EDNC106 & 157 AMC Check List

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Form no: Rev.

FM-CUS-015 03 1 of 7


Customer Name :

M/C Model : Serial No :

Inspected By

Verified by

Date of inspection :

Controller/ Serial No: :

Software Version :
Room Temperature : °C
Humidity : %
Compressed Air
Temp : °C

Form no: Rev. Page:
FM-CUS-015 03 2 of 7

Inspection List
No Units Job Description/ Inspection items Status Remarks
1 Machine Static accuracy perform as per check list B
2 Feed axis All axis Linear Guide Ways V
All axis ball screw V
Motor couplings B
Axis roller cover/ bellow B/A
Axis limits function B
3 Feed axis back X axis B/A O=
lash A=
Y axis B/A O=
Z axis B/A O=
4 Feed axis Ball screws B/L
(XYZ)greasing LM guide ways B/L
5 FRL Air pressure (0.6Mpa) B Mpa
Filter condition B
Air Leak V/A
6 Head MA head function B
(MR&MA) unit MR head function B
Carbon brush condition B/C
7 EROWA Air blow pressure setting LS100(Erowa=0.2Mpa B
/SYSTEM 3R & Sys3R=0.1Mpa) EIO 32,BIT0,HLDR-CL-LS
Chuck Clamp function B/C
Unclamp function (EIO91,BIT4, HLDR-UNC) B/C
Chuck accuracy B
8 ATC ATC axis position B/A
Magazine tool position B/A
Tool confirmation sensor LS165(EIO 32, BIT4) B/A
Hydraulic oil level V/D
Arm up/dn & Swiveling function B
Arm forward / retract function B
Gripper open/close function B
ATC function B
9 Dielectric unit Dielectric level in the bed tank B
Oilmatic pump function B
Rapid pump & Circulation pump function B
Filter pump function B
Filter pressure (0~0.25 Mpa) B Mpa
Filter bowel leaking V/A
Check valve setting & function as per Fluid circuit V/A
10 HQSF UNIT Valve settings B
Solenoid SOL1,SOL2 & SOL 3 function B
Chip separator motor direction B
Chip separation function B

A : Adjustment as required B : Physical Check C : Clean

D : Replenish L : Listening to sound V : Visual check
Form no: Rev. Page:
FM-CUS-015 03 3 of 7

No Units Job Description/ Inspection items Status Remarks
11 Work tank Dielectric filling with maximum height B
Dielectric level &Float upper function B/A
Flushing pressure (0~0.01Mpa) B
Work tank seal open /close function B
Thermal sensor function B
Apply grease to guide ways and gears B/D
Work tank motor, Encoder ,Gears & set screws B/D
Work tank up/dn movement, B
Check the drain solenoid open /close function B/C
12 Fire Fire sensor V
extinguisher Extinguisher pressure gauge needle position B G Y R
unit Safety device knob position B/A open lock
Fire extinguisher function by test button activation B
Fire extinguisher function by sensor activation B
13 Oilmatic unit Dielectric cooler function & cooling temp. B
Mesh & condenser maintenance B/C
14 MTC Main circuit breaker connection at Machine and B
Cooling fan function V/C
Work light function B
Check the Line filterZ1 input voltage RS ST RT
15 ECC CARD TP7 Voltage (5VDC ±0.1V) B/A O=
TP8 Voltage (5VDC ±0.1V) B/A O=
16 Edge sensing Power cable + gap cable condition B
Touch check function B
Buzzer function
17 Machining Test cut by simple machining B

ECC2 ~ECC5 card TP7 & TP8 voltage Measuring Instruction

1. Select Z axis lock under NC function
2. Select condition E1205 and change VH & IPH to 7
3. Key in G91; G83Z-9999.;
4. Connect the multimeter in the measured point as mentioned below.
5. Press start button and measure voltage
6. Reset after measurement and unlock the Z axis.
Unit VH & IPH Measurement Point Adjustment Allowance Measurement (VDC)
ECC2~ECC4 7&7 TP07(+) – TP03(-) VR1 5±0.1
7&7 TP08(+) – TP03(-) VR2 5±0.1
ECC5 7&7 TP07(+) – TP01(-) VR1 5±0.1
7&7 TP08(+) – TP01(-) VR2 5±0.1

A : Adjustment as required B : Physical Check C : Clean

D : Replenish L : Listening to sound V : Visual check
Form no: Rev. Page:
FM-CUS-015 03 4 of 7
Static Accuracy Inspection

Unit = mm
No Inspection Items Measuring method Illustration Tolerance Reading
1 Position the head at the centers of
X - axis
movements in the X-axis direction
and the Y-axis direction. Place a
(in Z - X Ednc106
precision level on the table top, and
Flatness plane) =0.05/m
read the indications of the precision
of table Ednc157
level at least at three points (center
top Y - axis = 0.06/m
and both ends) in each case. Take the
direction maximum difference between the
(Y - Z
readings as the measured value.
Position the head at the center of
Y - axis movement in the Y-axis direction.
Straight- direction Place a straightedge on the table, and
ness of (in X - Y contact a test indicator (fixed e.g. to
head plane) the quill end) with the straightedge.
2 moveme Move the head in the X-axis 0.012/500
nt in X - Z - axis direction, and read the indications of
axis direction the test indicator. Take the maximum
direction (in Z - X difference between the readings as
plane) the measured value.

Position the head at the center of

X - axis movement in the X-axis direction.
Straight- direction Place a straightedge on the table, and
ness of (in X - Y contact a test indicator (fixed, e.g. to
head plane) the quill end) with the straightedge.
3 moveme Move the head in the Y-axis
nt in Y- direction, and read the indications of
Z - axis
axis the test indicator. Take the maximum
direction difference between the readings as
(in Y - Z
plane) the measured value.)

Contact a test indicator (fixed, e.g. to

the quill end) with the table top.
Parallelism of head
Move the head, and read the
movement in X-axis
4 indications of the test indicator over 0.017/500
direction with table
the whole stroke. Take the maximum
difference between the readings as
the measured value.
5 Contact a test indicator (fixed, e.g. to
the quill end) with the table top.
Parallelism of head Move the head, and read the
movement in Y-axis indications of the test indicator over
direction with table the whole stroke. Take the maximum
top. difference between the readings as
the measured value.
Form no: Rev. Page:
FM-CUS-015 03 5 of 7
Unit = mm
No Inspection Items Measuring method Illustration Tolerance Reading
Parallelis X axis
m direction
between (Z-X
Electrode Plane) NA
Set a test Indicator placed in the
mounting center of the table to the electrode 0.005/100
6 face and mounting face, and take the
head maximum difference in reading
Y axis
moveme throughout the electrode

Parallelism of head Contact the protrusion of a right

movement in X - axis angle plate with the side face of the
direction with reference T-slot. Contact a test
reference T- slot side indicator (fixed, e.g. to the quill end)
face of table. with the vertical face of the right
7 angle plate. Move the head, and read 0.017/500
the indications of the test indicator
over the whole stroke. Take the
maximum difference between the
readings as the measured value.

Squareness of head .Place a square so that one side

movement in X- axis thereof is parallel with the movement
direction with that in in the X – axis direction. Contact a
Y- axis direction test indicator (fixed, e.g. to the quill
end) with the other side of the square.
Move the head in the Y-axis
8 0.017/500
direction, and read the indications of
the test indicator over the whole
stroke. Take the maximum difference
between the readings as the measured

Straightne X axis Erect the square on the table so that

ss of Quill directio the same test indicator reading can be
movement n got at both edges.
in Z axis (Z-X Then set a test indicator fixed, for
plane) example, on the quill edge to the
9 0.012
square , move the quill in Z axis
Y axis direction, and take the maximum
directio difference in reading in the full
n ( Y-Z travel range

Erect a square on the table so that its

Square- edge is parallel with the X axis
ness of X - axis movement. Then set test indicator
quill directio fixed, for example, on quill edge to
10 0.017
movement n (in Z - the other square edge. Move the quill
in Z -axis X plane in Z axis direction and take the
direction maximum difference in reading in
the full travel range.
Form no: Rev. Page:
FM-CUS-015 03 6 of 7
Unit = mm
No Inspection Items Measuring method Illustration Tolerance Reading

Erect a square on the table so that its

Y - axis
Square- edge is parallel with the X axis
ness of movement. Then set test indicator
n (in Z -
quill fixed, for example, on quill edge to
11 Y 0.017
movement the other square edge. Move the quill
in Z -axis in Z axis direction and take the
direction maximum difference in reading in
the full travel range.

X - axis Move the quill to the maximum

directio extent, and contact a test indicator
n (in Z - fixed on the table with the end of the
X quill. Apply a load of 1/10 of the
plane) maximum tool electrode weight from
the opposite side, and read the
12 indication of the test indicator. Also, 0.020
rigidity Y - axis
apply the load from the opposite side,
and read the indication of the test
n (in Y -
indicator. Take a half of the
difference between these readings as
the measured value

Chuck Inspection (optional)

Unit = mm
No Inspection Items Measuring method Illustration Tolerance Reading
Apply the test indicator as per the
View A and move the X & Y A
direction X=
A 0.003/40

X Y=
Erowa chuck X axis
OR Use Erowa master
Apply test indicator to the Erowa
master check ruler and move the X=
X Y direction and take the
maximum reading as measured 0.005/100
Apply the test indicator as per the
View A and move the X & Y VIEW

System 3R chuck X
axis parallelism OR use System 3R master

Apply test indicator to the X=

System3R master check ruler and
move the X Y direction and take 0.005/100
the maximum reading as
measured value
Form no: Rev. Page:
FM-CUS-015 03 7 of 7
Unit = mm
No Inspection Items Measuring method Illustration Tolerance Reading
Spindle Deflection Attach a test bar to the spindle
and surface, apply test indicators 0.01 at near
to near its mouth and tip and the mouth of
record those reading while the the test bar
spindle is rotating. Regard the
2 1.
maximum difference between
those readings as the 0.015 at a
measurement value distance of

Parallelism X Place the X, Y and Z-axis at the

between the axis center of the movement, apply the
spindle and Z direct test indicator attached to the main XZ = 0.01
axis ion spindle, move Z axis For100mm
3 Y
Regard the difference among
direct those readings on the test YZ =0.01
ion indicator as the measurement For

Recommendations by service engineer:

Name of Service Engineer Name of Customer

Signature of Service Engineer Customer Signature

Company Stamp and Date

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