Statement of Purpose For Undergraduate Nursing Science

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Statement of Purpose for Undergraduate Nursing Science

I am beyond ecstatic to be applying for the nursing program at your college,This will be the
perfect opportunity for me to chase my ambition to be of help in the society, since I have had a
specific endearment to giving care and helping people in need from a rather very young age.

Personally, I have always known that I have a desire to have an impact on people's lives,
Initially I felt that being a pharmacist or even a doctor was what I needed to satisfy my desire to
be impactful to the society,but I then realized that I wanted to connect on a deeper level to
others around me,after perusing and researching various other medical fields, I have come to
the conclusion that nursing is the most befitting,Largely due to the intimate relationship with
people in need of help that this field of study presents and also because it builds a strong
connection between people.

I was introduced to a certain level of care-giving at a very young age, earlier in my life when
both my parents still had full-time jobs, being the second of then four children meant I had to
offer care and help to my siblings, On the likely event that my multitude of cousins would come
visiting,this often meant giving medications of different forms to my siblings and cousins alike,
as well as monitoring their progess and taking notes of their behaviours in reaction to care and
medications administered, I learnt at a young age that it takes more than just administering
treatments to actually help a sick person recuperate or prevent degradation in health of the
elderly,it also involves alot of mental work,alot of emotional commitment and time to restore a
person to their healthy state or maintain their ailing state.
Although I have had an experience with administering help to young children I feel my
primary focus is in taking care of the elderly.
Growing up in Nigeria, The norm for older citizens of my country is to be shuffled around their
children once they become feeble and unable to survive alone,this relatives are usually
inadequately equipped to give needed care and administration of help to their older ones .
Watching my ailing grandma made me realize that this occupation of care-giving through
nursing was exactly what I wanted to do, because I know that the best way to have an impact
on someone's life is by rendering assistance when they cannot help themselves as rendering
assistance during a period of vulnerability is crucial in helping and impacting people's lives .
I understand that this career demands alot of attentiveness, commitment,compassion and
patience as well as alot of actual formal knowledge on how to help those in need, I have done
my part in training my tolerance,patience and commitment to unfavourable conditions, and I am
now applying to your esteemed college in order to get the professional training and education I
need to advance in pursuing my dreams of offering as much help as I possibly can towards the
wellbeing of others in need.

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