Non Textbook Consumerism and Financial Awareness

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Non-textbook Lesson ( Theme – Consumerism and Financial Awareness )

1.0 Listening Skill

Descriptors Materials Remark

Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully
 Hardly understands the main ideas and specific details in a articulated, with long pauses for him/her to assimilate
TP1  Hardly shows any understanding of classroom instructions, PAGE 88
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words even TASK 1 Pupils are able to answer 1-3 questions correctly out of 5
with a lot of support. questions.

 Acquires limited understanding of the listening skills in Can generally identify the topic of discussion around her
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text with a that is conducted slowly and clearly.
lot of support.
 Shows limited understanding of classroom instructions, Pupils are able to answer 4-5 questions correctly out of 5
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. questions.
2.0 Speaking Skill
 Acquires adequate understanding of the listening skills in
Descriptors Materials Remarks
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text Can understand the main points of radio news bulletins
KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can describe him/herself, what he/she does and where
 Hardly
 Shows finds out
satisfactory about and communicates
understanding of classroom information
PAGE 138 and simpler recorded material about familiar subjects
he/she lives.
TP3 clearly. PAGE 89 delivered relatively slowly and clearly.
instructions, complex questions and the meaning of TASK 2
 Hardly manages interaction by communicating a point of TASK 3
TP1 words. Pupils are able to get 1 out of 4 questions correctly.
view appropriately even with a lot of support. Question Answer
 Hardly narrates short stories and events to an audience Can you think of way to 1. Spending less.
save money? Can understand most radio documentaries and most other
 Acquires goodaunderstanding
even with lot of support of the listening skills in recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text. KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK standard dialect and can identify the speaker's mood, tone
TP2  Displays limited ability to find out about and communicate KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines,
TP4  Shows good understanding of classroom instructions, PAGEPAGE
89 138 etc.
information clearly. past activities and personal experiences.
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. TASKTASK
3 2
 Shows limited response in managing interaction by Pupils are able to get 2 out of 4 questions correctly.
communicating a point of view appropriately. Question 1. Spending less
 Provides limited response in narrating short stories and Can you think of wayCan understand a wide range of recorded and broadcast
to 2.
 Acquires very good understanding of the listening skills in Save money in piggy bank.
events to an audience. save money? audio material, including some non-standard usage, and
identifying the main ideas and specific details in a text. KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK identify finer points of detail including implicit attitudes
TP5  Shows very good understanding of classroom instructions, PAGE 89 and relationships between speakers.
complex questions and the meaning of unfamiliar words. TASK 3
Pupils are able to get 3 out of 4 questions correctly.

 Acquires and uses the listening skills in identifying the main

ideas and specific details independently. Has no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken
KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK language, whether live or broadcast, delivered at fast
 Shows excellent understanding of longer sequences of
KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can give straightforward descriptions on a variety of
 Displays adequate ability to find out about and PAGE 138 familiar subjects within his field of interest.
communicate information clearly. TASK 2
 Shows satisfactory response in managing interaction by Answer:
communicating a point of view appropriately. Question Spending less on food and bring your own meal from
 Provides satisfactory response in narrating short stories Can you think of way to home.
save money?
and events to an audience.
TP4  Displays good response in finding out about and KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of
communicating information clearly. PAGE 138 subjects related to his field of interest.
 Shows good response in managing interaction by TASK 2
communicating a point of view appropriately.
Question Spending less on food and bring your own meal from
 Provides good response in narrating short stories and
Can you think of way to home.
events to an audience.
save money? Save money in piggy bank helps us organise loose
KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.
 Displays very good response in finding out about and PAGE 138
communicating information clearly. TASK 2 Answer:
 Shows very good response in managing interaction by - Make a budget by estimating monthly expenses.
communicating a point of view appropriately Question - A part-time job is a great way to earn extra money.
.  Provides very good response in narrating short stories How do you manage
your money?
and events to an audience
TP6  Displays excellent response in finding out about and KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can give clear, smoothly flowing, elaborate and often
communicating information clearly. PAGE 138 memorable descriptions.
 Shows excellent response in managing interaction by
communicating a point of view appropriately. Answer:
Question Make a budget by estimating monthly expenses. This
 Provides excellent response in communicating opinions
How do you manage
about a story and events to an audience. way will help to develop better spending habits.  
your money?
 Displays exemplary model of language use to others.
Descriptors Materials Remarks
 Hardly understands in identifying the main ideas and Can get an idea of the content of simpler informational
specific details in a text. material and short simple descriptions, especially if there is
 Hardly shows any ability to use dictionary skills to check visual support.
TP1 meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words even PAGE 90 & 91
Pupils are able to answer 1 – 2 questions correctly out of 10
with a lot of guidance. TASK 1 & 2
 Hardly shows any ability to read and understand a variety
of fiction or non-fiction texts
 Displays limited understanding in identifying the main Can identify specific information in simpler written material
ideas and specific details in a text with a lot of guidance. he/she encounters such as letters, brochures and short
KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK newspaper articles describing events.
 Shows limited ability to use dictionary skills to check
TP2 PAGE 90 & 91
meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. TASK 1 & 2 Pupils are able to answer 3 – 4 questions correctly out of 10
 Displays limited ability to read and understand a variety of questions.
fiction or non-fiction texts.
 Displays adequate understanding in identifying the main Can recognise significant points in straightforward
ideas and specific details in a text newspaper articles on familiar subjects
 Shows satisfactory ability to use dictionary skills to check
TP3 PAGE 90 & 91 Pupils are able to answer 5 – 6 questions correctly out of 1
meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. TASK 1 & 2 questions.
 Displays satisfactory ability to read and understand a
variety of fiction or non-fiction texts.
TP4  Displays good understanding in identifying the main ideas KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly
and specific details in a text. PAGE 90 & 91 specialised sources within his/her field.
TASK 1 & 2
 Shows positive attitude in using dictionary skills to check
Pupils are able to answer 7 questions correctly out of 10
meaning and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
 Shows interest to read and understand clearly a variety of
fiction or non-fiction texts.
 Displays very good understanding in identifying the main Can understand in detail a wide range of lengthy, complex
ideas and specific details in a text. texts likely to be encountered in social, professional or
KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK academic life, identifying finer points of detail including
 Uses dictionary skills to check meaning and guess the
TP5 PAGE 90 & 91 attitudes and implied as well as stated opinions.
meaning of unfamiliar words skilfully and precisely. TASK 1 & 2
 Shows a lot of interest to read and give opinion to a Pupils are able to answer 8 - 9 questions correctly out of 10
variety of fiction or non-fiction texts with some guidance. questions.
 Acquires and uses the reading skills in identifying the main Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts,
ideas and specific details excellently. appreciating subtle distinctions of style and implicit as well
 Uses dictionary skills to check meaning and guess the as explicit meaning.
TP6 meaning of unfamiliar words independently. PAGE 90 & 91
Pupils are able to answer 10 questions correctly out of 12
 Reads and gives opinion on a variety of fiction or non- TASK 1 & 2
fiction texts independently.
 Displays exemplary model of language use to others


Descriptors Materials Remarks
TP1  Hardly shows any ability to express ideas, opinions and KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences.
organise information coherently. PAGE 92
 Hardly punctuates appropriately and spells accurately Pupils can write simple sentences consisting of 3 – 4 words
even with a lot of guidance. and an essay of 25 words.
 Hardly plans, drafts and edits written work even with a lot An e-dairy
of guidance.
 Displays limited ability to express ideas, opinions and KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked
PAGE 92 with simple connectors like “and", “but” and “because”
organise information coherently.
TP2  Shows limited ability to punctuate appropriately and spell
accurately. Pupils can write simple sentences, apply 1 – 2 conjunctions
and write an essay of 45 words.
 Shows limited ability to plan, draft and edit written work. . An e-dairy
Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about
 Displays adequate ability to express ideas, opinions and KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK
accumulated factual information on familiar routine and
organise information coherently. PAGE 92
non-routine matters within his field with some
 Shows adequate ability to punctuate appropriately and - WRITING TASK
TP3 confidence.
spell accurately.
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work in Topic:
An e-dairy Pupils can write compound sentences, apply 2 – 3 sequence
response to feedback adequately.
& logical connectors, and write an essay of 70 words.
 Displays a commendable level to express ideas, opinions KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can write an essay or report which develops an argument,
and organise information coherently. PAGE 92 giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of
 Shows a commendable level to punctuate appropriately view and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of
and spell accurately. various options.
TP4 Topic:
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work An e-dairy
correctly in response to feedback Pupils can write complex and compound sentences, apply 4
– 5 sequence & logical connectors, and write an essay of
100 words.
TP5  Displays a high level of ability to express ideas, opinions KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Can write clear, well-structured expositions of complex
and organise information coherently. PAGE 92 subjects, underlining the relevant salient issues
 Shows a high level of ability to punctuate appropriately
and spell accurately. Pupils can apply cohesive devices and similes, and write an
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work essay of 120 words. Pupils can write in good grammar and
An e-dairy vocabulary. Pupils can expand the points in 1 – 2
effortlessly and response to feedback
 Expresses ideas, opinions, common feelings and organises Can produce clear, smoothly flowing, complex reports,
information independently. KSSM ENGLISH TEXTBOOK articles or essays which present a case, or give critical
PAGE 92 appreciation of proposals or literary works.
 Shows excellent ability to punctuate appropriately and
TP6 spell accurately.
Pupils can apply idioms and proverbs, and write an essay of
 Shows the ability to plan, draft and edit written work Topic: 150 words. Pupils can expand the points in 2 – 3
independently. An e-dairy elaborations. Almost an error-free piece of writing.
 Displays exemplary model of language use to others.

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