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RTG CPR DLC DigitalDating

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digital dating
in the dark future
Writing and Design by James Hutt and J Gray
Editing by J Gray•Art Direction by Jaye Kovach
Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray

Copyright © 2022 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.


D atepath? What is this?

d a t e p a t h w h a t i s t h i s d a t e p a t h w h a t i s t h i s d a t e p a t h
In this document you’ll find a system custom made for going on first dates in Night City in Cyberpunk RED!
The Datepath is a roleplaying prompt and a Minor NPC generator all in one. You can play it at your table as
CP:R refers to a downtime activity to give you a break from the consequences of survival in the Dark Future or work through it
the Cyberpunk
RED core
between sessions to add a bit of extra spice to a Character’s life!

The locations
listed in the
Date Path
come from
W hy should I let my players Datepath?
w h y s h o u l d i l e t m y p l a y e r s d a t e p a t h w h y s h o u l d i l e t
Esteemed Gamemaster, have you run out of relationships to reference from the Lifepaths your players rolled
either the
Cyberpunk during Character Generation? Well, it may be time for those Characters to forge some new relationships!
RED core The Datepath also creates an opportunity for Characters who rolled no friends or enemies to become more
rulebook or the
Cargo Containers connected to the world through a potential significant other (or terrible date!). Don’t worry, the Datepath won’t
& Cube Hotels break your game. For a seasoned Gamemaster like you, your Player Characters having more allies (or, at the
DLC, available
for free on the very least, new acquaintances!) just means they have more second hand enemies and more potential adventure
RTG website. hooks for you to mine to create even more fun at your game table.

Best of luck in the dating scene,

James Hutt
Mayor of Balance Town


he Datepath
t h e d a t e p a t h t h e d a t e p a t h t h e d a t e p a t h t h e d a t e p a t h

You’ve made a match!

▶ Keywords ◀
What two keywords did your Match use to describe themselves in their profile? Gamemasters,
feel free to
Roll 1d100 twice. change, add,
or remove
Keywords as
1d100 Keyword 1d100 Keyword you see fit to
better match
1-2 Adorable 51-52 Insightful your campaign.

3-4 Adventurous 53-54 Intelligent

5-6 Affectionate 55-56 Lawman
7-8 Ambitious 57-58 Loving
9-10 Athlete 59-60 Loyal
The Garden
11-12 Baking 61-62 Media by Ziggurat
63-64 Medtech is the biggest
13-14 Brave media sharing
15-16 Caring 65-66 Modest platform on the
Night City Data
17-18 Charming 67-68 Netrunner Pool.

19-20 Cooking 69-70 Nomad The Garden

Dating is the
21-22 Courageous 71-72 Optimistic latest addition
to the lineup.
23-24 Creative 73-74 Passionate After you
create your
25-26 Drinking 75-76 Patient profile you can
cruise other
27-28 Elflines Online 77-78 Physically Fit profiles, aided
79-80 Quiet by Ziggurat’s
29-30 Exec patented
31-32 Fishing 81-82 Rational algorithms,
seeking a
33-34 Fixer 83-84 Respectful match or let
other curious
35-36 Foodie 85-86 Rockerboy users pick
you out of the
37-38 Funny 87-88 Running crowd!
39-40 Gardening 89-90 Solo For more
41-42 Hard Working 91-92 Spontaneous about Ziggurat
see CP:R
43-44 Hiking 93-94 Sports 290.
45-46 Hopeful 95-96 Tabletop RPGs
47-48 Hunting 97-98 Tech
49-50 Independent 99-100 Virtuous

Now give this your Match a first name! You don’t know anything else about
them. That’s what the first date is for! [ Go to Where is Your Date? ]


▶ Where is Your Date? ◀

Roll Evens or Odds, then 1d10 to find your Date’s location!

1d10 Location 1d10 Location

You’ll can
find more 1 Norcal Military Base (go to page 4) 1 Little Europe (go to page 8)
about these 2 Watson Development (go to page 5) 2 Upper Marina (go to page 8)
areas of Night

3 New Westbrook (go to page 5) 3 University District (go to page 8)

City in the core
rulebook. See
CP:R page
4 Morro Rock (go to page 5) 4 Little China (go to page 9)
5 Executive Zone (go to page 6) 5 Old Japantown (go to page 9)
6 Heywood Industrial Zone (go to page 6) 6 The Glen (go to page 9)
7 Heywood (Santo Domingo) (go to page 6) 7 Old Combat Zone (go to page 10)
8 Rancho Coronado (go to page 7) 8 South Night City (go to page 10)
9 Outskirts (go to page 7) 9 Hot Zone (go to page 10)
10 Reclaimed Perimeter (go to page 7) 10 Pacifica Playground (go to page 11)

[ Go to What is Your Date? ]

What is Your Date?

Different locations in Night City offer different dating experiences! Roll on the appropriate table to determine what
the Date will be!

▶ NorCal Military Base Date ◀

Your Date probably has a connection to Militech. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Shoot off those first date jitters at the gun range.

2 Something about a rope course? Sounds interesting.
3 Apparently the food is pretty good on base.
4 Watch a live training exercise together.
5 Go see a movie at the base's theater.
6 Bring your A game for the wildest paintball game of your life.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Watson Development Date ◀

Your Date may have a connection to Petrochem of SovOil. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Party in the unfinished lobby of a megabuilding construction site.

2 Museum date at SovOil's Museum of Petroleum.
3 Corporate picnic lunch in a park near Watson Central Cubelife.
4 Izakaya date in the Kabuki district.
5 It's a surprise! They'll meet you at the Watson entrance to the High-Security Monorail.
6 Attend a demonstration organized by local Rockerboy Lucius Rhyne.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ New Westbrook Date ◀

Your Date may have a connection to Rocklin Augmentics or Network 54. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Be a part of a live audience on a Network 54 show.

2 Attend a Skate Foot race near Night City Firestation #1.
3 A Gala hosted by Rocklin Augmentics on their campus.
4 Rock climbing on the cliff below the WorldSat Offices.
5 Track down an elusive food truck in the area.
6 Grab a drink at an Executive Bar.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Morro Rock Date ◀

You’ve got a ferry to catch! Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Watch a test of the Orbital Massdriver's giant steel doors.

2 The perfect place to watch the fireworks.
3 Lunch date at the Orbital Air Massdriver's employee cafeteria.
4 They say they have a boat docked on Morro Rock.
5 Double date with someone from their Family.
6 Ringside seats to a pit fight hosted underground at the Massdriver construction site.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Executive Zone Date ◀

Your Date is loaded. Might be a high ranking Exec, too. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date
Need inspiration
or new ideas for 1 Golf, anyone?
bars, clubs, and
restaurants? 2 Fancy a round of tennis on a real organic grass court?
Check out the
20 Hotspots in 3 Brunch at your Date's favorite spot.
Night City list,
located in the 4 Pool Party at a Beaverville McMansion
RED Data 5 Drinks in the business lounge of the Country Club.
Pack. 6 Masquerade Party in the mansion of a rather recently deceased Exec.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Heywood Industrial Zone Date ◀

Your Date might have a connection to Zhirafa. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 They want to show you their latest piece of urban art.

2 Laser tag at the Zhirafa Office Park.
3 Somebody welded a stack of cargo containers into a speakeasy.
4 An industrial music concert in an industrial zone.
5 There's this really good teriyaki place I always eat at.
6 Experience the carnage of drone fighting. Those poor GRAF3s...

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Heywood (Santo Domingo) Date ◀

Your Date likely has Nomad friends. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 A street festival is coming up, and everyone is going.

2 Let's get drunk on Smash at Metalstorm.
3 The Aldecaldos are having a barbecue.
4 Want to race Roadbikes together?
5 My grandma makes the best mole poblano.
6 There's a party tonight at the East Cargo Village.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Rancho Coronado Date ◀

Your Date may be a mid to low level Corporate. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Breakfast date at a pancake house.

2 Meet me and my totally real dog in the park.
3 Let's grab a drink at my local pub.
4 Mani-pedi date at the neighborhood market.
5 Have you ever LARPed before?
6 Roast weenies at a company cookout.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Outskirts Date ◀
Your Date is probably a Nomad! Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Let's go on a hike!
2 My Family let me borrow our Gyrocopter.
3 Foraging for mushrooms is fun, I promise!
4 Have you ever tried archery?
5 Let's go off-roading in the badlands!
6 Your Date says they know where to find a secret waterfall.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Reclaimed Perimeter Date ◀

Your Date is probably a Reclaimer! Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Bowling in an abandoned building.

2 Let's go urban spelunking.
3 A couple of my friends were going to get together, do you want to come?
4 We found some old fireworks. Want to fire them at abandoned cars?
5 Let's get tacos at my friend's truck.
6 Meet me at the all night diner.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Little Europe Date ◀

Your Date may have a connection to Continental Brands or Danger Gal. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Attend a Cooking with Kibble class at the Oasis Megamart.

2 Pray with them at the Holy Angels Church.
3 Have a wild night at the Short Circuit.
4 Race hot pink go-karts at the Danger Gal Offices.
5 Enjoy a beautiful Italian dinner.
6 A glass of wine overlooking Night City from Camden Court's rooftop lounge.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Upper Marina Date ◀

Your Date might have a connection to Ziggurat. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Go to a game at the McCartney Field Stadium.

2 Rent a jetski and enjoy the bay.
3 Attend a press conference/fashion show hosted by Ziggurat.
4 Get a Johnny Silverhand at the Afterlife.
5 Spend a day riding the streetcar and being a tourist. It won’t break down. Probably.
6 Go fishing!

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ University District Date ◀

Your Date might work or study at Night City University or be connected to Biotechnica. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 A wild party off campus, at the University Cargo Bay.

2 How about a charming nature walk through Lake Park?
3 Tour Biotechnica's living museum in their only publicly accessible geodesic greendome.
4 Your Date wants to show you their new research project.
5 Group eating competition. Can you handle the Mega Kibbledog platter and win t-shirts?
6 Attend a concert being held on campus by the music department.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Little China Date ◀

Its a Combat Zone! Come prepared! Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Grab a drink at the Forlorn Hope.

2 Window shopping and street food.
3 Get a massage together.
4 Go thrift shopping.
5 It’s Sunday morning, time for dim sum.
6 Go to a Night Market together.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Old Japantown Date ◀

Might want to wear Armorjack to this date. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Enjoy a picnic overlooking the Hot Zone.

2 Get conveyor belt “sushi”.
3 Sing karaoke in an all concrete building – great acoustics!
4 Your Date wants you to meet their best friend.
5 Attend a large parade and enjoy the atmosphere.
6 Your Date's father wants to meet you.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ The Glen Date ◀

Your Date is probably an Exec or a Lawman. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Go clubbing at Club Atlantis.

2 Take a guided tour of City Hall.
3 Enjoy happy hour at an Excellent Bar
4 Score fresh baked goods at a local bakery. This shit is real!
5 Attend a political fundraiser.
6 A night at the opera.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Old Combat Zone Date ◀

This might not be such a good idea... Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 The Jessie James Kosher Deli is worth the risk.

2 Climb up to an abandoned rooftop to enjoy the view.
3 Romantically fire Grenade Launchers into piles of rubble.
4 Bring your own spray cans for a graffiti date.
5 Help weed your Date's rooftop garden.
6 Hang out in an abandoned mall.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ South Night City Date ◀

Your Date might be in a gang. Or have friends that are. Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Grab lunch with your date after their tattoo appointment.

2 Soak up the sun at the beach!
3 Sneak into Playland by the Sea by boat.
4 Your Date wants to introduce you to the whole gang.
5 Grab a drink at a rowdy Sea Nomad bar.
6 Enjoy live music in an abandoned gymnasium.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

▶ Hot Zone Date ◀

Ever wanted to date a Scavver? Now’s your chance! Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Take a historic tour of the ruins!

2 You’re in for a wild night at the Totentanz.
3 Break into an old Corporate building.
4 Help your Date scavenge a classic piece of tech.
5 Attend a slightly radioactive street race.
6 Dine on expired MREs under the beautiful red sky.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]


▶ Pacifica Playground Date ◀

The most fun you can have without leaving Night City! Roll 1d6.

1d6 Date

1 Your Date wants to share their favorite braindance with you.

2 Picnic lunch in the Playland by the Sea parking lot.
3 A backstage tour of the Playland by the Sea Holostravaganza Concert Hall.
4 Shell (and shell casing!) hunting on the beach.
5 Ride the rides and dine on the unique Playland by the Sea Pineapple Madness Kibble.
6 Drag racing down by the pier.

[ Go to How Does Your Date Go? ]

How Does Your Date Go?

The time has come for your date but will it be a good one or a weird one? Roll 1d10.
On a 1 to 4, you have a Good Date. [ Go to Good Date: Beginning ]
On a 5 to 8, you have a Weird Date. [ Go to Weird Date: Beginning ]
On a 9 to 10, you’ve been ghosted. They don’t show up and you never learn why.
Either go back to the beginning or give up dating for a while.

▶ Good Date: Beginning ◀

Things are starting off well! You’ve got a good feeling about this one. Roll 1d6.

1d6 What Happens?

1 You learn something new about them. Roll on the Keywords Table (see page 3) until you get a new keyword for your Date.
2 They tell you about one of their friends. Roll on the Your Friends Table (see CP:R page 51).
3 They tell you about their Edgerunner job. Use the appropriate Role-Based Lifepath (see CP:R page 53).
4 You immediately discover something you have in common.
5 They have a positive trait of your choice that was not apparent from their profile.
6 They are very attractive. Possibly Bodysculpted.

[ Go to Good Date: Middle ]


▶ Good Date: Middle ◀

Everything’s going well. Keep up the momentum! Roll 1d6.

1d6 What Happens?

1 You learn something new about them. Roll on the Keywords Table (see page 3) until you get a new keyword for your Date.
2 They vent about one of their enemies. Roll on the Your Enemies Table (see CP:R page 51).
They tell you about a previous relationship. Roll 1d10. On Evens, the relationship ended well. On Odds, roll on the Your Tragic Love
Affairs Table (see CP:R page 52).
4 Your learn about their family. Roll on the Your Original Family Background Table (see CP:R page 49).
5 They surprise you with a 20eb (Everyday) gift of the GM’s choosing.
6 They stay quiet and spend the entire time listening to you talk.

[ Go to Good Date: End ]

▶ Good Date: End ◀

What a great date! How does it end? Roll 1d6.

1d6 What Happens?

1 They confide in you, talking about their life’s goal. Roll on the Your Life Goal Table (see CP:R page 53).
2 They give you a helpful piece of advice of the GM’s choosing.
3 You learn about their values and outlook on life. Roll on the Your Motivations and Relationships Table (see CP:R page 48).
4 They are really into you and want another date. Skip the Do They Say They Want Another Date? and Aftermath sections.
5 You learn about one of their great talents (GM’s choice). They have a Base 16 in the appropriate Skill.
6 The date ended too soon to learn anything more!

[ Go to Good Date: One... Weird... Thing ]

What happened last weekend? So, she showed up, right—which

was a plus , of course, but it wasn’t the gal from the profile.

No, no, not at all. Turns out she had just gone in for Exotic
Bodysculpting, which was a real shame. I’m allergic to cats.
— Mark from little Europe


▶ Good Date: One... Weird... Thing ◀

Even the best Dates can have their quirks. Roll Evens or Odds.
On Evens, there’s nothing weird. [ Go to The Post-Date Review? ]
On Odds, roll 1d10.

1d10 What Happens?

1 Your Date ate their food in a strange way.

2 Your Date's parent called them twice during the span of the date.
3 Your Date talked about their ex. A lot.
4 Your Date's clothing was quite stained, and they didn't seem to care.
5 Your Date's Agent went off several times during the date.
6 Your Date didn't tip.
7 Your Date lied about a piece of information you learned about them (your choice what).
8 Your Date showed up a half an hour late.
9 Your Date thought you were someone else at the beginning of the date.
10 Your Date was recovering from a bullet wound during the date.

[ Go to The Post-Date Review ]

▶ Weird Date: Beginning ◀

Something’s off about the vibe, here. Roll 1d6.

1d6 What Happens?

They tell you about three of their most recent tragic romances.
Roll three times on the Your Tragic Love Affair Table (see CP:R page 52).
2 Your Date is not the person from the pictures on their profile.
3 Your Date brought their friend along for the occasion. To see who, roll on the Your Friends Table (see CP:R page 51).
4 Your Date is wearing something quite strange, even by Night City standards.
5 Your Date has a gang affiliation of the GM’s choosing, and shows up in Gang Colors.
6 Your Date has a lot of cybernetics. A dangerous amount. They might be sparking.

[ Go to Weird Date: Middle ]


▶ Weird Date: Middle ◀

What’s the hell is going on here? Roll 1d6.

1d6 What Happens?

Your Date excuses themselves to go to the bathroom, and never returns.

Either start at the beginning with a new Date or stop dating for a while.
2 Your date starts a fight, and then quickly finishes it. They have a Base 16 in a combat-related Skill of the GM’s choice.
3 You learn nothing because your Date spent the middle of the date on their Agent.
4 Your Date likes Smash. A lot. Possibly also Synthcoke, but you aren’t sure.
They tell you about three of their most hated enemies.
Roll three times on the Your Enemies Table (see CP:R page 51).
They talk about their family the entire time. You learn a lot. Roll on the Your Original Family Background Table (see CP:R page 49)
and on the Your Family Crisis Table (see CP:R page 50) .

[ Go to Weird Date: End ]

▶ Weird Date: End ◀

This is one for the history vids! How does it end? Roll 1d6.

1d6 What Happens?

1 They are really into you and want another date. Skip the Do They Say They Want Another Date? and Aftermath sections.
2 You learn about their values and outlook on life. Roll on the Your Motivations and Relationships Tables (see CP:R page 48).
3 They insist on showing you their “good luck charm”. Roll on the Most Valued Possession You Own Table (see CP:R page 48).
4 They give you a helpful piece of advice of the GM’s choosing.
5 They give you 50eb (Costly) worth of Street Drugs and/or Ammunition of the GM’s choosing as a gift.
6 The date ended too soon to learn anything more!

[ Go to The Post-Date Review ]

What happened last weekend? Well, I went on that date with Mark,
and it started out well, but there was this one weird thing, he was
much shyer than I expected, and I swear, redder than a Biotechnica

synth-tomato. He kept scratching himself the whole date—

and I was just thinking the whole time—save some for me babe. I

don’t know sis, I just thought he’d be more into my new look.
— Tora from the university district


The Post-Date Review

Your date has come to an end. Time to see how things go after!

▶ Do They Say They Want Another Date? ◀

Roll Evens or Odds.
If Evens, they say they want another date at the end of your first and promise to contact you.
[ Go to Aftermath]
If Odds, they’re just not that into you and beg off. Either start over with a new Date or stop
dating for a while.

▶ Aftermath ◀
Roll 1d10.
On 1 to 8, you haven’t been ghosted and they’ll contact you again.
[ Go to The Start of a New Romance? ]
On a 9 or 10, you’ve been ghosted. You won’t hear from them again, at least regarding a second
date... but be warned, Night City can be a frighteningly small space when it wants to be!

▶ The Start of a New Romance? ◀

What happens next we leave for you and your GM to decide!
Does your new romance bloom? Or wither?
Whatever it may be: Happy Valentine’s Day, choomba!


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