Paper 1 Mark Scheme
Paper 1 Mark Scheme
Paper 1 Mark Scheme
November 2021
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November 2021
Question Paper Log Number 66780
Publications Code 1GB0_01_2111_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2021
General Marking Guidance
1a (i) A 2015. 1
1a (iii) Allow 1 mark for identifying a human activity which causes the 2
enhanced greenhouse effect up to a maximum of 2 marks.
● Deforestation (1).
● Sea levels are rising (1) as a result of melting ice caps (1).
● Global temperatures are rising (1) with the warmest years recorded
being in recent years (1).
● Plants are flowering earlier than previously recorded (1) due to rising
temperatures (1).
A June – Oct is when tropical cyclones are common in the Eastern Pacific
off the coast of Central America.
C Jan – Mar is when tropical cyclones are common in the Indian Ocean.
1c(ii) Award 1 mark for each stage of the calculation. Award 1 mark for 2
showing working of percentage (98 tropical cyclones / 140 x 100) (1).
● Tropical cyclones are found over oceans (1), where seas are warm (1).
Here’s warm air rises rapidly (1).
● Tropical cyclones source areas are found away from the equator (1)
where the Coriolis force is minimal (1) but instead where the rotation
effect is stronger at around 5-30 degrees N/S of the equator (1).
● Some tropical cyclones have the source area outside of the tropics (1)
where seas are quite warm (1). Here the rotation of the earth causes
the storm to spin (1).
1c(iv) Award 1 mark for identifying a use of satellite imagery and a further 2
mark for description up to a maximum of two marks.
● Before and after satellite images could be compared (1) and used to
assess damage to natural and man-made features (1).
● After the storm, satellite imagery could show damage to housing (1)
and be compared to imagery before the storm (1).
● Satellite imagery could reveal the size of the storm (1). This could be
compared to previous storms and subsequent impacts (1).
1d (ii) Award 1 mark for identifying a reason why Palu was particularly 4
vulnerable and a further mark for an extension of that reason up to a
max of 2 marks for each explanation.
● Tsunami waves were 6.5m high (1), hitting an area with a high
population density (1).
● The tsunami wave height was 5.5m higher than Dongala (1). This
would cause considerable damage to infrastructure / housing (1).
● Palu is at the southern end of a funnel shaped bay/ on the coast (1).
This may have led to large waves as the bay became shallower/narrower
● Composite volcanoes are more explosive than shield volcanoes (1) this
is because their lava has a higher gas content (1).
● Shield volcanoes tend to cover a greater area (1) this is because their
lava travels long distances before cooling (1).
● Shield volcanoes erupt more frequently (1) this is because they have
less viscous lava requiring less pressure to erupt (1).
AO2 (4 marks)
● Ensure that emergency services are fully trained to cope with the
● Ensure that diversion channels have been dug to divert lava away from
settlements at the base of the volcano.
AO3 (4 marks)
0 ● No acceptable response
2a (ii) D - The number of deaths under one year of age per 1000 live births in a 1
All other answers are incorrect.
A - The number of deaths per 1000 women while pregnant per year. This is
the maternal mortality rate.
B - The number of deaths per 1000 school children in a year. An incorrect
answer with no terminology.
C - The number of deaths per 1000 of the population in a year. This is the
death rate.
2b (i) Award 1 mark for accurately plotting the data for Brazil on the 1
scattergraph. If the plot is in the square shown then award the mark.
79-69 = 10
2b (iii) Award one mark for an accurately drawn line of best fit with between 5-7 1
plots either side of the line. For example:
Please note that the plotted line does not have to begin at the junction
of the two axes.
2b (iv) Award 1 mark for identifying a reason why life expectancy rises and a 2
further mark for explanation of that point.
● An increased number of hospitals / doctors (1) improves the quality of
medical care. (1).
● Improving access to clean water (1) means diseases are less common (1).
● Improving diets/nutrition (1) means less death due to famine (1).
● Improving levels of education (1) mean the population is more mindful
of the need to be healthy (1).
● A rising GDP means often means rising incomes (1), meaning more
money can be spent on healthcare (1).
No mark for simply stating that the country gets wealthier.
Accept any other appropriate response.
2c (i) Award 1 mark for stating a piece of evidence which suggests that The 1
Gambia is a developing country.
● It has a human development index score of 0.46 (1).
● It’s HDI score is the 16th lowest in the world (1).
● The Gambia’s main exports are peanuts and fish (primary products) (1).
2c (ii) Award one mark for identifying a way The Gambia’s climate may affect 2
The Gambia’s development and a further mark for explanation of that
● The dry season can lead to the death of crops (1), making it difficult for
farmers to earn money (1).
The Gambia’s tropical climate makes farming difficult (1). The dry season
restricts the growth of quantity of crops meaning farmers often do not
earn a decent income (1).
● The wet season may lead to flooding (1). This can damage farmland and
crops (1).
● The hot, dry conditions can lead to soil erosion (1), making it difficult
to farm (1).
● The tropical climate attracts tourists (1), bringing in money to The
Gambian economy (1)
● The tropical climate enables The Gambia to grow tropical fruits (1)
enabling the country to earn money from selling these products (1).
2d (i) Award 1 mark for the calculation working out 139.9/757.8 x 100 and a 2
further mark for the correct answer of 18.5%
● In India, the amount of FDI has increased considerably since 1990 (1),
this is due to the government’s programme of economic liberalisation in
the early 1990s (1).
● By reducing import tariffs (1), companies mainly from Europe and the
Americas were encouraged to invest in the country. (1)
● FDI has increased since 1990 (1) as TNCs look to take advantage of
cheaper labour (1).
● Companies are able to export goods with reduced or no tariffs (1) which
led to a huge growth in investment mainly from the USA (1).
● In India there has been a huge growth in FDI (1) particularly in ICT
related industries attracted by India’s skilled workforce (1).
● In China, there has been significant growth in FDI (1) with companies
attracted by China’s reduced export taxes (1).
● FDI has increased (1) with China’s coastal ports making it easy to export
goods (1).
A02 4 marks
● Emissions from traffic in heavily congested urban areas has led to Delhi
have amongst the highest levels of air pollution in the world.
● In rural areas of countries such as Nigeria, relatively untouched by
economic development, burning fuelwood and biomass leads to high levels
of air pollution.
● Dumping of industrial chemicals and agricultural waste has polluted
China’s rivers to the extent that over half of all rivers in the country are
unsafe for human contact.
● Lack of environmental law enforcement often results in the illegal
dumping of waste products.
● TNCs help to develop the infrastructure of the area in which they are
based by constructing roads, improving power provision and
● In countries such as China, an environmental protection law came into
effect in January 2015. This will hopefully lead to steady improvements in
environmental quality in the country.
● Several emerging nations are world leader in the adoption of green
technology with the government increasingly realising that economic
growth and environmental damage are not compatible.
● Environmentalism is on the rise in emerging countries. Many pressure
groups have emerged and governments are increasingly adopting
environmental policies.
AO3 4 marks
● Judgement regarding the most significant environmental impacts of
economic growth in emerging countries, assessing positive and negative
● Judgement regarding the significance of the wider environmental impact
of economic growth in emerging countries such as the greenhouse gas
contribution of countries such as China and India.
● Judgement regarding the overall environmental impact of economic
growth in emerging countries, assessing positive and negative arguments.
● Judgement regarding the significance of the changing perception of the
population and government towards protecting the environment and the
adoption of environmental policies.
Level Mark Descriptor
0 ● No acceptable response
3a (i) C is the correct answer. The movement of people from urban to rural 1
areas. All other answers are incorrect.
A The movement of people from rural to urban areas. This is rural to
urban migration.
B The movement of people from one part of the city to another. This
answer is incorrect.
● Commercial land uses are found in city centre locations (1) because
they can afford the high rental costs (1).
● Terraced houses are common in former industrial areas (1) due to the
fact that workers lived close to their place of employment (1).
● Retail estates may be found on the edge of cities (1) as land is cheaper
● Shopping centres are often found on the outskirts of urban areas (1).
Here, accessibility is good from nearby roads/motorways (1).
● New housing estates are often found on the edge of cities (1) as there
is available land (1).
Take care not to double credit the same explanatory point, for
example, accessibility is good.
3c (ii) Award one mark for each comparative statement identifying changes 3
in the urban populations of African countries between 1990 to 2050 up
to a maximum of 3 marks.
● In Egypt, the urban population in 1990 was 40-50%. By 2050, this figure
is forecast to rise to 50-60% (1).
3d (i) Award 1 mark for each stage of the calculation. Award one mark for 2
the calculating the number of people per toilet in 2019 and a further
mark for the difference in the number of people per toilet between
2009 to 2019.
3d (ii) Award one mark for a reason why slum housing is constructed and a 2
further mark for extension up to a maximum of two marks.
● New migrants cannot afford housing in urban areas (1). Therefore they
construct temporary housing using low cost building materials (1).
● The New Cairo Capital project in Egypt will provide housing for up to
5 million people (1). This is forecast to reduce the number of people
living in overcrowded slum conditions (1).
● The Sao Paulo Masterplan will include many bus lanes encouraging the
use of public transport (1). This reduces the traffic congestion in the
city (1).
● The Chengdu Great City project has devoted half of its road space to
pedestrian traffic (1) reducing traffic use and improving air quality (1).
3 (f) AO2 content will vary depending on the chosen case emerging 8
country and the examples used.
AO2 (4 marks)
0 ● No acceptable response