Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward For The Charcoal Briquette Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa
Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward For The Charcoal Briquette Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa
Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward For The Charcoal Briquette Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa
Opportunities, challenges and way forward for the charcoal briquette industry
in Sub-Saharan Africa
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3 authors:
Maurice Pigaht
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Opportunities, challenges and way forward for the charcoal briquette industry in
Sub-Saharan Africa
Tuyeni H. Mwampamba a,⁎, Matthew Owen b, Maurice Pigaht c
Centro de Investigaciónes en Ecosistemas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Campus Morelia, Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 870, Col. Ex-Hacienda de San José de La Huerta,
C.P. 58190, Morelia Michoacán, Mexico
Chardust Ltd., P.O. Box 24371, Karen 00502, Nairobi, Kenya
MARGE Consulting, Franz-Henle Strasse 9, 65929 Frankfurt, Germany
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Charcoal briquettes are solid fuel made from carbonized biomass, or densified biomass that is subsequently
Received 13 August 2012 carbonized. In spite of clear advantages of charcoal briquettes that include price, burn time, environmental
Revised 12 October 2012 sustainability and potential for product standardization, their uptake as a substitute for wood charcoal in
Accepted 12 October 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains very limited. By analyzing the experiences of pioneer charcoal briquette
Available online 22 November 2012
producers in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania, we identify factors limiting the growth of the industry
in the region and make recommendations for how to address these challenges. Our analysis shows that wide-
Biomass waste spread adoption of charcoal briquettes is unlikely to have a significant effect on demand for wood charcoal
Briquettes within SSA, as has been the case in many Asian countries. To date, the availability of charcoal briquettes
Carbonization has displaced only small volumes of charcoal demand and has increased the energy options for limited con-
Charcoal sumer groups within niche markets. Limiting factors for the industry include prevailing low prices of wood
Sub-Saharan Africa charcoal, punitive legal and fiscal requirements for briquette producers, and supply-driven (versus
market-led) approaches to industry development. Policy, technical and marketing interventions are pro-
posed to address these barriers and stimulate more widespread production and use of charcoal briquettes
in the region. Our recommendations include marketing studies to better understand consumer preferences
in fuel and stove attributes, better enforcement of existing forestry and charcoal regulations, reduced regula-
tory hurdles for registering new briquette businesses, targeted tax exemptions, and expansion of consump-
tion to new industrial and other consumers.
© 2012 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction be converted to gas. Direct use of biomass for fuel is justifiable when
the source of waste is close to the point of energy production or use.
Large volumes of biomass residues are generated annually in devel- As distances between sources and sites of end-use increase, compacting
oping countries as by-products of the commercial forestry, agricultural waste into uniform blocks (e.g. as briquettes or as pellets) lowers trans-
and industrial sectors (Njenga et al., 2009; Sugumaran and Seshadri, portation costs, facilitates handling and increases access to more distant
2010). These residues (e.g., rice, coconut and coffee husks, nut shells, markets.
wood shavings, charcoal fines and sawdust) are often considered Briquetting is the process of converting low bulk density biomass
‘waste products’ and are either burned without heat recovery or left into high density and energy-concentrated fuel. Cohesion is achieved
to rot in situ, subsequently emitting greenhouse gasses (GHG) and by low pressure agglomeration with the use of binders (e.g. molas-
causing other environmental problems. Estimates from Sub-Saharan ses), medium pressure compaction with a lower binder percentage,
Africa (SSA) indicate that as much as 1000 million tonnes (Mt) and or high pressure compaction with little or no binder. The main benefit
140 Mt are generated annually from the forestry and agricultural sec- of compacting biomass is to increase energy density (the amount of
tors, respectively (Dasappa, 2011). Most of these residues are usable useful energy per unit of volume). Energy density can be increased
as fuel, directly or indirectly, and salvaging them for this purpose pre- further by carbonizing the biomass before or after compaction.
vents unnecessary burning, burying or storage. Rice and coconut Carbonization entails conversion of the biomass into carbon through
husks, sugarcane bagasse, and sawdust can be used directly to fire pyrolysis i.e., subjecting the biomass to high temperature, low oxygen
brick kilns or boilers for generating electricity through steam, or can conditions. Torrefaction is an intermediate option that consists of
slow heating of biomass in an inert atmosphere at lower tempera-
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 443 3222704; fax: +52 443 3222719.
tures than for conventional pyrolysis. Carbonization of biomass resi-
E-mail addresses: tuyeni@cieco.unam.mx (T.H. Mwampamba), dues almost doubles the energy value per unit of weight – with
briquettes@chardust.com (M. Owen), mpigaht@marge.eu (M. Pigaht). bio-char having a calorific value of 25–30 MJ/kg, compared to around
0973-0826/$ – see front matter © 2012 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170 159
15 MJ/kg for unprocessed biomass (Meyer, 2009) – and gives bri- Before there can be a more profound turnaround of trends in SSA, a
quettes a charcoal-like appearance, hence the terms ‘charcoal bri- better understanding is needed of why production and adoption in the
quettes’ or ‘biocoal’. region have been sluggish. Many opportunities for large-scale adoption
Charcoal briquettes have numerous applications ranging from of briquettes appear to exist, including opportunities that were not
domestic use for cooking and heating to space heating in the poultry available to Asian producers when they were developing their
industry (Table 1). In Europe, the USA and other developed countries, briquetting industry. But at the same time, numerous SSA-specific
briquettes are used domestically, mainly for barbecues. In Asia, bri- barriers exist for widespread adoption and large-scale production of
quette application is more diverse; briquettes are used for domestic briquettes. Assessing some of these opportunities in light of the chal-
cooking, firing of boilers (e.g. in laundry facilities), heating of water lenges and limitations of briquetting initiatives in the region face, can
in tea shops, and and cooking in small restaurants. In SSA, the uptake help identify appropriate solutions and approaches for improving the
of charcoal briquettes is far more limited in scale, but nevertheless status quo. In this paper, we point to oft-cited ‘perfect’ opportunities
covers a diverse range of applications such as for heating in poultry for briquetting and discuss why briquette producers in the region
houses, heating water for the hospitality industry, fuelling outdoor have not been able to fully profit from these. Using the experiences of
braziers in dining areas, meeting the demands of the growing seven (7) briquetting initiatives in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwan-
middle-class barbecue market and, to some extent, providing a do- da, we review factors that producers identify as limitations to more
mestic cooking fuel. widespread production and use of briquettes in the region. Shared chal-
Historically, and in the industrial world, the rationale for producing lenges permit identification of common barriers, and recommendations
briquettes was primarily economic, i.e., to salvage unused waste and to for overcoming them.
convert it to marketable fuel that can be transported over long distances.
The first known patents for briquetting technology were taken out in the
mid-1800s in the USA (Greenfields Coal, 2012), when high prices of coal
required more efficient use of the waste products from mining. During
Basic information about existing briquetting initiatives in East
World War II, under the impact of fuel shortages, briquetting of other
Africa was obtained from four main sources: 1) responses to a brief
waste materials such as sawdust became widespread in Europe, America
questionnaire sent to known producers and projects in the region,
and Japan. However, with poor binders to hold the fines together, coal
2) reports and information available on the web, 3) direct verbal
briquettes tended to be irregularly shaped and brittle, and crumbled
communication with project or company staff, and 4) direct experi-
during transportation or from exposure to weather. After the War, the
ence with the industry on the part of two of the authors (MO and
availability of cheap hydrocarbon fuels practically squeezed briquettes
MP). Opportunities for the industry were identified through a litera-
out of the industrial market, although demand has persisted for domes-
ture review and by a general assessment of what producers identify
tic barbecues (Eriksson and Prior, 1990).
as key reasons for participating in the briquetting business.
More recently, and particularly in Asia and Africa, briquetting has
Challenges for briquetting were identified through a STEEP (i.e.,
been motivated by a desire to mitigate energy loss, air pollution and
social, technical, environmental, economic, political) analysis, a useful
greenhouse gas emissions associated with inefficient burning or dispos-
approach in business for identifying the conditions under which an in-
al of biomass residues. In SSA, where evidence exists that forests have
dustry operates and for evaluating the conduciveness of those condi-
been degraded and cleared for charcoal (Chidumayo and Gumbo,
tions to business success (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2002). A STEEP
2013-this issue), growing interest in briquettes increasingly reflects
analysis is an expansion of traditional cost-benefit analysis approaches
concerns with the unsustainability of traditional, forest-based wood
(Amer and Daim, 2011). It entails a multi-perspective investigation
charcoal production systems and the imminent need for alternative
into the influence of conditions on an industry, allowing an entrepre-
fuels. The juxtaposition of unsustainable charcoal production and the
neur to develop appropriate strategies that guarantee success. The liter-
availability of large volumes of biomass residues, with the knowledge
ature and the experiences of East Africa's briquette producers were
that demand for charcoal in the region continues to grow in direct re-
reviewed in order to identify common challenges that might highlight
sponse to urbanization, appear to provide the ideal landscape for
appropriate strategies for expanding the industry in SSA.
large-scale promotion of briquettes (Mwampamba, 2007). Yet, few via-
In addition to asking producers to identify challenges for the in-
ble briquetting industries have been established in the region. Instead,
dustry, they were also asked to list potential solutions for resolving
large-scale charcoal briquette production in the developing world is
them. In those cases where project information was obtained from
mostly an Asia phenomenon. Indeed, the leading producers of bri-
online documents, the listed solutions were drawn from the same
quettes and briquetting equipment outside Europe, Japan and the
United States are China and India.
Also missing are the numerous single-location, small-scale initiatives institutions (such as schools or hospitals) to consider (Agbemabiese et
that pepper the region, such as the Ruubare School Project in Uganda. al., 2012), or do not provide an acceptable charcoal substitute.
The industry leader in the region is Chardust Ltd. in Nairobi, which The second opportunity embedded in the above observation
began operations in 1999. The East African Briquetting Co. Ltd. recognizes the environmental and sustainability attributes desired
(EABCL) in Tanga was a 2005 spin-off, to which Chardust Ltd provid- of modern energy. Uptake of briquettes can help achieve wider
ed start-up technical assistance. Cassandra Ltd. was registered in objectives — such as curbing the contribution that conventional
Rwanda in 2010 and is part-owned by the shareholders of Chardust charcoal makes to forest degradation and deforestation, and by offer-
Kenya, with local and international partners. There are also now ing renewability for sustainable energy security. Indeed, the sales
four or five operations in Nairobi with similar production model to pitch for briquettes among East Africa's producers plays strongly on
Chardust, though none yet has the capacity or market to consistently this; briquettes are frequently advertised as ‘environment friendly’
produce more than 10 t per month. The main raw material of these or as ‘eco-charcoal’. This pre-supposes that environmental con-
large-scale briquette producers with factory-based operations has sciousness is high among targeted consumers and that issues of sus-
been charcoal dust and fines obtained from urban charcoal vendors. tainability are factored into their decision-making.
Consequently, the operations are located in urban and peri-urban The third embedded opportunity is founded upon the expected
areas. ease of adoption of briquettes by users relative to other alternative
Following a different production model, another briquetting opera- fuels. Briquettes are marketed as an alternative to charcoal on the
tion in Tanzania is managed by the NGO Appropriate Rural Technology basis that they can be used for the same applications without signifi-
Institute (ARTI). ARTI was awarded a World Bank grant to commercial- cant changes in cooking or handling behavior (Table 2). Moreover, in
ize briquetting based on the carbonization of agricultural residues in oil contrast with a shift to LPG or kerosene, ‘upgrading’ to briquettes is
drums, which are mixed with binders and densified using modified elec- promoted as a relatively cheap option because it does not require
tric meat mincers. This ‘waste to wealth’ project has trained and provid- the purchase of a new stove. This can be a particularly attractive op-
ed basic equipment to 720 people in 24 villages located in two districts tion for charcoal users who wish to make a fuel switch within mini-
around Dar es Salaam (the country's largest city) (ARTI, 2012). A similar mum changeover cost.
carbonization model is employed in Kenya's Coast Province by Wild Liv- Regardless of the apparent opportunity, the upfront costs required
ing Resources and by the Wildlife Works Carbon Project, both of which to set up and operate a briquetting facility are often prohibitive to
have trained villagers in the production of briquettes at household potential entrepreneurs. With the exception of one or two companies,
level using crop residues and twigs from tree pruning. These operations most producers in East Africa obtained start-up financing partially or
use manual presses to produce briquettes from the char. ARTI and Wild fully through donor funding and grants (Table 3). A key reason for clo-
Living Resources are partly donor-financed, while Wildlife Works is pur- sure of most briquetting operations is the inability to generate sufficient
suing briquetting as part of a leakage reduction strategy under a Re- revenues from the single revenue stream of briquetting to maintain a
duced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) carbon production facility. Supplementing revenues by making multiple uses
initiative (Wildlife Works, personal communication, 2012). Raw mate- of facilities or by engaging in other enterprises simultaneously is typical
rials for the ARTI project include a wide range of biomass waste available among the region's producers. Compliance and voluntary carbon mar-
in rural, urban and peri-urban areas, such as agricultural waste, sawdust, kets may present an opportunity – albeit with limited potential – to pro-
wood shavings, coconut husks, and drift wood. Wildlife Works has been vide a supplementary revenue stream from sales of carbon credits.
using twigs from tree pruning activities carried out in its REDD-linked The true potential for briquettes has not been fully explored in the
reforestation projects. region partially because – at policy level – biomass energy tends to be per-
Somewhat similar to the ARTI operation, the 18-month Western ceived as a non-modern fuel to be gradually phased out from national
Uganda Charcoal Briquette project focuses on small-scale home pro- energy portfolios (World Bank, 2011). Nevertheless, a number of
duction with the aim of providing alternative incomes in rural areas, Sub-Saharan African countries have been experiencing energy crises,
using biomass residues generated from agriculture (Kagere, 2012). resulting in severe power shortages and electricity rationing. The crises
The main difference is that the government runs and implements have not only highlighted the poor state of existing infrastructure for gen-
the Ugandan project (through the Uganda National Council for Sci- erating electricity, but also the poor management of the energy sector as a
ence and Technology with a grant of USD 253,000 from the Islamic whole. These crises provide renewed opportunities to re-visit national en-
Development Bank), whereas ARTI is an NGO. The project is called ergy policies and strategies, and to redefine what is needed to achieve en-
“Transfer and Commercialization of Charcoal Manufacturing Technol- ergy security. Included in this is the opportunity to explore the true place
ogy for Farmers and Entrepreneurs in Uganda” and was launched in and potential for charcoal briquettes in the region, and to develop the pol-
March 2011. Its success is yet to be determined, since the focus at icy environment necessary for the industry to prosper. In response to the
the time of the first publically available monitoring and evaluation re- energy crises, some SSA countries have been re-evaluating their energy
port was on the training of farmers in briquetting technology. Raw policies to develop biomass energy strategies (BEST) (Owen et al.,
material in this rural project consists of crop residues gathered from 2013-this issue). These strategies are meant to (i) ensure a sustainable
agricultural fields (Table 3). supply of biomass energy, (ii) increase efficient and effective use of bio-
mass energy, and (ii) promote access to appropriate, alternative sources
Opportunities for briquetting in Sub-Saharan Africa of energy. Briquetting in general, but charcoal briquettes in particular,
could contribute to attaining all of these objectives within the framework
Approximately 80% to 90% of urban households in the region depend of more realistic, pragmatic and biomass-oriented energy policies.
on unsustainable sources of charcoal for cooking and heating. Three im- As an adaptation to the electrical energy scarcity that pervades
portant opportunities for producers are embedded in this observation. much of SSA, industry, businesses and some households are increasing-
The first is economic and addresses market security, i.e., there is poten- ly shifting to independent sources for generating power. This often
tially a large and growing demand for conventional charcoal that bri- results in a switch from grid-supplied power to individual diesel gener-
quettes could tap into. It is now generally accepted that even if rates of ators. Though ensuring consistent end-user supply, this generally in-
electrification in the region improve, this will do little to address the creases costs and thus presents an entry opportunity for briquettes as
demand for meeting cooking energy requirements (Bhattacharyya, a substitute in niche applications where electricity is currently used.
2006; Ramadhan and Ganesh, 1993). Additionally, alternative cooking For example, in heating water for scattered points of demand – such
fuels such as kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and ethanol- as stand-alone cabins or tents within a tourist facility – where this func-
based fuels are either too expensive for most households and public tion is currently served by diesel-generated electricity or generator
T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170 161
Table 3
Description of the main charcoal briquetting enterprises in East Africa. The summary is not exhaustive.
Chardust Ltd. Cassandra Ltd. East Africa Motomoto ARTI Wildlife works Western
briquette Co. Ltd. REDD project Uganda IDB
Location Nairobi, Kenya Kigali, Rwanda Tanga, Tanzania Iringa, Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Maungu, Kenya 5 districts in
(ARTI-Energy) Western
Description of Private company Kenyan-Rwandan Private company Private company Social-enterprise approach: Sustainable Government
operation manufacturing private joint manufacturing manufacturing briquettes rural project ‘Waste to Wealth’ “eco-charcoal” operated
charcoal venture using charcoal from saw dust; chardust using portable Kilns. Provide production project to train
briquettes from agglomeration briquettes from added to fertilizers and training and equipment for and equip
salvaged urban salvaged urban improved soil products small to medium-scale farmers to
charcoal waste charcoal waste produced in same factory production of char powder produce
Year of first 1999 2011 (trials) 2003 2006 2007 2011 (testing) 2011 (trials)
Main raw Charcoal dust and Charcoal dust Charcoal dust and Saw dust from saw mill Agriculture waste, including Shrub/tree Agricultural
material fines salvaged and fines fines salvaged owned by parent company sawdust clippings waste: bean,
from urban salvaged from from urban maize, millet,
traders charcoal vendors traders groundnut
and restaurants stalks and
maize cobs
Model for Use own lorries Sub-contracted Pay cash for Use own lorries to collect Purchase of char-powder at a Selective Free or bought
obtaining and employees to collectors and charcoal dust material from saw mill per kilo rate from a network of pruning of from
raw collect material. some agreements delivered to (produce wood charcoal at charcoal powder producers shrubs and trees surrounding
material Cash paid to with sources factory, further to same factory with scrap from own farmers
suppliers on float test to wood) plantation
volumetric basis determine quality (reforestation
grade REDD project)
Main Poultry industry; Middle class Institutional Poultry industry; subsistence-consumption, Local Some local
markets restaurants, residential users kitchens; tourist food vendors; tourist urban consumers, institutions, communities, domestic use,
hotels and tourist and restaurants lodges, poultry facilities lodges and mostly bought
camps; farmers, lime hotels by Kampala
supermarkets for factory and camps consumers
domestic use
Year 1 100 t in 2000 10 t in 2011 Data not available Data not available Less than 10 t in 2011 — scaling Due to start large 1.25 t from
output (t) (trials only) up in 2012 scale in August training and
2012 test period
Output in Linear increase to Production halted Approx. 300 t Production halted Production picking up. Data not yet Data not yet
subsequent approx. 2000 t in due to low sales Some groups producing available available
years (t) 2005. Maintained 300–500 kg/day
since then
Size of 5 permanent staff, 5 permanent staff Approx. 15 staff b5 staff 720 people in 24 villages 10 people. 154 people
workforce 70–80 casuals trained Currently, trained
expansion to
50–100 from
August 2012
Source of Fully private Fully private Private and donor Fully private World Bank Grant enabled Private funds Grant from
funding boost in Waste to Wealth from sale of Islamic
project carbon credits Development
at least one in-house, skilled technician. Given the limited experience charcoal dust and fines by charcoal makers and traders. Not surprisingly,
with briquetting equipment available in the region, this may require hir- high ash content is also the number one complaint among consumers. In
ing an expert from abroad. In addition to the factory installation, drying Asia, ash content is less problematic because different properties of bri-
space seems to be a shared challenge, regardless of the scale or operation. quettes are deemed desirable for specific applications, and higher prices
All producers cite scarcity of drying space and difficulties with drying in are acceptable in exchange for uniformity and consistency. In SSA, howev-
the rainy season as factors limiting the scale and consistency of produc- er, the market generally demands a direct performance substitute for
tion. For producers dependent on agricultural residues and seasonal raw wood charcoal and a lower price, a dual objective that has been difficult
materials (usually home-based industries), the rainy season automatical- for producers to deliver.
ly implies lower productivity or even temporary closure of operations. Technological challenges in the briquetting business extend to
Besides inhibitive costs related to importing machinery and expertise, end-user factors. The tendency in the region has been to market bri-
and facilities for all-weather drying, the industry faces technological chal- quettes as an alternative to wood charcoal on the assumption that
lenges to the consistent manufacture of high quality briquettes. In the existing charcoal stoves are adequate for briquettes. Fuel handling
case of East Africa, where the dominant marketing approach has been habits such as shaking or poking the charcoal to improve aeration or
to substitute briquettes for wood charcoal, developing near-identical using water to extinguish the fire are inappropriate for briquettes,
products has been especially difficult. An oft-cited challenge for producers which tend to disintegrate when handled this way. If users are not
is to bring ash content below 17% in order to improve briquettes' burning aware of appropriate handling (either through demonstrations, instruc-
properties and durability (Table 2), and to give the product export poten- tions from retailers or information on the packaging), this can be a dis-
tial. High ash content is attributed to contamination of raw material with couraging experience for a first-time user, who will deem the briquettes
non-biomass waste (usually soil), due to poor handling and treatment of a poor alternative fuel and is unlikely to try them again. Without
T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170 163
Table 4
Summary of factors affecting the charcoal briquette industry in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Technological Many technological options available for all scales of For large scale production, machinery (and parts) must be imported
production (often from India or China)
Machines can deal with most types of biomass waste (single A highly skilled technician needed to adjust machine settings to local
producer could handle multiple type of raw material) conditions
Potential to co-generate electricity and gas May require design of stoves more appropriate for briquettes
Economic Voluntary carbon market or clean development Marketing of new product is expensive and benefits the competition
mechanism: potential to earn carbon credits from avoided High capital costs for medium to large scale production
emissions In some cases (for agricultural waste), only seasonal supply of
Cheap (in some cases free) biomass waste biomass
Place value on waste and creation of new product
Diversification of national energy portfolios
Environmental and Health Climate change mitigation requires implementation of all Requires consistent supply of nearby biomass waste
viable methods for decreasing GHG emissions Indoor pollution improvement advantage over lump wood charcoal
Use of waste that otherwise is unused, or disposed of in rivers, not sufficiently large to shift lump wood consumer to briquettes
or burned, especially in urban areas Closed indoor cooking with briquettes still not viable — carbon
Briquette industry still viable under sustainable forestry monoxide poisoning
Briquettes could replace unsustainable charcoal and
firewood production systems
Decrease air pollution indoors and outdoors
Political and Legal International climate change policies such as REDD+ and Contradicting policies on the role of biomass energy in national
CDM for avoided deforestation and clean development energy portfolios (unclear which policies and ministries would
technologies; address briquettes)
Increased national interest in diversification of the energy Lack of cohesion among producers (e.g., to share cost of marketing or to
portfolio; lobby for more favorable policy conditions)
Availability of funds to conduct National Biomass Energy Absence of products standards — it is easy to put on the market
Strategies (BEST); low-quality briquettes that can completely destroy user's trust of all
International Year of Sustainable energy for all (opportunity similar products [especially when it is a new product on the market]
to explore future energy options);
Global tendency among developed nations towards substi-
tution of fossil fuels with biomass
Social & Cultural Desire for cheap, reliable, and clean energy — particularly Inherent unwillingness to change cooking practices;
in urban areas Power relations: final user (the cook) may not have decision making
Important similarities with charcoal such that shifting to power to determine which fuels are utilized at household level (“maid
briquettes requires least ‘dramatic’ behavioral culture theory”)
adjustments Upgrading to electricity and gas are more desirable improvements (in
Some awareness and desire for sustainable/forest-friendly urban households) that shift from wood charcoal to briquettes
charcoal alternative Improving energy options in the household not a priority: contentment
Energy crisis in many Sub-Saharan countries — increased with existing conditions
realization there is need to expand energy options and to in- Few marketing studies exist to fully understand consumer preferences
clude biomass in national energy portfolios;
Provide employment and labor in production areas and along
the supply chain
significant intervention in the development of appropriate stoves and At least 10% of all charcoal produced is believed to be discarded at
higher product standards, this problem will remain a limitation for mar- points of sale as sub-1 cm material that users of conventional char-
ket acceptability of briquettes (see Box 1). coal stoves will not buy. In order to be able to compete with the
low price of wood charcoal, the three main large scale producers in
Economic conditions the region (and a newer briquette factory in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
As previously mentioned, the need to import machinery usually keep costs low by producing briquettes from such charcoal dust and
makes the start-up costs for briquetting high and unattainable for most fines rather than from raw biomass residues, thus eliminating the
entrepreneurs. The minimum production volume needed to justify set- carbonization process (see Box 2). Carbonization would require mod-
ting up a briquetting factory with imported machinery is approximately ification to machinery, additional research and imported skills. So
15 t per month, requiring an investment of approximately USD50,000 while the theoretical potential for producing charcoal briquettes
in equipment. Smaller briquetting operations using steel drums and local- from farm or forest residues is high, its real economic potential for
ly manufactured extruder processing (such as those of ARTI and Wildlife the moment appears to be negligible.
Works) are relatively cheap, requiring only a about USD400. However, Additional economic challenges relate to the fact that increasing
since they are designed for uptake by local small-scale entrepreneurs, briquette production requires a two-tier process. Firstly, sufficient
community groups and NGOs, they have limited potential for scaling up adoption by end-users must be secured to drive production. Secondly,
and may also be dependent on long-term external support (Table 3). a sufficient number of entrepreneurs have to adopt briquetting as a
Value added taxes (VAT) on briquettes also increase costs for consumers part- or full-time activity. Most briquette initiatives have focused on
in some countries — such as Tanzania, where the VAT rate is 20%. Some the second objective, taking it as a given that demand for briquettes
producers have been able to keep briquette prices equal to or below exists. Briquetting operations in the region are primarily involved
that of wood charcoal, given that their raw material is procured from with increasing capacity for urban or rural production. In the case of
urban charcoal wholesalers and their main customers are also urban, re- projects aimed at widespread small-scale production, the main chal-
ducing both inbound and outbound transport costs. Doing so, however, lenge is ensuring that trainees go on to become producers. Training
jeopardizes profit-making objectives and allows for only a marginal experience in Uganda, for example, indicates that the age of trainees
price advantage of briquettes over conventional charcoal. matters for achieving wide-scale adoption of the technology: 21 to
164 T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of “densify-first” briquetting method, in which raw biomass is densified into uniformly shaped masses before it is carbonized to form charcoal briquettes.
35 year olds trainees were more likely to adopt briquetting technolo- in terms of energy requirements, whether existing needs are met by
gy and develop it into a business than older trainees (Kagere, 2012). other fuel types, and what may be the appropriate entry point for bri-
While these are interesting insights, briquette projects stall (e.g. quettes into the market (Box 1).
ARTI's Urban Kiln project, Tanzania) and production in factories is
temporary halted (e.g. Motomoto Ltd. in Tanzania and Cassandra in
Rwanda) due to insufficient sales volumes. Environmental and health conditions
Socio-political, community and market acceptance of energy innova- The principal environmental advantage of briquettes depends
tion is increasingly recognized as being important for understanding the entirely on what they are compared to. Generally, briquettes in the
apparent contradictions between general public support for renewable region are produced from the byproducts of wood charcoal (i.e., char-
energy innovation and the difficult realization of specific projects coal dust), timber production (sawdust), and agriculture (rice and
(Wüstenhagen et al., 2007). Increasing consumer interest and desire coconut husks). In the case of Wildlife Works, briquettes are also pro-
for briquettes may prove to be the biggest challenge that the briquetting duced from twigs obtained from live trees on farms, thus eliminating
industry in East Africa faces. Although some studies have been conducted complete extraction of trees (unlike standard charcoal production).
in the region to gauge consumer preference and consumption patterns Although a thorough life cycle analysis has yet to be conducted on
as regards energy use (see Box 1), these have tended to focus on improv- the contribution of briquettes to air pollution and GHG emissions, bri-
ing stoves rather than fuels, on meeting household cooking require- quettes could be expected to have slightly poorer emissions charac-
ments and not those of industry, and none have considered charcoal teristics than charcoal (due to the presence of binders) but perhaps
briquettes (e.g. Ajao, 2011; Kituyi et al., 2001; Takama et al., 2011). The better than those from firewood and other biomass lower down the
absence of in-depth and thorough market analyses in the region contrib- energy ladder. The relative cost to the environment may be graver if
utes to this. Consequently, producers of briquettes have little basis for waste is not utilized or properly disposed of than from the GHG emis-
understanding what consumers (household and industry) are seeking sions producing briquettes.
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of “carbonize-first” briquetting method, in which raw biomass is carbonized (or salvaged in carbonized form) before it undergoes the densification pro-
cess to form uniformly shaped briquettes.
T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170 165
Box 1 Box 2
Briquette quality and the domestic market in Rwanda. A rapid economic analysis of the briquetting industry in SSA.
Briquette quality has been a major problem in Rwanda. Two A thorough economic analysis of the briquette industry in SSA
seemingly minor obstacles to adoption have prevented domestic is limited by the scarcity of data. Little to no quantitative data
customers from making the switch from conventional charcoal: exists on the size, value or structure of charcoal briquette mar-
the spherical shape makes it hard to use them in standard stoves, kets. Despite this, a rough estimation of charcoal briquette mar-
as the briquettes block the round holes in the grate. Consumers ket size can be made with a few simplifying assumptions:
must therefore buy imported stoves with a grill that allows ash
to fall through. This USD 10 investment significantly restricts up- 1) That the charcoal briquette market will always be much
take. The long-burning nature of the briquettes (arising from high smaller than the wood charcoal market and thus will neither in-
ash content) also means that much of the combustion energy is fluence charcoal prices significantly nor encounter demand lim-
emitted long after cooking is over, and is effectively wasted. The- itations; 2) That the main source of feedstock for large scale
se characteristics mean that significant investment is required in charcoal briquettes operations will be dust and chips that accu-
marketing, in identifying niche markets less sensitive to these lim- mulate at charcoal retail sites and at the points of consumption.
itations, and in developing improved production techniques. This is because the briquetting of biomass waste feedstock has
yet to be done in the region and requires more research. Taking
a conservative figure for this of 5% of the charcoal by mass
(MININFRA, 2008: Vol. 2, p.34) allows for wastage and com-
peting uses for the 10% mentioned above. While even more
The health implications of briquettes relative to other biomass fuels
dust accumulates elsewhere in the supply chain (such as at kiln
lower on the energy ladder are believed to be equivalent to those for
sites), urban wholesale and retail locations represent the most
wood charcoal. Hence convincing a household to shift from wood char-
viable dust collection points; and 3) That the charcoal market
coal to briquettes for health reasons would be a false and probably
can be quantified considering primarily supply-side projections.
ineffective marketing strategy. Until studies specific to briquettes are
This assumes that the impact of charcoal briquetting on the
conducted, their health impacts during use are informed by studies on
market as a whole in terms of price and demand will be negligi-
wood charcoal. In general, exposure to carbon monoxide from charcoal
ble. It is a reasonable approximation given that briquettes are
during food preparation tends to be below acceptable World Health
likely to represent less than 5% of the charcoal market.
Organization limits (Ellegård, 1995), provided the cooking area is
In Rwanda for example, where 15.1% of households use char-
ventilated. Briquette burning (as with wood charcoal) becomes a health
coal (MININFRA, 2008), the population is 11.7 million (CIA,
hazard when it is used to heat enclosed spaces. This is a common appli-
2012), average household size is 5.0, and average annual
cation of wood charcoal in high altitude cities in SSA, such as in Lusaka
household charcoal consumption (with improved stoves) is
and Nairobi where large amounts of carbon monoxide are emitted
540 kg, we can estimate national annual charcoal consumption
(600 g/kg fuel) (Ellegård, 1995).
in the order of 191 000 t/yr (11.7e6/5 × 0.151 × 0.54). This
will presumably continue to climb with urbanization.
Policy conditions Assuming that the price per tonne would be roughly equal to that
The policy environment for briquettes is quite different from that of charcoal (this is reasonable since the advantage of a higher en-
of wood charcoal and perhaps less complex. Briquettes are rarely pro- ergy density would be outweighed by the disadvantage of being a
duced directly from standing timber, which practically eliminates the novel product in Rwanda) at around USD 0.305/kg we get a
involvement of ministries in charge of forest and natural resources. potential market size of USD 58.2 million turnover/yr (191
Instead, ministries overseeing briquettes are those in charge of ener- 000 × 305). By comparison, a similar on-going biomass market
gy and energy security, health, employment, business and revenue. research being prepared in Mozambique (van der Plas et al.,
However, there are no known state-sanctioned incentives to set up 2012) estimates the charcoal demand of 7.1 million urban
and run charcoal briquetting businesses in East Africa. This has limit- dwellers at around 1.1 million t, implying a briquette production
ed establishment and growth of the industry in the region. Inefficient, potential of around 53000 t/yr. At Mozambican charcoal prices
convoluted and unclear regulations for obtaining permits, paying of around 0.230 USD/kg, this would be a market value of approx-
taxes and running this type of business pose additional challenges imately USD 12.2 million per year (53 000 × 230).
to producers, especially those operating on a large scale and more
likely to attract the interest of government inspectors, licensing au-
thorities and revenue collection agents.
The absence of national standards to control the quality of briquettes
(in terms of moisture content, fixed carbon, ash, volatiles and heating tax authorities. The industry conversely influences in-country bri-
value) is oft-mentioned as a challenge stunting progress of the industry quette retailers, large scale briquette consumers, and domestic char-
and slowing down market entry for briquettes. In some cases this has coal users. Ultimately, however, the briquetting industry is mainly
undermined the efforts of newer enterprises that have gone into concerned with securing its market through widespread adoption of
operation following earlier enterprises' dissemination of low quality briquettes by households and industry, and by developing good rela-
briquettes. tions with wholesale buyers. Thus, a key element for business success
is understanding the local consumer culture and social acceptance of
Social and cultural conditions innovation, for any innovation, but most relevantly for briquettes.
A briquette producer in East Africa manages a wide range of subtle The success of a briquette industry is affected by two main aspects of
commercial and contractual relationships (Fig. 3). He is influenced the social and cultural conditions in which it operates: (i) it is influenced
(and to some extent directly limited) by suppliers of machinery and by the culture of doing business in the region, particularly if introducing a
equipment who are often based in China and India, and by local new product to the market, and (ii) by the acceptance of the product by
suppliers of raw material, regional experts and partners, energy and consumers. In the case of the former, power plays and interests of sup-
environment ministries, and national regulatory bodies including pliers and regulators are manifested in terms of the constructiveness,
166 T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170
Fig. 3. Stakeholder analysis revealing the central role of the briquetting operation along the briquette value chain. A briquetting operation is influenced by several actors. Through sale of
briquettes, however, the briquetting operation ultimately influences briquette retailers and consumers and is highly dependent on the willingness of end-users to accept and incorporate
charcoal briquettes into their energy portfolios. Balancing the pressures and requirements of different stakeholders has made briquetting in East Africa a constant juggling of different
stakeholder interests.
obstructiveness or indifference of regulators to the charcoal briquetting Lesson 1: charcoal briquettes are not directly substitutable for
sector. The briquette producer's environment can best be understood conventional charcoal
by looking at the overall competitive environment in which it operates, An apparent characteristic of the briquetting industry in East Africa is
considering power balance between actors, and taking into account the assumptions that briquettes are equivalent to conventional charcoal
rival briquette producers (Fig. 4). and should be easy to promote among consumers of the latter. This is a
A briquette producer needs to pay particular attention to manage- grave misconception. Having been made from different raw materials
ment of the raw material supplier, competing with alternatives (mainly and having undergone different production processes, briquettes exhibit
conventional charcoal), and meeting the demands of customers in different physical and combustion properties (Table 2). In term of com-
terms of product properties and price. Briquetting industries in East bustion properties, the energy content of charcoal briquettes tends to
Africa have responded to these pressures by including such measures be lower than that of wood charcoal (22–29 MJ/kg versus 31–33 MJ/kg,
as securing long-term agreements for raw material supply, establishing respectively). Briquettes, in general, have more volatile matter than
close relationships with selected bulk customers, implementing a mar- wood charcoal; hence, to burn briquettes efficiently, combustion equip-
keting campaign to show the advantage of briquettes over competing ment (whether stoves or boilers) must be retrofitted or redesigned. Addi-
fuels. In doing so, they target smaller but reliable ‘premium’ markets tionally, the brittleness and higher ash content of briquettes implies that
of environmentally conscious consumers (e.g., the eco-tourism indus- users accustomed to wood charcoal must undertake seemingly small –
try). Competing directly with conventional charcoal in low-price bulk but important – changes in fuel handling behavior.
markets is potentially damaging due to the sheer size and volume of Existing marketing of briquettes addresses the issue of changes in
these markets and the relatively cheaper prices of wood charcoal. handling behavior with user instructions on the packaging (e.g., EABC
Power relations go beyond what a typical market or stakeholder anal- Ltd, Tanzania, but the effectiveness of these is not known. Even in highly
ysis tends to address. An insufficiently explored aspect of energy adop- literate nations, research shows that consumers rarely read instruc-
tion by domestic users in SSA is within-household power dynamics tions) (Novick and Ward, 2006). Given the illiteracy rates in the region,
and decision making around energy use. Power relations would suggest it is even less likely that instructions are read. To avoid disappointment
that upgrading to ‘better’ energy or stoves is less likely if the direct ben- due to mishandling, marketing has to be highly attentive to first-time
eficiaries of the improvements are limited to low-ranking household consumers: an expensive undertaking for the industry. In the absence
members such as women, children or maids. Conversely, households in of national standards for briquettes, the risk is high that low quality,
which cooking responsibilities are transferred to maids are less likely sub-standard products are placed on the market; these can destroy con-
to shift from firewood to charcoal or from charcoal to LPG because the di- sumer confidence and tarnish perception of briquettes for the entire
rect benefits of doing so are felt by a low-ranking (and dispensable) industry.
member. This hypothesis needs to be tested because it has enormous im- The issue of equipment is not being addressed, yet it cannot be
plications for how and to whom briquettes are marketed, and how to en- avoided. On the contrary, consumers are led to believe that they can
sure that first-time users handle briquettes correctly. use briquettes with standard charcoal stoves available on the market
or already in their possession. Often however, this is not the case as bri-
quettes usually require greater ventilation during combustion and the
Lessons learned and recommendations round shape of briquettes can block ventilation holes on some stove de-
signs. Stoves specific to briquettes are not available and would require
By looking at the challenges and recommended solutions in light of additional investment for most new users: a barrier that the industry
existing opportunities, we have recognized some critical disparities in has been trying to avoid in order to gain a competitive edge over such
the industry. From these, we discuss in detail eight important lessons fuels such as kerosene and LPG through lower one-off adoption costs
that can be learned and provide recommendations for the way forward. on the part of the consumer. Briquettes must therefore offer specific
T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170 167
Securing a strong relationship with
suppliers through long-term supply
contracts and favorable prices is key to
the success of a briquetting operation.
This requires a constant and reliable
supply of briquettes in the face of
growing demand for charcoal dust from
competitors or other uses.
The business and logistic networks As a new a growing sector, producers Charcoal briquettes has to compete
are focused on growth rather than against established fuels for cooking
required offer incumbent producers
competing for market share with other and heating: wood, charcoal, paraffin,
some protection from new entrants to
producers. This is likely to change as LPG, electricity and others. This means
the market. As briquetting becomes
the market matures, especially in view a high investment in marketing
increasingly common, we can expect a
of the surrounding competitive activities and a strong focus on price,
continued trickle of new producers pressures so that briquettes offer a cheaper
every year.
alternative to existing fuels.
Fig. 4. Competitiveness and power relations between the main actors in the charcoal briquette value chain. Boxes with exclamation marks highlight areas that require particular
attention from a briquette producer. To be successful, a producer must develop strategies to reduce or avoid these pressures (see main text).
price or performance advantages — ideally both. Only in premium or paramount importance of responding to market demand and consumer
environmentally-aware niche segments is this challenge reduced. preference has only recently come to the fore (Wüstenhagen et al.,
2007). Yet, it is doubtful that there exists a critical mass of environmen-
tally conscious consumers in the region to leverage on the environmen-
Lesson 2: attaining critical consumption mass should be the topmost priority
tal attributes of briquettes. Justifying briquette production by pointing
The region lacks a readily available briquette market at a price that
out its efficiency at making productive use of waste can be a dangerous
would motivate more production. Low volumes of briquette sales at
business approach because it drastically limits the pool of potential cus-
prices suppressed by the pervasive low price of illegal and quasi-legal
tomers interested in the product.
charcoal do not generate sufficient profit to sustain operations; tempo-
Moreover, ‘demand’ is a complex and easily misunderstood concept
rary halting of production is frequent in the industry (see Table 3).
because potential consumers are not always able to express their needs
Increasing demand for briquettes at viable prices requires promoting
adequately through the market. As articulated by Howarth et al. (1997):
them as a flexible and widely applicable source of energy, not limited
“Demand – as it is used in an economic sense – implies a good that is desired
to cooking fuel (Table 1). Increasing demand for briquettes cannot be
from the market at a given price, but this definition may be inappropriate
achieved by individual producers, nor should it be the sole responsibility
when looking at energy issues in developing countries. Not only do social
of producers. There is national – and one could argue, global – interest for
and cultural factors influence and distort demand, as well as market imper-
increasing the use of briquettes. Government support in the form of in-
fections and rapid technological changes, but also ability to pay remains the
centives (e.g., subsidies and tax holidays) for briquette users could be
critical issue. Consumption of [a] product is not synonymous with demand
helpful — East Africa Briquettes Company in Tanzania is engaged in a
because consumption levels hide demands that are never fulfilled. It is more
protracted effort to have briquettes exempted from value-added tax
appropriate to talk of requirements for energy and energy services, as
(VAT), particularly as this tax is rigorously enforced for briquettes, but
demand is managed or regulated according to social, economic or environ-
widely evaded by charcoal traders (EABCL, pers. comm.). Stronger
mental objectives (Eberhard and van Horen, 1995)”. Clearly, more effort
enforcement of conventional charcoal laws is also essential to increase
is needed to understand the energy demands of potential consumers in
demand for alternatives such as briquettes. Additionally, pilot projects
order to make briquettes more desirable to a wider range of users. In
demonstrating a wide range of high leverage applications for briquettes
the absence of market studies, producers are limited to doing what they
(Table 1) and promotion of new industry based on the pilots must begin.
know best rather than what is best for their business.
Once these are identified, grants or donor funding could be directed to
marketing studies and large scale promotional campaigns that advertise
for specific applications.
Lesson 4: the strategic entry points for briquettes need to be reassessed
Similarities between briquettes and wood charcoal are encouraging,
Lesson 3: briquette production cannot continue to be supply-driven but they are also misguiding. We have already demonstrated that under
Marketing of briquettes has played on the environmental responsibil- existing socio-political, economic and technological conditions bri-
ity of consumers, focusing on three seemingly desirable attributes of bri- quettes cannot compete successfully with conventional charcoal. Thus,
quettes: using up waste, non-forest derived, and longer heat output. The focusing promotion of briquettes among consumers of conventional
168 T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170
charcoal may be tantamount to shooting the industry in the leg. In fact, accreditation) if producers can convincingly demonstrate other ad-
producers in the region identify two niche markets as the optimal entry ditional benefits for society and biodiversity are being generated
points for charcoal briquettes. The first is large-scale commercial and in- due to briquetting.
dustrial consumers, such as agri-businesses, hotels, restaurants, and Locating briquetting facilities near forests that are threatened by
tourist enterprises, where economic benefits are the priority. The sec- unsustainable charcoal production or incorporating briquette produc-
ond is high-end retail markets such as for barbecue fuel, where custom- tion as a component of carbon credit generating projects can also be
er convenience is key. Africans in urban areas do not – generally – have done to incorporate briquetting costs into larger project-level budgets.
a tradition of weekend domestic barbequing; hence the second This is demonstrated by the Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD pro-
approach targets only a small component of urban Africans and primar- ject in Kenya (Table 3) which manufactures briquettes as part of the
ily, the expatriate community. Both approaches exclude low- to middle- project's strategy to address leakage; the briquetting operation per se
income domestic users who are a large proportion of existing or up-and does not generate carbon credits, but it does improve the security of
coming consumers of conventional charcoal that needs to be further ex- credits generated by other activities (Wildlife Works, pers. comm.).
plored and honed.
In East Africa promotion for domestic use is almost exclusively lim- Lesson 6: learn from Asia
ited to urban consumers who have made the jump from firewood to There has been very little interaction between Asian producers who
charcoal. There is a tendency, however, for household energy users in have successfully developed their briquetting industries (e.g. India,
peri-urban areas to increase, diversify and switch fuels as part of a ratio- Nepal, and China) and SSA counterparts. Consequently, many of the les-
nal decision-making process to maximize energy security (Howarth et sons learned in Asia are not transmitted to the region. Producers cite
al., 1997). Keying in on firewood consuming peri-urban residents who technical challenges that may have already been addressed by Asian
are at the brink of upgrading to charcoal may be a more appropriate producers, such as innovation to develop low cost solutions for ash re-
entry point for briquettes. Indeed, it is an opportunity to create a new duction, increased efficiency in drying and carbonization of particulate
generation of consumers who have ‘skipped’ the wood charcoal experi- biomass and increased mechanization of the process.
ence by switching directly to briquettes. The key issue would be keeping Similarly, there has been little activity at the policy or research
the price and availability of briquettes and briquette stoves low relative level to identify appropriate policy and technological interventions
to other fuels and technologies, and ensuring that supply is maintained to support briquetting in the region. The sudden increase in invest-
(Katerere, 1990). ment in briquetting in Asian countries in the late 1980s and 1990s
Producers in the region have to explore other user markets to either would not have been possible without the support of government
supplement or expand existing production. For example, the briquetting and the development of the right policy conditions. Rapid develop-
industry has yet to take advantage of the record high prices of fossil fuels ment of the briquetting industry in India, for example, was the result
and unreliable nature of electricity supply mentioned earlier. World- of investments into the formation of research institutes that were
wide, about 7% of electricity is generated from traditional biomass (IEA, supported by policy (Rao and Ravindranath, 2002).
2007). For facilities that employ densify-first approaches, uncarbonized
briquettes could be manufactured and transported/shipped to biomass Lesson 7: support of government is paramount
and co-firing power plants, as an additional revenue stream (Dasappa, Producers across the region complain that government views
2011; Carneiro de Miranda et al., 2013-this issue). Along these same briquetting as a new source of revenue but does very little to support
lines, briquetting facilities could diversify their production to include the industry. Success of the briquetting industry depends on govern-
low and high grade products (such as carbonized and uncarbonized bri- ment support, but it also helps governments achieve some of their ener-
quettes, or briquettes with different ash contents) for different end uses gy and forestry objectives. New enterprises have inherent start-up risks
instead of focusing on a single product. and investors look for ways to offset those risks by seeking government
Recent studies from Brazil and India demonstrate that facilities with a support. Tax holidays, permanent or temporary exemption from value
capacity to produce 1200 tonnes of briquettes per year could increase added tax (VAT), import exemption on briquette making machinery,
operational profits and reduce the break-even point by 16% by introduc- and subsidies on extruder machines are among some of the ways in
ing a process to torrefy 60% of the briquettes produced (Felfli et al., which governments could support their domestic briquette industry.
2005). Torrefaction consists of slow heating of biomass in an inert atmo- Stronger enforcement of wood charcoal laws to decrease large price
sphere at lower temperatures (200–320 °C) than that for conventional gaps (e.g., Tanzania, where VAT is chargeable on briquettes and wood
pyrolysis. It is another method for increasing energy density of briquettes charcoal, but entirely avoided by producers of the latter) is also
while reducing moisture content (Patel et al., 2011). According to Felfli et oft-cited by producers as a necessary interventions.
al. (2005), torrefaction would convert a briquette factory into a multi- Government ministries and technological institutions in India,
grade manufacturing facility enabling it to gain flexibility and competi- Indonesia and the Philippines were actively involved in the process of
tiveness in markets that are limited or saturated by competitors. developing their briquette industries; new ministries and offices within
ministries were established in part to support the briquetting sector. For
Lesson 5: briquettes must exploit carbon markets and other “green” example, India's Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES)
product markets worked closely with institutes of technology to explore what was the
Given the low value of charcoal briquettes, the industry should right approach for India (the Department of Energy of the Philippine
look to additional sources of revenue to finance machinery upgrades, Government collaborated with the Dutch government and other insti-
aggressive marketing, and workforce training. Generation of saleable tutions in a “Biomass Densification Research Project”) (Khoo and Tan,
carbon credits has not been fully explored by briquette producers 2004). In SSA, the industry has developed largely unassisted by govern-
not only in SSA, but worldwide. Briquetting operations are eligible ment. This is slowly starting to change. The Uganda project in Table 3,
for accreditation under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for example, is being implemented by Uganda's National Council for Sci-
(or any other post-2012 flexible mechanisms developed to replace ence and Technology (UNCST), increasing the probability that lessons
or extend CDM) and voluntary carbon markets. To date there aren't learned will be transferred to develop appropriate policy interventions.
any briquette projects registered under CDM, although credits are Also, in the past five years, governments in the region have commis-
being generated from improved cook stove programs, improving ef- sioned assessments of the role of biomass energy in their national ener-
ficiency of charcoal kilns, and from direct use of woodchips and gy strategies (BEST analysis). It is still too early to determine whether
sawdust to generate electricity. Carbon credits generated could these assessments will lead to more favorable conditions for briquette
obtain premium status (e.g. Gold Standard, CCB, VCS and other production (Owen et al., 2013-this issue).
T.H. Mwampamba et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 158–170 169
Lesson 8: united we rise, divided we fall charcoal briquettes were first planted. We are also grateful for the in-
Energy policies directed at improving the sustainability of con- sights and suggestions provided by reviewers for improvement of earli-
ventional charcoal, developing alternative fuels, cook stoves pro- er versions of this manuscript. Given the direct association of two
grams, etc., are relevant for briquettes but may not necessarily be of the authors with the briquette industry as producers (through
suitable for developing the briquette industry or promoting wider shareholdings in Cassandra Ltd. and Chardust Ltd.), we wish to clarify
briquette use. The briquetting industry needs to be more involved that no funding or other support was received from any private compa-
with directing the role of briquettes in national energy policies and ny in the conduct of the study. While every effort has been made to pro-
identifying appropriate policies. Efforts to affect standards or lobby vide a neutral and objective perspective on the industry, any bias that
for more supportive policies have so far been made only by individ- may arise as a result of the authors' engagement is inadvertent and
ual producers. However, this is an inefficient strategy as it is too indi- regretted.
vidualized, it cannot consider the full range of industry concerns, it
requires an immense amount of resources, and it risks accusations
of favoritism. Within each country, producers need one organization References
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