Terms and Conditions: Page: 1/2
Terms and Conditions: Page: 1/2
Terms and Conditions: Page: 1/2
1. Everybody willing to take up the Online Captcha Entry Work project should make sure that he/she is
capable enough to accomplish the task successfully. The person undertaking the work Project will be called as
2.The MEMBER should strictly follow the rules in order to maintain the ACCURACY of the captcha.
a. The spelling should be exactly the same as those are in the captcha. The MEMBERS must type the
captcha exactly as per the captcha image file.
b. You should type in the same case (uppercase/lowercase letter) as it is in the captcha image file.
c. Typing sould be same eg. Characters, numbers, or special characters in captcha image.
3. Allowed ID may cancel if the MEMBER discontinues the project in between work period at his own then the
work is sub-contracted by the MEMBER. If the MEMBER uses any unauthenticated means other than manual
typing or use any other third party software or indulged in breaking through the password protected structures
of the program or any kind of copy-paste. It will be on the sole discretion of the company to decide if the
MEMBER has used some unauthenticated means or broken through the password protected structures of the
program or not. It will not be practically possible to give the MEMBER any proof of such an act having been
committed by him thus any such conclusion extracted by the company will be final and not challengeable. No
communication by the MEMBER in this regard will be entertained.
4.The MEMBER will not be required to submit a fully completed Assignment. A part of the work provided will
also be acceptable. One PC's work cannot be shared with another PC or IP otherwise server will terminate
your ID and no refund applicable on this case.
5. Each assignment consist of 200 slots & each slot contains 100 captcha image (from sencond project you
will get unlimited slots), which will have to be type manually by the MEMBER. Each assignment duration is 15
days (holidays included). You should only take care of the Accuracy of the captcha.
Date: _________________
Member's Signature
Mettu Venkata Subba Reddy (UKD2022010618021)
Use only blue pen
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6.We required 95% quality per slot. Which means we can allow 5 errors (Captcha mismatched or blank
Captcha submission) per slot. We always calculate error slot wise. If you done more than 5 error in a single
particular slot (100 Captcha), than the slot will not be eligible for any payment.
7.Company provides you virus free website and software. Company is not responsible for any kind of
system hardware or software error after start your work because only you are using your system. Company
is not responsible for any loss of captcha data or any other data. After activation if you are getting any kind of
problem in your software due to your hardware or software problem, Company is not bounded to pay any
damage. Charges and security deposit will not refund in that case. Any kind of copy-paste for the provided
data will not be accepted. In that case your membership account will terminate immediately without any prior
notice and without any refund.
8.MEMBER should feel secure because his/her identity would not be disclosed to anyone or anywhere for
any purpose whatsoever.
9. If you will achieve minimum Rs 1000/- from the project then you will get next project free of cost. But if
you earn less then Rs 1000/- from the project than the Registration charge will lapse in that case. No further
assignments will be provided to you.
10. In any case the MEMBER does not work on the project seriously, sincerely, timely and as per the
specified accuracy parameters, then the registration fees and Security deposit will not be refunded to
MEMBER and forfeited for substandard performance of the MEMBER.
11. You are not authorized to make any modification(s) to our Work, Contract or the T&C. If any matter
concerning the purchase of any of products/services from this website or contents of this website shall be
brought before a court of law, then the viewer, visitor, member, subscriber or customer agrees to the sole
and proper jurisdiction to the state and city declared on the website which is specified as WB. Before starting
work please clear all your doubts, later on dispute related to above mentioned points will not be entertained.
We reserve the right to change or modify these terms and conditions with no prior notice. Additions and/or
modifications to our terms and conditions contained herein may be made at any time with no prior notice.
Any policy changes or additions will be effective immediately and will apply to all orders. All visitors and
Members are advised to review this web page from time to time to keep themselves abreast with any
changes with regard to the terms of use on this website.
I Mettu Venkata Subba Reddy (Membership ID: UKD2022010618021), have thoroughly read and
Understood the above terms & conditions and Terms of Use to work on the Online Captcha typing Project
being provided by the and Pledge to abide by the same. I agree the terms and conditions and Terms of Use
mentioned on the contract and on the website.
Date: _________________
Member's Signature
Mettu Venkata Subba Reddy (UKD2022010618021)
Use only blue pen
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1. Download the contract.
2. Take a printout of the contract on A4 size paper.
3. Paste your photo inside the given area.
4. Sign and write date on both the pages manually using blue pen only.
5. Scan the contract using only a scanner machine in 300 DPI
6. Scan format should be in JPG file and size should be between 800kb to 1.5mb each file.
7. Select 1st page on 1st option and 2nd page on 2nd option inside your login area.
8. Click upload option. (Upload only first 2 pages)
9. Do not use a mobile phone scanner.
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