Reliability Analysis Center: The Journal of The
Reliability Analysis Center: The Journal of The
Reliability Analysis Center: The Journal of The
The Air Force Research Another of the first reliability operational parameters into
Laboratory Information efforts of RADC was the reliability requirements. The
Directorate at the Rome (NY) publication of reliability original team created by
Research Site is the current prediction models. An RCA Naresky for reliability
name for a laboratory which document, TR 1100, became the technology development was a
has been the DoD focal point basis of an RADC technical four man group: Edward
for electronic reliability since report which was the first Krzysiak (group leader),
the 1950s. Established in 1951 military reference on failure Anthony Coppola, Anthony D.
as the Rome Air Development rates of electronic components. Pettinato, Jr., and John Fuchs.
Center (RADC), becoming the A series of RADC Reliability As the number of reliability
Rome Laboratory (RL) in Notebooks provided updates, personnel grew, statistical
December 1990, and officially until RADC became the studies in reliability were
adopting its present title in preparing activity for MIL- performed by various
October 1997, the organization HDBK-217, Reliability individuals and groups under
has been the primary DoD Prediction of Electronic the overall direction of David
electronic reliability research Equipment. Prediction models F. Barber and his successor
and development agency since for electronic parts became the Anthony J. Feduccia, division
reliability was recognized as specialty of Lester Gubbins and, chiefs in a directorate headed
an engineering discipline. It on his retirement, Seymour by Naresky.
has twice received the annual Morris.
award of the IEEE Reliability In 1961, the laboratory began to
Society, in 1974 and in 1998. The laboratory also produced create facilities for research in
references on failure rates for reliability physics. These
One of the first publications non-electronic parts, the
considering reliability as an prediction and demonstration of Volume 6 Number 1
engineering discipline was maintainability, and the use of
Reliability Factors for Ground Bayesian statistics for Inside this Issue
Electronic Equipment, reliability demonstration. It ISSRE ‘97................................ 7
published by RADC in 1955. was one of the first to develop Calls for Papers...................... 9
It’s author was Joseph J. the concept of system Call for Memories ................... 9
Naresky (see biography on effectiveness, a figure of merit New from RAC ....................... 10
page 5), who created the combining availability, Industry Brief......................... 12
laboratory’s reliability reliability, and capability From the Editor ...................... 13
program and developed it from measures into a single measure Letter to the Editor ................. 16
a personal commitment to a of the overall worth of a Some Observations on
multi-faceted effort by about system to its user. Early studies Demonstrating Availability. 17
100 specialists. on operational influences on Mark Your Calendar ............... 20
reliability foreshadowed more Help from RAC....................... 22
recent development RAC Order Form ................... 23
of a means for
translating desired 1-888-RAC-USER (1-888- 722-8737)
facilities included a variety of Circuits) qualification Air Force systems, such as the
equipment useful for analyzing committee. More recently, airborne command post, and the
the cause of failures in Daniel Fayette led a program “HAVE NOTE” program, under
microelectronic devices. These for multichip module (MCM) which the laboratory tested a
have been used to isolate and reliability and performance variety of Air Force weapons
correct problems in operational assessment. Hybrids, MMIC systems for susceptibility to
Air Force systems such as the (Microwave Monolithic electromagnetic interference.
Minuteman missile. In 1962, Integrated Circuits), solid- The laboratory also created
the laboratory sponsored the state Transmit/Receive numerous test sites in which
first symposium on reliability modules, and most recently, aircraft were mounted inverted
physics, which has continued Microelectromechanical (MEM) on pedestals so that their
under IEEE sponsorship as the devices have all benefited from radiation patterns could be
International Reliability laboratory programs. quickly and inexpensively
Physics Symposium (IRPS). measured, in comparison to in-
Noted leaders of the flight tests. From these
With knowledge gained from laboratory’s microcircuit facilities, RADC became known
an in-house thin film and reliability and quality as the keeper of the “upside
monolithic microcircuit assurance activities through down Air Force.” Air Force
manufacturing facility created the years include Joseph aircraft ranging in vintage from
by Richard Nelson, the center Vaccaro, Joseph Brauer, the F-4 to the F-22, have
produced RADC Exhibit 2867, Edward P. O’Connell, Al appeared on the test stands,
Quality and Reliability Tamburrino, Regis Hilow, and recent participants have
Assurance Procedures for Charles Messenger, and Dr. been the Navy EA-6B Prowler
Monolithic Microcircuits. This Robert Thomas, among others. and some automotive
document was the direct In 1994, both the statistical communications systems. Other
ancestor of MIL-STD-883, Test studies and reliability physics recent developments have been
Methods and Procedures for were integrated into the the use of infrared imaging to
Microcircuits, the foundation of Electronics Reliability map electromagnetic fields
both military and commercial Division under Eugene without the perturbation of
microcircuit quality assurance, Blackburn. The new division conventional probing
and of MIL-M-38510, the instituted a program for techniques, and the
general specification for integrating diagnostics for development of an electro-
microcircuits under the multichip modules permitting magnetic performance monitor
military qualified parts efficient chip to system (EMPM) which can record the
program, both authored by testability. electromagnetic environment
center personnel. The inside a system. Leading EMC
laboratory later created MIL- and related studies through the
I-38535 General Specification years were Samuel Zaccari,
for Integrated Circuits Robert McGregor and Carmen
(Microcircuits) Manufacturing, Luvera.
MIL-H-38534 General
Specification for Hybrid The laboratory has often
Microcircuits, and MIL-STD- applied its knowledge of
1772 Certification advanced technologies to create
Requirements for Hybrid prototype equipment. In 1967,
Microcircuit Facility and Lines, One of the first pictures showing it contracted with General
physics of failure phenomena, this 1960s
which are the basis of the RADC photo shows the beginnings of
Electric for the development of
current dual-use qualified corrosion of aluminum circuit MIRAGE (Microelectronic
manufacturers system. interconnections. Indicator for Radar Ground
Equipment) a technology
The laboratory has always As reliability studies began in
demonstration model of a
been heavily involved in the the 1950s, the laboratory also
display having one-tenth the
reliability and quality began studies into electro-
volume of the UPA-35 radar
assurance of new technologies. magnetic compatibility (EMC)
indicators in the field, and 100
John Farrell, for example, which resulted in, among other
times the reliability. RADC
chaired the VHSIC (Very things, models used for
was designated the manager for
High Speed Integrated analyzing the EMC problems of
a joint Air Force -FAA
Reliability Through the Years at the Air Force Rome, NY Facility: A Sampling
1967 First microelectronic 1983 RADC sponsors Air 1996 Integrated Diagnostics
packaging handbook published Force Academy development of for Multichip Modules (MCM)
Bayesian tests for one-shot developed
1968 Minuteman integrated systems.
circuit failures analyzed 1997 Rome Laboratory
1984 Design considerations becomes the Air Force Research
1969 Tests of plastic for fault tolerant systems Laboratory Information
encapsulated integrated identified Directorate at the Rome site
circuits begin
1985 “Smart BIT” concepts 1997 CAD for
1970 Reliability support formulated microelectromechanical
provided to F-111 Mark II (MEMs) devices started
avionics development 1986 Guide to electronic
stress screening (ESS) published 1998 Organization receives
1971 “Tiger Team” reviews second IEEE Reliability Society
of avionics systems reliability 1987 Finite element analysis award
performed by command request applied to surface mounted
1972 Antenna measurement
facility established (start of 1988 RADC Reliability A complete history of the
“upside down Air Force”) Engineer’s Toolkit published organization now designated
the Air Force Research
1973 F-16 Avionics 1989 MIL-I-38535 General Laboratory Information
Reliability Review Team Specification for Integrated Directorate at Rome will be
chaired by RADC Circuits (Microcircuits) available in 1998. Contact:
Manufacturing, and MIL-H- Thomas W. Thompson,
1975 Nonelectronic 38534 General Specification for Chief History Office,
Reliability Notebook Hybrid Microcircuits published AFRL/IFOIHO, 36 Electronic
published Parkway, Rome, NY 13440.
1990 RADC becomes Rome Tel: (315) 330-2757.
ISSRE ’97, the 8th International Automated SRE Company This is not unlike the phrase
Symposium on Software Wide “ given by James Tierney “Do the Right Thing Right the
Reliability Engineering, was from Microsoft, a co-sponsor of First Time” which has been
held Nov 2-5, 1997 in beautiful, the conference. (“Automated” spoken so often in total quality
sunny and warm Albuquerque, refers to the automation of training courses given in the
New Mexico. It was attended testing and measurement.) last ten years. It is not unique to
by more than 150 participants Terney claims that SRE has software engineering.
from government, industry, and had great success at Microsoft
academia with a strong and that improved customer Presentations
showing from the usage data and useful Underlying threads of the
telecommunications industry, predictions of ship dates have presentations ranged from “Yes,
and from the research been invaluable. He later you can test reliability into
community. Approximately stated however that adoption your software” to “You need to
one-third of the attendees were of SRE is closer to 50% than design reliability in because by
presenters. Other attendees 100% - leaving the the time you get to test it’s
were primarily leaders in interpretation of “great success” often too late or too expensive
quality or testing departments to be pondered. to test it in.” There was general
of their respective consensus that you need a way
organizations. Of the 40 or Tuesday’s Keynote, “Software to determine when the software
more presentations given in Reliability in Theory and is reliable and that is
three days, 80% addressed Practice” was given by Larry accomplished only through
research in Software Dalton, Manager, High testing and tracking failures
Reliability Engineering (SRE) Integrity Software Systems throughout the testing
with only a small number Engineering, Sandia National interval. Although much
addressing actual experience. Laboratories, Albuquerque, discussion centered around how
NM. His observation is that in to structure the testing, all the
The opening keynote address surety critical applications experts seemed to be in
was given by Dieter Rombach, such as nuclear weapons control, agreement that fault intensity
Director of the Fraunhofer software-based systems are to is the primary metric and
Institute for Experimental be avoided, and if unavoidable, should be measured relative to
Software Engineering, then “expect the unexpected” the testing interval in terms of
Kaiserslautern, Germany and and make provisions to protect time or natural units. While it
was titled “Inspections and against it. He described is difficult for many software
Testing: Core Competence for dousing an aircraft (loaded engineers to accept this
Reliability Engineering”. The with a nuclear weapon) with paradigm as relevant for
talk focused on the use of 1000 gallons of jet fuel and software, it is nevertheless
systematic inspections for early setting it on fire as a test to asserted to be necessary for
defect detection and the use of determine behavior of the determining software
testing for reliability detonator in the “unexpected” reliability.
assessment and prediction. realm. He ended his keynote
Much of what was said is also with Dalton’s Axioms for In most sessions, regardless of
proposed in the “cleanroom” Reliability in Theory and the main emphasis of the topic,
approach to software Practice: some form of reliability growth
development and embodies modeling was used to determine
some of the principles of total Specify the RIGHT THING when the software would meet
quality management although a pre-determined reliability
the “TQM” term was not Construct the THING RIGHT objective.
The THING may fail, so Another reoccurring thread in
His address was followed by a reduce the consequences many of the presentations was
keynote titled “Launching the concept of an “operational
• AS 9000, Aerospace Basic Quality System Standard, is now available from the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) as a guide to quality management in the Aerospace industry. Like QS 9000, the
Automotive Quality System Standard, it contains a verbatim citation of ISO 9000 provisions and
industry specific additional requirements and notes. For more information on AS 9000, Contact SAE, 400
Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale PA 15086-0001. Tel: (412) 776-4970.
• Despite recent statements that the automotive sponsors of QS 9000 would discontinue the verbatim
citation of ISO 9001, present plans are to retain the ISO standard.
• ISO plans to “integrate” ISO 9000 and ISO 14000, Environmental Management System, apparently do not
intend a merger of the documents, but rather the creation of the capability to audit a site for compliance
to either or both in a single visit.
The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the
Department of Defense or RAC of the products or services advertised.
So where does this lead? First, we need to measure What do you think? Letters to the editor on this, or
our efforts in three dimensions. Among all the any other topic, are always welcome. Those of
different parameters, we can perhaps select major general interest may be printed, unless the author
factors for “goodness,” cost and schedule and use requests otherwise.
this troika as an overall indicator of our
performance. Continuing our automotive example,
Availability is easy to measure. It is also easy to on other distributions, such as the log-normal,
measure MTBF and MTTR and calculate inherent which is more commonly assumed for MTTR).
availability by the formula:
Selected values from a Chi-square table are:
Ai = Degrees of Chi-squared
freedom ( = 2 x no. Chi-square value value at 90th
of failures) at tenth percentile percentile
The problem is in assigning risks. For example, 2 .211 4.61
suppose we wanted an availability of 95%. If we 4 1.064 7.78
had one failure in 100 hours and it took one hour to 6 2.20 10.64
8 3.49 13.36
repair, we have measured an availability of 99%, 10 4.87 15.99
well over spec. However, we would be basing the
conclusion on one failure and one repair, which 12 6.30 18.55
14 7.79 21.06
would be quite risky. We would feel more 16 9.31 23.54
confidence if we had more data (i.e. more failures 18 10.86 25.99
and repairs). There are established procedures for 20 12.44 28.41
computing confidence intervals around MTBF 22 14.04 30.81
measurements and for confidence intervals around 24 15.66 33.20
MTTR estimates. (confidence = 1-risk. A confidence 26 17.29 35.56
28 18.94 37.92
of 90% that a calculated MTBF or better has been 30 20.60 40.26
achieved means a 10% risk of being in error. In turn
a 10% risk of error means a probability of 0.10 that 40 29.05 51.81
50 37.69 63.17
the true MTBF will be lower than the calculated 60 46.46 74.40
value.) As might be expected, the more data 80 64.28 96.58
available, the closer will the calculated values for 100 82.36 118.5
a specified confidence be to the measured value.
We then use the formulas:
The problem with availability is that there is no
easy way to compute confidence limits about a 2 x total operating time
measured availability. Chi - square value for 2 x no. of
failures at 90th percentile
Following is a procedure for calculating risks on
availability from confidence intervals on MTBF 2 x total downtime
and MTTR. MTTR =
Chi - square value for 2 x no. of
First, collect data on MTBF and MTTR. (MTBF is repairs at tenth percentile
operating hours/failures: MTTR is down
time/failures not counting administrative and The MTBF formula gives the value of MTBF which
logistics delays). The data is collected to the end we are 90% sure will be exceeded by the true MTBF
of the last repair so that the operating time does (there is a .10 probability that the true MTBF is
not extend beyond the time of the last failure. less that that calculated by the formula).
Then use the Chi-square procedure described below The MTTR formula gives the value of MTTR which
to calculate MTBF and MTTR at a desired risk. We we are 90% sure will not be exceeded by the true
shall be using 10% risks, and calculating a value of MTTR (there is a .10 probability that the true
MTBF for which there is only a .10 probability MTTR is grater than that calculated by the
that the true MTBF will be lower, and a value of formula).
MTTR for which there is only a .10 probability
that the true MTTR will be higher. The resultant These values may be used to calculate an
values are an MTBF and MTTR demonstrated to a availability at some risk determined by the risks
90% confidence. (Note: this method assumes the on MTBF and MTTR. We shall discuss later what
exponential distribution applies to both times the risk on the calculated availability might be.
between failure and times to repair: there are Example: for 1000 hours of operating time with 10
procedures for computing confidence intervals based failures which required 10 hours of repair time:
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For further information on scheduled RAC training courses contact Ms. Nan Pfrimmer at the Reliability Analysis Center, (800) 526-4803 or
(315) 339-7036. For information about on-site and custom training arrangements contact Mr. Patrick Hetherington at (315) 339-7084..