Hazardous Materials Carried by Passengers & Crewmembers

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Hazardous Materials Carried

By Passengers & Crewmembers

In general, Federal regulations prohibit passengers and crewmembers from carrying hazardous materials aboard the aircraft. Below is a chart
detailing the exceptions in 49 CFR, section 175.10, that allow passengers and crewmembers to carry some personal hazardous materials.
Though allowable by Federal regulations, the exceptions listed here should not be interpreted as a mandate to an air carrier to allow these
materials to be carried by passengers or crew. Air carriers and other nations may have more restrictive policies than what is listed here.
An asterisk “*” on this chart indicates that an item is frequently subject to greater restrictions (or prohibited) by airlines and other nations.

Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text

Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
D Toilet or medicinal × Hazardous
articles that are materials that are not The following hazardous materials
medicinal and toilet hazardous materials when carried by a passenger or crew
toiletries or
articles (including such as rubbing alcohol, member for personal use in
described in the
flammable and flammable perfumes & other exceptions, conformance with the following
nonflammable cologne, nail polish such as: spray conditions:
aerosols) remover and aerosols paints, aerosol
(hair spray, shaving laundry starch, (i) Non-radioactive medicinal or toilet
cream, etc.). insecticides, articles (including aerosols) may be
corrosive drain carried in checked or carry-on
cleaners, etc.

(ii) One self-defense spray (see 171.8)

not exceeding 118 mL (4 fluid ounces)
by volume, that incorporates a positive
means to prevent accidental discharge
may be carried in checked baggage

(iii) Other aerosols in Division 2.2,

Additional with no subsidiary risk, may be carried
nonflammable, non- D Non-toiletry in checked baggage only; and
toxic aerosols in aerosols that contain
checked baggage nonflammable &
non-toxic gas in (iv) The aggregate quantity of
(Nonflammable hazardous materials carried by the
aerosols are rare) checked baggage
only. person may not exceed 2 kg (70
ounces) by mass or 2 L (68 fluid
ounces) by volume and the capacity of
each container may not exceed 0.5 kg
(18 ounces) by mass or 470 mL (16
fluid ounces) by volume.

(v) The provisions of this paragraph

(a)(4) also apply to an aircraft operator
when transporting passenger or crew
member baggage to its intended
One self-defense
D One small self- destination, if the baggage has been
spray (mace, pepper
defense spray may be separated from the passenger or crew
spray) in checked
in checked baggage member, including transfer to another
baggage * carrier for transport to its intended
only. *

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 1
Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
Small arms
D Small arms × All other
ammunition for personal ammunition not Small arms ammunition for
ammunition * use carried by a personal use carried by a
meeting the
–ammunition that is: passenger or crew definition of small crewmember or passenger in his
(1) Ammunition for rifle member in checked baggage (excluding carry-on
pistol, or shotgun;
arms or not
baggage if securely securely packed baggage) if securely packed in
(2) Ammunition with inert packed in fiber, wood or
projectile or blank as required. fiber, wood or metal boxes, or
metal boxes or other
ammunition; other packaging specifically
(3) Ammunition not packaging specifically
designed to carry small designed to carry small amounts of
exceeding 50 caliber
for rifle or pistol amounts of ammunition. This paragraph does
cartridges or 8 gauge ammunition. not apply to persons traveling
for shotgun shells; under the provisions of 49 CFR
(4) And not a forbidden 1544.219.
explosive under 49
CFR 173.54.
× Loaded
No set quantity limit other
× Ammunition in
than “personal use.” * carry-on baggage.

Oxygen for medical

D Oxygen, or any × Passengers may
hazardous material not carry or use Oxygen or any hazardous material
use by a passenger used for the generation used for the generation of oxygen,
their own oxygen
during flight of oxygen, which is for medical use by a passenger,
cylinders during
furnished by the aircraft the flight. which is furnished by the aircraft
operator. operator in accordance with 14
× Passengers may
CFR 121.574 or 135.91. For
Passengers may carry not carry their own
oxygen generating purposes of this paragraph, an
their own oxygen
equipment through the equipment or aircraft operator that is not a
security screening canisters. certificate holder under 14 CFR
checkpoint for use at the part 121 or part 135 may apply this
airport gate area. This exception in conformance with 14
equipment, however, CFR 121.574 or 135.91 in the
must not be carried same manner as required for a
aboard the aircraft. certificate holder.

Heart pacemakers or
D Pacemakers or 175.10(a)(8)
similar implanted Human beings and animals with an
other devices and devices and implanted medical device, such as
radiopharmaceuticals radiopharmaceuticals a heart pacemaker, that contains
contained within the contained within the Class 7 (radioactive) materials or
body body. with radio-pharmaceuticals that
have been injected or ingested.

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 2
Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
D A transport 175.10(a)(14)
Transport incubator; incubator unit A transport incubator unit necessary to
organ preservation necessary to protect protect life or an organ preservation unit
unit life or an organ necessary to protect human organs
preservation unit provided:
provided additional (i) The compressed gas used to
requirements of operate the unit is in an authorized
175.10 (a)(10)(14) are
DOT specification cylinder and is
marked, labeled, filled and
maintained as prescribed by this
(ii) Each battery used in the operation
of the unit is of the nonspillable
(iii) The unit is constructed so that
valves, fittings, and gauges are
protected from damage;
(iv) The pilot in command is advised
when the unit is on board, and
when it is intended for use;
(v) The unit is accompanied by a
person qualified to operate it;
(vi) The unit is secured in the aircraft
in a manner so as to restrict access
to or use of any required
emergency or regular exit or of the
aisle in the passenger
(vii) Smoking within 3m (10 feet) of the
unit is prohibited.

D Airline-provided × Unapproved
Items for use or sale alcoholic beverages, lighters. Alcoholic beverages, perfumes,
on the aircraft perfumes, colognes, colognes, and liquefied gas lighters that
carried by the and approved have been examined by the Bureau of
operator (airline) liquefied gas lighters. Explosives (B of E) and approved by the
Associate Administrator, carried aboard
a passenger-carrying aircraft by the
operator for use or sale on the aircraft.

D Flammable 175.10(a)(16)
Duty-free perfume & perfumes and Perfumes and colognes, purchased
cologne colognes purchased through duty-free sales, carried by
through airport duty- passengers or crew in carry-on baggage.
free sales.

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 4
Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
D Up to 5L of × Alcoholic
Alcoholic beverages alcoholic beverages beverages with more Alcohol beverages containing:
with alcohol content than 70% alcohol (i) not more than 24% alcohol by
of more than 24% content (140 proof), volume; or
but not more than including 95% grain (ii) more than 24% and not more than
70% in retail alcohol and 150-proof 70% alcohol by volume when in
bottles. rum. retail packaging not exceeding 5
liters (1.3 gallons) carried by a
crew member or passenger in
checked or carry-on baggage,
with a total net quantity per
person of 5 liters (1.3 gallons) for
such beverages.

Note – Alcoholic
beverages containing
not more than 24
percent alcohol by
volume (beer, wine,
etc.) are not subject
to the hazardous
materials regulations.

D Carbon dioxide 175.10(a)(18)

Carbon dioxide cylinders and spare Carbon dioxide gas cylinders worn by
cylinders for cylinders of similar passengers for the operation of
mechanical limbs size required during mechanical limbs and spare cylinders of a
travel for the similar size for the same purpose in
operation of sufficient quantities to ensure an adequate
mechanical limbs. supply for the duration of the journey.

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 5
Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
D Wheelchair or other 175.10(a)(19)
Wheelchair or other battery-powered A wheelchair or other battery-powered
battery-powered mobility aid equipped mobility aid equipped with a
mobility aid with a nonspillable nonspillable battery, when carried as
equipped with a battery when carried checked baggage, provided that:
nonspillable battery as checked baggage. (i) The battery meets the provisions of
173.159(d) for nonspillable
(ii) Visual inspection including, where
necessary, removal of the battery,
reveals no obvious defects
(however, removal of the battery
from the housing should be
performed by qualified airline
personnel only);
(iii) The battery is disconnected and
terminals are insulated to prevent
short circuits;
(iv) The battery is securely attached to
Nonspillable the wheelchair or mobility aid, is
removed and placed in a strong,
rigid packaging that is marked
(unless fully enclosed in a rigid
housing that is properly marked),
or is handled in accordance with
paragraph (a)(20)(iv) of this

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 6
Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
Wheelchair or other D Wheelchair or other A wheelchair or other battery-powered
battery-powered battery-powered mobility aid equipped with a spillable
mobility aid equipped mobility aid equipped battery, when carried as checked
with a spillable with a spillable battery baggage, provided:
battery when carried as (i) Visual inspection including,
checked baggage. where necessary, removal of the
battery, reveals no obvious
defects (however, removal of the
battery from the housing should
be performed by qualified airline
personnel only);
(ii) The battery is disconnected and
terminals are insulated to prevent
short circuits;
(iii) The pilot-in-command is advised,
either orally or in writing, prior to
departure, as to the location of the
battery aboard the aircraft;
(iv) The wheelchair or mobility aid is
loaded, stowed, secured, and
unloaded in an upright position or
the battery is removed, the
wheelchair or mobility aid is
carried as checked baggage
without further restriction, and the
removed battery is carried in a
strong, rigid packaging under the
following conditions:
(A) The packaging must be leak
tight and impervious to battery
fluid. An inner liner may be used
to satisfy this requirement if there
is absorbent material placed
inside of the liner and the liner
has a leakproof closure;
(B) The battery must be protected
against short circuits, secured
upright in the packaging, and be
packaged with enough compatible
absorbent material to completely
absorb liquid contents in the event
of rupture of the battery;
(C) The packaging must be
labeled with the words “Battery,
wet, with wheelchair”.

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 7
Passenger Hazmat 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
Curling irons
D One gas (butane) × Gas refills
operated hair curler per (spare butane Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon
(cordless) passenger or crew gas, no more than one per passenger
cartridges) for
member. such curlers are or crew member, provided that the
not permitted. safety cover is securely fitted over
the heating element. Gas refills for
such curlers are not permitted in
checked or carry-on baggage.

Mercury barometer
D Mercury barometer or 175.10(a)(22)
thermometer carried by A mercurial barometer or
or thermometer government official thermometer carried as carry-on
baggage only, by a representative of
See next page for small a government weather bureau or
medical mercury similar official agency, provided that
thermometer individual advises the operator of the
presence of the barometer or
thermometer in his baggage. The
barometer or thermometer must be
packaged in a strong outer packaging
having sealed inner liner or bag of
strong, leak proof and puncture-
resistant material impervious to
mercury, which will prevent the
escape of mercury from the package
irrespective of its position. The
pilot-in-command must be informed
of the presence of any such
barometer or thermometer by the
operator of the aircraft.

D Electrically powered 175.10(a)(23)

Heat producing (battery-operated) With the approval of the operator of
articles equipment such as the aircraft and as carry-on baggage,
underwater diving lamps electrically powered heat-producing
and portable soldering articles (e.g. battery-operated
equipment, when the equipment, such as underwater
heat producing torches and soldering equipment),
component or energy
which, if accidentally activated, will
source (battery) is
removed. generate extreme heat and can cause
fire. The heat-producing component,
or the energy source, must be
removed so as to prevent
unintentional functioning during

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 8
Passenger 49 CFR Regulatory Text
Allowed Not Allowed
Exceptions That Allows It
D With the approval of 175.10(a)(25)
Gas cylinders for the aircraft operator With approval of the aircraft operator, a
self-inflating life and when fitted in a passenger or crew member may carry in
jackets self-inflating lifejacket, checked or carry-on baggage, no more
up to two non- than two small gas cartridges containing
flammable gas no hazardous material other than
cylinders plus two Division 2.2 gas that are fitted into a
self-inflating lifejacket for inflation
purposes, plus no more than two spare

D One mercury 175.10(a)(26)

Medical or clinical medical or clinical A small medical or clinical mercury
mercury thermometer in a thermometer for personal use, when
thermometer protective case per carried in protective cases by passenger
passenger or or crewmembers.

Though the FAA enforces these regulations in air transportation, the

Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Parts 100-185) are written, issued,
and officially interpreted by the US DOT Research and Special Programs
Administration, Office of Hazardous Materials Safety.

For questions or comments concerning these regulations, please contact

the Hazardous Materials Information Center at: 1-800-467-4922 or

Prepared by the FAA Office of Security and Hazardous Materials (http://ash.faa.gov). Updated 3/2004 9

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