Ubd Template 2
Ubd Template 2
Ubd Template 2
SL.K.1, 6; L.K.1, 6
1. Exchanging information and ideas with
others through oral collaborative
discussions on a range of social and
academic topics.
12. Selecting and applying carried and
precise vocabulary and language structures to
effectively convey ideas.
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
See Rubric at the end TRANSFER TASK(S):
Goal: Your task is to build a home for a family. You must use angles and lines to form this
structure that does not collapse. It must also be pleasing to the eye.
Students must be able to identify Role: You are an architect
two-dimensional figures as perpendicular Audience: Your clients are a family looking to purchase a home that they will stay in for years,
lines, parallel lines, intersecting lines, right and one day pass onto their children.
angle, obtuse angle, acute angle, points, and Situation: The challenge involves dealing with angles and lines that will align perfectly into one
rays. another to build a strong and sturdy building.
Product: You need to develop a layout plan and then build on that to determine what your
angles and dimensions will look like.
Success: A successful result will be judged by your home buyers. It will be successful if the
building has no gaps, the math adds up correctly, and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Introducing geometry Teach the methods of Continue to practice Review Review angles
-Introduce Vocab and how to identify different Vocab -Introduce the protractor
angles angles. -Specifically the
-What their different types of angles
characteristics are
Practice the using the Continue practice using Introduce calculating Calculate reflex angle Introduce circles
protractor the protractor the reflex and identifying polygons
-Informal assessment
Mathematically Correct All angles are labeled Most angles are labeled Few angles are labeled
- angles are and measured correctly and measured correctly. and measured correctly.
labeled and
Uses appropriate math Always uses Uses most academic Incorrectly uses the
language appropriate academic language appropriately appropriate academic
language when but makes a few language when
describing the layout mistakes. describing the layout
and set up of the and set up of the
classroom. classroom.
Creativity and attention The student uses a The student uses some The student uses
to detail variety of angles and angles and lines limited angles and lines
lines throughout their throughout their throughout their
classroom plan and planning and displays planning and displays
displays creativity in creativity in their little planning.
their planning. planning.
Standards - Students will master the skill of identifying right, acute, and obtuse
angles. (4.G.1)
- Students will be able to identify an angle as a geometric figure formed
where two rays share a common endpoint (4.MD.5)
Enduring Understanding Students will be able to understand what different methods are that
can help them identify what category to place an angle in.
Essential Question - What must you first identify about an angle to help you
categorize it and how do you identify it?
H: hook and hold The lesson will start off by reviewing the different
vocabulary terms that the students have been introduced to with
body movements.
E: equip I will model for the students the different strategies that I
can use to help me identify what kind of angle is being shown to me. I
equip my students with the appropriate tools.
● Modeling: At the beginning of the lesson, I led the students in
body movement and oral cues to help them remember how to
T: tailor Students share out with their partners what they have
received for their answers.
Teacher Notes INFORMAL observations will be done when students are working
- I would be walking around to review student work as they are
completing their work with their partners. If I see recurring
confusion with a particular student or with a specific angle I will
make sure to review it once again.
- In the first activity, students will be having to name the different
angles that form multiple kinds of shapes. Students will be able to
identify tha3t two rays that meet at a vertex, or a corner, is a kind
of angle. For example, in a square there are four angles because
there are four vertices.
- The task for students in this activity is to be able to identify
what kind of angles are forming the shape, acute, obtuse,
or right angles.
- This activity will help me check for understanding if the
students are able to accurately identify which angles are
being used. In addition, we will be reviewing the activity
as a class and I will be looking for if the students can
explain their thinking and reason orally.
- In addition, to my informal observations, the students will also
complete a kahoot at the end of the lesson to help me get a snapshot of
where they are at with the lesson of the day. The kahoot is about the
different angles and academic terms.
Standards - Students will master the skill of identifying right, acute, and obtuse
angles. (4.G.1)
- Students will be able to identify an angle as a geometric figure formed
where two rays share a common endpoint (4.MD.5)
Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch
angles of specified measure.
Recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two
rays share a common endpoint, and understand concepts of angle
An angle is measured with reference to a circle with its center at the
common endpoint of the rays, by considering the fraction of the circular
arc between the points where the two rays intersect the circle. An angle
that turns through 1/360 of a circle is called a "one-degree angle," and
can be used to measure angles.
Essential Question How can you explain how to measure an angle to someone else?
Assessment and Feedback As an informal assessment for this lesson, I will be walking around and
monitoring the progress of my students as they attempt to measure
angles on their own. I will take note of the recurring mistakes that are
being made or if there are any obvious points I should review once
- This is important as the students will be learning how to properly
use a protractor. Students will be evaluated if they are able to
measure the angles on the Classifying Angles sheet using their
protractor, within a 3-5 degree range of accuracy. The feedback
students will get are from me as I circulate the room and during
the class discussion where they can self-correct their work.
H: hook
- Use of Technology: Seesaw Activity
- Students will enter this lesson by doing a quick and brief
review of angles through a seesaw activity.
- The students will be completing a short activity using their
chromebooks where they have to match the name of the
angle to the picture of the angle. For example: The words
“Acute Angle” are colored red, so they would circle the
picture of the acute angle in red to match it. This will also
be serving as an informal assessment.
T: tailor
- Students will then have an opportunity to practice with the
protractors through guided practice and instant feedback, as I will
be circulating the room during independent practice. I will also be
providing in the moment feedback for any students who need it.
- Based on how I see the students understanding the concept and
skills of using a protractor, I will re-explain or continue to provide more
practice. Scaffolding: As I was monitoring the progress of my students I
would adjust my teaching to the needs of my student. For example,
re-explain a concept in a different manner using terms or examples that
they could understand.
- I incorporated visuals and examples for each kind of angle.
- I provided the minecraft square to help the students
visualize and identify what angle is a 90 degree angle,
obtuse, or acute angle.
E: equip
- Direct Instruction: Learning the Protractor
- Students will learn through direct instruction at the start of
the lesson. As I am modeling and explaining the different
parts of a protractor, the students will be following along
with a note taking sheet that I provided.
- O (organize): After explaining each part of a protractor, I
will follow the model of “I Do, We Do, You Do”.
E: evaluate
- We will quickly correct the four angles that they all had on their
note-taking sheet as a class. They will be measuring a right angle, acute
angle, a straight angle, and an obtuse angle. If their measurements
seem to be on the right path we will continue to the next activity.
- Classifying Angles Activity
- Students will then have an opportunity to have additional practice
using a protractor and measuring angles using the activity sheet from the
previous day. They labeled them as acute, right, or obtuse and today
they will be measuring them with the protractor. To close the lesson, we
will be correcting the activity as a class. Students will be checking their
own and making corrections.
Closure/ Application Students will have to explain to one another orally how to measure a
protractor as if they are teaching someone for the first time. In doing
this, students will realize which part they do not fully understand and
make the corrections.
Teacher Notes When teaching how to measure with the protractor, do not
forget to remind the students that they are to ensure that their
protractor does not move. Let them know that they should be
placing one side of the angle along the baseline of the protractor.
Enduring Understanding Students will understand that an angle is part of a full circle, which is
360 degrees. Using this knowledge, they will be able to calculate the
reflex angle and analyze if it is complementary to the given angle.
Essential Question What steps do I need to take to find the reflex angle?
Assessment and Feedback Students will be doing their own self correcting, but they will also be
gaining feedback from myself. I will be monitoring the student
learning and engagement as I circulate around the room.
Tailor: Word bank written on the whiteboard in front of the classroom for
quick reference.
- Geometry packet at their disposal.
- Minecraft square
- Strategic pairing
- Visual aids
- Additional adults in the room for students who have an IEP.
- Students with special needs are allowed to take a break as
- Reduced amount of work.
Closure/ Application Have students begin thinking about the layout of the classroom. Ask
them how they would rearrange the classroom if they had the
opportunity to do so. It is their job to present it to myself and the
principle. (emphasize the importance of angles and lines)
Teacher Notes Make sure to give the students no more than ten minutes for the
first activity. The students should be working with their
teammates and stay together throughout the activity.