Bio Papers
Bio Papers
Bio Papers
BIOLOGY 0610/32
Paper 3 Extended February/March 2015
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.
DC (LK/FD) 99109/3
© UCLES 2015 [Turn over
1 Fig. 1.1 shows a diagram of a cross-section of a dicotyledonous leaf, as seen using a light
Fig. 1.1
A .......................................................................................................................................
B .................................................................................................................................. [2]
(ii) Describe two ways in which tissue A is adapted for maximum photosynthesis.
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) Hydrophytes are plants that grow in water. Fig. 1.2 shows a photograph of Indian lotus,
Nelumbo nucifera, which is a hydrophyte.
Fig. 1.2
adaptation .................................................................................................................................
explanation ...............................................................................................................................
adaptation .................................................................................................................................
explanation ...............................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
[Total: 12]
2 Coat colour in cattle is inherited in a very similar way to blood groups in humans. The gene for coat
colour has two codominant alleles:
Table 2.1 shows the genotypes and phenotypes of different coat colours seen in a herd of cattle.
Table 2.1
genotype phenotype
CBCB brown
CWCW white
CBCW roan
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) A farmer crossed several roan coloured cows with a roan coloured bull.
Complete the genetic diagram to show the ratio of expected phenotypes among the
........... ........... ........... ...........
offspring genotypes
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
offspring phenotypes
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
phenotypic ratio
................................................................................................................. [4]
(b) A farmer has a herd of cows that produce milk. The farmer wants to improve the milk yield
of the herd by using artificial selection (selective breeding). The farmer buys semen (fluid
containing sperm) to inseminate the cows artificially.
(i) Describe how the farmer could improve the milk yield of the cows using artificial selection.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Suggest one useful feature, other than milk yield and coat colour, which a farmer might
wish to develop in a herd of cows.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) Milk yield can also be increased by injecting cows with the hormone bovine somatotropin
Explain why there may be concerns about the use of this hormone to increase milk yield.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 13]
3 Excretion is the process of removing waste products of metabolism from the body.
(a) Name the two main products of metabolism that need to be excreted from the human body.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(b) The kidney is one of the main excretory organs of the body. Its role is to filter the blood. Some
substances leave the blood and are removed from the body in the urine. The concentration of
protein in the blood entering the kidneys in the renal arteries is 83 g dm–3.
State the concentration of protein that you would expect in the urine of a healthy person and
explain your answer.
explanation ................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) Dialysis can be used to treat people whose kidneys do not function properly.
movement of blood
movement of dialysis
movement of dialysis unit
substances in
and out of blood
blood pump
blood from
used dialysis fluid
dialysis membrane
Fig. 3.1
Use Fig. 3.1 to describe the process of dialysis and explain changes that occur in a person’s
.............................................................................................................................................. [5]
(d) Some people with kidney failure are given a kidney transplant.
State one advantage and one disadvantage of having a kidney transplant instead of dialysis
advantage ..................................................................................................................................
disadvantage .............................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(e) The liver is another excretory organ of the body. The liver breaks down hormones and drugs,
such as alcohol.
(i) State one function of the liver other than the breakdown of hormones and drugs.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Describe two effects on the body of long-term, excessive consumption of alcohol.
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 15]
Fig 4.1
Haplochromis nyererei Protopterus dolloi
Salmo trutta Polyodon spathula
not drawn to the same scale
Fig. 4.2
Describe one visible feature of each species of fish A, B, C and D, that could be used to distinguish
it from the other three species in Fig. 4.2.
Only use descriptions of the features labelled in Fig. 4.1 in your answers.
Table 4.1
(b) Pollution is harm done to the environment by release of substances produced by human
activities. Acid rain is one form of pollution that damages many lakes, ponds and rivers.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Fig. 4.3 shows the effect of pH on the mean number of species of fish found in lakes in
New York State, USA.
mean 5
number 4
of fish
species in 3
the lake 2
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Fig. 4.3
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 10]
© UCLES 2015 0610/32/F/M/15
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) State one advantage and one disadvantage of asexual reproduction for flowering plants.
advantage ..........................................................................................................................
disadvantage .....................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Fig. 5.1 shows a potato plant, Solanum tuberosum, grown from a tuber. The tubers that potato
plants are grown from are commonly referred to as seed potatoes.
Fig. 5.1
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Potatoes can reproduce asexually by means of tubers. The parent plant produces
underground stems, which eventually form tubers.
With reference to Fig. 5.1, describe how tubers are formed from the underground stems
in potatoes.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) A student conducted an experiment to investigate the percentage change in mass of potato
tuber tissue when placed in different concentrations of sucrose solution. The potato tuber
tissue was cut into cubes of the same size.
change 0
in mass 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
concentration of sucrose solution / mol dm-3
Fig. 5.2
(i) Use Fig. 5.2 to predict the percentage change in mass of a cube of potato tuber tissue
placed in 1.2 mol dm–3 sucrose solution.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Explain the results shown in Fig. 5.2 in terms of water potential:
• between sucrose concentrations of 0.0 – 0.4 mol dm–3
• at sucrose concentration 0.4 mol dm–3
• between sucrose concentrations of 0.4 – 1.0 mol dm–3.
...................................................................................................................................... [5]
(d) Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma. Pollen can be transferred to
the stigma by being carried by the wind or by animals.
Fig. 5.3
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .................................................................................................................................. [2]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 20]
6 Fig. 6.1 shows changes in the global human population between 1910 and 2010.
population 4000
(in millions)
1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010
Fig. 6.1
(a) Improved food production has contributed to the increase in the human population.
(i) State and explain two ways in which modern technology has resulted in increased food
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) State one reason, other than food production, why the human population has increased
so rapidly between 1910 and 2010.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) In view of the increasing human population, people are sometimes encouraged to eat less
meat and more fruit and vegetables, to improve the energy efficiency of their food supply.
Explain why eating less meat and more fruit and vegetables is more energy efficient.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(c) As the human population has increased, forests have been cleared for farming.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
[Total: 10]
Some students carried out an investigation into respiration in an active yeast culture.
The active yeast culture was prepared in a glucose solution and was kept in a warm environment.
The glucose was dissolved in cooled, boiled water, (boiling removed the gases from the water)
before the yeast was added.
The yeast culture was stirred and 10 cm3 added to each of test-tubes A and B.
In test-tube B, a few drops of oil were carefully added to form a layer on the surface of the yeast
air-tight stoppers
beaker to
beaker of support
warm water test-tube
of oil
hydrogencarbonate A B hydrogencarbonate
indicator solution indicator solution
yeast culture
in glucose
Fig. 1.1
The appearance of the yeast cultures and hydrogencarbonate indicator solutions were recorded.
The numbers of bubbles released from test-tubes A and B into the hydrogencarbonate indicator
solution were also recorded.
Table 1.1
(a) (i) Draw a graph of the results on the grid below. Use the same set of axes to show the
number of bubbles released in one minute for the 20 minute period from test-tubes A
and B.
(ii) Describe and explain the results and observations shown in Table 1.1.
...................................................................................................................................... [5]
(iii) Suggest why the number of bubbles released per minute would decrease for both
test-tubes A and B after a period of 24 hours.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(i) the yeast culture was stirred at the beginning of the investigation
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) the test-tubes containing the yeast culture were kept in a container of warm water.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) The dependent variable in this investigation was the rate of respiration. This cannot be
measured directly.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
x 5000
Fig. 1.2
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) You are going to calculate the actual length of a yeast cell shown in Fig. 1.2.
[Total: 23]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows two halves of a fresh strawberry fruit. This is a false fruit as the edible part has
developed from a swollen receptacle and the seeds are found in structures called achenes on the
surface of the strawberry.
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Make a large, labelled drawing of this fruit to show the cut surface. Make a second
large, labelled drawing to show the outer surface. The second drawing should show the
arrangement of the seeds.
(ii) Suggest how the fruit may be dispersed to spread the seeds to new areas.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) (i) Describe how you would safely test this fruit to show the presence of reducing sugar.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
(ii) Describe how you would test this fruit to show the presence of protein.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Fig. 2.2 shows two different strawberry fruits, S and T, from species of strawberry plants that
grow in different habitats.
Fig. 2.2
(i) Describe two similarities, visible in Fig. 2.2, between the two fruits.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Complete Table 2.1 to describe two differences, visible in Fig. 2.2, between the two
Table 2.1
feature S T
[Total: 17]
1 A researcher used a light microscope to observe epithelial cells from a human cheek.
Fig. 1.1 is a photograph that the researcher made of these cells.
Fig. 1.1
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
(iii) State how the shape of the cells shown in Fig. 1.1 differs from the shape of a palisade
mesophyll cell in a leaf.
Fig. 1.2
Mitochondria have two membranes, an inner membrane and an outer membrane. The inner
membrane is folded and used in respiration.
(c) Table 1.1 shows different specialised cells and the average number of mitochondria each cell
Table 1.1
Explain the differences between the average numbers of mitochondria in the cells shown in
Table 1.1.
[Total: 9]
A stimulus
B motor neurone
C sensory neurone
D receptor cell
E response
F relay neurone
G effector
Put the components into the correct sequence. Two have been done for you.
Describe how impulses travel across the synapse from one neurone to another.
(c) Drugs such as heroin restrict the movement of impulses across synapses. Users can become
addicted to heroin. When users stop taking heroin they may experience withdrawal symptoms.
(i) State two withdrawal symptoms that heroin users may experience.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(d) Heroin abuse may lead to HIV infection. There is currently no approved vaccine that prevents
the spread of HIV. Vaccination stimulates active immunity against specific pathogens.
[Total: 13]
(a) Write the balanced chemical equation for anaerobic respiration of yeast in bread-making.
A baker wants to increase the rate of carbon dioxide production in the bread-making process.
The baker trialled different concentrations of glucose solution in the bread dough.
Fig. 3.1 shows the results.
rate of
carbon 3.5
production 3.0
/ cm3 per min
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
concentration of glucose solution / %
Fig. 3.1
(b) (i) Predict the rate of carbon dioxide production if the concentration of the glucose solution
was 7.0%.
(iii) The baker carried out another trial at 80 °C. No carbon dioxide was released.
(d) During the production of penicillin, large fermenters are used. Fig. 3.2 shows a fermenter.
Fig. 3.2
stirrer .................................................................................................................................
probes ...............................................................................................................................
(ii) The air and nutrients that are added to the fermenter are sterile.
[Total: 11]
4 (a) Increasing human population is linked to a change in carbon dioxide concentration in the
atmosphere. Fig. 4.1 shows the carbon dioxide concentration between 1958 and 2010
measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.
dioxide 370
/ parts per 360
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Fig. 4.1
Describe how the carbon dioxide concentration has changed between 1958 and 2010.
You will gain credit for using data from Fig. 4.1.
Complete Table 4.1 to show the function and effect of the lack of some mineral ions on plants.
Table 4.1
(d) Fertilisers can cause pollution to aquatic systems. Overuse of fertilisers may cause
eutrophication. Lake Udai Sagar in India is an example of an aquatic system that shows high
levels of eutrophication.
Explain what happens in aquatic environments, such as Lake Udai Sagar, when eutrophication
[Total: 17]
Fig. 5.1
(i) State two ways in which the teeth of a tiger differ from the teeth of a rabbit, using evidence
from Fig. 5.2.
(ii) Suggest one feature visible in Fig. 5.2 that indicates the tiger is a carnivore.
(c) Omnivores are animals that eat both animals and plants. Scientists use the number and types
of teeth to classify animals as carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.
Table 5.1 shows examples of different types of mammals and their teeth.
Table 5.1
(i) Calculate the number of molars as a percentage of the total number of teeth for
mammal 1.
Show your working.
Give your answer to the nearest whole number.
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(d) Mechanically digested food travels from the mouth to the stomach. The gastric juice in the
stomach contains hydrochloric acid, giving a low pH environment.
(e) Products of digestion are absorbed through the villi in the small intestine.
Explain how villi are adapted for absorption.
(f) Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to a protein called gluten. The villi become damaged
causing a reduction in the absorption of nutrients.
[Total: 20]
© UCLES 2016 0610/42/F/M/16 [Turn over
6 A new species of frog was discovered in 2009 in the Amazon rainforest in Peru.
Fig. 6.1
In the past, anatomy was a way to classify species. DNA is now used to aid the classification of
(b) (i) Draw and annotate a diagram to show the structure of DNA.
What is the name given to the length of DNA which codes for a protein?
[Total: 10]
Step 1 The students added 2 cm3 of starch solution to a test-tube, labelled it W, and placed it
into a beaker of warm water.
Step 2 They added 2 cm3 of starch solution to a second test-tube, labelled it C, and placed it into
a beaker of iced water.
Step 3 The students placed one dropping pipette into each of test-tubes W and C.
Step 5 The students added 10 drops of amylase solution to each of test-tubes W and C and
shook both test-tubes gently.
Step 7 The students immediately tested the liquids in test-tubes W and C for starch using iodine
The students tested the liquids in test-tubes W and C using iodine solution without affecting
the activity of the amylase.
The students observed that the liquid from test-tube W turned the iodine solution blue-black after
0 minutes, dark brown after 2 minutes, and it remained orange-brown after 4, 6 and 8 minutes.
The liquid from test-tube C turned the iodine solution blue-black after 0, 2 and 4 minutes and dark
brown after 6 and 8 minutes.
(ii) Suggest apparatus that could be used to minimise this source of error.
(g) State one other source of error in the method used in this investigation.
error ..........................................................................................................................................
improvement .............................................................................................................................
Outline how the students could show that reducing sugars are present in a solution.
[Total: 24]
A student measured the rate at which the leaves of a pond plant produced bubbles of oxygen gas
when exposed to different intensities of light.
movable lamp
pond plant
0 25 50 75 100
Fig. 2.1
The investigation was carried out in a dark laboratory. The only light source was the lamp, as
shown in Fig. 2.1.
The student changed the light intensity by placing the lamp at different distances from the plant.
Table 2.1
distance of lamp from plant / cm number of bubbles of oxygen produced per minute
20 29
40 16
60 8
80 3
100 1
(a) (i) Plot a graph of the data in Table 2.1 and draw a line of best fit.
(ii) Use your graph to estimate the distance of the lamp from the plant when six bubbles of
oxygen per minute would be produced.
(iii) Describe the relationship between light intensity and the rate at which oxygen is produced
by the plant.
(iv) Suggest why the student used a water-bath in the investigation shown in Fig. 2.1.
(b) Fig. 2.2 shows a photograph of a section through the pond plant as seen under a light
Fig. 2.2
(i) Make a large drawing of Fig. 2.2 to show the position of the outermost layer of cells and
the central core.
(ii) The central core is called the stele. Label the stele on your diagram. [1]
(iii) The diameter of the section in the photograph in Fig. 2.2 is shown by the line AB.
The magnification of Fig. 2.2 can be calculated using the following equation:
length of AB
magnification =
actual diameter of the section
Calculate the magnification of Fig. 2.2 using the information above and your answer
for AB.
[Total: 16]
1 Fig. 1.1 shows a vertical section through a human heart and the major blood vessels.
Fig. 1.1
(a) (i) State the names of the structures labelled L, M and O as shown in Fig. 1.1.
L ..................................
M ..................................
O ..................................
(ii) Identify a letter on Fig. 1.1 that represents a blood vessel that has:
(b) (i) Describe how blood is moved by the heart from blood vessel K to blood vessel J.
(ii) Explain why the wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle.
[Total: 13]
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
MRSA is a type of bacterium that is resistant to antibiotics. The number of cases of MRSA
identified in hospitals in the USA between 1995 and 2005 was recorded.
Fig. 2.1 shows these data.
400 000
350 000
300 000
250 000
number of cases
of MRSA per year
200 000
150 000
100 000
50 000
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Fig. 2.1
[Total: 10]
3 Colour blindness in humans is caused by a fault in some of the light receptor cells in the retina of
the eye. Rod cells and cone cells are two types of light receptor.
(a) Complete Table 3.1 to state the function of three types of cell in the eye.
Table 3.1
rod cells
cone cells
sensory neurones
(b) The number of rod cells and cone cells at places across the retina were recorded.
The diagram of an eye in Fig. 3.1 shows the angles from the fovea where the recordings were
The graph in Fig. 3.1 shows the number of rod cells and cone cells across the retina.
Use Fig. 3.1 to describe and explain the distribution of rod cells and cone cells across the
© UCLES 2017 0610/42/F/M/17
70° 70°
60° 60°
40° 40°
20° 20°
blind spot
160 000
140 000
rod cells rod cells
number of 120 000
rod cells
and 100 000
cone cells
per mm2 80 000
60 000
40 000
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
angle from fovea / degrees
Fig. 3.1
Fig. 3.2 is a pedigree chart showing the inheritance of colour blindness in a family. The key
shows the sex chromosomes and the alleles of the gene for colour vision.
male with normal colour vision XBY
colour-blind male XbY
female with normal colour vision XBXB
carrier female with normal XBXb
colour vision
colour-blind female X b Xb
Fig. 3.2
Describe evidence from Fig. 3.2 that shows that colour blindness is a sex-linked characteristic.
(d) A man with normal colour vision (XBY) and a woman who is colour-blind (XbXb) have a
Complete the genetic diagram to predict the probability that the baby is colour-blind.
[Total: 14]
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
Table 4.1 shows the number of hectares of forested area in some countries in Africa in the years
1990, 2000 and 2005.
Table 4.1
(b) Calculate the percentage loss of forested area in Nigeria between 2000 and 2005.
Show your working and give your answer to the nearest whole number.
............................................................ %
(c) Some forested areas are cleared to provide land to grow crop plants. Deforestation reduces
the local rainfall and the concentration of water vapour in the air.
(i) Describe and explain how a reduced concentration of water vapour in the air would
increase the movement of water through crop plants.
© UCLES 2017 0610/42/F/M/17
(ii) Describe how water moves from the soil into the roots of crop plants.
(d) Describe the consequences of deforestation on the animals that live in forests.
[Total: 14]
State the balanced chemical equation for the production of alcohol by yeast.
(ii) Name the organ that breaks down alcohol in the human body.
(b) Fig. 5.1 shows a computer model of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which is the enzyme
responsible for breaking down alcohol.
Fig. 5.1
(c) Table 5.1 shows the enzyme activity of alcohol dehydrogenase at different temperatures.
Table 5.1
(i) The information in Table 5.1 shows that an increase in temperature increases the activity
of alcohol dehydrogenase.
(ii) State one factor, other than temperature, that affects enzyme activity.
(ii) Describe the role of ribosomes in the synthesis of proteins such as enzymes.
[Total: 14]
© UCLES 2017 0610/42/F/M/17 [Turn over
6 (a) Table 6.1 shows some of the enzymes, their substrates, products and where they are
produced in the digestive system.
Table 6.1
location of enzyme
enzyme substrate product(s)
maltase maltose
.............................. ..............................
lipase fats
.............................. ..............................
(b) Bile is made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder and passes into the small intestine.
Define absorption.
© UCLES 2017 0610/42/F/M/17
(e) People that eat a diet that is high in fats are often advised to reduce their intake of fats.
[Total: 15]
1 (a) A student investigated the effect of different concentrations of sucrose solution on the
movement of water into and out of potato cells by osmosis.
Water enters cells if the solution outside the cells is less concentrated than the solution inside
the cells.
Water exits cells if the solution outside the cells is more concentrated than the solution inside
the cells.
The student was given four different concentrations of sucrose solution labelled A, B, C
and D.
The student was also given four potato sticks which were cut to the same length and diameter.
Step 1 The student measured the length of four potato sticks. The potato sticks for this step
are shown in Fig. 1.1.
Fig. 1.1
Step 2 The student labelled a large test-tube A and used a syringe to put 25 cm3 of sucrose
solution A into the large test-tube.
Step 3 The student repeated step 2 using solutions B, C and D and three more large test-
tubes. The student reused the syringe from step 2.
Step 4 The student placed one potato stick into each of the four large test-tubes, A, B, C
and D. This step is shown in Fig. 1.2.
potato stick
Fig. 1.2
Step 5 The potato sticks were left in the solutions for 30 minutes.
Step 6 After 30 minutes the student removed the potato sticks from the solutions and
measured the length of each potato stick. The potato sticks for this step are shown
in Fig. 1.3.
Fig. 1.3
(i) Measure the length of each potato stick in Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.3 and record the results in
your table in (a)(i).
(ii) Suggest why it is important to compare the change in length rather than the final lengths
of the potato sticks in this type of investigation.
(b) The student examined each potato stick after the 30 minutes soaking time. Their observations
are recorded in Fig. 1.4.
Fig. 1.4
(i) Use the information in your table of results and in Fig. 1.2 and Fig. 1.4 to identify solutions
A, B, C and D.
Table 1.1
most concentrated
(ii) Explain how the results support your answer to part (b)(i).
(iii) Identify one source of error with the method and suggest an improvement.
error ...................................................................................................................................
improvement .....................................................................................................................
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(c) Another investigation was carried out into the effect of different concentrations of sucrose
solution on potato sticks.
In this investigation students decided to measure the change in mass rather than the change
in length.
The students followed a similar method to the one in your investigation but they left the potato
sticks to soak for three hours instead of 30 minutes.
(i) Suggest why the students left the potato sticks in the solutions for three hours instead of
30 minutes.
(ii) The students dried the potato sticks on paper towels before measuring the mass of each
potato stick.
Suggest why this step was not important in the investigation described in 1(a), where
length was measured.
Table 1.2
concentration of percentage
sucrose solution change
/ g per dm3 in mass
0 29.5
70 12.0
140 –3.0
210 –15.0
280 –26.0
350 –29.5
(iii) Using Table 1.2, plot a graph on the grid to show the effect of the concentration of
sucrose solution on the percentage change in mass.
(iv) Use your graph to find the concentration of sucrose solution that would cause no change
in mass of the potato stick.
Mark this point on your graph with a + and record the concentration.
Include the unit.
(v) Students tested other potatoes and found different values for the concentration of
sucrose solution that would cause no change in mass.
[Total: 22]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows a flower. Some of the petals have been removed.
Fig. 2.1
magnification ×2.0
Fig. 2.2
(ii) Use your answer to 2(b)(i) and the equation to calculate the actual length of the anther.
(c) After pollination and fertilisation, seeds will develop. These will disperse to new environments.
If conditions are suitable they will germinate.
A student put some seeds on wet cotton wool in a Petri dish and left them to germinate. The
student counted the number of seeds that had germinated.
Describe a method the student could use to find the best or optimum temperature for the
germination of seeds.
(d) After germination, the growing seedling may get most of its energy from food stores inside
the seed.
(i) Describe how you could test the food store inside the seed for starch.
[Total: 18]
© UCLES 2017 0610/62/F/M/17
1 (a) (i) Fig. 1.1 is a branching key used to identify different species of bacteria.
Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Fig. 1.1
(ii) State the name of the kingdom that bacteria belong to.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) State one similarity between the structure of bacteria and the structure of viruses.
(c) Fig. 1.3 is a photomicrograph of Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera.
45 mm
Fig. 1.3
(i) Write the formula that would be used to calculate the actual length of the bacterium (not
including the flagellum) in Fig. 1.3.
(ii) The actual length of the bacterium shown in Fig. 1.3 is 0.0026 mm.
..................................................... µm [1]
(d) (i) Describe and explain the effects of cholera bacteria on the gut.
[Total: 14]
2 A study estimated the number of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in
India. Data were collected from two groups of people, those who lived in cities and those who
lived in villages.
18 Key:
estimated numbers
of people with 10
COPD / million
1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Fig. 2.1
(a) Compare the number of people with COPD in cities with the number of people with COPD in
villages and suggest reasons for the differences.
(b) (i) Explain how the body prevents particles in inspired air from reaching the gas exchange
(ii) State two ways in which the composition of inspired air differs from the composition of
expired air.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(i) State the name of the muscles that cause the ribs to move during ventilation.
(ii) During inspiration the pressure and volume in the thorax changes.
pressure ............................................................................................................................
volume ...............................................................................................................................
[Total: 14]
3 (a) Ecologists studied an area of woodland and estimated the biomass of each trophic level for
one of the food chains in the woodland.
Some students wanted to use the data to draw a pyramid of biomass for the food chain.
The students added a column to calculate the width of the bars they would need to draw.
Table 3.1
4 tertiary consumer 2
(i) Complete Table 3.1 by calculating the missing value and writing it in the table. [1]
(b) A type of organism gains energy from waste organic material from all trophic levels.
(c) (i) Outline how organisms in the first trophic level of the woodland food chain produce
biomass using energy from the Sun.
(ii) Explain why the fourth trophic level has the least biomass in this food chain.
[Total: 14]
Fig. 4.1
(a) Complete Table 4.1 to show the letter and the name of each of the structures that perform
these functions.
Table 4.1
releases oestrogen
site of fertilisation
site of implantation
(b) Fertilisation is the fusion of the nuclei of a male gamete and a female gamete resulting in a
zygote ........................................
Fig. 4.2 shows the number of reported cases of chlamydia in females in each age group in
one country.
400 000
350 000
300 000
250 000
number of
chlamydia 200 000
cases in 2008
150 000
100 000
50 000
10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–54 55–64 65+
age group / years
Fig. 4.2
contact. One way individuals can avoid the spread of STIs is to use a type of
is ............................................... .
[Total: 14]
Researchers investigated the effectiveness of different treatments of 2,4-D on the control of the
weed Conyza canadensis in fields of maize, Zea mays.
Table 5.1
(a) (i) Maize farmers that had been using treatment C were advised by the researchers to
change to treatment F.
(ii) Suggest two factors that could decrease the effectiveness of 2,4-D.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Auxin causes the shoots of a plant to grow away from gravity.
[Total: 11]
Fig. 6.1
The protein in the egg white solution gives the solution a cloudy appearance.
The cloudy appearance clears when the protein in the egg white solution breaks down.
Table 6.1
(i) Explain the results shown for test-tubes 1, 2 and 3 in Table 6.1.
(iii) State the name of the organ in the body that produces pepsin.
Describe the action of maltase and state where it acts in the alimentary canal.
[Total: 13]
Step 1 One celery stalk was placed into a beaker containing warm red stain. Another celery
stalk was placed into a beaker containing cool red stain.
red stain
Fig. 1.1
Step 2 Both celery stalks were left in the red stain for 10 minutes.
Step 3 After 10 minutes the celery stalks were removed from the red stain.
Step 4 A 5 mm section was cut from the end of the celery stalk which had been in the warm red
stain, as shown in Fig. 1.2.
section cut
in this direction
Fig. 1.2
Step 5 The section was inspected for the presence of the red stain in the xylem tissue in the
celery stalk, as shown in Fig. 1.3.
xylem tissue
Fig. 1.3
Step 6 If the red stain was visible in the cut section, another 5 mm section was cut and the
process repeated until no red stain was visible in the cut section. This allowed the student
to estimate how far the red stain had moved up the celery stalk.
Step 7 Steps 4 to 6 were repeated for the celery stalk which had been in the cool red stain.
(a) (i) State one safety precaution that should be taken while carrying out this method.
Fig. 1.4
Prepare a table and record your results in your table, in the space provided.
Your table should include:
(iii) Use the data to calculate the rate of movement of the red stain in the celery stalk at each
Space for working
(b) State two variables which were kept constant in this experiment.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(c) One way of improving the method used in this investigation would be to repeat it a number of
For each error, suggest an improvement to minimise the effect of the error.
error 1 .......................................................................................................................................
improvement 1 ..........................................................................................................................
error 2 .......................................................................................................................................
improvement 2 ..........................................................................................................................
(d) Some farmers wanted to investigate the effect of humidity on the rate of transpiration in celery
Fig. 1.5
One method of measuring the rate of transpiration is to record how long it takes a red stain to
travel up the xylem tissue in a celery stalk that still has its leaves attached.
Plan an investigation to determine the effect of humidity on the rate of movement of water
through leafy celery stalks.
[Total: 19]
© UCLES 2018 0610/62/F/M/18 [Turn over
2 Fig. 2.1 shows a photomicrograph of a bronchus, surrounded by alveoli and other tissues, in the
bronchus lumen
bronchus wall
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Make a large drawing of the bronchus shown in Fig. 2.1.
Do not include any of the alveoli or other tissues in your drawing. Do not label your
© UCLES 2018 0610/62/F/M/18
(ii) The diameter of the bronchus in Fig. 2.1 is shown by the line AB.
The magnification of the bronchus in Fig. 2.1 can be calculated using the following
The breathing rates of five people were measured at rest and after running for different
periods of time. The people rested between each period of running.
Table 2.1
0 20 24 22 26 28 24
2 32 31 28 32 32 31
4 39 41 38 42 40
6 46 52 52 46 44 48
8 48 50 52 46 44 48
10 49 51 51 46 43 48
(i) Complete Table 2.1 by calculating the average breathing rate for four minutes of running.
(ii) The student thought that the result for person two at six minutes was an anomaly.
(iii) Plot a graph, on the grid, to show the relationship between running time and the average
breathing rate. Draw a line of best fit.
(iv) Use your graph to estimate the average breathing rate for one minute of the running.
(v) Use your graph to describe the relationship between running time and the average
breathing rate.
(ii) State two variables that should be kept constant during this investigation.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(iii) State the variable that has been changed (the independent variable) in this investigation.
[Total: 21]
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
Fig. 1.1
A ...............................................................................................................................................
B ...............................................................................................................................................
C ...............................................................................................................................................
Table 1.1
(i) Calculate the percentage increase in the concentration of urea between the blood in the
renal artery and the urine.
............................................................ %
(ii) Describe the results for the concentration of salts shown in Table 1.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) State the reason for the difference in the concentration of protein between the blood in
the renal artery and the fluid in the kidney tubule.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) State the reason for the difference in the concentration of glucose between the fluid in
the kidney tubule and the urine.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 15]
2 (a) Fig. 2.1 shows some flowers of a snapdragon plant, Antirrhinum majus.
Fig. 2.1
(i) State one feature visible in Fig. 2.1 that suggests these flowers are insect-pollinated.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
Table 2.1 shows the genotypes and phenotypes of snapdragon plants with different petal
Table 2.1
genotype phenotype
C RC R red
CWCW white
C RC W pink
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
Complete the genetic diagram to show the ratio of expected phenotypes in the offspring.
(iii) The botanist wanted to produce a generation of snapdragons that all had pink flowers.
State the phenotypes of the parent plants that the botanist would need to cross.
explanation ........................................................................................................................
[Total: 13]
A stimulus
B motor neurone
C sensory neurone
D receptor cell
E response
F relay neurone
G effector
Put the letters into the correct sequence involved in a reflex action. Two have been done for
Describe how impulses pass from one neurone to another neurone across a synapse.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) Drugs such as heroin affect the nervous system. When users stop taking heroin they may
experience withdrawal symptoms.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) State two withdrawal symptoms that heroin users may experience.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 11]
4 Pollution is the harm done to the environment by the release of substances from human activities.
Table 4.1 shows the names of some pollutants, their sources and their effects on the environment.
Table 4.1
acid rain
enhanced greenhouse
carbon dioxide
enhanced greenhouse
cattle and rice farming
(b) When fertiliser is applied to fields, it can lead to eutrophication in lakes and rivers.
(i) Describe and explain what happens in lakes when eutrophication occurs.
..................................................................................................................................... [6]
(ii) Suggest ways in which a farmer could reduce the chances of eutrophication occurring
when applying fertiliser to crops.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 12]
5 Scientists investigated the effect of cuticle thickness on water loss from the leaves of the balsam
fir tree, Abies balsamea.
A – thick cuticle
B – medium cuticle
C – thin cuticle
Samples of leaves from each group were weighed. The leaves were placed on a tray in dry air at
20 °C. The samples of leaves were reweighed, at intervals, over 15 hours.
The scientists calculated the mass of each sample of leaves as a percentage of the initial mass.
mass of the 90
leaves as a
of the initial
mass 85
80 B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
time / hours
Fig. 5.1
(a) (i) Describe and explain the results shown in Fig. 5.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(ii) The investigation was repeated on a day when the air humidity was higher.
Suggest and explain the effect that this would have on the results.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) The leaves of pine trees show xerophytic features. Stems and roots also show xerophytic
State one adaptation of the stem and one adaptation of the root in xerophytes.
stem ..........................................................................................................................................
root ...........................................................................................................................................
(c) Water is one of the raw materials needed for the production of sugars in photosynthesis.
(i) State the name of the other raw material needed for photosynthesis.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State three ways a plant uses the sugars produced in photosynthesis.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 14]
Fig. 6.1
(a) (i) State the name of the parts of the virus shown in Fig. 6.1 labelled X and Y.
X ........................................................................................................................................
Y ........................................................................................................................................
State two ways in which the structure of bacteria differs from the structure of viruses.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Viruses and some bacteria are pathogenic. Diseases caused by pathogens are transmissible.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(c) Some white blood cells produce antibodies as part of the body’s defence against pathogens.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 15]
© UCLES 2019 0610/42/F/M/19
1 A student investigated the effect of two different types of washing powder on stained cloth. One
was biological and contained enzymes and detergent. The other was non-biological and contained
only detergent.
• four pieces of dry cloth that had been stained with the same food
• a solution of biological washing powder in a beaker labelled bio
• a solution of non-biological washing powder in a beaker labelled non-bio
• distilled water in a beaker labelled water.
Step 1 A marker pen was used to divide a white tile into four sections. The four sections were
labelled bio, non-bio, water and not washed.
Step 2 One piece of stained dry cloth was placed on the not washed section of the white tile.
Step 3 One piece of stained dry cloth was placed into each of the solutions labelled bio, non-bio
and water.
Step 4 One glass rod was used to push the pieces of cloth into the liquid in each beaker. The
liquid in each beaker was then stirred for 10 seconds.
Step 5 The liquid in each beaker was stirred again, for 10 seconds, after 5, 10 and 15 minutes.
Step 6 After 15 minutes each piece of cloth was removed from the liquid and placed on the
labelled area of the white tile.
Step 7 The student observed the stain on each piece of cloth and used the intensity score in
Table 1.1 to determine the intensity of the stain on the four pieces of cloth.
A drawing of the four pieces of cloth at the end of the experiment is shown in Fig. 1.1.
bio non-bio
Fig. 1.1
Table 1.1
intensity score
lowest intensity +
highest intensity ++++
(a) (i) Prepare a table to record the results in the space provided.
Use the information in Fig. 1.1 and Table 1.1 to match the intensity of the stain to a score
for each piece of cloth. Record the intensity scores in your table.
(ii) State the variable that was measured (dependent variable) in this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State one variable that was kept the same in this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) Identify one source of error in step 4 and explain how it might affect the results.
error ...................................................................................................................................
explanation ........................................................................................................................
(v) Identify a control in this experiment and explain why this control was used.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(vi) State why the method used in step 7 may not give accurate results.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Some students wanted to find the optimum (best) temperature for using biological washing
A Petri dish was filled with agar jelly containing starch. A circular hole was cut into the centre
of the agar. A solution of the biological washing powder was put into the hole. The Petri dish
was incubated at 10 °C for 10 hours.
After 10 hours iodine solution was poured onto the agar in the Petri dish.
Fig. 1.2
(i) State the variable that was changed (independent variable) in the investigation described
in 1(b).
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Some of the agar is stained blue-black and some is stained pale brown.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) The diameter of the pale brown stained area was measured during the investigation.
Table 1.2
(iv) Describe the trend shown by the data in Table 1.2 and your graph.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(v) The students were unable to determine the optimum temperature from their results.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 20]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows photomicrographs of lung tissue at the same magnification. One shows healthy
lung tissue and the other shows lung tissue from a person with COPD.
Line AB shows the diameter of one healthy alveolus. Line CD shows the diameter of an area of
lung where the alveoli have been destroyed.
alveolar wall
healthy COPD
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Make a large drawing of the lung tissue of the person with COPD shown in Fig. 2.1. Do
not draw individual cells.
© UCLES 2019 0610/62/F/M/19
(ii) Measure the length of CD as shown on Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
length of CD ................................................................
Mark on your drawing the position of the line CD and measure the length of the line you
have drawn. Include the unit.
Calculate the magnification of your drawing. Give your answer to the nearest whole
(iii) Describe three visible ways that the lungs of the healthy person differ from the person
with COPD in Fig. 2.1.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Some students decided to investigate the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air
compared to that in inspired air.
They used the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.2 by breathing into the tube labelled T.
inspired air expired air
Fig. 2.2
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State one other substance which could be used instead of limewater to determine the
concentration of carbon dioxide.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) When the students used the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.2, inspired air passed through
the limewater in test-tube A and expired air passed through the limewater in test-tube B.
The students timed how long it took for the limewater in test-tubes A and B to go cloudy.
Table 2.1
Calculate, using the results in Table 2.1, the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired
............................................................ %
‘Expired air contains more carbon dioxide immediately after exercise than
before exercise.’
Plan an investigation using the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.2 to test this hypothesis.
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 20]
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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
Fig. 1.1
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain how the structures in the gas exchange system cause inspiration.
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(b) A person who does not smoke can be exposed to tobacco smoke from other people smoking.
Researchers studied the effect of exposure to tobacco smoke on the development of lung
cancer in three groups of women who did not smoke:
Table 1.1
(i) Calculate the percentage of women in group 2 who died from lung cancer.
(ii) Many countries have laws that ban smoking in public buildings.
Discuss the evidence from Table 1.1 that supports these laws.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) Smoking has been found to increase the risk of developing diseases other than cancer.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 14]
2 (a) Fig. 2.1 shows the transfer of materials between blood and tissues.
fluid A
fluid B
arteriole venule
flow of blood
transfer of materials
Fig. 2.1
Table 2.1
(ii) State the name of the process by which oxygen is transferred from fluid B to the cells.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 12]
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(c) Scientists investigated the effect of adrenaline on blood glucose concentration in rats.
The blood glucose concentrations of the rats in both groups were monitored for three hours
after the injections.
The rats did not eat for 12 hours before the investigation or while they were being monitored.
time of
blood glucose
/ mmol per dm3
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
monitoring time / hours
group A (adrenaline)
group B (no adrenaline)
Fig. 3.1
(i) Suggest why group B was given an injection that did not contain adrenaline.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Describe and explain the results shown in Fig. 3.1 for group A.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(d) Another group of rats was given an injection that did not contain adrenaline.
Sketch a line to show your prediction on the graph in Fig. 3.1. [2]
(e) Describe two effects of adrenaline on the body, other than a change in blood glucose
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 14]
4 (a) Describe the similarities and differences between marasmus and kwashiorkor.
similarities .................................................................................................................................
differences ................................................................................................................................
(b) Researchers at a hospital recorded the total number of children admitted to the hospital
between 1984 and 2002.
A common reason for children being admitted to this hospital was severe diarrhoea.
Table 4.1
total number of
year children admitted to
the hospital
1984 1386
1986 1604
1988 1955
1990 2054
1992 1726
1994 1143
1996 1422
1998 1419
2000 1580
2002 1161
(i) Calculate the percentage decrease in the total number of children admitted to the hospital
between 1998 and 2002.
............................................................ %
(ii) Health workers in the communities near the hospital were trained in the prevention and
treatment of diarrhoea. This affected the total number of children being admitted to the
year ...................................................................................................................................
reason ...............................................................................................................................
(iii) The health workers provided advice to the community on ways of preventing the spread
of the pathogens that cause diarrhoea.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 12]
Fig. 5.1
(i) State the change that has occurred to the mass of DNA immediately before mitosis in
Fig. 5.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Estimate the time when the chromosomes shown in Fig. 5.1 begin to separate.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Describe how the nuclei in cells produced by meiosis differ from the nuclei in cells produced
by mitosis.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 13]
6 (a) Atlantic cod, Gadhus morhua, is a type of fish that is an important resource for commercial
Fig. 6.1 shows the estimated mass of Atlantic cod over 40 years.
mass of
Atlantic 5
/ million 4
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Fig. 6.1
(i) In 1970, the mass of Atlantic cod was 8 000 000 tonnes.
State one year when the mass of Atlantic cod was half this value.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the years when there was a continuous increase in the mass of Atlantic cod for at
least five years.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Suggest reasons for the trend shown between 1990 and 1995.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
© UCLES 2020 0610/42/F/M/20 [Turn over
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) Fish have adaptive features that enable them to live successfully in their environment.
Great white sharks are efficient predators and have very good eyesight to see in poor light
conditions underwater.
Fig. 6.2
(i) Describe two features, other than eyesight, visible in Fig. 6.2 that suggest that great
white sharks are efficient predators.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Describe how the ancestors of the great white shark developed adaptive features such
as good eyesight.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
[Total: 15]
1 (a) Beetroot is the large fleshy root of a beet plant. The cells of beetroot contain a coloured
pigment. This pigment may leak from the cells if the cell membranes are damaged.
A student investigated the effect of temperature on the leakage of pigment from beetroot
Step 1 Cylinders of varying length were cut from a beetroot. The student was provided with
two of the beetroot cylinders. The student cut both cylinders to 3 cm in length.
Step 3 The student put some cold water into test-tube C and some hot water into
test-tube H.
Step 4 The student measured the temperature of the water in test-tube C and in test-tube H.
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
thermometer thermometer
in cold water in hot water
Fig. 1.1
Step 5 The student put one beetroot cylinder into test-tube C and one beetroot cylinder into
test-tube H. A stopper was placed in each test-tube.
Step 8 The student observed the colour of the liquid in both test-tubes.
— test-tube C
light red
— test-tube H
dark red
Fig. 1.2
(i) Prepare a table to record the results shown in Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) In step 1 the two beetroot cylinders were cut to the same length.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
error ...................................................................................................................................
apparatus ..........................................................................................................................
(v) In step 7 the student shook the test-tubes. It was important that the shaking of both test-
tubes was the same.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) A student repeated the investigation in 1(a) at five different temperatures. They carried out
three trials at each temperature.
The student measured the percentage of light that passed through the liquids in the test-tubes.
The coloured pigment reduces the percentage of light that can pass through the liquid. The
higher the pigment concentration the less light passes through the liquid.
Table 1.1
(i) State the variable that was changed (independent variable) in the investigation described
in 1(b).
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Suggest two ways in which the method described in 1(b) is an improvement to the
method used in 1(a).
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(iii) The student decided that the result for trial 2 at 20 °C was anomalous.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) State how the student dealt with the anomalous result when calculating the average
value for 20 °C.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(v) Plot a line graph on the grid of the temperature against the average percentage of light
that passes through the liquid using the data in Table 1.1.
(vi) Estimate the percentage of light passing through the liquid at 50 °C.
[Total: 20]
magnification ×1.2
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Make a large drawing of the leaf shown in Fig. 2.1.
(ii) Measure the length of the line PQ on Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
Calculate the actual length of the leaf using the formula and your measurement.
length of line PQ
magnification = actual length of the leaf
Give your answer to the nearest whole number and include the unit.
(b) Some athletes drink beetroot juice because they think it improves their performance.
Scientists investigated the effect of drinking 100 cm3 of beetroot juice on the length of time
that athletes were able to run at their fastest pace before stopping due to exhaustion.
average time
athletes were
able to run / s
control beetroot
group group
Fig. 2.2
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Calculate the percentage increase in the average time athletes were able to run for the
beetroot group compared to the control group.
‘Drinking a greater volume of beetroot juice would increase the length of time that
athletes are able to run.’
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
Describe how you could test a sample of an energy drink to determine if reducing sugars are
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 20]
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Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
BIOLOGY 0610/42
Paper 4 Theory (Extended) February/March 2021
1 hour 15 minutes
● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Do not write on any bar codes.
● You may use a calculator.
● You should show all your working and use appropriate units.
● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
DC (NF/AR) 202933/3
© UCLES 2021 [Turn over
1 (a) Fig. 1.1 is a diagram showing the position of some organs in the human body.
Fig. 1.1
Table 1.1 shows the names of some of the endocrine glands, their identifying letters and the
hormones that they produce.
Table 1.1
• the relative blood concentrations of two hormones, A and B, released by the ovaries
during the menstrual cycle
• the thickness of the lining of the uterus.
relative blood
concentration A B
of the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
of the lining
of the uterus
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Fig. 1.2
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) State the day in Fig. 1.2 when ovulation is most likely to occur.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the days in Fig. 1.2 when the lining of the uterus is lost from the body.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) The female contraceptive pill is a chemical method of birth control, which is available in many
(i) Describe the social implications of the increased availability of the female contraceptive
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) The hormones in the female contraceptive pill can enter rivers.
Describe the negative impacts of female contraceptive hormones entering rivers and
contaminating drinking water.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 15]
not to scale
Fig. 2.1
(i) State one visible feature in Fig. 2.1 that identifies this cell as a prokaryotic cell.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State one cell structure that is present in the cells of all organisms.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Prokaryotes, Animals and Plants are three of the five kingdoms of organisms.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
nitrogen in
proteins in proteins in
animals plants
animal waste B C
nitrate ions
in soil
Fig. 2.2
..................................................................................................................................... [6]
(ii) State the name of the process that plants use to absorb nitrate ions.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 11]
3 (a) The activity of the heart can be monitored using different methods.
Fig. 3.1 shows two ECG traces. One trace was recorded when the person was at rest and the
second trace was recorded during exercise.
The length of time taken for one heart beat is indicated in Fig. 3.1 on the ECG trace recorded
at rest.
at rest
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
time / s
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
time / s
Fig. 3.1
(i) Estimate the resting heart rate of the person from their ECG trace in Fig. 3.1.
(ii) Explain why the ECG trace recorded during exercise differs from the ECG trace recorded
at rest.
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(iii) Suggest one other way of monitoring the activity of the heart.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
[Total: 13]
© UCLES 2021 0610/42/F/M/21 [Turn over
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
Fig. 4.1
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) (i) State two substances that are transported only in the phloem.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Explain why some parts of a plant can act as both a source and a sink.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) The effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of oxygen production in an aquatic
plant was measured.
(i) The rate of oxygen production was assumed to be the same as the rate of photosynthesis.
Suggest why the rate of oxygen production was not the same as the rate of
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
rate of
oxygen 0.20
/ cm3 per m2
per s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
concentration of carbon dioxide / μmol per dm3
Fig. 4.2
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(e) The investigation was repeated with the same type of aquatic plant at 10 °C.
[Total: 16]
The percentage of the population that were vaccinated against measles in a country was
The number of confirmed cases of measles in the country was also recorded.
Fig. 5.1 shows the data that were collected between 1975 and 2010.
160 000
90 120 000
80 100 000
number of
cases of
of the
population 70 80 000
60 60 000
50 40 000
40 20 000
30 0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
percentage of population vaccinated
number of cases of measles
Fig 5.1
(i) Calculate the percentage change in the number of cases of measles between 1980 and
© UCLES 2021 0610/42/F/M/21
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(iii) Explain how vaccination protects people against a transmissible disease such as
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 16]
grass corn
Fig. 6.1
(i) State the number of trophic levels in the food web in Fig. 6.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of one organism that feeds at both the third and fourth trophic levels
from Fig. 6.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the type of energy that is transferred between trophic levels.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) The total biomass of the snakes is much less than the total biomass of the mice in the food
web shown in Fig. 6.1.
Explain why the total biomass of the snakes is less than the total biomass of the mice.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(c) Food shortages that result in famine can be caused by many factors.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 9]
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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 A student investigated osmosis. They used a model cell made from dialysis tubing. Dialysis tubing
is permeable to water but is not permeable to larger molecules such as sucrose, which is a type of
Step 1 One test-tube was labelled DW and a second test-tube was labelled S.
Step 2 Two dialysis tubing bags were made by knotting lengths of dialysis tubing at one end.
Step 4 The 10 cm3 of sucrose solution was transferred from the syringe to a dialysis tubing bag,
as shown in Fig. 1.1.
sucrose solution
open end of the
dialysis tubing bag
Fig. 1.1
Step 5 A ruler was used to measure the distance from the knot to the meniscus of the sucrose
solution in the bag, as shown in Fig. 1.2.
Fig. 1.2
Step 6 The dialysis tubing bag was placed into test-tube S and secured with an elastic band.
Step 7 A measuring cylinder was used to pour 30 cm3 of distilled water into test-tube S, as
shown in Fig. 1.3.
elastic band
Fig. 1.3
Step 8 The student filled the second dialysis tubing bag with 10 cm3 of distilled water.
Step 9 The student measured the distance from the top of the knot to the bottom of the meniscus
of the distilled water in the dialysis tubing bag.
Step 10 The dialysis tubing bag containing distilled water was then placed into test-tube DW and
secured with an elastic band. 30 cm3 of distilled water was poured into test-tube DW.
Step 12 At 15 minutes the dialysis tubing bags were removed from test-tubes S and DW.
(a) Fig. 1.4 shows the dialysis tubing bags at 0 minutes and at 15 minutes.
dialysis tubing bag from test-tube S dialysis tubing bag from test-tube DW
Fig. 1.4
(i) Measure the distance from the top of the knot to the bottom of the meniscus at 0 minutes
and 15 minutes for the dialysis tubing bags from test-tubes S and DW.
© UCLES 2021 0610/62/F/M/21
(ii) Calculate the change in distance from the knot to the meniscus of the liquids in the
dialysis tubing bags in test-tubes S and DW.
S ........................................................ mm
DW ........................................................ mm
(iii) Explain why it is important to take the measurements from the same place on the dialysis
tubing bags shown in Fig. 1.4.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(v) Identify the variable that the student decided to change (independent variable) in this
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(vi) Only one set of results was collected during this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Another student repeated the investigation but their results were not the same. The student
only used one syringe during the investigation and did not wash it.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
Describe how you would test for the presence of reducing sugars.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) Students investigated the effect of sucrose concentration on the mass of potato cylinders.
(i) State two variables that were kept constant in this investigation.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
Table 1.1
(ii) Calculate the percentage change in mass of the potato cylinder that was immersed in
1.00 mol per dm3 sucrose solution.
(iii) Plot a line graph on the grid of the concentration of sucrose solution against the
percentage change in mass. One axis has been started for you.
(iv) Estimate the concentration of sucrose solution at which there was no percentage change
in the mass of the potato cylinder.
(v) Explain why the percentage change in mass is more useful than the change in mass
when analysing the results in Table 1.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(e) State the name of the solution that is used to test for the presence of starch and give the
result of a positive test.
[Total: 24]
2 Fig. 2.1 is a photograph of a tomato fruit that has been cut in half.
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Draw a large diagram of the tomato fruit shown in Fig. 2.1.
© UCLES 2021 0610/62/F/M/21 [Turn over
(ii) Describe how you could show that a tomato fruit contains vitamin C.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
magnification ×50
Fig. 2.2
length of PQ ................................................. mm
Calculate the actual size of the tomato seed using the formula and your measurement.
length of line PQ
magnification = actual length of the tomato seed
(c) Plan an investigation to determine the optimum (best) temperature for germination of tomato
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 16]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 The kidneys remove metabolic waste from the liquid part of the blood. For
(ii) the process that involves removing metabolic waste from the body.
Fig. 1.1 shows a kidney tubule and its associated blood vessels.
Fig. 1.1
Table 1.1 shows the concentrations of some substances in the blood at X, the fluid at Y and For
the urine at Z. Examiner's
Table 1.1
protein 7 0 0
(i) has molecules that are too large to pass through the walls of capillaries;
(d) Explain why the concentrations of sodium ions and urea are greater at Z than at Y.
(e) People who have acute kidney failure are given dialysis treatment. For
In dialysis machines, the blood flows through narrow tubes made from partially
permeable membranes, surrounded by dialysis fluid.
Use the information in Table 1.1 to suggest the concentration of sodium ions that
should be in the fluid and give a reason for your answer.
(ii) State two components of blood that are not in dialysis fluid.
2 [2]
(f) Heparin is added to the blood before it returns to the body from the dialysis machine.
Heparin prevents a person’s blood from clotting.
[Total: 18]
Samples of bacteria were taken from a person who had an infectious disease. They were
spread onto four Petri dishes of agar (agar plates). Three of these agar plates contained the
antibiotics 1, 2 or 3.
agar plate contains agar plate contains agar plate contains agar plate contains
no antibiotic antibiotic 1 antibiotic 2 antibiotic 3
bacterial growth
no bacteria
Fig. 2.1
(b) Explain why it is important to carry out a test similar to that shown in Fig. 2.1 before
giving an antibiotic to a person infected with a bacterial disease.
Fig. 2.2 shows the stages involved in transferring the gene for insulin from human cells
to bacterial cells.
Fig. 2.2
(i) Put the stages into the correct sequence. Two have been done for you.
(ii) Diabetes is often treated with human insulin that has been produced by genetically
modified cells. In most countries this type of insulin has replaced the insulin that
was prepared from animals.
Suggest the advantages of providing human insulin to people with diabetes rather
than insulin obtained from animals.
[Total: 14]
ciliary muscle
suspensory ligaments
Fig. 3.1
The lens changes shape to alter the direction of light rays passing through the eye.
(a) Name:
(i) another part of the eye that also alters the direction of the light rays;
(ii) the part of the eye where the light rays form an image.
(b) An eye specialist measured the change in shape of the lens of a patient during an eye For
test. The specialist recorded the change in shape of the lens with the patient looking at Examiner's
a chart 10 metres away and when reading from a book. This is shown in Fig. 3.2.
more convex
of lens E
less convex
Fig. 3.2
(i) Write the letter D on Fig. 3.2 to show a time when the patient was looking at the
chart that was 10 metres away. [1]
(ii) State how the ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments act to change the shape
of the lens during the time marked E on Fig. 3.2.
ciliary muscles
suspensory ligaments
[Total: 8]
4 Sorghum bicolor is a cereal crop important in many dry areas of the world. For
Fig. 4.1 shows some plants of S. bicolor growing in a field in China.
Fig. 4.1
2 [2]
(b) Fig. 4.1 shows the flower heads of sorghum. Pollen is released from the individual
flowers when they open.
(c) Describe the events that occur in flowering plants after fertilisation to form a seed.
(d) In India, the cultivation of sorghum has decreased because now people prefer foods
based on wheat and rice.
There are alternative uses of sorghum in the production of new foods, processed foods
and as feed for animals.
Explain why it is less efficient to feed crops, such as sorghum, to animals rather than to
use them for human foods.
[Total: 13]
5 The alimentary canal is adapted for chemical and mechanical digestion. For
(a) Explain how chemical digestion differs from mechanical digestion.
Fig. 5.1
(b) Table 5.1 shows four functions of the alimentary canal. For
Complete the table by:
• naming the part of the system that carries out each of the functions;
• using the letters from Fig. 5.1 to identify the part of the system named.
Table 5.1
(c) Some people develop gallstones, made of cholesterol, that accumulate in the gall
bladder and the bile duct. Gallstones block the flow of bile.
(d) Cholesterol can also accumulate in the walls of the coronary arteries. For
Explain the effects that this might have.
[Total: 13]
6 In some countries forests are cleared by burning. This produces carbon dioxide and ash. For
(a) Outline the environmental effects of an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as
a result of burning forests.
(b) The ash helps crops to grow because it is rich in minerals, such as magnesium ions,
but it is deficient in nitrate ions.
Explain why nitrate ions and magnesium ions are important for plants.
(c) When mineral ions from soils are washed into streams and rivers there is often a rapid For
growth of algae. Examiner's
(i) State the name of the effect that is caused by adding mineral ions to streams and
(ii) These streams and rivers often have low concentrations of dissolved oxygen.
Explain why.
(d) Untreated domestic sewage contains organic waste as well as dissolved minerals.
Outline how sewage is treated so that the water may be recycled as drinking water.
[Total: 14]
1 Fig. 1.1 shows two similar cut shoots in test-tubes that contained 20 cm3 of water at the For
start. Examiner's
One shoot has its leaves attached and the other shoot has had its leaves removed.
The shoots were placed in the water immediately after being cut.
A small quantity of oil was added to cover the water in these test-tubes.
The two test-tubes with the shoots were left in the light for two days.
shoot with
shoot without leaves
height of
water after oil
2 days
height of
water after
2 days
Fig. 1.1
(a) (i) Identify the variable that was changed (independent variable) in this investigation.
(ii) Suggest why oil was placed on top of the water in both test-tubes. For
(iii) Use a ruler to measure the height of the water in the two test-tubes, shown in
Fig. 1.1.
(b) The two shoots were removed from the test-tubes. For
Both shoots were immediately placed in a beaker of coloured water and left for 10 Examiner's
After 10 minutes the shoots were removed from the coloured water.
The shoots were cut in half, as shown in Fig. 1.2, to see how far up the stem the
coloured water had moved.
Fig. 1.3
(i) Use a ruler to measure the distance moved by the coloured water, shown in
Fig. 1.3.
(ii) Do the measurements in (b)(i) support the measurements in (a)(iii)? Explain your
(iii) Describe how you could carry out a similar investigation to determine whether For
temperature affects the rate of water uptake of shoots with leaves. Examiner's
(c) A group of students measured the mass lost from a flask containing a shoot with For
leaves. Examiner's
The shoot was placed in water, on a balance as shown in Fig. 1.4.
An automatic data logger recorded the mass every six hours for two days.
shoot with
data logger
Fig. 1.4
Only natural light from the sun was allowed to fall on the shoot.
The students calculated the mass lost every six hours. The data is shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
10:00 0.0
16:00 3.0
22:00 5.0
04:00 5.0
10:00 7.0
16:00 10.0
22.00 11.5
04.00 11.5
10.00 13.5
(c) (i) Plot the data from Table 1.1 on Fig. 1.5. For
Fig. 1.5
Fig. 1.6 shows part of the lower surface of a leaf as viewed under a microscope. For
× 300
120 mm
Fig. 1.6
H [2]
(e) The number of stomata on the lower surface of the leaf can be calculated by using
Fig. 1.6.
You can calculate the actual length of one side of the square of leaf surface shown
in Fig. 1.6 by dividing the length of one side of the image by the magnification.
Calculate the actual length of one side of the square of leaf surface shown in
Fig. 1.6.
Show your working.
(iii) Calculate the actual total area of the square of leaf surface shown in Fig. 1.6.
Show your working.
(iv) The number of stomata per mm2 can be calculated from the number of stomata
and the actual total area of the square of leaf surface shown in Fig. 1.6.
(v) The total area of the lower surface of this leaf was measured and found to be
9000 mm2.
Calculate the total number of stomata on the lower surface of this leaf.
Show your working.
[Total: 27]
2 You are going to observe and draw one of your fingers. For
(a) Place the palm of your hand on the paper.
Examine one finger.
(b) Fig. 2.1 shows the European mole, Talpa europa. For
hand × 0.8
Fig. 2.1
(i) State one similarity, visible in Fig. 2.1, between the structure of the mole’s hand
and your hand.
(ii) Complete Table 2.1 to state two differences, visible in Fig. 2.1 between the
shape and size of the mole’s hand and your hand.
(c) (i) Name the group of vertebrates to which the mole belongs.
(ii) State one feature, visible in Fig. 2.1, that supports your answer to (c)(i).
[Total: 9]
3 Arum lilies, such as Arum maculatum, are plants that have a smell like rotting meat. For
The smell attracts flies so that the flowers can be pollinated. Examiner's
Some arum lilies have a purple coloured sheath and some have a light green coloured
Fig. 3.1 shows an arum lily with part of the sheath cut away to show the inside.
Fig. 3.1
A group of students collected arum lilies from the same habitat, two with purple coloured
sheaths and three with light green coloured sheaths.
They opened the sheaths of each lily and counted the number of flies inside.
purple 5
light green 5
light green 6
light green 4
(a) Calculate the total and mean number of flies found in each colour of sheath.
(b) Suggest two ways in which this investigation could be improved. For
[Total: 4]
1 Fig. 1.1 shows the change in the biomass of the fungus Penicillium when grown in a fermenter to
produce the antibiotic penicillin.
biomass / g per kg W
growth medium 2.5
1.0 V
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time / hours
Fig. 1.1
V ...............................................................................................................................................
W ..............................................................................................................................................
X .......................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) State two factors that are kept constant when Penicillium is grown in a fermenter.
1 ...............................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Suggest why the growth of Penicillium is measured in biomass rather than numbers of cells.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 6]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows the changes in a human ovary during the first part of the menstrual cycle and after
the fertilisation of an egg.
day 1
day 10
day 14
day 15
Fig. 2.1
organ A .............................................................................................................................
process B ..........................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 13]
Fig. 3.1
(a) Water is a large component of the cells in the leaves of trees, as labelled D on Fig. 3.1.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(b) Explain how the loss of water from the leaves helps to move water from the roots to the
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) Explain how water enters the roots of the trees from the soil.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
1 ...............................................................................................................................................
2 ...............................................................................................................................................
3 ...............................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 17]
Table 4.1
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) (i) State what could cause the lactic acid concentration in the blood to increase to
200 mg dm–3.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State two effects that a concentration of adrenaline of 100 ng dm–3 might have on the
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Table 4.1 shows that the glucose concentration varies between 700 and 1000 mg dm–3.
Describe the role of the liver in regulating the concentration of glucose in the body.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
A woman had some blood tests taken before and during a bacterial infection.
Table 4.2 shows the number of white blood cells in the two blood samples.
Table 4.2
(i) Calculate the percentage increase in lymphocytes that occurred during the bacterial
Show your working and give your answer to the nearest whole number.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 17]
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
cell T
P ........................................................................................................................................
Q .......................................................................................................................................
R ................................................................................................................................... [3]
Name the vein that transports blood away from the small intestine.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
© UCLES 2014 0610/32/M/J/14
(iii) Cell T is an example of the cells that form the surface of the villi.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iv) Some of the cells on the surface of the villi secrete mucus for protection.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 10]
6 Myriapods are a group of arthropods that are commonly found in soil habitats in many parts of the
world. Many myriapods are very small and not easy to identify.
Fig. 6.1 shows four species of myriapod, not drawn to the same scale.
Fig. 6.1
(a) State three features of all myriapods that are visible in Fig. 6.1.
1 ...............................................................................................................................................
2 ...............................................................................................................................................
3 ...............................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(b) Describe three features of myriapods that could be used to make a dichotomous key to
distinguish between the four species in Fig. 6.1.
1 ...............................................................................................................................................
2 ...............................................................................................................................................
3 ...............................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(c) Mitochondria are cell structures that contain a small quantity of DNA.
Scientists are sequencing the DNA of one particular gene in mitochondria to help identify
different species of many animals including myriapods. The sequences that they find are
called ‘barcodes’.
(i) State the part of the cell that contains most of the DNA.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Suggest how DNA barcoding might be useful in the conservation of animals, such as
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) A student found the following information about the feeding relationships between some
organisms in a soil habitat.
Dead organic matter, such as leaves, provides food for bacteria and soil fungi.
Many millipedes feed on dead plant matter and also on soil fungi.
(i) Draw a food web to show the feeding relationships described above.
(ii) Describe the roles of the soil organisms in the carbon cycle.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 17]
1 A student investigated the effect of surface area on the rate of digestion of food by observing the
colour change in agar jelly pieces placed in dilute sulfuric acid.
The student was provided with a Petri dish of agar jelly. The agar jelly contained Universal Indicator
that changed colour according to the pH of its environment.
When a small piece of agar jelly was put into the beaker of dilute sulfuric acid, it gradually changed
(a) Suggest what colour the agar jelly became after it changed colour in the dilute sulfuric acid.
The student cut four identical blocks of agar jelly, each 2 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm, as shown in Fig. 1.1.
1 cm 2 cm
1 cm
Fig. 1.1
The blocks of agar jelly were then cut up as shown in Fig 1.2.
A 1
cut here
B 2 12
C 4 16
D 8 20
Fig. 1.2
The student calculated the total surface area of all the pieces cut from each block.
The student put all the agar pieces that had been cut from each agar block, A, B, C
and D, into the large test-tube that was labelled with the same letter as the agar block.
Fig. 1.3
The student poured sulfuric acid into each large test-tube and timed how long it took for all the
pieces of agar jelly in each large test-tube to change colour.
(c) (i) State two pieces of apparatus, not shown in Fig. 1.3, that the student needed to use for
this investigation.
....................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Use the space below to draw a suitable results table for this investigation.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(e) Explain why it was important for blocks A, B, C and D to have the same volume at the start,
before they were cut into pieces.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
For each error, describe one way that you could improve the investigation.
error 1 .......................................................................................................................................
improvement 1 ..........................................................................................................................
error 2 .......................................................................................................................................
improvement 2 ..........................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(g) The surface area of food particles affects the rate of their break down.
A student carried out an experiment to investigate the rate of the break down of fat.
Table 1.1
test-tube contents of test-tube time taken for break down of fat / min
(i) Suggest a reason for the difference in results recorded in Table 1.1.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Another student carried out a similar experiment but also included a test-tube that
contained fat and water only.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 23]
2 The outline of a leaf has been drawn on the grid in Fig. 2.1.
Fig 2.1
(a) Label two features of the leaf shown in Fig. 2.1. [2]
(b) (i) Use the grid to estimate the area of the surface of the leaf shown in Fig. 2.1.
(ii) Suggest one way to improve the accuracy of this method of calculating the surface area
of a leaf.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) The two leaves, G and H, shown in Fig. 2.2 are from the same plant.
Fig. 2.2
One of the leaves was from higher up the plant, in full sunlight.
The other leaf was from lower down the plant, in the shade.
Suggest and explain which leaf is from lower down the plant, in the shade.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) Table 2.1 shows the results of an investigation into the relationship between the total surface
area of the leaves on a plant and the volume of water lost from the plant.
Table 2.1
total surface area of leaves / m2 volume of water lost from plant per day / dm3
0.05 4.5
0.10 6.5
0.15 8.0
0.20 10.0
0.25 12.5
(i) Plot a graph of the data in Table 2.1 on the grid below. Draw a straight line of best-fit.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(e) Fig. 2.3 shows the lower surface of a leaf as seen under a microscope.
× 400
Fig. 2.3
length of JK ................................................................ mm
(f) A student investigated how light intensity affected the rate of water loss from a leaf.
Suggest two variables that the student would control in their investigation.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 17]
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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 (a) Fig. 1.1 shows seven plant species that are important crops.
not drawn to scale
Fig. 1.1
Use the key to identify each species. Write the letter of each species (A to G) in the correct
box beside the key. One has been done for you.
(b) The pattern of the veins on the leaves was used in the key to separate the monocotyledonous
crop plants and eudicotyledonous (dicotyledonous) crop plants shown in Fig. 1.1.
State one other feature that could be used to identify monocotyledonous plants from
eudicotyledonous plants.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) The leaves of some crop plants are not eaten but are used to make paper. This reduces
deforestation because fewer trees are cut down for making paper. Deforestation has negative
effects on soil ecosystems.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 11]
A student investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of algae.
Fig. 2.1
(b) Suggest why a glass tank with water was placed between the lamp and the bottle in the
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) The hydrogencarbonate indicator solution changes colour when the pH changes. At pH 8.4 it
is red, at pH 7.6 it is yellow and at pH 9 it is purple.
Predict the colour of the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution in the bottle nearest the lamp
at the end of the investigation. Explain your answer.
explanation ...............................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2015 0610/32/M/J/15 [Turn over
time for colour
change 50
/ minutes
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
distance from lamp / cm
Fig. 2.2
Describe and explain how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by light intensity.
.............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 12]
3 Fig. 3.1 shows images of red blood cells from a human, A, and a bird, B.
Fig. 3.1
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) There is a nucleus present in each of the red blood cells of the bird, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
Red blood cells from humans were placed into three test-tubes. Each test-tube contained a salt
solution of a different concentration. A sample was taken from each test-tube and viewed using a
microscope. The results are shown in Fig. 3.2.
Fig. 3.2
(c) (i) Describe the appearance of the red blood cells in the 0.15 mol dm−3 salt solution and the
red blood cells in the 0.20 mol dm−3 salt solution.
(ii) The red blood cells in the 0.10 mol dm−3 salt solution burst.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) Suggest why a plant cell in 0.10 mol dm−3 salt solution would not burst.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(d) Some people in accidents lose a lot of blood. Doctors give patients fluid to replace lost blood.
(i) Use the information in Fig. 3.2 to predict and explain the concentration of fluid replacement
given to patients who have lost blood.
prediction ...........................................................................................................................
explanation ........................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 14]
Fig. 4.1
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(i) Describe how oxygen molecules move from the alveoli into the blood.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) During inspiration, air moves from the atmosphere into the lungs.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
(iii) Name one gas that is found in a higher concentration in expired air than in inspired air.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
Name two components of tobacco smoke and describe their effect on the gas exchange
component 1 .............................................................................................................................
effect .........................................................................................................................................
component 2 .............................................................................................................................
effect .........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 16]
(a) Fig. 5.1 shows some of the events (S to Y) between fertilisation and birth.
Fig. 5.1
(i) Put the events into the correct sequence. Two have been done for you.
Fig. 5.2 shows a developing fetus and part of the reproductive system of the mother.
Fig. 5.2
(ii) Table 5.1 shows some functions and names of parts of the developing fetus and pregnant
Complete the table. One row has been done for you.
Table 5.1
amniotic fluid
(b) Mothers are often given nutritional advice for their newborn babies. Scientists compared
breast-feeding to bottle-feeding with formula milk. Their data is shown in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2
Use the data in Table 5.2 to describe one difference and one similarity between the nutritional
value of breast milk and formula milk.
difference ..................................................................................................................................
similarity ....................................................................................................................................
(c) The scientists measured the growth of the babies fed with breast milk and babies fed with
formula milk described in Table 5.2. The mass of the babies from birth until they were
15 months old is shown in Fig. 5.3.
mass / kg 6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
age / months
breast-fed formula-fed
Fig. 5.3
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Using the information in Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.3, describe and explain the changes in the
mass of the babies that were breast-fed and babies that were bottle-fed with formula milk.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
© UCLES 2015 0610/32/M/J/15 [Turn over
(iii) The scientists noticed that there were other differences between the breast-fed babies
and the babies fed with formula milk.
advantages ........................................................................................................................
disadvantages ...................................................................................................................
[Total: 19]
6 The human population is growing rapidly. This is increasing the pressure on the world food supply.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
In Canada farmers are breeding fish in large nets because the wild stocks of fish are decreasing.
Fig. 6.1 is a diagram of a salmon fish farm in the ocean. The salmon only eat the food provided by
the worker.
fish farmer
worker feeds salmon monitors water
with fish pieces from from boat
floating walkway
Fig. 6.1
(b) Explain the effects of the excess fish pieces and waste excreted from the salmon on the
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(c) State the lowest possible trophic level of the salmon shown in Fig. 6.1.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(d) Other farmers grow seaweed. Salmon farming is a less energy efficient way of producing food
for humans than seaweed farming.
Explain why.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 8]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 Hydrogen peroxide is produced by metabolism in most cells and is toxic in high concentration.
Cells contain the enzyme catalase to break down the hydrogen peroxide.
Fig. 1.1 shows this reaction.
hydrogen peroxide water + oxygen
Fig. 1.1
Some students investigated the activity of catalase found in leaves. Two different sized pieces of
leaf were placed into hydrogen peroxide solution and the time taken for the pieces of leaf to rise
was recorded.
• A ruler was used to measure a distance of 40 mm from the bottom of three containers and a
line drawn on the containers.
• Hydrogen peroxide solution was poured into each container until it reached the line at 40 mm.
• A ruler and scissors were used to cut three pieces of leaf, each measuring 10 mm × 10 mm,
from leaves of the same species.
• A 1 cm length of metal wire was bent into a U-shape. A piece of leaf was placed into the
U-shape and the wire pinched to hold the leaf in place as shown in Fig. 1.2.
metal wire
Fig. 1.2
• One piece of leaf was placed in the hydrogen peroxide solution in each of the containers and
pushed gently with forceps to make it sink.
• The leaves were observed and a timer was used to measure the time taken for each piece of
leaf to rise from the bottom of the container to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide solution.
• Forceps were used to remove the pieces of leaf from each container.
• The experiment was then repeated using three pieces of leaf cut to a size of 15 mm × 15 mm
from leaves of the same species as previously used.
Fig. 1.3
(a) (i) Prepare a table to record the results shown in Fig. 1.3.
Record the times taken for the leaf pieces to rise into this table.
(ii) Calculate the mean time taken for each size of leaf piece to reach the surface.
Show your working.
10 mm × 10 mm .................................................................................................................
15 mm × 15 mm .............................................................................................................[1]
© UCLES 2015 0610/62/M/J/15 [Turn over
(iii) Describe the effect of the size of leaf piece on the time taken to rise to the surface.
(b) Fig. 1.4 shows the students’ observations of the pieces of leaf.
Many small bubbles formed on the leaf at first and then some large
10 x 10 bubbles. There were more at the edge. Then the leaf tipped and
started to rise.
This was the same as the first set of leaves, but the bubbles seemed
15 x 15
to start quicker.
Fig. 1.4
Use the information you have been given and the observations in Fig. 1.4 to explain why the
leaf pieces rose to the surface.
(c) Predict, with reasons, the effect of using a piece of leaf 20 mm × 20 mm on the time taken to
rise to the surface.
(d) (i) State one variable that has been controlled in the students’ investigation.
variable ..........................................................................................................................[1]
(ii) State one source of error in the method used in this investigation.
Describe how to improve the method to decrease the effect of this error.
error ....................................................................................................................................
improvement ......................................................................................................................
(iv) State one hazard (danger to the students) in this investigation and describe one safety
precaution the students should take to reduce this hazard.
hazard ...............................................................................................................................
(e) The students used the same method to investigate the catalase activity in pieces of leaf of
four different species, W, X, Y and Z. Each piece of leaf was the same size.
Fig. 1.5 shows their results.
W 290
X 130
Y 170
Z 50
Fig. 1.5
(ii) Describe the results and suggest what the students could conclude from this investigation.
[Total: 24]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows cells in the growing part of a root as seen using a microscope.
cell A
cell B
cell C
× 600
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Count and record the total number of cells in Fig. 2.1. Do not include any cells that are
only partly visible.
(ii) Chromosomes can be seen in cells that are undergoing mitosis. There are 18 of these
cells in Fig. 2.1.
Calculate the percentage of the cells that are undergoing mitosis in Fig. 2.1.
Show your working. Give your answer to the nearest whole number.
....................................................... % [2]
(b) State two ways, visible in Fig. 2.1, in which the cell labelled B is different from the cell
labelled A.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2015 0610/62/M/J/15
cell C
× 800
Fig. 2.2
Label a chromosome.
(ii) Measure the length of cell C on Fig. 2.2 and record your result. Include the unit.
Draw a line on Fig. 2.2 to show where you have made your measurement.
(d) Cancer in the bronchus can be caused by smoking. When cancer develops, mitosis in cells
becomes uncontrolled, forming tumours.
Fig. 2.3 shows cancer in the wall of a bronchus as seen using a microscope.
area Y
area X
outer surface
cells forming
wall of
Fig. 2.3
Describe two features, visible in Fig. 2.3, that suggest that area X is healthy and area Y is
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 16]
1 All mammals have a double circulatory system. Fig. 1.1 shows part of the human double circulatory
N muscular wall
of heart
Fig. 1.1
(a) Name the muscular wall that separates the left and right sides of the human heart.
........................................................................................................................................... [1]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) Table 1.1 describes some of the structures of the human circulatory system shown in Fig.1.1.
Table 1.1
description name of structure letter on Fig. 1.1
(d) Describe how blood is transported from the vena cava to the lungs. You may use the letters
on Fig. 1.1 in your description.
........................................................................................................................................... [4]
(e) (i) Doctors recommend that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Give one other lifestyle improvement patients can make that can reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
Describe one named example of surgery that can treat coronary heart disease.
................................................................................................................................ [2]
[Total: 14]
Fig. 2.1
1 .............................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(b) V. cholerae is the pathogen that causes cholera. Vaccination is used to control the spread of
cholera during an outbreak.
........................................................................................................................................... [4]
(c) Many years ago scientists discovered that V. cholerae secretes a toxin. Fig. 2.2 shows the
results of an experiment to measure the flow of chloride ions out of human cells with and
without the toxin.
8 with toxin
flow of chloride
ions / arbitrary without toxin
units 6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
time / s
Fig. 2.2
(i) Calculate the difference in flow of chloride ions between the cells with the toxin and the
cells without the toxin at 50 seconds.
................................................. [2]
(ii) Use the data in Fig. 2.2 to describe the effect of the toxin on the flow of chloride ions
out of the cells.
................................................................................................................................ [3]
Suggest and describe how chloride ions could move out of cells.
................................................................................................................................ [3]
(d) The loss of chloride ions from cells causes diarrhoea and dehydration in patients with cholera.
(i) State which organ in the alimentary canal is affected by the cholera toxin.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
................................................................................................................................ [2]
[Total: 18]
3 Anthocyanin is a red pigment found in carnation flowers. Some carnation plants have a gene for
making anthocyanin.
................................................................................................................................ [3]
(ii) Explain the disadvantages of using sexual reproduction to breed red carnations.
................................................................................................................................ [2]
........................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Carnation plants show co-dominance for the anthocyanin gene. There are two alleles:
• F – allele for anthocyanin pigment (red flowers)
• F – allele for no anthocyanin pigment (white flowers)
(i) State the genotype of a carnation plant that is heterozygous for this gene.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Describe the phenotype of a heterozygous carnation plant for this gene.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) The breeder crossed a F F carnation plant with a F F carnation plant. Predict, using
a genetic diagram, the proportion of pure breeding carnation plants in the offspring.
gametes ........... ........... ........... ...........
Punnett square
[Total: 13]
........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) The students measured the mass of four of the potato sticks using an electronic balance.
Fig. 4.1
The students left each potato stick in one of four different liquids for 5 hours:
• distilled water
• 0.1 mol per dm sodium chloride solution
• 0.5 mol per dm sodium chloride solution
• 1.0 mol per dm sodium chloride solution.
After 5 hours they measured the mass again and calculated the change in mass.
(i) Predict which of the liquids would cause the largest decrease in mass of a potato stick.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) The students dried the potato sticks with paper towels before putting them on the
electronic balance.
Suggest why.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) After the experiment the students noticed that the potato stick with the lowest mass was soft
and floppy.
Explain why the potato stick had become soft and floppy.
........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(d) The students followed the same experimental procedure with boiled potato sticks and found
no overall change in mass in any of the solutions.
Suggest why the mass of the boiled potato sticks remained the same.
........................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 10]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
Water entering two sewage works, A and B, was tested for the presence of four hormones.
The testing was repeated on water that left the sewage works to flow into lake A and lake B.
The results of the tests on the water samples are shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
hormone concentration of hormones at sewage works / ng per dm
(b) Explain which water sample was most polluted with hormones before sewage treatment. Use
data from Table 5.1 to support your answer.
........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) One reason for treating sewage is to reduce the concentration of hormones in the environment.
Describe the effect that chlorine had on the hormone concentrations in the water. Use
data from Table 5.1 to support your answer.
................................................................................................................................ [2]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(d) Describe the negative consequences of letting untreated sewage flow into lake ecosystems.
........................................................................................................................................... [6]
[Total: 16]
high blood B
concentration A
set level
low blood
Fig. 6.1
(a) Name the process that maintains blood glucose concentration within set limits.
........................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) (i) Name the hormone that would be secreted in response to the increasing blood glucose
concentration at A in Fig. 6.1.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Name an organ that is responsible for the decrease in blood glucose concentration
after B in Fig. 6.1.
................................................................................................................................ [1]
................................................................................................................................ [1]
........................................................................................................................................... [5]
[Total: 9]
(a) (i) State the chemical test the students would use to show that protein is present in a liquid
sample of a food supplement.
The students carried out this test for protein on liquid samples of food supplements P, Q
and R.
(ii) Complete Table 1.1 to show the results from the students’ tests for protein.
Table 1.1
The students carried out a test for vitamin C on liquid samples of food supplements P, Q and R.
When iodine solution is mixed with starch, a blue-black colour is observed. Vitamin C stops this
blue-black colour from forming.
Step 1 The students labelled a test-tube P and added 3 cm3 of food supplement P to the test-
Step 3 The students added iodine solution to the test-tube, one drop at a time. They counted the
drops as they added them. They shook the test-tube gently after adding each drop and
stopped adding drops when a blue-black colour remained.
A blue-black colour remained in P after 12 drops of iodine solution had been added.
A blue-black colour remained in Q after 1 drop of iodine solution had been added.
A blue-black colour remained in R after 5 drops of iodine solution had been added.
Table 1.2 shows how the number of drops of iodine solution added relates to the vitamin C content
of the food supplement.
Table 1.2
1 none
2–3 low
4 or more high
(b) Use the results of the students’ experiments and the information in Table 1.2 to complete
Table 1.3.
Table 1.3
The students carried out a test for reducing sugar on liquid samples of food supplements P, Q
and R.
(c) (i) Name the solution used for the reducing sugar test.
(ii) Give one safety precaution that should be used when carrying out this test.
A positive result for the test for reducing sugar is the appearance of a brick-red colour.
The quicker the brick-red colour appears, the higher the concentration of reducing sugar.
Step 5 The students labelled a test-tube P2 and added a sample of food supplement P to the
Step 7 The students repeated steps 5 and 6 with food supplements Q and R.
Step 8 They placed test-tubes P2, Q2 and R2 into hot water, and started a timer.
Step 9 The students observed the test-tubes carefully and noted the time when the brick-red
colour appeared in each test-tube.
If there was no colour change after 180 seconds (3 minutes), the students recorded
‘more than 180’ as the result for that test-tube.
© UCLES 2016 0610/62/M/J/16 [Turn over
A brick-red colour appeared in test-tube R2 after 25 seconds and in test-tube P2 after 1 minute
and 15 seconds.
(d) Complete Table 1.4 to show the students’ results for the reducing sugar test.
Table 1.4
(e) There is a source of error in step 5 of the method for the reducing sugar test.
(ii) Suggest apparatus that could be used to minimise this source of error.
(f) State one other source of error in the method used for the reducing sugar test.
Table 1.5
Calculate the mass of sorghum a six-year-old child must eat each day to obtain 20 g of
............................................................. g
[Total: 19]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows the apparatus used to measure the rate of water loss from the leaves of a plant.
layer of
petroleum 1: 25 timer
leafy shoot
Fig. 2.1
(a) Suggest how a student might use the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.1 to calculate the rate of
water loss from the leaves of a leafy shoot.
The student used the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.1 to compare the rates of water loss from leaves
in still and moving air.
(b) Suggest one piece of apparatus that the student could use to vary the air movement.
(c) State two variables that the students should keep constant in this investigation.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(d) Suggest the purpose of the petroleum jelly on the apparatus shown in Fig. 2.1.
rate of water
loss 1.5
/ arbitrary
units 1.0
still air moving air
Fig. 2.2
(e) The rate of water loss is greater in moving air than still air.
Use Fig. 2.2 to calculate how many times greater the rate of water loss is in moving air.
(f) Another student thinks that the apparatus in Fig. 2.1 does not measure water loss from the
g Jelly
scissors ball of string balance
Fig. 2.3
Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how you could set up the apparatus shown in
Fig. 2.3 to find out whether the upper or the lower surface of the leaves loses more water by
© UCLES 2016 0610/62/M/J/16 [Turn over
(h) Fig. 2.4 shows a section of a stem as seen under a light microscope.
Fig. 2.4
Make a large drawing of the section of the stem contained in the square on Fig. 2.4 to show
the different structures and layers.
(i) (i) The diameter of the stem in Fig. 2.4 is shown by the line AB.
The magnification of Fig. 2.4 can be calculated using the following equation:
length of AB
magnification =
actual diameter of stem
Calculate the magnification of Fig. 2.4 using the information above and your answer
to (i).
[Total: 21]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
(i) State the name of the organism used to make dough rise.
(ii) State the name of the process that this organism uses to produce the gas that makes
dough rise.
(i) State two types of natural event that could cause widespread food shortages.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) The increasing human population is another reason for food shortages.
Fig. 1.1
[Total: 11]
(c) Fig. 2.1 is a diagram of a protein used to move ions across membranes in root hair cells.
high concentration
of ions
direction of
ion movement
low concentration
of ions
Fig. 2.1
(i) State the name of the process that moves mineral ions into root hair cells through cell
membrane proteins.
(ii) Explain how protein molecules move ions across a membrane during this process.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 12]
(a) State the name of the type of cell that conducts electrical impulses to the heart.
Fig. 3.1
(i) Table 3.1 shows how the electrical activity, during one heartbeat, corresponds to the
opening and closing of the valves in the heart.
Table 3.1
(c) Fig. 3.2 shows the ECG of an athlete before and during exercise.
exercise begins
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
time / s
Fig. 3.2
(i) Calculate the heart rate, in beats per minute, before exercise begins.
Show your working and give your answer to the nearest whole number.
(ii) Using Fig. 3.2, describe how the electrical activity of the heart during exercise differs
from the electrical activity before exercise begins.
(iii) Describe how the ventilation of the lungs will change while the athlete exercises.
[Total: 12]
He was given fortified milk, which is milk that has extra nutrients added to it.
The child was encouraged to drink as much fortified milk as he wanted over a period of seven
Table 4.1 shows the composition of the fortified milk given to the child and the composition of
cow’s milk for comparison.
Table 4.1
The body mass of the child who had marasmus and the mean body mass of healthy children
of the same age were recorded. The data is shown in Fig. 4.1.
body mass / kg
12 14 16 18 20 22
time / months
Fig. 4.1
Using the information in Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.1, describe and explain the importance of diet
when treating children affected by marasmus.
[Total: 15]
(a) Describe the negative effects of acid rain on freshwater ecosystems, such as streams, rivers
and lakes.
(b) Two groups of students were asked to investigate the effects of acid rain on the germination
of pine tree seeds.
(i) Both groups of students decided to use sulfuric acid rather than hydrochloric acid to
represent acid rain in their investigation.
Suggest why.
(ii) State how the students could have measured the pH of the sulfuric acid.
(iii) The students provided the environmental conditions that seeds need to germinate.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(c) One group of students recorded the change in temperature as the seeds germinated in five
insulated flasks, labelled A to E.
Their teacher told them to use a sterilising solution to wash the seeds because steam
would kill the seeds and prevent the seeds from germinating.
The results from this group of students are shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
flask pH group 1
of seeds after
72 hours / °C
A 2.0 20.6
B 3.5 20.3
C 4.0 21.2
D 5.5 34.1
E 7.0 46.2
(d) The second group of students placed 100 seeds in each of five Petri dishes, labelled 1 to 5.
They recorded the percentage of seeds that had germinated after 72 hours.
Table 5.2
Petri pH group 2
percentage of
seeds germinated
after 72 hours
1 2.0 20
2 3.5 82
3 4.0 19
4 5.5 65
5 7.0 87
The teacher thought that group 2 had forgotten to add the sulfuric acid to one of their Petri
[Total: 15]
6 Fig. 6.1 is a flow diagram that shows what happens at the start of a bacterial infection.
Fig. 6.1
(i) State the names of two cellular structures that would be found in both prokaryotes and
white blood cells.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Describe how the cellular structure of white blood cells differs from the cellular structure
of prokaryotes.
(b) Cell R is a pathogen that has structures T on its surface. These structures are recognised
by cell S. Cell S is a lymphocyte and it produces structures V. Cell R reproduces by binary
fission and cell S divides by process U.
T ..............................
U ..............................
V ..............................
cell W
Fig. 6.2
(ii) Describe what happens to the pathogen during the process shown in Fig. 6.2.
Fig. 6.3 shows some human teeth that require dental treatment.
Fig. 6.3
[Total: 15]
1 A student wanted to investigate the effect of different growing conditions on the rate of
photosynthesis in plants.
When photosynthesis takes place in a leaf oxygen gas is produced and this is released into the air
spaces in the leaf.
When small discs are cut from the leaf, the gases in the air spaces in the leaf discs can be
removed. This allows the leaf discs to sink when they are placed in a liquid.
As photosynthesis takes place the leaf discs start to float. The time taken for the leaf discs to float
indicates the rate of photosynthesis.
Step 1 A student selected two plants, X and Y, which were of the same species but were growing
in two different locations.
Step 2 One leaf was removed from plant X and five small discs were cut from the leaf. Each leaf
disc was 8 mm in diameter.
Step 3 The student placed the five leaf discs from plant X into a syringe containing 5 cm3 of 2%
sodium hydrogencarbonate solution.
10 leaf discs sinking
pull on plunger of syringe
Step 4 The student removed the air from the air spaces in the leaf discs from plant X by pulling
and releasing the syringe plunger as shown in Fig. 1.1a. The leaf discs then sank to the
bottom of the syringe as shown in Fig. 1.1b.
Step 5 The five leaf discs from plant X were removed from the syringe and each one was placed
into a separate test-tube in a test-tube rack.
5 cm
leaf disc
leaf X leaf Y
Fig. 1.2
Step 6 A lamp was placed at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the test-tube rack. This is
shown in Fig. 1.3.
1 2 3 4 5
10 cm lamp
Fig. 1.3
Step 7 The lamp was switched on and a timer was started. The time taken for each of the five
leaf discs to start to rise to the surface of the liquid in the test-tube was recorded.
Step 8 The student repeated steps 2 to 7 for the five leaf discs from plant Y.
n t X le af discs s , 1 m in 18 s.
p la 26
s , 5 8 s, 1 min
m in 1 0 s, 1 min
af discs , 3 min 37 s
plant Y le 10 s, 4
min 0 s
, 4 m in
5 s , 4 min 12 s
3 min
Fig. 1.4
(a) (i) Prepare a table to record the results shown in Fig. 1.4.
(ii) Calculate the average time taken for the leaf discs from plant X and the leaf discs from
plant Y to rise. Include the units and give your answer as a whole number.
X .............................................
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(iii) Plot a bar chart on the grid of the average rising time of the leaf discs for plants X and Y.
(iv) Suggest why the leaf discs rise when photosynthesis takes place.
(v) Explain why five leaf discs of each leaf type were used.
measured ..........................................................................................................................
changed ............................................................................................................................
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) There are potential sources of error in step 5, step 6 and step 7 of the method on page 3.
error ..........................................................................................................................................
improvement .............................................................................................................................
error ..........................................................................................................................................
improvement .............................................................................................................................
[Total: 19]
2 (a) Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2 are photomicrographs of cross-sections of leaves taken from different
areas of the same tree. Some parts of the tree are shaded from the Sun and some parts are
in direct sunlight.
The cross-section shown in Fig. 2.1 was taken from a leaf grown in the shade and the
cross-section shown in Fig. 2.2 was taken from a leaf grown in direct sunlight.
Fig. 2.1
(i) State two visible differences between the leaves shown in Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2017 0610/62/M/J/17
upper epidermis
palisade mesophyll
spongy mesophyll
lower epidermis
magnification ×130
Fig. 2.2
(ii) Make a large drawing of the leaf cross-section shown in Fig. 2.2.
(iii) Measure the leaf thickness at line PQ in Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
length of PQ ...........................................................
Show your working and give your answer to two decimal places.
(b) A student measured the length and the thickness of some leaves taken from a different tree.
Some parts of the tree were in direct sunlight and some parts of the tree were shaded from
the Sun.
leaf length
Fig. 2.3
Table 2.1 shows the average leaf thickness and the average leaf length
Table 2.1
(i) Calculate the percentage difference between the average leaf length of the leaves grown
in direct sunlight and the average leaf length of the leaves grown in the shade.
“leaves grown in the shade will be larger than leaves grown in direct sunlight”
(c) Before testing leaves for the presence of starch, the green chlorophyll must be removed. The
chlorophyll can be removed by boiling the leaf in ethanol.
(iii) A student wanted to find out if starch was present in both leaves grown in direct sunlight
and leaves grown in the shade.
[Total: 21]
1 (a) Red pandas, Ailurus fulgens, and humans have a similar arrangement of teeth.
Fig. 1.1 shows a section through one tooth of a red panda. Fig. 1.2 shows the side view of the
lower jaw of a red panda.
(i) State the names of the structures labelled A to F in Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2.
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................................
D ........................................................................................................................................
E ........................................................................................................................................
F ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the type of digestion that breaks down large pieces of food.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Food that sticks to the teeth can be used by bacteria for anaerobic respiration.
This type of respiration releases a substance that can cause tooth decay.
(i) State the type of substance released by the bacteria, during respiration, that causes
tooth decay.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the names of the two parts of a tooth that are dissolved by the substance released
by bacterial respiration.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
(c) The teeth of red pandas do not decay as much as human teeth.
Suggest the component of a human diet that causes teeth to decay as a result of bacterial
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 8]
Fig. 2.1
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Mangrove trees have many aerial roots and floating seeds.
Suggest how these adaptive features allow mangrove trees to survive in water.
Fig. 2.2
Table 2.1 gives the number of organisms and their biomass in a mangrove forest.
Table 2.1
............................ g
(ii) Sketch a pyramid of numbers, using the information in Table 2.1, for the food chain
shown in Fig. 2.2.
Write the number of each trophic level on the appropriate part of your pyramid.
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(iii) Explain why the shape of a pyramid of biomass, for the information given in Table 2.1,
would be different from the shape of your pyramid of numbers.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
[Total: 12]
Fig. 3.1 shows a diagram of an aphid with its mouth parts inserted into the stem of a plant.
phloem xylem
Fig. 3.1
(a) The mouth parts of the aphid reach the phloem tissue of the stem.
(i) State the name of the foods the aphid could suck out of the phloem tissue.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain the role of phloem in plant transport. Use the words source and sink in your
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
.............................................................................................................................................. [6]
(c) Some farmers spray their crops with insecticides to kill pests such as aphids.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 14]
4 One of the roles of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, US, is to try
to reduce the number of people who are infected with pathogens.
The CDC conducted a survey. They asked women which, if any, contraceptive methods they used.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
of women
in the survey
any condoms/ contraceptive other
method femidoms pills chemical
contraceptive method
Fig. 4.1
(b) (i) State two hormones that are used in contraceptive pills.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) Give one example of ‘other chemical methods’ (fourth bar) that could be included in the
bar in Fig. 4.1.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) State two methods of birth control that were not listed in the survey.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
(v) The percentage of the last three bars in Fig. 4.1 added together is 90%.
Suggest why the percentage of women who used any type of contraceptive method (first
bar) is not equal to the sum of the last three bars.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 12]
Fig. 5.1
(a) State three visible features from Fig. 5.1 that could be used to distinguish adult insects from
other arthropods.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
(b) Fly larvae are immature insects that are often used in experiments on respiration.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) A respirometer is shown in Fig. 5.2. It can be used to estimate an organism’s rate of respiration.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
of oil
soda lime
Fig. 5.2
fly larvae by measuring the ............................. the droplet of oil moves in one minute. A
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2018 0610/42/M/J/18 [Turn over
(d) A student used a respirometer to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of respiration
of germinating seeds.
prediction ..................................................................................................................................
explanation ...............................................................................................................................
[Total: 15]
Fig. 6.1
(a) State the name of the process that is taking place in Fig. 6.1.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) (i) Write the formula that would be used to calculate the actual width of the bacterium.
(ii) The actual width of the bacterium is 0.0008 mm.
................................. μm [1]
(i) State the name of the disease that can be treated with insulin injections.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
Describe the process of using bacteria in genetic engineering to produce human proteins.
...................................................................................................................................... [5]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) State three conditions inside a fermenter that are measured and controlled.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
3 .........................................................................................................................................
(iii) State the name of one commercial product, other than insulin, that is made in fermenters.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
[Total: 19]
Step 1 The student was provided with a yeast suspension which also contained glucose.
Two identical sets of equipment were set up as shown in Fig. 1.1.
bubble of
gas produced
by the yeast
large test-tube
5 cm3 of yeast
containing glucose
Fig. 1.1
Step 2 One set of the equipment shown in Fig. 1.1 was placed into a warm water-bath and the
starting temperature of the water-bath was recorded as 50 °C. The other set was placed
into a cool water-bath which had a starting temperature of 25 °C. The volume of water in
each water-bath was the same.
Step 3 The student counted the number of gas bubbles produced by the yeast suspension in
five minutes and recorded the results in a tally chart. This is shown in Fig. 1.2.
Wa r m ||||
Fig. 1.2
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(a) (i) Prepare a table and record the student’s results shown in Fig. 1.2.
Step 4 At the end of the investigation the final temperature of the water in both water-baths was
measured. The results are shown in Fig. 1.3.
50 30
40 20
(ii) Use the information in step 2 and Fig. 1.3 to complete Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
(ii) Counting the number of gas bubbles produced may not be an accurate method of
explanation ........................................................................................................................
improvement .....................................................................................................................
(iii) Identify a variable that should have been kept constant during this investigation but
was not. Suggest how this variable could have been kept constant.
variable ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) Identify the variable that was changed (independent variable) and the variable that was
measured (dependent variable) in this investigation.
(c) A scientist investigated the effect of different concentrations of glucose on the rate of carbon
dioxide production in yeast cells. They measured the volume of carbon dioxide produced by
the yeast cells in five minutes.
(i) The scientist decided to test their method before beginning the investigation.
Table 1.2
1 13.6
2 14.3
3 12.9
......................................................... cm3
(ii) The scientist performed the investigation. Their results are shown in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3
Plot a graph on the grid, using the data in Table 1.3, to show the effect of glucose
concentration on the rate of carbon dioxide production. Include a line of best fit.
(iii) Describe the effect of glucose concentration on the rate of carbon dioxide production by
respiring yeast cells, shown in your graph.
(iv) Estimate the concentration of glucose the scientist used to test their method. Use your
answer for 1(c)(i) and your graph to find this value.
....................................................... % [1]
(d) (i) Describe how the student could show that the glucose used in the investigation is a
simple (reducing) sugar.
(ii) Identify one hazard when testing for simple (reducing) sugars.
hazard ...............................................................................................................................
precaution .........................................................................................................................
[Total: 26]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows Asterionella, which are microscopic algae that live in fresh water.
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Make a large outline drawing of the algae. Do not label your drawing.
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(ii) Measure the length of the line AB in Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
length of AB ..........................................
Use the formula to calculate the actual diameter of the algae shown in Fig. 2.1. Include
the units.
length of line AB
magnification =
actual diameter of algae
Show your working.
(i) A student wanted to use hydrogencarbonate indicator to investigate the effect of light
intensity on photosynthesis in fresh water algae.
(ii) State the name of a pH indicator other than hydrogencarbonate which could be used to
detect a change in pH.
[Total: 14]
Step 1 mixing
Step 2 mixing
dough forms
bread is made
Fig. 1.1
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) (i) State the name of the source of energy used by organism A.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the process that occurs at step 3 that causes gas bubbles to form in
the dough.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the gas that forms to create the gas bubbles in the dough.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) Explain the reasons for the different temperatures used in step 3 and step 5.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) State the name of two products of biotechnology, other than bread, that make use of
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 8]
2 The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased considerably in recent years.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(b) Soybean plants, Glycine max, were grown in two separate plots.
Each plot used a carbon dioxide enrichment system to control the atmospheric carbon dioxide
The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in the two plots were kept at:
• 370 ppm, which is similar to the current atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
• 550 ppm, which is a possible future atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.
When the soybean plants were fully grown, scientists calculated the average rates of
photosynthesis at regular intervals from 04:00 to 22:00 for both plots.
550 ppm CO2
rates of 15
photosynthesis 370 ppm CO2
/ μmol per m2 per s 10
04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00
time of day
Fig. 2.1
Describe and explain the effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the average rates of
photosynthesis of the soybean plants from 04:00 to 22:00.
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
(c) The scientists also made observations of the leaf structure of the soybean plants.
Complete Table 2.1 by stating two structural features of each of these tissues and explain
how each feature is an adaptation for photosynthesis.
Table 2.1
1 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
2 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
1 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
2 ............................................... .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
.................................................. .............................................................................
(d) When the scientists were working in the plot with a carbon dioxide concentration of 550 ppm,
their breathing rates were higher than when they worked in the other plot.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 15]
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3 Very small pieces of plastic, called microplastics, are found in many products such as soaps and
Fig. 3.1
(a) (i) It is estimated that microplastics make up 5% of the mass of some toothpastes.
There were estimated to be 1.2 × 109 people using toothpaste that contained
microplastics in some countries in 2013.
Calculate the mass of microplastics contained in the toothpaste used on one day in 2013
for these countries.
Show your working and state appropriate units with your answer.
(ii) State one recommendation, other than regular brushing, for the proper care of teeth.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Lugworms live in sand on coastal beaches and are eaten by wading birds. Lugworms feed on
diatoms. Diatoms are photosynthetic protoctists that require ammonium ions as a source of
nitrogen. Beach sand contains ammonium ions.
(ii) There is some evidence that microplastics affect ammonium ions. Affected ammonium
ions cannot be used by diatoms. A group of researchers thought that this could affect
lugworms living in sand polluted by microplastics.
The researchers collected 30 healthy lugworms, all with the same initial mass.
They divided them into three groups, A, B and C. Each group contained 10 lugworms.
Each group of lugworms was placed in a bucket containing the same mass of beach
sand and ammonium ions and:
A biodegradable microplastics
B non-biodegradable microplastics
C no microplastics.
The measurements that were recorded at the end of the investigation are shown in
Table 3.1.
Table 3.1
variable measured
ammonium ion concentration in the
19.3 47.0 27.4
bucket / µmol per dm3
average respiration rate of lugworms
5.2 9.6 5.1
/ mg oxygen per hour per g mass
volume of lugworm faeces / cm3 60.0 25.0 40.0
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(c) Ammonium ions are an important part of the nitrogen cycle. They can be converted into
nitrate ions, which are used by plants and protoctists such as diatoms.
(i) State the name of the molecules that are converted into ammonium ions in the nitrogen
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the process of converting ammonium ions into nitrate ions.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 20]
4 Neurones are part of the nervous system. Neurones are connected to each other by synapses.
(a) (i) Describe how the structure of a neurone is related to its function.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system and the peripheral
nervous system.
State the names of the organs that make up the central nervous system.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Reflex actions allow the body to respond rapidly to changes in the external environment.
(i) Outline the pathway in a reflex arc in response to shining a bright light into the eye.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Doctors sometimes check the reflexes of people who are unconscious.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Fig. 4.1
E ........................................................................................................................................
F ........................................................................................................................................
G .......................................................................................................................................
(ii) Draw an arrow on Fig. 4.1 to show the direction in which the signal travels across the
synapse. [1]
[Total: 12]
5 (a) The testes are part of the endocrine system because they produce hormones.
(i) State the name of the hormone released from the testes.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) The testes are also part of the reproductive system. This means that the testes are part
of two organ systems.
Complete Fig. 5.1 by stating two other organs that also belong to two organ systems.
endocrine system
endocrine system
Fig. 5.1
Fig. 5.2
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
Fig. 5.3
Table 5.1 shows information about the sperm shown in Fig. 5.3.
Table 5.1
haploid nucleus
releases energy
Include at least one labelled feature that is not found in a sperm cell.
(e) Describe what happens to a fertilised egg cell before implantation in the uterus.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 18]
6 Fig. 6.1 shows some of the many different varieties of potato, Solanum tuberosum, that are
cultivated across the world for food.
Fig. 6.1
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(b) Fig. 6.2 shows a method of reproduction that some potato farmers use to produce more
potato plants.
parent plant
potato tuber
plant pot
not to scale
Fig. 6.2
Describe the advantages of the type of reproduction shown in Fig. 6.2 in crop production.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 7]
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1 Anaerobic respiration in yeast causes the blue dye, methylene blue, to become colourless.
Step 1 7 cm3 of a yeast suspension was put into a test-tube labelled warm. The test-tube was
then placed into a beaker of warm water. The temperature of the water in the beaker was
45 °C.
Step 2 7 cm3 of a yeast suspension was put into a test-tube labelled cool. The test-tube was
then placed into a beaker of cool water. The temperature of the water in the beaker was
20 °C.
Step 3 After three minutes, the student added five drops of methylene blue dye to the yeast
suspensions in each of the test-tubes. The yeast suspensions became blue in both
Step 4 A layer of vegetable oil was carefully poured on top of the yeast suspension in each of
the test-tubes, as shown in Fig. 1.1.
The layer of oil stopped air from reaching the yeast cells in the suspension so that the
conditions were anaerobic
layer of oil 1 cm
to maintain
test-tube containing
yeast suspension and
methylene blue dye
not to scale
Fig. 1.1
Step 6 The student observed the warm and cool test-tubes. When they could no longer see the
blue colour they recorded the time taken for the blue colour to disappear.
Fig. 1.2 shows the time on the stop-clock for each test-tube at the end of step 6.
warm cool
test-tube test-tube
Fig. 1.2
Convert the times shown in Fig. 1.2 to seconds and record them in your table.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Step 7 The student used a thermometer to measure the temperatures of the warm water beaker
and the cool water beaker at the end of the investigation.
Fig. 1.3 shows the temperatures on the thermometer at the end of the investigation.
Fig. 1.3
(iii) Complete Table 1.1 by recording the temperatures in the beakers at the start and at the
end of the investigation.
Table 1.1
warm water
cool water
(iv) Identify the variable that was changed (independent variable) in this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(v) Identify two variables that were kept constant in this investigation.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) (i) Identify one possible source of error in step 6 and suggest an improvement for this error.
error ...................................................................................................................................
improvement .....................................................................................................................
(ii) The data you have recorded in Table 1.1 may indicate that there is a source of error with
the method used in this investigation.
Identify the possible error and suggest an improvement to the method to reduce the
effect of this error.
error ...................................................................................................................................
improvement .....................................................................................................................
State the name of an indicator which could be used to show that the gas is carbon dioxide
and state the expected result.
indicator ....................................................................................................................................
(d) Anaerobic respiration in yeast cells also produces ethanol. In high concentrations ethanol can
slow down the rate of respiration.
Plan an investigation to determine the effect of different concentrations of ethanol on the rate
of respiration in yeast cells.
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 20]
2 (a) Fig. 2.1 is a photograph showing four seed heads from a poppy plant.
magnification ×1.6
Fig. 2.1
(ii) Measure the length of line PQ on Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
Calculate the actual size of the seed head using the formula and your measurement.
length of line PQ
magnification =
actual diameter of the seed head
Give your answer to the nearest whole number and include the unit.
(b) A student investigated the effect of pH on the germination of seeds. The student planted
25 seeds for each pH value.
Table 2.1
4 20 80
5 23 92
6 24 96
7 19 76
8 15
9 10 40
............................................................ %
(ii) Plot a line graph on the grid to show the effect of pH on the percentage of seeds that
germinated using the data in Table 2.1.
(iii) Describe the effect of pH on the percentage of seeds that germinated shown in your
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iv) The student wanted to obtain a more accurate value for the optimum (best) pH for the
germination of seeds.
Suggest further investigative work that the student should carry out.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
© UCLES 2019 0610/62/M/J/19 [Turn over
(c) During germination the starch within seeds is broken down to form reducing sugars.
Describe how you could test a sample of germinating seeds to find out if reducing sugars are
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 20]
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(a) Human skin is involved in the maintenance of a constant internal body temperature.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the organ that coordinates the control of body temperature.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Fig. 1.1
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................................
Describe how these blood vessels are involved in maintaining a constant internal body
temperature in a cold environment.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 11]
2 Pregnancy can occur after the fusion of a male gamete and a female gamete.
(a) State the name of the ball of cells that implants into the uterus after fertilisation.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) There are many changes that occur in a fetus during pregnancy.
Compare the development of a fetus in the early stages of pregnancy to its development in
the late stages of pregnancy.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) Describe the functions of amniotic fluid and the amniotic sac.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(d) The umbilical artery is found in the umbilical cord. This artery transports blood away from the
heart of the fetus.
(i) State the name of one other artery in the mother that transports deoxygenated blood.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State one excretory product that is transported from the fetus to the placenta.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the process that allows substances to move down a concentration
gradient across the placenta.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(e) One of the functions of the placenta is to provide a barrier to toxins and pathogens.
A study was done on donated afterbirths. The afterbirth is a placenta with part of the umbilical
cord attached.
The purpose of the study was to find the maximum size of particles that can pass through the
placenta and enter the umbilical cord.
The researchers inserted beads with a diameter of 0.5 µm into blood vessels in the placenta.
Three hours later they recorded the percentage of beads found in the blood in the placenta
and in the umbilical cord.
They then repeated the tests using beads with diameters of 0.8 µm, 2.4 µm, 5.0 µm and
8.0 µm.
percentage of 60
beads found in
the blood after
3 hours
0.5 μm 0.8 μm 2.4 μm 5.0 μm 8.0 μm
bead size
umbilical cord
Fig. 2.1
(i) Convert the diameter of the 5.0 µm beads into millimetres (mm).
................................................... mm [1]
(ii) One million beads with a diameter of 2.4 µm were injected into the placenta.
Calculate the number of these beads in the umbilical cord after 3 hours.
..................................................... beads
Table 2.1
State the names of all the toxins and pathogens listed in Table 2.1 that could pass
through the placenta and enter the umbilical cord.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(f) Fig. 2.2 shows the junction between two neurones with drug X absent and two neurones with
drug X present, immediately after a painful stimulus.
electrical signal
C neurotransmitter
drug X
relay neurone
Fig. 2.2
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................................
D ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Describe and explain how drug X affects the function of the relay neurone shown in
Fig. 2.2.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(g) Drug X can be injected into the body. This is one way that HIV can be transmitted.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 23]
3 Cheetahs, Acinonyx jubatus, are carnivores found in the dry grasslands and woodlands of
southern Africa. Cheetahs hunt for food during the day. They eat deer and antelope.
The cheetah is the fastest mammal on land but can only run at high speed (sprint) over a short
distance. Its hunting strategy is to creep up on prey and then sprint to catch them.
Fig. 3.1
(a) Suggest how these adaptive features enable cheetahs to survive in their natural environment.
(b) The king cheetah is a rare variety of A. jubatus that has inherited striped fur markings.
Fig. 3.2
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fig. 3.3
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) Describe how a breeder could determine the genotype of cheetah 17.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(v) When the king cheetah was first discovered it was thought that it was a new species.
Suggest one type of evidence, other than pedigree diagrams, that can be used to
determine how closely related organisms are.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 14]
Fig. 4.1
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(b) Fields of crop plants were sprayed with two herbicides. A farmer measured the concentration
of the two herbicides, A and B, in a lake near the fields.
The water in the lake was sampled at intervals for two weeks.
of herbicides in
the lake water
samples / mg per kg
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
time / days
herbicides Key:
sprayed on herbicide A
the fields herbicide B
Fig. 4.2
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
© UCLES 2020 0610/42/M/J/20
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(c) Herbicide A is a synthetic plant hormone called 2,4-D that selectively kills dicotyledonous
plants only.
(i) State two features that distinguish leaves of dicotyledonous plants from leaves of
monocotyledonous plants.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the name of a natural plant hormone that stimulates cell elongation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 15]
5 The Galápagos Islands are a group of small islands in the Pacific Ocean.
In 1839 Charles Darwin published a book that described differences in a family of birds called
• a different diet
• a different beak shape, as shown in Fig. 5.1.
Fig. 5.1
(a) State the genus name for the Galápagos finches shown in Fig. 5.1.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 6]
6 (a) Fig. 6.1 is a diagram showing some parts of a plant. The circle shows a magnified cross-section
of part of the stem.
not to scale
Fig. 6.1
(i) Table 6.1 contains statements about the functions of some of the structures in Fig. 6.1.
Table 6.1
produces glucose
produces pollen
(ii) State one letter from Fig. 6.1 that identifies a structure that contains a haploid nucleus.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the process that describes the transport of sucrose in a plant.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) State one letter from Fig. 6.1 that is a structure that is an example of a source for sucrose
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(i) State the name of a mineral ion that becomes part of an amino acid.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of the structures inside cells that assemble amino acids into proteins.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State the name of the group of molecules that are made of proteins and act as catalysts.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 11]
1 A student investigated the effect of temperature on diffusion. Dialysis tubing was used to represent
a cell membrane. Cell membranes are partially permeable.
Step 1 One test-tube was labelled C and another test-tube was labelled H. The student drew a
small X on the outside of each test-tube as shown in Fig. 1.1.
Fig. 1.1
Step 2 The student was given two pieces of dialysis tubing. A knot was tied at one end of each
piece of dialysis tubing to form two bags.
Step 3 Starch suspension was put into each dialysis tubing bag until each bag was approximately
three-quarters full.
Step 4 One of the dialysis tubing bags containing starch suspension was put into test-tube
C. The open end of the dialysis tubing was folded over the top of the test-tube. It was
secured with an elastic band as shown in Fig. 1.2.
closed end of
the dialysis tubing bag
Fig. 1.2
Step 5 Step 4 was repeated with the other dialysis tubing bag and test-tube H.
Step 6 Cold water was added to test-tube C until it reached the level of the elastic band.
Step 7 Hot water was added to test-tube H until it reached the level of the elastic band.
Step 8 The temperatures of the water in test-tube C and test-tube H were measured.
30 80
20 70
10 60
thermometer in thermometer in
test-tube C test-tube H
Fig. 1.3
Step 9 1 cm3 of iodine solution was added to the water in each test-tube.
Step 11 The student observed the X on each test-tube by looking through the dialysis tubing
bags as shown in Fig. 1.4.
eye looking at X
through the dialysis
tubing bag that is water containing
inside the test-tube iodine solution
Fig. 1.4
Step 12 The student continued to observe the X until the contents of the dialysis tubing bag
became blue-black in colour. At this point the X was no longer visible.
The student recorded the time taken for the X to stop being visible in each test-tube.
test-tube C
8 minutes 36 s
test-tube H
1 minute 23 s
Fig. 1.5
(a) (i) Prepare a table to record the temperatures shown in Fig. 1.3 and the results shown in
Fig. 1.5.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Identify the variable that was changed by the student (independent variable) in this
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) The student observed that the liquid inside the dialysis tubing bag turned blue-black in
colour during the investigation. The liquid in the test-tube surrounding the dialysis tubing
bag remained brown.
State what can be concluded about the ability of the starch molecules to move through
the dialysis tubing.
conclusion .........................................................................................................................
evidence ............................................................................................................................
(v) Identify one possible source of error in this investigation and suggest one additional
piece of apparatus that could be used to reduce the effect of this error.
error ...................................................................................................................................
apparatus ..........................................................................................................................
(b) (i) Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch to form reducing sugars.
Describe how you could test for the presence of reducing sugars.
method ..............................................................................................................................
result .................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [6]
[Total: 18]
2 A student investigated the effect of different concentrations of sugar solution on osmosis in potato
(a) (i) All of the potato sticks were left in the sugar solutions for the same length of time.
State two other variables that the student should have kept constant during their
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Identify the variable that was measured (dependent variable) in this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Table 2.1
concentration of
initial mass of final mass of percentage
sugar solution
potato stick / g potato stick / g change in mass
/ mol per dm3
(i) Calculate the percentage change in mass for the potato stick that was placed in the
0.8 mol per dm3 sugar solution.
(ii) Plot a line graph on the grid to show the data in Table 2.1. One axis has been started for
(iii) State the concentration of the sugar solution at which your graph shows there would be
no change in the mass of the potato stick.
(iv) The student wanted to obtain a more accurate value for the concentration of the sugar
solution at which there would be no change in the mass of the potato stick.
Suggest further investigative work that the student should carry out.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
© UCLES 2020 0610/62/M/J/20 [Turn over
starch grain
Fig. 2.1
(i) Draw a large diagram of the cell labelled X. Do not label your diagram.
(ii) Measure the length of line PQ on Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
Calculate the magnification of the potato cell using the formula and your measurement.
length of line PQ
magnification =
actual length of the potato cell
(iii) A student measured the actual lengths of five of the starch grains present in one potato
cell. The results are shown in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2
.................................................... mm [1]
State the name of an indicator which could be used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide
and give the result of a positive test.
indicator ....................................................................................................................................
result .........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 22]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
The brain and spinal cord form the ............................................... nervous system and the
nerves coming into and out of the spinal cord are part of the ...............................................
(b) Fig. 1.1 shows part of a human eye and three neurones that conduct electrical impulses
between the eye and the brain. These neurones are involved in the pupil reflex.
not to scale
Fig. 1.1
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Table 1.1 shows the names of some parts of the eye, their functions and the letters in
Fig. 1.1 that identify the parts of the eye.
Table 1.1
suspensory ligament G
(c) (i) The eye can adjust how light is refracted through it in order to focus on a near object.
State one process that uses energy when focusing on a near object.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Mitochondria require oxygen to release energy. Oxygen is transported to cells in the eye
by red blood cells.
State the name of the molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Explain how oxygen in the capillaries reaches the cells in the eye.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) Eyelashes and eyelids are mechanical barriers that help to prevent particles and pathogens
entering the eye.
(i) Give two other mechanical barriers that defend the body against pathogens.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the name of the white blood cells that digest pathogens.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Conjunctivitis can be caused by pathogens and affects the tissues lining the eyelids and
covering the sclera. People with conjunctivitis that is caused by a pathogen can develop
active immunity.
Explain why the shape of specific parts of a pathogen is important in the development of
active immunity.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
State the name of the group that contains insects and crustaceans.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 17]
Fig. 2.1
Fig. 2.2 shows a red panda, Ailurus fulgens, and a polar bear, Ursus maritimus.
(a) State one dietary component that is more likely to be found in bamboo plants than in fish.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) (i) State two features, visible in Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2, that identify the three animals as all
belonging to the same vertebrate group.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
Molecular biologists compared the DNA base sequences of eight species from the same
vertebrate group. They used the differences to draw a classification diagram.
Fig. 2.3 shows the classification diagram for these eight species. The shorter the
horizontal distance from two species to the branching point that they share, the more
similar their DNA sequences are and the more closely the two species are related.
The scale on Fig. 2.3 shows the time at which the molecular biologists estimate that
each branching point occurred.
red panda
giant panda
polar bear
100 80 60 40 20 0
million years ago
Fig. 2.3
Morphology can also be used to classify species. Some scientists think that morphology
suggests that the giant panda is more closely related to the red panda than it is to the
polar bear.
Discuss the evidence for and against the giant panda being more closely related to
the red panda than it is to the polar bear. Use the information in Fig. 2.1, Fig. 2.2 and
Fig. 2.3 in your answer.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(iii) State one other type of evidence that is used to classify species.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 9]
3 (a) Fig. 3.1 shows some of the events that occur in the menstrual cycle.
Fig. 3.1
(i) Put the events shown in Fig. 3.1 into the correct sequence.
One has been done for you.
(ii) State the name of the hormone that stimulates event A to occur.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Two females of the same age have different dietary needs because one has started
menstruating and the other has not started menstruating.
Suggest why the dietary needs of the two females are different.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
Fig. 3.2 shows some of the organs of a pregnant woman, viewed from the side.
Fig. 3.2
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 10]
© UCLES 2021 0610/42/M/J/21 [Turn over
4 (a) Climate change is one reason why a plant species could become endangered.
(i) State other reasons why a plant species could become endangered.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
Fig. 4.1 shows some of the steps involved in managing a seed bank.
Fig. 4.1
(i) Explain why seeds from one species are collected from many populations to store in a
seed bank.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Seeds are X-rayed before they are stored to check that they contain an embryo.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Seeds stored at low temperatures have very low respiration rates.
Explain why.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) One purpose of seed banks is to reintroduce plant species into their natural environment.
A survey was done to find out why some reintroduction programmes are not successful.
percentage of 25
species that
were not 20
reintroduced 15
reason wrong changing seeds did seedlings too few wrong
unknown habitat habitat not too young individuals season
Fig. 4.2
(i) Some of the seeds in the reintroduction programmes did not germinate.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Some reintroduction programmes failed because the seedlings were too young. Young
seedlings only have a few small roots.
Explain why it would be important to reintroduce plants with many large roots.
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(iii) The low number of individuals also caused some reintroduction programmes to fail.
State the name of the phase in a population growth curve where the number of individuals
is very low.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 21]
5 Fig. 5.1 shows some of the stages in the reproduction of the bacterium Escherichia coli.
loop of DNA
Fig. 5.1
that the number of loops of DNA after cell division is ............................................... in each
daughter cell. The daughter cells are genetically ............................................... to the original
(b) Students used a microscope and time-lapse photography to observe E. coli cells reproducing.
They used the series of photographs to identify which cells were dividing.
They measured the lengths of the dividing cells and put their data into two groups:
• cell lengths immediately before cell division
• cell lengths immediately after cell division.
key: 100
immediately after division
immediately before division
of 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
cell length / μm
Fig. 5.2
(i) Use the information in Fig. 5.2 to state the most frequent cell length of the E. coli cells
immediately after cell division.
......................................................... mm
(ii) Some students concluded that the cells must be at least 6 µm in length before cell
division can occur.
Describe the evidence against the students’ conclusion. Use the information in Fig. 5.2
to support your answer.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Bacteria are useful in genetic engineering because they contain plasmids.
(i) Describe how a plasmid is cut so that a new gene can be inserted into the plasmid.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) List two reasons, other than the presence of plasmids, that make bacteria and
single-celled fungi useful to biotechnology industries.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 11]
6 (a) Some students set up the apparatus shown in Fig. 6.1 to compare transpiration in two sets of
Set A was kept in a transparent bag and set B was left in the open air.
The mass of the leaves in each set was measured at the start of the investigation and after
five hours.
clamp stand
transparent bag
set A
set B
Fig. 6.1
prediction ...........................................................................................................................
explanation ........................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2021 0610/42/M/J/21 [Turn over
(ii) Explain how transpiration occurred in the leaves shown in Fig. 6.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) The students needed two additional pieces of apparatus to take measurements so that
they could calculate the rate of transpiration from their results.
State the two additional pieces of apparatus the students needed to take the
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Fig. 6.2 shows the positions of the different tissues in part of a dicotyledonous leaf.
Fig. 6.2
The label, line and name of the tissue for letter P has been completed for you on Fig. 6.2 and
in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1
[Total: 12]
1 Catalase is an enzyme found in living cells. It catalyses the break-down of hydrogen peroxide to
form water and oxygen. In this investigation a celery extract was used as a source of catalase.
A student investigated the effect of catalase concentration on the rate of oxygen production.
The student made five different concentrations of celery extract by diluting the celery extract by
50% in each successive dilution.
Step 2 A 10 cm3 measuring cylinder was used to place 10 cm3 of celery extract into beaker A.
Step 3 The same measuring cylinder was used to transfer 5 cm3 of celery extract from beaker A
to beaker B. The same measuring cylinder was used to add 5 cm3 of distilled water to
beaker B.
Step 4 The same measuring cylinder was used to transfer 5 cm3 of celery extract from beaker B
to beaker C. 5 cm3 of distilled water was added to beaker C.
Step 5 The same measuring cylinder was used to transfer 5 cm3 of celery extract from beaker C
to beaker D. 5 cm3 of distilled water was added to beaker D.
Step 6 The same measuring cylinder was used to transfer 5 cm3 of celery extract from beaker D
to beaker E. 5 cm3 of distilled water was added to beaker E.
(a) (i) Table 1.1 shows the concentrations of the celery extract in beakers A to E.
Table 1.1
beaker concentration of
celery extract
A 100.00
B 50.00
D 12.50
E 6.25
Complete Table 1.1 by calculating and writing in the percentage concentration of celery
extract in beaker C. [1]
Step 7 Small filter paper discs were dipped into the celery extracts in beakers A to E.
Step 8 The paper disc dipped in celery extract A was placed into a test-tube and was pushed to
the bottom of the test-tube with a glass rod.
Step 9 A syringe was used to put 18 cm3 of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution into the test-tube.
The student recorded the time taken for the paper disc to rise to the surface of the
hydrogen peroxide solution.
1% hydrogen peroxide
direction of travel
of filter paper disc
Fig. 1.1
Step 10 Steps 8 and 9 were repeated using the paper discs dipped in celery extracts B, C, D and
The times taken for each paper disc to rise are shown in Fig. 1.2.
celery extract A celery extract B celery extract C celery extract D celery extract E
Fig. 1.2
(ii) Prepare a table to record the results shown in Fig. 1.2. Record all the times in seconds.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) Identify the variable that the student changed (independent variable) and the variable
that was measured (dependent variable) in this investigation.
(b) (i) The oxygen gas produced by the reaction forms bubbles on the paper disc. The bubbles
cause the disc to rise to the top of the hydrogen peroxide solution. The time taken for the
disc to rise can be used to calculate the rate of the reaction.
Explain how you could calculate the rate at which the disc rises.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
This enzyme catalyses the break-down of hydrogen peroxide to release water and oxygen
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
Plan an experiment to determine the effect of sodium chloride concentration on the volume of
oxygen gas produced during this reaction.
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
State the test for protein and state the result of a positive test.
test ............................................................................................................................................
[Total: 20]
2 (a) The photograph in Fig. 2.1 shows a leaf from a European holly tree (Ilex aquifolium).
Fig. 2.1
(i) Draw a large diagram of the holly leaf shown in Fig. 2.1.
(ii) The line PQ on Fig. 2.1 shows the length of the leaf.
Draw a line on your drawing in the same position as line PQ in Fig. 2.1.
Measure the length of the line you have drawn. Include the unit.
Calculate the magnification of your drawing using your measurements and the formula.
(b) Students investigated the relationship between the number of prickles on holly leaves and the
height of the leaves above the ground.
Table 2.1
0.5 18
1.0 14
1.5 13
3.0 8
4.0 3
5.0 1
(i) The students counted a total of 614 prickles on the leaves collected at a height of
2.0 metres.
Calculate the total number of leaves collected at 2.0 metres above ground ......................
(ii) State two ways the students ensured that they collected a representative sample of
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(iii) Plot a line graph on the grid to show the data in Table 2.1. Include a line of best fit.
Fig. 2.2
Count and record the number of prickles on the leaf shown in Fig. 2.2.
Use the information in Table 2.1 or your graph in 2(b)(iii) to estimate the height on the tree
from which this holly leaf was collected.
State the solution used to test for starch and give the result of a positive test.
solution .....................................................................................................................................
[Total: 20]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 Molluscs are important animals in many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. For
Fig. 1.1 shows four species of mollusc that live in the sea.
common whelk
Buccinum undatum
edible mussel
Mytilus edulis
Fig. 1.1
2 [2]
(b) State two features, visible in Fig. 1.1, in which the octopus differs from the other three
2 [2]
(c) The edible mussel, Mytilus edulis, is attached to rocks that are exposed to the air at low For
tide. Examiner's
Use Fig. 1.1 to suggest how an edible mussel is adapted to attach to rocks and survive
when exposed to the air.
(d) The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a freshwater mussel that originates from
rivers in southern Russia.
The mussel was introduced into the Great Lakes of North America and has increased
in huge numbers with serious effects on the food webs of the lakes.
Explain why an introduced species, such as the zebra mussel, can have serious effects
on the populations of the species that are already living in the area.
(e) The freshwater mussel, Pletholophus swinhoei, was used in a project to monitor water For
pollution by chemical waste in northern Vietnam. Examiner's
This was done by regularly counting the number of mussels in the river.
Suggest the advantages of using freshwater mussels to monitor the pollution of water
instead of carrying out chemical analysis of the water.
Explain the harm that non-biodegradable plastics may cause to organisms in aquatic
[Total: 14]
2 (a) Fig. 2.1 shows a reflex action that involves the eye. For
A shows an eye in dim light. B shows the same eye when a bright blue light is shone
into it.
Fig. 2.1
Table 2.1
receptor cells
(ii) Describe how the nervous system coordinates the response shown in Fig. 2.1. For
(b) Adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal glands to prepare the body for dangerous
Extreme sports, such as bungee jumping shown in Fig. 2.2, are an example of such a
dangerous situation.
Fig. 2.2
Explain how adrenaline prepares the body for an extreme sport, such as making a For
bungee jump. Examiner's
Describe two ways in which involuntary actions differ from voluntary actions.
[Total: 15]
3 (a) The production of yoghurt involves the fermentation of milk by two types of bacteria For
that use the protein and sugar (lactose) in milk. Examiner's
Lactobacillus bulgaricus breaks down proteins into short chains of amino acids.
Streptococcus thermophilus uses the chains of amino acids to make formic acid.
L. bulgaricus then uses lactose and formic acid to make lactic acid.
milk at pH 7 is sterilised
Fig. 3.1
(i) Explain why the milk is sterilised at the start of the process. For
(iii) State and explain what happens to the populations of the bacteria during the
yoghurt-making process.
(iv) Explain why yoghurt cannot be made by using only one of the types of bacteria. For
(b) At the end of the fermentation, food additives may be added to the yoghurt.
State three types of food additive that may be used in producing yoghurt.
3 [3]
[Total: 14]
clear plastic
nutrient nutrient solution
bag with added
solution with added
carbon dioxide
phosphate ions
plant D plant E
Fig. 4.1
After several hours the plants were analysed for the presence of the radioactive isotopes.
Table 4.1
pea plant D E
sucrose phosphate ions
(b) State one substance, other than sucrose, that is produced in leaves and translocated For
to other parts of the plant. Examiner's
(c) Outline how sucrose is produced from carbon dioxide in pea plants.
2 [2]
(e) Explain how ions, such as phosphate ions, are absorbed by plant roots.
[Total: 13]
5 (a) The production of human gametes involves the type of nuclear division known as For
meiosis. Examiner's
(b) The sex of a human fetus is determined by the sex chromosomes, X and Y.
1 X + X XX XX
2 X + Y XY XY
3 X + X XX
Fig. 5.1
(i) Use 5.1 to explain how the sex of a fetus is determined. For
(ii) Examples 3 and 4 show two ways in which twins are formed.
(c) During the development of a fetus, different genes are expressed at different times.
(d) One of the genes that controls the ability of blood to clot is found only on the X For
chromosome. Examiner's
XH represents an X chromosome with the dominant allele for normal blood clotting.
Xh represents an X chromosome with the recessive allele which causes the blood to
clot slowly.
The Y chromosome is small and does not have the gene for blood clotting.
Choose the genotype from the list that matches each of the following:
● is heterozygous;
● is homozygous. [3]
(e) Haemophilia is a rare genetic condition in which the blood clots very slowly.
In the USA, haemophilia affects 1 in 5000 male births each year. In some cases these
births occur in families where the condition has not occurred before.
Explain how boys can have haemophilia when the condition has not previously existed
in their family.
[Total: 13]
6 Fig. 6.1 shows Soay sheep on St. Kilda, a group of small remote islands off the coast of For
Scotland. These islands experience extreme conditions of cold, wind and rain. Examiner's
Sheep were introduced to the islands thousands of years ago and the Soay sheep are
descended from them.
The islands of St. Kilda have been uninhabited by people since 1930. The sheep are now
left unfarmed and in their natural state.
Fig. 6.1
(a) The populations of Soay sheep on St. Kilda show much more variation in their
phenotype than modern breeds of sheep.
Explain, by using an example from Fig. 6.1, what is meant by variation in their
(b) Scientists have recorded the numbers of Soay sheep and lambs on St. Kilda for many For
years. Examiner's
Each year between 1985 and 1996, the lambs (young sheep) were caught, marked and
weighed. In some years, the total number of sheep on St. Kilda was lower than in other
Fig. 6.2 shows the frequency of lambs of different body mass in years when the total
number of sheep was low and years when the total number was high.
3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20 21–22
body mass / kg
of lambs 60
3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20 21–22
body mass / kg
Fig. 6.2
(i) Population size has a great effect on the survival of lambs on St. Kilda. For
Describe the evidence from Fig. 6.2 that supports this statement.
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the effect that you have described.
(c) Soay sheep are adapted to the extreme conditions experienced on St. Kilda.
Explain how natural selection could account for the adaptive features of Soay sheep.
[Total: 11]
They used extracts from soaked seeds and from seedlings which had been grown for four
days. All the seeds and the seedlings were from the same plant.
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
Fig. 1.1 shows the apparatus used to compare the catalase activity of the two extracts. This
was done by counting the number of bubbles of oxygen released in one minute.
foam water
extract and hydrogen support
peroxide solution
Fig. 1.1
• 2 g of extract from soaked seeds was used. This was placed in a test-tube, labelled
seeds 1 as shown in Fig. 1.1.
• The bung was quickly replaced into the top of this test-tube. The number of bubbles of
oxygen released in one minute was counted and recorded in Table 1.1.
• This was repeated with another extract of soaked seeds, labelled seeds 2. The results
were recorded in Table 1.1.
• The whole procedure was repeated with extracts from four-day old seedlings, labelled
seedlings 1 and seedlings 2. The results were recorded in Table 1.1.
seeds 2 50
seedlings 1 30
seedlings 2 37
(ii) State the conclusion that can be made from these results.
(b) (i) State two possible sources of experimental error in this investigation.
2 [2]
(ii) Suggest how to improve the method to reduce one of the errors stated in (b)(i).
• After the reaction had finished the four test-tubes contained different heights of foam. For
Fig. 1.2 shows the four test-tubes.
of foam
extract and
seeds 1 seeds 2 seedlings 1 seedlings 2
Fig. 1.2
(c) (i) Measure the height of the foam in each of the test-tubes shown in Fig. 1.2.
Table 1.2
seeds 1
seeds 2
seedlings 1
seedlings 2
(ii) State the conclusion that can be made from these results.
(iii) State and explain whether your conclusion in (a)(ii) is consistent with your For
conclusion in (c)(ii). Examiner's
(d) (i) Explain why the tests for seeds and seedlings were repeated.
Suggest two reasons why whole seeds and seedlings were not used in this
(e) Another group of students wanted to investigate the activity of catalase in different
types of seeds.
2 [1]
[Total: 19]
2 You are going to investigate the variation in size of bean seeds. The bean seeds have been For
soaked in water for 48 hours. Examiner's
A ............................ mm
B ............................ mm
C ............................ mm
D ............................ mm
E ............................ mm
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Measure, to the nearest mm, the maximum lengths of the five seeds labelled A,
B, C, D and E shown in Fig. 2.1.
(ii) Insert the tally mark for each bean seed A, B, C, D and E in the correct row in For
Table 2.1. [2] Examiner's
(iii) Count the tally marks in each group of bean seed length.
Table 2.1
bean seed
tally number in group
length / mm
24.0 – 25.9 I
(iv) Construct a histogram on Fig. 2.2 of the number in each group of bean seed
Fig. 2.2
(v) Name the type of variation shown by the bean seeds. For
(b) Fig. 2.2 shows one bean seed with the testa (seed coat) removed.
Fig. 2.2
(ii) You are going to calculate the magnification of your drawing. For
Measure the maximum length of the bean seed in Fig. 2.2.
Draw a line on your drawing, to show where you have measured this length.
magnification × [4]
Bean seeds are included in the human diet. Most types of bean seeds have a high protein
(c) Describe a food test you could do to show that bean seeds contain protein.
[Total: 21]
Fig. 1.1
(a) Name A to E.
A ...............................................................................................................................................
B ...............................................................................................................................................
C ...............................................................................................................................................
D ...............................................................................................................................................
E ...........................................................................................................................................[5]
(b) Fig. 1.2 shows a cell from region B of the leaf shown in Fig. 1.1.
Fig. 1.2
Write one letter only in each box to identify the function. You may use each letter once, more
than once or not at all.
Table 1.1
A student investigated the activity of this enzyme by grinding some lettuce leaves and adding
them to a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The volume of oxygen produced was measured until
the reaction stopped.
× × × × ×
6 ×
5 ×
volume of oxygen
collected / cm3 4 ×
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
time / s
Fig. 1.3
(i) Describe the results shown in Fig. 1.3. You will gain credit if you use the data in your
[Total: 16]
Fig. 2.1
(b) The concentrations of solutes in the fluids at regions 1, 2, 3 and 4 were determined. The
results are shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
concentration / g dm–3
region 1 region 2 region 3 region 4
glucose 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.0
protein 82.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
salts 8.0 8.0 9.6 16.5
urea 0.2 0.2 0.2 20.0
(ii) has molecules which are small enough to be filtered but is completely reabsorbed from
the fluid in the kidney tubule;
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ....................................................................................................................................[1]
(c) State three structures through which the fluid from region 4 passes as it leaves the body.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ............................................................................................................................................[3]
(d) One role of the kidney is to maintain the concentration of the blood plasma.
[Total: 10]
3 Sewage treatment works use bacteria to digest the waste matter. Waste matter contains complex
organic compounds, such as starch, cellulose, protein and fat.
Fig. 3.1 shows a diagram of a sewage works with an aerobic digestion tank.
The sewage works discharges clean water into a river. Downstream from the sewage works, water
is removed to be used as drinking water for a nearby village.
grit tank tank
grit to solids
landfill removed
paddle air
river chlorine solids compressed
removed air
Fig. 3.1
(a) Explain the roles of bacteria in the aerobic digestion tank shown in Fig. 3.1.
(b) Fig. 3.1 shows that chlorine is added to water before it leaves the sewage treatment works.
[Total: 7]
Fig. 4.1
Explain how the structure of an artery, as shown in Fig. 4.1, is related to its functions.
(b) Fig. 4.2 shows the total cross-sectional area of the blood vessels in the systemic circulation. It
also shows the changes that occur in blood pressure and the speed (velocity) of blood in the
different blood vessels.
tissue fluid
total cross-
sectional area
of the blood
vessels / cm2
14 pressure
mean blood 13 speed of the
pressure / kPa 12 blood / cm s–1
10 50
9 velocity
8 40
6 30
4 20
2 10
0 0
aorta arterioles veins
arteries capillaries vena cava
Fig. 4.2
(ii) Describe how mean blood pressure and speed of blood change with cross-sectional
area of blood vessels, as shown in Fig. 4.2.
(c) Describe how substances move from the blood in the capillaries into the tissue fluid.
(d) Blood flows from arteries into arterioles before entering capillaries.
Explain the role of the arterioles in the skin when a person is very cold.
[Total: 14]
Fig. 5.1
X ........................................................................................................................................
Y ....................................................................................................................................[2]
(ii) State three ways in which the structure of bacteria differs from the structure of viruses.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
3 .....................................................................................................................................[3]
(b) Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest proportion of the population living with HIV in the world.
The World Health Organization estimates both the total number of people who live with HIV
and the total number of people that are newly infected each year.
Fig. 5.2 shows the estimated numbers for sub-Saharan Africa between 1990 and 2010.
of people 15
1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
millions 1.5
of people
1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
Fig. 5.2
(i) Summarise the changes between 1990 and 2009 in the number of people living with HIV
and the number of people newly infected with HIV.
(ii) Suggest why in 2010 the number of people living with HIV increased but the number of
newly infected people decreased.
(iii) Describe three ways in which HIV is transmitted from infected to uninfected people.
1 .........................................................................................................................................
2 .........................................................................................................................................
3 .........................................................................................................................................
[Total: 17]
6 Some pollutants are not broken down easily and remain in the environment for a long time. These
are described as persistent pollutants.
PCBs are a waste material from the manufacturing of electrical insulation. PCBs are one of the
most persistent pollutants in the environment.
Between 1947 and 1976, factories dumped large quantities of PCBs into the Hudson River in the
USA. Studies measured the concentrations of PCBs in the tissues of organisms in a food chain in
the sea near the Hudson River, as shown in Fig. 6.1.
concentrations of
PCBs in arbitrary units
6 – 45 herring
1.56 zooplankton
0.85 phytoplankton
not to scale
Fig. 6.1
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the different concentrations of PCBs in the organisms of the
food chain.
(b) PCBs are toxic to many organisms because they bind to a protein molecule known as AHR.
The Atlantic tomcod, Microgadus tomcod, is a fish that lives in the Hudson River and other
rivers nearby.
90% of the tomcod population in the Hudson River is resistant to the effects of PCBs. This is
because these fish have a different type of AHR compared with other tomcod populations.
(ii) Scientists predict that the proportion of fish resistant to PCBs will decrease if the
concentration of PCBs in the river decreases.
Suggest reasons why the proportion of fish with the altered AHR protein might decrease.
[Total: 16]
1 Living cells produce catalase to break down the toxins, such as hydrogen peroxide, that are formed
in cells.
An investigation was carried out to find out if ripe fruits produce more catalase than unripe fruits.
The unripe pepper fruits of Capsicum annuum are green in colour when they start developing. As
the fruit ripens it turns red and tastes sweeter.
Extracts were prepared from both green and red pepper fruits.
Small squares of filter paper were soaked in the extracts and dried for testing.
The pieces of filter paper were placed in hydrogen peroxide solution as shown in Fig. 1.1.
As the catalase in the extracts breaks down the hydrogen peroxide, the pieces of filter paper rise
to the surface. The time taken for each piece of filter paper to reach the surface was measured.
piece of
filter paper
start finish
Fig. 1.1
The procedure was carried out to obtain three results for red pepper fruits and three results for
green pepper fruits.
Table 1.1
time / s
pepper extract
filter paper 1 filter paper 2 filter paper 3
red 50 35 30
green 75 60 62
(a) Calculate the total time and the mean time for each extract.
(b) Describe and explain whether this investigation supports the statement ‘ripe fruits produce
more catalase than unripe fruits’.
(c) State two variables that must be controlled to compare the catalase activity in the extracts.
1 .................................................................................................................................................
2 .................................................................................................................................................
(d) The red pepper fruit is said to be sweeter than the unripe green pepper fruits.
Describe how you could safely test if the sweetness is due to the presence of reducing sugar.
(e) The sugar content of the green pepper and four other types of fresh fruit is shown in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2
sugar content
type of fresh fruit
/ g per 100 g
banana 15.0
green pepper 2.7
lemon 3.5
orange 9.0
tomato 2.0
(i) Plot a graph of the data in Table 1.2 to compare the sugar content of the five fruits.
(ii) Calculate how many times more sugar can be found in 100 g of banana compared to
100 g of green pepper.
[Total: 18]
Fig. 2.1
Describe how you would carry out a test to show the presence of starch in this storage organ.
© UCLES 2014 0610/62/O/N/14 [Turn over
(c) Carrot plants produce storage organs in their first year. These are used in their second year to
produce flowers and seeds.
Fig. 2.2 shows three carrot seeds as seen under a light microscope.
Fig. 2.2
Measure the length of line ST drawn on one of the seeds in Fig. 2.2.
length of ST ......................................... mm
The scale rule shows 10 mm, divided into 100 divisions, each of 0.1 mm. Use the scale rule to
measure the actual width of the seed marked by line ST.
magnification × ...........................................................[4]
(d) Some students wanted to investigate the conditions needed for the germination of carrot
As part of their plan, they listed the conditions shown in Fig. 2.3.
Fig. 2.3
One student selected light as a factor and suggested a plan for an investigation into the effect
of light on germination.
• Samples of 15 soaked seeds were left to germinate in each of two open dishes.
• One dish was covered with black paper and the other dish was left uncovered.
(i) Give a conclusion that the student could make from this investigation.
(ii) Describe one improvement that the student could make to their method.
[Total: 12]
3 Fig. 3.1 shows a male and a female fly of the same species.
male female
Fig. 3.1
(a) Describe two differences, visible in Fig. 3.1, between the male and female fly.
Table 3.1
Fig. 3.2
Insects can be recognised by having three parts to the body and three pairs of legs, amongst
other features.
Describe two other features, visible in Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2 that show that the fly and the bee
are both identified as insects.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]
Suggest how you could find out which colours attract more bees than flies.
[Total: 10]
Fig. 1.1
State one other feature shown only by birds that is visible in Fig. 1.1.
(b) Birds show variation in the sizes and shapes of their beaks. A beak is composed of an upper
mandible and a lower mandible.
Fig. 1.2 shows the heads of seven different species of bird.
width of head
Use the key to identify each species. Write the letter of each species (A to G) in the correct
box beside the key. One has been done for you.
(c) Fig. 1.3 shows the events that occur during sexual reproduction in birds. The numbers in
brackets indicate the number of chromosomes in the nuclei of the cells of the common
emerald dove.
cell B (80)
embryo (80)
Fig. 1.3
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
Explain why variation is an advantage for a species such as the common emerald dove.
[Total: 10]
2 Sports physiologists study ways in which athletes can improve their performance by recording
factors such as oxygen uptake and the concentration of lactic acid in the blood. They can also
monitor how these two factors change during training.
Fig. 2.1 shows an athlete running on a treadmill in a physiology laboratory while aspects of his
breathing are measured.
Fig. 2.1
His oxygen uptake was measured before, during and after the exercise.
The arrows indicate the start and end of the period of exercise.
Fig. 2.2
(a) (i) State the oxygen uptake at rest, before the athlete started running.
(ii) Use Fig. 2.2 to describe the changes in oxygen uptake during and after running on the
treadmill (from 2 to 25 minutes).
(iii) Explain the change in oxygen uptake during the run (between 2 and 13 minutes).
(b) The lactic acid concentration in the blood of the athlete was measured at intervals.
At the end of the slow run the lactic acid concentration had increased by 30%.
After a rest, the athlete ran at a much faster speed on the treadmill. At the beginning of this
exercise the lactic acid concentration in his blood was 100 mg dm–3. After 11 minutes running
at the faster speed, his lactic acid concentration was 270 mg dm–3.
(i) Calculate the percentage increase in lactic acid concentration at the end of the faster
answer ........................................................... %
(ii) Explain why the percentage increase in lactic acid is much greater when running at the
faster speed.
[Total: 14]
© UCLES 2015 0610/32/O/N/15
3 Fig. 3.1 shows part of the thoracic and abdominal cavities of a human.
N abdominal
Fig. 3.1
G .......................................................................................................................................
H ........................................................................................................................................
M .......................................................................................................................................
(ii) Table 3.1 shows five functions of organs in the abdominal cavity.
Table 3.1
storage of bile
(b) Fat is particularly difficult to digest as it is not water soluble and forms spherical globules in
the alimentary canal.
Fig. 3.2 is a diagram showing what happens to fat globules when mixed with bile.
fat globules
Fig. 3.2
(c) Insulin and glucagon are hormones secreted by the pancreas to control the concentration of
glucose in the blood.
(i) Complete Table 3.2 to show how the uptake of glucose by cells and the concentration of
glucose in the blood respond when the two hormones are secreted.
Use the words increases, decreases and stays the same to complete the table.
Table 3.2
(ii) State another hormone that influences the concentration of glucose in the blood.
(d) Explain why the control of the concentration of glucose in the blood is an example of negative
[Total: 16]
4 Fig. 4.1 is an electron micrograph of part of the lower surface of a leaf. Three stomata are visible.
Fig. 4.1
(b) Stomata allow the movement of gases into and out of the leaf. During the daytime oxygen
passes out and carbon dioxide passes in.
(i) Explain why oxygen passes out of the leaf during the daytime.
(ii) Describe the path taken by a carbon dioxide molecule after it has passed through the
stomata during the daytime until it becomes part of a glucose molecule.
(c) Plants that live in different types of habitat have leaves that show adaptations for survival.
Table 4.1 shows some features of the leaves of three species of plant from different types of
Table 4.1
(i) State how the stomatal density of annual meadow grass differs from the stomatal
densities of the other two species in Table 4.1.
(ii) Suggest explanations for the distribution and density of stomata in white water lily and
common myrtle as shown in Table 4.1.
[Total: 14]
5 Bacteria can be grown on nutrient agar in Petri dishes. The main nutrients in the agar are glucose
and amino acids. The bacteria reproduce asexually to form colonies. Each colony is formed from
one bacterium.
(a) (i) Explain why glucose and amino acids are included in the agar medium.
glucose ..............................................................................................................................
A microbiologist collected bacteria from a kitchen which was suspected to be responsible for an
outbreak of food poisoning.
The microbiologist spread the bacteria on nutrient agar and let them reproduce to form colonies.
The bacterial colonies were transferred onto new nutrient agar that contained high concentrations
of antibiotics S or T, as shown in the flow diagram in Fig. 5.1.
many bacterial
colonies agar plate 1 incubated for
24 hours at 30 °C
bacteria transferred to
a growth medium and
incubated for 24 hours
Fig. 5.1
(c) Explain why many bacterial colonies were found on agar plates 5 and 6.
Explain how strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are formed and then spread.
[Total: 13]
They took samples of water at six sampling points along the stream and carried out a chemical
analysis on the water samples. They also counted the numbers of five different invertebrates at the
same sampling points. The students used a four point scale to record the numbers they found in
each sample.
Table 6.1
– none
+ 1 to 10
++ 11 to 100
+++ too many to count
(ii) state the invertebrate that is most sensitive to a decrease in the oxygen concentration of
the water.
(b) The students noticed there were many algae and aquatic plants growing in the stream at
sampling points 4 and 5.
Use the results in Table 6.1 to explain why there are many algae and aquatic plants growing
in these parts of the stream.
(c) The students decided there were advantages in sampling invertebrates to assess the level of
pollution in the stream, compared with carrying out a chemical analysis of the water.
Suggest the advantages of carrying out a survey of invertebrates when studying the pollution
of freshwater ecosystems, such as streams and rivers.
(d) The students found that the stream was polluted by sewage from a nearby house.
(e) The stream contained many plastic items that had been thrown away. Most of the plastic was
[Total: 13]
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1 During respiration, a chemical is produced that causes the indicator methylene blue to change
from blue to colourless.
Some students investigated the effect of temperature on the rate of respiration in yeast, using
yeast and methylene blue.
• A ruler was used to measure 2 cm from the top of three test-tubes and a line was drawn on
each test-tube.
• Yeast suspension with glucose was poured into each test-tube until it reached the line drawn
on the test-tube.
• A mixture of ice and water was placed into the beaker labelled cold, tap water at room
temperature into the beaker labelled warm and hot water from a tap into the beaker labelled
• The test-tubes were left for five minutes and then 1 cm3 of methylene blue was added to each
• A glass rod was used to stir the mixture so the methylene blue spread evenly.
• The time for the methylene blue to become colourless was recorded. This was trial 1.
• The same procedure for trial 1 was repeated twice to give results for trial 2 and trial 3.
Fig. 1.1 shows the temperatures of the water in each beaker and the times, in minutes and
seconds, for each test-tube to become colourless.
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
trial 2 trial 2 trial 2
10 10 10
20 20 20
30 30 30
Fig. 1.1
(a) Prepare a table to record the results of the investigation shown in Fig. 1.1.
Read the temperature for each beaker and the times taken for the methylene blue to become
colourless at each temperature.
In your table:
(b) (i) State a reason why the students took three readings for each temperature.
(ii) Calculate the average time for the methylene blue to become colourless at each
Show your working and record your results in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1
working average
/ °C
(iii) State one conclusion about the effect of temperature on the rate of respiration in yeast.
(c) (i) The method of timing how long it takes for the methylene blue in the three test-tubes to
become colourless is a source of error. Suggest why.
(ii) Describe how you could improve the method to reduce this source of error.
(d) Some students investigated the effect of pH on the rate of respiration by measuring the
volume of carbon dioxide produced by yeast in 30 minutes.
Table 1.2
4 6 0.2
5 12 0.4
6 36 1.2
7 54 ..................
8 63 2.1
(i) Complete Table 1.2 by calculating the rate of carbon dioxide production at pH 7.
(ii) Plot the data from Table 1.2 to show the effect of pH on the rate of carbon dioxide
production by yeast.
(iii) Describe and explain the trend shown by the results in Table 1.2 and the graph you have
[Total: 20]
R S not to scale
Fig. 2.1
(ii) Measure the length of the line XY on Fig. 2.1. Include the unit.
length of XY .......................................................................................................................
Draw the line XY on your drawing, in the same position as on Fig. 2.1.
magnification x ................................................................
(b) (i) State two ways, visible in Fig. 2.1, in which pollen grain R is different from pollen grain S.
Table 2.1
(ii) Describe one feature, visible in Fig. 2.1, of pollen grain R that helps it to be dispersed.
(c) Some students placed samples of each type of pollen grain on a microscope slide and added
a drop of dilute sugar solution. Pollen tubes started to grow.
To find out which of the pollen tubes grew faster, students measured the length of the pollen
tubes every 2 minutes for 20 minutes.
(i) Suggest how the pollen tubes could be measured using a microscope.
Table 2.2
(ii) Compare the growth of pollen grain S with pollen grain R, using the data from Table 2.2.
(d) The plant that produces pollen grain R produces fruits that contain seeds. These fruits disperse
the seeds by splitting along the edges, throwing out the seeds.
The students counted the number of seeds in a random sample of 100 fruits.
20 21 22 23 24 25
number of seeds per fruit
Fig. 2.2
(i) Suggest how the students could collect a random sample and count the seeds accurately.
(iii) Suggest one reason why some fruits have a lower number of seeds than others.
[Total: 20]
© UCLES 2015 0610/62/O/N/15
1 Milk is sometimes referred to as a ‘complete food’ because it contains all the nutrients that a
young mammal requires.
(a) Table 1.1 shows three nutrients that are contained in milk.
Complete the table by stating one role of each nutrient in the body of a young mammal.
Table 1.1
lactose (milk
(b) Protein digestion begins in the stomach of the human alimentary canal and is completed in
the small intestine.
Describe in detail how enzymes function to digest protein in the alimentary canal.
.............................................................................................................................................. [6]
(c) Some people are unable to digest lactose (milk sugar) and have a condition known as lactose
Fig. 1.1 shows what happens in the intestine of a person who is lactose intolerant if they eat
food containing a lot of lactose.
from stomach
build-up of gas
and water
bacteria produce
hydrogen, methane small intestine
and carbon dioxide
large intestine
bacteria digest
lactose to simple
Fig. 1.1
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Suggest the dangers to health of severe diarrhoea if it is not treated for a long time.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(d) Hydrogen gas is produced by the bacteria that digest lactose in the large intestine. The
gas is absorbed into the blood and excreted through the lungs. Lactose intolerance can be
monitored by measuring the hydrogen gas content of the air a person breathes out.
People taking part in an investigation into lactose intolerance consumed the following milk
products on different days:
A. untreated milk
B. milk treated with lactase immediately before drinking
C. milk treated with lactase three days before drinking
D. yoghurt made by bacteria that digested the lactose in the milk
The hydrogen gas content of the air breathed out was measured every hour for five hours
following the ingestion of each milk product.
hydrogen gas 40
breathed out
/ parts per
million 30
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
time / hours
Fig. 1.2
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) Use the results in Fig. 1.2 to explain why yoghurt is the best milk product for people with
lactose intolerance.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 21]
Fig. 2.1
Fig. 2.2 shows part of the DNA enlarged to show the sequence of bases.
Fig. 2.2
(a) Complete Fig. 2.2 by adding the letters for the bases that are missing. [2]
nuclear membrane
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(c) Base sequences of the DNA of different species are compared to investigate how species are
related to one another. The most closely related species have the shortest distance from a
branching point on a classification tree.
Fig. 2.4 shows how six species of fungi are related to each other.
A Aspergillus flavus
B Aspergillus oryzae
C Aspergillus fumigatus
D Neosartorya fischeri
E Aspergillus clavatus
F Aspergillus nidulans
Fig. 2.4
(i) Use the letters on Fig. 2.4 to state the two species that are most closely related.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Use Fig. 2.4 to explain why Aspergillus nidulans is the most distantly related species
from all of the other five species.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) Modern methods of classification rely on the analysis and comparison of base sequences in
Describe the type of evidence that scientists used for classifying organisms before they were
able to sequence DNA.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 10]
Fig. 3.1
(a) Complete the table by stating the name of the parts labelled A, B and C on Fig. 3.1.
(b) (i) Name the blood vessel in Fig. 3.1 that has the highest concentration of urea.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Name the blood vessel in Fig. 3.1 that has the lowest concentration of glucose.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(d) Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is also taken as a drug to improve sporting
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) State why testosterone is taken by some people to improve sporting performance.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(e) The half-life of a drug is the time it takes for the concentration in the blood to decrease by a
factor of a half. The half-life of one form of testosterone taken to improve sporting performance
is 7 days.
A person received an injection of this form of testosterone. A blood sample taken almost
immediately showed its concentration to be 50 ng cm−3.
Predict the concentration after 14 days, assuming the person does not have another injection,
and show your working.
[Total: 17]
4 Hydrophytes are plants that show many adaptive features for life in aquatic habitats.
Fig. 4.1
A student investigated the density of stomata on the leaves of two different species of freshwater
Table 4.1
(a) Name the epidermal cells that control the size of stomata.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Suggest reasons for the difference between the results for the two species.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) Fig. 4.2 shows a section through the leaf of a water lily.
palisade mesophyll
Fig. 4.2
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Name two other tissues that are present in the leaf in Fig. 4.2.
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
(d) The large air spaces are an adaptation of water lily leaves. Suggest why.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
State the name used for plants that are adapted to dry habitats.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 11]
5 The numbers of different cells in a blood sample were counted. The results are shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
(a) Complete the table by calculating the percentage of platelets. Write your answer in Table 5.1
to two decimal places. [1]
(b) State the role of platelets in the blood and describe the process they are involved in.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) Lymphocytes are white blood cells that are produced in bone marrow. Lymphocytes travel in
the blood from bone marrow to lymph nodes throughout the body.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(d) During a second infection of the same pathogen the response by lymphocytes is much faster.
Explain how this happens.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
© UCLES 2016 0610/42/O/N/16
Fig. 5.1 shows the change in numbers of these lymphocytes following an HIV infection that
has not been treated.
/ cells per mm3 600
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time / years
Fig. 5.1
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Describe the effects on the body of an untreated HIV infection as shown in Fig. 5.1.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 14]
6 Wetlands are internationally important ecosystems. The spoon-billed sandpiper, Calidris pygmaea,
is an endangered species.
Fig. 6.1 shows a spoon-billed sandpiper feeding in a wetland ecosystem. The wetland is a stopover
on the bird’s long migration from north-east Russia to south-east Asia.
The smaller photograph is a close-up of the bird’s legs to show that it has been ringed.
Fig. 6.1
Spoon-billed sandpipers stop to feed at the Rudong mudflats near Shanghai, China.
Putting one or more rings on a bird’s leg is a common way to identify individual birds. Spoon-billed
sandpipers ringed in Russia have been seen at the Rudong mudflats.
(a) Suggest why scientists put leg rings on birds, such as the spoon-billed sandpiper.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
.............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 7]
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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 Maize (corn) is an important food crop that produces grain. Fig. 1.1 shows a maize grain that has
germinated to form a seedling.
total length of
the seedling first true leaf, used
visible above for photosynthesis
the soil
coleoptile, used to
protect the plumule
below the soil soil level
food store, used
during germination for
energy and growth
radicle, used to obtain
water and mineral ions
from the soil
Fig. 1.1
Some students investigated the effect of light on the germination and early growth of maize. The
students measured and observed maize grown in the light and maize grown in the dark.
Fig. 1.2 shows the surface of two pots containing maize seedlings, one set grown in the light and
the other set grown in the dark.
The seedlings were grown at 20 °C and watered every day for ten days.
(a) Complete Table 1.1 to record two visible differences in the seedlings grown in the light and
the seedlings grown in the dark shown in Fig. 1.2.
Table 1.1
Fig. 1.2
You are going to measure the length of the coleoptiles and the total length of the seedlings visible
above the soil. You will measure all the seedlings grown in the light and all the seedlings grown in
the dark.
(b) (i) Prepare a table to record your results in the space below.
Step 2 Use a ruler to measure the length of the coleoptile and the total length of the seedling
visible above the soil for each seedling.
(ii) State two conclusions that can be made about the effect of light on the germination and
early growth of maize.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
Step 3 A line was marked down the centre of a white tile and labelled L on one side and D on
the other side.
Step 4 The three seedlings grown in the light and the three seedlings grown in the dark were
dug out from each pot after ten days.
Step 5 The remains of the food store was cut away from each of the seedlings and washed in
water. The outer skin was removed.
Step 6 The food stores were then placed on the white tile. The food stores from the seedlings
grown in the light were placed on the side of the tile labelled L and the food stores from
the seedlings grown in the dark were placed on the side labelled D.
Step 7 A clean spatula was used to crush together the three food stores from the seedlings
grown in the light. This was then separated into three equal parts on the L side of the tile,
as shown in Fig. 1.3.
Step 8 The spatula was cleaned and used to crush together the three food stores from the
seedlings grown in the dark. This was also separated into three equal parts on the D side
of the tile, as shown in Fig. 1.3.
Fig. 1.3
Step 9 One of the food stores from the seedlings grown in the light was placed into a test-tube
labelled L and 2 cm3 of water added, taking care to wash the crushed food store to the
bottom of the test-tube.
Step 10 Step 9 was repeated using one of the food stores from the seedlings grown in the dark
and a test-tube labelled D.
Step 11 A Benedict’s test was carried out on the contents of test-tube L and test-tube D.
Step 12 A drop of iodine solution was added to one of the remaining food stores from the
seedlings grown in the light and to one of the remaining food store from the seedlings
grown in the dark on the white tile.
Step 13 A drop of biuret reagent was added to each of the remaining food stores.
blue-black blue-black
purple purple blue blue
Fig. 1.4
Table 1.2
(ii) State the conclusion for the results shown in Table 1.2.
(d) A group of students investigated the changes in dry mass during germination and growth of
maize grown in the light and maize grown in the dark.
The dry mass is the total mass left after all the water has been evaporated.
Table 1.3 shows the results of the investigation for the maize seedlings grown in the light.
Table 1.3
time / days
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
dry mass
of 10 maize 22 20 17 12 10 8 11 13 14 15 17
seedlings / g
(i) Describe a method the students could have used to carry out this investigation.
(ii) Suggest why the students measured the dry mass instead of the mass including water in
their investigation.
[Total: 21]
2 (a) A group of students investigated the effect of two different exercises on the heart rate of ten
male and ten female students.
Before the first exercise, the pulse rate at rest was measured and the group then jumped on
the same spot for two minutes without moving their arms. Every two seconds an investigator
shouted jump.
After two minutes the pulse rate was measured and the students were allowed ten minutes to
Before the second exercise, the pulse rate at rest was measured again and the group was
asked to do a different exercise.
The students jumped on the same spot for two minutes lifting their arms above their head
as they jumped up and dropping their arms as they came down. Every two seconds an
investigator shouted ‘jump’.
Table 2.1
(i) Complete Table 2.1 by writing in the average pulse rate for all students after both forms
of exercise. [2]
(ii) Describe two variables in this investigation that have been controlled.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(iii) Explain why the students had to rest before carrying out the second exercise.
(iv) State one variable that cannot be controlled during the exercise and describe the effect
on the results of the investigation.
variable ..............................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2016 0610/62/O/N/16
(b) (i) Plot a bar chart of the data in Table 2.1, for both the male students and the female
students, on the grid.
(ii) State one similarity and one difference the effect of exercise has on males and females.
similarity ............................................................................................................................
difference ...........................................................................................................................
(c) Fig. 2.1 shows a photomicrograph of a cross section of an artery from a mammal.
Fig. 2.1
(i) Make a large diagram of this cross section to show the layers forming the wall of the
© UCLES 2016 0610/62/O/N/16
(ii) Measure the diameter of the lumen of the artery between points X and Y on Fig. 2.1.
Include the unit.
Draw a line in the same position on your drawing and measure the diameter of the lumen
on your drawing.
Calculate the magnification of your drawing using the equation given and your answers.
magnification ...............................................................
[Total: 19]
1 The lungs and the kidneys are part of the excretory system of mammals.
(a) (i) State the name of one substance that is excreted from the lungs and state where in the
body it is produced.
name .................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the name of one excretory substance, that is removed by the kidneys, that contains
name .................................................................................................................................
explanation ........................................................................................................................
(i) State the name of the structure within a kidney that filters the blood.
(ii) State two components of blood that do not pass through the filter.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(c) The filtrate which is formed from the blood in the kidneys contains many useful substances,
which are reabsorbed into the blood.
Fig. 1.1 is a photomicrograph of a cross-section of some of the cells that carry out reabsorption.
Fig. 1.1
(i) Complete the table by stating the letter in Fig. 1.1 that identifies each structure.
(iii) State the name of one part of the mammalian body other than the kidney that has cells
with microvilli.
(iv) The cells that line the kidney tubules, such as those in Fig. 1.1, absorb many compounds
from the filtrate.
Use Fig. 1.1 to explain how the cells are adapted for absorption.
[Total: 16]
2 A person who wanted to begin a fitness programme did some vigorous exercise.
A fitness trainer took a drop of blood from the person’s finger before, during and after vigorous
exercise and tested it for lactic acid.
(a) Explain why it is important that the equipment used for taking blood is clean (sterile).
(b) The results of the tests for lactic acid are shown in Fig. 2.1.
period of exercise
blood lactic
acid concentration
/ mmol dm–3 6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
time / min
Fig. 2.1
Describe and explain the changes in blood lactic acid concentration shown in Fig. 2.1.
(c) The concentration of lactic acid in the blood of two athletes was investigated. One athlete, P,
had been training and the other, Q, was returning to training after an injury.
Blood samples were taken from both athletes during a training session. The results are shown
in Fig. 2.2.
athlete Q
blood lactic 6
acid concentration athlete P
/ mmol dm–3 5
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
running speed / km h–1
Fig. 2.2
(i) The lactic acid threshold is the level of exercise where the lactic acid concentration
begins to increase exponentially.
P ................................................. km h–1
Q ................................................. km h–1
(ii) Suggest a reason for the difference in lactic acid threshold of athletes P and Q.
[Total: 14]
3 Tasmania is an island off the south coast of Australia. Sheep were introduced to Tasmania in the
nineteenth century.
Fig. 3.1 shows the population of sheep in Tasmania from 1820 to 1940. The dashed line shows
the trend in the population growth.
of 1.25
1.00 solid line = actual number
/ millions
of sheep
dashed line = trend line
1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940
Fig. 3.1
(a) Describe the trend in the population of sheep in Tasmania between 1820 and 1940, using the
information in Fig. 3.1.
(b) Explain the change in the trend of the population that you described in 3(a).
(c) The sheep that were first introduced to Tasmania were not well adapted to the environment.
Describe how farmers can use selective breeding to improve their sheep so that they are
better adapted to the environment.
[Total: 12]
4 The garden pea, Pisum sativum, is a plant which has flowers that have both male and female
parts. P. sativum is naturally self-pollinating.
The flowers of P. sativum that he studied were either purple or white. The gene that controls
flower colour has two alleles, B and b.
When Mendel crossed purple-flowered plants with white-flowered plants all the plants in the
next generation had purple flowers.
(i) Table 4.1 shows five genetic terms that can be applied to Mendel’s study of the
inheritance of flower colour.
Complete Table 4.1 by stating an example of each genetic term. The first one has been
completed for you.
Table 4.1
recessive allele
homozygous genotype
heterozygous genotype
(ii) Test crosses can be used to determine the genotype of a plant with purple flowers.
The genetic diagrams show test crosses for purple-flowered plants with two different
Complete the genetic diagrams for test cross 1 and test cross 2.
genotype Bb × ..................... BB × .....................
of gametes ....... ....... + ....... ....... ....... ....... + ....... .......
genotypes ....................................................... .......................................................................
phenotypes ..................................................... .......................................................................
(c) Pickerel weed, Pontederia cordata, is a plant that grows in shallow water on the edges of
ponds and lakes in North America.
A few seedlings of these plants are white. The white seedlings cannot make chlorophyll.
Table 4.2
number of offspring
green white
1 149 0
2 70 22
(i) Select suitable symbols for the alleles and state the possible genotypes of the parents
for each cross.
cross 1 ...............................................................................................................................
cross 2 ...............................................................................................................................
(ii) It is not possible to carry out a test cross with pickerel weed plants.
Suggest why.
[Total: 17]
5 Fig. 5.1 shows the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is a human pathogen.
Fig. 5.1
State two structural features that H. pylori shares with other prokaryotes.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(ii) State one natural body defence that is found in the stomach.
(d) The immune system is not very effective against pathogens, such as H. pylori, that live inside
the alimentary canal. This means that active immunity and passive immunity do not provide
complete protection against H. pylori infections.
[Total: 9]
6 Glucose is absorbed into the blood in the small intestine. Fig. 6.1 shows the human circulatory
system and the pathway taken by molecules, such as glucose, when they travel in the blood.
stomach &
muscles in
the legs
Fig. 6.1
(a) Complete Table 6.1 by naming the blood vessels labelled on Fig. 6.1 and stating whether
they contain oxygenated blood or deoxygenated blood. One row has been completed for you.
Table 6.1
letter on oxygenated or
name of the blood vessel
Fig. 6.1 deoxygenated blood
(c) Explain how blood flow in the skin helps to maintain a constant body temperature in very hot
[Total: 12]
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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 Starch is an important food source that is digested by the enzyme amylase to form the reducing
sugar maltose.
starch + water maltose
Some students investigated the effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of digestion of starch.
Step 2 5 cm3 of starch solution was put into each of test-tubes A, B and C.
Step 5 All six test-tubes were placed into a water-bath at 60 °C for three minutes.
Step 6 A white tile was divided into three sections and labelled A, B and C as shown in Fig. 1.1.
Step 7 Iodine solution was dropped onto the tile to form two rows of 10 drops approximately the
same distance apart, in each of the sections A, B and C as shown in Fig. 1.1.
drop of iodine solution
row 1
row 10
Fig. 1.1
Step 8 A glass rod was dipped into the starch solution in test-tube A to remove some of the
solution. The glass rod was then touched onto the surface of the first drop and then the
second drop of iodine solution in row 1 on the section of the tile labelled A. The glass rod
was rinsed and dried.
Step 9 Step 8 was repeated using the amylase solution in test-tube A1 and the drops of iodine
solution in row 2 on the section of the tile labelled A.
Step 10 A timer was started and the amylase solution in test-tube A1 was poured into test-tube A.
The mixture of starch and amylase in test-tube A was stirred with a glass rod and then
some of the mixture was immediately removed using the glass rod.
The glass rod was then touched onto the surface of the first drop and then the second
drop of iodine solution in row 3 on the section of the tile labelled A. The glass rod was
rinsed and dried.
Step 11 After one minute the glass rod was used to remove some of the mixture from test-tube A
and touched onto the first drop and then the second drop of the iodine solution in row 4
on the section of the tile labelled A. The glass rod was rinsed and dried.
A B C key
row 1 no starch
drops joined
row 10
Fig. 1.2
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(iii) The starch was digested into simple (reducing) sugars. Describe how you could test the
liquid in the test-tubes to show they contain reducing sugars.
(b) (i) State one variable that was kept constant in this investigation.
variable ..............................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain why all the test-tubes were left in the water-bath for three minutes before the
amylase was added to the starch.
(iii) Explain why step 9 was carried out before mixing the amylase and starch together.
(c) (i) Identify two sources of error in steps 10, 11 and 12.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
© UCLES 2017 0610/62/O/N/17
(ii) For one of the errors you identified in (c)(i), describe how the method could be improved
to reduce the error.
(d) In another experiment some students made starch agar that contained 100 mg per cm3 of
The starch agar was stained using iodine and was then cut into blocks that measured
2 cm × 3 cm × 0.5 cm.
(i) Calculate the total mass of starch in each of the blocks of starch agar.
Six small beakers containing 20 cm3 of 5% amylase solution were placed in water-baths at
different temperatures. One of the blocks containing starch from (d)(i) was placed into each
of the beakers.
The time taken for all the starch to disappear was measured.
Table 1.1
rate of reaction
temperature / °C time taken for starch to disappear / s
/ mg per s
20 1500 0.2
30 375 0.8
40 200 1.5
50 125 2.4
60 65 4.6
70 88
(ii) Complete Table 1.1 by writing in the rate of reaction at 70 °C. [1]
(iii) Plot a graph on the grid to show the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction.
[Total: 23]
2 Fig. 2.1 is a photomicrograph of the epidermis of a leaf. It shows epidermal cells, guard cells and
X chloroplast
cell wall
guard cell
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Complete table 2.1 to show two visible differences between epidermal cells and guard
(ii) Make a large drawing of the two guard cells and the stoma shown inside the box on
Fig. 2.1.
(b) Measure the total width of the guard cells and stoma along the line XY on Fig. 2.1.
Include the units.
Total width of the guard cells and stoma on Fig. 2.1 ...........................................
Draw a line on your drawing in the same position as the line XY.
Measure the width of the guard cells and stoma on your drawing. Include the units.
Total width of the guard cells and stoma on your drawing ...........................................
Show your working and give your answer to the nearest whole number.
© UCLES 2017 0610/62/O/N/17 [Turn over
(c) Fig. 2.2 shows the rate of water gain by absorption and the rate of water loss by transpiration
in a plant during a 24-hour period on a hot sunny day.
rate of water
loss or gain
/ g per unit time
06.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00 02.00 06.00
time of day
Fig. 2.2
Compare the trends shown in Fig. 2.2 for the absorption and transpiration of water during the
24-hour period.
(d) Fig. 2.3 shows the apparatus used to measure water uptake by a leafy shoot. The leafy shoot
is sealed tightly into a glass tube which is connected to a capillary tube containing water.
As the leafy shoot loses water through its leaves it absorbs water from the apparatus. Air is
pulled into the open end of the capillary tube as the water moves towards the leafy shoot.
The distance moved by the air in the capillary tube can be measured on the scale and used to
calculate the volume of water absorbed by the leafy shoot.
leafy shoot
open end of
the capillary tube
Fig. 2.3
Describe how you would use the apparatus in Fig. 2.3 to investigate the effect of temperature
OR humidity on the rate of water absorption by a leafy shoot.
[Total: 17]
1 Wetlands are important ecosystems. Researchers studied the feeding relationships between the
organisms in an area of wetland on the coast of Texas.
Fig. 1.1 shows part of the food web that they studied.
stone crab
marsh rice
mycid shrimp
Fig. 1.1
(a) Complete Table 1.1 by giving the name of one organism from the food web in Fig. 1.1 for
each row.
Table 1.1
secondary consumer
nitrogen gas in
the air
amino acids
plants nitrate ions
in plants
Fig. 1.2
(b) State the name of process A in Fig. 1.2 and give the type of organism that converts ammonium
ions to nitrate ions.
A ...............................................................................................................................................
(c) Describe how nitrate ions enter the roots of plants shown by arrow C on Fig. 1.2.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(d) State the name of the structure in plant cells where process D occurs.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(f) A pyramid of numbers for the wetland ecosystem showed that there were very large numbers
of organisms at the base of the pyramid and very few at the top.
Explain why.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 13]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows a dwarf sunflower and a tall sunflower, Helianthus annuus. The height of the dwarf
sunflower is 0.45 m and the height of the tall sunflower is 4.5 m.
Fig. 2.1
Dwarf plants like the one in Fig. 2.1 have mutant alleles.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Shoot growth in plants is controlled by auxins. An enzyme in shoot tips converts molecules of
an amino acid into auxins as shown in Fig. 2.2.
amino acid auxin
Fig. 2.2
Explain how a mutation in DNA results in an abnormal enzyme which does not catalyse the
reaction shown in Fig. 2.2.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
© UCLES 2018 0610/42/O/N/18 [Turn over
(c) Two tall sunflower plants were crossed. 25% of the offspring produced were dwarf.
Explain how it is possible for two tall parent plants to have this percentage of dwarf offspring.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) Fig. 2.3 shows how several strawberry plants can be formed from one parent plant.
parent plant
Fig. 2.3
(i) Explain the type of reproduction that produces plants by the method shown in Fig. 2.3.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
© UCLES 2018 0610/42/O/N/18
(ii) Explain the disadvantages of the type of reproduction shown in Fig. 2.3.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 12]
Fig. 3.1
(i) State one structural feature of xylem vessels and explain how this is related to the
function of water transport.
feature ...............................................................................................................................
explanation ........................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain the mechanism that is responsible for the movement of water in xylem vessels.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) The rate of transpiration is affected by several factors including the temperature and the
humidity of the air.
State and explain the effect of an increase in temperature on the rate of transpiration.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 10]
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(b) Two people, A and B, visited a doctor to discuss their similar symptoms. The doctor thought
that their blood glucose concentrations were not very well controlled. A glucose tolerance test
was carried out on both people.
A and B did not eat or drink anything other than water for eight hours before the test. They
then drank a glucose solution. Blood samples were taken at 30 minute intervals. The samples
were tested for glucose concentration.
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
time / minutes
Fig. 4.1
© UCLES 2018 0610/42/O/N/18
(i) Use Fig. 4.1 to state the blood glucose concentrations of A and B at 180 minutes.
(ii) Calculate the percentage increase in the blood glucose concentration in person A
between 60 and 90 minutes.
................ %
(iii) Describe how the response of person A differs from the response of person B in Fig. 4.1.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iv) Explain the results of the glucose tolerance test shown by person B.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 15]
red blood
Fig. 5.1
(a) Describe the differences in appearance and the roles of the three cells labelled in Fig. 5.1.
.............................................................................................................................................. [6]
platelets release an
prothrombin thrombin
Fig. 5.2
(i) Complete Fig. 5.2 by filling in the two empty boxes. [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Haemophilia is a sex-linked blood disorder in which blood takes a long time to clot. Fig. 5.3 is
a pedigree diagram showing the inheritance of haemophilia.
Fig. 5.3
The normal allele is represented by XH and the mutant allele is represented by Xh.
(i) State the genotypes of the people identified as P, Q and R in Fig. 5.3.
P ........................................................................................................................................
Q .......................................................................................................................................
R ........................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 15]
Fig. 6.1
(a) (i) State two features that are used to classify animals, such as the Galapagos iguana, as
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) State two features that are present in plant cells that are not present in the cells of
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Galapagos iguanas feed on seaweed which contains starch and other carbohydrates.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the names of two parts of the alimentary canal where starch is digested.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [5]
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 15]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 Fruit juice can be produced by crushing and squeezing fresh fruit. The juice produced in this way
is often cloudy.
The enzyme pectinase is used to produce clear fruit juice. This process is called clarification.
before after
Fig. 1.1
A student investigated the effect of pectinase concentration on the clarification of apple juice.
The student was provided with freshly prepared apple juice, water and a 5% pectinase solution.
Step 2 Syringes were used to add the volumes of water and 5% pectinase solution shown in
Table 1.1 to each of the test-tubes.
Table 1.1
(a) Calculate the final concentration of the pectinase solution in test-tube P3.
Show your working and write your answer, to one decimal place, in Table 1.1.
Step 3 5 cm3 of apple juice was added to each of test-tubes P1, P2, P3 and P4.
Step 4 The contents of each test-tube were carefully mixed using a glass rod.
Step 6 After five minutes, the height of the precipitate formed was measured using a ruler, as
shown in Fig. 1.2. If no precipitate had formed in the test-tube, it was recorded as ‘0’.
not to scale
Fig. 1.2
Step 7 After a further five minutes, the student repeated the measurement of the precipitates in
the test-tubes.
P1 P2 P3 P4
0 minutes
P1 P2 P3 P4
5 minutes
P1 P2 P3 P4
10 minutes
Fig. 1.3
(d) (i) State the variable that was changed (independent variable) in this investigation.
(ii) State two variables that should have been kept constant in this investigation.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
error ...................................................................................................................................
improvement .....................................................................................................................
“Treating fruit juice with pectinase reduces the vitamin C content of the fruit juice”.
© UCLES 2018 0610/62/O/N/18
Fig. 1.4
© UCLES 2018 0610/62/O/N/18 [Turn over
State the result you would expect for a positive test for starch.
[Total: 26]
2 A student investigated the number of petals on the flowers of two species of daisy, species A and
species B.
Fig. 2.1
The actual length of petal XY of the daisy in Fig. 2.1 was measured by the student as 5 mm.
The student collected 10 flowers from species A and 10 flowers from species B. They counted the
number of petals on each flower.
Fig. 2.2
(b) (i) Count the number of petals on flowers 9 and 10 in Fig. 2.2 and record the number of
petals in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
number of petals
flower number species A species B
1 16 7
2 15 5
3 13 5
4 20 6
5 20 6
6 15 7
7 17 5
8 15 6
9 6
10 5
average number of petals 17
© UCLES 2018 0610/62/O/N/18
Write your answer in Table 2.1. Give your answer to the nearest whole number.
(iii) Suggest one method that could be used to ensure that the counting of the number of
petals is accurate.
(c) Plot a bar chart on the grid of the average number of petals for species A and species B from
Table 2.1.
(d) State two reasons why the student should have repeated the investigation.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(e) The student noticed that insects fed on the nectar produced by the flowers.
(i) Describe the test that the student would use to find out if the nectar contains reducing
(ii) State one safety precaution that should be taken when carrying out the test for reducing
[Total: 14]
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
not to scale
Fig. 1.1
(i) State two features, visible in Fig. 1.1, that are common to all arthropods.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Fig. 1.2 is a dichotomous key for the arthropods shown in Fig. 1.1.
box 1 yes
animal has more than ten pairs of legs D
box 2 yes
box 3
Fig. 1.2
(b) The Hawaiian happy-face spider, Theridion grallator, is found on several of the Hawaiian
islands. Some of the spiders have a very distinctive pattern on their bodies as shown in
Fig. 1.3.
Fig. 1.3
(i) State one feature, visible in Fig. 1.3, that identifies T. grallator as an arachnid.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Scientists think that the pattern on the bodies of the spiders is an adaptive feature.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) DNA can be extracted from the webs of spiders. This DNA can be used to identify the species
of spider that made the web, and the species of prey caught in the web.
Explain how DNA extracted from spider webs can be used to identify different species.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
State three reasons why animal species such as spiders become endangered.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 13]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows part of a cross-section of the stem of a young sunflower plant.
area Y
Fig. 2.1
Label the xylem in the vascular bundle with the letter X. [2]
(b) Explain how the cells in area Y are able to support the stem so that it stays upright.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(c) Researchers used carbon dioxide that contained a traceable source of carbon (13C) to
investigate translocation of sucrose from the leaves of bean plants, Phaseolus vulgaris.
Fig. 2.2 shows that glucose produced in photosynthesis is converted to sucrose for
Fig. 2.2
Researchers selected four plants, Q, R, S and T, which had leaves that were of similar sizes.
The leaves on the four plants were supplied with 13CO2.
After the leaves had started to make sucrose, the researchers cut away a ring of tissue in
different places as shown in Fig. 2.3. The rings of tissue that were removed from plants R, S
and T contained the phloem.
Key: the positions on the stems where rings of tissue containing phloem were removed.
Fig. 2.3
The quantities of sucrose containing 13C in the shoot tips and in the roots were determined.
Table 2.1
Describe and explain the effect of removing the phloem on the translocation of sucrose in
plants Q, R, S and T.
............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 10]
3 Cells in the lining of the stomach secrete gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) There are stem cells in the epithelial tissue that forms the lining of the stomach.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) The epithelial cells of the small intestine have many microvilli.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(e) Lactobacillus is a type of bacterium. A study was carried out to investigate the ability of
Lactobacillus to attach to the epithelial cells that form the lining of the small intestine.
Researchers added Lactobacillus bacteria to epithelial cells that had been grown in Petri
Every 15 minutes, the researchers estimated the average number of bacteria that were
attached to the epithelial cells in the Petri dishes.
average number
of bacteria
attached to
epithelial cells
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
time / minutes
Fig. 3.1
Calculate the percentage increase in the average number of bacteria attached to epithelial
cells from 45 minutes to 75 minutes.
............................................................ %
[Total: 13]
4 (a) Explain how the human gas exchange system is protected against pathogens.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(b) Tuberculosis (TB) is a transmissible disease caused by a bacterial pathogen. The spread of
this disease can be controlled by vaccination.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) TB is a disease that can be treated with antibiotics. HIV infection cannot be treated with
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
© UCLES 2019 0610/42/O/N/19 [Turn over
(d) Lung cancer is a disease that is strongly linked with smoking tobacco.
Fig. 4.1 shows some data about smoking and lung cancer in country A between 1900 and
2020 (2020 data has been estimated):
percentage of population that smoke tobacco deaths from lung cancer per 100 000
male female male female
Fig. 4.1
(i) Describe the differences between the percentages of males and females in country A
that smoke as shown in Fig. 4.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Fig. 4.2 shows the same smoking statistics for country B between 1950 and 2020.
percentage of population that smoke tobacco deaths from lung cancer per 100 000
male female male female
Fig. 4.2
‘The changes in the percentage of the population that smoke tobacco, and the deaths
from lung cancer per 100 000, follow the same trends in males and in females.’
Use the information for country A in Fig. 4.1 and country B in Fig. 4.2 in your answer.
..................................................................................................................................... [6]
[Total: 19]
© UCLES 2019 0610/42/O/N/19 [Turn over
5 Grass plants are wind-pollinated. Fig. 5.1 shows a flower from a species of grass plant.
Fig. 5.1
(a) (i) Describe and explain how the features of the flower shown in Fig. 5.1 are adaptations for
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) State one letter in Fig. 5.1 that identifies a structure where meiosis occurs.
.................................... [1]
(b) Wheat has flowers similar to those in Fig. 5.1, but reproduces by self-pollination.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) Wheat is an important crop plant in many countries. Wheat can be infected by diseases
leading to total loss of the crop which results in famine.
Outline factors, other than plant diseases, that can cause famines.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
Plant breeders used two varieties of wheat to produce a variety of wheat that is both
rust-resistant and has a high yield.
Fig. 5.2
(i) Suggest how plant breeders make sure that the plants that they use for step 3 are
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Suggest why step 3 is repeated for many generations before the new rust-resistant
variety is made available for farmers to grow.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
State one feature of monocotyledons that can be used to distinguish them from dicotyledons.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 15]
carbon dioxide
feeding death
plants animals decomposers
Fig. 6.1
(a) Complete Table 6.1 by naming the processes labelled A to D in Fig. 6.1.
Table 6.1
letter on
name of the process in the carbon cycle
Fig. 6.1
(b) Complete the sentences by writing the missing words in the spaces.
in the atmosphere. Water vapour is the most common greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
activities over the past 200 years have contributed to the .................................................
greenhouse effect.
[Total: 10]
1 A student investigated the effect of the enzyme amylase on the breakdown of a starch suspension.
The starch suspension was placed inside a bag made from dialysis tubing.
starch reducing sugars
Dialysis tubing is made from a type of membrane that is partially permeable. Only small molecules
can pass through this membrane.
Step 1 Two large test-tubes were put into a water-bath. Each large test-tube contained 20 cm3
of distilled water. The temperature of the water-bath was 40 °C.
Step 2 A knot was tied at the end of one piece of dialysis tubing, to form a bag.
Step 3 5 cm3 of the starch suspension was put into the dialysis tubing bag.
Step 4 A clean syringe was used to put 5 cm3 of amylase solution into the dialysis tubing bag.
Step 5 The contents of the dialysis tubing bag were mixed well and the outside of the bag was
rinsed with distilled water.
Step 6 The student repeated steps 2 to 5 using 5 cm3 of distilled water in step 4 instead of the
amylase solution.
Step 7 The dialysis tubing bags were placed into the large test-tubes as shown in Fig. 1.1.
large test-tube
knotted end
Fig. 1.1
Step 8 Both large test-tubes were placed back into the water-bath and left for 10 minutes.
Step 9 After 10 minutes the dialysis tubing bags were removed from the two large test-tubes.
Step 10 The contents of the two large test-tubes and the two dialysis tubing bags were tested for
reducing sugars and starch.
(a) State the name of the solution that the student would use to test substances for starch.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Describe how the student would test substances for reducing sugars.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) Suggest why the outside of the dialysis tubing bag was rinsed in Step 5.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
The student’s observations for the starch and reducing sugar tests in step 10 are shown in Fig. 1.2.
test-tube 1 contents:
starch test colour was brown
reducing sugar test colour was orange
test-tube 2 contents:
starch test colour was brown
reducing sugar test colour was blue
Fig. 1.2
(d) (i) Prepare a table and record the results of the starch and reducing sugar tests from
Fig. 1.2 in the space provided.
(ii) State three conclusions for the results shown in Fig. 1.2.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(e) State two variables that were kept constant during this investigation.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
(f) Plan an investigation using dialysis tubing to determine the effect of temperature on the
activity of the enzyme amylase.
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
(g) The student wanted to find out if the amylase enzyme passed through the dialysis tubing into
the large test-tube. Amylase is made of protein.
Describe how the student could find out if the solution in the large test-tube contained protein.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 20]
2 An investigation was performed to determine the effect of light intensity on leaf size in one species
of plant.
Plants were grown in three different light intensities. The maximum width of each leaf was
recorded. The results were recorded in Table 2.1 and an average value was calculated.
The results for three leaves grown in high light intensity are shown in Fig. 2.1. The horizontal line
on each leaf indicates its maximum width.
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Measure the widths of leaves 6, 7 and 8 in Fig. 2.1 and record these values in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
(ii) Calculate the average width of the leaves grown in a high light intensity in Table 2.1.
Record this value in Table 2.1.
(iii) Plot a bar chart on the grid of the average leaf width for leaves grown in low, medium
and high light intensity using the data in Table 2.1.
(iv) Circle one measurement in Table 2.1 that could be considered to be anomalous.
reason ...............................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) (i) State the variable that was changed in this investigation (the independent variable).
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the variable that was measured in this investigation (the dependent variable).
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Fig. 2.2
(i) Make a large drawing of the cross-section of the root in Fig. 2.2 to show the different
areas of the root.
© UCLES 2019 0610/62/O/N/19
magnification ×20
Fig. 2.3
State two differences between the root in Fig. 2.2 and the stem in Fig. 2.3.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(d) A student suggested that measuring leaf area is better than measuring leaf width.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Suggest why measuring leaf area is better than measuring leaf width.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 20]
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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 (a) Sensitivity is one of the characteristics of life. The eye is one of the major sense organs of
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
ciliary muscle
suspensory ligaments
Fig. 1.1
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
Fig. 1.2
(ii) Complete Fig. 1.2 by drawing the shape of the lens and the light rays from the object to
the retina. [3]
(iii) Describe the roles of the ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments in focusing on a
distant object, as shown in Fig. 1.1.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) The eye also controls the amount of light that enters the pupil.
Fig. 1.3
Describe the changes that occur in the eye when the light becomes bright, as shown in
Fig. 1.3.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(d) The change shown in Fig. 1.3 occurs automatically without thought.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 15]
2 Fig. 2.1 is a vertical section of a human molar tooth and surrounding structures.
Fig. 2.1
A ...............................................................................................................................................
B ...............................................................................................................................................
C ...............................................................................................................................................
D ...............................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
Fig. 2.2
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
[Total: 11]
Fig. 3.1
Table 3.1
secondary consumer
(b) Fig. 3.2 shows the flow of energy through a food chain. The size of each box represents the
energy available in each trophic level, numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4.
level 2
respiration trophic
level 3
Z respiration
level 4
Fig. 3.2
(i) State the term given to the group of organisms represented by Z in Fig. 3.2.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Explain, with reference to Fig. 3.2, why food chains usually have fewer than five trophic
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
Fig. 3.3
(i) Describe the negative impact on an ecosystem of the intensive production of livestock,
such as chickens.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Forests are cleared for farmland. Deforestation can lead to a loss of soil (soil erosion).
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 15]
4 (a) Yeast cells have many structures in common with a plant cell.
cell wall
Fig. 4.1
(i) State the names of the cell structures labelled A and D on Fig. 4.1.
A ........................................................................................................................................
D ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the functions of the cell structures labelled B and C on Fig. 4.1.
B ........................................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................................
(iii) State the name of one structure that is found in plant cells but is absent in yeast cells.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
maize plants
enzyme S
enzyme T
process U in anaerobic
Fig. 4.2
S ........................................................................................................................................
T ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Yeast is used in process U. Complete the balanced chemical equation for anaerobic
respiration in yeast.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iv) Carbon dioxide may be collected from process U and sold for use in glasshouses.
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
[Total: 16]
5 (a) The activities of the ovaries and the uterus are regulated by the hormones FSH, LH, oestrogen
and progesterone during the menstrual cycle.
Complete Table 5.1 to show the sites of production and the roles of these four hormones.
Table 5.1
hormone site of production role
progesterone uterus
(b) Fig. 5.1 shows the changes in the lining of the uterus of a human female.
thickness of
the lining of
the uterus
0 7 14 21 28 7 14
day of menstrual cycle
Fig. 5.1
Describe the changes in the lining of the uterus between days 0 and 28 of the menstrual
Artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are two methods of fertility treatment.
artificial insemination
collection of
in vitro fertilisation
collection of
collection of
not to scale
Fig. 5.2
Describe the similarities and differences between the two processes of fertility treatment
shown in Fig. 5.2.
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 14]
base pair
base A
Fig. 6.1
(a) (i) State the letter of the base that pairs with A.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) Fig. 6.2 shows a plant tissue in which cells are dividing by mitosis.
Fig. 6.2
State what happens to the chromosomes in cell H before mitosis takes place and state
why it is necessary.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
State the structures that will form between the nuclei so that the cell divides into two
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 9]
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reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
1 A student investigated the effect of temperature on the rate of rising of bread dough.
Step 1 The student made bread dough by mixing water, sugar, yeast and flour in a beaker.
Step 2 The student used their hands to divide the dough into two pieces of similar size.
Step 3 The student placed one piece of dough into a transparent plastic cup labelled C and one
piece into a transparent plastic cup labelled W. They pushed each piece of dough to the
bottom of the cup.
Step 4 The student measured the height of the dough in each cup. They took their measurement
from the base of the cup to the highest point of the dough.
Step 5 The student put cup C into a cool water-bath and cup W into a warm water-bath. The
cups were left in the water-baths for 10 minutes.
Step 6 After 10 minutes the cups were removed from the water-baths. The maximum height of
the dough in cup C and in cup W was measured.
(a) (i) Fig. 1.1 shows the height of the dough in each cup in step 4 and step 6.
Step 4
plastic cup
bread dough
Step 6
Fig. 1.1
Prepare a table to record the results of this investigation in the space provided.
Measure the maximum height of the dough in each cup in Fig. 1.1.
Draw lines on Fig. 1.1 to show where you took each of these measurements.
(ii) Calculate the change in the height of the dough in cup C and in cup W between step 4
and step 6.
C ................................................................
W ............................................................... [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) Identify the independent variable (the variable that was changed) in this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(v) Identify the dependent variable (the variable that was measured) in this investigation.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) (i) Identify one possible source of error in step 2 and describe how the method could be
improved to avoid this error.
error ...................................................................................................................................
improvement .....................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain why a more valid conclusion can be made by comparing the change in heights
rather than the final heights of the dough.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) State the test that could be used to show that starch was present in a sample of bread dough.
test ............................................................................................................................................
(d) The dough mixture in step 1 contained 50 g of flour, 3 g of sugar and 2 g of yeast. Carbon
dioxide gas is produced when yeast respires. The gas causes the dough to rise.
(i) State the name of an indicator which could be used to show that the gas is carbon
dioxide and give the positive test result for this indicator.
indicator .............................................................................................................................
(ii) Plan an investigation to determine the effect of the mass of sugar on the volume of
carbon dioxide produced by a yeast suspension.
..................................................................................................................................... [6]
[Total: 21]
2 Fig. 2.1 is a photomicrograph showing several cells from an Elodea sp. aquatic plant.
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Draw a large diagram of the cell labelled A in Fig. 2.1.
magnification ×1200
Fig. 2.2
length of PQ ................................................. mm
Calculate the actual length of the cell using the formula and your measurement.
length of line PQ
magnification =
actual length of cell
(b) A student investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea sp.
They changed the light intensity by placing a light source at different distances from the plant.
The student counted the number of bubbles of oxygen produced in three minutes.
Table 2.1
(i) Calculate the rate of bubble production when the light source was 120 cm from the plant.
(ii) Plot a line graph on the grid to show the relationship between the distance of the light
source from the plant and the rate of bubble production.
(iii) Estimate, using your graph, the rate of bubble production per minute if the distance from
the light source was 170 cm.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(v) The student repeated the experiment described in 2(b) at a higher temperature. The
student left the plant for ten minutes at the new temperature before starting to measure
the rate of bubble production.
Suggest why the student waited for ten minutes before taking measurements.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(vi) Table 2.1 shows that when the light source was 140 cm from the plant, the rate of
bubble production was 88 bubbles per minute at the original temperature. At the higher
temperature, the rate of bubble production when the light source was 140 cm from the
plant was 122 bubbles per minute.
Calculate the percentage change in the number of bubbles when the temperature was
............................................................ %
[Total: 19]
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publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.