1 Homeostasis and Temp Regulation HW
1 Homeostasis and Temp Regulation HW
1 Homeostasis and Temp Regulation HW
Homeostasis is the regulation of the internal environment within narrow limits. This gives
the organism a degree of independence from the external environment. The regulation is
carried out by negative and positive feedback mechanisms which when not required are
damped. All living organisms possess some powers of homeostasis but homeostasis is best
developed in birds and mammals.
(a) (i) What do you understand by the term ‘internal environment’? [2]
(ii) Distinguish negative feedback control from positive feedback control. [2]
(iii) Give one example of negative feedback control and one example of positive feedback
control in mammals. [2]
(b) State one example of homeostatic control in each of the following organisms. [3]
Marram grass: ..............................................................................................................................
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
Human: .......................................................................................................................................
Q3. (a) Outline three methods by which mammals may increase heat loss from their
l. ...................................................................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................. [3]
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
3. ..................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................. [3]
(b) A hibernating mammal, such as a hedgehog, has a large reserve of brown fat. Explain why
this is necessary.
Q4. Explain how the following adaptations can help in temperature regulation.
(b) The presence of sudorific (sweat) glands in some mammals. [2]
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
(d) The presence of arteriole shunts in the blood supply to the skin. [2]
Q6. The graph below shows the oxygen consumption in arbitary units of a snake
(ectothermic) and a dog (endothermic) at different external temperatures.
Comment on the relationship between external temperature and oxygen consumption in:
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
Q7. The figure shows the range of external temperatures (comfort zone) within which
livestock can make homeostatic adjustments to maintain their own body
temperature with minimal changes to their metabolic rate.
(a) Suggest why it is economically sensible for farmers to maintain the external temperatures
approximately the same as the blood temperatures of their livestock.
(b) Suggest an explanation for the difference in the comfort zone of sheep and lambs.
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
Q8. Humans have sweat glands in order to lose heat by using up latent heat of
vaporisation of water. Elephants, dogs, rats and cactus plants do not have sweat
glands and so must lose heat by alternative methods. For each of the following
organisms describe their main method of losing heat.
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
(a) In a dehydrated camel the body temperature fluctuates between 34.5oC and 40.5oC but in a
well-watered camel the body temperature only fluctuates between 36oC and 39oC. [5]
(b) In proportion to body mass, the length and breadth of the ears of the Arizona Jack-rabbit
(a species of hare) are twice as large as the ears of the Arctic hare. [3]
(c) Modern elephants and rhinocerus species have virtually no hair but their prehistoric
relatives, the mammoth and woolly rhinocerus were covered with thick hair. [3]
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
Q10. The diagram shows the temperatures of regions of a human body exposed to a cold
(a) (i) Which cells of the body are responsible for monitoring body temperature? [2]
(ii) Which part of the body is responsible for controlling core temperature? [1]
(i) Upon initial exposure to a cold environment, a person’s face appears pale in colour. [1]
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
(ii) Following prolonged exposure to the cold a person’s face becomes ruddy i.e. they develop
a red-faced complexion. [1]
(a) eating an ice cream on a hot day may actually cause the skin temperature to rise. [5]
(b) on awaking from hibernation a hedgehog’s reduced temperature rises back to normal very
quickly (within half an hour); [5]
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
(c) crocodiles tend to bask in the sun with their mouths gaping open. [4]
Q12. Seals, whales and polar bears characteristically develop thick layers of blubber in
their superficial tissues. Polar bears, in addition, also have a very thick coat of
white hair. The graph below shows the temperature of the surface layers of a seal
when swimming in icy waters (around 0 – 40oC).
CCEA A2 Biology Module 4 HW 1
(ii) How would the seal lose heat if its core temperature became too high? [4]
(b) Explain why polar bears have a thick coat of white fur as well as a layer of blubber. [4]