Examples of Professional Experience Goals For Teachers

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Please note: these are suggestions only. In the Indicators/Evidence column, I have added in
“evidence” in bold type for numbers 1-5, to provide an example of concrete forms of evidence which
you could include. I encourage you to now complete the remainder by including evidence in each.
This is one of the most common errors students make when completing SMART Goals: they include
Indicators, without the Evidence. To avoid being asked to resubmit, please keep this in mind.

Personal Expected Outcomes Indicators and Evidence of ACTIONS I will take to work towards
By the end of the placement I Achievement these Outcomes:
expect to be able to: I will know I have achieved this when:

Develop my ability to reflect on my I have kept a reflective journal that shows I Write a journal entry after all significant
professional development have reflected on & learnt from my incidents
Develop new skills eg.IWB and My Supervising Teacher’s feedback sheets Access software & practice with the IWB
teaching with laptops note that I have successfully used IWB when it is available
and /or new software to teach several
Communicate effectively with My reflective journal notes that staff have Engage teachers in professional
students & staff involved me in discussions & social discussions. Talk to students about their
activities. My written evaluation of lesson interests
plans indicates that students ask questions
to help them understand material.
Plan timing for individual lessons Written evaluation of lessons indicates Practice delivering lessons to work out
that I do not run out of time or material in timings
lessons, & am able to deliver the
Develop my own behaviour I received Going Beyond for this Standard in Observe different management techniques
management style in the classroom my mid-session report. I feel I have not by different teachers
compromised my beliefs in managing poor
Develop my ability to manage group Students can split quickly into groups & Try a variety of strategies for breaking into
work in the classroom work together to complete a task groups

Conduct an effective discussion in the I have kept discussion going between Plan a list of starter questions for each
classroom students & myself until a solution is topic
Use formative assessment in the I can use the students’ comments & body Write prompts for formative assessment
classroom language to determine whether they have into lesson plans
learnt the content, & whether I need to re-
teach it
Plan & deliver lessons that engage all Most students are on task most of the time. Listen to feedback from my associate
students Individual students feel comfortable & teacher & try to implement it next lesson
involved in learning activities
Practice & implement effective Students self-regulate their behaviour Read the whole-school discipline
behavioural management strategies procedures

Adopt appropriate language & Students can use the meta-language of the Familiarise myself with necessary
terminology for the subject & stage subject when talking about it terminology

Develop appropriate resources I have a resources file with useful Ask teachers for recommendations for
resources, arranged by topic resources. Offer to leave copies of any
resources I make
Deliver lesson content effectively Students do not ask me to repeat Plan all lessons carefully. Study syllabus
instructions documents carefully
Speak clearly and confidently in front I don’t stutter or get tongue-tied and I can Practice deep breathing before lessons
of the class be heard clearly at the back of the room

Develop better time management All my lessons are planned the day before, Ask ST for topics I will teach early in my
skills & my resources are ready placement

Plan lessons for the students’ abilities All students are engaged & challenged Observe students with regular class
teachers to identify the range of abilities &

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