Changes in NFPA 10-2018
Changes in NFPA 10-2018
Changes in NFPA 10-2018
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The current definition does not include the local alarm device identified in Additional text is
needed to describe this device. Updated the information on electronic monitoring in the annex to include other types.
Definition: Film-Forming Foam
3.3.16* Film-Forming Foam Agents.
Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) and film-forming fluoroprotein foam (FFFP). A solution that will form an aqueous film on liquid fuels.* Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF).
A solution based on fluorinated surfactants plus foam stabilizers to produce a fluid aqueous film for suppressing liquid fuel vapors.* Film-Forming Fluoroprotein Foam (FFFP).
A protein-foam solution that uses fluorinated surfactants to produce a fluid aqueous film for suppressing liquid fuel vapors.
A. Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF).
The foam formed acts as a barrier both to exclude air or oxygen and to develop an aqueous film on the fuel surface that is capable of suppressing the
evolution of fuel vapors. The foam produced with AFFF concentrate is dry chemical compatible and thus is suitable for combined use with dry chemicals.
A. Film-Forming Fluoroprotein Foam (FFFP).
In addition to an air-excluding foam blanket, this solution also can deposit a vaporization-preventing film on the surface of a liquid fuel. This solution is
compatible with certain dry chemicals.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The terms AFFF and FFFP are used more throughout the standard (see 5.5.3,,,,,, Table,,,,, and Table 8.3.1). The defined term is only used in
A.3.3.16, 3.4.8 (another definition) and D.4.2. Therefore, definitions of AFFF and FFFP are required and have been added.
Definition: Travel Distance
3.3.27* Travel Distance.
The actual walking distance from any a point to the nearest fire extinguisher fulfilling
hazard requirements.
A.3.3.27 Travel Distance.
For Class A hazards, travel distance is from any point to an extinguisher. For Class B, D, and
K hazards, travel distance is measured from the hazard to an extinguisher (or agent
container for Class D). Travel distance will be affected by partitions, location of doorways,
aisles, piles of stored materials, machinery, and other walking obstructions. It is important
to consider these obstructions as a person retrieving an extinguisher will need to walk
around obstructions, which takes time.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Add new annex material per attached. For Class A hazards, travel distance is from any point to an
extinguisher. For Class B, D, and K hazards, travel distance is measured from the hazard to an extinguisher (or agent container for
Class D).
Listing Criteria for Class C
In addition to successfully meeting the requirements of ANSI/UL 711,
CAN/ULC-S508, water-based agents that are listed for the Class C rating
shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D5391, Standard Test for
Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity of a Flowing High Purity Water
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This requirement only applies to extinguishers that are listed for the Class C rating such as water
mist extinguishers.
Identification of Contents
4.2* Identification of Contents.
A fire extinguisher shall have a label, tag, or stencil attached to it providing the following information:
1) The content's product name as it appears on the manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2) Listing of the hazardous material identification in accordance with Hazardous Materials Identification
System (HMIS), Implementational Manual [in Canada, Workplace Hazardous Materials Identification
System (WHMIS) Reference Manual Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS)] developed by the National Paint and Coatings Association
3) List of any hazardous materials that are in excess of 1.0 percent of the contents
4) List of each chemical in excess of 5.0 percent of the contents
5) Information as to what is hazardous about the agent in accordance with the MSDS
6) Manufacturer's or service agency's name, mailing address, and phone number
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Canada is replacing WHMIS with the UN's Globally Harmonized System for Classification and
Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).
Obsolete Fire Extinguishers
4.4 Obsolete Fire Extinguishers. The following types of fire extinguishers are considered obsolete COMMITTEE STATEMENT:
and shall be removed from service: (3) Number (3), as written, eliminates all
(1) Soda acid vaporizing liquid extinguishing agents. There
(2) Chemical foam (excluding film-forming agents) are currently numerous types of vaporizing
(3) Vaporizing liquid (e.g., carbon tetrachloride) Carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide, and liquid clean extinguishing agents in use today
chlorobromomethane (CBM)
that are acceptable, i.e. Halon 1211 and
(4) Cartridge-operated water
Halotron 1. Though these agents may be
(5) Cartridge-operated loaded stream
categorized as Halogenated Agents, they still
(6) Copper or brass shell (excluding pump tanks) joined by soft solder or rivets
also fall under the broader general category of
(7) Carbon dioxide extinguishers with metal horns
"vaporizing liquids".
(8) Solid charge–type AFFF extinguishers (paper cartridge)
(9) Pressurized water fire extinguishers manufactured prior to 1971
(11) Extinguishers manufactured prior to 1955
(10) Any extinguisher that needs to be inverted to operate are obsolete, were tested to an outdated
(11) Any stored pressure extinguisher manufactured prior to 1955 standard, rated with an outdated rating system,
(12) Any extinguishers with 4B, 6B, 8B, 12B, and 16B fire ratings are 60 years old or older, and do not have
(13) Stored-pressure water extinguishers with fiberglass shells (pre-1976) current manuals or OEM parts available. These
extinguishers should be removed from service.
Obsolete Fire Extinguishers
Dry chemical stored-pressure extinguishers manufactured prior to
October 1984 with an indicated manufacturing date of 1984 or prior
shall be removed from service at the next 6-year maintenance interval
or the next hydrotest, whichever comes first.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: All hydrotest dates have passed for stored pressure extinguishers manufactured prior to
October, 1984, thus there is no reason to maintain this language.
Extinguishers for Pressurized Flammable
Liquids and Pressurized Gas Fires* Extinguishers for Pressurized Flammable Liquids and Pressurized Gas Fires.
Large-capacity dry chemical extinguishers of 10 lb (4.54 kg) or greater and a discharge rate
of 1 lb/sec (0.45 kg/sec) or more shall be used to protect these hazards.
Selection of fire extinguishers for this type of hazard shall be made on the basis of
recommendations by manufacturers of this specialized equipment.
Large-capacity dry chemical extinguishers of 10 lb (4.54 kg) or greater and a discharge rate
of 1 lb/sec (0.45 kg/sec) or more shall be used to protect these hazards.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Existing contains the manufacturer's recommendation therefore has been
Areas Containing Oxidizers
5.5.7* Areas Containing Oxidizers.
Only water-type water or foam extinguishers shall be installed in areas where pool chemicals containing chlorine or bromine are stored containing oxidizers, such as pool chemicals.*
Multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguishers shall not be installed in areas where pool chemicals containing chlorine or bromine are stored containing oxidizers, such as pool
Fire extinguishers intended for use where oxidizers are stored or used shall be selected and installed based on the specific recommendations contained within the material’s safety
data sheet (SDS) for the oxidizer, surrounding conditions, and NFPA 400.
The purpose for providing portable fire extinguishers in areas where oxidizers are stored is to provide first aid fire suppression for incipient fires in materials adjacent to or in the
same area as the oxidizers. Fires involving oxidizers are typically beyond the capability of portable fire extinguishers. The use of some types of portable fire extinguishers on oxidizers
could generate a chemical reaction, resulting in potential explosive compounds or otherwise exacerbating the emergency, and should not be permitted in the area where oxidizers
are stored or used.
Halon extinguishers should not be used on fires involving oxidizers because they can react with the oxidizer.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The proposed change brings NFPA 10 in line with the 2013 edition of NFPA 400 - Hazardous Materials
Code. There are oxidizers that are incompatible with the application of water. Because the specific type of oxidizer, state of the
material, and the quantity present can affect various extinguishment recommendations, referencing the materials SDS is
Number of Extinguishers
6.1.1* Number of Extinguishers.
The minimum number of fire extinguishers needed to protect a property shall be determined as outlined in this chapter.
Wheeled fire extinguishers have additional agent and range and should be considered for areas where the additional protection is needed. Portable fire extinguishers offer the occupant a means to assist in evacuation of a
building or occupancy. They are useful to knock down the fire if it occurs along the evacuation route. If possible, the individual property should be surveyed for actual protection requirements.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The last item has been deleted, as it did not make sense.
Visual Obstructions Visual Obstructions.
Fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view be installed in locations where they are visible except as permitted by*
In large rooms and in certain locations where visual obstructions cannot be completely avoided, signs or other means shall be provided to indicate the
extinguisher location.
Where signs are used to indicate fire extinguisher location, the signs shall comply with the following:
a) They shall be located in close proximity to the extinguisher.
b) They shall be visible from the normal path of travel.
Signs or other means used to indicate fire extinguisher location shall be located in close proximity to the extinguisher.
The primary means for identifying the locations of fire extinguishers should be by the installation of fire extinguisher signs that are specifically
designed for that purpose. Examples of other means of identifying the fire extinguisher locations include arrows, lights, signs, or coding of the
wall or column.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: As a minimum, signs or other means need to be provided to indicate the extinguisher location. Fire
extinguisher signs are the preferred method for identifying extinguisher locations.
added to help correct problems
identified in the field for inappropriate
Mounting Equipment installations.
In situations where it is necessary that fire extinguishers be provided temporarily, a good practice is to provide portable stands, consisting of a horizontal bar on uprights with feet, on
which the fire extinguishers can be hung installed. Portable stands should be designed to comply with the mounting heights for extinguishers (see
A. (1)
Hangers not intended for extinguishers should not be installed [e.g., a 5 lb (2.3 kg)] extinguisher hanger should not be used with a 10 lb (4.5 kg) extinguisher).
Extinguishers Subject to Damage*
Fire extinguishers installed under conditions where or in locations where
they are subject to physical damage (e.g., from impact, vibration, the
environment) shall be protected against such damage.
Where an extinguisher is located in an area that it is susceptible to damage,
the supplier of the extinguisher should be consulted to determine whether
special mounting equipment or protective coverings are available.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The text has been revised for clarification.
Label Visibility
The extinguisher operating instructions shall be located on the front of
the extinguisher and shall be clearly visible. Fire extinguishers shall be
installed so that the fire extinguisher’s operating instructions face
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The requirement has been updated to relate to the installation of the extinguisher,
rather than the placement of the instructions on the extinguisher. The proposed wording matches the
requirement for cabinets (
Extinguisher Cabinets* Cabinets.
In addition to providing storage, extinguisher cabinets provide protection for extinguishers
and prevent accidental bumping. The cabinet cavity must be big enough to accommodate
the extinguisher, so the extinguisher must be selected before selecting the cabinet. The
final selection of the cabinet should allow adequate room for the extinguisher to be easily
removed. Certain fire-resistance-rated cabinets are intended for installation into 1-hour
and 2-hour fire-resistance-rated walls. Cabinets that are not fire-resistance-rated make the
entire fire-resistance-rated wall noncompliant, so only surface mounted cabinets or fire-
resistance-rated cabinets are appropriate for installation in fire-resistance-rated walls.
Cabinets on/in Fire-Rated Walls*
For fire resistance–rated walls, only surface-mounted cabinets or listed fire-
rated cabinets shall be installed.
Certain fire resistance–rated cabinets are intended for installation into fire
resistance–rated walls. Cabinets that are not fire resistance–rated make the
entire fire resistance–rated wall noncompliant, so only surface-mounted
cabinets or fire resistance–rated cabinets are appropriate for installation in
fire resistance–rated walls.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Only surface mounted cabinets or listed fire-rated cabinets are intended to be installed in any
fire-resistance-rated walls. Cabinets that are not fire-rated should not be installed in these walls as they would make the
entire fire-rated wall non-compliant.
Electronic Monitoring
6.1.5 Electronic Monitoring and Alarm System.
Where an electronic monitoring and alarm system is installed,
and shall apply.
The connection to the electronic monitoring device shall be
continuously supervised for integrity.
The power source for the electronic monitoring device shall be
supervised for continuity of power.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The revision clarifies that an electronic supervision and alarm system is not required for
all circumstances.
Installations for Class B Hazards – Spill Fires
The ratings used in Table are based on the fire test standard UL
711, Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers. These test fires are
conducted in square pans containing a flammable liquid. The
flammable liquids in the pans are not in motion, and these fires don’t
have objects in them to interfere with the application of the
extinguishing agent. A spill fire can be protected in accordance with
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The annex material has been updated to correlate with the requirements of
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Current wording is confusing and could
become subjective. New wording provides an enforceable
Inspection Procedures The type of inspection service provided should be at the
discretion of the building owner or designated agent. The owner
or agent should also be the party that determines one method or
another or a combination of methods. Any alternate method to
visual inspection should be reviewed and approved by the AHJ.
7.2.2 Inspection Procedures.
Periodic inspection or electronic monitoring of fire extinguishers shall include a check of at least the following items:
(1) Location in designated place
(2) No obstruction to access or visibility Visibility of the extinguisher or means of indicating the extinguisher location
(3) Access to the extinguisher
(4) Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position
(5) Fullness determined by weighing or hefting
(6) Condition of tires, wheels, carriage, hose, and nozzle for wheeled extinguishers
(7) Indicator for nonrechargeable extinguishers using push-to-test pressure indicators
The owner or the owner’s agent shall determine the method of extinguisher inspection such as manual inspection, electronic
monitoring, or any combination of the two.
Any method(s) of inspection other than manual inspection shall require the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.
Inspection Procedures – Class D Inspection Procedure for Containers of Class D Extinguishing Agent.
Periodic inspection of containers of Class D extinguishing agent used to protect
Class D hazards shall include verification of at least the following:
(1) Located in designated place
(2) No obstruction to access or visibility Visibility of the container or means of
indicating the container location
(3) Access to the container
(4) Lid is sealed
(5) Fullness by hefting or weighing
(6) No obvious physical damage to container
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Current wording is confusing and could become subjective. New wording provides an
enforceable requirement.
Maintenance Interval
Fire extinguishers shall be subjected to maintenance at intervals of not
more than 1 year, at the time of hydrostatic test, or when specifically
indicated by an inspection discrepancy or electronic notification.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The text clarifies that maintenance must be performed at least once per
Maintenance of Nonrechargeable
Extinguishers* Seals or Tamper Indicators.
At the time of the maintenance, the tamper seal of a rechargeable fire
extinguisher shall be removed by operating the pull pin or locking device.
Where a safety seal or tamper indicator is missing, it can be evidence that
the fire extinguisher has been used. and, therefore, If a tamper seal is found
to be missing from a nonrechargeable extinguisher, it should be removed
from service. Extreme caution should be exercised before replacing a tamper
seal on a nonrechargeable fire extinguisher.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Tamper seals on non-rechargeable extinguishers are not to be removed for maintenance; therefore,
the only reason to remove a tamper seal is to use the extinguisher. If the tamper seal is not on the extinguishers, it should be
removed from service.
Internal Examination* Cartridge- or Cylinder-Operated Extinguishers.
The extinguishing agent of cartridge- or cylinder-operated extinguishers
shall be internally examined annually.
It is not necessary to empty cartridge- or cylinder-operated dry
chemical fire extinguishers to check the condition of the extinguishing
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: NFPA 10 fails to emphasize the need for regular maintenance of fire hoses that are installed in lieu of
fire extinguishers. NFPA 10 requires fire extinguishers to be regularly maintained. As long as fire hoses are recognized in NFPA 10
( as an acceptable alternative for up to 1/2 of the required complement of class A rated fire extinguishers, it is important
that NFPA 10 also require that those fire hoses be properly maintained. NFPA 1962 - Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection,
Service Testing, and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and Fire Hose Appliances - details the maintenance
requirements for fire hoses.
Expired Hydrostatic Testing
In no case shall an extinguisher be recharged without hydrostatic
testing if it is beyond its specified hydrostatic test date.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The revised text more clearly defines the requirement.
Halon Extinguishers
Listed and labeled halon portable fire extinguishers currently comply with this standard and have
demonstrated compliance with the requirements of UL 1093, Standard for Halogenated Agent Fire
Extinguishers, which also includes fire testing and rating criteria. As a result of the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, UL has withdrawn UL 1093. This does not
imply that extinguishers that are listed and labeled to the requirements of UL 1093 are unsafe for
use as fire extinguishers, nor does it mean that UL or the EPA is requiring that halon extinguishers
be removed from service. It does mean that UL will not accept new designs of halon extinguishers
for testing or UL listing. It also means that no changes or updates are allowed to models that are
currently listed and that had previously demonstrated compliance with UL 1093.
Extinguisher manufacturers are allowed to manufacture their current design of UL-listed halon
extinguishers with the UL listing mark until October 2014 2025. Halon extinguishers currently in use
will continue to be listed beyond the 2014 2025 date and should be permitted to be used to comply
with the requirements of this standard when installed, inspected, and maintained in accordance
with this standard.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Halon extinguishers currently in use will continue to be listed beyond the 2025 date and should be
permitted to be used to comply with the requirements of this standard when installed, inspected, and maintained in
accordance with this standard.
Class C
5.5.6* Electronic Equipment Fires.
Fire extinguishers for the protection of delicate electronic equipment shall be selected from
types specifically listed and labeled for Class C hazards. (See
Delicate electronic equipment includes, but is not limited to, data processing, computers,
CAD, CAM, robotics, and reproduction equipment. Use of fire extinguishers containing other
extinguishing agents can damage beyond repair both the equipment at the source of the fire
and related equipment in the immediate vicinity of the fire. Where occupancies are required
to have extinguishers installed, this section is applicable to areas where the electronic
equipment is located. Delicate electronic equipment includes, but is not limited to
telecommunications, computers, servers, robotics, and reproduction equipment.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: NFPA 10 is an installation standard. Where extinguishers are required by an occupancy document, this
provision applies to the areas where delicate electronic equipment is located. The equipment owner should not be removing this
equipment where it is required.
Recommended Marking System
Annex C – Fire Extinguisher Selection
Annex D – Operation and Use
• Removed references to and discussion of obsolete fire extinguishers
Annex F – Selection of Residential Fire-
Extinguishing Equipment
• Deleted reference to halogenated agent, which is not approved for
residential use under the EPA’s SNAP program
Annex H – Conditions of Selection
• Updated Table H.2 Characteristics of Extinguishers to reflect current
Annex G – Extinguisher Classification and
Rating System
• Deleted Table G.2 Class B Rating Equivalencies, since all
extinguishers manufactured prior to 1955 are considered obsolete
and should be removed from service