test cases for nopcommerce site registration

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Test Cases for Registration

Happy test cases :

Test Case 1

Test Case ID: TC001

Summary: Successful registration with valid mandatory and optional fields.

1. Navigate to the registration page:


2. Fill in the First Name: John

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123

7. (Optional) Select Gender: Male

8. (Optional) Fill in Date of Birth: 2000-01-01

9. (Optional) Fill in Company Name: Example Corp

10. (Optional) Check Newsletter Subscription: Yes

11. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Registration successful, user is redirected to the homepage.

Actual Result: Registration successful, user is redirected to the homepage.


Unhappy test cases :

Unhappy Test Cases for Registration

▎Test Case 1

Test Case ID: UC001

Summary: Registration fails due to missing first name.

1. Navigate to the registration page:


2. Leave First Name blank.

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123.

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that the first name is required.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that the first name is required.


▎Test Case 2

Test Case ID: UC002

Summary: Registration fails due to missing last name.

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Leave Last Name blank.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123.

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that the last name is required.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that the last name is required.


▎Test Case 3

Test Case ID: UC003

Summary: Registration fails due to invalid email format.

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe.com (invalid format).

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123.

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that the email format is invalid.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that the email format is invalid.


▎Test Case 4

Test Case ID: UC004

Summary: Registration fails due to password not meeting strength criteria.

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: weakpass (not strong).

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: weakpass (not strong).

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that the password does not meet strength
Actual Result: Error message indicating that the password does not meet strength
criteria not appear.


▎Test Case 5

Test Case ID: UC005

Summary: Registration fails due to mismatched passwords.

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: DifferentPass!456 (mismatch).

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that passwords do not match.

Actual Result: Error message indicating that passwords do not match appearing.

▎Test Case 6

Test Case ID: UC006

Summary: Registration fails due to age restriction (under 16).

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123.

7. (Optional) Fill in Date of Birth: 2010-01-01 (under 16).

8. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that user must be at least 16 years old
to register.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that user must be at least 16 years old to
register not appear.


▎Test Case 7

Test Case ID: UC007

Summary: Registration fails due to first name being too short (less than 2

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: J (too short).

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123.

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that first name must be at least 2
characters long.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that first name must be at least 2
characters long not appear.

▎Test Case 8

Test Case ID: UC008

Summary: Registration fails due to last name being too short (less than 2

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Fill in the Last Name: D (too short).

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPass!123.

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPass!123.

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that last name must be at least 2
characters long.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that last name must be at least 2
characters long not appear.


▎Test Case 9

Test Case ID: UC009

Summary: Registration fails due to password being too weak (no special character).

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Fill in the First Name: John.

3. Fill in the Last Name: Doe.

4. Fill in the Email: john.doe@example.com.

5. Fill in the Password: StrongPassword123 (no special character).

6. Fill in the Confirm Password: StrongPassword123 (no special character).

7. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error message indicating that password must contain at least one
special character.
Actual Result: Error message indicating that password must contain at least one
special character not appear.


▎Test Case 10
Test Case ID: UC010
Summary: Registration fails due to missing required fields entirely.

1. Navigate to the registration page: https://demo.nopcommerce.com/register?


2. Leave all fields blank (First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm

3. Click on the Register button.

Expected Result: Error messages for all mandatory fields indicating they are
Actual Result: Error messages for all mandatory fields indicating they are


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