Vdoc - Pub Wonderful World 5 Teachers Book
Vdoc - Pub Wonderful World 5 Teachers Book
Vdoc - Pub Wonderful World 5 Teachers Book
Liz Gardiner
Wonderful World 5 Teacher’s Book © 2012 Heinle, a part of Cengage Learning
Liz Gardiner
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright
Publisher: Jason Mann herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form
Director of Content Development: Sarah Bideleux or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not
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Illustrated by Theodoros Piakis
Recorded at Motivation Sound Studios and ISBN: 978-1-111-40258-7
GFS-PRO Studio.
Production at GFS-PRO Studio by George Flamouridis. Cengage Learning EMEA
Song credits: Lyrics and music by David Allen
Cheriton House
Recorded at THE 312 STUDIO
North Way
Produced by Antonis Tectonidis
Printed in Greece
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 – 16 15 14 13 12
2 Amazing Science Inventions Invention-related words Past Simple and Past Continuous
Life Beyond Earth? Space-related words Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple
Science and technology: Technology-related words
p 16-23 how much do you know?
4 Myths and Legends The Minotaur Myths and legends Past Perfect Simple
The Mystery of the Missing Pilot Flight-related words Past Simple and Past Perfect Simple
Once upon a time ...
p 34-41
6 Remarkable People People who changed the World Nature-related words Gerunds; Infinitives
The Girl in the Photo Jobs Gerunds and infinitives
p 52-59 Amazing Kids
8 The Arts What’s in a picture? Art-related words Present Simple passive; Past Simple passive
Hip hop Passive voice: other tenses and modals
p 70-77 Show Time!
o all G
National e gr
eo g ap
ic DV
DVDD Wo rkksh
Worksheets ts
s p 11
6 12
g la
gular vve
Irregular erb
verbss 128-
128 12
p 128-129
Sp eaki
Speaking ng
g ccards
ar ds
ds 130-
p 130-133
Play 134-
134 13
p 134-135
Listening Speaking
aking Phras
Phrasal Verbs/ Functional Writing
Prepositions language
Complete notes Talk about a famous landmark Phrasal Verbs Using time expressions There is/There are vs It is/They are
Number pictures Description of a famous place
or landmark
Number pictures Talk about an invention Prepositions Emphasising with so and Ordering ideas
Two-option lozenges Describe a picture of an such Email
Multiple matching invention
Complete notes Talk about natural disasters Phrasal Verbs Talking about what is or Giving your opinion
True or False isn’t worth doing Letter
Number pictures Talk about expressions from Prepositions Talking about plans that Showing narrative sequence
Complete a table Greek mythology change Story
Multiple choice Talk about books suitable for
various people
Complete adverts Talk about your future career Phrasal Verbs Using be about to for Topic sentences
Tick correct pictures immediate future plans Article
Multiple choice Talk about a famous person Prepositions Explaining with too and Linking ideas
Two-option lozenges Speaking cards enough Email
Multiple matching
Tick the correct pictures Talk about health and fitness Phrasal Verbs Asking for and giving Expressions asking for or giving
True or False advice advice
Letter of advice
Tick correct boxes Talk about a poster, photo, Prepositions Asking for opinion Organising information
Multiple choice picture, card or postcard Review
True or False Speaking cards
True or False Talk about extreme sports Phrasal Verbs Using adjectives with Using informal language
Multiple choice numbers Email
Tick the correct pictures Talk about crime in your area Prepositions Expressing disbelief Ordering events in a story
Complete a police report Describe a picture of crimes Story
Number the stories
True or False Talk about ways of Phrasal Verbs Showing that something Discussing advantages and
Tick the correct boxes communicating is true for someone else disadvantages
with so and neither Article
Multiple choice Speaking cards Prepositions Clothes shopping Using headings in reports
Change words in bold Report
Complete an advert
ti o n to W o n d e r fu l W o rld
Course Components
There is one project for each unit of the course and they are linked thematically to each unit. Each project is designed to be carried
out once the children have completed the unit. Each project consists of a series of short activities, which revise vocabulary and
language, which may be done in class, before the children embark on a short project, which can be completed at home. The project
often involves drawing a picture, making a poster or booklet, or making a model and then sharing the finished work with other
members of the class. The projects all involve items (such as paper, colouring pencils, paint etc.) which can be found easily at home.
The aim is to encourage the children to be creative and to have fun with the topic they have been studying. It is hoped that all the
children will participate and that those weaker pupils particularly, and/or those who are artistic and creative, rather than academic,
will have a chance to shine in class. Time should be set aside for the ‘show and tell’ element of each project, so that the pupils can
complete the pair work tasks in each project and enjoy sharing their work with the rest of the class.
The teacher should not formally mark or assess each project, but instead, display the projects on the classroom walls or in the corridor
(if either are possible) and encourage the children to bring in their work and to look at and admire each other’s efforts. The children
could vote for the project(s) they find most interesting, colourful. Be sure to praise all the children’s work, particularly those who have
made a real effort or have been enthusiastic.
The Project Book Answer Key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156–160 of the Teacher’s Book
• Revising adverbs of frequency
• Revising possessive pronouns Extra Class Activity
• Revising much and many
• Revising too and enough Divide the class into two teams to play a guessing game.
• Revising both, either, neither Each team has to describe a wild animal without saying what
• Revising some, any, every, no it is, and the other team has to ask questions to guess what
• Revising a lot, a few, a little it is. The teams should take turns at describing and guessing
• Revising question tags the animals. Tell them they could describe the animal’s size,
• Revising adverbs of manner where it comes from, where it lives, what it eats, what it
• Meeting the characters looks like and whether it is dangerous. Award each team
one point for each correct guess they make.
Way in
• Greet pupils and welcome them to the new school year.
Introduce yourself, if the pupils don’t know you already, and Teaching Tip
go round the class asking each pupil to say their name and to
tell you something about themselves (eg where they live, how Using team games is a fun way to encourage pupils to
old they are, what their hobbies are). practise speaking. This allows pupils to use their energy
• Explain to pupils that the course book you will be using is to participate in learning activities, so they are more likely
Wonderful World 5. to take an interest in the lessons and learn more easily as
• Explain to pupils that the introductory lesson will revise English a consequence.
that they should already know from elementary level, and that
they will meet the main characters who appear in the first
lesson of each unit. Adverbs of frequency
• Write always, usually, often, sometimes and never on the board.
Remind pupils that these words are adverbs of frequency. Ask
pupils whether adverbs of frequency usually go before or after
• Ask the class to look at the picture on page 4. Ask what animal the main verb in a sentence (before) and whether they go
is in the photo (koala) and where pupils think they come from before or after the verb be (after).
(Australia). • Tell pupils to look at the exercise and decide which word is the
• Read the paragraph about koalas to the class and explain subject of each sentence and then to find the verb and the
any vocabulary they don’t understand. Ask pupils if there is adverb.
anything they hear that surprises them (eg the fact that koalas • Tell pupils to decide whether the adverb comes before or after
can be dangerous if you scare them). the verb, and tell them to make questions if a question mark
• Explain to pupils that each unit begins with a quiz like this is given.
one and that they are not expected to know the answers. Ask • Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
them to discuss the options in pairs or small groups and decide partner. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
what they think is the most likely answer. Check the answer as • Check the answers as a class.
a class.
• If pupils are interested, give them further information on Answers
koalas using the information in the Background Information
box. 1 We often play football.
2 Does Jim sometimes cook fish for dinner?
3 I usually go skiing in winter.
Background Information 4 They are always late for class.
After the joey comes out of its mother’s pouch, it holds onto 5 She is never rude to her teachers.
its mother’s back or stomach, and she carries it everywhere 6 He often wears that silly hat.
until it is about a year old. Koalas live up to 20 years in
the wild. They spend most of their lives in eucalyptus trees,
which they hang onto with their sharp claws. They sleep Possessive pronouns
in the trees for up to 18 hours a day. Koalas are only 60-
80 cm long and they weigh about 9 kilos, but they eat • Hold up your book and say This is my book. It’s mine. Write
one kilo of leaves a day. They even store snacks of leaves this on the board underlining the possessive pronoun mine.
in their cheeks. Koalas eat so many leaves that they smell Ask pupils what mine refers to in the example (my book).
like eucalyptus trees. So many koalas were killed by hunters Remind pupils that we use a possessive pronoun instead of
during the 1920s and 1930s that they are an endangered a possessive adjective (eg my) and a noun when we have
species. Another problem is that every koala needs about already mentioned the person and the object that belongs
100 trees to find enough food, and these days there are to them.
fewer trees in Australia than there were in the past. For A
further information, go to www.nationalgeographic.com • If necessary remind pupils that possessive adjectives appear
and look up koalas. before nouns and tell us who something belongs to. Ask
pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as a
class. Both, either, neither
• Remind pupils that we use both, either and neither to talk
Answers about two people, animals or things. Remind them as well
mine hers that both always goes with a plural verb, whereas either and
yours ours neither can go with either a singular or a plural verb.
his theirs • Write either/both/neither in a column and and/nor/or in another
column and ask pupils which word in column A goes with
B which word in column B (either/or, both/and, neither/nor).
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and the options Remind them that neither has a negative meaning.
to decide whether the correct word is about something that • Remind pupils that we can use affirmative verbs with both,
has already been mentioned and belongs to somebody, or either or neither and that we can also use either with negative
whether it tells us who something belongs to. verbs.
• Tell pupils to use the table of possessive pronouns and • Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options and
possessive adjectives to help them find the correct answers. to find out whether the verbs are affirmative or negative. Then
Ask them to do the task individually, but check the answers as tell them to look for other words in the sentence that we can
a class. use after either, neither or both.
• Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
partner. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
Answers • Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
1 ours 4 yours answers they give.
2 her 5 mine
3 theirs 6 their Answers
1 Neither 4 both
affirmative, negative or a question. As an example, ask pupils the board as they say them. If necessary, add any irregular
why somewhere is not the correct answer to question one. adverbs they don’t remember so that the list includes: hard,
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as fast, high, late, right, wrong and well.
a class.
• Tell them to decide whether the adverbs from these adjectives
are regular or irregular and to make any necessary changes to
1 anywhere 4 somewhere the adjectives to form the adverbs.
2 Everybody 5 Everything • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
3 nobody 6 anything a class.
The Characters
Question tags • If pupils have completed Wonderful World 4, ask them what
• Remind pupils that we use question tags to confirm our they can remember about the cartoon story called The Cortuga
opinion or when we are sure what we say is true. Adventure.
• Remind pupils question tags are always in the same tense • Explain that the first lesson in every unit of Wonderful World 5
as the main verb. Write on the board They didn’t want to starts with something written by one of these characters.
go shopping, ……….? and ask pupils what tense this is (Past • Tell pupils to look at the cartoon on page 7 and ask them
Simple) and whether it is affirmative or negative (negative). where they think the characters are.
Then write the question tag did they. • Ask pupils to read the speech bubbles on their own and
• Remind pupils that when the sentence has an affirmative verb, find out where the characters are (London), where they met
we use a negative question tag and when the sentence has a (Cortuga Island), what the relationships are between them
negative verb, we use an affirmative question tag. When the (Mandy and Jake are brother and sister, Kate and Robbie are
sentence has the verb be, we make the question tag with the cousins, Oliver is Jake and Mandy’s uncle), and who goes to the
same verb. same school (Robbie and Kate).
• Ask pupils to read each sentence and to underline the verb. • Assign roles to pupils and ask them to read their parts out
Tell them to see which tense the verb is and whether it is loud. If you have a large class, you can repeat this task until
affirmative or negative. everyone has had a turn.
• Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a • Explain any vocabulary pupils don’t know and correct their
partner. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different. pronunciation where necessary.
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the • Tell pupils they are now going to listen to the recording.
answers they give.
1b 2c 3b 4a 5c 6a
Adverbs of manner
• Remind pupils that adverbs of manner describe the way we do
an action. Tell them that we make most adverbs by adding –ly
to the adjective, but if the adjective ends in -y, we take off the
–y and add –ily.
• Remind pupils that some adjectives are irregular and ask them
to recall as many as they can. Write the irregular adverbs on
t i n g P l a c e s
Lesson 1
Way in
• Explain that this unit is all about interesting places around Reading travel diary – multiple matching
the world. Ask pupils to tell you the names of any interesting Vocabulary text-related words; place-related words
places they know about, anywhere in the world. Then ask Grammar present simple and present continuous
which places they have been to or heard about in their own Listening completing notes
country. Speaking asking and answering questions about a famous
• Ask pupils to open their books and look at the photo on pages landmark in your country
8 and 9. Ask them if they have heard of Sana’a. Ask pupils to Writing writing sentences about a famous landmark in
say as many words as they can think of to describe the place your country
in the photo. Write their ideas on the board as they say them.
Ask pupils to write three sentences of their own about another
place they know using some of these words. Ask some pupils
to read out their sentences to the class. Don’t teach any new Teaching Tip
vocabulary at this stage. You might find it useful to have a world map or a globe
• Read the information about the photo on page 8 and teach in the classroom to show the locations of the places
any vocabulary which pupils are unfamiliar with. mentioned in this and other units. Ask pupils to come
• Explain that UNESCO means the United Nations Educational, up and point to where they think each place is on the
Scientific and Cultural Organisation, and that they choose map. Correct them where necessary. This will give them a
different places in the world as World Heritage Sites because clearer picture of where places are in relation to their own
they are very beautiful or of special importance to a country’s country, thus expanding their knowledge and awareness
culture. of the world around them.
Quiz Reading
• Remind pupils that each unit begins with a quiz like this one • Ask pupils what they remember about Jake and Mandy from
and that they are not expected to know the answers. Ask the Introduction on page 7. Explain that they are going to read
them to discuss the question and the options in pairs or small a page from Jake’s travel diary about a trip he made to some
groups and decide what they think is the most likely answer. famous landmarks in Britain with Mandy and Uncle Oliver.
Check the answer as a class. Draw pupils’ attention to the map of Great Britain next to the
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about diary and ask pupils if they can match the landmarks in the
Sana’a using the information in the Background Information photos to the places on the map.
box. • Ask pupils to read the diary on their own to find out which
place Uncle Oliver likes most (Stonehenge).
Background Information
Sana’a, the capital city of Yemen, is one of the oldest
continuously inhabited towns in the world. Built in the • Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the diary
desert mountains of Southern Arabia, the city is 2,300 page again so that they know what information to look for.
metres (7,500 ft) above sea level. The current fortified old • Ask pupils to underline the words that gave them the answers.
city is 2,600 years old. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Sana’a was an important trading city from the earliest times. a class.
The famous town houses with many floors were originally • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
built as stores for merchants. The decorated windows are from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
traditionally made of alabaster, though many are now filled
with coloured glass. The city has many famous markets. The
way of life in Sana’a is very traditional and the people there Answers
are proud of their history. 1 S (a prehistoric circle … about 5,000 years old)
2 H (Visitors walk around it and usually get lost!)
3 A (It’s on a hill …)
Answer 4 A (Some people say it’s ugly …)
5 A (… which was finished in 1998.)
• Explain that the answers all appear in Jake’s travel diary. Tell
pupils to read the meanings and to write as many of the
answers as they can on the lines before they read the diary B
again. Then, tell them to read the diary again to find the • Ask pupils to read each sentence of the dialogue to see what
words and underline them. it is about. Remind them to think about what words they need
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as to form the Present Continuous.
a class. • Refer pupils to the Grammar box and tell them to think
carefully about which tense is correct in each case.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1 monument 4 sculpture
2 prehistoric 5 border
3 massive 6 destination Answers
1 are you doing 5 leave
2 ’m/am looking 6 are you switching
Grammar 3 has got 7 ’re/are meeting
4 does it say 8 leaves
Present Simple and Present Continuous
• Read the grammar box to the class. Write I walk on the board
and write he/she/it below I. Ask pupils how we make the Present Vocabulary
Simple for the third person singular (we add –s to the end of
the verb) and write walks on the board next to he/she/it. Then • Explain to pupils that they have to match the photos a to f
elicit the words we use with the main verb in the negative form with the words 1 to 6. Ask them to match the ones that they
(don’t/doesn’t) and in the question form (do/does). can, then get them to think about the words they don’t know
• Ask pupils how we make the Present Continuous (we use be or are unsure of. For example, did any of them (eg palace)
and the main verb with –ing). Remind them that when a verb appear in the Reading? Then, explain any vocabulary that
ends in –e, we take off the –e before adding –ing (drive – driving) pupils still don’t know.
• Write the following sentences on the board: • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
Today we’re visiting Stonehenge. answers as a class.
Nobody knows what the stones were for.
Ask pupils to explain why the different tenses are used here (the Answers
first is in the Present Continuous because it describes something
1e 2d 3a 4c 5f 6b
that is temporary and is happening around now; the second is in
the Present Simple because it describes a general truth).
• Elicit the adverbs of frequency and time expressions that
we normally use with Present Simple (always, usually, often,
sometimes, never, every day/night/week/month/year, at the
weekend, on Fridays, etc) and time expressions with the • Explain that the photo shows the London Eye and ask pupils
Present Continuous (now, at the moment, today, this morning, what they think it is, and why people might go on a ride like
tomorrow). this (a big wheel/a ferris wheel; to get a good view of the city,
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to talk about things they do. Tell because it’s exciting, etc).
them to make three sentences each using the Present Simple • Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to some
and three sentences using the Present Continuous, with a information about the London Eye and that they are going to
different time expression in each sentence. Ask them to write complete the notes. Explain that in some gaps they will write
down their sentences, and then ask pupils to read out one words and in others they will write numbers or prices. Give
sentence for each tense until every pupil has had a chance to pupils a few minutes to read the notes and then ask them
speak. Correct any structural errors where necessary. what kind of information is missing from each one (1 place, 2
time, 3 price, 4 place, 5 number).
A • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to fill in their
• Ask pupils to read each sentence to decide what it is about. answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check their
Ask them which tense we use for general truths, things we answers and to justify any answers they have that are different.
do regularly, permanent states or timetabled and programmed • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
events in the future (Present Simple), and which we use to talk and to fill in any missing information. Check the answers as a
about things that are temporary or are happening now, or for class.
fixed plans, or to say what is happening in a picture (Present Turn to page 116 for the listening script.
• Remind them to think about what words they need to form
the Present continuous. Answers
• Tell them to decide whether each sentence is affirmative, 1 South
negative, or a question and which tense fits the situation. 2 8
Remind them to change the verb for the third person singular 3 £15.50
in the Present Simple and to use the correct form of be and 4 Internet
add –ing to the main verb for the Present Continuous. 5 30/thirty
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Extra Class Activity
Answers Ask pupils to work in pairs to find out how many London
1 ‘re/are going 4 ‘m/am not sending landmarks they can find in this lesson (Buckingham Palace,
2 arrives 5 Do … drink Hyde Park, London Underground, Tower Bridge, the London Eye).
3 are … laughing 6 doesn’t use Ask them whether they know any other famous landmarks in
London and which ones they would like to see.
Speaking Reading
• Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs • Tell pupils to look at the photo and the title of the article
to ask and answer questions about a famous landmark in and ask them where they think the Grand Canyon is (in Arizona,
their country. which is a state in the USA) and what they already know
• Tell pupils to take it in turns to ask and answer the questions, and about it.
to make sure they use the adjectives in the box. • If there is a world map in the classroom, invite a pupil to come
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are up and point to the location. Then ask them to read the article
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at on their own to find out what you should wear when you visit
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and the Grand Canyon (a strong pair of walking boots).
• Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions and
repeat until each pair has had a turn.
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board, • Ask pupils to read the sentences so that they know what
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct information to look for when reading the text again.
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation. • Ask them to read the text again to find out if sentences 1
to 5 are right or wrong, or whether the article doesn’t say,
Answers and to write R, W or DS in the boxes provided. Tell them to
underline the information in the text that helps them to find
Pupils’ own answers the answers.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
Writing from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write five sentences • If pupils are interested, give them further information about
about the landmark they talked about. Ask them to look the seven natural wonders of the world using the Background
back at Jake’s diary on page 10, and the Vocabulary tasks, to Information box.
remind them of the sentence structures and different kinds of
landmarks. Answers
• Ask pupils to write their sentences. If you are short of time, 1 DS
you could set this task for homework. 2 R ( …you can look down and see the bottom of the canyon
about 1,200 metres below!)
Answers 3 W (Anyone who thinks it’s an easy ride, though, is wrong.
Pupils’ own answers The river is fast and powerful.)
4 W (About five million people visit the Grand Canyon safely
every year.)
Extra Task (for early finishers) 5 DS
6 DS
See photocopiable material on page 131.
Guess what! Grammar
• Ask pupils to read the information in the Guess what! feature. See and think
Ask them what they know about Native Americans and how • Read the grammar box to the class. Emphasise the different
they found out about them. meanings of see and think.
• Ask pupils to read each sentence to decide whether they need
Vocabulary to use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the
verb in brackets. Tell them to pay attention to the meaning
A to decide which tense to use. Tell them to think about what
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and decide other words they need to use with the main verb to form the
which words fit the meaning. Explain that the words appear negative form and questions.
in the article. Ask pupils to find the words in the text and • Explain that the answers include affirmative, negative and
underline them. Again, encourage pupils to guess the meaning question forms.
of unfamiliar words from the context. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as a class.
a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
1 are thinking
1 rocky 4 point 2 Do … see
2 past 5 gorge 3 don’t think
3 Rafting 6 powerful 4 ‘s/is seeing
5 Is … thinking
B 6 see
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the
options and to decide which option fits the meaning. As most
of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries Listening
if they have them as well as looking for clues in the rest of the
sentence. • Ask pupils to look at pictures a to f and to tell you what they
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the show (a girl drinking a bottle of water, someone holding a map,
words where necessary. a girl sitting on something on a rock, someone holding a camera,
a girl pointing at a rock, a wristwatch).
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a girl called
Ellie talking to her dad while they are on a long walk and that
1 steep they are going to note down the order in which the events
2 muddy take place. Tell pupils that they have to listen for the words
3 flat that talk about the things in the pictures.
4 bare • Play the recording and ask pupils to fill in their answers. Ask
5 wide them to work with a partner to check the answers and to
justify any answers they have that are different.
• As an example, ask pupils what helped them to find the
first answer. (The picture of the watch showing the time at 11
o’clock and Ellie saying ‘Yeah, and look at the time. It’s only 11
Stative verbs o’clock.’).
• Read the grammar box to the class. Explain that we use stative • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check the answers
verbs in the Present Simple even when things are happening at and to fill in any missing answers. Check the answers as a
the time of speaking. Explain the meanings of any words that class.
pupils don’t know.
• Ask pupils to read the postcard to decide whether they need
to use the affirmative, negative or question form of the Present
Teaching Tip
Simple or the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Tell them to think about whether the verbs are stative and Encourage pupils to number each object as they hear
what other words they need to use with the main verb for the about them rather than trying to find the answers from
negative and question forms. Tell them to pay attention to any a to f respectively. Do the first one together as a class so
spelling changes necessary at the end of some verbs. they understand how to number the objects.
• Remind pupils to look back at the grammar box if they aren’t
sure which verbs are stative. Turn to page 116 for the listening script.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1f (‘Yeah, and look at the time. It’s only 11 o’clock.’)
2a (‘Can I have some water?’ ‘Yes, but don’t drink too much.’)
1 ‘re/are having 3e (‘What’s that under that rock?’)
2 think 4b (‘Have you got the map?’ ‘Yes, here it is.’)
3 Do you remember 5d (‘…there are some amazing prehistoric drawings on
4 want those rocks. I want to take a photo.’)
5 doesn’t like 6c (‘I’m sitting on my sandwiches. Look at them now!’)
6 don’t know
7 prefers
8 ‘re/are going
Phrasal Verbs Reading
• Explain that we often use phrasal verbs instead of longer, more • Tell pupils that they are going to read three descriptions of
formal verbs in everyday language. Tell pupils that phrasal verbs amazing places in different parts of the world. Ask them to
are formed by a verb followed by one or more prepositions (or read the descriptions on their own to find out which country
particles). Explain that the meaning of a phrasal verb cannot be is famous for its fiords (New Zealand).
guessed from the individual meanings of the verb and particles
(eg to come up with an answer, means to find an answer).
• Tell pupils they will learn new phrasal verbs in Units 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
and 11 of Wonderful World 5, and that they should make a list • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the
of these with their meanings in their notebooks for reference descriptions again so that they know what information to
and revision. look for.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
options, and to decide which option completes the phrasal as a class. Ask pupils to underline where they get the answer
verb to fit the meaning. from in the descriptions so they can justify their answers.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
phrasal verbs where necessary. from the context before looking up the words in their
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the dictionaries. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
phrasal verbs. Ask each pupil to read out one of their sentences
until every pupil has had a chance to speak.
1 the ‘toy train’ (There’s a special train which uses the railway
called the ‘toy train’….)
1 down 2 because the mountains are steep and narrow (The journey
2 back …is very slow because the route through the mountains is
3 off steep and narrow.)
4 on 3 because the film The Lord of the Rings was made there (…
5 off some tourists already know about fiordland because they
6 away made the film ‘The Lord of the Rings’ there.)
7 in 4 ancient monuments and sandy beaches (Greece is famous
for its ancient monuments and sandy beaches …)
5 in Epirus (Zagori, in Epirus …)
Extra Task (for early finishers)
See photocopiable material on page 131.
Say it like this!
Using time expressions
Lesson 3 • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the phrases and
example sentences. Then tell them to take turns to talk
Objectives about their holidays. Remind them to practise the language
given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation pattern if
Reading descriptions – open ended questions necessary.
Say it like this! using time expressions • Ask each pupil to tell the class about their partner’s holidays
Grammar relative clauses until all pupils have had the chance to speak.
Writing There is / There are vs It is / They are; writing a
description of a famous place or landmark
Teaching Tip
Way in Walk around the classroom to monitor pupils as they
practise the time expressions. Don’t correct them at
• Ask pupils to write down the adjectives they learnt to describe this stage. When pupils give their feedback to the class,
natural features, then to work in pairs to compare answers encourage the others to listen and to correct each other’s
and check each other’s spelling. mistakes.
• Ask pupils what kind of verbs we don’t usually use in the
Present Continuous (stative verbs) and ask them to give some
examples of the stative verbs they learnt in Lesson 2.
• Ask different pupils to come up and write two sentences on Answers
the board for each of the stative verbs see and think. Tell them Pupils’ own answers
to write one sentence in the Present Simple and one in the
Present Continuous for each verb. Elicit the different meanings
of see in each tense (understand - Present Simple; have an Grammar
appointment with – Present Continuous) and think (have an
opinion – Present Simple; consider – Present Continuous). Relative clauses
• Ask pupils if they know about any unusual places to visit in • Read the theory in the grammar box to the class up to the
India, New Zealand and Greece. If there is a world map in the example sentence with the defining clause (Japan is ... very
classroom, invite pupils to come up and point to the locations interesting.). Write on the board: This is the journey ….. I want
on the map. to go on. Ask pupils what words can go in the gap (which or
that). Then ask them if the sentence makes sense without the
relative pronoun (yes). Then write: Japan is a country which/
that is interesting.
Ask pupils if this sentence would make sense without which take out any words this replaces from the original sentences,
or that (no). Tell pupils that in this example we cannot omit and to use commas where necessary.
which/that because it is the subject of this clause. Ask them to • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
compare this with the first example on the board, and explain a class.
that we can omit the relative pronoun or adverb here because
it is the object of the clause (ie it tells us what I want to
go on).
• Read the rest of the grammar box to the class. Point out that 1 The Taj Mahal, which is a famous building, is in India.
we don’t use that in non-defining clauses and we can’t omit 2 It was Friday when we met our new friends.
the relative pronoun or adverb from the clause. Explain that, 3 Sabina, who is my penfriend, lives in Spain.
as the non-defining clause gives extra information, we can 4 Amsterdam, where most people use bicycles, is very flat.
leave it out and the sentence will still make sense. Ask pupils 5 Paul, whose sister is in my class, is travelling around
at random to read out the example sentences without the the world.
relative clauses. Explain that we often use non-defining relative
clauses to join two sentences which give information about
the same thing. Ask pupils to look at the example sentence Writing
about Crete.
There is / There are vs It is / They are
Extra Class Activity A
• Ask pupils to read about the difference in use between There
Ask pupils to look back at the descriptions on page 14 and is / There are and It is / They are.
to find and underline the relative clauses. Ask them to say • Explain that we use There is / There are to talk about something
whether each clause is defining or non-defining. which exists in a place we are talking about or describing,
Pupils should underline: while It is / They are refer back to things mentioned before. eg
There’s a special train which uses the railway called the ‘toy There is a big old castle on the island. It is over 200 years old.
train’ because it’s so small. (defining)
Some of the fiords, which are deep lakes between high B
mountains, are over 200 metres deep. (non-defining) • Ask pupils to read the description and to see whether the
The people who know about it want to keep it a secret, missing word is about something that has already been
though. (defining) mentioned or is being talked about now to help them decide
Zagori, in Epirus, where I’m going this spring, is a fantastic whether there, it or they is required.
mountain area in the north of Greece. (non-defining) • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
There are also others which you can take to hike to the tops of as a class. When you have checked the answers, ask pupils
the mountains. (defining) whether they would like to visit Pembrokeshire.
A Answers
• Ask pupils to read the sentences to find the relative clauses. 1 There
Ask them to think about whether each relative clause gives 2 There
extra information and to prove this to themselves by testing 3 It
whether the sentence would make sense without the clause. 4 There
Remind them that there are no commas in defining relative 5 They
clauses, but they should add commas where they think they
are necessary in sentences with non-defining relative clauses.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as Task
a class. C
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions
Answers about the landmark they are going to write about.
• Ask pupils to use their answers to the questions to write a
1 ✓
description like the one in Writing B. They can also draw a
2 ✗ Reykjavik, which is the capital of Iceland, is clean.
picture or stick on a photo of their landmark.
3 ✗ My mum, who loves ancient monuments, wants
• Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework.
to go to Rome.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the tip on the right. Tell them to
4 ✓
look back at the adjectives they learnt to describe places in
5 ✗ My friend Jane, whose dad is a pilot, gets free
Vocabulary in Lessons 1 and 2.
plane tickets.
B • Remind pupils that they should include defining and non-
• Ask pupils to look at the example sentence about Crete in the defining relative clauses in their description and that they
grammar box. Point out that this is made from two sentences. should also use There is or There are and It is or They are.
Write on the board: Crete is in Greece. It is an island. Ask • When pupils have finished, ask them to proofread their
pupils what word we use to begin the relative clause when descriptions and to make sure they have included enough
we combine these sentences (which) and what word this details about the place to make it sound interesting.
replaces from the second sentence (It). Point out that we put • When you have marked their descriptions, choose some to
the relative clause after Crete because that is what it gives us stick on the wall so that they can read them when they have
extra information about. time. If you assign this task as homework, give pupils a few
• Ask pupils to read the sentences to find the words in the first minutes at the beginning of the next lesson to proofread their
sentence that the relative clause gives us extra information descriptions.
about. Remind them to use the pronoun or adverb in bold, to
Suggested Answer
Memphis, which is beside the river Nile, is a famous landmark
in my country. There is an ancient palace at Memphis. It is
the place where the pharaohs lived thousands of years ago.
You can go on a tour around Memphis with a guide who
tells you about the history of the palace. You can see the
buildings where people lived and worked. There are also
massive statues of kings and other important people. The
ancient city is an open-air museum and you can learn about
life thousands of years ago.
I think it is an interesting place because you can see
wonderful statues and pictures on the walls. Memphis is a
World Heritage site. It’s an amazing place and I recommend
a visit there.
Project Book
The pupils may do project 1 now they have completed the unit.
The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
this book.
z i n g S c i en ce
project. Built by a small team of engineers, it was considered
to be one of the most complex robots ever for its size. The
s-bot was ranked at position 39 in the list of “The 50 Best
Way in
Robots Ever” (fiction or real) by Wired magazine in 2006.
• If you assigned the Unit 1, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework, The s-bot runs on 2 batteries and can move by itself for an
give pupils a few minutes to proofread their descriptions and hour. S-bots can connect together using their grippers and
to check they’ve used defining and non-defining relative then they can do things which would be difficult for one
clauses correctly. When you have marked their descriptions robot to do, for example, passing over gaps and steps. For
choose some to stick on the wall so they can read them when further information, go to www.nationalgeographic.com
they have time. and look up s-bots.
• Write the following sentences on the board and ask pupils to
tell you the correct form of the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous to complete each sentence and to say why this
tense is correct. Answers
John ………. (read) a newspaper every day. (Present Simple - c
reads; things we do regularly)
Oh, look! It ……….. (rain) again. (Present Continuous – is
raining; things that are happening now)
The ship ………. (sail) at ten o’clock on Friday morning. (Present Lesson 1
Simple – sails; timetabled or programmed events in the future)
………. (you/go) by plane tomorrow? (Present Continuous - Are Objectives
you going; fixed future plans)
Elicit the other uses of the Present Simple (general truths, Reading interview – right, wrong or doesn’t say statements
permanent states) and the Present Continuous (talking about Vocabulary text-related words, phrases with make or do
what is happening in a picture) and ask pupils to make sentences Grammar past simple and past continuous, used to
to give examples of these uses. Listening numbering pictures
• Ask pupils what kind of verbs we don’t use with continuous Speaking talking about inventions
tenses (stative verbs). Ask them what stative verbs they Writing writing a paragraph about an invention
remember. Elicit know, like, love, think, understand and want.
Ask pupils to make sentences with see and think in both
tenses and to tell you how their meaning changes from one
tense to the other.
• Tell pupils that this unit is about science and technology. • Ask pupils what they remember about Kate from the
Introduction on page 7. Explain that they are going to read
Vocabulary before now and that this word always comes after period of
time to show how long it is since an action happened.
A • Ask pupils to look at the exercise and to read the paragraph
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options. to see what it is about. To help them decide whether to use
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the interview in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous, tell them to look out
the Reading task. Ask pupils to find the words in the interview for when, while and time expressions. Remind them to think
and underline them. Ask pupils to guess the meaning of any about what words they need to form the Past Continuous
unfamiliar words from the context. When they have done as and, if necessary, to look at the list of Irregular verbs on pages
much as they can, explain any words they don’t understand. 128-9 to find the Past Simple forms.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Explain that the answers include both affirmative and negative
a class. forms.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
as a class.
1 power Answers
2 Follow
3 reflects 1 didn’t want
4 rays 2 was hoping
5 create 3 got
6 temperature 4 was working
5 thought
6 put
B 7 was writing
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the words in the wordbank 8 disappeared
and to decide whether we use make or do with these words.
Tell them to write the words in the table below the correct
verb. As most of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to Extra Class Activity
use dictionaries if they have them.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of Ask pupils to write three sentences of their own (one
any words they don’t know. Accept the correct words in each affirmative, one negative and one question) using the Past
column in any order when checking pupils’ answers. Simple. Write some prompts on the board: eg
Last summer, my family and I ……….
Because it was raining we …………
Answers ………………………. last night?
make do Ask pupils to read out their sentences to the class.
a decision a favour
a difference a job
a mistake an experiment
a sound homework
an effort research Used to
• Read the uses of used to in the grammar box to the class
and ask pupils to read the example sentences. Explain all the
Grammar grammar terms used, if necessary. Remind pupils that the
forms of used to are the same for all subjects (ie I/you/he/she/
Past Simple and Past Continuous it/we/etc used to).
• Read the rules in the grammar box to the class for using the • Draw pupils’, attention to the fact that we take off the –d
Past Simple and the Past Continuous. Ask pupils to look at from used to in the negative and question forms.
the example sentences using the Past Simple and to tell you • Write the example sentence Televisions used to be very small.
how we make the Past Simple affirmative of regular verbs (by on the board and ask a pupil to come up and write the
adding –ed to the main verb) and to say which verbs in the negative (Televisions didn’t use to be very small.) and question
examples are irregular and which main verb they come from and short answer on the board (Did televisions use to be very
(thought – think; found – find; wrote – write). Draw pupils’ small? Yes, they did.).
attention to the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 and tell • Explain that pupils should use the prompts to make sentences
them to refer to the list whenever they need to use them. with used to. Point out that the answers include affirmative,
• Remind pupils that we often use when before the Past Simple negative and question forms and they need to remember the
because this talks about a specific time. Then remind them correct spelling for each form.
that we often use while before the Past Continuous because • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
this talks about a period of time when an action was still in as a class.
• Remind pupils of the spelling changes that we make for the Answers
-ing form. Elicit or explain that verbs with one syllable that end
1 The Internet used to be very slow.
in a vowel and a consonant, like run, double the consonant
2 Mobile phones didn’t use to have cameras.
in the –ing form, that verbs that end in –e drop the –e in the
3 Did cyclists use to wear helmets?
–ing form and that verbs ending in –ie change the –ie to a –y
4 People didn’t use to send emails.
in the –ing form.
5 MP3 players didn’t use to exist 20 years ago.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the time expression we use with the
6 Did she use to listen to the radio every day?
Past Simple and the Past Continuous. Explain that ago means
Teaching Tip We use clocks to tell the time.
Make sure pupils use question forms correctly when they In the past, people used the position of the sun in the sky to
ask questions in class. Remind pupils of question forms tell the time: they built a kind of clock, a round table with
on a regular basis by asking them to change sentences lines around it to show the hours and a piece of metal that
into questions. As the structures are often different from made shadows which showed them what time it was. They
question forms in their own language, they may have also used candles with marks on them, like a ruler, that
difficulty remembering them. showed how much time had passed.
People could make plans for things to happen at a certain
time, eg meeting someone, and when things are going
Listening to happen, eg what time a film starts, when a train or
aeroplane leaves, etc.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to part of a radio Coins
programme about inventions. Tell them that they have to note We use coins (money) to buy and sell things.
down the order in which they hear about each invention. In the past, people used to swap things. For example, they
• Tell pupils that they have to listen for the words that describe swapped something they made for crops someone else
the things in the photos. had grown. Some strange things had been used as money:
• Remind pupils to number each picture as they hear about shells, flowers, etc.
them rather than trying to answer the questions in order, a Instead of swapping particular things, people could now
to e. choose what they wanted to buy. People could now do
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to number the different kinds of jobs for money, jobs where they didn’t
pictures. make things, but did things for other people.
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
and to fill in any missing answers. Check the answers as a Key
class. We use it to lock doors, to keep things safe or stop people
going into houses or rooms which are private.
Turn to page 116 for the Listening script. People used a long piece of wood or metal placed across
the door on the inside.
Answers People could lock things from both the inside and outside
a2 (This is something else that you wear – a seat.) to keep things safe or private.
b5 (This is another one to do with food. It’s a fork that helps
you eat the right way.)
c3 (… this invention’s really funny. … It’s some steps for Writing
spiders to help them get out of the bath.) • Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph
d1 (The first one is the umbrella hat.) about one of the inventions they talked about in the Speaking
e4 (This is useful for meal times. It’s a small electric fan …) task. Ask them to look back at the Grammar tasks to remind
them of the sentence structures we use to talk about the past.
Speaking • Ask pupils to write down their paragraphs and then get them
to swap books with a partner to proofread what each other
• Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs to talk has written.
about one of the inventions in the pictures. Tell pupils to • Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are
choose one of the pictures and to take turns to ask and short of time.
answer the questions about it.
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are Answers
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at Pupils’ own answers
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
• Ask different pairs to ask and answer the questions about Extra Task (for early finishers)
each of the pictures. If any pairs have chosen the same
picture, ask them if they have anything to add to the answers See photocopiable material on page 132.
already given.
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation. Lesson 2
Suggested Answer
Electric Light Bulb Reading article – missing sentences
We use them to give us enough light to see at night or in a Vocabulary text-related words; choosing the odd
dark room. word out
People used candles or gas lamps before they had electric Grammar present perfect simple and past simple
lights. They used to go to sleep earlier, and get up when the Listening two-option lozenges
sun came up in the morning. Prepositions verbs + for, in, on or with
People can do things more easily at any time of the day or
night. They don’t have to go to bed early. They can travel at
night because there are lights in the streets. Way in
➥ • If you assigned the Writing task in Lesson 1 for homework,
give pupils a few minutes to proofread each other’s paragraph.
Then ask some pupils to read their paragraphs in front of the names are (8: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
class. Uranus and Neptune).
• Check pupils’ spelling of the words they learnt in Lesson 1 by
asking them to write the following words in their notebooks:
electricity, power, expect, follow, save, reflect, rays, lid, create,
degree, temperature. Ask them to swap notebooks with a • Ask the pupils to read through the words and the two possible
partner to check each other’s spelling. Then check that they meanings.
remember the meanings by asking them to make sentences • Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the article in
with each of these words. the Reading text. Ask pupils to find the words in the text and
• Write the verbs make and do on the board and ask pupils to to underline them and then to circle the answer which gives
tell you the phrases they learnt which we use with each verb. the correct meaning of the word in the text.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Reading a class.
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
answers they give. Answers
1 13 (It only takes 13 hours to travel to the moon by rocket.)
Answers 2 reflects (The moon doesn’t make its own light, however – it
reflects light from the sun.)
1 have wanted
3 bigger (The moon looks big, but it is actually about four
2 have visited
times smaller than the Earth.)
3 watched
4 sunlight ( ... the sun’s rays are dangerous to human beings.)
4 Have … been
5 won’t (If people go to live on the moon one day, it won’t be
5 ate
6 has gone
7 Have … contacted
8 haven’t existed
Vocabulary A
• Explain that there are exercises with prepositions at the end
of every second unit in this book. The prepositions we use
• Explain to pupils that they have to look at the groups of words
in English are often difficult to translate into other languages
and decide which word in each set of three is different in some
which don’t have so many prepositions. Tell them that if they
way from the other two. Ask them to look back at the Reading
think of a preposition they use in their own language and look
text and find the words that occur in the Vocabulary exercise,
up the English word in a dictionary they will often find more
as this will help them find some of the answers (observatory,
than one translation. We often use different prepositions
telescope, planet, tool, sign). As some of the vocabulary is new,
before or after different words or phrases and the way to
encourage pupils to use dictionaries as well if they have them.
remember them is to learn these two words together instead
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to encourage discussion, but check
of translating the two separately.
the answers as a class. Ask pupils to explain why each word is
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the verbs and to decide
the odd one out.
which preposition goes after each one. Explain that they will
have to use one of the prepositions more than once. As most
Answers of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries
1 rocket (A telescope is used in an observatory, but a rocket if they have them.
travels in space.) • Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any
2 astronomer (You can see a planet or a star in space, but words they don’t know.
astronomers are people who study planets and stars.)
3 guess (You measure or weigh things to find out exactly Answers
how big or how heavy they are, but you guess something
1 on 4 on
when you don’t know the exact answer.)
2 on 5 for
4 sign (A tool and a gadget are things that help you do a
3 with 6 in
job, but a sign shows us information about something.)
5 tiny (Massive and enormous mean very big, but tiny means
very small.) B
6 calculator (You use a dishwasher or an iron to do • Ask pupils to read the sentences to decide which words from
housework, but you use a calculator to do maths.) A fit the meaning.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
• Ask pupils if they know when the first man walked on the Answers
moon (1969). Ask them how long they think the journey took 1 deal with
(Apollo 11 launched on 16th July, 1969, and the lunar module 2 search for
landed on the moon 20th July, 1969). 3 succeed in
Tell them that Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the 4 concentrate on
moon, said That’s one small step for man… One giant leap 5 depend on
for mankind. Ask them what they think he meant when he 6 congratulates … on
said this.
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and possible
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to someone Teaching Tip
talking about the moon. Encourage pupils to get into the habit of taking notes in
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to circle class. Tell them to start their own list of verbs with the
the correct answers. Ask pupils to discuss their answers prepositions that go with them in their notebooks. Ask
with a partner and to justify the answers they have if they them to write down new words and expressions and their
are different. meanings and to revise their notes on a regular basis to
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers help them remember new vocabulary.
and to fill in any missing answers.
Turn to page 116 for the listening script.
Extra Task (for early finishers)
See photocopiable material on page 132.
Lesson 3 Say it like this!
Objectives Emphasising with so and such
• Read through the grammar rules for so and such and the
Reading article and quiz – open ended questions example sentences to the class. Explain that we use so and
Say it like this! emphasising with so and such such to emphasise the meaning of adjectives or adverbs.
Listening multiple matching • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the dialogue. Then tell
Speaking talking about an invention in a picture them to change the words in red to make a new dialogue
Writing ordering ideas; writing an email about a new using some of the adjectives and adverbs given. After they
gadget have completed the dialogue, ask them to take turns to role
play the parts of Fiona and Greg to practise the language
given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation pattern if
Way in necessary.
• Write the following words from Lesson 2 on the board: being, • Ask each pair to role play their dialogue until all pupils have
contact, discover, distance, exist, space. Ask pupils to say what had the chance to speak.
they mean.
• Check pupils remember how to form the Present Perfect
Simple, and elicit the time expressions we use with this
tense (ever, never, already, just, for, since, yet). Make sure Pupils’ own answers
they remember the differences in the use of have been
and have gone.
• Write for, in, on and with on the board and ask pupils to come Listening
up and write the verbs from Lesson 2 which come before each
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to five children
talking about mobile phones and that they have to match the
speakers 1 to 5 with the statements a to e. Tell pupils that they
have to listen for the words that give the information in the
• Tell pupils that they are going to read an article about science • Tell pupils to read through the statements to underline the key
and technology. Ask them to read the article and the quiz words to help them work out what information to listen for
on their own to find out which two people created the first when they hear the recording.
aeroplane (the Wright Brothers). • Encourage pupils to match each speaker to the statement
• Ask pupils to do the quiz individually, and then to discuss as they hear about them rather than trying to remember the
their answers in pairs. Tell them to reach an agreement on the answers at the end.
answers. • Play the recording all the way to the end. Then play the
• Check the answers as a class awarding one point to each pair recording a second time and ask pupils to check their answers
for each correct answer they have chosen. or to fill in any missing answers.
• Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify
Science and technology quiz their answers.
Turn to page 116 for the listening script.
1b 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b
1b (I’m one of those people who talks on their phone all the
Comprehension time. … they’re always telling me that I use my phone too
• Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the article 2a (I don’t make a lot of phone calls, but I send about 100
and the quiz again so that they know what information to text messages a month!)
look for. 3d (… gave me a mobile phone for my birthday a month ago
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers so I haven’t had it for long.)
as a class. Ask pupils to underline the words which gave them 4e (A lot of the time I forget where I’ve put it.)
the answers. 5c (People my age need mobile phones so they can contact
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words their friends easily.)
from the context before using their dictionaries. Correct their
pronunciation if necessary.
Answers • Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs to talk about the
1 batteries or electricity (… most gadgets that use batteries invention in the picture and to say how it has helped the boy
or electricity) to do his homework.
2 thousands of years ago (Science and technology have • Remind pupils to use the Past Simple, the Past Continuous
existed for a very long time … Even thousands of years and the Present Perfect Simple, and tell them to use the
ago, people were looking for ways to make their lives prompts.
better …) • Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
3 the methods of doing experiments (The methods have carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
changed over the years, but the ideas are the same.) this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
4 3 and 5 (send an email; world wide web) pronunciation.
5 4 (Lesson 2, Reading, paragraph 2: the Hubble Space • Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions and
Telescope) repeat until each pair has had a turn.
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
Teaching Tip
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
Pupils may feel short of ideas if a writing task is about
something they haven’t got or haven’t done personally.
Suggested answer Explain to pupils that they can use their imagination to
The music has helped to relax him and the orange juice has think of something another person has got, or something
given him energy. they have read about on the Internet or seen on TV, and
He has used the pens and pencils to write his homework and then they can write about it as if it were their personal
has used the liquid paper to correct his mistakes. experience.
When he has fallen asleep, a loud sound from the wake up
button has woken him up.
Suggested Answer
Writing Hi Tracy,
How are you? I’m OK and I’ve just used a new gadget to
Ordering ideas read a book.
A I want to tell you about my new e-book reader. It’s a library
• Ask pupils to read the words and phrases we use to organise with a difference! Have you heard of it? I used to have too
our ideas when we’re writing an email or a letter. many books for my room, but now I can read thousands of
• Explain that we can use these words and phrases at the new books on this! It’s great and I love it.
beginning of a sentence to introduce a new idea. Draw pupils’ Let me describe it to you. First of all, it’s white with a grey
attention to the positions of also and too in the example six-inch screen which has a keyboard below it. It’s small and
sentences. Explain that also usually goes before the main verb thin, so it’s easy to carry wherever you go. In addition, I can
or after the verb be, and that too goes at the end of the read magazines and newspapers on it, but I prefer books.
sentence. They’re more interesting.
Finally, it was a little expensive, but my aunt gave it to me
B for my birthday. She found it on a website which she buys
• Ask pupils to read the email and to see whether the gap is books from. Do you want me to send you the address of
at the beginning of a sentence or in different positions in a the website?
sentence. Explain that there may be more than one correct Write soon and tell me your news. Bye for now!
word or phrase for some of the gaps. Joan
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
as a class. When you have checked the answers, ask pupils
what they think of Jason’s trainers. D
• Remind pupils that they should use the correct words and
phrases to put their ideas in order for each part of the email.
Answers • Ask pupils to proofread their emails to double check they
1 Firstly/First of all/To start with have used the correct words and phrases and that their main
2 too points are in a logical order.
3 Secondly/In addition • When you have marked their emails choose some to stick on
4 also the wall and ask pupils to read each other’s when they have
5 Finally time. If you assign this task as homework, give pupils a few
minutes before they do Review 1 to proofread their emails.
C Answers
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss what gadget they are Pupils’ own answers
going to write about and to say why.
• Make sure pupils understand the paragraph plan. Explain that
each paragraph adds a different piece of information to the Extra Task (for early finishers)
email to make it easy to follow.
See photocopiable material on page 132.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the Tip! on the right. Remind them
we use Hi followed by our friend’s first name in an email (eg Hi
Jason). Explain the meaning of formal (if necessary). Project Book
• Ask pupils to use the plan to write an email like the The pupils may do project 2 now they have completed the unit.
one in B. They can also draw or stick on a picture of their The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
new gadget. this book.
• Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework.
Review 1
• Write This is the town where we live. and My favourite city
is Vienna, which is the capital of Austria. on the board. Ask
individual pupils at random to come up and underline the
Objectives relative clauses in each sentence. Then ask pupils which
sentence has a non-defining relative clause and which has a
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 1 and 2 defining relative clause.
• Song • Check that pupils remember when to use the Past Simple
Revision and when to use the Past Continuous. Ask pupils to give you
example sentences with each form. Ask pupils to tell you the
• Explain to pupils that there will be a review after every two time expressions we use with the Past Simple and the time
units in Wonderful World 5. Tell them that Review 1 revises the expressions we use with the Past Continuous (Past Simple: last
material they saw in Units 1 and 2. night/week, two days/weeks ago, in 1999. Past Continuous:
• Explain to pupils that they can ask you for help with the all day yesterday, all morning, at 4 o’clock).
exercises or look back at the units if they’re not sure about an • Write Computers used to be enormous. on the board. Ask
answer, as the review is not a test. pupils to come up and write a sentence with used to in the
• Decide how you will carry out the review. You could ask pupils negative form and a sentence with used to in the question
to do one task at a time and then correct it immediately, or ask form.
pupils to do all the tasks and then correct them together at • Check that pupils remember when to use the Present Perfect
the end. If you do all the tasks together, let pupils know every Simple and when to use the Past Simple. Ask pupils to give you
now and again how much time they have got left to finish the example sentences with each tense.
tasks. • Write The astronauts have gone to the moon. and The astronauts
• Ask pupils not to leave any answers blank and to try to find have been to the moon. on the board and elicit the difference
any answers they aren’t sure about in the units. in the meanings.
• Revise the vocabulary and grammar as a class before pupils do • Check that pupils remember the time expressions that we use
the review. with the Present Perfect Simple. Try to elicit for, since, already,
Vocabulary Revision just, never, ever and yet, and then ask pupils to make sentences
with each of these words.
• Ask pupils to tell you the words they remember related to • Ask pupils How long have you been at this school? and elicit
travel and different types of landmarks. Try to elicit sculpture, pupils’ own answers.
border, destination, bridge, fountain, market, palace and tunnel.
Ask pupils to make sentences using each of these words or to
explain the meaning in English. Vocabulary
• Ask pupils to tell you as many adjectives as possible to describe
places. Try to elicit prehistoric, massive, powerful, rocky, deep,
• Ask pupils to say each of the words as a class and then
steep, muddy, sandy, shallow, flat, unspoilt, bare, wide and
individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
narrow. Ask pupils to tell you about different places using
• Ask pupils to go to the first page of stickers at the back of the
these adjectives.
book and find the stickers for Review 1. Tell them to decide
• Check that pupils remember the travel-related phrasal verbs
what each sticker shows and to stick it in the correct box.
break down, come back, set off, get on, take off, go away, check
• Check that pupils have put the correct stickers above
in and get in. Say each phrasal verb and ask pupils to give you
each word.
a sentence with each one in turn.
• Check that pupils remember words related to science and B
technology. Try to elicit solar power, electricity, rays, degree, • Ask pupils to read the words in the wordbank and make sure
temperature, being, contact, discover, distance, exist, space and they understand the titles Appliances, Landmarks and Space.
as many words from the odd one out task from Unit 2, Lesson Tell them to look back at Unit 1, Lessons 1 and 2 and Unit 2,
2 as possible. Ask pupils to make sentences using each of Lessons 1 and 2 for a reminder if they need to.
these words or to explain the meaning in English. • Accept the correct words in each column in any order when
• Ask pupils to tell you the phrases they remember beginning checking pupils’ answers.
with do and the phrases beginning with make. Make two
columns on the board with the titles do and make and ask
pupils to put the phrases into each column. Answers
• Ask pupils to tell you which prepositions go with concentrate, Appliances
congratulate, deal, depend, search and succeed. Ask pupils to dishwasher
make sentences using each of these verbs and prepositions. iron
Grammar Revision
• Check that pupils remember when to use the Present Simple bridge
and when to use the Present Continuous. Ask pupils to give palace
you example sentences with each form. tunnel
• Ask pupils to tell you some verbs that we don’t use with
continuous tenses and remind them that we call these stative Space
verbs. alien
• Ask pupils to give you two sentences using see and two star
using think, one in the Present Simple and one in the Present universe
Continuous. Ask them to explain the differences in meaning.
C • Tell pupils to look back at Unit 2, Lesson 1 grammar box and to
• Explain to pupils that they should only write one word to look at the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 for a reminder
replace the word in bold. if they need to.
• Tell pupils to look for clues in the sentences to find the meaning
of the correct word.
1 wasn’t doing
Answers 2 Did … see
1 shallow 3 didn’t have
2 temperature 4 was driving
3 muddy 5 broke down
4 make 6 Was … working
5 doing
6 telescope
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible options
D before trying to choose the answer. Tell them to look for time
• Ask pupils to read the whole sentence and the possible options expressions in the sentences to decide whether the option in
before circling the correct answer. After they have completed the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple is correct.
the exercise, tell them to read the sentences again to make • Tell them to look back at Unit 2, Lesson 2 grammar box for a
sure their answers make sense. reminder if they need to.
Answers Answers
1 Save 1 didn’t have
2 set 2 Have you found
3 discover 3 were
4 do 4 went
5 on 5 has visited
6 off
Grammar • Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about a robot.
A Ask them to read and listen to the song and to find out
• Explain to pupils that they should read the paragraph before how the robot discovered Earth and what he thinks about
trying to write the answers to decide whether they need to use Earth now.
the Present Simple or the Present Continuous and whether the • Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You
verb in brackets is regular or irregular. Tell them to look for any could do this verse by verse and then play it once all the
time expressions which match either tense. way through.
• To finish, ask pupils to look at the picture of the robot
and Earth and to see how many things they can find from
the song.
1 live
2 go When checking pupils’ answers to the review tasks, make a note
3 are planning of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar that they still
4 want have. Try to do extra work on these areas so that your pupils
5 don’t think progress well.
6 doesn’t like
7 is trying
8 is looking
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible options
before trying to choose the answer.
• Tell them to look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 1, Lesson
3 and Unit 2, Lesson 2 for a reminder if they need to.
1b 2b 3a 4a 5b
• Explain to pupils that they should read the sentences before
trying to fill in the gaps to decide which of the verbs in the box
matches the context. Tell them to look for time expressions in
the sentences to decide whether to use the Past Simple or Past
Continuous of the verb from the box.
u r a l W o r l d
The Nat
Extra Class Activity
Ask pupils to work in pairs to make a list of all the kinds of
Way in fish and other animals that they can think of that live in the
sea, rivers or lakes. After they have completed their list, ask
• If you assigned Unit 2, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework,
each pupil to come up and write the name of one animal on
give pupils a few minutes to proofread their emails and to
the board. Continue until every pupil has had a turn to write
check they’ve used the words and phrases to put their ideas
at least one answer and all their ideas are included on the
in order, and they’ve followed the paragraph plan. When you
list on the board.
have marked their emails choose some to stick on the wall so
pupils can read them when they have time.
• Ask pupils to think of as many words as they can to describe
different gadgets. Write their answers on the board as they
say them. Encourage them to find the adjectives or adverbs Lesson 1
they used in their emails and to recall the words they used
in the Say it like this! dialogues in Unit 2, Lesson 3 (amazing,
clever, easily, fascinating, fast, fun, great, small, useful, well).
Reading email – open-ended questions
Quiz Vocabulary
text-related words, environment-related words
present perfect continuous
completing notes
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 26 and 27 and Speaking asking and answering questions about natural
to say what they can see in the photo. Ask them to say what disasters
other words they know for things they might see in the sea Writing writing a paragraph about a natural disaster
and write their answers on the board as they say them. Don’t
teach any new vocabulary at this stage.
• Read the information about the photo on page 26 and teach
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know.
• Ask pupils whether they have ever seen fish like the ones in • Ask pupils what they remember about Robbie from the
the photo before. Tell them to look at the information about Introduction on page 7. Explain that they are going to read an
these fish again to find clues about where they live and what email Paolo sent to Robbie about wildfires in Cortuga.
they eat. Explain that this kind of fish was the main character • Ask pupils to read the email on their own to find out how the
of a popular cartoon film which they might have seen a few volunteers at the Forest Information Centre get around the
years ago, but don’t tell them the name of the film (Finding island (by bicycle).
Nemo) until they have done the quiz.
• Remind pupils that they are not expected to know the answer
to the quiz, and ask them to discuss the question and the Comprehension
options in pairs or small groups and decide what they think is • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the text
the most likely answer. again so that they know what information to look for.
• If pupils are interested, give them further information • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
about clown fish using the information in the Background as a class. Ask pupils to underline where they get the answer
Information box. from in the text so they can justify their answers.
• Encourage pupils to guess any unfamiliar words from the
Background Information context before using their dictionaries. Explain any vocabulary
pupils don’t know and correct their pronunciation if necessary.
There are many different types of clown fish. The fish in the
photo are actually called orange clown fish or anemone fish.
They can grow to be 11 cm in length, but the average is 8 Answers
cm, and both male and female clownfish can be recognized 1 because the winds were blowing at high speeds and
by three white lines across their bright orange bodies. There changing direction all the time (The weather was hot
are different theories about how clown fish can live among and the winds were blowing at high speeds and changing
poisonous anemones without being harmed. One study direction all the time, so the fire spread quickly …)
showed that the clownfish produces a liquid that stops the 2 buy the land where the fire was and build a hotel (A big
anemone from poisoning it. Another idea is that the fish has company wanted to buy the land where the fire was …)
become immune to the sea anemone’s toxins. As well as 3 children and teachers from the local schools (Children and
plankton, the clown fish eats almost anything, including algae teachers from the local schools have volunteered and we
(sea plants), worms, and small crustaceans (crabs, prawns have all been planting new trees …)
etc). Although people like to see these fish in aquariums, it is 4 over a thousand (So far we’ve planted over a thousand trees.)
not easy for them to live in captivity. For further information, 5 at the Forest Information Centre (I’ve also been working
go to www.nationalgeographic.com and look up clown fish. as a volunteer at the Forest Information Centre.)
6 leaflets (… we give out leaflets that encourage people to
look after the forest.)
Vocabulary Vocabulary
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options. • Explain to pupils that they have to match the pictures a
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the email in to h with the words 1 to 8. Encourage pupils to use their
Reading. Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline dictionaries to look up any words they don’t know.
them. Before you explain any words they don’t understand, ask • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
them to guess what the words mean from the context. answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1c 2g 3e 4f 5b 6h 7d 8a
1 build 5 damage
2 put 6 leaflet
3 prevent 7 volunteer Teaching Tip
4 spread 8 axe When pupils have completed a vocabulary task by
matching words to pictures, get them to practise the
Grammar vocabulary with their books closed. Hold up your book,
then point to the pictures at random and ask pupils to
Present Perfect Continuous say what they are. Pupils can also practise in pairs in the
same way.
• Read the first part of the grammar box to the class and ask
pupils to look at the example sentences of the Present Perfect
Continuous. Explain that the Present Perfect Continuous is
formed with have/has been and the –ing form of the main Listening
verb. Point out that we make the question with have/has
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a smokejumper
followed by the subject, then been and then the –ing form of
called Alex, talking about his job and that they are going to
the main verb.
complete the notes. Explain that for questions 1 to 5 the
• Draw pupils’ attention to the time expressions we can use
answers need only one word. For question six they must tick
with the Present Perfect Continuous and to the note about
the correct box. Give pupils a few minutes to read the notes
the use of How long …? Explain that we use How long …? to
and then ask them what kind of information is missing from
ask how much time something has been happening.
each one (1 job, 2 country, 3 means of transport, 4 equipment,
A 5 verb, 6 ✓).
• Ask pupil to look back at the email in Reading. Explain that they • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to fill in their
are going to look for verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check their
and to underline them. answers and to justify any answers they have that are different.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
a class. and to fill in any missing information. Check the answers as a
Extra Class Activity Vocabulary
Ask pupils to write six sentences of their own using each • Explain to pupils that they have to match the pictures a to h
of the words from Vocabulary. Ask them to proofread each with the words 1 to 8.
other’s sentences to check that they have used the words • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task and to match the
correctly. Then ask each pupil to read out one of their words and pictures they already know and then to use their
sentences to the class. Alternatively, this could be set as dictionaries to look up any words that are unfamiliar. Check the
homework. answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
Grammar Answers
1h 2f 3a 4g 5b 6e 7c 8d
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous
• Read the grammar theory to the class and ask individual pupils
to read out the examples. Write on the board: Have you ever Listening
seen a wildfire? underlining ever. Ask pupils which other time
expressions we often use with the Present Perfect Simple • Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to Jane and Ben
(already, just, for, never, since, (not) yet). talking while on a visit to the Natural History Museum.
• Remind pupils that we use How many ...? with the Present • Ask pupils to read through all of the sentences quickly to see
Perfect Simple to ask how many times an action happened. what information they have to listen for. Make sure that they
• Write on the board: How long have you been studying English? understand that they have to write T if the sentence is correct
and ask pupils to answer this question using for or since. or F if it is incorrect.
Remind pupils that we use How long …? with the Present • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to write T or F in
Perfect Continuous to ask how much time something has the boxes.
been happening. Make sure they remember the structures to • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
use with for and since. Elicit the other time expressions we can and to fill in any missing answers.
use with the Present Perfect Continuous (all day/night/week, • Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify
lately, recently). their answers.
Turn to page 117 for the listening script.
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options
and to find any time expressions which go with the Present Teaching Tip
Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous. Tell them
to compare each sentence with the examples in the grammar When pupils do listening exercises, tell them to write
box to see which grammar rule it matches. down the key words they hear as this can help them find
• Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a the answers. When you check the answers with them,
partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different. the key words they wrote down can sometimes help to
• Check the answers as a class. identify misunderstandings which led to their mistakes.
Answers Answers
1 met 4 read 1 T (… about 240 million years ago. At that time the Earth’s
2 been searching 5 been learning climate was quite warm …)
3 watched 6 found 2 F (What is it? A Tyrannosaurus rex? … No, it’s a model of a
… Masiakasaurus.)
B 3 F (It’s a dinosaur egg, silly!)
• Ask pupils to read each sentence to decide whether they 4 T (‘They were hunted by humans and dogs because they
need to use the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect couldn’t fly.’ )
Continuous of the verb in brackets. Tell them to check whether 5 T (Some people say it was because the temperature on
they need to use the affirmative, negative or question form. Earth got colder. Others say a big rock from space hit the
Tell them to think about what other words they need to use Earth and killed them.)
to form the Present Perfect Simple (have/has/haven’t/hasn’t +
past participle) and the Present Perfect Continuous (have/has/
haven’t/hasn’t + been + main verb with -ing). Phrasal Verbs
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Ask pupils to refer back to the information given in Unit 1,
a class. Lesson 2, about phrasal verbs and their structure. Remind
them that the meaning of phrasal verbs cannot be guessed
Answers from the individual meanings of the verb and particle(s), but
1 have you been doing 6 haven’t printed that the context gives them an idea of what the meaning
2 have been working 7 has used should be.
3 haven’t finished 8 have ju st bought • Ask them to find the phrasal verb that occurs in the Reading
4 have been searching 9 have been looking text about dinosaurs (die out).
5 Have … found 10 haven’t started • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and decide
which phrasal verb fits the meaning. Explain that they should
use the verbs in the same form shown in the wordbank.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the
phrasal verbs where necessary.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
Answers from the context before they use their dictionaries. Correct
1 die out 4 get … across their pronunciation where necessary.
2 look into 5 answer for
3 run out of 6 cut down on
1 B (Both children and teachers plant and water the seeds,
Extra Class Activity then they pick the vegetables …)
2 B (… they can all enjoy healthy food at lunchtime. ‘School
Ask pupils to write six sentences of their own using each of dinners are tastier than ever before!’)
the phrasal verbs in the wordbank. Ask them to proofread 3 P (... pupils don’t just bring their books to school – they
each other’s sentences to check that they have used the bring their rubbish too!)
phrasal verbs correctly. Then ask each pupil to read out one 4 T (The teachers give a prize every month ...)
of their sentences to the class. Alternatively, this could be 5 P (Now every child has planted their own tree ...)
set as homework. 6 B (Everyone walks or cycles to Fairfield School!)
compare two or more things or actions. Then ask them to find
the superlatives (the hardest, the least beautiful). Remind them
that this form is used because they are talking about more
• Tell pupils that they are going to read about what some than two things or actions.
teachers and pupils are doing to help the environment. Ask • Remind pupils that another way of making comparisons is
pupils whether the teachers and pupils at their school have with as ... as. In the affirmative we use as ... as to compare
done anything to help the environment, and what other things that are the same, eg Jane is as tall as Peter. In the
things they do personally. Then ask pupils to read the article negative it is used to show a difference, eg Peter isn’t as tall as
on their own to find out who gets a prize every month (The his father. Point out that when we use as ... as the adjective or
pupil who’s tried the hardest to recycle.). adverb doesn’t change form.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the list of irregular adjectives
Comprehension and adverbs and tell pupils that they need to learn these
comparatives and superlatives by heart.
• Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the diary • Ask pupils to read each sentence to decide whether they need
page again so that they know what information to look for. to use the comparative or the superlative of the adjective or
• Ask pupils to underline the words that gave them the answers. adverb in brackets. Tell them to pay attention to any spelling
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as changes necessary at the end of some words. Tell them to
a class.
use the list of irregular adjectives and adverbs in the grammar
box to decide whether the words in brackets are regular or Suggested answer
irregular. Dear Sir or Madam,
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as I read the article about recycling in the school magazine
a class. last week and I agree with what it said. I really believe that
recycling is important for our environment.
Answers Unfortunately, people in our country don’t recycle enough.
1 harder 5 cheaper In my opinion, they don’t understand that recycling bottles,
2 the biggest 6 the nearest cans and paper can save energy and help our environment.
3 more frequently 7 further I use recycled paper for school. I never throw away pages in
4 faster 8 the most beautiful my notebooks that I haven’t written on. I also use the back
of old test papers to write notes on.
Teachers should encourage pupils to recycle paper and
Writing schools should also give pupils school books made from
recycled paper. Some people say teachers should tell pupils
Giving your opinion not to write on these books so that another class can use
A them the next year. I agree with that. I think it will save a lot
• Ask pupils to read the words and phrases we use to give of trees.
our opinion about something. Explain that we usually use Fortunately, some people have started to recycle things, but
expressions like these in formal letters or emails. everybody should do it. What do other pupils think?
• Explain the meanings of any words that pupils don’t know.
Yours faithfully,
Draw their attention to the use of really, explaining that
we can use adverbs like this (eg honestly, truly, strongly) to Steven Turpin
emphasise what we think or believe.
• Ask pupils to read the letter and to see which words come after • Remind pupils that they should use the words and expressions
each gap to help them decide which words fit the meaning. from Writing A to give their opinions.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Ask pupils to proofread their letters and to pay attention to
a class. the ordering of the points mentioned.
• When you have marked their letters, choose some to stick on
the wall so they can read them when they have time.
Answers • If you assign the task as homework, give pupils a few minutes
1 believe 3 In my opinion at the beginning of the next lesson to proofread their letters.
2 it is true 4 I agree
Extra Task (for early finishers)
• Explain that we can also use the Past Perfect Simple to talk
about something that happened before a specific time in the
Teaching Tip
past. Write on the board: Theseus had killed the Minotaur by
Use the pictures around reading texts as a basis for class the end of the day. Underline had killed and elicit the specific
discussion. For example, in this Reading, encourage pupils time this action happened (by the end of the day). Add this
to discuss whether they have visited an ancient historical example to the time line on the board, by writing had killed
site and if so, what they remember about it. below the time line at the same point as had promised, then
add by the end of the day below came.
• Point out that we make the Past Perfect Simple with had + the
Comprehension past participle of the main verb. Draw pupils’ attention to the
list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 and tell them to look
• Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the story back at this list to remind them of the past participles.
again so that they know what information to look for. • Ask pupils to read the forms of the Past Perfect Simple and
• Ask pupils to underline the parts of the story which gave the time expressions. Ask them to work in pairs to make one
them their answers. example sentence using the Past Perfect Simple with each of
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers the time expressions. Ask some pupils to read their sentences
as a class. to the class, and correct where necessary.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before using their dictionaries. Correct their A
pronunciation where necessary. • Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options. Tell
them to compare each sentence with the example sentences
and the affirmative, negative and question forms of the Past
Answers Perfect Simple in the grammar box and to read through the
1 M (These poor people were eaten by the Minotaur.) time expressions to see which option is correct.
2 T (Theseus, the brave son of the king of Athens.) • Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
3 A (… Ariadne decided to help Theseus.) partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
4 M (… to help him find his way out of the labyrinth, where • Check the answers as a class
the Minotaur lived.)
5 A (Ariadne and her sister Phaedra also went back with
them.) Answers
6 T (Theseus had forgotten to put up a white sail before they 1 lost 4 by
left Crete.) 2 had visited 5 existed
3 Robbie heard 6 hadn’t heard
Vocabulary B
• Ask pupils to read the sentences and decide which words • Remind pupils that we make the Past Perfect Simple with had
fit the situation. Explain that the words appear in the story. + the past participle of the main verb, and that this is the same
Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline them. for all subjects.
Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of words from the • Ask pupils to read each sentence to decide which verb fits the
context before checking the meanings in their dictionaries. situation.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers • Tell them to decide whether each sentence is affirmative,
as a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. negative or a question and whether each verb is regular or
irregular. Remind them to use the list on pages 128-9 to help
them find the past participles of irregular verbs.
Answers • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
1 legend 4 brave a class.
2 labyrinth 5 war
3 bull 6 sails
1 had left / ’d left 4 had pulled / ‘d pulled
Grammar 2 Has … heard
3 hadn’t read
5 Had … studied
6 hadn’t seen
• Read the first part of the Grammar box to the class. Write on
the board:
Before he sailed for Crete, Theseus had promised his father to put Vocabulary
up a white sail on his return. A
Underline the verbs in he Past Perfect and Past Simple in this • Explain to pupils that we can give some adjectives a negative
example (had promised, sailed). meaning by adding dis-, im-, ir- or un- at the start of the word.
Ask pupils to tell you whether Theseus promised to put up a Write on the board: happy, satisfied, regular and possible and
white sail or sailed to Crete first (he promised to put up a white ask pupils if they can make the opposites of any of these
sail). Explain that the Past Perfect Simple is used because it adjectives. Add the prefixes in front of each word on the
is about something that happened before another action in board to show the answers (unhappy, dissatisfied, irregular,
the past. Draw the time line below on the board to show the impossible).
chronological sequence of the two actions in the example. • Explain that we can also change the ending of some adjectives
had sailed that end with –ful to –less to give a negative meaning.
promised • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the adjectives and to decide
which letters they need to add to or change to make the
PAST NOW opposites. As most of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils
to use dictionaries if they have them.
• Check the answers as a class and make sure that pupils • Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
understand the meanings of the words. carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
• Ask different pairs to ask and answer the questions about
1 careless 4 impatient each of the expressions. If any pairs have chosen the same
2 dishonest 5 unpleasant expression, ask them if they have anything to add to the
3 unkind 6 irresponsible answers already given.
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
B without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
• Explain to pupils that they have to match the adjectives 1 to them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
5 with the adjectives a to e that have the opposite meaning.
Tell pupils to match the words that they already know first and Suggested answers
then to use their dictionaries to look up any words they don’t
know. Herculean task: This comes from the Greek legend of
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the Hercules, who was very strong and did a lot of difficult tasks
answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary. that the Gods told him to do. It means that a job is very
difficult or needs a lot of strength.
Achilles’ heel: This comes from the legend of Achilles, who
Answers died when an enemy’s arrow hit him on his heel. It means a
1c 2e 3d 4a 5b person’s weakest point.
Pandora’s box: This comes from the Greek myth about
Pandora, who was the first woman made by the Gods. The
Extra Class Activity Gods gave her a box which she opened up to see what was
Ask pupils to write three sentences about a character they inside, and all the evil things in the world came out of the
have read a myth or legend about. Tell them to use as many box and she couldn’t close it in time to stop them. Only
of the adjectives as they can from Vocabulary A and B to Hope was left behind in the box. It might mean something
describe them and to give reasons to show why this describes that looks harmless can cause a lot of problems which can
them. Ask them to work in pairs and then ask different pupils get out of control quickly.
to read some of their sentences to the class. The Midas touch: This comes from the legend of King
Midas, who made a wish for everything that he touched
to turn to gold. It means that somebody can make a lot of
Listening money easily.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to hear the story of the
legendary King Arthur and his parents. Tell them that they
are going to note down the order in which they hear about
each event. • Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph
• Tell pupils that they have to listen for the words that refer to about one of the myths or legends that they talked about in
what they see in the photos. the Speaking task. Ask them to look back at the Grammar and
• Remind pupils to number each picture as they hear about them Vocabulary tasks to remind them of the sentence structures
rather than trying to find the answers in order from a to f. for talking about actions in the past and the adjectives to
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to number describe people.
the pictures. • Ask pupils to write down their paragraphs and then get them
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers to swap books with a partner so that they can proofread what
and to fill in any missing answers. each other has written.
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are
Turn to page 117 for the listening script.
short of time.
a4 (Many years later King Uther became ill and died.) Teaching Tip
b6 (Arthur, who was then 15 years old, saw the sword in the Remind pupils to revise new vocabulary on a regular basis.
stone and pulled it out.) Tell them to use as many of the new words as they can
c2 (They got married and had a baby son called Arthur.) when they do their writing tasks.
d3 (Merlin took baby Arthur and gave him to another
family …)
e1 (Uther loved a woman called Igraine, who was kind and
pleasant.) Answers
f5 (Many people tried to pull the sword out of the stone …) Pupils’ own answers
Lesson 2 Extra Class Activity
Objectives Ask pupils to work in pairs to talk about what they think is
good or bad about travelling by plane. Tell them to think of
Reading article – missing sentences at least two good things and two bad things and to give
Vocabulary text-related words; expressions with get reasons. Then encourage them to discuss their ideas as a
Grammar past simple and past perfect simple class.
Listening completing a table
Prepositions adjectives + at, for, in or of
Way in • Tell pupils to read the meanings and to write as many of
• If you assigned the Writing task in Lesson 1 for homework, the answers as they can before they read the article again.
give pupils a few minutes to proofread each other’s sentences Then tell them to read the article again to find the words and
to check they have used the sentences structures for talking underline them. Encourage pupils to guess the meanings of
about actions in the past and adjectives for describing the words from the context before they use their dictionaries
people correctly. to look up any words they don’t know.
• Write the following anagrams on the board: • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
nilthbary lulb
glende raw
words Answers
Ask pupils to work in pairs to find the words that they learnt in 1 land 4 headed for
Lesson 1, and then ask them to come up and write the words 2 navigator 5 fuel
next to their anagram (labyrinth, legend, sword, bull, war). 3 took off 6 crashed
• Ask pupils to write down the opposites of the adjectives
careful, honest, kind, patient, pleasant, responsible, brave,
generous, miserable, weak and wise.
• Ask pupils to read the title of the Reading text and to look at
the photo next to it to decide what this lesson is about. • Read the Grammar box to the class. Ask pupils to underline
the verbs in the example sentence. Ask pupils to tell you which
Reading tenses these verbs are (crashed = Past Simple; had run out of =
Past Perfect Simple).
Draw the time line below on the board:
• Tell pupils that they are going to read an article about a
woman who disappeared over the Pacific Ocean in 1937. had run crashed
Ask pupils to look at the photo of the woman and to guess out of
her job (pilot). Then ask pupils to read the article on their
own and to say what they think happened to her (Pupils’ PAST NOW
own answers).
Comprehension Ask pupils to come up and write the verbs in the correct
position on the time line (had run out of = above mark left of
centre; crashed = above the mark right of centre.
• Ask pupils to read the missing sentences before they read the
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to write two sentences about what
article again. This way they will have more of an idea about
they think happened to Amelia Earhart, the woman that they
what information is missing and where it might be likely to go.
read about on page 38. Tell them to write one verb in the Past
Ask pupils to look at the sentences before and after the gap to
Simple and the other in the Past Perfect Simple to show which
find clues and references (eg linking words, pronouns, similar
action happened before the other. Ask pupils to read one of
vocabulary, etc) that will help them fill the gap correctly.
their sentences to the class until every pupil has had a chance
• Once they have filled the gaps, tell pupils to read through the
to speak.
article again with the sentences they have chosen to make
• Ask pupils to read the paragraph and to decide whether the
sure that it makes sense.
verb in brackets is about an action that happened before
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
another action mentioned in the same sentence. Tell them to
a class.
think about what words they need to use to form the Past
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
Perfect Simple (had + the past participle of the main verb) and
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
the Past Simple (the main verb + -ed). Remind them that they
Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
can use the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 to find the
Past Simple and past participle of any irregular verbs.
Answers • Explain that the answers include affirmative and negative
1d 2c 3a 4e 5b sentences.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Guess what!
• Ask pupils to read the information in the Guess what! feature.
Ask them whether they have travelled by plane or helicopter
and how many different types of aircraft they have been in.
• Explain any vocabulary pupils don’t know and correct their
pronunciation where necessary.
Answers Answers
1 was 6 noticed 1 of 5 of
2 had/’d just said 7 hadn’t seen 2 of 6 for
3 had/’d invited 8 didn’t know 3 at 7 for
4 left 9 disappeared 4 in 8 about
5 had/’d already got 10 had/’d gone
Vocabulary • Ask pupils to read the sentences to decide which words from
A fit the situation.
• Explain that we use the verb get in a lot of everyday expressions • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
in English. Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and a class.
decide which words fit the situation. Explain that they should • Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the
use the verbs in the same form shown in the wordbank. adjectives and prepositions from the task. Ask each pupil to
• Tell pupils to write the answers they are sure about on their read out one of their sentences until every pupil has had a
own and then to work in pairs to discuss their answers and chance to speak.
complete the task. Encourage pupils to look up the meanings
of any words they don’t know in their dictionaries. Answers
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the
1 responsible for 5 capable of
expressions where necessary.
2 afraid of 6 suitable for
3 jealous of 7 interested in
Answers 4 worried about 8 good at
1 got a job 4 got a surprise
2 get a reply 5 get the impression
3 get a chance 6 get home Extra Task (for early finishers)
See photocopiable material on page 134.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to hear a person talking
about two mysteries. Ask them to look at the table to work Lesson 3
out what information they need to listen out for. Objectives
• Tell pupils that they will hear the information in the order it
appears on the table and that they should write a word or
Reading story – open ended questions
short phrase in each gap.
Say it like this! talking about plans that change
• Play the recording and ask pupils to write their answers. Ask
Listening circling the correct words
them to discuss their answers with a partner and to justify any
Speaking talking about which books are suitable for
answers they have that are different.
different people
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
Writing words and expressions to show narrative
and to fill in any missing information.
sequence; writing a story or a myth that you
Turn to page 117 for the listening script. know
Answers Way in
1 Atlantic Ocean (… the Bermuda Triangle is an area in the • Write land, navigator, take off, head for, crash and fuel on the
Atlantic Ocean …) board and ask pupils to tell you the meanings they learnt in
2 disappearances (… there have been many disappearances Lesson 2.
of ships and planes.) • Ask pupils to tell you sentences using the different expressions
3 1945 (… began in 1945 …) they learnt with get (get a chance, get a reply, get home, get the
4 Texas, USA (Another place where unusual things happen is impression, get a job, get a surprise).
Texas in the USA.) • Write the prepositions about, at, for, in and of on the board
5 in the 1940s / many years ago (… many years ago. Many and elicit the adjectives that go with each of these (worried
pilots trained in this area in the 1940s …?) about, good at, responsible/suitable for, interested in, afraid/
6 yes (Seventy years later, no-one can explain what the lights capable/jealous of).
are and why they exist. The mystery continues …) • Ask pupils to read the phrase ‘Once upon a time …’ that
introduces the Reading text and to say what kind of text often
begins with these words (a children’s story or a fairy tale).
A Reading
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the adjectives and to decide
• Tell pupils that they are going to read a story from Africa. Ask
which preposition goes after each one. Explain that they will
pupils whether they have read any stories from Africa before.
have to use some of the prepositions more than once. As most
Then ask pupils to read the story on their own to decide which
of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries
is the best title (c).
if they have them.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any
words they don’t know.
Comprehension Answers
1b (… she’ll be twelve in a few days)
• Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the story
2c (… her mum told me she’s read them all.)
again so that they know what information to look for.
3b (… this one might be suitable for her. And it isn’t expensive …
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
This book’s a bit dirty, though.)
as a class. Ask them to underline the parts of the text which
4c (Now this is the kind of book I love! Ancient Greek Myths
justify their answers.
and Legends.)
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
5a (That one isn’t very popular with kids these days. They
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
usually prefer more modern books ... Oh, I’m not worried
Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
about that. It’s an amazing book.)
1 He was clever, but not wise. (Anansi the spider knew that he Speaking
was very clever, but he also knew that he wasn’t wise.)
2 the people of the village (He went around the village and • Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs to talk about the
asked each person to give him some of their wisdom.) books in the pictures and to say which ones are suitable for
3 because they knew he needed wisdom the most (The themselves, their family members, and their best friends.
people laughed at Anansi because they knew that, of all • Remind pupils to give reasons for their answers.
the creatures, he needed wisdom the most.) • Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
4 because he had tied it to the front part of his body (When carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
he had tied the basket to the front part of his body, he tried this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
to climb the tree, but it was too difficult.) pronunciation.
5 because his baby son was wiser than him (I walked all over • Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions and
the village and collected so much wisdom that I am the repeat until each pair has had a turn.
wisest person ever, but my baby son is still wiser than me.) • Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
6 It went all over the world. (… he threw the basket of without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
wisdom into the air … that’s how wisdom went all over them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
the world.)
Suggested answer
Say it like this! The best book for my little sister is ‘The Silly Princess’, because
she likes fairy stories and she is a happy person who likes to
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the structures and laugh a lot.
example sentences. Then tell them to take turns to talk about I think the most suitable book for my mum is ‘Fascinating
themselves and things they were or weren’t supposed to do, Places’ because she likes to travel.
or were or weren’t going to do. Remind them to practise the ‘The Truth about Space’ is the most suitable book for my
language given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation brother, because he is interested is space travel.
pattern if necessary. ‘Legends from around the World’ is the perfect book for my
• As a class, ask each pupil to say one thing they were/weren’t best friend, because she’s very interested in old myths and
supposed to do and one thing they were/weren’t going to do, legends.
until all pupils have had the chance to speak. For my dad, the most suitable book is ‘101 Silly Jokes’
because he’s always telling jokes.
Answers For me the best book is the Harry Potter book, because I like
fantastic stories with adventure and magic.
Pupils’ own answers
B Simple to describe actions that happened in the past. Remind
• Ask pupils to read the story and the possible options and to them to use the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 to find
look for clues to decide which option fits the situation. For the Past Simple and past participles of irregular verbs where
example, does the word or expression introduce an event necessary.
that comes before other events or one that follows other • Ask pupils to proofread their stories and to pay attention to
events. Check also to see whether the word/phrase needs the the ordering of the points mentioned.
continuous or the simple form of the past. • When you have marked their stories or myths, choose some to
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers stick on the wall so that pupils can read them when they have
as a class. When you have checked the answers, ask pupils time.
whether they have heard this story before. • Alternatively, if you are short of time, you could assign this
task as homework.
Answers • If you assign this task as homework, give pupils a few minutes
before they do Review 2 to proofread their stories.
1 Once upon 5 A few days
2 While 6 Then
3 one day 7 In the end Extra Task (for early finishers)
4 As soon as See photocopiable material on page 134.
Suggested answer
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Aladdin. He lived
with his mother. His father was dead and the family had no
One day, a mysterious man visited Aladdin. He said that he
was Aladdin’s uncle. He said that he would make Aladdin a
millionaire! The man took him into the desert and showed
him a cave. He gave him a ring and asked him to find an old
Aladdin went into the cave. He found the old lamp but he
was trapped inside the cave. He rubbed his hands together
and a genie appeared. It was the genie of the ring. The genie
took Aladdin home.
As soon as he got home, Aladdin cleaned the lamp. Another
genie appeared. This genie said he could help Aladdin. Soon,
Aladdin became a rich man. A few months later, he married
the king’s daughter.
The mysterious man was very angry when he heard about
Aladdin’s success. He pretended to be a poor man. He
offered the princess a new lamp and took away the old one
with the genie inside. He told the genie to take Aladdin’s
palace and the princess to his own country.
The genie of the ring helped Aladdin to travel to the
mysterious man’s country to find the princess. He fought
the man and rescued the princess. The genie of the lamp
moved the palace again and Aladdin and the princess had a
happy life together.
• Remind pupils that they should use the correct words and
phrases to show the narrative sequence in their story.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the Tip! on the right. Remind them
that we use the Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect
Review 2
verb work in the Present Perfect Continuous in the first and
third person. Check that pupils remember when to use the
Present Perfect Continuous form and ask them to tell you the
Objectives time expressions we use with this tense (all day/night/week,
for years/a long time/long, lately, recently, since, how long).
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 3 and 4 Then ask pupils to make sentences using the Present Perfect
• Song Continuous with these time expressions.
• Ask pupils to tell you which tense we use to say how much
or how many times something has happened (Present Perfect
• Explain to pupils that the tasks in Review 2 are based on the Simple).
material they saw in Units 3 and 4. • Write
• Remind pupils that they can ask you for help with the exercises good/well
or look back at the units if they’re not sure about an answer, bad/badly
as the review is not a test. far
• Decide how you will carry out the review. You could ask pupils many/much
to do one task at a time and then correct it immediately, or ask little
pupils to do all the tasks and then correct them together at on the board and ask pupils to come up and write the
the end. If you do all the tasks together, let pupils know every comparative and superlative forms.
now and again how much time they have got left to finish the • Write Mary had finished her homework by 7 o’clock in the
tasks. evening. and ask pupils what tense the verb is. Check that
• Ask pupils not to leave any answers blank and to try to find pupils remember when to use the Past Perfect Simple and
any answers they aren’t sure about in the units. which words we use to make this tense. Ask pupils to tell you
• Revise the vocabulary and grammar as a class before pupils do the time expressions we use with the Past Perfect Simple (after,
the review. already, before, by, never) and to give you example sentences
using them.
Vocabulary Revision • Check that pupils remember when to use the Present Perfect
• Ask pupils to write sentences with the words build, put out, Simple and when to use the Past Simple. Ask pupils to give you
prevent, spread, damage, leaflet, volunteer and axe. example sentences with both tenses.
• Write the headings Natural disasters and Parts of an animal
on the board and ask pupils to come up and write the words
they remember related to these headings (Natural disasters:
wildfire, hurricane, flood, earthquake, drought, storm, tsunami. A
Parts of an animal: beak, claw, horn, scales, tail, wing, paw, fur). • Ask pupils to say each of the words as a class and then
• Check that pupils remember the phrasal verbs answer for, cut individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
down on, die out, get across, look into and run out of. Say each • Ask pupils to go to the first page of stickers at the back of the
phrasal verb and ask pupils to give you a sentence with each book and find the stickers for Review 2. Tell them to decide
one in turn. what each sticker shows and to stick it in the correct box.
• Write careful, honest, kind, patient, pleasant and responsible on • Check that pupils have put the correct stickers above each
the board and ask pupils to tell you how to make the opposite word.
of each adjective.
• Ask pupils to tell you the opposite of strong, foolish, cowardly, B
cheerful and mean. • Tell pupils to draw lines between the words 1 to 6 and the
• Check that pupils remember the mythology-related words words a to f.
from Unit 2, Lesson 1. Try to elicit bull, labyrinth, legend, sails, • Ask pupils to tell you whether these phrases have a positive or
sword and war. Ask pupils to make sentences using each of a negative meaning.
these words.
• Check that pupils remember the words related to flying a plane
from Unit 2, Lesson 2. Try to elicit land, navigator, take off,
head for, crash and fuel. Ask pupils to make sentences using 1c 2a 3f 4d 5b 6e
each of these words or to explain the meanings in English.
• Ask pupils to tell you the phrases they remember beginning
with get. Try to elicit get home, get a reply, get a chance, get the
• Tell pupils to think about how the words in each group relate
impression, get a job and get a surprise.
to one another so that they can decide which word doesn’t
• Ask pupils to tell you which prepositions go with afraid, capable,
belong in the group.
good, interested, jealous, responsible, suitable and worried. Ask
• When checking pupils’ answers, ask them to tell you why the
pupils to make sentences using each of these phrases.
words they have chosen are the odd ones out.
Grammar Revision
• Write I and She on the board and ask pupils to come up and
write the affirmative, negative and question forms of the
• Remind pupils to use the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9
Answers to find the past participle and tell them to look back at Unit 4
1 cowardly (Kind and generous have positive meanings, but Lesson 1 grammar box for a reminder if they need to.
cowardly has a negative meaning.)
2 wisdom (A legend and a myth are kinds of stories from
the past, but wisdom is knowledge gained with time and
experience.) 1 had woken up 4 Had you learnt
3 damage (A plane takes off and lands, but to damage 2 had forgotten 5 had built
something means you do something bad to it or break 3 had already read 6 had never been
4 brave (Careless and irresponsible have negative meanings,
but brave has a positive meaning.)
• Explain to pupils that they should read the story before trying
5 drought (A hurricane is a kind of storm, but a drought
to fill in the gaps to decide which of the verbs in the box
happens when it hasn’t rained for a long time and there
matches the context. Tell them to look for time expressions in
isn’t enough water.)
the sentences to decide whether to use the Past Simple or the
6 fur (A bone and a horn are both very hard parts of an
Past Perfect Simple of the verbs from the box.
animal, but fur is soft animal hair.)
• Remind pupils to use the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9
to find the past participles and tell them to look back at Unit
D 4, Lesson 2 grammar box for a reminder if they need to.
• Explain to pupils that they should write the missing nouns and
adjectives to complete the table. Answers
1 had … gone 5 got
Answers 2 heard 6 saw
1 poisonous 4 responsibility 3 had forgotten 7 had … been
2 flight 5 appearance 4 Had … climbed 8 ran
3 wise 6 courage
Grammar • Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about the giant,
A Finn MacCool. Ask them to read and listen to the song and to
• Explain to pupils that they should read the sentences before find out why the giant made the causeway.
trying to fill in the gaps to decide which of the verbs in the box • Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You could do
matches the context. Tell them to look for time expressions in this verse by verse and then play it once all the way through.
the sentences to decide whether to use the Present Perfect • To finish, ask pupils to look at the picture of the giant that
Simple or Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs from the goes with the song and to see how many things they can find
box. from the song.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 3, Lesson 2 grammar box and to When checking pupils’ answers to the review tasks, make a note
look at the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 for a reminder of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar that they still
if they need to. have. Try to do extra work on these areas so that your pupils
progress well.
1 have … finished 5 has been recycling
2 hasn’t given out 6 hasn’t put out
3 have been cleaning 7 Have … been doing
4 Has … caught 8 haven’t been working
• Tell pupils to read each sentence to decide whether to change
the word in bold to an adjective or an adverb and whether it
should be comparative or superlative.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 3 Lesson 3 grammar box for a
reminder if they need to.
1 longer 5 quickly
2 less 6 strangest
3 better 7 least
4 healthily 8 well
• Tell pupils to read each sentence before trying to write the
answer to see whether they need to write the affirmative,
negative or question form of the Past Perfect of the verb in
brackets to make sure they get the correct word order.
but didn’t reach the South Pole. He made two more trips to
Antarctica, in 1914-17 and 1921. He died of a heart attack
there during the 1921 trip. For further information, go to
Way in
www.nationalgeographic.com and look up Antarctica.
• If you assigned Unit 4, Lesson 3 Writing task for homework,
then give pupils a few minutes to proofread each other’s
stories and myths and check that they’ve used the past tenses
and phrases that show narrative sequence correctly. When you Answer
have marked their work, choose some to stick on the wall so c
pupils can read them when they have time.
• Write get on the board and ask pupils to tell you the
expressions with get they learnt in Unit 4, Lesson 2 (get a
chance/a reply/home/the impression/a job/a surprise), then ask Lesson 1
them to write sentences using these expressions. Ask pupils to
check each other’s sentences to see that the expressions have Objectives
been correctly used, and ask individual pupils to read out their
sentences to the class. Reading dialogue – right, wrong or doesn’t say statements
• Tell pupils that this lesson is about ambitions people have for a Vocabulary text-related words, occupations and qualifications
job or career in the future. Grammar future simple, be going to
Listening gap-filling job advertisements
Quiz Speaking
talking about future careers
writing a paragraph about the perfect job
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 44 and 45 and to
say what they can see in the photo.
• Read the information about the photo on page 44 and teach Reading
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know. Ask pupils whether
they would like to climb a mountain like the one in the photo. • Explain to pupils that they are going to read dialogues involving
If there is a map in the classroom, ask pupils to find the Jake, the school careers officer and a girl called Lucy.
places mentioned (Alaska, the North Pole, Antarctica and the • Ask pupils who they think Lucy is and what she does
Himalayan mountains). (possible answers: another pupil at the school, the editor of the
• Ask pupils whether they have heard or read about any newspaper).
explorers who were the first people to get to remote parts of • Ask pupils to read the dialogues on their own to find out why
the world. Jake goes to see the careers officer again (to interview him/
• Remind pupils that they are not expected to know the answers her).
to these general knowledge questions, but ask pupils to work
in pairs or small groups to discuss what they think might be Comprehension
the right answer to the quiz.
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about • Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the dialogues
these explorers using the information in the Background again so that they know what information to look for.
Information box. • Ask pupils to underline the words which gave them the
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Background Information
a class.
Robert Falcon Scott was an officer in the British Navy who • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
tried twice to be the first person to get to the South Pole. from the context, then to use their dictionaries if they have
On his second attempt, he arrived there on 17 January one. Explain any vocabulary pupils still don’t know and correct
1912, but he found out that Roald Amundsen had got there their pronunciation where necessary.
before him. Scott and the four people who were travelling
with him all died on the way back from the South Pole
because of tiredness and the freezing cold, and they had
also run out of food. 1 W (… what will this glamorous, well-paid job be? … Er, I’m
Roald Amundsen was an explorer from Norway. At first, not sure yet.)
he wanted to be the first person to get to the North Pole, 2 DS
but when he heard that two other explorers had already 3 R (Have you thought about becoming a journalist? … No.
done this, he decided to go to the South Pole. When he left What qualifications do you need?)
Norway on his ship, he had only told his brother and one 4 R (Can you interview someone with an unusual job and
other person about his new plan because he didn’t want write an article about it?)
Scott to know that he was also going to the South Pole. He 5 DS
arrived at the South Pole on 14th December, 1911, which
was 34 days before Scott.
Ernest Shackleton, an Irishman, went to Antarctica in 1909, Vocabulary
➥ • Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options.
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the dialogues
in Reading. Ask pupils to find the words in the dialogues and Answers
underline them. Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of ... you’re going to do ...
unfamiliar words before they use their dictionaries to look up I’m going to earn ...
any words they don’t know. We’re going to do …
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as Meaning: a
a class.
Answers • Ask pupils to read the email to decide whether they need to
1 ambitious 4 experienced use will or be going to with the verb in brackets. Tell them to
2 qualifications 5 well-paid look back at the examples in the grammar boxes to see which
3 police rule matches each situation.
• Explain that the answers include affirmative, negative and
question forms.
Extra Class Activity • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Ask pupils to write sentences using the five incorrect a class.
options from the Vocabulary task. Then ask each pupil to
read out one of their sentences to the class to check their Answers
understanding of each word. 1 ‘m/am going to work 4 will have
2 is going to open 5 ‘m/am going to study
Future Simple
• Read the uses and examples of the Future Simple in the
grammar box to the class. Remind pupils that we make the • Remind pupils that they have to look at the groups of words
Future Simple with will/won’t + the infinitive without to of and decide which word in each set of three is different in some
the main verb (bare infinitive), and that this is the same for all way from the other two. Tell them that some of the words are
subjects. in the Reading text (career, course, criminal, degree, interview,
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to make one new example sentence journalist and university). Ask them to find these words in the
for each of the uses a-e. Ask pupils to read out their examples text and underline them, as this will help them do the odd-
to the class for each use. Correct any structural errors where word-out exercise. Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of
necessary. unfamiliar words from the context. As some of the vocabulary
is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they have them.
Be going to • Ask pupils to work in pairs to encourage discussion, but check
• Read the uses and examples of be going to in the grammar box the answers as a class. Ask pupils to explain why the words
to the class. Remind pupils that be going to is followed by the they have chosen are the odd ones out.
bare infinitive of the main verb and that we only change the
verb be to match the subject. Answers
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to make one new example
1 criminal (A journalist and a gardener do regular paid jobs,
sentence for each of the uses a and b. Ask pupils to read out
but a criminal is a person who does something illegal.)
their examples to the class for each use. Correct any structural
2 business (A degree and a diploma are types of qualifications,
errors where necessary.
but business is work that produces, buys and sells goods
A and services.)
• Ask pupils to read through the dialogues on page 46 again to 3 interview (An interview is a type of meeting where
find and underline the examples of the Future Simple. somebody answers questions about something, but a
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to decide which of the uses of the university and a college are places where people go to
Future Simple match each sentence which they underlined. study.)
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the 4 career (People do training or go on a course to learn how
answers they give. to do a job, but a career is the type of work they choose
to do.)
5 worker (An employer and a boss are the people who tell a
Answers worker what to do.)
And what will this glamorous, well-paid job be? (a) 6 writer (Occupation and profession refer to types of work
I’ll go to their offices straight away … (b) that people do ( eg doctor, lawyer), but writer is a specific
I hope you’ll give me a chance. (e) job.)
Will you answer a few questions for me? (d) 7 advert (An advert tells people about a product, an
Use not included: c event, or a job and can be found in newspapers, on TV,
on posters, etc, but salary and pay are the money that
people get for doing their job.)
B 8 application (Knowledge and skill are what people know or
• Ask pupils to read through the dialogues on page 46 again to can do, but you make an application telling an employer
find and underline the examples of be going to. what knowledge and skills you have in order to get a
• Ask pupils to decide which of the meanings of be going to job.)
match the sentences which they underlined.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Extra Class Activity Answers
To practise the vocabulary pupils have just learnt and to Pupils’ own answers
check that they have understood the meanings and use of
the words, ask pupils to write their own sentences with the
odd words out. Tell them to swap books with a partner and Writing
to proofread each other’s sentences, then go round the class
asking individual pupils to read out a sentence until everyone • Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph
has had a turn. As an alternative, you could ask pupils to about their perfect job. Tell them to use the answers to the
choose two words from the list and to write one sentence questions about their future career in the Speaking task. Ask
which uses both words, eg After university I want a career in them to look back at Vocabulary for words related to jobs and
business. the Grammar tasks to remind them of the verb tenses to talk
about the future.
• Ask pupils to write down their paragraphs and then get them
Answers to swap books with a partner to proofread what each other
has written. Then ask some pupils to read their paragraphs to
Pupils’ own answers the class.
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are
Listening short of time.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a boy and a Answers
girl talking about job adverts. Give pupils a few minutes to Pupils’ own answers
read the adverts and to see what kind of information they
need to listen out for.
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to fill in their Extra Task (for early finishers)
answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check their
answers and to justify any answers they have that are different. See photocopiable material on page 135.
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
and to fill in any missing information. Once you have checked
the answers, ask pupils whether they would like to do any of
these jobs. Lesson 2
Turn to page 118 for the listening script. Objectives
Answers Answers
1 to find out how their lives are being affected as a result 1b 2a 3b 4a 5a 6a
of climate change (… I will be interviewing people who live
in the rainforest. I want to find out how their lives are being
affected as a result of climate change.) Grammar
2 by raising money (I want to raise money for some very
important charities which I support.) Future Continuous
3 people who live in the rainforest (I’m more worried about • Write on the board: During this lesson, we’ll be practising the
human beings than animals, though. The people who live in Future Continuous.
the rainforest aren’t always friendly to strangers!) Ask pupils which words tell us when the action will take place
4 a set of dry clothes, a hammock, a first aid kit, his GPS (During this lesson). Explain that this shows a specific time in the
unit, a few clothes, a very big knife, a toothbrush (… I’ve future which is not only one moment, but it is a longer period
just got the necessary things all in waterproof bags: a set of of time. Explain that the verb is in the Future Continuous to
dry clothes, a hammock, a first aid kit, his GPS unit, a few show us that the action will be in progress at that time.
clothes and a very big knife … the only other luxury I have • Read the rules and the examples in the grammar box and the
is my toothbrush!) forms of the Future Continuous. Point out that we make the
5 spare clothes (… it was too heavy so I had to take out my Future Continuous with will + be + the main verb with –ing,
spare clothes!) and for the negative, we change will to won’t (will not). Draw
6 to learn Portuguese and listen to his favourite singer (I’m pupils’ attention to the word order for the question form
using it to learn Portuguese because I’ll be going to Brazil (will goes before the subject, followed by be + the main verb
soon, and to listen to my favourite singer, Kate Nash.) with –ing), and to short answers. Explain that, like the Future
Simple, the forms of the Future Continuous are the same for
all subjects.
Background Information • Draw pupils’ attention to the time expressions we often use
with the Future Continuous.
Ed Stafford was born in England on 26th December, 1975.
He trained to become an army officer before he became
an explorer. Now he uses his expeditions to discover more Extra Class Activity
about the effects of climate change, and to raise money Ask pupils to look back at the Reading text on page 48 and
for different charities. He supports some of the charities to find verbs in the Future Continuous (I will be interviewing,
which help people in the areas he is exploring: for example, I’ll be going, What will I be doing …?, I’ll be telling). Ask them
Rainforest Concern, Project Peru and Action for Brazil’s which time expressions show us when these actions will be in
Children. He also supports charities which raise money for progress (During the expedition, soon, this time next year). Ask
research into various illnesses. For further information about pupils to choose three different time expressions from the
Ed Stafford, go to www.walkingtheamazon.com grammar box and to tell you three things they will be doing
in the future (eg In a few hours, I’ll be playing basketball.).
Vocabulary • Ask pupils to copy the phrasal verbs into a notebook, and to
do this each time they come across a phrasal verb. Tell them it
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and decide is most useful to write them out in full sentences so they can
which words fit the situation. Explain that some of the words see how and when they are used. Remind them that phrasal
appear in the Reading text. Ask pupils to find the words which verbs have to be learnt by heart because even though the
are in the text and underline them. Ask them to guess from verbs and particles are recognisable individually they change
the context what the words mean. If there are any words they their meaning when put together to make a phrasal verb.
still don’t understand, encourage pupils to look them up in
their dictionaries. Answers
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any 1 up
words that pupils still don’t know where necessary. 2 with
3 up
Answers 4 over
1 sleeping bag 5 off
2 first aid kit 6 down
3 mosquito net
4 GPS unit
5 hairdryer Extra Task (for early finishers)
6 MP3 player See photocopiable material on page 135.
7 hammock
8 fishing rod
Listening Lesson 3
• As a lead-in, ask the class if any of them have been camping,
and what they thought of it. Ask pupils what they would, and
wouldn’t pack if they were going on a camping trip and write Reading descriptions of ambitions – multiple matching
their suggestions on the board. Say it like this! talking about future plans
When they have finished the listening, ask them to say how Grammar future perfect simple
many of the items they suggested were mentioned in the Writing topic sentences; writing an article about
listening. someone you know who has got an ambition
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to Vicky and Roy
talking about a camping trip. Way in
• Ask pupils to read the questions and to find the differences
• Write on the board: tough, purpose, damp, mature and spare.
between the three pictures below each question.
Ask pupils to tell you the meaning of each word that they
• Play the recording and ask pupils to tick the correct answers.
learnt in Lesson 2 Vocabulary and to make a sentence with
• Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
each word to show this meaning.
partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
• Write travel on the board and ask pupils to tell you the
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
affirmative, negative, question and short answer forms of the
and to tick any missing answers.
Future Continuous (will be travelling, won’t be travelling, Will
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify their
(you) be travelling? Yes, I will./No, I won’t.). Remind them that
we use the Future Continuous to talk about things that will be
Turn to page 118 for the listening script. in progress at a specific time in the future. Ask pupils to recall
the time expressions we can use with the Future Continuous
Answers (eg in a few hours/days/etc, this time tomorrow/next week/etc,
during, soon).
1c (My rucksack is full already and I haven’t put my sleeping • Ask pupils to work in pairs to list the different kinds of
bag in yet!) equipment they learnt in Lesson 2 Vocabulary. Ask a pupil
2c (I’ve got three pairs of trousers, five t-shirts, …) from each pair to come up and write one item on the board to
3b (Have you got your MP3 player? …. No, I haven’t …) check the answers as a class (first aid kit, fishing rod, GPS unit,
4c (I can’t find my hat. … Well, I’ve got a spare one if you hairdryer, hammock, mosquito net, MP3 player, sleeping bag).
want.) • Ask pupils to say a sentence with each phrasal verb from
5a (… the weather forecast for this weekend said it will be Lesson 2 after you say each one. Say the phrasal verbs keep up
warm and windy, but it probably won’t rain.) with, put up with, give up, get over, put off and turn down.
• Explain that this lesson is about what ambitions other pupils
Phrasal Verbs like themselves have for the future.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the Reading
options and to decide which option best fits the situation. As
most of the phrasal verbs are new, encourage pupils to use • Tell pupils that they are going to read about what three
dictionaries if they have them as well as looking for clues in the teenagers say they will have done by the age of 25. Ask pupils
rest of the sentence. what kind of things most teenagers dream of doing before
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the they are 25. Then ask pupils to read the three teenagers’
words where necessary. answers on their own to decide who they think will probably
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the succeed in what they want to do (pupils’ own answers).
phrasal verbs. Ask each pupil to read out one of their sentences
until every pupil has had a chance to speak.
Comprehension to the time expressions beginning with by, which we can use
with the Future Perfect Simple.
• Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the texts • Ask pupils to tell you one thing they hope they will have done
again so that they know what information to look for. by the age of twenty five.
• Ask pupils to underline the words in the texts that gave them
the answers.
• Explain to pupils that they should only write one word
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
to replace the word in bold. Tell them to look back at the
a class.
examples in the grammar box to find out why the words in
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
bold are wrong.
from the context before they look them up in their dictionaries.
• Remind pupils to use the list on pages 128-9 to find the past
Explain any vocabulary pupils still don’t understand and correct
participles of irregular verbs if they need to.
their pronunciation where necessary.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1 C (Maybe I will have moved to a foreign country.) Answers
2 L (I’m going to start my own company and be my own
1 have
2 grown
3 T (… people say we’ve got talent. By the time I’m twenty
3 have
five, I hope we will have made two or three CDs and will
4 have
have been on a world tour!)
5 found
4 L (… maybe I’ll be lucky and be wealthy …)
5 L, C (I’m about to apply to university for courses in computer
science; …I want to study for a degree in languages …) B
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures of Billy and then to read
the prompts. Tell them to write complete sentences using the
Extra Class Activity prompts. Remind them to use the Future Perfect Simple to say
Divide the class into two teams to play a guessing game. what will have happened.
Ask each team to think of a job and to write the job on a • Ask a pupil to come up and write the first answer on the
piece of paper without showing it to the other team. Then board, then ask the class whether the sentence on the board
ask each team in turn to ask the other team questions about is correct or not. Make any corrections necessary on the board.
the job until they can guess what it is. Teams can ask up to • Ask the pupils to do the rest of the task individually and then
ten questions about each job and, if they haven’t guessed to swap books with a partner so that they can check each
the correct answer, the other team shows the answer on other’s answers. Check the answers as a class, correcting
the paper and then takes a turn to ask questions. Repeat errors where necessary.
this until both teams have asked and answered about three
or more jobs. Award one point to each team which guesses Answers
each job correctly. 1 He won’t have passed his exams.
Tell pupils that they cannot ask what the job is, but must 2 He will have become a footballer.
ask questions about what the job might be: eg ‘Do you wear 3 He will have played for Manchester United.
a uniform?’ ‘Do you work in an office?’ etc, until they have 4 He will have scored a goal in the World Cup final.
enough information for them to guess what the answer is. 5 He won’t have got married.
6 He will have bought a sports car.
Say it like this!
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the advice and Writing
example sentence with be about to. Then tell them to use the
phrases given and their own ideas to take turns to talk about
Topic sentences
things they are about to do. Remind them to practise the • Ask pupils to read about topic sentences.
language given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation • Remind pupils that we organise our writing in paragraphs to
pattern if necessary. make it easier to understand. Explain that the topic sentence
• Ask each pupil to say one thing they are about to do, until all tells us what the paragraph is about and the sentences after
pupils have the chance to speak. this should give us more details about this topic.
Answers • Explain that pupils are going to read an article about the career
Pupils’ own answers that a girl called Penny wants, and that the first paragraph
tells us something about Penny. Explain that they are going to
choose one of the topic sentences a or b, which are below, to
Grammar complete the paragraph.
• Tell pupils to read the paragraph and then read the two topic
Future Perfect Simple sentences to decide which one matches the information in
• Draw pupils’ attention to the question at the beginning of the the rest of the paragraph. Tell them to make sure that the
Reading text on page 50 (What will you have done by the age other sentences in the paragraph follow logically from the
of 25?). Explain that by the age of twenty five means at some topic sentence they have chosen, and they have to say why
time between now and the time they become twenty five. the other topic sentence doesn’t fit.
• Ask pupils to read the rule in the grammar box, and to read • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
the forms of the Future Perfect Simple. Draw their attention a class.
Answers • Remind pupils that each paragraph in the article should begin
1b (Sentence a doesn’t fit because the next sentence says with a topic sentence.
she doesn’t have many friends so we can’t say she is very • Remind pupils that we use the Future Continuous to talk
popular.) about actions that will be in progress at a specific time in
the future, and that we use the Future Perfect Simple to talk
about actions that will be completed before a specific time in
the future. Remind them to use the list of Irregular verbs on
• Explain that pupils are going to read the middle and end
pages 128-9 for the past participles of irregular verbs where
paragraphs of the article about Penny, which began in
B. Explain that they are going to choose one of the topic
• Ask pupils to proofread their articles and to pay attention to
sentences a or b for gaps 2 and 3 to complete the paragraphs.
the topic sentences.
• Tell pupils to read each paragraph and then read the two topic
• When you have marked their articles, choose some to stick on
sentences to decide which one matches the information in the
the wall so that they can read them when they have time.
rest of the paragraph. Remind them that the other sentences
• If you assign this task as homework, give pupils a few minutes
in the paragraph must follow logically from the topic sentence
at the beginning of the next lesson to proofread their articles.
they have chosen, and ask them to justify why the other topic
sentence doesn’t fit.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as Extra Task (for early finishers)
a class. See photocopiable material on page 135.
2a (b doesn’t fit as the paragraph tells us she is already Extra Class Activity: Song
working in an animal shelter.) See photocopiable material on page 127.
3a (b doesn’t fit as the paragraph says In a few years. Also • Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about
she wants to go to university next year and she’ll have to ambitions. Ask pupils to read and listen to the song and
study more than a couple of (two) years to become a vet.) to find out what people ask questions about, how many
jobs they hear about and what the singer’s answer is.
Task Play the song once and check answers as a class.
• Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You
C could do this verse by verse and then play it once all the
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss who they are going to way through.
write about and to say what their ambition is. • To finish, ask pupils to look at the pictures and to see how
• Make sure pupils understand the paragraph plan. Remind many things they can find from the song. Ask pupils if
them that each paragraph must begin with a topic sentence they would like to do any of the jobs in the song and what
which tells us what the paragraph is about. they think is the best kind of job for them.
• Ask pupils to use the plan to write an article like the one in A and
B. Tell them to look back at Lesson 1 Reading and Vocabulary
tasks and Lesson 3 Reading to find ideas for different careers
Project Book
and ambitions. Remind them to use the correct future tenses.
• Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework. The pupils may do project 5 now they have completed the unit.
The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
this book.
Teaching Tip
Explain that pupils can write about any person they know
or have heard about if they want to, or that they can write
about an imaginary character. Explain that the article can
be about a teenager, or about an older person who has an
ambition to do something new.
Suggested answer
Sean’s Dream
Sean, who is 17 years old, is very ambitious. He is a good
pupil, but he doesn’t want to go to university. He prefers
playing football!
Sean has always dreamed of becoming a goalkeeper. Now
he’s determined to make it come true. He has got a lot of
talent and he is training very hard because he wants to play
for his club in the under-21s team this year. He is also good
at foreign languages which will be helpful when his team
plays in other countries.
I believe that Sean will succeed in getting his dream job. I’m
sure he’ll get a place in the under-21s team, become a great
goalkeeper and help his team to win matches. In fact, I think
that in the future he will have a very successful career as
a footballer.
a b l e P e o p le
Way in
• If you assigned Unit 5, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework,
give pupils a few minutes to proofread their articles and to
check they’ve used topic sentences correctly to introduce a Lesson 1
new topic. When you have marked their articles, choose some Objectives
to stick on the wall so they can read them when they have
• Ask pupils which tense we use to talk about something that Reading Jake’s project about Charles Darwin – multiple
will be completed before a specific time in the future (Future choice
Perfect Simple). Then ask them to tell you something they will Vocabulary text-related words, job-related words
have done by a specific time in the future. Grammar gerunds, infinitives
Listening two-option quiz
Then tell them to read the project again to find the words something that someone did in the past, which they don’t do
and underline them. Encourage pupils to guess the meaning now. Explain that this sentence is about something Darwin did
of any unknown words from the context before using their as part of his everyday work in the past.
dictionaries to look up any words they don’t know.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as A
a class. • Ask pupils to read through the sentences and options to find
any words or phrases which go with either the gerund or the
infinitive, and whether the option is the subject or object of
a sentence. Tell them to compare each sentence with the
1 observing 5 beetles examples in the grammar boxes to see which grammar rule it
2 species 6 voyage matches.
3 shell 7 specimen • Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
4 religion 8 admire partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
answers they give.
Teaching Tip
Dictionaries can be a useful tool, not only in the classroom
but as a general learning aid. However, it is important that 1 to read 4 to become
pupils understand exactly how to use their dictionaries. 2 running 5 climbing
They should be aware that, if they are using a bilingual 3 Writing 6 to be
dictionary, this may give more than one translation of an
English word in their own language, and similarly, if they B
translate from their native language to English, they may • Ask pupils to read the paragraph to decide whether they need
find more than one English word with this meaning. In to use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets. Tell
such cases, they have to decide which word is appropriate them to find any words or phrases which go with the gerund
to the context. To ensure that pupils understand the or the infinitive by referring to the grammar box.
correct meaning, encourage them to write their own • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
examples using new vocabulary, and to ask you for help a class.
when in doubt about different meanings.
Extra Class Activity 1 doing 4 to enter
2 to send 5 breaking
Ask pupils to work in pairs to choose four more words 3 training 6 to get
from the text and to write the meaning of each word in
English. Ask a pupil from each pair to give their words and
say the meanings. Write the words pupils have chosen on
the board. If other pupils have chosen the same words, ask
them whether they have given a different meaning. • Explain to pupils that they have to match the pictures a to f
with the words 1 to 6. Encourage pupils to use their dictionaries
to look up any words they don’t know.
Grammar • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
• Explain to pupils that we make gerunds by adding –ing to
verbs after making any necessary spelling changes to the verb
before adding this ending. 1e 2c 3b 4f 5a 6d
• Read the uses of the gerund to the class and ask the pupils
to look at the examples in the grammar box. Explain the
meanings of any words that pupils don’t know. Tell pupils to
learn the verbs and phrases which we use with the gerund.
• Ask the class to think of sentences for each of the uses. Select • Explain to pupils that they are going to do a quiz and then
pupils to come up and write their sentences on the board. listen to a TV quiz show.
Correct any errors as you go along. • Ask the pupils to read through the questions and possible
options. Explain that they should choose the answer they
Infinitives know or think is correct before listening. Ask pupils to do the
quiz individually, and then to listen for the correct answers.
• Read the grammar box to the class. Explain the meanings of • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to circle the correct
any verbs that pupils don’t know. Tell pupils to learn the verbs answers. Ask pupils to discuss their answers with a partner
which we use with the full infinitive. and to justify any answers they have which are different.
• Ask the class to think of sentences with each of the verbs • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
and select pupils to write them on the board. Correct any and to circle any missing answers.
grammatical errors as required. • Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify
• Draw pupils’ attention to the difference between be used to + their answers.
gerund and used to + infinitive. Write on the board:
He is used to doing experiments. Turn to page 118 for the listening script.
Explain that we use be used to to talk about something that is
familiar to someone. Then write:
Darwin used to do experiments.
Remind pupils that we use used to + infinitive to talk about
• Ask pupils to write the words observe, species, shell, religion,
Answers beetle, voyage, specimen and admire. Tell them to swap books
1a (It was a ‘The Birds’… You’re right, Jenny, ‘The Birds’ was with a partner to check each other’s spelling. Then ask them
written by Aristophanes not Shakespeare.) to tell you what each word means.
2b (It was the Beatles … Another correct answer!) • Ask pupils to come up and write the jobs that they learnt in
3b (Picasso was from Spain.) Lesson 1, Vocabulary on page 55. Then ask them to say what
4a (The correct answer is Melina Mercouri.) people do in these jobs.
5b (It’s b tennis players … Yes, that’s the correct answer…) • Make sure that pupils remember the uses of the gerund. Ask
them to tell you which verbs and phrases are followed by the
gerund and which are followed by the full infinitive.
Speaking • Tell pupils that they are going to read about a girl in a famous
photo and ask them to describe the person in this photo.
• Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs to talk about a
famous person. Tell pupils to choose a famous person (either
alive or dead) from their own country and to take turns to ask Reading
and answer the questions about this person. • Tell pupils that they are going to read about the girl in the
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are photo. Ask pupils to look at the photo of the girl and to
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at guess where she is from (Afghanistan). Then ask pupils to
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and read the main text on their own and to find three examples of
pronunciation. difficulties the girl has faced in her life (her parents died, she left
• Ask different pairs to ask and answer the questions about her country because of a war there, she never finished school).
famous people. If any pairs have chosen the same person,
ask them if they have anything to add to the answers already
given. Extra Class Activity
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board, If you have a world map in the classroom, you might like
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct to invite pupils to come up and point to the locations of
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation. Afghanistan and Pakistan on the map. Ask pupils what
recent news they have heard or read about either of these
Answers countries. Encourage them to share their opinions on these
news items.
Pupils’ own answers
If pupils are interested, give them further information about B
Nièpce using the Background Information box. • Ask pupils to read through the sentences and options and
to find any words or phrases which go with the gerund or
Background Information the infinitive. Tell them to think about the meaning of these
sentences and to compare each sentence with the examples
Joseph Nièpce took a photograph of a view from a window in the grammar boxes to see which meaning or grammar rule
at Le Gras, in France, in 1826. He had taken photographs it matches.
before that time, but the images did not last long. It is the • Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
oldest photograph that people can still see today and it is partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
now in a special collection at the University of Texas. • Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
Joseph Nièpce also invented other types of machines, answers they give.
although none of them are famous today. One of the craters
on the moon is called Nièpce to remember him. For further
information, go to www.nationalgeographic.com and look Answers
up Joseph Nièpce. 1b 2c 3a 4a 5b
Vocabulary Vocabulary
• Ask pupils to read the sentences and decide which words fit • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the
the situation. Explain that the words all appear in the article. options and to decide which option fits the meaning. As most
Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline them. of the phrases with give or take are new, encourage pupils to
Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of the words from the use dictionaries if they have them as well as looking for clues
context, before looking up the meanings in their dictionaries. in the rest of the sentence.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the
a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. words where necessary. Ask pupils to learn the phrases by
1 unforgettable 4 appear
2 crowded 5 escape 1 take 5 give
3 serious 2 give 6 give
3 taking 7 took
4 takes 8 Take
Gerunds and Infinitives Listening
• Remind pupils that there are some verbs which can only be • Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to an interview
followed by gerunds, and others that can only be followed by with Paul, who has done something amazing to help someone
the full infinitive. Explain that they are going to learn about else.
other verbs which can be followed by either a gerund or an • Ask pupils to read the sentences before they hear the recording
infinitive. so that they know what information to listen for. Tell them
• Read the Grammar box to the class pausing after each set that the words in bold are different from what Paul says and
of example sentences to check that pupils understand the that they have to write the correct word.
difference in meaning when the gerund or infinitive is used. • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to write their
Ask pupils to underline the gerund or infinitive in each example answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check their
sentence. Ask pupils to work in pairs to write sentences with answers.
go on, remember, forget, stop and try. Tell them to write one • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
sentence with a gerund and one with a full infinitive for each again and to fill in any missing information.
verb. Check their answers as a class. • Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to give reasons for
• Explain that we use the full infinitive after some adjectives their choices.
which express how we feel about something.
Turn to page 119 for the listening script.
• Ask pupils to read the sentences to decide whether they need Answers
to use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets. Tell
them to see whether the word before the gap is a verb and 1 two sisters (… my mum was driving us – me and my two
to think about the meaning of these sentences. Remind them little sisters)
that if the verb in brackets follows one of the adjectives in the 2 deep (… the car went straight into some deep water)
grammar box, they have to use the full infinitive. 3 windows (I opened one of the car windows and climbed
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as through it onto the roof of the car. Then I helped my sisters
a class. and my mum to climb onto the roof too.)
4 five (I swam for only about five minutes …)
5 hospital (They took us all to hospital …)
1 reading 4 to listen
2 to buy 5 playing Prepositions
3 seeing
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and to decide
which preposition goes with the words after the gap in each
one. As some of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to
use dictionaries if they have them. Comprehension
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the website
words they don’t know. again so that they know what information to look for.
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
phrases formed with prepositions from the task. Ask each from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
pupil to read out one of their sentences until every pupil has Explain any vocabulary pupils still don’t understand and correct
had a chance to speak. their pronunciation where necessary.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Answers a class. Ask them to underline the parts of the text which gave
1 in 2 for 3 by 4 out 5 At 6 on them their answers.
Extra Task (for early finishers) 1 the ‘Young Cook of the Year’ competition (Gina … got
See photocopiable material on page 136. first prize in the ‘Young Cook of the Year’ competition.)
2 by writing a recipe book for children (… writing her own
recipe book for kids. ‘I want it to be fun to read and easy
enough for children to use …)
Lesson 3 3 Because he’s lost part of one leg and he didn’t expect to
walk again. (He lost part of one leg and didn’t even expect
Objectives to walk again.)
4 He wanted to give up. (‘After my accident, I wanted to
Reading website page – open-ended questions give up …’)
Say it like this! explaining with too and enough 5 When she heard about an accident in her town. (… she
Listening multiple matching heard about an accident that had happened when a car
Speaking using speaking cards to ask and answer crashed into a train in her town. ‘That gave me an idea …)
questions about a talent competition and a 6 It tells car drivers when a train is coming. (… a special
football event gadget that tells car drivers when a train is coming.)
Writing linking ideas; writing an email to the Amazing
Kids website describing a friend of yours who Say it like this!
has done something amazing
Explaining with too and enough
Way in • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the structures
and example sentences. Then tell them to take turns to talk
• Write on the board: about themselves, a friend or someone in their family using
I love taking photos. the adjectives given. Remind them to practise the language
I love to take photos. given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation pattern if
Ask pupils whether there is a difference in meaning (no). Ask necessary.
pupils which other verbs can be followed by a gerund or an • Ask pupils to talk about one person until all pupils have had
infinitive without a change of meaning (begin, continue, hate, the chance to speak.
like, start).
Write on the board:
Dan stopped running and sat down. Answers
Dan stopped to have a drink of water. Pupils’ own answers
Ask pupils the difference in meanings (he ended an activity; he
stopped doing one thing so that he could do something else).
Ask pupils which other verbs can be followed by a gerund or Listening
an infinitive with a change of meaning (go on, remember, stop,
try), and then ask them what the two different meanings are • Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to two people
for each verb. talking about their children’s hobbies and that they have to
• Ask pupils to tell you phrases beginning with take which they match the children’s names 1 to 5 with the hobbies A to F.
learnt in Lesson 2, and then ask them the phrases they learnt Tell pupils that they have to listen for the words that give the
which begin with give. information about the hobbies. Point out that there is one
• Write in a column on the board: ages, chance, comparison, extra hobby which they do not need to use.
her sixties, of work, purpose. Write in another column the • Tell pupils to read through the hobbies and to help them
prepositions on, out, in, by, in, for. Ask pupils to match the work out what information to listen for when they hear the
prepositions with the words/phrases, then to make a sentence recording.
with each phrase. • Play the recording all the way to the end and ask pupils to
• Ask pupils to read the heading of the Reading text and to say fill in their answers. Ask them to check their answers with a
what kind of children they think this is about. partner.
• Play the recording a second time and ask pupils to check their
Reading answers or to fill in any missing answers.
• Check the answers as a class.
• Ask pupils to read the website on their own to decide who Turn to page 119 for the listening script.
they think should be ‘Amazing Kid of the Month’, and to say
why (pupils’ own answers). Ask pupils to find the names of the
people in each of the photos next to the text (Brendan Butler
– left; Gina Loletti – top right; Helga Borgen – bottom right).
Answers Suggested answers:
1 B (… my son, Finn. I’ve just given him a lift to his piano It is/will be at Clearwater Shopping Centre.
lesson …) On 6th August at 2pm.
2 F (… Poppy, is crazy about horse riding at the moment.) The competitors must/will be ten to sixteen years old/
3 A (… Sophie … prefers painting now.) between ten and sixteen years old.
4 E (… we think he’ll probably become a writer. He spends all It is/will be free/doesn’t cost anything (to take part).
his time writing poems and stories.) The prize is a trip to New York.
5 D (… Emily might become a photographer. She’s taken
some beautiful pictures of the family …)
Teaching Tip
Speaking Encourage pupils to work with different partners when
they work in pairs. Make sure pupils of different ability
• Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs and take turns to
levels work together so that stronger pupils can help the
ask and answer questions about an event and a competition.
weaker pupils. Pupils will also find it more interesting to
Tell them that they are going to use the Speaking cards at
share ideas with different partners as a new partner’s
the back of the Pupil’s Book. Divide the class into pairs, and
responses may be less predictable than those of a partner
allocate the roles A or B.
that they are used to working with. This in turn will make
• Tell Pupil Bs to use the words on the Speaking card for Unit
the lesson more fun and make the pupils less likely to feel
6 (Card 1B) on page 132 to ask their partner questions about
a football event. Tell Pupil As to use the information on the
Speaking card for Unit 6 (Card 1A) on page 130 to answer
their partner’s questions.
• Ask pupils to swap roles, with Pupil As asking the questions
on Speaking card 2A on page 130 about the Kids’ Talent
Competition, and Pupil Bs using Speaking card 2B on page Linking Ideas
132 to give them the answers. A
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are • Explain that we can use linking words to join our ideas
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at when we are writing and this is better than writing a lot of
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and short sentences about the same idea. Ask pupils to read the
pronunciation. sentences in groups a and b and to think about whether the
• Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions until second part of the sentence gives us more information about
each pair has had a turn. the same idea as the first part, or whether it shows a different
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board, idea to the first part.
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct Explain any vocabulary pupils don’t know.
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, then give them a few
minutes to compare their answers with a partner’s. Ask them
to justify their answers if they are different.
Speaking cards 1A and 1B • Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
Suggested questions: answers they give.
Where is the football event? / Where does the event take
place? Answers
What date is the event? / When is the event?
What is the price of the tickets? / How much do the tickets 1a 2b
What do I bring to the event? / What must we bring to the
event? Extra Class Activity
When does the event start and end? / How long is the Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to work in
event? pairs to make sentences using both ... and, apart from and
Suggested answers: in addition. Then ask the other group to work in pairs to
make sentences with but, although, whereas and however.
The event/It is at Wrigley Park. Ask pupils from each group to give a sentence with one of
It is/takes place on February 21st. the words or phrases, until all the words have been used and
The price of the tickets is £8/eight pounds. / The tickets cost everyone has had a chance to speak. Correct any mistakes in
£8/eight pounds. the use of the linking words.
You should/must bring a football with you.
The event starts at noon and ends at 4 pm.
Speaking cards 2A and 2B
• Ask pupils to read the email and the possible options and to
Suggested questions: look back at the example sentences in Writing A to decide
Where is the Kids’ Talent Competition? / Where will the Kids’ which option fits the situation.
Talent Competition be? • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
When will it happen? a class.
How old/ What age should/will the competitors be?
How much does/will it cost to take part? / What’s the cost
of taking part?
What’s the prize? / What prize will the winner get? 1 Although 4 In addition
2 as well as 5 and
3 Apart from
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write an email to the
Amazing Kids website about a friend or somebody they know
who has done something amazing or is an amazing person.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss who they are going to
write about and to say why.
• Make sure pupils understand the paragraph plan. Remind them
that each paragraph adds a different piece of information to
the email to make it easy to follow.
• Ask pupils to use the plan to write an email like the one in
Writing B. Tell them to look back at the Reading on page 58
for ideas about the kind of people they could write about.
Tell them to look at the sentences with the linking words in
Writing A for the kind of information to include and the kind
of ideas they can use.
• Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework.
Suggested answer
Dear Amazing Kids,
I’m writing to tell you about my friend, Omar. I think he’s
amazing enough to be on your website and I’m sure you’ll
Omar is sixteen years old and he has always loved playing
music. However, when his family came here from the
country ten years ago, they didn’t have enough money
for music lessons. His mother started working as a cleaner
in a musician’s home, and she took him to work with her.
Although he was only six years old, Omar learnt to play the
‘oud by watching the musician.
Now, as well as being a great musician, Omar also teaches
other people to play the ‘oud. Some people charge for their
lessons whereas Omar never takes money from his pupils.
Apart from giving his parents money to help them, he always
tries to help others.
Omar is both talented and generous. That’s why I hope you
will choose him to be an ‘Amazing Kid of the Month’.
All the best,
Karim Adel
• Remind pupils to use the linking words from Writing A to add
new information or contrast different ideas.
• Ask pupils to proofread their emails and to pay attention to
the linking words and expressions.
• When you have marked their emails, choose some to stick on
the wall so that pupils can read them when they have time. If
you assign this task as homework, give pupils a few minutes
before they do Review 3 to proofread their emails.
Project Book
The pupils may do project 6 now they have completed the unit.
The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
this book.
Review 3
columns on the board with the titles give and take and ask
pupils to put the phrases into each column.
• Ask pupil to tell you which prepositions go before his eighties,
Objectives ages, chance, of work, comparison and purpose. Ask pupils to
make sentences using each of these prepositional phrases.
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 5 and 6
• Song Grammar Revision
Revision • Check that pupils remember how to make the Future Simple
and when to use it. Ask pupils to give you example sentences
• Tell them that Review 3 revises the material they saw in Units 5 for each use. Ask pupils to tell you the time expressions we use
and 6. with the Past Simple and the time expressions we use with the
• Remind pupils that they can ask you for help with the exercises Past Continuous.
or look back at the units if they’re not sure about an answer, • Write on the board
as the review is not a test. She’s going to go to university.
• Decide how you will carry out the review. You could ask pupils He’s going to be a good teacher.
to do one task at a time and then correct it immediately, or ask and ask pupils to tell you why we use be going to in these
pupils to do all the tasks and then correct them together at sentences.
the end. If you do all the tasks together, let pupils know every • Check that pupils remember how to make the Future
now and again how much time they have got left to finish the Continuous and when to use it. Ask pupils to give you
tasks. example sentences for each use. Ask pupils to tell you the time
• Ask pupils not to leave any questions blank and to try to find expressions we use with the Future Continuous.
any answers they aren’t sure about in the units. • Check that pupils remember how to make the Future Perfect
• Revise the vocabulary and grammar as a class before pupils do Simple and when to use it. Ask pupils to give you example
the review. sentences for each form. Ask pupils to tell you the time
expressions we use with the Future Perfect Simple.
Vocabulary Revision
• Check that pupils remember when to use the gerund form
• Write the following anagrams on the board: and when to use the infinitive. Ask pupils to tell you the verbs
bitamious that are followed by gerunds and verbs that are followed by
filationsqualic infinitives.
reecar • Ask pupils to tell you some verbs that can be followed by either
pexeriecned a gerund or an infinitive. Ask which of them have no change
llew-adip in meaning (elicit begin, continue, hate, like, love and start)
viewterin and which have a change in meaning (elicit go on, remember,
fesspronio forget, stop and try). Ask pupils to make example sentences
redgee with the verbs which have a change in meaning when they
vertad are followed by a gerund or an infinitive, and to explain the
subnessi difference.
Ask pupils to find the words related to jobs (ambitious,
qualifications, career, experienced, well-paid, interview,
profession, degree, advert, business). Then ask them to tell you Vocabulary
as many other work-related words as they can. Check that A
they remember the words from the odd one out task in Unit • Ask pupils to say each of the words as a class and then
5, Lesson 1. Ask pupils to make sentences using some of these individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
words. • Ask pupils to go to the first page of stickers at the back of the
• Write the words tough, purpose, damp, mature and spare on book and find the stickers for Review 3. Tell them to decide
the board. Ask pupils to make sentences using each of these which thing each sticker shows and to stick it in the correct
words or to explain the meaning in English. box.
• Ask pupils to tell you the words for equipment that explorers • Check that pupils have put the correct stickers above each
use. Try to elicit first aid kit, fishing rod, GPS unit, hairdryer, word.
hammock, mosquito net, MP3 player and sleeping bag. Ask
pupils to tell you what an explorer would use each of these B
things for. • Ask pupils to read the groups of words 1-5 to see what the
• Check that pupils remember the phrasal verbs keep up with, words in each group have in common and then to write the
put up with, give up, get over, put (somebody) off and turn words from the wordbank that match each group.
down. Say each phrasal verb and ask pupils to give you a
sentence with each one in turn.
• Write the words observe, species, shell, religion, beetle, voyage, Answers
specimen, admire, appear, crowded, escape, serious and 1 politician
unforgettable on the board. Ask pupils to tell you sentences 2 sleeping bag
using each of these words or to explain the meaning in English. 3 profession
• Ask pupil to tell you the phrases they remember beginning 4 skill
with give and the phrases beginning with take. Make two 5 hairdryer
• Ask pupils to read the whole sentence and the possible options Answers
before circling the correct answer. After they have completed 1 bringing 5 coming
the exercise, tell them to read the sentences again to make 2 growing up 6 to see
sure their answers make sense. 3 living 7 to bring
4 to move 8 to rescue
1b 2b 3b 4b 5a 6a Song
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about people
D living in a city. Ask them to read and listen to the song and
• Explain to pupils that the first letter of each word is given and to find out where the people used to live and how their life is
that they must complete the word. different now.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 5, Lesson 1 for a reminder if • Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You could do
they need to. this verse by verse and then play it once all the way through.
• To finish, ask pupils to look at the pictures and to see how
Answers many things they can find from the song.
1 degree 4 advert When checking pupils’ answers to the review tasks, make a note
2 employer 5 training of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar that they still
3 salary 6 business have. Try to do extra work on these areas so that your pupils
progress well.
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible options
before trying to choose the answer. Tell them to decide
whether the option in the Future Simple or the option with be
going to matches the context.
• Tell them to look back at Unit 5 Lesson 1 grammar box for a
reminder if they need to.
1 she’ll 4 will
2 Will you 5 I’ll
3 isn’t going to 6 is going to
• Explain to pupils that they should read the whole dialogue
before trying to write the answers and to decide whether
they need to use the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect
Simple of the verb in brackets. Tell them to look for any time
expressions which match either tense.
• Tell pupils to look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 5, Lessons
2 and 3 for a reminder if they need to.
1 will be feeling
2 have passed
3 will be studying
4 will have left
5 will be enjoying
6 will have made
• Explain to pupils that they should read the whole paragraph
before trying to write the answers and to decide whether they
need to use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets.
Tell them to decide whether the words/phrases before the
gaps go with the gerund or the infinitive or both. If both go,
tell them think about the meaning the context needs.
• Tell pupils to look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 6, Lessons
1 and 2 for a reminder if they need to.
a n d B o d y
Lesson 1
Way in
• If you assigned Unit 6, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework, Reading email – missing sentences
give pupils in pairs a few minutes to proofread each other’s Vocabulary text-related words, health-related words and
emails and to check they’ve used the linking words and phrases
expressions to add new information or contrast different Grammar can and could, be able to
ideas. When you have marked their emails, choose some of Listening ticking correct pictures
them to stick on the wall so pupils can all read them when Speaking asking and answering questions about young
they have time. people and their health
• Write on the board a lift, part, a photo, an idea, time, a ring Writing writing a paragraph about young people and their
(telephone call) and advice. Then make two columns, one health
with the heading give and the other take. Ask pupils to put
the words in the list under the correct headings and then to
write their own sentences using the expressions with give
and take. (give a lift/an idea/a ring/advice, take part/a photo/
time/advice.) • Explain that pupils are going to read an email which Kate sent
to Jake. Ask them to look at the pictures next to the email and
1b 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b
Grammar already know first and then to use their dictionaries to look up
any words they don’t know.
Can and could • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
• Read the uses of can and the examples in the grammar box to
the class. Explain the terms used if necessary.
• Explain that we can use could as the Past Simple of can to talk Answers
about ability in the past. Explain that we don’t use could to 1d 2a 3c 4f 5b 6e
talk about present ability.
• Remind pupils that we use the bare infinitive of the main verb
after can and could. Extra Class Activity
Pupils’ own answers
Teaching Tip
Handle the subject of diet and exercise with care! Take • Explain that pupils are going to read an article about perfume.
care not to upset or embarrass any pupils, if they are Ask pupils what perfumes they have heard of, and ask them
over or underweight, when discussing this subject. Stress to think of words that describe the smells of these perfumes.
the importance of a healthy diet, but point out that this Write their ideas on the board as they say them.
doesn’t mean that it’s good to eat too little, as eating too • Tell pupils that they are going to read about the effects
little can cause as many health problems as eating too perfume has on us and why people will pay a lot of money for
much. it. Ask pupils to look at the photo next to the text and to say
what the photo suggests about the kind of smell the perfume
has and what kind of person would buy this perfume. Then
Writing ask pupils to read the article on their own and to find three
words that mean perfume (aroma, fragrance, scent).
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph
about young people and their health. Tell them to use the
answers to the questions in the Speaking task. Ask them to
look back at Vocabulary for words related to health and the • Tell pupils to read the sentences before they read the article
Grammar tasks to remind them of the uses of can, could and again so that they know what information to look for.
be able to to talk about ability or possibility. • Ask pupils to underline the words in the text that gave them
• Ask pupils to write their paragraphs and then get them to the answers.
swap books with a partner to proofread what each other has • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
written. Then ask some pupils to read their paragraphs to the a class.
class. • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
short of time. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
Answers Answers
Pupils’ own answers 1 R (The truth is that fragrance has a powerful effect on our
thoughts and emotions.)
2 DS
Extra Task (for early finishers) 3 R (The promise might be beauty, happiness or style …)
4 W (… only about one in ten new fragrances is successful
See photocopiable material on page 137. …)
5 W (A fragrance that suits your friend may not suit you.)
Answers Answers
1 style 4 beauty 1 can’t be
2 aware 5 fashion 2 might not buy
3 willing 6 model 3 must be
4 might open
Way in
1 F (So you hadn’t always wanted to be a model?... I hadn’t
really thought about it.)
Teaching Tip
2 F (… it’s given me the chance to see the world. I love
travelling …) Using a variety of different activities will help hold pupils’
3 T (… of course, it’s well-paid …) interest and help them remember new vocabulary or
4 T (They make me look so different. Sometimes I feel it isn’t grammar points. For example, use anagrams or a game
really me in the photos! … I usually look much more like ‘Hangman’ to test spelling, or other guessing games
beautiful than I do in real life!) where you or the pupils themselves mime the words.
5 F (… I miss my family a lot when I’m away from home. My
mum often travels with me, which is nice, but I still miss
my dad …) • Write the phrasal verbs: bring out, catch on, put on, take off
6 T (Most of my friends are going to university next year and and try on on the board. Do a mime to show the meaning
that’s something I’d like to do. … So you might give up of take off (eg by taking off a jacket or scarf) and ask pupils
life as a model and continue your studies later? … Yes, I to guess the phrasal verb. Then repeat for put on. Ask pupils
might.) to either explain the meanings of the other phrasal verbs in
English or to make a sentence to show the meanings. Also,
you can ask pupils to look back to Lesson 2, Units 1, 3 and 5
Phrasal Verbs where phrasal verbs have been introduced and ask them in
pairs or small groups to choose two or three phrasal verbs and
• Ask pupils to look back at the article in Reading to see if they mime them for the rest of the class to guess.
can find any of these phrasal verbs (bring out: When Calvin • Tell pupils that this lesson is about asking for and giving advice
Klein brought out ‘CK One’ …). Explain that this means that about problems. Ask them what kind of problems people their
this company put this item on sale for the first time. Write age might ask for advice about.
examples for the other phrasal verbs on the board and explain
the meanings where necessary:
Paper clothes will never catch on in Britain because of the rainy
weather. (= become popular) • Tell pupils that they are going to read a problem page from a
It’s cold so I’m going to put on a scarf. (= pick it up and wear magazine for young people. Explain that they have to read the
it) three letters on the left, A to C, which teenagers have sent to
I always take off my coat when I go into my house. (= take the Jenny to ask for advice, and then they have to match these
coat from your body) with Jenny’s replies, 1 to 3. Make sure that pupils can justify
You must try on the shoes in the shop before you buy them. (= their answers.
put them on to see how they feel or look)
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the Answers
phrasal verbs and to decide which option fits the situation.
Encourage them to look for clues in the rest of the sentence 1 C (… on the internet … on the computer)
using the examples on the board. 2 B (… haven’t got the energy … will also give you energy)
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the 3 A (Some of my friends laugh at me and say I haven’t got
words where necessary. Ask pupils to learn the phrasal verbs style … You should find some real friends who care about
by heart. you, not your clothes.)
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the
phrasal verbs. Ask each pupil to read out one of their sentences
until every pupil has had a chance to speak. Comprehension
• Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the problem
Answers page again so that they know what information to look for.
1 bring out 4 put on • Ask pupils to underline the parts of the letters or replies which
2 Take off 5 catch on gave them the answers.
3 try on • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
Extra Task (for early finishers) from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
Explain any vocabulary pupils still don’t know and correct their
See photocopiable material on page 137. pronunciation where necessary.
Lesson 3 1 T (My parents are always telling me that I spend too much
time on the Internet … 4-5 hours a day …)
Objectives 2 L (… I haven’t got the energy to study.)
3 C (Some of my friends laugh at me …)
Reading problem page – multiple matching 4 T (They are threatening to take away my computer.)
Say it like this! asking for and giving advice 5 C (Some of my friends … say I haven’t got style.)
Grammar must; have to; should and ought to 6 L (I’m always exhausted.)
Writing letters of advice; writing a letter giving advice
to somebody
Say it like this! Should and ought to
• Read the Grammar box to the class. Explain that we use both
Asking for and giving advice should and ought to to give advice, but we don’t usually use
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the expressions ought to to ask a question or give a short answer. Write on the
we use to ask for and give advice. Ask them to underline the board:
expressions that Dan uses to ask for advice and the expressions You should ask somebody for advice. = You ought to ask
that Tom uses to give advice. somebody for advice.
• Tell pupils to fill in the gaps in the dialogue with the appropriate Should I ask my teacher for advice?
phrases and to take it in turns to read the completed dialogue. Yes, you should./No, you shouldn’t.
their answers with a partner’s. Go round the class checking Project Book
pupils’ answers. Ask them to justify their answers if they are The pupils may do project 7 now they have completed the unit.
different. The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
this book.
1 He’s shy and can’t make friends at his new school.
2 Pupils’ own answers (eg He shouldn’t feel bad about being
shy – it’s natural when you don’t know people. He shouldn’t
worry about what other people think. He shouldn’t wait
for others to talk to him, but ask them questions about
themselves. etc)
3 Pupils’ own answers (eg He will feel better/happier./ He will
soon make friends.)
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss what advice they will give
to Andy and to say why.
• Make sure pupils understand the paragraph plan. Remind
them that this paragraph plan will make the letter easy to
• Ask pupils to use the plan to write a letter giving advice. Tell
them to look back at the Reading text on page 68 for ideas
about the kind of advice they could give. Tell them to look at
the expressions in Writing A and B and to find ways to give
advice and to end their letter.
• Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework.
Suggested answer
Dear Andy,
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having problems at your new
school. I get a lot of letters about this kind of problem
because almost everybody feels lonely and nervous about
meeting new people when they move to a different place.
First of all, you must stop worrying about what other people
think. You don’t have to talk about anything special to make
friends. When people talk to you, they probably want to
make friends with you. Why don’t you ask them about the
things they like doing? This way they will see that you are
interested in them and want to make friends. You should
just be yourself and tell them about things you’re good at or
things you like doing after school. Then you’ll find things to
do and talk about together.
Good luck with making new friends. I’m sure you’ll find a
few kids that will be good friends very soon.
All the best,
• Remind pupils to check that they have used the correct
expressions for giving advice from A and the expressions used
for ending a letter from B.
• Stick pupils’ letters on the wall and ask them to read them
when they have time. If you assign this task as homework,
give pupils a few minutes at the beginning of the next lesson
to proofread their letters.
The Arts
Way in
• If you assigned Unit 7, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework, give
pupils a few minutes to proofread their letters and to check
they’ve used the expressions for giving advice and ending their Lesson 1
letter correctly. When you have marked their letters, select Objectives
some to stick on the wall so pupils can read them when they
have time.
• Write the following words on the board: must, have to, should Reading competition entries – multiple matching
and ought to. Ask pupils which words we can use to ask for Vocabulary text-related words, art-related adjectives
and give advice (should, ought to), and then ask them which Grammar passive voice; present simple passive; past simple
words we use to talk about obligation (must, have to). Write passive
on the board: Listening ticking the correct boxes
We mustn’t eat too many cakes. Speaking describing a picture you like
We don’t have to study this weekend. Writing writing a paragraph about a picture you like
Ask them to tell you the difference between the meanings of
mustn’t and don’t have to in these examples (mustn’t = it is
wrong to do something; don’t have to = it isn’t necessary to
do something).
• Explain that pupils are going to read about photos that Mandy,
Quiz Kate and Jake have taken which are in a national photography
competition. Ask pupils whether they take photos, and if so,
what they usually take photos of.
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 70 and 71 and to • Ask pupils to read what the children and the judges say about
say what they can see in the photo. the photos, and then to decide which photo is the best entry.
• Read the information about the photo on page 70 and teach Ask different pupils to tell the class which photo they have
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know. Ask pupils whether chosen and why they prefer it. (Pupils’ own answers).
they like the painting in the photo and to say why or why
• Explain that the photo shows examples of traditional European Comprehension
art. Tell pupils to read the information about the gallery in the
• Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the
photo again and to try to answer the question.
competition entries again so that they know what information
• Remind pupils that they are not expected to know the answer
to look for.
to these general knowledge questions, but that pupils in pairs
• Ask pupils to underline the parts of the texts which gave them
or small groups should discuss which answer they think is
the answers.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about
a class.
art galleries in their own country, and/or give them more
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
information about the Tate Modern gallery in London using
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
the Background information.
Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
Background Information
The Tate Modern gallery is the most important museum of 1 K (I took this picture on my mobile phone …)
modern and contemporary art in England. It has a famous 2 M (It’s of my best friend, Holly …)
collection of paintings, sculptures and installations, from 3 K (The group was expected on stage at any moment …)
the 19th century to the present day and is housed in an 4 J (… I was reminded of when I was six years old.)
old power station. The museum organises educational 5 J (This photo was taken at just the right moment.)
programmes for children so that they can learn about the
art there. It also offers guided tours for visitors. There is also
an art shop which sells books and magazines about art for
both adults and children as well as works of art, jewellery
designed by artists, educational CD-ROMs, music CDs, • Ask pupils to read the sentences and decide which words
posters, cards, and other gifts. For further information, go fit the situation. Explain that the words all appear in the
to the museum’s website http://www.tate.org.uk/modern . competition entries. Ask pupils to find the words in the texts
You can also explore other world-famous galleries by visiting and underline them. Encourage them to guess the meaning
http://www.googleartproject.com . of unknown words from the context before looking up the
meanings in their dictionaries.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
in the present or the past, and whether the negative or
Answers question form is required. Remind them to look back at the
1 contrast 4 Childhood examples in the grammar box to see which rule applies for
2 remind 5 mood each sentence.
3 share 6 crowd • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Grammar Answers
Passive Voice 1 are sold 4 Was … taken
• Write on the board: 2 are often sent 5 isn’t used
Children eat ice cream in summer. 3 was painted
Ice cream is eaten in summer.
Explain that the first sentence is in the active voice because
it tells us that the subject of the sentence (Children) do the Vocabulary
action (eat). Explain that the object in the active voice becomes
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the
the subject in the passive voice, then ask pupils to tell you
options and to decide which option fits the meaning. Ask
the object of the first sentence and the subject of the second
pupils to look back at the Reading task on page 72 and find as
sentence (ice cream).
many words from the Vocabulary task on page 73 as they can
• Read the grammar box to the class. Draw pupils’ attention to
(atmosphere, background, competition, contrast and scene).
the negative form of the passive voice in the second example,
As some of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use
and write the question form on the board (eg Are computers
dictionaries if they have them, as well as looking for clues in
sold in that shop?) underlining the verb.
the rest of the sentence.
• Tell pupils that in the passive sentence, we don’t have to write
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the
the person or thing that does the action. If we want to say
words where necessary.
who does an action we use by (eg My camera was broken by
my cat.).
Present Simple passive 1 frame 5 exhibition
• Read the grammar box to the class. Ask pupils to give you 2 portrait 6 atmosphere
affirmative sentences in the Present Simple passive voice. Write 3 scene 7 flash
their examples on the board. Change some of their sentences 4 graffiti 8 copy
into the negative and question forms to remind pupils how to
form these.
Extra Class Activity
Past Simple passive
Ask pupils to work in pairs to make sentences with the
• Read the grammar box to the class. Ask pupils to change the incorrect answers from the Vocabulary task. Ask each pair
sentences they wrote in the Present Simple passive into the to read one of their sentences to the class. Correct their use
Past Simple passive voice. Write their sentences on the board. of vocabulary where necessary.
• Ask pupils to read each sentence in the paragraph to decide
whether they need to use the Present Simple or the Past Listening
Simple passive of the verb in brackets. Tell them to think about • Tell pupils to look at the picture above the Listening task
what words they need to use with the main verb to form the and ask them what word is written in it (graffiti). Ask them
passive voice of the Present Simple (am, are or is) and the Past whether or not they like this kind of art.
Simple (was or were). Remind them to use the past participle • Explain to pupils that they are going to hear Emma and
of the main verb. Explain that some of the verbs in brackets Lawrence talking about art and that they have to tick the
are irregular, and that pupils can use the Irregular verb list on things that each of them like. Explain that they should listen
pages 128-9 to find the past participles of any irregular verbs for words expressing a liking for something (eg like, love, prefer,
where necessary. great, fantastic, favourite, etc) or agreement and to tick the
• Explain that the answers include affirmative and negative things that Emma and Lawrence each like.
forms. • Tell pupils to read the questions to help them work out what
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as information to listen for when they hear the recording.
a class. • Encourage pupils to tick the answers to the questions as they
hear about them rather than trying to remember the answers
Answers at the end.
1 was interviewed 5 aren’t put • Play the recording all the way to the end. Then play the
2 was asked 6 aren’t shown recording a second time and ask pupils to check their answers
3 wasn’t expected 7 are left or to tick any missing answers.
4 isn’t liked 8 is written • Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify
their answers.
Way in
• If you assigned the Writing task in Lesson 1 for homework, give
Emma: black and white photos, art galleries, landscape pupils a few minutes to proofread each other’s paragraphs to
paintings check that they have used the vocabulary for talking about
(E: I love black and white photos …. L: Me too. ; E: I think art correctly. When you have marked their paragraphs, select
they’re great places – so quiet and relaxing. ; E: … my favourite some to stick on the wall so that pupils can read them when
painter is van Gogh. His paintings of nature are fantastic.) the have time.
Lawrence: black and white photos, modern art, graffiti • Ask pupils to work in pairs to write down as many of the
(E: I love black and white photos ….. L: Me too. ; L: I’m not art-related words that they learnt in Lesson 1 they can and
a big fan of landscape paintings. I prefer more modern things then to compare their list with another pair’s. (Suggested list:
… ; L: Some graffiti artists are very talented …. Some amazing sculptor, sculpture, gallery, portrait, landscape, painting, frame,
things are drawn by them.) exhibition, graffiti, scene, contrast, atmosphere.)
• Make sure that pupils remember the uses of the passive voice.
Write on the board: Young people loved disco music in the
1980s. Ask pupils to change this sentence into the passive
voice (Disco music was loved by young people in the 1980s.)
• Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs to • Explain that pupils are going to read about how a certain kind
describe a piece of artwork. Tell them to decide which of the of music is used in some schools. Ask pupils to describe the
four kinds of artwork they want to talk about and then to take people in the photos.
turns to tell each other about the one of their choice and why
they like it.
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are Reading
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
• Tell pupils that they are going to read about hip hop music and
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
how some schools are using it to help pupils learn. Ask pupils
what they know about hip hop music and whether they enjoy
• Ask different pupils to describe the piece of artwork of their
listening to it. Then ask pupils to read the text on their own
choice to the class and to say why they like it.
and to find out what one teacher says is unbelievable (how
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
pupils remember what he/she teaches).
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
Answers • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the text
Pupils’ own answers again so that they know what information to look for.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class. Ask them to underline the parts of the text which gave
Writing them their answers.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph from the context. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
about their chosen piece of artwork from the Speaking task.
Ask them to look back at Vocabulary for words related to art
and the Grammar section to remind them of the passive voice.
• Ask pupils to write their paragraphs and then get them to 1 speaking to the rhythm of the music (Rapping, which
swap books with a partner so that they can proofread what means speaking to the rhythm of the music …)
each other has written. Then ask some pupils to read their 2 to help teach school subjects (There is a new school
paragraphs to the class. programme called ‘Flocabulary’ where teachers use text
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are books and hip hop records to help teach a variety of school
short of time. subjects.)
3 exam marks are better, pupils remember the lesson
better (… the positive effect it has had on exam results …
Answers It’s unbelievable how pupils remember what I teach!)
Pupils’ own answers 4 flow and vocabulary (The word ‘Flocabulary’ comes from
the words ‘flow’ and ‘vocabulary’)
5 the lyrics of hip hop songs are easy to remember (… he
Extra Task (for early finishers) realised he could remember the lyrics of a hip hop song very
See photocopiable material on page 138.
Guess what!
Lesson 2 • Read the information to the class and ask pupils to look at the
picture and say what they think termites are. Explain that they
Objectives are small insects which eat dead plants and wood. Ask them
if they find this information surprising and why they think
Reading article – open-ended questions anybody would try to find out this information, and how they
Vocabulary text-related words; music-related words did it.
Grammar passive voice • If pupils are interested, give them further information about
Listening multiple choice questions rap and hip hop music using the information in the Background
Prepositions nouns + for, of, on, to Information box.
• Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
Background Information
partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
The terms rap and hip hop are often used to mean the same • Check the answers as a class.
thing, but rap has a much longer history than hip hop. Rap
is the rhythmical spoken delivery of rhymes, wordplay and Answers
poetry and can be traced back to Africa. Hundreds of years
before hip hop, the ‘griots’ of West Africa travelled from 1 being written
place to place reciting stories and legends, accompanied 2 be
mainly by drums and perhaps one or two other musical 3 was
instruments. In some areas they still do this. 4 performed
Hip hop began in the Bronx in New York in the 1970s, 5 be heard
mainly among African-Americans, with some influence
from Jamaica. The music is used to express political, social B
and personal issues. As with rap, the hip hop artist speaks • Ask pupils to read the paragraph to see which tense of the
lyrically in rhyme and verse, but usually to an instrumental or passive voice matches the situation. Remind them to use the
synthesized beat. DJ Kool Herc, a Jamaican born DJ living in past participle of the main verb. Explain that some of the verbs
New York in the 1970s, is considered by most people to be are irregular, and that pupils can use the Irregular verb list on
the godfather of hip hop. pages 128-9 to find the past participles of any irregular verbs
where necessary.
• Explain that the answers include affirmative and question
Vocabulary forms.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options. a class.
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the article
in the Reading text. Ask pupils to find the words in the text
and underline them. Encourage pupils to guess the meaning Answers
of unfamiliar words from the context before explaining any 1 must be admired
words they don’t understand. 2 have been enjoyed
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as 3 can be heard
a class. 4 are being made
5 Will … be known
1 variety
2 lyrics
3 results • Explain to pupils that they have to look at the groups of words
4 inspired and decide which word in each set of three is different in some
5 literature way from the other two. As some of the vocabulary is new,
encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they have them.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to encourage discussion, but check
Grammar the answers as a class. Ask them to explain why each word is
the odd one out.
Passive voice
• Elicit from pupils how we form the Present Simple passive (am/
are/is + past participle) and Past Simple passive (was/were +
past participle). 1 tune (A band and an orchestra are both groups of
• Read the first sentence in the grammar box to the class. Ask musicians, but a tune is a piece of music.)
different pupils to read out the example sentences for each 2 classical (Rap and reggae are modern types of music, but
tense. Ask pupils which word is the same in all the examples classical music is pre-modern and officially covers the
(played). Explain that we make each tense by using the correct period 1730-1820.)
form of the verb be in each tense and the past participle always 3 microphone (A drum and a xylophone are musical
follows this. Write another example on the board: instruments, but a singer sings into a microphone.)
Rap is used for teaching maths. Ask pupils to come up and 4 loud (The adjectives soft and gentle describe quiet music,
write the sentence in each of the four tenses in the grammar but loud is the opposite of quiet.)
box. 5 instrument (An instrument is something a musician uses
Rap is being used for teaching maths. to play music on, but beat and melody refer to the rhythm
Rap was being used for teaching maths. of the music.)
Rap has been used for teaching maths. 6 pianist (A pianist is a musician who plays an instrument,
Rap will be used for teaching maths. but a composer and a songwriter write music and song
• Explain that we can make the passive form of modal verbs lyrics.)
by writing be + the past participle of the main verb after the
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options and • Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a documentary
to decide which option is correct in each case. Tell them to about Michael Jackson. Ask them what they know about
compare each sentence with the examples in the grammar Michael Jackson and whether they like his music.
box to remind them how the passive voice is formed for the • Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and possible
tenses and modals given. answers so they know what information to listen out for.
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to circle the correct
answers. Ask pupils to discuss their answers with a partner
Lesson 3
and to justify the answers they have if they are different. Objectives
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
and to circle any missing answers.
Reading interview – right, wrong, doesn’t say statements
Turn to page 120 for the listening script. Say it like this! asking for opinions
Listening true or false statements
Answers Speaking using speaking cards to ask and answer questions
about a magic show and an exercise class
1b (… sold more than 750 million albums during his career.) Writing organising information; writing a review of a
2a (His ‘moonwalk’ dance, which looked as if he was being show you have seen
pulled backwards, has become legendary.)
3b (… he gave millions of dollars to charity …[He] wrote the
song ‘Heal the World’ – a song he was very proud of.) Way in
4b (… he was in the Guinness Book of World Records many • Write the headings: kind of music, musical equipment, sound-
times – eight times in 2006 alone.) related words, groups of musicians, jobs. Ask pupils to come up
5b (… his album ‘Thriller’ is still the biggest selling album … ) and write the music-related words that they learnt in Lesson 1
6a (He has waxwork figures in five Madame Tussauds museums under each category.
across the world. Only Elvis Presley and Madonna have kind of music: rap/hip hop, classical, reggae
more – six.) equipment: drum, xylophone, instrument, microphone
kind of sound: soft, gentle, loud, beat, melody, tune
groups of musicians: band, orchestra
Extra Class Activity jobs: pianist, composer, songwriter
Divide the class into small groups of three or four. Ask pupils • Write the words: expert, attitude, no need, lover and effect on
to choose another musician or a band they know about the board and ask pupils to tell you the prepositions which
and to make a quiz about them. Tell them to write four follow each of these nouns. Write their answers as they say
questions with two possible answers for each question in them, and then ask pupils to give a sentence for each of the
their quiz. Once they have made their quizzes, ask groups nouns and prepositions.
to tell the class who their quiz is about then to take turns at • Explain that this lesson is about different kinds of performances.
asking questions for the other groups to guess the answers. Ask pupils what kinds of performances they like to watch.
Write the words for different performances on the board as
they say them, but don’t teach any new words at this stage.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and to
decide which preposition is appropriate in each case. As the • Tell pupils that they are going to read an interview with a
vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they young actor. Ask them to describe the picture of the actor
have them. Remind pupils that English prepositions are often and to say what they think he is doing in the photo. Then ask
used differently from prepositions in other languages so pupils pupils to read the interview on their own and to find out what
might choose the wrong English preposition if they try to use ability was useful to Sam when he was preparing for his role in
direct translation. the play Billy Elliot (he was good at gymnastics).
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any
words they don’t know.
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the
phrases formed with prepositions from the task. Ask each • Tell pupils to read the sentences before they read the interview
pupil to read out one of their sentences until every pupil has again so that they know what information to look for.
had a chance to speak. • Ask pupils to underline the parts of the interview which gave
them their answers.
Answers • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1 on
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
2 to
from the context and correct their pronunciation where
3 for
4 of
5 on
1 W (… it wasn’t planned … I wasn’t very interested in the
Extra Task (for early finishers) theatre before this happened.)
See photocopiable material on page 138. 2 DS
3 R (Do you feel nervous when you’re on stage? … No, not
4 W (The role of Billy’s best friend Michael is played by me.)
5 DS
at the back of the Pupil’s Book. Divide the class into pairs, and
Extra Class Activity
allocate the roles A or B.
Ask pupils whether they have seen the film Billy Elliot. If they • Tell Pupil Bs to use the words on the Speaking card for Unit 8
have, ask them to describe what happened in the film and (Card 1B) on page 133 to ask their partner questions about a
to say how it ended. Ask them whether or not they liked the hip hop class. Tell the Pupil As to use the information on the
film, and why or why not. Speaking card for Unit 8 (Card 1A) on page 131 to answer
If none of the class has seen the film, explain that Billy’s their partner’s questions.
family didn’t want him to be a dancer at first, so he had to • Ask pupils to swap roles, with Pupil As asking the questions on
practise dancing in secret. In the end, he gets a place in the Speaking card 2A on page 131 about Glenn’s Amazing Magic
Royal Ballet School. He becomes a successful dancer and his Show, and Pupil Bs using Speaking card 2B on page 133 to
family are very proud of him. give them the answers.
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
Say it like this! this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
Asking for opinions • Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions until
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the expressions we each pair has had a turn.
use to ask for opinions. Then tell them to take turns to read • Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
the example questions. without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
• Tell pupils to take turns at asking for and giving opinions about them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
the other four topics. Remind them to practise the language
given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation pattern if
necessary. Speaking cards 1A and 1B
• As a class, ask pairs to repeat one of their dialogues until all Suggested questions
pupils have had the chance to speak. Where is the exercise class? / Where does the class take
Answers What do you do at the class?
Do they play/Do you exercise to other kinds of music?
Pupils’ own answers When are the classes?
How much do the classes cost?
Listening Suggested answers
The class is at the Fullerton Community Centre.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a teacher You do exercises to hip hop music.
talking to some pupils about a school play. Ask pupils to Yes, there’s also disco and funk music.
describe the picture. Then ask whether they have ever taken The classes are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to
part in a school play and, if so, what role they played and what 8 o’clock.
they liked or didn’t like about it. It costs/They cost 30 euros a month.
• Ask pupils to read through all of the sentences quickly to
see what information they have to listen for. Remind them Speaking cards 2A and 2B
that they have to write T if the sentence is correct or F if it is Suggested questions
incorrect. Who is in / is doing the Magic Show?
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to write T or F. What will he do in the show?
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers Where is the Magic Show? / Where will the Magic Show
and to fill in any missing answers. be?
• Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify When is it/ will it be?
their answers. How much are the tickets/ do the tickets cost?
Turn to page 121 for the listening script. Suggested answers
A famous magician / Glenn Falk
Answers He will do lots of unbelievable magic tricks.
1 F (There were a few problems last week – lots of people At the Princes Theatre.
were forgetting their lines.) On Saturday 9th October.
2 T (What about the costumes? Katie, your mum’s making 20 euros for adults and 15 euros for children
them, isn’t she?)
3 F (Mum says they’ll be finished by Friday.)
4 F (Now, the posters. Have they been put up yet? … Not Writing
5 F (I must ask Mr Marston in the art department to thank Organising information
his pupils for making those.) A
6 T (The girl who was going to play the piano can’t do it • Remind pupils that we usually organise our writing in
now … Yes, Sir, I’ve found a girl. Her name’s Wendy Shaw paragraphs to keep the information in a logical order that is
and she’s in class 5F.) easy to follow. Tell pupils that it is useful to make a plan with
notes of what they will write in each paragraph to help them
remember what to include in their writing.
Speaking • Explain to pupils that they have to match the notes a to h with
the paragraph headings 1 to 4. Tell pupils to match the notes
• Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs and take turns to that they are sure about first and then to discuss the other
ask and answer questions about an exercise class and a magic answers with their partners.
show. Tell them that they are going to use the Speaking cards
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, and check homework, give pupils a few minutes before the next lesson
the answers as a class after pupils have read the review in to proofread their reviews.
task B.
Answers Pupils’ own answers
a4 b2 c1 d3 e2 f4 g3 h1
• Remind pupils to use the phrases from C to give information
and their opinions and recommendations about the show.
• Ask pupils to proofread their reviews and to make sure they
have included all the information from their paragraph plan.
• Stick pupils’ reviews on the wall and ask them to read
each other’s when they have time. If you assign this task as
Review 4
attitude, no need, a lover and effect. Then ask them to make
sentences using each of these words and prepositions.
C • To finish, ask pupils to look at the pictures and to match them
• Explain to pupils that they should only write one word to to the verses in the song. Ask pupils whether they like taking
replace the word in bold. photos and what they like to take photos of.
• Tell pupils to decide which preposition goes with the words
When checking pupils’ answers to the review tasks, make a note
before or after the gaps.
of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar that they still
have. Try to do extra work on these areas so that your pupils
Answers progress well.
1 on 5 of
2 off 6 on
3 to 7 in
4 out 8 to
• Explain to pupils that they should read the sentences before
trying to fill in the gaps and to decide which of the verbs in the
box matches the context. Tell them to use the Present Simple
passive of the verb from the box.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 8, Lesson 1 grammar box and to
look at the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9 for a reminder
if they need to.
1 are sold
2 aren’t/are not allowed
3 is played
4 are invited
5 are worn
• Explain to pupils that they should look at the prompts for each
sentence to find the subject and the words that make the
passive of a verb.
• Tell pupils to look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 8, Lessons
1 and 2 for a reminder if they need to.
1 The doctor was called last night.
2 A concert will be given here next week.
3 Yoga exercises can be done anywhere.
4 A photo of her is being taken at the moment.
5 The exhibition has been visited by thousands of people.
6 Fast food shouldn’t be eaten by young children.
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible options
before trying to choose the answer to see what kind of word
comes after each gap and to decide which option matches
the context.
• Tell them to look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 7, Lessons
1, 2 and 3 for a reminder if they need to.
1b 2c 3a 4c 5b 6a 7a 8b 9a 10c
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about photographs.
Ask them to read and listen to the song and to find out which
photographs the song is about.
• Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You could do
this verse by verse and then play it once all the way through.
m e S po r t s
Lesson 1
Way in
• If you assigned Unit 8, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework, Reading dialogue – open-ended questions
give pupils a few minutes to proofread their reviews and to Vocabulary text-related words, sport-related words
check they’ve included all the information using the paragraph Grammar conditional sentences; zero conditional; first
plan. When you have marked their work ask them to read conditional; unless
each other’s reviews, or choose some of them to stick on the Listening true or false statements
wall so pupils can read them when they have time. Speaking asking and answering questions about extreme
• Ask pupils to write down the words they can remember related sports
to music. Tell them to swap books with a partner to compare Writing writing five sentences about extreme sports
words and to check each other’s spelling.
• Explain that this unit is about extreme sports. Ask pupils as a
class what they understand by the phrase ‘extreme sports’ and
to name as many as they can. Write their suggestions on the
board. • Ask pupils to look at the photos a to d and match them with
the names of the sports 1 to 4.
Quiz • Ask pupils to match the sports on their own. Check the
answers as a class and then ask pupils to say which sport they
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 80 and 81 and to would most like to try and why.
say what extreme sport they can see in the photo. Ask them • Explain that Kate is telling Mandy, Robbie and Jake about
where they think the photo was taken. Don’t teach any new an extreme sport that she has done. Tell pupils that they are
vocabulary at this stage. going to read the children’s dialogue.
• Read the information about the photo on page 80 and teach
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know. Ask pupils whether Answers
they have ever tried surfing or whether they would like to surf 1c 2a 3d 4b
in waves like the ones in the photo.
• Ask pupils to think about how many people could surf at the
same time on a wave like the one in the photo.
• Remind pupils that they are not expected to know the answer Answers
to these general knowledge questions, but ask pupils to work Pupils’ own answers
in pairs or small groups to discuss what they think might be
the answer to the quiz. Check the answer as a class.
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about
surfing using the information in the Background Information
box. • Ask pupils to read the dialogue on their own to find out
what happens if you don’t lean out far enough when you do
abseiling (your feet slip).
Background Information • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the dialogue
Surfing is a sport that came from an ancient tradition in again so they know what information to look for.
Hawaii. Europeans first saw surfers in 1767, when sailors on • Ask pupils to do the task individually, and to underline the
an English ship arrived in Tahiti. Surfing was also mentioned parts of the dialogue which gave them their answers. Check
in the stories of Captain Cook who travelled all round the the answers as a class.
world before he died in 1779. The famous writer, Mark
Twain, who wrote the Tom Sawyer books, visited Hawaii in Answers
1866 and wrote about surfers. He described men, women
1 Kate’s abseiling instructor (… this was the instructor. Her
and children all surfing together. Nowadays, people surf in
name’s Julie.)
many countries. Originally, surfboards were made of wood
2 a harness, a helmet, special gloves, knee pads (And here’s
and were big and heavy, but now they are made of lighter,
me wearing my harness and helmet. I also had to wear
strong, man-made materials. For further information, go to
special gloves … You also have to wear knee pads…).
www.nationalgeographic.com and look up surfing.
3 absolutely terrified (Were you feeling nervous at that
moment? … I was absolutely terrified!)
4 very proud of herself (I felt very proud of myself at that
Answer moment.)
c 5 No, she doesn’t. (… but I won’t go again unless you guys
come with me next time!)
meaning using if (I won’t go again if you guys don’t come with
Extra Class Activity
Pupils usually enjoy role-playing, and this can help them • Ask pupils to give you two more sentences using unless. Ask
to remember functional language as well as build their different pupils to read out their sentences to the class. Correct
confidence in speaking English. Divide the class into four any structural errors where necessary.
groups, one each for Kate, Mandy, Robbie and Jake, and
ask each group to decide who will play the character. The A
nominated pupils then act out the dialogue. If the class is • Explain that all the sentences in this task are first conditionals.
interested, you can get them to repeat the dialogue with Ask pupils which tense we use in the if clause of a first
another four pupils. conditional (Present Simple) and which tense we use in the
result clause (Future Simple).
• Ask pupils to read each sentence to find the if clause and the
Vocabulary result clause to decide whether they need to use the Present
Simple or the Future Simple of the verb in brackets.
• Ask pupils to read the sentences and decide which words fit • Explain that the answers include affirmative, negative and
the situation. Explain that the words all appear in the article. question forms.
Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline them. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words a class.
from the context before they look up the meanings in their
dictionaries. Explain any words they still don’t understand. Answers
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as 1 go, will take 4 takes, will feel
a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. 2 eats, will be 5 Will a snake bite, touch
3 will bite, don’t sleep
1 instructor 3 slip 5 edge B
2 get the hang of 4 harness 6 lean • Ask pupils to read each sentence to decide which word fits the
Grammar • Tell them to decide whether the result clause of each sentence is
a result of doing something or a result of not doing something.
Remind them that unless has the same meaning as if not.
Conditional sentences
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
• Go through the grammar box explaining the structure of a class.
conditional sentences to the class. Write on the board:
We will go windsurfing if the weather is nice.
Ask pupils how to rewrite the sentence so that it starts with Answers
the if clause. Write their answer on the board (If the weather is 1 if 3 ιf 5 unless
nice, we will go windsurfing.) Point out that when the sentence 2 Unless 4 Ιf
begins with the if clause there is a comma separating the two
(If the weather isn’t nice, we won’t go windsurfing.
If the weather is nice, will we go windsurfing?)
• Explain to pupils that they have to match the photos a to f
Zero Conditional with the words 1 to 6. One of the words occurs in the Reading
• Go through the use of the zero conditional in the grammar text (gloves). Encourage them to use their dictionaries to look
box with the class. up any words they don’t know.
• Ask pupils to look back at the dialogue in Reading to find two • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
examples of zero conditionals (If you look down, you feel very answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
scared.; If you don’t lean back far enough, your feet slip.). Then
ask them to work in pairs to write two more zero conditional Answers
sentences. Check their answers as a class and correct any 1b 2e 3c 4f 5d 6a
structural errors where necessary.
First Conditional
• Now go through the use of the first conditional in the grammar Teaching Tip
box with the class.
Try to make pupils aware how important correct
• Ask pupils to look back at the dialogue in Reading to find
pronunciation is. Explain that, if we say words wrongly,
one example of the first conditional with will and one example
people might not understand what we are trying to say.
with a modal verb (… if you move around a bit, we’ll all be able
Write the words from this Vocabulary task on the board,
to see..; If you can do it, we can too.). Ask different pupils to
and then ask different pupils to read each one and to
come up and write the negative and question forms of the
come up and put a line above the part of the word that
two sentences. Then ask them to work in pairs to write two
is stressed more.
more first conditional sentences. Check their answers as a
class and correct any structural errors where necessary.
Unless Extra Class Activity
• Now go through the use of unless in the grammar box with Ask pupils to tell you which sports the things in the
the class. vocabulary task are used for (eg wetsuit, flippers, goggles
• Ask pupils to find the sentence with unless in the dialogue in = scuba diving; wetsuit, lifejacket, parachute = paragliding;
Reading (… I won’t go again unless you guys come with me …). gloves = abseiling, skiing).
Ask pupils how to rewrite this sentence so that it has the same
Listening Answers
Pupils’ own answers
Turn to page 121 for the listening script.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to someone
talking about an activity holiday. Ask them to say what kind Extra Task (for early finishers)
of activity holiday the photo shows. Then ask what they think
See photocopiable material on page 139.
might be good or bad about this kind of holiday and whether
they would like to go on a holiday like this.
• Ask pupils to read through all of the sentences quickly to see
what information they have to listen for. Remind them that they
have to write T if the sentence is correct or F if it is incorrect. Lesson 2
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to write T or F. Objectives
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
and to fill in any missing answers.
• Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify Reading article – missing sentences
their answers. Vocabulary text-related words; some common verbs used
in a sports context
Grammar second conditional
Answers Listening multiple choice questions
1 T (There will be an early start tomorrow morning – that’s Phrasal Verbs catch up with; drop out of; warm up; work out
Friday …)
2 T (Mountain bikes and helmets can be rented from the shop
next door.) Way in
3 F (… should we wear wetsuits? ... Yes, because it gets very • If you assigned the Writing task in Lesson 1 for homework, give
cold out on the water.) pupils a few minutes to proofread each other’s sentences.
4 F (Unfortunately, there isn’t much snow on the mountains • Ask pupils to give you an example of a zero conditional
at the moment. So, we won’t be able to go skiing.) sentence. Write the sentence on the board and ask them
5 T (… on Sunday morning, there will be a scuba diving trip which verb tense we use in both the if clause and in the result
to Beaker Island.) clause (Present Simple). Ask them to tell you when we use the
6 T (… we’ve never had any accidents so far. And we’ve been zero conditional (to talk about facts and general truths).
offering activity holidays for over ten years now.) • Ask pupils to give you examples of a first conditional sentence
with if and another with unless. Ask them why we use the first
Pupils’ own answers
• Explain to pupils that they are going to read an article about
another extreme sport. Ask them to decide which of the sports
Writing on the list are extreme sports, and to justify their answers.
• Ask them to look at the photo next to the text, then to read
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write five sentences the text and to say which sport the person is doing (land diving),
about extreme sports. Tell them to use the answers to the as well as ticking the two extreme sports that are mentioned
questions about extreme sports in the Speaking task. Ask (volcano surfing, bungee jumping).
them to look back at Vocabulary for words related to sports.
• Ask pupils to write down their sentences and then get them to
swap books with a partner to proofread what each other has Comprehension
written. Then ask some pupils to read their sentences to the • Ask pupils to read the missing sentences before they read the
class. article again. This way they will have more of an idea about
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are what information is missing and where it might be likely to
short of time. go.
• Once they have filled the gaps, tell pupils to read back through
the article to make sure that they have chosen the correct
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as surfing?). Ask them to give their own answer to this question
a class. in a second conditional sentence (eg If I had a choice between
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words the two, I would choose normal surfing).
from the context and correct their pronunciation where • Read the note about the use of was/were in conditional
necessary. sentences and point out that we can use were after he, she, it
and I; eg If I weren’t scared, I’d try bungee jumping.
1a 2e 3d 4b 5c • Remind pupils that all the sentences in this paragraph are
second conditionals. Ask pupils which verb tense we use in
Guess what! the if clause of a second conditional (Past Simple) and which
structure we use in the result clause (would + bare infinitive).
• Ask pupils to read each sentence to find the if clause and the
• Ask pupils to read the information in the box. Ask pupils if result clause to decide whether they need to use the Past
they have ever seen anyone bungee jumping and, if so, where. Simple or would and the bare infinitive of the verb in brackets.
Ask them how they think they would feel if they did a bungee • Explain that the answers include affirmative and negative
jump from a helicopter into a volcano. forms.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
• Ask the pupils to read through the words and the two possible Answers
meanings. 1 had 6 wouldn’t be
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the article in 2 would love 7 saw
Reading. Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline 3 had 8 wouldn’t believe
them and then to circle the answer which gives the correct 4 would tell 9 found
meaning of the word in the text. 5 was/were 10 would be
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
• Explain to pupils that the task consists of both first and second
Answers conditional sentences. Ask them to read through the sentences
1a 2a 3b 4b 5b 6a and options and to find out which conditional is being used.
Tell them to compare the verb tenses in each sentence with
the examples in the grammar box to see whether they are
B second conditionals.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and decide • Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
which word fits the situation. Explain that they should use the partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
verbs in the same form shown in the wordbank. As most of • Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries if answers they give.
they have them as well as looking for clues in the meaning of
the sentence.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meaning of the Answers
verbs where necessary. 1 would 3 don’t 5 were
2 like 4 found 6 go
1 hit
2 come
3 land
4 aim
5 score
6 beat
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a discussion
about extreme sports. Ask them why they think people like
Extra Class Activity extreme sports.
Tell pupils to imagine they are watching a sports match, • Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and possible
game or competition and they are the commentators, who answers so that they know what information to listen out for.
tell people what is happening. Ask them to work in pairs to Point out that question 4 is about kite surfing, and ask pupils
write a paragraph about the sport that they are watching. whether they have heard of this before and what they think
Tell them to use the verbs from the Vocabulary task to kite surfing is.
describe what the players are doing. Once pupils have • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to choose the
completed their paragraphs, ask for volunteers to come up correct answers. Ask pupils to discuss their answers with a
and give their sports commentary. partner and to justify the answers they have if they are
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
Grammar and to circle any missing answers.
Turn to page 121 for the listening script.
• Read the uses of the second conditional in the grammar
box to the class. Ask pupils to read the example sentences.
Then ask pupils to look back at the text in Reading to find a
second conditional question (If you had a choice between the
two, would you prefer volcano surfing or the normal kind of
Way in
• Write the words aim, beat, come (first), hit, land and score on
1b (Julia Knowles, the Olympic swimming champion … the board and ask pupils to make second conditional sentences
And Dan Simpson, who’s just written a book about his using these verbs.
experiences as a climber.) • Ask pupils to tell you what the phrasal verbs catch up with,
2b (Because they like a challenge. If you don’t have challenges, drop out of, warm up and work out mean. Ask them to give
life gets very boring.) you a sentence for each of these phrasal verbs.
3a (… it’s usually men who do them – because they want to • Explain that this lesson is about very unusual sports. Ask pupils
show how powerful they are!) what the most unusual sport is that they can think of, and to
4a (‘Wouldn’t you have to be very, very fit to do this sport? … describe how this sport is done.
Yes, of course.)
5b (Unfortunately, many people who organise these sports
don’t always follow all the Health and Safety rules. The Reading
equipment that you can rent isn’t often as good as it
• Tell pupils that they are going to read about three very unusual
should be.)
sports. Ask them to look at the photos in the article and to say
what each photo suggests about each sport. Then ask pupils
to read the article on their own and to find out which sport
isn’t always done in the same place (extreme ironing).
Teaching Tip
Encourage a class discussion on the topic of the Listening
task. Ask pupils whether people have accidents doing Comprehension
extreme sports in their country. Ask them what they think • Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the article
causes these accidents and what might stop them from again so that they know what information to look for.
happening. • Ask pupils to underline the parts of the article which gave
them the answers.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Phrasal Verbs a class.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of any words they
A don’t know and correct their pronunciation where necessary.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to match the phrasal verbs 1 to 4
with the meanings a to d. As most of the phrasal verbs are
new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they have them. Answers
Check the answers as a class. 1 CR (… but lots of people fall and get hurt.)
2 MH, CR (Lobb was the first person to get the prize of
£25,000; … the person who reaches the bottom
of the hill first gets the cheese!)
1c 2b 3d 4a 3 EI (… isn’t really taken seriously by most people …)
4 CR (… has been a tradition in Brockworth since the
B 1800s.)
• Ask pupils to read each sentence and to decide which phrasal 5 EI (All you need to do it is an iron and a board – an ironing
verb from A fits the meaning. board!)
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as 6 MH (The race puts human contestants up against horses
a class. Ask them to learn the phrasal verbs by heart. with riders.)
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the
phrasal verbs. Ask each pupil to read out one of their sentences
until every pupil has had a chance to speak.
Say it like this!
• Read the rules about how we use adjectives with numbers and
Answers read the examples in the box. Write on the board:
This piece of cheese is 10 kilos.
1 warm up 3 drop out of This is a ………. piece of cheese.
2 catch up with 4 work out • Ask pupils how we can complete the second sentence with
an adjective that begins with the number 10 (we write 10
followed by a hyphen followed by kilo).
Extra Task (for early finishers) • Ask pupils to work individually to change the plural expressions
See photocopiable material on page 139. to make expressions with adjectives that begin with numbers
followed by nouns. Then ask them to compare answers with a
partner and to justify their answers if they are different. Check
the answers as a class.
Lesson 3
1 a 5-kilometre walk 3 a 15-minute break
2 a 10-year-old athlete 4 a 35-euro ticket
Reading article – multiple matching
Say it like this! adjectives with numbers
Grammar third conditional
Writing using informal language; writing an email to
a friend about an activity or a sport that you
enjoyed recently
Extra Class Activity Answers
• Tell pupils to make some phrases of their own with 1c 2a 3d 4b 5e 6f
adjectives that begin with numbers followed by nouns.
Remind them to use a hyphen and to make the necessary
changes to the noun which follows the hyphen.
• Explain that pupils have to complete the email with the
• Ask pupils to read out their phrases, until all pupils have
informal words and expressions 1 to 8 in A. Tell them to read
had the chance to speak. Correct their pronunciation and
through the email and to see what Suzie wrote about before
intonation pattern if necessary.
and after each gap. Tell them to look back at the meanings of
the words in A to find out which one matches the situation.
Grammar • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Third Conditional
• Read the uses of the third conditional in the grammar box to Answers
the class. Ask pupils to read the example sentences. Explain 1 How’s it going 4 cool
that we use the Past Perfect Simple of the verb in the if clause 2 Guess what 5 What have you been up to
in the third conditional, and remind pupils that we make the 3 ages 6 let me know
Past Perfect Simple with had + the past participle of the main
• Then ask pupils to look back at the first part of the article in Task
Reading to find a third conditional sentence (If he had reached C
the finishing line just three minutes later, a horse would have • Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss an activity or sport they
won the race again.). have enjoyed recently. Explain that if they haven’t done any
• Remind pupils that all the sentences in this task are examples activity or sport recently, they can discuss an activity or sport
of the third conditional. Ask them which verb tense we use that they enjoyed doing in the past and pretend that this is
in the if clause of a third conditional (Past Perfect Simple) and something they have just done.
what structure we use in the result clause (would/wouldn’t • Make sure pupils understand the paragraph plan. Remind them
have + past participle). that each paragraph adds a different piece of information to
• Remind pupils that they can use the list of Irregular verbs on the email to make it easy to follow.
pages 128-9 to find the past participles of irregular verbs if • Ask pupils to use the plan to write an email like the one in B.
necessary. • Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class. Answers
• Explain that pupils have to read the paragraph about Sam and
then complete the third conditional sentences to talk about Pupils’ own answers
things that were possible but didn’t happen in this story.
• Ask the pupils to read the paragraph on their own, and then
ask them to complete the sentences in pairs. Check the Suggested answer
answers as a class. Hi Maria!
How are you? Did you enjoy yourself in London? I had a
great holiday in Skye! We went to visit the waterfalls on the
Teaching Tip island and guess what? I went abseiling!
As pupils might find it difficult to understand how to do I had never tried abseiling before so I borrowed a harness, a
this task, you might find it appropriate to do the first helmet and special gloves from the instructor. I was excited
answer with the class as an example to get them on the at first, but I was terrified when I started to go down the
right track. rope. It was hard to go slowly and I thought I was going
to fall on the rocks at the bottom of the waterfalls. But if
I hadn’t been climbing before, I would have found it much
Answers harder to do, I think.
1 hadn’t got, wouldn’t have gone Abseiling is really scary! You would have liked it if you’d
2 hadn’t cycled too fast down, wouldn’t have lost come, because you like that kind of excitement!
control of What about you? What did you do in London? Send me an
3 hadn’t lost control of, wouldn’t have hit email and let me know!
4 hadn’t hit, wouldn’t have fallen Bye for now!
5 hadn’t forgotten to wear/had worn, wouldn’t have hurt Peter
Writing D
• Remind pupils that they should use the informal expressions
Using Informal Language from A.
A • Ask pupils to proofread their emails and to pay attention to
• Explain to pupils that they have to match the informal phrases the use of informal language.
1 to 8 with the meanings a to h. Tell pupils to match the • When you have marked their emails, choose some to stick on
phrases that they already know first and then to use their the wall so pupils can read them when they have time. If you
dictionaries to look up any words they don’t know. assign this task as homework, give pupils a few minutes at the
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task. Check the answers beginning of the next lesson to proofread their emails.
as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
Extra Task (for early finishers)
See photocopiable material on page 139.
Project Book
The pupils may do project 9 now they have completed the unit.
The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
this book.
Lesson 1
Way in
• If you assigned Unit 9, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework, Reading email – right, wrong, doesn’t say statements
give pupils a few minutes to proofread their emails and to Vocabulary text-related words, crime-related phrases
check they’ve used the informal words and phrases they Grammar wishes
learnt, and followed the paragraph plan. When you have Listening ticking pictures
marked their emails, choose some of them to stick on the Speaking talking about crime where you live
wall so pupils can read them when they have time. Writing writing a paragraph about the crime situation
• Write on the board: where you live
I ………. (go) surfing if I ………. (know) the instructor.
Ask pupils to complete the sentence in the third conditional
(would have gone, had known). Ask pupils when we use
the third conditional (to talk about something that was a
possibility in the past, but didn’t happen). • Explain to pupils that they are going to read an email from
Mandy to Kate about what happened to her on a bus. Ask
Quiz pupils whether any of their friends or family has ever lost
something important or been robbed and, if so, what was lost
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 88 and 89 and and how they felt about it.
to say what they can see in the photo. Ask them where they • Ask pupils to read the email on their own to find out what
think the photo was taken. Don’t teach any new vocabulary Mandy had in her purse (60 pounds and her front door key).
at this stage.
• Read the information about the photo on page 88 and teach Comprehension
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know. Ask pupils what
they would do if they found some lost treasure. • Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the email
• Draw a picture of a flag with a skull and crossbones on the again so that they know what information to look for.
board. Explain that it is the kind of flag that we usually see • Ask pupils to underline the parts of the email which gave them
on pirates’ ships. the answers.
• Remind pupils that they are not expected to know the answer • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
to the quiz and ask them to discuss the question and the from the context before you explain any vocabulary pupils
options in pairs or small groups and decide what they think is don’t know. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
the most likely answer. Check the answer as a class • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about a class.
the Jolly Roger using the information in the Background
Information box. Answers
1 R (We got the bus into town and it was very crowded, so
Background Information we had to stand all the way.)
2 R (… I suddenly noticed that my bag was open …)
There are different ideas about why the flag with a skull
3 W (A policeman saw what was going on and managed to
above two crossed bones on a black background is called
grab the boy.)
the Jolly Roger. One theory is that it comes from the French
4 DS
words jolie rouge, meaning ‘pretty red’. Some Dutch 5 DS
paintings from the seventeenth century show pirates with 6 W (Jake offered to lend me the money to buy the trainers)
a red flag, and the first written report of it, in 1694, called
it a Red Jack. Another theory is that it was taken from a
name for the devil, ‘Old Roger’, who looked ‘jolly’ because
of his smile.
• Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and options.
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in Mandy’s email.
Answer Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline them.
c Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1 keeping 4 guilty
2 going 5 grabbed
3 embarrassing 6 careless
Grammar Answers
1c 2e 3a 4f 5b 6d
• Read the first part of the grammar box to the class about the
uses of wish and if only in a present situation. Write on the
board My trainers aren’t new. and then ask pupils to write a Teaching Tip
sentence about the trainers beginning with I wish (eg I wish my
trainers were new.). Explain that we can also start this sentence As pupils often find it difficult to understand the difference
with If only instead of I wish. Ask pupils to make a sentence between rob and steal, write on the board: Somebody
with I wish or If only about something they would like to be robbed the bank. They stole all the money. Explain that we
different in their lives. use rob + a person or place to show that somebody took
• Read the second paragraph about was and were in the grammar something from there, and we use steal + something to
box. Explain that the first example has the same meaning as I show what the person took.
wish I was rich.
• Ask pupils to look back at Mandy’s email to find a sentence
that begins with If only and a sentence that begins with I wish Extra Class Activity
(If only we hadn’t gone., I wish I hadn’t been so careless …). Ask Ask pupils to write three sentences of their own using steal
pupils to underline the verbs after If only and wish and to tell and three sentences using rob. Ask some pupils to read their
you what tense they are (Past Perfect Simple). Read the third sentences to the class. Correct use of rob and steal where
paragraph of the grammar box to the class. Ask pupils to work necessary.
in pairs to make their own sentences about past situations
they would like to have been different.
A Listening
• Explain to pupils that they should only change the words in • Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to five
bold and they mustn’t change any other words. Tell them to conversations about crimes.
read each sentence to decide whether it is a wish about a • Ask pupils to read the questions and to find the differences
present situation or a past situation, and whether they have between the three pictures below each question.
to write an affirmative or negative form. Tell them to compare • Play the recording and ask pupils to tick the correct answers.
the sentences with the examples in the grammar box to see • Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
which rule applies. partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
a class. and to tick any missing answers.
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify their
Answers answers.
1 had Turn to page 122 for the listening script.
2 hadn’t
3 were
4 didn’t Answers
5 escaped 1c (… they’re getting into a car. … they were tall and wearing
2b (Because it’s not a road – it’s where people walk.)
B 3a (Didn’t you lock it? … No – I wish I had. It’s so old I didn’t
• Ask pupils to read each sentence in the letter to decide whether think anyone would want to steal it.)
they need to use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Simple of 4a (The only things I’ve got in it are my purse and my
the verb in brackets. Remind them to use had/hadn’t + the sunglasses. … I don’t think you’ve paid for these.)
past participle of the main verb in the Past Perfect Simple. 5c (That’ll be 18 euros … you’ll have to pay the full price,
Explain that some of the verbs in brackets are irregular, and then.)
that pupils can use the list of Irregular verbs on page 128-9 to
find the past participle of any irregular verbs if necessary.
• Explain that the answers include affirmative and negative
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as • Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs to talk
a class. about crime where they live. Tell pupils to take turns to tell
each other what they would like to be different. Tell them to
Answers look back at the Grammar tasks to remember the sentence
structures with I wish and If only.
1 hadn’t sent 4 could
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
2 were/was 5 could
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
3 didn’t have to
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
Vocabulary • Ask each pair to say one of the things they would like to be
different. If any pupils have chosen the same thing, ask them
• Explain to pupils that they have to match the verbs 1 to 6 if they have anything to add to the answers already given.
with the words a to f. Tell pupils to match the words that they • Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
already know first and then to use their dictionaries to look up without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
any words they don’t know. them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
answers as a class and correct pronunciation where necessary.
read the article on their own and to choose the best title for
Suggested answers it (a).
In my area there’s a lot of rubbish on the streets. I know it’s
not a serious crime, but I wish people didn’t just throw their
rubbish on to the street.
I live in the centre of town and there’s quite a lot of crime, • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the article
such as robbery and people stealing cars. If only there were again so that they know what information to look for.
more policemen on the streets there would be less crime. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
as a class. Ask them to underline the parts of the article which
gave them the answers.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before you explain any vocabulary pupils still
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph don’t know. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
about the situations they talked about in Speaking. Tell them • If pupils are interested, give them further information about the
to use the statements they made with I wish and If only in the Iceman using the information in the Background Information
Speaking task. Ask them to look back at Vocabulary for words box.
and phrases related to crime and the Grammar tasks to remind
them of the sentence structures for wishes.
• Ask pupils to write their paragraphs and then get them to Answers
swap books with a partner to proofread what each other has 1 some hikers in the Italian Alps (In 1991, some hikers in the
written. Then ask some pupils to read their paragraphs to the Italian Alps found a dead body. … He is now known as the
class. Iceman …)
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are 2 He had a copper axe. (Among his weapons was a copper
short of time. axe, which shows that he was weathy.)
3 an X-ray examination (An X-ray examination of the body
Answers showed a small dark shape beneath the Iceman’s shoulder.
It showed that the stone head of an arrow had caused the
Pupils’ own answers injury that killed him.)
4 the blood of four different people on the Iceman’s clothes
(In 2003, an Australian scientist discovered the blood of
Extra Task (for early finishers) four different people on the Iceman’s clothes.)
See photocopiable material on page 140. 5 beneath his left shoulder and on his hand and head (… a
small dark shape beneath [his] left shoulder. … This could
also explain the injuries he had on his hand and head.)
• Ask pupils to read the dialogue and to find the subject that
Answers comes before each gap, and to look out for when no subject
1 proof is given, to decide which reflexive pronoun fits the situation.
2 labourer • Tell them to look back at the list of subject pronouns and
3 weapon reflexive pronouns on the board and the grammar box to
4 injury remind them if necessary.
5 victim • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
6 blood a class.
Grammar Answers
1 yourselves
Reflexive Pronouns 2 ourselves
3 myself
4 herself
Teaching Tip 5 yourself
You might like to revise the subject and object pronouns
at this point before teaching the use of reflexive pronouns.
Ask pupils to close their books. Write on the board:
I like … (they) • Explain to pupils that they have to look at the groups of words
You like … (he) and decide which word in each set of three is different in some
He/She likes … (I) way from the other two. As some of the vocabulary is new,
We like … (she) encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they have them.
You like … (it) • Ask pupils to work in pairs to encourage discussion, but check
They like … (we) the answers as a class. Ask pupils to explain why each word
Then ask pupils to come up and write the correct object they have chosen is the odd one out.
pronouns (them, him, me, her, it, us).
• Explain that the words listed in the grammar box are called 1 clue (A clue is something that helps us find out about
reflexive pronouns. Ask pupils to read the uses of reflexive something, but an axe and an arrow are types of
pronouns and the examples in the grammar box. weapons.)
• Write on the board: 2 handcuffs (The police put handcuffs on somebody they
I did it (by) … have arrested, but murder and robbery are crimes.)
You did it (by) … 3 judge (A burglar and a robber are thieves, but a judge is
He did it (by) … the person who decides whether or not somebody has
She did it (by) … committed a crime and what should happen to them if
We did it (by) … they have.)
You did it (by) … 4 punish (To steal means to take something that isn’t yours
They did it (by) … and to kidnap means to take a person and keep them as
then ask individual pupils to come up and write the correct a prisoner. To punish means to make somebody pay for a
reflexive pronoun. crime they have committed.)
5 prisoner (A prisoner is somebody who is locked up in a
A prison, but a court and a police station are places where
• Ask pupils to look at the prompts for each sentence or question somebody is taken after they have committed a crime.)
to find the subject, the object and the verb. Tell them to look 6 investigation (A fine and a sentence are types of
back at the examples in the grammar box to help them find punishment for committing a crime, but an investigation
the correct word order. Tell them to read the sentence they is what the police do to find out who committed a
have written to check that it makes sense. crime.)
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Answers • Ask pupils whether they know anything about Agatha Christie.
1 She had a weapon to protect herself. If necessary, explain that she was a famous British writer who
2 Don’t go out at night by yourself. wrote detective stories in the twentieth century. Explain to
3 We blamed ourselves for the robbery. pupils that they are going to listen to a police report about the
4 The thief hurt himself when he tried to escape. disappearance of Agatha Christie and that they are going to
5 The policeman told the boys to behave themselves. complete the report.
• Remind pupils that they will write different kinds of information
B in each gap. Give pupils time to read the report and then ask
them what kind of information is missing from each one (1
Extra Class Activity date, 2 person, 3 place, 4 things, 5 number, 6 place).
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to fill in their
Before pupils do the grammar task, ask them to describe the answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check their
scene in the picture above the dialogue. You can prompt answers and to justify any answers they have that are different.
them with questions such as: Who are the two men? Why is • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
one of them writing in a notebook? What reason might there and to fill in any missing information.
be for the suitcase in the room? Ask them if they think a crime
has been committed and what they think the crime is.
• Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify their • Explain that this lesson is about different kinds of crimes and
answers. punishment. Ask pupils to name different kinds of crimes and
to say what they think the punishment is for these crimes in
Turn to page 122 for the listening script.
their own country. Don’t teach any new words at this stage.
Answers Reading
1 December 8th (On the evening of December 8th 1926,
Agatha Christie, aged 36, disappeared.) • Tell pupils that they are going to read four newspaper reports.
2 a police officer (… she left two notes – one to her secretary Ask pupils to read the reports on their own and to find out
with details of her trip and another to a police officer.) in which cities people have found an unusual way to prevent
3 pond (… Christie’s car was found at the bottom of a hill crime (Naples and Madrid). Then ask pupils to look at the
near a pond …) picture on the right of the reports and to say which report
4 clothes (In it were bags of Christie’s clothes and other is about a place where this object (a gavel) is used (the report
personal things.) about the judge in court).
5 11/eleven (Eleven days later …)
6 hotel (… a woman who looked like Agatha Christie was
staying at the hotel … found that it was really her.)
• Ask pupils to read the missing sentences before they read the
reports again so that they know what information to look for.
Prepositions • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before looking them up in the dictionary.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and to decide • Once they have filled the gaps, tell pupils to read back through
which preposition matches the word that comes before it in the reports to make sure that they have chosen the correct
each one. As some of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils sentences.
to use dictionaries if they have them. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any a class.
words they don’t know.
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the
phrases formed with prepositions from the task. Ask each Answers
pupil to read out one of their sentences until every pupil has 1a 2e 3d 4c 5b
had a chance to speak.
Say it like this!
1 about
Expressing Disbelief
2 of • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read through the expressions we
3 with use to express disbelief. Explain that we use the expressions on
4 for the left to describe something surprising, and the expressions
5 into on the right to show that we find something surprising or
difficult to believe.
• Tell pupils to read the subjects and to think of some surprising
Extra Task (for early finishers) things to say for each of them. Then tell them to take turns
to tell their partner about these things. Remind them to
See photocopiable material on page 140. practise the language given. Correct their pronunciation and
intonation pattern if necessary.
• As a class, ask different pupils to repeat the things they
said about one of the subjects, until each subject has been
Lesson 3 mentioned and all pupils have had the chance to speak.
Reading newspaper reports – missing sentences Pupils’ own answers
Say it like this! expressing disbelief
matching exercise
describing what is happening in a picture Listening
Writing ordering events in a story, writing a story
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to two people
talking about different crimes. Tell them that they are going to
note down the order in which they hear each story.
Way in
• Tell pupils that they have to listen for the words that match
• Ask pupils to write down all the crime-related words that they the titles of the stories. Tell them to read through the titles
can remember from Lesson 2 (evidence, solve, investigation, to underline the key words to help them work out what
murder, proof, weapon, victim, clue, handcuffs, robbery, burglar, information to listen for when they hear the recording.
steal, judge, punish, kidnap, prisoner, court, police (station), fine, • Remind pupils to number each story as they hear about it
sentence), and then to swap books with a partner to compare rather than trying to find the answers from a to e respectively.
and proofread each other’s words. • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to number the
• Write on the board: stories.
We enjoyed ourselves yesterday. (underline We and ourselves) • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
Ask pupils to tell you how the sentence changes if it begins and to fill in any missing answers.
with I, you (singular/plural), he, she, it and they.
Turn to page 122 for the listening script.
write a story, it should have a paragraph to begin the story,
Answers one or more paragraphs in the middle and a paragraph to end
a2 (… he was wearing a Spiderman costume! … I thought the story.
Spiderman was supposed to fight crime, not commit • Explain to pupils that they have to match the parts of the
crimes!) story 1 to 3 with the definitions a to c. Tell pupils to match
b5 (He was hiding in a forest and the police couldn’t find him the definitions on their own and then to discuss their answers
until … Guess what happened! His mobile phone started with their partners.
ringing!) • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, and check the
c4 (He stole a necklace worth thousands of dollars from answers as a class.
a jewellery shop and gave it to his girlfriend … She
recognised it because he had stolen it from the shop where
she worked!)
d3 (… someone had taken it while her daughter was swimming 1c 2a 3b
… The police asked her to describe the towel and she said,
‘It’s white and it says Holiday Inn Hotel on it’.)
e1 (… some robbers who stole what they thought was a
suitcase full of money. They got a surprise when they Teaching Tip
opened the case … it was a first aid kit.) You might like to do a general revision of the past tenses
that pupils have learnt so far before they go on to the
next writing task. Write on the board:
Speaking Tim robbed the bank and went home.
Tim went home after he had robbed the bank.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs to We walked into the bank while Tim was robbing it.
describe what is happening in the picture and what crimes are Tim had just robbed the bank when the police arrived.
being committed. ‘If only I hadn’t robbed the bank!’ Tim said.
• Remind pupils of the crime-related words that they learnt, and Ask pupils to say what verb tenses are used in each
tell them to look back at the newspaper reports in the Reading sentence and to explain why. Tell them to look back at
task to find words to describe different crimes. the grammar rules in the previous units where necessary.
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and B
pronunciation. • Ask pupils to read the story to find the introduction, the middle
• Ask different pupils to describe one of the crimes in the picture and the ending. Then tell them to number the paragraphs in
and repeat until all the crimes have been described. the correct order. Check their answers as a class.
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board, • Ask pupils to read through the story again to find three tenses
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct that are wrong and to correct them. Check the answers as a
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation. class.
Pupils’ own answers
Ordering Events in a Story
• Remind pupils that we usually organise our writing in
paragraphs so that it is easy to follow. Explain that when we
Suggested answer
Last week, I had a terrible experience. I was going to take my
bike and ride to school when I remembered something. I had
left it at my friend’s house the night before. I hadn’t wanted
to ride home at night so her mum brought me home in her
car. I didn’t know how to get to school quickly. It was a lovely
day, but I didn’t have time to walk.
Suddenly, I had an idea. My mum and dad had taken the bus
to work so I decided to use Dad’s bike. I opened the garage
door and took out the bike. A few minutes later, I arrived at
school. I locked the bike next to the other pupils’ bikes. After
school, I went to football training. I locked the bike again,
inside the football club.
When I finished training, I rode home. I couldn’t believe my
eyes when I got there! There was a police car outside my
house and Mum and Dad were talking to a police officer.
‘What happened?’ I said. ‘Somebody stole Dad’s bike,’ Mum
said. Then Dad saw his bike.
Everybody realised that I was the ‘thief’! Dad was annoyed
with me, but he was happy that his bike hadn’t been stolen.
If only I had called him on his mobile phone before I had
taken the bike. I felt so embarrassed, but I’ll never make the
same mistake again.
• Remind pupils to use the paragraph plan from Writing C
to make sure their story has a good beginning, middle and
• Ask pupils to proofread their stories and to make sure they
have included all the information from their paragraph plan.
• Stick pupils’ stories on the wall and ask them to read each
other’s when they have time. If you assign this task as
homework, give pupils a few minutes before the next lesson
to proofread their stories.
Project Book
The pupils may do project 10 now they have completed the unit.
The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
this book.
Review 5
Grammar Revision
• Write on the board:
You’ll be cold in the sea if you don’t wear a wetsuit.
Objectives If we hadn’t used a mosquito net, we would have had a lot of
• To revise vocabulary and grammar from Units 9 and 10 mosquito bites.
• Song Paragliding is safe if you follow the instructor’s advice.
If I were you, I wouldn’t go rafting this weekend.
Revision Ask pupils which type of conditional each sentence is (first,
• Tell pupils that Review 5 revises the material they saw in Units third, zero, second) and ask them to rewrite the first sentence
9 and 10. using unless (You’ll be cold in the sea unless you wear a wetsuit.).
• Remind pupils that they can ask you for help with the exercises • Write I wish and If only on the board. Ask pupils to give you
or look back at the units if they’re not sure about an answer, sentences beginning with each of these about a present
as the review is not a test. situation and about a past situation. Check that they
• Decide how you will carry out the review. You could ask pupils remember which tenses and structures to use in each case.
to do one task at a time and then correct it immediately, or ask • Write on the board: I hurt myself. Ask pupils which word is
pupils to do all the tasks and then correct them together at a reflexive pronoun (myself). Write you (singular), he, she, it,
the end. If you do all the tasks together, let pupils know every we, you (plural), they on the board and ask pupils to write the
now and again how much time they have got left to finish the reflexive pronouns to match each word.
• Ask pupils not to leave any answers blank and to try to find Vocabulary
any answers they aren’t sure about in the units.
• Revise the vocabulary and grammar as a class before pupils do A
the review. • Ask pupils to say each of the words as a class and then
individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
Vocabulary Revision • Ask pupils to go to the second page of stickers at the back
of the book and find the stickers for Review 5. Tell them to
• Ask pupils to write sentences using the words: edge, get the
decide which thing each sticker shows and to stick them in the
hang of, harness, instructor, lean and slip.
correct box.
• Ask pupils to tell you the words for different things people
• Check that pupils have put the correct stickers above each
wear or carry to do extreme sports. Try to elicit flippers, gloves,
goggles, lifejacket, parachute and wetsuit. Ask pupils to tell you
which sports we use these items for.
• Write the words surf, wave, challenge, ceremony, strength,
• Ask pupils to read the words in the wordbank and make sure
proof, labourer, weapon, injury, victim and blood on the board.
they understand the titles People, Sports and Crimes. Tell them
Ask pupils to tell you the meanings of these words in English.
to look back at Unit 9, Lessons 1 and 2 and Unit 10, Lessons 1
• Ask pupils to tell you as many sports-related verbs as they can.
and 2 for a reminder if they need to.
Try to elicit aim, beat, come, hit, land and score and ask pupils
• Accept the correct words in each column in any order when
to make sentences with these verbs.
checking pupils’ answers.
• Check that pupils remember the phrasal verbs catch up with,
drop out of, warm up and work out. Say each phrasal verb and
ask pupils to give you a sentence with each one in turn. Answers
• Ask pupils to write sentences using the words: keep an eye on, People Sports Crimes
be going on, embarrassing, guilty, innocent, grab, careless and instructor abseiling kidnap
fair. judge paragliding murder
• Write on the board: labourer skydiving robbery
arrest (a criminal)
break (the law)
call (the police) C
commit (a crime) • Explain to pupils that they should read the paragraph before
rob (a bank) trying to fill in the gaps to decide which of the prepositions in
steal (some money) the box matches the words before and after each gap.
Ask pupils to tell you the crime-related phrases they remember
beginning with these verbs. Write their answers on the board Answers
as they say them.
1 up 5 out
• Check that pupils remember words related to crime and
2 out 6 with
punishment. Try to elicit as many words from the odd one out
3 of 7 for
task from Unit 10 Lesson 2 as possible. Ask pupils to make
4 off 8 about
sentences using some these words or to explain the meaning
in English.
• Ask pupils to tell you which prepositions go after the nouns D
doubt, cause, argument, reason and investigation. Ask pupils to • Explain to pupils that they should write the missing nouns and
make sentences using each of these nouns and prepositions. adjectives to complete the table.
Answers Song
1 injury 4 produce
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about something
2 strong 5 performance
that the singer feels sorry about doing. Ask them to read and
3 choice 6 investigation
listen to the song and to find out what the person did wrong
and what happened because of this.
Grammar • Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You could do
this verse by verse and then play it once all the way through.
A • To finish, ask pupils to look at the picture and to see how
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible options many things they can find from the song.
before trying to choose the answer. Tell them to look for clues When checking pupils’ answers to the review tasks, make a note
in the sentences to decide whether it is about a present or a of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar that they still
past situation. have. Try to do extra work on these areas so that your pupils
• Tell them to look back at Unit 10, Lesson 1 grammar box for a progress well.
reminder if they need to.
1 had 5 could
2 had learnt 6 had
3 had 7 had
4 were 8 were
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible endings
before trying to choose the answer. Tell them to decide
whether the first half of the sentence is part of a zero, first,
second or third conditional.
• Tell them to look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 9, Lessons
1, 2 and 3 for a reminder if they need to.
1c 2b 3c 4b 5c
• Tell pupils to read each sentence to find the subject which the
words in bold should match.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 10, Lesson 2 grammar box for
a reminder if they need to.
1 myself 4 himself
2 herself 5 ourselves
3 themselves 6 yourself
• Explain to pupils that they should read the sentences before
trying to write the answers to find out whether the sentences
are a zero, a first, second or third conditional to decide which
tense of the verb in brackets they need to use.
• Remind pupils to use the list of Irregular verbs on pages 128-9
to find the Past Simple or past participle and tell them to look
back at the grammar boxes in Unit 9, Lessons 1, 2 and 3 for a
reminder if they need to.
1 will be
2 had told
3 won’t/will not try
4 would
5 do
m u n i c a t i o n
Way in a
• If you assigned Unit 10, Lesson 3 Writing task as homework,
give pupils a few minutes to proofread their stories and to
check that the order of events is correct and that the tenses
are correct. When you have marked their stories, choose some
of them to stick on the wall so that pupils can read them when
Lesson 1
they have time. Objectives
• Ask pupils to tell you about some surprising things they
have just heard or read about in a news story, or something
Reading In Touch with the World – multiple choice
surprising that has happened to them or somebody they
Vocabulary text-related words, computer-related verbs
know. Remind them to use the expressions they learnt in Unit
Grammar reported speech (statements)
10, Lesson 3, Say it like this!
Listening true or false statements
• Tell pupils that this unit is about the different ways humans
Speaking asking and answering questions about
and animals communicate with each other.
• Read the information about the photo on page 98 and teach
Writing writing a paragraph about your partner’s use of
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know. Ask pupils what their
the Internet, email and mobile phones
favourite animals are, and whether they communicate with
any animals and how they do this.
Quiz Reading
• Explain that pupils are going to read Jake’s project about the
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 98 and 99 and Internet. Ask pupils whether they use the Internet and, if so,
to say what they can see in the photo. Don’t teach any new what they use it for and what their favourite websites are.
vocabulary at this stage. • Ask pupils to read the email on their own to find out which
• Read the information about the photo on page 98 and teach website Jake mentions (ebay ®).
any vocabulary that pupils don’t know.
• Ask pupils whether they have ever seen animals like monkeys,
gorillas, orang-utans or chimpanzees.
• Ask pupils to do the quiz. Remind them that they are not • Ask pupils to read the questions and possible answers before
expected to know the answers, but to discuss the question they read Jake’s project again so that they know what
and options in pairs or small groups and decide which they information to look for. Ask them to read the article and to
think is the most likely answer. Check the answer as a class. underline the parts of the text which justify their answers.
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about Tell them to make sure the options they haven’t chosen are
gorillas using the information in the Background Information incorrect.
box. • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
Background Information Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Gorillas climb trees, but they usually live on the ground in a class.
groups of up to 30. These groups are led by one older adult
male, and also include several other young males, some
females, and their children. The leader organises activities Answers
like eating, looking for food and the safety of the group. 1b (… it can be difficult to find exactly what you’re looking
Although they look and sound scary, gorillas are generally for.)
calm and they won’t attack unless they are in danger. Gorillas 2a (Unfortunately, it also means that a lot of what is written
can eat all kinds of food, but in central and west Africa, they on them isn’t true!)
are mainly vegetarian. They eat roots, plants, fruit, vegetables 3a (… you can download music … either for free or for a
and some parts of trees. Female gorillas have one baby after small charge.)
a pregnancy of nearly nine months, just like human mothers. 4b (… how people of my age use the Internet … 80% of the
Baby gorillas are only two kilos when they are born and they people in my class said they used it regularly to help them
ride on their mothers’ backs from four months old up to with their homework.)
three years old. Young gorillas play like human children. They 5b (The problem for kids is that you need a credit card to pay
climb trees and chase each other while they are swinging for things!)
from tree to tree. Gorillas are very clever and people have
even taught them to communicate with sign language. In
the wild, gorillas are in danger because people are destroying
the forests where they live and some people kill gorillas
for food and for their fur. For further information, go to
www.nationalgeographic.com and look up gorilla.
Extra Class Activity
• Tell pupils that when people write text messages on mobile
Do a quick class Internet survey to find out how the results phones, they often use short forms of words or symbols
compare with Jake’s bar chart. Ask pupils what they use instead of words so that they can write quickly. Explain that
the Internet for and write their answers as headings on the the letters and symbols in 1 to 5 are abbreviations that are
board. Then ask what their favourite websites are and write used a lot in text messages, and then tell pupils that they have
the website names. Add the heading No connection for to match these abbreviations with their meanings a to e. Tell
pupils who do not have Internet. them to read the abbreviations out loud to find out which
Ask pupils for a show of hands to see how many pupils fall words they sound like.
into each category. Write the number of answers on the • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, but check the
board as pupils respond, and then ask them to work out the answers as a class.
percentages to make a chart like the one on Jake’s project.
Vocabulary 1d 2c 3a 4e 5b
• Ask pupils to read the sentences and decide which words fit C
the situation. Explain that all the words in appear in the article. • Ask pupils to read Robbie and Mandy’s text messages 1 to 5.
Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline them. Tell them to look back at Grammar B to see the meanings of
Encourage pupils to guess their meanings from the context the abbreviations in messages 2 to 5. Then explain that they
before they look up the meanings in their dictionaries. have to complete the sentences to write what Robbie and
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as Mandy said in reported speech.
a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. • Ask pupils to underline the words or abbreviations in each
message that they have to change to write reported speech.
Answers Tell them to look back at the examples in the grammar box
1 charge where necessary to decide what changes to make.
2 survey • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
3 drawback a class.
4 connection
5 card Answers
1 (that) he was bored
Grammar 2 (that) she was (bored) too
3 (that) he was meeting Leo at the Internet café at 6
Reported Speech
4 (that) she would come too
• Read the paragraph in the grammar box to the class, then 5 (that) he would see her later
read the first pair of example sentences. Explain that the first
sentence is direct speech because it shows the exact words
that somebody said, but the second sentence is reporting Extra Class Activity
what the person said. Ask pupils how the second sentence
is different from the first (she said is at the beginning of the Ask volunteers to come up and write text messages on the
sentence; the speech marks and the comma have gone; send board using the abbreviations from B, and any other English
– Present Simple changed to sent – Past Simple). abbreviations they know. Then ask different pupils to come
• Read the other pairs of sentences and ask pupils how the up and write what was said in the messages using reported
verb changes in each case and what other changes have been speech.
A Vocabulary
• Ask pupils to look back at the last paragraph of Jake’s project
in the Reading text and to underline the sentences that report • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the
the things that pupils in Jake’s class said. Tell them to find options and to decide which option fits the meaning. As some
the verbs, personal or possessive pronouns, and possessive of the vocabulary is new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries
adjectives in each sentence. Tell them to look back at the if they have them, as well as looking for clues in the rest of the
examples in the grammar box where necessary to decide what sentence.
changes to make. • Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as words where necessary.
a class.
Answers 1 go
1 use it regularly to help me with my homework 2 visited
2 use it to keep in touch with my friends 3 surfing
3 (have) downloaded music from the Internet 4 download
4 (have) bought something online 5 write
5 can’t use the Internet very often because I haven’t got an 6 deleted
Internet connection at home
Listening Answers
Pupils’ own answers
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to a conversation
between a woman and somebody who works for an Internet
service company.
Extra Task (for early finishers)
• Ask pupils to read through all of the sentences quickly to
see what information they have to listen for. Remind them See photocopiable material on page 141.
that they have to write T if the sentence is correct or F if it is
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to write T or F.
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
and to fill in any missing answers.
Lesson 2
• Check the answers as a class and make sure pupils can justify Objectives
their answers.
Turn to page 123 for the listening script. Reading article – open-ended questions
Vocabulary text-related words; communication-related
Answers Grammar reported speech (questions, commands,
1 F (Every time I go online, the Internet works for a few requests)
minutes and then I lose the connection.) Listening ticking information on a table
2 T (I rang this number yesterday and spoke to someone who Phrasal Verbs get through; make up; tell off; get across; get
said they would fix the problem …) on with
3 F (The modem seems to be OK then.)
4 T (… my phone’s working fine – there’s no problem with
that.) Way in
5 F (I think the problem must be with your phone company, • If you assigned the Writing task in Lesson 1 for homework, give
not us. Give them a call and ask them to test your phone pupils a few minutes to proofread each other’s paragraphs to
line.) check they have used the correct tenses and subject and object
6 F (… if you’re still having problems with your Internet, we’ll pronouns when reporting what somebody else has said.
send a technician. Call us again or send an email.) • Tell pupils to write down the words and phrases they learnt
related to using the Internet. Then tell them to say one
Speaking sentence each about their own use of the Internet using some
of these words. Write some of the pupils’ examples on the
board as they say them and ask other pupils to correct the use
• Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs to talk about
of these words where necessary.
communication. Tell pupils to take turns to ask the questions
• Choose two of the correct sentences on the board to use as
and to write down their partner’s answers.
examples of direct speech by adding speech marks, a comma,
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
and he/she said at the end of these sentences. Ask pupils what
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
changes have to be made to these sentences to write them in
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
reported speech.
• Explain that pupils are going to read about how another
• Ask each pupil to report what their partner said to the rest of
animal communicates.
the class.
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
• Tell pupils that they are going to read what Jane Jefferson,
a marine biologist, said about dolphin language. Ask pupils
Answers what they know about dolphins and whether they have heard
Pupils’ own answers the sounds that they make. Then ask pupils to read the text
on their own and to find out what special thing each dolphin
has got (… its own signature whistle to identify itself and to call
Writing others.).
this in reported speech, starting with the words I asked (I
Answers asked what sounds dolphins made.). Then write ‘Do dolphins
1 smell (… dolphins communicate by using sound, vision, understand people?’ on the board and ask pupils to rewrite this
touch and taste … Dolphins don’t have the ability to smell in reported speech starting in the same way (The teacher asked
…) if/whether dolphins understood people.).
2 whistles, squeaks and clicks (They make various sounds, • Read the rest of the grammar box about reporting commands
including whistles, squeaks and clicks.) and requests to the class. Draw pupils’ attention to the use
3 They talked to each other on a phone. (… a very interesting of tell for reporting commands. Point out that reported
experiment had been done with a mother dolphin and her commands and requests are followed by a full infinitive.
two-year-old baby … They talked to each other over the
telephone!) A
4 no (Unfortunately, the biologists couldn’t understand what • Ask the pupils to work in pairs to read the dialogue. Then tell
the dolphins were talking about because they haven’t been them to compare each sentence in bold with the examples in
able to decode dolphin language yet.) the grammar box and to decide whether they are questions
5 She has been listening to dolphins to record and analyse with question words, questions without question words,
their language. ( … she and her team have been listening commands or requests. Explain that they have to complete
to dolphins for more than 17 years, using special equipment the sentences 1 to 6 by changing the sentences in bold into
to record and analyse their language.) reported speech.
• Give pupils a few minutes to compare their answers with a
partner’s. Ask them to justify their answers if they are different.
Background Information • Check the answers as a class and ask pupils to justify the
answers they give.
The animals in the photo are bottlenose dolphins. They are
about three to four metres long and weigh about 500 kilos.
They eat fish, shrimp and squid. They are very intelligent and Answers
they live in groups called ‘pods’. They can swim very fast 1 what the problem was
and they can jump up to 4.9 metres out of the water. Some 2 if she was sure
aquariums have dolphins which are trained to do tricks in 3 if he could make him talk / to make him talk
shows. People like watching them because their mouths look 4 how old he was
as if they always have a friendly smile. Bottlenose dolphins 5 why he didn’t speak to her
live in tropical oceans and other warm seas. They used to be 6 to use his name
killed for meat and oil (used for lamps and cooking). Now
dolphins are in danger because they get caught in fishing
nets that are used by people fishing for tuna and other fish.
For further information, go to www.nationalgeographic. Teaching Tip
com and look up dolphins. Pupils often have problems grasping the use of say and
tell as there may be no significant difference in their
Guess what! meaning when translated. It is important to correct errors
in the use of these words at an early stage so that they
learn to them well without simply translating. When you
• Read the information to the class and ask pupils whether they
express yourself aloud in words, you say something. You
think this information is surprising. Ask them what the loudest
tell someone something when you give them information,
sound is that they have heard and what loud sounds they like
and you tell someone to do something when you give
or don’t like.
them an order or instruction. In other words, with tell the
hearer is mentioned as well as the speaker.
The teacher told the pupils to do the grammar task.
Say is used when you quote directly what somebody has
• Ask the pupils to read through the words and the two possible said:
meanings. The teacher said, ‘Do the grammar task.’
• Explain that the words in the exercise appear in the Reading Say is also used to report indirectly what somebody has
text. Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline said:
them and then to circle the answer which gives the correct The teacher said we should/must do the grammar task.
meaning of the word in the text.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
Extra Class Activity
Answers Ask pupils to work in pairs to write two sentences with said
1b 2a 3b 4b 5b 6a and two sentences with told. Ask each pair to read their
examples to the class and ask pupils to correct each other’s
mistakes in the use of said or told.
Reported Speech B
• Explain that pupils have to rewrite the sentences in direct
• Read the grammar rules for reported questions and the speech. Tell them to read each sentence and to compare it
examples of reported questions with and without question with the examples in the grammar box to decide whether it
words. Point out that the word order in reported questions is is a question, a command or a request. Remind pupils that
the same as it is in affirmative sentences. Write ‘What sounds we use tell to report a command, but we don’t use it in direct
do dolphins make?’ on the board and ask pupils to rewrite speech (eg ‘You can’t do that!’ / He told me (that) I couldn’t do
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as phrasal verbs are new, encourage pupils to use dictionaries if
a class. they have them as well as looking for clues in the rest of the
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of the
words where necessary. Ask pupils to learn the phrasal verbs
1 ‘Don’t whistle!’ by heart.
2 ‘Is your cat friendly?’ • Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the
3 ‘Bring me my newspaper!’ phrasal verbs. Ask each pupil to read out one of their sentences
4 ‘Can you feed the kittens tomorrow?’ until every pupil has had a chance to speak.
5 ‘Where did you buy your pet snake?’
Vocabulary 1 get
2 making
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and decide 3 told
which verbs fit the situations. Explain that they should use 4 get
the verbs in the same form shown in the wordbank and that 5 get
these verbs make phrases (collocate) with some of the words
that come after the gaps. As some of the vocabulary is new,
encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they have them after Extra Task (for early finishers)
they have written the answers they are sure about.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any See photocopiable material on page 141.
words the pupils don’t know.
Answers Lesson 3
1 make
2 speak Objectives
3 make
4 tell Reading newspaper adverts – multiple matching
5 have Say it like this! so and neither
6 leave Grammar reported speech – changes in time and place
Writing discussing advantages and disadvantages,
Phrasal Verbs • Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the adverts
again so that they know what information to look for.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the
• Ask pupils to underline the parts of the adverts which gave
options and to decide which option fits the meaning. As the
them their answers.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries. Grammar
Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Reported Speech
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class. • Make sure pupils remember the changes that we make
when we change direct speech to reported speech. Revise
the changes in verb tenses, subject and object pronouns and
Answers structures for reported statements, questions, commands and
1 SB, PT (He will give you useful tips to say what you mean requests before introducing the changes in time and place.
and make people listen.; … you don’t speak the • Read the grammar box to the class. Ask a pupil to give you an
language … Just say the word or phrase you want example sentence in direct speech using any tense and a time
to know and it will give you a spoken translation in expression from the Direct Speech column in the grammar
the language you want!) box. Ask another pupil to change that sentence to reported
2 PT (… excellent service … They said it would arrive by post speech, and remind them to change the time expression as
the next day and it did …) well as any make any other changes necessary. Write both
3 SB (… I had to take part in a school debate the following sentences on the board and point out the differences between
month and I was terrified!) them.
4 CT (This amazing gadget translates your cat’s noises into • Explain that we often use reported speech when we write
words.) letters which are about things people said. Tell pupils to read
5 SB, PT (I took Darren’s communication skills course online the letter and to replace the words in bold with the correct
… For course details email Daren at …; Order yours words from the Reported Speech column in the grammar box.
now …) • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
6 SB (… Darren Daley is here to help! In this communication a class.
skills course he developed himself …)
Say it like this! 1 next week = the next/following week
2 at the moment = at that moment
So and neither 3 today = that day
• Read the use of so to the class. Write on the board: 4 yesterday = the day before
Frank speaks Arabic and Tom speaks Arabic. 5 this = that
Frank speaks Arabic. So does Tom.
Explain that in the second example we use a short sentence
with so to give the same information without repeating all
the words. Tell pupils that we can also use a short sentence
like this to respond to something that somebody tells us. For Discussing advantages and disadvantages
example: A
Computers are useful. So are mobile phones. • Ask pupils to read the sentences and draw their attention to
Maria can write text messages quickly. So can I. the words in red. Explain that we use these words to begin
• Explain that when the main verb in the first sentence is regular, a paragraph describing advantages or disadvantages. Tell
we use auxiliary verbs (eg do, does, did) after so and then a pupils that we often write On the one hand, to introduce one
subject pronoun or a noun (eg a name). Tell pupils that when point about something and then write On the other hand to
the main verb is be, we use am, are, is, was or were after so, introduce a point that contrasts with this.
and when the main sentence has a modal verb, we use the
modal verb after so. B
• Read the use of neither to the class. Point out that we use • Explain to pupils that they have to decide whether the words
neither instead of so when the verb in the first sentence is in bold are about an advantage or a disadvantage. Tell pupils
negative. to write the answers on their own and then to discuss their
• Then ask pupils to work in pairs and to take turns at saying answers with their partners.
something about the other subjects and agreeing with each • Ask pupils to work in pairs to do the task, and check the
other using so and neither. Remind them to practise the answers as a class.
language given. Correct their pronunciation and intonation
pattern if necessary.
• As a class, ask each pair to repeat two of their dialogues (one
with so and one with neither), until all pupils have had the 1D 2A 3A 4D 5A 6D
chance to use so and neither.
Answers • Explain that pupils have to complete the article with some of
Pupils’ own answers the phrases in bold from Writing B. Point out that in one case
there is more than one possible answer.
• Check the answers as a class.
Extra Class Activity
Ask pupils to look at the newspaper adverts in Reading Answers
again and to work in pairs to discuss whether or not they 1 On the one hand
are interested in the things being advertised. Tell them to 2 The good thing about/ What I like about
agree with each other using so and neither and to justify 3 On the other hand
their answers. As a class, ask each pair to talk about one of 4 Another drawback of
the adverts, until all pupils have had the chance to speak.
Task Project Book
D The pupils may do project 11 now they have completed the unit.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss the advantages and The answer key and teacher’s notes are on pages 156-160 of
disadvantages of email. this book.
• Make sure pupils understand the paragraph plan. Remind
them to use some of the phrases from A and B and to follow
the paragraph plan.
• Ask pupils to use the plan to write an article like the one in C.
• Alternatively, you could assign this task as homework.
Suggested answer
What are the advantages and disadvantages of email?
Almost everybody who has a computer nowadays uses email.
Many use it for work, but others use it to communicate
with friends. It’s a popular way to send messages almost
anywhere in the world.
One of the main advantages of email is that it is more
convenient than sending a letter. The good thing about
email is that you can send a message to different people at
the same time and you don’t have to go to the post office to
send it. What I like about it is that you can write to people
and get an answer from them just a few minutes later.
On the other hand, some people don’t read their emails
every day. You can’t be sure when people will read your
message. When something very important happens, it’s
better to phone somebody to make sure they hear about it
right away.
To sum up, I believe that email has made communication
easier and better in many ways and that it is quick and
convenient. But it is just one more way of communicating and
I don’t think it will take the place of all the others. It’s good
to have several different ways for people to communicate
with each other.
Since the 1980s, malls have grown both in number and size,
the largest mall in the world being the Mall of Arabia in
Dubai, which is over 900,000 square metres in size.
Way in
• If you assigned Unit 11, Lesson 3 Writing task, give pupils a few
minutes to proofread their articles and to check that they have
used the phrases to introduce advantages and disadvantages. Answer
When you have marked their articles, choose some of them to b
stick on the wall so pupils can read them when they have time.
• Write on the board:
‘Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow?’ I asked
Helen. Lesson 1
‘I went shopping this morning,’ Helen said.
Ask pupils which words we have to make changes to when Objectives
we change from direct to reported speech (eg verb tenses,
subject pronouns, time and place). Then ask different pupils to Reading blog – missing sentences
come up and rewrite these examples in reported speech, and Vocabulary text-related words, shopping-related words
then ask the rest of the class to correct their answers where Grammar the causative
necessary. Listening multiple choice
(I asked Helen if/whether she wanted to go shopping with me the Speaking asking and answering questions about money and
next day. spending
Helen said that she had been shopping that morning.) Writing writing a paragraph about whether money makes
• Explain that this lesson is about the variety of things people people happy
spend their money on.
Quiz Reading
• Ask the class to look at the picture on pages 106 and 107 and • Explain that pupils are going to read a blog that Kate has
to say what they can see in the photo. written about saving money. Ask pupils whether they read
• Read the information about the photo on page 107 and teach blogs on the Internet and if they have ever written a blog
any vocabulary which pupils don’t know. Ask pupils whether themselves, and if so, what kind of things they usually read or
they have ever been to a shopping centre like this or would like write about.
to go shopping in a place like the one in the photo. • Ask pupils to read the text to find out what Kate suggests
• Ask pupils where they think the photo was taken; tell them to doing with used books and used clothes.
look for clues as to where the place is, for example, the clothes
people are wearing or any writing they can see on adverts, etc. Answers
• Remind pupils that they are not expected to know the answer.
Ask them to work in pairs or small groups to discuss what they a taking them to a second-hand shop to sell them or
think the most likely answer is. Check the answer as a class. exchange them for other books
• If pupils are interested, give them further information about b having a clothes swapping party
the history of markets and shopping centres using the
information in the Background Information box.
Background Information • Ask pupils to read the missing sentences before they read the
blog again. This way they will have more of an idea about
Shopping centres, or malls, are a modern indoor version of
what information is missing and where it might be likely
the ancient open-air markets and bazaars. Some of these
to go.
were covered or partly covered, such as the Grand Bazaar
• Once they have filled the gaps, tell pupils to read back through
at Isfahan, which dates back to the 10th century, and the
the blog to make sure that they have chosen the correct
Grand Bazaar at Tehran, which also has a long history – and
is 10 kilometres long. The Grand Bazaar of Istanbul was built
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
in the 15th century and is still one of the largest covered
a class.
markets in the world, with more than 58 streets and 4000
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
Perhaps the first purpose-built shopping mall was the Gostiny
Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
Dvor in St Petersburg, Russia, which opened in 1785; but it
wasn’t until the 20th century that shopping malls as we
know them became fairly common. Answers
➥ 1b 2c 3a 4d 5e
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
Extra Class Activity
a class.
As a class, ask pupils to discuss what they think of Kate’s
ideas and whether they do any of the things mentioned to Answers
save money. Then ask them to think of other ways of saving
money; for example, ask them to write down what kind of 1 had my photo taken yesterday
things they spend money on, and then to think of cheaper 2 is having her make-up done
ways of getting or doing these things. 3 are going to have a birthday cake made
4 has had her room painted pink
5 can have your luggage taken to your room
• Ask pupils to read the sentences and decide which words fit Vocabulary
the situation. Explain that the words appear in the Reading
text. Ask pupils to find the words in the text and underline • Ask pupils to work in pairs to read each sentence and the
them. Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of words from options and to decide which option is correct.
the context before checking the meanings in their dictionaries. • Ask pupils to look back at Kate’s blog to find which words in
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as the Vocabulary task are found there, and to underline them
a class. (bargain, cost, department store, queue, second hand). This will
help them choose the correct option in the Vocabulary task.
For other words in the task encourage pupils to use dictionaries
Answers if they have them as well as looking for clues in the rest of the
1 experiment 4 outfit sentence.
2 tips 5 delivered • Check the answers as a class.
3 cash 6 deserve
Grammar 1 sales
2 receipt
The Causative 3 store 7 fortune
4 bargain 8 boutique
• Write on the board:
Kate fixed her computer.
Ask pupils what words tell us what the action is (fixed her
Extra Class Activity
computer) who did the action (Kate). Write on the board:
Kate had her computer fixed. Ask pupils to work in pairs to make sentences with the
Explain that this means Kate didn’t fix the computer by herself, incorrect options from the Vocabulary task. Ask each pair to
but she asked someone else to fix it. This is what the causative read one of their sentences to the class. Correct their use of
means. vocabulary where necessary.
• Read the grammar box to the class. Ask pupils to tell you some
things that people do for them. Write their answers on the
board as they say them using the causative. Listening
• Ask pupils to look at the prompts for each sentence to find the
Teaching Tip
subject, the object and the parts of the verb. Tell them to look
back at the examples in the grammar box to help them find Before the Listening task, have a brief class discussion
the correct word order. on the topic of the listening to help pupils think about
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as the kind of ideas they might hear. Ask pupils what they
a class. think are the advantages of being rich and whether they
think there are any disadvantages. Ask pupils to raise their
hands to see how many people would like to be very rich
Answers and how many don’t think it’s necessary.
1 They don’t have their shopping delivered.
2 I was having my flat painted last week. • Ask pupils if they know what a millionaire is (a rich person who
3 We must have our car cleaned. has money or possessions worth a million pounds or dollars).
4 Have you had your watch fixed yet? Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to an interview
5 Ben didn’t have his boots repaired. with a young millionaire.
6 Is she going to have the party invitations made? • Ask the pupils to read through the sentences and possible
options so that they know what information to listen out for.
B • Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to circle the correct
• Explain to pupils that they are going to complete the second answers. Ask pupils to discuss their answers with a partner
sentence in each pair 1 to 5 so that it describes the same and to justify the answers they have if they are different.
action as the first sentence. Tell them that they have to use • Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
the causative. Explain that pictures 1 to 5 match the sentences and to fill in any missing answers.
with the same numbers. Turn to page 123 for the listening script.
• Tell them to look back at the grammar rules to remember
how to make the causative. Remind them to use the list of
Irregular verbs on pages 128-129 to find the past participles if
Way in
• If you assigned the Writing task in Lesson 1 for homework,
1b (… my friends and I used to play a lot of computer games give pupils a few minutes to proofread their paragraphs and
and I thought some of them weren’t that good. So one check that they have used the vocabulary related to money and
day I just sat down and designed my own game.) spending correctly. After you have marked their paragraphs,
2b (The problem was how to sell them to other people. choose some of them to stick on the wall so pupils can read
That’s when I decided to set up my own company on the them when they have time.
Internet.) • Ask different pupils to come up and write the words experiment,
3a (… my dad. He’s the owner of a small business, and he gave tips, cash, outfit, deliver and deserve on the board. Then ask
me lots of tips. I also borrowed some money from him.) them to explain the meanings of these words in English.
4c (… the only expensive possession I’ve got is a nice car.) • Ask pupils to make a sentence using the causative about
5b (Having a lot of money makes life easier in some ways, but something that someone does for them. As an example, write
it can also be quite stressful.) I had my photo taken last week.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to read about shoes.
Speaking Ask pupils what kind of shoes they like wearing, and then ask
them what other kinds of shoes they can think of. Write their
• Explain to pupils that they are going to work in pairs to talk ideas on the board as they say them.
about money and spending. Tell pupils to take turns to ask and
answer the questions about it. Reading
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at • Tell pupils that they are going to read an article about a shoe
this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and designer. Ask pupils to describe the shoes in the photo and to
pronunciation. say who might wear them and where. Ask them whether they
• Ask different pairs to ask and answer one of the questions. If like these shoes or not, and to justify their answers. Then ask
any pupils have chosen the same question, ask them if they pupils to read the article on their own and to find out what
have anything to add to the answers already given. three different kinds of shoes it mentions (sandals, trainers,
• Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board, moon/space boots).
without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation. Comprehension
• Tell pupils to read the questions before they read the article
Answers again so that they know what information to look for.
Pupils’ own answers • Ask pupils to underline the parts of the article which gave
them their answers.
• Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before using their dictionaries. Correct their
pronunciation where necessary.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to write a paragraph • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
about whether money makes people happy. Tell them to use a class.
their answers to the last question in the Speaking task. Ask
them to look back at Vocabulary for words related to money
and spending. Answers
• Ask pupils to write their paragraphs and then get them to 1 R (One of the most famous shoe designers, Manolo Blahnik
swap books with a partner to proofread what each other has … ‘Manolos’, as they’re often called.)
written. Then ask some pupils to read their paragraphs to the 2 W (… the high heels aren’t always comfortable.)
class. 3 DS
• Alternatively, you could set this task for homework if you are 4 DS
short of time. 5 R (They can be worn in temperatures ranging from -212°C
to +177°C!)
Pupils’ own answers Guess what!
• Read the information to the class and ask pupils to think of
Extra Task (for early finishers) any reasons why there were no right or left shoes in the past.
See photocopiable material on page 142. Explain to them what a shoemaker’s last is (a piece of wood
or metal shaped like a human foot which the shoemaker uses
to shape or repair shoes). Tell them that, as late as 1850 most
shoes were made on completely straight lasts, so there was
Lesson 2 no difference between the right and the left shoe. There were
only two widths to each size of shoe: the basic last was used
Objectives to make a ‘slim’ shoe.
of unfamiliar words from the context before looking them up
in their dictionaries. Explain any words they don’t understand. Answers
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as The following should be underlined:
a class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
clauses of purpose:
Blahnik grew up in the Canary Islands, and went to Paris so
Answers that he could study art.
1 latest 4 pleasure You need high-tech shoes in order to walk in space …
2 comfort 5 versions clauses of contrast:
3 ranging 6 high-tech Although they’re beautiful, the high heels aren’t always
Grammar Despite the fact that they were originally designed for athletes,
trainers are now acceptable footwear for all kinds of people.
Clauses of Purpose
• Read the first part of the grammar box to the class. Explain B
that we use in order to to begin a clause that talks about the • Ask pupils to read the paragraph to decide which word fits the
purpose of doing something. For example, in order to look clause in each situation.
good tells us why people wear designer clothes. Explain that • Tell them to decide whether the clause after each gap explains
people is the subject of both clauses in the example. Write why someone does something or contrasts two opposing
the following example on the board and ask pupils what the ideas. Remind them to compare the clauses with the examples
subject of both clauses is: in the grammar boxes.
Astronauts need high-tech boots in order to walk in space. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
(astronauts) a class.
• Read the second part of the grammar box to the class. Write
on the board: Answers
She gives clothes to poor families so that they are warm in
1 Although 4 in spite
2 so that 5 despite
Tell them that we also use so that when the clause it introduces
3 in order to
is negative, for example:
She gives clothes to poor families so that they aren’t cold in
• Write on the board: Vocabulary
She wears trainers ………. she can walk fast. (so that) • Explain to pupils that they have to look at the groups of words
She wears trainers ………. walk fast. (in order to) and decide which word in each set of three is different in some
Mum bought us trainers ………. we can walk fast. (so that) way from the other two. As some of the vocabulary is new,
Ask pupils to complete the sentences with in order to or so encourage pupils to use dictionaries if they have them.
that. • Ask pupils to work in pairs to encourage discussion, but check
the answers as a class. Ask pupils to explain why each word is
Clauses of Contrast the odd one out.
• Read the grammar box to the class. Tell pupils that although,
despite and in spite of have the same meaning, but we use a
different sentence structure to make clauses with them. The
clause with although has to look like a complete sentence on 1 heels (Sandals and slippers are kinds of footwear, but heels
its own: that is, it should have a subject, a verb and an object. are a part of shoes.)
For example, write on the board: 2 material (Cotton and leather are kinds of material that
She wears beautiful shoes. She doesn’t like high heels. things are made of.)
Explain that we can join these ideas by putting Although at the 3 suit (A dress and a skirt are single items women’s clothes,
start of one of the sentences: but a suit is made of a jacket and a skirt or trousers.)
Although she wears beautiful shoes, she doesn’t like high 4 tight (Tight clothes are the opposite of baggy or loose
heels. clothes.)
Explain that if we start the same sentence with In spite of or 5 scruffy (Scruffy clothes are the opposite of smart or formal
Despite we must change the first clause as follows: clothes.)
In spite of / Despite wearing beautiful shoes, she doesn’t like 6 old-fashioned (Stylish or fashionable clothes are in fashion
high heels. now, but old-fashioned means they are out of fashion.)
In spite of / Despite the fact that she wears beautiful shoes, she
doesn’t like high heels.
Extra Class Activity
Ask pupils to describe the clothes and shoes they are wearing.
• Tell pupils to look back at the article on page 110 and to find
Tell them to use some of the words from the Vocabulary
the sentences with clauses that begin with in order to, so that,
tasks. Then ask them where they think their clothes and
although and despite.
shoes were made and who made them. Tell them to look
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
at the labels on their clothes and their partner’s clothes to
a class.
find out where they are from. Ask them to decide which
materials are best for making clothes and shoes.
Listening Way in
• Ask pupils to write down the adjectives they remember from
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to people talking Lesson 2 which describe clothes or shoes (high-tech, latest,
on a radio phone-in programme. tight, baggy, loose, smart, scruffy, formal, old-fashioned, stylish,
• Ask pupils to read the sentences before they hear the fashionable). Then ask pupils to swap books with a partner to
recording so that they know what information to listen for. compare words and check each other’s spelling. Ask them to
Tell them that the words in bold are different from what describe different types of clothes or shoes using these words.
the people say and they have to write the correct word. • Write on the board:
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to write down ………. my size
their answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check their ………. sale
answers and to justify any answers they have that are different. ………. special offer
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers ………. fashion
and to fill in any missing information. ………. a hundred euros
• Check the answers as a class. Ask pupils to tell you the correct prepositions that come
before these words to make prepositional phrases related to
Turn to page 124 for the listening script.
shopping (in, for, on, out of, over).
• Write on the board: although, in spite of / despite, in order
Answers to and so that. Ask different pupils to come up and write a
1 fashion (Miriam Wood is here to help you with all your sentence using each of these phrases.
fashion problems.) • Explain that pupils are going to learn about shopping habits
2 on the Internet (You can order the shoes I’m talking about and places where people go shopping in this lesson. Ask them
on the Internet and have them delivered to you.) what different kinds of shops they know and what kind of
3 low (The prices are quite low too.) places they like to go shopping in. Write their answers on the
4 outfit (I haven’t got any smart clothes to wear for it and I board as they say them, but don’t teach any new vocabulary
can’t afford to buy a new outfit.) at this stage.
5 second-hand (… you can often find second-hand clothes
that are like new.) Reading
• Tell pupils that they are going to do a quiz about shopping.
Prepositions Ask pupils to read the questions 1 to 5 and do the quiz on
their own. Explain that there are no right or wrong answers to
• Explain that in this task pupils have to choose the correct the quiz. Tell them to circle their answers, and then tell them
prepositions to complete phrases related to shopping for to use the numbers below to find out their score.
clothes. • Ask pupils to do the quiz and work out their scores individually,
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to read the sentences and to decide and then tell them to swap books with a partner to check
which preposition matches the words before and/or after the each other’s scores and to read the paragraph on the right
gap in each one. As some of the vocabulary is new, encourage of the quiz that matches the score to find out what it says
pupils to use dictionaries if they have them. about them.
• Check the answers as a class and explain the meanings of any
words they don’t know.
• Ask pupils to make sentences of their own using each of the Answers
phrases formed with prepositions from the task. Ask each Pupils’ own answers
pupil to read out one of their sentences until every pupil has
had a chance to speak.
Answers • Ask pupils to read the questions before they read the quiz and
1 out of 4 on the score results again so that they know what information to
2 in 5 over look for.
3 for • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers
as a class. Ask them to underline the parts of the text which
justify their answers.
Extra Task (for early finishers) • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context before looking them up in their dictionaries.
See photocopiable material on page 142.
Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
Lesson 3 1 Because they don’t like shopping and they would like
Objectives to have things delivered instead of going to the shops.
(You’re the world’s least enthusiastic shopper … and you
would have everything delivered if you could.)
Reading quiz – open-ended questions 2 People who scored 13-15 points. (… you spend a fortune
Say it like this! clothes shopping - dialogue on the latest fashions … you could easily get into debt!)
Listening completing an advert 3 People who scored 9-12 points. (If it isn’t a bargain, you’d
Speaking using speaking card prompts to ask and answer rather save your money.)
questions about a shop and a fashion show 4 a (Wait until the sales.)
Writing using headings in reports; writing a report 5 Early in the morning. (If you need to buy something, go to
about the shopping facilities in your town the shops early in the morning when they aren’t so busy.)
• Tell the Pupil Bs to use the words on the Speaking card for
Unit 12 (Card 1B) on page 132 to ask their partner questions
Teaching Tip
about a shop. Tell the Pupil As to use the information on the
Ask pupils to do a survey based on the result of the quiz Speaking card for Unit 12 (Card 1A) on page 130 to answer
and to make a bar chart (see Unit 11, Reading 1 for an their partner’s questions. Ask pupils to swap roles to ask and
idea of what they should do) or a pie chart to show how answer questions about the shop.
many pupils fall into each category. • Ask pupils to swap roles, with Pupil As asking the questions
about the fashion show on Speaking card 2A on page 131,
and Pupil Bs using Speaking card 2B on page 133 to give them
Say it like this! the answers.
• Go round the class monitoring pupils to make sure they are
Clothes shopping carrying out the task properly. Don’t correct any mistakes at
• Ask pupils to read through the questions we ask when buying this stage, but make a note of any mistakes in structure and
or selling clothes. Tell them to decide which questions the pronunciation.
shop assistant asks and which ones the customer asks, and • Ask each pair to ask and answer one of the questions and
then to use these questions to complete the dialogue. repeat until each pair has had a turn.
• Tell pupils to work in pairs to take turns to read the dialogue. • Write any structural mistakes that pupils made on the board,
Remind pupils to practise the language given. Correct their without saying who made them, and ask them to correct
pronunciation and intonation pattern if necessary. them. Deal with any problems in pronunciation.
• Ask some pairs to repeat their dialogue for the class.
Speaking cards 1A and 1B
Answers Suggested questions
1 Can I help you? What’s the name of the shop?
2 How much is this? What’s for sale there?
3 Can I try it on? What’s the address of the shop?
4 What size do you take? Has it got a website?
5 Where’s the changing room? When is it open?
Suggested answers
Listening It’s name is/It’s called The Toy Cupboard.
It sells/You can buy unusual toys, games and children’s
• Explain to pupils that they are going to listen to an advert for books.
a shopping centre and that they are going to complete the The address of the shop is 23 Compton Street.
advert. Remind them that in some gaps they will write words Yes, it has. It’s email address is www.toycupboard.com
and in others they will write numbers and words. Give pupils It’s open from Saturday to Thursday from 9am to 6pm.
a few minutes to read the notes to find out what kind of
information is missing from each one. Speaking cards 2A and 2B
• Play the recording to the end and ask pupils to fill in their Suggested questions
answers. Ask them to work with a partner to check
Where is the fashion show (happening/taking place)?
their answers and to justify any answers they have that
What can you see there? / What are they showing there?
are different.
What days is it on?
• Play the recording again and ask pupils to check their answers
What time is the fashion show?
and to fill in any missing information. Once you have checked
How much does it cost to go and see the fashion show/to
the answers, ask pupils whether they would like to go to any
get in?
of the places the advert mentions.
Suggested answers
Turn to page 124 for the listening script.
It’s at/The fashion show is at the Scarborough Mall.
You can see the latest fashions from famous designers.
Answers It’s on/It takes place every evening.
1 August 1st (… opening on Saturday August 1st) It starts at 6 o’clock.
2 department stores (… over 300 shops, 10 department It doesn’t cost anything. It’s free.
stores, 25 restaurants and cafés and a huge 20-screen
3 boutique (… a fashion show organised by the boutique Writing
4 half price (… at The Wise Owl book shop. All P.C. Fowler Using headings in reports
books will be half price.) • Explain that we write reports about a place when we want to
5 coffee (And Amigo’s Café will be giving out free cups of give information about what it is like and whether we would
coffee …) suggest going there. Read the information about paragraph
6 sales (It’s the first day of the sales on Monday …) organisation in reports to the class.
Speaking • Remind pupils that we usually organise our writing into
paragraphs so that it is easy to follow. Explain that when
• Explain that pupils are going to work in pairs and take turns to we write a report, we can write a different heading above
ask and answer questions about a shop and a fashion show. each paragraph to make it clear what information is in the
Tell them that they are going to use the Speaking cards at paragraph.
the back of the Pupil’s Book. Divide the class into pairs, and • Explain to pupils that they have to match the possible headings
allocate the roles A or B. 1 to 4 with the meanings a to d. Tell pupils to match the
meanings on their own and then to discuss their answers with
their partners. Location
• Check the answers as a class. All the shops in Ellingtown are close together in the town
centre, and this is a small town. That means it is easy to
walk to all the shopping facilities from any part of the town.
People from other towns can go there by bus, and there is
1c 2d 3a 4b a big car park near the bus station for people who use their
own transport.
B Prices
• Ask pupils to read the report to find out what information is It is expensive to buy clothes and shoes in Ellingtown because
in each paragraph. Then tell them to choose the three most there are not many shops and all the clothes are made in
suitable headings from A for the main paragraphs. Check the other places. The department store and computer shop are
answers as a class. owned by small companies, but they are a little expensive
too. You can find some bargains in the souvenir shops, but
Answers they don’t sell any fashionable clothes.
1 Variety Conclusion
2 Location Despite the convenient location of the shops in Ellingtown,
3 Prices they are not very popular with the people who live there.
There isn’t a very wide variety of shops and most of them
are expensive. However, people can find whatever they need
Extra Class Activity in the town, if they have enough money, and the old town
Have a class discussion about shopping facilities before shops are popular with visitors.
pupils write their reports. Encourage pupils to have a
brainstorming session to think of the different words for
facilities that they can write about. To begin with, ask
• Remind pupils to use the headings from B to make sure their
pupils to read the report again and to underline the facilities
report has a clear aim and a conclusion.
mentioned (indoor shopping centre, smaller shops, boutiques,
• Ask pupils to proofread their reports and to make sure they
department stores, second-hand books, pet (shops), antique
have included all the information under the correct headings.
shops). Write the words on the board as they find them.
• After you have marked their reports, choose some to stick
Then ask them which of the shopping facilities in Bodwick
on the wall so pupils can read them when they have time. If
are the same as the facilities in their own town and what
you assign this task as homework, give pupils a few minutes
other facilities are in their town, and add their answers to
before they do Review 6 to proofread their reports.
the facilities on the board.
Suggested answer
Shopping Facilities in Ellingtown
The purpose of this report is to describe the shopping
facilities in Ellingtown.
There are many small shops in Ellingtown. In the new part
of the town centre, you can find men’s clothes shops,
popular boutiques and two shoe shops. There is also a huge
department store that sells everything from books to clothes
and furniture. Next to the department store, there is a new
shop that sells computers, TVs and mobile phones. In the old
part of the town centre, there are traditional shops that sell
T-shirts, postcards and other souvenirs for people who come
to visit the town.
Review 6
fashion, special offer, my size and sale. Ask pupils to make
sentences using each of these phrases.
• Ask pupils to read the whole sentence and the possible options Answers
before circling the correct answer. After they have completed 1 He is going to have his hair cut.
the exercise, tell them to read the sentences again to make 2 She is having a dress made.
sure their answers make sense. 3 They haven’t had their computer fixed.
4 Joe had his office painted yesterday.
5 Emma has a magazine delivered every week.
1b 2a 3b 4c 5b 6c 7a 8b
D • Tell pupils they are going to listen to a song about money. Ask
• Explain to pupils that they should write the missing verbs, them to read and listen to the song and to find out what the
nouns and adjectives to complete the table. song says we can or can’t do with money.
• Play the song again and ask pupils to sing along. You could do
Answers this verse by verse and then play it once all the way through.
1 poisonous • To finish, ask pupils to look at the picture and to see how
2 connect many things they can find from the song.
3 pleasure When checking pupils’ answers to the review tasks, make a note
4 various of any problem areas in vocabulary and grammar that they still
5 signature have. Try to do extra work on these areas so that your pupils
progress well.
• Tell pupils to read the sentences and the possible options
before trying to choose the answer. Tell them to pay attention
to the word order in the sentences to decide which option
matches the context.
• Tell them to look back at Unit 12, Lesson 2 grammar box for a
reminder if they need to.
1 Although
2 in order to
3 In spite
4 despite
5 so that
• Explain to pupils that they should read the first sentence
before trying to write the answers to decide which words they
need to change to rewrite them using reported speech.
• Remind them to make any necessary changes to the verb
tenses, subject and object pronouns, times and places, and
the word order. Tell them to look back at the grammar boxes
in Unit 11, Lessons 1, 2 and 3 for a reminder if they need to.
1 Dalia if/whether she liked her new boots.
2 that she did.
3 Dalia/her (that) she had bought them in the sales.
4 (her) where she had bought them.
5 (that) a new shoe shop had opened near her house.
6 if/whether she could take her there on Saturday.
• Explain to pupils that they should look at the prompts for each
sentence to find the subject, the object and the words that
make the causative of a verb.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 12 Lesson 1 grammar box for a
reminder if they need to.
• Tell pupils that part of the Sahara Desert is in Niger. Ask them
what they already know about deserts.
task. Then ask them to discuss their answers with a partner • Ask pupils to decide which dinosaurs they will write about and
and to justify any answers they have that are different. then to do their research alone or in their groups. Tell them to
• Check the answers as a class. See the times in the brackets find answers to the questions for each dinosaur and to write
after the answers below if you want to show pupils the part of any interesting extra information they find. Tell them to stick
the video that gives them the answer again. pictures of the two dinosaurs on their project.
• Tell pupils to look back at Unit 1 for words about places and
Unit 3, Lesson 2 for words about dinosaurs to help with the
information for their charts.
1 6 (0:02:46) • Once they have finished their projects, ask them to present
2 3 (0:01:15) them to the class, and then stick them on the wall or in the
3 2 (0:00:15) school corridor.
4 4 (0:01:29)
5 1 (0:00:11)
6 5 (0:02:02) Answers
Pupils’ own answers
• Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video Video 2
• Play the video again and ask pupils to listen and to circle the
Puffin Rescue!
correct words.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as Background Information
a class. Puffins live around the North Atlantic Ocean. They spend
most of their lives at sea, swimming or resting on the waves.
Answers Puffins are about 25 centimetres tall. They have black and
1 hundreds (0:00:10) white bodies, but they have a colourful beak, so some people
2 paint (0:00:29) call them the ‘sea parrot’. The beak is grey in the winter and
3 made (0:00:59) becomes colourful again in the spring. They are excellent
4 take (0:01:12) swimmers and can dive 61 metres. They usually eat small fish.
5 find (0:01:52) Puffins can fly at up to 88 kilometres an hour. 60 percent of
6 yet (0:01:55) the world’s Atlantic puffins are born in Iceland. They make
7 expert (0:02:10) their nests with feathers or grass on rocky cliffs. Females
8 tell (0:02:43) lay one egg, and both parents take turns to keep it warm.
When a chick hatches, its parents take turns feeding it with
small fish. Nobody knows how they find their way, but puffin
After you watch parents often meet at the same nesting place each year. They
A can live up to twenty years. For further information, go to
• Ask pupils to answer the questions on their own to see how www.nationalgeographic.com and search for puffins.
much they can remember from the video.
• Check the answers as a class.
Before you watch
Answers • Ask pupils to read the title and look at the picture at the top
1c 2b 3c 4a of page 118. Ask them whether they think puffins live in cold
places or warm places.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to answer the questions with a
partner. Then as a class use the questions to have an open
• Explain that pupils have to circle the option in which the verb
discussion about birds and puffins.
is in the correct tense for each situation. Tell pupils to read the
whole sentence and the options before trying to choose their
answer. Remind them to look for any time expressions to help Answers
them choose the correct tense, and then to read the sentence Pupils’ own answers
again with their answer to make sure it is correct.
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class. The story
Answers • The story takes place in a small town called Heimaey on the
south coast of Iceland. Explain to pupils that they are going
1 has got 4 was digging to see a video about puffins in Iceland. To check that pupils
2 is looking 5 are leaving understand where Iceland is, draw their attention to its
3 went 6 found position on the globe.
• Ask pupils why they think some puffins need to be rescued.
Words to know
• Explain to pupils that their project is to make a chart with
information about two dinosaurs to present to the class. • Ask pupils to look at the words 1 to 8. Explain that they will
• Read through the instructions with the pupils. Ask pupils to hear these words when they watch the video. Say the words
work in groups to brainstorm the different types of dinosaurs to the class and ask pupils to say them after you as a class and
that they could write about and make a list of dinosaurs on then individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
the board as they say them. • Ask pupils to do the task in pairs, but check the answers as a
Answers • Explain that pupils have to decide which verb tense is correct
1c 2g 3f 4b 5a 6d 7h 8e in 1, 3, 4 and 5, and they have to choose the comparative or
superlative in 2 and 6.
• Tell them to look for time expressions to help them choose the
While you watch correct tense, and to look for clues in 2 and 4 that match the
A correct form.
• Ask pupils to make notes about Iceland while they watch the • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
video. a class.
• Play the video, then tell pupils to work in pairs to talk about
Iceland using the notes they made. Give them time to discuss
their notes, and then ask pupils to tell what they found out Answers
about Iceland. 1 have been rescuing
2 most
3 had found
Answers 4 went
Pupils’ own answers 5 released
6 more
• Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video Project
so that they know what information to look and listen for
while they watch. Explain any words that the pupils have • Explain to pupils that their project is to make a poster about a
difficulty with and remind them that they should choose their wild animal to tell people about the animal and what they can
answers based on what they see in the video. do to save it.
• Play the video until the scene with the children saving the • Read through the instructions with the pupils. Ask pupils to
puffins ends and elicit that it is summer; so 1 is false. work in groups to brainstorm the different types of animals
• Play the rest of the video and ask pupils to do the rest of the that they could write about and make a list of animals on the
task. Then ask them to discuss their answers with a partner board as they say them. Then ask pupils to read the poster
and to justify any answers they have that are different. about puffins to see what order the information is given in.
• Check the answers as a class. See the times in the brackets • Ask pupils to work in groups to find information about the
after the answers below if you want to show pupils the part of animal they will make their poster about. Tell pupils to look
the video that gives them the answer again. back at Unit 3 for words about the natural world.
• Explain that pupils should use the information they have found
to make a poster like the one about puffins.
Answers • Once they have finished their posters, ask them to present
1 F (0:00:45) them to the class, and then stick them on the wall or in the
2 T (0:01:16) school corridor.
3 F (0:01:20)
4 T (0:01:41) Answers
5 F (0:02:32)
6 T (0:03:13) Pupils’ own answers
C Video 3
• Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video Peruvian Weavers
again. Ask them if they know any of the answers at this stage
and to underline them if they do.
Background Information
• Play the video again and ask pupils to listen and to circle the
correct words. Peru is situated on the Pacific coast of South America just
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as south of the Equator. Its capital city is Lima which is on the
a class. coast. More than a quarter of Peru’s population live there.
The rest of the west side of the country is desert, where
Answers rain seldom falls. The Andes mountains in the east cover
about a third of the country from north to south. Peruvian
1 orphans (0:00:11) Indians live in the Andes and speak Quechua, the language
2 second (0:00:23) of the Incas. The Incas were an ancient civilisation who
3 way (0:00:43) lived in South and Central America for centuries. There
4 into (0:01:30) is a lot of valuable metal, for example silver, in the Andes
5 seashore (0:02:31) and that’s why the Spanish came to take over the land and
6 point (0:02:36) many people in Peru speak Spanish. East of the Andes is a
jungle where few people live. This area can be reached by
After you watch ship from the Amazon River. For further information, go to
www.nationalgeographic.com and search for Peru.
• Ask pupils to answer the questions on their own to see how
much they can remember from the video. Before you watch
• Check the answers as a class.
• Ask pupils to read the title and look at the pictures on pages
Answers 120 and 121. Ask them what they think weavers make
1c 2a 3b 4a and where the weavers in the story come from. Explain the
meaning of weaver, if necessary.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to answer the questions with a difficulty with and remind them that they should choose their
partner. Then as a class use the questions to have an open answers based on what they see in the video.
discussion about Peru. • Play the video until the scene with the villagers preparing the
knife ends and elicit that they are using a rock; so 1 is true.
• Play the rest of the video and ask pupils to do the rest of the
task. Then ask them to discuss their answers with a partner
Pupils’ own answers and to justify any answers they have that are different.
• Check the answers as a class. See the times in the brackets
The story after the answers below if you want to show pupils the part of
the video that gives them the answer again.
• Explain to pupils that they are going to watch a story which
takes place in a village called Chinchero, in Peru. To check that Answers
pupils understand where Peru is, draw their attention to its 1 T (0:00:21)
position on the globe. 2 T (0:00:48)
• Ask pupils what kind of clothes they think people wear in the 3 F (0:01:00)
Andes and what people use to make their clothes. 4 T (0:02:25)
5 F (0:02:50)
Words to know 6 F (0:03:19)
• Ask pupils to look at the words in the wordbank. Explain that
they will hear these words when they watch the video. Say C
the words to the class and ask pupils to say them after you • Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video
as a class and then individually. Correct their pronunciation if again. Ask them if they know any of the answers at this stage
necessary. Tell pupils to match the words to the pictures 1 to and to underline them if they do.
6. • Play the video again and ask pupils to listen and to circle the
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as correct words.
a class. • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
1 wool
2 cloth 1 part (0:00:48)
3 yarn 2 cared (0:02:11)
4 weaving 3 economic (0:02:25)
5 thread 4 reasonable (0:02:41)
6 llama 5 giving (0:03:45)
Answers Answers
Pupils’ own answers 1 will
2 be trying
3 will have finished
B 4 to make
• Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video 5 visiting
so that they know what information to look and listen for 6 talking
while they watch. Explain any words that the pupils have
Project hear these words when they watch the video. Say the words
• Explain to pupils that their project is to write a postcard to a to the class and ask pupils to say them after you as a class and
friend in Scotland telling him/her about what they did, what then individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
they saw and what they ate on a visit to Chinchero in Peru, • Ask pupils to do the task in pairs, but check the answers as a
and saying how much they enjoyed it. class.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to discuss ideas about what people
can do, see and eat in Chinchero, which they can write about Answers
on their postcards. Tell them to think about the things they 1f 2h 3a 4j 5b 6d 7c 8i 9e 10g
saw people doing there on the DVD and to look back at the
tasks to find some words they can use to write about what
they did. While you watch
• Remind pupils that there is only a small space to write on a A
postcard so they only have to write a few sentences. • Ask pupils to make notes about taiko drumming while they
• Once they have finished their postcards, ask them to proofread watch the video.
each other’s work, and then stick them on the wall or in the • Play the video until you hear the words that describe the taiko
school corridor. master and taiko drummers. Then tell pupils to work in pairs
to talk about taiko drumming using the notes they made. Give
Answers them time to discuss their notes, and then ask some pupils to
describe the taiko master and the taiko drummers to the class.
Pupils’ own answers
Video 4 Pupils’ own answers
Taiko Master
Background Information • Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video
Taiko is the Japanese word for ‘drum’. The Taiko drums were so that they know what information to look and listen for
used in ancient times by Japanese soldiers going into battle. while they watch. Explain any words that the pupils have
The traditional drums are made with a tree trunk with the difficulty with and remind them that they should choose their
ends cut off. These ends are carved carefully in flat plates answers based on what they see in the video.
and the tree body is dug out. They fit the plates on both • Play the video until the scene describing the importance of
ends and tie them with strong, thick grass. The first modern drums to Japanese people ends and elicit that drums were
taiko group was started in 1951 by a jazz musician. He had important in Japanese life; so 1 is true.
the idea to have drummers playing a lot of Taiko drums • Play the rest of the video and ask pupils to do the rest of the
together at the same time. The idea was very popular and task. Then ask them to discuss their answers with a partner
many taiko groups started in Japan, Singapore, Canada and to justify any answers they have that are different.
and the United States. The first American taiko group was • Check the answers as a class. See the times in the brackets
formed in San Francisco in 1968 by a Japanese man who had after the answers below if you want to show pupils the part of
studied taiko in Japan. Taiko soon became popular with pupil the video that gives them the answer again.
groups and now there are many professional Taiko groups
around the world. For further information, go to www. Answers
nationalgeographic.com and search for taiko drummers.
1 T (0:00:16)
2 F (0:00:49)
Before you watch 3 T (0:01:02)
4 T (0:01:53)
A 5 F (0:02:18)
• Ask pupils to read the title and look at the picture at the top 6 T (0:02:49)
of page 123. Ask them what they think Taiko is and where it
comes from.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to answer the questions with a C
partner. Then as a class use the questions to have an open • Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video
discussion about musical instruments. again. Ask them if they know any of the answers at this stage
and to underline them if they do.
Answers • Play the video again and ask pupils to listen and to circle the
correct words.
Pupils’ own answers • Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
The story
B Answers
• Explain to pupils that they are going to see a video about taiko 1 over the years (0:00:21)
drumming in San Francisco, California. To check that pupils 2 audience (0:00:33)
understand where San Francisco is, draw their attention to its 3 people (0:00:46)
position on the globe. 4 beating (0:01:06)
• Ask pupils who they think does taiko drumming in San 5 interest (0:01:29)
Francisco. 6 express (0:02:24)
Words to know
• Ask pupils to look at the words 1 to 10. Explain that they will
After you watch Before you watch
• Ask pupils to answer the questions on their own to see how • Ask pupils to read the title and look at the pictures on page
much they can remember from the video. 125. Ask them what they remember about cheese-rolling
• Check the answers as a class. races from Unit 9 Lesson 3.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to answer the questions with a
partner. Then as a class use the questions to have an open
discussion about unusual customs.
1b 2a 3c 4c
B Pupils’ own answers
• Explain that pupils have to decide which modal verb is correct
in 1, 2, and 3, and they have to choose the correct option to
complete the passive in 4, 5 and 6. Tell them to look for clues The story
in the sentences to help them decide which words are correct. B
• Tell pupils to look back at the grammar boxes in Units 7 and 8 • Explain to pupils that they are going to see a video about
for a reminder if they need to. cheese-rolling races in Brockworth, a town in England. To
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as check that pupils understand where Brockworth is, draw their
a class. attention to its position on the globe.
• Ask pupils why they think people like taking part in cheese-
Answers rolling races.
1 Can 4 was
Words to know
2 might 5 are
3 can’t 6 will be • Ask pupils to look at the words in the wordbank. Explain that
they will hear these words when they watch the video. Say
the words to the class and ask pupils to say them after you
Project as a class and then individually. Correct their pronunciation if
• Explain to pupils that their project is to make a poster necessary.
advertising a new taiko group or another group which does a • Ask pupils to do the task in pairs, but check the answers as a
fun activity. class.
• Read through the instructions with the pupils. Ask pupils to
work in groups to brainstorm words describing taiko drumming Answers
and any other different types of activities that they could write
1 route
about and make a list of activities on the board as they say
2 spectator
them. Then ask pupils to read the poster about the Taiko
3 cheer
Master Group to see what order the information is given in.
4 keep on
• Ask pupils to work alone or groups to find information about
5 steep
the activity they will make their poster about. Tell pupils to
6 annual
look back at Unit 8 for words related to the arts.
7 wild
• Explain that pupils should use the information they have found
8 sure
to make a poster like the one about the Taiko Master Group.
• Once they have finished their posters, ask them to present
them to the class, and then hang them on the wall or in the While you watch
school corridor. A
• Ask pupils to write down five verbs about things they think
Answers the competitors will do in the race and then to circle the verbs
Pupils’ own answers that they see happening while they watch the video.
• Play the video until you hear the words that describe what the
competitors do. Then ask pupils to say the five actions that
Video 5 they saw.
Cheese-Rolling Races
Suggested answers
Background Information chase, fall, push, run, win
Cheese-rolling races take place once a year at Brockworth in
Gloucestershire, an area which is famous for cheese-making B
in the south of England. People roll a huge wheel of cheese • Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video
down a hill and then run after it. The person who catches again. Explain any words that the pupils have difficulty with
the cheese wins the race. People say these cheese rolling and explain that they should choose their answers based on
races are a tradition which began at least 200 years ago. what they see in the video.
Thousands of people come to watch and take part in and • Play the video until the end of the first scene and elicit that the
the prizes are the wheels of cheese which they catch. For DVD talks about the competitors getting ready at the top on
further information, go to www.nationalgeographic.com Cooper’s Hill; so sentence 4 is first and they should write 1 in
and search for cheese-rolling races. the box next to this.
• Play the rest of the video and ask pupils to do the rest of the
task. Then ask them to discuss their answers with a partner
and to justify any answers they have that are different.
• Check the answers as a class. See the times in the brackets • Ask pupils to use the information they found out about
after the answers below if you want to show pupils the part of cheese-rolling races in the video. Tell pupils to look back at
the video that gives them the answer again. Unit 9 Lesson 3 for words about cheese-rolling and taking part
in extreme sports.
• Explain that pupils should use the experiences they talked
about to write an email to a friend about the race.
1 3 (0:00:40) • Once they have finished their emails, ask them to read them
2 6 (0:02:09) to the class, and then stick them on the wall or in the school
3 4 (0:00:42) corridor.
4 1 (0:00:18)
5 5 (0:01:23)
6 2 (0:00:26) Answers
Pupils’ own answers
• Ask pupils to read the sentences before they watch the video Video 6
again. Ask them if they know any of the answers at this stage
Wild Animal Trackers
and to underline them if they do.
• Play the video again and ask pupils to listen and to circle the
correct words. Background Information
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as Karoo National Park is situated in South Africa. It was
a class. opened in 1979. Most of it is almost a desert so it is the
home of many desert mammals, along with the Black Eagle
Answers and many kinds of tortoise. Some endangered species, such
1 pushes (0:00:26) as the Black Rhinoceros, have been brought to the park to
2 enjoy (0:01:04) live safely. Many fossils have been uncovered at both the
3 rolled (0:01:13) national park and its surrounding area, and some could be
4 crash (0:01:19) almost three-hundred million years old. Karoo National Park
5 failed (0:01:35) is also known for its connection with a project to bring back
6 crazy (0:01:49) an animal that looked and acted as much like the extinct
quagga as possible. The quagga was an animal that looked
like a mixture of a zebra and a horse. In 1998, fourteen
After you watch quagga-like zebras were brought to the park and, in 2005,
A a quagga-like foal was born. For further information, go
• Ask pupils to answer the questions on their own to see how to www.nationalgeographic.com and search for Karoo
much they can remember from the video. National Park.
• Check the answers as a class.
Before you watch
Answers A
1a 2c 3b 4c • Ask pupils to read the title and look at the pictures on pages
126 and 127. Ask them what animals they think live in Karoo
National Park.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to answer the questions with a
• Explain that pupils have to decide which kind of conditional
partner. Then as a class use the questions to have an open
each sentence is, and they have to choose the option which
discussion about wild animals and the organisations which
matches the conditional in each situation.
help them.
• Tell them to look for the conditional clause and the result clause
in each situation to help them choose the words. Tell them to
look back at the grammar boxes in Unit 9 to remember the Answers
rules for conditional sentences if they need to. Pupils’ own answers
• Ask pupils to do the task individually, but check the answers as
a class.
The story
Answers B
• Explain to pupils that they are going to see a video about
1 rolls 4 would have got wild animal trackers in Karoo National Park in South Africa. To
2 unless 5 were check that pupils understand where South Africa is, draw their
3 is 6 keep attention to its position on the globe.
• Ask pupils how they think people track wild animals in the
Project park.
• Explain to pupils that their project is to write an email describing Words to know
how they took part in a cheese-rolling race and won it.
• Read through the instructions with the pupils. Ask pupils to • Ask pupils to look at the words 1 to 8. Explain that they will
work in pairs to take turns to talk about what they did, what hear these words when they watch the video. Say the words
they saw and their experiences of the race. Then ask pupils to to the class and ask pupils to say them after you as a class and
look back at the paragraph plan for the email in Unit 9 Writing then individually. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
Task C to see what order to write the information in. • Ask pupils to do the task in pairs, but check the answers as a
Answers Answers
1f 2h 3e 4g 5b 6a 7c 8d 1c 2b 3a 4a
1 danger (0:00:12)
2 leading (0:00:24)
3 over (0:00:43)
4 contains (0:01:55)
5 option (0:02:39)
6 several (0:03:18)
S u rf in g C o n t est
n t h e P l ay - T he
Notes o
The play in Wonderful World 5 Pupil’s Book has been designed to give pupils the chance to use the English they have learnt throughout
the year creatively. The play contains grammar, vocabulary and functional language from the whole of the Pupil’s Book, so it is
designed to be performed at the end of the school year. It can be found on pages 134 and 135 of the Pupil’s Book and also on the
Class Audio CDs.
Cast what to do while they say their lines. Ask pupils to pay attention
The main characters from the book (Jake, Kate, Mandy, Robbie to how their character is feeling in each section and to act it out.
and Uncle Oliver) star in the play as well as the competitors and Once pupils have practised their lines in position a few times,
judges in a surfing competition. encourage them to learn each section by heart. Tell pupils to
highlight their parts on the script to help them to do this.
Encourage all pupils to get involved in the play, but be sensitive
to pupils who feel too shy to take on a speaking role. These The story
pupils can play spectators at the contest or be more active in
It’s Saturday morning and Jake and Mandy are in their kitchen
preparing props and costumes. Allocate the roles according
packing their sandwiches to go to the beach. They are going to
to pupils’ confidence levels and ability. Develop a positive and
watch a surfing contest. Uncle Oliver comes into the room to
fun atmosphere during rehearsals and allow scope for pupils’
take the children to the beach, and Mandy puts on her winter
creativity. At this level, it’s more important that pupils enjoy
jacket. Jake, Mandy, Robbie, Kate and Oliver go together to the
performing than be word perfect.
beach. The waves are very high and Robbie is excited because
Give pupils positive feedback during rehearsals so that they can a famous surfer, Mike Tsunami is going to take part in the
feel more confident and proud of their achievements. competition. Robbie has brought his camera to take a photo
of Mike surfing. As Mike gets ready to surf, Robbie climbs up
Rehearsals a rock to take photos of him. The wind is blowing hard and
Decide on a date at the end of the year that is convenient for the Robbie falls into the sea. Before he falls he throws his camera
performance and schedule at least two rehearsals before that onto the beach. The Surfing Judge asks if Robbie is alright and
date. Rehearsals can take place during class time or, if possible, Robbie shows him the photo he has taken of Mike Tsunami.
you can arrange extra lessons for rehearsals. Mike Tsunami comes to see the photo and in the end he is so
Before allocating roles, allow pupils to listen to the play on the happy that he invites the children to come back to the beach the
recording all the way through and to follow the script in their next day to give them surfing lessons.
books at the same time. Ask pupils why the play is called The
Surfing Contest (Because it is about a surfing competition which Characters
the children are watching). Ask them why Mandy is putting on Jake
her winter Jacket in Scene 1 (because she thinks there’s going to Mandy
be a storm). Then ask them who is going to be in the competition Uncle Oliver
in Scene 2 (Mike Tsunami) and why they think he uses this name Robbie
(because a tsunami is a huge wave). Ask what Robbie has brought Kate
(his camera). Ask where Robbie goes to take a photo in Scene Surfing Judge
3 (on top of a big rock) and what happens to him (he falls off Mike Tsunami
the rock into the sea). Then ask how Robbie saved his photo (he other surfers
threw the camera onto the beach before he fell) and what Mike a few people watching the contest
Tsunami said when he saw the photo (He said it was amazing and
he invited the children to come back to the beach next day to give Props and materials
them surfing lessons.). • two backpacks
Play the recording again in sections and ask pupils to take turns • a table
to read different parts of the script. Do this several times so that • two bags of sandwiches
pupils become familiar with the script and make a note of any • a winter jacket for Mandy
vocabulary and structures that pupils have problems with. Do • two chairs
remedial work on these points before the performance or adapt • a camera
them to your class’s ability if you think they are too challenging • a surfboard
for your pupils, but make sure pupils make a note of any changes • a picture of high waves
you make to the script. • a wetsuit
Allocate the roles and ask pupils to practise their lines at home • a large notepad and a pen
before the next rehearsal. Suggest that they practise in front of
a mirror, a friend or a member of their family so that they can Preparing the set and the props
develop confidence. The set and props for the play are simple and shouldn’t require
During the second rehearsal, put the characters into their
positions and give them directions about where to stand and
a lot of preparation or expense. The backpack and the bags The person playing Mike Tsunami should be wearing a wetsuit or
of sandwiches should be on the table. Pupils can bring the a tracksuit, and holding the surfboard on the right of the stage
sandwiches from home and they can use a school bag to put so that he is ready to come on stage in Scene 3.
them in. If it isn’t possible to find a real camera or surfboard,
pupils can make a small box from card and draw the camera Scene 3
on the side of the box, and make a surfboard with large piece When the scene starts, Mike Tsunami should walk on stage from
of paper or card and painted in bright colours. They can draw a the right in front of the judges and walk towards the sea holding
picture of the sea with high waves on a large piece of paper as his surfboard. He should put down the surfboard at the back of
a background. the stage and stand on it as if he is surfing. Robbie should be
taking a photo of Mike and at the end of the scene he should
Scene 1 fall over against the picture of the sea. If a cardboard camera is
In Scene 1, the story takes place in Mandy and Jake’s kitchen. used, Robbie should drop it on the stage as he falls down. The
If the play is performed on a stage, the curtain can be drawn at other children should be pointing at him as he falls.
this point and Scene 1 can take place on the front of the stage
in front of the curtain, so that the stage can be prepared for the Scene 4
beach scenes. Mandy and Jake should be standing at the table Robbie should stand up and move towards centre stage as if he
at the start of the scene and then Uncle Oliver should come on is getting out of the sea. He should bend down as if he’s picking
stage. Jake should be putting the sandwiches in the bag and up his camera. The judge and the children should walk over to
Mandy should be wearing her winter jacket. The children should Robbie and Mike Tsunami should pick up his surfboard and come
walk off the stage with Uncle Oliver at the end of the scene. over to talk to them.
Scene 2 Costumes
If the curtain is drawn, these preparations can be made before The play doesn’t require any special costumes to be made. Kate,
the play begins. Otherwise, as soon as the children leave the Jake, Mandy, Robbie, Oliver and the judge can wear casual
stage, the rest of the cast and any pupils who don’t want to clothes throughout the play and shouldn’t have any costume
have a speaking part can come on stage and prepare the scene changes. The person playing Mike Tsunami should be wearing a
for the surfing contest. The table should be on the right of the wetsuit or a tracksuit. Pupils can provide their own clothes, but
stage with two chairs for the judges behind the table facing the you might like to suggest that the pupils who play Oliver and
middle of the stage. The background picture of the sea should the judge wear something more formal so that it’s clear that
be hung up on the wall at the back of the stage. they’re adults.
When the scene starts, the Surfing Judge should be sitting
behind the table with a notepad and pen in his/her hand. Kate, Promotion
Mandy, Jake and Robbie should enter the stage from the front Pupils who don’t want to perform can also be responsible for
left. The children who don’t have speaking parts should be near promoting the play. They can design and make posters to stick
the judges. At the end of the scene, Robbie should walk to the up on the school walls to inform fellow pupils when and where
left corner of the stage next to the sea, holding his camera. Kate, the play will take place. They can also design invitations to give
Mandy, Jake and Oliver should stand looking towards the sea. to pupils’ family and friends.
t e n i n g s cr ipt
Lis 2
This is something else that you wear – a seat. It looks like a
belt, but it opens and becomes a seat! It’s useful if you want to
Unit 1 sit down when you’re out – for example, when you’re waiting
Lesson 1 somewhere and you feel tired.
This is the London Eye tourist information line. The London Eye 3
is in South London near Westminster Bridge. It is open almost This invention’s really funny. It’s a good one for people who
every day from 10 o’clock in the morning till 8 o’clock in the like our eight-legged friends. It’s some steps for spiders to help
evening (closing times change in the summer and on some other them get out of the bath! The spider can climb up the steps and
days of the year). Tickets cost £15.50 for adults and £7.75 for escape!
children. It is free for children under the age of four. You can
book tickets on the Internet or buy them from the ticket office 4
next to the London Eye. This is useful for meal times. It’s a small electric fan and you use it
From the top of the London Eye you can see for 40 kilometres if when your food is too hot. You put the fan next to the hot food
the weather is good. You have a view of all London’s landmarks, and it makes it cool so you can eat it.
including the River Thames, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. The
wheel goes round very slowly at a speed of about 1 kilometre 5
per hour and the ride lasts for 30 minutes. This is another one to do with food. It’s a fork that helps you eat
Enjoy your visit to the London Eye! the right way! If you eat too fast, the fork makes a sound and a
red light goes on!
Lesson 2
Man Phew! It’s so hot. Well, as I said before, these inventions aren’t for sale …
Girl Yeah, and look at the time. It’s only 11 o’clock.
Man Let’s have a rest here for five minutes. Lesson 2
Girl OK. Can I have some water? In the past there were many stories about the moon. Some
Man Yes, but don’t drink too much. We’ve only got one bottle people used to say there was a ‘man in the moon’ who lived
left. there, for example. They thought they could see his face on the
Girl Dad! What’s that under that rock? moon at night. Now we know a lot more about the moon and
Man Where? astronauts have even visited it.
Girl There! I think it’s a snake! The moon is about 385,000 kilometres away from Earth – not
Man Relax, Ellie. Look, it’s just a lizard. very far really. It only takes 13 hours to travel to the moon by
Girl Phew! rocket. It takes 130 days to travel the same distance by car.
Man Have you got the map? The moon goes round the Earth in the same way that the Earth
Girl Yeah, here it is. goes round the sun. It takes 27 days for it to go round the Earth.
Man Let me see. We’re here now and our destination is there. When we look at the moon from Earth, it looks like a light in the
And we need to get there before the sun goes down. sky. The moon doesn’t make its own light, however – it reflects
Girl But that’s about ten kilometres! How can we walk so far light from the sun. The moon looks as if it changes shape every
in this hot sun? Everything is bare and rocky here. And night. Actually, the moon doesn’t change, but the light from the
my feet are hurting in these walking boots. sun changes and this makes the moon look different to us.
Man Oh, Ellie! Stop it! Look at the impressive view from here. The moon looks big, but it is actually about four times smaller
And there are some amazing prehistoric drawings on than the Earth. The Earth is also a much more comfortable place
these rocks. I want to take a photo. Let’s go now and to live. There is no air on the moon and it is very dry and bare,
we’ll stop for lunch in an hour. and the sun’s rays are dangerous to human beings. If people go
Girl OK. Oh no! to live on the moon one day, it won’t be easy. They will have to
Man What’s the matter now? stay indoors most of the time and wear special clothes when
Girl I’m sitting on my sandwiches. Look at them now! they go out.
Man Never mind, they’ll still taste the same.
Lesson 3
Unit 2 Speaker 1
Lesson 1 I’m one of those people who talks on their phone all the time.
I take it with me wherever I go. It’s so useful. The only problem
Hello and welcome to the programme ‘Strange But True’. Today is the phone bill at the end of the month. It’s usually huge!
we’re talking about inventions. Not inventions that changed the Fortunately, my parents pay it, but they’re always telling me that
world like the telephone and the computer. These inventions I use my phone too much.
weren’t a success and they aren’t for sale in the shops!
Speaker 2
1 I’ve had my mobile phone for about two years now and I use it
The first one is the umbrella hat. It’s a Japanese invention – it’s all the time. I don’t make a lot of phone calls, but I send about
an umbrella, but you don’t hold it in your hand – you wear it 100 text messages a month! I can write messages really fast so
on your head! This wasn’t a success because people felt silly it’s easier than sending emails. It makes a big difference because
wearing it. I can communicate with my friends quickly.
Speaker 3 Jane You haven’t been listening in science lessons! Dinosaurs
My mum and dad gave me a mobile phone for my birthday a were reptiles remember!
month ago so I haven’t had it for long. I don’t often talk on Ben OK, Jane, I believe you!
it, but I sometimes ring my parents when I’m out. Oh, and I Jane This is a strange animal. It’s a kind of bird.
like playing games on it when I’m bored. I don’t think I really Ben What’s it called?
need a phone, though - it’s just something that everyone has Jane It’s a dodo. I’ve heard of dodos. It says that the last living
nowadays. dodo was seen in the seventeenth century.
Ben Why did they die out?
Speaker 4 Jane Look, it explains it here. ‘They were hunted by humans
I love using my mobile phone, but I’ve got one problem. A lot and dogs because they couldn’t fly.’
of the time I forget where I’ve put it. My friends laugh at me Ben Oh. Poor birds. When did dinosaurs die out?
because I spend so much time searching for it! Sometimes I ask Jane About 65 million years ago.
them to call me on my phone so I can hear it ring and find it! Ben Why? Did people hunt them too?
Jane Of course not! There weren’t any people on Earth 65
Speaker 5 million years ago!
I’m the only person in my class who hasn’t got a mobile phone Ben So what happened to them?
and I really want one! My parents say I don’t need a phone and Jane Nobody really knows. Some people say it was because
they think they’re bad for my health, but I don’t agree! People the temperature on Earth got colder. Others say a big
my age need mobile phones so they can contact their friends rock from space hit the Earth and killed them.
easily. I’ve got email but it’s not the same. Ben Really?
Jane Yes. Anyway, I’m hungry now. Shall we go and get
something to eat …
Unit 3
Lesson 1
Unit 4
Interviewer Now Alex, you’ve got an unusual job. Can you
Lesson 1
tell me about it?
Alex Yes, I’m a special kind of firefighter – a This is the story of King Arthur and King Uther, his father, who
smokejumper. was King of Britain. Uther wanted to marry a woman called
Interviewer And what do smokejumpers do? Igraine, who was kind and beautiful. Merlin, the wizard, said he
Alex We help put out forest fires. In Russia, where I would help them to marry if King Uther gave him his first son.
usually work, there are thousands of wildfires King Uther and Igraine agreed, and Merlin helped them. They
every year. got married and had a baby son called Arthur. Merlin took baby
Interviewer I see. And how do you fight the fires? Arthur and gave him to another family, who looked after him.
Alex When there’s a forest fire in an area that is Arthur grew up with this family and nobody knew he was really
difficult to get to, we fly to the area by plane King Uther’s son.
or helicopter. Then we jump out, land on the Many years later King Uther became ill and died. Because nobody
ground and try to put out the fire or prevent it knew that he had had a son, there was no-one to be king now.
from spreading. For many years there was a lot of fighting between different
Interviewer It sounds like a dangerous job! people who wanted to be king.
Alex Yes, it is! Sometimes we stay in the forest where Then one day, Merlin, the wizard, told everyone to go to special
the fires are for days. place. A strange stone had appeared and there was a sword in it.
Interviewer What do you take with you? On the stone there was a message. It said: ‘the person who pulls
Alex Water and some basic equipment, especially this sword out of the stone is the true king of Britain.’ Many
shovels and axes. people tried to pull the sword out of the stone, but they didn’t
Interviewer What sort of person do you need to be, to be a succeed. Then, one day, Arthur, who was then 15 years old, saw
smokejumper? the sword in the stone and pulled it out. Everyone was amazed
Alex Well first you need to be tall and strong. You also that he had succeeded. Then Merlin explained that Arthur was
need to know how to survive in the forest – to really King Uther’s son and Arthur became a wise and good king.
find food and live outdoors, in nature.
Interviewer Are all smokejumpers men? Lesson 2
Alex Most of us are men, but some women have
Welcome to ‘World Mysteries’. Today we’ll be talking about two
started doing this job recently.
famous mysteries from different parts of the world. Our first
Interviewer That’s very interesting. Well, thanks for talking
subject is the Bermuda Triangle. It’s so famous that there have
to me Alex …
been films and even songs about it! So what is it exactly?
Lesson 2
Well, the Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean
The oldest dinosaurs lived about 240 million years ago. At that where there have been many disappearances of ships and planes.
time the Earth’s climate was quite warm and dry. More reptiles The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began in 1945 when five
started appearing on Earth because of this hotter climate. American planes disappeared in that area during a bad storm.
Since then more than 100 planes have disappeared and more
Jane Hey, Ben, look at this dinosaur! Scary, eh? than 1000 people have died.
Ben It’s huge! What is it? A Tyrannosaurus Rex? Some people say that there is nothing mysterious about the
Jane No, it’s a model of a Masiakasaurus. Bermuda Triangle – they think that accidents happen there
Ben Look at its teeth! because the weather is often very stormy in the area. The truth
Jane Yeah, and its claws! is that since technology has got better and it’s much easier now
Ben And look at this huge egg. What kind of bird is it from? to keep in contact with planes and ships, there have been fewer
Jane It’s a dinosaur egg, silly! disappearances than before.
Ben I didn’t know dinosaurs had eggs.
Another place where unusual things happen is Texas in the USA. Girl Well, you know how to cut grass, don’t you?
In the desert in West Texas you can see some strange lights in the Boy Yes, but … just a minute. This one sounds better. They’re
sky nearly every night. People call them the Marfa lights because looking for people to work on a film.
they appear near the town of Marfa. Many people who live there Girl Really? As actors?
have seen them, but no-one knows what they are. Some people Boy No, but it says it’s well-paid and exciting. It says you work
have seen just one bright light, while others have seen more than behind the scenes.
one light. Some say the lights move and change colour. Girl That probably means making coffee! What else does it
The mystery of the Marfa Lights started many years ago. Many say?
pilots trained in this area in the 1940s and saw the lights during Boy You don’t pay for meals or transport, so that will save
their flights. Seventy years later, no-one can explain what the money.
lights are and why they exist. The mystery continues … Girl Let me have a look. Mmm, it sounds interesting. I think I’ll
send an application to this email address.
Lesson 3 Boy Hey, wait a minute – I’m the one who’s looking for a job,
not you!
Woman Can I help you?
Man Yes, I’m looking for a present for my granddaughter.
Lesson 2
Have you got any ideas?
Woman How old is she? Vicky Hi Roy.
Man Eleven – well she’ll be twelve in a few days. Roy Oh! How’s it going? Have you finished getting ready for
Woman OK, how about a Harry Potter book? Most kids the trip tomorrow?
between ten and thirteen love them. We’ve got the Vicky No, that’s why I’m ringing. My rucksack is full already
newest one if you’re interested. and I haven’t put my sleeping bag in yet!
Man Yes, I had thought of getting her a Harry Potter book, Roy But your rucksack is really big! What have you put in it?
but her mum told me she’s read them all. Mr Price said we should only take the necessary things,
Woman I see. Well if she likes adventure stories, this one remember?
might be suitable for her. And it isn’t expensive. Vicky I’ve got three pairs of trousers, five T-shirts and 3 pairs
Man Mmm. It looks good. This book’s a bit dirty, though. of socks!
Have you got any others? Roy That’s too much! We’re only going for two days!
Woman No, sorry, that’s the last one. Vicky OK I’ll take some out.
Man Mmm. Now this is the kind of book I love! Ancient Roy What else have you got that isn’t necessary? Have you
Greek Myths and Legends. got your MP3 player?
Woman But is your granddaughter interested in Greek Vicky No, I haven’t, but that’s small anyway. I’ve got my
legends? toothbrush, my hairdryer …
Man Probably not. But look at these pictures – they’re Roy There’s no point in taking a hairdryer! We’ll be staying
beautiful. in tents in the middle of a forest.
Woman Yes, you’re right, but maybe … Vicky Mmm, I suppose you’re right.
Man Just a minute. Mmm – at last, something that I Roy Anyway, there are more important things to think
recognise! ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ about. Have you got a hat and some sun cream? We’ll
by C.S. Lewis. That was my favourite book when I be walking for hours, you know.
was a boy! Vicky I’ve got some sun cream, but I can’t find my hat.
Woman Really? That one isn’t very popular with kids these Roy Well, I’ve got a spare hat if you want.
days. They usually prefer more modern stories. Vicky OK, thanks. I don’t think it will be sunny, though, do
Man Oh, I’m not worried about that. It might be old, but you?
it’s amazing. How much is it? Roy Well, the weather forecast for this weekend said it will
Woman Eight pounds fifty. be warm and windy, but it probably won’t rain.
Man OK, I’ll take it. Thanks very much! Vicky Oh, good. OK, I’m sure everything will fit now …
Roy OK. See you tomorrow!
Vicky Bye!
Unit 5
Lesson 1
Unit 6
Boy I really need to earn some money. I’m going to try to find
Lesson 1
a part-time job.
Girl Well, there are some job adverts in this newspaper. Presenter Hello and welcome to ‘Kids’ Challenge’, the quiz
Boy Let me see. Mmm, here’s one. They want someone to show for the under-twelves. Here in the studio
look after a young child one evening a week. today we’ve got Jenny from King Charles School
Girl That sounds good – you like children. And you’re free in …
the evenings. Which day is it for? Jenny Hello.
Boy Fridays. Presenter … and Nicholas from Meadows School.
Girl Do you need any special skills? Nicholas Hello.
Boy No, it says they aren’t necessary. There’s one problem, Presenter So, the first question, for two points. Which of the
though. following plays did William Shakespeare not write?
Girl What? Was it a ‘The Birds’, or b ‘Hamlet’ Yes, Jenny?
Boy They’re looking for a girl! Jenny It was a ‘The Birds’.
Girl That’s not fair! You’re really good with kids. Is there Presenter You’re right, Jenny, ‘The Birds’ was written by
anything else? Aristophanes not Shakespeare. Well done, that’s
Boy Yes, there’s one here for a gardener. two points to you. Question 2: Which group did
Girl That might be suitable for you. You like being outdoors. the musicians John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Boy No, that’s no good either. They want someone belong to? Was it a The Rolling Stones … and
Nicholas thinks he knows the answer already. Yes, Interviewer Well, that’s an unforgettable story. Well done,
Nicholas? Paul, you’re a real hero. Thanks for talking to us
Nicholas It was The Beatles. ….
Presenter Another correct answer! Two points to Nicholas.
So Jenny and Nicholas have the same score at the Lesson 3
moment. Question 3: Which country was the artist
John Hello Katherine.
Picasso from? Was it a Italy, or b Spain? Nicholas
Kath Oh, hi John.
John What are you doing here?
Nicholas I think it’s a Italy.
Kath I’m waiting for my son, Finn. I’ve just given him a lift to
Presenter No, Nicholas, I’m afraid it isn’t. Picasso was from
his piano lesson down the road.
Spain. That wrong answer means one point to
John Ah. So how long’s Finn been learning the piano for?
Jenny, and we move on to question 4 now. Which
Kath Oh, he started when he was six. His teacher says he’s got
famous actor later became a politician? a Melina
real talent.
Mercouri or b Sophia Loren? Jenny?
John Really? My daughter, Poppy, is crazy about horse riding
Jenny I think it’s Sophia Loren.
at the moment. She wants to have her own horse now!
Presenter No, it isn’t. The correct answer is Melina Mercouri.
Kath Oh dear! That’ll be expensive.
So one point to Nicholas. So the scores at the
John Mmm, I know. But she’s already taken part in a few
moment are even with 3 points each. And we’re
competitions and she seems to have a natural talent for
on the last question now which will decide who
the winner is! So, for two points, which kind of
Kath Well, take my advice and wait for a few more months
athletes take part in a famous competition at
before you think about buying her a horse. Kids change
Wimbledon every summer? Is it a swimmers, or b
very quickly, you know. Take my daughter, Sophie, for
tennis players? Nicholas?
example. She used to love ice skating and we bought
Nicholas It’s b tennis players.
her some very nice skates, and spent a lot of money on
Presenter Yes, that’s the correct answer and it makes Nicholas
lessons, and now she’s not interested in it any more. She
the winner with five points! Well done Nicholas –
prefers painting now.
and to you Jenny. It was very close, but Nicholas
John Painting?
just made it at the end … [fade out]
Kath Yes, she says she wants to be an artist! How’s your son
Julian, anyway?
Lesson 2
John Oh, he’s fine. He’s very shy, and he isn’t interested in
Interviewer Welcome to ‘Everyday Heroes’, the programme sport and outdoor activities, but his teachers say he’s
where we meet people who have done brilliant, especially at English.
something amazing to help someone else. In the Kath Really?
studio today is 13-year-old Paul Stevens. Paul John Yes, we think he’ll probably become a writer. He spends
has become famous recently because he saved all his time writing poems and stories.
not just one person but his whole family! Paul, Kath And are they any good?
welcome to the programme. John I don’t know – he doesn’t let us read them!
Paul Hi. Kath Well, it’s better than playing computer games all day!
Interviewer Tell us what happened. John Exactly! I’m happy to say none of my children are very
Paul Well, one evening my mum was driving us – me interested in computers – I think Emily might become
and my two little sisters – home from school. It a photographer. She’s taken some beautiful pictures of
was dark and it was raining a lot. the family – I’ve got one here, look.
Interviewer And what happened? Kath Mmm. It’s very good.
Paul We went round a corner and suddenly the road John Oh no, look at the time! I’ll have to go.
disappeared! It was completely flooded and the Kath OK, bye John.
car went straight into some deep water. It was John Bye.
really frightening!
Interviewer I’m sure it was!
Paul The water was getting deeper and deeper and Unit 7
my mum didn’t know what to do. Then I had Lesson 1
an idea. I opened one of the car windows and
climbed through it onto the roof of the car. Then 1
I helped my sisters and my mum to climb onto Woman I don’t feel very fit and I don’t have much energy
the roof too. these days. I think I’m going to join a gym.
Interviewer Then what did you do? Man Listen, Donna, you don’t need to go to a gym to keep
Paul There were some houses nearby so I decided to fit! It’s quite expensive you know. I go running in the
swim to get help. park three times a week.
Interviewer I admire you for being so brave! So you jumped Woman I know, but I don’t like exercising on my own. I want
off the roof of the car into the water … to do something with other people – it’s much more
Paul That’s right. It was freezing cold and I couldn’t see fun!
very well. I swam for only about five minutes but
it seemed like a very long time! Then I climbed 2
out of the water and ran to the nearest house. Woman Are you feeling better after your sleep, Mick?
The people there called a rescue team. Man No, I’ve still got a sore throat and a headache.
Interviewer How long did it take for them to arrive? Woman Why don’t you take some of this medicine? It’s good
Paul About twenty minutes. Fortunately, my mum for headaches.
and sisters were still there on the car. They took Man It’s OK, thanks. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment
us all to hospital, but we were OK – just very cold later.
and wet! Woman I hope you get better soon.
3 Interviewer Anything else that you don’t like?
Boy Do you want an ice cream, Kim? Daisy Yes. Sometimes it’s really boring! It may take
Girl Yes, but I can’t have one! I’m on a special diet. hours for a photographer to get the right
Boy But you don’t need to lose weight! photograph. You have to try to look happy and
Girl I know - I’m not trying to lose weight. I can’t eat things relaxed when you aren’t!
with cow’s milk in them because they make me feel ill. Interviewer Mmm, that must be hard – but no job is perfect!
Boy Oh, I see. Let’s have an orange juice then. And what about the future?
Girl Well, I’d like a lemonade please. Daisy I hope to be modelling for the next couple of
years. But later I might decide to do something
4 completely different. Most of my friends are going
Man You look very well and relaxed, Sally! Have you been to university next year and that’s something I’d
on holiday? like to do.
Woman No, I’ve started taking vitamin pills. I was very pale Interviewer So you might give up life as a model and continue
and tired a few weeks ago, but now I feel like a new your studies later?
person! Daisy Yes, I might.
Man Oh, I don’t like taking things like that. I think it’s Interviewer Well, Daisy, we’re running out of time now so
much better to eat healthily. thanks for talking to us …
Girl What’s the matter, Nigel? Your eyes are all red. Unit 8
Boy I know. Lesson 1
Girl Have you been studying too much?
Boy Er .. not really. I think it’s because of the computer. Emma That’s a nice poster. Where did you get it?
Girl Mmm. I bet you’ve been playing too many games on it. Lawrence It’s from an exhibition at an art gallery I went to
You’ll have to start wearing glasses soon if you aren’t last week.
careful! Emma Really? I love black and white photos. I think I
prefer them to colour ones.
Lesson 2 Lawrence Me too. That one’s got a great atmosphere, hasn’t
Interviewer Hello and welcome to ‘Jobwatch’, the Emma Yes. Who was it taken by?
programme that tells you everything you have Lawrence Someone called Ian Stone. I think he lives near
always wanted to know about the jobs other here, actually.
people do. Today we’re talking to Daisy Cooper, Emma It sounds like a good exhibition.
who is only seventeen years old, but has already Lawrence Yes, it was. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it because I
begun her career as a model. Daisy, welcome to usually find art galleries really boring.
the programme. Emma Do you? I think they’re great places – so quiet and
Daisy Thanks, Howard. It’s a pleasure to be here. relaxing. I love looking at pictures.
Interviewer Now modelling is a job that lots of girls – and Lawrence What kind of pictures do you like, then?
boys too – dream about. How did you become a Emma Most things, really, but my favourite painter is Van
model? Gogh. His paintings of nature are fantastic.
Daisy It just happened by chance. I was shopping with Lawrence Actually, I’m not a big fan of landscape paintings. I
my mum when a woman came up to me and prefer more modern things with bright colours and
asked me if I was interested in becoming a model. shapes.
I was so surprised that I thought it must be a Emma Really? My problem with a lot of modern art is that
joke. Later my mum and I talked about it and she I can’t understand what the pictures are about.
let me call the woman. And it all happened from Lawrence But that’s the great thing! Different people can see
there. different things in the same painting.
Interviewer So you hadn’t always wanted to be a model? Emma Well, I like things to be clear. A tree should look like
Daisy I hadn’t really thought about it. I’ve always been a tree, in my opinion!
very tall, but I wasn’t a very pretty child. Lawrence What about graffiti? I bet you hate that.
Interviewer What do you like about being a model? Emma Yes, I do – but what’s graffiti got to do with art?
Daisy Well, it’s given me the chance to see the world. Lawrence Everything! Some graffiti artists are very talented,
I love travelling and I’ve already been to Japan, you know. Some amazing things are drawn by
Australia and all over Europe. I meet lots of them.
interesting people and … well, of course, it’s Emma I’m sorry, Lawrence, but there’s graffiti everywhere
well-paid. in the city centre and it doesn’t look like art to me
Interviewer And how do you feel when you see your picture … [fade out]
in magazines?
Daisy It’s strange. They make me look so different. Lesson 2
Sometimes I feel it isn’t really me in the photos!
Interviewer Really? Michael Jackson, who died at the age of 50, is remembered
Daisy Yes. I usually look much more beautiful than I do for his amazing musical talent. He had millions of fans and sold
in real life! more than 750 million albums during his career. He was a singer,
Interviewer Well, being a model can’t always be fun. What a songwriter, a producer, a dancer and a choreographer. Apart
don’t you like about the job? from his songs he is also famous for his dancing. His ‘moonwalk’
Daisy I’m still quite young so I miss my family a lot dance, which looked as if he was being pulled backwards, has
when I’m away from home. My mum often become legendary. He is also the third biggest selling pop star
travels with me, which is nice, but I still miss my after Elvis Presley and the Beatles.
dad, my brother – and my dog! What many people may not know is that he gave millions of
dollars to charities. His own Heal the World Foundation was set
up to help the children of the world. Michael Jackson wrote the our windsurfing instructor will take you out on the
song ‘Heal the World’ – a song he was very proud of. Another lake for a two-hour lesson.
famous song for charity is ‘We are the World’ which was written Woman Er, should we wear wetsuits?
in 1985 by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie to help people in Rep Yes, because it gets very cold out on the water. Again
Africa. these can be rented.
Jackson was called the Most Famous Living Man on Earth and he Woman OK.
was in the Guinness Book of World Records many times – eight Rep Then it’s dinner at the hotel and you’ll probably want
times in 2006 alone. Some of these world records are: thirteen an early night after all that exercise! On Saturday
Grammy Awards, thirteen number one singles, and his album morning we’ll start a bit later and there’s been a
‘Thriller’ is still the biggest selling album since records began. He change to the original programme. Unfortunately,
has waxwork figures in five Madame Tussauds museums across there isn’t much snow on the mountains at the
the world. Only Elvis Presley and Madonna have more – six. moment. So, we won’t be able to go skiing. Instead
Jackson also has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of fame. we’ve arranged a hike in the mountains. If you don’t
Michael Jackson has become a legend and it is certain that his want to go walking, you’ll be able to stay at the hotel
music will be played for many years to come. He has influenced and just relax by the swimming pool.
music and culture throughout the world and he has also inspired Man What about Saturday afternoon? Are we still going
many young artists like Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and diving?
many others. His music and incredible dance moves will always Rep No, that’s been changed to Sunday morning now.
be admired. There will be a party at the hotel on Saturday night
– and then on Sunday morning, there will be a scuba
Lesson 3 diving trip to Beaker Island.
Woman Er, will there be a diving instructor for people like me
Teacher Right, everyone, as you know, the school play is in
who’ve never been diving before?
two weeks’ time. So I just want to check what’s ready
Rep Yes, of course. Most of you are beginners, I think. And
and what still has to be done. Let’s start with the
don’t worry about safety – we don’t take any risks
actors! There were a few problems last week – lots
with any of the activities we offer. That’s probably
of people were forgetting their lines. Has everyone
why we’ve never had any accidents so far. And we’ve
learnt them now?
been offering activity holidays for over ten years now.
All kids Yes, sir.
Well, I think that’s everything. So has anyone got any
Teacher Are you sure? Becky, how about you? You’ve got the
more questions? …….
main role.
Girl 1 Yes, I’ve been practising them all week.
Lesson 2
Teacher Great, no problems there then, I hope. What about
the costumes. Katie, your mum’s making them, isn’t Presenter Hello and welcome to the programme ‘Extreme
she? Are they ready yet? Sports’, and here with me in the studio are Julia
Girl 2 Er, not all of them. Mum says they’ll be finished by Knowles, the Olympic swimming champion...
Friday. Julia Hello.
Teacher OK, as long as it’s no later than Friday. That will give Presenter And Dan Simpson, who’s just written a book about
us time to try them on and see if they fit. Now, the his experiences as a climber.
posters. Have they been put up yet? Dan Hi.
Boy Not yet. Presenter Well, Dan, why do people do extreme sports?
Teacher Have they been made? Dan Because they like a challenge. If you don’t have
Boy Yes, they’ve just been finished and I’ve got one here. challenges, life gets very boring.
It’s come out really well. Presenter Yes, but I don’t understand why some people enjoy
Teacher Mmm, it looks great! I must ask Mr Marston in the risking their lives for fun.
art department to thank his pupils for making those. Dan Actually, I don’t think they really think about the
OK, well they must be put up in the next few days, danger. They enjoy doing something that not many
OK? The other thing we had a problem with was the other people have done.
music. The girl who was going to play the piano can’t Julia Yes, I agree. Extreme sports are like a test of
do it now. Has anyone else been found? strength. That’s probably why it’s usually men
Girl 1 Yes Sir, I’ve found a girl. Her name’s Wendy Shaw and who do them – because they want to show how
she’s in class 5F. powerful they are!
Teacher Well done, Becky. I’ll speak to her. Now, lastly, the Dan Actually, more and more women are starting to
tickets. How many have been sold? take up dangerous sports, you know.
Girl 2 All of them, Sir. There are none left! Presenter Mmm, you’re right. And it also seems that new
Teacher Really? That’s fantastic! Congratulations everyone! sports are being invented all the time, like kite
OK then… surfing. Well if I tried that, I’d probably break my
arm or leg or something. Wouldn’t you have to be
very, very fit to do this sport?
Unit 9 Julia Yes, of course.
Lesson 1 Presenter What worries me is that anyone can try an activity
like this even if they aren’t fit enough or strong
Rep OK, welcome everyone! We’ve got a lot planned enough.
for the next three days! There will be an early start Julia Mmm, you’re right about that. That’s why there
tomorrow morning – that’s Friday – because we’re are so many accidents.
going cycling. Mountain bikes and helmets can Dan Another reason accidents happen is that
be rented from the shop next door. So we’ll leave unfortunately many people who organise these
here at 8 o’clock and cycle to Connelly Lake, where sports don’t always follow all the Health and Safety
we’ll have a picnic lunch. In the afternoon, if the rules. The equipment that you can rent isn’t always
weather’s good – and I mean if it’s windy enough – as good as it should be.
Presenter So if you want to try an extreme sport, what should Lesson 2
you do?
Julia Well, make sure that there is always a properly Agatha Christie, who died in 1976, was one of the most famous
qualified instructor with you at all times. And, of writers of detective stories in the world. Not many people know
course, don’t take unnecessary risks. about the mystery in her own life, however – a mystery that was
Presenter Well, we’re running out of time now so thanks to never solved.
both ...
On the evening of December 8th 1926, Agatha Christie, aged
36, disappeared. At the time, Agatha was married to Archibald
Unit 10 Christie, but they were having problems with their marriage so
she decided to go away for a short holiday. Before she went, she
Lesson 1 left two notes – one to her secretary with details of her trip and
1 another to a police officer. In this note, she said that she was
Man Hello? Is that the police? worried about her own safety, but she didn’t say why.
Woman Yes, this is Barnley police station. How can I help The next morning Christie’s car was found at the bottom of a
you? hill near a pond called Silent Pool. In it were bags of Christie’s
Man I’m ringing to report a crime. I think the bank on clothes and other personal things. The police thought Christie
Queen Street has just been robbed! might have been murdered and they searched the pond for
Woman Can you tell me what’s happened? her body, but didn’t find anything. The search for Christie then
Man Yes. Two men have just run out of the bank and became more serious. Newspapers reported her disappearance
they’re getting into a car. and planes were even used to look for her.
Woman What’s the number of the car? Eleven days later the police got a telephone call from someone
Man Er, I can’t see very well. I wish I had my glasses with staying at the Hydropathic Hotel in Harrogate who said that
me … a woman who looked like Agatha Christie was staying at the
Woman Can you describe the men, sir? hotel. The police and Christie’s husband rushed to the hotel and
Man Well, they were tall and wearing masks. found that it was really her! Christie couldn’t remember what
she was doing at the hotel or how she had got there.
2 So what really happened? Did Agatha Christie really not
Woman Excuse me, you aren’t allowed to park here. remember anything? The police decided she had probably lost
Man Why not? her memory because of stress from the death of her mother and
Woman Because it’s not a road – it’s where people walk! her marriage problems. Other people say the whole story was
Man Look, I just need to go to the shop round the corner. just a way to encourage people to buy her books!
I’m only going to be five minutes.
Woman Well, you’re breaking the law and if you don’t move Lesson 3
your car, I’ll call the police! 1
Woman Listen to some of these stories about stupid
3 criminals.
Girl Oh no! I don’t believe it! It’s gone! Man Go on then.
Boy What? Woman My favourite is this one about some robbers who stole
Girl My bike! I left it here while I went to the post office. what they thought was a suitcase full of money. They
Boy Didn’t you lock it? got a surprise when they opened the case, though.
Girl No – I wish I had. It’s so old I didn’t think anyone would Man Why?
want to steal it! Woman Well, it didn’t have any money in it.
Boy You should be more careful. There’s a lot of crime in this Man What was in it?
area. Woman Medicine, pills – you see, it was a first aid kit!
Man No, I don’t believe it! Is that a true story?
4 Woman Yes!
Man Excuse me. I’m the store detective. Can I have a look in
your bag, please? 2
Girl Yes, but why? The only things I’ve got in it are my purse Woman Another one I like is about a burglar in Japan. He
and my sunglasses. robbed a house, but he made it easy for the police to
Man I don’t think you’ve paid for these. catch him.
Girl But I didn’t buy them from this shop. They’re mine! I’ve Man Why?
had these sunglasses for a long time. Woman Well, it was hard not to notice him because he was
Man Sorry, Miss, but I don’t think you have. Can you come wearing a Spiderman costume!
with me, please? Man I thought Spiderman was supposed to fight crime,
Girl I don’t believe this! I want to see the manager. not commit crimes!
5 3
Boy A ticket to Brighton, please. Woman Then there was the woman who rang the police
Woman That’ll be 18 euros, please. about a stolen towel. She said that someone had
Boy No, I want a child’s ticket for nine euros. I’m not taken it while her daughter was swimming at the
sixteen yet. local swimming pool.
Woman Well, you look at least sixteen to me! Have you got Man And what’s funny about it?
any proof of your age? A passport or something? Woman The police asked her to describe the towel and she
Boy Er, no, I haven’t but … said, ‘It’s white and it says ‘Holiday Inn Hotel’ on it’.
Woman Well, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay the full price, Man [sound of laughter]
4 Jack, for example, is a beagle, a kind of dog with a very good
Woman Here’s another one. A man wanted to give his sense of smell. Jack has been trained to do a very important job.
girlfriend a nice present, but he didn’t have any He works at an airport in the USA and his job is to check luggage
money. and mail to make sure they don’t contain fruit or vegetables
Man What happened? from other countries or anything dangerous. His powerful nose
Woman He stole a necklace worth thousands of dollars from makes him much better at finding these things than a human
a jewellery shop and gave it to his girlfriend, but she being would be.
reported him to the police.
Man How did she know it was stolen? Jessie is another working dog. She is taken to visit children who
Woman She recognised it because he had stolen it from the are seriously ill in hospital. She was specially chosen to work with
shop where she worked! children because of her gentle and friendly character. Her owner
Man Brilliant! says, ‘It’s amazing, but Jessie seems to understand each child’s
emotions like another human being.’ The children love playing
5 with her. Spending time with a dog like Jessie helps them feel
Woman OK, last one. It’s about a thief that the police had much better.
been chasing for over an hour. He was hiding in a
forest and the police couldn’t find him until …. Guess Rex is a dog who helps people in a different way. He has to have
what happened! His mobile phone started ringing! very special skills because he’s a guide dog for someone who
Man What, he hadn’t switched it off? can’t see. Rex’s training started when he was a puppy and took
Woman No! several months. Now it is his job to help his human partner, Jill,
Man You’re joking! to cross busy roads, get on and off buses and avoid any dangers
Woman No, I told you before, they’re all true stories. They’re that she can’t see. Rex has to know when to listen to Jill and
from this book called ‘The World’s Most Stupid …’ . when not to. If Jill tells Rex to cross the road, for example, and
there is traffic, Rex has to wait. Rex also has to be very calm and
know how to behave himself in places like shops and restaurants
Unit 11 where most dogs aren’t allowed to go.
Lesson 1
Tim Hello, Groovenet customer helpline. My name’s Tim, Unit 12
how can I help you?
Lesson 1
Diane Hello. I’m ringing about my Internet connection. It isn’t
working properly. Presenter Now on the subject of money, my guest on today’s
Tim Can you tell me your email address, please? programme is David Grisham, who at the age of
Diane Yes, it’s dianesmith (all one word) @ groovenet.co.uk. twenty-one is already a millionaire! Welcome to
Tim OK. What’s the problem exactly? the programme, David.
Diane Every time I go online, the Internet works for a few David Thanks, Gillian.
minutes and then I lose the connection. Presenter Now, David, you own a computer games company
Tim I see. and you’ve already made a fortune. How did it all
Diane I rang this number yesterday and spoke to someone start?
who said they would fix the problem, but it’s still not David Well, my friends and I used to play a lot of computer
working properly. I work from home and I use the games and I thought some of them weren’t that
Internet a lot, so it’s making my life very difficult. good. So one day I just sat down and designed my
Tim Right, well sorry about that. I’ll see what I can do now. own game.
First of all, please check if your modem is working. Presenter How old were you then?
Diane Er, how can I check? David Sixteen. Anyway, when I showed the game to my
Tim Well, look at your modem. Is there a red light on it? friends, they thought it was great and they all
Diane Yes. wanted a copy.
Tim The modem seems to be OK then. It’s probably Presenter And then you designed some more games.
something to do with your telephone line. David That’s right. The problem was how to sell them to
Diane But my phone’s working fine – there’s no problem with other people. That’s when I decided to set up my
that. own company on the Internet.
Tim When you’re on the phone, does your Internet work? Presenter Did anybody help you?
Diane No, that’s another thing. If I make a phone call or David Yes, my dad. He’s the owner of a small business,
someone calls me, I lose the Internet connection then and he gave me lots of tips. I also borrowed some
too. money from him.
Tim Mmm. That shouldn’t happen. I think the problem Presenter And has your life changed in other ways since you
must be with your phone company, not us. Give them became rich?
a call and ask them to test your phone line. Then if David Well, I don’t live in a big house and have everything
you’re still having problems with your Internet, we’ll done for me, if that’s what you mean. I still live
send a technician. Call us again or send an email. Thank at home with my mum and dad and the only
you for calling. Goodbye! expensive possession I’ve got is a nice car.
Diane Yeah, thanks a lot for your help! Presenter Has money made you a happier person?
David No, I don’t think money can make you happy. Other
Lesson 2 things make you happy like family and friends.
Having a lot of money makes life easier in some
One thing that separates dogs from most other animals is that
ways, but it can also be quite stressful.
they really enjoy the company of human beings. That’s probably
Presenter And what tips have you got for other young people
why they have become the most popular pets in the world and
who want to be successful?
are often called ‘man’s best friend’. Because of their special skills
David Believe in yourself and don’t listen when people tell
and abilities, we have also created many jobs for dogs to do in
you you can’t do something. You can!
our human world.
Presenter Good advice, David! Thanks very much for talking If you can’t make it this Saturday, don’t worry! It’s the first day of
to me today. …… the sales on Monday and there will be even more bargains!
Lesson 2 The Blue Sky Shopping Centre – shopping and a whole lot
Presenter Well, it’s half past ten on a Saturday morning and
that means it’s time for the Clothes Doctor! Miriam
Wood is here to help you with all your fashion
problems. Good morning, Miriam.
Miriam Hello, Graham.
Presenter And we’ve got our first caller on line 1. It’s Zoe
Hobbs from Lincolnshire. Zoe, hi.
Zoe Hello.
Presenter What’s your question for Miriam?
Zoe Well, I’ve got a problem with my feet. They’re too
big and I can never find any nice shoes in my size.
Miriam What size do you take?
Zoe I’m only thirteen and I already take a size 41!
Miriam I see. Well, don’t worry. There are some companies
that design beautiful shoes, boots and sandals in
larger sizes …
Zoe In big cities, maybe, but I live in a small town.
Miriam No problem, Zoe. You can order the shoes I’m
talking about on the Internet and have them
delivered to you. The prices are quite low too. Have
a look on the website www.longfeet.com.
Zoe OK, I will. Thanks for your help.
Presenter And now on to our next caller, Jamie O’Brien from
Dublin. How can the Clothes Doctor help you,
Jamie Hi. My problem is that I want to go to a party next
week, but I haven’t got any smart clothes to wear
for it and I can’t afford to buy a new outfit.
Miriam I see. Are there any second-hand shops where you
Jamie Yes.
Miriam Well, go and see what you can find there. You’d
be surprised, but you can often find second-hand
clothes that are like new.
Jamie Really?
Miriam Yes – there are some great bargains. You might be
lucky and find just the right thing.
Presenter OK, thank you, Jamie, and now onto our next
Lesson 3
This is the weekend we’ve all been waiting for! The Blue Sky
Shopping Centre is opening on Saturday August 1st. Blue Sky
is the biggest indoor shopping centre in the country, with over
300 shops, 10 department stores, 25 restaurants and cafes and
a huge 20-screen cinema. Everything is under a huge glass roof,
which means you can enjoy shopping even when the sun isn’t
Extra Song
Unit 1
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 125
Extra Song
Unit 3
But how long have we been poisoning the land and the sea?
Have we forgotten this is home for you and me?
No one wants to live in a dirty house,
From the biggest whale to the tiniest mouse.
126 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Extra Song
Unit 5
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 127
Extra Song
Unit 8
I‛m often asked, ‘What‛s it really like, rapping all the time?‛
I say, ‘If you want to do it, find some words that rhyme.
Like moon and June or town and around.
Then they are put together with the hip hop sound.‛
128 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Extra Song
Unit 9
Copyright ©
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Extra Song
Unit 11
Communication, communication
130 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
o r e a r ly f inis h e r s1
Extra tasks f
Lesson 1 Lesson 3
Complete the sentences with words from Choose the correct answer.
Unit 1, Lesson 1.
1 They always give us sweets before the plane takes off / breaks down.
1 The Angel of the North is a famous s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2 Once a week /At the moment they’re visiting the old castle.
2 We’re travelling to our d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by train.
3 Italy is famous for its ancient / steep monuments.
3 Hadrian’s Wall is a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the north of
4 This is the island which / where we go in summer.
5 We never are travelling / travel by train.
4 When you cross the b_ _ _ _ _ , you must show
6 I frequently / for the time being go hiking in the mountains.
your passport.
7 Let’s set off / get on the bus. It leaves at five o’clock.
5 I put on the car lights when I drive through
a t_ _ _ _ _ . 8 I am seeing / see what you mean about rafting. It isn’t easy at all!
Lesson 2
Look at the vocabulary tasks from Lesson 2 and complete the puzzle. Find out where we are
travelling to.
3 H W
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 131
o r e a r ly f in is h e r s2
Extra tasks f
1 2
Lesson 1
3 4
Complete the crossword. D S
Across 5
1 A scientific test to see if something works.
5 To make something new.
6 You make this when you try hard.
8 What you should do with instructions.
6 7
9 A large group of bees or ants. E F
2 Something you don’t want to make often.
3 This happens when you decide something. 8
4 The kind of power we get from the sun.
7 Something you do to help a friend.
Lesson 2
Complete the dialogue with the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Kelly: (1) (you/watch) the news on TV last night?
George: No, I didn’t. What (2) (happen)?
Kelly: They (3) (just/find) a strange rock in a desert in Mexico. Scientists think it (4)
(come) from space.
George: I don’t believe it! What (5) (it/look) like?
Kelly: Well, they (6) (not/show) any pictures of it. The reporter said it (7) (be)
made of something that they (8) (never/see) before on Earth.
George: Hmm. So I guess there (9) (be) a lot that we can learn from it? Maybe it’s from Mars.
Kelly: They (10) (not/discover) how it got here yet or where it’s from. Who knows? Maybe you’re right!
Lesson 3
132 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
o r e a r ly f inis h e r s3
Extra tasks f
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Find and circle ten words from Unit 3, Lesson 1. Choose the correct answer.
1 Dinosaurs millions of years ago.
a ran out of
b got across
G S T I Q U K O P F L R c died out
H N E L A I L U N T E U 2 The bird was carrying a fish in its .
R A R O H O O N A H F G a horn
P M W O R D M T U U L H b beak
W I L D F I R E G R O T c paw
O M I N H A S R D I H U 3 We must paper if we want to
M T R O U S T M R C T N protect our forests.
T V E A R T H Q U A K E a cut down on
S O A R H E A E S N M I b answer for
U L N Q T R C R G E N A c look into
Lesson 3
1 This is the cleanest a than once.
2 We should use plastic bags more b problem in our country.
3 Throwing rubbish away is easier c than to drive in the city.
4 Pollution is the biggest d as the food I eat at home.
5 It’s faster to cycle e than recycling.
6 Fast food isn’t as good f school in the country.
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 133
o r e a r ly f in is h e r s4
Extra tasks f
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Complete the sentences with words from Vocabulary, page 38, and Prepositions, page 39.
1 We decided to h _ _ _ f_ _ the airport.
2 Pilots are r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for their passengers’ lives.
3 They were worried because their plane was running out of f_ _ _.
4 Don’t ask me to be the n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I always get lost!
5 The book is s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for children over ten years old.
6 I get the i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he isn’t capable of flying a plane.
7 Luckily, this kind of plane doesn’t c_ _ _ _ often.
8 Ken was not j_ _ _ _ _ _ of his brother when he won a trip to Brazil.
Lesson 3
2 they / playing / saw / crocodile / they / while / near / were / a river, / a giant
4 next to / a few / parents / the river / days / their / later, / found / their / shoes / children’s
134 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
o r e a r ly f inis h e r s5
Extra tasks f
Lesson 1
ambition application careers officer college course criminal explorer degree knowledge salary
Lesson 3 M
Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect Simple or the Future Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1 This time tomorrow, I (walk) through the rainforest.
2 By the time he’s thirty, he hopes he (start) his own company.
3 You (get over) this disease by the end of the month.
4 We (go) down the Amazon during the trip.
5 Check the website now. All the cheap tickets (sell) soon.
6 What (you/study) at college next year?
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 135
o r e a r ly f in is h e r s6
Extra tasks f
Lesson 1
Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Choose the correct answer. Complete the paragraph with these words.
1 I’m not interested science.
a to study and apart as well both but enough too whereas
b studying
c in studying Tom and John are best friends, (1) they’ve
got different interests. Tom is (2) talented
2 When she left her job as a photographer, she went and good-looking. (3) from playing the
on a journalist.
guitar, he is also a great singer. He loves motorbikes, although
a was
b being he’s not old (4) to ride one yet. John
c to be is clever (5) he loves playing chess and
computer games. However, he’s (6) lazy to
3 Dad encouraged me books when I was a child. do his homework in the evening, (7) Tom
a reading
studies hard every night. John gets terrible marks at school
b to read
c read (8) as speaking to his friends in class. His
parents don’t know what to do with him!
4 Owen tried on the Internet for information
about the actor, but he couldn’t find anything useful.
a looking
b to look
c looked
136 Copyright ©
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o r e a r ly f inis h e r s7
Extra tasks f
1 2
Lesson 1 C D
Down 6 7
2 I went on a special one when I was in hospital.
3 You can buy this at the chemist’s. G
5 How you feel when you’re not stressed. 9
7 It’s painful.
8 You can join one to keep fit.
Lesson 2
Complete the sentences with words from Vocabulary, page 66 and Phrasal verbs, page 67.
1 We are a_ _ _ _ of that fact that some perfume companies do experiments on animals.
2 I’m not w_ _ _ _ _ _ to buy expensive perfume.
3 Every country has different opinions of what b _ _ _ _ _ means.
4 I don’t think that new style will c_ _ _ _ _ _.
5 He might stop playing football now that he’s a top m_ _ _ _.
6 I’ve been trying on clothes all day and I’m e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ now.
7 She may b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a new DVD about people’s lives in other countries.
8 Don’t use Mum’s perfume! She’ll be f_ _ _ _ _ _.
Lesson 3
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Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 137
o r e a r ly f in is h e r s8
Extra tasks f
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Look at the vocabulary tasks from Unit 8, Lesson 1 and Complete the sentences with these words.
complete the puzzle. Find out what kind of art the lesson
is about. band expressed inspired instrument
lyrics orchestra roots variety
1 His visit to Africa him to write
C D the song.
A E 2 He’s the singer in a rap .
4 3 I love the of the song, but I don’t
like the tune.
M D 4 There were fifty musicians in the .
B D 5 The guitar is an easy to learn to play.
7 6 The of reggae music were in Jamaica.
7 The shop sells a of CDs suitable for
F E people of all ages.
9 8 People have always their feelings
through music.
Lesson 3
138 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
o r e a r ly f inis h e r s9
Extra tasks f
1 2
Lesson 1
3 4
Complete the crossword. 5
1 You wear them on your feet in the sea. P
3 It’s a high rock next to the sea. 7
8 You might fall if you go too close to this.
9 Somebody who teaches you to ski. E
10 They are special glasses to wear underwater or in the snow.
2 It’s safety equipment that you wear around your body on a boat.
3 You can see everything in the sea if you do this sport.
4 They will keep your hands warm. 9
6 Don’t jump out of a plane if you haven’t got one.
7 Always wear it if you’re abseiling or riding a bike.
Lesson 2
1 If you don’t walk more slowly, a if you go paragliding.
2 If you don’t warm up before the game, b I’ll never catch up with you.
3 Follow the safety instructions c if you come and join the gym.
4 I wouldn’t drop out of the team d you can get hurt easily.
5 If I’d gone to the island in spring, e if I were you.
6 We can work out together f I could have watched the ceremony.
Lesson 3
Copyright ©
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a r ly f in is h e r s 1 0
Extra tasks for e
Lesson 1
S T E L R L A W B H I E F 1
L A M I A M R I N A L P I 2
E K B C I G R A B R T O U 3
A W A F M Y E C E R H L T 4
C A R E L E S S T E G S H 5
R B R B A L T Y C T U T I 6
I N A N K E I P O L I C E 7
M K S T E A L K M F L E F 8
Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Complete the table with the correct reflexive Complete the sentences with words from Unit 10,
pronouns. Lesson 3.
1 G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! I saw a man robbing the bank today.
Subject pronouns Reflexive pronouns
2 I don’t b_ _ _ _ _ _ it! How did it happen?
I 1 3 What’s the fine for dropping l_ _ _ _ _ in the street?
you yourself 4 The j_ _ _ _ decided not to send him to prison.
we 4
you 5
they 6
140 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
a r ly f inis h e r s 1 1
Extra tasks for e
Lesson 1
Look at the vocabulary tasks from Unit 11, Lesson 1 and complete the puzzle. Find out how
people communicate without words.
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 141
a r ly f in is h e r s 1 2
Extra tasks for e
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1 Despite being over seventy, Grandma wears fashionable clothes.
2 Greta has all her dresses made by a famous designer.
A famous designer
3 These shoes are uncomfortable although they were made by a famous designer.
These shoes are uncomfortable in spite of
4 My camera is being repaired at the moment.
I’m having
5 In spite of the fact that they were made in a poor country, his jeans were expensive.
Lesson 3 I
2 3
Complete the crossword.
5 Great happiness. 4 5
7 Very interested in something.
9 Where something is.
10 The time when the shops have lower prices. 6
Down E
1 In a place that isn’t easy to get to. 8
2 Something you own. T
3 Something that is cheaper than the
usual price. 9
4 A lot of money. L
6 How good something is.
8 Two times.
142 Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
a r ly f in is h e r s ) Key
Extra tasks (for e
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Lesson 1 1 did you watch 1 Once upon a time, there were two
2 happened friends who lived in a village.
1 sculpture 3 have just found
2 While they were playing near a river,
2 destination 4 came
5 did it look they saw a giant crocodile.
3 landmark
6 didn’t show 3 They had never seen a crocodile so
4 border
7 was they weren’t afraid of it.
5 tunnel 8 have never seen 4 A few days later, their parents found
6 fountain 9 were their children’s shoes next to the
7 bridge 10 haven’t discovered
8 palace 5 The next thing I knew, I was lying in
Lesson 3
Lesson 2 1 In addition
2 easily 6 Then I realised that it had just been a
1 GORGE 3 telescope bad dream.
2 POWERFUL 4 great
3 SHALLOW 5 gadget
4 RAFTING 6 astronomer Unit 5
5 MUDDY Lesson 1
6 ROCKY Unit 3 1 explorer
7 PAST Lesson 1 2 degree
8 UNSPOILT 3 application
9 SANDY G S T I Q U K O P F L R 4 knowledge
10 POINT H N E L A I L U N T E U 5 salary
11 NARROW P M W O R D M T U U L H 6 course
Lesson 3 S O A R H E A E S N M I 9 ambition
10 careers officer
1 takes off
2 At the moment Lesson 2 Lesson 2
3 ancient 1c 2b 3a 4a 5a 6b
4 where Across
Lesson 3 3 SPARE
5 travel
6 frequently 1f 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d
7 get on
8 see
Unit 4
Lesson 1 Down
Unit 2
1 careful 1 FIRST AID KIT
Lesson 1 2 brave 2 DAMP
Across 3 kind 4 HAIRDRYER
1 EXPERIMENT 4 dishonest 6 MATURE
5 cheerful
6 mean
8 FOLLOW Lesson 2
9 SWARM 1 head for Lesson 3
2 responsible 1 will be walking
Down 3 fuel 2 will have started
4 navigator
2 MISTAKE 3 will have got over
5 suitable
3 DECISION 6 impression 4 will be going
4 SOLAR 7 crash 5 will have been sold
7 FAVOUR 8 jealous 6 will you be studying
Unit 6 Unit 8 Lesson 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 1 1 wear
1 PORTRAIT 2 had
2 CHILDHOOD 3 had listened
3 ATMOSPHERE 4 won’t be
4 CONTRAST 5 would have bought
5 MOOD 6 would go
Unit 10
Lesson 2 10 SHARE Lesson 1
1c 2c 3b 4a 5b 6b 11 COPY S T E L R L A W B H I E F
The lesson is about PHOTOGRAPHY
Lesson 3 E K B C I G R A B R T O U
1 but Lesson 2 C A R E L E S S T E G S H
2 both R B R B A L T Y C T U T I
3 apart 1 inspired I N A N K E I P O L I C E
4 enough 2 band C R S L L N A C M I T Y N
5 and 3 lyrics E M I A R K R F I W Y R T
6 too 4 orchestra
7 whereas 5 instrument
8 as well 6 roots
7 variety Lesson 2
8 expressed
1 myself
Unit 7
2 himself
Lesson 1 Lesson 3
3 herself
Across 1 Where was the musical performed by
4 ourselves
1 COLD the school drama group?
5 yourselves
4 WEIGHT 2 The story is set in the Swiss
mountains. 6 themselves
6 PILLS 3 The costumes have been made by
9 ENERGY the pupils’ parents. Lesson 3
4 Were the songs written by the 1 Guess what
Down pupils? 2 believe
2 DIET 5 The posters haven’t been put on the 3 litter
3 MEDICINE walls yet. 4 judge
5 CALM 6 It will be enjoyed by both adults and
5 joking
7 SORE children.
6 witnessed
Lesson 2 Unit 9
1 aware Unit 11
Lesson 1
2 willing Lesson 1
3 beauty 1 WEBSITE
4 catch on
5 model
6 exhausted
7 bring out 9 INSTRUCTOR 4 SURVEY
8 furious 10 GOGGLES 5 DOWNLOAD
Lesson 3 Down 7 CONNECTION
1 should
3 mustn’t 10 DRAWBACK
4 couldn’t 6 PARACHUTE
5 has been able to 7 HELMET
6 ought
7 not to Lesson 2 People communicate with BODY
8 wasn’t able 1b 2d 3a 4e 5f 6c LANGUAGE
Lesson 2 Unit 12 Lesson 3
1 told Lesson 1 Across
2 off
1 delivered 5 PLEASURE
3 get
4 said
5 leave 3 deserve 9 LOCATION
6 make 4 outfit 10 SALES
7 on 5 swapping
8 having 6 receipt
Lesson 2
1 she is over seventy, Grandma wears
2 so 3 BARGAIN
fashionable clothes.
3 skills 4 FORTUNE
2 makes all Greta’s dresses for her.
4 barks 6 QUALITY
5 difference 3 being made by a famous designer.
4 my camera repaired at the moment. 8 TWICE
6 receiver
7 neither 5 their being made in a poor country,
8 presentation his jeans were expensive.
Workbook Key
Introduction B C
A 1 We’ve got all day. (given) 1 down (given)
1 Jenny is never horrible to her sister. 2 It’s a mystery. 2 in
(given) 3 It’s made of stone. 3 off
2 This tea is too hot to drink. 4 Keep out! 4 on
3 The children are not old enough to 5 Don’t get lost! 5 in
see this film.
4 Do you often watch TV in the C 6 back
morning? 1 ugly (given) Grammar
5 Is it warm enough in this room? 2 modern
6 We usually go home early on Thursdays. 3 massive A
4 wall 1 smell (given)
1 mine (given) 5 stone 2 are driving
2 yours 6 close 3 don’t understand
3 theirs 4 belong
4 hers 5 are walking
5 ours A
6 Do … know
6 His 1 speaks (given)
2 are crossing B
1F (given) 2F 3T 4T 5F 3 are walking 1 am staying (given)
4 opens 2 belongs
D 5 aren’t driving 3 owns
1 anything (given)
6 writes 4 love
2 somewhere
3 everything 7 Is … leaving 5 am/’m sending
4 any 8 isn’t 6 is/’s
5 a little B 7 likes
6 a few 1 Are they staying near here? 8 Are you having
7 some
Yes, they are. (given)
8 no C
2 Do your parents enjoy travelling?
E 1 am seeing (given)
Yes, they do.
1 do you (given) 2 am thinking
3 Are the visitors going to Hampton
2 isn’t she 3 Do you see
Court Palace tomorrow?
3 didn’t they 4 don’t think
No, they aren’t.
4 hasn’t she 5 think
5 doesn’t he 4 Do you sell maps in this shop?
6 did she Yes, we do./Yes, I do.
5 Does Jim know the way to Lesson 3
Stonehenge? Vocabulary
1 nicely (given)
No, he doesn’t.
2 well 1 ourists (given)
3 high C 2 pring
4 easily 1 Do you always come (given) 3 ake
5 fast 2 love
6 late 4 ailway
3 Are you staying 5 eenager
7 carefully
8 quickly 4 are driving 6 each
5 Do they speak
6 speak Grammar
Unit 1 7 are visiting 1 … who studies old places and things
Lesson 1 8 isn’t (given)
2 … when the Romans built Hadrian’s
Lesson 2 Wall
1 border (given) Vocabulary 3 … where the visitors got lost …
2 archaeologist A 4 … whose sister visited India
3 hill 1c (given) 2d 3a 4f 5e 6b 5 … which is really famous
4 market
5 destination B Say it like this!
6 palace 1c (given) 2b 3a 4c 5b 6a 1d (given) 2f 3a 4c 5b 6e
Activity B Activity C
1 b Pupils’ own answers
2 d This activity and Activity D can be done at home as part of
3 e the project. The children can work in pairs or individually, and
4 c research the invention of their choice. As an alternative, give
5 a each child an invention to research, so that there is an equal mix.
6 f Set a day when the children are to bring in their work if this task
is carried out at home.
Activity C
Activity D
Pupils’ own answers
This activity may be done at home as part of the project. Put Pupils’ own answers
the pupils into pairs and let those children who live near to Check the children have completed all the questions in Activity
each other, or are friends, work together. Tell the class that C before they start the writing task (if done in class time). Have
they are going to go on a week-long trip around their own some children read out their research findings to the rest of
country. Elicit some places of interest they might like to visit. the class. Or, have some of the children read out their finished
Explain what the children need to do, taking them through paragraphs if this task was done as homework.
each bullet point in Activity C.
The children plan their trips using the grid. Activity E
Pupil’s own answers
Activity D This task could be done as homework. Set a day when the
Pupils’ own answers children should bring in their finished work.
This activity may be done at home as part of the project. The
children need to make a large map of their home country. Activity F
Remind them to look in atlases or the internet for the Pupils’ own answers
topographic details of their country. The children transfer the If possible, display the children’s work around the class and let
information from their grids in Activity C onto their maps. Set them read and admire each others’ work. Praise good effort,
a day for the children to bring in their work. colourful and interesting posters.
Activity D Activity C
Pupils’ own answers Pupils’ own answers
This activity is designed to be done at home, though some There shouldn’t be much variation between the pupils’ answers,
preparation could be done in class to make sure the children but let them read each others’ work for comparison and
understand what they have to do and are organised. Set a day reassurance.
when the children should have their plays ready to perform to
the class.
Activity D Activity G
Pupils’ own answers Pupils’ own answers
The children may need some help with vocabulary, e.g. a This activity could be done at home or in class. If done in class,
temperature, the ’flu (influenza), a tummy upset, measles, you could provide the children with a writing model to base their
chickenpox. own writing upon. Children could be put into groups according
to the art form they have chosen and work together on their
Activity E writing. Move around the class and assist with grammar, spelling
and punctuation. Common errors can be dealt with at the end
Pupils’ own answers of the activity.
The children choose a common ailment and research some
traditional remedies as homework. Go through the instructions Activity H
for Activities E and F to make sure everyone understands the
tasks. They can ask their parents, grandparents or other older Pupils’ own answers
relatives about how people used to treat these illnesses. Set a This activity could be done as homework to accompany the
day for everyone to bring in their finished work. writing activity above. Set a day for the children to bring in their
finished work.
Activity F
Activity I
Pupils’ own answers
This activity is designed to be done as homework. Note that the If possible, display the children’s work and let them admire each
others’ work. The children can vote for the most colourful or
Activity B
Pupils’ own answers
Activity C
Pupils’ own answers
Elicit some shop names from the children and put them on the
board. Elicit some favourite shops from members of the class
and ask them where each one is. Ask the class how often they
visit the shop and why it is their favourite.
The children can then write some sentences as a follow up.
Remind the class of any common errors to avoid, and move
around the class offering assistance where necessary. The
children can read and correct each others’ work.
Activity D
Pupils’ own answers
This activity could be done in class in preparation for Activities
E, F and G. The children will need some vocabulary, e.g. counter,
till, display, shop assistant, shop window, shelves etc. Let the
children enjoy imagining their ‘own shops’ and let them be
creative. The children should have plenty of ideas about their
shops in order to do the drawing activity which follows.
Activity E
Pupils’ own answers
This activity is designed to be done as homework. Make sure the
children understand what a floor plan is. They must label their
floor plans.
Activity F
Pupils’ own answers
This activity is designed to be done as homework, as a
continuation of Activity E. Alternatively, do this activity in class
when the children have their floor plans and pictures in front of
them. This is a descriptive writing activity and the children should
use phrases such as: on the left/right, at the front/back, behind,
next to, near, in front of to describe their shops. Assist where
necessary and deal with any common errors in the usual way.
Activity G
Pupils’ own answers
This activity could be done as homework. The children make
a poster, with their pictures and their writing from Activities E
4 5 Review 4
1 c (given) 1 were chosen (given) 1
2 d 2 was, taken 1 Can visitors eat (given)
3 a 3 wasn’t stolen 2 couldn’t play
4 h 4 was found 3 Could you take
5 b 5 was, hidden 4 is able to work
6 f 6 is used 5 can’t drive
7 g 7 was carried 6 Were you able to find
8 e 8 isn’t held
A Write the missing letters.
1 This means many thousands of years old. p __________
2 This work of art is sometimes made of stone. s ________
3 You can buy many different kinds of things in this place. m _____
4 This is a line between two countries. b _____
5 This uses water and you can see one in a public square. f _______
B Complete the sentences with these verbs using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 1 175
A Read this advertisement for a rafting trip.
B Write R (Right), W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn’t say).
1 The rafting company offers week-long trips.
2 You can’t do any hiking while on the trips.
3 The Bridge of Sighs is a modern bridge.
4 The Native Americans give tours of their homes.
5 Small children can’t go on the trips. / 10
Total / 50
A Put the letters in the correct order to find sizes.
1 ssmviae
2 mllas
3 ughe
4 ytni
5 moonreus /5
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 2 177
A Complete the sentences with these verbs using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
B Complete the dialogue using the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Lee: (1) you (visit) the new space museum yet, Bassam?
Bassam: No, I haven’t. I (2) (hear) George talking about it yesterday, though.
Lee: It’s brillant. Why don’t you go?
Bassam: I (3) (want) to go last week, but I (4) (have) a lot of homework recently.
Lee: Me too. But I (5) (go) on Wednesday to see the Mars exhibition. It was the last day of
it! The rest of the museum was great too.
D Write sentences or questions using these words. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.
1 scientists / not find / life / other planets/ yet
B Answer the questions.
1 Where was the first calculator invented?
Total / 50
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 2 179
u r a l W o r l d
The Nat
Name: Date:
A Circle the correct words.
1 The storm / volcano sent smoke a mile into the sky.
2 The bird held onto the tree branch with its claws / horns.
3 Can scientists estimate / encourage how big the dinosaurs were?
4 What special appearance / equipment do you need to study the weather?
5 An animal’s bone / fur keeps it warm in winter. /5
D Match.
1 Dinosaurs died a down on the amount of electricity we use.
2 We all have to cut b across to his sister how important saving energy is.
3 Scientists are looking c out of energy?
4 Neil tried to get d into the use of new energy sources.
5 Do you think the world will ever run e out thousands of years ago. /5
B Complete the paragraphs using the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous of the
verbs in brackets.
Earthquakes are very dangerous natural disasters. They happen in some parts of the world more than others.
In California, massive earthquakes (1) (happen) for millions of years. Most people who
live in this area (2) (feel) a strong earthquake at least once in their life. Although many
people (3) (die) in past earthquakes, it’s not as dangerous as it seems. The number of
people living in the state (4) (grow) quickly for many years.
Scientists (5) (study) earthquakes for a long time. They (6) (discover)
many things about them already, such as what causes them and what happens under the ground. People
(7) (make) changes to the way they build things since the 1960s. They
(8) (build) skyscrapers, bridges, and even tunnels that can survive strong earthquakes,
and these changes (9) (save) many lives. This (10) (encourage)
people who live in other places that have earthquakes to change the way they build things too.
/ 10
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 3 181
A Read the article about Mount St Helens.
Mount St Helens is a huge volcano in the state Some people living near the volcano didn’t
of Washington, USA. For many years people want to leave, though. They didn’t believe
called it the Mount Fuji of America because that there was any danger. Then on 18 May
it looked like the famous Japanese mountain. 1980 there was a powerful earthquake and
Native Americans who lived near the volcano the massive top of the mountain exploded.
told stories about its natural beauty for hundreds Hot rock from the volcano caused wildfires,
of years. The area had impressive forests, a burning thousands of trees. People who were
beautiful lake and many country homes. still in the area tried to leave, but in the end
57 people died.
For years Mount St Helens seemed just like a
quiet snowy mountain, but on 16 March 1980 In recent years the volcano has become quiet,
the mountain began to change. There were but a little smoke still rises from its centre.
lots of small earthquakes and the shape of the Scientists are watching the volcano closely
enormous mountain began to change. It was no because they want to avoid the kind of
longer safe to stay in the area. disaster it caused in 1980.
B Circle the correct words.
1 Mount St Helens is a volcano in Japan / Washington.
2 Native Americans used to write / talk about its beauty.
3 The mountain began to change before / after the powerful earthquake.
4 Wildfires burned thousands of people / trees.
5 There is still hot rock / smoke coming from the volcano. / 10
Total / 50
A Match.
a b c d e
1 sword 4 labyrinth
2 bull 5 sail /5
3 fuel
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 4 183
A Write sentences or questions using these words. Use the Past Perfect Simple.
1 a few students / already visit / Crete
B Answer the questions.
1 Who lived in Scotland?
Total / 50
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 4 185
Name: Date:
A Write the missing letters.
1 This is a job that a person does for many years. c _____
2 This is someone who does very bad things. c _______
3 This describes someone who makes a lot of money. w ___- ____
4 This describes someone who wants to be successful. a ________
5 This is someone who tries to keep people safe. p _____ o ______ /5
C Complete the dialogue using the Future Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Mark: Welcome to our show! Today I (1) (talk) to Barry Tall about his plan
to climb Everest. Barry, (2) you (set off) on
your journey in the next few days?
Barry: Yes, I’m very excited.
Mark: (3) you (climb) alone or with others?
Barry: With others, Mark. They are eight of us in the group. They (4) (follow)
me during the trip.
Mark: Are you worried about getting lost?
Barry: No, I (5) (use) a GPS unit, so I’m sure we’ll be OK.
Mark: Sounds like you have an amazing trip ahead of you, Barry!
D Write sentences or questions using these words. Use the Future Perfect Simple.
1 Bob / finish / school / June
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 5 187
A Read about Jenny and Mark’s life plans.
Ma rk, 18
My friends tell me I’m really ambiti
JJenny, 17 and I guess they’re right. When I finous
ure university, I want to set up my own
I’m interested in having some adventish camping equipment store. I love cam
in my life. I don’t want to just fin . and enjoying outdoor adventures, so ping
university and get a job in an office this
idea is perfect for me. I plan to sell
I’m studying for a degree in journa ld equipment that people need when the
and I want to travel around the wor e go on expeditions and adventures. Alo y
and write about what I see. By the g with things like GPS units and sleepinng
I’m 30, I’ll be ready to stop workin to bags, I’ll offer training programmes. g
and have a family. But I’m not goin my programmes will teach people how to My
give up on journalism forever. When I’ll up a tent, survive in the wild, go rocput
children are old enough for school, get climbing, and so much more. I’ll nev k
use my qualifications as a writer to te up this dream. I know I can make it er give
a part-time job. Maybe one day I’ll a! work.
children’s books. It’s a very nice ide
B Write R (Right), W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn’t say).
1 Jenny is studying how to be a tour guide.
2 Jenny cares about having a family and a career.
3 Mark enjoys the outdoors.
4 Mark is going to university to learn how to start a business.
/ 10
5 Both people enjoy studying.
Total / 50
A Complete the sentences with these words.
D Match.
1 Janet became a doctor at a ages, but she looked the same.
2 I hadn’t seen her in b of work for two months now.
3 Mark saw Jeff by c chance and was quite surprised to see him.
4 Martha is in d the age of 21.
5 Denise has been out e her sixties, but she looks about fifty.
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 6 189
A Circle the correct words.
(1) To work / Working with plants is a fascinating job. Since I was a child, I have been interested in
(2) to collect / collecting different kinds of plants. Now that I’m a scientist, I have managed
(3) to discover / discovering many new things about plants. This summer I plan (4) to explore / exploring
parts of Brazil, which has many different plant species. I hope (5) to do / doing this work for many more
years to come.
B The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct infinitive or gerund.
1 I enjoy work on scientific experiments.
2 I sometimes try helping my brother with his homework.
3 Spend time in a laboratory is enjoyable work.
4 I’ve decided to became a journalist when I go to university.
5 We all need doing something that we find interesting. /5
B Write R (Right), W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn’t say).
1 Bolt won the 400-metre race at the 2008 Beijing Olympics by himself.
2 He started waving after he won the 100-metre race.
3 One of his teachers called him an excellent football player.
4 He was taller than any other athlete on the Jamaican national team.
/ 10
5 He didn’t do well at the 2004 Olympics.
Total / 50
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 6 191
a n d B o d y
Name: Date:
A Circle the correct words.
1 My parents are going on holiday this weekend for some experiment / relaxation.
2 These days many women in magazines look too skinny / tiny.
3 I’ll take up yoga if you are fascinating / willing to do it with me.
4 Lesley has been very stressed / scary lately with all the work she has to do.
5 My grandfather is exhausted / terrified of hospitals, so I usually go with him. /5
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test
Test17 193
A Read about Kim and her experiences doing yoga.
B Answer the questions.
1 What advice did Kim get before joining a gym?
3 What was the first thing Kim learned in her yoga class?
Total / 50
A Write the missing letters.
1 This is something we use to make music. i _________
2 This is the difference between two things. c _______
3 This describes something kind and calm. g _____
4 Plays and books are this. l _________
5 This is a large group of people. c ____ /5
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 8 195
A The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.
1 A new movie is be shown in the library right now.
2 Music CDs can be took from the library overnight.
3 The musician was gived a reward for his work.
4 The concert was enjoy by over 100 people.
5 The songs were write by a famous composer. /5
C Complete the second sentences so that they have the same meaning as the first sentences. Use the
passive voice.
1 The teacher showed the movie to the class.
The movie .
2 Famous journalists interview famous musicians.
Famous musicians .
3 Do hip hop artists perform rap music at concerts?
rap music ?
4 Her parents didn’t send her to a music school.
She .
5 Children don’t study classical music.
Classical music . /5
D Complete the poster with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
B Choose the correct answers.
1 The Guggenheim Museum is like a work of art 4 The Guggenheim Museum can now be
because it found
a was built by an artist. a at Guggenheim’s apartment.
b isn’t the same as other buildings. b on 54th Street.
c is in New York City. c near Central Park.
2 Solomon R. Guggenheim’s home was used 5 The museum was painted
a to show art. a fifty years ago.
b to make paintings. b only when it was first built.
c as a home for artists. c in 2009.
3 Guggenheim’s first museum building / 10
a was also a work of art.
b once had cars in it.
c was also his home.
Total / 50
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 8 197
m e S p o r t s
Name: Date:
A Match.
1 You put a wetsuit a on your feet.
2 Flippers go b on your hands.
3 You wear goggles c over your eyes.
4 Gloves go d over your chest.
5 You place a life jacket e over your whole body. /5
catch up with drop out of get the hang of warm up work out
D Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Jason: Hilary, did you hear about Martin’s accident?
Hilary: Yes, I did. I’m not surprised. If he had had his harness on,
he (1) (not fall) from that rock.
Jason: In addition to that, he wouldn’t have hurt his head if he
(2) (buy) a better helmet like I told him to.
Hilary: It wasn’t the best weather either. If it hadn’t rained that
morning, the rocks (3) (not be) wet.
Jason: Exactly! And would he (4) (slip)
if he had worn better shoes for the trip?
Hilary: I don’t know, but the good news is that he’s doing OK.
If his friends (5) (not take)
him to hospital in a hurry, he would have been
in serious trouble!
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 9
1 199
A Read about these three friends and
nd tthe sports they lov
Michael, 19 Anna, 15
If it’s summer and I have the time to drive two hours to the My favurite sport is windsurfing, although
sea, I go scuba diving. It’s my favourite free-time activity it’s a hard sport to learn. You must have a
during warm months. My father’s best friend was a scuba strong body to do it. If you have strength
diving instructor, and I first went to scuba diving school in your arms and legs, the sport becomes
when I was 10 years old. In the beginning I could only go in much easier. When I took my first windsurfing
water that was 10 feet deep, but now I dive in water that’s lessons a few weeks ago, I spent a day or
40 or 50 feet deep. It’s important to go down into the two just learning how to stand up on the
water very slowly as well as come up slowly. If you don’t board. Later on, I took the board onto a large
do this, it can be very painful. I still get afraid if a big fish lake behind my house. I fell off a lot at first,
starts to follow me, but it usually goes away after a few but it didn’t bother me. Now I sail around the
minutes. If I decide to become a scuba diving teacher after middle of the lake for hours. I’ve learnt to
college, I will open my own scuba diving school! use the power of the wind to go really fast.
Sometimes I still fall in the water, but I just get
up and start all over again.
Joanna, 16
I’ve loved skiing ever since I was a child. I can remember when my
family and I used to visit my uncle, who is a ski instructor, at his
house in the mountains. My uncle loved to ski. If the mountains were
covered in fresh snow, he would go skiing. He taught me how to ski
when I was just 6 years old. We started off going down very small
hills, then we tried bigger hills. That was scary for me. I was afraid I
might fall over the edge of a cliff! I’ve practised a lot since then, but
I’m still not as comfortable with the sport as I’d like to be. If it was
possible, I would practise every single day!
B Write M (Michael), A (Anna) or J (Joanna).
1 learnt his/her sport from a relative?
2 would like to practise all the time
3 would like to teach others how to do his/her sport? / 10
5 learnt his/her sport recently?
/ 50
A Write P (person), O (object) or C (crime).
1 robbery 6 axe
2 judge 7 prisoner
3 handcuffs 8 robber
4 murder 9 victim
5 burglar 10 arrow / 10
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 10 201
A Circle the correct words.
Sam: My brother was arrested for driving too fast again yesterday.
Rita: That’s terrible! I wish he (1) isn’t / wasn’t such a fast driver.
Sam: It’s funny you should say that. He wishes he (2) were / had been a racing driver. I think he will be one day!
Rita: Well, I wish I (3) were / had been with him before he was arrested. I would have asked him to slow down.
Sam: Yes, if only he (4) listened / would listen.
Rita: Exactly! I wish he (5) understands / understood how dangerous it is to drive so fast! /5
Some people say graffiti is art,
but if you are the owner of a
building or home with graffiti on
it, you might not feel the same
way. In most countries, if you paint
something on the side of a building
without getting permission, you
Littering are breaking the law. While some
graffiti is attractive, most of it makes
Although littering doesn’t seem buildings and neighbourhoods look Many countries have laws about
like it hurts anyone, it makes a ugly. For people who like their noise. These laws exist to punish
neighbourhood look dirty. If a neighbourhoods nice and clean, people for making lots of noise,
neighbourhood is full of litter it isn’t fair that they have to look such as playing loud music in their
and has a bad appearance, it may at graffiti. homes, on the street or on a bus.
seem like there aren’t any police It’s a fact that noise can cause
in the area. Criminals then think problems with people’s health.
they can commit serious crimes It can also cause arguments to
and they won’t be punished. break out between neighbours.
So, if people are punished more Of course, the arguments make
often for littering, neighbourhoods more noise! So think twice before
will look cleaner and dangerous you play your music as loud as
criminals may stay away. you can.
B Answer the questions.
1 Who is affected by smaller crimes like littering, graffiti and noise?
Total / 50
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Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 10 203
m u n i c a t i o n
Name: Date:
A Circle the correct words.
Anna: Do you like your new computer, Mike?
Mike: Yes, I do. The only (1) drawback / connection is that it’s very slow when I’m on the Internet.
Anna: Oh really? So how long does it take you to (2) download / visit a file?
Mike: It takes ages!
Anna: Maybe there’s a problem with your (3) card / modem. I imagine the shop can fix it. Apart from that, are
you happy with the computer?
Mike: Yes, it’s great, actually. I bought this computer because it has a nice (4) audio / marine system.
Anna: Well, hopefully the shop can fix the problem without making you pay any extra (5) surveys / charges!
D Match.
1 They used to be friends, but they don’t get a off for using his computer too much.
2 The child made b across to everyone in the class.
3 Martin was able to get his ideas c up a silly story about how he could understand dolphins.
4 He told his brother d through.
5 Harry tried calling his sister, but he couldn’t get e on very well anymore. /5
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 11 205
A Read about a form of communication.
There are many different ways in which we communicate. Most people would
say that words are the main form of communication. In the 1960s, however,
communication researcher Albert Mehrabian said most of our communication
happened without a single sound coming from our mouths! This form of
communication is called body language, which is when we communicate
with our faces and bodies.
There are many ways in which we communicate with our bodies. One form of
body language is when we cross our arms in n front of us. This can mean a number
of things. For example, if you’re at a party and you’re standing with your arms
crossed, it can show that you don’t want anyone to talk
to you. If you are in the middle of a serious conversation
and you suddenly do this, it can mean that at you don’t
agree with the other person’s ideas. In a friendly conversation, however,
wever, it can
mean that you are simply thinking about what the other person iss saying. Of
course, sometimes people cross their arms just because they feel cold!
Another form of body language is eye contact. Most people have been een
taught from an early age that it is good to have eye contact with th
people when you speak to them. It shows that you are interested in
what they are saying. It is especially important to make eye contact ct
with someone you don’t know when you are trying to make a good od
impression. Be careful, though. Even though eye contact is necessary ry
to make a good impression, other forms of body langauge can causee
the opposite to happen if used at the same time. If you’re making eyee
contact with someone who’s talking to you and also using your handss
to play with a pen or some papers, then it shows you’re just acting like
you’re interested. The truth is, you’re really bored!
B Choose the correct answers.
1 Albert Mehrabian said that we communicate mostly 4 Making eye contact with people shows that
with our you are
a words. a interested.
b mouths. b important.
c bodies. c careful.
2 One way we communicate with our bodies 5 People will think you’re if you look at them
is we and play with pens while they’re talking.
a stand in one place. a interested in them
b cross our arms. b making a good impression
c sit at a party. c really bored
3 In a serious conversation, crossing your arms
means you what’s being said.
a don’t agree with / 10
b don’t want to talk about
c aren’t thinking about
Total / 50
A Write the missing letters.
1 This is another word for money. c ___
2 Something gives you this if it makes you happy. p _______
3 This describes the kind of clothing you wear for important events. f _____
4 This is a type of small clothing store. b _______
5 You get this piece of paper when you buy something. r ______ /5
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 12 207
A The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.
1 She is having a white dress make for her wedding.
2 Mark had his shoes to fix last week.
3 Is she having her hair doing when she goes shopping?
4 Did you have the new television deliver to your house ?
5 Is he having his suit cleaning at the shop next door? /5
Hi Carrie,
Another great thing about the market is the variety of products available. There’s no need to go
anywhere else to find what you need. The shops sell everything ranging from designer clothes to
second-hand items, and there are antique shops with great bargains. There are shops that sell CDs
and DVDs, and some sell furniture and televisions. (3) We saw children having their faces
painted with flowers and butterflies. The best thing on offer of course is the clothes. I picked up a
very fashionable pair of blue jeans and my mum bought some high heels. My dad and brother each
got a pair of boots and my brother also got some CDs and a book on pets.
The last thing I’ll tell you about before I let you go is the food. A lot of places sell fast food, but there
were a few interesting restaurants serving Indian, Lebanese and Brazilian food. (4)
Well, that’s all for now. (5) Talk to you when I return!
Take care,
B Complete the email with these sentences.
a We decided to go for Spanish, and I loved it!
b There are some unusual sights as well.
c I hope you’re getting on OK with your studies.
d I’m sending you an email from an Internet café in London.
e The buildings they’re in are painted blue, green, red and yellow and have amazing things
hanging outside on the walls. / 10
Total / 50
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Test 12 209
Y e a r T e s t
End - of - Name: Date:
A Circle the odd one out.
1 sword axe legend
2 robber instructor burglar
3 bargain fashion style
4 xylophone drum pianist
5 storm damage flood
D Match.
1 Pilots are trained in how to land a some files from her computer.
2 Sheila forgot to delete b the man who broke into Mary’s house.
3 People who commit c a plane correctly.
4 Louis told the judge that he didn’t see d the red light.
5 The police arrested e crimes should receive some kind of punishment.
Hi Stella,
How are you? I haven’t talked to you in a while. I tried to call you last week, but I couldn’t get (1) .
I decided to send you a letter instead and tell you about my summer.
Firstly, my family and I went to New Zealand for two weeks in June. It was my first time there. I was
worried (2) flying to a place so far away, but once we were in the air, I quickly got (3)
my fears. The place is very beautiful and so green. It was a little bit cold at times. There was definitely no need
(4) any summer clothes during our trip, as it’s winter in New Zealand in June. We did many
exciting things such as hiking across glaciers and camping in the countyside. I had an argument (5)
my parents about going abseiling. They said it’s too dangerous and I would need training, so I didn’t go in the end.
After returning from holiday, though, I decided to look (6) abseiling a bit more. I found a training
centre not far from my house. They had a summer training course (7) special offer, so I decided
to take it. I had a wonderful time and met lots of exciting people who love outdoor sports. A couple of people on
the course even asked me if I wanted to start working (8) with them. It’s funny, actually. They said
they’ve been going to a gym on my street (9) ages. I didn’t even know there was a gygym on myy street!
How’s your job as a volunteer at the animal rescue centre? Have you
succeeded (10) helping lots of animals? I certainly hope so.
That’s all for now. Talk to you soon,
/ 10
A Circle the correct answers.
1 Many cars are weighing / weigh about 1,000 kilos.
2 Sam has driven / has been driving his motorbike for three hours now.
3 Laura bought a boat because she moved / had moved to a house near the lake.
4 Marty won’t sell / won’t have sold his yacht by the end of the summer.
5 Jessica misses to walk / walking in the evenings with her friends. /5
B Read the dialogue that two girls had yesterday and choose the correct answers.
Mary: I’m wearing a new dress today. Have you noticed?
Nancy: Yes, it looks great. Did you buy it yesterday?
Mary: Yes, I bought it from a shop near my house yesterday morning. We can go there together if you want.
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. End-of-Year Test 211
C Complete the dialogue with the causative.
Paul: Mimi, I (1) (the car / wash) later today.
Mimi: Good idea! Are you going to (2) (the inside / clean), too?
Paul: No, the inside’s fine. Would you like to come along?
Mimi: Sorry, I have to go to the jewellery shop. I (3) (a ring / fix) last week and
it’s ready now. Then I’m off to the beautician’s to (4) (my nails / do).
Paul: Sounds like you’re quite busy, Mimi.
Mimi: Have you forgotten what today is, Paul? I’m going to the photographer’s.
Paul: Oh right! You can’t (5) (your photo / take) without looking your best!
E Complete the conditional sentences with the correct form of these words.
You probably already know about extreme sports that are much closer to the Earth. BASE jumpers have
such as paragliding, abseiling and bungee jumping. much less time to prepare before they land. If they
However, have you heard of a sport called BASE don’t do everything correctly, the parachute may not
jumping? In some ways it’s similar to the other open. They can also hit the side of the building or
three sports. It involves putting on a parachute and mountain they are jumping from. Skydivers always use
jumping off something very tall. two parachutes. If one doesn’t open, the other one
The letters B, A, S and E are for the four things which will. However, a BASE jump happens so fast that there
BASE jumpers jump off - buildings, antennas, spans isn’t enough time for a second parachute to open.
(bridges) and the Earth itself in the form of a cliff or a A favourite place for BASE jumpers is the New River
mountain. After a BASE jumper has jumped from all Gorge Bridge in Fayetteville, West Virginia. The
four types, he or she can get a number, known as a bridge is 267 metres above the river. Once a year
‘BASE number’. The first number was given in 1981, on a Saturday in October, the people of Fayetteville
and since then, over 1,300 BASE jumpers have been welcome BASE jumpers who jump from the bridge.
given numbers. During the six-hour period, about 450 people make
BASE jumping came from the extreme sport a jump. Sometimes there are as many as 200,000
of skydiving. In skydiving, people jump out of people watching, and they are almost as excited as
aeroplanes and travel to the ground with a the jumpers. It’s definitely the most important day of
parachute. BASE jumpers, however, jump from places the year in that small town!
B Choose the correct answers.
1 BASE jumping is other extreme sports. 4 BASE jumpers have only one parachute
a exactly the same as because
b similar to a two parachutes are too heavy.
c completely different from b they can fall faster with only one parachute.
2 Who can get a BASE number? c they only have time to open one.
a someone who has jumped from a building 5 About people jump in Fayetteville’s annual
b anyone who wants to do a jump BASE jumping event.
c someone who has done all types of jumps a 267
3 How are BASE jumping and skydiving different? b 450
a Skydivers jump from higher places. c 200,000
b BASE jumpers jump from higher places.
c BASE jumpers jump from planes. / 10
Copyright ©
Heinle, Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. End-of-Year Test 213
Write an article about mobile phones. Use this
his plan
p to help you.
Paragraph 1
Introduce the topic.
Talk about how much people
use mobile phones these days
and what they are used for.
Paragraph 2
Describe some advantages of
having a mobile phone.
Explain why some people
need mobile phones.
Paragraph 3
Describe some disadvantages
of mobile phones.
Give one or more solutions for
these problems.
Paragraph 4
Write a conclusion
explaining your feelings
about mobile phones.
/ 10
Total / 80
Notes 215
216 Notes