The Witching Hour - Chronicles of Darkness
The Witching Hour - Chronicles of Darkness
The Witching Hour - Chronicles of Darkness
A Sourcebook For
Vampire: The Requiem
The year is 1612.
For centuries the people of your tiny village have kept to the Old Ways, they
have served a strange, dark goddess and fought against the servants of the usurper
Far away, in the cities and castles of the mighty, the followers of this new faith
squabble amongst themselves over obscure points of doctrine. Romans and
Lutherans, reformists and traditionalists, puritans and Jesuits. Very little of that
matters on the moors.
But King James is cut from different cloth. He believes in witches and, worse,
fears them. Now like never before the machinery of the state is coming for you
and yours.
At the summit of Barrow Tor your coven gathers, calling out to the Crone for
guidance and protection. The stones you worship at are as ancient as the land you
stand on, they have stood since long before the cross came to this island.
These hills, these moors, and these lands are yours. And any who seek to take
them from you will pay.
Assizes: Travelling courts that follow a circuit around one or more counties, allowing criminals to be tried in the absence
of a permanent magistrate.
Augmentations Office: Once the Court of Augmentations, the official body responsible for the suppression and
subsequent administration of the lands and properties formerly held by the Church.
Buffcoat: A thick leather jerkin worn as armour during the Civil War.
Cenobites: A type of monk focusing on communal living, also a faction within the Lancea et Sanctum advocating the use
of Theban Sorcery.
Covenanters: A Presbyterian movement in Scotland, allied to the Parliamentarians in the Civil War.
Eremites: A type of monk focusing on isolation and contemplation. Also a faction within the Lancea et Sanctum
opposing the use of Theban sorcery.
Holmgang: A ritual duel in early Norse culture, still practised in some Kindred domains that retain Scandinavian
Presbyterianism: A protestant movement growing in Scotland in this era, distinguished from Episcopalianism by its
rejection of the authority of bishops.
Special Thanks
To far too many people to name at once.
© 2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The
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The Witching Hour
Table of Contents
Introduction: Something Wicked this Way Comes 6
Chapter One: The Hammer of Witches 9
Scene One: the Full Moon 13
Scene Two: Uninvited Guests 14
Chapter Two: Scarborough Fair 20
Scene One: Life after Death 20
Scene Two: Barrow Tor by Night 23
Scene Three: Scarborough Fair 26
Chapter Three: The Golden Hall 34
Scene One: On the Road 34
Scene Two: York 34
Scene Three: The Golden Hall 39
Scene Four: Holmgang 42
Chapter Four: Civil War 45
Scene One: A Lost Witch 47
Scene Two: The Herald 47
Scene Three: War in the Shadows 48
Scene Four: The Court of Constantine 51
Chapter Five: Restoration 55
Scene One: The Beginning of the End 56
Scene Two: King’s Blood 58
Scene Three: Blood and Shadow 59
Appendix One: New Cruac Rites 63
Appendix Two: Early Modern Arms and Armour 67
Appendix Three: Dramatis Personae 70
Something Wicked This Way Comes
“ The fearefull aboundinge at this time in this countrie, of these detestable slaves of the Devil, the Witches or
enchanters, hath moved me (beloved reader) to dispatch in post, this following treatise of mine (...) to resolve the
doubting (...) both that such assaults of Satan are most certainly practised, and that the instrument thereof merits
most severely to be punished..”
Daemonologie, James I
How to Use this Book Mortal witches can take dots in Mental Disciplines
The Witching Hour is a long Story or a short Chronicle set
(those being Animalism, Auspex, Dominate,
in and around the Yorkshire moors in the year 1612. My Majesty, Nightmare, and Obfuscate). Any Vitae
aim was to write a short campaign focusing exclusively on a costs of those abilities are substituted for
single Covenant, and for the purposes of this scenario I willpower.
have chosen to focus on the Circle of the Crone. The
player characters begin as mortal witches who follow a Mortal witches can take Crúac, to any level. All of
strange pre-Christian religion that has been secretly passed the Vitae costs must be substituted with levels of
lethal damage dealt to either the caster or to a
down over the centuries in one tiny community.
living animal with a size equal to or greater than
Storytellers who are just looking for resources to pillage for the level of the ritual.
their own games should also find detailed information
Note that this adjusted rule for Crúac is a significant
about the city of York and its Kindred inhabitants in at
deviation from the baseline cosmology of the game, in
least one possible version of 1611, along with a set of new
which vampiric Vitae is specifically required for rituals.
Crúac Rites and some short rules for early modern This is partly a necessary abstraction to make witchcraft
weaponry. As with any sourcebook, take what you feel is playable from the core book, and partly a deliberate change
useful and ignore what you don’t. for the setting to showcase the flexibility of Requiem as a
toolkit game.
Weird Setting Details
The final weird setting detail relates to the ending of the
My aim for this Chronicle is to make it playable with only
first chapter, and this constitutes a mild spoiler so if you’re
the core V:tR 2nd Ed. rulebook (and this book, obviously),
intending to play the Chronicle you might want to skip
which means I’ll be modelling witches entirely using
this bit.
Vampire disciplines. Specifically:
At the end of the first Chapter of this Story the players will
(probably) wind up dying at the hands of witch-hunters.
They will rise from the grave as vampires but they won’t
have any explicit “sires”. An assumption of this version of
the setting is that this sort of thing happens sometimes (as
an extension of the core rules regarding posthumous
embraces and revenants) and while it may be a source of
mystery if the players take an interest, it is not intended to
be a setting-shattering twist.
Character Creation Changes Theme
Characters for this Chronicle are created using the This is nice and simple. The Witching Hour is about
standard V:tR 2nd Ed. rules with a few exceptions. Players vengeance. The player characters have a very specific goal,
create their mortal template as normal and then apply some which is to get revenge for something, and the story is full
aspects of the Kindred template. In particular they gain: of characters whose primary motivation is getting back at
other people for ancient slights and grievances.
A clan representing the clan they will eventually
have when they arise as a vampire, and also
representing the aspect of the Dark Goddess they
most identify with.
Note also that since the game starts in 1612, certain Skills
(notably “Computer”) don’t make sense. Let your common
sense guide you here. I specifically want options here, because I’m of the opinion
that “mood” is something that individual groups create at
Theme and Mood individual tables, not something that’s baked into the
scenario. For ease of reference, the three “moods” that this
It seems obligatory to include a “theme and mood” section scenario could be run in are:
at the start of a Chronicle supplement, so this is by way of
being that. My feeling is very much that themes and moods
are best worked out by the group that is actually playing,
and I don’t feel it’s my place to tell you how run things at
your table. For mood in particular I think it’s important to
be flexible, because that can be very nebulous.
• Dark Fairytale: You are the bad fairies at the In the second half of the Chronicle, Constantine returns
christening, the witch whose curse haunts the from Scotland and attempts to seize control of
kingdom. Wolves howl in the night and evil Northumbria back from Estrid, the players may navigate
things watch from the shadows. that conflict however they wish. At the climax of the
chronicle the Goddess who the PCs worship awakens and
• Revenge Tragedy: You are Macbeth’s witches, or seeks vengeance against the Kindred of northern England.
perhaps you’re Prince Hamlet. You have nothing
to fear but your own hubris.
Executive Summary
For the ST’s eyes only, here’s what’s going on:
There’s something strange on that hill, I know it. • Revenge Tragedy: An honest, trusting, even kind
Sara Walker is the eldest daughter of the Walker family man. But when you believe that everybody else is
(the daughter of Anne and John Walker who run the as honest, kind, and trusting as you are, you end
village alehouse). She isn’t a witch, but is the person in the badly.
village who would be most likely to get accused of • Bloody Farce: What’s worse than being a priest
witchcraft if it weren’t for the obviously terrifying people in a tiny rural parish? Being a priest in a tiny rural
like Mary and Helena. She’s proud, wilful, and parish where basically everybody is a witch.
disobedient. Sometimes he really isn’t sure why he bothers.
• Dark Fairytale: She’s the girl who strays from the
path. And that never ends well. Sir Edward Colville
• Revenge Tragedy: She will, without a doubt, go I remind you, sir, that you stand on my land.
too far. She’ll say the wrong thing, make the Sir Edward Colville occupies Colville Manor, a little way
wrong choice, and pay the price. outside the village. His power is largely nominal at this
stage, and the villagers mostly govern themselves. Still his
• Bloody Farce: She’s the only person in the village
word is not without weight and he is one of the few people
who realises quite how absurd this whole
in the moors who doesn’t hesitate to cross Alice Lowell.
situation is.
• Dark Fairytale: A shadowy man who lives in a
Edward Lowe shadowy hall, Sir Edward is cold and distant, as
silent and enigmatic as the moorland.
I’ve nothing to say to the likes of you.
The Lowe family abandoned the old faith long ago, and • Revenge Tragedy: Sir Edward Colville is
now look very dimly on those who still cleave to it. Edward convinced that his noble birth and title will
Lowe is one of the pillars of the community, and protect him from any danger. He will discover
vociferously condemns witchcraft at every opportunity. how wrong he is.
• Dark Fairytale: When the mob comes with the • Bloody Farce: Sir Edward Colville is a well-
torches and the pitchforks, he’s at the head of it. meaning but bumbling innocent who completely
fails to recognise that everybody around him is an
• Revenge Tragedy: Lowe wants nothing more actual witch.
than to destroy the witches of Barrow Tor. But
will he like it, when he gets it? Lady Eleanor Colville
• Bloody Farce: You know what solves everything? I see thunder on the moor. I see a wolf in the night
Burning somebody.
and a gallows in the square. But I am tired, pray leave
Sir Edward’s wife is a frail woman not well suited for the
moors. There are rumours that she is blessed or cursed
with the gift of second sight.
James Howard
Ask me nothing about my ways and I’ll ask you
nothing about yours.
Cousin to Thomas, but from a branch of the family that
did not keep to the old religion, ironically James now is
keeping to the new-old-religion of Catholicism, in defiance
of the law. His absence in church has been noted by Father
Walker’s Alehouse
Run by Anne Walker the wife of John Walker and the
sister of Edward Lowe, Walker’s Alehouse is very much
that: a house. The Walkers make ale in their home and sell
it to people—the village is far too small to have a truly
dedicated inn. Anne oversees the brewing and serving of
the drinks while John is busy smithing.
The Church of St Jude to get their witch on, and a good chance for you to work
out as a group precisely how you want to play the Coven.
Famed as the saint of hopeless causes, St Jude is a fitting The Chronicle assume that the player characters are
saint for the parish church of a witch-village. It is a simple witches, but how far you want to interpret that is up to
stone affair just large enough to fit the congregation—
your group at your table.
which in theory should be the entire village—on those
Sundays when a priest is present to say mass. For the sake of the Chronicle the one element of the
Sabbat (that’s as in a witches’ Sabbat not the faction from
The Standing Stone Masquerade), that matters is the Rite of the Chalice (see
This is the part of the village—or rather the space around Appendix One: New Crúac Rites). This is partly flavour text
the village—that really matters to the coven. For whatever and partly a handwave but it’s a way of tying the player
reason, it’s sacred to the Goddess. Local legends say it characters together and making sure that their rising as
bleeds every full moon, but the witches suspect that their vampires at the end of this chapter (spoiler) is at least in
blood-sacrifices are a more likely explanation. Another some way justified by their exposure to vampiric Vitae.
village rumour says that at the stop of Barrow Tor there’s
the entrance to an ancient burial mound with something The Rite of the Chalice involves blood from some source
wonderful or terrible entombed within, but no entrance or other being decanted live (that is, from the vein) into a
has ever been found and you doubt your generation will be silver chalice and offered up to the Crone. This ritual
the first to find it. transforms whatever blood is set in the vessel into vampiric
Vitae. Consuming this Vitae does not turn a mortal who
Colville Hall drinks it into a Ghoul, since creating a ghoul requires the
Sir Edward and Lady Eleanor live in Colville Hall high on vampire to spend a Willpower point, and the entity whose
the moor surrounded by heather and moss. It’s a lonely blood is conjured here is not spending willpower. It can
place, but Sir Edward and his wife seem content, but then however slake the thirst of high Blood Potency Kindred
they are aristocracy, so they have a deal to be contented and sustain Ghouls who have already been transformed, at
about. The hall is rumoured to be haunted following the the cost of leading to Vitae addiction and an actual blood
death of Sir Edward’s great-great grandfather who it is said bond to an unspecified ancient being (and there’s no way
was murdered by his own daughter. that could come back to bite you).
Scene One: the Full Moon Alice leads the ritual, and depending on what kind of
witches your players are you’ll likely fill the chalice with
your own blood or the blood of some sacrificial animal
A Note on “Scenes” (goats are traditional, and not in short supply on the
moors). She makes the usual invocations to the Goddess
Key events in this Chronicle are laid out in “Scenes”. How and then you each drink, as you normally do, from the
aggressively framed those scenes need to be will depend
very much on the individual player group and how you like
to run things at your table. This is intended as a Chronicle The business of the Circle is normally not very time
sourcebook rather than a Setting sourcebook, so the consuming—you’re a small farming village in the wilds of
assumption is that a bunch of specific things will happen at Yorkshire and things are much the same one month to the
some point. Hopefully the setting and NPCs are sketched next. This time, however, there is an interruption.
clearly enough that, along with the personal imagination of
the ST and players you can fill in side-narratives and
whatever sandbox elements you need around the edges.
The Vision
During the Rite of the Chalice, a member of the Coven—
Wherever possible I’ll try to outline alternative routes and
either a PC with Auspex or Thomas Howard—will
pathways players could take, and to flag up the story beats
experience a vision sent by the Goddess in her aspect as
that are necessary to the progression of the narrative.
the Veiled Woman.
• Meanwhile Sara Walker confesses to wichcraft • Sleep deprivation: if you want to emphasise this
and accuses a third player character and Thomas as a method of extracting confessions you’ll
Thorn. probably need to slow down the timescale, but
even one night without sleep can seriously put a
Barring PC interventions, this will lead to a second round dent in a person’s ability to resist questioning.
of arrests: two more PCs, Thomas Howard, John Howard
and Thomas Thorn. • Trial by water: This is the classic “ducking stool”.
The suspected witch is tied to a chair and thrown
Assuming nothing happens to change the sequence of into a nearby body of water, if they float they are
events, on the evening of the first day after the witch- judged to be a witch.
hunters arrive, Alice Lowell and one player character will
be executed by hanging. (Sara will have been released • Pricking: Being jabbed with needles is nasty even
thanks to her parents’ turning on the coven). if it doesn’t count as evidence against you, it’s even
worse if it does.
There will then follow another round of interrogations.
The default consequences here are: • The threat of a bad hanging: Hanging is a nasty
way to go, but a skilled executioner can tie the
• Thomas Howard confesses to witchcraft but rope well and make sure that the drop does for
insists his cousin is innocent. you, rather than letting you just choke out. Or
they can do the opposite.
• John Howard refuses to confess to witchcraft but
does confess to being a Catholic recusant. He also • Threats to family and friends: PC Touchstones
identifies Mary Worth and Helena as likely are your go-to here. The witch-hunters are here to
witches. execute people, and that will include the innocent
if they have to target them to get at witches.
• Thomas Thorn breaks and confesses to witchcraft
and identifies all remaining members of the
• Supernatural Powers: John Hopkins has two dots
of Nightmare and the Taste of Fear merit. If all else
fails he can use these abilities on his victims (he’ll
need to send most of his men outside first mind).
If he uses these powers it can be a good way to
hint to the players that there’s something up with
In this chapter our PCs rise from the grave as vampires She sinks her teeth into your neck and you fall into
bound to the will of the Dark Goddess of the coven and
her. Awaking in the dark, you taste blood rich and
set out to avenge themselves on their killers.
sharp in your mouth, but all above you is dirt. You
Intended Outcome realise that you are not suffocating, because you are not
After their resurrection, the players follow John Hopkins’
trail back to Scarborough where they begin to discover
Kindred society. They learn that he was recently dispatched
Gangrel: the Huntress
from York and that he works for a vampire named You stand on a wild moor and, turning, see a wild-
William Thorpe who is at the court of Estrid Svensdatter,
Regent of Northumbria. eyed woman behind you. She holds a bow in her left
hand and on either side she is flanked by two great
Scene One: Life after Death wolves. Her eyes are green as the forest and black as the
night sky, and her hair whips in the wind.
If Chapter One ended as it was supposed to, the player
Again, pause for player interaction.
characters are now all dead. They will have been buried at
a crossroads midway between Barrow Tor and “We are hunted,” she says. “The usurper’s servants
Scarborough. Each character will now receive a vision of
the Dark Goddess appropriate to their Clan.
come for us in our sacred wilds, but you will track them
down and make them pay. You will bathe in their blood
Daeva: the Siren and take their skins as trophies.”
Once more, there’s a non-zero chance the player might
You stand on the ocean shore. A woman of terrible want to say something. If not…
and surpassing beauty rises from the waves. Her eyes are
She pounces and her wolves pounce with her. You
like the endless depths of the sea and her lips are blood-
feel teeth—wolf-teeth at your wrists, the Lady’s teeth at
red and gleaming.
your throat. You awake in the dark, your mouth awash
Depending on how you feel about boxed text, your player
might want to actually react at some point—this is a vision with blood. There is earth above you and around you.
sequence so playing it out totally non-interactive is fine Your heart does not beat…
too. Assuming they don’t start a conversation or do
something totally out of left field, the vision continues. Mekhet: the Veiled Woman
She stalks towards you and pulls you into an embrace. You stand in a place of shadows, and slowly you
She is cold like the north wind, and she leans in to realise that you are not alone. Just at the edge of your
whisper in your ear: “The usurper’s servants sought to peripheral vision is a woman in a veil.
destroy us. Seek them, destroy them. Break their hearts If the player was the same one that had the vision at the
start of Chapter One then it’s probably a good idea to
and their bones and leave them weeping”. confirm that this is definitely the same entity.
Again, if you’re not big on box text, now’s a good time to
respond to player reaction.
“Our enemy moves against us in darkness,” she
whispers. “The usurper comes for us, but you will be my
eyes and ears in the world. You will watch, and strike
when the time comes. You will make our enemy’s secrets
your weapons and destroy him.”
Again, there might reasonably be a reaction the player
wants to make here.
Then her fangs are in your neck, you don’t see her
move but she’s there, behind you. When you awake all
is darkness. Your mouth is filled with blood that tastes
like secrets and the press of grave-dirt is cold against
your cold skin.
Nosferatu: the Hag
You stand in a long, shadowed tunnel with skittering
things scratching and shrieking just out of your sight.
The light flickers, and you catch a glimpse of an old
woman, bent and hideous, her fingers stretched into
talons and her eyes tar-black in deep-set sockets.
And pause, just in case the player wants to do anything.
Then she rakes a claw across your face, digs her nails
and her claws and her teeth into you and the skittering
grows louder as rats swarm from the walls. You awake
with blood foul in your mouth, the earth pressed all
around you alive with worms and insects and things
that craw.
Ventrue: the Empress
You stand at the foot of a vast stone throne on which
sits a pale woman of imperious countenance. A wolf
lies at her feet and either side of her head, on the high • Suffered a breaking point against Humanity 6
for literally crawling out of their graves. This
back of the throne, sit two ravens.
causes a roll for Detachment on three dice (plus
As ever, just make certain the player doesn’t want to two for everybody with living Touchstones which
interact with the vision. is likely to be most player characters).
“The usurper strikes against our throne,” she says. By default, the players are the only members of the coven
“We will take back what is ours and make them bow to be brought back by the Goddess, but if the group is
small or you feel that they will need more support
before us. You shall be set at my right hand and all that
(especially if none of the PCs bought any dots of Crúac)
is shall bow before you.” then consider having one or more of the NPCs raised as
Again, just take a moment to break up the box text and let well, trying to fill in the clans that are not otherwise
the player do anything they might want to do. represented (Alice will rise as Ventrue, Thomas Howard as
Mekhet, Mary Worth as Nosferatu, Helena as Gangrel and
She meets your eyes and you find yourself walking
Thomas Thorn as Daeva).
towards her whether you will it or not. You kneel and
The players also gain a slight bonus for becoming
bear your throat, and she bites deep. When you awake
vampires. To their character sheets add:
your mouth is filled with blood rich as wine, and a
• One dot of Blood Potency (placing them at
blanket of earth lies above you.
Blood Potency 1)
Rebirth • An additional two dots of disciplines of which
The players first need to dig their way free of their graves. one must be a Clan Discipline and the other may
This requires a Strength + Athletics roll (a single success is be a Clan Discipline, an out-of-clan Discipline, or
all that’s needed here), on a dramatic failure the a dot of Crúac. Neither dot may take a discipline
unfortunate fledgeling loses the one point of Vitae that above level three.
they have remaining. The first thing they see on awakening
is each other, this does not risk provoking frenzy because The Search for Blood
of the mystical bond created between the party by their
The first thing for the player characters to do is to seek
Crúac rituals—effectively their Beasts recognise one another
blood. There are basically three options here:
and understand that they all serve the Dark Goddess.
Game mechanically, the coven are considered Blood • Go back to Barrow Tor: This is dangerous
Bound to the Dark Goddess (this bond can only be because you’re known there, and the players may
renewed using the Rite of the Chalice, so it will wear off reasonably not want to risk killing people from
after a year, but until it does they will be effectively their home village.
immune to bonding from other sources, although they are
bound to the will of their Goddess). • Find another Village or Isolated Farm: There are
villages dotted throughout the moors and the
The characters awake buried in earth at a crossroads and players may be more comfortable feeding from
aware of two deep supernatural needs. They will know strangers.
instinctively that they must drink blood to survive, and
they will know that the Goddess demands that they seek • Hunt Sheep: Most of the farms around the
vengeance for the destruction of their coven. moors are hill-farms, so sheep are plentiful.
Drinking animal blood might be less dignified,
Game mechanically the player characters have: but it runs less risk of killing somebody.
• A single point of Vitae in their pools. Hunting in Barrow Tor: This will vary substantially,
depending on how the player-characters left the village. It
• The Tasked condition (seek vengeance), granting
could be basically fine, or completely in ruins. Whatever
them 8-again on any attempt to avenge themselves
feeding encounter the players have here should be with a
against the witch-hunters but causing them to lose
character the players recognise, either one they have
the 10-again quality on any actions not related to
already interacted with, or one associated with a person
the pursuit of vengeance.
they have interacted with. How this plays out will depend
very much on your group.
Hunting in an Isolated Farm or other Village: There are
plenty of isolated farms on the hills. One such farm is
owned by Henry Mills, his wife Agnes and their three
children Jane, Thomas and Hugh. The Millses are
suspicious of outsiders, especially knowing that witches are
abroad on the moors, but they will extend charity to those
in need. Alternatively any given village will be turning out
drunks from the alehouse at around about this time,
including Mr Richard Boot, Mr Simon Burton, and
Edmund Lake. These three will be a little more willing to
fight, possessing a Brawl pool of four dice and a Defence of
This scenario assumes that the players will make for the
village first, but if they skip it they skip it.
Where Adam Lane, the captain of the witch-finder’s • He and Hopkins came up the road from
guards, was staying, there is a discarded orange peel. Scarborough, and before that from York.
Oranges are fantastically hard to come by most of the time,
but there is currently a large trading fair in Scarborough, • In Scarborough, Hopkins stayed at the
Coachman’s Inn.
which would attract the kind of merchants who would sell
oranges. It is too fresh to have come from anywhere else. • He left messages in the inn to be conveyed to his
mysterious master. The captain does not know
The Tobacco Tin who that master is.
Where Hopkins was staying, he has left behind a tin of
tobacco. It is fresh, again suggesting that it has been The Witch-Pricker
purchased recently, and it bears the mark of Taylor’s of If the players managed to successfully remove the witch-
Scarborough. pricker’s doors, thereby getting her to turn against the
witch-finders, she can be found at the church (assuming
The Witch-Pricker’s Ballad the church is still standing). She can tell the player
In the room of the witch-pricker Elspeth Wright is a characters the following:
broadside ballad the King and a Poor Northern Man. These
• She and Hopkins came up the road from
are sold in inns throughout the North, but it can be used
Scarborough, and before that from York.
to find the specific inn with enough poking around.
• In Scarborough, Hopkins stayed at the
These pieces of evidence will be found no matter what
Coachman’s Inn.
state the players left the village in.
• He was visited at the Coachman’s by a strange
In addition, there are some others they may find
woman in a red cloak.
depending on whether they talk to the right people, and
whether those people are still alive. Hopefully, between them these should be enough to send
the players to Scarborough.
Hopkins’ Orders
The letter containing Hopkins’ orders was cast into the
fire, but under the following circumstances it will instead
have been rescued surreptitiously and can be delivered to
the players. Those conditions are:
Scene Three: Scarborough Fair • A random house. This is also risky, but you could
use Dominate, Majesty or just plain threats to get
some hapless mortals to let you live in their cellar.
Scarborough Fair is not so grand as one it was, but it is still
a significant event in the region. Taking place in the
coastal town of Scarborough, it lasts from the Feast of the
Tracking the Witch-Finders
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Feast of St If the players have already found the address of the
Michael (about forty-five days). Merchants come from Coachman’s Inn, then they are relatively likely to go
across the country, from Europe and even the Near East, directly there. If they are tracing the tobacconists and the
to trade. You can buy much at the fair that you would orange-seller that is harder, although the Coachman’s is
never be able to find in Northumbria at any other time. the inn nearest to Taylor’s tobacconists and there is an
orange stall (closed a little after sunset) not far from the
Of course being vampires now, the player characters are
going to miss out on a lot of the trading, but there is a
night-market along the coast that trades in all manner of
exotic things.
The orange peel and the tobacco both lead to
Getting to Scarborough Scarborough, but the PCs will need to make special
arrangements to track the vendors since they mostly work
Since the PCs now burn in sunlight, getting to by day. The orange-seller will remember that she sold an
Scarborough is non-trivial. It’s far enough away that they orange to a military-looking gentleman, who she saw
can’t be guaranteed to find shelter before sunrise. heading into the Coachman’s Inn. The tobacconist will
likewise remember the distinctive-looking Hopkins as
Assuming they leave on foot just after sunset, they will
heading from the shop to the Coachman’s. The broadsheet
arrive in Scarborough about an hour before sunrise, with
that the witch-pricker was reading will also have been sold
no real way to send a message ahead of themselves. If they
in the Coachman’s.
have horses (remember that if you don’t have Animalism
or Animal Ken, horses will shy away from you once you Enterprising players may also want to track down Hopkins’
become a vampire) they will instead arrive a little after mysterious master, or his mysterious master’s mysterious
midnight. contact, depending on how much information they’ve
found. More or less every lead, however, takes them back
Finding Shelter to the Coachman’s.
There are several main options for finding shelter, none
The Coachman’s Inn
The Coachmman’s is a moderately respectable inn by the
• Sea-caves on the shore. It takes an Intelligence +
coast, although even respectable inns attract disreputable
Survival roll to find an appropriate cave. If
sorts during the fair.
successful, the players can pass a dangerous day at
the very back of a deep cave just out of the reach People you might speak to at the inn include:
of the sunlight.
Richard Trounce, the Innkeeper: The innkeeper, like
• Burying yourselves. Without Protean this is most fictional innkeepers, is an amiable fellow whose
difficult, but the PCs may be left with no other second greatest concern is the well-being of his guests and
choice. This requires a Strength + Athletics roll to whose greatest concern is the well-being of his inn. He is
do properly, with a +2 bonus if digging in sand married to a woman named Emma and has a son named
rather than soil. John, now gone to sea. He knows:
• A room at an inn. This is risky, because an inn- • That a band of soldiers stayed at his in about a
room is not guaranteed to be light-proof, but you week past.
might conceivably blag a room in a cellar with a
Presence/Manipulation + Streetwise/Persuasion/ • That their leader was a man named Hammond,
Subterfuge roll. Howard or possibly Hopgood?
I have spoken with your agent, and she has identified the signs by which
I might identify the Consorts of the Evil One.
Taking Captain Lane and Miss Wright, I shall pursue these evil-
doers and put them down by any means I am able. Per your instructions I
shall not permit them to be brought before the assizes.
Duty behoves me to inform you that I do not wholly trust your agent.
Although she is fair to look upon, the Malleus Maleficarum and the
Daemonologie both teach us to beware of those who would seduce us from the
way of Christ. I do not think her a Popist, but nor does she appear to hail
from good Reformist stock.
Despite these misgivings, I shall be obedient to your commands, and on
my return to the town I shall seek her out again at the Castle.
In Faith
Hunting in Scarborough • Her ghouls will each have Strength + Weaponry
pools of 6 and are armed with a variety of swords
Chances are good that the PCs will need to spend more and cudgels. They will all have two dots of
than one night in Scarborough, and if they do, they might Resilience, boosting their Health pools to 10.
draw attention to themselves. Variant RP notes are:
If a player hunts at the Night Market or near the castle, • Dark Fairytale: She is, in a very real sense, a
they will draw the attention of Skarthi, the vampire lord of murder of crows. A scavenger, a spy, and a thief,
Scarborough. Skarthi is one of exactly two permanent she is not to be trusted but will share wisdom
residents in the town (the other being his childe Adelaide) with the clever.
but there are a few more Kindred around for the fair
(Dorotya is one of these), but they will all have made their • Revenge Tragedy: Deep down, Adelaide is a
presence known to him on arrival. noblewoman and has a noblewoman’s ambition.
She will use whoever she needs to use to get what
Should the players keep away from the more closely she wants. And mostly she wants out of
scrutinized hunting grounds, they have more chance of Scarborough.
going undetected (not that they necessarily realize that
anybody might be watching out for them other than • Bloody Farce: Adelaide CBA with any of this.
mortal authorities. She can fly. Flying is awesome. Talking to random
neonates is not awesome.
If the player characters are feeding more discreetly then if
they get a Dramatic Failure on their feeding rolls (or if they During the fair, Skarthi is relatively lax about visitors to his
generally feed without attempting to cover their tracks, the territory (not that many vampires want to come to
they will also attract Skarthi’s attention. Scarborough the rest of the year) and so she will be fairly
open with the players as long as they stick by the rules.
A Visit from Adelaide Those rules are:
I have been watching you. • Stay away from the market, the castle and the
Adelaide is a woman of noble birth embraced some time in
the late thirteenth century. A relatively experienced • Don’t kill anybody and if you do, cover it up.
kindred of clan Gangrel, she has an affinity for corvidae,
and travels in the shape of a flock of crows. If the PCs • Don’t mess with the Church or the mortal
attract her attention she will appear before them and authorities.
demand an explanation.
In response to any questions the players might have, she
Adelaide will arrive with a number of ghouls equal to the can provided the following answers:
number of player characters (she’s not about to stumble
• She knows nothing about Hopkins or who he
into an ambush). She will be polite, but with an hauteur
works for.
that speaks to her aristocratic heritage. Her full details are
in the Dramatis Personae (Appendix Three) but the salient • She doesn’t know what happened to Barrow Tor
points are: or why.
• She has a Blood Potency of 5 (Vitae 13/4). • She knows that William Thorpe is a vampire at
the court of Estrid Svensdatter in York.
• She has four dots each in Animalism, Protean
and Resilience. • She knows that the woman in red is a vampire by
the name of Dorotya who has managed to
• Her Protean aspects are avian in nature.
inveigle her way into the household of Sir Ralph
• If it comes to a fight (and she will really try to Evers, keeper of the castle.
avoid it) she has a Defense of 6, a Strength +
• She can arrange a meeting with Skarthi if the
Brawl of 8. Her Health pool with be 13 thanks to
players wish—he lives on the cliffs above the town.
Speaking with Skarthi
Meeting Skarthi on the cliffs is entirely optional. He’s a
legit viking embraced some time in the late tenth century.
He is nominally a member of the Invictus and is
theoretically loyal to Estrid Svensdatter, although they tend
not to interact much in practice.
RP variants:
He can tell the players little more than Adelaide can, but
he can add one or two minor details:
Dorotya is in England looking for secrets and allies, and • That yes, Hopkins reported back to her with
she is more than willing to work with or against the player certain information about the witchcraft practiced
characters as necessary. The players might reasonably be in Barrow Tor, and she directed him to return to
deeply narked with her for her role in sending the witch- York, having rewarded him with blood.
hunter to them.
• That she knew about the local witch-coven
Getting access to Dorotya involves finding her either at the because it is her business to investigate this sort of
castle or at one of her nightly haunts. Either of those are thing for her mistress and her mistress’ master.
possible and the actual mechanics of meeting her are going She will happily name her mistress as Justina de
to be similar either way. She will be happy to speak to the Horogzeg and her mistress’s master as the voivode
player characters, but will insist on doing so somewhere at Vladislav Dragulya.
least semi-public. She knows that she’s more vulnerable
• She will offer to arrange a meeting between the
than older kindred, and will consider the party a threat.
players and Thorpe, if they will let her accompany
If it comes to a fight, her key statistics are: them to York. She will also offer to introduce
them to the Court of the Regent of Northumbria,
• She has a Blood Potency of 1 (Vitae 10/1). where she has previously been introduced.
• She has three dots of Dominate, two of • If they physically threaten her she will try to
Resilience, and two of Coil of the Ascendant. explain (not totally insincerely) that trying
• She has a Defense of 3 and Strength + Brawl pool anything in front of mortals would be a bad idea,
of 4. She has 10 Health levels including and that the kindred authorities frown on the
Resilience. casual murder of vampires.
• She has a dice pool of 7 for Mesmerize and 8 for • If they really, really push it (that is, difficult
Entombed Command. She probably won’t try to Intimidation or Persuasion rolls) she will give
Dominate the PCs however. them an address in York at which Thorpe can be
reached. He stays at the Abbey Church of St
RP Variants: Mary.
• Dark Fairytale: She’s Little Red Riding Hood • If they really, really, really push it (using actual
who found she liked the wolf more than her Social Maneuvering vs 3 doors and an Average
grandmother and developed a taste for blood. attitude) she will also tell them that the Lancea et
Sanctum is in open conflict with Thorpe, and
• Revenge Tragedy: Dorotya is a piece in a very big
might back a play against him. They, she will
game. A tool in a very complex plan. Far away,
explain, are based around the Black Swan Inn in
her mistress’s master turns his gaze towards
Peasholme Green.
• Dorotya actually knows more than she will let
• Bloody Farce: Dorotya is a young vampire and
on. She knows that Thorpe is looking for
she isn’t very good at vampiring yet.
something powerful underneath Barrow Tor, and
She will be completely open with the player characters that she worked with him to help get rid of the
about what is going on, not wishing to anger a potentially witches to grant access to it.
deadly band of enemies. She will be able to tell them the
The Night Market Resources 4
A monkey’s paw: It’s expensive. It might grant wishes. If it
While the player characters are in Scarborough they can
does they’ll probably go very badly wrong.
take advantage of the Night Market. This is a gathering
place for esoteric traders from across England, Europe and A witch in a bottle: A silvered glass bottle that apparently
the Near East. If the players want to they can wander the has a witch trapped inside it. By default, this is a real witch
stalls and buy a variety of peculiar things, depending on (you can use the statistics for Alice in the Dramatis
how many dots of Resources they have. Personae below) who can be freed with a Crúac ritual
requiring Crúac 4 and 12 successes.
The players have no way of knowing in advance what these
things do, unless you want to be generous about it—this
isn’t intended as a chance for the PCs to “gear up”, it’s just
Resources 5
some quirky things that players can buy if they want to. A fragment of the true cross: Definitely 100% legit,
mounted in a gold setting. This will add two dice to
Resources 1 Theban Sorcery rolls and could potentially be very valuable
to a follower of the new religion.
A set of strange stones: A scattering of white stones carved
with runes. These act as an Equipment bonus adding one The skull of an actual dragon: At least, that’s what it looks
die to Crúac rolls. like. Like the unusually large teeth, this does nothing.
Unusually large teeth: A set of teeth from some creature
far larger than any living predator. This genuinely does
Resources 2 The PCs Won in Chapter One
A werewolf’s skin: Of course it might be an ordinary wolf’s If the PCs didn’t die, then the embrace is run exactly the
skin… same way except that instead of the visions happening after
death, they happen in dreams when the characters fall
The finger-bones of a saint: Of course, they might just be asleep. Instead of waking to find themselves buried, they
anybody’s fingerbones. Still, they’ll give a one die bonus to will rise to find the aspect of the Goddess who appeared in
Theban Sorcery rolls, and might be valuable to people who their dream physically in the room with them (it is
follow the new religion. explicitly vague what this means). They will then be
embraced by a more normal method. The manifestation
Resources 3 will be gone when they awaken again from the Embrace.
A vial of vite: It’s two Vitae worth of kindred blood, stored
in a crystal vial that seems to preserve it magically. And The PCs Ran Away
what can you possibly lose by drinking strange blood? This
The PCs encounter the manifestations of the Goddess in
isn’t a standard Vitae Reliquary, which would fall apart
person. She is not happy. If they try to stick together she will
after it was drained.
separate them with handwavey shadow-powers (mists and
A silver sword: A rapier, specifically. Finely made but darkness will gather around them as they flee, drawing
definitely made from actual silver, which is a bad thing to them apart for the embrace).
make a sword out of. It has Damage 0 and lacks the
Armour piercing ability of a conventional rapier, but when
anointed with a Vitae/level of lethal damage worth of
The PCs Miss All the Clues
blood it will deal lethal damage to kindred for one scene You can be very generous with the clues, basically if they
(the act of anointing takes a turn, and can be done in suggest doing any investigation at all they’ll find the three
advance). major village clues (and these items can all be found in the
burned-out ruins of the village if it was destroyed). If they
really, really have no idea of where to go (and if they seem
actually uncertain rather than just not especially interested
in following the trail) then you can always have the
Goddess send them visions.
The PCs Don’t Want to Go to
If the players work out that they should go to Scarborough
to follow the trail but seem actually not to want to then …
things might have reached the point where you have to
start improvising. If they want to head straight to York
then you can move directly to Chapter Three. If they want
to generally roam the moors doing vampire stuff then
they’re free to do that.
If they are with the players • Hopkins is Thorpe’s enforcer, and also enjoys the
protection of Kindred law.
Well this terminology is confusing. If the player characters • He will happily introduce them to the Court.
are travelling with the troupe of strolling players who they met
on the road from Scarborough then they will be able to
stay, for a while at least, with them in their lodgings in If they are with Dorotya
Goodramgate. They are staying at an inn called the Rose Dorotya can provide the players with rooms at in Petergate
run by a woman named Nell Porter. The Rose has a large —the voivode has arranged for the purchase of some
common room at one end of which the players are able to property where she can stay while representing the interests
set up a makeshift stage. of the Order.
They will also be able to introduce the PCs to their patron Dorotya will provide the players with much the same
Fairfax, who is a Daeva of the Invictus, a patron of the arts information that Fairfax can, along with any of the
and a potential introduction for the PCs to Kindred information she might have provided in the previous
society. chapter. She will recommend the Shambles to them for
hunting—it’s a less affluent area and less policed by the
Meeting Fairfax Court.
Fairfax is not especially political, he is a member of the
Invictus chiefly because they’re the default power structure
in England, especially now that the Lancea et Sanctum is
If they go after Thorpe Immediately
coming under fire (by “now”, of course, he means “since There’s a possibility that Dorotya will have told the players
about 1531” but this is vampire society we’re talking about where to find Thorpe, in which case they might charge
here). He’s primarily interested in art, patronising a headlong into a confrontation at the Abbey Church of St
number of troupes of players. Mary.
As ever, there’s no assumption that this comes to a fight, but This used to be an actual Abbey but that was dissolved in
if it does: 1540, and is now a set of variously abandoned buildings
including a church, the Abbot’s old house, a separate
• He has four dots in Majesty, two in Celerity and
chapel, and the Hospitium (a timber outbuilding).
two in Vigor.
Even knowing where he’s based, Thorpe isn’t actually that
• He has a Presence + Empathy + Majesty of 11 and
easy to find. The Abbot’s House itself is occupied by a
a Manipulation + Empathy + Majesty of 10.
group of mortals who claim to work for the Augmentations
• He has a Defence of 7, a Strength + Brawl of 7 Office, and the Hospitium is likewise occupied by mortals
and a Strength + Weaponry of 8 He has 8 Health who claim to have no idea who William Thorpe is. The
levels. Church itself is abandoned, as is the outlying chapel.
Beneath the church are catacombs.
He will be quite open and forthcoming with the players,
and will tell them the following:
Map of York—John Speed 1611
Infiltrating the Hospitium
The Hospitium is genuinely just a building that some
people live in. It is now owned by the crown and rented
out through the Augmentations Office, based in the old
Abbot’s House.
The rules of the holmgang are: This is a straight fight. And you’re going to need to play it
by ear. Also because it’s a straight up fight, here’s a full
• Combatants may fight unarmed or with a single character sheet for Thorpe.
personal weapon and/or shield. Projectile
weapons of any kind are forbidden. William Thorpe
• The fight takes place at a crossroads at midnight William Thorpe was once a Templar, and his grudge
and must be contained entirely within the against the Constantinians and the Church is very much
prepared space. the zeal of a convert. After the suppression of his order in
1312 he became convinced of the corruption of both the
• Sorcery (in this context Theban Sorcery and Roman Church and the crowned heads of Europe. His
Crúac but not vampiric disciplines, even mental Protestantism is genuine (he’s a sincerely pious man in a
ones) is forbidden. lot of ways) but his desire to purify the Lancea et Sanctum
is as personal as it is philosophical.
Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2 / Strength 3
(8), Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 / Presence 2, Manipulation 2,
Composure 3
Blood Potency: 5
Willpower: 6
Defence: 6
Health: 8
Speed: 11
Initiative: 6
Notes on Cheating
The players are quite likely to want to cheat in a bunch of
ways. They might want to use Crúac, they might want to
use mental disciplines. Aaron is here fairly specifically to
watch for unnatural intervention using Auspex (de Vaux
will be doing the same but isn’t considered impartial).
If the holmgang happens, then the players have made a
gigantic step towards avenging the village (although there’s The Players Declare Job Done
still Hopkins to think about). It doesn’t have to happen, it If the players manage to kill Thorpe (which they might)
might not even be the best way for the players to get what they may also decide that that’s it—that they’ve got revenge
they’re after, but there’s a couple of major points of for their village and they can pack up and go home. That’s
divergence from here. completely valid, this does represent something of an end-
point (or a mid-point at least) in the narrative. There’s a
If the Players Win deliberate pause here and the expectation of downtime to
It’s entirely possible for Thorpe to die in the holmgang, follow.
and that’s fine. He’s tough but not indestructible.
On which subject.
Anything he might need to do in the next couple of
sections can be done by the Beggar King or de Vaux. They
will make serious enemies of both of these vampires (the The Players Really Want to Push It
Beggar King otherwise wouldn’t have a problem with The flip side of the players deciding that they’ve done what
them, but he’s very protective of his progeny) but it will they need to do is their deciding that they need to go hell
earn them the respect and to some extent protection of for leather to get revenge right the hell now. In theory, this is
Estrid. The custom of the Court is that there is no reprisal what the homgang is for—and it’s part of the reason that
for deaths in holmgang, but obviously that doesn’t actually Thorpe is statted up to be at least vaguely beatable.
work in practice.
It’s completely fine for the PCs to just keep pushing for
Thorpe will yield if he’s obviously outclassed, and the Thorpe—hopefully there’s enough detail about the players
players will be expected to respect a surrender. in the city and who precisely hates whom for the ST to
Winning the holmgang pretty much guarantees the players’ adjudicate whatever plan the players come up with.
rights to the moors and the Tor. Hopefully between the option to challenge Thorpe to
single combat and the option to kill time for a few decades
If the Players Lose there will be something reasonable for the PCs to do.
It’s also very possible for the players to lose the holmgang.
Thorpe is perfectly willing to accept a player character’s
surrender—he follows a deeply ingrained code of honour.
The Players Want to Leave York
He’s also entirely happy to put the whole quarrel behind Having got here, the players might want to get the heck out
him. Although he sent the witch hunters after Barrow Tor of York. And that’s the point at which the player
his real targets are the sorcerers of the Lancea et Sanctum. characters have pretty much gone further off-book than I
He would even be willing to ally with the players (which is can reasonably plan for.
probably unlikely but players are unpredictable).
Hoo boy this can go a bunch of different ways. This
chapter is fairly close to being “seventeenth-century York
by night” and the players can go a lot of different ways.
I came south for you. I need your help and I’ll not go
home without it.
Alanis is afraid that Scotland is falling more and more
under the sway of Presbyterianism, and is hoping that the
Witches of York will be able to help her enact a ritual to
strike down the Covenanters who currently march south
towards York. If the players don’t come to find her she’ll
come to find them) she will use magic to do this, and
owing to the Kindred ability to detect Blood Sorcery they
will be aware that somebody is trying to perform rituals on
• Those who declare for Estrid are asked to swear a Either way, unless PC action makes it improbable, Alanis
blood-oath to her rule, notarised by Selby of the (being an actual Scottish witch, although ironically
Mercantilists. This is equivalent to either the working against the Scottish army rather than for it as
Oath of Fealty, the Oath of Serfdom or the Oath Hopkins believes) will get swept up in the investigation as
of Action. Non-Invictus may swear any of these well.
Oaths that do not require Invictus status.
The arrival of Matthew Hopkins in York will be well
• Those who declare Neutrality are not asked to publicised, and the PCs will have plenty of room to take
pledge any Oaths or to leave the city, but are him down by whatever methods are now available to them
stripped of their feeding grounds, those territories with a bit more experience under their belts (or not, maybe
along with those of the expelled Constantinians they’re forgiving sorts).
are distributed amongst the loyalists.
By default the Constantinians will side with Constantine Historical Sidebar—Matthew Hopkins
(obviously), the Reformers and Mercantilists will side with Matthew Hopkins is a real historical figure, and was
Estrid while the other factions will remain neutral. This nowhere near York at this time. The real witch-finder
will result in the seizure of their holdings and the general was active for only a few years, died in his late
redistribution of their feeding grounds to loyalists. twenties, and by some measures is considered
responsible for some three hundred executions for
Opening Salvoes witchcraft. An especially large number when you
consider that only five hundred such executions are
Unless the PCs drive the action, not a lot will happen for ever recorded as having taken place in all of English
the rest of April. Aaron will leave the city, taking his history.
library with him and the Constantinians will decamp from
the Black Swan leaving only Dousabella (who enjoys at
least a little protection from the Yorkists).
By the end of 1644 Constantine will be in a fairly strong • Revenge Tragedy: This is personal for
position in the city, despite his seeming lack of support. Constantine. Many years ago he and Estrid were
The Reformers will have been gutted by the destruction of close. They weren’t lovers, but he was her
their stronghold in the old Abbey and that puts the loyalist confessor. She was in torpor when he left, and he
branch of the Lancea et Sanctum more squarely in charge feels genuinely betrayed that she stole his throne
of the spirituality of the Kindred, and since few of the when she woke up.
Kindred are young enough to be pious Protestants they’re • Bloody Farce: Same setup, but with far more
relatively happy to go back to the old Church). emphasis on what a stupid pointless
By 1645 the Yorkists have formally declared for misunderstanding this whole thing has been. He
Constantine. went away while she was in Torpor and then she
woke up and he was gone and if they’d just stop
By 1650 the independent Invictus have declared for him, being petty for five minutes this would all be dealt
although Aaron will remain outside the conversation. with. But they won’t, will they?
By the late 1650s Estrid will be supported only by her own Constantine’s agenda is simple, he wants York back. If
bloodline and the famously fickle Mercantilists. Estrid will be reasonable, he’ll be merciful. But if she won’t
he’ll come in force.
Constantine will mostly be in power by 1660.
It’s possible (potentially likely) that the players don’t If you want to give the PCs a slight advantage, you could
especially care who wins the war for the city. Their goals also have the Goddess drop hints to them about future
aren’t necessarily tied into Kindred politics, after all. This events (look at the timeline of events in the siege above).
is part of the reason I’ve suggested having one of the
coteries’ enemies coming after them.
This chapter begins with downtime. The war between • Everybody gains a dot of Blood Potency since
Constantine and Estrid lasts over a decade, moving with they have now been Kindred for approaching fifty
the usual glacial pace of Kindred conflicts (unless the years.
players bring it to a premature conclusion).
• Everybody checks another Breaking Point against
After nearly fifty years of undeath, the players return to their current level of Humanity (but see the
Barrow Tor where somebody is attempting to unearth the packages below).
Goddess. It might be the PCs, it might be an NPC, but In addition, the player characters once again get to choose
somebody decided it would be a good idea. from the (slightly less good) list of bonuses below:
That somebody is dead wrong. • Delve into Mystical Secrets: Learn a Crúac Rite
at a level you are capable of casting and gain a dot
Intended Outcome of the Library merit.
The Goddess is released and wreaks havoc. Because I don’t • Spread the Word of the Goddess: Gain a dot in
like pre-empting player motivations or forcing PCs into Herd, and a dot in Mystery Cult Initiation.
success or failure, the way this story ends could be very,
very different depending on what the PCs do. • Jump into Kindred Politics: Gain a dot of in the
Allies merit, and a dot in the Kindred Status of
This ending is intended to be—if not exactly a cliffhanger your choice.
then at least a jumping-off point. It’s the largest and most
climactic event in the Chronicle and it’s the point at which • Fight to Maintain Your Humanity: Gain an
me planning for what happens at your table goes completely additional Touchstone. You do not suffer a
off the rails. Whatever happens in Northumbria after 1660 Breaking Point this downtime.
will vary radically from table to table. The region might be • Pursue Material Wealth: Gain a dot of the
ruled by a shadowy blood-goddess and her witch-cult of Resources Merit, and a dot in one of the
followers. She might be possessing the body of Estrid or or Retainer, Staff or Haven merits.
Constantine (or of a player character). The Kindred of
Northumbria might all be dead. • Fight the War for the City: Gain a dot in either
Brawl, Weaponry, Politics, Larceny or Subterfuge.
Either way, the end of this chapter is the point at which I Gain a dot of Status with the faction you are
hand things over to your tables. fighting for. Suffer a breaking point against
Humanity 5.
More Downtime • Revel in Vampirism: Gain a Devotion for which
you qualify. Suffer an additional Breaking Point
About fifteen years pass between the Siege of York and the
against Humanity 4.
events of this chapter. During this time the PCs gain Five
Experiences to spend as they will. In addition:
Again, the Storyteller is free to invent whatever other
packages they feel are suitable (I’ve aimed for about 2
Experiences worth of bonus content in things people
might otherwise not look at).
However it shakes out, somebody has found a way to wake ◦ Harald is no great political powerhouse by
up the Goddess. himself, but he can marshal the resources of
the Danish line of the Invictus to mount a
The Excavation relatively well funded excavation, which he
will begin after the fall of the city.
The first step will be actually digging into Barrow Tor
beneath the standing stone. The notes in the previous ◦ Constantine knows exactly where the
chapter suggested Resources 4 and 5 combined dots of Goddess was buried and exactly how to dig
Staff/Retainers to do the digging. This was a description of her up. His temporal influence has waned
the kinds of resources a PC party would need to get the hill since entering Torpor but he has tremendous
excavated early (effectively skipping this part of this chapter Disciplines to act on, including high levels of
or moving it up to take place at the same time as the events Animalism and some Protean.
of chapter four). NPCs or PC groups with fewer resources The excavation will reveal a short tunnel lined with stones,
have a few more options now. The one cardinal rule here long since filled in with earth. At the end of that tunnel is
is that you can’t break rules established in actual play. If another crude chamber, also long since filled in. Digging
the PCs didn’t try to excavate the Tor between 1612 and out the earth in that chamber reveals a stone sarcophagus
1644, you don’t need to worry about the requirements. If inscribed with markings that look like a strange mixture of
they did try it, you can’t let an NPC succeed now without Greek, Egyptian and Solomonic (anybody who has seen
meeting the same standards. Theban Sorcery will recognise this as characteristic of that
So: particular discipline). The sarcophagus is magically sealed
and can only be opened with the proper key.
• If a PC started excavating the hill in 1612 and
had the appropriate Resources to get the job
done, they have the Sarcophagus. Job done.
The Sarcophagus
The Sarcophagus dates back to the fifth or sixth century,
• If a PC started excavating the hill in 1612 and and the markings on it are identifiable as related to
didn’t have the Resources to get the job done, but Theban Sorcery.
did stick at it for another decade, they now have
access to the burial chamber. Working out how to open the sarcophagus requires
deciphering the inscriptions. This is an extended action on
• If a PC started excavating the hill in 1612 and Intelligence + Occult requiring 10 successes and
didn’t have the Resources to get the job done, but permitting one roll per week.
didn’t stick at it for whatever reason, then an
NPC has finished the job for them. Yes, this is long.
◦ Thorpe is less influential than he was thanks Characters may add dots in the Library merit to this roll.
to the fall of the Puritans but still has the In addition they may reduce the number of successes
ability to mobilise mobs of diligent lackeys required by the highest number of dots in Theban Sorcery
with a protestant work-ethic. amongst characters consulted.
◦ Dorotya will want to have been in on the Once the Sarcophagus has been investigated, the
ground floor of any effort to excavate the hill, investigator will have discovered the key to opening it and
and so will have been digging solidly since releasing the Goddess, that key being the life’s blood of a
1612. king.
Scene Two: King’s Blood • Thorpe, if he is still alive, will be very keen to
stop the player characters (unless they’ve turned
him into an ally in the last half-century). He’ll still
The key to the sarcophagus of the Goddess is the life’s want to open the sarcophagus and unleash
blood of a king, and as luck would have it, a great many whatever’s inside it on his enemies.
soldiers at the execution of Charles I dipped their
handkerchiefs in his blood as a souvenir, and those bloody
handkerchiefs can be tracked down by somebody with the
appropriate contacts.
Note that the PCs might well not be the ones ordering the
bloody handkerchief—this all depends very much on who
has the sarcophagus, who is trying to open it, and who
knows what.
Vice: Vengeful.
Shadow Potency: 10
Attributes: Power 7, Finesse 10, Resistance 7
Skills: Brawl 5, Athletics 5, Occult 5, Persuasion 5,
Subterfuge 5, Stealth 5
Corpus: 12
Willpower: 10
Size: 5
Speed: 12
Defence: 10
Initiative: 17
Embodiments: Shadow Form, Possess Corpse, Possess
Revenant, Possess Kindred, Possess Living, Synthesis,
Materialize, Enter Twilight, Shadow Jump, Dark Places
Dread Powers: Indomitable, Shadow Infection, Vampiric
Embrace (unique, see below), Blood Goddess (unique, see
below), Kindred Disciplines x 6
Disciplines: Her Kindred Disciplines Dread Power gives
the Goddess 50 dots in Disciplines (6 lots of the power x
Shadow Potency 10). This gives her 5 dots in each of the
main Vampiric disciplines, 5 dots of Crúac and 15
experiences worth of Devotions.
Devotions: Enfeebling Aura, Foul Grave, Riot,
Summoning, Vermin Flood
Vitae: 75/15
Banes: Sunlight, Fire, Crossroads, Material Bane: Wild
Roses, Plague of Purity, Symbols
How it Ends: the Revenge Tragedy Where do the PCs go from here? Perhaps they flee south in
search of allies. Perhaps they look into the hidden lore of
The only person the Goddess really cares about is their own secret faith to see if there are any hints at the
Constantine, who she feels betrayed her. She will bend all weaknesses of their Goddess, or track down Constantine’s
of her will and resources towards his destruction. If he’s old coterie to find out how they defeated her back in the
already in Torpor, she will seek out his body and possess it, day. Perhaps they team up with old enemies to stop their
if he isn’t, she will set all of her followers towards the goal former patron consuming them.
of bringing him to her to the point that she can starve or
beat him into Torpor and take him over. Or perhaps they’re still on her side, and they play through
the mopping up.
In pursuit of her revenge she will target Constantine’s
bloodline with unerring accuracy. She will direct her Either way, it’s beyond the scope of this Chronicle.
followers to kill them or, better still, to deliver their torpid
bodies to her for possession. Ultimately, however, it is
Constantine she will be working towards. If Estrid has
fallen to Torpor, the Goddess may also take her as a means This chapter is intended as a climax to everything that has
to get through to Constantine. gone before, bringing the unique gimmick of the player
characters (that they’re a witch coven in service to an
How it Ends: the Bloody Farce ancient mysterious goddess) back to the fore in a way that
The Goddess is a being of incredible power but is utterly tears a swath through the petty politics of the Kindred.
merciless and interested only in devouring and possessing
Some things that could go wrong with that:
vampires. She will show no loyalty whatsoever to her
former servants, once she’s free she will kill, eat, and
dismember anything that she comes across.
The Players Don’t Want to Change You can completely give them everything from this chapter
whenever you like. If the players go gung-ho after the
mysteries of Barrow Tor then it’s fine to let them excavate
Horses that sarcophagus as soon as they can get the resources
together (although I’d suggest that it’s best saved as a
It’s not impossible that the PCs—having spent fifty years
downtime activity between chapters three and four). They
doing vampire politics—will be more interested in pursuing
can also discover the key to opening it whenever you think
temporal power than tangling with a resurgent blood
goddess. There is an extent to which that’s a positive thing.
The sarcophagus is at least in part designed as a political The need for the life blood of a king to open the
bargaining chip, and the magical equivalent of a sentient sarcophagus is a fairly insurmountable stumbling block.
WMD in a box has its value even if the players are more Savvy players (or I suppose historically savvy players) will be
interested in a purely political game. hopefully aware of the Charles the First tie-in but if not
there’s no reason you couldn’t run a campaign based
Also, you’re the Circle of the Crone, you should be at least
around a bunch of vampire witches trying to murder the
a little bit interested in the magic end of things.
king and steal his blood.
The Players Hate the Strix It’s just a bit beyond the scope of this book if they don’t
want to wait for him to get his head chopped off.
Much as I love Requiem 2nd Edition, I do get that “spooky
owls” aren’t necessarily everybody’s idea of a compelling
antagonist, and that’s part of the reason that I’ve skinned
Apathy and Anticlimax
the Goddess as “mysterious shadow-being with an I’ve mentioned this above, but the other thing to consider
inscrutable agenda” rather than necessarily definitely a is that when the core conflict of the final chapter is “will
Strix. an unstoppable goddess of destruction be awoken” then it
should be at least possible for the answer to be “no”. If the
The Players Didn’t Like the Politics players get the sense that they really want the Goddess not
woken up, and they come up with reasonable plans to stop
Conversely, perhaps the players have been trying to find it (destroying the handkerchief being the most direct) then
out what exactly was under that damned hill for fifty years my personal instinct would be to simply have the
and might not appreciate the seemingly delay. Chronicle end with the status quo intact. But if you know
your players would really rather face a mega-strix, fudge it.
Appendix One: New Cruac Rites
“Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
Hover through the fog and filthy air.”
Macbeth—Act I Scene I
This chapter outlines a number of new Rites for PCs to The caster of this Rite may expend any amount of
use. The aim of the Rites in this chapter is to allow additional Vitae in performing it. Each point of Vitae
multiple characters with Crúac to diversify their abilities, expended in the performance of the ritual (which, like all
and to let the characters do things that feel authentically Crúac rituals involves literally spilling blood) is transmuted
witchy. They aren’t necessarily designed to be especially into the Blood of the Goddess. This is literally the Vitae of
balanced (in either direction—some of these Rites are the Goddess and has all the normal effects of vampiric
Vitae. It can sustain Ghouls, but the Goddess will not
almost entirely flavour text).
normally choose to transform a mortal who performs this
Some of these Rites interact directly with Strix. Like the rite into a Ghoul.
Goddess in Chapter 5, whether these entities are actually
Strix or just game mechanically Strix is up to the Storyteller. Shadow Servant (••)
Target Number of Successes: 6
Rites of the Goddess This spell calls up a being from the dark and shadowed
These are the most Chronicle-dependent of the new Rites places of the world. The entity is a Strix with a Shadow
presented in this book. They’re the ones that directly relate Potency of 1, and it appears Embodied in its default
to the Goddess and, through her, the Strix (or things that Shadow Form (if you want these creatures to be
are game mechanically Strix). Of all the Rites in the book, mechanically Strix but not canonically Strix then it won’t
they’re the ones I think are most likely to be unbalancing appear in the canon owl-form). This entity is not under the
or not fit into regular chronicles so use these in non-Circle- control of the Ritualist and has its own agenda (although
of-the-Crone games at your own risk. it’s a young being and so its goals are relatively unformed).
The Rite grants the caster the ability to mystically transfer
Note that the Strix summoned by these Rites will
Vitae to the Shadow Servant by touch, and the Shadow
ultimately go free into the world, and will gain Shadow
Servants will broadly align their goals with those of their
Potency as normal. This absolutely is a recipe for disaster
summoners, at least as long as the Ritualist also stays in
long term, and if you’re the kind of Storyteller who really
good with the Goddess.
likes letting the PCs be the architects of their own
downfall, these Rites are pretty much exactly for that
Grave-Bound Servant (•••)
Target Number of Successes: 8
Rite of the Chalice (•) This spell conjures a being from the dark and shadowed
Target Number of Successes: 5 places of the world and embodies it in a corpse. This entity
is a Strix with a Shadow Potency of 2, and it appears
This is the rite that defines the coven. Despite the name, a
Embodied using Possess Corpse (following the normal
“chalice” is not strictly required, although it gets a lot
rules for this embodiment in the 2nd Edition rulebook.
messier if there’s nothing to put the blood into.
This being is older than the Shadow-Servant and will have
more sophisticated goals. Like the Shadow-Servant the
Ritualist has no direct control over the Grave-Bound
Servant, but its goals will be aligned with hers for as long as
she remains tied to the Goddess.
Oaken Servant (••••) this doesn’t do a huge amount if cast at noon in
Target Number of Successes: 12
This Rite summons a storm of truly epic proportions. This spell infects the target, who must be mortal and must
Centred on the site at which the ritual is cast, this Ritual be present but does not have to be human, with a disease
causes torrential rain without cease for a number of days very much like the black death. Once inflicted, this disease
and nights equal to the Potency of the Ritual. One day of progresses normally—which can have absolutely devastating
torrential rain can be bad, especially in an agrarian society, consequences on the mortal population.
a week of torrential rain can cause rivers burst their banks,
crops to be ruined, mudslides and general chaos. Don’t Skinchanger’s Curse (•••••)
mess with weather, weather is dangerous. Target Number of Successes: 12
Resisted: by Composure
Rites of Malediction The target of this ritual must be a mortal human, and must
These are straight-up curses that mess people and things up be present. When the ritual is complete, they transform
in a variety of ways. into a full-on werewolf. For three nights every full moon
(the night before, the night itself, and the night after) they
Blight Livestock (•) transform into a ravening wolf and go hunting for blood
Target Number of Successes: 5 and flesh. A werewolf created by this rite can be affected by
both Dominate and Animalism.
This spell curses a domestic animal with either injury or
disease. This Rite affects one head of livestock for each If you prefer to use the Werewolf: the Forsaken cosmology for
point of Potency of the Ritual. This can lame horses, sour werewolves in your Chronicle, disallow this Ritual.
the milk of cattle, or give sheep scrapie.
Despite the name, this Rite does not strictly require a When casting this Rite, the Ritualist makes a prophecy
mirror, but the Vitae expended in this Ritual needs to be about the target (who does not need to be present for the
used to anoint something you can see a reflection in—it can ritual to be cast). This Ritual has no effect until the
be a pool of water, a mirror, a polished stone or even if prophecy is spoken aloud to the target (this must be done
you’re really desperate the blood itself. When enacting this in person). The moment the prophecy is spoken aloud, the
Rite the Ritualist asks a question that uniquely identifies a target gains the Obsession condition related to either
person. The classic example here is “mirror mirror on the pursuing their fate (if it’s something they want to happen)
wall, who’s the fairest of them all”. The image of that or avoiding it (if it’s something they want to avoid). In
person then appears briefly in the mirror. addition, fate will conspire to bring the outcome about.
Any dice roll that would advance the outcome of the
Note that this Ritual completely busts a lot of mystery
prophecy gains the 8-again property while any roll that
scenarios (there’s no especial mystery in this Chronicle, so
would oppose it loses the 10-again property (and unlike
it isn’t necessarily an issue). If you want the identity of a
Hex, this also negates 9-again and 8-again).
character to be mysterious or concealed it is perfectly
reasonable for this Rite to provide only an oblique or an Remember that fate is tricky, and how the character’s
indistinct image—the mechanics of the Rite are deliberately prophecy actually comes about, and what counts as
vague. It’s intended as a way to provide players with hints advancing it, is very much up to the Storyteller.
and foreshadowing, not as a way to instantly solve any and
all murders. Spinning Wheel (•••••)
Note that this Rite can show people identified by questions Target Number of Successes: 10
about the future (“show me the person who will kill me”) Resisted: by Resolve
and obviously the usual caveats apply here: the future is When casting this Rite, the Ritualist states how the target
always in motion, what you can be shown will only be one (who does not need to be present for the ritual to be cast)
potential path that events could take, and so on. will die. This prediction must be vague: “will die by fire” is
valid, “will prick their finger on the spindle of a spinning
Witch’s Bargain (•••) wheel” is valid, “will be killed by bandits while travelling
Target Number of Successes: 8 between London and York on the third of July 1613” is
not. This Ritual has no effect on people who are already
This Rite enforces a bargain between the Ritualist and the
dead (like vampires) or things that were never living (like
target (who must be present at the casting of the ritual).
Strix). Like King Hereafter above, this Ritual has no effect
The Ritualist gives something to the target (it has to be
until the prophecy is spoken to the target aloud.
something that the Ritualist is capable of giving, the Rite
doesn’t give any especial power to grant wishes) and in The effect of the ritual is at once subtle and dramatic.
return the target agrees to do something for the Ritualist. Firstly and most simply, the target will die by that method at
This creates the following effects: some point. This is very much up to the Storyteller to
control, and fate is naturally tricky. Secondly and more
• The Target gains the Tasked condition relating to
concretely, whenever the target of this Ritual is exposed to
whatever the Ritualist requires them to do.
the thing that the Ritual caster said would kill them, they
• Reneging on their bargain with the Ritualist gain the Fugue condition, becoming fatalistically drawn to
becomes a Breaking Point against the thing that is fated to destroy them.
Integrity/Humanity 1 for the target.
The stiletto is primarily an Italian weapon in this era, but • Biting the top off of the cartridge and pouring
most people will carry some kind of knife, dagger or dirk. some of the powder into the breach of the
The term poniard is fairly broadly used to describe any musket.
smaller stabbing weapon, but “dagger” is a perfectly • Pouring the rest of the powder down the muzzle
reasonable term to use. All knives and daggers can use the of the musket along with the ball.
same rules for knives on p180.
• Ramming the powder down with the ramrod that Size: 1
you really don’t want to lose because it’s what Special: Black Powder (3 successes)
makes the gun work.
It’s common to carry a brace of pistols (that is, two of
• Actually aiming and firing the thing. them) in order to avoid having to reload in battle. Notice
This is fiddly and hard to do under pressure. also that these pistols are incredibly short ranged.
Chapter One apart from Sir Edward Colville, he owns a large farm and
an awful lot of cattle. He is the highest-ranking male
member of the coven (unless a PC wants to take that
Villagers distinction). Howard is less sincere in his devotion to the
Goddess than Lowell, but he care about the village and is
Alice Lowell deeply suspicious of outsiders.
Clan: None
Come up to the barrow, my dear, and I will show you
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
such remarkable things. Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2 / Strength 2,
Alice Lowell is the high priestess of the Coven and well Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 / Presence 3, Manipulation 3,
into her seventieth year. She has no children but is well Composure 3
respected in the village for her wisdom. She speaks calmly Skills: Academics 1, Crafts 2, Occult 1, Politics 2, Athletics
but passionately when she cares about the subject matter, 2, Brawl 1, Survival 1, Animal Ken 2, Empathy 3,
which is usually when she’s talking about the good of the Expression 2, Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 2
village, or the power of the Goddess. Disciplines: Auspex 2, Crúac 1
Blood Potency: 0
Clan: None Notable Merits: Status 2
Covenant: Circle of the Crone Advantages: Size 5, Speed 9, Defense 4, Initiative 5,
Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 3 / Strength 1, Willpower 5
Dexterity 2, Stamina 1 / Presence 3, Manipulation 4,
Composure 1 Thomas Howard’s Status merit represents his standing as
Skills: Academics 2, Crafts 2, Medicine 2, Occult 3, most affluent farmer in your small farming village, and will
Stealth 2, Survival 2, Animal Ken 2, Empathy 2, do him no good at all outside it.
Expression 2, Persuasion 3, Subterfuge 3
Disciplines: Crúac 5
Blood Potency: 0
Mary Worth
Notable Merits: Altar Come now. It’s just a little blood.
Advantages: Size 5, Speed 8, Defense 2, Initiative 3,
A woman in her late twenties or early thirties, Mary
Willpower 4
Worth is one of the coven’s more bloodthirsty members.
She has, so far, not actually murdered anybody, but she is
Alice’s Altar merit represents the standing stone on
eyeing some of the community’s more expendable and
Barrow Tor. Technically the whole coven can use it, but
more annoying members. She is fervent in her rejection of
she paid the points.
the Church and is one of the few coven members who
does not even feign Christianity, which ironically causes
many to assume that she’s a secret Catholic.
Clan: None Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 4, Resolve 1/ Strength 2,
Covenant: Circle of the Crone Dexterity 3, Stamina 3/ Presence 4, Manipulation 3,
Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2/ Strength 2, Composure 1
Dexterity 4, Stamina 3/ Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Skills: Investigation 2, Occult 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 1,
Composure 1 Stealth 1, Empathy 2, Expression 3, Persuasion 2,
Skills: Crafts 2, Occult 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Stealth 3, Socialize 3, Subterfuge 1
Weaponry 3, Animal Ken 1, Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 2 Disciplines: Majesty 1, Crúac 1
Disciplines: Nightmare 1, Crúac 1 Blood Potency: 0
Blood Potency: 0 Notable Merits: Striking Looks
Notable Merits: Sympathetic Advantages: Size 5, Speed 10, Defense 5, Initiative 5,
Advantages: Size 5, Speed 11, Defense 5, Initiative 5, Willpower 2
Willpower 3
Tom’s Striking Looks merit represents his looks, which are
Mary Worth’s Sympathetic merit represents an uncanny striking. He’s not a very deep person.
knack for getting people to let their guards down at the
worst possible time.
Sara Walker
There’s something strange on that hill, I know it.
... Sara Walker is the eldest daughter of the Walker family
Helena prefers not to use her surname, and also prefers (the daughter of Anne and John Walker who run the
the wild of the moors to the dubious comforts of the village alehouse). She isn’t a witch, but is the person in the
village. She runs with the wolves in the wolds and speaks village who would be most likely to get accused of
in the tongues of beasts. witchcraft if it weren’t for the obviously terrifying people
like Mary and Helena. She’s proud, wilful, and
Clan: None disobedient.
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 3/ Strength 2, Clan: None
Dexterity 3, Stamina 4/ Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Covenant: None
Composure 3 Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3/ Strength 2,
Skills: Crafts 2, Occult 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Stealth 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2/ Presence 3, Manipulation 2,
Animal Ken 3, Intimidation 2 Composure 2
Disciplines: Animalism 2 Skills: Investigation 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 1, Empathy 2,
Blood Potency: 0 Persuasion 2, Socialize 2, Subterfuge 1
Notable Merits: Retainer Disciplines: None
Advantages: Size 5, Speed 10, Defense 6, Initiative 6, Blood Potency: 0
Willpower 6 Notable Merits: Safe place
Advantages: Size 5, Speed 9, Defense 4, Initiative 4,
Helena’s retainer is an actual wolf who she bas befriended Willpower 5
(there are still some wolves in the Yorkshire wolds in this
era). Sara’s Safe Place merit represents a small cave she has
found on the moors above the village. Nobody else knows
Thomas Thorn where it is, and she can run there in times of trouble.
Clan: Nosferatu
Covenant: Invictus
William Thorpe Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Invictus
Your coven meant nothing to me, all you were was in Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2 / Strength 2,
Dexterity 2, Stamina 4 (7) / Presence 2, Manipulation 3,
my way. Composure 3
William Thorpe was once a Templar, and his grudge Skills: Academics 4, Investigation 3, Politics 3 Athletics 2,
against the Constantinians and the Church is very much Brawl 2, Weaponry 1 Animal Ken 2, Empathy 2,
the zeal of a convert. After the suppression of his order in Persuasion 3, Socilaize 3, Subterfuge 3
1312 he became convinced of the corruption of both the Disciplines: Protean 4, Resilience 3, Auspex 2
Roman Church and the crowned heads of Europe. His Blood Potency: 4
Protestantism is genuine (he’s a genuinely pious man in a Notable Merits: Resources, Notary
lot of ways) but his desire to purify the Lancea et Sanctum Advantages: Size 5, Speed 9, Defense 4, Initiative 5,
is as personal as it is philosophical. Willpower 5
Clan: Nosferatu Humanity: 5
Covenant: Lancea et Sanctum
Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2 / Strength 3 Selby is good with money to a far greater extent that a lot
(8), Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 / Presence 2, Manipulation 2, of other Invictus, who are used to their wealth coming
Composure 3 from land and serfs rather than anything so strange and
Skills: Academics 2, Investigation 1, Occult 2, Politics 3 modern as trade (that’s why he was embraced in the first
Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Drive 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1, place—Adelaide understood just enough to realise that this
Weaponry 4 Animal Ken 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation 1, stuff would be really important in a couple of centuries).
Persuasion 1 He also acts as Notary for the court, witnessing and
Disciplines: Obfuscate 2, Vigor 5, Nightmare 2 recording Oaths.
Blood Potency: 5
Notable Merits: Allies Domino
Advantages: Size 5, Speed 19, Defense 6, Initiative 6,
Willpower 6 I believe I can arrange that for you.
Humanity: 5 Domino’s background is ambiguous. They style themselves
in the manner of a variety of stock characters from Italian
In a lot of ways, Thorpe is a small fish. He’s several commedia dell’arte, normally Harlequin or Columbina,
centuries old, but he has spent much of that time pursuing but they will adopt whichever persona is most appropriate
a vendetta against the mortal church and its undead to the context (they’ll go with il Capitano if there’s military
reflection, which has limited his ability to engage with the work to do).
wider world of Kindred intrigues.
Clan: Mekhet
The grave-bound servants summoned by this Rite are The Oaken Servants are a walking breach of the
deceptively straightforward. They make very effective Masquerade (not that this means as much in 1612) and are
enforcers and shock troops. But again, remember that they most commonly employed as guardians of sacred places.
are Strix (or at least strix-like). They’re at least human-level They are always hungry, feeding with mouths that rip open
intelligent and have their own agenda. throughout their trunk and branches (their natural attacks
do lethal damage to mortals).
Oaken Servant
The Oaken Servant is the only Servant who steps a little
beyond the regular game mechanics. Strix at this Shadow
Potency normally can’t embody in living hosts. This means
that being conjured into an Oaken Servant is at once an
opportunity and a prison for a Strix. They get to be more
alive than they normally are, but their forms are very
Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.