The Sad Case of Meghan Meier

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Parents: Cyber Bullying Led to Teen's Suicide

Mother creates fictitious male profile to gain teen's confidence and learn info.
By ABC News
19 February 2009

The mother of a former friend of Megan's allegedly created a fictitious profile in order
to gain Megan's trust and learn what Megan was saying about her daughter. But the
communication eventually turned hostile.

Megan Meier sometimes suffered from low self-esteem and was on medication at the
time of her death. But her family said she looked forward to her 14th birthday and
having her braces removed.

When a cute boy befriended Megan on the social networking site MySpace, the two
formed a quick connection during their more than month-long relationship.

"She got this e-mail from this boy named Josh Evans," Tina Meier said. Evans
claimed to be a 16-year-old boy who lived nearby and was home schooled. But what
began as a promising online friendship soon turned sour, as compliments turned to

Evans said he didn't have a phone and so Megan couldn't talk to him. But the two
continued their communication online, despite some red flags Tina Meier said she

"It was just that nervous mom," Tina Meier said. She called police to find out if they
could determine if a MySpace account was real. They couldn't.

Still, all seemed to go well between Megan and Josh until an unsettling message
started a tragic chain of events.

"Megan gets an e-mail, or a message from Josh on her MySpace on Oct. 15, 2006,
saying, 'I don't know if I want to be friends with you any longer because I hear you're
not nice to your friends,'" Tina Meier said.

Someone using Josh's account was sending cruel messages and Megan called her
mother, saying electronic bulletins were being posted about her, saying things like,
"Megan Meier is a slut. Megan Meier is fat," according to the Associated Press. The
cyber exchange devastated Megan, who was unable to understand how and why her
friendship unraveled. The stress and frustration was too much for Megan, who had a
history of depression. Tina Meier discovered her daughter's body in a bedroom closet
on Oct. 16, 2006. Megan had hanged herself and died a day later.

But six weeks after Megan's death, the Meiers learned Josh Evans never existed. A
mother, who had learned of the page from her own daughter, told the Meiers a
neighborhood mom had created and monitored Evans' profile and page.

There was a connection between the Meiers and the family with the mother accused
of running Evans' profile. In fact, the woman who created the profile had asked the
Meiers if her family could store their foosball table. Once they learned of the family's
involvement, the Meiers destroyed the table, placed it in the woman's yard and
encouraged the family to move, according to the AP.

"That's the biggest tragedy of this whole thing: An adult did it," Ron Meier said.

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