Evs MCQ Bank

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Environmental Pollution
Q.1.Which of the following is a A.Fume B.Dust
liquid form of aerosol? C.Mist D.Smoke ANS-C

Q.2.Acid rain is caused by oxides A.Phosphorus and Carbon

of______. B.Sulphur and Nitrogen
C.Sulphur and Phosphorus ANS-B
D.Nitrogen and Carbon

Q.3.Which is not a source of air A.Automobiles ANS-C

pollution? B.Industries
C.Solid Waste
D.Dust Particles

Q.4.Smog is: A.Ozone and Smoke ANS-C

B.Vehicular pollutant
C.Fog and Smoke
D.Fog and Ozone

Q.5.By which of the following the A.Ozone layer ANS-A

earth is protected from UV rays? B.Carbon monoxide
D.Carbon dioxide

Q.6.Which type of pollution is A.Water pollution ANS-D

responsible for plant growth and B.Noice pollution
unaccepted death? C.Land pollution
D.Air pollution

Q.7.The Zone of atmosphere in A.Ionosphere ANS-C

which the ozone layer is present B.Mesosphere
is called_____. C.Stratosphere
Q.8.The main cause of damage to A.Water pollution ANS-C
Taj Mahal is____. B.Soil pollution
C.Acid rain

Q.9.The permissible A. 60 mg/m3 ANS-A

concentration of PM 10 in the air B. 40 mg/m3
is____. C. 50 mg/m3
D. 20 mg/m3
Q.10.Which of the following A.Copper ANS-B
pollutes of the air of big cities? B.Lead
D.Copper Oxide
Q.11.E.coli and S.faecalis bacteria A.Large intestine ANS-A
normally grow in the which part B.Small intestine
of the human body? C.Stomach

Q.12.Which of the following is a A.Smoke ANS-B

water polluting factor____. B.Industrial waste

Q.13.Which of the following A.Ganga river ANS-A

rivers is called the world’s most B.Chenab river
polluted river? C.Cauvery river
D.Gomti river

Q.14.Chlorofluorocarbon are A.Perfumes ANS-D

nonflammable chemicals mainly B.Refrigerators
used in____. C.Air conditioners
D.All of the above

Q.15.The______is an important A. Dissolved nitrogen ANS-C

recuirement of the aquatic life. B. Dissolved chlorine
C. Dissolved oxygen
D. Dissolved methane
Q.16.Which of the following A.Hepatitis-B ANS-A
diseases is not due to B.Jaundice
contamination of water? C.Cholera
Q.17.Used water and waste A.Sea waste ANS-B
substances that are prodused by B.Sewage
human bodies is known as: C.BOD
Q.18.Expand BOD. A.Biological Oxygen Demand ANS-A
B.Biosynthetic Oxygen Demand
C.Biogeochemical Oxygen
D.Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Q.19.In which year was the A.1965 ANS-C
Ganga Action Plan launched? B.1975
Q.20.In large parts of Eastern A.Arsenic ANS-A
India,the groundwater is B.Lead
contaminated by: C.Mercury
Q.21.The first organic pesticide A.Bordeaux mixture ANS-C
to be used commercially B.Burgandy mixture
was____. C.DDT
Q.22.The sewage treatment units A.Imhoff tanks ANS-B
in which anaerobic B.Tricking filters
decomposition of organic C.Sludge sedimentation tanks
matteris used,are called_____. D.None of these

Q.23.The sewage is treated by A.Setting tank ANS-C

aerobicbacteria action in____. B.Trickling filter
C.Oxidation pond
D.All of the above

Q.24.Which of the following A.O2 ANS-A

decreases when BOD level in B.CO2
water increases ? C.NO2
Q.25.Which of the following in A.Secondary treatment ANS-B
sewage treatment removes B.Primary treatment
suspended solids ? C.Sludge treatment
D.Tertiary treatment

Q.26.Which is the most input of A.Pesticides ANS-B

waste causing marine pollution? B.Pipes directly discharge waste
into the sea
C.Death of aquatic organism
D.Climatic conditions

Q.27.What is the reason that oil A.Because of the volume ANS-D

pollution attracts the greatest B.Because of the density
attention ? C.Because of the mass
D.Because of the visibility

Q.28.Formation of hole in ozone A.India ANS-B

is maximum over B.Antarctica

Q.29.Which diseases is caused in A.AIDS ANS-D

human by radioactive waste? B.Cholera
C.Small pox

Q.30.Which gas is lighter than A.CO2 ANS-C

air? B.SO2
Q.31.Noise pollution is measured A.Ohm ANS-B
in____. B.Decibel
Q.32.What is the dB of a A.100 ANS-D
threshold of pain? B.110
Q.33.Noise pollution can A.hypertension ANS-D
cause____. B.hearing loss
C.sleep disturbances
D.all of the above

Q.34.At what dB physically A.100 ANS-C

rupture of the human eardrum B.120
happens? C.150
sssQ.35.What is the permissible A.30 minutes ANS-D
noise limit of 120 dB? B.2 minutes
C.1 minute
D.30 seconds
Q.36.Which pollution cause A.Air pollution ANS-B
hearing loss in organisms? B.Noise pollution
C.Water pollution
D.Soil pollution
Q.37.What is called when an A. Air pollution ANS-D
industry removes water from a B.Noise pollution
source and then returns the C.Water pollution
heated water to its source? D.Thermal pollution

Q.38.What is the effect of A.Increases the metabolism ANS-A

warmer temperature to the B.Decrease the metabolism
fishes? C.Stabilize the metabolism
D.Increase the solubility of oxygen
Q.39.Which of the following is A.Bio fuels ANS-D
the main reason for thermal B.Organic farming
pollution? C.Eco friendly Vehicles
D.Power plants
Q.40.Which of the following A.Automobiles ANS-D
causes mutation at a very high B.Compost
rate? C.Fertilizers
Q.41.Which of the following A.Phosphorous ANS-D
element ismost hazardous to B.Sulfur
human? C.Carbon
Q.42.Which of the following A.Formation of compost ANS-B
problem occurs due to the use of B.Safe disposal of radioactive
nuclear energy? wastes
C.Generation of electricity
D.Formation of gobar gas

Q.43.Minamata disease was A.Mercury ANS-A

caused by consumpation of fish B.Lead
containing______. C.Zinc

Q.44.When did the Bhuj A.2002 ANS-D

Earthquake take place? B.2008

Q.45.The Intensity Scale of the A.Mercalli scale ANS-A

earthquake is called? B.Ritcher scale
C.Number scale
D.None of the above

Q.46.The low pressure area at A.Epicenter ANS-D

the centre of a cyclone is known B.Fault
as the: C.Midpoint

Q.47.Which of the following A.Vermicomposting ANS-ASS

methods uses earthworms durig B.Vertical composting
composting? C.Windrow composting
Q.48.Lichens are good A.Environmental radiation ANS-C
bioindicators for B.Soil pollution
C.Water and air pollution
D.None of the above
Q.49.Which of the following facts A.Global warming is the rise in the ANS-D
is incorrect? average temperature of the
earth’s climate system
B.Eutrophication is observed in
water bodies
C.The greenhouse effect is a
natural phenomenon
D.Ozone is harmless to breathe
Q.50.Cosmic rays,such as gamma A.Soil pollution ANS-D
rays are a source of B.Noise pollution
C.Thermal pollution
D.Radiation pollution

Q.51.Which one of the following A.Water Pollution Control Board ANS-C

is the apex organization in the B.State Pollution Control Board
country in the field of pollution C.Central Pollution Control Board
control? D.Air Pollution Control Board

Q.52.What is the full form of A.National Air Quality Monitoring ANS-A

NAMP? Program
B. National Air Quality Measuring
C. National Air Quantity
Monitoring Program
D. National Air Quality Monitoring

Q.53.Where is the head office of A.Mumbai ANS-D

the Central Pollution Control B.Raipur
Board? C.Mysore
D.New Delhi

Q.54.Which of following can help A.Small sized cars ANS-B

in reducing air pollution? B.Removal of sulphur from coal
C.Lower ignition fuels
D.None of the above

Q.55.A large number of A.Nitrogen cycle ANS-C

interlinked chains in an B.Carbon cycle
ecosystem together forms a: C.Food web
D.Food chain
Q.56.How many percentage of A.50% ANS-C
water approximately present in B.60%
human body? C.70%
Q.57.Which of the following gas A.Nitrogen ANS-A
is present in the air in maximum B.Oxygen
amount? C.Carbon dioxide
Q.58.What is called for the A.Soil submerge ANS-C
movement of surface litter and B.Soil degradation
topsoil from one place to C.Soil erosion
another? D.Soil pollution

Q.59.Organic agriculture A.Organic manure ANS-D

advocates avoiding the use B.Stored water
of______. C.Modern technologies in
D.Chemical fertilizers
Q.60.DDT ia a_____. A.Non pollutant ANS-B
B.Non biodegradable pollutant
C.Biodegradable pollutant
Q.61.The protocol which decided A.Cartagena protocol ANS-C
to completely phase out CFC B.Stockholm convection
is_____. C.Montreal protocol
D.Kyoto protocol
Q.62.Quality of resource not A.Sun ANS-A
degraded due to pollution B.Water
is____. C.Sand

Q.63.All of the organic and A.biological compounds ANS-D

inorganic components B.the ecosystem
surrounding us as well as the C.material interchange
events,conditions and process of D.the environment
their interactions,are collectively
known as_____.

Q.64.Environmental studies aims A.Understanding global ANS-D

at developing_____. environment/environmental issues
B.Understanding global
environment/environmental issues
C.To develop positive attitude
towards environment
D.All of the above
Q.65.Common indicator A.Entamoeba histolytica ANS-D
organism of water pollution B.Lemna
is____. C.Eichhornia
D.Escherichia coli

Q.66.Which of the following is A.Carbon dioxide ANS-D

not a major greenhouse gas____. B.Methane
C.Water vapour
D.Calcium carbonate

Q.67.Which one of the following A.Organic farming ANS-B

cause harm to human health? B.Using of pesticides
C.Using solar vehicles
D.Protecting forests

Q.68.The mosquito repellent that A.Sedatives ANS-C

is used in the homes in the form B.Pesticide
of a coil,liquids,etc.are- C.Insecticide

Q.69.Rats are killed by____. A.Rodenticides ANS-A

C. Pesticide
D. Insecticide

Q.70.According to the United A.Water pollution ANS-B

Nations,the main cause of B.factory and car emissions
climate change/global warming is C.sewage
the result of: D.None of these
CHAPTER-2 Social Issues
and the Environment
Q.1.What is called for the A.Rain collection ANS-B
collection of rainwater for use? B.Rainwater harvesting
C.Rain digging
D.Rain water pumping

Q.2.What is called for an area A.Rainwater harvesting ANS-B

surrounding a body of water in B.Watershed
which that body of water is C.Water pumping
subject to? D.Water cycle

Q.3.What is called for the A.Filtration ANS-A

method of removing dust and B.Sublimation
other particles from water using C.Rainwater harvesting
filters? D.Evaporation

Q.4.The movement “Pani A.Tamilnadu ANS-C

Panchayat” was initiated to B.Rajasthan
conserve waters in the drought C.Maharashtra
prone areas of _____state. D.Karnataka
Q.5.Water Vapour is: A.A gas ANS-A
B.A cloud droplet
C.A rain drop
D.A snowflake

Q.6.How can we increase the A.By pouring unnecessary water to ANS-C

water efficient irrigation system? the land
B.By not supplying adequate water
C.By applying drip irrigation
D.By using more manures
Q.7.Which irrigation practice A.Water wheel ANS-C
leads to maximum water B.Tube-well
conservation? C.Drip irrigation
Q.8.Which of the following is not A.Nali ANS-A
the traditional method of water B.Medhbandi
conservation in Rajasthan? C.Bandha
Q.9.The Rihand river valley A.Himachal Pradesh ANS-C
project is in_____. B.Haryana
C.Uttar Pradesh
Q.10.The chipko andolan is A.Tigers ANS-C
associated with: B.Turtles
Q.11.Who was the greatest A.Village elders ANS-B
participant in the chipko B.Village women
andolan? C.Village youth
D.Village children
Q.12.Which of the following A.tiger ANS-B
animal is associated with B.elephant
ganesha? C.lion
Q.13.What does UNFCCC stand A.United nations framework ANS-B
for? control on climate change.
B.United nations framework
convention on climate change.
C.United nation framework
communications on climate
D.United nations framework
climate communications council.
Q.14.Which gas is responsible for A.Nitrogen(N2) ANS-C
‘global warming? B.Methane(CH4)
C.Carbon dioxide (CO2)
D.Sulphur dioxide(SO2)

Q.15.Which one of the following A.Refrigerants ANS-A

contains CFC? B.Varnish
C.Aerated drinks
D.Wall paints
Q.16.How much have global A.2.1°C ANS-B
average temperature increased B.0.6° C
in the last century? C.4.3° C
D.1.4° C

Q.17.The El-Nino phenomenon A.Atlantic Ocean ANS-B

occurs in_____. B.Pacific Ocean
C.Indian Ocean
D.Arctic Ocean
Q.18.Global warming is observed A.Maximum temperature ANS-C
century-scale rise in the_____of B. Minimum temperature
the Earth’s climate change? C.Average temperature

Q.19.Global warming also refers A.Climate change ANS-A

to as_____. B.Ecological change
C.Atmosphere change
D.None of the above
Q.20.What is the average surface A.15°C ANS-A
temperature of the earth? B.16°C
C.17° C
Q.21.Normal Rain has a pH A.5 ANS-B
of____. B.6
Q.22.Acid rain can damage____. A.Drinking water sources ANS-D
B.Aquatic life
C.Architecture or buildings
D.All of the above
Q.23.What human activity is the A.Cars ANS-C
primary source of acid rain? B.deforestation
C.coal powerplants
Q.24.How does acid rain affect A.deteriorates trunk ANS-B
trees? B.dissolves nutrience
C.makes animals want to eat them
D.makes them turn purple
Q.25.What is Acid Rain? A.Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen ANS-A
B.Water mixed with acid
C.Greenhouse gases
D.None of these

Q.26.Which one of the following A.Combat desertification ANS-C

is the main objective of Montreal B.Formulate sustainable
Protocol? developmental goals
C.Protection of ozone layer
D.Combat climate change

Q.27.Ozone depletion in the A.Increase in greenhouse effect ANS-D

stratosphere causes: B.cooling of the atmosphere
C.increase of infrared radiation in
the troposphere
D. increase of UV radiation in the

Q.28.Which of the following A.Polyvinylchloride ANS-B

synthetic chemical is responsible B.Chlorofluorocarbons
for ozone layer depletion? C.Biopolymer
Q.29.Which is not caused by acid A.damage to statues ANS-C
rain? B.dying fish
C.spread of disease
D.weakened trees

Q.30.In cultivated,following may A.Iodine ANS-C

be added to increase the ability B.Sodium
of the soil to keep the pH stable C.Limestone
D.All of the above
Q.31.Which of these is a major A.spraying pesticides on crops ANS-B
cause of acid rain? B.burning fossil fuels for energy
C.dumping sewage in river systems
D.using uranium to generate
Q.32.The hydronium ions of acid A.Iron ANS-C
rain mobilizes toxins such as B.Magnesium
D.None of the above
Q.33.Which one of the following A.only oxygen ANS-D
is responsible for global B.oxygen and carbon dioxide
warming? C.only methane
D.carbon dioxide and methane
Q.34.The radiations absorbed by A.Gamma rays ANS-D
ozone are: B.X-rays
C.Infra red rays
D.Ultraviolet rays
Q.35.Which one of the following A.urea ANS-D
is a complex in organic fertilizer? B.potash
C.R2 value
Q.36.What is the term used to A.recycling ANS-C
describe objects that are being B.reducing
washed and used again? C.reusing
Q.37.What does the three R’s of A.risk corridors reinsurance and ANS-D
recycling mean ? risk adjustment
B.reading writing and arithmetic
C. nothing
D.Reduce Reuse Recycle
Q.38.Recycle is _____component A.First ANS-C
of waste hierarchy. B.Second
Q.39.Which of the following acts A.Environmental Protection act ANS-A
gives rights to citizen to file cases B.Air Pollution act
against violation of C.Water Pollution act
environmental norms? D.Forest Act

Q.40.When Was the Air A.1982 ANS-B

Prevention and Control of B.1981
Pollution Act passed? C.1985
Q.41.The Water Act was enacted A.1986 ANS-B
in the year: B.1974
Q.42.NGOs stands for: A.Non-Governmental Organization ANS-A
B.Nine-Governmental Organization
C.Non-Gained Organization
D.National-Grade Organization
Q.43.The full form of MOEF is: A.Ministry of Forest and Energy ANS-B
B. Ministry of Environment and
C.Management of Environment
and Forestry
D.None of the above
Q.44.World Forestry Day is A.20th March ANS-B
celebrated at: B.21 th March
C.24th March
D.1st April
Q.45.when is wildlife week A.first week of october ANS-A
celebrated? B.first week of september
C. last week of march
D.Last week of November
Q.46.silent valley is situated in- A.North India ANS-B
B.South India
C.East India
D.West India
Q.47.In which of the following A.Biological conservation ANS-B
conservation biological pest B.Habitat conservation
control is included C.Soil conservation
D.Water conservation
Q.48.world population day is A.March 22 ANS-D
celebrated at_ B.June 18
C.March 12
D.June 11
Q.49.Which one of the following A.Assam ANS-C
was the first state in India to B.Bihar
regulate the manufacture and C.Himachal Pradesh
use of plastics? D.Delhi
Q.50.The estimated percentage A.50% ANS-C
of the forest land that ideally B.15%
India should have is: C.33%
Q.51.The best way to dispose A.Burning ANS-B
plant waste is_____. B.Composting
C.Dumping in a hilly area
Q.52.Ozone hole means A.increase in the concentration of ANS-B
B.decrease in the concentration of
C.same concentration of ozone
D.hole in the stratosphere

Q.53.Which of the following are A.air pollution ANS-D

major environmental issues B.water pollution
involved in mining? C.soil degradation
D.all of the above

Q.54.EL-Nino is A.Warm Ocean Current ANS-A

B.Sea Strom
C.Tropical Disturbance
D.Another name of Typhoon
Q.55.What is the benefit of rain A.Recharging ground water level ANS-A
water storage? B.Respite from floods
C.Reduce the scarcity of water
D.Protection from soilerosion
Q.56.Which of the following is a A.Coal ANS-C
renewable source of energy? B.Uranium
D.none of the above
Q.57.Which two countries of the A.India and China ANS-A
world constitute about 57% of B. India and Brazil
the large dams? C. India and Japan
D. China and Brazil
Q.58.Which of the following A.Fish ANS-C
ultimately causes oxygen B.Human beings
depletion in water bodies? C.Microorganisms
D.None of the above
Q.59.The balance in oxygen level A.Photosynthesis and cellular ANS-A
is maintained by_____. respiration
B.Industrial emission of gases
C.Release of ozone in upper
D.None of the above
Q.60.In honor of which person A.Mega Patkar ANS-D
wildlife protection award is B.Indira Gandhi
given? C.Sunita William
D.Amrita Devi
Population and the
Q.1.Which one of the following is A.Birth rate is lower than the ANS-B
the cause for overpopulation in death rate
India? B.Birth rate is higher than the
death rate
C.There is no death happening
D.Due to over population
Q.2.Where we can find over A.In rural areas ANS-D
strained infrastructure due to B.In forest areas
population growth? C.In desert areas
D.In urban areas
Q.3.An IUCD is____. A.Copper-T ANS-A
Q.4.A sterilization technique A.Loop ANS-C
is___. B.Diaphragm
D.Cervical cap
Q.5.What is the full form of HIV? A.Human immunodeficiency virus ANS-A
B.Human immunodeficiency
C.Health interexchange virus
D.Health immunodeficiency virus
Q.6.Up to age of six months,this A.soy milk ANS-C
is the ideal food for newborns B.rice cereal
and young infants? C.breast milk
D.iron-fortified formula
Q.7.Disorders related to A.balancing of nutrition ANS-D
nutritions is known as____. B.insolubility of nutrition
C.solubility of nutrition
Q.8.Which of the following states A.West Bengal ANS-C
has more population than the B.Madhya Pradesh
over given states? C.Maharashtra
Q.9.Urbanization is the result of A.educational development ANS-C
_____. B.rural development
C.migration of population from
villages to cities
D.agricultural development
Q.10.The ideal contraceptive for A.Barrier contraceptive ANS-C
females who want to delay B.Periodic abstinence
pregnancy and space children is: C.IUD
D.Hormonal pills
Q.11.Vasectomies: A.Inhibit testosterone production ANS-B
B.Prevent sperm from entering the
C.Inhibit sperm production
D.Interfere with male potency
Q.12.In the constitution of India, A. Article 50 ANS-C
fundamental duties are B. Article 51
mentioned in which of the C. Article 51A
following Article? D. Article 49
Q.13.GIS stands for: A.Geographic Information system ANS-A
B.Generic Information system
C.Geological Information system
D.Geographic Information sharing
Q.14.Condoms: A.Increase sperm phagocytosis ANS-C
B.Decrease sperm motility
C.Prevent the ejaculated semen
from entering the female
reproductive tract
D.Inhibit ovulation
Q.15.What is the full form of A.Inter Uterine Devices ANS-C
IUDS? B. Intra Uterine Diseases
C. Intra Uterine Devices
D. Inter Uterine Diseases
Q.16.Sterilisation in males A. Vasectomy, Tubectomy ANS-A
is___and in females is_____. B. Tubectomy ,Vasectomy
C. Vasectomy,Vasectomy
D. Tubectomy, Tubectomy
Q.17.Cu released by CuTs plays a A. Increasing phagocytosis of ANS-D
role in: sperms
B.Suppressing sperm motility
C.Suppressing fertilizing capacity
of sperms
D.Both B and C
Q.18.What was the amount of A.43 ANS-A
MIC(methyl isocyanate) leaked B.50
from Bhopal gas tragedy? C.63
Q.19.What kind of product was A.Pesticide ANS-A
manufactured by the Union B.Poison gas
Carbide plant in Bhopal, India? C.Paints
Q.20.Which poisonous gas, which A.Methyl Isocyanate ANS-A
ultimately leaked and caused the B.Hydrogen Cyanide
Bhopal tragedy, was one of the C.Methyl Isocyanide
ingredients of Sevin? D.Ethyl Isocyanate
Q.21.AIDS,common cold, dengue A.Deficiency disease ANS-B
fever and influenza are examples B.Infectious disease
of______. C.Physiological disease
D.Non-infectious disease
Q.22.Who is the primary host of A.Man ANS-A
malarial parasite? B.Rat
D.None of the above
Q.23.Due to uncontrolled cell A.AIDS ANS-B
division in body which disease B.cancer
occurs? C.pneumonia
Q.24.Which protozoan is A.Euglena ANS-D
responsible for malaria? B.Amoeba
Q.25.Which is blood cancer? A.Chloremia ANS-B
Q.26.Which of the following is an A.Obesity ANS-C
infectious disease? B.Anemia
C.Common cold
Q.27.The factor causing cancer is A.tumors ANS-C
called____. B.virus
D.None of these
Q.28.What is the full form of A.Acquired immunodeficiency ANS-A
AIDS? syndrome
B.Accepted immunodeficiency
C.Acquired immunodeficiency
D.Accepted immunodeficiency
Q.29.Which of the following is A.Multiple sexual partners ANS-C
not a cause of transmission of B.Sharing infected needles
HIV? C.Mosquito bite
D.Transfusion of contaminated
Q.30.AIDS is caused by which A.corona ANS-B
virus? B.HIV
Q.31.The most dangerous type of A.Plasmodium ovale ANS-C
the human infecting malarial B. Plasmodium vivax
parasite is_____. C. Plasmodium falciparum
D. Plasmodium malariae
Q.32.How do you get TB? A.Through the air ANS-A
B. Through sexual contact
C. Through contaminated food
D. Through blood
Q.33.An example of water-borne A.Diphtheria ANS-C
disease is: B.Tonsillitis
Q.34.Black foot disease is caused A.arsenic ANS-A
due to excess of_____. B.mercury
Q.35.The most common A.High fever ANS-B
characteristic symptom of B.Watery diarrhea
cholera is? C.Headache
D.Persistent cough
Q.36.Cholera ia a diarrhoeal A.Vibrio cholerae ANS-A
disease caused by the B.Clostridium tetani
bacterium___. C.Yersinia pestis
D.Salmonella enteritis
Q.37.Tobacco causes_____of A.13% ANS-B
cancer deaths around the world? B.22%
Q.38.What is the most common A.Human papillomavirus(HPV) ANS-A
cause of cervical cancer? B.Radiation exposure
D.Using intravenous drugs
Q.39.Which of the following A.Benzene ANS-C
cause lung cancer? B.Aniline
D.None of these
Q.40.Which of the following A. Benzene ANS-A
cause leukemia ? B.Aniline
D.None of these
Q.41.Liver cancer causes by____. A.Hepatitis A ANS-C
B. Hepatitis A and C
C. Hepatitis B and C
D.None of these
Q.42.H.pylori increases the risk A.Liver cancer ANS-D
of____. B.Lung cancer
C.Breast cancer
D.Stomach cancer
Q.43.Round worms live in A. Large intestine ANS-B
the___. B.Small intestine
Q.44.Which of the following A.AIDS ANS-D
disease is spread by anopheles B.cancer
mosquito? C.pneumonia
Q.45.Which of the following A.Bladder cancer ANS-A
cancer is caused by aniline dyes? B.Lung cancer
C.Breast cancer
D.Stomach cancer
Q.46.Which of the following is A.Histamine ANS-B
the cause of tobacco addiction? B.Nicotine
D.None of the above
Q.47.A group of living organisms A.Community ANS-C
of the same kind living in the B.Species
same place and at the same time C.Population
refers to a______. D.Consumers

Q.48.Which of the following is a A. Diphtheria ANS-D

water-borne disease? B.Tonsillitis
Q.49.Unburnt carbon particles A.Cardiac problem ANS-B
causes______. B.Respiratory problems
C.Throat problems
D.Skin infection
Q.50.Which of the following is A. AIDS ANS-C
not a sexually transmitted B.cancer
disease? C.Tuberculosis
Q.51.Which of the following is a A. Copper-T ANS-B
birth control device used by a B.Condom
male? C.Vasectomy
Q.52.What is India’s global rank A. First ANS-B
in population? B.Second
Q.53.Which of the following pairs A..Typhoid and AIDS ANS-B
contains an infectious and a non- B. AIDS and cancer
infectious disease respectively? C. pneumonia and malaria
D. cancer and malaria

Q.54. Which of the following A. Ozone ANS-C

particles is called the particulate B. Radon
pollutants? C. Fly Ash
D. Ethylene

Q.55.Which of the following A. Filariasis ANS- A

diseases is transmitted by the B. Amoebiasis
bite of the female mosquito C. Typhoid
vector? D. Pneumonia
Q.56.Which of the following day A. 31st March ANS- C
is celebrated as ‘World AIDS B. 1st March
Day’? C. 1st December
D. 31st December
Q.57. AIDS is widely diagnosed by A. Widal Test ANS-B
D. Chromatography
Q.58. Which of the following is a A. Diphtheria ANS-D
viral disease? B. Filariasis
C. Leprosy
D. Influenza
Q.59. Which of the following A. Immounotherapy ANS-D
approaches are used for the B. Surgery
treatment of cancer? C. Radiotherapy & chemotherapy
D. All of these
Q.60.Which organ of body is A. Lungs ANS-B
most affected by excessive intake B. Liver
of alcohol ? C. Stomach
D. Spleen
Q.61. A chemical carcinogen A. Skin Cancer ANS-D
present in tobacco smoke is B. Panacreatic Cancer
responsible for - C. Stomach Cancer
D. Lung Cancer
Q.62. How is TB diagnosed? A. Chest X-ray ANS-D
B. Sample of sputum
C. Skin or blood test
D. All of the above
Q.63. How is TB treated? A. Antiviral Medicines ANS-B
B. Antibiotics
C. Surgery
D. Chemotheraphy
Q.64. The cause of tuberculosis is A. Bacteria ANS-A
- B. Fungi
C. Nematodes
D. Viruses
Q.65.World Health day is A.21st, March ANS-C
celebrate on - B.7th, March
C. 7th, April
D.21st, April
Q.66. Which organization is A. ILO ANS- C
working for health at B.WTO
international level? C.WHO
D. None of these
Q.67.How many major types of A.2 ANS-B
water related diseases? B.4
Q.68.Earth day is celebrate on- A. 22nd,April ANS-A
C. 22nd,March
D. 24th, March
Q.69.Which of the following is a A. Ringworm, AIDS ANS-B
pair of viral diseases? B. Common cold ,AIDS
C. Dysentery, Common cold
D. Typhoid ,Tuberculosis
Q.70. Ringworm in human is A. Bacteria ANS-B
caused by - B. Fungi
C. Nematodes
D. Viruses

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