Recent Development of The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) / Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism (BOCM)

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Recent Development of

The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)/

Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism (BOCM)

March 2013
Government of Japan

All ideas are subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries
Low-Carbon Growth
 In order to effectively address the issue of climate change, it is necessary
for both developed and developing countries to achieve low-carbon growth
all around the world by fully mobilizing technology, markets and finance.
 Widespread use of advanced low-carbon technologies and products in
various fields including renewable energy, highly efficient power generation,
home electronics, low-emission vehicles, and energy-savings in factories
must be accelerated.
 Realizing a low carbon society by combining these technologies and
products with appropriate systems, services, and infrastructure is also

Basic Concept of the JCM
 Facilitating diffusion of leading low carbon technologies, products, systems,
services, and infrastructure as well as implementation of mitigation actions, and
contributing to sustainable development of developing countries.
 Appropriately evaluating contributions to GHG emission reductions or removals
from Japan in a quantitative manner, by applying measurement, reporting and
verification (MRV) methodologies, and use them to achieve Japan’s emission
reduction target.
 Contributing to the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC by facilitating global actions
for GHG emission reductions or removals, complementing the CDM.

JAPAN Leading low carbon technologies,
etc, and implementation of Country
mitigation actions
MRV Methodologies
will be developed MRV
by the Joint Committee
Used to achieve GHG emission
Japan’s emission
reduction target
Credits reductions/

Scheme of the JCM

Japan Host Country

Joint Committee
•Notifies •Notifies
registration (Secretariat) registration
of projects • Develops/revises the of projects
Government Government
rules, guidelines and
• Issuance of credits methodologies • Issuance of credits
•Reports • Registers projects •Reports
issuance of • Discusses the issuance of
credits credits
implementation of JCM

Conduct policy consultations

•Request registration •Request registration
•Request of projects of projects •Request
issuance issuance
of credits •Submit PDD •Submit PDD of credits
/monitoring /monitoring
Project Participants report Third party entities report Project Participants
• Implementation & • Validate projects • Implementation &
monitoring of projects •Inform • Verify amount of •Inform monitoring of projects
results of GHG emission results of
validation reductions or validation
/verification removals /verification

The role of the Joint Committee and each Government
 The Joint Committee (JC) consists of representatives from
both Governments.
 The JC develops rules and guidelines necessary for the
implementation of the JCM.
 The JC determines either to approve or reject the proposed
methodologies, as well as develops JCM methodologies.
 The JC designates the third-party entities (TPEs).
 The JC decides on whether to register JCM projects which
have been validated by the TPEs.
 Each Government establishes and maintains a registry.
 On the basis of notification for issuance of credits by the JC,
each Government issues the notified amount of credits to
its registry.
Approaches of the JCM

 The JCM should be designed and implemented, taking into

account the followings:
(1) Ensuring the robust methodologies, transparency and
the environmental integrity;
(2) Maintaining simplicity and practicality;
(3) Promoting concrete actions for global GHG emission
reductions or removals;
(4) Preventing uses of any mitigation projects registered
under the JCM for the purpose of any other
international climate mitigation mechanisms to avoid
double counting on GHG emission reductions or
Features of the JCM

(1) The JCM starts its operation as the non-tradable credit

type mechanism.

(2) Both Governments continue consultation for the

transition to the tradable credit type mechanism and
reach a conclusion at the earliest possible timing, taking
account of implementation of the JCM.

(3) The JCM aims for concrete contributions to assisting

adaptation efforts of developing countries after the JCM
is converted to the tradable credit type mechanism.

(4) The JCM covers the period until a possible coming into
effect of a new international framework under the
Project Cycle of the JCM and the CDM
JCM <Main actors at each process> CDM
Submission of
Project Participant / Each Government Proposed Project Participant
Joint Committee can develop by itself Methodology

Approval of
Joint Committee Proposed CDM Executive Board
Can be conducted by the same TPE
Can be conducted simultaneously

Project Participant Development Project Participant

of PDD

Third Party Entities Validation Designated Operational Entities


Joint Committee Registration CDM Executive Board

Project Participant Monitoring Project Participant

Third Party Entities Verification DOEs

Joint Committee decides the amount Issuance CDM Executive Board

Each Government issues the credit of credits 8
Key features of the JCM in comparison with the CDM
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

Governance - “de-centralized” structure -“centralized” structure
(Each Government, Joint (CMP, CDM Executive Board)
Sector/project - Broader coverage - Specific projects are difficult to
Coverage implement in practice
(e.g. USC coal-fired power generation)
Validation of - In addition to DOEs, ISO14065 - Only DOEs can conduct
projects certification bodies can conduct - Assessment of additionality of each
- Checking whether a proposed proposed project against hypothetical
project fits eligibility criteria scenarios
which can be examined
Calculation of - Spreadsheet are provided - Various formulas are listed
Emission - Default values can be used in - Strict requirements for measurement of
Reductions conservative manner when parameters
monitored parameters are

Verification of - The entity which validated the - In principle, the entity which validated
projects project can conduct verification the project can not conduct verification
- Validation & verification can be - Validation & verification must be
conducted simultaneously conducted separately
Roadmap for the JCM
JFY2011 JFY2012 JFY2013

Signing JCM Operation

Governmental Consultation Bilateral Establishment of the JC
Document Development of rules and guidelines

Feasibility Studies
Explore potential JCM projects/activities
Study feasibilities
Develop MRV methodologies

MRV Demonstration Projects

Apply proposed MRV methodologies to projects in operation
Improve MRV methodologies by using them
Finalize MRV methodologies

JCM Demonstration Projects

Further improve the
institutional design of the JCM,
while starting JCM operation

Capacity Building
UN negotiations on Framework for Various Approaches
Governmental Consultations
Japan has held consultations for the JCM with developing countries
(e.g. Mongolia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam) since 2011 and made
similar briefing to interested countries as well. Japan will continue
consultations/briefing with any countries which are interested in the JCM.
Japan and Mongolia signed the bilateral Document for the JCM.
(first case of signature of the bilateral document for the JCM)

On January 8, 2013, H.E, Mr. Takenori Shimizu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan
to Mongolia and H.E, Ms. Sanjaasuren Oyun, Minister for Environment and Green Development of
Mongolia signed the bilateral document for the JCM in Ulaanbaatar. 11
Technical Details Currently Considered for the JCM
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

Necessary documents for the JCM
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

Rules and Guidelines

 Rules of Implementation
 Project Cycle Procedure
Overall  Glossary of JCM terms
 Guidelines for designation as a Third-Party
Entity (TPE guidelines)
 Rules of Procedures for the Joint
Joint Committee
Committee (JC rules)
 Guidelines for Developing JCM Proposed
Methodology (methodology guidelines)
Developing  Guidelines for Developing the JCM Project
a PDD Design Document and Monitoring Report
Monitoring (PDD and monitoring guidelines)
Validation  Validation and Verification Guidelines (VV
Verification guidelines)

Methodology Development Procedure of the JCM
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
Project Participant Government
(Methodology Proponent) (Methodology Proponent)
Joint Committee
 Prepare a proposed  Prepare a proposed  Develop a proposed
methodology methodology methodology under
* Methodology guidelines * Methodology guidelines the initiative of the
Submission of * Proposed methodology * Proposed methodology Joint Committee
Proposed form form
* Proposed Methodology * Proposed Methodology
Methodology Spreadsheet Spreadsheet

Submit the proposed methodology

Notify the receipt of the submission

Completeness  Completeness check
Communicate the result of completeness check [7 days] (secretariat)

 Public inputs [15

Public Inputs days] (secretariat)

 Assessment of the
methodology [60
Approval of days or up to 90
Proposed days]
 Approval of the
Notify the outcome of consideration
Note: Asterisk ( * ) indicates documentation relevant for each step of the procedure 14
Project Cycle Procedure of the JCM (1/2)
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
Project Participant Third-Party Entity Joint Committee Government
 Complete a PDD and
develop a monitoring
* PDD form and Approved
Development Methodology Spreadsheet Submit the PDD and MoC, and request for validation and public inputs
* PDD and monitoring
of PDD  Complete an MoC
* Form for the “Modalities
of communication
Notify the receipt of the submission
 Public inputs[30 days]
Validation  Validate a project (secretariat)
Validation and  Prepare a validation
verification can report
be conducted * Validation and verification
simultaneously guidelines
or separately. * Validation report form
Submit the validation report,
and the validated PDD and MoC
 Complete a
registration request Request for registration
* Registration request form
Registration Notify the receipt of the request  Completeness check
Notify the conclusion [7 days] (secretariat)
Notify the registration  Registration Notify the registration
Project Cycle Procedure of the JCM (2/2)
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
Project Participant Third-Party Entity Joint Committee Government
 Conduct monitoring
 Prepare a monitoring Submit the monitoring
Monitoring report report for verification
* PDD and monitoring
* Monitoring report form

Verification  Verify emission

Validation and  Prepare a verification
verification can
be conducted
* Validation and
simultaneously Verification guidelines
or separately. * Verification report form
Submit the verification report

 Determine allocation Request for notification for issuance

of credits
 Complete a credit
Notify the receipt of
issuance request
the request  Completeness check
form [7 days] (secretariat)
Issuance * Credit issuance request
form  Decision on
Notify the result notification of Notify the amount of credits
amount of credits to to be issued
be issued
Notify the issuance
 Issuance of credits
Rules of Procedures for the Joint Committee
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
 The Joint Committee (JC) consists of representatives from both Governments.
 Each Government designates members, which may not exceed [10].
 The JC elects its two Co-chairs annually, one from the host country and the other from Japan.
Each Co-Chair can designate an alternate from members of the JC.
Decision making in the JC
 The JC meets no less than once a year and decision by the JC is adopted by consensus.
 The JC can adopt decisions by electronic means in the following procedure:
(a) The proposed decisions are distributed by the Co-Chairs to all members of the JC.
(b) The proposed decision is deemed as adopted when,
i) no member of the JC has provided negative assertion within [20] calendar days after
the distribution and both Co-Chairs have made affirmative assertion, or
ii) all members of the JC have made affirmative assertion.
 If a negative assertion is made by at least one of the JC members, the Co-Chairs take into
account the opinions of JC members and take appropriate actions.
 The JC may hold conference calls to assist making decisions by electronic means.
External assistance
 The JC can establish panels and appoint external experts to assist part of its work.
Languages: English Secretariat: The secretariat shall service the JC.
Confidentiality: Members of the JC, Secretariat, etc. respect confidentiality.
Record of the meeting: All decisions of the JC will be made publicly available.

Basic Concept for Crediting under the JCM
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

 In the JCM, emission reductions to be credited are defined as the

difference between “reference emissions” and project emissions.
 The reference emissions are calculated below business-as-usual
(BaU) emissions which represent plausible emissions in providing
the same outputs or service level of the proposed JCM project in the
host country.
 This approach will ensure a net decrease and/or avoidance of GHG
Start of project operation
Likely range of BaU emissions
sources covered by a
GHG emissions from

Reference Emissions

Project emissions

Time 18
Crediting Threshold
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

 Reference emissions are calculated by multiplying a

“crediting threshold” which is typically expressed as GHG
emissions per unit of output by total outputs.
 A crediting threshold should be established ex ante in the
methodology applicable for the same project type in the
host country. It should also be established conservatively
in order to calculate reference emissions below BaU
 This standardized approach will greatly reduce the burden
of analyzing many hypothetical scenarios for
demonstrating additionality of the proposed project such
as under the CDM, whereas increase transparency for
calculating GHG emission reductions.
Addendum: ways to realize net reduction
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

 A net decrease and/or avoidance of GHG emissions can be realized

in alternative way, instead of calculating the reference emissions
below BaU emissions.
 Using conservative default values in parameters to calculate project
emissions instead of monitoring real values, will lead calculated
project emissions larger than real project emissions.
 This approach will also ensure a net decrease and/or avoidance of
GHG emissions, as well as reduce burdens of monitoring.
Start of project operation
BaU emissions
sources covered by a
GHG emissions from


Calculated project emissions
Real project emissions

Time 20
JCM Methodology
 Key Features of the JCM methodology
The JCM methodologies are designed in such a way that project participants can
use them easily and verifiers can verify the data easily.
In order to reduce monitoring burden, default values are widely used in a
conservative manner.
Eligibility criteria clearly defined in the methodology can reduce the risks of
rejection of the projects proposed by project participants.

Eligibility • A “check list” will allow easy determination of eligibility of a

criteria proposed project under the JCM and applicability of JCM
methodologies to the project.
Data • List of parameters will inform project participants of what data
(parameter) is necessary to calculate GHG emission reductions/removals
with JCM methodologies.
• Default values for specific country and sector are provided
Calculation • Premade spreadsheets will help calculate GHG emission
reductions/removals automatically by inputting relevant values
for parameters, in accordance with methodologies.

Basic concept of Eligibility criteria in JCM methodology
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)

The eligibility criteria in each JCM methodology should be

established, in order to reduce emissions by:
 accelerating the deployment of low carbon technologies,
products and services, which will contribute to achieving net
emission reductions;
 facilitating the nationally appropriate mitigation actions
(NAMAs) in host countries.

1. Both Governments determine what technologies, products,

etc should be included in the eligibility criteria through the
approval process of the JCM methodologies by the Joint

2. Project participants can use the list of approved JCM

methodologies, similar to positive list, when applying for the
JCM project registration. 22
Eligibility Criteria of the JCM
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
 Eligibility criteria in JCM methodologies shall contain the following:
1. The requirements for the project in order to be registered as a
JCM project. <Basis for the assessment of validation and registration of a
proposed project>
2. The requirements for the project to be able to apply the JCM
methodology. <same as “applicability condition of the methodology” under
the CDM>
 Examples of eligibility criteria 1.
 Introduction of xx (products/technologies) whose design
efficiency is above xx (e.g. output/kWh) <Benchmark Approach>
 Introduction of xx (specific high efficient products/technologies,
such as air conditioner with inverter, electric vehicles, or PV
combined with battery) <Positive List Approach>
 Examples of eligibility criteria 2.
 Existence of historical data for x year(s)
 Electricity generation by xx (e.g. PV, wind turbine) connected to
the grid
 Retrofit of the existing boiler 23
Image of Eligibility criteria
 Simple check list is provided for project participants to determine
the eligibility of a proposed project under the JCM and applicability
of the methodology.
 All the criteria have to be met in order to apply a methodology.
Example: Building energy management system
Eligibility Check
Criteria 1 • Electronically controlled building energy management system

is installed in the planned project.
Criteria 2 • Building energy management system installed in the planned
project is designed for optimal operational control of

facilities and equipments to reduce energy consumption by
taking interior conditions into account.
Criteria 3 • Regularly scheduled feed back (at least once in 6 months) to
enhance system outcome is provided by the system provider 
based on a contract with its beneficiary.
Criteria 4 • Buildings in which building energy management system is
installed are in existence of longer than 5 years at the time of 
system installation.
Overview of JCM Methodology, Monitoring Plan and Monitoring Report
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
 JCM methodology consists of the followings.
Approved Methodology Document
Approved Methodology Spreadsheet
Monitoring Plan Sheet (including Input Sheet & Calculation Process Sheet)
Monitoring Structure Sheet
Monitoring Report Sheet (including Input Sheet & Calculation Process Sheet)
Approved Methodology Spreadsheet
Approved Methodology Document Monitoring
Report Sheet
Structure Sheet
Monitoring Plan

Cells for data &

information input 25
PDD and Monitoring Plan
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
 Developing a Project Design Document (PDD) and a Monitoring Plan
A PDD form should be filled in with information of the proposed project.
A Monitoring Plan consists of Monitoring Plan Sheet and Monitoring
Structure Sheet, and it should be filled in as well.
Roles and responsibilities
PDD Monitoring Structure of personnel for monitoring
should be described

Cells for data

input (ex ante)
Monitoring Plan

Other necessary information on parameters

to be monitored are:
• Monitoring options
• Source of data
• Measurement methods and procedures
• Monitoring frequency 26
Monitoring Report
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
 Making a Monitoring Report
A Monitoring Report should be made by filling cells for data input (ex post)
in the Monitoring Report Sheet with monitored values.
Project participants prepare supporting documents which include
evidence for stated values in the cells for data input.
Cells for data
Monitoring Report input (ex post)


Other necessary information on monitored

parameters are to be filled in:
• Monitoring options
• Source of data
• Measurement methods and procedures
• Monitoring frequency 27
Possible Contents of the JCM PDD
(Subject to further consideration and discussion with host countries)
A. Project description
A.1. Title of the JCM project
A.2. General description of project and applied technologies and/or measures
A.3. Location of project, including coordinates
A.4. Name of project participants
A.5. Duration
B. Application of an approved JCM methodology(ies)
B.1. Selection of JCM methodology(ies)
B.2. Explanation of how the project meets eligibility criteria of the approved
C. Calculation of emission reductions
C.1. All emission sources and their associated greenhouse gases relevant to
the JCM project
C.2. Figure of all emission sources relevant to the JCM project
C.3. Estimated emissions reductions in each year
D. Environmental impact assessment
E. Local Stakeholder consultation
F. References

Approved Methodology Spreadsheet consists of Monitoring Plan Sheet, Monitoring

Structure Sheet and Monitoring Report Sheet, and it shall be attached to the PDD. 28
 Feasibility Studies
Capacity Building

JCM Feasibility Studies (FSs) by METI in FY2010
30 projects were selected (13 countries)

India: China:
•Highly efficient coal power plant (Ultra super critical) •Introduction of highly efficient motor system
•Introduction of energy efficient technologies at iron and •Energy saving housing (eco-friendly house)
steel plant
Vietnam/Laos/Malaysia/ China:
Maldives: •Trial introduction of digital tachograph
• Energy consumption reduction of air
conditioners by using deep seawater Laos/Myanmar:
• Introduction of energy efficient
technologies at cement plant
• Promotion of highly efficient light and
Laos: energy saving of home product

Malaysia: •Introduction of Nuclear power
•Introduction of air-conditioning control system •Promotion of highly efficient home electric appliance
• Introduction of energy efficient technologies at •Highly efficient coal power plant
cement plant (Ultra super critical)
• Reduce power transmission loss by using highly
Malaysia/Indonesia: efficient transformer
•Reducing N2O emission by using coating fertilizer
Indonesia: • Introduction of energy efficient technologies at iron Peru:
•CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) and steel plant •REDD+
•Introduction of steam tube drying system at low rank coal power plant •Geothermal power
•Introduction of energy efficient technologies at cement plant
•Highly efficient coal power plant (Ultra super critical) Thailand:
•Geothermal power • Introduction of CHP facility and privately-owned electrical power facility
•Optimum control of plant equipment (by IT) •Eco-friendly driving using digital tachograph
•REDD+ •Optimum control of plant equipment (by IT) 30
JCM Feasibility Studies (FSs) by METI & NEDO in FY2011
• (Black) → METI’s FSs for Policy Recommendation (10 projects)
50 projects were selected (18 countries) • (Yellow) → NEDO’s FSs for Project Exploration /Development(40 projects)

Russia: India: Vietnam:

•Recovery & effective utilization of •Highly efficient coal power plants(Ultra Super Critical) •Highly Efficient Air Conditioner
associated gas •Development of Energy Saving Technology such as CDQ •Waste heat utilization in cement plant
•Efficiency Enhancement Project of Coal-fired Thermal •Renewal/consolidation of servers of datacenters
Power Plant •Highly efficient coal power plants (Ultra Super Critical)
•Highly efficient coal power plants(Ultra Super Critical) •Coal mine methane and ventilated air methane
•IGCC (Integrated coal
•Energy Efficient Technologies for steel works (3 project) •Highly Efficient Energy Conservation Systems
Gasification Combined Cycle)
•Solar Energy Technology
•Run-of-river micro hydro power project Mexico:
•Highly efficient server in Data center •Manufacturing process of caustic soda & chlorine
products through brine electrolyzation
Poland :
•Smart grid technology

•Air conditioners by using Vietnam/Thailand:
deep sea water
Thailand: •Green Convenience Stores
•Next-generation (zero-emission)
air conditioning system utilizing Vietnam/Laos/Malaysia/ China:
Mozambique : solar heat •Trial introduction of digital tachograph
•BDF (Bio Diesel Bangladesh:
Fuel) &PV •Newly-constructed Indonesia:
(Photovoltaic) CCGT power generation •Highly efficient solar cells in un-electrified areas
Hybrid Power Malaysia: •REDD+ (3 project)
Generation Cambodia: •Home Solar Power •Introduction of energy efficient technologies at cement plant
System •REDD+ Generation System •Newly-constructed geothermal power generation
•Introduction of steam tube drying system at low rank coal power plant
Kenya: Malaysia/Indonesia: •SNG project (Substitute Natural Gas)
•Utilization of Solar energy at hotel lodge •Reducing N2O emission by using •Biomass Boiler Power Generation Project
coating fertilizer •CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage)
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Rwanda: •Small Hydroelectric Generation
•Geothermal power generation Vietnam/ Indonesia / •Eco-shipping for Coastal Cement Tanker
South Africa : •Flash and Binary Geothermal Power Generation Plants
South Africa: •Introduction of highly-efficient •Energy Consumption Optimization at Facilities using IT
•Energy Efficient Technologies for steel plant Distribution Transformer •Optimum control of plant equipment (by IT)
• Highly efficient gas turbine introduction •Hydro power project renovation 31
JCM Feasibility Studies (FSs) by METI & NEDO in FY2012
• (Black) → METI’s FSs for Policy Recommendation (33 projects)
54 projects were selected (19 countries) • (Yellow) → NEDO’s FSs for Project Exploration /Development (21 projects)

Kazakhstan: Mongolia: Vietnam:

•Coal-fired Power Generation •Highly Efficient Transmission and Coal Power Plant •Small-Medium Hydropower Generation
•Highly Efficient Energy Conservation Systems
Bangladesh: Thailand:
Myanmar: •Highly Efficient Air Conditioner
•CCGT power generation •Introducing Heat Recovery
•Run-of-river Micro •Energy Efficiency Technologies for Integrated steel works
Heat Pumps •Promotion of Water-Saving Showerheads
Maldives: Hydro Power Generation
•Disseminating and Promoting Electric Motorcycles
•Air conditioners by using
•Highly Efficient Coal Power Plants(Ultra Super Critical)
deep sea water

Djibouti, Ethiopia: Philippines:

•Geothermal Power •Electric Three-Wheeled Vehicles
Generation •Flash and Binary Geothermal Power
•Hybrid Mini Grids Using Malaysia: Mexico:
Renewable Energy •Erea Energy Network Construction and •Introduction of
Energy Management System (EMS) Cogeneration Facilities
•BDF (Bio Diesel Fuel) Indonesia:
&PV (Photovoltaic) Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia: •Renewable Energy Hybrid System
Hybrid Power •Energy Saving Systems at •Utility Facility Operation Optimization Technology
Generation System Commercial Facilities •Replacement Project of the Existing Thermal Power Plants
•Rehabilitation of Hydro Power Plants
South Africa: Mauritius & etc: Thailand, Vietnam: •REDD+ (5 projects)
•Energy Saving project at •Multi-Stage Deep Seawater •Green Convenience Stores •Optimum control of plant equipment (by IT)
cement industry Utilization System •Micro-Scale Hydro Power Generation •Wind-Power Generation(by EMS)
•Mega-Solar Power Plants Using Thin-Film Solar Cells
India: Vietnam, Myanmar, •Developing Technology of Biodiesel Fuel (BDF)
•Energy Efficient Technologies for Integrated Steel Works Cambodia: •SNG project (Substitute Natural Gas)
•Run-of-river micro hydro power project •Highly Efficient Coal Power •CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage)
•Energy Efficient Air Conditioners (HFC 32) Plants(Ultra Super Critical) •Biomass Power Generation
•Coal Drying Technology (Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery) •Eco-shipping for Coastal Cement Tanker
•Highly Efficient Servers at Data Centers Malaysia/Indonesia: •Small Hydro Power Generation
•Highly Efficient Coal Power Plants(Ultra super critical) •Reducing N2O emission by •Geothermal Power Generation
•Energy Efficient Technologies for Integrated steel works using coating fertilizer •Low-Rank Coal Fuel Waste Heat Drying Project 32
MRV Model Projects & Feasibility Studies for JCM by MOEJ
• Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC) is serving as a secretariat for
the MRV Demonstration Studies using Model Projects & Feasibility Studies.
• 25 projects were selected for FY2012.
Among those, there are 13 MRV Demonstration Studies using Model
Projects which are to develop MRV methodologies, by applying them to
the projects under operation. Based upon knowledge and experience
gained through these MRV model projects, applicable MRV
methodologies will be finalized.
4 potential CDM projects were also selected, to contribute developing
new methodologies, standardaized baselines and equitable
geographical distribution of the CDM.
All the relevant information are available at GEC website(
• Taskforces composed of experts for MRV has been set up and the selected
MRV model projects / JCM FSs are being conducted under the guidance of
the taskforces.
• Host country committees, have been organized for some countries, in
order to share mutual perspectives on the JCM, through the discussions in
those countries.
JCM Feasibility Studies by MOEJ in FY2011
China : ●--Waste Management
Mongolia: △ Energy Saving through Water-Saving Toilet ○--Biomass Utilisation
△ Multi-Application of EE at Coal Thermal Power Plants Systems ★--Transportation
△ Energy Saving at Buildings (Geothermal Heat Pump) △ Energy Management and Control Systems at ▲--Renewable Energy (RE)
Factories △--Energy Efficiency
X- CMM Electric Generation and Integrated EE ■--REDD+
Improvement X--Others
△ Utilisation of LED Lights at Office Buildings Thailand : Mexico :
△ High-Performance Industrial Furnaces to ● Waste Management Activities in Thailand △ EE Improvement at
Aluminium Industry
★ Development of MRT Network Households
▲ Wind Power Generation in Low Wind Speed Condition

△ Institutional Development of BEMS with Certificated
Sri Lanka : Carbon Credits
○ Development of Castor Seed Industry X Utilisation of Off-Peak Power from Storage Batteries &
Cluster ●

Introduction of Electric Vehicles

▲ Best Grid Electricity Mix Focusing on
REs ●
● Viet Nam

■ REDD+ through Revegetation at Denuded Lands &

Woody Biomass-based Power Generation in Son La
● Province ●

Lao PDR : X Utilisation of Blast Furnace Slags as Blending Material

★ Urban Transport ●
for Cement ●

Management ★ Development of MRT Systems in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh Colombia:
Malaysia : ▲ Geothermal Power
● Energy Generation by Waste Generation
Cambodia :

Management Activities ■ REDD+ in Prey Long Area
Brazil :
South Africa : Indonesia :
■ REDD+ in Acre State
△ Integrated EE Activities ● Energy Application of Wastes & Wastewater Originated in
at Beer/Beverage Processing of Agricultural Products
Factories ■ REDD+ in Central Kalimantan Province
■ REDD+ and Bio-Fuel Production & Utilisation NOTE :
■ Avoidance of Peat Aerobic Digestion & Rice Husk-based EE= Energy Efficiency
Angola :
Power Generation MRT= Mass Rapid Transit
■ REDD+ through
★ Development of MRT Systems in Jakarta BEMS= Building & Energy
Revegetation & Fuelisation
of Woody Biomass Chiips
Management Systems
MRV Model Projects and Feasibility Studies by MOEJ in FY2012

◆ Replacement of Coal-Fired Boiler by Geo-
■ Rural Electrification through Expansion of ◆-- MRV Demonstration Study (DS)
Thermal Heat Pump for Heating
Electric Grid mainly composed of Hydropower ◇-- JCM Feasibility Study (FS)
◆ Upgrading and Installation of High-Efficient
■-- CDM Feasibility Study (FS)
Heat Only Boilers (HOBs)
■ Landfill Gas (LFG) Recovery and
◆ Bagasse-based Power Generation
Utilisation for Electric Power Generation
including Waste Heat Utilisation
◆ Biomass Boiler Heating using
Agricultural Waste as Fuel Thailand:

● ◆ Bagasse-based Cogeneration at Sugar Mill
◆ Transport Modal Shift through Construction of Mexico:
Nepal: MRT System ◆ Small-scale Wind Power
■ Programme to Reduce Non-Renewable ◆ Energy Savings through Building Energy Generation with Remote
Biomass Consumptions through ●
Management System (BEMS) Monitoring System

Introduction of High-Efficient Cook Stoves ●
◆ Waste Heat Recovery System with Cogeneration
● ●


● ◇ Introduction of Electronic Gate to International
■ Programme for Integrated Energy Efficiency

Trade Port to Improve Port-related Traffic Jam

Improvement of Dyeing Process ●

Viet Nam ●
Sri Lanka:
◆ Integrated EE Improvement at Beer Factory
◆ Biomass-based Thermal Energy
● ◇ Biogas-based Cogeneration with Digestion of Methane from
Generation to Displace Fossil Fuels Colombia:
Food/Beverage Factory Wastewater
Lao PDR: ◇ Improvement of Vehicle Fuel Efficiency through Introduction of ◇ Geothermal Power
◆ Transportation Improvement through introduction of Eco-Drive Management System Generation in a Country with
Efficient Buses and Provision of Good Services ◇ REDD+ through Forest Management Scheme, and Biomass- Suppressed Demand
◇ Introduction of Mechanical Biological Treatment based Power Generation using Timber Industry Waste
(MBT) of Municipal Solid Waste, and Landfill Gas Viet Nam, and Indonesia
(LFG) Capture, Flaring and Utilisation ◇ Promotion of Modal Shift from Road-based Transport to MRT
◇ Solar-Diesel Hybrid Power Generation to Stabilise
Photovoltaic Power Generation Cambodia:
◇ Prevention of Peat Degradation through Groundwater ◆ Methane Recovery and Utilisation from
Management, and Rice Husk-based Power Generation Livestock Manure by using Bio-digesters
◇ REDD+ for Conservation of Peat Swamp Forest, and ◇ Small-scale Biomass Power Generation with NOTE: EE= Energy Efficiency
Biomass-based Power Generation using Timber Mill Waste Stirling Engine MRT= Mass Rapid Transit
to Process Indigenous Trees derived from Conserved Forest ◇ REDD+ in Tropical Lowland Forest
Capacity building
 Capacity building is an important component of JCM.

Capacity building for JCM will be useful not just for JCM alone, but also for
improving CDM, and developing NAMAs.

Support for establishing the MRV agency by JICA

Support for simplified CDM methodologies for Rural Electrification by JICA

Mekong countries
Policy dialogue and enhanced briefing on JCM for government officials in charge of
climate change of five Mekong countries(Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand,
Viet Nam)
Capacity Building Activities by METI
METI engages in a variety of capacity building activities, such as seminars, expert dispatches,
technical experts invitations, joint researches on MRV methodologies, and government-
private sector dialogues:
 To provide technical know-how necessary to implement GHG emissions reduction projects under the JCM
 To establish MRV methodologies for the JCM
 To train experts on MRV methodologies for the JCM
 To train entities to act as third-party verifiers for the JCM
 To deepen understanding on the institutional and technical aspects of the JCM both at government and private

 Capacity building activities by METI in FY2012

Highly Efficient Transmission and Coal Power Plant (Mongolia)
Eco-friendly driving using digital tachograph (Vietnam)
Reduce power transmission loss by using highly efficient transformer (Vietnam)
Highly efficient coal power plant (Ultra super critical )(Vietnam)
Energy saving project at cement industry (South Africa)
Highly efficient servers at Data Centers (India )
Energy efficient technologies at Steel plant (India)

HIDA (The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association)

High Efficiency Ion-Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Technology (Brazil)
Capacity Building Activities by MOEJ (1/2)
• Starting from 2003, MOEJ has been implementing CDM capacity
building programme in Asian countries to develop institutional
arrangements for the CDM.
 Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has been
collaborating with Asian countries for capacity building.

• Building on the existing CDM capacity building activities, MOEJ

launched capacity building for MRV for the JCM.
Such capacity building will be conducted in Asia, Latin America and
Africa respectively, to reflect specific circumstances and capacities
of those countries for implementing MRV.

• New Mechanisms Information Platform website was established by

Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center (OECC) to provide the
latest movements and information on the JCM.
URL is
Capacity Building Activities by MOEJ (2/2)


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