarded to the
OVAPAA within fifteen (15) days after the termination of
the hearing. The recommendation shall state the findings
of fact and the specifics on which it is based.

Art. 485. Action by OVPAA. The OVPAA shall submit within ten
(10) days after the receipt of the Board report, a
recommendation to the President of the University.

Art.486. Action by the President. The decision of the University

President shall be rendered within ten (10) days after
receipt of the recommendation of the OVPAA. All
decisions of suspensions not exceeding one year must be
confirmed by the Board of Regent; provided, that the
President cannot impose but only recommend cases of
expulsion and/ or dismissal to the Board of Regents. All
decisions not needing the confirmation of the Board may
be appealed to the Board within ten (10) days after the
respondent received the copy of the decision.

Art. 487. How an Appeal is Made. An appeal shall be made,

within ten (10) days after the respondent has received a
copy of the decisions, by filing to the President the notice
of appeal. The appeal shall not in any way stay the
decision appealed.

Art. 488. Action by the Board of Regents. If the Board deems the
appeal meritorious, especially in the cases of
recommendations for expulsion and/or dismissal, it shall
refer the pertinent records to a committee of its members
for review. Said committee shall submit a report thereon

57 | P a g e
with its recommendations at the next meeting of the
Art. 489. Motion for Reconsideration. If the respondent has filed
a petition for reconsideration with the President, and
such petition for reconsideration is denied by the
President, he may still file an appeal to the Board of
Regents, provided the same is submitted within ten (10)
days following notice of denial of the reconsideration.

Art. 490. Effect of Decision. In case final decision involving

suspension or dismissal is rendered within thirty (30)
days prior to any final examination, the penalty shall take
effect during the subsequent semester except when the
respondent is graduating in which case the penalty shall
immediately take effect.

Art. 491. Records. All proceedings before the SDB shall be put in
writing by a competent stenographer/typist. All original
records pertaining to student discipline shall be under
the custody of the Director of Student Affairs. Such
records are hereby declared confidential and no person
shall have access to the same for the inspection or
copying unless he/she is involved therein, or unless he
has legal right that cannot be protected or vindicated
without access or copying of such records. Any
University official or employee who shall violate the
confidential nature of such records shall be subject to
disciplinary action.

Art. 492. Sanctions. The penalty of expulsion or dismissal shall

carry with it the accessory penalty of withholding
graduation or permanent disqualification of the
respondent to continue studying in any unit of the
University. The penalty of suspension shall carry with the
accessory penalty of forfeiture of the privilege to enjoy
scholarships benefits, and dormitory and library facilities,
during the period of suspension. The gravity of the
offense committed and the circumstances attending its
commission shall determine the nature of disciplinary
action taken against the student and shall be reported to
his parents or guardians. Refusal to submit to the
jurisdiction of the University by any person not enrolled

58 | P a g e
at the time a charge against him is filed shall prejudice
his future enrollment in any unit of the University.
Art. 493. Summary Action. Any provision in these rules
notwithstanding a Dean or Director may upon the
recommendation of the SDB, immediately suspend for a
period not exceeding fifteen (15) days any student in
his/her unit for any breach of order or discipline. The order
of suspension shall state the ground, the circumstances
showing the responsibility of the student and the period of
suspension. Before the order or suspension is served on
the student copy thereof shall be furnished to the
President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the
Director of Student Affairs. The order suspension may be
appealed to the President. If the appeal of any suspension
made under this article is filed with the University
President, the latter may order the holding in abeyance of
the suspension. If no such order is made within two (2)
days after the appeal is filed, the suspension shall take

Art. 494. Definition. The following terms shall have their meanings
set forth for the purpose of these regulations:

a. “STUDENT” shall include any person enrolled in any

academic unit of the University on regular or part-time
basis at the time the charge or report involving him/her
is filed. Regardless of whether or not he/she enrolled
in any unit of the University during the pendency of the
disciplinary proceeding against him.
b. “LAWS OF THE LAND” shall refer to the general
statutes currently in force within the Republic of the
Philippines with particular reference to the Revised
Penal Code and Civil Code.
c. “BOARD” shall refer to the SDB unless explicitly stated
d. “OFFICIAL REPORT” shall include any report duly
submitted in writing to any proper authority in the
University by a faculty member, any member of the
University security force, any official of a college or
unit, or any official of the university administration.

59 | P a g e
Republic Act No. 11053



SECTION 1. A new section to be denominated as Section is hereby

inserted in Republic Act. No. 8049, to read as follows:

“SEC. 1. Short title. – This Act shall be known as the “Anti-

Hazing Act of 2018”.

SECTION 2. Section 1 of the same Act is hereby amended to read

as follows:

“SEC. 2.Definition of Terms. – As used in this Act:

“(a) Hazing refers SEC 2. (A) HAZING refers to any act that
results in physical or psychological suffering, harm, or injury inflicted
on a recruit, neophyte, applicant, or member as part of an initiation
rite or practice made as a pre-requisite for admission or a
requirement for continuing membership in a fraternity, sorority, or
organization including but not limited to, paddling, whipping, beating,
branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced
consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance,
or any other brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely
to adversely affect the physical and psychological health of such
recruit, neophyte, applicant, or member. This shall also include any
activity, intentionally made or otherwise, by one person alone or
acting with others, that tends to humiliate or embarrass, degrade,
abuse or endanger by requiring a recruit, neophyte, applicant, or
member to do mental, silly or foolish tasks.

60 | P a g e
“(b) Initiation or Initiation Rites – refer to ceremonies,
practices, rituals, or other acts, whether formal or informal, that a
person must perform or take part in order to be accepted into a
fraternity, sorority, or organization as a full-fledged member. It
includes ceremonies, practices, rituals, and other acts in all stages of
membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization.

“(c) Organization refers to an organized body of people

which includes, but not limited to, any club, association, group,
fraternity, and sorority. This term shall include the Armed Forces of
the Philippines (AFP), the Philippine National Police (PNP), the
Philippine Military Academy (PMA), the Philippine National Police
Academy (PNPA), and other similar uniformed service learning

“(d) Schools refer to colleges, universities, and all other

educational institutions.”

SECTION 3. A new section to be denominated as Section 3 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

SEC. 3. Prohibition on Hazing – All forms of hazing shall be

prohibited in fraternities, sororities, and organizations in schools,
including citizens’ military training and citizens’ army training. This
prohibition shall likewise apply to all other fraternities, sororities, and
organizations that are not school-based, such as community-based
and other fraternities, sororities, and organizations. Provided, that
the physical, mental, and psychological testing and training
procedures and practices to determine and enhance the physical,
mental, and psychological fitness of prospective regular members of
the AFP and the PNP as approved by the Secretary of National
Defense and the National Police Commission, duly recommended by
the Chief of Staff of the AFP and the Director General of the PNP,
shall not be considered as hazing for purposes of this Act. Provided,
further, That the exception provided herein shall likewise apply to
similar procedures and practices approved by the respective heads
of other uniformed learning institutions as to their prospective
members, nor shall this provision apply to any customary athletic
events or other similar contests or competitions or any activity or
conduct that furthers a legal and legitimate objective, subject to prior
submission of a medical clearance or certificate.

61 | P a g e
“In no case shall hazing be made a requirement for
employment in any business or corporation.”

SECTION 4. Section 2 of the same Act is hereby amended to read

as follows:
“Sec. 4. Regulation of School-Based Initiation Rites – Only initiation
rites or practices that do not constitute hazing shall be allowed:
Provided, That:

“(a) A written application to conduct initiation rites shall be

made to the proper authorities of the school not later than seven (7)
days prior to the scheduled initiation date;

“(b) The written application shall indicate the place and date
of the initiation rites and the names of the recruits, neophytes, or
applicants to be initiated and the manner by which they will conduct
the initiation rites;

“(c) Such written application shall further contain an

undertaking that no harm of any kind shall be committed by anybody
during the initiation rites;

“(d) The initiation rites shall not last more than three (3)
“(e) The application shall contain the names of the
incumbent officers of the fraternities, sororities, and organization and
any person or persons who will take charge in the conduct of
initiation rites;
“(f) The application shall be under oath with a declaration
that it has been posted in the official school bulletin board, the
bulletin board of the office of the fraternities, sororities, or
organization, and two (2) other conspicuous places in the school or
in the premises of the organization; and

“(g) The application shall be posted from the time of

submission of the written notice to the school authorities or head of
organization and shall only be removed from its posting three (3)
days after the conduct of the initiation rites.

“The school, fraternity, sorority, or organization shall provide

for their respective bulletin boards for purposes of this section.

62 | P a g e
“Guidelines for the approval or denial of the application to
conduct initiation rites by a registered fraternities, sororities, or
organization shall be promulgated by the appropriate school officials
not later than sixty (60) days after the approval of this Act. The
appropriate school authorities shall have the obligation to disapprove
the application to conduct initiation rites that do not conform with any
of the requirements of this section, and the reasons thereof shall be
stated clearly and in unequivocal terms in a formal advice to the
fraternities, sororities, or organization concerned, taking into
consideration the safety and security of participants in the activity.

“Schools officials shall have the authority to impose, after

due notice and summary hearing, disciplinary sanctions, in
accordance with the school’s guidelines and regulations on the
matter, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, reprimand,
suspension, exclusion, or expulsion, to the head and all other officers
of the fraternity, sorority, or organization which conducts an initiation
without first securing the necessary approval of the school as
required under this section. All members of the fraternity, sorority, or
organization, who participated in the unauthorized initiation rites,
even if no hazing was conducted, shall also be punished accordingly.

“In case the written application for the conduct of initiation

rites contains false or inaccurate information, appropriate disciplinary
sanctions in information, appropriate disciplinary sanctions in
accordance with the school’s guidelines and regulations on the
matter ranging from reprimand to expulsion shall be imposed, after
due notice and summary hearing, against the person who prepared
the application or supplied the false and inaccurate information and
to the head and other officers of the fraternity, sorority, or
organization concerned.

SECTION 5. Section 3 of the same Act is hereby amended to read

as follows:

“Sec. 5. Monitoring of Initiation Rites. - The head of the

school or an authorized representative must assign at least two (2)
representatives of the school to be present during the initiation. It is
the duty of the school representatives to see to it that no hazing is
conducted during the initiation rites, and to document the entire
proceedings. Thereafter, said representatives who were present
during the initiation rites to the appropriate officials of the school
regarding the conduct of the said initiation: Provided, That if hazing is

63 | P a g e
still committed despite their presence, no liability shall attach to them
unless it is proven that they failed to perform an overt act to prevent
or stop the commission thereof.”

SECTION 6. A new section to be denominated as Section 6 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“Sec. 6. Registration of Fraternities, Sororities, or Other

Organizations. – All existing fraternities, sororities, and other
organizations otherwise not created or organized by the school but
has existing members who are students or plans to recruit students
to be its members shall be required to register with the proper school
authorities before it conducts activities whether on or off-campus,
including recruitment of members.

“A newly established fraternities, sororities, or organization in

a school shall immediately register with the proper school authorities
during the semester or trimester in which it was established or
organized: Provided, That the new fraternities, sororities, or
organization has complied with the requirements prescribed by the
school in establishing a fraternities, sororities, or organization:
Provided, further, That schools shall promulgate their guidelines in
the registration of fraternities, sororities, and organizations within
their jurisdiction not later than sixty (60) days from the approval of
this Act.

“Upon registration, all fraternities, sororities, and

organizations shall submit a comprehensive list of members, which
shall be updated not later than thirty (30) days from the start of every
semester or trimester, depending on the academic calendar of the
“School officials shall have the authority to impose, after due
notice and summary hearings, disciplinary penalties in accordance
with the school’s guidelines and regulations on the matter including
suspension to the head and other officers of the fraternities,
sororities, or organization who fail to register or update their roster of
members as required under this section.

“Failure to comply with any of the requirements in this

section shall result in the cancellation of the registration of the
fraternity, sorority, or organization.”

64 | P a g e
SECTION 7. A new section to be denominated as Section 7 is
hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 7. Faculty Adviser – Schools shall require all

fraternities, sororities, and organizations, as a condition to the grant
of accreditation or registration, to submit the name or names of their
faculty adviser or advisers who must not be members of the
respective fraternity, sorority, or organization. The submission shall
also include a written acceptance or consent on the part of the
selected faculty adviser or advisers.

“The faculty adviser or advisers shall be responsible for

monitoring the activities of fraternities, sororities, or organization.
Each faculty adviser must be a duly recognized active member, in
good standing, of the faculty at the school in which the fraternities,
sororities, or organization is established or registered.

“In case of violation of any of the provisions of this Act, it is

presumed that the faculty adviser has knowledge and consented to
the commission of any of the unlawful acts stated therein.”

SECTION 8. A new section to be denominated as Section 8 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 8. Role of Educational Institutions. – The responsibility

of schools to exercise reasonable supervision in loco parentis over
the conduct of its students requires the diligence that prudent
parents would employ in the same circumstance when disciplining
and protecting their children. To this end, it shall be the duty of
schools to take more proactive steps to protect its students from the
dangers of participating in activities that involve hazing.

“Schools shall implement an information dissemination

campaign as the start of the semester or trimester to provide
adequate information to students and parents or guardians regarding
the consequences of conducting and participating in hazing.

“An orientation program relating to membership in a

fraternity, sorority, or organization shall also be conducted by
schools at the start of every semester or trimester.

65 | P a g e
Schools shall encourage fraternities, sororities, and
organizations to engage in undertakings that foster holistic personal
growth and development and activities that contribute to solving
relevant and pressing issues of society”

SECTION 9. A new section to be denominated as Section 9 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

` “SEC. 9. Registration of Community-Based and Other

Similar Fraternities, Sororities, or Organizations. – All new and
existing community-based fraternities, sororities, or organizations,
including their respective local chapters, shall register with the
barangay, municipality, or city wherein they are primarily based.

“Upon registration, all community-based fraternities,

sororities, or organizations, including their respective local chapters,
shall submit a comprehensive list of members and officers which
shall be updated yearly from the date of registration.”

SECTION 10. A new section to be denominated as Section 10 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 10. Regulation of initiation Rites for Community-Based

Fraternities, Sororities, or Organizations. – Only initiation rites or
practices that do not constitute hazing shall be allowed: Provided,

“(a) A written application to conduct the same shall be made

to the punong barangay in the barangay or the municipal or city
mayor in the municipality or city where the community-based
fraternity, sorority, or organization is based, not later than seven (7)
days prior to the scheduled initiation date;
“(b) The written application shall indicate the place and date
of the initiation rites and the names of the recruits, neophytes, or
applicants to be initiated;
“(c) Such written application shall further contain an
undertaking that no harm of any kind shall be committed by anybody
during the initiation rites;

“(d) A medical certificate of the recruit, neophyte, or

application must be attached to the application to ensure fitness to

66 | P a g e
undergo initiation when it involves physical activity not falling under
the definition of hazing as used in this Act;
“(e) The initiation rites shall not last more than three (3)
“(f) The application shall contain the names of the incumbent
officers of the community-based fraternity, sorority, or organization
and any person or persons who will take charge in the initiation rites;
“(g) The application shall be under oath with a declaration
that it has been posted on the official bulletin board of the barangay
hall or the municipal or city hall where the community-based
fraternity, sorority, or organization is based, and on the bulletin board
of the office of the community-based fraternity, sorority, or
organization; and
“(h) The application shall be posted from the time of
submission of the written notice to the punong barangay or municipal
or city mayor and shall only be removed from its posting three (3)
days after the conduct of the initiation rites.”

SECTION 11. A new section to be denominated as Section 11 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 11. Monitoring of Initiation Rite Of Community-Based and All

Similar Fraternities, Sororities, or Organizations. – The punong
barangay of the barangay or the municipal or city where the
community-based fraternity, sorority, or organization is based must
assign at least two (2) barangay or municipal or city officials to be
present during the initiation and to document the entire proceedings.
Thereafter, said representatives who were present during the
initiation shall make a report of the initiation rites to the punong
barangay, or the municipal or city mayor regarding the conduct of the
initiation: Provided, that if hazing is still committed despite their
presence, no liability shall attach to them unless it is proven that they
failed to perform an overt act to prevent or stop the commission

SECTION 12. A new section to be denominated as Section 12 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 12. Nullity of Waiver and Consent. – Any form of

approval, consent, or agreement, whether written or otherwise, or of
an express waiver of the right to object to the initiation rite or

67 | P a g e
proceeding which consists of hazing as defined in this Act, made by
a recruit, neophyte, or applicant prior to an initiation rite that involves
inflicting physical or psychological suffering, harm, or injury, shall be
void and without any binding effect on the parties.

“The defense that the recruit, neophyte, or applicant

consented to being subjected to hazing shall not be available to
persons prosecuted under this Act.”

SECTION 13. A new section to be denominated as Section 13 is

hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 13. Administrative Sanctions. – The responsible

officials of the school, the uniformed learning institutions, the AFP or
the PNP may impose the appropriate administrative sanctions, after
due notice and summary hearing, on the person or the persons
charged under this Act even before their conviction.”

SECTION 14. Section 4 of the same Act is hereby amended to read

as follows:

“SEC 14. Penalties. – The following penalties shall be


“(a) The penalty of reclusion perpetua and a fine of Three

million pesos (P3,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon those who
actually planned or participated in the hazing if, as a consequence of
the hazing, death, rape, sodomy, or mutilation results therefrom;
“(b) The penalty of reclusion perpetua and a fine of Two
million pesos (P2,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon:

“(1) All persons who actually planned or participated in the

conduct of hazing;
“(2) All officers of the fraternity, sorority, or organization who
are actually present during the hazing;
“(3) The adviser of a fraternity; sorority; or organization who
is present when the acts constituting the hazing were committed and
failed to take action to prevent the same from occurring or failed to
promptly report the same to the law enforcement authorities if such
adviser or advisers can do so without peril to their person or their

68 | P a g e
“(4) All former officers, non-resident members, or alumni of
the fraternity, sorority, or organization who are also present during
the hazing; Provided, That should the former officer, non-resident
member, or alumnus be a member of the Philippine Bar, such
member shall immediately be subjected to disciplinary proceedings
by the Supreme Court pursuant to its power to discipline members of
the Philippine Bar: Provided, further, That should the former officer,
non-resident member, or alumnus belong to any other profession
subject to regulation by the Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC), such professional shall immediately be subjected to
disciplinary proceedings by the concerned Professional Regulatory
Board, the imposable penalty for which shall include, but is not
limited to, suspension for a period of not less than three (3) years or
revocation of the professional license pursuant to this section may be
reinstated upon submission of affidavits from at least three (3)
disinterested persons, good moral certifications from different
unaffiliated and credible government, religious, and socio-civic
organizations, and such other relevant evidence to show that the
concerned professional has become morally fit for readmission into
the profession: Provided, That said readmission into the profession
shall be subject to the approval of the respective Professional
Regulatory Board;
“(5) Officers or members of a fraternity, sorority, or
organization who knowingly cooperated in carrying out the hazing by
inducing the victim to be present thereat; and
“(6) Members of the fraternity, sorority, or organization who
are present during the hazing when they are intoxicated or under the
influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
“(c) The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period
and a fine of One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) shall be imposed
upon all persons who are present in the conduct of the hazing;
“(d) The penalty of reclusion temporal and a fine of One
million pesos (P1,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon former officers,
non-resident members, or alumni of the fraternity, sorority, or
organization who, after the commission of any of the prohibited acts
proscribed herein will perform any act to hide, conceal, or otherwise
hamper or obstruct any investigation that will be conducted
thereafter: Provided, That should the former officer, non-resident
member, or alumnus be a member of the Philippine Bar, such
member shall immediately be subjected to disciplinary proceedings
by the Supreme Court pursuant to its power to discipline members of

69 | P a g e
the Philippine Bar: Provided, further, That should the former officer,
non-resident member, or alumnus belong to any other profession
subject to regulation by the Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC), such professional shall immediately be subjected to
disciplinary proceedings by the concerned Professional Regulatory
Board, the imposable penalty for which shall include, but is not
limited to, suspension for a period of not less than three (3) years or
revocation of the professional license pursuant to this section may be
reinstated upon submission of affidavits from at least three (3)
disinterested persons, good moral certifications from different
unaffiliated and credible government, religious, and socio-civic
organizations, and such other relevant evidence to show that the
concerned professional has become morally fit for readmission into
the profession: Provided, That said readmission into the profession
shall be subject to the approval of the respective Professional
Regulatory Board;
“(e) The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period
shall be imposed upon any person who shall intimidate, threaten,
force, or employ, or administer any form of vexation against another
person for the purpose of recruitment in joining or promoting a
particular fraternity, sorority, or organization. The persistent and
repeated proposal or invitation made to a person who had twice
refused to participate or join the proposed fraternity, sorority, or
organization, shall be prima facie evidence of vexation for purposes
of this section; and
“(f) A fine of One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) shall be
imposed on the school if the fraternity, sorority, or organization filed a
written application to conduct an initiation which was subsequently
approved by the school and hazing occurred during the initiation rites
or when no representatives from the school were present during the
initiation as provided under Section 5 of this Act: Provided, That if
hazing has been committed in circumvention of the provision of this
Act, it is incumbent upon school officials to investigate motu proprio
and take an active role to ascertain factual events and identify
witnesses in order to determine the disciplinary sanctions it may
impose, as well as provide assistance to police authorities.”
“The owner or lessee of the place where hazing is conducted
shall be liable as principal and penalized under paragraphs (a) or (b)
of this section, when such owner or lessee has actual knowledge of
the hazing conducted therein but failed to take any action to prevent
the same from occurring or failed to promptly report the same to the
law enforcement authorities if they can do so without peril to their

70 | P a g e
person or their family. If the hazing is held in the home of one of the
officers or members of the fraternity, sorority, or organization, the
parents shall be held liable as principals and penalized under
paragraphs (a) or (b) hereof when they have actual knowledge of the
hazing conducted therein but failed to take any action to prevent the
same from occurring or failed to promptly report the same to the law
enforcement authorities if such parents can do so without peril to
their person or their family.

“The school authorities including faculty members as well as

barangay, municipal, or city officials shall be liable as an accomplice
and likewise be held administratively accountable for hazing
conducted by fraternities, sororities, and other organizations, if it can
be shown that the school or barangay, municipal, or city officials
allowed or consented to the conduct of hazing or where there is
actual knowledge of hazing, but such officials failed to take any
action to prevent the same from occurring or failed to promptly report
to the law enforcement authorities if the same can be done without
peril to their person or their family.

“The presence of any person, even if such person is not a

member of the fraternity, sorority, or organization, during the hazing
is prima facie evidence of participation therein as a principal unless
such person or persons prevented the commission of the acts
punishable herein or promptly reported the same to the law
enforcement authorities if they can so without peril to their person or
their family.
“The incumbent officers of the fraternity, sorority, or the
organization concerned shall be jointly liable with those members
who are actually participated in the hazing.
“Any person charged under this Act shall not be entitled to
the mitigating circumstance that there was no intention to commit so
grave a wrong.
“This section shall apply to the president, manager, director,
or other responsible officer of businesses or corporations engaged in
hazing as a requirement for employment in the manner provided
“Any conviction by final judgment shall be reflected in the
scholastic record, personal, or employment record of the person
convicted, regardless of when the judgment of conviction has
become final.”

71 | P a g e
SECTION 15. A new section to be denominated as Section 15 is
hereby inserted in the same Act to read as follows:

“SEC. 15. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). – The

Commission on Higher Education (CHED), together with the
Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Justice (DOJ),
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG),
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), AFP, PNP,
and National Youth Commission (NYC), shall promulgate the IRR
within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this Act.”

SECTION 16. Separability Clause. – If any provision or part of this

Act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other parts or
provisions hereof shall remain valid and effective.

SECTION 17. Repealing Clause. – Republic Act No. 8049 and all
other laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, rules or
regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with or contrary to
the provisions of this Act are hereby amended or modified

SECTION 18. Effectivity Clause. – This Act shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two
(2) national newspapers of general circulation.



PIMENTEL III President of the Senate
Speaker of the House of Representative

This Act which is a consolidation of the Senate Bill No. 1662

and House Bill No. 6573 was passed by the Senate and the House
of Representatives on March 12, 2018 and March 13, 2018,


Secretary General House of Representative Secretary of
the Senate

72 | P a g e
Approved: JUNE 29, 2018


President of the Philippines


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress Assembled

SECTION 1. Title- This act shall be known and referred to

as the “Campus Journalism Act of 1991.”

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy- It is the declared policy

of the State to uphold and protect the freedom of the press even at
the campus level and promote the development and growth of
campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical values,
encouraging critical and creative thinking, and developing moral
character and personal discipline of the Filipino youth. In furtherance
of this policy, the State shall undertake various programs and
projects aimed at improving the journalistic skills of students
concerned and promoting responsible and free journalism.

SECTION 3. Definition of terms.

a) School- An institution of learning in the elementary, secondary

or tertiary level comprised of the studentry, administration,
faculty and non-faculty personnel.

b) Student Publication- The issue of any printed materials that is

independently published by, and which meets the needs and
interests of the studentry.

c) Student Journalist- Any bona fide student enrolled for the

current semester or term who has passed or met the qualification
and standards of the editorial board. He/She must likewise
maintain a satisfactory academic standing.

73 | P a g e
d) Editorial Board- In the tertiary level, the editorial board shall be
composed of student journalists who have qualified in placement
examinations. In the case of elementary and high school levels,
the board shall be composed of a duly appointed faculty adviser,
the editor who qualified and a representative of the parents-
teachers’ Association, who will determine the editorial policies to
be implemented by the editor and staff members of the student
publication concerned.

e) Editorial Policies- A set of guidelines by which a student

publication is operated and managed, taking into account
pertinent laws as well as school administration’s policies. Said
guidelines shall determine the frequency of publication, the
manner of selecting articles and features and other similar

SECTION 4. Student Publication- The student body through an

editorial board and publication staff composed of students selected
by fair and competitive examinations.

Once the publication is established, its editorial board shall

freely determine its editorial policies and manage the publication’s

SECTION 5. Funding of Student Publication – Funding for the

student publication may include the savings of the respective
school’s appropriations, student subscriptions, donations, and other
sources of funds.

In no instance shall the Department of Education, Culture

and Sports or the school administration concerned withhold the
release of funds sourced from the savings of the appropriations of
the respective schools and other sources intended for student
Subscription fees collected by the school administration shall be
released automatically to the student publication concerned

SECTION 6. Publication Adviser- The publication adviser shall be

selected by the school administration from a list of recommended
submitted by the publication staff. The function of the adviser shall
be limited to one of technical guidance.

74 | P a g e
SECTION 7. Security of Tenure- A member of the publication staff
must maintain his or her status as student in order to retain
membership in the publication staff. A student shall not be
expelled/suspended solely on the basis of articles he or she has
written, or on the basis of the performance of his or her duties in the
student publication.

SECTION 8. Press conference and Training Seminars- The

Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall sponsor periodic
competitions, press conferences and training seminars in which
student-editors/writers and teacher advisers of student publication in
the elementary, secondary and tertiary levels shall be held at the
institutional, divisional and regional levels, culminating with the
holding of the annual elementary, secondary or tertiary School Press
Conferences in the places of historical and/or cultural interest in the

SECTION 9. Rules and Regulations- The Department of Education,

Culture and sports in coordination with the officers of the national
elementary, secondary tertiary organizations or official advisers of
student publications, together with the student journalist at the
tertiary level and existing organizations of student journalists, shall
promulgate the rules and regulations necessary for the effective
implementation of this Act.

SECTION 10. Tax Exemption- Pursuant to paragraph 4, section 4,

Article XIV of the Constitution, all grants, endowments, donations or
contributions used actually directly and exclusively for the promotion
of campus journalism as provided for in this Act shall be exempt from
donor’s or gift tax.

SECTION 11. Appropriations- For the initial year of implementation,

the sum of Five million pesos (5,000,000.00) is hereby authorized to
be charged against the savings from the current appropriations of the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports. Thereafter, such
amount as may be necessary shall be included in the General
Appropriations Act.

SECTION 12. Effectivity- This act shall take effect after fifteen (15)
days following the completion of its publication in the Official Gazette
or in at least two (2) newspapers of general publication.

75 | P a g e

SECTION 1. Title- This act shall be known as the “Anti-

Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”
SECTION 2. Declaration Policy- The State shall value the dignity of
every individual, enhance development of its human resources,
guarantee full respect for human rights, and uphold the dignity of
workers, employees, applicant for employment students or those
undergoing training, instruction or education. Toward this end. All
forms of sexual harassment in the employment, education, or
training environment are hereby declared unlawful.

SECTION 3. Work, Education or Training-related Sexual

Harassment Defined- Work, education or training related to sexual
harassment is committed by an employment; employee, manager,
supervisor, agent of employer, teacher instructor, professor, coach,
trainor, or any person who, having authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another in a work or training or education
environment, demands, request or otherwise requires any sexual
favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand , request or
requirement for submission is accepted by the object of said Act.

a) In a work-related or employment environment sexual

harassment committed when:

1. The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the

employment, re-employment or continued employment of
said individual, or in granting said individual favorable
compensation, terms, conditions, promotion or privileges, or
refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting,
segregating or classifying the employee which in any way

76 | P a g e
would discriminate, deprive or diminish employment
opportunities otherwise adversely affect said employee.
2. The above Acts would impair the employee’s rights or
privileges under existing labor laws; or
3. The above Acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive environment for the employee.

b) In education or training environment, sexual harassment

is committed.

1. Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of

the offender;
2. Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or
tutorship is entrusted to the offender;
3. When the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a
passing grade, or the granting of honors and scholarships, or
the payment of a stipend, allowance or other benefits,
privileges, or consideration; or
4. When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile
or offensive environment for the student, trainee or

Any person who directs or induces another to commit any Act of

sexual harassment as herein defined, or who cooperates in the
commission thereof by another without which it would not had been
committed, shall be also held in liable under this Act.

SECTION 4. Duty of the Employer of Office in a Work-related,

Education or Training Environment – It shall be the duty of the
employer or the head of the work-related educational or training
environment or institution, to prevent or deter the commission of acts
of sexual harassment and to provide the procedures for the
resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment.
Toward this end, the employer or head of the office shall:

a) Promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in

consultation with and jointly approved by the employees
or students or trainees, through their duly designated
representatives, prescribing the procedure for the
investigation of sexual harassment cases and
administrative sanctions thereof. Administrative
sanctions shall not be a bar to prosecution in the proper
courts for unlawful acts of sexual harassment.

77 | P a g e
The said rules and regulations issued pursuant to this sub-
section (a) shall include, among the others, guidelines on proper
decorum in the workplace and educational or training institutions. (b)
Create a committee on decorum and investigation of cases on
sexual harassment. The committee shall conduct meetings, as the
case may be, with officers and employees, teachers, instructors,
professors, coaches, trainers and students or trainees to increase
understanding and prevent incidents of sexual harassment. It shall
also conduct the investigation of alleged cases constituting sexual

In the case of work-related environment, the committee shall

be composed of at least one (1) representative each from the
management, the union, if any the employees from the supervisory
rank, and from the rank and employees.

In the case of the educational training institutions, the

committee shall be composed of at least one (1) representative from
the administration, the trainers, teachers, instructors, professors or
coaches and students or trainees, as the case may be.

The employer or the head of office, educational or training

institution shall disseminate or post a copy of this Act for the
information of all concerned.

SECTION 5. Liability of the Employer, Head of Office,

Educational or training institution – The employer or head of
office, educational or training institution shall be solely liable for the
damages arising from the acts of sexual harassment committed in
the employment, education or training environment if the employer or
the head of office, educational or training institution is informed of
such acts by the offended and no immediate action is taken thereon.
SECTION 6. Independent Action for Damages – Nothing in this
Act shall preclude the victim of work, education or training-related
sexual harassment from instituting a separate and independent
action for damages and other affirmative relief.

SECTION 7. Penalties. Any person who violates the provision of this

Act shall upon conviction, be penalized by imprisonment of not less
than one (1) month nor more than six months, or a fine of not less
than Ten thousand pesos (10,000.00), nor more than Twenty

78 | P a g e
thousand pesos (20,000.00), or both such fine and imprisonment at
the discretion of the court.

Any action arising from the violation of the provisions of this

Act shall prescribe in three (3) years.

SECTION 8. Separability Clause. If any portion on provision of this

Act is declared void or unconstitutional, the remaining portions or
provisions hereof or provisions hereof shall not be affected by such

SECTION 9. Repealing Clause. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and

regulations, other issuances or parts thereof inconsistent

with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified


SECTION 10. Effectivity Clause – This Act shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after this complete publication in at least two (2) national
newspapers of the general circulations.

This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 9425 and

Senate Bill No. 1632 was finally passed by the House of
Representatives and the Senate on February 8, 1995.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
in Congress Assembled

SECTION 1. Short Title – This Act shall be known as the “National

Service TRAINING Program (NSTP) Act of 2001.”

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy – It is hereby affirmed the prime

duty of the government to serve and protect its citizens. In turn, it
shall be the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security of the

79 | P a g e
State and in fulfillment thereof, the government may require its
citizens to render personal, military and civil service.

Recognizing the youth’s vital role in nation-building, the state

shall promote civic consciousness among the youth and shall
develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-
being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism, nationalism, and
advance their involvement in public and civic affairs.

In pursuit of these goals, the youth, the most valuable

resources of the nation, shall be motivated, trained, organized and
mobilized in military training, literacy, civic welfare and other similar
endeavors in the service of the nation.

SECTION 3. Definitions of terms- For the purpose of this Act, the

following are hereby defined as follows:

(a) “National Service Training program (NSTP)” is a program

aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense
preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of
service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its
three (3) program components. Its various components are
specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution
to the general welfare.

(b) “Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)” is a preparation

institutionalized under Section 38 and 39 of the Republic Act
No. 7077 designed to provide military training to tertiary level
students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize
them for national defense preparedness.

(c) “Literary Training Service” is a program designed to train

students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills
to school children, out of school youth, and other segments
of society in need of their service.

(d) “Civic Welfare Training Service” refers to programs or

activities contributory to the general welfare and the
betterment of life for the members of the community or the
enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to
improving health education, environment, entrepreneurship,
safety recreation and morals to the citizenry.

80 | P a g e
(e) “Program Component” shall refer to the service
components of the NSTP as enumerated in Section 4 of this

SECTION 4. Establishment of the National Service Training

Program. There is hereby established a National Service Training
Program (NSTP), which shall form part of the curricula of all
baccalaureate degree courses and of at least two (2)- year technical-
vocational courses and is a requisite for graduation, consisting of the
following service components:

(1) The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), which is

hereby made optional and voluntary upon the effectivity
of this Act;
(2) The Literacy Training Services; and
(3) The Civic Welfare Training Service

The ROTC under the NSTP shall instill patriotism,

respect for rights of civilians, and adherence to the Constitution,
among others. Citizenship training shall be given emphasis in all
three (3) program components.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in
consultation with the Department of National Defense (DND),
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC),
Coordinating Council of Private Educational Association of the
Philippines (COCOPEA) and other concerned government agencies,
may design and implement such program components as may be
necessary in consonance with the provisions of this Act.

SECTION 5. Coverage- Students, male and female, of any

baccalaureate degree course or at least two (2)-year technical-
vocational courses in public and private educational institutions shall
be required to complete one (1) of the NSTP components as
requisite for graduation.

SECTION 6. Duration and Equivalent Course Unit- Each of the

aforementioned NSTP program components shall be undertaken for
an academic period of two (2) semesters.

81 | P a g e
SECTION 7. NSTP Offering in Higher and Technical- Vocational
Educational institutions- All higher and technical-vocational
institutions, public and private, must offer at least one of the program
components: Provided, that the State Universities and Colleges offer
ROTC component and at least one other component as provided
herein; provided, further, that private higher and technical-vocational
education institutions may also offer ROTC if they have at least three
hundred and fifty (350) cadet students.

service and geographical considerations, Schools that do not

meet the required numbers of students to maintain the optional
ROTC and any of the NSTP components shall allow their students to
cross-enroll to other schools irrespective of whether or not the NSTP
components in said schools are administered by the same or another
branch of service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP),
CHED and TESDA to which schools are identified.

SECTION 8. Fees and Incentives- Higher and technical-vocational

institutions shall not collect any fee for any of the NSTP components
except basic tuition fees which shall not be more than fifty percent
(50%) of what is currently charged by schools per unit.

In the case of the ROTC, the DND shall formulate and adopt
a program of assistance and/or incentives to those who will take the
said component.

SECTION 9. Scholarship- There is hereby created special

Scholarship Program for qualified students taking the NSTP which
shall be administered by the CHED TESDA. Funds for this purpose
shall be included in the annual regular appropriations of the CHED
and TESDA.

SECTION 10. Management of the NSTP Components- The school

authorities shall exercise academic and administrative supervision
over the design, formulation, adoption and implementation of the
different NSTP components in their respective schools: Provided,
that in case CHED or TESDA accredited non-government
organization (NGO) has been contracted to formulate and administer
a training module for any NSTP components, such academic and
administrative supervision shall be exercised jointly with the
accredited NGO. Provided, further, that such training modules shall
be accredited by CHED and TESDA.

82 | P a g e
The CHED and TESDA regional offices shall oversee and
monitor the implementation of the NSTP under their jurisdiction to
determine if the training is being conducted in consonance with the
objectives of this Act. Periodic reports shall be submitted to the
CHED, TESDA and DND in this regard.

SECTION 11. Creation of the National Service Reserve Corps-

There is hereby created a National Service Reserve Corps, to be
composed of the graduates, non-ROTC components. Members of
this Corps may be tapped by the Senate for literacy and civic welfare
activities through the joint effort of the DND, CHED and TESDA.

Graduate of the ROTC shall form part of the Citizens Armed

Force, pursuant to Republic Act No. 7077

SECTION 12. Implementing Rules- The DND, CHED and TESDA

shall have the joint responsibility for the adoption of the implementing
rules of this Act within sixty (60) days from the approval of this Act.

These three (3) shall consult with the other concerned

government agencies, the PASUC and COCOPEA, NGOs and
recognized student organizations in drafting the implementing rules.
The implementing rules shall include the guidelines for the
adoption of the appropriate curriculum for each of the NSTP
components as well as for the accreditation of the same.

SECTION 13. Transitory Provisions- Students who have yet to

complete the Basic ROTC, except those falling under Section 14 of
this Act, may either continue in the program component they are
currently enrolled or shift to any of the other program components of
their choice: Provided, that in case he shifts to another program
components, the Basic ROTC courses he/she has completed shall
be counted for the purpose of completing the NSTP requirement;
Provided, further, that once he has shifted to another program
component, he shall complete the NSTP in that component.

SECTION 14. Suspension of ROTC Requirement- The completion

of ROTC training as a requisite for graduation is hereby set aside for
those students who despite completing all their academic units as of
the effectivity of this Act have not been allowed to graduate.

83 | P a g e
SECTION 15. Separability Clause- If any section or provision of this
Act shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or
provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.

SECTION 16. Amendatory Clause- Section 35 of Commonwealth

Act No. 1, Executive Order No. 207 of 1939, Section 2 and 3 of
Presidential Decree No. 1706, and Section 38 and 39 of Republic
Act No. 7077, as well as all laws, decrees, orders, rules and
regulations and other issuance inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act hereby deemed amended and modified accordingly.

SECTION 17. Effectivity- This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days
after its publication in two (2) newspapers of national circulation, but
implementation of this Act shall commence in the school year of



WHEREAS, it is in interest of the State and Society that the

college and university education, in both public and private
institutions, provide facilities therein for academic development as
condition for intelligent social participation; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the attainment of this

objective, that rapport be promoted between school authorities and
students by establishing student rights and defining student


of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do
hereby promulgate the following Manual or Student Rights and

SECTION 1. Student rights- Every student enrolled in post-

secondary course in college or university authorized or recognized
by the government shall, among other things, enjoy the following

84 | P a g e
a) The right to organize a free student government that can
administer, legislate and adjudicate within its approved
constitutional jurisdiction;
b) The right to be represented on all policy-determining bodies of
the educational institution, through the duly authorized student
government representative, whenever policies relating to
curriculum student discipline, and the use or collection of
student fees, funds, and contributions are considered for
adoption or amendment. This right shall be exercised by
participation in the discussion and by voting subject to the
provisions of the law; and

c) The right to establish and issue within the bounds of law, good
morals and school regulations and objectives, regular
student-controlled publications free from censorship, or any
pressure aimed at controlling editorial policy or staff
appointments; Provided, That the publication expense shall
be paid out from student funds.

SECTION 2. Student Responsibilities- Every student enrolled in a

post-secondary course in a college or university authorized or
recognized by the government shall among other things, bear the
following responsibilities;

a) The responsibility to fulfill the duties imposed upon him/her by

his/her duly constituted student government or other legally
constituted student officers or organizations to which he/she
has voluntarily affiliated;

b) The responsibility to recognize and comply with the policies and

regulations concerning school duties, campus activities and
discipline within the school;
c) The responsibility, in his/her publications, to abide by laws of
the land, school regulations and the ethics of journalism.

SECTION 3. Implementing Rules and Regulations- The Secretary

of Education shall issue the appropriate rules and regulations
including such sanctions as maybe necessary to implement the
provisions of this order.

85 | P a g e
SECTION 4. This Order shall take effect immediately- Executive
Order No. 170 dated February 19, 1969, is hereby revoked.

Done in the City of Manila, this fifth day of

December in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Nine.


President of the Philippines


Stores, shops, parlors, barbershops, pharmacies, eateries

and boarding houses are situated on campus. The commercial
center located near the MSU Gymnasium has establishments that
can sufficiently provide for the needs of MSU constituents like
household goods, groceries, school supplies, shoe repair shops,
photo shops, rush ID shops, mosques, chapels, billiard halls, movie
houses, bakeshop, bakeries, fitness gyms, videoke halls, photo copy
services, Wi-Fi, bookbinding, lamination and other commodities.


1. PNB
2. Landbank
3. Amana Islamic Bank

1. Ayala Resort Hotel

2. MSU Hostel
3. Ele Transient

1. CIT Internet Services

2. Other private Internet Café - Commercial Center, etc.

1. Oval for various activities like jogging, hataw

2. Grandstand
3. University Gymnasium

86 | P a g e

1. Globe Telecommunication
2. Smart Tawag Center
3. M/Lhuillier (Pera Padala & Pawn Shop)
4. Palawan Express


Public Utility Jeepney/ Van

MSU - Down Town Vice Versa
MSU Main Campus – Iligan City Vice Versa


PKF – 0915 054 1312

0926 194 3191
0910 807 2019

SSG - 0909 965 8827

DSA – 0906-127-9503

87 | P a g e
REGENTS President, MSU Alumni Association
HON. J. PROSPERO E. DE VERA III President, MSU Faculty Federation
Chairperson, Commission on Higher
President, Federation of MSU System
Student Councils
President, Mindanao State University System
Vice Chairperson


Chairperson, Senate Committee on
Education, Arts and Culture HON. SANCHEZ A. ALI
Chairperson, House Committee on Higher USMAN D. ARAGASI, MPA, LLB
Education Secretary of the University and of the Board
of Regents
Secretary, Department of Budget and
Director-General, National Economic HABIB W. MACAAYONG, DPA
Development Authority President


Chairperson, Committee on Education, Executive Vice President
Culture and Sports, RLA (ARMM)
HON. SUKARNO D. TANGGOL Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chancellor, MSU-Iligan Institute of
Vice President for Administration and
Chancellor, MSU-Tawi-Tawi College of
Technology and Oceanography RASID M. PACA, CGM, LLB, MSA
Vice President for Planning and
Chancellor, MSU General Santos
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs

88 | P a g e
Head/Superintendent (on Concurrent
GLEN A. LORENZO, Ph.D. Capacity) MSU-Maigo School of Arts and
Assistant Vice President for Administration Trade (MSAT), Maigo, Lanao del Norte
and Finance
SAERAH B. MACABAGO, Ph.D. Head/Superintendent, MSU-Lanao del Norte
Assistant Vice President for Planning and Agriculture College (LNAC)
Development Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte


Secretary of the University and of the Board
System Budget Director MACABANGKIT P. ATI, DPA
Executive Vice President


Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for Administration and
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
Vice President for Planning and
MSU-Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and
Oceanography, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi SAMUEL E. ANONAS, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
MSU-General Santos GLEN A. LORENZO, Ph.D.
General Santos City Assistant Vice President for Administration
and Finance


Naawan, Misamis Oriental SAERAH B. MACABAGO, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Planning and
BAI SORAYA Q. SINSUAT, Ph.D. Development
Datu Idin Sinsuat, Maguindanao ATTY. SAADUDDIN M. ALAUYA, JR., CPA
Vice Chancellor for Administration and
Vice Chancellor for Academic affairs
Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension


Secretary of the University and of the Board
OIC Head/Superintendent
MSU-Lnao National College of Arts and Trade HEDJIARA M. DISOMANGCOP, Ph.D.
(LNCAT), Marawi City Asst. Secretary of the University and of the
Board of Regents

89 | P a g e
Vice Chancellor for Academic affairs Dean, College of Sports, Physical Education
and Recreation
Assistant Vice Chancellor for BARTOLOME L. CAGAS, Ph.D.
External Units Dean, Institute of Science Education and
Director, Regional Science Training Center
Dean, Graduate School PROF. SAMBITORY A. BAZAR
Director, Division of Engineering Technology
Acting Dean, College of Law MELBA MAGANDIA ANGNI, LPT, MST
Director, Senior High School
Director, MSU University Training Center
OIC Dean, College of Agriculture EBRESAMEN NURHAYA W. DIPATUAN
Assistant Dean, MSU Integrated Laboratory
Dean, College of Business Administration
and Accountancy
Dean, College of Education
PROF. RODRIGO S. BAID University Registrar
Dean, College of Engineering
EVELYN C. MOLDEZ, MSc, RFT Director, Office of Admission
Dean, College of Fisheries
PROF. DANILO C. MERO Director, Shariah Center
Dean, College of Forestry and Environmental


Dean, College of Health and Sciences Director, University Library


Dean, College of Hotel and Restaurant Ph.D/CSEE
Management Director, Division of Student Affairs


Dean, College of Information Technology Director, University Medical Services and
Dean, King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic PROF. RICHARD S. CELESTE, MBM, REB
and Asian Studies Acting Director, Office of Information, Press
and Publication
Dean, College of Natural Sciences and ACRAM D. LATIPH, Ph.D.
Mathematics Executive Director, Institute for Peace and
Development in Mindanao
Dean, College of Public Affairs ATTY. NORMA A. MARUHOM
Executive Director, Center for Women
Dean, College of Social Sciences and

90 | P a g e
Director, Agakhan Museum & Natural ALIAH P. CALI-PASCAN, MPA, LLB
Science Museum Director, Presidential Management Staff

Director, Audio-Visual Center RASID B. SALIC, LLB, Sh.L., MPA
Director, Office of Administrative Services
Manager, University Book Center AMER D. PANGANDAMAN, MPA
Director, Human Resources Development
Director, Cultural Affairs office
PROF. NORKAYA S. MOHAMAD Director, Legal Services Division
Acting Director, Center for Local Governance
1LT. LAKIBUDDIN H. ISARAIL, (INF) PA Director, Campus/System Budget Office
Commandant, ROTC Unit
PROF. SAMBITORY A. BAZAR Chief, University Business Office
OIC Director, National Service Training
University Chief Accountant
Finance Director
University Chief Cashier
Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension ENGR. AGAY M. MANGONDAYA
Director, Physical Plant Division
Director, Mamitua Saber Research & ENGR. SABDULLAH D. MACARAMBON,
Technology Center (MSRTC) MPAOIC Director, Motor Pool and Water
System Division


Director, Supply and Property Management
Director, University Extension Services ZENAIDA B. OMAR
Center (UESC) Director, Property Division


Director, Regional Adaptive Technology Director, Office of Alumni Relations
Center (RATC)
ACSARA A GUMAL, Ph.D. Director, Housing Management Division
Director, FFI-MSU Ceramics Development
OIC Director, Institutional Research and
Evaluation Office
Director, Community Relations Office
Vice Chancellor for Administration and ABDULGANI M. DOMADO, Ph.D.
Finance Director, Auxiliary Services Division


Assistant Vice Chancellor for Administration Manager, Food Service Division
and Finance

91 | P a g e
State Auditor IV, Audit Team Leader Director, Security Services Department/ Fire
Chief, Campus Budget Office FAISAH CADER-SANGCOPAN
Manager, University Hostel and VIP Lounge
Director, MSU-Manila Information Office ENGR. PRECIOSA A. DIMAPORO, CESE
University Engineer
Chief, Communications Division FAISAL P. MANGANDOG
Chief Office of Internal Fiscal Review

92 | P a g e
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Lyrics: Prof. Angelito G. Flores, Sr.

Music: Lucio San Pedro

Silahis ang katulad mong

Nagsabog ng Liwanag
Ng pag-asa’t hangarin
At pag-unlad.
Ang pook ng Mindanao
Tinanglawa’t pinalad
Nang ikaw’y isilang
Na dakila ang hangad.
Ating ipagkapuri
Itong pamantasan
Ang buhay at pag-ibig
Sa kanya’y iaalay.
Saan man naroroon ay
Bigyang karangalan,
Dakilang paaralan
Pamantasang Mindanao

94 | P a g e
95 | P a g e

Chairperson: Vice President Alma E. Beruwa, Ph.D.

Co-Chairpersons: Engr. Labimombao A. D. Macabando, Ph.D., CSEE
Vice Chairperson Dr. Catherine G. Alicante
Alsi G. Iggo
Members: Farida D. Alango
Noel D. Rabuyo
Jalaluddin M. Alonto
Mohammad Saleh N. Usman
Aida W. Teburon
Raijana T. Esmail
Aleesha L. Tampi
Sittie Hakima C. Sani
Mo-amar S. Ampa
Sittie Mahida L. Amer
Alinor T. Menor
Sheradoddin L. Bantuas
AbdulJabbar C. Maulana
Lay-out Artist: Noli D. Maaghop
Consultant: Sec. Usman D. Aragasi
Consultant Editor: Dr. Eugene S. Torres, Jr.

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