C 17.E Well Workover

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The Lease Pumper’s Handbook

Chapter 17
Well Servicing and Workover

Section E


E-1. Well Workover Operations.

When a well has a problem more serious

than changing out a pump, repairing a hole in
the tubing, fishing a parted rod, or other
basic well service need, it is referred to as
well workover. This section highlights a few
of the well problems and necessary workover
procedures that may be encountered.

Killing flowing wells and blowout

preventers. In most cases when a flowing
well is to be worked over, the well must be Figure 1. Specialized equipment for well
killed before service can begin. This is workover, including a water tank,
usually done with a transport truck similar to hydraulic power for rotating head, mud
the truck that hauls oil or water. Wells can pump, and mud pit.
be killed with oil, formation water, or treated
water. Water is used when it will not If a blowout preventer or BOP is to be
damage the formation. After the kill fluid installed, the crew needs to be prepared for a
has been injected and until the injected fluid quick transfer in removing the Christmas tree
exerts more downward pressure than bottom and the BOP installation.
hole pressure, the well will sometimes go on If water is injected as a killing fluid,
vacuum. Water is injected until the desired potassium chloride may need to be mixed
amount has reached bottom. At some point, with the water to prevent formation
all fluid movement stops. The well is dead hydration. This is especially true if any shale
and can be worked on. is present in the reservoir. Enough water is
With flowing wells, the injected fluid injected to kill the well for the needed time
slowly dissipates into the formation, and the before it may disperse in the formation and
well begins to flow again after a period of allow the well to begin flowing again.
time. This means the volume of kill fluid Swabbing will remove the load water to
injected is proportional to the work being speed up the process.
performed. The pumper must not only begin
the work, but must always be prepared to Blowout preventers. A typical blowout
close the well back in if it begins to come preventer used for workover will usually
back to life or flow. consist of two sections. The upper section

contains rams that fit around the pipe if it tubing much in the same way as salt. As
should become necessary to close them. The pressure and temperature are lowered on the
lower section contains blind rams that can be water, the suspended scale breaks out. This
closed if necessary whenever the pipe is out scale can bridge the tubing in the hole as well
of the hole. This will permit control of the as stick the pump and reduce the size of the
well if it should begin to flow while the pipe tubing to make it too small to be removed.
is in the hole or if it is out or on the bank. The tubing may need to be pulled out of the
hole, laid on a rack, and reamed or drilled
E-2. Stuck Pipe. out.
With flowing wells a special coating on the
Stuck pipe can be caused from several tubing can reduce scale buildup. With
problems, such as salt bridges, scale pumping wells it may become necessary to
deposits, and sand accumulating in the circulate a scale-reducing chemical down the
bottom of the hole. The pumper does not annulus. This may be done periodically
usually know that the tubing is stuck until through batch treatment or pumped into the
tension is pulled on the tubing and it cannot annular space daily.
be moved.
Sand control. Sand can be periodically
Salt bridges. Salt bridges can occur on a bailed from the well or the well may be
pumping well whenever it pumps many gravel packed. Screened perforated joints
cycles a day and the water being produced is may also be installed to filter out the sand. If
extremely salty. sand is a problem, a maintenance program
While the well is off between pumping will need to be developed to meet the needs
cycles, the salt water rises in the casing, and of the lease.
when pumping, water is pumped down to a
level near the tubing perforations. Each time E-3. Drilling with Tubing.
this is done, a thin layer of salt may adhere to
tubing and casing walls. Since this occurs On some leases, it may be necessary to drill
thousands of times, these thin layers build up out scale in the bottom of the hole
until salt bridges the area between the tubing periodically. The tubing in the well can be
and the casing. If this area bridges utilized as drill pipe by the use of a rotating
completely, gas cannot be released to the head and a power swivel. Some operators
tank battery, and the pressure near the well perform this service to their wells as needed
bore increases to formation pressure. Oil to restore production.
production will fall dramatically and
eventually cease. E-4. Stripping Wells.
To solve this problem, fresh water may be
dropped down the casing annulus at Stripping a well is a process of pulling the
scheduled intervals to dissolve the salt, rods and tubing simultaneously. This begins
reduce the buildup, and prevent bridging. by breaking the rod string out by setting the
string down, engaging the pump clutch or
Scale deposits. Scale is carried into the notches, and turning the rods to the left.
annular space dissolved in water. It is After many rounds of turning, the rods will
deposited on the walls of the casing and break at some point. Rod tongs or a wheel

may be used for this purpose. The part of the broken part that is in the hole. To
the rod string that breaks loose is removed. determine the problem, an impression block
Tubing is pulled until the rods are reached, is run. It may be necessary to design and
and the procedure repeated until all of the make a special fishing tool for catching the
rods and tubing has been stripped out or fish.
All downhole pumps have a clutch or Running impression blocks. When an
engaging notch built into them for this impression block is run, the type of block to
purpose. With most pumps, there is a clutch be used must be selected. Rental blocks are
on the bottom only, so the rod string must be usually made of a soft lead, but a softer
lowered until this off-set notch assembly material may be needed to get a deeper
engages. The rods to the left can be turned impression. This are made of tar.
to break them out. Other pumps have a
clutch assembly on both the bottom and top, Hard impression blocks. When running a
so the rod string may be lifted to engage it lead impression, the tool is lowered into the
and break the rods loose. The location can hole by running it onto the tubing string. The
be determined in a few minutes by raising or amount of pressure applied and the manner
lowering the rod string and turning it until it of obtaining the impression depends on the
engages. weight of the tubing string being lowered.
Problems are encountered by losing oil The lighter the string, the faster it is lowered
through spilling it on the ground, lighter oils to strike the fish to obtain the impression.
heading (flowing up out of the tubing) and After examining the impression, a decision is
flowing, and even blowing out and covering made as to the best method of fishing.
the rig and location with oil, causing
environmental damage and a major The soft impression block. A soft
equipment clean-up. Special equipment and impression block is usually a shop-made tool.
procedures such as swabbing can be used to A hole is drilled in the neck of a swage, then
prevent this contamination. roofing tar is poured into it with a short
Safety joints can be installed in the rod and crown. After lowering it into the hole on
tubing string to unlatch and pull most of the three or four joints of tubing, the sand line is
string easily. This procedure presents special attached. It can be run to bottom quickly,
problems such as the tubing safety device and very little pressure is necessary to
turning loose while trying to unlatch the rod receive a deep impression.
safety device.
When stripping a well, some lease pumpers Fishing tools. There are many types of
attempt to turn the rod and casing string by fishing tools that can be rented for fishing. A
using a rod wrench with an extension or spear works well for a jagged opening, and
cheater. This is a dangerous practice and an overshot with a milling surface can be
should not be attempted. used to catch a round fish. When the fish is
too far to one side, a shop-formed offset
E-5. Fishing Tubing. finger can be made to wrap around the fish
by turning the pipe. The local tool rental
When fishing a loose string of tubing in the company also has fishing specialists available
hole, there may be problems latching onto to supervise special fishing jobs.

E-6. Fracing/Hydraulic Fracturing Wells. cut off production. A water blanket is added
above the charge to add weight and force the
There is an abundance of new technology heat into the formation.
available for use when stimulating wells
through a fracturing process. This requires E-7. Pulling and Running Tubing Under
applying enough hydraulic pressure to the Pressure.
rock formation to split the rock, then
pumping sand into the fracture, propping the By using two sets of blowout preventers
fracture open to allow oil and gas to flow to with a space nipple in between, a well can be
the well bore. worked over without killing the well. It is
Several fluids are used to carry the also possible to work over a well while it is
treatment to the formation when fracing producing.
wells. The easily available fluids are lease
water, fresh treated water, and crude oil.
Several petroleum-based fluids are also used.
Sand frac is a common procedure using
natural and manufactured agents. The
formation is fractured and spread open, and
several sizes of a special sand are pumped in
as a propping agent. Rock salt, which is
water soluble, and moth balls, which are oil
soluble, may be added to block receptive
passages during the fracing process to extend
the fracture deeper into the formation and
improve the final results.
With acid fracing, an acid is pumped into
the hole under high pressure to open the
rock and etch rock away to permanently
open the formation. A time neutralizer is
added to make the acid safe to produce back
after the job has been completed.
Other special fracs may be performed such
as an explosive heat frac. The explosion will
back flush the formation toward the Figure 2. A well workover rig with a
reservoir. The heat is especially effective in double blowout stack so that workover
shallow, low bottom hole temperature wells can be performed while the well is still
where tars, paraffins, and other firm under pressure and even while it is
petroleum products plug the formation and producing oil and gas.

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