Aventuria HeroesStruggle Rulebook
Aventuria HeroesStruggle Rulebook
Aventuria HeroesStruggle Rulebook
Contents This game expansion for the Aventuria Card Game provides
you with a new hero and six short adventures. The Cat Witch
Game Material Page 02
Rowena from the Overwals, who can be used in both the duel
Overview Page 02 and adventure mode of the game, uses her abilities in a subtle
Deck Construction Page 02 way to overcome her opponents–a welcome and refreshing
New Rules Page 03 alternative to her companion’s brute force approaches.
Short Adventure “Witches’ Dance” Page 05 The adventure “Witches’ Dance,” “A Goblin More or Less,”
“The Skinned Snake,” “Kibakadabra,” “The Thorwal Drum,”
Short Adventure “A Goblin More or Less” Page 08 and “Emperor of Thieves” are all comprised of one act each.
Short Adventure “The Skinned Snake” Page 10 In order to play them you have to switch the game to the
Short Adventure “Kibakadabra” Page 13 adventure mode (see adventure rules in the basic rulebook,
page 11).
Short Adventure “The Thorwal Drum” Page 16
Deck Construction
Short Adventure “Emperor of Thieves” Page 18
1 Hero Counter “Rowena from the Overwals” the right. Heavy Close Combat Weapon 0
1 Life Point Counter “Rowena from the Overwals” Important Note: This list is Light Ranged Combat Weapon 4
1 Fate Point not set in stone, but subject Medium Ranged Combat Weapon 2
11 Life Point / Adventure Counters to change! You can find the Heavy Ranged Combat Weapon 0
3 Doom Counters most recent version here: Light Armor 2
7 Adventure Cards “Witches’ Dance” www.ulisses-us.com/ Medium Armor 0
9 Adventure Cards “A Goblin More or Less” games/aventuria- Heavy Armor 0
11 Adventure Cards “The Skinned Snake” adventure-cardgame Item 6
3 Adventure Cards “Kibakadabra”
Advantage 4
6 Adventure Cards “The Thorwal Drum”
Skill 6
5 Adventure Cards “Emperor of Thieves”
19 Henchman Cards Simple Spell 12
16 Stone Snake Cards Complex Spell 8
7 Reward Cards Simple Liturgical Chant 0
5 Demon Ability Cards Complex Liturgical Chant 0
Free Action 6
New Rules Swarms
Swarms are a special kind of opponent, marked with the key-
With this game expansion we introduce a number of new rule
mechanics. word “Swarm” on their henchman card.
When a swarm comes into play, place a number of on its
Environment card, as indicated on the card. The
the swarm. The more
represent the size of
on the swarm henchman card, the
The circumstances of a battle can have a large effect on the more dangerous the swarm. For example, many swarms have
way it is fought. This is represented by special rules which a number of attacks equal to their current .
only apply to that specific combat and are therefore listed Compared to other opponents a swarm has very few life points.
on an environment card that comes with that combat. Some In return, a swarm is not immediately defeated when its life
opponents might be harder to hit or cannot be attacked in the points are reduced to 0 or less. Instead one is removed and
first place, or the heroes may be subject to a specific set of the life points are raised back to the starting value. It doesn’t
modifiers to their dice rolls, to name just a few examples. matter how much damage the swarm has suffered from the
Environment cards are adventure cards. attack—even if its life points sink down to -10 or less due to
If a combat comes with special environment rules, the rele- a massive hit, only one is removed and the life points are
vant environment card explaining those rules is placed in the reset to the starting value.
middle of the table at the start of combat. This is also men- With a single attack you cannot reduce a swarm’s by more
tioned in the combat’s game instructions. The environment than 1. Only when the last is removed does the swarm
only applies to this combat and is removed after the combat count as defeated, and only then does the hero who dealt
is over. the final blow receive 1 fate point. This makes fights against
. swarms extremely exhausting. On the upside, most swarms
are not shuffled back into the henchman draw pile after their
defeat, but instead are removed from the game.
Investigation cards Murder of Crows 4 Keyword
In the adventures “The Skinned Serpent” and “A “Swarm”
Goblin More or Less,” investigation cards are
Swarm, Animal (Forest, Settlement)
Place 3 on this card. Every time the
used. An investigation card works like a normal sink to 0 or below, remove 1 after the
Pieno, the Murderer Pieno, the Murderer Investigation
The narrative is read to the Circle
At the time Pieno Florigan stabbed his group when the card comes At the start of combat place
teacher Melchior Arenbruch, he had
been a member of the Community into play, to provide the players ( ) on this circle.
of Learning for three months and with a better understanding
had never behaved suspiciously. He of the investigations done by
seemed inspired by Melchior and their heroes. Track down Flow of
full of praise, so his crime remains a (Perception) Adventure
mystery. Counteres
When you find him in Vinsalt, he is
already dead, murdered by Ludolfo Examine diary
in an apparent dispute. (Knowledge)
You can learn more about Pieno and When all are in the bottom- Skill Roll
his motives from his belongings and Afterwards the card is
most Investigation Circle, discard
his diary. flipped. this card and flip over the card
Please flip this card. “Exhibit A.” Bottommost
The Molted Serpent The Molted Serpent Circle
Witches’ Dance much of the area has been abandoned. A few people clearly still
live here, though, as you are approached by a young country
girl. She introduces herself as Alevtia and tells you that she has
The small village of Wirselhome, 1038 FB an urgent request. Seeing desperation in her eyes, you duck
behind the inn to hear her tale.
As you are traveling the countryside, you come upon a small
village community. The town is large enough to have a tavern, Alevtia reveals that Wirselhome is home to a coven of kindly
an inn, a mill, and even some shops, but you get the sense that witches, but the coven has had its power usurped by a tyranni-
cal warlock named Cordax. The witches of Wirselhome cannot
act directly against him, because he has the power to control
them with curses. However, they hope that some outsider may
be able to take advantage of his waning power during tonight’s
new moon to break his hold on the village.
One hero makes a Perception roll. Decide as a group which
of you will make the roll.
Your journey into the nearby forest brings you to mysterious
place that is clearly the home of someone with an interest in Failure: The beastingers yell at you in fear and anger,
unsure of your intentions. You back away quickly and trip
magic. A short flight of natural stairs formed from root wood and fall. Lose 1 .
leads to a cave hidden beneath the roots of an old oak. The cozy
Critical Failure: The beastingers yell at you in anger. You
cave is filled with witchy wonders – dried herbs hang from the
turn to run, only to fall into a patch of predatory mush-
roof, bats cling upside down to the ceiling, and a cauldron bub- rooms! Lose 1d6+1
bles away in one corner.
Seated near the cauldron are two women who must be the You continue along the ley line, tracing its path through the
witches Alevtia had mentioned. The older one introduces forest towards the mill. The path winds through a gorge littered
herself as Satunya. She then gestures to the other woman and by an increasing number of bones and disturbing fetishes. As
introduces her as Madayana. The two of them smile knowingly you reach the bottom of the gorge, you see a cave. And in that
as you relate what you know so far about their problems. They cave you see the sleeping form of an ogre!
tell you that the warlock Cordax has made a pact with a dark
fairy named Wic. Wic empowers Cordax through a ley line that Each hero must make a Stealth roll. Please note that the
runs through the forest and encircles the old mill, which is effects of Critical Successes and Successes are nullified if
one or more heroes roll a Critical Failure (see below)!
where Cordax lives. If you can disrupt that ley line, you may be
able to get Wic’s attention and convince him to break the pact. Critical Success: As you are sneaking by, you realize that
But first you’ll need to follow where it leads. there is something odd about the ogre and his decorations.
His crafts and mannerisms seem almost human! You take a
They send you back out into the forest with directions for fol- chance and wake up the ogre and attempt to communicate
lowing the signs of magically-large mushrooms to track the ley with him. You realize through his human-like gestures that
line. You come to a huge magical tree known as the Mold Tree he is indeed a transformed human. After you explain your
and realize that this is the source of the fairy power. Unfor- purpose, he agrees to help you in your fight. Reduce the
tunately, this area is home to what appears to be a patch of threat value of the upcoming combat by 2.
mushrooms but is actually a group of mushroom beastingers! Success: You quickly sneak past the sleeping ogre. Gain 1
These bizarre fairy creatures are very talkative, and you might .
be able to get something useful out of them. Failure: You disturb the ogre’s sleep just as you are passing
the mouth of the cave. Lose 2 as he takes a swipe at you.
Each hero must make a Persuasion roll.
Critical Failure: The ogre wakes up in a rage! The result
Critical Success: You convince the beastingers that you of the Stealth roll is changed to “Failure” for each hero.
are friendly, and they offer advice for tracing and disrupt- This means that each hero loses 2 and might also reverse
ing the ley line. Gain 1 . benefits already gained from success or critical success. No
further rolls are made.
Success: : You have a generally friendly conversation with
the beastingers, but they keep getting sidetracked and
talking over each other. You decide to continue on without Finally you come to the mill where Cordax lives. The very forest
their help. rises up against you, as do the warlock’s ensorcelled servants.
And what’s worse is that time is running out! Midnight is
approaching, and if you do not stop Cordax before then you will
lose your chance!
Meanwhile, the dark fairy Wic is
providing Cordax with the power
that he needs to thwart your
attacks. You can almost see the
power flowing around this place
– if you do not manage to break
the dark fairy’s magical bond,
you will never be able to defeat
the warlock. You may be able to
use your magical knowledge to
disrupt the connection, or you
could persuade the fairy that
you are a threat and convince
him to flee, or maybe you could
use your craft skills to break the
mill’s water wheel, flooding the
mill and washing out the magic circle. After a Defeat:
You were too late! Midnight has come and gone, and Cordax
Assemble all “Witch’s Dance” cards (“Time Scale” (with a has restored his grip over the village of Wirselhome. You’ll have
difficulty of your choice), “Hero Action: Break the Pact,” to move on and hope that some other adventurers will be more
“Cordax,” “Curse: Prey!”, “Curse: Lumbago,” and “Curse: effective when the next opportunity presents itself..
Paralyze Tongue”) and put them in the middle of the table.
Next separate all leader action cards with the keywords Read the effects of a defeat in the Adventure rules, page 16.
“General” and “Supernatural” and shuffle them into a
draw pile. After a Victory:
A combat starts—read the section “Combat” of the Adven-
ture rules. You have done it! You have freed Wirselhome from the thrall
Henchmen: Henchman cards with the keyword “Animal
of the warlock! The three witches, Satunya, Madayana, and
(Forest),” henchman cards with the keyword “Servant,” and Alevtia, rush up to you and thank you profusely for saving
henchman cards with the keyword “Mage” are used in this them from Cordax’s curses. The village soon returns to normal
combat. and you travel onward, knowing that Wirselhome is safe in the
Threat value: x5 hands of a much wiser coven.
Hero Actions: Break the Pact
Protective Amulet: During this combat the action card You have overcome the adventure. Read the effects of
“Protective Amulet” may be used to prevent the effect of your victory in the section “End of an Adventure” in the
a curse. Adventure rules. Each hero receives 1 experience point. In
addtion the players may draw Reward cards equal to the
Defeat: If Cordax is still alive when the last is removed, number of heroes ( ) and divide them as they like among
you lose the combat. the heroes.
Victory: You are victorious when Cordax is defeated. If
any henchmen remain, they immediately flee.
A Goblin
More or Less
Festum, in 1038 FB
Traveling with a captive swampreek is very dangerous, but
after a living specimen fell into your hands during your travels
through northern Aventuria, you remembered that the zoo
of Festum offers high rewards for creatures like these. And as
you are currently out of cash, you undertook the troublesome
journey into the Bornland to sell the animal for good money.
Amazingly, the journey itself took place without any major
incidents, but now that you are standing at the city gate of
Festum, it dawns on you that your problems are just beginning.
The gate guards do not want to take responsibility for the
ominous freight, so they ask you politely but surely to follow
them to the nearby garrison.
Murderer Hunt Hunting the Murderer
One hand washes the other. The sergeant tells you that he The investigation is portrayed during the combat
will deal with the swampreek matter unbureaucratically and by means of investigation cards. All the technical
information can be found on the cards. At this point we
in your favor. In return he asks you to work for him as special
will explain the connection between the cards and the
investigators and investigate the murder of a certain Albin plot of the detective story in detail. You can read this text
Sewerski. After a moment of consideration you agree. The before or after the game depending on your personal
murder victim was regarded as an ardent man, but also a taste.
respectable and benevolent one, so the city guard is completely • At the beginning you are dealing with the drunkard
in the dark regarding the perpetrator and his motive. The only Peddar who saw the murderers. He is of no great
eye witness is the confirmed drunkard Peddar, who claims to help in their identification, as he has grown a habit
of recognizing culprits in every stranger he sees,
have seen two figures scrambling near Sewerski’s estate. because he wants to get the reward money. During
For the seizure of the perpetrator, the sergeant offers you 30 your investigations you also uncover a family drama of
batzes, and you will also get free food for the duration of the the Sewerskis, which is about a relationship between
Albin’s son Nikol and a disreputable woman that was
investigation as well as free lodging in the Norbardian tavern
not approved by Albin. However, this proves to be a red
“Elk’s Palm.” The Goblin boy Groink is to take you to the tavern. herring.
The little Goblin is immediately dotty about you and never • Albin Sewerski was in fact killed by two hired assassins,
leaves your side. who are now over the hills and far away. Their client,
Vadim Grumperow, is still in the city, however. He
has ordered the murder of Albin because he suspected
Assemble the “A Goblin More or Less” cards (“Time Scale” him of killing a number of Goblins and has a protection
(with the desired difficulty), “Malwina,” “Red Herring,” agreement with the Goblins that he had to fulfill.
“Bluurz, a Dead Rat Catcher”) and lay them face up on the • Vadim was in the meantime detained by his gang, the
playing table. In addition, the cards “Auntie Manriisha” and Moon Children, who in turn have an agreement with
“Urmeg’s Testimony” are placed face down. Put the card Mantka Riiba that allows her to use him as leverage
“Groink, the Goblin boy” under the card “Auntie Manriisha” in dealing with you. In the role of “Auntie Manriisha”
and the card “Stanko Ilmeroff” under the card “Urmeg’s she orders you to finde the goblin murderer. If you
Testimony” – they are put into play when the card on top succeed, she will tell the Moon Children to hand Vadim
of them is revealed. Gumperow over to the authorities.
A combat starts – read the section “Combat” of the Adven- • You can find the Goblin murderer by first discovering
ture rules. the corpse of the rat catcher Bluurz. Investigating the
Henchmen: Henchman cards with the keyword “Bandit” circumstances of his death you realize that he was not
and henchman cards with the keyword “Thief.” the victim of an accident but a murder, and that there
are already six more Goblins of the Earthpelt family
Threat value: Number of heroes ( )x4
who have suffered a similar fate.
Defeat: Every time a hero is disabled, you receive a .
• As soon as you begin to search for the Goblin murderer,
When you have a number of equal to the number of
your city guide, the Goblin boy Groink, becomes
heroes ( ), you lose the combat.
more talkative, and after you protect him against an
Victory: You are successful as soon as you defeat the leader assassination attempt by the real murderers he leads
“Stanko Ilmeroff.” you to his uncle Urmeg.
• Urmeg has witnessed the merchant Stanko Ilmeroff’s
smugglers’ activity and has been hiding since then.
The Molted
Ilmeroff has seen the Goblin, but can only remember his
dark fur color, so now he and his accomplice Malwina
simply kill all the members of the family Earthpelt and
disguise the murders as accidents.
• Because he is a Goblin, Urmeg’s testimony is not Vinsalt, in 1038 FB
enough to convict Ilmeroff, so you have to sneak into Your journey has led you into the Horas Realm, and you are
the merchant’s house to find some useful evidence. stopping off at the “Red Rooster Inn” a few miles outside of
However the criminals already know that you are after
them and ambush you in the house, leading to struggle
Vinsalt. So have a sip of Limoncello and play Boltan with the
for life and death. other guests. But wait a moment, what is that odd smell? Is it
burning somewhere?
Place the “Red Rooster” card (with the side “Burning Sta-
After a defeat: ble” facing up) into the center of the table and place (
The hunt for the murderer doesn’t end well for you. The persons x 2) adventure markers ( ) on it.
behind the murders send a large number of their minions, and Each hero makes a Perception roll.
when you finally confront Stanko Ilmeroff, you suffer a bloody
Critical success: Before anyone can react, you yell “Fire!
defeat. This weakens you and leaves you with no useful evidence Fire!” and storm out. Everyone else looks on in disbelief
so that you have to leave the city. while you are already starting the fire extinguishing.
Remove 2 from the “Burning Stable” card.
Read the effects of your defeat in the section “End of
Combat” (Basic Rule Book, page 16). Success: A fire has broken out in the neighboring stable!
Luckily, you are quick enough on your feet to fight down
After a victory: the fire before it gets too big. Remove 1 from the
“Burning Stable” card.
You succeed in catching the smuggler and Goblin murderer
Stanko Ilmeroff in the act, and in a fierce battle in his estate you Failure: Something is wrong here! Fire? You’re irritated
bring him and his henchmen to justice. After you have brought and follow the crowd outside.
the murderers to their just punishment, Auntie Manriisha Critical failure: You’ve probably looked a bit too deeply
keeps her promise and hands over the person who ordered into your mug. Most of the guests have already hurried
Albin’s assassination – the pickpocket and protection money outside before you realize what is happening here. Place
1 on the “Burning Stable” card.
presser Vadim Grumperow – to the town guard. You certainly
have the gratitude of the people of Festum – both the humans
and the Goblins. Afterwards, the events continue outside the inn.
Read the effects of your victory in the section “End of
Combat” in the Adventure rules. Each hero receives 1
experience point. In addition, you may draw reward
cards and divide them among you.
If there are still on the “Burning Stable” card after the
Each hero makes a Craft roll.
second Craft roll, continue with “Murder Hunt.” If instead all
Critical success: Boldly you burst into the flames and of them were removed from the card, read the following:
extinguish a big fire source before the flames can spread. By your courageous intervention, you saved the farm hand
Your hero loses 1 . Remove 2 from the “Burning Curon and extinguished the fire quickly enough before it could
Stable” card.
engulf other houses. For this glorious act you are celebrated by
Success: You keep your cool and rely on your skill in the citizens of Vinsalt as heroes – at least for the next few days.
fighting the fire. Remove 1 from the “Burning Stable”
The card “Red Rooster” is turned over to the side “Group card:
Good reputation” and ( x 2) are placed on it. Continue
Failure: You wade helplessly through the flames and with “Murder Hunt.”
don’t know what to do. Your hero loses 2 .
Critical failure: You do your best to master the flames, Murder Hunt
but instead of doing something useful, you are only Once you have made your contribution to fighting the fire, the
putting yourself in danger unnecessarily. Your hero loses
1D6 .
innkeeper offers a round of his best wine to flush the smoke
from the throats and the strain from the bones. Impressed by
your courage, the noble Elysia ya Berîsac comes to you and asks
If there are still on the “Burning Stable” card, each you to help her investigate a murder. The victim is Melchior
hero must make a second Craft roll with the consequences
described above. More than a second roll is not allowed. Arenbruch, the founder of the Community of Learning, who was
murdered by his own disciple Pieno Florigan. Pieno then fled
towards Vinsalt, and Elysia was on his heels for justice. But she
feels not ready to deal with this challenge on her own, so she
Hunting the Murderer
The investigation is portrayed during the combat
asks for your help. In return she offers to teach you in her art of by means of investigation cards. All the technical
healing, so you agree. information can be found on the cards. At this point
Shortly thereafter, you arrive in Vinsalt, where you find we will explain the connection between the cards and
the plot of the detective story in detail. You can read
yourselves in the hornet’s nest of a large-scale intrigue for the this text before or after the game depending on your
office of the High Master of the Scholarly Hall at the Hesinde personal taste.
temple in Kuslik. Surrounded by assassins and hired thugs, • Melchior was stabbed by his student Pieno. Pieno
you’ll have to try and clear the fog of misinformation and get to then fled to Vinsalt. To find out who instigated him to
the bottom of this murderous intrigue. action, you must track him down and examine his
diary. When you do so, you receive Exhibit A.
Assemble all remaining “The Molted Serpent” cards (“Time • When you find Pieno, he is already dead – murdered by
Scale” (with the desired difficulty), “Pieno, the Murderer,” Ludolfo, who looks so similar to one of your group that
“Ludolfo, the Murderer’s Murderer,” “Gurdo, the Assassin,” you become suspects yourselves. In order to prove your
and “Visitator Festo”) and place them face up on the innocence, you must find, apprehend, and question
playing table. Put the “Side Quest: Sayodir” card under Ludolfo. Doing so allows you to get rid of the obtrusive
the “Visitator Festo” card – it will be used when Festo is Visitator Festo, and can now work on the Side Quest.
removed from the game. In addition, the cards “Exhibit A,”
“Exhibit B” and “Exhibit C” are placed face down. • Visitator Festo is an investigator on behalf of
the Connetablia Criminalis Capitalae who holds you
A combat starts – read the section “Combat” of the accountable for the murder of Pieno and interferes
Adventure rules. with your own investigations. As soon as you get him
Henchmen: Henchman cards with the keyword “Bandit,” off your back, he helps you in your investigations,
henchman cards with the keyword “Thief” and henchman which makes the henchmen start to run away. In terms
cards with the keyword “Servant.” All henchmen must also of the adventure’s rules mechanics he therefore counts
have the keyword “Human.” as a leader, although he is not, of course, in cahoots
Threat value: Number of heroes ( )x4 with the henchmen.
Defeat: Every time a hero is disabled, you receive a . • Pieno’s client has sent her servant, the assassin Gurdo,
When you have a number of equal to the number of to get rid of you whilst maintaining a low profile
heroes ( ), you lose the combat. himself. By surviving his traps and uncovering his
plot, you receive Exhibit B.
Victory: You are successful as soon as you have obtained
the cards “Exhibit A” and “Exhibit B.” You can still continue • As soon as you have Exhibit A and Exhibit B, you have
the combat to get the “Exhibit C” card, which is worth 1 solved the murder of Melchior and won the combat.
bonus experience point. If it gets too tight for you, you can • The Side Quest allows you to additionally find out that
decide to end the combat at the end of each round. Ludolfo was incited by the assassin Sayodir, who was
acting on behalf of Comto Thûan. By uncovering and
apprehending Sayodir, you are able to understand the
full extent of the intrigue and earn bonus experience
After a defeat:
The murder chase does not end well for you. Again and again
you become the victims of strange “accidents” or get beaten up
in the dark streets of Vinsalt by shady ruffians. After spending Jungle of Northern Uthuria, in the year 1037 FB
several debilitating weeks this way, you have to acknowledge to Far from your Aventurian homeland, your journey has taken
yourselves that the trail has run cold. You will probably never you to a village of the Jucumaqh in the Uthurian jungle. You
find out who really is behind the murder of Melchior Arenbruch. learn a lot about the manners of the jungle dwellers, including
Read the effects of your defeat in the section “End of the lizard god Uguan, whose wrath has to be kept in check
Combat” (Basic Rule Book, page 16). by sending brave warriors down into the maw of the nearby
serpent head in order to soothe him.
During a secret conversation with the village beauty Hokioi
After a victory:
you learn that recently her lover, the warrior Whakamiharo,
You succeed in finding Ludolfo, who is behind the murder of the was asked by the shaman of the village to go down the serpent’s
murderer, and hand him over to the authorities. In addition, head. She is proud of her lover’s sacrifice, but she is afraid that
you find that the Vinsalt Temple Superior Arba of Silas was the shaman just wanted to get rid of Whakamiharo because he
behind the murder attack on Melchior. Your evidence is not has laid an eye on her. She therefore asks you to descend into
solid enough to put her behind bars, but her career suffers a the maw and look for her lover.
serious blow and she fails to achieve the goals of her intrigue.
Bravely you agree to help. A further incentive are the treasures Each hero makes a Survival roll.
and magical secrets that await you down there, according to
the legends. Not to mention the honor that you gain when you Critical success: Skillful like a chamois you climb down
volunteer to climb down the serpent’s head. In the course of a the narrow tube. However, getting out again through the
same opening will be almost impossible – even for you!
ceremony with wild tribal dances, fire and spectacles, you are
released into the depths. Thus begins a difficult descent. Success: You slip a few times and suffer a couple
scratches, but all in all you make it down safe and sound
to the bottom of the stone tube. Getting out again on the
other hand will be a thing of impossibility. You lose 1 .
Failure: After a short while you lose your grip and slide
down the dark tube, where you have several painful
encounters with protruding boulders. You lose 2 .
Critical Failure: You slip and fall head-first into the
snake’s mouth. This will hurt very much when you arrive
at the bottom... You lose 1D6 .
After you have descended into the interior of the stone serpent
more or less intact, you must admit that a later ascent at this
point would be extremely dangerous, strenuous, and potenti-
ally deadly. So in order to make it out alive, you must not only
find the warrior Whakamiharo, but also an alternative way out
of this labyrinth.
You start exploring the underground cave system and find that
you are in the petrified remains of a two-headed giant snake, a
so-called “Kibakaba.” Besides wild beasts it is inhabited by the
Sadsch’Tarr – a group of undead cultists who worship her like
a goddess.
A snake with two heads would mean that there should be a
second exit down there somewhere – you just have to find it.
And you should do so before the slowly rising water seals your
First place the card “Environment: Stone Serpent” in the Read the effects of your defeat in the section “End of
middle of the table and decide on a difficulty level. Pick up Combat” (Basic Rule Book, page 16).
the 16 Stone Serpent Cards and search for the cards “Hero
Action: The Obsidian Shard,” “Hero Action: The Green
Heart,” and “Whakamiharo” – they are put aside and only
later enter the Stone Serpent draw pile. Shuffle a draw pile After a victory:
from the other 13 Stone Serpent cards. You defeat the Tuatara Circle and the other terrible beasts
Pick up all the grave cards (from the Aventuria base inside the stone serpent, free the warrior Whakamiharo, and
box) and place of them on the table with the side together with him find an exit out of the serpent. A long dive
“Whispering Grave” face-up. In addition you will need a through the former back skull of the snake leads you back into
reward card deck.
the jungle.
A combat starts – read the section “Combat” of the
Adventure rules. You return to the village of the Jucumaqh, where you are
Henchmen: Henchman cards with the keyword “Animal celebrated as the heroes who soothed the lizard god Uguan
(Underground),” henchman cards with the keyword and returned alive from the stone serpent. Whakamiharo also
“Animal (Forest),” henchman cards with the keyword returns to the arms of his beloved Hokioi as a celebrated hero.
“Cultist,” henchman cards with the keyword “Achaz,” and You did a splendid job!
henchman cards with the keyword “Amphibian.”
Threat value: Number of heroes ( )x2 Read the effects of your victory in the section “End of
Defeat: Every time a hero is disabled, you receive a . Combat” in the Adventure rules. Each hero receives 1
When you have a number of equal to the number of experience point. In addition, you may draw reward
heroes ( ), you lose the combat. cards and together with the reward cards you obtained
during the adventure divide them among you.
Victory: You are successful when you have found
Whakamiharo and eliminated the Tuatara Circle with the
Green Heart.
After a defeat:
You are very fierce, but the number of
your opponents does not dwindle, and
after a few bad decisions you end up
with all of your strength exhausted.
You only manage to find a hiding place
where you can barricade yourself and
wait for the next few weeks, until you
are finally rescued by a second Aven-
turian expedition just before you perish
from malnutrition.
The Thorwal Drum Each hero makes a Knowledge roll.
Assemble all “The Thorwal Drum” cards (“Time Scale” (with a carrot and a stick you protect the order and prevent things
the desired difficulty), “Environment: Street Riot,” “The from getting worse.
Mob,” “Hero Action: Protect the Drum,” and “Hero Action:
Appease the Crowd” and place them face up on the playing Read the effects of your victory in the section “End of
table. Combat” in the Adventure rules. However, the adventure
is not over yet!
A combat starts – read the section “Combat” of the
Adventure rules. After the parade has ended and the people have calmed down,
Leader: There is no leader in this combat. you receive the promised payment. A few days later, the noble
Henchmen: Henchman cards with the keyword “Human” marshal Jucho of Dallenthin and Persanzig turns to you with
and henchman cards with the keyword “Goblin.” You don’t an unusual request. He fears that the drum could permanently
have to put all humans and goblins into the pile – simply
choose the cards that are the most appealing to you.
endanger the peace in the city, so he asks you to steal it from
the garrison’s evidence room. It is a chance for you to atone for
Threat value: No henchmen are placed at the beginning
of combat. your shady actions during the parade, and at the same time to
Defeat: The hero action “Protect the Drum” comes into play secure another decent reward, so you gladly agree to do the job.
from 3 onward. You must succeed at it once per round, or
Each hero makes a Stealth roll.
you lose the combat.
Victory: You are successful if at least one of you is on your Critical success: As a master of your art you not only
feet at 0 and the Thorwal Drum has not fallen into enemy manage to snatch the Thorwal Drum, but also another
hands by then. item that could be useful. At the end of the adventure,
you may draw an additional reward card.
Success: You dress up successfully and use a fake
After a defeat: document to get into the evidence room to steal the
You are unable to keep the angry mob under control, and wit- Thorwal Drum.
hin moments a wild street battle breaks out. Captain Elkman Failure: You blow your cover and have to make for a
Timpski is surrounded by a bunch of angry citizens, and after hasty flight, but at least you succeed in not directing the
you clear the chaos you realize that the drum was torn from his suspicions to your companions.
hands. The chief is beside himself with anger at your failure Critical Failure: You are extremely awkward and
and casts you out of the city. suspicious, so the guardians are alerted and your entire
mission is doomed to fail. You must flee the city in a
Read the effects of your defeat in the section “End of hurry. The results of all heroes change to “failure” and no
Combat” (Basic Rule Book, page 16). further rolls are allowed.
Emperor of Thieves Station 1 – The Silver and Gold gambling hall
As you approach the gambling hall, the Fox gang prepares to
throw a net over the carrier from a nearby roof.
Phexcaer, 24th of Phex, 1038 FB
Each hero makes a Perception roll.
Your travels have brought you to the City of Thieves on the
eve of the annual Race of Thieves. This event is a contest of Critical Success:
wits, thievery, and physical prowess between the various thief If you are the carrier: You catch sight of the trap in plenty
gangs of Phexcaer. Whichever gang successfully delivers the of time. The dice results of all other players are ignored and
no further rolls are necessary. You automatically succeed in
marble head of a statue of Emperor Bodar (also known as the
the Body Control roll at this station.
Idol of Many Hands) to the Altar of Phex from one of five sta-
If you are not the carrier: You catch sight of the trap
tions throughout the city is declared the winner. In the fragile in plenty of time. The dice results of all other players are
peace that currently exists among the gangs, this is one of ignored and no further rolls are necessary. The carrier auto-
the most important ways to gain prominence. You decided to matically succeeds in the Body Control roll at this station.
participate in the contest to improve your standing in the city. Success:
The race is quite dangerous. Although no weapons are allowed, If you are the carrier: You spot the trap at the last second.
there are essentially no other rules. Traps, tricks, spells, and Substract 1 from your Body Control roll at this station.
even outright violence are all permitted and even applauded If you are not the carrier: You spot the trap at the last
by the thronging audience. second and warn the carrier. The carrier subtracts 1 from
her Body Control roll at this station.
The Head Failure:
At the beginning of the adventure you come into possession If you are the carrier: You fail to spot the trap. Add 1 to
of the head. Name a hero as the carrier. He gets the starting your Body Control roll at this station.
player token.
If you are not the carrier: You fail to spot the trap. The
Each hero begins the adventure with 1 and 5 cards from carrier adds 1 to her Body Control roll at this station.
his action card deck. These cards may be selected freely, but
must then be placed in front of you, so that a player does Critical Failure:
not know where her cards are. If you are the carrier: You stumble over your own feet.
At the start of the adventure, there are no in the middle Add 3 to your Body Control roll at this station.
of the game table. During the adventure, heroes can gain If you are not the carrier: You stumble into the carrier
additional cards and , or lose them. and both of you fall to the ground. The carrier adds 2 to her
The heroes have to head to the five stations and then to the Body Control roll at this station. Put one of the cards in
Phex temple. front of you back on top of your action card deck.
For all tests in which all heroes participate, the starting
player rolls first, followed by all player in a clockwise order.
To escape from the net, the carrier must now make a Body Failure:
Control roll and apply all modifications from all heroes’
results of the Perception roll. If the carrier succeeds, the If you are the carrier: You fail to spot the pit and get
players may put 1 in the middle of the table. In case of a stuck in the mud. The head is in danger of slipping away.
failure a randomly decided player has to discard 1 . This If you are not the carrier: You fail to spot the pit and
is removed from the game–it is not placed in the middle get stuck in the mud. You cannot help the carrier at this
of the table. station and she adds 1 to her Body Control roll.
Critical Failure:
If you are the carrier: You fail to spot the pit and get
Station 2 – The Temple of Peraine stuck in the mud. The head is in danger of slipping away.
In the road approaching the Temple of Peraine, the Otter gang Put one of the cards in front of you back on top of your
action card deck.
has dug a knee-deep mud pit and disguised it with dry earth.
If you are not the carrier: You fail to spot the pit and get
Each hero makes a Survival roll. stuck in the mud. Put one of the cards in front of you back
on top of your action card deck.
Critical Success:
If you are the carrier: You recognize that the ground is
not as stable as it initially appears. You easily navigate the If the carrier has rolled a failure or critical failure, but at least
trap and find a clear path for everyone. The dice results of one other hero has rolled a success, then one of these heroes
all other players are ignored and no further rolls are neces- becomes the new carrier–he receives the starting player
sary. You automatically succeed in the Body Control roll at token. If the carrier has rolled a failure or critical failure
this station. and no other hero has rolled a success, then he remains the
carrier, but the Body Control roll at this station automatically
If you are not the carrier: You recognize that the ground
is not as stable as it initially appears. You easily navigate the
trap and find a clear path for everyone. The dice results of To overcome the pit, the carrier must now make a Body Con-
all other players are ignored and no further rolls are neces- trol roll and apply all modifications from all heroes’ results
sary. The carrier automatically succeeds in the Body Control of the Survival roll. If the carrier succeeds, the players may
roll at this station. put 1 in the middle of the table. In case of a failure a
randomly decided player has to discard 1 . This is
Success: removed from the game–it is not placed in the middle of the
If you are the carrier: You recognize that the ground is table.
not as stable as it initially appears. Substract 1 from your
Body Control roll at this station.
If you are not the carrier: You recognize that the ground
is not as stable as it initially appears. You may become the
carrier if the carrier fails her Body Control roll.
Station 3 – The Palazzo of Pagol Thiron Station 4 – The Seat of the Magistrate
The Stork gang has built a series of barricades out of hay carts As you approach the townhouse, everything seems to be going
around the Palazzo. As you pass by, they reach out to trip you. well. Perhaps too well…
Each hero makes a Body Control roll. One hero makes a Crafts roll. Decide as a group which of you
will make the roll.
Critical Success:
If you are the carrier: You nimbly dodge the Storks’ Critical Success: It’s a fake! Someone has managed to
attempts to trip you. Put 1 in the middle of the table. build an entire false station just around the corner from
the real one. You sneak past this trap and check in at the
If you are not the carrier: You nimbly dodge the Storks’ real townhouse. Every player may draw a card from her
attempts to trip you. Put 1 in the middle of the table. action card deck and place it face down in front of her.
You may become the carrier if the carrier fails her Body
Control roll. Success: This does not look like a real building. Someone
must have built this fake building to trick you into han-
Success: ding over the head. The group slips past and checks in
If you are the carrier: You manage to dodge the Storks’ at the real station. Place 1 in the middle of the table.
attempts to trip you.
Failure: You blithely walk into the station and hand over
If you are not the carrier: You manage to dodge the
the head to the acolyte of Phex. Unfortunately, this entire
Storks’ attempts to trip you. If you are not the carrier, you
station is fake, and the acolyte was just a Cat gang thief
may make an additional Body Control roll to become the
in disguise. A random hero must discard 1 ablegen.
carrier if the carrier fails her roll—you receive the starting
This is removed from the game–it is not placed in the
player token.
middle of the table.
Critical Failure: You realize after handing the head to
If you are the carrier: You are tripped by sticks as you the acolyte that this entire station is fake, and the acolyte
pass by the hay carts. You lose 1D6 . The head is in danger was just a Cat gang thief in disguise. You have to bribe
of slipping away—if no other hero becomes the new carrier, the thieves to give the head back to you. Every hero has
you lose an additional 1D6 . to put one of the cards in front of her back on top of her
If you are not the carrier: You are tripped by sticks as action card deck.
you pass by the hay carts. You lose 1D6 .
Critical Failure:
If you are the carrier: You are tripped by sticks as you
pass by the hay carts. You lose 1D6+2 . The head is in
danger of slipping away—if no other hero becomes the new
carrier, you lose an additional 1D6 .
If you are not the carrier: You are tripped by sticks as
you pass by the hay carts. You lose 1D6+2 .
Station 5 – The Phex Mead brewhouse Each hero makes a roll on either Body Control, Craft, Percep-
There is quite a crowd outside of the brewhouse. You try to tion or Stealth (his choice).
approach and blend in, but a little girl shouts, “They’ve got the
Critical Success: Draw a card from your action card deck
head!” Your only hope is to try to redirect the crowd’s attentions and place in face down in front of you and place 1 in
elsewhere and hope to sneak through in the ensuing chaos. the middle of the table.
One hero makes a Persuasion roll. Decide as a group which Success: You may either draw a card from your action
of you will make the roll. card deck and place in face down in front of you or place
1 in the middle of the table.
Critical Success: You manage to convince the entire
Failure: You must either put one of the cards in front of
crowd that someone else has the head and that they’re
you back on top of your action card deck or remove 1 of
already getting away. No further rolls are necessary, and
your from the game, in case you have one.
the carrier does not need to make a Body Control roll at this
station. Critical Failure: Put one of the cards in front of you back
on top of your action card deck and remove 1 of your
Success: You get a few people arguing about who has the
from the game, in case you have one.
head. The carrier subtracts 2 from her Body Control roll at
this station.
Failure: Your misdirection is unconvincing, and only
serves to draw further suspicion. The carrier adds 2 to her
Body Control roll to check in at this station.
Critical Failure: Your shouting gets everyone looking at
you. The crowd will not let you through so easily. The car-
rier adds 4 to her Body Control roll at this station.
The carrier must now make a Body Control roll and apply
all modifications from all heroes’ results of the Perception
roll. If the carrier succeeds, the players may put 1 in the
middle of the table. In case of a failure a randomly decided
player has to discard 1 . This is removed from the
game–it is not placed in the middle of the table.
The race is over! One hero makes a Knowledge roll. Decide as a group which
As everyone is celebrating, the Steward Vicar of Phex, Delia of you will make the roll.
Natjal, approaches you. She indicates quietly that the head that
Critical Success: : It’s worse than you feared! There is a
was brought in is actually a counterfeit. However, she doesn’t dark magic about this idol that stinks of demonic energy!
want to cause a panic, so she would like to ask you as outsiders You will need to prepare yourself quickly. Draw a card from
to help track down the real head and secretly switch the two your action card deck and place in face down in front of
during the next day of celebration. You agree, and surrepti- you.
tiously examine the fake head for clues. Success: There is something mystical about this idol. You
convince Delia that figuring out what is inside is more
urgent than simply replacing a counterfeit.
Failure: You are unable to determine anything about the
statue. You spend some time researching marble workers
in the city and are unprepared when you finally come
upon the conspiracy. Discard the top card of your action
card deck.
Critical Failure: The agents of the Nameless One are aware
of your efforts. Each hero must discard the top card of his
action card deck.
Assemble all “Emperor of Thieves” cards (“Time Scale” After a Victory:
(with a difficulty of your choice), “Hero Action: Push You slay the dark priest and his demon, freeing all those under
Through the Crowd,” “Hero Action: Blessed Water,” and his thrall. You report back to Delia, and she is extremely grateful
“Ektor Gremob”). Also make a draw pile with the three
event cards with the keyword “Demon Conjuration” from
for your help. Phexcaer is saved!
the Aventuria Basic Box. Draw one opponent card with the Unfortunately she could not destroy the Void Spider, but she
keyword “Demon” at random (or pick one of them of your has hidden it somewhere safe and far away from holy artifacts.
choice) and make a draw pile with all Demon Ability cards Meanwhile one of Ektor’s victims, Isa Werge, has offered to help
whose keywords match with that of the demon.
Delia investigate and root out any remaining willing followers
A combat starts—read the section “Combat” of the Adven-
ture rules. During the combat the following additional rules
of Ektor Gremob and the Nameless One…
come in to play: You have overcome the adventure. Read the effects of
During the combat you may only use the acquired by your victory in the section “End of an Adventure” in the
the heroes during the adventure. No are added to or Adventure rules. Each hero receives 1 experience point. In
removed from this number. addtion the players may draw Reward cards equal to the
Each hero enters the combat with a hand of cards made up number of heroes ( ) and divide them as they like among
from the cards lying face down in front of him. The heroes’ the heroes.
action card draw piles are shuffled before the combat starts.
Henchman: : All Henchman cards with the keywords “Thief”
and “Guard” are used in this combat.
Threat value: x5
Hero Actions: Push Through the Crowd, Blessed Water
Defeat: Every time a hero is disabled, you receive a .
When you have a number of equal to the number of
heroes ( ), you lose the combat.
Victory: You are victorious when both Ektor Gremob and
his demon (if he has managed to summon one) are defeated.
If any henchmen remain, they immediately flee.
After a Defeat:
Ektor Gremob and his mind-slaves drive you out of the Temple
of the Golden One. You flee the city in terror. Hopefully some
other group of heroes will be able to save the City of Thieves
from the Nameless One’s terrible grip…
Read the effects of a defeat in the Adventure rules, page 16.
Credits Rowena from the Overwals
Aventuria - Heroe’s Struggle Rowena’s father was a bondsman ranger from the Bornland, her mother the daughter of the Bronnjar, in
by Lukas Zach and Michael Palm whose service the ranger stood. They had to keep their love a secret, since the Count of Jerenov was strictly
against the improper connection. Since the Count‘s daughter could not keep the child, she gave it to a
Card Game Duels and Adventures
in the World of the Dark Eye hermit who raised Rowena. Count Malik of Jerenov, the Bronnjar, nevertheless learned of the child and his
father, hanged the ranger and put his daughter in a Travia monastery where she was to think about her
Adventures crime for the rest of her life.
Christian Lonsing, Eric Simon Meanwhile one had any idea that the woman put in charge of Rowena was a witch who had recognized
Editorial Team the girl’s magic talent and therefore accepted her. For many years, Rowena lived with her foster-mother
Timo Roth, Christian Lonsing, and learned the art of magic. It was only when she was old enough that her teacher told her the
Michael Palm, Markus Plötz, secret of her birth and Rowena decided to look for her mother. But she came too late: shortly before
Eric Simon, Lukas Zach Rowena’s arrival the Count‘s daughter had died from the Blue Wheeze.
Cover Rowena, angered by the treatment of her parents, swore to avenge her
Nadine Schäkel grandfather and managed to make life difficult for him with numerous
curses in the coming months. At times he suffered a terrible lumbago,
Layout & Design
at other times while hunting he was attacked by otherwise friendly
Christian Lonsing, Timo Roth, Nadine Schäkel animals. But after a while Rowena realized that her revenge did not
Illustrations satisfy her. So instead she decided to devote her life to fighting
Verena Biskup, Annika Maar, Ben Maier, against injustice like the one her grandfather had committed.
Nikolai Ostertag, Nathaniel Park, Since then, she has been wandering through the lands with
Luisa Preißler, Nadine Schäkel, her cat Alvinja, and is working for those who need help. By
Karin Wittig, Malte Zirbel now she found pleasure in the urban hustle and bustle,
A big thank you the Schwentker family for their tireless stealing what she needs or by working as an alchemist. Occasionally
playtesting and to Frauke Forster for her quotations. she joins other adventurers, to whom she is a healer and a wilderness
expert. She doesn’t keep the fact secret that she is a witch, as her Witch’s
Copyright © 2017 by Strand and her cat Alwinja give it away clearly.
Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. Although she has not seen her grandfather for a long time, she is still
afraid that one day he will do something against her, because Rowena
THE DARK EYE is a trademark of Ulisses Spiele. is sure that the old man’s wickedness knows no boundaries. He still
AVENTURIA, DERE, MYRANOR, RIESLAND, THARUN, blames her for the fate of his family and the curses she had sent
and UTHURIA are trademarks of Significant GbR. him, so she no longer hopes for a peaceful solution to the family
The title and contents of this book are protected under dispute.
the copyright laws of the United States of America. No
part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or otherwise, without prior written consent
by Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems.
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