Practical Tips To Survive Stressful Times

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Practical Tips to Survive Stressful Times

1. Identify your stressors and figure out ways to avoid or reduce them
We all know that feeling. You're in the middle of a test and you can't focus because all you can think
about is how much work you have to do when you get home. Or maybe you're trying to fall asleep
but all you can hear is your neighbor’s TV blaring. Whatever it is, there's something that's stressing
you out and it's ruining your day. In this blog post, we'll identify some common stressors for school
students and give some tips on how to reduce them.

a. Exam stress: There's no getting around it; exams are stressful. However,

there are a few things you can do to make them less daunting:

 Study in short bursts rather than long marathon sessions. This will help keep your brain
 Take breaks and allow yourself time to relax. A little bit of downtime will actually help you
focus when you return to your studies.
 Get plenty of rest and exercise; both help improve focus and concentration.
 Use a planner to keep track of what you need to study and when. This will help reduce the
feeling of being overwhelmed.
b. Social media and comparison: It's so easy to get sucked into social media these days. We're
constantly bombarded with images of people's amazing lives and it's easy to start feeling like
you're not good enough. Comparison is one of the leading causes of stress, so try not to
compare yourself to others. Remember, everyone has their own struggles and nobody's life
c. Homework and workload: This is one of the most common sources of stress for students.
Juggling school, work, and social obligations can be tough. Here are a few tips to help you
manage your workload:
 Break assignments down into small tasks and set deadlines for yourself. This will help reduce
the feeling of being overwhelmed.
 Talk to your teachers about what can be done to reduce the workload (for example, turning
in assignments early or doing peer editing).
 Set limits on how much time you spend on homework each day and stick to them.
 Create a study space where you can work without distractions.
d. Relationship problems: Relationships can be a major source of stress. Whether it's fighting
with your best friend, breaking up with your significant other, or dealing with family drama,
these conflicts can take a toll on our mental health. Here are a few tips for dealing with
relationship stress:
 Talk to someone you trust about what's going on. Venting can help relieve some of the
 Try to distance yourself from the person or situation that's causing you stress. This can be
difficult, but it may be necessary to preserve your mental health.
 Seek professional help if the stress is too much to handle on your own.
e. Lack of sleep: This is a major source of stress for students. Not getting enough sleep can
cause problems with focus, concentration, and decision-making. Here are a few tips for
getting a good night's sleep:
 Create a bedtime routine and stick to it. This will help your body get into a rhythm.
 Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed.
 Make your bedroom a peaceful and relaxing space. Remove all distractions (television,
computer, etc).
f. Financial stress: Money is a common cause of stress for students. Trying to make ends meet
can be difficult. Here are a few tips for managing financial stress:
 Create a budget and stick to it.
 Eliminate unnecessary expenses.
 Ask your parents or other family members for help if you're struggling financially.
 Take on a part-time job to earn some extra money.
g. Time management stress: This is another common source of stress for students. We're
constantly juggling school, work, and social obligations and it can be tough to find time for
everything. Here are a few tips for managing your time:
 Create a schedule and stick to it.
 Prioritize what's important and be willing to sacrifice less important things.
 Use time management tools (calendars, planners, timers, etc).
 Delegate tasks to others whenever possible.

Make time for yourself each day to do something you enjoy

Everyone always says that you should make time for yourself, but it can be hard to do when you
have a lot of obligations. However, it's really important to take some time for yourself every day to
do something that you enjoy. That way, you'll stay balanced and refreshed, and be able to handle
everything else that comes your way. Here are a few ideas for things to do each day to make sure
you get some "me" time.

a. Watch a funny movie: Laughter is a great way to de-stress and relax. Watch a funny
movie and laugh until your stomach hurts.
b. Play with a pet: Pets are a great way to relax and de-stress. Spend some time
playing with your pet and enjoy their company.
c. Laugh with friends: Hang out with your friends and indulge in some good-natured
laughter. It's a great way to de-stress and have fun.
d. Take a relaxing bath: Soak in a hot bath with some lavender oil or Epsom salts. This
is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day.
e. Work on a hobby: Whether it's painting, crafting, or gardening, working on a hobby
can be a great way to de-stress and relax.

2. Exercise regularly to release endorphins and improve your mood

Most people know that exercise is good for them, but many don't realize just how good it is. Exercise
releases endorphins, which are hormones that improve your mood. When you exercise regularly,
you'll feel better overall and be less likely to experience stress or depression. So if you're feeling
down, get up and move! It will make a big difference in how you feel.
A. Take a brisk walk outdoors: Walking is a great way to get some exercise and fresh
air. Scientifically, brisk walking benefits you because it elevates your heart rate and
gets the blood flowing to your brain.
b. Dance to your favourite song: Grooving to your favourite number is a great
way to get your heart rate up and release some endorphins. If you dance
well, you can even win friends easily.
c. Jump up and down for a minute: This may seem like a silly way to get your
heart rate up, but it actually works! Jumping is a great way to get your blood
flowing and release some endorphins.
d. Do 10 push-ups: Push-ups are a great way to tone your body and strengthen
your muscles. They're also a good way to get your heart rate up and release
e. Take a 5-minute break to stretch: When you're feeling stressed, it's easy to
forget to take breaks. However, taking a few minutes to stretch can do
wonders for your body and mind. Stretch out your muscles and take a few
deep breaths. You'll feel better instantly.
f. Drink a glass of water: Oftentimes, we mistake dehydration for hunger or
fatigue. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay
hydrated and healthy.

3. Eat healthy foods that will give you sustained energy throughout the

Eating healthy foods is important for your overall health and well-being. But did you know that it’s
also important for your energy levels? If you want to stay energized throughout the day, you need to
fuel your body with the right kind of food. Here are some healthy foods that will give you sustained
energy throughout the day:

a) Bananas: A great source of potassium and vitamin C, bananas are a great way to boost your
energy levels. They're also a good source of fibre, which will help keep you feeling full throughout
the day.

b)     Dark chocolate: It contains antioxidants that can improve your mood and give you a quick burst
of energy. Dark chocolate is also a good source of magnesium, which helps to regulate energy levels.

c) Green tea: Green tea has been shown to increase energy levels and focus. It's also a good source
of antioxidants and caffeine, which can help to improve your mood and energy levels.

d)     Nuts: A good source of protein and healthy fats, nuts are a great way to fuel your body and
keep you feeling energized.

e) Oatmeal: High in fibre, oatmeal helps keep you full throughout the day and provides sustained
energy. Oatmeal is also a good source of protein and B vitamins, which help to regulate energy

f)      Quinoa: A complete protein with all nine essential amino acids, quinoa is a great way to fuel
your body and increase your energy levels. It's also high in magnesium, which can help to regulate
energy levels.

4. Connect with friends and family members who will provide

emotional support

We all need someone to talk to sometimes, and it can be especially helpful to connect with friends
and family members who will provide emotional support. These people can help us stay positive
during tough times and make us feel better when we're feeling down. If you're looking for a way to
connect with loved ones, here are a few ideas!

A. Be open to meeting new people and making new friends: Sometimes, the best way
to connect with people is to open yourself up and be willing to meet new people. As
a school-going kid, you can make new friends with classmates and batch-mates.
b. Don't be afraid to be yourself: People appreciate your quirks and unique
personality. Let your friends and family know who you are, and they'll be
more likely to support you.
c. Don't be too clingy or needy: Give your friends some space so they can
breathe. It's important to have your own life and independence, even if
you're relying on others for emotional support.
d. Be supportive and understanding when your friends are going through
tough times: We all need support sometimes, and it's important to be there
for your friends when they need you. When your friend is feeling down, be
understanding and supportive. If you don't know what to say, simply
listening is often the best thing you can do.
e. Hang out with your friends in person whenever possible, rather than over
text or social media: There's nothing quite like hanging out with your friends
in person. It allows you to connect with them on a deeper level and makes it
easier to build strong relationships.
f. Find people who share your interests: When you share interests with
someone, it's easier to connect with them. Find friends and family members
who share your interests, and you'll have a built-in connection.
g. Don't gossip or talk badly about others behind their backs: Gossiping and
talking badly about others can damage relationships. If you have a problem
with someone, talk to them directly about it. This will help to build stronger
relationships in the long run.
h. Listen more than you speak: Allow others to share their thoughts and
feelings without interruption. Listening shows that you care.

If you're not feeling comfortable connecting with friends and family members, consider connecting
with a support group. Support groups provide a safe and supportive environment for people who are
going through similar experiences. It can be helpful to connect with others who understand what
you're going through.

5. Practice deep breathing exercises or meditation to calm your mind

and body

Calmness. Serenity. Peace of mind. We all desire these things, but they're not always easy to find.
For students, the pressure of homework, exams, and social media can be overwhelming. But there's
a way to find a sense of calm even amid chaos: by practising deep breathing exercises or meditation.
These techniques can help clear your mind and relax your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and
ready to take on whatever comes your way.
a. The four-count breath: This deep breathing exercise is simple, but it's very effective.
To do the four-count breath, inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for four
seconds, and exhale for four seconds. Repeat this cycle as many times as you need
to calm down.
b. The belly breath: The belly breath is another simple deep breathing exercise that
can help you relax. To do the belly breath, inhale deeply and focus on filling your
belly with air. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat this
cycle as many times as you need to calm down.
c. The alternate nostril breath: The alternate nostril breathing is a more advanced
deep breathing exercise that can help you relax and focus. To do the alternate
nostril breath, close your left nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through
your right nostril. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then release your thumb and
exhale through your left nostril. Inhale through your left nostril, hold your breath for
a few seconds, then release and exhale through your right nostril. Repeat this cycle
as many times as you need to calm down.
d. The humming bee breath: The humming bee breath is another advanced deep
breathing exercise that can help you relax and focus. To do the humming bee
breath, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and hold
your breath for a few seconds. Exhale slowly, making a humming sound like a bee.
Inhale deeply again, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly, making
a humming sound like a bee. Repeat this cycle as many times as you need to calm
e. The lion's breath: The lion's breath is a powerful deep breathing exercise that can
help you relax and focus. To do the lion's breath, sit in a comfortable position and
close your eyes. Inhale deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale slowly,
making a roaring sound like a lion. Inhale deeply again, hold your breath for a few
seconds, then exhale slowly, making a roaring sound like a lion. Repeat this cycle as
many times as you need to calm down.
f. Mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that
focuses on being present in the moment. To do mindfulness meditation, sit in a
comfortable position and focus on your breath. When your mind starts to wander,
simply bring your attention back to your breath. Repeat this process as many times
as you need to calm down.
g. Focused-attention meditation: Focused-attention meditation is another type of
meditation that can help you focus and calm your mind. To do focused-attention
meditation, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Focus on a specific
object or sound, and when your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to
the object or sound. Repeat this process as many times as you need to calm down.
h. Open monitoring meditation: Open monitoring meditation is a type of meditation
that focuses on being aware of your surroundings. To do open-monitoring
meditation, sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breath. When your mind
starts to wander, simply become aware of your surroundings. Notice the sights,
sounds, smells, and textures around you. Repeat this process as many times as you
need to calm down.
i. Loving-kindness meditation: Loving-kindness meditation is a type of meditation that
focuses on sending love and kindness to yourself and others. To do loving-kindness
meditation, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and send
love and kindness to yourself. Exhale deeply and send love and kindness to others.
j. Transcendental Meditation: Transcendental Meditation is a type of meditation that
focuses on achieving a state of pure awareness. To do transcendental meditation,
k. Qi Gong and Tai Chi:  Qi Gong and Tai Chi are mind-body exercises that can help you
relax and focus. These exercises involve gentle movements and controlled
breathing. Qi Gong is a Chinese health system and Tai Chi is a martial art that
involves slow, graceful movements. To do them, find a class near you or watch a
tutorial online.
l. Yoga: Yoga is also a mind-body exercise that can help you relax and focus. Yoga
involves gentle movements and controlled breathing. There are many different
types of yoga, such as hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, and ashtanga yoga. You can find
many different types of yoga classes near you or watch tutorials online.

When you are going through stressful times, it is important to take care of yourself. These are
some of the best ways to calm down and relax. Let us know how they work for you in the
comments below.

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