(17 - Salt Analysis 1 To 24

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-1-Aluminium Nitrate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2,Sr+2,Ba+2,Cu+2,
dipping in con. HCl and heat Zn+2 (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are
it on flame upto no colour absent.
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire
loop into the flame.
d) Action of Heat :

A small quantity of salt is Reddish Brown vapours are May be Nitrate (NO–3)

taken a dry test tube and evolved. salt is present

strogly heated

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube Acetate (CH3COO–)

and dil.HCl is added. ions are absent.

b) Action of conc. H2SO4:

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction. Chloride (Cl–) &

taken in a dry test tube Bromide (Br–) ions are absent.

and conc.H2SO4 is added. b) After heating Reddish Brown Nitrate (NO–3) ion may

vapours are evolved. be present

c) Action of Cu-turnings
and conc.H2SO4:
To the small quantity of salt is
taken in a test tube 1 or 2 pieces
Reddish Brwon Vapours of NO2 Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
are evolved and the solution turns present
pale blue
of Cu turning and conc. H2SO4
are added and then heated.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water and
boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Nitrate ion :
Brown – Ring test
A small quantity of Na2CO3 extract Dark Brown Ring is formed in Nitrate (NO–3)
solution is neutralized with dilute. between the junction of two layers ion is confirmed.
H2SO4 until the brisk efferverscence (Nitroso ferrous sulphate) (FeSO4.NO)
is ceased and same amount of freshly
prepared FeSO 4 solution is added, then
few drops of conc. H2SO4 is added by
keeping the test tube in an inclined

Practical Chemistry
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.
H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl White gelatinous ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are

cation is present


d) Test for IV Group Cations:
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3
White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed.
White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed.
Calcium (Ca+2) absent
Barium (Ba+2) absent

Ja solution is added
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed.

White ppt. is not formed

Strontium (Sr+2) absent

Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Aluminium :
a) Actions of NaOH solution:
To the salt solution NaOH White gelatinous ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3 )
solution is added. which is soluble in excess of cation is confirmed.
NaOH solution
b) Action of NH4OH solution:
To the salt solution NH4OH White gelatinous ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)
solution is added. which is soluble in excess of cation is confirmed.
NH4OH solution.

IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Aluminium (Al+3) ;
The given Anion is : Nitrate (NO–3)
The given salt is : Aluminium Nitrate [Al (NO3)3]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-2-Aluminium Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent.
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2,Ba+2, Cu+2, Zn+2
dipping in con.HCl and (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent.
heat it on flame upto no
colour appears. Now,prepare
the paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire
loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplets are formed on May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube and
strongly heated
the inner walls of test tube

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

i P
taken in a dry test tube
and dil.HCl is added
Acetate (CH3COO–) ions
are absent.

b) Action of conc.H2SO4 :

A small quntity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction Chloride (Cl–) &

taken in a dry test tube bromide (Br–) ions are absent.

and conc. H2SO4 is added b) After heating no reaction. Nitrate (NO–3)ion is absent
c) Action of Cu-turnings and
conc. H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent.
salt is a taken in test tube
1 or 2 pieces of Cu
turnings and conc. H2SO4
are added and then heated.
d) Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. is formed. present
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water and
boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :
Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. Solubility : Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.

in Conc. HCl
Practical Chemistry

V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl White gelatinous ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is present


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

ni Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent

J solution is added
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed.

White ppt. is not formed

Strontium (Sr+2) absent

Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Aluminium :
a) Action of NaOH Solution :
To the salt solution NaOH White gelatinous ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)
solution is added Which is soluble in excess of Cation is confirmed.
NaOH Solution.
b) Action of NH4OH solution :
To the salt solution NH4OH White gelatinous ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)
solution is added. Which is soluble in excess of cation is confirmed.
NH4OH solution.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Aluminium (Al+3)
The given Anion is : Sulphate (SO–24)

The given salt is : Aluminium Sulphate [Al2 (SO4)3]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-3-Ammonium Acetate


I. Priliminary Tests :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
b) State Crystalline Cations may be absent.
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2,Ba+2,Cu+2, Zn+2
dipping in con.HCl and heat (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent
it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is

Charateristics smell of vinegar May be Acetate

taken in a dry test tube and (CH3COO–) ion is present.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt is Colourless vapours with smell May be Acetate (CH3COO–)

taken in a dry test tube and of vinegar is evolved and ion is present

nadil.HCl is added. which turns blue litmus to red.

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

JTo a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water and
boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Acetate ion :
a) Action of Neutral FeCl3
solution :
To the small quantity of salt Deep Red filtrate is formed. Acetate (CH3COO–)
is taken in a test tube and On boiling above solution with ion is confirmed.
neutral FeCl3 solution is water is becomes brownish red ppt.
b) Esterification test :
To the salt solution Fruity odour is obtained. Acetate (CH3COO – )
conc. H2SO4 and C2H5OH ion is confirmed.
are added and heated.
It poured into water
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess

amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
Practical Chemistry eeee
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of salt is colour less gas with pungent Ammonium (NH4+)
taken in a dry test tube a few smell of ammonia (NH3) is cation may be present.
drops of NaOH solution is evolved and gives dense white
added and heated strongly. fumes (NH4Cl) with glass rod
when dipped in conc.HCl
Note: If Ammonium cation is identified then write following table. Do confirmation test of Ammonium Cation.

Group Group Reagents Name of the Precipitate Name of the Cation

(Identification Tests of cations)
a) Salt solution + dil. HCl is added White ppt. PbCl2 is not formed. Lead (Pb+2) absent
b) Salt solution + dil.HCl + H2S
gas passed Black ppt. CuS is not formed. Copper (Cu+2) absent

c) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White gelatinous ppt.Al(OH)3 is Aluminium (Al+3) absent

NH4OH solution is added not formed.

tio Dirty Green ppt. Fe (OH)2 is not Ferrous (Fe+2) absent


Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +

White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not Manganese (Mn+2) absent

passed formed.

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

an Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent

g)a solution is added
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)CO3+
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed.
White ppt. is not formed
Strontium (Sr+2) absent
Magnesium (Mg+2)
Na2HPO4 solution is added

VII. Confirmation Tests for Ammonium :

Action of Nessler’s reagent :
To the salt solution Nessler’s Reddish Brown colour ppt. is . Ammonium (NH+4)
reagent [K2HgI4] is added. formed (Iodide of Million’s base) cation is confirmed

VIII. Report :
The given Cation is :Ammonium (NH+4)
The given Anion is : Acetate (CH3COO–)
The given salt is : Ammonium Acetate [NH4(CH3COO)]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-4-Ammonium Bromide


I. Priliminary Tests :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
b) State : Crystalline Cations may be absent.
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2,Ba+2,Cu+2, Zn+2
dipping in con.HCl and heat (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent
it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Colourless gas with ammonia May be Ammonium

taken in a dry test tube and smell is evolved sublimate (NH+4) salt is present.

strongly heated

is formed

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

i P
A small quantity of salt No reaction Carbonate (CO3–2) &

is taken in a dry test tube Acetate (CH3COO–)

and dil.HCl is added. ions are absent.

b) Action of Conc. H2SO4:

Ja A small quantity of salt is

taken in a dry test tube and
Conc. H2SO4 is added.
Reddish Brown vapours with Bromide (Br–) ion
pungent smell are evolved.
Which turns starch to Yellow.
may be confirmed.

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water and
boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Bromide ion :
a) Action of MnO2 &
Conc. H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of salt is Reddish Brown vapour (Br2) Bromide (Br–) ion is
taken in a test tube pinch of with pungent smell are evolved. confirmed.
MnO2 and conc. H2SO4are Which turns starch to yellow.
b) Action of AgNO3 Solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 Pale yellow ppt. of (AgBr) is Bromide (Br–) ion
solution is added is formed. confirmed
Solubility : Above ppt. is
partially soluble in NH4OH

Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of salt is colour less gas with pungent Ammonium (NH4+)
taken in a dry test tube a few smell of ammonia (NH3) is cation may be present.
drops of NaOH solution is evolved and gives dense white
added and heated strongly. fumes (NH4Cl) with glass rod
when dipped in conc.HCl
Note: If Ammonium cation is identified then write following table. Do confirmation test of Ammonium Cation.

Group Group Reagents Name of the Precipitate Name of the Cation

(Identification Tests of cations)
a) White ppt. PbCl2 is not formed. Lead (Pb+2) absent

Salt solution + dil. HCl is added

b) Salt solution + dil.HCl + H2S

gas passed

Black ppt. CuS is not formed. Copper (Cu+2) absent

c) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White gelatinous ppt.Al(OH)3 is Aluminium (Al+3) absent

NH4OH solution is added

not formed.

Dirty Green ppt. Fe (OH)2 is not Ferrous (Fe+2) absent


i PSalt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not Manganese (Mn+2) absent

na passed formed.

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

f) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3
solution is added
White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absent
White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
g) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)CO3+ absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added

VII. Confirmation Tests for Ammonium :

Action of Nessler’s reagent :
To the salt solution Nessler’s Reddish Brown colour ppt. is . Ammonium (NH+4)
reagent [K2HgI4] is added. formed (Iodide of Million’s base) cation is confirmed

VIII. Report :
The given Cation is :Ammonium (NH+4)
The given Anion is : Bromide (Br–)
The given salt is : Ammonium Bromide [NH4Br]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-5-Ammonium Carbonate


I. Priliminary Tests :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent.
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Cu+2,
dipping in con.HCl and heat not observed Zn+2 (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are
it on flame upto no colour absent
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Colourless gas with May be Ammonium

taken in a dry test tube and
strongly heated.
ammonia smell is evolved. (NH+4) salt is present.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt is Colour and smell less gas Carbonate (CO–23) ion

taken in a dry test tube and (CO2) evolved with brisk may be present

dil.HCl is added. effervescence. The gas puts

off a burning splinter. It turns

an Lime water into milky.

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Carbonate ion :
Action of BaCl2 solution :
A small quantity of salt solution White ppt. (BaCO3) is formed. Carbonate (CO–23) ion
is taken in a dry test tube and Solubility : Above ppt. is soluble is confirmed.
BaCl2 solution is added dil.HCl

V. Identification of Cation
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.

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VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of salt is Colour less gas with pungent Ammonium (NH+4) cation
taken in a dry test tube a few smell of ammonia (NH3) is may be present
drops of NaOH solution is evolved and gives dense white
added and heated strongly. fumes (NH4Cl) with glass rod
when dipped in conc.HCl
Note : If Ammonium cation is identified then write following table. Do confirmation test of Ammonium cation
Group Group Reagents Name of the Precipitate Name of the Cation
(Identification Tests of cations)

a) Salt solution + dil. HCl is added White ppt. PbCl2 is not formed. Lead (Pb+2) absent
b) Salt solution + dil.HCl + H2S
gas passed Black ppt. CuS is not formed. Copper (Cu+2) absent
c) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White gelatinous ppt.Al(OH)3 is Aluminium (Al+3) absent

NH4OH solution is added not formed.

tio Dirty Green ppt. Fe (OH)2 is not Ferrous (Fe+2) absent


Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +

White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not Manganese (Mn+2) absent

passed formed.

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

an Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent

solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent

g) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)CO3+
Na2HPO4 solution is added
White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)

VII. Confirmation Tests for Ammonium :

Action of Nessler’s reagent :
To the salt solution Nessler’s Reddish Brown colour ppt. is Ammonium (NH+4)
agent [K2HgI4] is added. formed (Iodide of Million’s base) cation is confirmed

VIII. Report :
The given Cation is : Ammonium (NH+4)
The given Anion is : Carbonate (CO–23)
The given salt is : Ammonium Carbonate [ (NH4)2CO3]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-6-Ammonium Chloride


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2,Ba+2,Cu+2, Zn+2
dipping in con. HCl and heat it (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent
on flame upto no colour appears.
Now, prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch glass,
then introduce this paste by
platinum wire loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken Colourless gas with ammonia May be Ammonium

in a dry test tube and strongly smell is evolved and white (NH+4) salt is present.

heated. sublimate is formed.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–)

dil.HCl is added. ions are absent

b) Action of Conc. H2SO4:

A small quntity of salt is Colour less gas (HCl) with Chloride (Cl–) ion

J taken in a dry test tube and

conc.H2SO4 are added.
pungent small is evolved and may be present
gives dense white fumes
(NH4Cl) with glass rod
when dipped in NH4OH
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Carbonate ion :
a) Action of MnO2 & Conc.H2SO4:
To the small quantity of salt Greenish yellow colour Chloride (Cl–) ion is
is taken in a test tube pinch of vapours (Cl2) with pungent smell confirmed.
MnO2 and Conc.H2SO4 are evolved.
are added.
b)Action of AgNO3 solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 White curdy ppt. of (AgCl) is Chloride (Cl–) ion
solution is added. formed. is confirmed.
Solubility: Above ppt. is

completely soluble in NH4OH

Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of salt is Colour less gas with pungent Ammonium (NH+4) cation
taken in a dry test tube a few smell of ammonia (NH3) is may be present
drops of NaOH solution is evolved and gives dense white
added and heated strongly. fumes (NH4Cl) with glass rod
when dipped in conc.HCl
Note : If Ammonium cation is identified then write following table. Do confirmation test of Ammonium cation

Group Group Reagents Name of the Precipitate Name of the Cation

(Identification Tests of cations)

a) Salt solution + dil. HCl is added White ppt. PbCl2 is not formed. Lead (Pb+2) absent

b) Salt solution + dil.HCl + H2S

gas passed

Black ppt. CuS is not formed. Copper (Cu+2) absent

c) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White gelatinous ppt.Al(OH)3 is Aluminium (Al+3) absent

NH4OH solution is added

not formed.

Dirty Green ppt. Fe (OH)2 is not Ferrous (Fe+2) absent


i PSalt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not Manganese (Mn+2) absent

na passed formed.

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

f) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3
White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absent
White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent
solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
g) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)CO3+ absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VII. Confirmation Tests for Ammonium :
Action of Nessler’s reagent :
To the salt solution Nessler’s Reddish Brown colour ppt. is. Ammonium (NH+4)
reagent [K2HgI4] is added. formed (Iodide of Million’s base) cation is confirmed

VIII. Report :
The given Cation is : Ammonium (NH+4)
The given Anion is : Chloride (Cl–)
The given salt is : Ammonium Chloride [NH4Cl]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-7-Ammonium Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Cu+2, Zn+2
dipping in con. HCl and heat it (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent
on flame upto no colour appears.
Now, prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch glass,
then introduce this paste by

platinum wire loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken

Colourless gas with ammonia May be Ammonium

in a dry test tube and strongly smell is evolved (NH+4) salt is present.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

is taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–)

dil.HCl is added. ions are absent

b) Action of Conc. H2SO4:
A small quntity of salt is taken
in a dry test tube and
a) Before heating no reaction. Chloride (Cl–) &Bromide
b) After heating no reaction. (Br–) ion are absent
Conc. H2SO4 is added Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent.
c) Action of Cu turnings and
Conc. H2SO4:
To the small quantity of salt No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent.
is taken in a test tube 1 or 2
pieces of Cu turnings and
Conc.H2SO4 are added and
then heated.
d) Action of BaCl2 solution:
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is Sulphate (SO-24) ion is
solution is added. formed. present.

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.

eeee 29
Practical Chemistry
IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :
Action of BaCl2 Solution:
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. Solubility : Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.
in Conc. HCl
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of salt is Colour less gas with pungent Ammonium (NH+4) cation
taken in a dry test tube a few smell of ammonia (NH3) is may be present
drops of NaOH solution is evolved and gives dense white
added and heated strongly. fumes (NH4Cl) with glass rod

when dipped in conc.HCl

Note : If Ammonium cation is dentified then write following table. Do confirmation test of Ammonium cation

Group Reagents Name of the Precipitate Name of the Cation

(Identification Tests of cations)


Salt solution + dil. HCl is added White ppt. PbCl2 is not formed. Lead (Pb+2) absent

b) Salt solution + dil.HCl + H2S

gas passed Black ppt. CuS is not formed. Copper (Cu+2) absent

i PSalt solution + NH4Cl salt + White gelatinous ppt.Al(OH)3 is Aluminium (Al+3) absent

NH4OH solution is added not formed.

Dirty Green ppt. Fe (OH)2 is not Ferrous (Fe+2) absent


a Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution + H2S gas
White ppt. ZnS is not formed.
Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not
Zinc (Zn+2) absent
Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

f) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absent
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent
solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
g) Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)CO3+ absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VII. Confirmation Tests for Ammonium :
Action of Nessler’s reagent :
To the salt solution Nessler’s Reddish Brown colour ppt. is. Ammonium (NH+4)
reagent [K2HgI4] is added. formed (Iodide of Million’s base) cation is confirmed
VIII. Report :
The given Cation is : Ammonium (NH+4)
The given Anion is : Sulphate (SO4–2)
The given salt is : Ammonium Sulphate [(NH4)2SO4]

30 eeee
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Practical Chemistry

SALT-8-Barium Acetate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Grassy - green colour flame Ba+2 May be present
dipping in con.HCl and heat it is observed
on flame upto no colour appears.
Now, prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch glass,
then introduce this paste by

platinum wire loop into the flame.

i n
d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken in Charateristic smell of vinegar May be acetate

a dry test tube and strongly (CH3COO–) ion is present

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quantity of salt is Colourless vapours with May be Acetate

taken in a dry test tube and smell of vinegar is evolved (CH3COO–)

nadil.HCl is added. and which turns blue litmus ions are present

to red

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Acetate ion :
a) Action of Neutral FeCl3 solution :
To the small quantity of salt Deep Red filtrate is formed. Acetate (CH3COO–) ion is
is taken in a test tube and On boiling above solution with confirmed.
neutral FeCl3 solution is water it becomes brownish
added red ppt
b) Esterification test :
To the salt solution Fruity odour is obtained. Acetate (CH3COO–) ion is
Conc. H2SO4 and C2H5OH confirmed.
are added and heated.
It is poured into water
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.

eeee 31
Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with pungent Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation absent

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations :

n Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Calcium (Ca+2)

Ja NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3

solution is added
Barium (Ba+2)
Strontium (Sr+2)
cations are present
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Barium :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution potassium Yellow colour ppt. (BaCrO4) is Barium (Ba+2) cation
chromate solution (K2CrO4) is formed which is soluble in may be present.
added. dil.Acetic acid and soluble in
dil HCl
b) Action of Ammonium oxalate
To the salt solution Ammonium White colour ppt. (BaC2O4) Barium (Ba+2) cation
oxalate solution is added. is formed. Above ppt. is soluble is confirmed.
in hot Acetic acid.
VIII. Report :
The given Cation is : Barium (Ba+2) ; The given Anion is : Acetate (CH3COO–)

The given salt is : Barium Acetate [Ba(CH3COO)2]
. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-9-Barium Bromide


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Grassy-green colour flame Ba+2 May be present
dipping in con.HCl and heat is observed
it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the paste
of con.HCl + salt in watch glass,
then introduce this paste by
platinum wire loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken
in a dry test tube and strongly
Water droplets are formed on the
inner wall of test tube.
May be Hydrated salt.


II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quntity of Salt is taken No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

in a dry test tube and dil. HCl Acetate (CH3COO–)

is added. ions are absent.

b) Action of conc.H2SO4 :

A small quantity of salt is taken Raddish brown vapours Bromide (Br–) ion

Ja in a dry test tube and

conc. H2SO4 is added
with pungent smell are
evolved . Which turns starch
to yellow
may be present

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Bromide ion :
a) Action of MnO2& Conc. H2SO4:
To the small quantity of salt is Reddish Brown vapour (Br2) with Bromide (Br–) ion
taken in a test tube pinch of MnO2 pungent smell are evolved. Which is confirmed.
and Conc. H2SO4 are added. turns starch to yellow.
b) Action of AgNO3 solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 Pale yellow ppt. of (AgBr) is formed. Bromide (Br–) ion
solution is added. Solubility : Above ppt. is partially is confirmed.
soluble in NH4OH solution
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess

eeeeamount of given salt in a suitable solvent.

Practical Chemistry eeee
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with pungent Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.
H2S gas is passed.
c) Test for III Group Cations:
To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation absent

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed

Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations :

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Calcium (Ca+2)

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 Barium (Ba+2)

solution is added Strontium (Sr+2)

cations are present

f) Test for VI Group Cations :

Ja Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 +
Na2HPO4 solution is added
White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)

VIII. Confirmation Tests for Barium :

a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution potassium Yellow colour ppt. (BaCrO4) is Barium (Ba+2)
chromate solution (K2CrO4) is formed which is soluble in cation is confirmed.
added dil. Acetic acid and soluble
in dil HCl
b) Action of Ammonium oxalate
To the salt solution Ammonium White colour ppt. (BaC2O4) is Barium (Ba+2) cation
oxalate solution is added. formed. Above ppt. is soluble is confirmed.
in hot Acetic acid.

IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Barium (Ba+2)
The given Anion is : Bromide (Br–)
The given salt is : Barium Bromide [BaBr2]

34 eeee
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Practical Chemistry

SALT-10-Barium Chlorides


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Grassy-green colour flame is Ba+2 May be present
dipping in con. HCl and heat observed.
it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken
in a dry test tube and strongly
Water droplets are formed on the
inner wall of test tube.
May be Hydrated salt.


II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quntity of Salt is taken No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

in a dry test tube and dil. HCl Acetate (CH3COO–)

nais added.
b) Action of conc.H2SO4 :
ions are absent.

Ja A small quantity of salt is

taken in a dry test tube and
Conc.H2SO4 is added
Colour less gas (HCl) with
pungent smell is evolved and
gives dense white fumes
Chloride (Cl–) ion
may be present

(NH4Cl) with glass rod

when dipped in NH4OH.

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Chloride ion :
a) Action of MnO2 & Conc. H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of salt is Greenish Yellow colour vapour (Cl2) Chloride (Cl–) ion
taken in a test tube pinch of MnO2 with pungent smell are evolved. is confirmed.
and Conc.H2SO4 are added.
b) Action of AgNO3 solution :
To The salt soluton AgNO3 White curdy ppt. of (AgCl) is formed. Chloride (Cl–) ion
solution is added. Solubility: Above ppt is completely is confirmed.
soluble in NH4OH

eeee 35
Practical Chemistry

V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with pungent Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.
c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation absent

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations :

n Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Calcium (Ca+2)

Ja NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3

solution is added
Barium (Ba+2)
Strontium (Sr+2)
cations are present
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Barium :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution potassium Yellow colour ppt. (BaCrO4) is Barium (Ba+2)
chromate solution (K2CrO4) is formed which is soluble in cation is confirmed.
added dil. Acetic acid and soluble
in dil HCl
b) Action of Ammonium oxalate
To the salt solution Ammonium White colour ppt. (BaC2O4) is Barium (Ba+2) cation
oxalate solution is added. formed. Above ppt. is soluble is confirmed.
in hot Acetic acid.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Barium (Ba+2) ; The given Anion is : Chloride (Cl–)

The given salt is : Barium Chloride [BaCl2]

. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-11-Barium Nitrate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Grassy-green colour flame is Ba+2 May be present
dipping in con. HCl and observed.
heat it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the paste
of con.HCl + salt in watch glass,
then introduce this paste by
platinum wire loop into the flame.
d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken Reddish Brown vapours are May be Nitrate (NO3–)


in a dry test tube and strongly evolved salt is present

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil.HCl :

A small quntity of Salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–)

dil. HCl is added. ions are absent

b) Action of conc.H2SO4 :

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction Chloride (Cl–) & Bromide

taken in a dry in a dry test tube b) After heating Reddish (Br–) ions are absent

and conc.H2SO4 Brown vapours are evolved. Nitrate (NO–3) ion may be


Jc) Action of Cu-turnings and

conc.H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of salt
is taken in a test tube 1 or 2
Reddish Brown vapour of NO2
are evolved and the solution
Nitrate (NO–3) ion present

pieces of Cu turning and turns pale blue.

Conc.H2SO4 are added and
hen heated.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Nitrate ion :
a) Brown – Ring test :
A small quantity of salt Dark Brown Ring is formed Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
solution is taken in a test tube in between the junction of confirmed.
and same amount of freshly two layers. (Nitroso ferrous
prepared FeSO4 solution is sulphate) (FeSO4.NO)
added, then few drops of
conc.H2SO4 is added by
keeping the test tube in an

inclined position.

Practical Chemistry
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with pungent Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation absent

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations :

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Calcium (Ca+2)

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 Barium (Ba+2)

J solution is added

f) Test for VI Group Cations :

Strontium (Sr+2)
cations are present

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Barium :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution potassium Yellow colour ppt. (BaCrO4) is Barium (Ba+2)
chromate solution (K2CrO4)is formed which is soluble in cation is confirmed.
added. dil. Acetic acid and soluble
in dil HCl
b) Action of Ammonium oxalate
To the salt solution Ammonium White colour ppt. (BaC2O4) is Barium (Ba+2) cation
oxalate solution is added. formed. Above ppt. is soluble is confirmed.
in hot Acetic acid.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Barium (Ba+2) ; The given Anion is : Nitrate (NO3–)

The given salt is : Barium Nitrate [Ba(NO3)2]

. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-12-Calcium Chloride


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Brick red colour flame is Ca+2 May be present
by dipping in con.HCl observed
and heat it on flame upto no
colour appears. Now, prepare
the paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce this
paste by platinum wire loop

into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is
taken in a dry test tube and
Water droplets are formed
on the inner walls of test tube.
May be Hydrated salt.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

i P
A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

dil.HCl is added. are absent.

b) Action of conc. H2SO4:

JaA small quantity of salt is

taken in a dry test tube and
conc. H2SO4 is added.
Colour less gas (HCl) with
pungent smell is evolved and
gives dense white fumes (NH4Cl)
Chloride (Cl–) ion may be

with glass rod when dipped in

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Chlorides ion :
a) Action of MnO2 & Conc. H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of salt is Greenish yellow colour vapour (Cl2) Chloride (Cl–) ion
taken in a test tube pinch of MnO2 with pungent smell are evolved. is confirmed.
and conc.H2SO4 are added.
b) Action of AgNO3 solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 White curdy ppt. of (AgCl) is Chloride (Cl–) ion
solution is added formed confirmed.
Solubility : Above ppt. is

completely soluble in NH4OH

Practical Chemistry
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH4+) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of salt is colourless gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH4+)
taken in a dry test tube a few drops pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent
of NaOH solution is added and
strongly heated.
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:
To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are

cation absent


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. Nis is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations :

an Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Calcium (Ca+2)

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 Barium (Ba+2)
solution is added Strontium (Sr+2)
cations are present
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Calcium :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution potassium Yellow colour ppt. (CaCrO4) is Calcium (Ca+2)
chromate solution (K2CrO4) is not formed. cation is confirmed.
added (Yellow colour solution is formed.)
b) Action of Ammonium oxalate
To the salt solution Ammonium White colour ppt. (CaC2O4) is Calcium (Ca+2) cation
is oxalate solution is added. formed. Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.
in hot Acetic acid.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Calcium (Ca+2) ; The given Anion is : Chloride (Cl–)

The given salt is : Calcium Chloride [CaCl2]

. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-13-Calcium Nitrate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Brick red colour flame is Ca+2 May be present
ipping in con.HCl and heat observed.
it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of conc.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire
loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Reddish Brown vapours are May be Nitrate (NO–3)

taken in a dry test tube and evolved. salt is present.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil. HCl :
A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

dil.HCl is added. are absent.

b) Action of conc.H2SO4 :

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction Chloride (Cl–) & Bromide

taken in a dry test tube
and conc.H2SO4 is added
b) After heating Reddish Brown
vapours are evolved.
(Br–) ions are absent
Nitrate (NO–3) ion may be

c) Action of Cu turnings and
conc.H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of salt

Reddish Brown vapours of NO2 are Nitrate (NO–3) ion is

is taken in a test tube 1 or 2 evolved and the solution turns pale present
pieces of Cu turnings and blue
Conc. H2SO4 are added and
then heated.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Nitrate ion :
a) Brown – Ring test :
A small quantity of salt Dark Brown Ring is formed Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
solution is taken in a test tube in between the junction of confirmed.
and same amount of freshly two layers. (Nitroso ferrous
prepared FeSO4 solution is sulphate) (FeSO4.NO)
added, then few drops of
conc.H2SO4 is added by
keeping the test tube in an

inclined position.
Practical Chemistry

V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl
salt and NH4OH solution are
No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)
cation absent

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

i P
NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations :

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Calcium (Ca+2)

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 Barium (Ba+2)

J solution is added

f) Test for VI Group Cations :

Strontium (Sr+2)
cations are present

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + cation is absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Calcium :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution potassium Yellow colour ppt. (CaCrO4) is Calcium (Ca+2) cation
chromate solution (K2CrO4) not formed. is confirmed.
is added (Yellow colour solution
is formed)
b) Action of Ammonium oxalate
solution :
To the salt solution Ammonium White colour ppt. (CaC2O4) is Calcium (Ca+2) cation
oxalate solution is added formed. Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.
in hot Acetic acid.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Calcium (Ca+2) ; The given Anion is : Nitrate (NO–3)

The given salt is : Calcium Nitrate [Ca (NO3)2]

. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-14-Copper Nitrate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour Blue May be Cu+2 cation is
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Bright bluish-green colour Cu+2 May be present
by dipping in con. HCl flame is observed.
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this
paste by platinum wire loop
into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

small quantity of salt is Reddish Brown vapours are May be Nitrate (NO–3)

taken in a dry test tube
and strongly heated.
evolved. salt is present.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

dil.HCl is added.
b) Action of Conc. H2SO4:
are absent.

To the small quantity of salt
is taken in a test tube and
a) Before heating no Reaction. Chloride (Cl–) & Bromide
(Br–) ions are absent

Jaconc.H2SO4 is added.

c) Action of Cu-turnings and

b) After heating Reddish Brown
vapours are evolved
Nitrate (NO–3) ion
may be present

To the small quantity of salt Reddish Brown vapours of NO2 are Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
is taken in a test tube 1 or 2 evolved and the solution turns pale present
pieces of Cu-turnings and blue.
conc.H2SO4 are added and
then heated.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Nitrate ion :
a) Brown – Ring test :
A small quantity of salt Dark Brown Ring is formed Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
solution is taken in a test tube in between the junction of confirmed.
and same amount of freshly two layers. (Nitroso ferrous
prepared FeSO4 solution is added, sulphate) (FeSO4.NO)
then few drops of conc.H2SO4 is
added by keeping the test tube in an

inclined position.
Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of Blue ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is present.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent.


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

i P
NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. NiS is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent

J solution is added
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed.

White ppt. is not formed

Strontium (Sr+2) absent

Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Copper :
a) Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution NaOH Blue colour ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation is
solution is added [Cu(OH)2] confirmed.
b) Action of K4[Fe(CN)6] solution :
To the salt solution Potassium Chocolate colour ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6]) Cu2[Fe(CN)6] is confirmed.
solution is added. Which is soluble in dil.HCl.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Copper (Cu+2)
The given Anion is : Nitrate (NO–3)
The given salt is : Copper Nitrate [Cu (NO3)2]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-15 - Copper Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour Blue May be Cu+2 cation is
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Bright bluish-green colour Cu+2 may be present
by dipping in con. HCl flame is observed.
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this
paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is
taken in a dry test tube and
Water droplets are formed on
the inner walls of test tube.
May be Hydrated salt.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

i P
A small quantity of salt is
aken in a dry test tube and
No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &
Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

dil.HCl is added. are absent.

b) Action of Conc. H2SO4:

JaA small quantity of salt is

taken in a dry test tube and
Conc.H2SO4 is added.
a) Before heating no Reaction.

b) After heating no reaction

Chloride (Cl–)& Brominde
(Br–) ions are bsent.
Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent
c) Action of Cu-turning and
To the small quantity of salt No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent
is taken in a test tube 1 or 2
pieces of Cu turning and
Conc.H2SO4 are added and
then heated.
d) Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. present.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.

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Practical Chemistry
IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :
Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. Solubility: Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.
in conc.HCl.
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII. Group Separation Table :

a) Test for I Group Cations :

To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is

dil HCl solution is added. absent.

b) Test for II Group Cations :

To the salt solution a few drops of Blue ppt. is formed.

Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is present.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

i P
To the salt solution NH4Cl salt
and NH4OH solution are added.
No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

cation is absent.

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
Black ppt. Nis is not formed.

White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed.

Nickel (Ni+2) absent

Calcium (Ca+2) absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent
solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Copper :
a) Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution NaOH Blue colour ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation is
solution is added [Cu(OH)2] confirmed.
b) Action of K4[Fe(CN)6] solution :
To the salt solution Potassium Chocolate colour ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6]) Cu2[Fe(CN)6] is confirmed.
solution is added. Which is soluble in dil.HCl.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Copper (Cu+2) ; The given Anion is : Sulphate (SO–24)

The given salt is : Copper Sulphate [CuSO4]
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Practical Chemistry

SALT-16 - Ferrous Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : Pale Green May be Fe+2 cation is present
b) State : Crystal line
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Colour flame is not observed Ca+2,Sr+2,Ba+2,Cu+2,Zn+2
dipping in con. HCl and heat (or) Mn+2, pb+2 are absent.
it on flame upto no colour
appears. Now, prepare the
paste of con.HCl + salt in
watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire
loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is taken Water droplets are formed on May be Hydrated salt.

in a dry test tube and strongly the inner walls of test tube.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :
A small quantity of salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

dil.HCl is added. are absent.

b) Action of Conc. H2SO4:

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no Reaction. Chloride (Cl–) &

taken in a dry test tube and Brominde (Br–)

Conc.H2SO4 is added. b) After heating no reaction ions are bsent.

c) Action of Cu-turning and
Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent

To the small quantity of No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent

salt is taken in a test tube
1 or 2 pieces of Cu turning
and conc.H2SO4 are added
and then heated.
d) Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. present.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :
Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. Solubility: Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.

eeee in conc.HCl.
Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl
salt and NH4OH solution are
Dirty green ppt. is formed. Ferrous (Fe+2)
cation is present


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. Nis is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent

solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent

f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 +
Na2HPO4 solution is added
White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)

VIII. Confirmation Tests for Ferrous :

a) Action of NH4OH solution :
To the salt solution NH4OH Dirty Green ppt. [Fe(OH)2] is Ferrous (Fe+2) cation is
solution is added. formed. confirmed.
b)Action of K4[Fe(CN)6]
solution :
To the salt solution Potassium Deep Blue ppt. is formed. Ferrous (Fe+2) cation
ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6]) is confirmed.
solution is added.

IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Ferrous (Fe+2)
The given Anion is : Sulphate (SO–24)
The given salt is : Ferrous sulphate [FeSO4]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-17 - Lead Nitrate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Dull blusish-white colour flame Pb+2 maybe present
by dipping in con. HCl is observed
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this

paste by platinum wire loop

into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Cracking sound is observed. May be Lead Salt

taken in a dry test tube and

is present.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and
dil.HCl is added.
Acetate (CH3COO–)
ions are absent.

b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction. Chloride (Cl–) & Bromide
taken in a dry test tube and (Br–)ions are absent.
conc.H2SO4 is added. b) After heating reddish Brown Nitrate(NO3–) ion
vapours are evolved. may be present
Action of Cu-turning and
To the small quantity of Reddish Brown vapours of Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
salt is taken in a test tube NO2 are evolved and the solution present.
1 or 2 pieces of Cu turnings turns pale blue
and conc.H2SO4 are added
and then heated.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.

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Practical Chemistry
IV. Confirmation test for Nitrate ion :
a) Brown – Ring test :
A small quantity of salt solution Dark Brown Ring is formed in Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
is taken in a test tube and same between the junction of two layers. confirmed.
amount of freshly prepared FeSO4 (Nitroso ferrous sulphate)
solution is added, then few drops (FeSO4.NO)
of conc. H2SO 4 is added by
keeping the test tube in an
inclined position.
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess amount of
given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII. Group Separation Table :

a) Test for I Group Cations :

To the salt solution a few drops of White ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is

dil HCl solution is added. present.

b) Test for II Group Cations :

To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cationdil

HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent.

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed
Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2)

e) Test for V Group Cations:
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3
Black ppt. Nis is not formed.

White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed.

White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed.
Nickel (Ni+2) absent

Calcium (Ca+2) absent

Barium (Ba+2) absent
solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Lead :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution Potassium Yellow colour ppt. (PbCrO4) is Lead (Pb+2) cation
chromate solution (K2CrO4) formed. Which dissolves in is confirmed.
is added. NaOH solution
b) Action KI solution:
To the salt solution Potassium A Yellow colour ppt. is formed Lead (Pb+2) cation is
iodided (KI) solution is added. which is disolved in hot water confirmed.
and cooled. Golden yellow
spangles are formed.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Lead (Pb+2) ; The given Anion is : Nitrate (NO–3)

The given salt is : Lead Nitrate [Pb(NO3)2]

. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-18 - Magnesium Chloride


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Cu+2, Zn+2
by dipping in con. HCl (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent.
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this

paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d)Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplete are formed on the May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube and

inner walls of test tube.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–)

dil. HCl is added. ions are absent.

b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:

A small quantity of salt is Colour less gas (HCl). with Chloride (Cl–) ion

taken in a dry test tube and pungent smell is evolved and may be present.
conc.H2SO4 is added. gives dense white fumes (NH4Cl)
with glass rod when dipped in
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Chloride ion :
1. Action of MnO2 &
conc. H2SO4:
To the small quantity of salt is Greenish yellow colour vapour (Cl2) Chloride (Cl–) ion is
taken in a test tube pinch of with pungent smell are evolved. confirmed.
MnO2 and conc.H2SO4
are added.
2. Action of AgNO3 solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 White curd ppt. of (AgCl) is formed. Chloride (Cl–) ion is
solution is added. Solubility : Above ppt. is completely confirmed.
soluble in NH4OH

eeee 51
Practical Chemistry
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH :
To the small quantity of slat is colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
taken in a dry test tube a few pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
drops of NaOH solution is
added and strongly heated
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:
To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. Nis is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent
solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + cation is present
Na2HPO4 solution is added

VIII. Confirmation Tests for Magnesium :

a) Action of NaOH solution:
To the salt solution NaOH white ppt. is formed. Magnesium (Mg+2) cation is
solution is added Which is insoluble in excess confirmed.
of NaOH.
b) To the salt solution Na2CO3 White ppt. is formed. Magnesium (Mg+2) cation is
solution is added confirmed.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Magnesium (Mg+2)
The given Anion is : Chloride (Cl–)

The given salt is : Magnesium Chloride [MgCl2]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-19 - Magnesium Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Cu+2, Zn+2
by dipping in con. HCl (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent.
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this

paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d)Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplets are formed on the May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube and inner walls of test tube.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of salt is
taken in a dry test tube and
No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &
Acetate (CH3COO–)

nadil. HCl is added. ions are absent.

b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:

J A small quantity of salt is

taken in a dry test tube and
conc.H2SO4 is added.
a) Before heating no reaction.
b) After heating no reaction
Chloride (Cl) & bromide
(Br–) Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
c) Action of Cu-turnings and
Conc. H2SO4:
To the small quantity of No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent
salt is taken in a test tube
1 or 2 pieces of Cu turnings
and conc.H2SO4 are added
and then heated.
d) Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. present.

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.

eeee 53
Practical Chemistry

IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :

Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. Solubility: Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.
in conc.HCl.
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is

dil HCl solution is added. absent.

i n
b) Test for II Group Cations :

To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

anNH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. Nis is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent
e) Test for V Group Cations:
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2) absent
solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + cation is present
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Magnesium :
a) Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution NaOH white ppt. is formed. Magnesium (Mg+2)
solution is added Which is insoluble in excess cation is confirmed.
of NaOH.
b) To the salt solution Na2CO3 White ppt. is formed. Magnesium (Mg+2)
solution is added cation is confirmed.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Magnesium (Mg+2)
The given Anion is : Sulphate (SO–24)

The given salt is : Magnesium Sulphate [MgSO4]
. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-20 - Manganese Chloride


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour Pale pink Mn+2 cation may be present
b) State Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Colour flame is not observed Zn+2 (or) Mn+2, may be
by dipping in con. HCl present
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this
paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d)Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplets are formed on the May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube and
strongly heated.
inner walls of test tube.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of salt is No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–)

dil. HCl is added. ions are absent.

ions are absent.

b) Action of conc.H2SO4 :

A small quantity of salt is Colour less gas (HCl) with Chloride (Cl–) ion
taken in a dry test tube pungent smell is evolved may be present.
and conc.H2SO4 is added. and gives dense white fumes
(NH4Cl) with glass rod when
dipped in NH4OH

III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :

To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Chloride ion :
a)Action of MnO2 & Conc.H2SO4:
To the small quantity of salt is Greenish yellow colour Chloride (Cl–) ion is
taken in a test tube pinch of MnO2 vapours (Cl2) with pungent confirmed.
and conc.H2SO4 are added. smell are evolved.
b)Action of AgNO3Solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 White curd ppt. of (AgCl) is Chloride (Cl–) ion is
solution is added. formed. confirmed.
Solubility : Above ppt. is

completely soluble in NH4OH
Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.
H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl
salt and NH4OH solution are
No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)
cation is absent.

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is formed. Manganese (Mn+2)

cation is present.

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3
solution is added
White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed.
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed.
Barium (Ba+2) absent
Strontium (Sr+2) absent

f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 +
White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Magnesium :
a)Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution Sodium White ppt. Mn (OH)2 is formed. Manganes (Mn+2) cation is
Hydroxide solution (NaOH) Which turns to Brown colour. confirmed.
is added. It is insoluble in excess of
NaOH solution.
b) Action of NH4 OH solution :
To the salt solution NH4OH White ppt. Mn (OH)2 is formed. Manganese (Mn+2) cation
solution is added Which is soluble in excess of is confirmed.
NH4OH solution.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Manganese (Mn+2)
The given Anion is : Chloride (Cl–)

The given salt is : Manganese Chloride [MnCl2]

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Practical Chemistry

SALT-21 - Manganese Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : Pale pink Mn+2 cation may be present
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Colour flame is not observed Zn+2 (or) Mn+2, may be
by dipping in con. HCl present
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this
paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplets are formed on the May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube and inner walls of test tube.

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of a salt is No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &

aken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

dil.HCl is added. ions are absent.

b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction Chloride (Cl) & Bromide

taken in a dry test tube and (Br–) ions are absent.

J Conc.H2SO4 is added.

c) Action of Cu turnings and

Conc. H2SO2:
b) After heating no Reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent

To the small quantity of No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent.

salt is taken in a test tube
1 or 2 pieces of Cu turning
and conc. H2SO4 are added
and then heated.
d) Action of BaCl solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. formed. present
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :
Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. Solubility: Above ppt. is insoluble confirmed.

eeee in conc.HCl.
Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.
H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl
salt and NH4OH solution are
No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)
cation is absent.

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed

Flesh colour ppt. MnS is formed. Manganese (Mn+2)

cation is present.

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2)absent

an solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2) absent

f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Magnesium :
a)Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution Sodium White ppt. Mn (OH)2 is formed. Manganes (Mn+2)
Hydroxide solution (NaOH) Which turns to Brown colour. cation is
is added. It is insoluble in excess of confirmed.
NaOH solution.
b) Action of NH4 OH solution :
To the salt solution NH4OH White ppt. Mn (OH)2 is formed. Manganese (Mn+2)
solution is added. Which is soluble in excess of cation is confirmed.
NH4OH solution.
IX. Report :
The given Cation is : Manganese (Mg+2)
The given Anion is : Sulphate (SO–24)

The given salt is : Manganese Sulphate [MnSO4]
. .
Practical Chemistry

SALT-22 -Nickel Nitrate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : Pale pink Ni+2 cation may be present
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire Colour flame is not observed Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Cu+2, Zn+2
by dipping in con. HCl (or) Mn+2, Pb+2 are absent.
and heat it on flame upto
no colour appears. Now,
prepare the paste of
con.HCl + salt in watch
glass, then introduce this
paste by platinum wire
loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Reddish Brown vapours are May be Nitrate (NO3–)

taken in a dry test tube and evolved salt is present

strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :
A small quantity of a salt is No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and
dil.HCl is added.
Acetate (CH3COO–)
ions are absent.

b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:

A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no Reaction Chloride (Cl) & Bromide

nataken in a dry test tube and

conc.H2SO4 is added. b) After heating Reddish Brown
(Br–) ions are absent.
Nitrate (NO–3) ion may be

Action of Cu-turnings and
Conc. H2SO2:
To the small quantity of salt is
vapours are evolved

Reddish Brown vapours of


Nitrate (NO–3) ion is

taken in a test tube 1 or 2 NO2 are evolved and the present.
pieces of Cu turning and solution turns pale blue
Conc. H2SO4 are added and
then heated.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Nitrate ion :
a) Brown – Ring test :
A small quantity of salt Dark Brown Ring is formed Nitrate (NO–3) ion is
solution is taken in a test tube in between the junction of confirmed.
and same amount of freshly two layers. (Nitroso ferrous
prepared FeSO4 solution is sulphate) (FeSO4.NO)
added, then few drops of
conc.H2SO4 is added by
keeping the test tube in an

eeee inclined position.

Practical Chemistry eeee
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess
amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII.Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.
H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)


salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent.

d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Black colour ppt. Nis is formed. Nickel (Ni+2)

cation is present.

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2)absent

naNH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed. Barium (Ba+2)absent

solution is added White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed. Strontium (Sr+2)absent

f) Test for VI Group Cations :
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Nickel :
a) Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution sodium Green gelatinous ppt.Ni(OH)2 is Nickel (Ni+2) cation
Hydroxide solution (NaOH) formed. It is soluble in excess of is confirmed.
is added. NaOH solution
b) Action of NH4OH solution :
To the salt solution NH4OH Green ppt. Ni (OH)2 is formed. Nickel (Ni+2)cation
solution is added. It becomes blue violet on addition is confirmed.
of excess of NH4OH solution

IX) Report:
The given Cation is : Nickel (Ni+2)
The given anion is : Nitrate (NO–3)
The given salt : Nickel Nitrate [Ni(NO3)2]

60 eeee
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Practical Chemistry

SALT-23 -Strontium Chloride


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Crimson red colour flame is Sr+2 may be present
dipping in con. HCl and observed.
heat it on flame upto no
colour appears. Now, prepare
the paste of con.HCl + salt
in watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplets are formed on the May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube inner walls of test tube.

and strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of a salt No reaction. Carbonate (CO–23) &

is taken in a dry test tube Acetate (CH3COO–) ions

and dil.HCl is added.
b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:
ions are absent.

an A small quantity of salt is Colour less gas (HCl) with Chloride (Cl–) ion

taken in a dry test tube and pungent smell is evolved and may be present.
Conc.H2SO4 is added. gives dense white fume (NH4Cl)
with glass rod when dipped in
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.
IV. Confirmation test for Chloride ion :
a) Action of MnO2 & Conc. H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of salt is Greenish yellow colour Chloride (Cl– ) ion is
taken in a test tube pinch of MnO2 vapours (Cl2) with pungent confirmed.
and Conc. H2SO4 are added. smell are evolved.
b) Action of AgNO3 solution :
To the salt solution AgNO3 white curdy ppt. of (AgCl) is formed. Chloride (Cl–) ion
solution is added. Solubility: Above ppt. is is confirmed
completely soluble in NH4OH
V. Identification of Cation :
Preparation of original salt solution : Original salt solution can be prepared by dissolving excess

amount of given salt in a suitable solvent.
Practical Chemistry eeee
VI. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VII. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation
dil HCl solution is added and is absent.
H2S gas is passed.
c) Test for III Group Cations:
To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent.


d) Test for IV Group Cations:
Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn+2) absent

NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed Flesh colour ppt. MnS is not formed. Manganese (Mn+2) absent

Black ppt. Nis is not formed. Nickel (Ni+2) absent

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + Calcium (Ca+2)

NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 Barium (Ba+2)

solution is added White ppt. is formed. Strontium (Sr+2)

cations are present

f) Test for VI Group Cations :

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VIII. Confirmation Tests for Strontium :
a) Action of K2CrO4 solution :
To the salt solution sodium Yellow ppt. (SrCrO4) is formed. Strontium (Sr+2)cation
Potassium chromate solution It is soluble in acetic acid. is confirmed.
(K2CrO4) is added. NaOH solution
b) Action of Ammonium
Sulphate solution:
To the salt solution White ppt. is formed. Strontium (Sr+2) cation
Ammonium Sulphate It is sparingly soluble in is confirmed.
solution is added. acetic acid and highly soluble
in dil.HCl

IX) Report:
The given Cation is : Strontium (Sr+2)
The given anion is : Chloride (Cl–3)
The given salt : Strontium chloride [SrCl2]

62 eeee
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Practical Chemistry

SALT-24 -Zinc Sulphate


I. Priliminary Tests : :
a) Colour : White Cu+2, Fe+2, Ni+2 & Mn+2
Cations may be absent
b) State : Crystalline
c) Flame test :
Clean the platinum wire by Green flashes colour flame is Zn+2 or Mn+2 may be
dipping in con. HCl and observed. present
heat it on flame upto no
colour appears. Now, prepare
the paste of con.HCl + salt
in watch glass, then introduce
this paste by platinum wire

loop into the flame.

i n
d) Action of heat :

A small quantity of salt is Water droplets are formed on the May be Hydrated salt

taken in a dry test tube inner walls of test tube.

and strongly heated.

II. Identification of Anion :

a) Action of dil HCl :

A small quantity of a salt is No reaction Carbonate (CO–23) &

taken in a dry test tube and Acetate (CH3COO–)

dil.HCl is added.
b) Action of Conc.H2SO4:
ions are absent.

an A small quantity of salt is a) Before heating no reaction Chloride (Cl–) &

taken in a dry test tube and Bromide (Br–)ions are absent.
Conc.H2SO4 are added. b) After heating no reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent.
c) Action of Cu turnings and
Conc. H2SO4 :
To the small quantity of No reaction Nitrate (NO–3) ion is absent
salt is then taken in a test
tube 1 or 2 pieces of Cu
turnings and Conc.H2SO4
are added and then heated
d) Action of BaCl2 solution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is formed. Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
olution is added. present.
III. Preparation sodium carbonate extract :
To a small amount of the salt, add twice the amount of sodium carbonate, a few ml of distilled water
and boil it for five minutes. It is filtered and the filtrate is known as sodium carbonate extract.

eeee 63
Practical Chemistry
IV. Confirmation test for Sulphate ion :
Action of BaCl2 soution :
To the salt solution BaCl2 White ppt. of (BaSO4) is Sulphate (SO–24) ion is
solution is added. formed. confirmed.
Solubility : Above ppt. is
insoluble in Conc. HCl
V. Test for Ammonium (NH+4) ion :
Reaction with NaOH : To the small colour less gas (NH3) with Ammonium (NH+4)
quantity of salt is taken in a dry test pungent smell is not evolved. cation is absent.
tube few drops of NaOH solution is
added and heated strongly.
VI. Group Separation Table :
a) Test for I Group Cations :
To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Lead (Pb+2 ) cation is
dil HCl solution is added. absent.
b) Test for II Group Cations :

To the salt solution a few drops of No ppt. is formed. Copper (Cu+2) cation

dil HCl solution is added and is absent.

H2S gas is passed.

c) Test for III Group Cations:

To the salt solution NH4Cl No ppt. is formed. Aluminium (Al+3)

salt and NH4OH solution are cation is absent.


d) Test for IV Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt +
NH4OH solution + H2S gas passed
White ppt. ZnS is formed. Zinc (Zn+2) cation
is present

e) Test for V Group Cations:

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. CaCO3 is not formed. Calcium (Ca+2) absen

J NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3

solution is added
f) Test for VI Group Cations :
White ppt. BaCO3 is not formed.
White ppt. SrCO3 is not formed.
Barium (Ba+2) absent
Strontium (Sr+2) absent

Salt solution + NH4Cl salt + White ppt. is not formed Magnesium (Mg+2)
NH4OH solution +(NH4)2CO3 + absent
Na2HPO4 solution is added
VII. Confirmation Tests for Zinc :
a) Action of NaOH solution :
To the salt solution sodium White ppt. Zn (OH)2 is formed. Zinc (Zn+2) cation is
Hydroxide solution (NaOH) Above ppt. is soluble in excess of confirmed
is added. NaOH solution.
b) Action of NH4OH solution:
To the salt solution NH4OH White Gelatinous ppt. is Zinc(Zn+2) cation is
solution is added. formed Above ppt. is soluble in is confirmed.
excess of NH4OH solution
VII. Report :
The given Cation is : Zinc (Zn+2)
The given anion is : Sulphate (SO–24)

The given salt : Zinc sulphate [ZnSO4]


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