Guidelines and Process Flow For SIH JR

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Guidelines and Process flow for SIH Jr.


This year SIH-2022 moves to its next level and welcomes the participation from schools (6 th to 12th Class
students) to contribute in the nation building initiative. This is an Open Innovation Student category in
which students can give ideas against the pre-defined 16 Themes. The SPOC can nominate school student
teams against various themes available on the official website of SIH-2022.


1. Renewable/sustainable energy 9. Smart vehicle
2. Block chain and Cyber Security 10. Transportation and logistics
3. Smart education 11. Robotics and drones
4. Disaster Management 12. Clean and green energy
5. Smart Automation 13. Tourism
6. Heritage and Culture 14. Smart Vehicle
7. Med tech/biotech/health tech 15. Toys
8. Agriculture, food tech and rural development 16. Miscellaneous

1. Pre-screening and Finale Evaluation will be organized through Online Mode.
2. Winning Teams will be felicitated at the physical Nodal Centers across India.
3. Tentative dates for grand finale- online mode will be in June 2022 and felicitation will happen in the
2nd/3rd week of July 2022.

1. School REGISTRATION is open on the website till 31 st March 2022, Any school can nominate their
teams through the portal. This SIH Junior hackathon is for Class 6 th to Class 12th students
2. SPOC (Single point of contact) is the person (Principal/Vice Principal/Registrar/Any senior faculty
nominated by principal) who will represent the school and carry out the registration process. They
can nominate a maximum of 10 teams per school under any 16 Themes (displayed on the website).
3. Each team nominated by the SPOC can have a minimum of at max 3 members (including the team
leader). Each team can have their max 2 team mentors (optional) (These could be
teachers/parents/industry expert)

 A team can be formed of 1 student to 3 students (at max); 2 Mentors (optional) (can be
teachers/parents/industry experts)
Guidelines and Process flow for SIH Jr.

 It is recommended to have at least one female member to be the part of the team.
 All students should be from the same school. Inter-school teams are not allowed.
 Team Name should be unique and not contain the name of their institute in any form.


Open innovation: Teams can work on any Problem Statements of their own & lie in any of the 16 themes
available on the website. Students can come up with their own model based on these themes.

Submission of Ideas: The SPOC have to register the selected teams on the SIH portal along with the
following details:
 Team Name
 Name, gender, Email id, Mobile No. of team leader and all other Members
 Chosen Problem Statement and its proposed solution with a title, description & presentation PDF.
 School authorization letter

This registration process is open till 31 st March 2022.


1. Idea Submission – 31st March 2022
2. Pre-Screening Evaluation – From 1st April 2022
3. Grand Finale Evaluation –June 2022 (tentative) - ONLINE
4. Felicitation of Winners at Nodal Centers (Valedictory) – July 2022 (tentative) – OFFLINE at nodal
centers across PAN India.

The proposed solutions are evaluated by experts on points like the novelty of the idea, complexity,
clarity, detailed document, feasibility, practicability, and sustainability, the scale of impact, user
experience, and potential for future work progression.

Mentoring and Evaluation Sessions

 During the mentoring session the team members interact with the judges and representatives from
the organizations gaining valuable feedback on the progress of their work and how can it be
 The evaluation session in the evening is the time when the teams give a presentation of their
application/ prototype or solution and answer the jury’s questions.

Each team had a scheduled time slot of approx. 10-20 min for each of these sessions conducted via web
For the final evaluation session, the teams had to give a complete walkthrough of their
Guidelines and Process flow for SIH Jr.

application/prototype developed during this hackathon and also submit a final presentation document.

 Five winning team will be selected per theme and the results will be published on the portal.
 The Prize Money of Rs. 25,000/- will be felicitated at the allotted nodal center.
 The number of winning teams can be less than five depending on the idea’s productivity, feasibility,
novelty and acceptance by the evaluators.

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