Lesson Plan English Sekolah Amanah 1

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Lesson Plan Week 1 2022

Subject: English Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends Class: 6G (8:30 – 9:30 am) Date: 21/03/2022
Topic 0: Welcome (Monday)
Learning Standard : Complimentary Learning Standard: Cross Curricular Links: Language
3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple 4.2.4 Describe personality Language/grammar focus: Present simple to describe
longer texts personality
Student Aspirations
Knowledge / Thinking Skills / Leadership Bilingual / Ethics & Spirituality / National Identity
Skills Proficiency
Learning Objectives: Success Criteria: I Can
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be a. circle at least four incorrect information about the characters based on the texts read.
able to read the texts and identify at least b. write at least two sentences about themselves using personality adjectives.
four incorrect information.
Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: caring – hardworking Resources: Textbook, name cards, audio, worksheet.

Impact/ Reflection
Lesson Outline
• Starter activity to 1. Play vocabulary game to activate knowledge of words learned in previous years. Activities carried out can
engage students 2. Write ‘Personality Adjective’ on the board. arouse pupils’ interest
• inform students 3. Check meaning. Is tall personality adjective? Is clever personality adjective? etc. Inform the pupils about the
LO and SC
of the learning 4. Pupils stand in a circle and take turns clockwise to say a word about personality Relate their knowledge with
objective adjective. previous lesson / Activate pupils’
• stimulate recall 5. e.g. kind – caring – hardworking - shy etc. prior knowledge
of prior learning 6. Share the LO and SC.

Main Activities
• explanation of 1. Activity 1: Explanations on the content of
the content 2. Introduce yourself and describe your personality with an adjective, e.g. Hi! I’m the lesson
• modelling and kind Sara. Examples and demonstrations
Opportunity to carry out tasks
demonstrating 3. Have pupils brainstorm personality adjectives and introduce themselves in
Continuous guidance and
• practise groups. feedback for various learning
opportunities 4. Ask pupils to make name cards (this could be done at home) showing their styles
• guidance and personality and their name. The tasks are suitable for pupils’
feedback 5. Activity 2: abilities
• cater for 6. Ask the pre-reading question in the Teacher’s Book for Warm-up: The big picture Chances for collaborative
learning style
different learning (Where are they?). Continuous guidance and
styles 7. Then ask pupils to read the short texts in the Pupil’s Book, p.4. feedback (learning and
• challenge for all 8. Ask pupils which of the children they agree with most and what they would like assessment)
learners to learn about this year.
• opportunities to 9. Activity 3:
learn 10. Ask for two or three volunteers to introduce themselves to the class using the
collaboratively texts as a model.
11. Ask all pupils to introduce themselves to their partner, using the texts and the
volunteers as a model.
12. Monitor as pupils do this to get an impression of individuals’ levels in your class.
13. Activity 4:
14. Play the audio. (Track 1.1)
15. Pupils listen to the four children talking about themselves.
16. Have them read the audio script as they listen and circle the incorrect
information. (Assessment)
17. Check the answers with the pupils.
18. Pupils read the script again.
19. Ask a question to check their overall understanding of the text, for example:
Which child are you similar to?
20. Pupils tell their partner.
21. Activity 5:
22. Ask pupils to note two things about themselves in their notebooks.
23. Using these notes and the personality adjective, ask pupils to write at least two
sentences about themselves. (Assessment)
24. Differentiation
Lower ability pupils - To answer 3 questions and continue with reading practice.
Average pupils – To answer all 5 questions and read in pairs.
Higher ability pupils - To answer 5 questions and construct own sentences using
different type of personality.
Looking Back: review 25. Teacher and pupils recapitulate the lesson. Reflection / Impact:
and assessment of 26. Pupils exchange their worksheets to check their peers’ answers with the
learning teacher’s guidance.
Looking Forward:
identify next steps for Worksheet
learning Assessment
An activity to provide Quiz
closure School- Assignment
Based Interview/Oral skills
Assessment Project
Written work
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3 TP 4 TP 5 TP 6

Students to follow-up Reinforcement Enrichment

Lesson Plan Week 1 2022

Subject: English Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends Class: 5E (9:30 – 10:30 Date: 21/03/2022
Topic : Free Time am) (Monday)

Learning Standard : Complimentary Learning Standard: Cross Curricular Links: Language

1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple Language/grammar focus: Present simple:
of longer simple texts on range of familiar texts of two paragraphs or more affirmative and negative
Student Aspirations
Knowledg / Thinking Skills / Leadership Bilingual / Ethics & Spirituality / National
e Skills Proficiency Identity
Learning Objectives: Success Criteria: I Can
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be a.listen to the text and check which words they guessed correctly.
able to check their answers based on the text b.complete the text with at least 5 correct answers.
Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: he, she, they, we Resources: Textbook, audio, worksheet.

Impact/ Reflection
Lesson Outline
• Starter activity 1.Play vocabulary game to activate knowledge of words learned in previous years. Activities carried out can
to engage 2.Write ‘Free time’ on the board. arouse pupils’ interest
students 3.Check meaning by asking questions: Is going to school free time? Are holidays Inform the pupils about the
LO and SC
• inform students free time? Relate their knowledge with
of the learning 4.Count how many English words they can remember. previous lesson / Activate pupils’
objective prior knowledge
• stimulate recall
of prior learning
Main Activities
• explanation of 7.Activity 1: Explanations on the content of
the content a.Distribute worksheet. In pairs, pupils match the words with the pictures. the lesson
• modelling and b.Play CD track 1-02 for pupils to listen and check their answers. Examples and demonstrations
Opportunity to carry out tasks
demonstrating c.Pupils then look at the worksheet and find any words they said in Step 4.
Continuous guidance and
• practise d.Find out with a show of hands if listening to words about free time is easy or feedback for various learning
opportunities hard. styles
• guidance and e.Ask what helped them to understand the words (pictures, words written in box) The tasks are suitable for pupils’
feedback 8.Activity 2: abilities
• cater for a.Pupils look at words in Activity 2. Chances for collaborative
learning style
different b.Read them aloud to check meaning and pronunciation. Continuous guidance and
learning styles c.Help pupils to notice the stress in photography. Say photograph. Can they hear feedback (learning and
• challenge for all the difference? assessment)
learners d.Pupils read the text in Activity 2 about a girl’s free time then with a partner,
• opportunities to guess which words go in the gaps. (Assessment) (DS)
learn e.Pupils listen to the text (CD Track 1-03) to check answers. (Assessment)
collaboratively f.Find out which words they guessed correctly.
g.Ask: Why is it important to be careful when chatting online?
h.Find out how long pupils think it is acceptable to be chatting or online or using a
computer screen.
Lower ability pupils - To answer 3 questions and continue with guided reading
Average pupils – Answer all questions and practice reading on their own.
Higher ability pupils - To complete the exercises and construct more sentences
using subject pronouns.
Looking Back: review 9.Pupils in pairs take turns to mime two hobbies each. Reflection / Impact:
and assessment of 10. Partners guess the hobbies.
learning 11. Teacher and pupils recapitulate the lesson.
Looking Forward: Worksheet
identify next steps for Assessment
learning Quiz
An activity to provide School- Assignment
closure Based Interview/Oral skills
Assessment Project
Written work
TP 1 TP 2 TP 3 TP 4 TP 5 TP 6
Students to follow-up Reinforcement Enrichment

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