RPT Bi Ppki - Tahun 1

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1 1. Greetings and social Listening and Speaking

expressions 1.1 Appropriate expression in social 1.1.1 Able to make simple polite
situations request

2 1. Greetings and social Listening and Speaking

expressions 1.1 Appropriate expression in social 1.1.2 Able to exchange greetings

3 1. Greetings and social Listening and Speaking

expressions 1.1 Appropriate expression in social 1.1.3 Able to thank someone

4 1. Greetings and social Listening and Speaking

expressions 1.1 Appropriate expression in social 1.1.4 Able to express simple apology

5 1. Greetings and social Listening and Speaking

expressions 1.2 Understand and respond 1.2.1 Able to respond with a “Yes” or
appropriately to situations given “No” reply

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 1
6 1. Greetings and social Reading
expressions 1.3 Recognise and read words 1.3.1 Able to read and apply word
recognition and word attack skills
by matching words with flash
cards,pictures and multimedia

1.3.2 Able to read and apply word

recognition and word attack skills
by matching words with spoken

7 1. Greetings and social Writing

expressions 1.4 To form letters and works in neat 1.4.1 Able to match pictures with
legible print correct words

8 1. Greetings and social Writing

expressions 1.4 To form letters and works in neat 1.4.2 Able to differentiate small letter/
legible print capital letter

9 2. Personal details Listening and Speaking

2.1 Listen and respond appropriately to 2.1.1 Able to point to oneself and state
situation name after listening to teacher’s

2.1.2 Able to state own gender after

listening to teacher’s question

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 2
10 2. Personal details Reading
2.2 Apply knowledge of sounds of 2.2.1 Able to read and state own name
letters to read words with guidance
2.2.2 Able to read and state gender

11 2. Personal details Writing

2.3 To form letters and words of name 2.3.1 Able to write own name
and gender in neat legible print
2.3.2 Able to write own gender

12 3. Family members Listening and Speaking

3.1 Name and differentiate members of 3.1.1 Able to acknowledge family
the family members

13 3. Family members Listening and Speaking

3.1 Name and differentiate members of 3.1.2 Able to recognise and name
the family family members

3.1.3 Able to identify family members

14 3. Family members Reading

3.2 Recognise words pertaining to 3.2.1 Able to read simple words
family members
3.2.2 Able to spell words pertaining to
family members

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 3
15 3. Family members Reading
3.2 Recognise words pertaining to 3.2.3 Able to read simple sentences
family members related to extended family
members using picture cards

16 3. Family members Writing

3.3 To form letters and words of family 3.3.1 Able to copy words of family
members in neat legible print members

3.3.2 Able to match words / pictures to

the correct answer

17 4. Things in the classroom Listening and Speaking

4.1 Recognising things in the 4.1.1 Able to name and state things in
classroom the classroom

4.1.2 Able to say and point things in the


18 4. Things in the classroom Listening and Speaking

4.1 Recognising things in the 4.1.3 Able to discriminate same and
classroom different objects in the



Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 4
21 4. Things in the classroom Reading
4.2 Recognise and read words 4.2.1 Able to identify and distinguish
shapes of words of things in the

22 4. Things in the classroom Reading

4.2 Recognise and read words 4.2.2 Able to read and apply word
recognition by matching word with
flash cards, pictures and

4.2.3 Able to read and apply word

recognition by matching word with
spoken words

23 4. Things in the classroom Writing

4.3 To form letters and words of things 4.3.1 Able to label things in the
in the classroom in neat and legible classroom
4.3.2 Able to trace words of things in
the classroom

24 4. Things in the classroom Writing

4.3 To form letters and words of things 4.3.3 Able to match the same items
in the classroom in neat and legible
print 4.3.4 Able to match the pictures with
the correct words

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 5
4.3.5 Able to colour pictures of things in
the classroom

25 4. Things in the classroom Writing

4.3 To form letters and words of things 4.3.6 Able to choose objects in the
in the classroom in neat and legible classroom

26 5. Places in the school Listening and Speaking

5.1 Recognising various places in the 5.1.1 Able to name and state different
school places in the school

5.1.2 Able to show the correct pictures

after listening to teacher’s

27 5. Places in the school Listening and Speaking

5.1 Recognising various places in the 5.1.3 Able to recognise big and small
school places in the school

5.1.4 Able to name big or small places

in the school

28 5. Places in the school 5.2 Follow directions given by the 5.2.1 Able to give simple directions to
teacher places in the school

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 6
29 5. Places in the school Reading
5.3 Recognising words of various 5.3.1 Able to identify and distinguish
places in the school shapes of words of things in the

30 5. Places in the school Reading

5.3 Recognising words of various 5.3.2 Able to read and apply word
places in the school recognition by matching word with
flash cards, pictures and

5.3.3 Able to read and apply word

recognition by matching word with
spoken words

31 5. Places in the school Writing

5.4 To form letters and words of places 5.4.1 Able to trace words of places in
in the school in neat legible print the school

5.4.2 Able to match the pictures with

the correct words

32 6. Colours Listening and Speaking

6.1 Name and differentiate colours 6.1.1 Able to identify and differentiate

6.1.2 Able to recognise different colours

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 7
33 6. Colours Reading
6.2 Recognise and read words of 6.2.1 Able to read simple words of
various colours different colours

6.2.2 Able to spell words of various


34 6. Colours Reading
6.2 Recognise and read words of 6.2.3 Able to identify objects of various
various colours colours

35 6. Colours Writing
6.3 To form letters and words of colours 6.3.1 Able to trace words of various
in neat legible print colours

6.3.2 Able to copy words of various


6.3.3 Able to colour pictures

36 7. Numbers Listening and Speaking

7.1 Recognising numerals 7.1.1 Able to name and differentiate

37 7. Numbers Reading
7.2 Apply knowledge of sound of letters 7.2.1 Able to read and apply word
to recognise numerals recognition and word attack skills
by matching words with flash

Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 8
cards, pictures and multimedia

7.2.2 Able to read and apply word

recognition and word attack skills
by matching words with spoken

38 7. Numbers Reading
7.2 Apply knowledge of sound of letters 7.2.3 Able to spell words of numbers
to recognise numerals

39 7. Numbers Writing
7.3 To form letters and words of 7.3.1 Able to trace numbers
numbers in neat legible print
7.3.2 Able to match numbers with
correct pictures

40 7. Numbers Writing
7.3 To form letters and words of 7.3.3 Able to write missing numbers
numbers in neat legible print
7.3.4 Able to count and colour the
correct numbers



Disiplin Ilmu Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 1 KSSR 9

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