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Old Gus Errata, Fey and Faeries v1.23

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Old Gus’ Errata:


13 Fey Races, Faerie Class,
26 Faerie Spells, Optional Rules
Designer’s Notes

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries, v1.23 (March 11, 2019). This
document provides rules and mechanics for fey races and a Introduction
faerie class to supplement Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition.
This material is not officially part of the game and isn’t On Fey .................................................................................... 3
permitted in Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League
Fey Races
Boggles................................................................................... 4
Design, Writing, Layout: Old Gus (Partario Flynn) Darklings ............................................................................... 5
Cover Illustration: Marcela Medeiros, Dryads .................................................................................... 6
https://www.artstation.com/marcelamedeiros-arts Korreds .................................................................................. 7

Featured Artists: Nockers .................................................................................. 8

Adrian Rio, https://www.deviantart.com/adrianriom Olassi ...................................................................................... 9
Alaina E. Milare, https://www.deviantart.com/china-hartz Pixies .................................................................................... 11
Alessandro Poli, https://www.deviantart.com/alessandro-poli Pooka.................................................................................... 14
Ben Wanat, https://www.artstation.com/benwanat Redcaps................................................................................ 15
Carolina Eade, https://www.deviantart.com/carolina-eade
Satyrs.................................................................................... 16
Eric Hibbeler, https://www.deviantart.com/sketcheth
Sirens ................................................................................... 17
Giz-Art, https://www.deviantart.com/giz-art
Naz Nemati, https://www.instagram.com/naz.nemati Sluagh .................................................................................. 18
Martina Stipen, https://www.deviantart.com/t1na Trolls..................................................................................... 19
Matt Dixon, https://www.deviantart.com/mattdixon
Faerie Class
Matt Hubel, https://www.deviantart.com/xwaxwingx
Faerie ................................................................................... 20
MirageMari, https://www.deviantart.com/miragemari
Class Features .................................................................... 21
Olga Kolesnikova, https://www.deviantart.com/icedwingsart
Prosper Tipaldi, https://www.deviantart.com/prospass Faerie Affinities .................................................................. 23
Raphael Massarani, https://www.artstation.com/rmassarani Appendices
Rimma, https://www.deviantart.com/qi-art
Fey Feats ............................................................................. 27
Sam Hogg, https://www.deviantart.com/zephyri
Faerie Spell List ................................................................. 28
Sandara, https://www.deviantart.com/sandara
Faerie Spells ....................................................................... 29
Sandra Duchiewicz, https://www.deviantart.com/telthona
Sir Kannario, https://www.deviantart.com/sirkannario Old Gus’ Advice.................................................................. 36
Quentin Castel, https://www.artstation.com/quentincastel
Spells appear in the Player’s Handbook on page 211.
Special Thanks: My faerie players: Doc Deliverance, Elspeth, XGE denotes a spell appearing in Xanathar’s Guide to
Ieva, Pachy, Pearl, Pen, Poppy, Swan, their companions in
Everything on page 150.
Bamwich and the Weird West, everyone over at Taverns &
Dragons, Aboe Snowpea, Beau Brown, and Fiona McAlpine, FAE denotes a faerie spell appearing on 29.
and the other Dungeon Masters and their players whose
feedback has been invaluable.
Looking for updates to this material,
Contact the Author: partario.flynn@gmail.com
or more of Old Gus’ Errata? Find it online:

Old Gus’ Errata:

Additional Player Options

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 2

Illustration by Martina Stipen

ON FEY Fey are thought fickle and incapable of loyalty,

but I have found nothing further from the truth.
CHANGE IS ETERNAL The Feywild enforces two laws upon its denizens:
Firstly, be true, to yourself and to your word. The
Some elves revere fey for their mutability, a trait they second, and perhaps more important is: change, or
associate with the Corellon. They might commune with die. ~Old Gus
fey in the Astral Plane or if they are brave, enter the
Feywild itself.
Halfling farmers credit fey for a bountiful harvest, but
some also blame them for a poor one. Superstitious Fey Nature and Fey Hybrids
gnomes tell tales of child-stealers, evil fey who lure Some fey races have the Fey Nature trait, which assigns
children and travelers into deep woods to their inevitable them the fey creature type instead of humanoid. Others have
doom. the Fey Hybrid trait, which means they become the target of
In truth, fey most often enter the Material Plane out of any ability, spell or effect that affects either the Fey or
curiosity or compulsion. They might be called there by a Humanoid create type.
powerful spellcaster, or by deep magic, their returning Dungeon Masters can read more about the Feywild in the
like a comet on a calendar longer than living memory. Dungeon Master’s Guide on page 49, and additional
These excursions produce bonds of family, love and considerations for DMs are provided on page 36 of this
enmity, echoing down generations. Some fey live a life of document.
adventure in the Material Plane for years, eventually
return to the Feywild as if called home, and many are
never seen again by the denizens of the mortal world.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 3

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 2,
and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Boggles reach adulthood at around 20 years and
live up to 150 years.
Alignment. Almost all boggles are chaotic.
Size and Speed. Boggles stand between 2 and 4 feet
tall, and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
You have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common
and Sylvan.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
Illustration from Volo’s Guide to Monsters
shades of gray.
BOGGLES Uncanny Smell. You are proficient in the Perception
skill, and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
SMALL, STICKY AND MISCHIEVOUS checks that rely on smell.
Boggle Oil. As a bonus action, you excrete a non-
Boggles resemble monstrous, gnarled gnomes with grey, flammable oil from your skin for 1 minute. You choose
blue or purple skin and a pungent odor. They lurk in the whether the oil is slippery or sticky, and for the duration,
fringes of the Feywild and are also found on the Material you can change the oil from one viscosity to another as a
Plane, where they hide under beds and in closets, bonus action.
waiting to frighten and bedevil folk with their mischief.
While coated in slippery oil, you have advantage on
Boggles engage in petty pranks to amuse themselves, Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to escape bonds,
which are annoying but usually harmless. Most boggles squeeze through narrow spaces, and end grapples.
are cowards and avoid confrontation or combat. A boggle
that feels bested by someone else might offer its services While coated in sticky oil, you have advantage on
to the being that defeated or cornered it, although Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple and any
precious few are strong-willed enough to get the best out ability check made to maintain a hold on another
of a boggle’s mischievous compulsions. creature, a surface, or an object. You gain a climbing
speed of 20 feet.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to
Racial Feat: Twisting Space your proficiency bonus, and regain expended uses of it
when you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: Boggle
Oil Puddle. While coated in oil, you can use your
As a bonus action, you can create an invisible and immobile
action to create a puddle of it 1 inch deep and covering
rift within an opening or frame it can see within 5 feet of you,
the ground in your space. The puddle is difficult terrain
provided that the space is no bigger than 10 feet on any side.
for all creatures except boggles and lasts for 1 hour.
The dimensional rift bridges the distance between that space
Saving throw DCs against your oil puddle are 8 + your
and any point within 30 feet of you that you can see or
proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
specify by distance and direction (such as "30 feet straight
up"). While next to the rift, you can see through it and are If the oil is slippery, any creature that enters the
considered to be next to the destination as well, and puddle’s area or starts its turn there must succeed on a
anything you put through the rift (including a portion of your Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
body) emerges at the destination. Only you can use your rift, If the oil is sticky, any creature that enters the puddle’s
and it lasts until the end of your next turn. area or starts its turn there must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or be restrained. On its turn. a creature can
Racial Feat: Mischievous Familiar use an action to make a new saving throw and extricate
Prerequisite: Boggle itself from the sticky puddle, ending the effect and
You can serve as familiar to a spellcaster with the Find moving into the nearest safe unoccupied space.
Familiar spell if their level is equal to or higher than yours. Fire Resistance. Your oily skin resists fire damage.
You can access the dimension their spell creates using your
Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
action. While inside, you share your master’s hearing and
vision, but cannot take any actions other than exit.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 4

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 2,
and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Darkling reach adulthood at around 20 years and
live up to three centuries.
Alignment. Most darklings are evil.
Size and Speed. Darklings stand between 3 and 4 feet
tall on their cloven feet, and average 50 pounds. Your
size is Small. You have a movement speed of 25 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common
and Sylvan.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to life in the dark,
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Darkling Movement. You have proficiency in the
Stealth skill, and have advantage on checks made with it
when in total darkness.
Light Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you
are trying to perceive is in bright light.
Darkling Weapon Training. You are proficient with
scimitars, shortswords, and rapiers.
Darkling Magic. You know the Prestidigitation
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Bane
Illustration from Volo’s Guide to Monsters spell once; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the
spell again using this trait.
DARKLINGS Death Flash. When you die, nonmagical light flashes
out from you in a 10-foot radius as and your possessions,
LURKING IN THE SHADOWS other than metal or magic objects, burn to ash. Any
Ancient legends speak of a seelie fey who betrayed the creature in the area and able to see must succeed on a
Summer Queen. His true name has been stricken from DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the
history, but the stories call him Dubh Catha (“Dark end of their next turn.
Crow” in common). So great was the Summer Queen’s Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
wrath that she cursed every member of his house. Other
fey refer to the descendants of Dubh Catha’s house as
the dubh sith- or, in Common, “darklings”. Darklings Racial Feat: Darkling Transformation
most often settle in secluded caverns and chambers Prerequisite: Darkling
beneath the towns of other species. From such enclaves,
they quietly ply their trades as thieves, spies and You undergo a ritual transformation, gaining these benefits:
assassins. • Your Dexterity or Wisdom score increases by 1.
The Summer Queen’s curse causes a darkling’s body • Your size becomes medium and your movement increases
to absorb light, and doing so wizens them, much like the to 30 feet. Your hooves become feet, and your overall
effect of rapid aging. For this reason, darklings cover appearance becomes more elven.
every part of their body with clothing when exposure to • You learn the Elvish language if you do not know it.
light is a risk.
• You regain use of your Darkling Magic spells when you
Darklings have a particular fondness for beauty and finish a short or long rest.
art, and might risk taking a peek at a sunset or lighting a
tiny candle to glimpse the colors in a painting or a jewel.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 5

Size and Speed. Dryads stand between 4 and 7 feet
tall, and average 180 pounds. Your size is Medium. You
have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common
and Sylvan.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Natural Adept. You are proficient in the Nature skill.
Fallow. Dryads don't need to sleep. Instead, they lie
fallow, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After
resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a
human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Photosynthetic. You do not eat, but must maintain
physical contact with fertile soil for at least 72 hours
each week or ingest one handful of fertile soil each day.
You must be exposed to direct sunlight for 6 hours each
day. Partial sunlight contributes at half the rate, and
bright magical light at one quarter of the rate.
Natural Speech. You can communicate with beasts
and plants. They can understand the meaning of your
words, and you have advantage on all Insight checks you
make to interpret their behaviors, and Charisma checks
you make to influence them.
Dryad Magic. You know the Druidcraft cantrip. When
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Goodberry spell
once; you must finish a long rest in order to cast these
Illustration by Eric Hibbeler spells again using this trait. When you reach 5th level,
you can cast the Speak with Plants spell at will. Wisdom
DRYADS is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Tree Bond. As a 10-minute ritual, you can deposit
KEEPERS OF THE GROVES your essence within a tree large enough for your body to
Dryads dedicate their long lives to watching over, caring fit inside, and are able to see, hear, rest and sustain
yourself for the remainder of its lifetime or yours,
for, and living within trees, woods and forests and caring
whichever comes first. If the host is uprooted, damaged
for the beasts that inhabit it. Visitors to their forests
or disturbed, you are expelled and also take the damage
would do well to not act foolishly around any tree
done to the tree as psychic damage to yourself.
inhabited or protected by a Dryad.
Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
It is rare that a dryad leaves their wood for long, but
they will, especially if it is safer to deal with an threat
without putting their beloved trees at risk.
Racial Feat: Tree Stride
As traveling companions, Dryads often seem aloof or
lost in thought worrying about how their tree or grove is Prerequisite: Dryad
faring without them, but will often display a gentle, Your Wisdom or Charisma score increase by 1.
nurturing compassion to an ally who needs it. Once on your turn, you can use 10 feet of your movement
to step into a living tree and emerge from a second tree
DRYAD RACIAL TRAITS within 60 feet of the first, appearing in an unoccupied space
Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be large or
bigger. You can use this ability a number of times equal to
and your Charisma score increases by 1.
your proficiency bonus, and regain expended uses of it when
Age. Dryads reach adulthood at 100 years and live up you complete a long rest.
to three millennia.
Alignment. Most dryads are neutral.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 6

Ability Scores. Your Strength, Constitution and
Charisma scores increase by 1.
Age. Korreds reach adulthood at around 30 years and
live up to three centuries.
Alignment. Due to their generally solitary existences
and attunement to the earth, most korreds are chaotic,
neutral, or both. A few korreds spend their lives aligned
with humanoid races take on other alignments.
Size and Speed. Korreds stand between 3 and 4 feet
tall, and average about 80 pounds. Your size is Small.
You have a movement speed of 25 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common,
Sylvan, and Terran.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
Illustration from Volo’s Guide to Monsters in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright
KORREDS light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Stone Adept. You have advantage on Dexterity
FRIENDS OF THE EARTH (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain, and
Korreds are unpredictable, secretive fey with strong ties difficult terrain due to stone and rock does not impede
to stone. Because of their magical hair and their mystical your movement.
understanding of minerals, they are sought out by Stone Mover. You count as two sizes larger when
treasure hunters, dwarves and others that desire the determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
wealth of the earth. No one knows the ways of stone and can push, drag, or lift in stone.
earth better than a korred. Korreds can seemingly feel
Stone Speech. You can spend 10 minutes to speak
the rise and fall of bedrock under the earth.
with stones. Most rocks have no ears or eyes and a poor
Korreds generally prefer to keep their own company, grasp of time, but easily reveal information about their
but occasionally consort with creatures of elemental mineral composition, or structural integrity.
earth, or promising adventurers. Tribes of korreds
Stone Magic. You know the Mold Earth XGE cantrip.
occasionally gather to perform ceremonial dances,
Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the Meld Into
beating out rhythms on stone with their hooves and
Stone spell once, and regain the ability to do so when
clubs which can be heard (or felt) for miles underground.
you finish a long rest.
They have hair all over their bodies, and the hair that
grows from their head is magical, and almost as durable Hair Whip. As an action, you can extend a long, whip
as linked chains of iron. Korreds take great pride in their made of your magical hair that lashes out toward one
hair, and equally great offense at anyone who attempts to creature you can see within 30 feet of you. Make a melee
cut it without permission. spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the
creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and if the
creature is Large or smaller, you can pull the creature up
Racial Feat: Grappling Hair to 10 feet closer to you. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for this ability.
Prerequisite: Korred
Your hair whip’s damage increases by 1d6 when you
When you hit a creature with your Hair Whip, you can reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level
attempt to grapple the target using your bonus action. You (4d6).
can use your Charisma score instead of your Strength score
on checks to make or maintain the grapple. If you succeed, Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
your speed drops to 0. While grappling, your hair has an AC
of 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier,
and a number of hit points equal to your level + your
Constitution modifier. It also resists fire damage, and
regains 1 hit point at the start of your turn. If your hair whip
drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, and you must finish a
long rest before using this trait again.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 7

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence score increase by 2,
and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Nockers enter adulthood in their early twenties
and live up to 130 years.
Alignment. Nockers are contentious and tend toward
chaotic behavior, but their understanding of how things
work helps them get by in even the most lawful societies.
Size and Speed. Nockers stand between four to five
and a half feet tall and weigh between 85 to 150 pounds.
Your size is Medium. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
a personal cipher that only you can read and write. You
can also choose one additional language, selecting from
Gnomish or Goblin.
Welder’s Eyes. You are proficient in the Perception
skill, and have advantage on saving throws to avoid
blindness. Creatures and objects that are lightly
obscured by smoke, steam or fog are visible to you.
Favored Tools. You have proficiency with one type of
artisan’s tools, and can double your proficiency bonus to
checks made with it.
Operational Ingenuity. When you make an
Intelligence (Arcana, History or Nature) check related to
magical or technological items, you may add your
proficiency bonus twice if you are proficient in the skill.
Clever Magics. At 1st level, you can cast the Identify
Illustration by Adrian Rio spell as once with this trait and regain the ability to do so
when you finish a long rest. At 3rd level, you can cast the
NOCKERS Arcane Lock spell once with this trait and regain the
ability to do so when you finish a long rest. At 5th level,
CURMUDGEONLY CREATORS you can cast the Knock spell once with this trait and
regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Nockers are a self-selected race of crossbred fey
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
humanoids. Their pigmentation ranges from brown, pink
or grey-blue to muted oranges, yellows and greens. They Fey Hybrid. Your creature type is fey in addition to
are lanky and knobby, and enhance their exaggerated humanoid.
features with scars, eccentric makeup, or tattoos.
Nockers are master craftspeople. Their skill and
inventiveness are legendary, as is their bitter cynicism. Racial Feat: Unseelie Insight
They dislike dealing with imperfect things, especially Prerequisite: Nocker
people, and instead prefer to surround themselves with Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
mechanical wonder and ingenuity. Fiercely As a bonus action, you can command an ally with 60 feet
individualistic, once a nocker selects their tastes in of you who can see or hear you to immediately make an
artwork and craft, they condemn all others. Their attack against a creature you designate, exploiting an
creations are an expression of identity: if their work is no enemy’s momentary weakness. Your ally can use their
good, then they’re no good. reaction to immediately make one weapon or spell attack
They have vices and weaknesses, but never admit to against the target, adding your proficiency bonus to the
them. Eventually, they yearn for an escape from their attack roll. If it hits, they also add your Intelligence modifier
routine: music, art, romance or adventure might as additional damage.
somehow manage to get them out of the workshop. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
Despite their surly reputation, nockers are sought-after complete a short rest.
engineers, inventors, artificers and gunsmiths. However,
their knowledge often end up dying with them, as few
nockers write anything down that is not encoded in a
personal cryptic cipher no one else can understand.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 8

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Age. Olassi reach physical maturity at about the same
age as humans, and with proper nourishment can live
over three centuries.
Alignment. Fey love freedom, variety, and self-
expression, so they lean toward neutrality or chaos, but
those who serve in fey courts might be more lawful.
Size. Olassi are most often humanoid in shape, but
range in height from 4 to 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to forests and the night sky,
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Fallow. Olassi don't need to sleep. Instead, they lie
fallow, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After
resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a
human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Sylvan.
Natural Affinity. You are proficient in the Nature skill.
You can discern the purity of water and the fertility of
soil by making contact with it, and may be affected by it
as any other plants in the area would at the Dungeon
Master’s discretion.
Speech of Beast and Leaf. You have the ability to
communicate in a limited manner with beasts and
plants. They can understand the meaning of your words,
though you have no special ability to understand them in
Illustration by Raphael Massarani return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you
make to influence them.
OLASSI Hybrid Nature. You have two creature types: fey and
plant. You can be affected by a spell or ability that targets
THE GARDEN THAT KNOWS ITSELF either of your creature types.
Olassi are awakened fey plants. Some are born from Subrace. Olassi have inherited traits from the earliest
their own kind, but most are elevated to sentience, offshoots of their kind, who settled in different biomes.
awakened by a transfer of fey life force from pollinating Choose one of these subraces: Almandil, Fanalos, Sundo
fey, pixies or dryads, whom most olassi regard as Talma, or Taan Tiin.
treasured grandmothers. Once awakened, they gradually
assume more mobile shapes, but retain many of the
affinities, affectations, and even nutritional requirements Olassi do not eat!
of their pre-awakened selves. Like dryads, olassi do not eat, but they do need to meet
Olassi grow “clothing” naturally from their bodies to their nutritional needs by being exposed to proper soil, water
suit their needs or desires for self-presentation. This is a and sunlight. Magical light will do in a pinch. Player and
slow process, but it is not unusual for one to change their dungeon masters should ensure they are equipped to
appearance over time, utilizing all the shapes and colors survive their adventure by bringing soil and water with them
their body is capable of producing. the same way other adventurers would bring foot.
Few olassi enter the material plane, rife with its
machetes, axes and sawmills, and most prefer to remain
in the Feywild and among their own kind.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 9

Almandil Sundo Talma
Passionate and competitive, flower fey display a The towering sundo talma prefer swamps or wet jungles
stupefying range of colors and affectations. They give and resemble mounds of moss, vines or roots, and
their fruits as gifts to close friends and allies, and make incorporate loose soil or other plants into themselves.
for thorny adversaries when wronged or mistreated.
Ability Scores. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Ability Scores. Your Charisma score increases by 1. Hydrophyte. You can sustain yourself on a steady diet
Photosynthetic. You do not eat, but must maintain of leaves or other dead plant matter, or must remain in
physical contact with fertile soil for at least 72 hours contact with fertile soil or water for 48 hours each week.
each week or ingest one handful of fertile soil each day. You require twice the daily water intake of a humanoid.
You must be exposed to direct sunlight for 6 hours each You can breathe underwater.
day. Partial sunlight contributes at half the rate, and You must be exposed to direct sunlight for 4 hours
bright magical light at one quarter of the rate. each day. Partial sunlight contributes at half the rate,
Efflorescence. As an action, you create a grand and bright magical light at one quarter of the rate.
display with your petals for 1 minute. For the duration, Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
you can add your Wisdom modifier, rounded up determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
(minimum: 1) as a bonus to Charisma checks and saving can push, drag, or lift.
throws. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again
Talma Magic. You know the Thorn Whip cantrip.
until you finish a long rest.
Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Ensnaring
Almandil Magic. You know the Druidcraft cantrip. Strike spell once, and must finish a long rest in order to
Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Goodberry cast the spell again using this trait. Once you reach 5th
spell once, and must finish a long rest in order to cast the level, you can cast the Barkskin spell once, and must
spell again using this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using
can cast the Spike Growth spell once, and must finish a this trait. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these
long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. spells.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Mushroom fey live in deep dark of fey woods and caves,
lurking in rotting tree carcasses or caverns. Their close-
knit mycelial families are fiercely territorial.

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you
are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Fey Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and
dim conditions. You can see in darkness within 120 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in color.
Sporelinguistics. You can communicate with
mushrooms and myconids and other creatures that use
spores to communicate if they are within 120 feet of you.
Nutritional Requirements. You require a diet of
decayed plants or animals, and require twice the water
intake of a human, which you can absorb directly from
your skin. If you become dehydrated, your size decreases
to Small, and your movement speed decreases to 20 feet.
Fanalos Magic. You know the Message cantrip, and
can target a number of additional creatures with it equal
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum: 1). Once you reach
3rd level, you can cast the Dissonant Whispers spell
once, and must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell
again using this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you can
cast the Ray of Enfeeblement spell once, and must finish
a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Illustration by Quentin Castel

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 10

Taan Tiin
The taan tiin resemble succulents and cacti. Their hardy
nature is often paired with insatiable wanderlust. TINY LIGHTS IN THE CANOPIES
Ability Scores. Your Constitution score increases by 1. There exists a most diminutive people native to the
Xerophyte. You require one drink of water each week, kaleidoscopic wildernesses of the Feywild. They enter
and you must remain in contact with fertile soil for 1 our world through secret portals, frequenting the
hour each week. Alternately, you can meet all your Material Plane’s forest glades, mushroom growths,
nutritional requirements on a diet of fresh fruit. unique stones or unusual trees, graveyards, barrows and
ruins they find appealing for reasons known only to
You must be exposed to direct sunlight for 8 hours
themselves, subtly marking them in ways noticeable to
each day. Partial sunlight contributes at half the rate,
the observant or faithful.
and bright magical light at one quarter of the rate.
At auspicious moments, murmurations of pixies gather
Spines. You have flexible spines on your body. As a
in these areas in a function known as an eisteddfod
bonus action, you can harden your spines for 1 minute.
where they dance, play games, chase, tell tales, wrestle
For the duration, you gain the following benefits:
and copulate with one another in dazzling displays of
• Your spines deal piercing damage equal to your proficiency light and flight.
• You can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon
attack with your spines at a target within 15 feet of you. You
use your Wisdom modifier for the attack roll. Infant pixies are given their true names by their sires,
• If a creature makes a melee attack against you with a usually according to their sires’ aspirations. A second
weapon that lacks the reach property, it must succeed a soon follows, given to them by their peers, usually an
Dexterity saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your affectation based on their appearance or demeanor. This
Wisdom modifier or be damaged by your spines. name is used by all but their most trusted friends.
Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you For the most part, the wee folk caution their young
finish a long rest. against interactions with mortals, but adventurous young
Taan Tiin Magic. You know the Dancing Lights pixies make regular travels to the Material Plane all the
cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Blur same, if only to attempt a clever prank that will make a
spell once, and must finish a long rest in order to cast the worthy tale at the next eisteddfod.
spell again using this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you Prestige is everything to a pixie: their short seasons
can cast the Cordon of Arrows spell once without and long years are an endless game of acquisitions and
providing material components, and must finish a long losses played among their tribe, or troop. They are
rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. taught to defend territory with ferocity, when a tactical
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. retreat will serve them best, and how to exact revenge
upon those who wronged them. Throughout this
education, a strong sense of fair play is stressed, and
cunning and creativity are considered virtues.
When a pixie performs a deed worthy of their troop’s
remembrance, an elder bestows upon them a use-name
reflective of the event, and the pixie wears it as a mantle
of adulthood, usurping or supplementing their childhood
name as if it were a title or surname.
As they mature, they might find themselves dedicated
to a particular person or cause of grave concern, even
risking their own essence in its defense. If a pixie
survives such an experience, they usually return home.
They may one day be accorded the title of Elder,
ushering new lights through into the limitless canopies
of the Feywild.
Elder pixies at the end of their lives make public
displays of dissipating their bodies and essences,
willingly abandoning both in prismatic tendrils of dust
and light to be reshaped by the ceaseless churning tides
of life, death and rebirth. Their friends and troop are left
behind to celebrate, and contemplate what legacy they
will leave when their time to turn the wheel arrives.
Illustration by Alessandro Poli

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 11

Pixies who interact with mortals consider them amusing Appearance. Pixies vary in appearance, and it can
playthings, or even potential allies. A few find kindred change as they age. Most folk picture a colorful
spirits in dreamers, idealists, musicians, poets, and miniature elf with the wings of an insect, but they might
hopeless romantics, and if their affections are returned, share features with plants, animals, dragons, or even
they can form an intense, long-lasting, even dangerous mephits and imps.
bond with their favored. Most races of the Material Plane Age. Pixies reach adulthood at around 50 years and
consider pixies benign and childlike at best, and live three to five centuries.
mischievous or unpredictable at worst.
Ability Scores. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Adventurers bonded to a pixie companion often find
Size. Pixies are 4 to 10 inches tall, have a wingspan of
themselves spurred to new heights of heroism, mischief
6 to 15 inches, and weigh 2-6 pounds. Your size is Tiny.
or both… or they die, as all things must do one day. Then
again, as the pixie elders say, a life lived in fear is a life Speed. You have a movement speed of 15 feet, and a
half-lived. flying speed is 25 feet. If you are wearing medium or
heavy armor or exhausted, you cannot fly.
Pixie Flight
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
d8 Light Sound you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were
1 Red Musical notes dim light.
2 Orange Gentle breeze Languages. You can speak, read and write Common
3 Yellow Rustling leaves and Sylvan.
4 Spring Babbling brook Fey Cunning. You have advantage on Wisdom and
5 Green Insect buzzing Charisma saving throws against magic, and magic can’t
6 Blue Tinkling chimes put you to sleep. You are vulnerable to thunder damage.
7 Indigo Soft singing or humming Flight Light. While flying, you emit dim light in a 5-foot
8 Violet Child’s laughter
radius and emit a soft noise. While flying on the material
plane, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
Alighting. You can alight on a creature of small or
larger size by moving into their space and using 5 feet of
additional movement. If the creature is an ally, you may
use them as half cover. While alighted, if the creature
moves, you move with them, releasing your grip as a
reaction. A creature aware you have alighted on them
can remove you using an object interaction, making an
opposed Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check against you.
Feywild Access. You know the exact location of any
portals to the Feywild within 100 feet of you at all times,
and can access them at will. When you reach 5th level,
You can cast the Divination spell once to discover the
location of the nearest Feywild portal within 7 miles. You
must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again
using this trait.
Naive. You do not gain the benefits of a background,
instead choosing one skill, and one artisan’s tool of your
Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
Subrace. Service to the fey courts (or avoidance
thereof) molds pixies into three main tribes: seelie pixies,
unseelie pixies and wild pixies. Choose one of these

Pixies use weapons and armor with the same

restrictions that apply to small races.
Illustration by Naz Nemati

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 12

Seelie Pixie
Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Racial Feat: Glamorous Familiar
Well Mannered. You are proficient in the Persuasion Prerequisite: Pixie
skill. You can serve as a familiar to a spellcaster with the Find
Courtly Magic. You know the Friends cantrip. Once Familiar spell if their level is equal to or higher than yours.
you reach 3rd level, you can cast Color Spray once as a You can access the dimension their spell creates using your
2nd-level spell. You must finish a long rest in order to action. While inside, you share your master’s hearing and
cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is your vision, but cannot take any actions other than exit.
spellcasting ability for these spells. Racial Feat: Shrouded Glamour
Consort of Correllon. You can speak, read, and write Prerequisite: Pixie
You can fly without giving off light or sound. Additionally,
you can cast each of the following spells once without the
Unseelie Pixie need to provide material components: Nondetection,
Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Invisibility, and Pass Without Trace. You regain the ability to
Menacing. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill. cast these spells when you finish a long rest.
Spiteful Magic. You know the Vicious Mockery Racial Feat: Mortal Wish
cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast Prerequisite: Pixie, 17th Level
Compelled Duel once. you must finish a long rest in
order to cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is You can grant a single wish. As an action, designate a living
your spellcasting ability for these spells. humanoid you know. That creature can cast the Wish spell
once without expending a spell slot. If the wish is fulfilled, it
Inexecrable Vulgate. You can speak, read, and write consumes your body and essence. You can retract your boon
Infernal. using your reaction.
Wild Pixie
Ability Scores. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Animal Affinity. You are proficient in the Animal
Handling skill.
Instinctive Magic. and know the Primal Savagery XGE
cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the
Animal Friendship spell once as a 2nd-level spell. You
must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again
using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.
Consort of Silvanus. You can speak, read and write

Pixie True Names: Ainsel, Asteria, Cirno, Cyrena,
Erana, Fiona, Franjeen, Iolanthe, Higbee, Kaya, Mab,
Memim, Mofurun, Nuala, Peri, Pirikia, Phoebe, Tabit,
Vix, Wanda, Zooey
Child Pixie Use-Names: Acorn, Aspen, Basil, Beedle,
Belbel, Bulb, Cappy, Crysta, Flutter, Ginger, Knot,
Lilac, Mipple, Pearl, Pech, Prickle, Poppy, Rere, Rool,
Ru, Shar, Sunny, Razzle, Root, Spore, Tattle, Thistle,
Tup, Trow, Twig, Winkie
Adult Pixie Use-Names: Flytrapper, Froghopper,
Longvine, Mossfoot, Mudlump, Pollenpuff, Rosebloom,
Sapwick, Shinebright, Starchaser, Tangleroot,

Illustration by Sandara

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 13

Size and Speed. Pooka vary from three to four and a
half feet tall. Your size is Small. Your base walking speed
is 25 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common
and Sylvan.
Heightened Sense. Choose one of the following three
• Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can’t discern color in darkness.
• Keen Hearing. You have advantage on checks you make
with the Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation)
skills that rely on hearing.
• Keen Smell. You have advantage on checks you make with
the Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) skills
that rely on smell.
Natural Liar. You have proficiency with the Deception
Confidant Magic. You know the Friends cantrip. At
1st level, you can cast the Charm Person spell as once
with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest. At 3rd level, you can cast the Calm
Emotions spell once with this trait and regain the ability
to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
Illustration by Giz-Art spellcasting ability for these spells.
Affinity Shape. You can use your action to assume the
POOKA shape of your affinity animal, choosing from the
following: Badger, Bat, Cat, Camel, Deer, Eagle, Frog,
INVETERATE LIARS Goat, Hawk, Hyena, Jackal, Lizard, Mastiff, Mule,
Octopus, Owl, Pony, Rat (or Giant Rat), Raven, Vulture,
Pooka resemble halflings or gnomes with pronounced Weasel (or Giant Weasel). You can select other animals
animal features: eyes, fur, tails, whiskers, feathers, with your Dungeon Master’s approval.
beaks, paw or talon-like hands or feet, unusual ears, or
even tails. Pooka have the remarkable ability to become You can stay in your animal shape for a number of
the animal with which they share this affinity of hours equal to your proficiency bonus, and can revert to
appearance. They have a reputation as liars and your normal form using your bonus action on your turn.
mischief-makers, but this lying is, in fact, a kind of You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, take any
language unto itself: the bigger the feeling a pooka has, damage, or die. While you are transformed, the following
rules apply:
the bigger the lie they will tell on the subject. Once one
knows a pooka well enough to see the truth behind their • Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the
lies, a lasting friendship can form. beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain
POOKA RACIAL TRAITS any saving throw proficiencies you have.
• While in your animal shape, you can only cast or maintain
Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 concentration on Confidant Magic spells.
and your Charisma score increases by 1. • Your equipment merges into your new form, and has no
Age. Pooka vary a great deal in lifespan. Some live effect until you leave the form.
only a few decades, others several centuries, and they do • Once you assume your affinity shape, you can’t do so again
not seem to inherit this trait from their parents. They age until you finish a long rest.
at a rate proportionate to their natural lifespan, making Affinity Speech. You have the ability to communicate
telling the age of a pooka nearly impossible, as it is not with the animal of your affinity. They understand your
uncommon for one pooka to appear older than both of words, and you understand their emotional state. You
their grandparents. Pooka find this endlessly amusing, have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to
and love to tease folk uninitiated to the ways of their influence them.
kind. Fey Hybrid. Your creature type is fey in addition to
Alignment. A pooka’s tendency to speak in lies makes humanoid.
maintaining a lawful alignment difficult.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 14

Size and Speed. Redcaps vary from 4 to over 6 feet
tall. Your size is Medium. Your base walking speed is 30
Languages. You can speak Common and Sylvan. Most
redcaps never bother to learn to read, and trust their
senses more than the written word.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Bad Attitude. You are proficient in the Intimidation
skill, and if your class gives you proficiency in this skill,
you may add twice your proficiency bonus to it. However,
no one likes a redcap: not even other redcaps. Many
cultures ostracize or even kill redcaps on sight.
Redundant Organs. You have advantage on saving
throws against disease and poison, and you resist
damage from poison.
Omnivore. If you have the time, you can eat almost
anything. Your teeth are brutally flat and as hard as steel;
and your digestive system (thankfully) remain a mystery.
Most redcaps prefer meat, but when hunger strikes,
anything can and will do. As long as you can put your
mouth around something, for the most part, you can eat
and subsist on it.
Redcap Savagery. You know the Primal Savagery XGE
Illustration by Ben Wanat cantrip. Strength is your spellcasting ability for the spell.
When you cast it, you can choose to deal slashing,
REDCAPS piercing or bludgeoning damage instead of acid, and the
spell is capable of dealing siege damage.
THE GNASHING OF TEETH Eat the Victim. You can spend 1 minute to consume
Redcaps have rubbery skin, pointed ears, bony noses, the entirety of a corpse of creature no larger than one
bloodshot eyes, and large, flat, yellow teeth. Their bodies size category larger than yourself, recovering a number
are built for combat, with muscular limbs and stocky of hit dice equal to your proficiency bonus, although you
builds. Redcap gang leaders tend to be rude, brash, bully- do not expend hit dice when you do. Once you use this
types. Redcaps do not like sudden movements. ability, you can’t use it again until you complete a long
Redcaps that manage to live in cities and keep their
noses clean are usually employed in professions that Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
take advantage of their natural tendencies: pit-fighting,
working in clubs and bars as bouncers, training in gyms,
or even as rough guardsmen. Civilized redcaps are an Racial Feat: Eidetic Epicurean
endangered species, and are actively hunted down by Prerequisite: Redcap
wilderness-dwelling gangs of redcaps called corbies. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Thankful few leaders over the centuries have manage
You have the knack for remembering everything you’ve
to maintain discipline over a redcap army. Redcaps that
ever eaten, and the ability to sense where the nearest supply
get fed up with society might retire to a life of solitude or
of that taste is. Being able to tell where the nearest batch of
join a feral corbie to live out their final years. chocolate mousse doesn’t really do much in the grand
scheme of things, but if you have gotten a bite of someone,
REDCAP RACIAL TRAITS the ability is an excellent way to track that particular meal.
Ability Scores. Your Constitution score increases by 2,
and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Redcaps breed and mature by age 8. They are Remember: Keep arms and hands away from
able to live for four decades, but few ever manage to live redcaps at ALL TIMES. ~Old Gus
long enough to see their third.
Alignment. Almost all redcaps are evil.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 15

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity, Constitution and
Charisma scores increase by 1.
Age. Satyrs enter adulthood in their early teens and
live up to three hundred years, but their proclivity for
excess reduces the average lifespan considerably.
Alignment. A lack of impulse control makes most
satyrs of chaotic.
Size and Speed. Satyrs stand four to six feet tall and
weigh 110 to 220 pounds. Your size is Medium. Your
base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common
and Sylvan.
Sylvan Living. You are proficient with longbows,
blowguns, the survival skill, and one musical instrument.
Limitless Endurance. You have advantage on saving
throws against paralysis and exhaustion.
Shared Passions. When you make direct physical
contact with a humanoid or fey, you can use your action
to attempt discern their surface thoughts and emotional
state. If the target fails a Charisma saving throw DC 8 +
your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier, it is
under the effect of the Detect Thoughts spell by you
while you remain in contact with them, and you also
learn the creature’s alignment.
Ramming Speed. If you move at least 10 feet in a
straight line toward a Large or smaller creature and then
hit it with a melee attack, you can use your bonus action
Illustration by Olga Kolesnikova to ram it with your horns. The target must succeed a
SATYRS Strength saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier or be pushed 5 feet away from
you or knocked prone (your choice).
LIMITLESS PASSION AND ENDURANCE Sylvan Magic. You know the Friends cantrip. At 3rd
Satyrs are lean and furry. Men and women alike sport level, you can cast the Charm Person spell as a 2nd-level
longer hair and shave only to sculpt, and never to hide spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so
their hirsute affectations. Their strong, fur-covered legs when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
resemble those of a goat, sheep or deer, and antlers or spellcasting ability for these spells.
tight curled horns protrude from their foreheads. They Fey Hybrid. Your creature type is fey in addition to
are passionate sensual beings, many of whom do not humanoid.
know the concept of restraint. The few clothes they wear
are durable and- more importantly- easily removed.
While passion is something satyrs understand innately, Racial Feat: Pandemonium
most do not grasp the emotional bond that comes with
Prerequisite: Satyr, 8th level
lust. They rarely keep a partner for long, which, while
normal to them, can bring terrible heartache to their You can cast the Confusion spell once without expending a
lovers. spell slot or providing material components for the spell.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spell.
Satyrs are born into clans called tragos, which are
made up of extended families. Lovers come and go, but At 13th level, you cast the spell as a 5th-level spell, and at
tragos stay the course, providing support and shelter in 17th level, you can cast it as a 6th-level spell.
times of need. When a satyr dies, the trago holds an You regain expended uses of this ability when you finish a
wake complete with mourning and frenzied dancing. long rest.
Music and storytelling are prized skills among satyrs,
and many pursue careers related to music. Clubs, pubs,
bars, and breweries are potent attractors to them. With
their store of impressive stamina, jobs requiring hearty
individuals also suit satyrs nicely.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 16

Ability Scores. Your Charisma score increases by 2
and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Sirens enter adulthood in their early teens and
can live up to two hundred years.
Alignment. Siren alignments vary by individual.
Size and Speed. Sirens stand five to six feet tall and
weigh an average of 140 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life under the water, you
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Child of the Sea. You have a swimming speed of 30
feet, and can breathe air and water. When dry, you can
use your action to split your tail into legs. If you are wet,
you immediately revert to your aquatic form. You can use
your action on your turn to re-form your tail. While you
have a tail, your movement speed is 5 feet.
Additionally, if you have not fully submerged yourself
in water for a number of days equal to your proficiency
bonus, you take one level of exhaustion, which cannot be
alleviated until you complete a long rest while
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common,
Sylvan and Aquan.
Illustration by Matt Hubel
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws
SIRENS against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Friend of the Sea. Using gestures and sounds, you
SONGSTRESSES OF THE SHORES can communicate simple ideas to any beast that has an
innate swimming speed.
These torso of a siren resembles that of an elf, but the
Siren Training. You have proficiency with spears,
lower body resembles a sea creature: iridescent scales
tridents and one musical instrument of your choice.
and the wide tail of a fish, and sharing other features
with sea creatures is not unheard of. Siren Magic. You know the Friends cantrip. At 3rd
level, you can cast the Fog Cloud spell as a 2nd-level
Sirens are blamed for floods, storms, shipwrecks, and
spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so
drownings, but many sirens are simple curious
when you finish a long rest.
romantics. An infatuated siren will risk life and limb to
follow it onto land to learn about the object of their Siren Song. As an action, you concentrate (as if
desire, assuming an elven visage. Sirens find walking concentrating on a spell) and fill the air (or water)
uncomfortable, however, and when they become wet or around you with music, spreading around corners up to
immersed in water, their body reflexively returns to its 100 feet away for up to 10 minutes. The music moves
native aquatic form. with you. For the duration, you make Charisma
(Performance) checks with advantage, and can use a
bonus action to force a living creature you can see that
Racial Feat: Stupefying Touch can hear the music to make a Wisdom saving throw DC
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. If
Prerequisite: Siren the target is in combat, it succeeds its saving throw. If it
As an action, you touch a creature you can see within 5 feet fails, the creature is charmed by you for as long as it can
of you. The creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw hear the music and for up to 1 hour. You can charm a
DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier or number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier.
take a number of d6s equivalent to your proficiency bonus in Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you
psychic damage and be stunned until the start if your next complete a long rest.
turn. This feature has no effect on constructs or undead.
Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
You can use this ability twice, and regain expended uses of it
when you finish a long rest.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 17

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common,
Sluagh Telegraph Cipher, and two other languages of
your choice.
Gelatinous Bones. You are proficient with the Stealth
skill. If your class or background also grants you the
Stealth skill, you may add twice your proficiency bonus
to rolls with it. You can squeeze into one size space
smaller than other medium creatures (Tiny), but are
unable to do anything other than move at a speed of 5
feet while doing so.
Messages in the Leaves. Using a ritual tea set, you
can serve the favorite tea of someone you know who also
owns such a set. You can contact them by tapping your
teacup with a teaspoon. The effects of this are as
described in the Sending spell, and the connection lasts
until the tea has gone cold or is consumed. The tapping
is the only information transferred. If the owner of the
other tea set hears it, they respond by tapping their cup
in kind. You own, are proficient with and attuned to such
a tea set.
Illustration by MirageMari
Psychometry. You are proficient with the Insight skill.
SLUAGH You focus your thoughts on an object and make an
Intelligence (History) check to learn historical detail
ETHEREAL FEY about an object. The knowledge comes in the form of a
vision where the object was the center of, or in close
Sluagh are pallid, waiflike fey that have an infamously proximity to a strong emotion. Once you use this ability,
ashen complexion, sunken eyes and slight odor of decay you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.
makes them seem vaguely… dead. Most folks fear or hate
Friend to the Dead. You can see into the ethereal
the sluagh, but they this fact in stride, and many sluagh
plane up to a distance of 30 feet, and you can apply twice
take a special delight in unnerving others.
your proficiency bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks
Their prowess with stealth, and ability to keep secrets when in conversation undead creatures who are not
makes them natural information brokers, assassins, and hostile to you. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the
oracles. They have strong, sentimental attachments to Speak with Dead spell once, and regain the ability to do
their possessions, which others often think rubbish, and so when you complete a long rest.
prefer these items as payment to ordinary wealth. Fey Nature. Your creature type is fey.
Sluagh relate best amongst themselves. They are
territorial, and demand rigid adherence to standards of
etiquette that others don’t understand. They love formal Sluagh Racial Feat: Nightmarish Form
clothing and occasionally hold a high Tea, gathering
their friends to drink watered down tea and eat moldy Prerequisite: Sluagh, 8th level
crumpets, and discuss the latest gossip. As an action, you can assume the form of a slithering tracker
for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. You
SLUAGH RACIAL TRAITS can revert to your normal form using your bonus action on
your turn. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious,
Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increase by 2, and are reduced to 0 hit points, or die. While you are
your Intelligence score increases by 1. transformed, the following rules apply:
Age. Sluagh live for over four centuries. As they age, • Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the
their odor grows pungent and their skin droops, which Slithering Tracker, but you retain your alignment,
they seem to enjoy. personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.
Alignment. In proportion to their longevity, most You also retain any saving throw proficiencies you have.
sluagh tend toward neutral alignments. • While in your Slithering Tracker shape, you cannot cast
Size and Speed. Sluagh are similarly statured to spells.
humans, but weigh considerably less. Your size is • Your equipment merges into your new form, and has no
medium. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. effect until you leave the form.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were finish a long rest.
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 18

Ability Scores. Your Strength score increases by 2,
and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Trolls enter adulthood in their early thirties and
live up to two centuries.
Alignment. Clear roles and tasks makes most trolls
Lawful. A sense of fair-play, and emphasis on personal
accountability pushes them toward neutrality.
Size and Speed. Trolls stand between seven and eight
feet tall and weigh between 280 and 340 pounds. Your
size is Medium. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Natural Athlete. You are proficient in the Athletics
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Giant.
Crushing Weaponry. You are proficient with mauls,
morningstars, and warhammers.
Mountain Adept. Rocky or snowy terrain usually
considered difficult is treated as normal for you.
Strength of Honor. You can shrug off injury. When
you take damage from another creature, you can use
Illustration by Alaina E. Milare your reaction to roll a 1d6 and add your Constitution
modifier, and reduce the damage by the total. You can
TROLLS add that total to the damage roll first melee attack you
hit with on your next turn.
STRENGTH IN HONOR Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
Trolls are hirsute, horned fey whose skin and hair you finish a short or long rest.
pigmentations range from white or grey-green, to deep Thundering Stomp. As an action, you stomp your foot
blue (a particularly revered shade). down, thundering sound, audible at 100 feet away. All
The most ancient of stories make mention of trolls creatures within 5 feet of you must make a Constitution
(although sometimes under a different name). Trolls saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
often play two roles in these stories: the first as Strength modifier. A creature that fails its saving throw
powerfully strong monster, the second as extremely takes 1d8 thunder damage and is deafened until the start
honor-bound protector. They have a long tradition of of your next turn. This damage increases at 5th level
joining organizations or groups and protecting them until (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). A creature
the end, or they may choose to be the protector of the that succeeds its save takes half damage and isn’t
weak or oppressed, or simple those who fate seems to deafened. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
have abandoned. until you finish a long rest.
This duty-bound nature places them at odds with an Fey Hybrid. Your creature type is fey in addition to
adversary who is all too happy to paint the troll as a humanoid.
monster to be slain, which complicates their reputation
in some cultures. In actual fact, nothing is more
important to a troll than their honor. This is both a Troll Racial Feat: Stone Skin
cultural institution and a supernatural compulsion Prerequisite: Troll
imposed by their fey nature. A troll who breaks an oath
When you take damage, you can use your reaction to harden
loses some of their strength until they have redeemed
your skin, resisting all damage except thunder and psychic
until the start of your next turn, including the triggering
Trolls can be found doing work wherever they can take attack. You can use this ability once, and regain expended
advantage of their natural-born talents. They prefer work uses of it when you finish a short rest.
over relaxation, and tend to lead simple lives of duty and

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 19

Illustration by Sandra Duchiewicz

swear was real. How and when did you realize your
FAERIE powers, and have you come to embrace them?
The Feywild. Few races native to the material plane
UNCANNY NATURES manage to collectively eke out a living among the harsh
Faeries are part and parcel to magic, wielding it with an wildernesses of the Feywild. They become populations
aptitude that awes druids, inspires jealousy among living out of time, surviving in a plane where the only rule
wizards, and fosters kinship among sorcerers. Faeries is change or die. Tribes embrace this edict of mutability
often manage the spellcasting abilities most gain after might evolve affectations of variation in pigmentation,
years of discipline by the end of their adolescence, hirsuteness, exaggerated ears, or unusually long fingers.
although they often do not yet realize this to be the case. You might even sprout wings as you mature. The
Material Plane might be a world of alien wonders to you:
A faerie’s affinity might express itself as a kinship to
perhaps you’ve drunk sweet nectar from a tulip, but
earth, water, air, or plants. Others become master
never tasted refined sugar. Consider the events that
manipulators, or inexplicably efficient with an otherwise
brought you to the Material Plane.
crude weapon.
Quick Build
CREATING A FAERIE You can make a faerie quickly by following these
Perhaps the most important thing when creating a faerie suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest
is to consider whether your formative experiences took ability score, followed by Dexterity.
place on the Material Plane or in the Feywild. Choose the Dancing Lights, Sanguine Strike FAE and
The Material Plane. Did you have a fey ancestor or Zap FAE cantrips. Then, select the following 1st-level
parent? Fae-blooded folk have subtle signs of their faerie spells: Dust Dash FAE, Faerie Fire and Witch Bolt.
ancestry upon them: unusual pigmentation, an unusual
birthmark, an auspicious constellation of freckles, or an
imaginary friend even their parents would occasionally

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 20

The Faerie - Spell Slots Per Level -
Proficiency Cantrips Spells
Level Bonus Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Glamorous 3 4 2 — — — — — — — —
Defense, Faerie Affinity
2nd +2 Misty Escape, Faerie Dust, 3 5 3 — — — — — — — —
Faerie Affinity Feature
3rd +2 — 3 6 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 7 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 — 4 8 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Faerie Affinity Feature 4 9 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 — 4 10 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 11 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 — 4 12 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Faerie Affinity Feature 5 13 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 — 5 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 — 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Faerie Affinity Feature 5 17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 — 5 18 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 19 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 — 5 20 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Dreamchaser 5 21 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 22 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Planar Glamour 5 23 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

CLASS FEATURES Multiclassing

Ability Score Minimum: Charisma 13
Hit Points Proficiencies Gained: one musical instrument
Hit Dice: 1d6 per level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your SPELLCASTING
Constitution modifier per faerie level after 1st Faerie spells come naturally to you. See chapter 10 of
the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of
Proficiencies spellcasting, and page 29 of this document for the faerie
Armor: None spell list.
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: You are proficient with one musical instrument of
your choice, and one type of artisan’s tools. At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from
the Faerie Spells list. You learn additional faerie cantrips
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the cantrips
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Animal known column of the Faerie table.
Handling, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Performance and Stealth. Spells Slots
The Faerie table shows how many spell slots you have to
EQUIPMENT cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or
equipment granted by your background: higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you
finish a long rest.
• any simple weapon
• a spellcasting focus For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Cure
• an entertainer’s pack Wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot
• a trinket available, you can cast Cure Wounds using either slot.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 21

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher Using your bonus action, you can splash dust onto
yourself or an creature you can see within 5 feet of you.
You know four 1st-level spells of your choice from the
faerie spell list. The spells known column of the Faerie The target elects to heal for 1d6 hit points + your faerie
table shows when you learn more Faerie spells of your level, or immediately makes a saving throw against an
choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which unwanted poison, disease, or enchantment, adding your
you have spell slots, as shown on the table. For instance, Charisma modifier as a bonus to the roll.
when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one You can use this feature a number of times equal to
new spell of 1st or 2nd level. your Charisma modifier, and regain expended uses when
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you you finish a long rest.
can choose one of the faerie spells you know and replace
it with another spell from the faerie spell list, which also MISTY ESCAPE
must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Also at 2nd level, you can vanish in a puff of mist in
response to harm. When you take damage, you can use
Ritual Casting your reaction to become invisible and teleport up to 30
You can cast any faerie spell you know as a ritual if that feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain
spell has the ritual tag. invisible until the end of your next turn or until you
Once you cast a spell as a ritual, you can’t do so again attack or cast a spell.
until you complete a long rest. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
you finish a short rest.
Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus or a musical instrument you ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT
are proficient with as a spellcasting focus for your faerie
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
Spellcasting Ability choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
your choice by 1. You can't increase an ability score
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your faerie above 20 using this feature.
spells. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to
your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your DREAMCHASER
Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for
a faerie spell you cast and when making an attack roll At 18th level, you can enter the dreams of others known
with one. to you. You can spend 1 minute to compact your faerie
dust into a dreamstone, and gift it to another creature. If
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + you create a second, the first crumbles into dust.
your Charisma modifier If you can see the open sky, you can cast the Dream
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + spell once without expending a spell slot. If the bearer of
your Charisma modifier your token is the target your Dream spell, the spell can
transcend planes. If they are not asleep, your dream
stone will record your message and transmit it to the
GLAMOROUS DEFENSE bearer when they fall asleep. Once you cast the spell in
While you are not wearing armor or holding a shield, this manner, you cannot do so again until you complete a
your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your long rest.
Charisma modifier. Additionally, if you complete a long rest in the Feywild,
you can exchange one spell you know for a different spell
FAERIE AFFINITY from the Faerie Spells list. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again for one month.
Also at 1st level, you are a fey creature in addition to the
creature type determined by your race. You choose a
faerie affinity, detailed at the end of the class description,
choosing from Your choice grants you features at 1st Armor Class Calculations
level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th Level. When the game gives you more than one way to calculate
your Armor Class, you can only use one of them. For
FAERIE DUST example, if you have the Glamorous Defense feature and the
Lizardfolk’s Natural Armor trait, you can’t benefit from both
At 2nd level, your body produces a faintly glowing dust, simultaneously. Instead, you choose which formula
clearly visible to the Detect Magic spell, which provides determines your AC.
you with spellcasting components, as if it were
component pouch for spellcasting purposes, and it can
also be used to invigorate yourself or your allies.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 22

At 20th level, your Charisma score increases by 4, to a
maximum of 24. You also become attuned to another of Every faerie is unique: their very natures are shaped by
the inner planes, gaining one of following three boons: the magic that flows through, but also the experiences
that shape and transform them along their journeys.
Feywild Access: If you are under the light of a full
moon, you can cast the Gate spell to access the Feywild For a faerie, the development of their powers deforms
or Material Plane without expending a spell slot, and as they experience a change in scenery, lifestyle and the
without providing material components for the spell. You company they keep. They are famously mutable and can
regain use of this ability when you finish a long rest. be near unrecognizable at the end of a journey as when it
Astral Access: You can cast the Astral Projection spell
once without expending a spell slot, using a single quartz
crystal as the material component for the spell. When THE SIDHE
you cast the spell, you can only bring a number of You have always loved rivers, lakes, and waterfalls,
additional creatures equal to your Charisma modifier. coastal cliff sides and open, windy plains, marking their
You regain use of this ability when you finish a long rest. territories for other fey to enjoy or avoid.
Ethereal Access: You can cast the Etherealness spell
once without expending a spell slot, and regain the Fluid Magics
ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you When you choose this affinity at 1st level, you are
cast the spell, you can bring an additional number of proficient in the Insight skill, and you know the Gust XGE
willing creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you and Shape Water XGE cantrips. You learn additional
equal to your Charisma modifier. spells when you reach certain levels, shown in the Sidhe
Spells table. These spells are faerie spells for you, and
they don't count against the number of faerie spells you
Faerie Affinity Spells
Level Sidhe Spells
1st Create or Destroy Water, Fog Cloud
3rd Gust of Wind, Warding Wind XGE
5th Slow, Wind Wall
7th Storm Sphere XGE
9th Wall of Water
11th Wind Walk
13th Whirlwind XGE
15th Control Weather
17th Storm of Vengeance

Heroic Glamour
At 2nd level, you can entwine your essence with an ally,
emboldening them. As a bonus action, target an ally
within 30 feet of you that you can see. Until the end of
your next turn, their Armor Class and any saving throws
or damage rolls they make receive a bonus equal to your
Charisma modifier. They resist all damage, and if they
take damage, you take half the amount they take as
psychic damage. The effect ends if the target moves
more than 30 feet away from you.
You gain additional uses of this feature, and can
project it over greater distances as your level increases.
You can use it 3 times at 2nd level, 4 at 6th (35 feet), 5 at
Illustration by Sir Kannario 12th (40 feet), and 6 at 17th (45 feet). You regain all
expended uses of it when you complete a short rest.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 23

Flowing Favors THE NIXIE
At 6th level, you learn the Mage Hand cantrip. The spell You love tricks and pranks, and might live in a large
is invisible, and you can use it reflexively. When a mushroom, or an eccentric-looking tree.
creature you can see makes an attack roll, ability check,
or saving throw, and the results of the roll have not been Cunning Magics
announced, you can use your reaction to apply your
Charisma modifier as a bonus or a penalty to the roll. When you choose this affinity at 1st level, you are
proficient in the Arcana skill, and know the Vicious
You can use this feature once, and regain use of it Mockery and Infestation XGE cantrips. You learn
when you finish a short or long rest. additional spells when you reach certain levels, shown in
the Nixie Spells table. These spells are faerie spells for
Glamourous Incorporation you, and they don't count against the number of faerie
At 10th level, you can absorb a hostile spell, and store spells you know.
the magical energy for your own use.
Faerie Affinity Spells
If you or the target of your Heroic Glamour become the
sole targeted of a 5th-level or lower spell requiring a Faerie
saving throw, you can use your reaction to make a Level Nixie Spells
Charisma saving throw instead of the one required by 1st Command, Dissonant Whispers
the spell. If you succeed, you regain an expended spell 3rd Crown of Madness, Phantasmal Force
slot, up to the level of the spell you absorbed. 5th Fear, Hypnotic Pattern
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until 7th Phantasmal Killer
you finish a long rest. 9th Dominate Person
Thundering Heroism 11th Eyebite
13th Reverse Gravity
At 14th level, you further empower the recipients of your
15th Dominate Monster
Heroic Glamour. They add half your faerie level to any
damage rolls they make as additional thunder damage. 17th Psychic Scream XGE

Nightmarish Delirium
Roleplaying a Sidhe At 2nd level, you can plunge a creature you have put to
• A clever alliance can overcome any obstacle. sleep, charmed, frightened or confused into a delirious
• You are the wind blowing at your friends’ backs.
As a bonus action, you concentrate (as if concentrating
• Moods, desires and fancies are like the weather: they come
on a spell) and double the remaining duration of the
in wide varieties and are bound to change.
effect upon the creature, which becomes lost in a
nightmare of your design, seeing and hearing only itself
and the nightmare. To the target, time seems to slow
down, and they experience an hour’s passing each six
seconds they endure the nightmare. You can change the
effect upon the creature, (choosing from charmed,
confused, frightened or unconscious) on your turn using
your bonus action.
The nightmare ends if the creature takes damage, or it
makes a saving throw against an effect other than your
spell. The creature then becomes immune this ability for
24 hours.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.

Illustration by Matt Dixon

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 24

Supple Ward Additionally, You learn additional spells when you
reach certain levels, shown in the Sprig Spells table.
At 6th level, when a ranged spell attack (or Magic
These spells are faerie spells for you, and they don't
Missile) targets a creature you can see within 30 feet of
count against the number of faerie spells you know.
you, and the results have not been announced, you can
use your reaction and expend an equivalent spell slot to Faerie Affinity Spells
make an opposed spellcasting ability contest against the Faerie
caster. If you succeed, the spell targets the caster using Level Sprig Spells
the original attack roll. You cannot reflect spells cast
1st Entangle, Ray of Sickness
above 5th-level.
3rd Spike Growth, Melf’s Acid Arrow
You can use this feature once, and regain expended
uses of it when you complete a long rest. 5th Daylight, Plant Growth
7th Grasping Vine
Tricksy Cantrip 9th Wrath of Nature
At 10th level, you can empower one faerie cantrip you 11th Wall of Thorns
know that targets a single creature. When you cast the 13th Regenerate
cantrip, you can target one additional creature within 15th Sunburst
range and also within a number of feet equal to 5 × your 17th Mass Heal
Charisma modifier of the initial target. If the cantrip
requires an attack roll, you make a second attack roll. Corrosive Ichor
Magical Mimicry At 2nd level, you can spray corrosive ichor from your
Thorn Whip. When you hit a creature with your Thorn
At 14th level, if an ally within 30 feet of you that you can
Whip, you can expend a spell slot to spray the target with
see or hear casts a spell of 5th-level or lower with a
ichor as a bonus action, dealing an additional acid
casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus action that doesn’t
damage to the target.
require concentration, you can use your reaction and an
equivalent spell slot to cast the same spell, even if you The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus
don’t know it. You can cast the spell at a lower level your 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of
ally did, but must meet the minimum casting level for the 10d8.
spell. On your next turn, you may cast a cantrip, but not a
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.

Roleplaying a Nixie
• There is no such thing as something for nothing. Favors for
favors, tricks for tricks.
• Trade insult for insult. Always get the last word, but
recognize a good joke, even if you’re the butt of it.

You have an intense kinship with living plants, and
preferring to live among or even inside them.

Floral Fortitude
When you choose this affinity at 1st level, you gain the
following benefits:
• You are proficient in the Nature skill.
• You learn the Thorn Whip and Druidcraft cantrips.
• You can cast Speak with Plants once without expending a
spell slot, and regain the ability to do so when you complete a
short rest.
• You resist and have advantage on saving throws against
poison. Illustration by Sandra Duchiewicz

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 25

Grasping Vines THE BROWNIE
At 6th level, you gain the following benefits: You might live underground or in stone ruins. Many
• You can cast the Speak with Plants spell at-will. brownies seek solitary lives, greedily hoarding treasures.
• Your Thorn Whip’s range increases to 45 feet, and the
distance you can pull a target with it increases to 15 feet. Grugach Magic
• As a bonus action, you can command your Entangle, Spike
When you choose this affinity at 1st level, you are
Growth or Grasping Vine spells to move a number of feet
proficient with light armor and the Survival skill, and you
equal to 5 × your Charisma modifier.
know the Mold Earth XGE cantrip. You learn additional
spells when you reach certain levels. These spells are
Natural Raiment faerie spells for you, and they don't count against the
At 10th level, you can cause plant matter to form a number of faerie spells you know.
protective shell around you. As an action, you assume
the form of a Shambling Mound (see page 270 of the Faerie Affinity Spells
Monster Manual) with hit points equal to 50 + your faerie Faerie
level. While in this form, you can cast only Thorn Whip Level Brownie Spells
and other Sprig spells. If your form is reduced to 0 hit 1st Longstrider, Zephyr Strike XGE
points, you take the remainder of the damage. You can 3rd Earth Tremor XGE,
release the form as a free action. Maximilian's Earthen Grasp XGE
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until 5th Erupting Earth XGE, Meld Into Stone
you complete a long rest.
7th Staggering Smite
We are the Vine 9th Transmute Rock XGE
At 14th level, your will extends to plants under your
11th Move Earth
control. You gain the following benefits: 13th Mordenkainen's Sword
• Plants created by your spells or charmed by you that you can 15th Earthquake
see can serve as the origin of your Thorn Whip. 17th Invulnerability
• Your Thorn Whip deals additional acid damage equal to your
Charisma modifier. Faerie Weapon
• Your Thorn Whip can pull a willing creature up to 15 feet At 1st level, your fists, teeth, nails, or favorite simple
without harming them without needing to make an attack melee weapon become a magical d4 faerie weapon.
roll. When you take the Attack action with your faerie
weapon, you can attack twice. Your movement speed
increases by 5 feet, and you gain a climbing speed of 20
Roleplaying a Sprig feet. You gain 2 additional hit points, and 1 additional hit
• You feel sorry for others: the colors and shapes of plants and point each time you gain a faerie level. If you have a
buzzing of insects a symphony only you appreciate. flying speed, you lose it.
• You prefer places that allow you to grow and put down deep
roots, and feel the same about friendships.
At 2nd level, you can enter a whimsy at the start of your
turn, which lasts until the end of your next turn. For the
duration, you resist piercing, slashing and bludgeoning
damage. You can concentrate on spells, but can cast only
cantrips, and you have disadvantage on concentration
checks. Additionally, attack and damage rolls made with
your faerie weapon use your Charisma modifier instead
of your Strength or Dexterity modifier if it is higher. The
whimsy ends if you fall unconscious.
You can whimsy a number of times equivalent to your
Constitution modifier, and you regain all expended uses
of it when you complete a short rest.

Quickling Attack
At 6th level, your faerie weapon becomes a d6. While in
a Whimsy, if you take the Attack action using your faerie
weapon, you can make an additional attack with it using
your bonus action.
Illustration by Rimma

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 26

Wanton Assault
At 10th level, while in a Whimsy, you can use your action
and bonus action to add 15 feet to your movement, Some DMs also allow the use of feats to customize a
become immune to attacks of opportunity, and make a character. Feats are an optional rule in chapter 6,
number of attacks with your faerie weapon equal to your “Customization Options,” of the Player’s Handbook. The
Charisma modifier, and add it as additional necrotic or DM decides whether they’re used and may also decide
radiant damage if you hit. You choose the type of damage that some feat are available in a campaign and others
when you gain this feature. When your turn ends, so aren’t.
does your rage.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest. Cunning Glamour
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one faerie spell
Smiting Glamour
When you cast a faerie spell with a casting time of 1 action
At 14th level, while in a Whimsy, the first creature you on your turn, you can use your bonus action to take the
hit on each of your turns with your faerie weapon takes disengage, dodge or hide action.
additional damage equal to half your faerie level. The
extra damage is necrotic or radiant; it matches your Glamoured Artistry
choice from your Wanton Assault feature. Prerequisites: Faerie
Your magic drives you to create, and you can expend a use
of your Faerie Dust to double your proficiency bonus on
Roleplaying a Brownie checks made with musical instruments or artisan’s tools
• Mark your journey upon your person, and never forget to with which you are proficient.
take a keepsake to remember your adventures by. Glamour Reserves
• Never, ever back down from a challenge. Prerequisites: Faerie
If you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed, you can use
your reaction to spend a use of Faerie Dust on yourself.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
finish a long rest.
Quickling Ancestry
Prerequisite: Faerie, 8th Level
Your base speed increases by 5 feet, and you learn the
Expeditious Retreat and Haste spells, and they are faerie
spells for you. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the
Uncanny Strength
Prerequisites: Fey creature or Fey Ancestry trait
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum
of 20. You count as one size larger when determining your
carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Winged Ancestry
Prerequisites: Fey, 12th Level
You grow a pair of delicate wings, gaining a flying speed of
25 feet. You cannot fly if you are wearing armor or exhausted.

Illustration by Carolina Eade

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 27

FAERIE 2nd Level
Alter Self
4th level
Blinding BrillianceFAE
7th Level
Body Swap FAE
SPELL LIST Animal Messenger
Discordant Thrum FAE
Charm Monster
Crown of Stars XGE
Enhance Ability Compulsion Humanoid Possession FAE
Spell descriptions Enlarge Reduce Fabricate Power Word Pain XGE
appear in the Player’s Enthrall Freedom of Movement Prismatic Spray
Handbook on page 211. Fallow FAE Giant Insect Project Image
XGE denotes a spell Glamoured Majesty FAE Greater Invisibility Sequester
that appears in Healing Spirit XGE Insect Plague Simulacrum
Xanathar’s Guide to Hold Person Lifebloom FAE
8th Level
Everything on page 150. Invisibility Major Glamour FAE
Jinx FAE Polymorph Antipathy (Sympathy)
FAE denotes a Faerie
Magic Mouth Sneezing Dust FAE Animal Shapes
spell, which are detailed
Magic Weapon Switcheroo FAE Feeblemind
beginning on the
following page. Misty Step Glibness
Mirror Image
5th Level Maddening Darkness
Moonbeam Animate Objects Maze
Cantrips (0 Level) Nystul's Magic Aura Awaken Mind Blank
Pass Without Trace Control Winds XGE Power Word Stun
Dancing Lights
Silence Contagion
Magic Stone XGE 9th Level
Spiritual Weapon Dream
Message Mass Polymorph
Suggestion Far Step XGE
Minor Illusion Power Word Heal
Sylvan Vision FAE Geas
Peal of Nine Bells FAE Prismatic Wall
Web Glamorous Craft FAE
Prestidigitation Shapechange
Greater Restoration
Produce Flame True Polymorph
3rd Level Hold Monster
Sanguine Strike FAE Weird
Bestow Curse Mislead
Thaumaturgy Wish
Blink Modify Memory
Thunderclap XGE
Catnap XGE Passwall
Word of Radiance XGE
Counterspell Seeming
Zap FAE Always consult
Dazzling Strobe FAE Skill Empowerment XGE
your Dungeon
1st Level Fly Synaptic Static XGE Master before
Catapult XGE Invisible Trickery FAE Tree Stride adding new spells to
Charm Person Magic Circle
6th Level your spellbook!
Chaos Bolt XGE Minor Glamour FAE
Mushroom Ring FAE Budding Romance FAE
Dust Dash FAE
Nondetection Conjure Fey
Faerie Fire
Perplex FAE Contingency
Protection from Energy Mental Prison
Healing Word
Radiant Glamour FAE Mass Suggestion
Remove Curse Mirage Arcane
Silent Image
Sending Otto’s Irresistible Dance
Slow Programmed Illusion
Speak with Plants True Seeing
Snare XGE
Speak with Animals Wild Flight FAE
Stumble FAE
Witch Bolt

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 28

to their new body, which takes on the Intelligence,
FAERIE SPELLS Wisdom and Charisma scores as well as the languages,
skills, proficiencies, spells, and abilities of its new
inhabitant until the spell ends or is dispelled.
Faerie Magic for Core Classes At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 8th-level, the duration is 24 hours. At 9th-level, the
Some Faerie spells are available to classes from the Player’s
targets do not need to share a creature type, and the
Handbook. They are best suited to particular archetypes,
spell lasts until dispelled. Using a spell slot of 8th-level or
notably the following:
higher grants a duration that doesn't require
• Bards of the College of Glamour, concentration.
• Clerics of the Trickery Domain,
• Druids of all types, especially of the Circle of Dreams, Budding Romance
• Paladins of the Oath of the Ancients, 6th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 minute (Ritual)
• Rangers (if they aren’t too grumpy),
Range: 20 feet
• Wild Magic Sorcerers, Components: S M (a lock of hair or drop of blood from
• Warlocks of whose otherworldly patron is an Archfey, the target(s), which the spell consumes)
• Wizards whose expertise lies in that particular spell school Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Classes: Bard, Faerie, Warlock
You forge a bond of love between up to two creatures.
Blinding Glitter Designate up to two living creatures of the same that you
4th-level evocation can see within range who are not in combat. If the target
Casting Time: 1 action is aware of your presence, it must not be hostile toward
Range: 20 feet you or the spell fails.
Components: S M (faerie dust) Each target makes a Wisdom saving throw. If a target
Duration: Instantaneous succeeds, they are unaffected, and become aware of your
Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer attempt and location, but not your identity. If they fail
A blinding flash of glittering faerie dust explodes in 20- their saving throw, they are consumed by feelings of love
foot radius sphere centered on you, coating everything in for one another. If you targeted only one creature,
range (except you), and glows dimly for 1 minute. designate another living creature of the same type that
Creatures coated in glittering dust have disadvantage on both you and the target can see as the object of their
Dexterity (Stealth) checks they make, and cannot benefit affection.
from being invisible. Creatures in range that can see you For the duration, affected creatures are helpful in their
make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they are actions and will do what they can to spend time with the
blinded, making a new saving throw at the end of each of object of their affections.
their turns to end their blindness. A creature coated in At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
glitter can use its action to remove the glitter from its slot of 7th-level, the duration is 8 hours. At 8th level the
body. duration is 24 hours, and at 9th-level, the spell lasts until
it is dispelled. Using a spell slot of 7th level or higher
Body Swap grants a duration that doesn't require concentration.
7th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 10 minutes Dazzling Strobe
Range: 60 feet 3rd-level evocation
Components: V S M (a lock of hair or drop of blood from Casting Time: 1 action
each target, which the spell consumes) Range: 20 feet
Duration: Concentration, 8 hours Components: S M (faerie dust)
Classes: Faerie, Warlock Duration: Instantaneous
You target two living creatures in range that you can see Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Warlock
who are not in combat. Both targets of the same creature You emit a flickering light with wild intensity. Each
type. creature in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on you that
An unwilling target makes a Charisma saving throw. If can see you makes a Constitution saving throw. If they
a creature succeeds their saving throw, the spell is lost, fail, any concentration effects they are maintaining are
the target(s) immediately awaken (if asleep), and are interrupted, and they have disadvantage on the first
aware of your attempt and your location. If they fail, their attack roll they make on their next turn.
essences are swapped.
Each body retains its racial modifiers and abilities, its
Strength, Constitution and Dexterity scores. Memories,
and enchantments upon or within them are transferred

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 29

Discordant Thrum 8 The target loses their reaction and expels a live frog
from their mouth. If the target is of huge or larger
2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action size, the frog is a Giant Frog. If concentrating on a
spell, the target loses their spell.
Range: 15 feet
Components: V S M (faerie dust) 9 The target makes a Wisdom saving throw at
Duration: Instantaneous disadvantage. If they fail, they gain the become
Classes: Bard, Faerie Confused and enraged for 1 minute. For the duration,
they resist piercing, slashing and bludgeoning
You emit an uncomfortable cacophony. Each living
damage, and deal additional force damage equal to
creature in a 15-foot cone that can see or hear you
your Charisma modifier with melee attacks.
makes an Intelligence saving throw. If they fail, they
cannot communicate and have disadvantage on attack 10 The target makes a Constitution saving throw. It they
rolls until the end of their next turn. Creatures with an fail, they fall asleep for 1 minute. If hostile, the target
Intelligence score of 6 or lower are immune. makes the saving throw with advantage.
11 The target becomes cursed. Colorful, glowing bubbles
Dust Dash appear from the target when they exhale.
1st-level evocation 12 The target becomes cursed. The target’s body hair
Casting Time: 1 action (scales horns, or other prominent features) grow,
Range: 5 feet leaving them with an unruly mane.
Components: S M (faerie dust) 13 The target makes a Charisma saving throw. If they fail,
Duration: Instantaneous they come under the effect of a Zone of Truth spell,
Classes: Faerie, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard and their inhibitions are lowered as if intoxicated for a
You dash faerie dust wantonly upon a living creature number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier.
within 5 feet of you, causing unpredictable effects. During this time, they speak only in their first
Make a melee spell attack against the target if it is
14 The target is infused with static. The next creature that
unwilling. If you hit, roll a d20 to determine the dust’s
touches or hits the target with a melee attack deals
unpredictable effects from the Dust Dash table.
1d20 + your Charisma modifier lightning damage,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a divided between the target and themselves.
spell slot of 2rd-level or higher, you may add or subtract 15 The target makes a Strength saving throw. If it fails, it
the number of additional spell levels above from your is knocked prone, taking 1d20 in force damage.
d20 roll. For example, if you cast the spell at 2nd-level
and rolled a 10, you can then choose from anywhere 16 The target becomes cursed. If they speak, read or hear
between 9 and 11 on the table for the applied dust effect. your name, they must succeed a Wisdom saving
throw or remove an article of clothing.
Dust Dash Effects 17 The target becomes invisible for 1 minute, or until it
d20 Effects of Dust Dash attacks or casts a spell.
1 Up to 10 cubic feet of the target’s body gain the effects 18 The target gains the effects of the Fly spell for 1
of the Light spell for a number of hours equal to your minute.
Charisma modifier. 19 The target gains the effects of the Haste spell for 1
2 The dust is loud. Creatures within 10 feet of you minute.
(including you) make a Constitution saving throw. A 20 The target’s body becomes translucent, revealing their
creature that fails takes 1d6 thunder damage. organs for 1 minute. Attack rolls against the creature
3 The target gains the effects of the Enlarge Reduce made by those who can see it increase their critical
spell, rolling a 1d2 to determine: reduced (1) or threat range by 1.
enlarged (2).
4 The target loses their reaction and makes a Fallow
Constitution saving throw at disadvantage. If they 2nd-level transmutation (ritual)
succeed, they sneeze. If they fail, the sneeze casts the Casting Time: 1 minute
Color Spray spell (as if you had cast it). Range: Touch
5 The target becomes cursed. Their hair, skin, scales Components: V, S
and other pigmentations change to random new Duration: Up to 100 years
colors. Classes: Druid, Faerie, Paladin
6 The target makes a Charisma saving throw. If they fail, You deposit your essence within a plant that is large
their shadow escapes and attempts to flee. enough for your body to fit inside. You may also deposit
7 The target’s ears grow twice their natural size, giving yourself into a stone if it isn’t heavier than you can carry.
them advantage on Perception (hearing) checks, but For the duration, you are blinded. As you lie fallow, other
making them vulnerable to thunder damage. A dispel effects set in over time.
magic or remove curse spell restores them to normal.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 30

If you remain undisturbed for 1 hour, you gain the effects of the Haste spell. Checks you make with the tool
benefits of a short rest, and if undisturbed for 4 hours, are made with advantage, and you add your spellcasting
you gain the benefits of a long rest. If you continue to ability modifier as a bonus to the rolls. You might
remain undisturbed, you can remain in a fallow state for completing an intricate painting, or work a stack of
as long as your body is able to live. You can exit your leather into several pairs of high-quality shoes.
hiding place using your action. Masterwork. Alternately, the spell can enchant a
If your host plant or stone is uprooted, damaged or mundane item you created. When you do, your spell slot
disturbed, you are immediately are expelled from your is consumed, and is lost. The item becomes magical, and
hiding place and fallow state, and take double the gains an enchantment of your choice made from the
damage done to your host plant or stone. You then must following spells: Blur, Enhance Ability, Elemental
then succeed a Wisdom saving throw against your own Weapon (if a weapon), Enlarge/Reduce, Fly, Gaseous
spell save DC or be confused. You can make a new Form, Haste, Invisibility, Magic Weapon (if a weapon),
saving throw on each of your turns to end the effect. Major Image, Pass without Trace, or Tongues.
At Higher Levels. You can immediately immerse You cannot use your own masterwork item, and it’s
yourself into a deeper fallow state by casting the spell by command word is your name. A creature who becomes
casting it with a higher level spell slot as noted on the attuned to the item learns the command word (even if
following table: they do not recognize its significance), and can activate
it, gaining the spell’s effect, which are cast with your
Fallow State Duration spell save DC. The item recharges after one day as long
Spell as you are still alive and on the same plane.
Slot Duration Effects
You can retract the item’s boon if you can see or touch
3 1 minute Your body doesn’t need food or air. it using your reaction, recovering the spell slot when you
4 1 hour You can still hear muffled noises, and complete your next long rest, and any creature under the
make any Wisdom (Perception) checks effects of its magic loses it.
to hear words with disadvantage.
5 24 hours You are deafened, but remain aware of Glamoured Majesty
the passage of time. 2nd-level illusion
6 1 month Your essence is invisible to the Detect Casting Time: 1 action
Magic spell, and you age at half your Range: 15 feet
normal rate. Components: V S M (faerie dust)
7 1 year You can cast the Dream spell once a Duration: Instantaneous
month, even if you don’t know it. You Classes: Cleric, Faerie, Paladin, Warlock
age at one quarter of the normal rate. You channel your glamour into your body, creating a
8 10 years Your essence is invisible to the Scrying terrifying, majestic appearance.
spell, and you age at one tenth of the Each creature in a 15-foot radius sphere centered on
normal rate. you make a Charisma saving throw. Creatures that fail
Waking up from your fallow state is now their saving throw have disadvantage on attacks they
difficult, and you must make a Wisdom make against you until the end of their next turn.
saving throw against your own spell
save DC to do so. If you fail, you must Humanoid Possession
wait six months to try again. 7th-level enchantment (ritual)
9 100 years You can cast the Astral Projection spell Casting Time: 1 action
on yourself once a year. Your Wisdom Range: Touch
saving throws to wake up are made at Components: V, S, M (a fragment of an oyster’s shell,
disadvantage. and a piece of the target’s body, such as hair, blood or a
fingernail, which the spell consumes)
Glamourous Craft Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
5th-level enchantment Classes: Faerie, Warlock
Casting Time: 1 action Touch one humanoid you can see within range. The
Range: Touch target makes a Charisma saving throw. If the target is
Components: V S M (faerie dust) hostile to you, it makes saving throw with advantage and
Duration: Concentration, 8 hours (Ritual) a bonus equal to its Charisma modifier. If it succeeds,
Classes: Faerie, Sorcerer, Wizard the spell is lost, and you have disadvantage on any
Left uninterrupted to work, you can perform incredible attacks or saving throws the target targets with you for 1
feats of craftsmanship. Choose from the following two minute. If it fails, your body and essence enter the
options: creature.
Hasty Craft. Designate one artisan’s tool with which For the duration, you control the target’s body, but
you are proficient. You can use the tools as if under the target’s consciousness remains aware. You can't be

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 31

targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones can only suffer this damage once on their turn, but can
that turn fey. You retain your alignment and Intelligence, be jinxed again if they cast a spell or make an attack of
Wisdom, and Charisma scores, while the possessed body opportunity using their reaction.
retains its Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores. Also, choose one ability when you cast the spell. The
You do not gain access to the target's knowledge, target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the
proficiencies, spellcasting or other abilities. chosen ability. A Remove Curse spell cast on the target
Maintaining constant control of a creature is extremely ends the jinx.
difficult, and the target’s consciousness attempts wrestle At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
control of itself back from you once every minute, spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your
making a new saving throw. If its body is in combat, it’s concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you
consciousness makes a new saving throw at the start of use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain
your turn. your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.
The possession lasts for the duration, until the body
drops to 0 Hit Points, or you otherwise forced out by an Lifebloom
effect like the Dispel Evil and Good spell, or you end the 4th-level evocation
effect using the body’s bonus action. If the possessed Casting Time: 1 action
body takes damage, you take twice the amount as Range: 30 feet
psychic damage and make an appropriate concentration Components: V S M (a fresh sprig of local flora, which
saving throw to maintain your possession. the spell consumes)
When your possession ends, you reappear in an Duration: Instantaneous
unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target which Classes: Faerie, Druid, Paladin, Ranger
becomes immune to your possession for 24 hours after You draw pure life force from the feywild, sharing it with
succeeding on the saving throw or once the possession your allies. Each living creature of your choice in a 20-
ends. foot radius sphere heals 3d6 hit points and makes a DC
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell 10 Charisma ability check. If they succeed, they add your
slot of 9th level, the duration is 1 hour, and an affected spellcasting modifier to the amount healed. Beasts, fey
target makes their saving throw to break the effect or and plants automatically succeed this check.
resurface their personality once every ten minutes. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the radius of the sphere
Invisible Trickery increases by 5 feet and the healing increases by 1d6 for
3rd-level illusion each slot level above 4th.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Major Glamour
Components: V S 4th-level transmutation (ritual)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 minute
Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Range: Self
You become invisible until the start of your next turn. Components: V S M (an uncut ruby, emerald or
Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible as long sapphire worth at least 500 gp, which the spell
as it is on your person. Your invisibility ends early if you consumes)
use your reaction, but you do not lose your concentration Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
or the spell. Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Wizard
For the duration, roll a d20 at the end of each of your You transform yourself into a living creature. Choose one
turns. On a roll of 11 or higher, you become invisible of following two creature types:
again at the end of your turn. Once the spell causes you Glamourous Humanoid. You become a human, half-
to become invisible a number of times equal to your elf, halfling, gnome or elf (not a drow). You decide what
spellcasting ability modifier, the spell ends. you look like, including your height, weight, facial
features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and
Jinx distinguishing characteristics, if any. None of your
2nd-level enchantment statistics change. can designate one skill, tool, armor or
Casting Time: 1 bonus action weapon proficiency you desire for the duration.
Range: 60 feet Glamourous Beast. Choose a creature known to you
Components: V S M (faerie dust) as the target of this spell. The target must be on the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour same plane of existence as you. You become a tiny, small
Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Warlock or medium beast of great beauty, perfectly suited to the
You curse one creature you can see, jinxing them. Until target’s aesthetics, such as a colorful bird, a white stag,
the spell ends, each time the target takes the attack or a silvery fish. You are able to cast the Message cantrip
action or casts a spell, they must succeed a Dexterity at will at the target, and make Charisma (Persuasion)
saving throw or take 2d8 thunder damage. A creature and Charisma (Performance) checks against them with

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 32

advantage. You gain the traits of your chosen form, and succeed, you succeed a concentration check to maintain
can fly, swim or breathe water as applicable, but cannot your form.
speak, cast spells, make attacks or use any class abilities. At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
If you take damage, you must succeed a concentration slot of 4th-level, the duration is 8 hours. The duration is
check to maintain the transformation. 24 hours at 5th-level, 72 hours at 6th-level spell, one
For the duration, you are fey and are also the creature week at 7th-level, one month at 8th level, and one year at
type you transformed into. A hostile creature can use its 9th level.
action to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check Using a spell of 5th-level or higher grants a duration
against your spell save DC. If they succeed, you must that doesn't require concentration, and you can complete
make a concentration check to maintain your form. a long rest while in your object form. Using a spell slot of
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell 7th-level or higher makes you invisible to the effects of
slot of 5th-level, the duration is 8 hours. The duration is the Detect Magic spell.
24 hours at 6th-level, 72 hours at 7th-level, and one week
at 8th-level. At 9th level, you can maintain your Mushroom Ring
transformation indefinitely. Using a spell of 5th-level 3rd-level conjuration (ritual)
spell slot or higher grants a duration that doesn't require Casting Time: 1 minute
concentration, and use of a 7th-level spell slot or higher Range: 10 feet
makes your transformation invisible to the effects of the Components: V S M (faerie dust and mushroom spores,
Detect Magic spell. which the spell consumes)
No matter the spell slot expended, if you are damaged Duration: 1 hour
during your transformation, you must roll a Classes: Druid, Faerie, Ranger
concentration check to maintain it. You enhance the fecundity of a 10-foot radius circle of
bare rock, earth or soil that you can see in range,
Minor Glamour centered directly underneath you. At the start of your
3rd-level transmutation (ritual) next turn, dimly glowing mushrooms appear at the edges
Casting Time: 1 action of the circle.
Range: Self When you cast the spell, choose one of the following:
Components: S M (a hunk of jade or malachite worth at beasts, humanoids, or monstrosities. The ring affects a
least 250 gp, which the spell consumes) creature of the chosen type in the following ways:
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
• The creature attempting to enter the dome must first
Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Wizard
succeed on a Charisma saving throw.
You temporarily transform yourself into a small object. • The creature has disadvantage on attacks against you while
Choose one the following two object types: in the dome.
Mundane Object. You become a mundane object of • Creatures within the cylinder can't be charmed or frightened
your approximate size and weight, such as a bundle of by the creature.
rags, a small vase or a dagger if you are a pixie, a The ring’s effects extend in a 15 feet cylinder above
wooden chair if you are small, or a suit of armor if you and below the ring. While the ring exists, you can use
are medium. your bonus action to invite a creature of the excluded
Glamourous Object. Choose a creature known to you type into the ring without penalty.
as the target of this spell. The target must be on the Before the spell ends, you can use your action to
same plane of existence as you. You become an object of consume the ring in an explosion of spores, ending the
great beauty, perfectly suited to the target’s aesthetic spell. When you do, creatures other than you and those
tastes, such as a jeweled goblet or a carved figurine. If you have invited within 5 feet of the ring’s circumference
the target sees you in your object form, they make a make a Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 poison
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. If they damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
fail, they are compelled to add you to their personal success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
While in your object form, you cannot move, or cast spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by
spells but you remain aware, and are see basic shapes 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.
and color and hear muffled noises, making any Wisdom
(Perception) checks to see or hear with disadvantage. If
your object form is damaged, you immediately revert to
your natural form and take the equivalent amount of
To discern that you are transfigured, a creature can
use its action to make an Intelligence (Investigation)
check against your spell save DC at disadvantage. If they

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 33

Peal of Nine Bells Stumble
Conjuration cantrip 1st-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V S Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to one minute.
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Faerie, Wizard Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
You create a beam of ringing sound that strikes at one You curse a creature. For the duration, if the target
creature of your choice that you can see within range. moves, more than 5 feet on their turn, you can use your
The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or reaction to force them succeed a Dexterity saving throw
be pushed up to 10 feet in a straight line away from you, or fall prone and lose the rest of their movement.
taking 1d6 thunder damage. Creatures using a flying or swimming speed for their
The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach movement are immune to this spell’s effects.
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Sneezing Dust
Perplex 4th-level evocation
3rd-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 20 feet
Range: 60 feet Components: V S M (faerie dust)
Components: V S M (faerie dust) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute Classes: Bard, Druid, Faerie, Ranger, Wizard
Classes: Bard, Faerie, Wizard Each creature that needs to breathe within 20-foot
Designate one creature you can see within range, which radius of you must succeed a Constitution saving throw
makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target or become unable to breathe while sneezing
rolls a d6 at the start of its turn, taking the amount rolled uncontrollably. A creature affected in this way is
as psychic damage, and subtracting that number from incapacitated and suffocating. As long as it is conscious,
attack rolls, ability checks, and concentration checks it a creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
makes until the start of its next turn. The target repeats of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success. The
its saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the spell on Lesser Restoration spell can also end the effect on a
a success. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 2 or creature.
lower are immune to this spell.
Radiant Glamour 4th-level conjuration
3rd-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 feet
Range: 20 feet Components: V S M (faerie dust)
Components: V S M (faerie dust) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Bard, Faerie, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Classes: Cleric, Faerie, Paladin Two living creatures you can see who are within range
You emit an intense light, searing nearby enemies. Each and of the same size swap their positions. If either target
creature of your choice in a 20-foot radius sphere is unwilling, they make a Wisdom saving. If a creature
centered on you that can see you makes a Dexterity succeed succeeds their saving throw in such a manner,
saving throw. Targets takes 3d12 radiant damage on a the spell is lost.
failure, or half as much on a success. Aberrations, fiends Until the end of your next turn, you can use your
and undead that fail their saving throw have reaction to teleport to the position you were at when you
disadvantage on their saving throws, and if they fail, are cast this spell.
blinded until the end of their next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th-level or higher, you can target one
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by additional creature for each slot level above 4th.
1d12 for each slot level above 3rd.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 34

Wild Flight
3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V S M (faerie dust)
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Cleric, Faerie, Warlock
You double your remaining movement speed and your
body becomes a swirling orb of magical energy. You can
use your movement speed to move freely through
creatures. Your velocity so high that you can only change
direction every 10 feet.
Each creature you move through must make a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 radiant damage on a
failure, or half as much on a success. If a Large creature
or bigger creatures fails their saving throw, add an
additional 1d6 radiant damage for each 5 feet they
occupy that you moved through. A creature can only be
damaged by your Wild Flight once.
If you end your turn in an occupied space, you must
succeed a Dexterity saving throw against your own spell
save DC. If you fail, you take 2d6 force damage and
reappear prone in the nearest available space.
At Higher Levels. The damage increases by 1d6 for
each slot level above 3rd, and so does the amount of
force damage you might sustain.

Illustration by Prosper Tipaldi Zap

Evocation cantrip
Sylvan Vision Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level divination Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V S
Range: 200 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V M (a fresh sprig of local flora, which the Classes: Faerie, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
spell consumes) A thrum of chaotic magic streaks out of you toward one
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes creature of your choice that you can see within range.
Classes: Druid, Faerie, Ranger Make a ranged spell attack. If it hits, roll a d8 to
For the duration, nonmagical foliage does not obscure determine the type of damage, then deal 1d8 of that type
your vision. to the creature.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach
Sanguine Strike 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Divination cantrip Each time the damage die increases, you can modify the
Casting Time: 1 action results of your damage type’s roll by ±1.
Range: Touch
Zap Damage Type
Components: V S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round d8 Damage Type
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Faerie, Paladin, Sorcerer 1 Fire
You touch a willing target. Your magic grants them 2 Cold
exceptional skill with their weapon. The target then 3 Acid
designates a creature they can see within 30 feet of 4 Lightning
them. On their next turn, they gain advantage on the first 5 Thunder
attack roll they make against the designated creature,
6 Radiant
provided that this spell hasn’t ended.
7 Force
8 Psychic

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 35

Armor and Weaponry
Allow pixies the use of weapons and armor identical to
Fey and Faeries in your Game that of other Small races, although you might want to
consider how creating such items might require fewer
Tiny, flying player characters or custom races and materials but a higher skill to produce.
classes – especially those of a creature type other than
The faerie class uses magical items similar to those of
humanoid – can be challenging, especially for
a wizard or sorcerer, but have access to faerie dust as a
inexperienced Dungeon Masters.
spellcasting component as a matter of course. Review
What follows should not be considered a part of the their spells, and be prepared to restrict their spellcasting
official rules, and players using this material should not them through other means!
expect any of them to be utilized by their Dungeon
Master. They are provided here to assist DMs who are Creature Type
incorporating fey and faeries into their game’s world.
All of the races in the Player’s Handbook are of the
Before you read further, consider the nature of your humanoid creature type. Some races contained in this
setting, how you want magic- especially interplanar document have a creature type in addition to, or other
magic- to function, and how much bleed there is between than humanoid. Creatures with multiple creature types
the Feywild and the Material plane. can be targeted by any spell or ability that affects either
of their creature types.
Mythic Settings
A mythic campaign takes place in the material plane and Pixie Flight and Armor
the Feywild (and perhaps even other planes) in equal Like most flying races, pixies cannot fly in medium or
measure. You desire to impress upon players the heavy armor, and wearing any armor of any kind pre-
dichotomy between mundane and extraplanar empts a faerie’s Glamorous Defense feature. If a pixie
existences, and are unafraid to tell high-weird stories takes a class that is proficient in armor that requires
that require unconventional mechanics like time dilation. them to give up their flight, consider allowing them a
Faeries in this setting exist as more a matter of course, movement speed of 25 feet as part of that training.
and some might have regular contact with some groups
of mortals on the material plane. Spells and Abilities
Low-Magic Settings Some faerie spells or abilities include mind-bending
magic that might make you reluctant to include in your
A faerie that leaves their native Feywild is taking a big game. This is perfectly normal, and DMs should not
risk. When using this rule, you (and the players) will hesitate to disallow abilities or faerie spells if they
want to continuously keep an eye on both the calendar, believe it would be disruptive or unsafe to include in
the location of the nearest Feywild portal and avoid any their game. In these instances, appropriately leveled
unnecessary attention! The clash of worlds between spell or ability from the Wizard class’s Arcane Traditions
mortals and fey could become a concern in either (especially the Illusion, Enchantment and Transmutation
location. schools) make suitable substitutes for undesired faerie
affinity abilities.
Fey and True Fey
The following rules might apply to pixies, to fairies or TINY, FLYING AND FEY - OH MY!
both. The inclusive term fey is used, and ruling their
applications is at the Dungeon Master’s discretion. For Tiny Size
example, a pixie or dryad are true fey, and subject to a
particular effect, whereas a fey-blooded halfling born on A pixie who is not flying can hide easily, or reach areas
the Material Plane might not. As you read through these most folk cannot. Keep a close eye on a pixie’s Strength
rules, consider how they might play out in either of these score limitations when carrying items around, especially
two settings. Creatures with the Fey Hybrid trait are while flying.
excellent candidates for not being considered true fey.
Flight Light
Unless additional magic is used or they acquire the
Don’t be afraid to say “no”! Some spells and Shrouded Glamour feat, pixies give off light and noise
abilities might serve as important plot points you while flying, giving them disadvantage on any Dexterity
want to reserve for yourself, or even the basis of an (Stealth) checks. A light in the dark attracts attention
entire quest or campaign, or they might just get in fast. Ensure your monsters and NPCs are constantly
your way. informed by their senses.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 36

Strong winds, extreme cold, debris or particulate matter
in the air might interfere with faerie flight. Remember to Faerie Dust
impose appropriate Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity Faerie dust is a rare and valuable commodity. An
(Acrobatics) checks for complicated maneuvers or alchemist can attempt to contain the substance, making
difficult conditions, leveraging advantage and a DC 15 check with their alchemist’s supplies (cast the
disadvantage on them accordingly. spell at a higher level and add 1 to the DC when
extracting more potent or specific types of dust). If the
Faerie Class check fails, roll a 1d2 to determine if the faerie (1) or the
Faerie class abilities are designed to keep them close to attempting alchemist (2) become the target of the
allies and enemies. However, they are fragile and lack random effects of the Dust Dash FAE spell.
important saving throw proficiencies.
Fey Blood
PREPARING ENCOUNTERS Fey blood, when imbibed by humanoid races, can delay
and even reverse the aging process. A fey bled of one hit
Altitude and Spatial Awareness die with a silver or iron blade produces enough blood
Consider each creature’s movement, height and reach at from which a Potion of Rejuvenation can be produced by
all times. Even a simple goblin with a 10-foot running a successful DC 14 check with alchemist’s supplies.
start and a melee weapon can make a jumping attack When consumed by a living humanoid or beast, the
and reach a pixie at 15 feet altitude. A taller creature like imbiber becomes younger by 1d4 years per hit die of
an ogre or giant might be within reach of a pixie hovering blood in the potion.
above a battalion of goblins. Polearms, javelins and Evil spellcasters, unscrupulous alchemists or wealthy
thrown spears are solid, mundane options. individuals who keep them in their employ might hunt
down an attempt to imprison a fey for its alchemical
Flight and Combat potential, once they become aware of its existence and
• Skilled archers are a threat to a flying creature, and are proximity.
deadly when hidden, utilizing sneak attack, or spells like the
Hex and Hunter’s Mark spells. Vampires
• Flying creatures can harry a pixie, and are deadly if utilizing Vampires are pleasantly intoxicated by imbibing fey
pack tactics. blood, and consider it a rare delicacy. A vampire that
• Don’t forget that pixie flight gives off light and sound! drinks one hit die of fey blood can comfortably withstand
direct sunlight for 4d12 hours.
Magical Detection
Pixies and faeries are magic incarnate, so they are
clearly visible to anyone under the effects of the Detect BELIEF AND GLAMOUR
Magic spell when not otherwise hidden from it. You
might also want to consider whether fey are detectable Fey are affected by intense emotions, dreams, and the
through use of the Detect Magic spell. Faerie spells like beliefs of nearby mortal humanoids can have a profound
Lie Fallow, Minor Glamour, Major Glamour and effect upon them.
Nondetection can help them counter this vulnerability.
Rest Frequency Any humanoid who sufficiently believes in the existence
Consider experimenting how much combat occurs of fey can perform the Magic Circle spell as a ritual using
before the party can take a long rest. Like all spellcasters salt, chalk as the material components for casting the
who require a long rest to regain spell slots, faeries will spell.
eventually tire when pushed to their limits, allowing
other party members to take center stage. Disbelief
If a mortal creature that can see or hear the fey and says
Spell Selection aloud, “I do not believe in fairies,” the fey must make a
Spells and abilities that specifically target fey creatures, DC 15 Charisma saving throw. If they fail, they take 1d4
like Banishment, Dispel Evil and Good, Earthbind XGE, psychic damage. If they succeed, they take half the
Magic Circle, Wind Wall and the Oath of the Ancients amount. This ritual may take place over any distance. If
paladin’s Turn the Faithless feature are also effective used intentionally against a pixie in combat, treat the
against fey. Spells that deal thunder damage exploit a Disbelief ritual as a bonus action.
pixie’s racial vulnerability to thunder damage.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 37

Spell Targeting and Awareness Metallurgy
Consider the effects belief and disbelief might have on Certain alloys can be toxic to fey, most notably cold iron
fey magic, especially requested saving throws. A and silver. Such weapons could have advantage on
commoner who believes a simple circle of salt will attack rolls against, or deal additional psychic damage or
protect them from a fey might gain all the benefits of the poisoning an unlucky fey.
Magic Circle spell.
Free Glamour
In certain situations, a faerie can benefit from the hopes, Mortal Anchors
dreams, aspirations, fears or admirations of mortals, and Fey must return to the Feywild after one week or
the presence of sufficiently intense emotion directed eventually feel the sting of mortality, making a DC 12
toward the fey might imbue them with additional Charisma saving throw at dawn on the eighth day. If they
glamour. For example, a pixie hiding behind (or inside) a fail, they subtract a hit die from their maximum hit
painting at a gallery opening might be able recover an points, and gain one level of exhaustion. Neither resting
expended trait, feature or a spell slot while benefiting nor the Greater Restoration spell can ameliorate this
from the painting’s many admirers. You can quickly also exhaustion. The faerie rolls a new saving throw each
quickly quantify this by granting the player an following day at dawn, and each failure adds additional
appropriately sized inspiration die. levels of exhaustion, continuing until death.
Fey can extend their stay on the material plane
VULNERABILITIES indefinitely if they have a Mortal Anchor. If their Mortal
A fey creature’s origin often does not prepare them for Anchor dies, leaves the plane without their pixie or
life upon the material plane, and they may be unaware of faerie, or somehow loses their own mortality, fey
their own vulnerabilities. Consider including any of the mortality sets in beginning at dawn.
following additional vulnerabilities to fey: When they return to the Feywild, any exhaustion
incurred by fey mortality is immediately dispelled. If they
Bells are unconscious, they immediately return to 1 hit point.
The ringing of iron or silver bells harms any fey who
hear them. If a hand-held bell rung 5 feet away from a Clapping
faerie, the sound forces them to make a DC 10 Charisma While exposed to the harsh banality of the Material
saving throw. If they fail, they take 1d4 thunder damage. Plane, fey (especially pixies) might have disadvantage on
If they succeed, they take half the amount. Volume, their death saving throws. This penalty is negated if they
proximity, size or other enchantments can increase the are within 10 feet of a humanoid who is performing a
damage or DC at the Dungeon Master’s discretion. ritual, by clapping their hands and chanting “I do believe
in fairies!” A creature can begin participating in this
Citrus Toxicity ritual using their reaction. The radius increases by 10
Lemons, limes and other citrus fruits are toxic to certain feet and the pixie receives a +1 bonus to its next death
fey. If ingested, the faerie makes a DC 14 Constitution saving throw for each mortal participating in the ritual.
saving throw. If they fail, they become poisoned for 24
hours. Death, Resurrection and Reincarnation
The Raise Dead and Resurrection spells have no effect
Dairy Intoxication upon a dead fey. If the body is intact, perhaps they can be
Butter, cream and cheese have intoxicating effects on targeted by the Reincarnation spell. In this instance,
fey. They enjoy the taste and sensation, and must their fey essence is lost, they lose all levels in the faerie
succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become class, and remember their previous life only as a
intoxicated, with effects similar to alcohol upon humans. confusing dream.
In the Feywild, death is part of a kind of reincarnation
Imprisonment for fey: their essence might be devoured, transferred or
If bound by an iron or silver collar or fetters, or trapped temporarily dispersed, but it is recycled in the endless
in a container of fine glass or crystal (with a silver or iron churning magic of the Feywild, and never truly lost
flooring or stopper), fey are unable to speak or use forever.
material components for spells, use class abilities or
break the bonds of their imprisonment. However, their
Fey Mortality and Mortal Anchor rules are best
Scrying effect on and shared telepathy with their Mortal
suited for ensembles, or campaigns where a mortal
Anchor is maintained. Once during their captivity, a fey
and pixie (or a faerie) are the primary focus of the
can cast the Sending spell, even if they do not know the
story. Consider the needs of all your players!
spell, without expending a spell slot, using their Mortal
Anchor as the target.

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 38

Mortal Anchor
Prerequisite: Fey creature type
You can use your action to bind your essence to one willing
living creature you can see or hear. You may have only one
Mortal Anchor at a time, and a creature may only serve as
Mortal Anchor for one faerie. The bond has the following
• You can communicate telepathically with your mortal anchor
if you are on the same plane of existence and within a
number of feet equal to 5 × your level. Your Mortal anchor
has can disable or re-enable or telepathic link using their
bonus action.
• You can cast the Scrying and Sending spell targeting your
Mortal Anchor without expending a spell slot, even if you
don’t know the spells, and regain the ability to do so when
you finish a long rest. Your mortal anchor has the
prerogative to succeed a saving throw against these spells
• The bond is an enchantment of the highest level spell a
spellcaster of your level can expend. You are aware of any
attempts to break it, and may make a DC 14 Insight check to
discover the perpetrator. Your mortal anchor can revoke the
bond at any time using their action. When the bond is
broken, you must succeed a DC 20 Charisma saving throw
(without advantage) or take one level of exhaustion.

Illustration by Sam Hogg

Old Gus’ Errata: Fey and Faeries 39

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