Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer 4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable
simple texts on range of familiar topics statements
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Listen and fill in the blanks correctly. Describe appropriately about the places they live.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 1. English Plus 1
1. Teacher introduces words ‘town’ and ‘city’ to the pupils and asks pupils to 2. Student’s Book
name some of the towns and cities in Malaysia.
Lesson delivery:
2. Pupils refer to textbook page 12 and 13. Teacher asks if any pupils have
visited any of the places in the pages.
3. Pupils read the sentences in the map of London and fill in the blanks.
4. Teacher plays CD1-13 for pupils to check their answers.
5. Pupils copy sentences 1-5 from Exercise 3 into their exercise books. Pupils
listen to CD1-14 again and fill in the blanks.
6. Pupils refer to Exercise 4 in textbook page 13. Pupils look at the words in
blue in exercise 3 and identify when to use a, an, some and any.
7. Teacher conducts a pop quiz based on a, an, some and any.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 27/28 pupils can Listen and fill in the blanks
Achieved stipulated LO correctly.
27/28 pupils can Describe appropriately about
Did not achieve stipulated LO
the places they live.
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no support a wide
and details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar range of target language phonemes
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Listen and sing a song. Talk about school subjects at least in 5 words in a paragraph or
phrase with little guidance .
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson 1. worksheet
1. Stick the flashcards of Art , Music , PE , Maths , Science , Social Studies , 2. textbook
writing on the board .
2. Point to each flashcard and say the phrases out loud. Encourage Ps to repeat it.
3. Have Ps to their TB and point out the words in the vocabulary section . ( Class
CD 1-Track 18 ).
Lesson delivery
4. Direct Ps’ attention to the pictures. ( refer to Teacher’s book CD 1 – Track 19 )
5. Ask them what subjects they are good at and what subjects they are bad at.
6. Tell Ps they’re going to listen to a song . Play the song once and have Ps listen.
7. Play the song a second time, and have Ps match the verses to the corresponding
8. Draw Ps’ attention to the value and read it aloud. Explain it and discuss it with
them drawing examples from the text.
9. Invite them to sing the song in the classroom .
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 27/28 pupils can listen and sing a song.
Achieved stipulated LO 27 27 27/28 pupils can talk about the school subjects
Did not achieve stipulated LO 1 1
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Narrate a diary writing. Use capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks
and speech marks in sentences.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 1. worksheet
1. Teacher asks pupils if they remember how Gemma’s day was in the diary. Pupils 2. textbook
share their thoughts.
Lesson delivery:
2. Pupil refer to textbook page 29 Activity 4. Pupils find and write the examples of
the things in their exercise books.
3. Teacher asks pupils to take note about the exclamation marks and brackets.
Teacher asks pupils more punctuation examples in the diary.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 5. In pairs, pupils read and write short answers for the
questions in their exercise books.
5. Teacher can show a sample.
6. Pupils write their own diary using the starter in Activity 6. Teacher can
demonstrate the first sentence using the points from Activity 5.
7. Pupils write their own diary using the points discussed with their friend
individually (M). Pupils are guided to write using the points (L).
8. Teacher checks pupils’ work.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 31/34 pupils can narrate a diary writing.
Achieved stipulated LO 31/34 pupils can use capital letters, full stop in
Did not achieve stipulated LO
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Talk about school subjects at least in 5 words in a Answers wh questions bassed on the audio.
paragraph or phrase with little guidance .
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson 1. worksheet
1. Stick the flashcards of the lesson on the board . 2. textbook
2. Point to each flashcard and say the phrases aloud .
3. Encourage them to repeat after teacher .
Lesson delivery
4. Direct Ps’ attention to the picture . Ask Ps to guess what the children are doing.
5. Play the CD and have Ps chorally repeat the exchange. Have individual Ps model
the exchange.
6. Direct Ps’ attention to the table and explain that they will have to ask one another
what their favourite subject is and then fill in the table with their results.
7. Divide Ps into groups of 4 and have them do the activity.
8. Once Ps have finished filling in their tables , in turns have each group report their
findings to the class.
9. Teacher revise back the lesson for today .
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 24/28 pupils can talk about school subjects at least in
Achieved stipulated LO 24 24 5 word
4 4
24/28 pupils can answers wh questions bassed on the
Did not achieve stipulated LO audio.
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no support 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions
a wide range of target language phonemes
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Listen and say the dialogues. Listen and answer the questions.
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
suitable statements
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Describe places using suitable statement. Write detailed information correctly.
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Say what they used to do and didn’t use to do. Fill in the blanks.
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2.4 Use with support familiar print and digital 2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using suitable
resources to check meaning statements
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Familiar print and digital resources to check Describe the places using suitable statements.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
1. Pre-lesson: Pupils are guided to write goals for the lesson. Teacher can start 1. English Plus 1
with a goal. Ex: I’m going to listen carefully. 2. Student’s Book
2. Lesson delivery:
3. Pupils think of a good holiday place and give a reason why it’s good. Teacher
can introduce sentence starters to guide pupils. Ex: I think a good place for a
holiday is_____. I think it’s good for/because ______.
4. Pupils refer to the questions in Exercise 1 textbook page 14. 3. Pupils read the
text and check their predictions.
5. 4. Pupils read and listen to the text via CD1-15 and answer the questions (M).
Pupils are guided to read the text (L). Pupils are encouraged to use a
dictionary to look for meanings of words in blue.
6. 5. Teacher asks pupils what helped pupils to answer the questions. Pupils
share their answers.
7. Post-lesson: Teacher asks pupils to think the cruise ship is a good place for a
holiday and give a reason why or why not.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 25/28 pupils can familiar print and digital
Achieved stipulated LO 25 25 resources to check meaning.
28 28 25/28 pupils can describe the places using suitable
Did not achieve stipulated LO
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Read a story and talk about weekly timetable at least State how many times they have their school subject in a week.
in 5 words in a paragraph or phrase with little
guidance .
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson 1. worksheet
1. Stick the flashcard on the board . 2. textbook
2. Point to each flashcards , say the word / phrase and get students to repeat few
times after teacher .
Lesson delivery
3. Refer Ps to the alphabet in the Cursive Writing section.
4. Have Ps rewrite the song in cursive .
5. Play the song My favourite school subject ( Class CD 1 – Track 19 ) and have
Ps sing along .
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions
creating simple role-plays and simple poems. Other
imaginative responses as appropriate
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Recite a poem independently and revise and Structures learnt in previous lessons at least in 5 words
consolidate vocabulary. correctly and in a paragraph with little guidance.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson 1. worksheet
1. In pairs, have Ps ask one another what their favourite subjects are . Then have Ps 2. textbook
present their partner’s answers to the class.
2. Draw a table on the board.
3. Tally up the numbers of Ps that like each subject and draw a bar chart of the
results like the one the next column,while explaining each step to the Ps.
4. Direct Ps’ attention to the bar chart and read it out for Ps.
5. Explain that we will use the bar chart to organize and show our results after
carrying out an experiment or a survey.
Lesson delivery
6. Direct Ps’ attention to the pictures on page 21 and ask them what they think the
children are doing in each picture.
7. Hand out the sheets of cardboard to the Ps.
8. Explain to Ps that first they are going to go around their groups and take turns
asking Ps in the other groups what jobs they do at home. While they are carrying
the task, they will make a note of the Ps’ answers.
9. Play seat switch . ( Teacher’s Book page 40 )
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 24/28 pupils can recite a poem independently.
Achieved stipulated LO 24 24 24/28 pupils can structure learning in 5 words.
Did not achieve stipulated LO 28 28
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by using
suitable statements suitable questions
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Describe places using suitable statements. Keep interaction going in short exchanges.
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions
creating simple role-plays and simple poems. Other
imaginative responses as appropriate
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Recite a poem independently and revise and Structures learnt in previous lessons at least in 5 words
consolidate vocabulary. correctly and in a paragraph with little guidance.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson 1. worksheet
1. In pairs, have Ps ask one another what their favourite subjects are . Then have Ps 2. textbook
present their partner’s answers to the class.
2. Draw a table on the board.
3. Tally up the numbers of Ps that like each subject and draw a bar chart of the
results like the one the next column,while explaining each step to the Ps.
4. Direct Ps’ attention to the bar chart and read it out for Ps.
5. Explain that we will use the bar chart to organize and show our results after
carrying out an experiment or a survey.
Lesson delivery
6. Direct Ps’ attention to the pictures on page 21 and ask them what they think the
children are doing in each picture.
7. Hand out the sheets of cardboard to the Ps.
8. Explain to Ps that first they are going to go around their groups and take turns
asking Ps in the other groups what jobs they do at home.
9. Play seat switch . ( Teacher’s Book page 40 )
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 24/28 pupils can recite a poem independently.
Achieved stipulated LO 24 24 24/28 pupils can structures 5 wordscorrectly.
Did not achieve stipulated LO 28 28
Lesson delivery:
2. Pupils receive a flow map (Main SOW page 62) or pupils can write the answers in
their exercise books.
3. Pupils watch a short clip on how to make a sandwich.
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4BSk1U5ans
5. In groups, pupils fill in the Flow Map with correct information.
6. Pupils discuss the steps of making a sandwich.
7. Pupils draw their sandwich based on the layers.
8. Pupils conduct a gallery walk with their sandwich picture.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 31/34 pupils can draw their sandwich.
Achieved stipulated LO 31 31 31/34 pupils can write the steps using capital
3 3 letters, full stops and commas.
Did not achieve stipulated LO
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through 4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable
creating simple role-plays and simple poems. Other statements
imaginative responses as appropriate
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Respond imaginatively based on the poem. Describe cats using suitable actions and words.
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by 4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable
using suitable questions statements
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Keep interaction going in short exchanges. Describe places using suitable statement.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 1. English Plus 1
With their books closed, teacher asks pupils to write sentences using 2. Student’s Book
there is/there are based on the Oasis of the Seas. Ex: There are 20 Activity 3, 4 and 5
restaurants. p.4
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 15 Exercise 2. Teacher or pupils can
lay the Grammar Animation. Pupils can give their answers orally.
2. Pupils refer to Exercise 3. Pupils must match 1-6 with a-f to make
questions. Teacher provides an example to pupils. In pairs, pupils ask
and answer the questions.
3. Pupils can prepare to share their findings on another town or city.
Teacher can demonstrate on how to start and what to talk about.
4. Pupils can share about any town or city that they would like to share
with the class.
Pupils are asked to write a few sentences based on their own sharing.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS
Achieved stipulated LO
Did not achieve stipulated LO
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions
simple texts of two paragraphs or more
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
read and identify at least 3 odd items. Listen and answer at least 3 questions correctly.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 1. worksheet
1. Teacher asks pupils if they can get on a time machine, what would they like to 2. textbook
see. Pupils are asked to close their eyes and imagine the atmosphere they want to
be in. (Ex: see dinosaurs, sail in the ocean)
Lesson delivery:
2. Teacher asks pupils to think if there were any phones/ medicines/planes like how
we have now. Pupils share their thoughts.
3. Pupils refer to page 31 Activity 1. Pupils read the text and underline the items
which didn’t exist 300 years go.
4. Pupils share their answers.
5. Teacher asks a few comprehension questions based on the text.
6. Pupils refer to Activity 2 and share their answers of things they put the x. Pupils
share the items that we have now that didn’t exist years ago. Pupils discuss and
write them down.
7. Teacher explains that pupils will work in pairs to rewrite the text by using items
that did exist 300 years ago. Teacher guides pupils based on Activity 1 and shows
some samples. Pupils starts to discuss and rewrite.
8. Pupils share the text with their friends.