Unit Plan Grade 5 6 Shape Space Measurement

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Understanding By Design Unit Plan

Title of Unit Shape and Space

Grade Level 6

Subject Mathematics
Time Frame 4 Weeks

Developed By Shiva Goli

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning

How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?

Broad Areas of Learning/Competencies:

The BAL’s are incorporated through the authentic learning tasks that exist within the unit plan.
By constructing and comparing different types of triangles as well as describing and comparing
the sides and angles of regular and irregular polygons and allowing students to apply learning to
their understanding of the world.

● Creativity and Innovation: Students are provided with multiple opportunities to choose a
mode of representation to share their learning. To further their learning the unit plan
provides opportunities for peer, and self feedback with work revisions.
● Social, Cultural Global, and Environmental Responsibility: Students are introduced to the
concept of point, lines and angles through the exploration of the presentation and a hands-
on activity. This activity focuses on shapes and measurements. They will build a virtual room
using Room Sketcher (www.roomsketcher.com). By building this virtual room, students get
a glimpse of real-life appications of shapes and meaurement. They are able to see that the
world around them is made of shapes and apply that knowledge to understand and benefit
their community.
● Communication: Students are expected to work individually and as a group throughout the
unit. Guidelines are given to support proper group interaction and communication within
and between groups. The unit allows for multi-modal means of expression, allowing
learners to choose from a pre-determined list of representation.
● Digital and Technological Fluency: Within the unit learners are expected to explore in details
about shapes, angles, and other geometrical concepts using technology. Students also have
access to supportive technology throughout the lessons as part of a differentiation strategy
to mediate some of the barriers presented.
● Life-Long Learning, Personal Management, and Well-being: One of the integral pieces within
the unit is self, peer, and group feedback. Learners will recognize the importance of
revisiting work and ongoing revision.
● Collaboration and Leadership: Within the lessons self-directed learning is incorporated to
ensure student involvement with their own learning. Students are also working within
groups throughout the unit and expected to collaborate and compromise while remaining
respectful and mindful of other members within the group.

Cross curricular Competencies

How will this unit promote the CCC?

The cross curricular competencies for Alberta are as follows: Critical thinking, problem solving,
managing information, creativity and innovation, communication, collaboration, cultural and
global citizenship, personal growth and wellbeing (Competencies Overview, 2016).

This unit promotes the CCC’s because it is designed around a topic that is authentic and
applicable to the students understanding of the world. The lessons in this unit cover: managing
information, communication, creativity and innovation, cultural and global citizenship, and
collaboration. The learners experience these through inquiry and teacher guidance.

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)

Shape & Space - Measurement
General Outcome: Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems.
Specific Outcome 1
1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of angles by:
 1.1.1: identifying examples of angles in the environment
 1.1.2: classifying angles according to their measure 
 1.1.3: estimating the measure of angles, using 45°, 90° and 180° as reference angles 
 1.1.4: determining angle measures in degrees
 1.1.5: drawing and labeling angles when the measure is specified.

 Specific Outcome 2
2.1: Demonstrate that the sum of interior angles is:
 180° in a triangle 
 360° in a quadrilateral. 

 Specific Outcome 3
3.1: Develop and apply a formula for determining the:
 Perimeter of polygons 
 Area of rectangles 
 Volume of right rectangular prisms. 

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

What understandings about the big ideas are What provocative questions will foster
desired? (what you want students to inquiry into the content? (open-ended
understand & be able to use several years questions that stimulate thought and
from now) inquiry linked to the content of the
What misunderstandings are predictable? enduring understanding)
Students will understand that... Content specific….
● Students can elaborate their ● What is the main concepts of geometrical
understanding after listening by asking shapes and angles?
for clarification ● Where can we apply these concepts in the
● By discussing geometrical vocubalary real world?
with the class, it deepens comprehension
● What are the points, lines, angles and
and a student’s understanding
units of measurements?
● Students will understand how to consider
● How to convert commonly used units of
more than one perspective (through
length, mass and capacity?
discussions around shape and space-
● How to solve problems involving
perimeter, area, surface area, volume and
● Use conversions among commonly used
angle measurements?
unit of length, mass (weight), and
● How to use rules to find the area,
capacity (Volume) to solve problems.
perimeter and volume of a given shape?
● Develop, verify and use rules of
● How can you show consideration to
expression for the perimeter, area and
others’ perspectives in solving problems?
volume of shapes.
● How to compare and contrast angles,
● Group work requires compromise and
identify and compare examples of angles
respectful interactions.
in the environment?
● Students will be able to discuss and
● Responding to a general, open-ended
explore what is meaningful to them
question about shapes, angles, other
● Students will be able to listen and share
gepmetry concepts.
with peers respectfully.

● Students will be able to understand that
others may have different ideas, and
perspective then them.
● Students will know how to select and
process and organize their thoughts FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…
● Students will be able to choose ● Oral communication is embedded into the
appropriate forms of for communicating learning activities as students are able to
and sharing their ideas and knowledge express their ideas through discussions
with the class. which integrates FNMI learning strategies
● Engage in activities and research and will also help who have difficulties
● Revisit and revise work with writing.
● Present & Share their work. ● Opportunities for use of FNMI approaches
to learning (visual representation)
Related misconceptions…
● Some may think that most buildings only
consist of one shape
● Some students may believe that angles
only create triangles but may not be able
to label the angles in a circle or hexagon
● They may not be able to differentiate
various types of angles in the real world

Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a What skills will students acquire as a
result of this unit? This content knowledge result of this unit? List the skills and/or
may come from the indicators, or might also behaviours that students will be able to
address pre-requisite knowledge that exhibit as a result of their work in this unit.
students will need for this unit. These will come from the indicators.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

● To draw lines accurately using a straight ● Estimate, visually, the size of an
edge angle
● How to use a protractor to measure ● Use Protractor to draw a specified
angles angle
● Visualize the size of a 90 degree and a ● Use precision when drawing angles
180 degree angle and estimate angles ● Understand importance of drawing
that are 90 and 180 degrees precise angles
● Understand the division of units on a ● Accurately measure angles using the
cm/mm ruler circular and semicircular protractor
● Measure and draw, accurately and ● Realize the need for a more acurate
neatly line segments way to measure angles
● Classify angles as acute, right, obtuse, ● Understand the term “degrees”
straight and reflex ● Relate the measurement of angles to
● Recognise angles in the environment the number of degree in a circle
● Identify and describe right angles ● Use correct notation of degrees 90
● Classify angles according to whether degrees (no space)
theya re right, greater than right or less ● Angles that are less than 90 degrees
than right angles are acute
● Understand the term vertex to mean the ● Angles that are equal to 90 degrees
common end point of two lines are right
● Understand and calculate the perimeter ● Angles that are greater than 90
and area of rectangeles using a rule of degrees are obtuse
expression ● Angles that are equal to 180 degrees
● understand that volume is expressed in are straight
cubes (because cubes have three ● Angles that are greater than 180
dimensions) and that is written in this degrees are reflex
manner: cm3 ● use the term ray to describe one arm
● recognize that one cubic centimetre = of an angle: beginning at the vertex
one millilitre and extending without end in the
● Recognize and use the following direction of the arrow
vocabulary: area, faces, volume length, ● Know and use the term angle as
width, height, depth, nets, being the figure created by two rays
● Estimate and calculate the area of a with the same end point (vertex)
rectangular surface ● Use three letters to name an angle
● Recognize and explain the meaning of a with the middle letter naming the
rectangle vertex of the angle
● Measure shapes by area using standard ● Define right angle to be one line
units perpendicular to another line
● Relate permimeter and area of ● Define acute angle to be an angle
rectangles smaller than a right angle
● Explain the meaning of perimeter ● Define an ibtuse angle to be greater
● Estimate, meaure, and record the than a right angle
perimeters or regular shapes and ● Define a straight angle to be an angle
objects using standard units that creates a single line
● Estimate and measure the perimeters of ● Define a reflex angle to be an angle
irregular shapes and objects that is greater than a straight angle
● Describe the relationship among mm, ● Recognize examples of each of the
cm, dm, m, and km: 10 mm = 1 cm, 10 aboveangles in an environment
cm = 1 dm, 1- dm, 1 m, 1000 mm = 1 m, ● Classify angles as being right, acute,
1000 m = 1 km. obtuse, straight, and reflex
● Understand appropriate units for ● Describe similarities and differences
measuring between area and perimeter
● Know difference between length, mass, ● Create areas that match specified
volume, and what units are used to perimiters
meaure each ● Create perimeters that match
● Demonstrate concretely the size of specified areas
different units )cm, mm, m, g, kg, mL, L) ● Understand that the formula used to
● Estimate in cm, mm, m, g, kg, mL, L calculate the volume of a right
● Understand decimal numbers to rectangular prism is: length x width x
hundredths depth
● Use a calculator to multiply and divide ● Understand that volume is expressed
● Understand place value from hundredths in cubes (because cubes have three
to thousandths dimensions) and this is written in this
manner: mm3 (cubic millimetre) cm3
(cubic centimetre) and m 3 (cubic
● Recognize and explain the meaning
of area
● Use rules to find the area of
● Convert metric measurements
● Develop a rule or an expression to
detemine the perimeter of a polygon
● Use the expressions to find the
answers to real-life perimeter
● Convert measurements among
commonly used units of length, mass,
and capacity

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other evidence (work samples, How will students reflect upon or self-assess
observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other their learning?
means) will students demonstrate
achievement of the desired results? Formative
and summative assessments used throughout
the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
Formative Assessment:
● Students’ participation in discussions ● Self Editing, brainstorming and bodystorming.
● Students’ abilities to use specific text to support ● Peer and self assessment and feedback on
their ideas in oral discussions and written brainstorming and conceptual ideas.
responses ● Entrance and exit questions based on
● Students’ discussions and responses to lessons
Essential Questions ● Students will be asked to self and peer
● Checking their understanding with sample and assess their work
similar questions ● Students will have ongoing informal self
● Formative assessment, through observations assessments (thumbs up/thumbs down, exit
and individual meetings (throughout) slips, discussions with peers & teachers).
● Formative assessment reviews with peers and ● Learners are provided opportunities for peer
teacher feedback through table groups
● Ongoing informal formative assessment. ● Learners are provided opportunities for peer
(conversations, thumbs up, thumbs down, exit feedback with teacher led self reflections
slips, etc) following feedback activities. Allowing
● Informal formative assessment using student's students to engage in informal self-
work-books. feedback/reflection.

Summative Assessment:
Oral presentations, Writing Journals and google
docs, will include:
● Journal entry will be assessed for
Unit/lessons content and comprehension.
● Presentation will be assessed for
communication and comprehension.
● Students will submit a written hard copy of
their assignment of the virtual room and
also present to the class.
● Students will be further assessed based on
the worksheets and handouts.
● Students are summatively assessed on
their organization and execution of their
research on their understanding of the
geometry concepts in the final assignment
creating a virtual room using room
sketcher. Students are further assessed on
their ability to communicate and share their
ideas and understanding with the class
using the medium of their choice.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
● achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
● equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the
students know where they are going?
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the
learners been ascertained? Have the learners been part of the pre-planning in any way?
What individual needs do you anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical
environment be arranged to enhance learning?

Where are students headed: In this unit the students will be exploring topics of Shape and space;
angles, area, perimeter and volume and converting measurements among commonly used units of
length, mass, and capacity and use the expressions to find the answers to real-life problems

Where have they been: Students have prior knowledge in brainstorming, journaling, reflecting and
other measurement concepts

How will you make sure that students know where they are going: Throughout each lesson in this
unit there are continuous teacher observations and check ins and various formative assessments to
ensure student understanding. If students need additional instruction/activities for understanding the
teacher will find these areas with daily formative assessments and observations. There is scaffolding
between lessons

What experiences do the learners bring to the unit: Experience learners bring into the unit is
previous understanding of different shapes (for e.g. 2D shapes like rectangle, square, triangle, right
angle)and measurements.

How have the interests of the learner's been ascertained: The interests of students have been
ascertained as the activities within the unit are authentic, and can be made relatable for all students.

What individual needs to anticipate/will need to address: Both ELL and L &L students will need
more scaffolding and more processing time. Students are at increased risk of reduced involvement
during peer and class discussions. May require increased teacher encouragement. Students are also at
higher risks of learned helplessness.

Learning Environment:
Where can this learning best occur? The learning for this lesson is best in the classroom where
students have their table groups, quiet table, and resources needed.

How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)

 Hands on activities
 Videos and other visuals
 Angles search in their own environment
 Transfer of knowledge to real life problems (creating a virtual room using
 Naming, exploring, measuring and constructing angles and other shapes
 High level thinking activities like fractal geometric shapes
 Using manipulatives to find angles, perimeter and area

What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings
and essential questions in the unit? How will you equip them with needed skills and

# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources

 Classify given angles as acute, right, obtuse, Critical

straight, and reflex. thinking,

Performance  Identify and compare examples of angles in the Math

environment. Journals/pen
Activity information
 Recognize angles as being more than 90
degrees, equal to 90 degrees, less than 90 Communicat Whiteboard/
degrees, equal to 180 degrees, greater than 180 ion SMART
degrees. board/
 Sketch and draw an angle when the degree Collaboratio
measure is specified. n Visual/written
 Estimate and measure angles, using a circular schedule of
Personal task
protractor growth & displayed
 Use conversions among commonly used SI units well being
of length, mass (weight) and capacity (volume) to
solve problems.
 Design and construct rectangles, given one or
both of perimeter and ream using whole number.
 Demonstrate concretely, pictorially, and
symbolically that many rectangles are possible for
a given perimeter or a given area.
 Develop, verify and use rules of expression for
the perimeter of polygons
 Determine the volume of an object by measuring
the displacement of a liquid by that object (cm
cubed or mL).
 Estimate and determine the surface area of a
right rectangular prism, without using a formula.
 Discover generalize, and use rules for the volume
of right rectangular prisms.
 Develop, verify, and apply rules or expressions
for the area of rectangles (mm2 , cm 2, m 2, ha, and

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments

Required Areas of Study: When designing the Unit, there was consistent alignment
Is there alignment between between the outcomes, performance assessment, and
outcomes, performance learning experience.
assessment and learning

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to There has been purposeful adjustments to the content
the curriculum content (not outcomes), and the presentation of the content to the students
instructional practices, and/or the throughout the lessons in the unit, while keeping the
learning environment to meet the curriculum content. The changes are slight modifications
learning needs and diversities of all my for students that require modifications without giving them
students? different tasks, allowing for increased participation and
peer discussions, and student success.

Instructional Approaches: Although the unit is streamlined to progress in a natural

Do I use a variety of teacher directed way throughout the math curriculum, there is a variety of
and student centered instructional learning tasks and instructional approaches that are taken
approaches? within each lesson. The learning tasks occur at an
individual, small group, and class level. There is balance
between teacher-directed learning and student autonomy
in their learning. When deemed appropriate throughout
the lessons students are provided choices in their
representation of their learning.
Resource Based Learning: Students have access throughout the unit to assistive
Do the students have access to technologies with pre-loaded programs to support their
various resources on an ongoing learning. These supportive technologies include Text to
basis? Speech and Speech to Text, as well as apps to help with
comprehension and literacy.

Other resources that students have access too are their

peers, using them as knowledge-keepers through partner,
small group, or class discussions/activities.

FNM/I Content and This unit is friendly for diversity. Relationships and
Perspectives/Gender interactions through small and large group hands on
Equity/Multicultural Education: activities and brainstornming as a class will be welcoming
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity and respectful. Small group activities and discussions as
while honoring each child’s identity? a class from FNMI ways of knowing are implemented, to
encourage respect, relationships, and sharing through

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)

Competencies Overview (2016), Retrieved from:

Mitchell, David. (2014).  What really works in special and inclusive education, 2nd Edition.  Abingdon,
Oxon: Routledge.

Wiggins, G. (2005). Understanding by design: Overview of UBD & the design template. Available at:

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