Poems by Kamala Surayya

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You gave me a jar of wild honey
I gave you my love
My love is so much
like honey collected from the forests
Several springs lie dissolved in it.
Each night the
weight of your body
wearies my arms.
But you lie against another
woman's body in a town
far away from my home
How long is it
since you and I began
to run round the rim
of a circle seeking
out one another?
I cannot guess
I do not even know
if I am pursuing you
or if you are pursuing me.
The thought that
morning is leagues away
makes me lie
each night sleepless.
Was it in another
life perhaps remote that
I heard for the first time
your soft voice, your
gentle words?
Why do you stand
silent outside my door?
Your silence thumps against
the walls of my Heart.
Who built a shrine
at my feet?
Prayer bells trill in my ears.
I am a river that flows
on, unaware of its
limitations. On an
evening after the sun had
set you visited me.
It was then that it flowed
as if in spate.
Who can now stem its flow?
At which fated hour
did my arid life
turn into a plaything
meant only for you?
You were a scholar.
You roamed around
scattering shreds of moonlight.
Today you are wise.
You burn like the Sun.
But I tremble fearing
that one day you might
discover the transience of
our love. Am I
to get scorched by the sun?
We had as
weapons only our religions.
We had to abandon
them on the floor
before we could embrace
each other.
Why do you
stand before me with
the troubled face of a
convict? Why do you
tremble in fear before
the one who loves you?
I admitted you into
the interiors of my
home only because you
were an innocent.
Are you forever
seeking in me the lost treasures
of youth? Oh pilgrim
late in arriving, your
only duty is to give
me my last drink of water.
Your finger tips
are blunted for you chew
your nails. With blunted
fingertips you strum my
heart strings, you liberate
strange melodies. This is to
be our honeymoon. We
joined the suicide squad
ready for self-sacrifice
And if love is not
a sacrifice what then
is its meaning?

How can I love him without causing
his mask to crack, a mask more cherished
than his naked face, one of intense
piety that glows like an auburn sun
against the horizon while the wine
of his tremulous voice is poured again and
again into goblets of adorers’ ears?
Transient as the splintering sun
in the moving river beside his home
was his love and transient the leap
of desire in his burnt sienna eyes
But how shall I survive the aftermath
of love and the sudden awakening
in him of reasons, the silence banked
as snow in the Nokia he gifted a month or two ago
returning from a Gulf-land to my impatient arms?


Perhaps in slumber lies
as yet unemerged
the tarnished copper of their leaves
and my beloved's too
I remember the red hot rages
that awakened
under my gypsy lips.
Was there ever a woman
able with words to describe the splendors of her
lover's body?
Ya Allah
import for us
for my silent one and me
from the heavens above
a language that is versatile
and conveys love's anguish
and the concomitant bliss
with words that resemble the sighs
of moments when we cling
and afterwards uncling
in leisurely detumescense
Ya Allah
I thank you once again
and again and again
For this gift of a man
who is now my sustenance
the draught I thirsted for
and the sole raiment
for my nudity, both my body's
and my soul's.


Among the maples

and the pine
among the cedar
and the birch
descends the hurricane
of my desire for you
an untimely one that must
shake down the limbs of trees
and bruise the forest,
these hills . . .
Your stricken eyes
tinged red
bother me my love
In the stillness of a Canadian night
I hear the resonance
of your voice
calling out my name
and the body lying disciplined
under the eiderdown trembles
recalling our last embrace
You asked for a maple leaf
to keep pressed in a book
If this anguish lingers on,
lingers on and on
I shall bequeath you
my heart, chilled and red
so like a maple leaf in autumn
to keep pressed
between the pages
of your prayer book
a relic to remind you of
promises left unfulfilled
and happiness dreamt of
but not realized.
Don't turn your face
or look at me, dear one
I dare not gaze again
into the depth of sequestered pools
Behind the layers of cold skin
may lurk sleeping suns
that might rise out of the water
like naked leprechauns
to beguile
to please
I dare not play the games
adults seem to play
the game of enticement
the game of laughter
and the final one of abandonment

Words pelted at me
in sudden
casual malice
scar the veneer of my pride
till it crouches like a stray
beside the sewers of
dark consciousness
Within a flawless form
the invisible trappings hurt
and I see myself a cripple
crutches under arms
begging with eyes
for kindness
For love ...
I must arise
I must depart
to the yellow lights of
the din of crowds
closing in on me
and the deafening applause
the embrace of rustics
the unlearned ones
who give unquestioningly
their love
and their underarms' smell
to these I must return . . .
To the maples
taking their own time to redden
to the elephantine rocks
to the pines and the birches
to the glimpse of
silvery lakes
to the thrumming air
of the forest
to the birds crying out
their creator's name
I discover that I do not
and that I shall not ever belong.

You gave me no wedding ring
or even a promise laced with hope
You held me in your arms
and passed on your cough to me
After half a year has passed
the cough still lingers on:
Love too endures, I hope...
On the phone at your hospital
your voice, a steely scalpel
probing my innards,
drives me to the farthest
periphery of your world
I shiver like an outcaste
I taste the cold metal of defeat
Perhaps only in my arms
you soften
adopt a human form
At such moments you serve me
ladles of silence
in a leisurely way
the silence of old trees
adorning your family home
which remember you as a child
the silence of birds that roost
invisibly in the trees
the silence of distant hills
in the wake of a storm.
KATIE - 2000
pink as pastry
laid out at a children's party,
ageless and exquisite,
wept in my embrace
at the doorstep of her home.
I had not thought I would
see you again, she said
in a voice soft as the sigh
of wind in the lush foliage
of the Laurentian woods
The passage of years, the years between my first visit
and this, had not crocheted
her skin or dulled her eyes
She spoke freely now
of the topics women fancied most,
of the love stories she read
avidly each day
to chase out the aloneness
of one who had performed her duties well
had nurtured a robust offspring
and had watched her descendants thrive

This time
my friend Merrily
has got herself a bore
as houseguest
a love struck woman
wandering blindly
through the maze of
a new found love
whose eyes
now opaque
reflect not the verdure
or the sky
but the swarthy man
she left behind
in exchange of girlish prattle
accustomed to
for years
From the beginning
of the friendship to this day
she stops so often to pause
and then changing the topic
narrates the fond details
of her male
But Merrily braves it all
shrugging her shoulders
crinkling the corners of her eyes
and uproariously laughing
a laugh of fiestas
and fairs, a laugh that
rides a ferris wheel
a laugh gaudy as a circus tent
This is what brought me here
priceless one
the laughing water
of your voice
and the way you have
of pulling out
like skeins of wool
one by one
my dismal memories
folding each sorrow
and putting it away
in the cupboards of your room.


Sue, light as a feather
has a springy gait
all her own
and walks briskly to her
niece's home
nimble feet crunching
the gravel and the grass
She moves as a fawn does
leaving the forest
more or less undisturbed
although her red blouse alarms
the birds that hide in the bough
Her face gleams like a well-lit door
and behind it loiters
a laugh rooted in affection
There is within her the warmth
of carnivals where children lark
and couples in love waltz half
the night away.
Does she not still recall
every now and then
how she danced with her Joe
making a conspicuous pair?
It will be folly she thinks
if I invite him now to dance with me
he has screws in his pockets
and nails in his mouth
he hates to leave the work undone
the fitting of a lintel there
a hinge here, a whole window
to be squeezed in.
Joe works on and on
his work is never done
he is unaware of spiders
climbing up his arms
unaware of the fierce summer sun
beating down on him
Joe hammers
he tightens the screws
and polishes well
the polished ledges of his home.

Today I leave Merrily's home
for a land that's far away
where I shall not smell the birch leaf and the spruce
Here I was the owner of my time
each tranquil hour my own
none to make claims on the vitality
and the depleted assets of age
none to plead with sunken eyes
for permanent sustenance
or for a roof above her head
Ya Allah
how long can I aid you
in your ordained bondage of love?
How brief my earthly sojourn
how eternal thy pursuits
If you have visible feet my Lord
I shall press my lips to them
I shall dampen your toes
with my tears
that seem to flow
from a remote interior
that is perhaps within me
and yet seems alien
a territory bequeathed
a territory unearned

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