WMN-Lab Manual

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A Laboratory Manual


Wireless and Mobile Network

Semester -VI
Diploma in Information Technology

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
4th Floor, Government Polytechnic Building, 49, Kherwadi,
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051.
(Printed on November 2019)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms …………………………………….
Roll No………………………. of Sixth Semester of Diploma in
………………………………………………………. of Institute
……………………………………………...... (Code…………)
has completed the term work satisfactorily in subject Wireless
and Mobile Network (22622) for the academic year 20…….to
20…..... as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place ………………. Enrollment No……………………

Date:…..................... Exam Seat No. ………………......

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/field work in the technical education system
is to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in view,
MSBTE embarked on this innovative ‘I’ Scheme curricula for engineering Diploma
programmes with outcome-based education as the focus and accordingly, relatively large
amount of time is allotted for the practical work. This displays the great importance of
laboratory work making each teacher, instructor and student to realize that every minute of the
laboratory time need to be effectively utilized to develop these outcomes, rather than doing
other mundane activities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of this outcome-based
curriculum, every practical has been designed to serve as a ‘vehicle’ to develop this industry
identified competency in every student. The practical skills are difficult to develop through
‘chalk and duster’ activity in the classroom situation. Accordingly, the ‘I’ scheme laboratory
manual development team designed the practical’s to focus on outcomes, rather than the
traditional age old practice of conducting practical’s to ‘verify the theory’ (which may become
a byproduct along the way).

This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students, teachers
and instructors to develop in the student the pre-determined outcomes. It is expected from
each student that at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read the concerned
practical procedure that they will do the next day and understand minimum theoretical
background associated with the practical. Every practical in this manual begins by identifying
the competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes and practical outcomes which serve
as a key focal point for doing the practical. Students will then become aware about the skills
they will achieve through procedure shown there and necessary precautions to be taken, which
will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in their professional life.

This manual also provides guidelines to teachers and instructors to effectively facilitate
student-centered lab activities through each practical exercise by arranging and managing
necessary resources in order that the students follow the procedures and precautions
systematically ensuring the achievement of outcomes in the students.

Although all care has been taken to check for mistakes in this laboratory manual, yet it is
impossible to claim perfection especially as this is the first edition. Any such errors and
suggestions for improvement can be brought to our notice and are highly welcome.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education i

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Programme Outcomes (POs) to be achieved through Practicals of this


Following programme outcomes are expected to be achieved significantly out of the ten
programme outcomes and Information Technology programme specific outcomes through the
practicals of the course on Wireless and Mobile Network.
PO1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve broad-
based Information Technology related problems.
PO3. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO4. Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO5. The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in the field of Information
PO6. Environment and sustainability: Apply information Technology related
engineering solutions for sustainable development practices in environmental
PO7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics,
responsibilities and norms of practice in the field of Information Technology.
PO8. Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as a leader and team member in
diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.
PO9. Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.
PO10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning along with the
technological changes also in the IT and allied industry.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):-

PSO1:Modern Information Technology: Use latest technologies for operation and
application of information.
PSO2:Information Technology Process: Maintain the information processes using modern
information and communication technologies.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education ii

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical- Course Outcome matrix

S. Title of the Practical CO CO CO CO CO

No. a. b. c. d. e.
Test the different sections of mobile phone.(such as
1. ringer section, dialer section, receiver section and √ - - - -
transmitter section)
Perform the process of call connection and call
release of cellular Mobile system.
√ - - - -
Transfer an image, audio and video file using
3. Bluetooth protocol with varying distance between - √ - - -
two devices and analyze the performance.
Configure Wi-Fi setting in mobile devices using
mobile tethering to connect two devices such as
mobile phone to mobile phone, mobile phone to - √ - - -
Apply RFID technology for real life applications
5. using RFID kit. - √ - - -
Establish seamless wireless connectivity using
6. multiple access point. - √ - - -
Use AT commands to understand working of 3G
network using 3G mobile phone Trainer kit. - - √ - -
Check network availability manual and auto
8. selection of network using AT commands in - - √ - -
Simulate Bluetooth voice transmission to observe
9. effect of AWGN and of interference of 802.11b on - √ - - -
transmission using MATLAB and simulink.
Develop a mobile application for wireless
10. technology using any wizards such as available on - - √ - -
www.appypie.com or any other.
Simulate the line coding techniques using
MATLAB and simulink - - - √ -
Simulate the Binary amplitude shift keying using
MATLAB and simulink. - - - √ -
Simulate the Binary phase shift keying
using MATLAB and simulink
- - - √ -
Simulate the Delta Modulation using MATLAB and
simulink. - - - √ -
Simulate the Direct sequence spread spectrum
using MATLAB and simulink.
- - - √ -
Simulate WSN node to determine position on
16. node and blink LED using cupcarbon simulator - - - - √
and senscript.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education iii

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

List of Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant skills of the competency ‘Maintain Wireless and Mobile
Networks’ are expected to be developed in students by undertaking the practical’s of this
laboratory manual.
1. Identify the components of mobile phone.
2. Identify the component of GSM Network.
3. Test electronic component.
4. Test the various Input/output devices of mobile phone.
5. Select the electronic component of proper value as per the requirement.
6. Identify the fault at different section and suggest suitable remedy.
7. Execute various AT commands for a GSM modem.
8. Build a personal area Network.
9. Follow the procedural steps for hard reset function of a mobile phone.
10. Interpret waveforms of different digital communication.
11. Select the proper communication system as per the requirement.
12. Compare the observed output with the expected output.
13. Use relevant EDA tool for simulating Wireless and Mobile Network.

Brief Guidelines to Teachers

Hints regarding strategies to be used

1. Teacher shall explain prior concepts to the students before starting each experiment.
2. For practical’s requiring tools to be used, teacher should provide the demonstration of the
practical emphasizing the skills, which the student should achieve.
3. Involve students in the activities during the conduct of each experiment.
4. Teachers should give opportunity to students for hands-on after the demonstration.
5. Assess the skill achievement of the students and COs of each unit.
6. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the students.
7. Teacher should ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the
students after the completion of the practical exercise.
8. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though that
may not be covered in the manual but are expected from the students by the industries.
9. Teacher may suggest the students to refer additional related literature of the reference
books/websites/seminar proceedings etc.
10. During assessment teacher is expected to ask questions to the students to tap their
knowledge and skill related to that practical.

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Instructions for Students

Student shall read the points given below for understanding the theoretical concepts and
practical applications.
1. Students shall listen carefully the lecture given by teacher about importance of
subject, learning structure, course outcomes.
2. Students shall organize the work in the group of two or three members and make a
record of all observations.
3. Students shall understand the purpose of experiment and its practical implementation.
4. Students shall write the answers of the questions during practical.
5. Student should feel free to discuss any difficulty faced during the conduct of
6. Students shall develop maintenance skills as expected by the industries.
7. Student shall attempt to develop related hands on skills and gain confidence.
8. Students shall refer technical magazines; websites related to the scope of the subjects
and update their knowledge and skills.
9. Students shall develop self-learning techniques.
10. Students should develop habit to submit the write-ups on the scheduled dates and

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Content Page
List of Practicals and Progressive Assessment Sheet

Date of Date of Assess Remarks

Sr. Page Dated sign.
Title of the practical perform submi ment (if any)
No. No. of teacher
ance ssion marks(25)
Test the different sections of mobile
phone.(such as ringer section, dialer
1. *
section, receiver section and transmitter
Perform the process of call connection
2. and call release of cellular Mobile 8
Transfer an image, audio and video file
using Bluetooth protocol with varying
3. distance between two devices and
analyze the performance.
Configure Wi-Fi setting in mobile
devices using mobile tethering to connect
4. two devices such as mobile phone to 25
mobile phone, mobile phone to laptop.
Apply RFID technology for real life
5. applications using RFID kit.
Establish seamless wireless connectivity
6. using multiple access point
Use AT commands to understand
7. working of 3G network using 3G mobile 41
phone Trainer kit.
Check network availability manual and
8. auto selection of network using AT 55
commands in mobile.
Simulate Bluetooth voice transmission to
observe effect of AWGN and
9. interference of 802.11b on transmission
using MATLAB and simulink.
Develop a mobile application for
wireless technology using any wizards
10. such as available on www.appypie.com
or any other.
Simulate the line coding techniques
11. using MATLAB and Simulink
Simulate the Binary amplitude shift
12. keying using MATLAB and Simulink
Simulate the Binary phase shift keying
13. using MATLAB and Simulink
Simulate the Delta Modulation using
14. MATLAB and simulink.
Simulate the Direct sequence spread
15. spectrum 113
using MATLAB and simulink.
Simulate WSN node to determine
position on
16. node and blink LED using
cupcarbon simulator and senscript.
Total Marks
 To be transferred from Proforma of CIAAN-2017

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education vi

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 1: Test the different sections of mobile phone

I. Practical Significance:
Today we can connect to the network from anywhere, with anybody, at anytime.
Mobile phones play a very important role in making this connectivity possible. A
knowledge of the various components of the mobile handset helps in troubleshooting
and maintenance of the handsets. A mobile phone consists of various sections that
include transmitter/receiver section, buzzer and vibrator section, power supply section,
display section, SIM card section. This practical will help the students to test different
sections of the mobile phone unit.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO4- Engineering Tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6- Environment and sustainability: Apply Information Technology related
engineering solutions for sustainable development practices in environmental contexts.
PO10- Life-long learning: Engage in independent and lifelong learning along with
the technological changes also in the IT and allied industry.

III. Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ’Maintain Wireless and Mobile Networks’.
1. Identify the various sections of mobile handsets.
2. Install the SIM card in the mobile phone.
3. Measure voltages & draw waveforms at the output of different sections of mobile

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Select cellular Mobile system standard.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Identify different sections and components of mobile phone such as ringer section,
dialer section, receiver section and transmitter section, camera, microphone, speaker
and flash light.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain related Outcome(s)

1. Handle equipment carefully.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices
4. Follow safety practices.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 1

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

A mobile phone also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, hand phone, or simply a
phone is a phone that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while
moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network
provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network.

Figure 1: Block diagram of Mobile Unit

RF section:
RF signal is filtered and down converted to analog baseband signals in the RF section.
RF section consists of 2 main circuits i.e. Transmitter and Receiver.
Analog Baseband / Voice band Codec:
Analog baseband signals from RF receiver section are filtered, sampled, and digitized
before being fed to the DSP section. The coded speech digital information from
DSP section are sampled and converted to analog baseband signals which is
then fed to the RF transmitter section. The voice speech from the microphone is
digitized and coded to a certain bit rate (13kbps for GSM) using the appropriate
coding scheme. The received voice call binary information are decoded and converted
in the speaker.
DSP / Microprocessor:
The digital signal processor (DSP) is designed to perform signal manipulation
calculations at high speed. The microprocessor handles all signaling for the keyboard
and display; deals with command and control signaling with the base station and also
coordinates the rest of the functions on the board.
Flash Memory, ROM, SRAM (SIM card):
The ROM, SRAM, and Flash memory chips provide storage for the phone's
operating system and customizable features, such as the phone directory. The SIM
card stores the subscriber’s identification number and other network information.
Power Management / DC- DC:
This section regulates from the battery all the voltages required to the different Phone
Transmitter and Receiver section: Signal to the transmitter is the audio signal from
the microphone of the mobile handset. This analog / audio signal is converted
into digital signal by the ADC. It is further modulated by the GMSK scheme and
the modulated signal is transmitted through a transmitting antenna. The signal to the
receiver is the modulated signal which is demodulated into digital signal. This digital
signal is converted into analog form with the help of DAC. The analog signal is then
given to the speaker.

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

VIII. Work Situation

1. Faculty will demonstrate to identify and test different sections of mobile unit and

Stepwise Procedure:
1. Connect power to the trainer kit, insert SIM card in the position provided and
switch the power supply ON.

a. Testing of Tx/Rx Section:

1. Make a call from trainer to the trainer from other mobile or landline phone and
keep it ON.
2. Check the signal on spectrum analyser and record the same.
3. Make a call from trainer to other mobile or landline phone and keep it ON.
4. Check the signals on spectrum analyzer and record the same.
b. Testing of Battery and Battery charger section:
1. Measure the Battery voltages at different test points on multimeter and record
2. Measure the Battery charger voltage on multimeter and record it.
c. Testing of Power Management Unit:
1. Measure the voltages at different test points of power management unit of
mobile phone on multimeter and record it.
d. Testing of LCD Display Section:
1. Measure the voltages at different test points of LCD display section of mobile
phone unit.
e. Testing of SIM card Section:
1. Measure the voltage at the different pins of SIM card on multimeter and record
2. Check the clock signal on CRO/Spectrum analyzer.
f. Testing of User Interface Section/Ringer,Dialer Section:
1. Make a call to trainer kit.
2. Observe the condition like LED ON melody ringtone ringing and vibrator
motor running.
3. Check the various signals of this section on CRO/Spectrum analyzer and
record the same.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

S. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. GSM Trainer Kit 2G/3G/4G GSM Trainer Kit 1 No.

2. SIM card Any type micro, Nano or 1 No.

Standard SIM
3. CRO/DSO 20MHz,dual trace, dual beam 1 No.

4. Spectrum 1GHz 1 No.

5. DMM 3 1/2 Digit 1 No.

6. Connecting Wires Banana plugs 4 No.

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

X. Observations
Tx/Rx Section
Test Points Observed Voltage
Tx signal at Antenna
Rx signal at Antenna
Tx IQ signals
Rx IQ signals
Battery and Battery Charger Section
Test Points Standard Voltage(V) Observed Voltage
Battery Voltage TP 12 3.7V approx.
Battery Status Indicator 0V
when battery is discharge
TP 13
Battery Status Indicator 0.5V approx.
when battery is charging
TP 13
Battery Ground 0V
Battery Charger Supply 6V approx.
Charger Voltage 6V approx.

Power Management Unit

Test Points Standard Voltage(V) Observed Voltage
Battery Voltage 3.7V approx.
VCC TP 51 3.7V approx.
V RF TP 52 2.8V approx.
VDD IO TP 53 1.8V approx.
VDD INT TP 54 2.8V approx.
V CPU TP 55 1.8V approx.
VCTCXO TP 56 2.8V approx.

LCD Section
Test Points Standard Voltage(V) Observed Voltage
LCD operating Voltage 3.8V approx.
TP 6
LED operating Voltage 1.8V approx.
TP 7
Write Enable Signal TP 8
Display control signal
TP 9
I/O Voltage TP 10 2.8V approx.
Reset Voltage TP 11 1.6V approx.
LCD Reset 6V approx.
LCD Voltage Tripler -10V approx.
TP 33
LCD Voltage Tripler 10V approx.
TP 37
LCD Voltage TP 34 6V approx.
LCD Voltage TP 35 -10V approx.
LCD Clock TP 36 0V approx

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

SIM Section
Test Points Standard Voltage(V) Observed Voltage
SIM VCC 2.8V approx.
SIM Reset 2V approx.
SIM Clock Observe Frequency
SIM Data 2.8V approx.
SIM Supply Voltage 2V approx.
Input Charging Voltage 6.9V approx.
Output Charging Voltage 3.6V approx.

User Interface Section/Ringer, Dialer Section

Test Points Standard Voltage(V) Observed Voltage
Buzzer PWM Control 5V approx.
Vibrator PWM Control 5V approx.
LED ON and OFF 2V approx.

XI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. State the frequency spectrum allocated for GSM and the bandwidth of each
2. State the number of pins of SIM in a mobile phone.
3. State the information in SIM.
4. Write advantages and disadvantages and security services offered by GSM.
5. Write the two basic reasons for a handover in GSM.

XII. Exercise
Note: Faculty must ensure that every group of students use different input value.
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
Problem Statement:
Using the following data for a GSM 1800 network, calculate, Average busy hour
traffic per subscriber, Traffic capacity/ cell, Required no. of BS/ zone, the hexagonal
cell radius for zone
Given Data
Subscriber usage/month=150 min/Days/month= 24,Busy hrs/day = 6,
Allocated spectrum = 4.8MHz,Frequency reuse plan= 4/12,RF
channel width= 200 KHz (FR),
Present no. of subscribers in the zone= 50000,
Subscriber growth = 5%/ year, Capacity of BS TxRx ( BTS) = 30 Erlangs,
Area of zone = 500 Km2,Network rollover period = 4 yrs

Plot and Observe the graphs using MATLAB and Simulink.

1. Total no. of subs. in initial installation verses Subs growth in %
2. Total no. of BTS/zone verses Subs growth in %
3. Hexagonal cell radius for zone verses Subs growth in %

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

(Space for answers)


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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)


XIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ju9uXV-RJY
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYRFelGABk8
3. www.mobilecellphone repairing.com

XIV. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1. Proper handling of the equipment 20%
2. Identifying the various blocks and Test points 20%
3. Inserting the SIM card properly and measurement 20%
of voltage
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4. Practical related questions and Results 20%
5. Completion and submission of practical in time 10%
6. Expected Output/Observation 10%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 7

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 2: Perform the process of call connection and call release of
cellular Mobile System
I. Practical Significance
The command set consists of a series of short text strings which can be combined to
produce commands for operations such as dialing, managing SMS functions and
changing the parameters of the connection. Many of the commands that are used to
control wired dial-up modems, such as ATD (Dial),ATA (Answer),ATH(Hook
control) and ATO (Return to online data state),are also supported by GSM/GPRS
modems and mobile phones. This practical will help the students to execute call
control functionality of a GSM module.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO8- Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member
in diverse/multidisciplinary teams.

III. Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ’Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network’.
1. Identify the components on GSM modem and identify the commands for executing
call control commands.
2. Use GSM modem and identify various call control AT commands.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Select cellular Mobile system standard.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Perform the process of call connection and call release of cellular Mobile system.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Maintain tools and equipment.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Mobile call origination in GSM:
1. The MS sends the dialed number indicating service requested to the MSC(via
2. The MSC checks from the VLR if the MS is allowed the requested service.If so,
MSC asks BSS to allocate necessary resources for the call.

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Figure 1: Mobile call origination

3. If the call is allowed,the MSC routes the call to GMSC.
4. The GMSC routes the call to the local exchange of called user.
5. The LE alerts (applies ringing) the called terminal.
6. Answer back (ring back tone) from the called terminal to LE.
7. Answer back signal is routed back to the MS through the serving MSC which also
completes the speech path to the MS.
Mobile call termination:

Figure 2: Mobile call termination

1. The PSTN user dials the MSISDN of the called user in GSM.
2. The LE routes the call to the GMSC of the called GSM user.
3. The GMSC uses the dialed MSISDN to determine the serving HLR for the GSM
user and interrogates it to obtain the required routing number.
4. The HLR requests the current serving VLR for the called MS for a MSRN (MS
roaming number) so that the call can be routed to the correct MSC.
5. The VLR passes the MSRN to the HLR.
6. The HLR passes the MSRN to the GMSC.
7. Using the MSRN, the GMSC routes the call to the serving MSC.
8. The MSC interrogates the VLR for the current location area identity (LAI) for the
9. The VLR provides the current location for the MS.

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10. The MSC pages MS via the appropriate BSS. The MS responds to the page and
sets up the necessary signaling links.
11. When the BSS has established the necessary radio links. the MSC is informed and
the call is delivered to the MS.
12. When the MS answers the call, the connection is completed to the calling PSTN

VIII. Work Situation

1. Faculty will demonstrate the use of Call Control Commands and execute.
2. Faculty must form a group of two students.
3. Students group will practice Call Control Commands and execute them.
Call Control Commands:
1. ATD: This command is used to establish a voice call.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
CONNECT<speed> If call is Established
ATD <number> BUSY if Called party is on another call.
NO ANSWER if called party does not
receive a call
NO CARRIER If there is a problem in
establishing a call.

2. ATA: Command is used to accept an incoming call.

Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
ATA OK If incoming call is a voice call.

3. ATD<n>: This command dials the phone number with accordance to the modifiers
of n.
Defined values: <n>
L Redial the last dialed number
P Pulse dial
R Enable answer mode
S=x Dial the stored telephone number in x
T Tone dials
W Resume dialing after dial tone is detected
, Pause before dial
“555-4NET” Letters enclosed on quotes will be dialed as their
corresponding numbers on the dialpad.
! Enable “flash”.(Modem can go off hook for a specified
amount of time before returning on hook.
@ Modem will wait for a quiet answer before dialing the rest of
the dial string.

4. ATH: This command is used to end the call.

5. AT+CCFC: Command is used to set the call forwarding service.

Concept Structure:

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Command Possible Response

AT+CCFC OK When <mode>=2: +CCFC: +CME ERROR:<err>
=<reason>,<mode> <status>,<class>
AT+CCFC=? +CCFC(list of supported <reason>s) +CME ERROR:<err>
Defined values:
0 Unconditional
1 Mobile busy
2 No reply
3 Not reachable
4 All call forwarding
5 All conditional call forwarding

0 Disable
1 Enable
2 Query status
3 Registration
4 Erasure
<number> : Telephone number to forward to.
<class> : Is a sum of integers each representing a class of information (default 7
equals to all classes):
1 Voice
2 Data
4 Fax
0 Not active
1 Active
Remarks: none
Source: GSM07.07/7.10
Implementation: Complete

6. AT+CLIP: Command is used to set and request the status of the calling line
identification presentation service.Depending on the setting the number of the
calling party will be shown as result code+CLIP:<number>,<type> on incoming
calls (after every RING).
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CLIP=[<n>] OK
AT+CLIP? +CLIP=<n>,<m>
AT+CLIP=? +CLIP:( list of supported <n>s)
Defined values: <n> (Parameters sets/shows the result code presentation status):
0 Disable
1 Enable
<m> (Parameters shows the subscriber CLIP service status in the network):
0 CLIP not provisioned
1 CLIP provisioned
2 Unknown (eg.no network,etc)

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

<number> String type phone number of format specified by <type>.

<type> Type of address octet in integer format.
Remarks: none
Source: GSM07.07/7.6
Implementation: Complete

IX. Resources required (Additional)

S. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1 Computer System A basic computer system with 01
Minimum Configuration and
operating system like Windows
2 GSM Modem SIM 300 or higher 01
3 SIM Card Any 3G network SIM card 01
4 Serial Cable DB-9 serial connector 01
5 Adapter 12V DC 01

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Insert SIM Card Properly.
2. Make sure the SIM is having network coverage.
3. Type the AT Commands after reading their use, as it might reset/Format the SIM

XI. Procedure
Steps for connecting GSM Modem with Hyper terminal software:
1. Connect the setup as shown in the block diagram given below.

Figure 3: Interfacing diagram of GSM Modem and Computer

2. Start the PC and load the required software for GSM modem/Trainer.
3. Start the Hyper terminal software.
4. Open File->New Connection

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Figure 4: Screenshot of hyper terminal software

5. Set the COM1 properties with default values as:
Speed/Baud rate:9600
Data Bits:8
Parity: None
Stop Bit:1
Flow Control: None
6. Type “AT” on the screen (command line) and detect connection by receiving
response “OK”
7. Type the various commands and check their responses.
8. Record the responses of given various commands in the observation table.

XII. Student Activity (Additional)

(Teacher shall form group of 4 to 5 students and effect of allot any one activity from
the following)
1. Draw the screen shot of mobile handset for various commands
2. Draw the call procedure for making call from mobile unit.
3. Draw the call procedure for making call from landline to mobile phone.

(Space for answers)


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XIII. Observations
(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Observe Command response and write their Responses.
Sr. No. Command Response

XIV. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. What do you mean by PSTN?
2. What is the effect of field strength on call connection?
3. List Network Service types.
4. State the websites providing free SMS service.
5. What is the additional band proposed for 4G mobile system? How a user is
alerted for the incoming call using paging mechanism of mobile network.

(Space for answers)


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XV. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. www.mobilecomms-technology.com
2. www.gsmworld.com
3. www.communica.se/multitec/gprs_at.pdf
4. www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/cellularModules/AT_Commands_Reference_Guide
5. www.zeeman.de/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/ubinetics-at-command-set.pdf

XVI. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Use of GSM Modem with Hyper terminal Software 20%
2 Identifying AT Commands for an experiment 30%
3 Follow ethical practices 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Observations and recording 20%
5 Answer to sample questions 15%
6 Timely Submission of report 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ……………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 17

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 3: Transfer an image, audio and video file using Bluetooth
protocol with varying distance between two devices and
analyze the performance.

I. Practical Significance
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances
using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.400 to 2.485 GHz
from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs).It was
originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. One thing keeps
skipping people’s attention is Bluetooth. Before portable hotspot and Wi-Fi tethering
was a thing, which is shared in phone internet using Personal Area Networks, also
called Bluetooth Tethering. This experiment will help the students to setup Personal
Area Network, Bluetooth.
II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 8- Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member
in diverse/multidisciplinary teams.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ’Maintain Wireless and Mobile Networks’.
1. Use Bluetooth device to create a small network and identify the various settings
require for creating a network.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain wireless network Technologies.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Transfer an image, audio and video file using Bluetooth protocol with varying distance
between two devices and analyze the performance.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Maintain tools and equipment.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Bluetooth technology is a wireless communications technology that is simple, secure
and everywhere. Anyone can find it in billions of devices ranging from mobile
phones and computers to medical devices and home entertainment products. It is
intended to replace the cables connecting devices, while maintaining high levels
of security.

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The key features of Bluetooth technology are iniquitousness, low power and low cost.
The Bluetooth specification defines a uniform structure for a wide range of devices to
connect and communicate with each other.

VIII. Work Situation:

1. Faculty will demonstrate the use of Bluetooth and perform comparative analysis to
transfer an image,audio and video file.
2. Faculty must form a group of two students.
3. Students group will use Bluetooth and perform comparative analysis.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Bluetooth enabled Any basic phone having 02
Mobile phone Bluetooth device

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Check the battery status before connecting.
2. Enter correct password for pairing.
3. Disconnect the connection after usage.

XI. Procedure
(Note: This Procedure may vary phone to phone)
1. In Bluetooth and other devices settings, select send or receive files via Bluetooth.
2. In Bluetooth File Transfer, select send files.
3. Choose the device you want to share to.
4. Next. Select Browse.
5. The file or files to share.
6. Open, next to send it and finish.

XII. Observations:
Device A Bluetooth Version 4.2 device
Device B Bluetooth Version 4.2 device
Type of File : Image (.jpg)
File size =_____ MB
Initial Battery Level : Device A (MI A1)= ___% and Device B (Micromax)= ___%

Table 1
Sr. Distance Time required for Battery Level
No. (Feet) transmission from Device A Device B
Device A  Device (MI A1) (Micromax)
B (secs)

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Type of File : Audio

File size =____MB
Initial Battery Level : Device A (MI A1)=___% and Device B (Micromax)= ___%
Table 2
Sr. Distance Time required for Battery Level
No. (Feet) transmission from Device A Device B
Device A Device B (MI A1) (Micromax)

Type of File : Video

File size = ___MB
Initial Battery Level : Device A (Moto G4+)= __% and Device B (LG K10)= __%
Table 3
Sr. Distance Time required for Battery Level
No (Feet) transmission from Device A Device B
Device A  Device B (MI A1) (Micromax)

XIII. Graph
 Plot graph by taking distance in feet on x-axis and time in seconds on Y-axis also
 Plot graph by taking distance in feet on x-axis and battery % on Y-axis for
image,audio and video.

XIV. Results
File type Average data Average data rate as
rate (calculated) per specifications
File Maximum Maximum
type Range (As per Range as per
experimentation) specifications
XV. Practical related Questions
Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Define Bluetooth Technology and What are the features of Bluetooth Technology.
2. List classification of Bluetooth.

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3. State basic principle and principle of operation involved in Bluetooth Technology.

4. Draw functional block diagram and frequency band, spread spectrum of Bluetooth.
5. State advantages. Disadvantages and Applications, specifications of Bluetooth

(Space for answer)

XVI. Exercise
Note: Faculty must ensure that every group of students performs the exercise.
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
Build a Personal Area Network of mobile devices using Bluetooth Technology.

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Setup Diagram:

Figure 1:Personal Area Network using Bluetooth Technology

Observe the following setting and attach the screenshots of the mobile phone.
1. Setting Menu
2. Turning on the Bluetooth Tethering
3. Available Bluetooth devices
4. Successful Tethering Connection

(Space for answers)


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XVII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://electronicsforu.com/resources/cool-stuff-misc/gsm-at-commands
2. http://www.dignited.com/31936/how-to-create-a-bluetooth-pan-personal-area-
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/personal_area_network

XVIII. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage

Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1. Connection procedure for setting up a network 20%
2. Use of Bluetooth as a Personal area Network 30%
3. Follow ethical practices 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4. Observations and recording 20%
5. Answer to sample questions 15%
6. Timely Submission of report 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No.4: Configure Wi-Fi setting in mobile devices using

mobile tethering.

I. Practical Significance
Mobile tethering allows us to share cellular data connection with others over Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth or USB. Although the technology is ready and has promising outcomes,
service providers and the users still keep their distance.
II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Networks”.
1. Configure Wi-Fi setting in mobile device.
2. Start mobile tethering for connect other wireless devices.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain Wireless network Technologies.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Configure Wi-Fi setting in mobile devices using mobile tethering to connect two
devices such as mobile phone to mobile phone and mobile phone to laptop.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow precautionary measures.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Tethering, or phone-as-modem (PAM) ,is the sharing of a mobile device’s Internet
connection with other connected computers. Connection of a mobile device with other
devices can be done over wireless LAN (Wi-Fi),over Bluetooth or by physical
connection using a cable. If tethering is done over WLAN, the feature may be branded
as a personal or mobile hotspot, which allows the device to serve as a portable router.
Mobile hotspots may be protected by a PIN or password. The Internet-connected
mobile device can act as a portable wireless access point and router for devices
connected to it. Mobile tethering performance results indicate that more people can
access the Internet while they are mobile even if they do not have cellular data

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subscription. More Internet based services can be offered to people while they roam in
other countries. Tethering is the practice of using a mobile device (such as a
smartphone) as a modem to connect another device, such as a laptop or another mobile
phone to the Internet. To do so, the phone must have mobile data enabled.

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the configuration for Wi-Fi settings and mobile tethering
and connect another mobile phone to the internet.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will use mobile phone for create mobile hotspot and connect two or
more mobile devices to the Internet.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. No. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Wi-Fi Any basic phone having 2
enabled Bluetooth device.
Mobile Phone

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Check the battery status before connecting.
2. Enter correct PIN or password for connecting mobile hotspot.
3. Disconnect the connection after usage.

XI. Procedure
Share a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot(Using Android Device)
1. Open your phone’s setting app.
2. Select Personal Hotspot.
3. Select Wi-Fi Hotspot.
4. Turn ON Wi-Fi Hotspot.
5. To see or change a hotspot setting. like the name or password, tap it. If needed,
first tap set up Hotspot configuration.
6. Open Wi-Fi in another phone and select created hotspot.

XII. Observations
Observe and write the table contents.
Table 1: Contents of Mobile Device
Mobile Mobile OS Username and
Manufacturing Password of hotspot

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XIII. Result

XIV. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Write the steps for Wi-Fi configuration.

2. Write a Wi-Fi Version used in hotspot.


XV. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Connect the mobile hotspot to laptop
2. Connect the laptop hotspot to mobile without any password.

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(Space for answers)


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XVI. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://support.google.com/android/answer/9059108?hl=en(As on 20/08/2019)

XVII. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Use Mobile Tethering Technique 10%
2 Selection of personal and Wi-Fi Hotspot 10%
3 Open Wi-Fi in another phone and select created 40%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Practical related questions and exercise 10%
5 Completion and submission of practical in time 10%
6 Expected Output/Observation 20%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 5: Apply RFID technology for real life applications

using RFID kit.

I. Practical Significance
RFID, Radio Frequency Identification is a technology ,which includes wireless data
capture and transaction processing. Proximity (short range) and Vicinity (long range)
are two major application areas where RFID technology is used. Track and trace
applications are long range or vicinity applications. Various real time applications
include asset tracking, people tracking, library, attendance system.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for industry identified
Competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Use RFID card.
2. Use RFID card for real time application.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Test RFID reader detector.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Construct a simple RFID application.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow precautionary measures.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Components of RFID System:
RFID system consists of three components RFID tag, reader, microcontroller.
A RFID tag: It consists of a silicon microchip attached to a small antenna and
mounted on a substrate and encapsulated in different materials like plastic or glass veil
and with an adhesive on the back side to be attached to objects.
A reader: It consists of a scanner with antennas to transmit and receive signals and is
responsible for communication with the tag and receives the information from the tag

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Processor or a Controller: It can be a host computer with a Microprocessor or a

microcontroller which receives the reader input and process the data.
Types of RFID Systems: Active and Passive
Passive RFID system using EM wave propagation method: The antenna present in the
reader transmits electromagnetic waves which are received by the antenna present in
the tag as potential difference across the dipole. This voltage is rectified and filtered to
get the DC power. The receiver antenna is kept at different impedance which causes it
to reflect a part of the received signal. This reflected signal is received by the reader
and monitored accordingly.

Active RFID system:

In the active RFID system, the reader sends signal to the tag using an antenna. The tag
receives this information and resends this information along with the information in its
memory. The reader receives this signal and transmits to the processor for further

RFID Reader detector circuit:

RFID readers transmit an electromagnetic (EM) field with their reader antenna. This
EM field induces a current in the antenna for all RFID tags within reading distance.
This induced current activates the RFID chip that is connected to the tag’s antenna.
This chip then modulates a response (usually the unique ID number)that is transmitted
back to the reader. The antenna of an RFID tag is usually a thin copper wire that is
arranged in loops. The loops allow the emitted EM field of the RFID reader to induce
current to the antenna of the tag.

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the working of RFID reader detector circuit.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.

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IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. RFID Trainer kit
2. RFID reader Operating frequency
13.56 MHz

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Handle RFID system and peripherals with care.

XI. Procedure
a. Connect the capacitor (82 pF) and the low current LED to the tag. They are
connected in parallel. Also solder these two components to the copper tape to test
RFID tags we need an RFID reader that can operate at a frequency of 13.56MHz.
b. Replace the connected capacitor and LED from our tag with an RFID chip (eg. the
MIFARE 1k).By doing this, the activity of our tag is no longer visible through the
LED, but our tag is then readable by the RFID reader and responds with the unique
ID number of the chip.
c. With these simple steps, RFID reader detector testing is finished by bringing our
DIY RFID detector close to an RFID reader),the connected LED lights up
d. If there are RFID readers available with a stronger EM field and therefore a higher
maximum reading distance.

XII. Resources used (Additional)


XIII. Observations

XIV. Results

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XV. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. How does change in the length of antenna affect reading distances?

2. State the operating frequency of RFID reader used.


3. It is desired to make a database of the students in a college present at any particular

day. Explain the approach to maintain and check a database for students of the
college with RFID technology.

XVI. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Write the working of RFID reader detector.
2. State applications of RFID.
3. Design & develop the program to display the card No on the LCD according to
card swapped based on application of RFID.
4. Design & develop the program to ON/OFF the Relay and Buzzer according to the
card swapped based on application of RFID.

(Space for answers)


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XVII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.elprocus.com/rfid-basic-introduction-simple-application/

XVIII. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Connecting components 20%
2 Obtaining results 20%
3 Understanding knowledge of RFID 20%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Practical related questions and exercise 20%
5 Completion and submission of practical in time 10%
6 Expected Output/Observation 10%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 35

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 6: Establish seamless wireless connectivity using

multiple access point

I. Practical Significance
Seamless wireless connectivity can be interpreted as the process move between
wireless networks for communication takes place when not distracted or without re-
authentication. The process includes seamless roaming services in the most seamless
work by using Internet Protocol (IP) that is designed to provide mobility at the
network level connection.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Configure wireless network using multiple access points”.
1. Configure wireless access point.
2. Connect wireless devices to access point.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain wireless network Technologies.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Establish seamless wireless connectivity using multiple access point.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow precautionary measures.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

A wireless Access point (WAP) is a networking device that allows wireless-capable
devices to connect to a wired network. Instead of using wires and cables to connect
every computer or device in the network, installing WAPs is a more convenient, more
secure, and cost-efficient alternative. In other words, the network itself continues to
hold the user’s IP address and get away from the connection to the other connection
types, exchanged so smooth that there is no noticeable effect on the user side. If there
are some areas in a room covered by more than one access point, then the cell
coverage have to overlap. Each wireless station will automatically determine the best

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connection will arrest of an Access point. Area coverage overlapping an important

attribute of the WLAN setting because it enables seamless roaming between
overlapping cells.

Figure 1: Seamless wireless access point

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the configuration for two or more access point with
internet connection.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will use mobile phone,laptop for create seamless wireless
connectivity using internet connection/LAN network.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

No. /Components
1. Mobile Phone, Laptop

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Handle access point, router, laptop, mobile, computer system and peripherals with
2. Shut down PC properly.
XI. Procedure
a. Configure two access point/routers (as access point) to use the same SSID and
b. Disable DHCP and NAT on the router (bridged).This will prevent the router form
making a secondary network inside the existing network.
c. Assign an IP address to the router. If primary router has the IP address give to secondary router.
d. Finally give both Wi-Fi networks the same name(SSID)and set them to use the
same password.
e. Once configured, devices connected to our Wi-Fi network will automatically
switch between routers when needed.
f. When we move out of the range of my primary router, mobile phone, laptop,
iPhone, iPad switches to the secondary one. It works perfectly.

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XII. Resources used (Additional)


XIII. Observations
Table 1:Contents of seamless Wireless Network
Access Point manufacturing Range Username and Password of

XIV. Result

XV. Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Write how many access point used in seamless wireless network.
2. Write IP address and MAC address of access points.
3. Write name of SSID network.

XVI. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Make your Own seamless wireless network in computer lab and write steps.
2. Transfer file, images using your seamless wireless network.

(Space for answers)


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XVII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.savjee.be/2012/10/creating-one-WiFi -network-with-multiple-access-

XVIII. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Configure two or more multiple access point 20%
2 Proper Hands on 20%
3 Use Proper wireless technology 20%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Practical related questions and exercise 10%
5 Completion and submission of practical in time 10%
6 Expected Output/Observation 20%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 40

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 7: Use AT commands to understand working of 3G network

using 3G mobile phone Trainer kit.

I. Practical Significance
The mobile phone now a days become a necessity for an individual. The mobile now a
days becoming smarter and the interface with all other services and internet is become
necessary. The increased data rates in GSM network, allows the user to use video
calling, conferencing, camera related applications. This has now become integral part
of mobile. To get acquainted with these features GSM AT commands are used. This
practical will help the students to execute Advanced features of 3G/4G networks like
video call and phone camera command.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1- Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 8- Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member
in diverse/multidisciplinary teams.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ’Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network’
1. Identify the components on GSM modem and identify the commands for call
control features as well as advance features such as video call and phone camera,
Microphone, loudspeaker volume control of a 3G/4G mobile phone unit
2. Use GSM modem and identify various AT commands for different functions of
3G/4G GSM Mobile unit.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain wireless mobile application

V. Practical Outcome (PrOs)

1. Execute AT commands for call control in 3G/4G network.
2. Execute AT commands for video call and phone camera related commands in
3G/4G networks.
3. Execute AT commands for Microphone and Loudspeaker volume control related
commands in 3G/4G networks.

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VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Maintain tools and equipment.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

While EDGE fulfils the 3G specifications, most GSM.UMTS phones report EDGE
(“2.75G”) and UMTS(“3G”) functionality. The following standards are typically
branded 3G:
The UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service) system, first offered in
2001,standardized by 3GPP,used primarily in Europe, Japan, China (however with a
different radio interface) and other regions predominated by GSM (Global Systems for
Mobile)2G system infrastructure. The cell phones are typically UMTS and GSM
hybrids. Several radio interfaces are offered ,sharing the same infrastructure:
The following common standards comply with the IMT-2000/3G standard:
EDGE, a revision by the 3GPP organization to the older 2G GSM based transmission
methods, utilizing the same switching nodes, base station sites and frequencies as
GPRS, but new base station and cell phone RF circuits. It is based on the three times
as efficient 8PSK modulation scheme as supplement to the original GMSK modulation
scheme. EDGE is still used extensively due to its ease of upgrade from existing 2G
GSM infrastructure and cell-phones.

Figure 1: Block diagram of Video Call in 3G Mobile phone

(courtesy: https://en.wikipedia,org/wiki/3G-324M)

The 3G-324M protocol operates over an established circuit switched connection

between two communicating peers. 3G-324M is an umbrella specification to enable
conversational multimedia communication over Circuit Switched (CS) networks and
has been adopted by the 3GPP. 3G-324M is based on the ITU-T H.324 specification
for multimedia conferencing over Circuit switched networks. The 3G-324M
specification using the Circuit switched network allows delay sensitive conversational
multimedia services such as:
1. Videoconferencing for personal and business use
2. Multimedia entertainment services
3. Telemedicine
4. Surveillance
5. Live Video Broadcasting– Cable TV On-the-Go
6. Video-on-demand (movies, news clips)

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of Serial link control commands,Video call and
phone camera related commands,General command,call control command and
Microphone volume control commands and execute.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice Serial link control commands,Video call and phone
camera related commands,General command,call control command and
Microphone volume control commands and execute them.

Serial link control commands:

1. ATS0
The S0 parameter controls the automatic answering of an incoming call.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
ATS0=<n> OK
ATS0? <n>
Defined values:
<n> Automatic answer after <n> rings.A value of 0 disables
automatic answering.
Remarks none
Source GSM 07.07/V.25 ter/6.3.5
Implementation complete
2. AT+CR
Command controls whether or not intermediate result code +CR:<serv> is returned
from the modem during connect negotiation of a data call.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CR=[<mode>] OK
AT+CR? +CR:<mode>
AT+CR=? +CR(list of <modes>s)
Defined values:
0 Disables reporting
1 Enables reporting
<serv> ASYNC Asynchronous transparent
REL ASYNC Asynchronous non-transparent
Remarks none
Source GSM 07.07/6.9
Implementation complete
Command controls whether or not the normal RING message of an incoming call
is replaced by an extended call indication using unsolicited result code
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CRC=[<mode>] OK
AT+CRC? +CRC:<mode>
AT+CRC=? +CRC(list of <modes>s)

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Defined values:
0 Disables reporting
1 Enables reporting
ASYNC Asynchronous transparent
REL ASYNC Asynchronous non-transparent
VOICE Normal voice
Remarks none
Source GSM 07.07/6.11
Implementation complete
Command is used to set the call forwarding service.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
Remarks none
Source GSM 07.05/3.3.5
Implementation complete

Video call and Phone camera Related commands:

The command is used to originate a video call. Before issue the command ,user
can select video call TX source by AT+VPSOURCE and select whether record
video after video call is connected or not by AT+VPRECORD.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+VPMAKE=<num> If connecting: VPACCEPT OK
ATS0? If connecting: VPACCEPT OK VPEND
Defined values:
<num> Dialing number, which must be less than 32 bytes.

The command is used to answer an incoming video call. If there is no incoming
video call, OK response is given only.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
No incoming video call: OK

The command is used to end a video call. If recording video is ongoing, the
command will stop recording and end video call. In addition, the command can be
used to reject an incoming video call.
Concept Structure:

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Command Possible Response

AT+VPEND Video call is connected: OK VPEND[:<seconds>]
Video call is not connected: OK
Defined values:
<seconds> The duration of video call, from VPCONNECTED to VPEND and
the unit is in second.

The command is used to send DTMF tone during a connected video call, and it is
sent s an H.245 user input indication (basic string) to the other side.
Note: The maximal length of DTMF string is 127.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+VPDTMF=? +VPDTMF (list of supported<vpdtmf>s) OK
AT+VPDTMF=<vpdtmf> OK
Defined values:
<vpdtmf> DTMF string consisted of (0-9,*,#)

The command is used to select video TX source which provides video frames to
transmit to remote party. If select video TX source before video call is connected,
the Module will get video frames from specified TX source when video call is
connected. The command is only effective on current or next video call.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+VPSOURCE=<src>[,<frame>] OK
Defined values:
<src> The Module supports three TX sources-CAMERA, STATIC IMAGE and
FILE SOURCE. In spite of which TX source is used, the size of video
frames must be 176*144(pixel).
0 Send none image, video or video capture from camera
1 Capture video from camera (Default value)
2 Send a static image, support JPEG and BMP format
3 Send video frames from file, support MP4 and 3GP format
4 Reserved
5 Reserved

<fname> Image or video file which is existed in current directory [refer to

AT+FSCD],and it includes extension name

The command is used to start camera. Make sure the sensor is existent and connect
well. Camera must be started before taking picture or recording video.
Concept Structure:

Command Possible Response

If camera has started: CAMERA INVALID STATE ERROR

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The command is used to stop camera. If AT+CCAMTP has executed to take a
picture and the picture is not saved by AT+CCAMEP, the picture will not be saved
after AT+CCAME execution. If AT+CCAMRS has executed to record video and
that is not ended by AT+CCAMRE, the video file will be stopped recording and
saved after AT+CCAME execution.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
If camera has stopped: CAMERA NOT START , ERROR

Other Video call and phone camera Related commands:

This command is used to select the volume of the internal loudspeaker audio
output of the device. Test command returns supported values as compound value.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CLVL=? +CLVL(list of supported <level>s), OK
AT+CLVL? +CLVL:<level>, OK
AT+CLVL=<level> OK
Defined values:
<level> Integer type value which represents loudspeaker volume level. The
range is from 0 to 8,and 0 represents the lowest loudspeaker volume
level,2 is default factory value.
Note:<level> is nonvolatile, and it is stored when restart.

The command is used to control the loudspeaker to mute and unmute during a
voice call or a video call which is connected. If there is not a connected call, write
command can’s be used. When all calls are disconnected. the module sets the sub
parameter as 0 automatically.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+VMUTE=? +VMUTE: (list of supported <mode>s), OK
Defined values:
0 Mute off
1 Mute on
The command is used to enable and disable the uplink voice muting during a voice
call or a video call which is connected. If there is not a connected call ,write
command can’t be used. When all calls are disconnected, the module sets the sub
parameter as 0 automatically.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CMUT=? +CMUT:(list of supported <mode>s), OK
AT+CMUT? +CMUT:<mode>, OK

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Defined values:
0 Mute off
1 Mute on
The command is used to select the incoming call ringer sound level of the device.
The value of <level> will be saved to no volatile memory after write command is
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CRSL=? +CRSL:(list of supported <level>s), OK
AT+CRSL? +CRSL:<level>, OK
AT+CRSL=<level> OK
Defined values:
<level> Integer type value which represents the incoming call ringer sound level.
The range is from 0 to 4,and 0 represents the lowest level ,2 is default
factory value.
Note: <level>is nonvolatile and it is stored when restart.
General Command:
AT+GCAP: Request overall capabilities
Execution command causes the TA reports a list of additional capabilities.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
Execution command Responses
AT+GCAP +GCAP:(list of <name>s), OK
Call Control Command:
ATO-Switch from command mode to data mode
ATO is the corresponding command to the +++ escape sequence. When there is a
CSD call or a PS data call connected and the TA is in command Mode, ATO
causes the TA to resume the data and takes back to data mode.
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
TA/DCE switches to data mode from command mode: CONNECT
ATO If connection is not successfully resumed or there is not a connected

Microphone Volume Control:

The command is used to control the microphone gain level. When the module
restarts, the gain level will resume as default values. The setting will be saved to
nonvolatile memory after write command is executed.
SIM: Not required
Concept Structure:
Command Possible Response
AT+CMIC=? +CMIC: (list of supported<gain Level>s), OK
Read command Responses
AT+CMIC? +CMIC:<gain Level>, OK
Write Command Responses
AT+CMIC=<gain Level> OK, ERROR

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Defined values:
<gain level> : Range from 0 to 15 and 0 is the lowest gain level.
When the audio output of device is handset,14 is default value; when headset,
13 is default value; when speaker,4 is default value.
(Note: Teacher can give more commands related to experiment)
Note: In any of the practical related to AT command this ”ERROR” can be the
possible response which means: The device is not interfaced or available in
MODEM. (This could be one of the reasons for getting this kind of error)

IX. Resources required

Sr. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity Remarks

1. 3G mobile phone Trainer Kit
2. 3G activated SIM card(s) of
any service provider
supporting Tri-Band UMTS
Or 2100/1900/900MHz
3. Power Supply, Hands free
CRO/Spectrum Analyzer,
Connecting wires, Antenna
with coaxial cable, Micro SD
4. Computer system A basic computer 01
system with
configuration and
operating system
like windows
5. GSM Modem SIM 300 or higher 01
6. SIM Card Any 3G network 01
SIM card
7. Serial Cable DB-9 serial 01
8. Adapter 12V DC 01

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X. Precautions to be followed
a. Insert SIM card properly.
b. Make sure the SIM is having network coverage.
c. Type the AT Commands after reading their use, as it might reset/Format the SIM

XI. Procedure
Steps for connecting GSM Modem with Hyper terminal software:
a. Connect the setup as shown in the block diagram given below.

Figure 2 : Interfacing diagram of GSM modem and computer

b. Start the PC and load the required software for GSM modem/Trainer.
c. Start the Hyper terminal software.
d. Open File->New connection

Figure 3 : Screenshot of hyper terminal software

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e. Set the COM1 properties with default values as:

Speed/Baud rate:9600
Data Bits:8
Parity: None
Stop Bit:1
Flow Control: None
f. Type “AT” on the screen (command file) and detect connection by receiving
response “OK”.
g. Type the various commands and check their responses.
h. Record the responses of given various commands in the observation table.

XII. Student Activity (Additional)

(Teacher shall form group of 4 to 5 students and allot any one activity from the
1. Draw the block diagram of 3G mobile system.
2. Draw the screen format seen on LCD for the command AT+CCAMS.

XIII. Observations
Observe command response and write their Responses.
(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Sr. No. Command Response

XIV. Questions for confirmation of learning:

1. What do you mean by the generations of the mobile communication networks?
2. State the basic blocks of 3G architecture model.
3. List the various 3G AT command.

(Space for answer)


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XV. Results
Observed the responses and results of AT commands
1. The response to the AT+VPMAKE is ______
2. The response to the AT+CCAMS is ______

XVI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Compare 2G and 3G network, GSM and GPRS.
2. State the advanced features of 3G communication.
3. How automatic selection of network is done?
4. How network availability is decided? what are the criteria to do so? How to
improve network availability to the user?
5. What is the effect of antenna location in the cell, on the network availability?

(Space for answer)


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XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Establish a video call between 2 phones and write the steps of video call process.
2. Write specifications of camera available in the phone.
3. Explain process of capturing an image in Mobile Phone Camera.
4. Test the microphone and speaker of the phone available in lab using specific
code.(Search for code to diagnose the phone).

(Space for answers)


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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://electronicsforu.com/resources/cool-stuff-misc/gsm-at-commands.
2. http://www.falcom.de/uploads/media/A2D_hardware_description .pdf.
3. https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gts/07/0707/05.00.00_60/gsmts_0707v050000p.
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3G-324M
5. https://www.mt-system.ru/sites/default/files/docs/simcom/docs/sim5215-
6. www.mobilecomms-technology.com
7. www.gsmworld.com
8. www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/CellularModules/AT_Commands_Reference_Guid
9. www.zeeman.de/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/ubinetcs-at-command-set.pdf

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Use of GSM modem with Hyper terminal Software 20%
2 Identifying AT Commands for an experiment 30%
3 Follow ethical practices 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Observations and recording 20%
5 Answer to sample questions 15%
6 Timely Submission of report 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 54

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 8: Check network availability manual and auto selection of

network using AT commands.

I. Practical Significance
AT commands are used in GSM network. It works in two modes, user mode and AT
command mode to understand working of Global System for Mobile communication.
It also provides facility to study different signal like Transmission clock, Receiving
clock, Buzzer, Vibrator, Voice, Sync and SIM Card indication in GSM Mobile Phone
system. It is equipped with a keypad with Dedicated keys like: Alphabet, Numeric and
function for user interaction.
II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and
basic engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in
the context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to
solve broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to
use the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 8- Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team
member in diverse/multidisciplinary teams.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network’.
1. Understand the installation of GSM mobile phone and interpret various AT
commands and their response.
2. Identify the network from the received list.
3. Ability to check the status of the signal strength and to select the AT commands
for a specific selection.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain wireless mobile application

V. Practical Outcome (PrOs)

Check network availability manual and auto selection of network using AT

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Maintain tools and equipment.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

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VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Prior Concepts of Block diagram of mobile communication system, Global System for
Mobile (GSM) and working principle of GSM system should be known to students.

VIII. Work Situation

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of AT Commands and execute.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice AT Commands and execute them.

1. Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN): It is mobile network available on Land.

2. AT+COPS: This command is used to show the current and the available
PLMN’s.It is also used to select a PLMN manually or automatically. Command is
used to show the current and the available PLMN’s.
Concept Structure:
Commands Possible Responses
AT+COPS? +COPS:0,0,”service provider name”
3. AT+CSQ: This command is used to ask for the network field strength and the
current bit error rate.Command is used to ask for the networks field strength and
the current bit error rate.
Concept Structure:
Commands Possible Responses
+CSQ +CSQ:<rssi>,<ber> +CME ERROR:<err>
+CSQ=? +CSQ:(list of supported <rssi>s), (list of supported<ber>s)
4. AT+CREG: This command is used to show the network registration status and to
control the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CREG:<stat> when there is
a change in the network registration status.
Concept Structure:
Commands Possible Responses
+CREG=[<n>] OK
Unsolicited result codes: +CREG:<stat> if <n> equals 1 +CREG:<stat>,<lac>,<ci> if
<n> equals 2
AT+CREG? +CREG:<n>,<stat>(n=1) +CME ERROR:<err>
+CREG:<n>,<stat>,<lac>,<ci> (n=2)
Defined values:
0 Disable network registration unsolicited result code
1 Enables network registration code result code +CREG:<stat>
2 Enable network registration and location information unsolicited result code with
+CREG:<stat>,<lac> and <ci>

0 Not registered, ME is not currently searching a new operator
1 Registered, home network
2 Not registered, but ME is currently searching a new operator
3 Registration denied
4 Unknown
5 Registered, roaming
<lac>: String type; two byte location area code in hexadecimal format (eg.00C3 equals
193 in decimal)

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<ci>: String type; two byte cell ID in hexadecimal format

Remarks: none
Source: GSM 07.07/7.2
Implementation: Complete

IX. Work Situation

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of AT Commands and execute.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice AT Commands and execute them.

X. Resources required
Sr. Instrument /Components Specification
1. GSM Mobile phone Trainer kit
2. SIM card(s) of any GSM service provider
supporting 900/1800 frequency band
3. Power supply
4. PC with Windows XP
5. RS 232 Interface
6. Operating Software for GSM trainer

XI. Precautions to be followed

a. Insert SIM card properly
b. Make sure the SIM is having network coverage.
c. Type the AT commands after reading their use, as it might reset/Format the SIM

XII. Procedure
a. Connect the set up as shown in Figure below.

b. Insert SIM card before switching ON power supply.

c. Switch ON the power supply.
d. Start PC and load the software required for GSM trainer.
e. Locate the Hyper Terminal. It is generally available in
Start->Programs->Accessories->Communication->Hyper Terminal
f. Open file->New Connection

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g. Set the COM1 properties with default values as:

Data Bits:8
Parity: None
Stop Bit:1
Flow Control: None
h. Type ”AT” on the command line and detect connection by receiving response
i. Type the various AT Commands and checks their responses.
j. Record the responses of given various commands in the observation table.

XIII. Questions for confirmation of learning:

1. Why there is a need of AT+CREG?
2. What do you mean by dual band handsets?
3. How automatic selection of network is done?

(Space for answer)


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XIV. Observations
Observe Command response and write their Responses
Sr.No. Command Response

XV. Student activity

1. State the process of connecting hyper terminal with mobile trainer.
2. Draw the screen format seen on LCD for the command AT+COPS.
3. Draw the screen format seen on LCD for the command AT+CSQ.

(Space for answer)


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XVI. Results
Observed the response and results of AT commands
1. The response to the AT+COPS is_________________(Location area no/location
area name/Antenna no.)
2. The response to the AT+CSQ is _________________ (signal strength in
dBm/signal strength in %/Type of signal)

XVII. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. What values of signal strength are used in GSM network and CDMA network?
2. What happens if signal strength reduced beyond a certain minimum value?
3. How network availability is decided? what is the criterion to do so?
4. How to improve network availability to the user? Define bit error rate.
5. What is the effect of antenna location in the cell, on the network availability?

(Space for answer)


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XVIII. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
Observe Command response and write their Responses
Sr. Command Response
1 AT+CTFR Call Deflection
2 AT+CAOC Advice of Charge
3 AT+CPLS Selection of Preferred PLMN List
4 AT+CPOL Preferred PLMN List
5 AT+CIMI Request International Mobile
Subscriber Identity

XIX. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. www.mobilecomms-technology.com
2. www.gsmworld.com
3. www.communica.se/multitech/gprs_at.pdf
4. www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/cellularModules/AT_Commands_Reference_Guide
5. www.zeeman.de/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/ubinetics-at-command-set.pdf

XX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Use of GSM Modem with Hyper terminal Software 20%
2 Identifying AT Commands for an experiment 30%
3 Follow ethical practices 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Observation and recording 20%
5 Answer to sample questions 15%
6 Timely Submission of report 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ……………………...

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 62

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 9 : Simulate Bluetooth voice transmission to observe effect of

AWGN & interference of 802.11b on transmission
using MATLAB & Simulink.

I. Practical Significance
Bluetooth uses the unlicensed Instrumentation, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band
around 2.4GHz. It shares this channel with devices used for other applications
including cordless phones, garage door openers, highway toll transponders, and
outside broadcasting equipment. It is also susceptible to interference from microwave
ovens, which emit radiation in this bandwidth.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO8-Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team
member in diverse/multidisciplinary teams.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Ability to measure the values and note down the observations.
2. Ability to follow systematic procedure or sequence of operation.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain wireless network Technologies.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
To simulate Bluetooth voice model.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Maintain tools and equipment.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Bluetooth Specifications:
The Bluetooth standard gives specifications for voice and data communication over a
radio channel with a maximum capacity of 1Mbps. Here we will be looking at the
design of the physical layer in Simulink. Operations such as link manager protocol and
logical link control, which are better modeled as state machines in State flow are not
considered here. Bluetooth transmits at a low power (1mW) and is therefore designed
for short-range use of less than 10 meters. The modulation scheme used in Bluetooth is
Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK).

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Figure 1: Communications link between transmitter and receiver for voice


Figure 2 shows a more detailed block diagram of the transmitter only, including
speech coding, whitening, Header Error Check (HEC), FEC, framing, modulation,
frequency hopping, and RF subsystem.

Figure 2 : Transmitter specification.

In Bluetooth, voice transmission is known as a Synchronous Connection Oriented

(SCO) type of communication and transmits only every sixth slot.

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of MATLAB and simulink to simulate Bluetooth
voice transmission.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice simulation of Bluetooth voice model.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. No. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

1. IBM PC Suitable specifications 1
Compatible as per requirement of
Computer System simulation software
with Latest Processor
2. Simulation MATLAB Software

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
2. Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
3. Ensure proper installation of simulation software.

XI. Procedure
a. Switch on the computer and click on the MATLAB icon.
b. Go to start at the bottom of the command window, then select “simulink” then go
to library browser and drag it into creating file.(or) Once you open the MATLAB

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then click on simulink icon .Go to file and select new and then select model.
You will get a new window.
c. Arrange the functional blocks as shown in simulink model.
d. Assign required parameters to each functional block.
e. Observe the outputs on scope.

XII. Simulink Model of Bluetooth voice Transmission

Figure 3 :The ‘Sample-time Colors’ option highlights the various model sample rates

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Figure 4 : Simulink transmitter subsystem

Figure 5: Simulink receiver subsystem

This demo models part of a Bluetooth® system. The demo uses frequency hopping a
79 MHz frequency range to avoid interference with other devices transmitting in the
band. In this scheme, the sender divides transmission time into 625-microsecond slots,
and uses a new hop frequency for each slot. Although the data rate is only 1 Mbps, a
much larger bandwidth of 79 MHz is required to simulate the frequency hopping
effects. The Bluetooth model contains the following elements:
 Master transmitter
 Radio channel
 IEEE® 802.11b interferer
 Slave receiver
 Bit error rate (BER) display
 Scopes
The transmitter subsystem performs speech coding, buffering, framing, header error
control (HEC), forward error correction (FEC), GFSK modulation, and frequency
hopping. Channel effects modelled include thermal noise, path loss, and interference.

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The Free Space Path Loss block, from the RF Impairments library, models path loss.
The IEEE 802.11b interferer is a masked subsystem that opens up a mask dialog for
user input on double-clicks. Mean packet rate, packet length, power, and frequency
location in the ISM band can be specified in the dialog. The Slave Receiver recovers
speech from the transmitted signal, performing all the complementary operations that
the transmitter does, but in reverse order.

XIII. Simulation Output

CASE 1: AWGN off and 802.11 off

CASE 2: AWGN on and 802.11 off

CASE 3: AWGN on and 802.11 on

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CASE 4: AWGN off and 802.11 on

XIV. Actual Simulink Block Diagram & Output Observed

(Students should paste the simulink block diagram and Simulation Output)

(Space for answer)


XV. Conclusion
Effect of AWGN and of Interference of 802.11b on transmission.
CASE 1: AWGN off and 802.11 off
In this case, as shown in the graph , there are no interferer slots because
WLAN interferer is off.
CASE 2: AWGN on and 802.11 off
In this case, as shown in the graph , there are no interferer slots because
WLAN interferer is off.

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CASE 3: AWGN on and 802.11 on

In this case, as shown in the graph , there are maximum interferer slots
because WLAN interferer and AWGN is on.
CASE 4: AWGN off and 802.11 on
In this case, as shown in the graph ,there will be little interferer slots
because WLAN interferer is on and AWGN is off.

XVI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Explain CVSD Speech coding in Bluetooth voice transmission.

2. Explain Modulation and frequency hopping in Bluetooth voice transmission.


XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
1. Test following results and analyze the performance.
802.11 b AWGN Hop Frequency BER

Off Eb/No =1:1:15 Random

Packet Rate=999
Off 0:78
(Fixed On)

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(Space for answers)


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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. www.read.pudn.com/downloads183/sourcecode/comm/.../Bluetooth%20Voice.d...

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1. Handling of Simulation software and working in 20%
2. Building of diagram and Simulation output 30%
3. Measuring values from PC Screen 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4. Observations and recording 20%
5. Answer to sample questions 15%
6. Timely Submission of report 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

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Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 10: Develop a mobile application for wireless technology using
any wizards such as available on www.appypie.com or
any other.

I. Practical Significance
Creating own app is a powerful way to marketing business. A good app will get
excellent results for business.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Appy Pie delivers a rich user interface for a mobile application by using HTML5
with JavaScript and CSS.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain wireless mobile application.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
To develop a mobile application for wireless technology.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
2. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Appy Pie is a mobile app platform released on Android and iOS platforms. It is an app
that allows its users to create different types of mobile apps, which can then be
released to the public and monetized. It also features its own marketplace to show off
apps created through it. Appy Pie launched out of beta version of its WYSIWYG
mobile app creation service on 14 April 2013. Appy Pie delivers a rich user interface
for a mobile application by using HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS. Using Phone
GAP API user interfaces can be created with JavaScript component libraries that
render interactive user interface widgets using HTML5 elements.

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VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of wizard such as www.appypie.com for
developing mobile application.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will perform mobile application development.

IX. Resources required

Sr. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Hardware: IBM PC Compatible

Computer System
2. Any other resource

X. Precautions to be followed
1. Create Login id and password carefully.
2. Follow stepwise procedure and Shut down PC properly after performing.

XI. Procedure
7. Open www.appypie.com or any App building software. It involves 3 main steps
1. Select
2. Build
3. Publish
 Click on Login: Create Login id and password and then proceed.

 Select an operating system.

 Click on “Android”.

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 Click “Create Your Android App”.

 Enter App Name Eg: Make You Fly

 Choose Category: Example: Travel

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 Click Next. then You will be directed to “Enter your Facebook Page name “This is
optional field”.You can skip it.
 Click “Next”. You will be directed to following page:
 Choose “Layout”

 Click “Next”.
 You will be directed to the following page:

 You can select the number of pages of your App.

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 You can change the page name.

 You can add Description either by Typing the contents or from the websites.
 You can add or delete or change related details as per your App requirements.
 You can change “Page style and color scheme”.
 Click on “SAVE and FINISH”.

 You will be directed to the following page:

 Click on “FREE” Plan.

 You will be directed to the following page:

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 Click on “Continue to My apps”.

 Enter the Verification code sent on your mail id and click verify.
 You will see this page.

 Click on “Test App”.

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 Type mail id so that you receive the App link on mail on your mobile phone and
download the App on your mobile phone.
 You will receive the App download link.
 This will be a “.apk” file. You are required to download the file in your mobile
phone and your App is ready.

XII. Applications
1. Apps can be designed for free
2. Create an App in Minutes
3. No coding skills Required

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4. App Revisions/Updates are real time

5. Send push Notifications
6. Apps can be easily Monetized
7. App publishers get real time App Analytics
8. Share App with friends

XIII. Conclusion
 Appy Pie delivers a rich user interface for a mobile application by using HTML5
with JavaScript and CSS. Using Phone GAP API user interfaces can be created
with JavaScript component libraries that render interactive user interface widgets
using HTML5 elements.

XIV. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. What is smartphone?
2. What are different mobile development solutions?
3. Explain Browser based and native wireless applications.

(Space for answer)


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XV. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.appypie,com

XVI. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Use of WWW.appypie.com for developing mobile 20%
2 Identifying other wizards for developing mobile 30%
3 Follow ethical practices 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Observations and recording 20%
5 Answer to sample questions 15%
6 Timely Submission of report 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

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Practical No.11 : Simulate the line coding techniques using MATLAB

and Simulink.

I. Practical Significance
Electrical representation of binary codes is called “line code”. A line code is a chosen
for use within a communications system for transmitting a digital signal down a
transmission line. Line coded signal is used to create an “RF signal” that can be sent
through free space. The line-coded signal can be converted to bits on an optical disc.
In this practical students will convert the given digital data into various line codes.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Identify different components, IC’s and blocks on trainer kit and make the
connection as per the given experimental set up.
2. Test the output signals at the different testing points and interpret the result as per
the observation.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Interpret the components of WLL Applications.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Simulate the line coding techniques using MATLAB and Simulink.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Maintain tools and equipment.
2. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Unipolar Non-Return to Zero (NRZ)
In this type of unipolar signaling, a High in data is represented by a positive pulse
called as Mark, which has a duration T0 equal to the symbol bit duration. A Low in
data input has no pulse. The following figure 1 clearly depicts this.

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Figure 1 :Unipolar NRZ

Unipolar Return to Zero (RZ)
In this type of unipolar signaling, a High in data, though represented by a Mark pulse,
its duration T0 is less than the symbol bit duration. Half of the bit duration remains
high but it immediately returns to zero and shows the absence of pulse during the
remaining half of the bit duration. It is clearly understood with the help of the
following figure 2.

Figure 2: Unipolar RZ
Bipolar Signaling
This is an encoding technique which has three voltage levels namely +, - and 0. Such
a signal is called as duo-binary signal. An example of this type is Alternate Mark
Inversion (AMI). For a 1, the voltage level gets a transition from + to – or from – to +,
having alternate 1s to be of equal polarity. A 0 will have a zero voltage level. Even
in this method, we have two types.
 Bipolar NRZ
 Bipolar RZ
From the models so far discussed, we have learnt the difference between NRZ and RZ.
It just goes in the same way here too. The following figure 3 clearly depicts this.

Figure 3: Bipolar NRZ and Bipolar RZ

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VIII. Work Situation

a. form a group of two students.
b. Students group will practice simulation of line coding techniques.
c. Faculty will demonstrate the use of MATLAB and simulink to simulate line
coding Techniques
Faculty must
IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

No. /Components
1. Line Coding 8 bit variable NRZ-L pattern 1
kit Data Simulator using 8 way
DIP Switch,15 clock states
constant data pattern,125 KHz
serial data pattern or
equivalent trainer kit.
2. CRO/DSO 25 MHz, dual scope 1
3. Connecting Single Strand Teflon coating As per
wires (0.6 mm diameter) requirement
4. IBM PC Suitable specifications as per 1
Compatible requirement of simulation
Computer software with Latest Processor
5. Simulation MATLAB Software

X. Precautions to be followed
For practical set up
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
For Simulation
1. Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
2. Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
3. Ensure proper installation of simulation software.

XI. Procedure
For Practical set up
a. Make the connections as shown in Practical set up diagram.
b. Select the input bit stream form kit to set digital word 01100011.
c. Observe the waveforms of unipolar RZ,NRZ and Bipolar NRZ, Manchester line
coding formats using CRO/DSO and draw the waveforms on graph paper.
d. After completion of practical switch off the supply, remove the connection and
submit the wires and equipments.

For Simulation
a. Switch on the computer and click on the MATLAB icon.
b. Go to start at the bottom of the command window, then select “simulink” then go
to library browser and drag it into creating file.(or) Once you open the MATLAB

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then click on simulink icon .Go to file and select new and then select model.
You will get a new window.
c. Arrange the functional blocks as shown in simulink model.
d. Assign required parameters to each functional block
e. Observe the outputs on scope.

XII. Simulink Model of Line coding Techniques

XIII. Simulation Output

XIV. Actual Simulink Block Diagram and Output Observed


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XV. Exercise
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
1. Observe the effect of average DC value and bit duration for unipolar non return
zero (UPNRZ) and polar return zero (PRZ)
Sr. No. Type of line code DC voltage Bit duration
1 Polar RZ
2 Unipolar NRZ

2. Write MATLAB code for line coding : unipolar, polar, bipolar & Manchester code

(Space for answers)


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XVI. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.sqa.org.uk/elearning/NetTechDC01ECD/page_02.htm
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_code.
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/assembly_programming/

XVII. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Handling of the trainer kit 10%
2 Identification of component and Build Block 20%
diagram using MATLAB and Simulink
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument and 20%
Simulation Output
4 Working in team 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
5 Interpretation of result 15%
6 Conclusion 05%
7 Practical related questions and exercise 15%
8 Submitting journal in time 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ……………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

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Practical No.12: Simulate the Binary amplitude shift keying using

MATLAB and Simulink.

I. Practical Significance
Amplitude shift keying (ASK) is type of digital modulation that represents digital data
as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave. The amplitude of an analog carrier
signal varies in accordance with the bit stream (modulating signal) where frequency
and phase are keeping constant. This practical is designed to explain how change of
amplitude in to level corresponds to logic 1 and logic 0.ASK is a type of Amplitude
Modulation which represents the binary data in the form of variations in the amplitude
of a signal. Any modulated signal has a high frequency carrier. The binary signal when
ASK modulated ,gives a zero value for low input while it gives the carrier output for
high input.

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Identify different components, IC’s and different blocks on the trainer kit and
make the connections as per the given experimental set up.
2. Test the output signals at the different testing points and interpret the output and
result as per the observations.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Interpret the components of WLL Applications.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Simulate the Binary amplitude shift keying using MATLAB and Simulink.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow safe practices.
2. Handle tools and instruments carefully.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Any digital modulation scheme uses a finite number of distinct signals to represent
digital data. ASK uses a finite number of amplitudes, each assigned unique pattern of
binary digital. Each amplitude encodes an equal number of bits. Each pattern of bits
forms the symbol that is represented by the particular amplitude. The demodulator is
designed especially for the symbol set used by the modulator, determines the
amplitude of the received signal and maps it back to the symbol it represents, thus

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recovering the original data. Frequency and phase of the carrier are kept constant in
Amplitude shift keying (ASK) is the digital modulation technique. In Amplitude shift
keying, the amplitude of the carrier signal is varied to create signal elements. Both
frequency and phase remain constant while the amplitude changes.
In ASK, the amplitude of the carrier assumes one of the two amplitudes dependent on
the logic states of the input bit stream. This modulated signal can be expressed as:
Amplitude shift keying (ASK) in the context of digital signal communications is a
modulation process, which imparts to a sinusoid two or more discrete amplitude
levels. These are related to the number of levels adopted by the digital message. For a
binary message sequence there are two levels, one of which is typically zero. Thus the
modulated waveform consists of bursts of a sinusoid.

Figure 1: ASK Input Output

Figure 2: ASK Input Output Waveforms

Practical Circuit Diagram (Sample Block Diagram)

Figure 3: ASK modulator


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Figure 4: ASK demodulator


Figure 5: Waveforms of Carrier signal ,Data signal & ASK wave

VIII. Work Situation:
a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of MATLAB and simulink to simulate
Amplitude shift keying technique.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice simulation of ASK.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

No. /Components
1. Dual trace cathode 20MHz dual trace 1
ray oscilloscope/25 MHz
oscilloscope/Digital Dual trace Digital
storage storage oscilloscope
2. Power supply Variable DC Power 1
supply 0-30V,0-2A,SC
protection, Digital
3. ASK Trainer kit Data clock frequency 1
KHz,16KHz,data 8
bit,16 bit,32 bit,64 bit

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or equivalent trainer kit

4. Connecting wires CRO probes, patch 2
5. Computer Latest specifications 1
with high end Processor
suitable for Simulation
6. Simulation MATLAB Software 1

X. Precautions to be followed
For practical set up
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
For Simulation
1. Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
2. Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
3. Ensure proper installation of simulation software.

XI. Procedure
For Practical set up Circuit Diagram
a. Make the connection as per circuit diagram.
b. Switch ON the power supply.
c. Connect digital input signal 1010110 on to the trainer kit of ASK modulator.
d. Observe the output of ASK modulator on CRO.
e. Connect output of ASK modulator to input of ASK demodulator.
f. Observe the output of ASK demodulator.
g. Draw the waveform on graph showing digital input signal, carrier signal,
modulated signal and demodulated signal.
h. After completion of practical switch off the supply, remove the connection and
submit the wires and equipments.
For Simulation
a. Switch on the computer and click on the MATLAB icon.
b. Go to start at the bottom of the command window, then select “simulink” then go
to library browser and drag it into creating file.(or) Once you open the MATLAB

then click on simulink icon .Go to file and select new and then select model.
You will get a new window.
c. Arrange the functional blocks as shown in simulink model.
d. Assign required parameters to each functional block.
e. Observe the outputs on scope.

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XII. Simulink Model of Amplitude Shift Keying Technique

XIII. Simulation Output

XIV. Actual Simulink Block Diagram and Output Observed


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XV. Conclusion

XVI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Observe the ASK output for bit stream 1100101
2. Observe the ASK output for bit stream 1110100
Note: Use graph paper to draw waveforms of ASK.

(Spaced for answer)


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XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
1. Observe Waveforms at various stages of ASK
Sr. No. Output at Amplitude Time Frequency Waveform
1 Input signal
bit stream
2 Carrier
2. Write MATLAB Code for generation of ASK waveform and execute same.

(Space for answers)


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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. http://www.allsyllabus.com/aj/note/ECE/Digital%20Communication/unit3/index.p
2. http://www.evalidate.in/lab2/pages/ASK-M/ASK/ASK-T.html
3. http://www.srmuniv.ac.in/sites/default/files/files/TN0501%lab20mannual.pdf
4. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=ask+waveform&source

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Identification of different blocks on trainer kit and 10%
handling of simulation software
2 Preparation of Experimental set up and building of 20%
3 Observation and measurement of various output on 20%
trainer kit and measuring values from PC Screen
4 Handling of the kit and working in team 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
5 Correctness of output 15%
6 Interpretation of result and conclusion 05%
7 Practical related questions and exercise 15%
8 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 96

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 13: Simulate the Binary Phase shift keying using
MATLAB and Simulink.

I. Practical Significance
PSK technique is widely used for wireless LANs, biometric, contactless operations,
along with RFID and Bluetooth communications. BPSK has a bandwidth which is
lower than that of BFSK signal. It has a very good noise immunity. This practical
enable the students to generate and decode BPSK signal.
II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Identify different components, IC’s and blocks on trainer kit and make the
connections as per given experimental set up.
2. Test the output signals at the different testing points and simulate using MATLAB
and Simulink and interpret the result as per the observation.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Interpret the components of WLL Applications.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Simulate Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) using MATLAB and Simulink.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow safe practices.
2. Handle tools and instruments carefully.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Phase Shift Keying (PSK) is the digital modulation technique in which the
phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a
particular time with respect to the given digital input. Figure 1 shows BPSK

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Figure 1: Generation of PSK/BPSK Modulator

In BPSK modulation, phase of the carrier signal is changed according to the data bit to
be transmitted. Keeping its frequency and amplitude constant as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Waveform of BPSK Modulation

BPSK demodulator:
Figure 3 shows BPSK demodulator. The BPSK modulating signal is demodulated with
a synchronous detection system. The synchronous detection system uses a modulator
to multiply the received signal and regenerated carrier wave. The frequency and phase
of the regenerated carrier wave must match (synchronize with) the carrier wave used
on the transmitted end.

Figure 3: BPSK demodulator

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Practical Circuit Diagram:

Figure 4: Practical set up for BPSK modulation and demodulation

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: Waveforms of (a) Carrier signal (b) Modulating signal (c) PSK output

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of MATLAB and simulink to simulate BPSK
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice simulation of BPSK Technique.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. BPSK Four type selectable data clock 1
modulator frequency2KHz,4KHz,8KHz,16KHz,And
and four selectable types bit data 8 bit,16
demodulator bit,32 bit,64 bit or equivalent trainer kit
trainer kit
2. CRO/DSO 25MHz,dual Trace/Bandwidth 30MHz- 1
3. Connecting Single strand Teflon coating(0.6 mm As per
wires diameter) requirement
4. IBM PC Suitable specifications as per requirement 1
Compatible of simulation software with Latest
Computer Processor
5. Simulation MATLAB Software

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X. Precautions to be followed
For practical set up
a. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
b. While doing the experiment adjust proper volt/div and times/div selection on
For Simulation
a. Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
b. Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
c. Ensure proper installation of simulation software.

XI. Procedure
For practical set up Circuit Diagram
a. Make connections as shown in figure.
b. Select input data 11001011 from data generator using switches and connect it to
bipolar convertor.
c. Connect bipolar data to signal input of balanced modulator (BPSK modulator)
d. Select carrier signal from carrier generator and connect it to carrier input of
balanced modulator (BPSK modulator).
e. Switch on the power supply.
f. Connect DSO/CRO probe at output of balanced modulator (BPSK modulator).
g. Observe output waveforms of balanced modulator (BPSK modulator) on CRO.
h. Write output signal phase shift with respect to carrier for input signal (logic 1 and
logic 0 ) in observation table.
Sr. No. Input Signal Modulated output signal
phase shift w.r.t carrier

i. For BPSK demodulation connect output of balanced modulator (BPSK modulator)

to input of BPSK demodulator kit as shown in figure.
j. Observe the output of low pass filter on CRO/DSO.
k. Draw the waveform of input data, carrier signal, BPSK signal and output of low
pass filter on graph paper for observed value.
l. After completion of practical switch off the supply, remove the connection and
submit the wires and equipments.
For Simulation
a. Switch on the computer and click on the MATLAB icon.
b. Go to start at the bottom of the command window, then select “simulink” then go
to library browser and drag it into creating file.(or) Once you open the MATLAB

then click on simulink icon .Go to file and select new and then select model.
You will get a new window.
c. Arrange the functional blocks as shown in simulink model.
d. Assign required parameters to each functional block.
e. Observe the outputs on scope.

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XII. Simulink Model of Binary Phase Shift Keying Technique

XIII. Simulation Output

XIV. Actual Simulink Block Diagram and Output Observed


XV. Conclusion

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XVI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Draw BPSK modulated waveforms for input data 11110000
2. Draw BPSK modulated waveforms for input data 10101010
3. Draw BPSK modulated waveforms for input data 11111111
4. Draw BPSK modulated waveforms for input data 11001100
Note: Use graph paper to draw waveforms of BPSK.

(Space for answer)

XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Write Algorithm and MATLAB Code and draw flowchart for BPSK Modulation
and demodulation technique.
2. What are real life applications of BPSK Technique and advantages
3. Why BPSK technique is called switching & signaling? Define PSK.
4. Plot Spectrum of PSK and what is bandwidth of PSK?
5. Draw the signal space representation of PSK and what is significance of Euclidean

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(Space for answers)


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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.ques10.com/p/3631/explain-the-operating-principle-working-of-
2. http://www.gaussianwaves.com/2010/04/bpsk-modulation-and-demodulation-2/

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Identification of different blocks on trainer kit and 10%
handling of Simulation Software
2 Preparation of Experimental set up and building of 20%
3 Observation and measurement of various output on 20%
trainer kit and measuring values from PC Screen
4 Handling of the kit and working in team 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
5 Correctness of output 15%
6 Interpretation of result and conclusion 05%
7 Practical related questions and exercise 15%
8 Submitting the journal in time 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Process Product Total

Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 104

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 14: Simulate the Delta Modulation using MATLAB

and Simulink

I. Practical Significance
In PCM the signaling rate and transmission channel bandwidth are quite large since it
transmits all the bits which are used to code a sample. To overcome this problem,
Delta modulation is used. A delta modulation is an analog to digital and digital to
analog signal conversion technique used for transmission of voice information.DM is
the simplest form of differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) where the difference
between successive samples is encoded in to n-bit data streams .In delta modulation,
the transmitted data are reduced to a 1-bit data stream. This practical is designed to
explain how different types of information signals which are analog in nature can be
converted to digital form.
II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
Competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Identify different components, IC’s and blocks on the trainer kit and make the
connection as per the given experimental set up.
2. Test the output signals at the different testing points and interpret the result as per
the observations and simulate using MATLAB and Simulink.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Interpret the components of WLL Applications.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Simulate the Delta Modulation using MATLAB and Simulink.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow safe practices.
2. Handle tools and equipments carefully.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Delta modulation is a Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) technique in which
the difference signal is encoded into a single bit. Delta modulation provides a staircase
approximation of the input sampled signal where only one bit per sample is
transmitted. This one bit is sent by comparing the present sample value with the
previous sample value and the result whether the amplitude is to be increased or
decreased is transmitted. If the step is reduced,0 is transmitted and if the step is

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increased then 1 is transmitted. The figure illustrates the block diagram of Delta
Modulation Transmitter.

Figure 1: Delta Modulation Transmitter

Sample and hold circuit will sample the analog input signal in to Pulse amplitude
modulated (PAM) signal. The Up-down counter stores the magnitude of the previous
sample in the binary value. This binary number is converted in to equivalent voltage in
the Digital to analog converter (DAC).The PAM signal and the DAC output are
compared in the comparator. The Up-down counter is incremented or decremented
depending on whether the previous sample is larger or smaller than the current sample.
The output of the comparator generates the Delta pulse code modulated signal. The
figure illustrates the block diagram of Delta Modulation Receiver.

Figure 2: Delta Modulation Receiver

The receiver of the delta modulator consists of DAC, up/down counter and LPF. The
Delta PCM signal is fed to the up/down counter. Based on the input received from the
up/down counter, DAC will generate the output PAM signal. The output of DAC is
given LPF which will filter out high frequency component. Thus the output signal of
DAC in the transmitter and receiver is identical to the original information signal.
There are two distortions; slope overload error and granular noise are present in DM

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Practical Circuit Diagram:

Figure 3: Practical set up

(a) (b) (c)

Waveforms (a) Clock input (b) Delta modulation output & message signal
(c) D/A converter output

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of MATLAB and simulink to simulate Delta
Modulation Technique.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice simulation of Delta Modulation

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Dual trace cathode 30MHz dual trace oscilloscope/25MHz 1
ray oscilloscope. Dual Trace Digital Storage
Digital storage Oscilloscope
2. Power supply (0-30V,0-2A) 1
3. DM Trainer kit Input 1
Sampling frequency (8,16.32.64)KHz
or equivalent trainer kit.
4. Connecting wires CRO probes, patch cords 2
5. IBM PC Suitable specifications as per 1
Compatible requirement of simulation software
Computer System with Latest Processor
6. Simulation MATLAB Software

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X. Precautions to be followed
For Practical set up
a. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
For Simulation
a. Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
b. Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
c. Ensure proper installation of simulation software.

XI. Procedure
For Practical set up Circuit Diagram
a. Make the connection as shown in figure.
b. Switch ON the power supply.
c. Set the input information signal at 1Vpp,500Hz.
d. Connect the above set input to DM modulator input i.e to comparator input.
e. Select the sampling frequency of 8 KHz.
f. Observe the integrator output by varying amplitude from 0.5V to 1V.
g. Observe the output wave format various block output of DM modulator.
h. Connect the output of DM modulator to demodulator the input.
i. Observe the output of DM demodulator.
j. Observe the waveform at the output of filter by connecting the output of
demodulator to the input of low pass filter.
k. Repeat the above procedure from step f to j for sampling frequency of 32 KHz.
l. Draw observed waveforms on the graph paper.
m. After completion of practical switch off the supply, remove the connection and
submit the wires and equipments.
For Simulation
a. Switch on the computer and click on the MATLAB icon.
b. Go to start at the bottom of the command window, then select “simulink” then go
to library browser and drag it into creating file.(or) Once you open the MATLAB

then click on simulink icon .Go to file and select new and then select model.
You will get a new window.
c. Arrange the functional blocks as shown in simulink model.
d. Assign required parameters to each functional block.
e. Observe the outputs on scope.

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XII. Simulink Model of Delta Modulation Technique

XIII. Simulation Output

XIV. Actual Simulink Block Diagram and Output Observed


XV. Conclusion

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XVI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Observe the effect of increasing or decreasing amplitude of input signal on DM

2. Observe the effect of on increase or decrease in amplitude of input signal on

integrator output.

XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Observe waveforms at various stages of DM and complete following Observation
table and draw waveforms on graph paper.
Sr. No. Output at Amplitude Time Period Frequency
1 Input Signal
2 Sampling Signal
3 Integrator signal
4 DM Modulator output
5 Compressor output
6 Expander output
7DM demodulator output
without filter
8 DM demodulator output
with filter
2. Write a MATLAB Program to perform Delta Modulation

(Space for answers)


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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading
1. https://www.eng.auburn.edu/-troppel/courses/TIMS-manuals-
2. http://www.slideshare.net/stk_gpg/pulse-modulation-9526921?next_slideshow=1
3. https://www.slideshare.net/azizulhoque539/311-pulse-modulation

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Handling of the trainer kit 10%
2 Identification of component and Build Block 20%
diagram using MATLAB and Simulink
3 Measuring value using suitable instrument and 20%
Simulation Output
4 Working in team 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
5 Interpretation of result 15%
6 Conclusion 05%
7 Practical related questions and exercise 15%
8 Submitting journal in time 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 112

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 15: Simulate the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

using MATLAB and Simulink.

I. Practical Significance
CDMA technology is known as a spread spectrum technique which allows many users
to occupy the same time and frequency allocations in a given band and space.
Individual conversations are encoded with the help of pseudo-random digital
sequence. This practical is designed to explain how two different signals can be send
using CDMA-DSSS and reconstructed successfully at other end.
II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems.
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ”Maintain Wireless and Mobile Networks”.
1. Identify different components, IC’s and different blocks on the trainer kit and
make the connections as per the given experimental set up.
2. Test the output signals at the different testing points and interpret the result as per
the observations and simulate it.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Interpret the components of WLL Applications.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Simulate the Direct Sequence Spread spectrum using MATLAB and Simulink.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow safe practices.
2. Handle tools and instruments carefully.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

CDMA technology is known as a spread-spectrum technique which allows many users
to occupy the same time and frequency allocations in a given band and space. Types of
spread spectrum Communications: There are two types of spread spectrum
1. Frequency Hopping
2. Direct Sequence
CDMA employs analog to digital conversion (ADC) in combination with spread
spectrum technology. Audio input is first digitized into binary elements. The
frequency of the transmitted signal is then made to vary according to a defined pattern

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(code),so it can be intercepted only by a receiver whose frequency response is

programmed with the same code, so it follows exactly along with the transmitter

Figure 1: CDMA-DSSS waveforms

Practical Circuit Diagram:
Sample Block Diagram:

Figure 2: CDMA-DSSS Transmitter


Figure 3: CDMA-DSSS Receiver


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Sample Practical Setup:

Figure 4: CDMA-DSSS Practical set up

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of MATLAB and Simulink to simulate DSSS
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice simulation of DSSS Technique.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Dual trace cathode 20MHz dual trace 1
ray oscilloscope/25 MHz
oscilloscope/Digital Dual Trace Digital
Storage storage Oscilloscope
2. Power Supply Variable DC Power 1
supply 0-30V,0-2 A,SC
protection Digital
3. CDMA-DSSS Two channel, Four bit 1
Trainer kit PN sequence or
equivalent trainer kit
4. Connecting wires CRO Probes, patch 2
5. IBM PC Suitable specifications 1
Compatible as per requirement of
Computer System simulation software
with Latest Processor
6. Simulation MATLAB Software

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X. Precautions to be followed
For practical Setup
a. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.
For Simulation
a. 1.Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
b. 2.Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
c. 3.Ensure proper installation of simulation software.

XI. Procedure
For Practical set up Circuit Diagram
a. Make the connection as per figure.
b. Switch ON the power supply.
For CDMA DSSS Transmitter:
a. Connect 8KHz clock signal from the clock section to “data clk” of the clock
input section.
b. Connect 240 KHz clock signal from the clock section to “PRNS clk” of the
clock input section.
c. Connect input of the feedback EX-OR gate of PRNS sequence-1 and PRNS
d. Connect Data-1 output of “data generator-1” to “data input” of one of the two EX-
OR gate under DSSS modulator section.
e. Connect “PRNS input” of same EX-OR gate to the “PRNS-1 output of the PRNS
sequence-1 generator.
f. Connect Data-2 output of “data generator-2” to “data input” of other EX-OR gate
under DSSS modulator section.
g. Connect “PRNS input” of same EX-OR gate to the “PRNS-2 output of the PRNS
sequence-2 generator.
h. Connect the output of these EX-OR gates to the respective inputs of the MUX.
i. Observe the data output of data generators and PRNS sequence output of PRNS
sequence generator.
j. Observe the DSSS spread signal at the output of DSSS modulator.
k. Observe the final multiplexed CDMA signal at the output of the MUX.

For CDMA DSSS Receiver:

a. Connect the output of MUX to the demodulator input.
b. Connect the PRNS sequence-1 at the PRNS for dispreading socket of
c. Connect the output of demodulator to the input of correlation receiver.
d. Draw observed waveform in following table.
e. Note: The above procedure is given for experimental setup as shown in fig.
f. Procedure will change for different setups so do refer the practical manual.

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Sr. No. Output at Waveform

1 Carrier clock signal
2 Bit clock signal
3 Data-1 (Modulator section)
4 PRNS-1
5 MUX output/DSSS Signal
6 PRNS dispreading output

Procedure For Simulation

a. Switch on the computer and click on the MATLAB icon.
b. Go to start at the bottom of the command window, then select “simulink” then go
to library browser and drag it into creating file.(or) Once you open the MATLAB

then click on simulink icon .Go to file and select new and then select model.
You will get a new window.
c. Arrange the functional blocks as shown in simulink model.
d. Assign required parameters to each functional block.
e. Observe the outputs on scope.

XII. Simulink Model of DSSS Technique

Figure 5: Model of DSSS Technique

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XIII. Simulation Output

XIV. Actual Simulink Block Diagram and Output Observed


XV. Conclusion

XVI. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Use PN-sequence for the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) signal to trace
the DSSS signal corresponding to 2 different bit patterns and the same PN-
sequence used as the modulator.
2. Observe the DSSS signal corresponding to 2 different bit patterns for clock
frequency 120KHz.

Note: Use graph paper to draw waveforms of DSSS.

(Space for answer)


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XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Generate PN sequence using MATLAB code.

(Space for answers)


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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.elprocus.com/cdma-technology-working-applications/
2. http://www2.rivier.edu/faculty/vriabov/CS553_ST7_Ch09-Spreadspectrum.ppt
3. https://www.ccsneu.edu/home/rraj/courses/G250/S05/Lectures/SpreadSpectrum.

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Identification of different blocks on trainer kit 10%
2 Preparation of Experimental Setup and Build Block 20%
diagram using MATLAB and Simulink
3 Observation and measurement of various output on 20%
Trainer kit
4 Handling of the kit and working in team 10%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
5 Interpretation of result 15%
6 Conclusion 05%
7 Practical related questions and exercise 15%
8 Submitting journal in time 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 121

Wireless and Mobile Network (22622)

Practical No. 16: Simulate WSN node to determine position on node and
blink LED using cup carbon simulator and senscript.

I. Practical Significance
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a technology in continuous evolution with great
future and a huge quantity of applications. The implementation and deployment of a
WSN imply important expenses, so it is interesting to simulate the operation of our
design before deploying it. In addition, WSNs are limited by a set of parameters such
as the low processing capacity, low storing capacity or limited energy. Energy
consumption is the most limiting parameter since the network stability and availability
depends on the survival of the nodes. To check the correct operation of a network,
currently, there are several network simulators and day by day new proposals are

II. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the problems related to application of computers and
communication services in storing, manipulating and transmitting data, often in the
context of business or other enterprise.
PO 2- Discipline knowledge: Apply Information Technology knowledge to solve
broad-based Information Technology related problems
PO 3- Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve Information Technology related problems.
PO 4- Engineering tools: Apply appropriate Information Technology related
techniques/tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III. Competency and Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency “Maintain Wireless and Mobile Network”.
1. Use Cupcarbon Simulator.

IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s)

Maintain Adhoc and Wireless sensor Network.

V. Practical Outcome(PrOs)
Simulate WSN node to determine position on node and blink LED using cupcarbon
simulator and Sen script.

VI. Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s)

1. Follow safe practices.
2. Handle tools and instruments carefully.
3. Follow ethical practices.

VII. Minimum Theoretical Background

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are one of the fastest growing control and
monitoring technologies in recent years. According to Kumbhar et al., WSNs are
destined to be one of the 10 technologies that will change the world and the foreseen
future is impregnated by WSNs powered by batteries that will monitor our

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environment and even us. WSNs are composed by a set of spatially distributed sensors
that are capable of collecting, storing and processing environmental information.
Although in their beginnings they were connected by wires, nowadays, WSNs are
wirelessly connected with other nodes for communicating and transmitting the
collected data. In this sense, the application field of this technology is very broad and
can be applied in different areas.

VIII. Work Situation:

a. Faculty will demonstrate the use of cupcaron simulator.
b. Faculty must form a group of two students.
c. Students group will practice cupcaron simulator to simulate WSN node.

IX. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity Remarks
1. IBM PC Compatible Suitable specifications as per 1
Computer System requirement of simulation
software with Latest Processor
2. Simulation Software Cupcarbon software

X. Precautions to be followed
For Simulation
1. Ensure proper earthing to the computer system.
2. Ensure compatibility of computer system with software.
3. Ensure proper installation of simulation software.
Cupcarbon offers two simulation environments
The first simulation environment is a multi-agent environment , which enables the
design of mobility scenarios and the generation of events such as fires and gas as well
as the simulation of mobiles such as vehicles and flying objects (e.g. UAVs, insects,
etc.).The second simulation environment represents a discrete event simulation of
wireless sensor networks which takes into account the scenario designed on the basis
of the first environment.


CupCarbon simulation is based on the application layer of the nodes. This makes it a
real complement to existing simulators. It does not simulate all protocol layers due to
the complex nature of urban networks which need to incorporate other complex and
resource consuming information such as buildings, roads, mobility, signals, etc.
Moreover, CupCarbon represents the main kernel of the ANR project PERSEPTEUR
that aims to develop algorithms for an accurate simulation of the propagation and
interference of signals in a 3D urban environment

XI. Procedure
PROJECT 1 : To Display Position of a Sensor Node
1. Create New Project
Click : Project -> New Project Give any Project Name (Example : WN1)
2. Select Sensor Node

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Click : Nodes  Add sensor

3. Create scripts
Click : Simulation -> Communication script
Give a file name (Example : dispose)
The Senscript to display positions is as below :
getpos x
println $x
delay 500
4. Script assignment: Device parameters
Assign the script of each sensor.
Select a sensor and then click on the item Device parameters in the menu nodes.

Once the device parameter window is opened, click on Enter to display its
parameters. Select the corresponding script in the list(Example : dispose) of the
Script file and then click on the button (blue arrow) in the right part.
5. Simulate

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Open the simulation window: Simulation -> WSN Simulation

The position of WSN is displayed.

PROJECT 2 : To Blink the Sensor Node(LED)
1. Create New Project
Click : Project -> New Project
Give any Project Name (Different From previous)(Example : WN2)
2. Select Sensor Node
Click : Nodes  Add sensor
3. Create scripts
Click : Simulation -> Communication script
Give a suitable Filename (Example : blinkled1)
The Senscript to display positions is as below :
mark 1
delay 1000
mark 0
delay 1000

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4. Script assignment: Device parameters

• Assign the script of each sensor.
• Select a sensor and then click on the item Device parameters in the menu nodes.
• Once the device parameter window is opened, click on Enter to display
• its parameters.
• Select the corresponding script in the list of the Script file and then click on
• the button (blue arrow) in the right part.

5. Simulate
Open the simulation window: Simulation -> WSN Simulation

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The LED blinks .

XII. Resources used (Additional)


XIII. Conclusion

XIV. Actual Simulation and Output Observed


XV. Interpretation of result

XVI. Practical related Questions

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Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. What are different simulation software used in WSN.
2. Compare various Hardware Sensor boards

(Space for answers)


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XVII. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
1. Write Program to print Hello World using Cupcarbon simulator.
2. Write program to print table of 7.
3. Write program to mark LED, blink LED and change the colours of LED using
Cupcarbon simulator.
(Space for answers)

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XVIII. References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. https://www.elprocus.com/8086-assembly-language-programs-explanation/
2. http://mysc.altervista.org/beginners-guide-8086/
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/assembly_programming/

XIX. Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related (15 Marks) 60%
1 Handling of Software 20%
2 Building of diagram 20%
3 Working in team 20%
Product related (10 Marks) 40%
4 Practical related questions 20%
5 Completion and submission of practical in time 10%
6 Expected Output/Observation 10%
Total (25 Marks) 100%

List of student Team Members

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………...
3. ………………………

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related(15) Related(10) (25)

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