Class One Trade Tests Question: Engineer Mangwengwe

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1. on a printing machine the load tray which contains sheets of papers is raised up by a 3KW;
380V; 8,2A, motor 10seconds and then stops automatically. Upon stopping it engages a 35Hp;
380V; 3 phase, 45A, motor connected to a belt which pulls sheets of paper from the load tray for 5
minutes then stops. Upon stopping it also engages the first 3KW; 380V; 3 phase motor to run again
but now in the reverse direction until the machine is stopped. A provision should be made for
momentary reversal of the machine in case of a paper jam on the belt being driven by a 35Hp
motor. In case of an overload a pilot lamp came ON. Include a remote switching and an emergency
stop in your circuit. Draw control and power circuits to suit the required conditions.

2. A 0.75KW; 380V; 3 phase electric motor runs in the forward direction for 10 seconds and stops
automatically. Upon stopping it engages a 22KW;380V; 3 phase motor that is star-delta started, it
runs and after 10 minutes it automatically engages the first 0.75KW;380V; 3 phase motor to run
again but now in the reverse direction until the machine is stopped. A warning signal is sent 3
seconds before the machine starts. In case of an overload a pilot light comes ON. Main and Delta
uses 380V coil.

3. The conveyors are used to transport quarry from point A to point B at quarry mine. The
conveyors are driven by 3 phase; 380V electric motor. Motor A which is driven by a 2.2KW starts
first followed by motor B which also driven by 1.5KW; 380v; 3 phase motor. Motor C runs last and
is driven by a 0.75KW; 380V; 3 phase motor. All motors are connected on DOL start. If motor A
stops all motors should stop, if motor C stops, no motor should stop and if motor B stops, motor C
stops. Draw control and power circuits.

4. a 3 phase, 380V; 50Hz; 2Hp submersible pump is used to pump water into the feed mixer for 2
minutes and stops. The feed mixer is coupled to 3 phase; 380V;50Hz; 25Hp induction squirrel cage
motor which is automatically engaged and runs for 5 minutes and automatically stops. If an
overload occurs the feed mixer is momentarily and manually reversed. A warning signal should
sound 10 seconds before the machine starts

*warning signal, start and run indication lamps are 220V*

*only start contactor for 25Hp motor is a 220V coil contactor*

Draw a control and a power circuit diagrams

5. At a mining concerns, a 2Hp;380v;3 phase induction motor runs in the forward direction for 10
seconds and stops automatically .A siren immediately comes ON for 5 seconds before engaging a
30Hp;380v;3 phase electric motor that is star-delta run. It runs for 15 minutes, stops automatically
and switches ON the first 2Hp; 380v; 3 phase induction motor but this time in the opposite
direction until the machine is stopped.

Draw a control and power circuit diagrams


6. A 50Hp; 380v; 3 phase induction motor is used to drive a vacuum pump. A warning signal
should be sent 5 seconds before the machine starts automatically. A conveyor belt should switch
ON automatically 20 seconds after vacuum pump to dry bed. The conveyor belt should also send a
warning signal 3seconds before starting. A conveyor belt is driven by a 7.5hp; 380v; 3phase
induction motor.

Using correct symbols, design and wire control and power circuit for suitable situation.

7. A 20Hp; 380v; 3 phase induction motor is running a hoist under the following conditions:
*In forward direction when the start button is pressed, a siren comes first for 5 seconds before the
motor start running

*In reverse direction, the motor runs only when the start button is pressed.

*When it get depressed the motor automatically stops

Draw control and power circuits to suit the required conditions

8. A 30Hp; 380v;3 phase induction motor is used to drive a pump situated a kilometre away from
the tank house. When the tank is at low level the pump get energised automatically. When the
tank is full the pump gets de-energised automatically. When the tank is at low level, a warning
siren is given before the pump gets energised automatically. Show by indicator lamp the pump

Draw control and power circuits using correct symbols

9. An electrical plant consist of a 50Hp;380v;3 phase induction motor run water pump which can
be started or stopped locally or by remote control.

Include the following:

*an audio alarm for motor trips

*indicator lamp to show the motor being stopped or running

Draw a control and power circuits

10. A 40Hp; 380v;3 phase induction motor is assisted by a 7.5Hp;380v;3 phase induction motor,
only when running in forward direction. When it is running in reverse direction it sorely runs.

Draw control and power circuits using correct symbols

11. A bag stacker runs in 2 directions and is interlocked to a conveyor drive which runs only when
the bag stacker is in forward direction. The conveyor drive motor has a position for starting and
stopping independently when the bag stacker is off.

Draw control and power circuits


12. A crushing mill is to be driven by a 15Hp; 380v; 50Hz; 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor.
The mill is fed by star connected 2.5kw; 380v; 50 Hz; 3 phase cage motor. The mill motor is to be
reversed using an inch button when the mill jams. The conveyor should not run when the mill
motor is inching .prepare power and control circuits.

13.A conveyor belt is used to ferry quarry. It is driven by 25Hp; 380v;3 phase induction motor. A
siren should be sent for 5 seconds and engages a conveyor belt automatically. A provision for
emergency stop’ run, stop indication lamp to be included. In case of a jam it is momentarily
reversed. Draw power and control circuit

14.In a manufacturing company a conveyor belt is used to ferry quarry from a crashing machine
to a storage shade . A 25Hp; 380v;3 phase induction motor is used to drive the belt. Before the belt
is driven a siren should sound first for 9 seconds then automatically the induction motor starts
driving the belt. The motor runs for 2 minutes and then stops automatically. A provision should be
made for momentary reversals of the belt in case of jam occurring. An emergency stop is required
in the circuit. Run and stop indicator should also be included in the circuit. Draw control and power

15. Two motors M 1 5Hp and M 2 40Hp are to run under the following conditions.M1 should run in
forward for 5 sec so that M2 can run in forward. Interlocks to b included so tht if M1 is in reverse M2
shld not run. Also to include is the stop and run indicator lamps.

NB: if either motor develops a fault both motors shld stop. Design and wire the cct.

16. a 40 Hp motor is used to run a conveyor belt, before the conveyor is run a siren comes first for 5
sec and motor runs in forward. After 2 min the motor shld stop automatically. In the event of a
fault a provision for inching , provide run indicator lamps.

17. a drilling machine has fully automatic forward and reverse running controlled by limit
switches. Specification of the control cct is given below:

 One stop button should stop the motor in either direction.

 Overload and low voltage protection is given to the motor.
 Selective forward and reverse starters must be provided for starting between limit switch

Design a suitable control circuit for the motor and power the circuit.

18. design a circuit for a 15 kw motor which runs in either directions, which when stopped should
stop after 10 sec in all directions.

19. Design and power the circuit for 3 motors are to be used on a conveyor as follows .All motors
start 5 sec apart and if switched off they will stop 5 sec after each other.

20 designs a circuit for a 5 kw motor which runs in forward and reverse direction, which when
stopped should stop after sec in the forward direction only and in the reverse direction should stop

21 Design a circuit for a washing machine which runs for 20 minutes in forward direction and stop
for 5 sec, then run in reverse for 20 seconds and stops for 5 sec and run in the forward direction.

22 A 11 kw 380 v grinding mill motor is said to be used on the fore mention. It is protected by
thermistors and when the mill jams, it is reversed using an inch button. Design and wire the above

23 2 by 95 Hp motors are needed to pump water to different tanks which are on centre of gravity.
Motor 1 should pump water for 30 minutes before it goes to stop and Motor 2 should come into
the circuit after 15 minutes of stop of Motor 1 and runs for 30 minutes before it goes to stop.
motor should again come in. If overload trips, faulty light should glow for 3 minutes and if an
electrician doesn’t attend it, the siren should alert him after 5 minutes.

24. an ore crushing plant has 3 conveyors that move ore from the ore pit to crusher. The conveyors
are started and stopped sequentially so that overloading of conveyors is prevented [ ore should be
loaded on a conveyor that is moving and not stationary ], the sequence of starting is 3, 2, 1. If 3
trips 1& 2 stops automatically, if 2 trips 3 can go but 1 stops automatically, if 1 trips 2 & 3 can go
but 1 cannot start without 2 & 3 already going , 2 cannot start without 3 already going.

25. a star delta starter is used to run 2 motors. Motor A start in star and motor B starts when A
goes in delta, motor B is run by DOL. Motor inches in the reverse [motor B].

26. an air compressor is run by a 20 Hp motor which is connected on a 550 v supply and draws 22
A. Before the compressor is started a water & oil pumps should be started to supply the coolants
for the compressor. If the oil pump fails the compressor trips out, same as it does if the water
pump fails. The compressor is protected against high pressure and high temperature conditions.
The power circuit is DOL, Draw a control circuit that includes the protection and interlocks
mentioned above.

27. a water system is arranged such that a water pump that supply water into a storage tank is
controlled by 2 float switches , one is for stopping the drive motor when the water in the tank
reaches overflow level, the other is to start when the water level has gone to some low level.
Design a DOL starter which will allow the drive motor to be controlled automatically in the tank by
float switches and locally controlled by start stop buttons, [ include a remote start stop button
after first design ].

28. a mine hoist is to be wired in such a way that upon rising to the surface it must overshoot in
either direction opposite to that that it had before tripping. Indicate for power on , up direction,
down direction and overload trip.

29. the market garden consists of two sections, the vegetable and grain section. Water for
watering the garden is pump from a reservoir tank using 2 s,10 kw 380 v 3 phase motors
controlled by float switches. Watering starts when the tank is 100 % full. When the water levels
drops to 75%, the vegetable section would have been adequately watered , hence the pump
watering that section stops. The pump watering the grain section continues and stops when the
water level has fallen to 10 %.

30. 1n a manufacturing company, a machine is driven by a 6 pole, 15 Hp motor . the machine is to

run in the forward direction when locally started. A siren should sound first for 3 sec before the
machine automatically engages the machine. on remote the machine is to jog in both forward and
reverse directions. Full speed indication should be provided. An emergency and stop button should
be included in the circuit.

NB: When remote selected the machine cannot start locally.

Prepare a list of material needed for this project and wire the circuit.

31. a cattle feed mixer is driven by a 4 kw motor ,,when the mixer jams or is overloaded the excess
material is removed by reversing the mill thru an inch button, in case of such an abnormal
condition , an alarm is given for 3 minutes after which the system shuts down completely and the
operator does not open the control panels, the alarm is cancelled by the operator so that normal
operation can resume. The overload is set on auto. Design control and power cct and make a list of
materials .. 2 Hours 10 minutes, Wire the circuit. 2 Hours.

*What are the protective device in a circuit?

1. MCB 2. Overload 3. Start-Stop button 4.Contactor 5.Interlocks 6. Emergency stop


*How do they offer protection?

1. MCB- protects against over current/excess current caused by short circuits, single phasing and
sustained surges.

2. Overload-protect against over current/excess current caused by excess load or single phasing

3. Start-stop button- if a circuit is interrupted no starting unless pressing start button . There is
no automatic restarting. There is an E-Stop in case of emergency.

4.Interlocks-avoiding simultaneous energization of coils and hence avoiding short circuits due to
interchanged of phases of the Forward and Reverse contactors. Dead short circuits on power
circuit if the delta contactor energised whilst star contactor is energised.


1.Correct overload positioning and setting.

DOL-Overload should be set at full load current since line current flows through the overload.

STAR-DELTA-overload should be set in the delta loop where 58% of full load current rating is

Full load current is obtained at the name plate of the motor.

For example, given 25Hp;50Hz;380v;0.8 lagging



P=√𝟑.line voltage*line current*Cosα


2. Contactor size
Switch gear- current rating- Threshold current or continuous current

*know the size of the contactor before installing it*

Star delta
Main & Delta contactor= ×FLC = 58% of FLC

Star contactor = of FLC

Overload setting

Delta =58% of FLC

DOL =100% of FLC

Relay setting [overload ranges] for DOL

Relay min =70% of FLC [phase]

Relay max =120% of FLC [phase]

e.g.s 9A-45As

3. Timer Setting
*Changeover from star to delta ranges from 6 to 10 seconds

*Why? It is where the transient rising starting currents are over

*Transient rising starting current should drop up to a steady state value

Effects of improper timer setting

 Arcing of contacts due to making and breaking high starting currents







*OVERLOAD-Every motor exceeding 0,37kw must incorporate with means of protection against

*START&STOP-prevent auto restarting

-means of restarting and stopping

*CABLE- must withstand starting, acceleration and full load current

*COIL&HOLD IN-under voltage

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