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Wittmann R9 Robot User Manual

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User Manual
Original User Manual

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13

This manual provides the information necessary to properly install, operate and service Wittmann
Robot Systems, and ensure correct and safe operation of our equipment.

Our robots must be installed and operated in accordance with these instructions by authorized and
qualified personnel only.

Improper installation startup and operation may result in injury to personnel and/or damaged

Before installation, please read this manual completely, paying special attention to the Safety

Warnings marked with .

To ensure optimal use of our equipment, we recommend that you attend the training courses regularly
offered at our Service Centers.

Proper function of the equipment can be ensured only if maintenance is performed according to
the instructions given in this manual.

The descriptions in this manual refer to the robot and equipment according to the specification sheet.
These specifications are subject to change without notice.

This manual is for the sole use of the user of the robot and may not be distributed to unauthorized
persons. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced without our written consent.

The noise emission of this device does not exceed 70 dB(A).

Before starting up the robot for the first time, please review this manual thoroughly and
familiarize yourself with the operation of the robot. Improper use may injure personnel and/or
damage the robot, mold or molding machine.

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Table of contents

1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 INFORMATION ABOUT THE MANUAL ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Warnings ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.2 Further Symbols...................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 CHANGINGS ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 COPYRIGHT ISO 16016 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 CUSTOMER SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................ 9
2 SAFETY .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 SPECIFIED USE .................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 REASONABLY FORESEEABLE MISUSES .................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 LIFE EXPECTANCY .............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 CHANGINGS AND MODIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 EMERGENCY-STOP DEVICES ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6 POSITION OF THE EMERGENCY-STOP BUTTON ........................................................................................................ 11
2.6.1 Permit Key on Teachbox ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.7 FURTHER SAFETY DEVICES .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.7.1 Safeguarding ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.8 OBLIGATIONS OF THE OPERATOR ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.9 WORKING AREA ............................................................................................................................................... 13
2.10 OBLIGATIONS OF THE STAFF .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.11 PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................... 14
3 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 15
4 CAPABILITY OF THE SAFETY CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 16
5 MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.1 COMPLETENESS OF DELIVERY, DAMAGES FROM TRANSPORT ...................................................................................... 17
5.2 TRANSPORT AND PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.1 Removing transportation-protection parts .......................................................................................... 18
5.3 MOUNTING THE ROBOT ..................................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.1 Mechanical installation ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.3.2 Dimensional Drawing – Adapter Unit................................................................................................... 19
5.3.3 Transportation of the robot ................................................................................................................. 19
5.3.4 Demounting the robot .......................................................................................................................... 20
5.3.5 Basic Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 23
5.4 PNEUMATICS ................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.1 Compressed air connection .................................................................................................................. 24
5.5 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................... 25
5.5.1 Preparation for power connection: ...................................................................................................... 25
5.5.2 Main power connection........................................................................................................................ 25
5.5.3 Residual Current Device........................................................................................................................ 26
5.6 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 26
5.6.1 Interface with the injection molding machine (IMM)........................................................................... 26
5.6.2 Euromap 67 interface ........................................................................................................................... 27 Injection Molding Machine (IMM) Signals ...................................................................................................... 28 Robot Signals ................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.6.3 Mold Monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 32 Setting the Virtual Roller Switches (Mold Safety Switches): ........................................................................... 33 Initialize Roller switch Monitoring................................................................................................................... 34

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 3 of 235 Test procedure for the Mold Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 35
5.7 SAFETY PACKAGE / SAFEGUARDING...................................................................................................................... 35
5.7.1 Safety Package ..................................................................................................................................... 35
5.7.2 EXTERNAL Safety Package for Safety Door or Access Hatch ................................................................ 36 Indication lamp for operating modes at PRO-series robots ............................................................................ 39
5.7.3 Safeguarding ........................................................................................................................................ 40
6 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR R9 CONTROL ............................................................................................. 41
6.1 BASIC OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................ 41
6.1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.2 Operating mode buttons ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.1.3 Numerical input .................................................................................................................................... 43
6.1.4 Text input ............................................................................................................................................. 44
6.1.5 Operating modes .................................................................................................................................. 45
6.1.6 Operating mode Reference .................................................................................................................. 46 Reference travel in the operating mode Reference Missing ........................................................................... 46 Reference travel in the operating mode Manual ............................................................................................ 47
6.1.7 Override ................................................................................................................................................ 48
6.1.8 ECO-Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 50
6.1.9 Safety System ....................................................................................................................................... 51 Startup with Safety System ............................................................................................................................. 51 Selection of Operating Modes ......................................................................................................................... 51 Monitoring of the Safety Gate ........................................................................................................................ 52 Error Effect Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 52
6.1.10 User Administration and Passwords .................................................................................................. 53 Admin ............................................................................................................................................................ 53 Create Users .................................................................................................................................................. 54 Edit a User Profile .......................................................................................................................................... 55 Create Group ................................................................................................................................................. 56 Login .............................................................................................................................................................. 57 Logout ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
6.1.11 Manual functions ............................................................................................................................... 59 Numerical axes .............................................................................................................................................. 59 Pneumatic axes ............................................................................................................................................. 60 Conveyors...................................................................................................................................................... 61 Vacuum Circuits............................................................................................................................................. 62 Cylinders ........................................................................................................................................................ 63 Grippers ......................................................................................................................................................... 64 Auto Switch ................................................................................................................................................... 65 IMM Signal states .......................................................................................................................................... 66 Peripheral Outputs ........................................................................................................................................ 68 Peripheral Inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 69 Counters ...................................................................................................................................................... 70 Placing Counters .......................................................................................................................................... 71
6.1.12 Init Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Stroke limits .................................................................................................................................................. 72 Roller switches .............................................................................................................................................. 73 Absolute Encoders (Admin only) ................................................................................................................... 73 Setting the zero points at a PRO-series robot ............................................................................................... 74 Deactivate Monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 74 Robot Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 75 System ........................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.13 Virtual Subpendant ............................................................................................................................ 78
6.1.14 Edit Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Text Editor ..................................................................................................................................................... 80 Editing Functions ........................................................................................................................................... 80
6.1.15 Part Programs Text Editor .................................................................................................................. 81 Part Programs................................................................................................................................................ 81 Manage Part Programs .................................................................................................................................. 85
6.1.16 Part Program Setup ............................................................................................................................ 87 Create a Placing Program .............................................................................................................................. 89
6.1.17 Injection Molding Machine................................................................................................................. 99 IMM Standard Functions ............................................................................................................................... 99

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 4 of 235 IMM Automatic Functions ........................................................................................................................... 102 IMM Logical Functions – Mold Was Closed ................................................................................................. 104
6.1.18 Smart Removal ................................................................................................................................. 105 Smart Removal In ........................................................................................................................................ 105 Smart Removal Out ..................................................................................................................................... 108
6.2 TEACH MODE USING THE TEXT EDITOR ............................................................................................................... 111
6.2.1 Operation of the Text Editor ............................................................................................................... 111 Entering the Text Editor ................................................................................................................................ 111 Exit the Text Editor ........................................................................................................................................ 111
6.2.2 Step Operation ................................................................................................................................... 112
6.3 TEACH COMMANDS IN THE TEXT EDITOR ............................................................................................................. 113
6.3.1 Editing Functions ................................................................................................................................ 114
Axes ............................................................................................................................................................. 115 Axes Selection ............................................................................................................................................... 115 Terminology .................................................................................................................................................. 115 Move axes ..................................................................................................................................................... 116 Find n Pick ..................................................................................................................................................... 123 3D Movements .............................................................................................................................................. 125 3D Absolute Movement ................................................................................................................................ 126 3D Relative Movement .................................................................................................................................. 127 3D Curved Movement ................................................................................................................................... 127
6.3.2 Velocity ............................................................................................................................................... 127 Maximum Velocity (Vmax) ............................................................................................................................ 128 Absolute Velocity (Vabs) ............................................................................................................................... 129 Absolute Acceleration (Aabs) ........................................................................................................................ 129 R3D ................................................................................................................................................................ 130 V 3D ............................................................................................................................................................... 130
6.3.3 Wait Sync............................................................................................................................................ 131 Wait Path Sync .............................................................................................................................................. 131
6.3.4 Vacuum .............................................................................................................................................. 132 Vacuum Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................... 133 Vacuum Level ................................................................................................................................................ 135
6.3.5 Grippers .............................................................................................................................................. 136 Gripper Monitoring ....................................................................................................................................... 137
6.3.6 Counters ............................................................................................................................................. 139 64 freely usable counters .............................................................................................................................. 139
6.3.7 Time .................................................................................................................................................... 141
6.3.8 Blank Line (NOP) ................................................................................................................................. 141
6.3.9 Remark ............................................................................................................................................... 141
6.3.10 Further Commands ........................................................................................................................... 142 Edit Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 142 Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 144
6.3.11 More ................................................................................................................................................. 159 Insert a Placing Program into the Teachprogram ........................................................................................ 160 Smart Removal ............................................................................................................................................ 161 Peripheral Outputs ...................................................................................................................................... 165
6.3.12 Auto Switch ...................................................................................................................................... 168
6.3.13 Handling group................................................................................................................................. 170
6.3.14 Program branching .......................................................................................................................... 171 Call – Subroutine - Return ........................................................................................................................... 171
6.3.15 If – Else – Elseif – Endif ..................................................................................................................... 173 Variant 1: ..................................................................................................................................................... 173 Variant 2: ..................................................................................................................................................... 174 Variant 3: ..................................................................................................................................................... 175
6.3.16 Jump ................................................................................................................................................. 176
6.3.17 Label ................................................................................................................................................. 177
6.3.18 Wait .................................................................................................................................................. 178 Wait Timer................................................................................................................................................... 179
6.3.19 And ................................................................................................................................................... 180
6.3.20 Or...................................................................................................................................................... 180
6.3.21 Eco Mode.......................................................................................................................................... 181
6.3.22 Stopwatch ........................................................................................................................................ 182

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6.3.23 Start/Stopp Part Program ................................................................................................................ 183
6.3.24 Production End ................................................................................................................................. 184
6.3.25 Blockstop lock/unlock ....................................................................................................................... 185
6.3.26 Dry Cycle Stop................................................................................................................................... 186
6.4 QUICK EDITOR ............................................................................................................................................... 187
6.4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 187
6.4.2 Operation of the Quick Edit ................................................................................................................ 187 Entering the Quick Edit.................................................................................................................................. 187 Display and Editing Functions........................................................................................................................ 188

7 HOW TO TEACH A PROGRAM .................................................................................................................... 193

7.1 USING THE QUICK NEW WIZARD ....................................................................................................................... 193
7.2 PROGRAMMING THE ROBOT IN THE TEXT EDITOR ................................................................................................. 203
7.2.1 Creating a New Program in the Text Editor........................................................................................ 203
7.2.2 Verifying Your Program using the STEP Mode ................................................................................... 204
7.2.3 Storing Your Program on a storage medium ...................................................................................... 204
7.3 PROGRAM EXAMPLE ....................................................................................................................................... 205
7.3.1 Function of Program........................................................................................................................... 205
7.3.2 Sequence ............................................................................................................................................ 205
7.3.3 Sketch of Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 206
7.3.4 Sketch of Placing Program ................................................................................................................. 206
7.3.5 Reference Travel of Robot .................................................................................................................. 206
7.3.6 Robot Teach Program (Robot Prg.) .................................................................................................... 207 Placing Program Placingp-001 ....................................................................................................................... 208
7.3.7 Reference Program for the Robot (Robot Ref.) .................................................................................. 208
8 TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................................. 209
8.1 OPERATING ERRORS........................................................................................................................................ 209
8.1.1 Operating Errors in Plain Text Messages............................................................................................ 210 Axis Error messages....................................................................................................................................... 210 Vacuum Error messages ................................................................................................................................ 214 Gripper Error messages ................................................................................................................................. 215 Peripheral Equipment Output Error Messages ............................................................................................. 215 Cylinder Error Messages ................................................................................................................................ 216 Conveyor Belt Error Messages ...................................................................................................................... 216 Load Cell Error Messages .............................................................................................................................. 216 Camera Error Messages ................................................................................................................................ 217 General Hardware Error Messages ............................................................................................................... 218 General System Error Messages .................................................................................................................. 221 CAN Device Error Messages ........................................................................................................................ 221 Teach program Compiler Error Messages ................................................................................................... 222 Teach program Interpreter Error Messages ................................................................................................ 225 Configuration Error Messages ..................................................................................................................... 226
9 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 227
9.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 227
9.2 LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINEAR GUIDES AND GEAR RACKS ......................................................................... 228
9.2.1 Lubrication Intervals for Standard Robots.......................................................................................... 228
9.2.2 Lubrication Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 228
9.2.3 Grease Specification ........................................................................................................................... 228
9.3 DRIVE BELTS.................................................................................................................................................. 228
9.4 MOTOR BRAKES ............................................................................................................................................. 229
9.5 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ 230
10 KEY TERMS .............................................................................................................................................. 231
11 SERVICE CENTERS .................................................................................................................................... 232

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1 General Information
1.1 Information about the manual
This manual ensures the secure and efficient operation with the Robot.
The manual is part of the Robot and has to be stored in the near vicinity of the working area. It has to
be accessible at any time for the operating personnel.
The operator must have carefully read and understood the manual before starting to work.
The present manual has been carefully developed. Nonetheless liability for possible faults, as well as
direct and indirect damages caused in connection
with this manual, is excluded.

1.2 Explanation of symbols

1.2.1 Warnings
Knowledge of safety instructions and safety regulations is a basic requirement for safe handling and
fault-free operation of the Robot.
The warnings are subdivided into different classes and will be initiated by signal words to express the
level of danger.
Warnings are initiated by symbols (triangle with exclamation mark) and signal words. (DANGER,
These signal words express the level of danger.
All Warnings share the same characteristic structure:


Source of Danger
Consequence of Danger
Prevention, Measures

For Warnings the following symbols are used:

Immediate dangerous situation, causing death or severe injuries.

Possibly dangerous situation, which may causes death or severe injuries.

Possibly dangerous situation, which may causes minor injuries.

Possible situation, which may causes damages to the device.

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Points out useful tips, advices and information concerning the device.

Warnings mentioned at the beginning of a chapter, are valid for the whole chapter and all of its
Warnings referring to a subchapter or the following action are integrated in the course of action.
Note all warnings and follow the advices without exception.

1.2.2 Further Symbols

Symbol Name Meaning
 As a symbol in maintenance tables
Tool  As a symbol for required tools at the beginning of
maintenance and servicing advices.
Oilcan  As a symbol in lubrication tables.

Grease gun  As a symbol in lubrication tables.

 As a symbol in cleaning tables.

Cleaning agent  As a symbol for required utensils at the beginning of
cleaning advices.

1.3 Changings
Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH reserves the right to modify or change information at any time
without prior announcement.
Pictures in this manual may differ in some details from actual circumstances.

1.4 Limitations of liability

Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH is not liable for any personal injury or property damages caused by:
• Incorrect operation
• Use not according to the intended purpose
• Modifications to the appliance without authorization by Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH
• lack of maintenance or noncompliance with the maintenance intervals
• Use of foreign parts without authorization by Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH
• Damages caused by insufficiently qualified personnel.
• Not following the User manual
• Use of not original wear- and spare parts

1.5 Warranty
Unless otherwise arranged, Wittmann Group will assume a 12 months warranty due to faults in
construction, material or execution after acceptance of
the appliance by the customer.
The letter of complaint has to be sent immediately and in written form.
For further information see chapter “General terms of delivery and sales”.

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1.6 Copyright ISO 16016
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, copying, distribution or any other use of the whole or
any part of this documentation is strictly prohibited.

1.7 Customer service

For further information please contact our customer service.
Information such as phone numbers, email adresses, internet-homepage and branches
worldwide see in chapter 10.

2 Safety
The safety of our customers is always in the first place at any of our technical solutions.
All products manufactured by Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH are subject to high quality
requirements. Our goal is safety for operating personnel as well as operators.

Wittmann robots are able to operate at high velocities in order to enable short takeout- and
cycle times. To avoid any possible injury of the operating personnel,
robots are expected to be operated only with appropriate safety devices.

2.1 Specified use

This appliance is to be used to handle (plastic-) parts within the production process of an injection
molding machine. The robot may only be used after safeguarding
according to EN ISO 10218 has been established, and the safety concept described in this user
manual has been realized.
Possible damage of the appliance
Any improper use of the appliance is not allowed.

• In case the specified use of the appliance has been neglected, the warranty claim is no longer
• This appliance is expected to be used only according to the specifications mentioned in the
• Please note all information concerning safety, operation and maintenance, and follow these
advices without any exception.
• This manual has to be read by all personnel working with the appliance.

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2.2 Reasonably foreseeable misuses
Reasonably foreseeable misuses, which may cause danger for the operating personnel, third persons
or the appliance, concern all operating modes.
• Mounting and operating without consideration of EN ISO 10218.
• Using the appliance and its electrical equipment not according to its specified use.
• Changing the software without prior consultation of WITTMANN Group.
• Carrying out maintenance, servicing or cleaning without switching off the appliance.
• Bypassing or disconnecting of safety devices or safety features.
• Improper Mounting, start-up, operation, maintenance, service or cleaning of the appliance
contrary to the specifications mentioned in the manual or any other manuals of WITTMANN

2.3 Life expectancy

Life expectancy depends on conditions of operational environment as well as compliance with
maintenance, service, cleaning and lubrication intervals prescribed by the WITTMANN Group.

2.4 Changings and Modifications

• It is prohibited to make any changes or modifications to the appliance without express
authorization by Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH.
• In case of unauthorized modification of the appliance, certificates, declarations and the manual
including service- and training documents will lose their validity.

2.5 Emergency-Stop devices

Operating the Emergency-stop device results in an immediate standstill of the appliance / the
Emergency-stop devices can be operated differently depending on the appliance / the machine:
• Pushing the main power switch
• Disconnecting the main plug
• Pushing the emergency-stop button
The following chapter shows all emergency-stop devices the appliance / the machine is equipped with.
Before restarting the device, make sure the cause of the alarm has been eliminated.

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2.6 Position of the Emergency-Stop button
One Emergency-Stop button is integrated to the teachbox.
Pushing the Emergency-stop button results in a shut-off of the main current circuit, except for the
gripper- and vacuum valves as well as the
vacuum pump to avoid parts falling off the gripper. Furthermore all control-units are supplied with
power, including the teachbox, to view pending alarms.
The Emergency-Stop Button can be manually reset by pulling out the actuator. The Emergency-Stop
circuit of the robot and the injection
molding machine are connected via the robot-machine interface. Activating the molding machines
Emergency-Stop button causes therefore
also an Emergency-Stop of the robot and the other way round.

Risk of fatal injury due to unintentional restart
Unintentional restart can cause severe personal injuries or death.
Before restarting the device, make sure the cause of the alarm has been eliminated and all
safety devices are mounted and work properly.
Restart the appliance only if there is no more risk and the source of danger has been

2.6.1 Permit Key on Teachbox

The key must be pressed for setting up for manual operation in order to be able to carry out travel
motions with the robot.
For more precise operation, see Chapter 6.1.10. Should this permit keybe released during setup, the
safety functions will
interrupt all travel motion of the robot.

2.7 Further Safety devices

2.7.1 Safeguarding
The safeguarding, required for operation of the robot, is not included in our standard scope of supply,
since adaptation to specific site conditions is required.
If such safeguarding is provided byyou, please note that it must be installed prior to startup of the
equipment in order to be included in the safety circuit of
the system upon startup.

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2.8 Obligations of the operator
• Ensure the intended use of the application.
• Perform a basic cleaning of the device / the machine prior startup.
• Employ only trained or qualified personnel and clearly specify the responsibilities of the
personnel for operation, maintenance and cleaning the device.
• Functions, which are secured by password or a key-operated switch, shall only be used by
Wittmann service technicians or trained personnel.
• Please note the corresponding safety warnings on the Robot.
• Documentation of all carried out work on the appliance / the machine shall be performed.
• Documentate carried out work affecting safe operation of the appliance as well as all works
concerning maintenance and modification.
Keep the documentation for at least 10 years in an inspection logbook.
• Hazardous and dangerous methods of operation shall be prohibited. Ensure regular checks of
the personnel by an experienced staff-member.
• Obligate the personnel to immediately report possibly appearing and visible safety-defects.
• Prescribe use of safety equipment for work with increased risk of injury.
• Scratched or damaged warning signs and information plates have to be replaced immediately.
Warning signs or information plates must not be removed.
• Personnel in training or under instruction are not permitted to perform any actions on the
device without continuous supervision of an experienced staff-member.
• Regularly check the electrical equipment and replace immediately all damaged parts.
• Any kind of software modification is forbidden.
• It is prohibited to make any changes or modifications to the appliance compromising safety
without express authorization by Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH.
• Fire extinguishers must be placed in the close area to the device.
• Prepare an emergency plan for the case of fire or other crisis-situations.

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2.9 Working area

Possibly dangerous situation, which may causes minor injuries.
Working area must be visibly signed by the operator (e.g. markings on the floor).

Following guidelines are obligatory inside the working area:

• Only qualified and trained personnel are allowed inside the working area.
• Personnel must wear personal safety equipment inside the working area.
• Non-authorized personnel are not allowed to enter the working area.

2.10 Obligations of the staff

• Read the manual prior first start up.
• Continuously make sure the device is working properly (product quality, missing parts,
vibrations, development of odor etc.) and resolve possible problems immediately.
• Follow carefully the safety- and warning instructions mentioned in the manual.
• The personnel must not wear rings, watches, ties, scarfs or loose garments while operating
the appliance. There is risk of injury, for e.g. getting caught.
• Inform yourself about the location and operation of fire extinguishers, as well as emergency
plans in case of fire or any other crisis situation.
• Inform yourself about internal rules concerning technical security guidelines and follow them
without exception.

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2.11 Personal Safety equipment
Always wear personal safety equipment when working on the device, consisting of:
Protective clothes
 Tight fitting
 Low tear strength
 No protruding parts
Safety shoes
 Slip proof
 Protection against parts falling down

Additional safety equipment for special works:

 Protection against sharp-edged, hot or moving parts

Light respiratory protection masks

 Protection against strong dust formation

Hearing protection
 Protection against intense noise

Body harness
 Protection against falls from a height
 Only under supervision

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3 Limitations

Limitations of use
Reasonably foreseeable Installation and operation without consideration of EN ISO 10218

Field of application
Commerce Commerce
Industry Industry

Categories of users Categories of users Categories of users

Qualified personnel Qualified personnel Qualified personnel
Apprentices Apprentices Apprentices
Operators Operators Operators

Spatial limitations
Description of the system The robot consists of the stand, which contains the electrical
system and the pneumatics, and the z-swivel-type-axis. The
x-axis part also holds the y-axis, which executes the vertical
movements of the robot.
The y-axis additionally holds the gripper.
Time limitations
Specified time of use 10 to 20 years
Recommended maintenance intervals See chapter 10 Maintenance

Further limitations
Ambient temperature +5 to +40 °C
Relative humidity 15 to 85 % avoid dew point violation
Required degree of cleanliness No special requirements
Height above sea level 0 to 1000 m
Electrical supply Depending on model, see typeplate
Required pressure for compressed air 1.5 – 7 bar
Hazardous areas (EX) Do not use in hazardous areas (EX)

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4 Capability of the Safety Control

The capability of the robots safety control conforms with PLr =d of

EN ISO 13849-1.

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5 Mounting

Essential requirement:
• To be carried out only by qualified personnel.
• Personal safety equipment has to be worn (protective clothes, safety shoes, gloves).
• Note the safety regulations concerning lifting devices (e.g. cranes and elevators).
• Always ensure that no power or compressed air is supplied when carrying out the work.

If required, experienced staff from Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH is available to take over
particular services.

5.1 Completeness of delivery, damages from transport

Damage of the device due to noncompliance with handling instructions
Handle the appliance only according to the instructions.

Damage of the device due to the use of pointed or sharp objects
Do not use pointed or sharp objects. This could cause damage on surfaces and/or the device

1. Remove all packing materials and protective coverings.

2. Check the goods immediately after receipt for completeness and correspondence to the
3. Check the device for visible damages from transport.
3.1. In case of transport damage, contact the transport company or Wittmann
Kunststoffgeräte GmbH.
The addresses are given at the end of this manual or at www.wittmann-group.com.
3.2. Note, that some devices may not be attached when the robot is transported.

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5.2 Transport and preparation
Devices and accessories are delivered on pallets.

Possible injury due to heavy components/parts.
Use suitable tools/machines, such as cranes or lifting devices.

Possible injury or damage of the device due to transport- or lifting devices.
Only qualified personnel are allowed to operate transport- and lifting devices.

Malfunction and damages caused by metal parts or transportation-protection parts.
Remove all transportation-protection parts.

5.2.1 Removing transportation-protection parts

• Make sure the robot is disconnected from all energy-supplying connections (electric power,
compressed air, etc.)
• Make sure the robot is switched off
• Make sure the robot stands still

1. Move the robot and its accessories only with suitable devices or tools (e.g. forklift, crane).
2. Use only the marked points to lift and move the robot and its accessories.
2.1. For more information see the folder „Safety instructions“.
3. Make sure the device does not contain any metal parts or packing materials.
3.1. Remove all transportation-protection parts.

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5.3 Mounting the robot
5.3.1 Mechanical installation
Possible injury to personnel or damage to the appliance.
Installation and startup shall be performed by authorized personnel only.

If required, experienced staff from Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH is ready to take over
particular services.

5.3.2 Dimensional Drawing – Adapter Unit

See the enclosed drawing for the dimensions of the robot with the dimensions for attachment of the

The robot is normally mounted on the fixed platen of the injection molding machine by means of an
adapter unit in
accordance with VDMA 24466 or FHK-85-12-22.
If the adapter is supplied by us, a drawing for installation on the machine is enclosed.

5.3.3 Transportation of the robot

Depending on the version the robots are equipped with one or more of the following devices
for lifting:
• lifting eyes on the main beam (Z axis).
• milled slots for lifting with a fork lift (e.g., in low bays) or with belts.
• Additional holes for the use of lifting rods.

The weight of the robot is shown on the robot identification plate on the Z-beam.

Before lifting the robot from the transport pallet, make sure, that the main carriage
(Z axis) and kick stroke (X axis) are in their balanced position.
The axes are in a balanced position, when the respective arrow marks are aligned.

The picture on the left shows the red arrow marks of the correctly aligned
z-axis of a W 918 as an example.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 19 of 235

The main carriage and kick stroke can only be moved by applying voltage from an
external power supply in the X and Y axes.
Because of the high accelerations of servo drives, this operation is hazardous and therefore
should be performed only by our trained service engineers.

Before lifting the robot, the vertical axis must be secured against tipping.
When lifting with a fork lift, secure the robot against slipping.

Danger to life due to electric shock.
Install a main fuse, which disconnects the electric power supply to the device. When working
on the device, make sure that all line voltage powered devices must be disconnected from the
main power supply.

Possible injury or damage of the device due to tilting.
Don’t step on the device.

Possibly dangerous situation caused by parts falling down.
Make sure, that all screws are tight.

The weight of the robot is shown on the robot identification plate on the stand.

Possible injury or damage to the device due to tipping over
Before lifting the robot, it must be secured against tipping. When using a forklift, protect
against sliding by using appropriate devices. Do not climb onto the device.

5.3.4 Demounting the robot

The weight of the robot is shown on the robot identification plate on the Z-beam.

Depending on the version the robots are equipped with one or more of the following devices
for lifting:
• lifting eyes on the main beam (Z axis).
• milled slots for lifting with a fork lift (e.g., in low bays) or with belts.
• Additional holes for the use of lifting rods.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 20 of 235

Before dismantling and lifting away from the console, you have to make sure, that the
main carriage (Z axis) and kick stroke (X axis) are in their balanced position.
The axes are in a balanced position, when the respective arrow marks are aligned.

The picture on the left shows the red arrow marks of the correctly aligned
z-axis of a W 918 as an example.

The easiest way to move the robot axes into balance is to do it with the manual functions
provided by the Teachbox, before the robot is decommissioned.

The main carriage and kick stroke can only be moved by applying voltage from an
external power supply in the X and Y axes.
Because of the high accelerations of servo drives, this operation is hazardous and therefore
should be performed only by our trained service engineers.

Before lifting the robot, the vertical axis must be secured against tipping.
When lifting with a fork lift, secure the robot against slipping.

Before demounting all electrical und pneumatic connections to the robot have to be

Before lifting the robot, all cables and hoses hanging down from the robot have to be
secured properly, in order to avoid damages, locking the transport, and to avoid the
danger of personal injury.

Before lifting the robot with a crane, refer to the following figures.

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R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 22 of 235
5.3.5 Basic Cleaning
To perform a basic cleaning, follow the prescription below:
• All electrical und pneumatic connections to the robot have to be cut and secured against
unintentional restart.
• The robot is switched off
• The robot stands still


compressed air, vacuum cleaner for industrial purpose

brake cleaner or cleaning agent for industrial purpose

dry micro fiber cleaning tissue

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5.4 Pneumatics
5.4.1 Compressed air connection
This connection is made on the service unit with a 1/2" hose. A shutoff valve (ball cock or quick
connection coupling) should
be installed at the point of connection to the main compressed air line.

Required air pressure: 60 - 100 psi (4 – 7 bars)

Air consumption per robot cycle:

The air consumption depends on the optional equipment installed on your robot.

Air consumption of the robot may be calculated from the following table:
Consumption per stroke * Cons. per sec. **

CNC Robots C axis A axis Vacuum per circuit

W911 0.3 0.4 0.4

W913, W923 0.2 0.2 0.4
W921, W931 1.3 0.4 0.4
W932, W933 1.1 1.3 0.4
W943 1.1 1.3 0.4
W953 6.4 8.3 0.4
W973 6.6 4.5 0.4

*: In ft³ at 90 psi (6 bars)

**: For venturi vacuum circuits only

Example of calculation of compressed air consumption:

W933CNC: with X, Y, Z axes motor driven

A and C axes pneumatic
2 vacuum circuits, operated 10 sec. each

1) A axis:
moved twice per cycle: 2 x 1.3 = 2,6 dm³
2) C-axis:
moved twice per cycle: 2 x 1.1 = 2.2 dm³
3 2-vacuum-circuits:
each one operated for 10 sec./cycle: 2 x (10 x 0.4) = 8,0 dm³
4) Total consumption: 2.6 + 2.2 + 8 = 12.8 dm³

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5.5 Electrical connection

To prevent damages to machines, devices or persons the electrical connection has to be
carried out by Wittmann service technicians or qualified personnel authorized by Wittmann
Kunststoffgeräte GmbH.

Danger to life due to electric voltage
Install a main fuse, which disconnects the electric power supply to the device. During all works
on the robot, make sure that all line voltage powered devices must be disconnected from the
main power supply.

Mechanical breakdown, severe or fatal injury caused by unintentional restart.
The robot has to be secured against unintentional restart during all kind of works, such as
maintenance, cleaning or repair.
Place warning signs and barriers.
Make sure the robot works properly prior restart.

5.5.1 Preparation for power connection:

• Check for the correct connection of the protective conductor.
• Install the power supply ensuring sufficient safety distance to hot parts.
• Lay all cables in a way, which no interferences caused by other devices can occur. Signal
cables and data transmission
cables must be laid separately from power cables.
• At three-phase devices check the magnetic fields direction of rotation. The device works with a
clockwise rotating field.
• During automatic operation, some parts may be charged with static electricity. Therefore the
respective parts have to be
connected separately to the protective conductor.
• Make sure, that all electrical connections and screws are tight.

5.5.2 Main power connection

The required electrical voltage and power supply are indicated on the identification plate of the robot.
Power connection normally
is made with cables and CEE plugs.

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5.5.3 Residual Current Device
Residual current devices (old: FI, new: RCD) may be used only under certain conditions in
combination with frequency inverters:
• At frequency inverters with 3-phase input voltage, in the event of a ground leak, a part
of the residual current may prevent release of an FI / RCD safety switch.
• Parasitic capacities in the converter can in principle cause leakage currents, which
may result in false tripping.

Alternative safety measures are for example grounding or protective isolation.

If a residual current device is used in robots with 3-phase inverters, it must be a new RCD TYPE B or
If a residual current device is used in robots with single-phase inverters, it must be a new RCD TYPE

5.6 Electrical Interface

This section is not applicable to robots with an integrated system, since here the signals are
transmitted to the injection molding

machine via a CAN-BUS interface.Robots equipped with a R9 control unit are available with an
interface-plug to communicate

with the injection molding machine:

• Euromap 67
The plug and its wiring are described in the following chapters.

5.6.1 Interface with the injection molding machine (IMM)

The robot is equipped with an electrical interface (plug type HAN 32A) according to VDMA 24465
(European Standard E67).
In robots supplied as integrated systems, molding machines are equipped with CAN-BUS controls and
safety signals are executed
by an emergency stop. See wiring diagram at the end of this chapter and pin description (Section

Connection of the interface plug to the machine and testing of all signals must be done by a
specialist in injection molding machines and robots. Preferably, this should be done by one of
our service engineers together with a qualified service engineer for the injection molding

Malfunction and damages to the robot caused by .
The interface signal functions must be carefully tested, as improper operation may cause
malfunction or damage to the robot and molding machine!

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In particular, the functions of the safety circuits must be thoroughly checked:
• Emergency stop signals from and to the IMM.
• Function of mold monitoring S5 / S6
• Integration of external safety circuits for access door to the safeguarding

5.6.2 Euromap 67 interface

The Euromap 67 interface defines the connection plug between the injection molding machine and the


Robot Plug Plug on Injection Molding machine

The robot-injection molding machine interface is designed according to the directives of Euromap 67,
which states:
Unless otherwise noted, the signals level signals, which are maintained during the described function.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 27 of 235 Injection Molding Machine (IMM) Signals
Pin contact Function
ZA1 Emergency Stop Channel 1
ZC1 The emergency stop switch of the injection molding machine is used to interrupt the
emergency stop circuit of the robot.
ZA2 Emergency Stop Channel 2
ZC2 The emergency stop switch of the injection molding machine is used to interrupt the
emergency stop circuit of the robot.
ZA3 Safety system active Channel 1
ZC3 For protecting against hazardous motions of the robot. The switch is closed when the
safety system of the injection molding machine is active.
ZA4 Safety system active Channel 2
ZC4 For protecting against hazardous motions of the robot. The switch is closed when the
safety system of the injection molding machine is active.
ZA5 Reject
The signal is HIGH when the molded piece is a reject. The switch must be closed when
the tool is open and must remain HIGH at least until “close tool enabled“ (see pin contact
No. A6).
ZA6 Mold closed
HIGH signal when tool closing has been completed; the signal “close tool enabled“ is no
longer necessary (see pin contact No. A6).
ZA7 Mold open
HIGH Signal if the mold opening position is equal or more than the required position.
Inadvertent alteration to mold opening stroke smaller than that required for the robot to
approach must be impossible.
ZA8 Mold at intermediate position
Optional HIGH signal when the mold opening has reached the specified intermediate position and
remains HIGH until the mold is completely open. The signal may be used in two ways:
1.) The mold stops in the intermediate position, whereupon a signal is sent to the
robot. Complete opening of the IMM takes place through the signal “complete
mold opening enabled“ (see pin A7).
2.) The IMM transmits the signal, but does not remain in the intermediate position.
Signal is LOW when the intermediate position is not used.
ZA9 Signal Voltage Robot 24V DC
ZB2 Fully automatic mode injection molding machine
HIGH signal, when operating the injection molding machine together with the robot is
ZB3 Ejector back position
HIGH signal when the ejector is back, regardless of the position of the movable tool
plate. The signal acknowledges “ejector back enabled“ (see pin contact No.B3).
ZB4 Ejector forward position
HIGH signal when the ejector is forward. The signal acknowledges “ejector forward
enabled“ (see pin contact No. B4).

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Pin contact Function
ZB5 Core pullers 1 free for robot to approach
HIGH signal when the core pullers, regardless of the position of the movable tool plate,
are in position for the robot to approach.
ZB6 Core pullers 1 in position to remove molding
HIGH signal when the core pullers are in position for removal of the injection molding.
ZB7 Core pullers 2 free for robot to approach
Optional HIGH signal when the core pullers, regardless of the position of the movable tool plate,
are in position for the robot to approach.

ZB8 Core pullers 2 in position to remove molding

Optional HIGH signal when the core pullers are in position for removal of the injection molding.

ZC5 reserved for future EUROMAP signal

ZC6 reserved for future EUROMAP signal
ZC7 reserved for future EUROMAP signal
ZC8 free
ZC9 Signal Ground Robot 0V

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 29 of 235 Robot Signals
Pin contact Function
A1 Emergency stop of robot Channel 1
C1 Opening of the switch contacts of the robot must shut off the control system of the
molding machine.
A2 Emergency stop of robot Channel 2
C2 Opening of the switch contacts of the robot must shut off the control system of the
molding machine.
A3 Mold area free
C3 Signaling is effected by the limit switch at the travel-in rail. The switch is opened when
the travel-in rail, in the region of the injection molding machine, leaves its starting
position before it is moved into the tool area. If the switch is open, neither a closing nor
opening motion of the tool may take place.
Even when the control system of the robot is shut off, the switch must work as described.
A4 reserved for future EUROMAP signal
A5 free
A6 Close mold enabled
HIGH Signal when the robot is far enough out of the tool that it can be closed and when
other robot control systems enable closing of the tool. The signal remains HIGH for the
duration of the tool-closing operation. In the event of a LOW signal due to a disturbance,
the tool-closing motion must be aborted.
Note: The signal “close tool enabled“ may not be linked with other OR signals in any
operating mode.
A7 Complete mold opening enabled
optional HIGH Signal when the robot has removed the piece from the mold and permits further
opening of the mold. The contact must remain closed until the IMM gives the signal
“mold open“.
A8 reserved for future EUROMAP signal
A9 Signal Ground IMM 24V DC
B2 Operation with robot
At operation with robot the signal is LOW.
B3 Ejector back enabled
HIGH signal when the removal operation has been performed far enough for the motion
“ejector back“ to be carried out. The signal is HIGH for the duration of the motion “ejector
back“. The signal must be maintained at least until the signal “ejector back“ from the
molding machine (see pin contact No. ZB3).
B4 Ejector forward enabled
HIGH signal, when the removal operation has been performed far enough for the motion
“ejector forward“ to be carried out. The signal is HIGH for the duration of the motion
“ejector forward.“ The signal must be maintained at least until the signal “ejector forward“
from the molding machine (see pin contact No. ZB4).
B5 Enable movement of core pullers 1 to position for the robot to approach freely.
HIGH signal when the motion of the core pullers is to the position for the robot to
approach freely is enabled.

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Pin contact Function
B6 Enable movement of core pullers 1 to position for removal of the molding
HIGH signal when the motion of the core pullers is to the position for removal of the
molding is enabled.
B7 Enable movement of core pullers 2 to position for the robot to approach freely.
HIGH signal when the motion of the core pullers is to the position for the robot to
approach freely is enabled.
B8 Enable movement of core pullers 2 to position for removal of the molding
optional HIGH signal when the motion of the core pullers is to the position for removal of the
molding is enabled.

C5 free
C6 reserved for future EUROMAP signal
C7 reserved for future EUROMAP signal
C8 free
C9 Signal Ground IMM 0V DC

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5.6.3 Mold Monitoring
Proper adjustment of the switching points of the roller switches S5 and S6.

The adjustment is extremely important, since the switches secure the closing and opening motions of
the IMM.
These roller switch signals are independent from the permission signals of the robot program and are
directly wired through the electrical interface to the IMM (redundant safety).
The switches for S5 and S6 can be physical switches (proximity sensors or roller switches) or virtual
switches (software switching points).

Function and Adjustment of Roller Switch S5:

The roller switch S5 is mounted on the vertical axis and is operated by the cam on the vertical axis.
Only when S5 is actuated, the closing/opening motion is released.

Adjust the cam (the switching point) in a way that S5 is only actuated, when gripper and part are at a
position with sufficient safety distance above the mold.

Function and Adjustment of Roller Switch S6:

The S6 switch is mounted to the main traversing carriage and is operated by the cam on the Z beam.
S6 overrides the function of S5, so that the robot arm can move
down outside the machine without interrupting closing or opening of the IMM.

Adjust the cam (the switching point) in a way that S6 is actuated only while providing a sufficient safety
distance outside the protective guarding of the machine
(with the largest part on the gripper!).

After changing switching points for Mold Monitoring, the roller switch monitoring has to be re-

After proper adjustment of the cams, double-check the function of the safety switches S5 and
S6. If neither switch is actuated (robot arm inside mold) ensure that even with a closing signal
present from the robot the closing and opening motion of the IMM is not possible!

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 32 of 235 Setting the Virtual Roller Switches (Mold Safety Switches):

Open via and the Init menu and choose to set the
points and behavior of those virtual switches.

Fig.: Position of roller switches

In the tab position choose the desired axis and press in order to input the position of the
point for the respective virtual roller switch using the dialogue for numerical input.
Use the tab Init to define whether the 0-positions of the axes are located inside or outside the mold

Fig.: Roller switches Init

Once all settings are done, press to leave the menu.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 33 of 235 Initialize Roller switch Monitoring
The software constantly monitors the switching points of the roller switches for mold safety, in order to
detect any malfunctions in time.

This serves as an additional safety for avoiding collisions with the mold of the IMM.

Open the Init menu and choose the tab Roller Switches.

The tab Position shows the positions of the switching points as determined by the software for all
mold safety switches present at the robot.

Fig.: Window for Roller Switches Position

Switching points that have not been detected since the last time the roller switch monitoring was reset,
will display ??????.? as their position.

If during a product change or during initial setup switching points have been changed by altering the

cams, the roller switch monitoring has to be reset by pressing .

All Positions will display ??????.? and will automatically be re-determined during movements of the
respective axes in operation modes manual and automatic.

Press to leave the menu.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 34 of 235 Test procedure for the Mold Monitoring

• Switch off Operation with Robot. The LED at the button is not lit.
• Slightly close the mold. The Signal Mold Open must be off.
• Now try to move the Y-axis into the mold area.
• The Y-axis must stop latest when leaving the S5. The error message "Mold Monitoring" or "Mold
Monitoring Braking Distance" must appear on the Teachbox.
• Confirm the message.
• Check if the robot has left the S5. Use the menu View – I/O to do so; the input 482 Roller Switch
S5 must be off.
• If this is not the case, deactivate mold monitoring in the menu Init – Deactivate monitoring and
carefully move the Y-axis off the switch.
• Now try to close and open the mold. Both movements must be impossible, and an error message
must appear at the IMM.
• Move the Y-axis up and out of the mold area.
• Activate mold monitoring in the menu Init – Deactivate monitoring, if you have deactivated it

In case of a negative test result, contact our service center.

5.7 Safety Package / Safeguarding

As already pointed out in Chapter 1, the work envelope of the robot must be properly safeguarded in
accordance with legal regulations.

5.7.1 Safety Package

Our robots with R9 controls are equipped by standard with a safety package.
The safety package includes:
• Emergency Stop Disconnect Unit with two channels
• 2 Safety contactors for hardware shutoff of the axis drive when the safety door (hatch) is opened.
In addition,
• the software monitors these contactors for proper operation (redundant safety).
• Remote control with 2 permit keys
• Software safety package (monitoring of inputs and outputs)
• Cable with plug for ease of connection of all necessary switching and display elements for
mounting on an access door or hatch

The robot can be operated only if all safety requirements have been met, which means, all
protective devices have been properly installed prior to startup of the robot.
For a detailed description of the function of the safety package see Section.

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5.7.2 EXTERNAL Safety Package for Safety Door or Access Hatch

H302 Lamp red *

H301 Lamp green *

Control with
hard- and software for
S304 Emergency Stop the safety package
H302 Lamp red

S303 Button Automatic Control panel

with permit key
H301 Lamp green
S303, H303
Button Acknowledgement /
Block Stop

U3 Solenoid Interlock

a) Step/Automatic/Reference

* … optional

• Solenoid interlock with contact for software monitoring of function.

The door can be opened only when the robot motions have come to a complete stop (U3)
• Emergency Stop (S304)
• Lamp H302 red (robot enabled)
• Button Automatic S303 / Lamp H301 green (robot disabled)
• Button Acknowledgement / Block Stop (S303, H303)
• Key operated selector switch for manual/automatic operation (S313)
• Mounting panel with junction box, plug and 2 optional indicator lamps:
(H301): robot disabled (H302): robot enabled

These parts are required in order to confirm the function of the safety door in the safety circuit
of the robot program and are obtainable, as an option, with or without safety door.

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Before starting up the robot, check the safety circuits as follows:

1) Install the complete safety package.

2) Check K24V/X6 PIN7 (wiring board):
If you can measure 24V between X6/PIN 7 (wiring board) and X6/ PIN 8 (wiring board) the
emergency stop circuit is enabled.
3) Check of A24V on X3 PIN 2 (wiring board) (robot disabled):
If a measurement between terminals X3 PIN 2 (wiring board) and X6/ PIN 8 (wiring board)
indicates 24V, the circuit is working properly.
4) Open the safety door.
5) Close the safety door.
6) Press the outside acknowledgment button (lamp H301 lights).
7) Turn the key switch to „Auto“ setting (lamp H302 lights).
8) Check X3 PIN 2 (wiring board) (robot enabled):
If a measurement between terminals X3 PIN 2 (wiring board) and X6/ PIN 8 (wiring board)
indicates 24V, the circuit is working properly.
9) Turn the key switch to „Manual“ (lamp H301 lights).
10) Check of both permit keys for remote control:
When one of the two permit keys is held in its intermediate position, the lamp H301 lights and
operation of the robot with safety door open is possible.
If the permit key is pressed fully, operation of the robot is not possible (panic).
11) Turn the key switch to „Auto“ position (lamp H302 lights).
12) Teach the robot a „blank“ program and start automatic cycle:
It must be impossible to open the safety door during automatic operation.

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Function of Safety Package:
A) Block Stop during automatic mode
The key switch is in the AUTO position.
1) Pressing the „Block Stop“ key on the Teachbox or the button at the safety door allows the
robot to complete the last motion,
then the safety door will be unlocked and can be opened.
In any other case, the safety package immediately interrupts the motion in both the hardware
and software upon forcible opening of the safety door.
2) To resume automatic mode after Block Stop:
- Close the safety door
- Press outside acknowledgment button
- Press automatic start key. Cycle will resume with the next command in the teach program.

B) Manual operation of the robot inside the safety area

1) Set the key switch to MANUAL and remove the key.
2) The door will be unlocked, can be opened and the safety area entered. The key has to be taken
with the person entering the safety area.
This ensures, that no other person is able to start automatic mode while an operator is still
inside the safety area.
3) All motions can be performed by remote control by simultaneously pressing the
acknowledgment button and the function keys.
After 30 seconds or the error message timeout, the permit key has to be released one time and
then pressed again.
A maximum drive speed of 250 mm/sec is possible In Manual/Setup Operation.

4) To resume operation in automatic mode:

- Leave the safety area
- Close the safety-doors
- Insert the key and set the switch to automatic mode
- Press the outside acknowledgment button
- Press the automatic start key; this ensures that the system cannot inadvertently be started by
another person, although an operator is still in the protected area.

According to applicable safety regulations, slow motions of the robot axes (max. of 250
mm/sec or 10 in/sec) are not sufficient to allow access to the work envelope of the robot and
to avoid accidents. Access is allowed only if the automatic mode is completely interrupted
and this condition is secured by hardware contactors that prevent any motion.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 38 of 235 Indication lamp for operating modes at PRO-series robots
The ambiLED shows four different operating modes

1. Automatic Mode: The ambiLED lights up permanently

in green.

2. Manual Mode: The ambiLED lights up permanently in darkblue. Intervention of the operator is

3. Block Stop: The ambiLED lights up alternatingly darkblue and lightblue as long as the robot is
in motion.
As soon as the robot has stopped, the ambiLED switches to lightblue.

4. Safety door is open: The ambiLED lights up

permanently in red. An alarm is active.

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5.7.3 Safeguarding
This consists of safety door and safeguarding elements.

These safeguarding elements are available as an option in the following sizes (width * height):

- 1000 mm * 2000 mm
- 500 mm * 2000 mm

These provide complete safeguarding of the work envelope of the robot and/or the entire automated

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 40 of 235

6 Operating Instructions for R9 Control
6.1 Basic Operation

6.1.1 Introduction
The R9 control unit is a high-performance control system with a teach programming interface for the
robot and peripheral equipment.

Before starting up the robot for the first time, review the manual thoroughly and familiarize
yourself with the operation of the robot, to avoid improper use or programming.

Improper use or programming may result in injury to personnel and damage to the
robot, gripper, mold or injection molding machine.
Programming of the robot must be carried out only by trained personnel who are fully familiar
with the operation of the robot.

We offer training sessions at our service centers. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Robot Axes of a W933 PRO Series

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 41 of 235

6.1.2 Operating mode buttons
The buttons on the right edge of the teachbox are used for basic operation of the robot.
Depending on the mode of operation the LED of the corresponding button is lit.

Reference travel
Performing the reference travel. Possible in the mold area only when the loaded
teach program contains a reference travel.

IMM: Operation with robot

Enables operation of IMM with robot. In shut-off state the IMM can be operated
without robot. The LED will flash, when turned on while mold, ejectors or core
pullers are not in a defined position. In this case the function will be turned on
with a delay, in order to allow reaching such a position.

Start automatic mode

Start of automatic mode. The robot must be in reference mode, the IMM must
be in automatic mode and operation with robot must be on.

Block Stop
Ends automatic operation after complete execution of the currently processed
instruction or group of instructions. Automatic operation may be continued by
pressing the Automatic Start button again.

Manual operation / Stop

Causes an immediate stop and switches to manual operation.

Control Voltage On
Press this button, located on the virtual subpendant, to switch on the
control voltage after the mains switch has been turned on, or after an
emergency stop.

Causes the robot to stop immediately. Relevant outputs are disabled through
hardware, the EMERGENCY STOP circuit to the IMM is interrupted and the

LED of the button is lit.

The error message EMERGENCY STOP appears on the display.

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6.1.3 Numerical input
This window will automatically open to input numbers, when necessary.

Fig.: numerical input

The minimum and maximum values for the parameter are shown at the bottom in the left corner of the
input field.
Input the digits using the numeric keys.

deletes from the current cursorposition to the left.

deletes the entries

changes the algebraic sign of the entry

adds a tenth unit to the entered value

subtracts a tenth unit from the entered value

places a komma at the desired place to the entered value

discards the entry and closes the input-window

confirms the entry and closes the input-window

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 43 of 235

6.1.4 Text input
This window will automatically open to input text, when necessary.

Fig.. Text input

The maximum value for the text input is shown at the bottom in the left corner of the input field.
Input the text using the alphanumeric keys positioned like on a PC keyboard.

deletes from the current cursorposition to the left.

deletes the entries

changes the algebraic sign of the entry

adds a tenth unit to the entered value

subtracts a tenth unit from the entered value

places a komma at the desired place to the entered value

discards the entry and closes the input-window

confirms the entry and closes the input-window

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6.1.5 Operating modes
Operating the robot requires knowledge about the various operating modes of the robot.
These divide to the following:

Reference Missing
Status of the control unit after activation. All manual functions are available, but the
numerical axis positions shown on the Teachbox display are invalid. In order to be
able to use all functions of the robot, a reference travel must be performed.

All functions of the robot are available; the Teachbox displays valid position values. In
order to be able to start automatic operation, a reference travel must be performed.

All axes, vacuum and gripper circuits are in their respective reference positions. The
taught reference programs have been executed. It is possible to start automatic

The Teach program loaded to the robot is being executed.

End of automatic operation after complete performance of the currently processed
instruction or group of instructions. Automatic operation can be resumed at the next

program line by pressing the button

Wait IMM
The robot is waiting for the injection molding machine.

The robot will switch from Automatic to Wait IMM:

• When the machine changes to Manual.
• When the machine is not in Automatic and the robot reaches a command that
waits for a signal of the machine.
• When the machine is not in Automatic or Operation With Robot is not on when
the robot executes the command

The robot will continue automatic operation automatically once the machine changes
to Automatic or when Operation With Robot is being switched on.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 45 of 235

6.1.6 Operating mode Reference

The Reference travel brings the robot and any peripheral equipment present into a defined home

position in order to enable operating mode Automatic.

The reference positions of the gripper and vacuum circuits are selectable.

As long as no reference travel has been successfully executed after powering up the unit, only the

operating mode Reference Missing will be available.

Depending on the current operating mode of the robot, two different types of reference travel are

executed when the button is pressed:

• Reference travel in the operating mode Reference Missing

• Reference travel in the operating mode Manual Reference travel in the operating mode Reference Missing

In the operating mode Reference Missing no reference travel can be executed in the mold
area. First, the axes have to be moved out of the mold area using manual functions;
furthermore the B-axis (if present) must be moved to its 0-position.

Press and hold the button to start the initial standard reference travel for the robot.

The axes will be traveled to their reference positions using the sequence Y-X-Z-C-A.

Pneumatic axes simply travel to their 0-position limit switch.

Also the numerical axes travel to their 0-position limit switch at first. Axes with an incremental encoder
then travel to the reference mark of the encoder.
After that the respective axis travels to its configured reference position. In standard configuration this
is 10.0 mm (0.04") in plus direction from the 0-position limit switch.
After reaching this reference position the numerical position of the axis is set to zero.

If the button is released before the reference position of the robot is reached, the movement is
stopped immediately.

When you press the button again, the sequence will continue.
When all axes have reached their reference position, the robot switches to operating mode Manual.

The Icon is shown at the status bar in the upper left corner of the display; the LED of the button

is lit.
If no corresponding reference travel (ROBOT-REF) has been programmed, now the grippers have to
be brought to their defined reference position.
At last the reference travel in the operating mode Manual has to be carried out, in order to enable
automatic operation.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 46 of 235 Reference travel in the operating mode Manual

Press and hold the button to start the reference travel.

If reference teach programs for the robot (ROBOT-REF) and the peripheral equipment (PERI-REF)
are programmed, at first these sequences are carried out simultaneously (!).
This makes it possible to reference the robot from inside the mold area, and to bring peripheral
equipment to its home position at the same time.
Furthermore the vacuum and gripper circuits can be switched to their reference states by the
reference teach programs.

If no reference travel for the robot has been programmed, or if after carrying out the reference teach
programs individual axes have not yet reached their 0-position,
these axes are moved into their reference position in the sequence Y-X-Z-C-A.

When the button is released, the movement is stopped immediately. When the button is
pressed again, the reference travel will start from the beginning.

When the reference position is obtained, the robot switches to operating mode Reference.

The Icon is shown at the status bar in the upper left corner of the display; the LED of the button

is lit.

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6.1.7 Override
This function is used to set the travel speeds of the motor axes in connection with the maximum speed
(Vmax) set in the teach program.

The button can be used in every operating mode to open the override window.

Here you can use the slider to change the Override for the numerical axes of the robot.

Fig.: Mainscreen with Override slider

By default, the Override is set to 30% for all numerical axes.

Use the button to turn the mode for economic travel on or off.

Preferably the speeds of the numerical axes should be set in the Teach programm using
Vmax and Vabs commands. This should happen in a way that the Overrides of the axes can
be set to 100% when the robot is executing the standard production cycle..

Depending on the robot settings the Overrides are automatically reduced to 30%, when:
- a new teach program is started.
- the robot is being powered up.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 48 of 235


In the teach program a maximum speed of 80% of the maximum design speed (design Vmax) was
programmed for the Z axis (Vmax=80%).

The manual override is set at 50% (of Vmax).

Therefore the drive speed is 40% of the maximum design speed.

Fig.: Vmax and Override

Refer to: Maximum Velocity (Vmax), Absolute Velocity (Vabs)

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 49 of 235

6.1.8 ECO-Mode
The function ECO-Mode adapts speed and acceleration of the numerical axes while traveling outside
the mold in a way that the robot arrives
at its waiting position outside the mold at ECO-Buffer time before the next mold opening starts. The
movements inside the mold remain
unchanged by the ECO-Mode. This way - without changing the overall cycle time - a more economic
operation of the robot is achieved,
compared to running the robot with full speed and acceleration outside the machine.

You can turn the ECO-Mode on and off in the Mainscreen using the button.

With the ECO-Mode turned on, the robot is calculating the optimum setting during the first few cycles
after starting automatic mode.
Only after this the robot will execute the placing motion with constant low speed and acceleration.
Should the robot out of any reason be too late (mold opens before the robot arrives at the waiting
position), the rest of the cycle will
be executed with full speed and acceleration. During the next cycles the robot will then retry to find the
correct settings.

For alternative routines executing special motions (that take significantly longer or shorter to finish
than the standard motion) the
ECO-Mode can be deactivated for the current cycle using the Teach command ECO MODE. The robot
will then use the settings
done with VMAX, VABS, AABS and the Override for the current cycle. The ECO-Mode will be
automatically re-activated with the next cycle.
Furthermore the ECO-Mode can be turned on by the command automatically and can be reset.

For permanent irregular travel times, the ECO-Buffer time should be increased to cover the time
difference between the longest and shortest
trip, and thus to achieve a better control behavior.

In order for the ECO-Mode to work, use a compatible sequence to wait for the open mold or
Smart Removal: In.

Refer to: Teach command ECO MODE

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6.1.9 Safety System Startup with Safety System Manual Setup Mode

In order to be able to travel in the manual mode after the control unit has been activated, the key
switch must be in the MANUAL SETUP
position, and one of the permit keys on the bottom of the teachbox must be actuated. Automatic Mode, Step Mode, Reference Travel

After the control unit has been activated, safety must be ensured, since otherwise the AUTOMATIC,
modes cannot be used with the robot.

To ensure safety:
1.) Open safety door
2.) Close safety door
3.) Press outside acknowledgment key
4.) Set key switch to position Auto-Step-Reference

The period between opening and acknowledgment outside may be as long as desired (no time
monitoring features are in place). Selection of Operating Modes Manual Setup Mode

If the key switch is in the position MANUAL SET UP, each axis can be moved for 30 seconds while
actuating the permit key on the
bottom of the teachbox. If you release the permit key, the selected function will be stopped
immediately (software axis stop function;
power supply 24 V for outputs will be disconnected through hardware).

After 30 seconds as well as during each change of function (e.g., X axis to Y axis) the permit key must
be released and then pressed
again. In order to enter the teach mode, you must first perform referencing (ensure safety - set key
switch to position Auto - Stepping - Reference).
Then call up the teach mode and set the key switch to position MANUAL SET UP.
Now the safety door can be opened and it will be possible to teach the positions inside the protective
guarding using the permit key.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 51 of 235 Automatic Mode, Step Mode, Reference
In order to travel to the reference position, all doors must be checked for safety.
The key switch must be set to AUTOMATIC - STEPPING - REFERENCE position. This applies to the
automatic and stepping modes as well.

Should it be necessary to access the machine during the automatic cycle, press the key first
in order to unlock the door.
The door will be unlocked when all axes have completed their motions. If the door is not opened,
automatic operation can be continued with

the key. However, if the door is opened, safety must be ensured after the intervention and the

removal cycle will be continued with the key.

If Safety ensured is shown on the input, the reference position may be approached and automatic
operation started.
Safety must also be ensured for the STEP mode. Monitoring of the Safety Gate

The safety gate monitoring system is active only when the key switch is in the AUTOMATIC - STEP -
REFERENCE position.

Safety Gate:
The safety gates are electrically monitored by a safety module which ensures that the robot can be
used only in manual
operation when someone is within the safeguarded area, and that no one can accidentally enter the
hazardous area of the
plant while the robot is used in the automatic mode. In addition, it is verified that no switches have
been bridged or other
interventions made in the safety circuits. Error Effect Analysis

- Safety gate is forced open during automatic operation
-> The safety contactor circuit disconnects all outputs from the power supply by means of
At the same time, the automatic cycle is interrupted by the software and shift to manual
operation is made.

- The safety gate is opened during the block stop mode

-> The safety contactor circuit disconnects all outputs from the power supply by means of
At the same time, the software does not permit start of a new function. Hence a defective
output or a faulty program will not lead to an undesirable motion.

- In the MANUAL SETUP MODE (safety gate not monitored) an axis motion can be executed
only with the permit key.
If this key is pressed for a longer period (30 sec.) without a motion being performed, no new
travel instruction may be
executed (by the software). The entire system will go into a failure state (time monitoring
permit key).

- In addition, in an unsafe state all motor axes will be disconnected by means of hardware from
the frequency converter/servo module
feeder line through contactor disconnects.

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6.1.10 User Administration and Passwords
User administration makes it possible to assign different rights of access to fifteen different users for
operation of the robot.
For example, operators may be authorized only for robot operation, shift supervisors for manual
functions as well, while machine
programmers could also be allowed to load and change programs, and so forth.

User's rights may be freely specified in 2 different user profiles. The administrator is assigned all
rights; as sole user authorized to do so,
he may also create profiles and change passwords. Each user receives an individual password and is
assigned one of the user profile.

Write down the passwords, especially the administrator password and keep them in a
suitable safe place.

If you lose the administrator password the functions reserved for the administrator (Changes
in the password system and several other base settings) will be no longer accessible! In this
case contact our nearest service center.

By default 2 different User profiles are available:

• Operator
• Administrator

The user administration of the R9 control is NOT ALWAYS active. It has to be activated in the
Config menu at first. Admin
In order to be able to manage users with their profiles and passwords, and for some other base
you will have to login as administrator.

The user name for the administrator is always ADMIN.

The password for the administrator is 333 at delivery.

For real use of the user administration the password of the administrator must be changed to
avoid unauthorized access.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 53 of 235 Create Users
To create users, make changings to their profiles or to delete a user, one has to be logged in as

In the menu and it is possible to

create users with individual names.

Fig.: Window Create User

In the field “Username” enter an individual Name for the new user.

In the field “Password” enter an individual password for the respective user and confirm it in the field

At “Group profile” choose from the pull down menu the desired Profile the respective user shall be
assigned to.

Tap to add the user to the group. Finally the message will show up.

is used to leave the menu and return to the User administration window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 54 of 235 Edit a User Profile
In this window a user’s profile can be edited, changed or a user can be deleted.

Fig.: Window to edit a user profile

is used to edit the selected user-profile and make changings to its permissions.

is used to delete the selected user.

is used to close the window and return to the User administration window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 55 of 235 Create Group
In this menu it is possible to create a new group profile based on one of the two existing profiles.

Fig. Window for group administration

Tap the field “Name” and enter an individual Name for the group using the dialog for Text Input.
Choose then on which profile the new group should be based by using the pull down menu.
In the next step determine the permissions for the new group.

Create the group with the button below the list.

is used to leave the menu and turn back to the User administration-window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 56 of 235 Login
With user administration activated in the logged out state (e.g. after powering up the unit) only the
buttons to change the mode of operation,
the help function and the functions activated in profile 7 are available.
All other functions are deactivated.

The button will be displayed in the status bar.

Each user has to login with name and password to get access to the functions attached to his profile.

Tap therefore and to do so. In the following window you can login:

Fig.: Window for User login

Tap the field Username and enter your Username using the dialogue for Text input.

Tap then the field Password and enter the corresponding password using the dialogue for Numerical

discards the entries and closes the window.

will confirm the entries and log you in.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 57 of 235 Logout
With activated user administration, one should logout when leaving the Teachbox, in order to avoid
misuse of the appliance.

Tap therefore in the status bar on and then .

The icon will be displayed in the status bar.

Only the buttons to change the mode of operation, the help function and the possibility to change the
language will be available. All other functions will be deactivated.

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6.1.11 Manual functions Numerical axes

This function is used to move the desired axis manually to its desired position. This is possible in the

operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing. Furthermore the current position of the respective
axis is displayed in all operating modes.

At robots with secondary axes press and hold the axis button to display the buttons for
toggling between main axis and secondary axis.

Fig.: Numerical axis with variable speed

Tap the slider and drag it either up- or downwards to move the axis into the desired direction
with variable speed. The size of the slider will increase or decrease according to the velocity.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 59 of 235 Pneumatic axes

This function is used to manually move a pneumatic axis in the operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing. Furthermore the current position of the axis
is displayed in all operating modes.

Fig.: Window for pneumatic axis

moves the axis directly to the end position zero degrees.

moves the axis directly to the end position ninety degrees.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 60 of 235 Conveyors

This function is used to manually switch a conveyor belt during the operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing

Fig.: Window to switch conveyor belts

means the respective conveyor is ON.

means, the conveyor is OFF.

Additionally the state ON of the conveyor is shown by a green beam .

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 61 of 235 Vacuum Circuits

This function is used to manually switch a vacuum circuit during the operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing.

Fig.: Window for Vacuum Circuits

means the respective vacuum is ON.

means, the vacuum is OFF.

Additionally the state ON of the vacuum is indicated by a green beam .

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 62 of 235 Cylinders

This function is used to manually switch a cylinder during the operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing.

Fig.: Window for cylinders

means the respective cylinder is in its desired end position.

means, the cylinder is in its starting position.

and means, the respective cylinder is not pressurized.

Additionally the current state of the cylinder is shown by a green beam .

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 63 of 235 Grippers

This function is used to manually open or close a gripper during the operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing.

Fig.: Window for gripper circuits

means the respective gripper is OPENED.

means, the respective gripper is CLOSED.

Additionally the current state of the gripper is shown by a green beam .

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 64 of 235 Auto Switch

This function is used to manually switch a configured auto switch during the operating modes

Reference, and Reference Missing.

Fig.: Window for AutoSwitches

means the respective AutoSwitch is ON.

means, the respective AutoSwitch is OFF.

Additionally the state ON of the AutoSwitch and its type are shown in the list beneath.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 65 of 235 IMM Signal states IMM output signals

This function is used to see the states of the IMM’s outputs.

Fig.: Window for IMM output signal states

means the respective output is ON

means the respective output is OFF

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 66 of 235 IMM Input signals

This function is used to see the states of the IMM’s inputs.

Fig.: Window for IMM input signal states

means the respective input is ON

means the respective input is OFF

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 67 of 235 Peripheral Outputs

This function is used to manually switch a peripheral output during the operating modes

Reference, and Reference Missing. Furthermore the current states of the outputs
displayed in all operating modes.

Fig.: Window for Peripheral Outputs

means the respective peripheral output is ON.

means, the output is OFF.

Additionally the current state of the output and its monitoring are shown in the list beneath.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 68 of 235 Peripheral Inputs

This function is used to see the state of a peripheral input during the operating modes Manual,

Reference, and Reference Missing.

Fig.: Window for peripheral inputs

means the respective input is ON

means the respective input is OFF

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 69 of 235 Counters

This function is used to display, reset or set the 64 counters of the Teach program in any operating

PRIMUS Robots: 10 counters

Fig.: Window for Counters

Select a counter from the list and tap the field Value. Set the selected counter to the desired value
using the dialogue for Numerical Input.

Use to set the value of the selected counter to zero.

Use to set the value of all 64 counters to zero.

Modifying counters (especially in automatic mode) can result in serious changes in
execution of the program, as well as in damage due to collisions!
Counters should (especially in automatic mode) be modified only with caution by persons who
are familiar with the effects of such modification on the teach program.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 70 of 235 Placing Counters

PRIMUS Robots: 2 Placing Counters available

This function is used to display the values of the counters of the 16 available placing programs in all
operating modes.

During the operating modes Manual, Reference, and Reference Missing.

It is furthermore possible to reset the counters to zero.

Fig.: Window to set/reset Placing Counters

Used axes
Here are the axes used in the placing program displayed.

According to the used axes the values of the placing counters are displayed line by line.

Part Counter
The actual value of the part counter of the respective placing program is displayed here.

Use to set the value of the selected placing counter to zero.

Use to set the value of all placing counters to zero.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

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6.1.12 Init Menu

The INIT menu is used to adjust robot settings. Some settings can be accessed by the logged-in
administrator (Admin) only.

Fig.: Init Menu overview Stroke limits

The stroke limits are software limit switches to limit the maximum travel range of an axis.

In operating mode Reference Missing the stroke limits are not active. The axes travel is
limited by the hardware limit switches.
If a stroke limit is reached in manual mode, the robot will stop at the position value of the stroke limit
without an error message.
In automatic mode the error message 004-007 STROKE LIMIT will be shown.

Axes commands in a Teachprogram will be checked already during transfer to the CPU. If an axis
command targets a position
outside the stroke limits, the error message 160-005 TARGET OUT OF STROKE LIMITS including
the affected line
number and axis will be shown.

Fig.: Window for stroke limits

After tapping the respective input field, the desired axis value can be input using the dialogue for
Numerical input.
The title bar of the dialog box will show which axis value is to be entered while doing so.

changes the stroke limits to the entered values.

discards the entries and closes the window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 72 of 235

The respective stoke limit of a numerical axis will be set automatically, when a position limit

switch is approached while the robot is not in operating mode Reference Missing. Roller switches

The roller switches are used for mold monitoring.

Refer to chapter 5.6.3 Mold Monitoring S5/S6. Absolute Encoders (Admin only)

The menu Init – Absolute encoder serves for setting the zero points of axes with absolute encoders.

Fig.: Window for absolute encoders

Setting the zero points of axes with absolute encoders will be necessary at initial startup in the factory;
after installing a new drive belt, motor, gearbox, etc.; and after a
battery failure of the Sanyo R drive.

Changing the zero points will lead to severe danger of collisions, because all positions
in your Teachprograms will be invalid!

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 73 of 235 Setting the zero points at a PRO-series robot
At Wittmann PRO -series robots setting the zero points with the feeler gauge block will be
The procedure will be done by the software of the robot’s control. Deactivate Monitoring

This function is only available for users, who have write permission in the Text Editor.

In the selection window Init / Deactivate monitoring you can disable various monitoring functions
Thus you can manually move the robot out of hazardous areas, after one or more of the monitoring
functions were triggered.

Fig.: Window to deactivate Mold Monitoring

The following monitoring functions can be deactivated:

• Mold Monitoring
• Safety Areas (if present)
• Collision Monitoring (if present)

The selection window only shows monitoring functions which are currently present.

A deactivates the respective monitoring.

When monitoring functions are deactivated, the icon for the mode of operation changes its color to

The monitoring functions remain deactivated until one of the following events:
• A reference travel is executed.
• The users logs out or is being logged out.
• The monitoring functions are re-activated manually.

Press to close the window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 74 of 235 Robot Settings

Fig.: Window for Robot Settings

Set Service Signal when Lubrication Interval is reached

This function is used to configure whether or not an output is to be switched on, once the lubricating
interval has been exceeded.Any desired signal transmitter (horn, lamp, etc.)
may be connected to this output.

Switch POs in Editor On

This function is used to configure whether or not peripheral outputs and conveyors are turned on or off
during teaching whenthe corresponding function is programmed.
I.e., if this option is activated and the command to turn on peripheral output 2 is entered in the editor,
output 2 will in fact be turned on immediately. This will not happen if the option
Switch POs in Editor On is deactivated.

Step speed
Speed setting in percent of the configured maximum axis speed used for axes movements in step
mode and while executing programmed reference travels. After tapping the input
field the desired value can be entered using the dialogue for Numerical input.
Value range is from 1 to 30%.

Clear Counters
This is to determine if and when the counters of the teach programs are to be cleared automatically or
after request.
Clear Placing Programs
This is to determine if and when the placing programs of the teach programs are to be cleared
automatically or after request.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 75 of 235

The two options are to determine the automatic behavior of the Override. When none of the options is
activated, the Override is automatically reduced to 30% when a new teach program
is started or the robot is being powered up.

Axes Speeds
This is to determine if numerical axes use variable or fixed speeds for manual movements.

This is to determine if distances and positions are displayed in Millimeters or Inches.

End-Of-Arm-Tooling by RF-Id

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

Use this option to determine the behavior when the optional RF-ID End-Of-Arm-Tooling recognition
loads teach programs automatically.

Show mouse cursor

Use this option to display a mouse pointer at the coordinates of the last registered touch at the touch

Work cell
This name will be used to identify the robot in the WIBA Quicklook App and in Emails.

Use to leave the window and return to the Text Editor.

Use to return to the main screen.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 76 of 235 System Display

Use this function to change the language of the Teachbox.

Here it is possible to switch between metric and imperial units.

3D Robot Model View Settings

Here it is possible to flip the Z-Beam to synchronize the view of the animation with the point of view of
the operator.

Use the slider to change continuously the brightness of the display. Date/Time
Use this function to change date and time.

Fig.: Window for date/time settings

Choose whether the time-format shall be 24h or 12h. Using the 12h format, AM or PM has to be
determined as well.

Tap the fields for hours, minutes and seconds and enter the digits using the dialogue for Numerical

Tap the field Date to set the correct date using the triangles to jump a month forward or backward.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 77 of 235

6.1.13 Virtual Subpendant
The operating mode buttons on the right edge of the Teach Box are used for basic operation of the
robot. The virtual Subpendant displays these buttons on the touch screen of the Teachbox as well.

Touch the icon displaying the operating mode at the upper left corner of the touch screen to access
the virtual Subpendant directly.

Fig.: Window for the virtual Subpendant

Reference travel
Press and hold to execute the reference travel. In the mold area this is only possible when a reference
program has been programmed.

IMM: Operation with robot

This enables operation of IMM with robot. In shut-off state the IMM can be operated without robot.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 78 of 235

Start of automatic operation. The robot must be in reference position and operation with robot must be

Block Stop
Press to stop automatic operation after complete execution of the currently processed instruction or
group of instructions.
Automatic operation can be continued by pressing the Automatic Start button again.

Manual operation / Stop

Causes an immediate stop and switches to manual operation.

Dry Cycle
Use this function to test a Teachprogram, without producing parts with the IMM. When the
Teachprogram runs on to decisions that would account for the IMM to run in full automatic mode,
a dialogue will be displayed, where the user can decide how the robot shall continue.

One Cycle
Use this function to make the robot take out and place one shot only. The mold of the IMM will remain
open. The robot will travel back above the IMM and will switch to Blockstop

mode at the command that waits for the opening of the mold. Only after or being
pressed again, the mold of the IMM will be closed, and the next cycle will start.

EOAT Change
Use this to execute the EOAT change program

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 79 of 235

6.1.14 Edit Menu Text Editor
The Text Editor is used to create a Teach program for the robot and the attached peripheral
equipment. This program contains all procedures and movements necessary for automatic operation
and reference travel. In general the Text Editor is used for this, in order to be able to use the full
functionality of the R9 control unit.

The Text Editor can be called up in all operating modes using the button .

If the Text Editor is entered in the operating mode Reference Missing, no valid positions are
available for the numerical axis in this operating mode.

If the Text Editor is entered in one of the operating modes Automatic or Blockstop,
only times, speeds and positions of numerical axes (+/- 10mm) can be adapted.

Adding or deleting of commands will not be possible.

Only if the Text Editor is entered in one of the operating modes Manual or Reference,
the full functionality of the Text Editor will be available. Editing Functions

The most common editing functions of the Text Editor can be accessed using the button
on the left side of the editor window:

takes you to the first line in the Teach program.

takes you to the last line in the Teach program.

scrolls up in the Teach program

scrolls down in the Teach program

jumps to the desired line. Enter the digits by using the dialogue for Numerical Input.

deletes the marked line(s).

copies the marked line(s) and stores them to the clipboard.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 80 of 235

inserts the in before copied lines one line above the marked command in the Text Editor.

cuts the marked line(s) and stores them to the clipboard.

turns on the selection mode. With the selection mode turned on, more than one line
can be marked and edited.

undoes the last entry.

redoes the last entry.

6.1.15 Part Programs Text Editor Part Programs
A complete standard teach program consists of the following part programs:

• Robot Program (ROBOT-PRG)

• Peripheral Program (PERI-PRG) Primus Robot: not available

• Robot Reference Program (ROBOT-REF)

• Peripheral Reference Program (PERI-REF) Primus Robot: not available

• All Modes Program (ALLMODE-PRG) Primus Robot: not available

Up to 115 additional part programs can be added.

Each of these additional part programs can be a Sub-Allmodes Part Program.
One of the additional part programs can be used as EOAT Change Program.

After opening the Text Editor the robot program ROBOT-PRG will be displayed for editing. To switch
the editor to a different part program,

simply select the desired program from the button . The status field on the top of the
editor window indicates, which part program is currently shown in the editor.

Fig.: program indicator

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 81 of 235 Robot Program (Robot Prg.)
This program is used to program all movements and procedures the robot has to execute together

with the IMM in Automatic mode.

The robot program is executed cyclically. After execution of the last command line of the robot
program or an END command within,
the execution of the robot program will continue at its first line. Peripheral Program (Peri Prg.)

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

This program is used to control all sequences (in peripheral equipment) that have to be executed
independently from the movements of the robot.

The program must be started in the robot program or in one of the 115 additional part programs. After
that it will be

executed in parallel to (at the same time as) the other part programs running in Automatic

The Peripheral Program will not be executed cyclically. After execution of the last command line of a
peripheral program or an END command within,

the execution of the peripheral program will be stopped. If the peripheral program should be executed
permanently (cyclically) this feature has to

be programmed accordingly (using a Jump command). Robot Reference Program (Robot Ref)

This program is used to control all movements and procedures executed by the robot during the

reference travel in operating mode Manual. Peripheral Reference Program (Peri Ref)

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

This program is used to control all movements and procedures executed by peripheral equipment

during the reference travel in operating mode Manual.

This program will be executed in parallel to the robot reference program. The two reference programs
can perform coordinated sequences using handshakes with counters.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 82 of 235 115 additional Part Programs
Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

Like the peripheral program the additional part programs are used to control all sequences (in
peripheral equipment) that have to be executed independently from the movements of the robot.

The programs must be started in the robot program or in one of the other additional part programs.
After that they will be executed in parallel to

(at the same time as) the other part programs running in Automatic mode.

Additional part programs will not be executed cyclically. After execution of the last command line of an
additional part program or an END command within,
the execution of the additional part program will be stopped. If the additional part program should be
executed permanently (cyclically) this feature has to be
programmed accordingly (using a Jump command). Allmode Program (Allmode Prg)

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

The ALLMODES program (ALLMODE-PRG) is executed by the R9 control unit in the background,
regardless of the current mode of operation the robot is in.

Meaning this program is not only executed in the operating mode Automatic, but also in the

operating modes Manual, Reference and Blockstop.

The ALL MODE program cannot be executed in the operating mode Reference Missing.
This program is used to control movements and procedures, which have to be executed in every
operating mode of the robot (except Reference Missing).

The ALL MODE program does not start automatically. Like the peripheral program, it has to be started
either from a different part program using the respective Teach commands;

or it is started manually using the button of the virtual subpendant.

Once the ALL MODE program is activated, it is executed cyclically. After execution of the last
command line of the ALL MODE program or an END command within,
the execution of the ALL MODE program will continue at its first line.

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Changes of the mode of operation will not interrupt the ALL MODE program. Only the respective
STOP-command, or an emergency stop or powering down the robot
will stop the ALL MODE program.Even more flexibility can be added to ALL MODE programs using the
event Mode. This gives the possibility to react on the actual robot mode. Sub-Allmode Part Program

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

Sub-Allmode Part Programs are additional part programs which, like the ALL MODE program are not

only executed in operating mode Automatic, but also in the operating

modes Manual, Reference and Blockstop.

Sub-Allmode Part Programs do not start automatically. They also do not start automatically, when the
ALL MODE program is started.
Sub-Allmode Part Programs must be started from within the ALL MODE program or from within
another Sub-Allmode Part Program
using the respective start teach command.

Sub-Allmode Part Programs will not be executed cyclically. After execution of the last command line of
a Sub-Allmode Part Program
or an END command within, the execution of the Sub-Allmode Part Program will be stopped. If a Sub-
Allmode Part Program should be executed
permanently (cyclically) this feature has to be programmed accordingly (using a Jump command).
Once the ALL MODE program is stopped, all Sub-Allmode Part Programs will be stopped also. EOAT Change Program

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

The EOAT Change Program is used for moving to an EOAT changing position, or to change the EOAT

The EOAT Change Program has to be programmed in the Text Editor. All functions of the robot can be

When the button on the virtual Subpendant is pressed one time during operating modes
Manual or Reference, first a
reference travel (according to the reference program) will be executed. After this the EOAT Change
Program will run.

If the button should be released and pressed again during execution of the EOAT Change
Program, the EOAT Change Program
will not start all over, but will continue working at the current program line.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 84 of 235 Manage Part Programs
Not available at PRIMUS Robots.

The function is used to manage the part programs of a teach program.

Fig.: Window for managing part programs

Teachable axes

opens the window for axes definition. This function is used to assign axes to the
respective part program.


opens a window showing informations concerning the marked part program.

is used to delete the marked part program.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 85 of 235 New part program

Use the button to create a new part program.

Fig.: Window for new partprogram

Part program name

Tap the field Part Program Name and enter an individual name for the part program using the dialogue
for Text Input.
The names of the standard programs ROBOT_PRG, PERI-PRG, ROBOT-REF, PERI-REF and
ALLMODE-PRG cannot be changed.

Standard Program
Use this option to create a standard additional part program.

Sub Allmode program

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.
Use this option to create a sub-allmodes part program.

Use part program as End-Of-Arm-Tooling change program

Not available at PRIMUS Robots.
Use this option to create the EOAT change program. The default name EOAT Change is assigned to
this program automatically.

is used to close the window, and to discard the entries.

is used to confirm the entries, and to close the window.

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6.1.16 Part Program Setup
Use this function to view Labels, Subroutines and Placing Programs. Additionally it is possible to
change their names.

Labels and Subroutines

Fig.: Window for viewing defined Labels or Subroutines

Here the actual name of the Label, Subroutine or Placing Program is viewed. Tap the button

to change it.

Displays how many times the Label, Subroutine or Placing Program is used in the current

Defined in line
Shows the line of the Robot Program, in which the Label, Subroutine or Placing Program is defined.

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Placing Programs

Fig.: Window for Definition of Placing Programs

Placing Order
Shows the order the axes will drive to the placing position

1. (axis)
Shows how many parts will be placed with the first axis (here: Z-axis).

2. (axis)
Shows how many parts will be placed with the second axis (here: X-axis).

3. (axis)
Shows how many parts will be placed with the third axis (here: Y-axis).

Total parts
Shows the total number of parts that will be placed with the corresponding program.

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Fig.: Window for Placing Sequence

To create and edit a Placing Program, open the Text Editor, choose and

A window with already existing placing programs will be shown.

Fig.: Window for new Placing Program

In case the loaded Teach program does not content a placing program, the message “No entries
available” will be shown.

is used to edit the marked placing program.

is used to delete the existing placing program – if no longer needed in the teach program

is used to close the dialogue an return to the Text Editor.

Use to open the wizard and create a new placing program.

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Step 1/6: Axes Selection

Fig.: Window for axes selection

Tap the field Placing Program Name and enter an individual name using the Dialogue for Text Input.
Choose then the desired axes using the selection fields.

Choose to save the settings and proceed to step 2 of 6.

Choose to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

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Step 2/6: First position

Define here the placing position for the first part.

Fig.: Window for the first placing position

Choose the desired axis and a window will open to drive to the first stacking position.

Fig.: Window to drive the X-axis

Use the slider to continuously move the axis to its desired position.

closes the window without saving the position.

saves the position and closes the window.

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Choose to save the settings and proceed to step 3 of 6.

Choose to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Choose to return to step 2 of 6.

Step 3/6: Stacking Pattern

Fig.: Window for stacking pattern

Positions [Δ mm]
In order to determine the stacking pattern, for each axis the number of pieces to be placed in the axis
direction and the position of either
the second or the last piece have to be specified. The second or last position is calculated as a
distance relative to the first stacking
position (this is indicated by the greek letter Δ above the positions).

When the first position is changed, the entire placing program will be shifted and the stacking
pattern remains intact.

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Choose one of the axes and select whether you want to determine the position of the second piece
(2nd Pos.) or the position

of the last piece (End Pos.) in the respective axis direction.Now tap the field Position and move the
axis to its desired position using the slider.

Alternatively you can define the positions using the dialogue for Numerical input without moving axes
by tapping the position field.

closes the window without saving the position.

saves the position and closes the window.

Tap then the field Number of parts and use the dialogue for Numerical input to input the number of
pieces to be placed in the respective axis direction.

When is active, the distance between stacking positions will be kept constant

when changing the number of parts in an existing placing program.

Choose to save the settings and proceed to step 4 of 6.

Choose to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Choose to return to step 3 of 6.

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Step 4/6: Options

This tab is used to set options about approach and the placing order for the placing program.

Fig.: Window for Options

Axis Order
This sequence will be used during automatic operation to move the axes to the current stacking

Placing Order
This sequence will be used during automatic operation for going to the different stacking positions.

Fig.: Example – Placing Order ZXY

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A at this option activates the 3D approach. The axes will move to their positions simultaneously by
means of a 3D motion.

The parameters Box Height and Axis Sequence make the last axis in the axis sequence end the 3D
motion displaced at the box

height, and then travel into position alone. Otherwise, the robot would "move through" the wall of the
box. The R9 control does

not execute the 3D movements as a straight line, but as a curve to box height.

Use the option to get a straight line.

Box Height
This value depends upon the dimensions of the box. Select the axis to be moved into the box. This
has already been done in the

Axis Sequence parameter; select an axis sequence in which this axis is the last to be moved (e.g.,
ZXY for the Y axis). Move the

selected axis towards a position outside the box that can be approached without collision (with a 3D
motion). Box height will be

used during single axis approach also, in order to trigger the error message 170-007 – BOX CRASH

If you do not want to use box height, deactivate the option.

Choose to save the settings and proceed to step 5 of 6.

Choose to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Choose to return to step 3 of 6.

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Step 5/6: Displacement

Certain parts cannot be stacked one over the other (or side by side), but have to be displaced in
relation to the previous layer.

Use the parameter Displacement of the placing program to achieve this for the respective axis

Fig.: Window for displacement settings

With every layer change of the last axis in the placing order, the displacement value set for the
respective axis will be
added to the stacking positions of that axis.

The displacement value can be set after activating the respective axis by moving the axis with the

Choose to save the settings and proceed to step 6 of 6.

Choose to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Choose to return to step 4 of 6.

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Step 6/6: Summary

This tab shows a summary of the values entered in the previous steps.

Fig.: Placing Program Summary

Choose to finally create the placing program.

Choose to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Choose to return to step 5 of 6.

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Tap and to insert the created placing program as command line to the teach

Fig.: Window for placing program

Select the desired placing program from the list on the left top of the window. The button View opens a
window showing how
many positions in the different axes dimensions the selected placing program will travel to. If no
placing programs have been
defined in the current teach program yet, the message "No placing programs available" will be
displayed instead of the selection list.

Use the selection menu whether the placing program shall stack or un-stack:

creates a placing program command for stacking. The counters of the placing program will
be incremented after traveling to a position.
Pieces will be “added” to the stack.

creates a placing program command for unstacking. The counters of the placing program
will be decremented before traveling to a position.
The placing program is running “in reverse” – pieces will be “removed” from the stack. In
the program this will be indicated by adding the
extension UNSTACK to the command.

Use the option Set additional counter and the selection box below to select a counter that will be
incremented when stacking and decremented when unstacking.

will close the dialogue and add the placing program as command line to the teach program.

will abort the action and closes the dialogue

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6.1.17 Injection Molding Machine IMM Standard Functions

This function is used to program signals to the IMM.

Fig.: Window for IMM Standard Signals

Select the desired signal from the list. Then choose whether the respective signal is to be ON or OFF.

When the robot is equipped with 2 interfaces for injection molding machines, one of the options
IMM 1 or IMM 2 has to be tapped in order to select which Injection Molding Machine is the
targeted by the signal.

will close the window and add the command to the teach program.

will abort the action and closes the dialogue.

If a signal has been enabled in the teach program, it has to be disabled again, too.

These signals are only permits (inhibits) to the injection molding machine. The actual control of
the movements is done by the IMM.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 99 of 235 Mold Close and Fully Mold Open

Use the permission signals MOLD CLOSE and FULLY MOLD OPEN to program the permits for the
movements of the mold of the injection molding machine.
The signal FULLY MOLD OPEN is only available with the extended E67 interface; here the mold is
automatically only opened to an intermediate position.
The robot does not control the standard opening of the mold - the IMM opens the mold when the part
is finished.

Furthermore the IMM utilizes E67 signals to send feedback about the position of the mold. This is
done using the signals MOLD OPEN and MOLD CLOSED.
Only when the mold is fully open, it is possible for the robot to enter the mold.

The extended E67 interface additionally supplies the feedback signal MOLD INTERMEDIATE
POSITION. Here the robot can already enter the mold, when
it is opened to the intermediate position. According to the mode used at the IMM the robot then may
have to permit the mold to fully open.

Example for standard E67

WAIT IMM: MOLD OPEN = ON wait until the mold is fully open
AND IMM: MOLD WAS CLOSED = ON and was fully closed
PERMIT IMM: MOLD CLOSE! = OFF switch off permission

enter the mold area,

remove the part,
exit the mold area, then...

PERMIT IMM: MOLD CLOSE! = ON close the mold.

Part placement…

Example for extended E67

WAIT IMM: MOLD INTERMEDIATE POS = ON wait until the mold is open
AND IMM: MOLD WAS CLOSED = ON and was fully closed
PERMIT IMM: MOLD CLOSE! = OFF switch off permission

enter the mold area; fix the part on the EOAT

PERMIT IMM: FULLY MOLD OPEN = ON fully open the mold

WAIT IMM: MOLD OPEN = ON wait until the mold is fully open
PERMIT IMM: FULLY MOLD OPEN = OFF switch off permission

exit the mold area

PERMIT IMM: MOLD CLOSE! = ON close the mold.

Part placement…

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 100 of 235 Ejectors Forward/Back and Corepullers Pull/Set

Using the commands EJECTORS FORWARD/BACK and COREPULLERS PULL/SET the movements
of the ejectors and core pullers
of the IMM are taught The most basic way to do so, is to switch on the permit for the desired
movement, then wait until the target position
is reached using a WAIT command, and then to switch off the permit again.

The following example moves the ejectors forward:

PERMIT IMM: EJECTORS FORWARD! = ON switch on permission

PERMIT IMM: EJECTORS FORWARD! = OFF switch off permission

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 101 of 235 IMM Automatic Functions

The automatic functions simplify programming the movements of the IMM.

Fig.: Window for IMM Auto Signals

First pick the desired movement from the selection list.

The permits are toggled correctly by the commands automatically. When the option Wait for
completion of the command is activated,
the command will wait until the movement is finished. In that case the command will have the
extension WAIT added in the Teach program.

When the robot is equipped with 2 interfaces for injection molding machines, one of the options IMM 1
or IMM 2 has to be tapped in order
to select which Injection Molding Machine is the targeted by the signal.

will close the window and add the command to the teach program.

discards the entries and closes the dialogue.

These signals are only permits (inhibits) to the injection molding machine. The actual control of
the movements is done by the IMM.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 102 of 235 Mold Close Wait

The command


makes programming the closing movement of the mold easier. The command equals the following
sequence of "standard" commands:


AND IMM: MOLD OPEN = OFF Ejectors Forward/Back (Wait) and Core Pullers Pull/Set (Wait)

The automatic functions will ease the programming of the movements of the ejectors and core pullers
The respective permits are simply toggled by the commands automatically.

The automatic function for "ejector back" will look like this:


This equals the following sequence of "standard" commands:



If additionally the option Wait for completion of command is activated, the extension WAIT is added
to the command,
and the command will wait for the respective movement to be finished.

The Wait function for "ejectors back" will look like this:


This equals the following sequence of "standard" commands:



R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 103 of 235 IMM Logical Functions – Mold Was Closed

Here you can program the command for manipulating the latch Mold Was Closed for the condition
with the same name.

This will for example be necessary when at the first cycle the condition Mold Was Closed has to be
overridden for entering the
mold, because the mold is going to be closed for the first time only after inserting inserts.

Fig.: Window for logical IMM signals

Use the selection menu to decide whether the respective signal is to be ON or OFF.

When the robot is equipped with 2 interfaces for injection molding machines, one of the options IMM 1
or IMM 2 has to be activated,
in order to select the Injection Molding Machine, whose latch will the targeted by the action.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

discards the entries and closes the dialogue.

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6.1.18 Smart Removal Smart Removal In

The command Smart Removal: IN is used to program a time optimized movement into the mold of
the IMM in a very simple way.
For this purpose the command starts a curved movement of Y and X during the mold opening
movement already, in order to travel
off the Y mold safety switch shortly after full mold opening has been achieved. Waiting for the mold
signals is processed automatically.
A distance for X moving in straight can be set. The integrated "parallel at time" allows pre-triggering of
the ejectors.

Fig.: Window for Smart Removal-In

Movement Properties
Use the pull-down menus to determine, which axes will be moved in what order by the Move-In

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Takeout Position

This is the target position of the Smart Removal movement into the mold. At this position the gripper of
the robot should take over the parts from the IMM.
After tapping the position field, the participating axes can be moved to their desired positions one by
one using the slider.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Distance between waiting position and takeout position [Δ mm]

This is the distance before the X takeout position, where the Y movement must be finished, in order for
X to travel to the takeout position with a straight movement.
Input the desired distance after tapping the input-field using the dialogue for Numerical Input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

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Parallel at time dt before takeout-position

This is the time before the takeout position is reached with Y and X, when the command Smart
Removal: IN acknowledges itself, thus starting the
Teach commands after itself, before it is actually finished. This way you can pre-trigger the ejectors,
for example. The resulting parallel movement has
to be completed with a WAIT SYNC command at an adequate position in the Teach program. Input
the desired time after tapping the input field using
the dialogue for Numerical Input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Travel to the start position of Smart Removal over the mold.

*Y: 0.0
*Z: 4711.0
*X: 123.4

Smart Removal: IN

Pre-triggered vacuum and ejectors using the time dt.

Vacuum-01 = ON

WAIT Vacuum-01 = ON

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

discards the entries and closes the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 107 of 235 Smart Removal Out

The command Smart Removal: OUT is used to program a time optimized movement out of the
mold of the IMM in a very simple way.
For this purpose the command triggers the closing of the mold already while it moves X and Y out of
the mold with a curved movement.
A distance for a straight movement of X can be set. An adjustable time allows permitting the closing
movement of the mold before the Y
axis travels onto the cam of its mold safety switch, thus eliminating any switching delays of the
machine interface.

Fig.: Window for Smart Removal Out

Movement Properties
Use the pull-down menus to determine, which axes will be moved in what order by the Move-Out

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Position above mold

This is the target position of the Smart Removal movement out of the mold. From this position it should
be possible for the robot to move off the machine.

After activation by tapping the respective field, the participating axes can be moved to their desired
positions one by one using the slider.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Distance between waiting position and takeout position

This is the distance from the X takeout position, to where the Y movement is started, after X has
moved away from its takeout position using a straight motion.

Input the desired distance after tapping the input field “distance” using the dialogue for Numerical

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 109 of 235

Set close mold before S5 is reached dt

This is the time before the S5 cam is reached, when the command Smart Removal: OUT already
turns on the permit to close the mold, in order to eliminate any

switching delays of the machine interface. Input the desired time after tapping the input field using the
dialogue for Numerical input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

discards the entries and closes the dialogue.

After the parts have been delivered to the robot gripper using the ejectors.

Smart Removal: OUT

Travel to the placement position...

Z: 123.4

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6.2 Teach Mode using the Text Editor
The Text Editor is used to create a Teach program for the robot and the attached peripheral
equipment. This program contains all procedures and movements necessary
for automatic operation and reference travel. In general the Text Editor is used for this, in order to be
able to use the full functionality of the R9 control unit.

6.2.1 Operation of the Text Editor Entering the Text Editor

The Text Editor can be called up in all operating modes using the button .

If the Text Editor is entered in the operating mode Reference Missing, no valid positions are
available for the numerical axis in this operating mode.

If the Text Editor is entered in one of the operating modes Automatic or Blockstop,
only times, speeds and positions of numerical axes (+/- 10mm) can be adapted.

Adding or deleting of commands will not be possible.

Only if the Text Editor is entered in one of the operating modes Manual or Reference,
the full functionality of the Text Editor will be available. Exit the Text Editor

Exit the Text Editor by using the button .

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6.2.2 Step Operation
To test a program or a program section, you can use Step Operation run through individual
instructions or the complete program.
Step operation may be carried out in various operating modes:
• Step operation in Block Stop mode
• Step operation in Reference and Manual modes

Fig.: Window for Step Operation

Press the Step Button and hold it pressed. The marked command-line will be executed.
The execution of the respective

command will be interrupted immediately when the operator releases the button.

Use the button to enter a menu with various camera perspectives. Additionally here it is
possible to switch between Text Editor and Quick Edit view.

Step Operation in Block Stop Mode

The program is stepped through chronologically according to the automatic sequence. All travel
instructions of the numerical axes are executed at the full speed of the automatic sequence.

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Step Operation in Reference and Manual Mode

The speeds of travel motions of the numerical axes can be set from 1 to 30% of the maximum speed.
For safety reasons, a newly created program must be run through in Step operation before the first
automatic operation.

The branch to the alternative sequence when a monitoring triggers will not be executed in step

6.3 Teach commands in the Text Editor

Fig.: Window for Teach commands

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6.3.1 Editing Functions
The editing functions of the Text Editor can be accessed tapping the display and hold it tapped. This
action will display the editing functions instead of the teach-functions.
Command lines to be edited are marked one by one. The carried out action will be displayed above
the Editing Buttons:

shows the number of selected lines.

shows the number of cut-out lines.

shows the number of pasted lines.

shows the number of copied lines.

shows the number of deleted lines.

cuts the marked line(s) and stores them to the clipboard.

copies the marked line(s) and stores them to the clipboard.

inserts the copied lines one line above the marked command in the Text Editor.

makes the selection undone.

deletes the marked line(s).

closes the dialogue and displays the teaching functions again.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 114 of 235

Axes Axes Selection

At robots with secondary axes press the axis button longer, if you want to display the buttons for
toggling between main axis and secondary axis. Terminology Pneumatical Axes

Pneumatical axes are axes with pneumatical drive. They are controlled with magnetic valves; position
feedback is done with position limit switches. Numerical Axes

Numerical axes are axes with numerical position feedback and control. On R9 robots numerical axes
are driven by synchronous servo motors. Path Axes

Path axes are numerical axes which are included in a path axes calculation of a part program. Path
axes of the same part program can be move
coordinated with each other using 3D and Curve movements.

The main axes X, Y, Z of a standard robot are included in the path axes calculation of the robot
program Robot Prg. by default.

You can assign numerical axes to the path axes calculations of the different part programs of the
current Teachprogram using the
Setup menu Axes Definition.

Primus Robot: Menu Axes Definition not available.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 115 of 235 Move axes

This tab provides teach commands to teach movements of the selected axes.

What kinds of movements are available is depending on the kind of drive of the axis and if it is a path

The kind of movement is selected using the tabs shown below:

The axis is then moved to the desired target position using the slider. Additionally the hardware
buttons on the right side of the Teachbox can be used to move
the respective axis either slowly or step by step to its desired position.

Fig.: Sliders and Buttons to move the numeric axes

In case predefined positions are available, alternatively one of these positions can be picked from the
selection list. In this case the axis is taken to the selected
positions using the buttons shown below. The axis will stop automatically when it has reached the

Fig.: Sliders to reach predefined positions

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 116 of 235

Additionally decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach
program as a normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

will close the window and add the position to the teach program. Absolute Movement

This instruction is used to approach a particular position with the corresponding axis.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 117 of 235 Curved Movement

With the curve function, the relevant position of a path axis is not approached, but is passed using an
adjustable radius R3D. The function is identified by the
symbol "*" before the respective axis.


*Z: 500.0
Y: 200.0

The position with the coordinates Z = 500.0 and Y = 200.0 is approached in one motion. The Y axis is
started around R3D before reaching the position Z = 500.

The curved movement can also be used to start a parallel motion of a non path axis during the motion
of a path axis when the path axis moves past a given position.


*Z: 500.0
C: 90.0*
Z: 1000.0

The Z axis travels in one motion to the position 1000.0. When the Z axis travels past the position
500.0, pivoting of the C axis is started in parallel.
Parallel travels have to be completed with a WAIT SYNC command.

Similarly, peripheral outputs for example can also be switched when a given position is passed,
without the motion of the axis concerned being affected.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 118 of 235 Relative Movement

If a position was approached with a numerical axis, this function can be used to move the axis relative
to this position.
This instruction is identified by the letter "R" after the position entry.


Z: 500.0
X: 100.0
Z: 100.0R

With the Z axis, move to position 500.0 mm, and with the X axis, to position 100.0 mm. Starting from
this position,
move the Z axis to position Z = 600.0 mm. Now if the first Z position is modified,
the second Z position will also shift by the same value, but the distance between the two positions will
remain constant and exactly 100.0 mm. Relative Curve

If a position was approached with a numerical axis, this function can be used to move the axis relative
to this position.

With the relative curve function, the relevant position of a path axis is not approached, but is passed
using an adjustable radius R3D.

The function is identified by the symbol "*" before the respective axis and additionally an “R” at the

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 119 of 235 Synchronous movement

When this instruction is started, the following (travel) instruction is also started simultaneously.

Synchronous parallel motion is identified by the symbol "*" after the position to be approached.


C: 0.0*
A: 0.0

The A and C axes are started simultaneously and are moved to their 0 position. The instruction WAIT
SYNC ensures that both
axis motions are completed before the program is continued. Soft Torque Push

The Soft Torque Push function enables the robot to take out long parts with the respective axis being
pushed by the ejector.

The EOAT is moved to the piece and the piece is being fixed on the gripper already before the ejector
starts moving forward.

The PUSH command is used to start the ejector and to let the respective axis being pushed by the
This is done with adjustable torque assistance, thus eliminating the resistance of the robot

From the Intermediate Position given by the command, the axis will use either maximum velocity or
the last
measured velocity to travel to the target position. In the second case, regarding the braking ramp of
the ejector,
the Intermediate Position should be placed in a way to let the robot continue its travel with sufficient

The permit for Ejector Forward must be turned off in the Teach program by the user.

The sequence for teaching (shown for the X-axis) is:

1) Use Absolute to select the X-axis.

2) Travel to the part removal position.

3) Confirm the command with .

4) Program everything that is necessary to take the part

(switch on vacuums, close grippers).

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 120 of 235

5) Use to select the Soft Torque Push function.
The following window will appear:

Fig.: Window for Push Function

Intermediate Position
Tap the field and move the X-axis to the end position of the ejector using the slider.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Target Position
Tap the field and move the X-axis to the final kick stroke position in the mold, from which the vertical
arm can be moved up and out of the mold.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 121 of 235

Tap the field and set the amount of torque assistance from zero to 120% using the dialogue for
Numerical input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Velocity properties
Use the selection menu Vmax and Uniform velocity to decide whether the movement from the
intermediate position to the target position shall be carried out with either

maximum speed or the last measured (ejector-) speed.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 122 of 235 Find n Pick

With this function the axis will use one of the analogue vacuum monitors to search for the part to take
or for any other obstacle.
This may be useful when approaching the takeout position in molding machines with big tolerances on
the mold open position.
The function is also an alternative for a “real” stacking sensor.

Fig.: Window for Find n Pick

Target Position
The movement of the axis stops, when the trigger level of the vacuum monitor has not been exceeded
during the search. After tapping the input box, you can use the
slider to move to the desired position.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Use the selection menu to choose the desired vacuum circuit. During automatic operation the
selected vacuum circuit will be automatically switched on when execution

of the teach command begins.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 123 of 235

Velocity absolute
Determines the absolute speed in mm/s used for the search movement. (Not influenced by the

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

Vacuum Level
This is the trigger level used for the vacuum monitor of the selected vacuum circuit. When the vacuum
under pressure exceeds this level, the robot recognizes the part/obstacle
and stops the search movement. In order for the robot to recognize the part/obstacle as early as
possible, the value should be set as closely as possible.

Decide with the buttons and whether the action shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add the action as a normal command.

is used to add the action as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 124 of 235 3D Movements

In 3D Movements, a position is approached simultaneously with the selected path axes.

3D- Movements can be executed as

• 3D-Absolute Movement
• 3D-Curve
• 3D-Relative Movement
• 3D Relative Curve Movement

Fig.: Window for 3D Movements

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 125 of 235

is used to open a window for selecting the path axes which shall participate in the 3D

Fig. Dialogue to select teachable axes

Use the selection menu to choose the participating axes for the movement.

is used to confirm the choice and close the window.

is used to discard the choice and close the dialogue.

After selecting the type of motion, the position is approached with the participating path axes. Use the
window for 3D motions to activate every single axis and move one after the other,
using the slider, until the desired target position is reached. 3D Absolute Movement

In automatic mode, when processing this command, the path axes are moved to the target position
simultaneously in a straight movement.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 126 of 235 3D Relative Movement

In automatic mode, when processing this command, the path axes are moved to the target position
simultaneously in a straight movement.

This function is identified in the teach program by the letter "R" after the axis coordinates.

The axis coordinates in this instruction are added to the axis coordinates of the starting position of the
axes, i.e., motion is executed relative to this starting position.

The position, to which the relative motion refers, must already have been taught before this function is

Source of danger
When the starting position is changed, the position that is approached with the 3D relative
motion is automatically changed as well. The distances between the two points remain the
same. 3D Curved Movement

This function is identified in the teach program by the symbol "*" in front of the axis coordinates.

In automatic operation, when this command is processed, the indicated position is bypassed using the
adjustable radius R3D and switched to the next instruction.

6.3.2 Velocity

This tab provides teach commands to set velocity and acceleration for subsequently taught
movements of the specific axis.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 127 of 235 Maximum Velocity (Vmax)

This function is used to set the maximum speed as a percentage of the configured maximum speed of
a numerical axis. The actual axis speed in automatic

operation is in addition affected by the Override. The Vmax instruction remains effective until the next
Vmax or Vabs instruction, and affects all subsequently

taught motions of the axis concerned.

The value of Vmax can be changed by tapping the field and then using the dialogue for Numerical

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 128 of 235 Absolute Velocity (Vabs)

This function makes an Override-independent speed setting in mm/s of a numerical axis for adaptation
to secondary motions (for example, ejector motion in piece transfer) possible.

The Vabs command is effective until the next Maximum Velocity (Vmax) or Vabs command, and
affects all subsequently taught motions of the axis concerned.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue. Absolute Acceleration (Aabs)

This function permits the maximum acceleration or deceleration in mm/s² of a numerical axis to be
adjusted when the configured acceleration (deceleration) is too big for the application.

This instruction is effective until the next AABS command and affects all subsequently programmed
movements of the respective axis.

The value of AABS can be input using the Numerical input after tapping the input field.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 129 of 235 R3D

R3D is the radius for curve motions motion in mm. This is the distance before the taught end position
at which the motion of the next axis instruction is started.

The parameter has to be taught in the program routine before the 3D motion to be affected.

The value of R3D can be changed by typing the value using the dialogue for Numerical input after
tapping the input field.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue. V 3D

This parameter limits the resulting path speed of path axes movements. The path speed is the
geometrical sum of the speeds of the involved single axes.
The value of V 3D is given in mm/s.

V3D as a limiter overrules the settings performed with Maximum Velocity (Vmax), Absolute Velocity
(Vabs) and the Override.

A limit set with V3D is valid until the next V3D command in the teach program. Without a V3D
command, the path speed in a teach program remains unlimited.

The parameter has to be programmed in the program sequence before the path axes movement to be

The value of V3D can be changed by typing the value using the dialogue for Numerical input after
tapping the input field.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 130 of 235

6.3.3 Wait Sync

This command is used to terminate parallel motions.

Program processing is stopped until all active axes motions are completed.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue. Wait Path Sync

Path Sync.
WAIT PATH SYNC is a version of WAIT SYNC especially designed for moving path axes. The pre-
calculation of the path axes is stopped until the last path-movement
is active and all other axes are no longer active.

If at the beginning of the curve radius of the path axes still any other axis is not at its target position,
the path axes will stop at their respective last target positions.
The pre-calculation will be continued after all other axes have reached their target positions.

*Y: 200.0
C: 90.0*
*Y: 0.0
*X: 0.0
*Z: 2000.0
*Z: 0.0

At Y=200 the synchronous movement to C = 90 is started. If the C-Axes reaches its position more than
the curve radius prior to Z = 2000 the robot will continue traveling
to Z = 0 without stopping. If the C-Axes does not reach its position the robot stops at Z = 2000 and
waits until C reaches its position. Only after that the robot will continue
traveling to Z = 0

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 131 of 235

6.3.4 Vacuum

This command is used to control vacuum circuits.

Fig.: Window for Vacuum circuit commands

First, the desired vacuum circuit is selected.

and are used to select whether the command shall switch the selected vacuum
circuit on or off.

When the robot is equipped with the corresponding valves, a blow-off function will be available at the
turn off command.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 132 of 235 Vacuum Monitoring

Here vacuum circuits can be monitored, so that the robot can react to the loss of parts, in order to
avoid damage caused by parts that got stuck, were not taken out or have fallen down.

The monitorings are background functions that from their activation until their deactivation check, if all
parts are still present on the respective vacuum circuit, gripper or peripheral circuit.

At vacuum circuits part monitoring is done using the analogue vacuum pressure monitoring. Use the
menu Setup Vacuum Pressure to set the trigger value for the current Teachprogram.

Additionally the robot can react to the loss of the part as following:

• With the option the monitoring will be activated delayed to let it become active in
the moment before the permit to close the mold is being switched on.
This is especially helpful in connection with the Smart Removal: OUT command, in order to
avoid false triggering during acceleration of the exiting (Y-) axis, while
making sure that the mold will not close in case of a part lost inside it.

• When is triggered, the robot will switch to operating mode Manual. This results
in an immediate stop of the axes. The error message Element: PART LOST will be emitted.

• When is triggered, the robot will remain in operating mode Automatic.

Nevertheless an immediate stop of the axes will be carried out.
The execution of the Teachprogram will continue at the designated label (in the alternative
sequence). The error message Element: PART LOST will be emitted.

Alternative sequences have to be ended with an unconditional jump and the IMM signals
have to be switched according to the relevant needs. In alternative sequences, the monitoring
system of the addressed circuit or the circuit itself should be turned off; otherwise the program
will jump back to this alternative sequence after having completed the alternative sequence.

Fig.: Window for Vacuum Monitoring

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 133 of 235

Possible risk for collision
Alternative sequences have to be made dependent on the current position, in order to avoid

It is possible to assign a separate alternative sequence to each of the vacuum, gripper and
peripheral circuits; however, it is likewise possible to use a single alternative sequence for all

Possible risk for collision
In order to avoid collisions during or after an alternative sequence, the Y-axis should possibly
be moved to its zero position before the other axes are moved.

If an alternative sequence is used by several monitorings, all monitorings must be disabled at the
beginning of the alternative sequence! Otherwise multiple call-ups of the alternative sequence
may occur, and instructions at the beginning of the alternative sequence will be processed more
than once!

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 134 of 235 Vacuum Level

Use the Vacuum Level command to set the vacuum threshold for vacuum monitoring and the condition
vacuum independent from the preset Standard Vacuum Pressure.
Thus you can use different thresholds in different parts of the Teach program. The threshold for a
specific vacuum circuit set with the Vacuum Level command will be valid
until the next Vacuum Level command for the same vacuum circuit.

Fig.: Window for Vacuum Level

After the desired vacuum circuit is selected, tap the input field Vacuum Level and input the desired
threshold using the dialogue for Numerical input.
Select the option Default with a to generate the command for using the threshold preset with Setup
Standard Vacuum Pressure.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 135 of 235

6.3.5 Grippers

This command is used to control gripper circuits.

Fig.: Window for gripper commands

First, the desired gripper circuit is selected.

and are used to choose whether the selected gripper shall be opened or closed.

In case of gripper circuits equipped with position feedback, in automatic operation the next command
is not
executed before the desired target position of the gripper is approached.

The option enables to move several grippers simultaneously in that case.

This allows starting additional functions during the closing or opening motion.

In order to prevent uncontrolled motions, a WAIT SYNC command has to be entered after
every parallel motion. This will ensure that all motions have been completed before the next
command is started.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 136 of 235 Gripper Monitoring
At grippers the state of the respective gripper input Part Monitoring is monitored. This input must be
actuated by a suitable sensor.

Additionally the selection menu can be used to make the robot react to a possible part loss as

• The option will make the robot switch to operating mode Manual. This means
an immediate stop of the axes.
The error message Element: PART LOST will be emitted.

• The option makes the robot remain in operating mode Automatic.

Nevertheless, an immediate stop of the
axes will be carried out. The execution of the Teachprogram will continue at the designated
label (in the alternative sequence).
The error message Element: PART LOST will be emitted.

Alternative sequences have to be ended with an unconditional jump and the IMM signals
have to be switched according to the relevant needs. In alternative sequences, the monitoring
system of the addressed circuit or the circuit itself should be turned off; otherwise the program
will jump back to this alternative sequence after having completed the alternative sequence.

Fig.: Window for Gripper Monitoring

Possible risk for collision
Alternative sequences have to be made dependent on the current position, in order to avoid

It is possible to assign a separate alternative sequence to each of the vacuum, gripper and
peripheral circuits; however, it is likewise possible to use a single alternative sequence for all

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 137 of 235

Possible risk for collision
In order to avoid collisions during or after an alternative sequence, the Y-axis should possibly
be moved to its zero position before the other axes are moved.

If an alternative sequence is used by several monitorings, all monitorings must be disabled at the
beginning of the alternative sequence! Otherwise multiple call-ups of the alternative sequence
may occur, and instructions at the beginning of the alternative sequence will be processed more
than once!

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 138 of 235

6.3.6 Counters 64 freely usable counters

Primus Robot: 10 Counters available.

The primary use of counters is to program repeat functions or to carry out an event count. Furthermore
counters can be used like variables to save e.g. states and settings.
Counters are also useful to interchange parameters and to do handshakes between part programs.
Incorporating Stopwatches makes timer functions possible.

Fig.: Window for counters

64 freely programmable counters are available.

After tapping the field Result Counter, a list with the 64 counters will be shown and the desired
counter can be chosen.

Next the left operand is chosen using the pull-down menu. When the left operand shall be a value, it
can be input in field
Counter Value using the dialogue for Numerical input.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 139 of 235

In case the left operand is a counter as well, further selection menus for operands and calculation
operators will appear.

Use the buttons and to generate the operations shown below:

Counter-xxx = Counter-xxx + 1
Counter-xxx = Counter-xxx – 1

This selection also defines the basic format of the command (1 or 2 operands).

Use the field Choose Operation to select one of the operators:

will equalize both counters




division or

division remainder

After tapping the field Right Operand you can choose the opernads to be placed right of the operator.
Possible are:

Value ... a number ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647

Counter ... the value of a counter
Stopwatch Current ... the result of a time measurement of a Stopwatch in 1/100s of seconds
Stopwatch Min
Stopwatch Max
Stopwatch Average
According to the type of the chosen operator, the suitable field for completion of the entry will be
shown below.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 140 of 235

6.3.7 Time

If a certain delay in the sequence is required, this can be achieved by means of the time function. The
time function can be used to program time delays from 0.00 to 9999.99 seconds.

After calling up the function, the desired delay time can be input by tapping the field time and next
using the dialogue for Numerical input.

In automatic mode, the process of the program will be halted at a time command until the time has
elapsed. Only then the next instruction will be started.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

will close the dialogue and add the command to the teach program.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

6.3.8 Blank Line (NOP)

This function is used to add a blank line to the teach program. The line will be insert above the marked
line in the program.

6.3.9 Remark

In order to facilitate future editing, every program should be provided with a sufficient number of
remarks. Remarks are shown in the teach program preceded by "REM":


After calling up the function and tapping the input field "Enter remark" use the dialogue for Text input
to enter the desired text.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 141 of 235

6.3.10 Further Commands Edit Setup Teach program properties

Here the properties of the Teach program are displayed. This is the program, which is executed in
operation mode Automatic.

Fig.: Window for Teach program properties

Teach program name

Shows the name of the loaded Teach program. This name is necessarily identical to the filename.
Maximal length: 12 characters

Displays a possible comment for the Teach program or additional information concerning the product.
Maximal length: 255 characters

Shows the name of the Teach programs file, which is actually loaded.

Number of part programs

Shows the number of part programs the loaded Teach program consists of. ROBOT-PRG., PERI-

Number of Placing Programs

Shows the number of Placing Programs used in the Teach Program. Max. 16 placing programs can be
used in one Teach program.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 142 of 235

Press to convert the Teach Program into a UNICODE-Text file *.txt or into a *.html file
and save it to the Teachbox or onto a USB-Stick.

Folder and name are selectable.Default folder on the Teachbox is C:\Robot\Print. Drive D:\ is
reserved for external memory sticks.
The generated file can be opened, displayed and printed from a PC.

Fig.: Window for Printing Teach Programs

jumps directly to the home directory “C:\Robot\Print”

jumps one folder up in the folder structure

is used to select either the internal drive or an external memory stick

creates a new folder . Use the dialogue for Text Input to enter an individual name.

Tap the field and use the dialogue for Text Input to enter an individual name for the file to be printed.

is used to determine the file’s format (*.txt or *.html).

is used to give the selected file another name. Use the dialogue for Text Input to enter an
individual name.

will delete the selected file.

will save the teach program to the selected folder / drive and close the dialogue. The message
Teach program has been printed will be emitted.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 143 of 235 Resources

Fig.: Window for Axes and Device Manager Axes Definition

Primus Robot: Menu Axes Definition not available.

Here the axes controlled by the robot control unit to the different part programs and paths for
automatic operation can be assigned.

Fig.: Window for Axes Definition

Using the pull down menu Part Program, the respective axis can be assigned to a specific part
program. The movements of that axis are then controlled by this part program only.

With a at the option Included in path, the respective (numerical) axis is included to the path
calculation. This enables the axis to be moved coordinated together with the other
path axes of the respective part program using 3D and Curve movements.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 144 of 235 Auto Switches
Here, a new Auto Switch can be added to the Teach Program or the properties of an existing Auto
Switch can be changed.

Fig.: Window for new Auto Switch

Press Add new Auto Switch to open the dialogue for to add a new Auto Switch to the existing Teach

Fig.: Window for Auto Switch Settings

Current Name
This is the name of the Auto Switch. The name will not only be shown on the button, but also used in
the Text Editor for better identification. After tapping the field, the
dialogue for Text Input is used to give the Auto Switch an individual name.

Set Auto Switch Type

and are used to define whether the selected AutoSwitch has to act like a switch
(maintained contact) or like a key (momentary contact).

An AutoSwitch will be displayed only if it is actually used in the Teach program in the robot.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 145 of 235 Counter Definitions
Here you can set for the 64 counters of the Teachprogram, whether they will be visible in the WIBA
QuickLook App, and whether they are “permanent“ or not.

Fig.: Window for Counter Definition

First, the desired counter has to be selected from the list.

Tap then Edit to open the window shown below:

Fig.: Window for Counter Settings

Set Counter Name

This is the name of the counter. The name of a counter should describe its function as good as
possible, in order to ease understanding the teach program.
After tapping the field, the dialogue for Text Input is used to give the counter an individual name.
The names are always valid for the teach program loaded in the Teachbox. This means the names of
the counters can be different in every program.

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Show counter in QuickLook App

Use selection buttons or to decide, whether the selected counter shall be shown as a
Program Value in the WIBA QuickLook Smartphone App or not.

Set counter permanent

Use the selection buttons or to decide whether the selected counter shall be
“permanent” or not. Permanent means, that this counter will neither be
cleared when powering up the robot, nor when changing a program – regardless of the settings in Init
– Setup: Robot Settings. The value of a permanent counter can
neither be manipulated using the manual function for counters.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue. Conveyor Definitions

Here you can rename the conveyors controlled by the robot control unit. The name of a conveyor
should describe its function as good as possible, in order to ease understanding the teach program.

The names are always valid for the teach program loaded in the Teachbox. This means the names of
the conveyors can be different in every program.

Fig.: Window for Conveyor Settings

Press Edit to open the window where the name of the conveyor can be changed. Tap then the field
Name and use the dialogue for Text Input to enter an individual name for the conveyor.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 147 of 235 Cylinder Definitions
The cylinder function is useful to ease the teaching of pneumatic cylinders by combining two
peripheral outputs to a cylinder. Additionally you can use two peripheral inputs
and a time limit to monitor the correct function of the pneumatic cylinder. In case the cylinder does not
approach the respective target position within the set time limit, an
error message will be displayed on the teachbox.

A cylinder consists of:

• 1 to 2 peripheral outputs (O1, O2).
O2 is optional, and negates the status of O1.
• 0 to 2 peripheral inputs (I1, I2) for acknowledging or
monitoring the action controlled by O1/O2 (optional),
where I1 always acknowledges O1 and I2 always acknowledges O2.
A limit for the time that is allowed to elapse between setting of Ox and acknowledgment of Ix.
Only if inputs are used.

Fig. Window for Cylinder Definitions

is used to edit the selected cylinder.

is used to delete the selected cylinder, if it is not applied in the teach program.

is used to close the window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 148 of 235

is used to open the dialogue and add a new cylinder to the teach program.

Fig.: Window for new Cylinder

Set Cylinder Name

Tap the field Name and use the dialogue for Text Input to enter an individual name for the cylinder.

First Peripheral Output

Use the selection buttons to determine the desired First Peripheral Output.

Second Peripheral Output

Use the selection buttons to determine the desired Second Peripheral Output.

First Peripheral Input

Use the pull-down menu to determine the desired First Peripheral Input.

Second Peripheral Output

Use the pull-down menu to determine the second Peripheral Output.

If inputs for position feedback are defined, it is possible to enter a time limit for the movements of the
cylinder after tapping the input field Timeout.
The desired time is entered using the dialogue for Numerical input. If no inputs are defined, the
timeout must be set to zero.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 149 of 235 Handling group Definitions
This function is used to convert several devices, e.g. vacuum circuits, to one handling group. This
makes it possible to switch the valves simultaneously and only with one command line.

Fig.: Window for new Handling group

Use to open the screen shown above.

Setup Handling group

After tapping the field Current name, the dialogue for Text Input is used to enter an individual name
for the handling group.

Here, a list of already added devices, that belong to a handling group, are shown.

Use the button and then the pull-down menus at Type and Device to select the desired
devices, which shall be added to the handling group.

is used to remove the selected device from the handling group.

is used to create a new handling group or to add a device to an existing handling group.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 150 of 235 Setup Peripheral Outputs
This function is used to change the name of a peripheral output.

Fig.: Window for Peripheral Outputs

Set peripheral output name

After tapping the field Current name, the dialogue for Text Input is used to enter an individual name
for the output.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue. Setup peripheral Inputs

This function is used to change the name of a peripheral input.

Fig.: Window for Peripheral Inputs

Set peripheral input name
After tapping the field Current name, the dialogue for Text Input is used to enter an individual name
for the input.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 151 of 235 Setup Grippers
This function is used to change the name and state of a gripper circuit.

Fig.: Window for gripper circuits

Set gripper name

After tapping the field Current name, the dialogue for Text Input is used to enter an individual name
for the gripper.

Set gripper reference state

Use the selection buttons to determine the reference state of the gripper.

means, the reference state of the gripper is OPENED

means, the reference state of the gripper is CLOSED

means, the reference state of the gripper is not checked

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 152 of 235 Setup Vacuums
This function is used to change the name, reference state and default vacuum level for vacuum

Fig.: Window for Vacuum Reference state

Set vacuum name

After tapping the field Current name, the dialogue for Text Input is used to enter an individual name
for the vacuum circuit.

Set vacuum reference state

Use the selection buttons to determine the reference state of the gripper.

means, the reference state of the vacuum circuit is ON

means, the reference state of the vacuum circuit is OFF

means, the reference state of the vacuum is not checked

Set default vacuum level for configured intelligent vacumms

After tapping the field Default level, the dialogue for Numerical Input is used to enter the digits for the
corresponding vacuum level.
Set warning vacuum level
After tapping the field Warning vacuum level, the dialogue for Numerical Input is used to enter the
digits for the corresponding warning level.

will save the settings and close the dialogue.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 153 of 235 Setup Safety Areas
This function is used to view the settings of the currently defined safety areas. Additionally it is
possible to create a new safety area

Fig.: Window for safety areas

The buttons are used to change the view.

List of safety areas

The button is used to open the dialogue to create a (new) safety area to the

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New Safety Area 1/4:

In this step select the axes, which should be allowed to travel into the safety area.

Fig.: New Safety Area Step 1 of 4

Select axes, that should be ignored

Use the selection buttons to select the respective axes.

Should exclusionary be set

Select this option if you want the safety area to be excluded from the robot’s working area.

will save the settings and open window 2/4.

will discard the entries and close the dialogue.

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New Safety Area 2/4:

In this step the safety area is defined by travelling the axes to the limit-positions.

Fig.: New Safety Area Step 2/4

The buttons are used to change the view.

In the list, the axes, which create the safety area, are shown. Tap the field Front left corner of the first

axis and press then to move the robot to the

desired target position using the slider.
Continue then in the same way with the other axes.

will save the settings and open window 3/4

will discard the value and close the dialogue.

will turn back to step 1/4.

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New Safety Area 3/4:

Define in this step, whether the robot shall react to a violation of the safety area or not.

Use the buttons and to do so.

means, the reaction is ACTIVATED.

means, the reaction is DEACTIVATED

Choose at first from the pull-down menu the desired option and then decide whether the option shall
happen ON or OFF.

Additionally a peripheral output can be set.

Use the buttons and to do so.

means, the output is ACTIVATED.

means, the output is DEACTIVATED

Choose at first from the pull-down menu the desired peripheral output and then decide whether the
option shall happen when the robot is INSIDE or OUTSIDE the safety area..

Fig.: Window for New Safety Area 3/4

will save the settings and open window 4/4

will discard the settings and close the dialogue.

will turn back to step 2/4

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New Safety Area 4/4:
Define in the last step the name for the new safety area by tapping the field Safety Area Name and
using the dialogue for Text Input.

Select afterwards a colour from the pull-down menu.

Fig.: Window for New Safety Area 4/4

will discard the settings and close the dialogue.

will turn back to step 3/4

will create the safety area according to the entries and view the area in the following screen:

Fig.: Window with created safety area

is used to edit the settings of the safety area again.

is used to delete the safety area.

is used to close the dialogue and return to the Resources menu.

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6.3.11 More
This button is used to open a window containing additional Teachcommands.

Fig.: Window for More Commands

The functions are separated into following categories:

• Movement
• Devices
• Program Flow Control
• Misc

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 159 of 235 Insert a Placing Program into the Teachprogram
To add a placing program to the teach program it is necessary to have it created in the menu Part
Program Setup – Placing Program.
In case a placing program already exists in the loaded teach program and shall only be added as a

command, just press the button to open the respective dialogue.

Fig.: Window for inserting a Placing Program

Use the pull-down menu to select the desired placing program. Tap to view a summary of
the placing program. Is no placing program has been created,

the message “No entries available” will show up on the screen.

Select placing process

Use the selection menu to determine whether the placing program shall or the

creates a placing program command for stacking. The counters of the placing program will
be incremented after traveling to a position. Pieces will be “added” to the stack.

creates a placing program command for un-stacking. The counters of the placing program
will be decremented before traveling to a position. The placing program is running
“in reverse” – pieces will be “removed” from the stack. In the program this will be indicated
by adding the extension UNSTACK to the command.

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Deactivate monitoring

Use the selection boxes to either activate or deactivate stack monitoring and/or box monitoring. If
activated, an error message will be emitted when triggered and the robot will stop immediately.

Use a counter to save the stacking count

Use the selection box and the button below to select a counter that will be incremented when stacking
and decremented when unstacking.

Press to close this window and add the placing program to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window. Smart Removal Smart Removal In

The command Smart Removal: IN is used to program a time optimized movement into the mold of
the IMM in a very simple way. For this purpose the command starts
a curved movement of Y and X during the mold opening movement already, in order to travel off the Y
mold safety switch shortly after full mold opening has been achieved.
Waiting for the mold signals is processed automatically. A distance for X moving in straight can be set.
The integrated "parallel at time" allows pre-triggering of the ejectors.

Fig.: Window for Smart Removal In Movement

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Movement Properties
Use the pull-down menus to determine, which axis will be moved in what order by the Move-In

Takeout position
This is the target position of the Smart Removal movement into the mold. At this position the gripper of
the robot should take over the parts from the IMM. After tapping the respective

field, the participating axes can be moved to their desired positions using the slider.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Distance between Takeout position and waiting position

This is the distance before the X takeout position, where the Y movement must be finished, in order for
X to travel to the takeout position with a straight movement.
Input the desired distance after tapping the input field using the dialogue for Numerical input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Parallel at time dt before takeout-position

This is the time before the takeout position is reached with Y and X, when the command Smart
Removal: IN acknowledges itself, thus starting the

Teach commands after itself, before it is actually finished. This way you can pre-trigger the ejectors,
for example. The resulting parallel movement has

to be completed with a WAIT SYNC command at an adequate position in the Teach program. Input
the desired time after tapping the input field using the

dialogue for Numerical input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 162 of 235 Smart Removal Out

The command Smart Removal: OUT is used to program a time optimized movement out of the
mold of the IMM in a very simple way.
For this purpose the command triggers the closing of the mold already while it moves X and Y out of
the mold with a curved movement.
A distance for a straight movement of X can be set. An adjustable time allows permitting the closing
movement of the mold before the
Y axis travels onto the cam of its mold safety switch, thus eliminating any switching delays of the
machine interface.

Fig.: Window for Smart Removal Out Movement

Movement Properties
Use the pull-down menus to determine, which axis will be moved in what order by the Move-Out

Position over mold

This is the target position of the Smart Removal movement out of the mold. From this position it should
be possible for the robot to move off the machine.
After tapping the respective field, the participating axes can be moved to their desired positions one by
one using the slider.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

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Distance between waiting position and takeout position

This is the distance from the X takeout position, where the Y movement is started, after X has moved
away from its takeout position using a straight motion.
Input the desired distance after tapping the input field using the dialogue for Numerical input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Parallel at time dt before takeout-position

This is the time before the takeout position is reached with Y and X, when the command Smart
Removal: IN acknowledges itself, thus starting the

Teach commands after itself, before it is actually finished. This way you can pre-trigger the ejectors,
for example. The resulting parallel movement has to

be completed with a WAIT SYNC command at an adequate position in the Teach program. Input the
desired time after tapping the input field using the

dialogue for Numerical input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 164 of 235 Peripheral Outputs

This function is used to control peripheral outputs (POs).

Fig.: Window for Peripheral Outputs

Select peripheral output device

Use the selection buttons to choose the desired output.

Select state

Choose with the buttons or whether the command shall switch the selected
peripheral output ON or OFF.

Time settings
Activate the option Timed teach command and tap then the field Time if the selected state shall only
be kept for a certain time. The time is entered using the dialogue for Numerical Input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 165 of 235 PO Monitoring
Use this function for the Monitoring of a peripheral output. This function works in the background. In
the case of a peripheral output it checks from the activation until
deactivation the state of the peripheral input with the same number.

Fig.: Window for PO Monitoring

Select peripheral output device

Use the selection buttons to choose the desired output to be monitored.

Select state

Choose with the buttons or whether the command shall switch the selected
peripheral output ON or OFF.

Select the action which should performed on detected failure

Use the selection buttons to choose either Stop robot or Alternative.

Action STOP
When the monitoring is triggered, the robot will switch to operating mode Manual. This results
in an immediate stop of the axes. The error message Element: PART LOST will be emitted.

Action ALT: label

When the monitoring is triggered, the robot will remain in operating mode Automatic.
Nevertheless an immediate stop of the axes will be carried out. The execution of the

Teachprogram will continue at the designated label (in the alternative sequence). The error
message Element: PART LOST will be emitted.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

Alternative sequences have to be made dependant on the current position, in order to avoid
It is possible to assign a separate alternative sequence to each of the vacuum, gripper and
peripheral circuits; however, it is likewise possible to use a single alternative sequence for all

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Alternative sequences have to be ended with an unconditional jump and the IMM signals
have to be switched according to the relevant needs. In alternative sequences, the monitoring
system of the addressed circuit or the circuit itself should be turned off; otherwise the program
will jump back to this alternative sequence after having completed the alternative sequence.

In order to avoid collisions during or after an alternative sequence, the Y-axis should possibly
be moved to its zero position before the other axes are moved.

If an alternative sequence is used by several monitorings, all monitorings must be disabled at
the beginning of the alternative sequence! Otherwise multiple call-ups of the alternative
sequence may occur, and instructions at the beginning of the alternative sequence will be
processed more than once!

Deactivating a monitoring

Deactivation is done automatically when switching off / opening the respective element or with the
monitoring OFF command.

Press to select the command for deactivation of a monitoring:

Element = M-OFF

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6.3.12 Auto Switch

The Teach command AutoSwitch is used to switch on or off an AutoSwitch that is configured as a
switch from within a Teach program.

After calling the function and selecting the desired AutoSwitch, the buttons and are
used to define whether the
AutoSwitch shall be switched ON or OFF.

will add the command to the teach program.

closes the dialogue.

See also: Setup Menu: AutoSwitch Definition Jump condition AutoSwitch
0 View Menu: AutoSwitch

Example: Part for quality control

The Autosw-01 has been renamed to CHECKPART and has been configured as key.

START: cycle start (label START)

Removal from IMM
JMP CONTROL CHECKPART!=ON Branch to the label CONTROL, if the key CHECKPART has been
pressed previously (latch!)

Placement, etc.
JMP START Jump to the cycle start


Deliver the part to the control station
JMP START Jump to the cycle start

After the key CHECKPART has been pressed shortly, the next part is delivered to the quality control

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Example: start-up-parts

The Autosw-01 has been renamed to STARTUP, and has been configured as switch.

STARTUP = ON Switch on the switch STARTUP

STARTUPCYCLE: Start of the startup cycle - IMM "without" robot


JMP START STARTUP = OFF If the switch STARTUP is off, and the mold is closed, branch to the start
of the normal cycle
JMP STARTUPCYCLE Jump to the start of the startup cycle

START: Start of the "normal" cycle (label START)

Robot moves over the IMM, waits for the mold to open, etc....

The robot and the IMM are started together. The robot automatically switches on the AutoSwitch
STARTUP at the beginning of the program.
The sequence between the label STARTUPCYCLE and JMP STARTUPCYCLE toggled the permits
for the IMM in a way to let the machine
produce parts "without" the robots (and let them fall down). When the switch STARTUP has been
switched off, the normal production cycle at the
label START will be executed after closing the mold.

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6.3.13 Handling group

This function is used to switch the state of several devices, which have been put together to one
handling group. The advantage is to switch the devices simultaneously and

only with one command line.

Fig.: Window for Handling group

Select handling group

Use the pull-down menu to select the desired handling group.

Select state

Choose the state using the buttons , , or .

Additional settings: Blowout

This shows up, when the state is tagged. The action can be either combined with Infinite
or a certain time.

Enter the time by tapping the field Blowout time and the dialogue for Numerical Input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the value shall be insert to the teach program as a
normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.14 Program branching Call – Subroutine - Return

Basically a teach program is executed command after command, from top to bottom, starting at
program line no. 0001. If the robot has to be able to react on certain events,
a change in this sequence of execution will be required.

Using CALL-SUBR-RET commands it is possible to structure a Teach program with subroutines, and
to call these subroutines conditional (based on the jump conditions) or unconditional.

Subroutine call-ups permit branching into a sequence of instructions. After their execution, the process
will jump back to an instruction located directly after the related call-up.
In this way, program sections that are needed more often have to be programmed only once.

When programming subroutines, the following rules have to be kept in mind in order to ensure
proper execution:

• Subroutines must always be terminated with the instruction RET.

• A subroutine must not be exited with the instruction JUMP.
• A subroutine routine must never be processed without call-up with the instruction CALL.

Instruction CALL
The instruction CALL Name is used to call up the subroutine Name. Execution of the program will be
continued at the subroutine.

Instruction SUBROUTINE
The instruction SUBR Name is used to define the start of a subroutine.

Instruction RETURN
RET is used to terminate a subroutine and to return to the main program. Return is made to the line
after the CALL instruction by which the subroutine was called up.

See the examples on the next page…

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 171 of 235


This example shows the possibility for structured programming. The first 5 lines form the main routine,
which simply calls the subroutines one after the other,
using a sequence of CALL-commands. The subroutine INIT is only called once when the program is
started, during the further cycles only the subroutines
REMOVAL and PLACE are executed. By using conditional CALL commands, routines for events like
reject part or quality control can be added to the program easily.
The advantage of this programming method is the short main routine, which gives a quick overview of
the general sequence and the functions of the program.
The details of the functions are programmed in the subroutines.

Subroutines can call other subroutines, i.e. they can be nested. Maximum nesting level is 160.

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6.3.15 If – Else – Elseif – Endif

Basically a teach program is executed command after command, from top to bottom, starting at
program line no. 0001.
If the robot has to be able to react on certain events, a change in this sequence of execution will be

Using the IF - ELSEIF - ELSE - ENDIF commands it is possible to execute or not execute program
parts if jump conditions
are true or not true.

Possible machine damage and risk of collision.
Never leave an IF branching using a JUMP-command! Variant 1:
The instruction IF defines a condition for the execution of an alternative program sequence. This
sequence is programmed in the
program lines after the instruction IF. The END IF instruction is programmed at the end of the
alternative sequence.

If the jump condition is false, the instructions between IF and END IF will not be carried out. The
program routine will be continued with
the first instruction after END IF.

If the jump condition is true, first the instructions between IF and END IF will be carried out. Only then
will the program routine be continued after END IF.


R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 173 of 235 Variant 2:
The instruction IF is used to specify a condition for the execution of two alternative program

Sequence 1 is to be executed only when the condition is true. Sequence 2 is to be executed only
when the condition is false.

Sequence 1 is programmed in the program lines after the instruction IF. Then the instruction ELSE
and, following that, sequence
2 is programmed. At the end of sequence 2, the instruction END IF is programmed.

If the jump condition is false, the instructions between IF and ELSE will not be carried out, and the
program routine will be continued
with the first instruction after ELSE (= sequence 2).

If the jump condition is true, first the instructions between IF and ELSE will be carried out (= sequence
1), and then the program
routine after END IF will be continued.


R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 174 of 235 Variant 3:
The commands IF and ELSEIF are used to define conditions for the execution of various program
routines; where only one of them has to be executed at a time.

In automatic mode the conditions of the IF command and of the ELSEIF commands are checked one
after the other, following their sequence in the program.
The program routine attached to the first true condition will be executed, after that the execution of
the program will continue behind the ENDIF.

The optional ELSE command is used to define a routine, which will only be executed if none of the
conditions of the IF and ELSEIF commands had been true.

This variant may especially be helpful creating sequencers, where in dependence of the value of a
counter a different step of a sequence has to be executed.


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6.3.16 Jump

Basically a teach program is executed command after command, from top to bottom, starting at
program line no. 0001.
If the robot has to be able to react on certain events, a change in this sequence of execution will be

Using the JMP (Jump-) command it is possible not to continue with the next program line, but to jump
to a different location
somewhere in the program, and to continue the execution of the program from there on. The JMP
command requires a Label
as a target to jump to.

You can either choose an existing label from the pull-down menu or create a new label in the tab

If the jump command is not combined with a condition, the jump to the label will be executed with
execution of the command. This unconditional jump is referred to as absolute jump.

Fig.: Window for Jump Commands

is used to generate such an absolute jump.


is used to generate a conditional jump, that is only executed when the selected
jump condition is true.


The label QUALI is only jumped to, if counter CNT01 equals 15.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.17 Label

A label is the target for Jump commands.

Choose an existing label using the pull-down menu or tap the button Edit to enter the alphanumeric
name for the label using the Text input dialogue.
The name can be up to 12 characters long.



Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

A label with a certain name may only exist once in a teach program, but it can be targeted by
any number of Jump commands.

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6.3.18 Wait

A WAIT command is used to halt the execution of the program until the event defined in the command
First, the type of event to be waited for has to be chosen from the selection menu:

Fig.: List of events

In this case, the program will be halted until a defined counter reaches a certain value.

Fig.: Window for Wait Commands

Select left operand

Use the pull-down menu to select the desired type of operand.

Tap the button to open a list with all available counters.

Choose operation
Use the buttons to determine in which relation to the counter value the program shall be continued

Select right operand

Use the pull-down menu to select the desired type of operand.

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Select value
Enter the value by tapping the field Counter value and the dialogue for Numerical Input.

Decide with the buttons and whether the counter value shall be insert to the teach
program as a normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window. Wait Timer

The command WAIT TIMER is used to link waiting for events with a time (limit).

First the time is set with the command WAIT TIMER, then the other jump conditions are added using
OR and AND commands.

After opening the menu and tapping the input field Time the desired value for the time can be entered
using the dialogue for Numerical input.


WAIT TIMER = 3.00s

OR Vacuum-01 = ON

This waits for a part to be sucked on. If the set underpressure is not achieved within the time limit of 3
seconds, the wait command terminates,
and the execution of the program is continued without the part. Afterwards a service routine for that
case could easily be triggered using a command
like JMP label Vacuum-01 = OFF.

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6.3.19 And

The AND and OR functions allow to execute IF, JMP, CALL and WAIT commands on the basis of
several jump conditions.

First, program the IF or JMP command with the first jump condition. Then, using the AND/OR function,
program the other jump conditions in the following program lines.

JMP Label Counter-001 = 1
AND Counter-002 = 1

The Jump is only executed when both counters Counter-001 and Counter-002 have the value 1.

AND and OR instructions must be programmed in the line(s) directly after the instruction to
which they refer. Otherwise logical operation will not take place.

6.3.20 Or

The AND and OR functions allow to execute IF, JMP, CALL and WAIT commands on the basis of
several jump conditions.

First, program the IF or JMP command with the first jump condition. Then, using the AND/OR function,
program the other jump conditions in the following program lines.

JMP Label Counter-001 = 1
OR Counter-002 = 1

The Jump is executed when at least one of the counters Counter-001 or Counter-002 has the value 1.

AND and OR instructions must be programmed in the line(s) directly after the instruction to
which they refer. Otherwise logical operation will not take place.

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6.3.21 Eco Mode

The command ECOMODE is used to control the ECO-Mode from within the Teach program

Press to select the command ECOMODE ON. The command ECOMODE ON turns the
ECO-Mode on.
Thus, there is no need then for the operator to manually turn on the ECO-Mode from the main screen.

Press to select the command ECOMODE BUFFER-TIME. This command sets the ECO-
Mode buffer time.
Thus, there is no need then for the operator to manually set the ECO-Mode buffer time in the window
Override each time
when changing programs with different requirements for that time. After tapping the input field Time
you can input the
desired buffer time with the dialogue for Numerical input.

Press to select the command ECOMODE INACTIVE. The command ECOMODE

INACTIVE sets the ECO-Mode
inactive for the current cycle, the ECO-Mode returns to active state automatically with the next cycle.
This is used to execute
special motions (that take significantly longer or shorter than the standard motion, e.g. reject part
sequence) without ECO-Mode.
For this cycle the robot will use the settings done with VMAX, VABS, AABS and the Override.

Press to select the command ECOMODE RESET. The command ECOMODE RESET
resets the calculations of the ECO-Mode.
The robot will use the settings done with VMAX, VABS, AABS and the Override until it will have
determined new values, and will be able to
reduce acceleration and speed again.

Decide with the buttons and whether the counter value shall be insert to the teach
program as a normal command or as a parameter.

is used to add it as a normal command.

is used to add it as a parameter.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.22 Stopwatch

The Stopwatch function allows measurement of times that go by during the processing of arbitrary
parts of a teach program.
Four such software timers with a resolution of 0,01 seconds are available.

After calling up the function, first select the desired stopwatch, then use the keys below in the window
to select the desired command.

Stopwatch-xx START
Starts the selected stopwatch. The current value of the stopwatch is incremented ins steps of 0,1
seconds starting from zero while processing the program.

Stopwatch-xx RESET
Resets the calculation of the minimum, average and maximum values of the selected stopwatch.

Stopwatch-xx STOP
Stops the selected stopwatch. The measured value is used to recalculate the minimum, average and
maximum values for the Stopwatch.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.23 Start/Stopp Part Program

The commands START part program and STOP part program are used to start or stop the peripheral
program, all modes program or one of the 115 additional part programs
from another part program.

Fig.: Window to start/stop Part Programs

First pick the desired part program from the selection list Select part program.

Then use or to determine whether the command shall start or stop the selected
part program.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.24 Production End

Production End
This instruction is used for selective stopping of automatic operation at the end of production, without a
part remaining inside the mold or on the EOAT.

Activate this function in automatic operation by actuating the (REFERENCE) key. The control
lamp of the key will begin to flash in confirmation of this function.

The exact sequence is like this:

Automatic operation
During normal automatic operation the command PRODUCTION END is being ignored, the jump
condition Production End Active will be FALSE.

The button REFERENCE is being actuated during automatic operation

The LED of the button REFERENCE starts flashing. By pressing the button AUTOMATIC the
production end function could be aborted.
The jump condition Production End Active continues to be FALSE. The robot remains in normal
automatic operation until the mold is not
closed and the command for closing the mold is being executed.

At the command that switches on the permit MOLD CLOSE

The permission signal MOLD CLOSE is not being switched on, the mold stays open. The jump
condition Production End Active will be TRUE
from here on. Production end can no longer be aborted.

After the command that switches on the permit MOLD CLOSE

Commands waiting on the mold not-being-open will be ignored, in order to be able to deposit the last
piece. The jump condition Production End Active
can be used for triggering a special sequence (e.g. moving to the reference position) during production

At the command PRODUCTION END

The robot switches to the operating mode given by the command. Production end becomes inactive
again, from now on all mold signals will be observed again.

After the command PRODUCTION END

When automatic operation is continued or restarted, the state of the function Production End will be
normal automatic operation as described above.

Use , and to select the operating mode to be triggered by the


Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.25 Blockstop lock/unlock


Normally, if you press the block stop key in automatic operation the currently processed
instruction (axis motion) will be completed
and the robot will be halted and shifted into the block stop mode. The LED of the key will flash during
this process.

The instruction LOCK BLOCK STOP allows a block stop to be carried out only after the UNLOCK
BLOCK STOP instruction has been reached
and all instructions found before it in the routine have been processed.

Thus an entire motion sequence (e.g., travel out of the mold area) can be completed with a block stop.

After calling up the function, use the keys and to select the desired command.

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.3.26 Dry Cycle Stop

Dry Cycle Stop

Use this function during dry cycle to react on commands affecting e.g. the IMM or a peripheral

Fig.: window for Dry Cycle Stop commands

The option will ignore the following command in the Teach program and continue with
the execution of the program after the ignored line.

The option is used, when the robot shall move to a position e.g. in the mold area and stop
there in order to adjust it accurately.

The option will not execute the following command in the Teach program but
jump to a desired label. Choose either a label using the

pull-down menu or create a new, suitable label by tapping .

Press to close this window and add the command to the teach program.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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6.4 Quick Editor

6.4.1 Introduction
The Quick Edit gives the possibility to display (even complex) Teach programs in a way that makes it
easy to do simple program changes and adaptations.

Therefore only those parameters are displayed, which have been released for possible editing in the
Teach Program.

6.4.2 Operation of the Quick Edit Entering the Quick Edit

Use the button on the main screen to enter the Text Editor and then the tab

to enter the Quick Edit.

This is not only possible in Manual and Reference modes, but also when the robot is working in
Automatic mode. In Automatic mode the same
limitations as in the Text Editor apply; meaning that positions of numerical axes can only be changed
within +/- 10mm.

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The Quick Editor always shows the Teach program currently loaded in the robot.

Use the menu on the left side of the screen to either show a list of existing parameters or create
additional parameters:

is used to display a list containing existing parameters.

is used to turn off the filter and show all parameters.

is used to turn on the filter and activate the selection boxes below.

is used to display a menu with parameter handling functions.

is used to delete the marked parameter from the list without request.

is used to copy the marked parameter and add it to the clipboard.

and are used to move the highlighted parameter up or down in the list.

opens a list with the parameter groups which can be created

creates a percentage parameter (speed, acceleration, vacuum level).

creates time parameters.

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creates absolute speed parameters.

creates position parameters.

creates counter value parameters.

creates distance parameters.

creates placing program parameters.

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The parameters out of the Teach program are displayed in numbered fields:

Fig.: Parameter list in the Quick Edit

The upper part of the field always contains explanations about the displayed parameter and its use in
the program sequence. The quality of those explanations strongly depends on the skills of the creator
of the respective Teach program.

The part below the explanations displays the parameter with its name and its changeable values. Tap
the respective display field to open a pop up that you can use to edit the respective value.

If the changings are intended to be permanent ones, the Teach program has to be stored to a
storage medium using the functions of the File menu.

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Press to open the dialogue for managing the value(s) of the marked parameter. At values for
axes related parameters, the window will look as follows:

Fig.: Window for Parameter Settings


Here, a default image is shown for better understanding Use the button to open the
default directory containing pre-installed images.
If desired, an individual image can be loaded and linked to the parameter.

is used, to remove the default image and show only a joker.

Use the fields Title and Comment to describe the parameter as good as possible. The text is written
using the Dialogue for Text input. Maximal length is 500 characters.


The buttons, e.g. , are used to select or deselect an axis to the parameter.
Additionally the fields Minimum and Maximum are used to determine “safety areas” for the respective
parameter in order to minimize the risk of a crash by the operator.
If no Minimum or Maximum value is determined, the axis’ stroke limits will be the default value.
The filed Value shows the actual position of the axis.

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The selection boxes are used to determine which category the edited parameter shall be added to.

Press to close this window and save the entries.

Press to discard the entries and close the window.

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7 How to teach a Program
Possible source of danger.
Before teaching the robot a program for the first time, read the safety instructions and the
operating manual completely.

Familiarity with the operating functions of the R9 control is essential for creating a teach program.

7.1 Using the Quick New Wizard

Using the Quick New Wizard you can create simple pick and place programs. No programming skills
are necessary.

First the Quick New Wizard will ask you some questions about the requirements for the program to be
created. According to your answers
the wizard will then create the desired program.
Enter then the Text Editor and switch to the tab Quick. In this window you will use the Quick Edit to
input the required values for positions,
times and speeds.

Proceed as shown below:

Use the button and then to start the wizard.

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Step 1 of 8:

In the first step you define whether you want to takeout the parts using vacuum suction caps or
grippers. Gripper-01 is reserved for the sprue, but can be used for
parts nevertheless, if you do not take out sprue. Decide if you want to take out sprue using Gripper-01,
and if you want to place the sprue before or after placing the parts.
Additionally decide here whether parts should be placed with a placing program or not.

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 1 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 2 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

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Step 2/8:

Determine the number of placing positions per cycle the robot has to move to. Additionally define
which vacuum or gripper circuits shall be used to hold the parts

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 2 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 2 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 1 of 8.

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Step 3/8:

Decide if rejects shall be placed separately. This functionality uses the reject part signal of the injection
molding machine. Activating this option additionally gives you
the possibility to separate an adjustable number of parts as startup rejects.

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 3 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 4 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 2 of 8.

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Step 4 of 8:

Decide here for the possibility of using a button on the screen of the Teachbox to request a quality
sample to be placed on a dedicated position.

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 4 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 5 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 3 of 8.

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Step 5 of 8:

Decide in this step whether the sprue shall be cut with a sprue cutter or not. In case a sprue cutter is
used, determine the number of cutting positions by using the pull-down menu.

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 5 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 6 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 4 of 8.

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Step 6 of8:

Decide if the ejectors shall move parallel to the in and out movements of the robot in order to save
cycle time. Activate a softer, slower departure at the beginning
of the out movement of the robot, if the parts have to be separated from the mold slowly.

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 6 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 7 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 5 of 8.

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Step 7 of 8:

Decide if the program shall use the Eco Mode for automatic adaption of the speed of the placing travel
to the requirements of the machine cycle.

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 7 of 8

Press to save the settings and proceed to step 8 of 8.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 6 of 8.

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Step 8 of 8:

Check the entries once again with the overview. Name the teach program and add a comment – if

Fig.: Quick New Wizard step 8 of 8

Press to save the settings and create the program.

Press to discard the entries and close the dialogue.

Press to return to step 7 of 8.

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When the program is created, the R9 control automatically closes the wizard and returns to the menu
File Database.

To display the parameter values, press and then choose the tab

on the bottom of the screen.

Work through the parameter values from top to bottom, and set the desired values. Use the display-
and editing functions of the Quick Edit for this.

Fig.: Window for Parameters

Test your program with reduced velocity using the Dry Cycle function of the virtual sub pendant, or use
the Step functionality of the Text Editor.

Use the File Database menu Save as to store your new program on a storage medium. This is
possible in the Quick Edit and in the Text Editor.

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7.2 Programming the Robot in the Text Editor
The robot is programmed simply by manually moving the robot through the motions and functions that
you want it to make in automatic mode.
The instruction sequence created in this way is stored in a teach program and is then processed step
by step in automatic operation. When the last
instruction is reached, the program sequence is begun again at the first instruction.

A program may be created completely new (as described below) or may be a revision of an existing
program. Once you are familiar with programming,
revising an existing program and saving it with a new name is a much quicker way to create programs.

7.2.1 Creating a New Program in the Text Editor

1) Enter the Text Editor by pressing .

2) To start with a blank program, the program stored in the editor must first be deleted. This can be

done by entering the menu and choosing

New empty program. In the dialogue Options for new teach program certain elements of the
existing program can be selected to be kept with the new program.
3) Starting from the reference position, move the robot manually to trace the movements that you
want the robot to make.
Manual movements are made by selecting the desired axis (labeled on the robot) with the buttons

After selecting the kind of motion, the axis can be moved to the desired position using the sliders.

When you reach the desired position, press and the instruction will be stored as a line in
the program. (Only the instruction active when you press

the key will become a line in the teach program – all other motions made will be ignored.)
4) Repeat the process for the remainder of the motions and functions that you want the robot to
5) The program is complete once you have programmed all of the motions and functions desired and
the robot is in a suitable position to restart from the
beginning of the program.


After placing the parts the Y and X axes must be positioned suitable for traveling over
the IMM, since the first motion in the program is typically a Z-axis (traverse) motion
towards the molding machine.

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7.2.2 Verifying Your Program using the STEP Mode

1) Bring the cursor back up to the beginning of the program using the button .

2) Move the robot to reference position with the key.

3) Enter the Test screen with the button and go through the program line by line.

Each time the key is held down, the next instruction will be executed.

4) Releasing the key will cause the robot to be halted immediately, in order to avoid
collisions or other program errors. A flag will appear.
Correct the program line if necessary and then continue to step through the program.

When the end of the program is reached, press the key and the cursor will jump back up to
the beginning of the program.

It is important to continue stepping through the program a second time to verify that there is
no problem with the robot’s position at the end of the program.

7.2.3 Storing Your Program on a storage medium

1) Connect a USB stick to the Teachbox, if required.

2) Press the button to enter the File database menu.

3) Use the option Save as in the menu File database to callup the function for saving programs.
Use the pull-down menu to select either the internal storage
medium of the Teachbox or the USB stick as target medium. The teach programs *.WIP already
stored on the selected medium will be displayed.

4) Enter the desired name for the program using the dialogue for text input and confirm with .

5) Press to store the program and to exit the function.

6) Use to exit the file database. Decide to reset all counters and placing programs or not.
7) You are now ready to run the program in full AUTOMATIC mode.

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7.3 Program Example
The following example will help you to further understand and practice the teach programming of the

This is only an example. At a minimum, axis positions, IMM interface signals and program
functions must be adjusted to your specific application!

The program example is based on a robot with 2 vacuum circuits and 2 gripper circuits.

7.3.1 Function of Program

Plastic housings are to be injection molded.
The robot’s job is first to move into waiting position above the injection molding machine. When the
mold opens, the robot removes the molded part.
The molded part is stacked on a conveyor by means of a placing program. When the stack is finished,
it is carried away by the conveyor.

7.3.2 Sequence
• The mold is closed manually for the first time. Then the robot is started in automatic operation. It
is also possible to start robot and machine simultaneously.
• The robot travels to the waiting position above the mold, and waits for the „Mold Open“ signal
from the machine.
• The molded part is removed from the mold using vacuum circuit 1.
• The robot travels back and up out of the mold and turns on the „Mold Close“ signal
• The removed part is stacked using a placing program.
• When the stack is finished, the conveyor is indexed for 5 seconds.
• The presence of the removed part is sensed during the entire cycle by the vacuum sensor. If the
part is lost, a STOP of the robot is executed.
• Speed settings shall be automated using Eco Mode.
• The robot shall execute a programmed reference sequence. If a part is on the gripper, it shall be
placed on a safe position.

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7.3.3 Sketch of Sequence
The ejector presses the parts on the vacuum cup.

Fig.: Sequence

1 ...Reference position
2 ...Waiting position over the mold
3 ...Part removal position inside the mold
4 ...Placing positions in the box on the conveyor

7.3.4 Sketch of Placing Program

The numbers below indicate the sequence of part depositing. Three layers are stacked in the vertical
(Y) direction.

7.3.5 Reference Travel of Robot

The robot reference program must include axis motions in the mold, in order to allow reference travel
out from the mold area.
If a part is on the gripper, it shall be placed on a safe position. In reference position, all vacuum circuits
are switched off and all
grippers are opened.

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7.3.6 Robot Teach Program (Robot Prg.)

0001 ECOMODE ON Turn on automatic speed settings.

0002 PERMIT IMM: MOLD CLOSE! = ON Close the mold for the first time.
0003 CALL CONVEYOR Clear the conveyor belt using the
0004 – subroutine CONVEYOR (line 32).
0005 CYCLE-START: Label for starting a new cycle.
0006 PRODUCTION END MANUAL Stopping point for production end.
0007*Y: 0.0 Travel to a waiting position above the mold.
0008*Z: 2353.0
0009*X: 123.6
0010 Smart Removal: IN Travel to the takeout position using

Y: 648.4 X: 202.4 ΔX: 30.0 Δt = 250ms Smart Removal:

Checks if the mold was closed,
waits for mold opening,
turns off the permit for mold closure,
moves to takeout position time efficiently,
with a straight X-movement of 30mm,
and continues with the next line 0,25s before
reaching the takeout position

0011 Vacuum-01 = ON to turn the vacuum on earlier.

0012 WAIT SYNC Wait for finishing moving in.
0013 FUNCTION IMM: EJECTORS FORWARD! WAIT Move ejectors forward.
0014 WAIT Vacuum-01 = ON Wait until the product is sucked on.
0015 FUNCTION IMM: EJECTORS BACK! WAIT Move ejectors back.
0016 Vacuum-01 = M-Smart ON STOP Activate vacuum monitoring before Smart Removal
permits mold closure.
0017 Smart Removal: OUT Travel out of the mold with Smart Removal:

X: 119.0 Y: 0.0 ΔX: 50.0 Δt = 0ms After 50mm of straight X movement,

it travels out of the mold time efficiently,
and permits mold closure when reaching the Y mold
safety switch.
0018*X: 0.0
0019*Z: 1927.0 Outside of the door of the machine
0020 C: 90.0* start turning the C axis.
0021 Placing Program: Placingp-001 Move to the next placing position.
0022 Vacuum-01 = OFF Place the product.
0023 TIME = 1.00s
0024*Y: -200.0R Move the axes from the placing position to
0025 C: 0.0* a position that enables moving over the
0026*Y: 0.0 machine.
0027 X: 0.0
0028 WAIT SYNC Wait for the C axis.
Once the stack is finished, index the conveyor using
the subroutine CONVEYOR (line 32).
0030 JMP CYCLE-START Begin a new cycle
0031 – (label CYCLE-START in line 0005).
0032 SUBR CONVEYOR Subroutine for the conveyor.
0033 Conveyor-01: ON 5.00 s Turn the conveyor on for 5 seconds,
0034 Placingp-001 RESET and reset the placing program.
0035 RET Continue in the „main routine“, after the CALL
command that called the subroutine.
0036 -

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 207 of 235 Placing Program Placingp-001

Name of placing program: Placingp-001

Drive: 1D
Sequence of axes movement: ZXY
Sequence of placing: ZXY
Stacking sensor: No
Axis: X Y Z
Start position: 100.0 1000.0 600.0
relative end position: 100.0 -300.0 -400.0
Number of Parts: 2 3 4
Displacement: 0.0 0.0 0.0

7.3.7 Reference Program for the Robot (Robot Ref.)

0001 IF MOLD AREA Reference travel from in and over the mold.
0002 IF I(ROLLER SWITCH S5) = OFF If inside the mold,
0003 WAIT IMM: EJECTORS BACK = ON check for the ejectors,
0004 X: 114.9 and position the X axis first.
0005 ENDIF
0006 Y: 0.0 Move out from the machine.
0007 X: 0.0
0008 C: 0.0
0009 ELSE Reference travel in the placing area.
0010 Y: 0.0 Move up from the placing area.
0011 X: 0.0
0012 ENDIF
0013 –
0014 IF Vacuum-01 = ON If a product is on,
0015 Z: 1267.8
0016 C: 90.0
0017 X: 173.8
0018 Y: 804.7
0019 Vacuum-01 = OFF place it on a safe position.
0020 TIME = 1.00s
0021 Y: 0.0
0022 X: 0.0
0023 ENDIF
0024 –
0025 C: 0.0 Move to the reference position.
0026 Z: 0.0
0027 Vacuum-01 = OFF Switch all vacuum and
0028 Vacuum-02 = OFF
0029 Gripper-01 = OPEN gripper circuits to their reference state.
0030 Gripper-02 = OPEN
31 -

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8 Troubleshooting
8.1 Operating Errors
These errors are the result of operational causes. If such an error occurs, the relevant text error
message will be displayed on the teachbox. Multiple errors are listed according to their priority:

Fig.: Error Message

Every error message is followed by an error code with the following meaning:

Error group – Error number – Supplementary number

The majority of these errors cause an immediate stop of the robot and a switch to MANUAL mode. In
order to continue automatic operation,

first clear the errors by pressing the key, after their causes have been eliminated. Then
close the window.
The robot must be moved to reference position before restarting automatic operation.

Errors, whose cause is still present, are displayed in red. If the cause of error is eliminated or is no
longer active, the display color changes to gray.

Errors whose cause is still present cannot be acknowledged.


Pressing closes the window, but will not acknowledge or delete errors.

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8.1.1 Operating Errors in Plain Text Messages Axis Error messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
004 000 0-11 xx: CONTOURING ERROR The actual speed of the axis lags behind
internal calculations. This can be caused by
mechanical friction in guides/bearings or by a
too high payload. May also indicate a defective
converter or servo module.
004 001 0-11 xx :ENDSWITCH 0- While the axis was moved, the end switch in -
POSITION direction had been hit.
004 002 0-11 xx :ENDSWITCH END- While the axis was moved, the end switch in +
POSITION direction had been hit.
004 003 0-11 xx :MOTOR Motor temperature too high.
004 004 0-11 xx :FREQ. INVERTER There may be many causes for an inverter
FAULT fault. Read the display on the Inverter and
contact our nearest service facility.
The error messages of the controller can be
confirmed be sending a drive command
(selecting the axis emits the release signal). If
for example 3 errors are active at the
controller, the axis has to be selected 3 times.
However, this error may also indicate a
mechanical defect or sluggishness of
004 005 0-11 xx: ENDSWITCH Reserved for future use
When both end switches are active at the
same time, e.g. when end switches on a
pneumatic axis/cylinder are adjusted too close
or in case of electrical fault.
004 006 0-11 xx :ENCODER FAULT This error indicates, that the incremental
encoders do not count as provided. The
reason for this could be a cable failure in the
incremental transmitter line or a defect in the
scoring logic. Another cause might be
increased mechanical friction between guide
shaft and bearing. In this case this error occurs
mainly at very low speeds, especially in the
first acceleration or last braking phase.
004 007 0-11 xx :STROKE LIMIT The axis reported an actual position outside its
stroke limits.
004 008 0-11 xx :SPEED LIMIT FAILED During operation with dead-man-keys the axis
moved faster than 250 mm/s
004 009 0-11 xx : SAFETY CONTACT !!Unused!!

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 210 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
004 010 0-11 xx : AXIS POSITION NOT The pneumatic axis has stopped between its
ALLOWED valid positions; none of the position limit
switches is actuated.
004 011 0-11 xx: BRAKE OVERLOAD !!Unused!!
004 012 0-11 xx :ILLEGAL SET There is an invalid set position in the teach
POSITION program for the robot or the stroke limit was
set too low. With activated safety areas this
message appears as soon as the robot would
leave the safety areas.
004 013 0-11 xx :UNCONTROLLED The numerical axis has left its set position
SPEED during standstill. Brake or axes contactors
might be defective.
004 014 0-11 xx: UNCONTROLLED !!Unused!!
004 015 0-11 xx: ROLLER SWITCH The axis moves and the roller switch changes
UNEXPECTED its state, but no memorized switching point is
near the actual position. Either the roller switch
is defective or the position of the roller switch
bar had been changed.
004 016 0-11 xx :OUT OF SAFETY !!Unused!!
At least one axis is outside the defined safety
area. To travel back into the safety area,
deactivate Monitoring in the Menu INIT.
004 017 0-11 xx :AXIS NOT IN 0- Before the start of the standard reference
POSITION travel the B axis is checked for being in 0-
position. If it is not, the reference travel is
aborted by sending this error message.
004 018 0-11 xx : ROLLER SWITCH The axis moved past a memorized switching
EXPECTED point, but the roller switch input has not
changed its state.
The related mold safety switch (or its circuitry)
is defective, or the position of the roller switch
bar has changed.
004 019 0-11 xx :POSITION Position monitoring compares internally the
MONITORING listed end position with the actual position. If
they do not correspond, this error message
004 020 0-11 xx :LATCH NOT OPEN This error occurs, when the latch of a digital
axis cannot be released at the beginning of a
movement. It will be in most cases a
mechanical problem.
004 021 0-11 xx :EJECTOR TOO FAST / Occurs at the Push function. The movement of
BREAKING DISTANCE the ejector was too fast, or the distance
REACHED between intermediate position and target
position is too short.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 211 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
004 022 0-11 xx :TIME MONITORING Pneumatic axis: the axis did not reach its
target position within the time limit of 10s.
Digital axis: the axis should receive a new
counting edge every 750ms and reach its
target position within the time limit of 10s.
Numeric axis: the robot starts an axis
movement, but the inverter is not ready after
2s. Possibly main power supply is not
004 023 0-11 deprecated xx: !!Unused!!
004 024 0-11 xx :COLLISION One of the (partly optional) collision
MONITORING monitorings has been triggered: Mold
Monitoring, Roller Switch Monitoring, Safety
Areas, Collision Monitoring AND/OR, Carrier
Monitoring. According to the configuration of
the robot.
004 025 0-11 xx :MANUAL MOVEMENT Either the dead-man-key has not been
DENIED released and pressed again, when switching
between axes in manual mode of the safety
or somebody tried to move further towards the
obstacle, with the axis already positioned in
violation of a safety area.
004 026 0-11 xx : ROLLER SWITCH The roller switch input changed its state
REPEATEDLY without an axis movement.
The axis moved in negative direction and has
travelled over the first memorized switching
point already, but the roller switch input
changed its state again.
The axis moved in positive direction and has
travelled over the last memorized switching
point already, but the roller switch input
changed its state again.
The related mold safety switch (or its circuitry)
is defective, or the position of the roller switch
bar has changed.
004 027 0-11 xx : LATCH NOT CLOSED The latch of a digital axis could not be closed
at the end of the movement. Either a
mechanical problem or an edge counting
004 028 0-11 xx : CRANE IN ROBOT With the optional crane interlock active, the
AREA robot may not be moved, while the crane is in
the robot area.
004 029 0-11 xx : CABLE BREAK Digital axis: The error occurs, if the inputs for
0-Position Check and Encoder Check are
LOW, and neither input Line A nor Line B is
Numeric axis: see error message “41”

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 212 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
004 030 0-11 xx : TORQUE The actual torque was bigger than the
MONITORING calculated maximum torque. Possible causes
include collision, overload and sluggishness.
004 031 0-11 xx : CARRIER The collision monitoring "carrier monitoring"
MONITORING has been triggered.
004 032 0-11 xx : POSITION The robot left its set position while being in the
MONITORING operation mode Wait IMM.
004 033 0-11 xx : BELT INSPECTION As soon as the belt inspection interval is
INTERVAL REACHED reached the error message will show up once.
Additionally, it will appear again, whenever the
robot is being powered up and the interval has
already been reached prior to powering off.
The belt should be checked and checking must
be confirmed.
004 034 0-11 xx : BELT REPLACEMENT When the belt replacement interval is reached,
INTERVAL REACHED the error message will display one time.
Additionally, it will appear whenever the robot
is being powered up and the interval has
already been reached prior to powering off.
The belt must be replaced and the
replacement must be confirmed.
004 035 0-11 xx : CARRIER The collision monitoring "carrier monitoring"
MONITORING VABS has been triggered during automatic mode
while performing a VABS movement.
004 036 0-11 xx : PAYLOAD Overload was detected. Reduce payload or
EXCEEDED acceleration or enable Dynamic Drive.
004 037 0-11 xx : ROLLERSWITCH OUT A switching point of an emulated roller switch
OF STROKE LIMIT is located outside of the stroke limits of the
004 038 0-11 xx : BRAKE HOLDING The automated brake test returned not enough
FORCE TOO LOW holding force for the brake. This may lead to
unexpected, uncontrolled movements of the
axis at an idle robot. Have the brake (motor) of
the respective axis be repaired/replaced

The supplementary number indicates the axis, xx stands for the axis designation.
000 ... X, 001 ... Y, 002 ... Z, 003 ... A, 004 ... B, 005 ... C, 6 ... X2, 7 ... Y2, etc.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 213 of 235 Vacuum Error messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
006 000 0..n VACUUM xx PART LOST This error message appears when the vacuum
monitoring for the indicated circuit is activated,
because the vacuum pressure of the
respective circuit falls below the preset
006 001 0..n VACUUM xx NOT OFF The vacuum reference position was chosen to
be OFF, but at the end of the reference travel
the respective vacuum circuit was not OFF.
006 002 0..n VACUUM xx NOT ON The vacuum reference position was chosen to
be ON, but at the end of the reference travel
this vacuum circuit was not ON.
006 003 0..n VACUUM PUMP Thermal contact of the vacuum pump
THERMO-MONITORING responded to increased motor temperature.
006 004 0...n VACUUM xx DEAD-MAN- With safety not met, the key switch has to be
KEY NOT PRESSED set to manual mode, and a dead-man-key
must be pressed to make the switching of a
vacuum possible.
006 005 0...n VACUUM xx BLOW OUT Vacuum blowout was switched on at the end of
NOT OFF the reference travel.
006 006 0…n VACUUM xx SUCTION The vacuum suction cup monitoring level is not
CUP LEAKY reached within 10 runs. Change the suction
cup and check the vacuum hoses for

xx indicates the vacuum number, e.g., 01

Supplementary numbers: 000 = VACUUM 01

001 = VACUUM 02, etc.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 214 of 235 Gripper Error messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
007 000 0..n GRIPPER xx PART LOST This error message appears when the gripper
monitoring for the indicated circuit has been
activated and the part monitoring input of that
gripper signals part loss.
007 001 0..n GRIPPER xx NOT OPEN The gripper reference position was chosen to
be OPEN, but at the end of the reference
travel this gripper was not OPEN.
007 002 0..n GRIPPER xx NOT The gripper reference position was chosen to
CLOSED be CLOSED, but at the end of the reference
travel this gripper was not CLOSED.
007 003 0..n GRIPPER xx TIME The gripper has not reached its set position
MONITORING within the time limit.
007 004 0...n GRIPPER xx DEAD-MAN- With safety not met, the key switch has to be
KEY NOT PRESSED set to manual mode and a dead-man-key must
be pressed to make the switching of a gripper
007 005 0...n GRIPPER xx NOT The reference state of the gripper is
RELEASED RELEASED, but the gripper was actually
OPENED or CLOSED at the end of the
reference travel.

xx indicates the gripper number, e.g., 01

Supplementary numbers: 000 = GRIPPER 01

001 = GRIPPER 02, etc. Peripheral Equipment Output Error Messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
009 000 0..n xx MONITORING This error message is displayed as soon as
part monitoring for the indicated peripheral
output is activated, and the peripheral input
with the same number is OFF.

xx shows the PO names: e.g., PO-001

Supplementary numbers: 000 = PO-001

001 = PO-002, etc.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 215 of 235 Cylinder Error Messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
010 000 0...n CYLINDER xx NOT ON The cylinder has moved away from its on-
position during standstill. Possible causes are
loss of air pressure or mechanical problems.
Check periodically if the cylinder left its position
during standstill.
010 001 0...n CYLINDER xx NOT OFF The cylinder has moved away from its off-
position during standstill. Possible causes are
loss of air pressure or mechanical problems.
Check periodically if the cylinder left its position
during standstill.
010 002 0…n CYLINDER NOT !!Unused!!
010 003 0...n CYLINDER xx TIME The cylinder has not reached its desired target
MONITORING position within the set timeout.
010 004 0...n CYLINDER xx DEAD- With safety not met, the selection switch has to
MAN-KEY NOT PRESSED be on manual and a dead-man-key must be
pressed to enable moving a cylinder. Conveyor Belt Error Messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
019 000 0..n CONV. xx The thermal contact of the conveyor belt
TEMPERATURE responded to increased motor temperature.
MONITORING Any active conveyor command will be aborted,
which means the conveyor will not move on
even if the input falls back to its normal state.
019 001 0..n CONV. xx FOLLOWING The follow conveyor command has reached
TARGET POSITON the target position P2. The error message has
REACHED been triggered, and the teach program will
not continue at the label for the alternative routine.

xx shows the belt number: e.g., 01

Supplementary numbers: 000 = CONVEYOR BELT 01

001 = CONVEYOR BELT 02, etc. Load Cell Error Messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
020 000 0..n LOAD CELL xx LATCH The load cell latch is actually open (active
NOT CLOSED measuring) at the beginning of the reference
Robot: travel.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 216 of 235 Camera Error Messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
021 000 0..n CAMERA xx TCP/IP connection to the camera is not
COMMUNICATION possible. Check:
ERROR • The configured IP address and port
not • The Ethernet cables/switches /routers
available • The loaded camera job (TCP/IP
• The-camera state (offline /online)
021 001 0..n CAMERA xx USER DLL New position from camera received, but user
FUNCTION NOT dll is not loaded or access to the camera
AVAILABLE function is not possible.
not Check:
available • User dll is loaded
• User dll contains the camera function
(rebuild the user dll project)
021 002 0..n CAMERA xx INVALID New position string from camera received, but
POSITION STRING the string contains parsing errors.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 217 of 235 General Hardware Error Messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
124 000 000 EMERGENCY STOP An emergency stop button was pressed either
at the IMM, a peripheral station or at the robot.
After resetting the emergency stop button, the
power on key at the subpendant must be
pressed to switch on the control-voltage again.
124 001 000 AIR PRESSURE TOO The operating pressure of compressed air
LOW dropped below 3.5 to 4 bars.
124 002 000 PHASE MONITORING Phase monitoring in the control cabinet reports
voltage fluctuations and asymmetries in supply
exceeding or deceeding a given adjustable
124 005 000 OPERATION WITHOUT In order to change to automatic operation,
ROBOT "Operation With Robot" must be on. Use the
button on the Subpendant to switch on
"Operation With Robot".
124 006 000 IMM IN MANUAL MODE The injection molding machine was in Manual
Mode when the AUTOMATIC key was
124 007 000 MOLD MONITORING Mold safety ensures that the robot does not
travel into a closed mold or that the mold does
not close while the robot is in the mold area.
Mold safety is realized with the roller switches
S5 (Y axis) and S6 (Z axis).
124 008 000 IMM SAFETY DOOR The safety door of the injection molding
OPEN machine was opened during automatic
124 009 000 DOOR NOT LATCHED The door of the safety package could not be
locked mechanically. The door contact may
have become bent, not allowing the bolt to
124 010 000 KEY SWITCH IN SETTING The safety system of the robot reports that the
MANUAL safety requirements for operation have not
been met.
124 011 000 DEAD-MAN-KEY TIME The permit key on the Teachbox must be
MONITORING pressed and released at regular intervals.
124 012 000 REFERENCE IN MOLD For safety reasons, the standard reference
NOT ALLOWED travel may not be carried out in the mold area.
The error message appears when the robot is
in the mold area and the operator did not
program a reference travel. Note that in the
NO REFERENCE mode the reference travel
cannot be carried out in the mold area.
124 015 000 RELEASE DEAD-MAN- The permit key on the teachbox must be
KEY pressed and released at regular intervals.
124 016 000 COMMUNICATION A communication problem with an inverter with
FAILED CAN bus connection has occurred.
124 017 000 TIME MONITORING Time out at communication with an emergency
PROCESS stop block or with a Teachbox. In most cases
COMMUNICATION normal operation is possible after confirming
the error message.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 218 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
124 018 000 SAFETY SYSTEM NOT The safety system of the robot reports that the
ENABLED safety requirements for operation have not
been met. Also check EMERGENCY STOP of
robot and IMM.
124 019 000 BMM IN MANUAL MODE

124 020 000 SAFETY AREA: x A robot axis tried to enter an exclusionary
VIOLATED safety area. Move the axis back out of the
safety area.
124 028 000 CHECK CENTRAL Stop the robot as soon as possible and check
LUBRICATION the central lubrication system.
(Run out of grease?)
124 029 000 CENTRAL LUBRICATION Check and repair the central lubrication system
FAILED (Run out of grease?)
124 030 000 AUTOMATIC-MODE NOT The robot was not in Reference- or Block-stop
POSSIBLE (“operating Mode, when the Automatic-Mode button was
Mode“) pressed. 00x shows the current Operation
0...Reference Missing, 1…Reference Travel,
2...Reference, 3...Manual, 4...Block Stop,
5...Block Stop Travel, 6...Automatic
124 031 000 CENTRAL LUB. Check and repair the central lubrication system
124 032 mmm IMM “mmm“ MOLD IS The "Easy Automatic Start Sequence" cannot
OPEN be started.
124 033 mmm IMM “mmm“ MOLD The "Easy Automatic Start Sequence" cannot
124 034 mmm IMM “mmm“ MOLD An attempt was made to enter the respective
MONITORING BRAKING IMM while its mold was not completely open.
124 035 000 LUBRICATION INTERVAL Is triggered once, when the lubrication interval
REACHED is being exceeded. Additionally the message
will appear each time the robot is being
powered up with the lubrication interval
124 036 000 CONTROL VOLTAGE Indicates that the control voltage is not on. In
NOT ON order to be able to meet safety, the control
voltage must be switched on, using the button
"Control Voltage On" at the Subpendant
(emergency stop block).
124 037 000 CONTROL VOLTAGE Hardware defect in connection with the control
CIRCUIT PROBLEM voltage relay.
124 038 000 CENTRAL LUBRICATION The central lubrication system signals that its
TANK EMPTY tank is empty.
124 039 000 IMM-INPUT DIFFERENCE When restarting the robot after a stop, one or
DURING BLOCKSTOP more IMM signals states are different than at
the moment of stopping.
124 040 mmm IMM “mmm” ROBOT A problem with the generation of the “robot
OUTSIDE MOLD CIRCUIT mold area free” signal was detected. Check
PROBLEM related electrical circuitry and relay.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 219 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
124 041 mmm IMM “mmm” MOLD STATE The states of the inputs from the iMM are
NOT SAFE FOR ENTRY different from their reference (stored at the
falling edge of the IMM signal Mold Is Closed)
and they do not match the states of the outputs
to the IMM.
124 043 000 REFERENCE DRIVE The function "Prevent the reference drive" is
BLOCKED BY INPUT configured. The standard reference drive is
inhibited because the input S5 and/or S5.2 is
not ON. Use a reference teach program to
avoid the error message or use manual
functions to drive onto the S5/S5.2 switch.
124 044 000 SAFETY RELAY The safety relay monitoring hardware signals a
MONITORING 24 volts circuit problem.
124 045 000 SAFETY RELAY The safety relay monitoring hardware signals a
MONITORING 0 volts circuit problem.
124 046 mmm “mmm” MOLD OPEN The mold movement changed its direction
SYNC IMM DIRECTION while the Mold opening synchronization
CHANGE command was being executed.
124 047 mmm “mmm“ ROBOT MOVES An attempt was made to move in to the mold
INTO MOLD WITH while the permit Mold Close was on.
124 048 mmm “mmm“ MOLD POSITION Nothing is connected to the analog input for
MEASUREMENT INPUT the mold position measurement.
124 049 000 OUTSIDE WORKING A robot axis tried to exit the inclusive safety
AREA SR: x areas. Move the axis back in to the permitted
124 050 mmm BRAKE RESISTOR FAN Fan for brake resistor is not working
“mmm” FAULT
124 051 mmm IMM “mmm” IN Robot stays in the dry cycle mode and the IMM
AUTOMATIC MODE stays in automatic mode

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 220 of 235 General System Error Messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
127 003 ggg EXTERNAL TEACH A Teachprogram from an external source was
PROGRAM CHANGE received. The supplemental error number
indicates the source like this:
0...Teachbox 1, 1...Teachbox 2, 10...IMM,
23...Remote Access
127 010 ttt REAL-TIME VIOLATION Internal software fault. Processing of the axes
calculations was started too late. The
supplemental error number shows the delay in
127 011 ttt SEVERE CLOCK Internal software fault. Processing of the axes
OVERFLOW calculations was started too late. The
supplemental error number shows the delay in
127 012 000 QUIT QUEUE FULL Internal software fault while processing axes
drive commands.
127 013 000 SET STROKE LIMITS In case of axes being assigned to the All
NOT POSSIBLE Modes Program, the Stroke Limits cannot be
ALLMODE PRG. changed while the All Modes Program is
127 014 000 USER REALTIME- Executing the user function "RTFunc" has
FUNCTION: EXECUTION taken too much time. The execution is
TIME TOO LONG stopped. Check the user dll functions and
restart the CPU.
127 015 000 SYSTEM ERROR Contact manufacturer CAN Device Error Messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
141 000 aaa xx :FREQ. INVERTER Only on robots equipped with CAN-BUS
FAULT ff controlled inverters. Contact our service
department for further information.
The error messages of the controller can be
confirmed be sending a drive command
(selecting the axis emits the release signal). If
for example 3 errors are active at the
controller, the axis has to be selected 3 times.
However, this error may also indicate a
mechanical defect or sluggishness of
141 001 mmm mm : CAN-MODULE An error occurred while trying to communicate
COMMUNICATION with the CAN module with the indicated
ERROR number.
141 002 bbb CAN Bus “bbb” WARNING This indicates communication problems on the
or indicated CAN bus line.

CAN Bus “bbb”|”BUS OFF” WARNING indicates bad communication.

BUS OFF indicates no communication.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 221 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
141 003 bbb “bbb” ROBOT The communication between two robots is
INTEGRATION interrupted because of an unpowered second
COMMUNICATION robot or a cable break.
141 004 bbb CAN Bus “bbb” AXIS An error during axis specific parameter
PARAMETER TRANSFER download occured. (for more details take a
ERROR look into the bootup infos)
141 005 bbb CAN Bus “bbb” BASE An error during base parameter download
PARAMETER TRANSFER occured. (for more details take a look into the
ERROR bootup infos) Teach program Compiler Error Messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
160 000 000 TEACH PROGRAM TOO The program exceeds the memory size.
160 001 lll LABEL NOT FOUND The label used by a JMP command could not
be found. The supplemental error number
indicates the label number.
160 002 sss SUBROUTINE NOT The subroutine used by a CALL command
FOUND could not be found. The supplemental error
number indicates the subroutine number.
160 003 000 COMMAND The command is not supported by the
UNSUPPORTED software version used in this robot.
160 004 NOT CONFIGURED The Teach program uses a device that is not
DEVICE present on this robot.
160 005 aaa aa: TARGET OUT OF The target for the respective axis is outside its
STROKE LIMITS stroke limits.
160 006 000 TEACH PROGRAM The Teach program is broken. Try to use a
INVALID safety copy of the Teach program, if available.
160 007 000 CHECKSUM ERROR IN The Teach program is broken. Try to use a
TEACH PROGRAM safety copy of the Teach program, if available.
160 008 ppp PLACING PROGRAM The Teach program contains the undefined
UNDEFINED placing program with the number indicated by
the supplemental error number.
160 009 nnn “part program name“ AXIS The axis definition of the respective part
DEFINITION INCORRECT program contains an axis that is not present
Robot: on this robot.
160 010 CYLINDER DEFINITIONS An attempt was made to transfer a Teach
DO NOT MATCH THE program, while the All Modes Program was
RUNNING ALLMODE running, with cylinder definitions not matching
PROGRAM the running program.
160 011 VACUUM DEFINITIONS An attempt was made to transfer a Teach
DO NOT MATCH THE program, while the All Modes Program was
RUNNING ALLMODE running, with analog vacuum settings not
PROGRAM matching the running program.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 222 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
160 012 CAN NOT REPLACE “part An attempt was made to transfer a Teach
program name “WITH NEW program, while the All Modes Program was
160 013 TEACH PROGRAM NOT In the current mode of operation it is not
ACCEPTED IN „operating possible to transfer the Teachprogram. The
mode“ supplemental error number indicates the
current mode of operation like this:
0...Reference Missing, 1...Reference Travel,
2...Reference, 3...Manual, 4...Block Stop,
5...Block Stop Travel, 6...Automatic
160 014 TEACH PROGRAM The Teach program is broken. Use a valid
HEADER INVALID Teach program.
160 015 TEACH PROGRAM The version of the Teachprogram loaded to
VERSION NOT the robot is not supported. Eventually the
SUPPORTED program can be converted to a compatible
version by loading it to the Teachbox and
transferring it back to the robot.
160 016 ERROR ON READING When a broken Teach program was
TEACH PROGRAM FROM transferred as a file, e.g. at integration.
160 017 TEACH PROGRAM FROM The control number stored in the Teach
ANOTHER ROBOT program does not match the control number of
the robot. The Teach program can be loaded
to the Teachbox, and after thorough checking
be stored back into the robot.
CAREFUL: The sequence and the positions of
the program probably do not suit the current
160 018 LOGICAL AND/OR AND/ OR commands were found without a
SEQUENCE ERROR preceding IF, JMP, WAIT, CALL command
with a condition in the lines directly before the
AND/OR commands
160 019 TEACH PROGRAM WAS The new Teach program could not be
NOT TRANSFERRED transferred; the existing Teach program in the
robot has been retained.
160 020 ppp “ppp“ The axes used in the indicated placing
AXISCOUNTERVALUE program do not match the axes definition of
NOT SUITABLE the part program.
160 021 COMMAND INVALID The execution of the command is either not
possible or not allowed.
Release axis teach command but release
function not configured.
Numeric axis teach command but the axis is a
digital axis.
160 022 MANUAL CONVERSION The All Modes program has the wrong part
OF TEACH PROGRAM program number. The program must be
NECESSARY converted manually.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 223 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
160 023 INVALID PARAMETER A Teachcommand has a parameter applied
that doesn't exist.
160 024 POSITION NAME NOT An axis movement command or placing
DEFINED program uses an undefined position name.
160 025 “ppp“ INVALID DIRECTION The stacking sensor movement of the
OF indicated placing program is pointing into the
STACKINGSENSORDRIVE opposite direction of the approaching
160 026 GLOBAL The global teach program has been loaded,
Primus TEACHPROGRAM but it can’t be executed. In a global teach
Robot: COMPILE ERROR program only All Modes programs may
not contain commands; axes may not be used.

The supplementary number indicates the axis, aa stands for the axis designation.
000 ... X, 001 ... Y, 002 ... Z, 003 ... A, 004 ... B, 005 ... C, 6 ... X2, 7 ... Y2, etc.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 224 of 235 Teach program Interpreter Error Messages
Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
170 000 000 DIVISION BY ZERO The Teach program attempted to do a division
by zero.
170 001 000 TOO MANY CALL- This error appears when the nesting depth of
COMMANDS subprogram calls becomes too big. The cause
could be a teach program error or too frequent
calling of CALL instructions without previous
encounter of RET instructions.
170 002 000 RET WITHOUT CALL- Execution of the teach program has
COMMAND encountered a RET instruction before having
executed a CALL command.
170 003 000 “part program name“ The Teach program attempted to start a part
ALREADY ACTIVE program that was already running.
170 004 000 RESULT OUT OF RANGE The result of a counter / placing counter
calculation is out of the range of possible
170 005 000 RUN ON SUBROUTINE The program ran on a Subroutine command,
WITHOUT CALL without calling it with a CALL command.
170 006 sss “stacking sensor name“ The stacking sensor was actuated while
UNEXPECTED processing a stacking sensor command or a
placing program with stacking sensor, before
the intermediate position was reached.
170 007 ppp „ppp“ BOX CRASH An attempt was made to use the placing
MONITORING program to travel over the box below the box
Check the position of the robot before
execution of the placing program.
170 008 ppp “ppp“ STACK CRASH An attempt was made to use the placing
MONITORING program to travel over the box below the
height of the stack.
Check the position of the robot before
execution of the placing program.
170 009 ppp “ppp“ MOVEMENT The traveling direction of the placing axis does
CONTRARY TO not match the calculated placing direction.
Check the position of the robot before
execution of the placing program.
170 010 aaa “aaa“ ABSOLUTE During the execution of the conveyor following
MOVEMENT DURING command only relative movements are
170 011 000 SMART REMOVAL The distance for straight travel in the Smart
STRAIGHT FORWARD Removal command is bigger than the overall
DISTANCE TOO LONG distance programmed for the respective axis.
170 012 aaa “aaa“ IS RELEASED An attempt was made to drive the released
axis using an axis drive command.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 225 of 235

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
170 013 000 „part program name“ A Teach program command uses an undefined
POSITION UNDEFINED or not completely defined position.
170 014 000 AXIS PUSH INVALID Axis Push command:
The direction from current actual axis position
to intermediate position is different than the
direction from intermediate position to target
A correct motion is not possible.
170 015 000 IMM PERMISSION Occurs on execution of a IMM permission
TEACHCMD BUT NO teachcommand when the operation with robot
OPERATION WITH for that IMM is inactive.
170 016 000 WAIT IMM INPUT Occurs on execution of a Wait IMM
SIGNAL, BUT IMM IN teachcommand when that IMM is in manual
170 017 000 MONITORING ALREADY A Teachcommand tried to activate a device
USED monitoring that is already active.
170 018 000 PERMIT MOLD CLOSE The Teach program attempted to switch on the
ALREADY ACTIVE permit Mold Close although it was already on.
170 019 000 MOLD CLOSE TAUGHT The Teach program attempted to switch on the
INSIDE MOLD permit Mold Close while the robot was situated
inside the mold of the IMM.
170 020 000 CAMERA POSITION IS Occurs if the camera position of the processed
UNDEFINED 1D/3D camera command is undefined.
(camera delivers a quality value < 1, camera
delivers no value for this axis, camera delivers
no values for this position)
170 021 000 EJECTOR FORWARD Direction actual axis position / intermediate
INVALID MOTION position is different to direction intermediate
DIRECTION position / target position => correct motion not
possible. Configuration Error Messages

Group No. Supplement Message Cause/Remedy
180 000 000 CONTROL VOLTAGE The output 511 - Control Voltage On is
CONFIGURATION configured but not all other required IOs are
Required IOs:
Input 511 - Control Voltage On,
Input 510 - Control Voltage On Monitoring,
Input 164 - Key Control Voltage On,
Output 511 - Control Voltage On
180 001 000 ANALOG VACUUM An analog vacuum monitoring is not correctly
CONFIGURATION assigned to a vacuum device or a hardware

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 226 of 235

9 Maintenance
Following the recommended maintenance schedule is required to ensure trouble-free operation of the
The robot warranty does not cover neglected or poorly maintained equipment.

Maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel only.

9.1 General

The user of the robot is responsible for maintenance and monitoring of the safety devices and

In particular, the safety systems marked must be checked according to the instructions to ensure
a safe and fully functioning robot system.

Mortal danger due to uncontrolled reactivation
Before entering the work envelope of the robot to perform maintenance work, lock out the
main power disconnect switch and turn off the compressed air supply to the robot.

Mortal danger due to uncontrolled reactivation
Robots with pneumatic linear axes often use 5-way or 3-way valves, which can leave trapped
high-pressure air in a cylinder even with air pressure removed. This can result in uncontrolled
axis motions if one side of the cylinder is exhausted during a maintenance procedure. For this
reason, it is recommended that all pneumatic axes be blocked to prevent unintended
hazardous motions.

Possible injury or damage to the device due to tipping over
Do not climb onto the device.
For workings that cannot be executed standing on the floor use standardized and certified
ascent devices only.

Possible damage to the device due to non-original spare and wear parts

Always use original spare and wear parts from Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 227 of 235

9.2 Lubrication Instructions for Linear Guides and Gear Racks

9.2.1 Lubrication Intervals for Standard Robots

The lubrication intervals are calculated automatically by the control system and are displayed with a
message “lube interval reached“.
Generally, it is necessary to lubricate the tracks and the bearings after a distance of 500 km; the axis
that completes this distance first
is the one that determines the beginning of the lubrication interval.

9.2.2 Lubrication Procedures

LINEAR RAILS: Remove old grease from the bearing wipers with a rag.
Use a grease gun to fill the bearing until grease begins to
come out of the bearing wipers.
GEAR RACKS: Remove old grease with a rag and apply fresh grease to
the entire length of the gear rack using a spatula or a

9.2.3 Grease Specification

Bosch Rexroth AG Dynalub 510
Castrol Longtime PD2
Chemie-Technik Ekalub GLS 135/N2
Klüber Klüberplex BEM 34-132

9.3 Drive Belts

Drive belts have to be visually checked for wear and tear or cracks every 6 month. If any such are
found, the affected drive
belt has to be replaced immediately, in order to prevent damages and idle times.

For safety reasons we recommend to replace the drive belts every 24 months during a general
maintenance session.
Drive belts of high speed robots should be replaced every 12 months.

Possible damage to the device due to unskilled personnel
The refit of a drive belt may only be carried out by trained personal equipped with the proper
tools, because also the tension of the belt has to be set correctly.

Our skilled technicians are available to perform the refit.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 228 of 235

9.4 Motor Brakes

Possible damage to the device due to detached or sagging cables
Lay the cables in such a way that the device does not fall down or become accidentally
disconnected from the power supply lines.

Possible hazardous situation due to sagging.
When entering the protective gate (operating mode BlockStop or Manual), check if any sagging
is visible at the axes.
If this should be the case, the brake of the respective motor must be renewed immediately.

A brake refit may only be carried out by trained personal. Before starting to work on a vertical
axis ensure that the axis is inhibited from falling down by suitable precautions.

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 229 of 235

9.5 Maintenance Schedule

Description of Service OPERATING HOURS


<10 s 10-30 s >30 s

1) Safety Systems and Devices

Emergency Stop Buttons: 150 150 150

When the device is at a standstill, activate the Emergency Stop switch and check
to see if „EMERGENCY STOP“ is indicated on the hand set. The injection-molding
machine must also indicate Emergency Stop.

Function of Permit Keys on the Teachbox: 150 150 150

Switch robot to manual operation, set the key switch at the safety door to Set-up
Mode. When the permit key is pressed, the “robot enabled“ light must go on. This
function must be tested with both permit keys.

Safety Roller Switches S5+S6: 150 300 500

Switch to operation without robot (robot LED key does not light). Close mold
slightly (Mold Open signal must be out). Now try to ride into the mold area with the
Y axis. The Y axis should ride only until leaving S5. The error message “mold
monitoring“ must be displayed on the robot. Acknowledge message with ESC. Now
try to close and open the mold. This should not be possible, and an error message
should appear on the IMM. Now raise the Y axis.
See 6.2 See 6.2 See 6.2
2) Guides and Gear Racks
3) Other Components
Function of Vacuum Switches: 150 150 150
The vacuum switch inputs should be checked using the Input Display screen on
the teachbox. The input must only be on when a complete set of parts is on the
vacuum cups. Be sure that the input switches back off when just one part is
Air Filter: 150 300 500
Drain the filter bowl and check and fill the oiler as required. IMPORTANT: Use only
oil in accordance with ISO VG 32 KL1.
Control Cabinet Cooling Fans: 150 150 150
Visually check if all fans are operating. Clean the filters of the fans or replace them
when dirty (In high dust environments reduce the interval for checking).
Drive Belts: 300 600 800
Visually check belt alignment and tension while the axis is moved through first full
stroke. Inspect the belt for damage and “necked-down“ areas which indicate
approaching belt failure.

Rack and Pinion Clearance: 300 600 800

Check for minimum rack to pinion clearance of 0.1 mm (0.004“).
Gearbox Gaskets and Drain Plugs: 500 800 1000
Check for leaks.
Cable Chains:
Inspect for proper alignment of cables in cable chain (IMPORTANT: Loose cable
clamps can cause cable binding and chafing) 500 800 1000

Motor Brakes: 800 1200 2000

Visually check, if vertical axes sag during standstill.
Screws: 800 1200 2000
Check robot screws and bolts for tightness.

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10 Key Terms
For better understanding of these operating instructions, some key terms are explained below:

Term Explanation
EJ Ejector
BM Blow machine
DIAS BUS DIAS – Decentralized Intelligent Automation System

CNC CNC - Computer Numerically Controlled – microprocessor control

CPU Central Processor Unit
Euromap 12 Interface standard between IMM and robot
Flag Various letters/symbols indicating particular operating conditions
CP Core puller
Position control In the case of servo devices, in automatic operation the motor will be
triggered continuously after a numerical axis has been positioned, so
as to hold the position.
LCD Display Liquid Crystal Display
Master Control system in control cabinet
MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System – standard operating system for
IBM-PCs and compatibles
Emergency Stop Additional keypad for full operator control of the robot without manual
keypad control unit
Offline No communication between partial subgroup control units
Online Communication between all partial subgroup control units is
Override Adjustment - speed adjustment
PO Peripheral outputs
PI Peripheral inputs
Robot Control on the robot
IMM Injection molding machine
Soft key Key of uppermost row of keys on the teachbox, whose assignment
varies depending on the current function.
Soft key line Shows current assignment of soft keys.
Teach mode Operating mode for programming of sequence programs
Teachbox Manual control unit
Teaching Programming of robot
Teaching Programming of sequence programs
Teach program Sequence program
T/M Tool / Mold

R9 V1.00 beta PDF EN/2017.09.13 page 231 of 235

WITTMANN Robottechnikai Kft.
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HOMA PAKHSH SAHAR Co. Mr. Velemir Sarcevic
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velemir@plasteq-me.com Tunisia – BATTENFELD
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Process Consult C.A.
Urbanización Andrés Bello
Avenidas Las Delicias
Residencias Nivaldo, Piso 7°,
Apto. 73, Maracay, Edo. Aragua
Tel. +58 243 2186 333
Fax +58 243 2413 197
Ing. Osvaldo Suárez

Sinsakhon Industrial Estate
30/11 Moo 1, Chetsadawithi Road
Khokkam, Muang, Samutsakhon
Tel. +66 (0)34 452 077-83 ext. 51
Fax: +66 (0)34 452 075-6
Mobile: +66 (0)89 780 4513
Skype: chawalan-taobangkok
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