TFN-Theoretical Foundation in Nursing Reflection Paper: The Core Care Values of A Beginning HOLYNAMIAN Servant Leader Student Nurse
TFN-Theoretical Foundation in Nursing Reflection Paper: The Core Care Values of A Beginning HOLYNAMIAN Servant Leader Student Nurse
TFN-Theoretical Foundation in Nursing Reflection Paper: The Core Care Values of A Beginning HOLYNAMIAN Servant Leader Student Nurse
Although there will always be endless and countless challenges, I will undoubtedly
overcome it through my values that I have gained from my past experiences. Throughout
my life, I met people who did not have second thoughts of helping me, and I would not be
where I am now without their help and support. I believe that everyone will need help at
some point in life, and it always feels good to give back, not just to the people who helped
me, but also when being involved in the community as I know that I am making a
difference. In fact, they infer from my values that “seeking new opportunities to develop
and grow helps me find a deep sense of meaning and progress in life”, and I “enjoy
having the chance to improve my skills and experiences”.
The outbreak of Coronavirus disease in 2019 has led to a global health crisis that
is having a profound effect on how we live in our world and our daily lives. The rate of
infection and transmission patterns but the sense of responsibility to have safety
measures against the spread of the virus. As a student, I would be at school on
weekdays expanding my mind, but because of what is happening right now, instead we
are given work online. Having online class is not for everyone because not everyone
has the resources to learn or maybe we learn better in a classroom setting.
When I was in Highschool, I always dreamed about being a nurse and I have
never been prouder than I am today about being a nurse student. Yes, I am afraid of the
patients who I don’t know have COVID-19. I am sad when despite what we do for
everyone in our society, some are stubborn. I wonder how much longer this situation will
continue. I believe nursing are resilient as a result of caring regarding individuals is at the
core of who we tend to and what we do, and we wouldn’t have it the other approach.
It's easy to become absorbed in a patient's situation or feel strongly about the
best way to proceed with diagnosis or procedures. Be open to advice, and even
confrontation, and stay open minded to other ways of doing things. Being a leader
doesn't require a leadership role. As a nurse with patients and families looking to you for
updates and guidance, you’ll need to be self- and situationally aware, being able to
observe, think critically, and make the right decision and keep our Faith in the Almighty
God so that a vaccine proposed by professionals will be successful and can now be
Being committed to succeeding in our nursing career requires constant learning,
practice, and reflection for continuous improvement. Being confident and assured that
what I have learned in school has made myself ready. It's about being optimistic,
independent, and assertive, with enthusiasm for what we do and an emotional maturity
that helps us do our job at a higher level. As a nurse, it's our responsibility to advocate
for the patients you assist.