System To Teach
System To Teach
System To Teach
Forcing 1NT responses are a key element of the 2/1 GF system. This bid occurs when
our side opens 1 or 1 in 1st or 2nd seat and the next player passes.
The Forcing NT is used only after partner opens 1H or 1S. If partner opens a minor and
you respond 1NT (1C-1NT or 1D-1NT), your bid has the standard meaning (not forcing,
6-10 points).
The Forcing NT is “off” in competition. If your RHO bids or doubles, your 1NT response
reverts to its standard, non-forcing meaning (7-10 points with stoppers in the opponent's
A 1NT response is forcing for one round and denies forcing-to-game values. A 1NT
response is treated as “semi-forcing”. Opener will bid again if he has extra values or a
distributional hand, but he's allowed to pass 1NT if he has a balanced bare minimum.
If partner opens 1H or 1S and RHO passes, make your natural raise or 1-level response if
available. With other hands, you can bid the Forcing 1NT to show:
The 1NT! response to 1 or 1 shows 6-12 and is a one-round force. The 1NT! response
denies a hand appropriate for a single raise or limit raise and, usually, over a 1 opener,
denies 4 spades
A hand with exactly 3 trumps and 10-11 support points that plans to jump in opener's
suit over any rebid by opener.
Bid forcing 1NT! with 3 card support and a poor 6-7 points in support in order not to
overly encourage partner.
A hand with more than 2 card support but very weak approx 4-6 points, to discourage
the opps from entering the auction.
Always keep in your mind that after a 2/1 sequence the partnership is forced to reach
game. This leads to an important idea, the Principle of Fast Arrival.
Since all bids below game are forcing, responder usually has many bids available to
raise opener (3+card support if opener's first suit, 4-card support if opener's second suit).
The concept of "fast arrival", jumping to game to show less strength than a lower raise,
should only apply in situations when opener and responder both are minimum.
Picture Bid:
A jump to game in opener's major is a "Picture Bid", showing points concentrated in the 2/1
suit and the major, and denying any controls (A,K,singleton/void) in the other suits.
If opener has rebid 2 of a new lower ranking suit, responder has 3 raises available for
opener's first suit:
The jump raise to the 3 level is used to show extra values with good cards for a
slam (1 -2 -2 -3 ) and asks opener to cuebid
Splinter - a jump in a new suit showing a singleton/void in that suit, and
support for opener's last bid .
After a 2/1 auction any jump in a suit announces, "My trump support is excellent" and "my own
suit is good" and makes a statement about outside controls. Let's look at some examples:
1S -- 2C
2H -- ?
4S = excellent trump support, good club suit, no outside controls
3S = excellent trump support, good club suit, one or more outside controls (Bid 3♠ to show:
Bid 3S. This call shows 4-card support with two of 4 honors, a good 5-card suit of your own and
strong slam interest. If partner had bid 2D instead of 2H, you could have splintered in hearts,
but with a singleton in his second suit you have no splinter bid available. Why not just "keep
the auction low" and bid 2S? After a wide ranging 2S, opener won't know much about what
responder holds. He won't suspect that responder's trumps are so good and he may not
cooperate with a weak a spade suit.
Bid 4S. This jump shows 4-card support with two of 4 top honors, a good 5-card suit but no
control in either of the suits you have not bid. Opposite this precise picture jump opener will
have no trouble judging when to pass despite extra values (because one of the red suits in
uncontrolled) or when to bid on with a minimum, because both red suits are controlled and the
black suits will take plenty of tricks.
Hand 1
Auction 1 (with Picture Jumps)
1S -- 2C
2H -- 3S!
4C -- 4D
4H -- 4NT
5H -- 6S
3S = Excellent trumps, excellent clubs, slam interest.
The partnership has an easy sequence to a near cold slam. Opener recognizes he holds the
perfect cards for and that trumps are not a worry so he cooperates aggressively.
Hand 2
After the 3S call, opener cuebids 4H, bypassing both diamonds and clubs. Responder recognizes
that the partnership is off both the diamond ace and the club king since partner would have
cuebid either of those before the heart ace. Hence slam is at best on a club finesse and usually
has little play. He has an easy signoff in 4S.
Hand 3
Opener knows immediately that slam is a lively possibility because clubs are certain to provide
tricks and the 5-level is safe because partner's trumps must be strong enough to support a 5-
level contract opposite.
This is the second of a 3 part series on picture jumps and related sequences. In the first article, I
contrasted fast arrival and picture jumps and showed some sequences where the partnership is
much better off searching for slam after a picture jump. This article focuses on additional
sequences where picture jumps can apply.
1S -- 2C
2S -- 4S
In this sequence, there is only one picture jump available. A picture jump to game always shows
no control in unbid suits, even when there is no way to show the strong picture jump.
Responder holds: KJTx, xx, xx, AKJxx.
1S -- 2C
2H -- 4H
A picture jump does not have to be in opener's first bid suit.
1S -- 2C
3C -- 4S
A picture jump can occur after opener raises responder's suit.
Responder holds: KJTx, xx, xx, AKJxx.
1S -- 2H
Opener can also make a picture jump.
Opener holds: AQJxx, KJTx, xx, Jx
1S -- 2D
Opener can make a picture jump to 4m to show excellent trump support and slam interest.
opener holds: AKxxx, Ax, KQTx, xx. An alternative that has become popular in the last 20 years
is to use this sequence as ace asking in the minor suit (minorwood).
1S -- 2D
A picture jump to 5m can not occur because opener would not want to get past 3NT with a
hand like:
AKQxx, Jx, KQxx, xx. Make a simple raise to 3D with this hand since 3NT is the most likely
game. This sequence shows a freakish hand with a huge fit like: AKxxx, x, QJxxxx, x
1S -- 2C
1S -- 2C
Opener has a 1-loser or solid suit, one or more red suit controls and strong slam interest.
1S -- 2C
2D -- 4C
Responder has a 1-loser or solid suit, one or more outside controls and slam interest
By showing a suit that can play for at most one loser opposite a void, a player can invite partner
to cooperate with a good hand but no trump support. Suppose you hold this:
1S -- 2C
2H -- 3C
Are you eager to look for a slam with a void in partner's suit? But if partner makes a picture
jump of 4C you can cooperate happily with your control rich hand.
When using picture jumps, non-jump raises suggest that responder lacks exceptional trump
support or has a mediocre suit or both.
1S -- 2C
2H -- 2S
Opener has been warned to tread lightly in the slam search. Responder could not splinter or
make a picture jump so he is a big favorite to hold either 3 trumps or 4 bad ones. The 5-level
will often be unsafe.
1S -- 2C
2S -- 3C
Opener has a long broken suit since he did not make a picture jump earlier. His suit needs
supporting honors for slam purposes.
1S -- 2C
2D -- 2NT/3NT
Pictures bidding does not apply to rebids in NT. However, since opener's hand is unlimited, the
space consuming 3NT rebid should a narrowly defined hand. I suggest 3NT shows;
After a 2/1 sequence any jump raise or jump rebid of a suit is a picture bid.
Jump Raises
Any jump raise promises 4+ trumps and 2+ honors, plus a good 5+ card suit of your
A jump raise below game promises 1 or more outside controls
A jump raise to game denies an outside control
Suit Jump Rebids
All jump rebids of a suit promises a 1-loser or solid suit. I.e., a suit that will normally
play for at most one loser opposite a void.
A jump rebid to game denies an outside control in an unbid suit
A jump rebid below game promises one or more outside controls in unbid suits.
Closing Comments
Picture bids come up infrequently, but when they do they can be key to finding or avoiding
slams. If you add picture jumps to your methods, the most important thing to remember is
the negative inference in a non jump sequences:
1S -- 2C
2D -- 2S
Responder's trumps or his clubs are too weak for a picture jump. This may allow you to decide
that slam has poor chances because trumps are insufficient or responder's suit will not produce
enough side tricks.
Using Combined Bergen Raises the sequence 1major/3♣ combines the Bergen bids of 3♣ and 3♦ and
shows 7-12 dummy/support and 4-card support for the major. Opener now bids 3♦* asking responder
whether he has 7-9 or 10-12 dummy/support points. If responder has the 7-9 raise, he bids 3♥* and if he
has the 10-12 he bids 3♠* spades.
1 of a Major
If opener wants to know how strong, he will bid 3 asking how strong.
1S 2C
2any 4S "PICTURE" jump, 4=2=2=5, values concentrated in C and S, minimum range in
HCP; no shortness, e.g. KJxx xx xx AKJxx
1S 2C
2R 3S 4S 5C, something good outside the black suits; Responder might have:
e.g. KJxx Kx xx AKJxx, OR
e.g. QJxx Axx x AQxxx
1S 2C
2S 4R* Expect moderate 3-trump splinter, e.g Qxx Kxxx x AKxxx (4D)
With a better hand, start with 3S or (very rarely) splinter and continue.
1S 2C
2S 3H
3NT 4S 2=4=2=5, strong two-card S support, weak doubleton D; slam try
e.g. KJ AJxx xx AKJxx
NOTE: Do NOT bid “around” shortness: raise to 3S or start with SPL over 2S.
NOTE: If over 3H, opener bids 3S or 4C and not the convenient 3NT, responder must jump to 5S (or
improvise with 4D) in order to make a clear SLAM TRY [4S would describe a minimum-range hand with
two-card (perhaps only one-card) support]
1S 2m 1S 2x 1S 2x
2R 2S 2S 3S 2NT 3S
These sequences cover all the spade raises unsuitable for a more descriptive bid. Responder shows at
least three-card support (in principle) and does not suggest extra values (although he may have them).
There may be further "PICTURE" possibilities on the horizon to depict certain appropriate minimum
1S 2C
2R 2S
2NT* 5S4R22, "neutral" honors location
3NT* 5S4R22, 15-17 HCP, some values in the short suits, F1
3S* 5S4R22, “good trumps” (spades)
4S* 5S4R22, “good trumps” and “good R” only, "PICTURE"
3C* Club SPL, 5=4=3=1 or 5=4=4=0 (i.e. employ the SHORTNESS RULE)
3OR* SPL in OR (Other Red suit), 5=4=1=3 or 5=4=0=4, (therefore) club support
3R 5/5; then cheapest asks RESIDUE (2=1/1=2/3=0/0=3, i.e. lo-hi singleton, lo-hi void) 4C*
CANAPE: 5S6R20/5S6R02; then 4D asks RESIDUE: 2=0/0=2 (lo-hi void)
4R 6/5 or 6/6, F1; Sounds NAT, therefore IS NAT
1S 2C
2R 2S
2NT* 4S* Delayed "PICTURE," with only 3 trumps: KQx xx xxx AKJxx
3x* Control/values, slam-suitable hand
3S Almost everything else unsuitable for cue-bid (4S is NOT Fast Arrival) NF, considerable help
3NT in opener’s doubleton red suit (OR)
4C* At least AKQTx
4R* SPL R (imperfect for 4R over 2S: no OR control or too strong or void, etc)
4NT RKCB1430-S [NOTE: CK may not be crucial, so only 5 KC here)
1H 2C
2D 2H
2S* Spade SPL, 1=5=4=3 or 0=5=4=4, (therefore) shows C support
2NT* 2=5=4=2, "neutral"
3NT* 2=5=4=2, 15-17 HCP, some values in the short suits, F1 Club
3C* SPL, 3=5=4=1 or 4=5=4=0
3H* 2=5=4=2, good trumps (hearts)
4H* 2=5=4=2, good trumps and diamonds only, "PICTURE"
3D 5/5; then 3H (cheapest) asks RESIDUE (2=1/1=2/3=0/0=3, lo-hi singleton, lo-hi void)
4D 6/5 or 6/6, F1; Sounds NAT, therefore IS NAT
1H 2C
2D 2H
2NT 4H* Delayed "PICTURE," with only 3 trumps: xxx KQx xx AKJxx
3x* Controls/values, slam-suitable hand
3H Almost everything else unsuitable for cue-bid (4H is NOT Fast Arrival) NF,
3NT considerable help in spades
4C* At least AKQTx
4S* RKCB1430-S [NOTE: CK may not be crucial, so only 5 KC here]
1S 2x
2S 3S
“SERIOUS 3NT,” which enables opener to reveal extra strength immediately (in contrast a
four-level cue bid is a less encouraging move;
1S 2x
2S 3S 3/4-card support unsuitable for "picture jump"
1H 2x
2H 3H 3/4-card support unsuitable for "picture jump"
3S Slam-suitable, spade control
1M 2x
3M Solid or one-loser suit (expectations opposite a void) of at least six cards; some extras.
4M An opening bid of 4M, but with an ace or sure trick outside M
1M 2x
3M Invites a raise with a singleton; 7-card suit or 6 with sound middle cards
4M One-loser suit; very minimum opening bid best for suit play
1M 2x
2M 3x
3M 3NT 7+M with some holes; M must be trumps on the auction to date
1M 2x
2M 2NT Many different hands; needn’t be BAL; wide-range; definitely shows stoppers
3NT 2M5x33 or 2M6x(32), 15-17, opener may correct to 4M or move towards slam
1S 2m
2H 2NT Many different hands, etc
3NT 2=3=5m=3, or perhaps 2=3=4=4, 15-17; opener may
correct to 4M or move forward
NOTE: Jumps to 3NT show BAL hands in context, extra values, suitable dummies for opener’s suit(s).
These auctions are NOT “FAST ARRIVAL.” 2NT covers both lesser and stronger BAL hands and many
UNBAL hands with suitable stopper(s)
1S 2C
2D 2H* Fourth suit by 2/1 responder denies the positional interest in bidding notrump; Opener
needs a stopper or perhaps Jxx to bid notrump.
1S 2C
3C 5S4C; at least a sound opening in high cards (extra playing strength)
3S Three-card support expected
3NT* 5=2=2=4, "neutral" OR good spades (i.e. too good for 4S: see below)
4C* 5=2=2=4, emphasizing club quality, e.g. ATxxx xx Kx AQJx SPL D (perhaps no H control)
4D* SPL H (perhaps no D control)
4H* 5=2=2=4, emphasizing spades, but NF, e.g. AKJxx xx Qx KJxx RKCB1430-C/S* (6 KC + 2 TQ; 5S
4S* reply=2 KC+1Q, 5NT=2 KC+ S/C Qs)
4NT No red suit losers, genuine S concern, e.g. Qxxxx A AK KJxxx EXCLUSION RKCB0314* (5 KC+ 2
5C* TQ, etc)
1S 2D
3D 5S4D; at least a sound opening in high cards (extra playing strength)
3H Notrump stopper (at least intially requiring help in C for 3NT): opener’s 4C/4H=SPL Three-card
3S support expected but might risk honor-doubleton with no H guard
3NT Not as comfortable as 3NT after a C raise
4C* SUPER RKCB1430-D/S (6KC + 2 TQ, but 5C=2 KC + BOTH S+D Qs
4D Serious move towards slam (else 3H or 3S to catch a reaction): controls next RKCB1430-D
4H* Still a "PICTURE" jump, even though opener has a sound hand with 5S4D; then 4NT=RKCB1430-
4S* D/S* (6 KC + 2 TQ; 5S reply=2 KC+1Q, 5NT=2 KC+ S/D Qs) NAT, about 16-17, 2=3=5=3
1S 2D
3D 5S4D; at least a sound minimum in high cards (extra playing strength)
3S Three-card support expected
3NT* 5=2=4=2, "neutral" or good spades, too good for 4S (see below)
4C* SPL C (perhaps no H control)
4D* 5=2=4=2, emphasizing D quality, e.g. ATxxx xx AQJx Kx SPL H (perhaps no C control)
4H* 5=2=2=4, emphasizing spades, NF, e.g. AKJxx Qx KJxx xx RKCB1430-S/D* (6KC + 2 TQ; 5S reply=2
4S* KC+1Q, 5NT=2 KC+ S/D Qs)
4NT* No H/C losers, genuine S concern, e.g. Qxxxx A KQxxx AK EXCLUSION RKCB0314* (5KC + 2 TQ,
5D* etc)
1S 2D
4D* 5=2=4=2, "PICTURE", lots of extras: e.g. AKJxx xx AKQx xx
4H* RKCB1430-D [NOTE: no need to cue-bid here, as opener has no H/C controls] Signoff, responder
4S has a H or C flaw
4NT NAT (could happen)
5C* SUPER RKCB1430-D/S* (6KC + 2 TQ; 6C reply=2 KC + BOTH S+D Qs)
5D Signoff, responder has a C or H suit flaw
1H 2C
3C 5H4C; at least a sound opening in high cards (extra playing strength)
3D Notrump stopper (at least intially): opener’s 3S/4D=SPL
3H Three-card support expected
3S Notrump stopper, etc: opener’s 4D/4S=SPL
3NT Comfortable, with 3D/3S available o/wise
4C Serious move towards slam (else 3D/3S to catch a reaction): controls next
4D* RKCB1430-C
4H* Still a "PICTURE" jump, even though opener has a sound hand with 5H4C; then
4NT=RKCB1430-H/C* (6 KC + 2 TQ; 5NT reply=2 KC+ H/C Qs)
4S* SUPER RKCB1430-H/C* (6KC + 2 TQ; 5S reply=2 KC + H/C Qs)
4NT NAT, about 16-17, 3=2=3=5
1H 2C
3C 5H4C; at least a sound opening in high cards (extra playing strength)
3H Three-card support expected
3S* SPL S (perhaps no D control)
3NT* 2=5=2=4, "neutral," or good hearts, too strong for NF 4H 2=5=2=4, emphasizing clubs
4C* SPL D (perhaps no S control) 2=5=2=4, emphasizing hearts, NF
4D* RKCB1430-H/C* (6KC + 2 TQ; 5S response=BOTH H/C Qs) EXCLUSION RKCB0314*-H/C
4H* with S void (5KC + 2 TQ, etc) EXCLUSION RKCB0314*-H/C (5KC + 2 TQ, etc)
4S* No S/D losers, genuine H concern, e.g. A Qxxxx AK Kxxxx
1H 2C
4C* 2=5=2=4, "PICTURE", lots of extras: e.g. AKJxx xx xx AKQx
4D* RKCB1430-C [NOTE: no need to cue-bid here as opener has no red controls] SUPER
4S* RKCB1430-C/H* (6KC + 2 TQ, 5S=2 KC + H+C Qs)
4H Signoff, responder has a red suit flaw NAT (could happen)
4NT Signoff, responder has a red suit flaw
1H 2D
3D 5H4D; at least a sound opening in high cards (extra playing strength)
3H Three-card support expected but might risk honor-doubleton with no H guard
3S Notrump stopper (at least intially requiring help in C for 3NT): opener’s 4C/4S=SPL
3NT Might risk 3H on doubleton honors with S flaw for 3NT
4C* RKCB1430-D
4D Serious move towards slam (else 3S to catch a reaction): controls next
4H* Still a "PICTURE" jump, even though opener has a sound hand with 5H4D; then
4NT=RKCB1430-D/H* (6 KC + 2 TQ; 5NT reply=2 KC+ D/H Qs)
4S* RKCB1430-H/D* (6 KC + 2 TQ; 5S reply=2 KC + D/H Q’s)
4NT NAT, about 16-17, 3=2=5=3
1H 2D
1H 2D
4D* 2=5=4=2, "PICTURE", lots of extras: e.g. xx AKJxx AKQx xx
4S* RKCB1430-D [NOTE: no need to cue-bid here as opener has no red controls]
4H Signoff, responder has a black-suit flaw
4NT NAT (could happen)
5C* SUPER RKCB1430-D/H (6KC + 2 TQ, 5NT=2 KC + BOTH H+D Qs)
5D Signoff, responder has a black-suit flaw
Further 2/1 Specifics
1M 2x
2y 3x 6+ cards in x (no need to distort auction); but if convenient 2NT rebid available and x is
of indifferent quality, or if auction will be otherwise easy, prefer 2NT; may be solid x if 3NT may be only
game; may contain M support if suit quality for slam seems to be the big issue.
1M 2m
2M 4m Solid m (irrelevant re spades), slam-suitable. The hand you envision for this
sequence is a real STRONG JUMP SHIFT.
1S 2H
2S 4H Solid H but minimum HCP, NF [NOTE: 1S-3D* is available for stronger H hands
with a great suit]
1S 2C
2H 4D* Splinter raise of H (not S), e.g. Kx AQxx x AJxxxx (could contain 3S)
4H "PICTURE" raise, e.g. xx AQxx xx AKJxx (else 3H, or perhaps 2NT) Any non-"PICTURE" H raise
3H (4 trumps)
1S 2C
2S 3D Ostensibly NAT, but could be value with no H guard and no better bid
4D 4H* RKCB1430-D [Note: 4NT instead shows control]
4S Secondary support only (doubleton honor(s) maximum), limited values H control, D agreed
4NT* (could include doubleton S honor if strong)
1S 2D
2H 2NT
3D 3H Something useful in H
3S Almost always only two-card support
3NT Suitable C holding for notrump opposite shortness CA, slam-suitable
4C Serious move towards slam RKCB1430-D
4D Surprise three-card S support, something like AJT of C, near-minimum in HCP but
slam-suitable: JTx Qx AQTxx AJT
1S 2D
2S 2NT
3S 3NT Strong opinion
4x* Clear cue-bid for S (but support quality ambiguous): 4NT next=RKCB1430-S Could be strained
4S support on shortness if o/wise suitable for 4S vs 3NT NAT, INV, fitting S honors; for RKCB
4NT start with 4x to agree S
1S 2D
3S At most one S loser; definite EXTRA VALUES
4C/4H* Clear cue-bids for S (may be length, but incidental)
4D* AMBIGUOUS, opener assumes cue-bid for S, but responder may be attempting
to probe for D slam (opener’s D honor is ALWAYS crucial)
1M 2m
2NT 15+ HCP, stoppers important; usually (1S-2H; 2NT could have 4m, but o/wise 5M332)
3m At least mild slam interest (next NEW suit by opener=“values,” by responder=SPL*)
3x Natural (if 3H [1S opened], should be 6+/5 as opener denied 4H)
3M NAT, 3+M, ambiguous strength
3NT NAT, assumes 15-17; with more, opener bids at four-level
4M* "PICTURE" jump: 4M5m22 CONC; NF, so likely minimum (else 3M)
4m RKCB1430-m
4x* SPL agreeing opener’s M
4NT Natural, INV, assumes 15-17
5m Raise a level for each of the ace or king of m: e.g. --- AK AQx QJ10xxxxx
5D/5M EXCLUSION RKCB0314-m (void om, void M respectively)
5NT Pick a small slam; assumes 15-17, so roughly 17-value. Seven may be
possible if 19/20
1H 2m
2H 2S Natural, but may be good three if BAL with no stopper in om
2NT Natural; stopper in om; may not be BAL; may include 4 cards in om (C)
3m Support; may well be honor-doubleton
3om Natural. If 3C, suggests 5 cards; if 3D suggests 6H4D (else 2D over 2C)
3S Four-card S support, no stopper in fourth suit
4S 5S6H, minimum range (else 2S over 2m); typically 5611
4m* 5S6H; minimum range (else 2S over 2m); void SPL
3NT* Special four-card spade raise with stopper in om, e.g.
AQxx KJx
KQxxx Jx
Kxx Txx
1H 2D
2H 2S
3NT* Pass
1S 2C
3NT* Special NF raise: 5=2=2=4, A or K everywhere, including ace of S Slam try in C: next bid
4C* by responder=SPL
4D* RKCB1430-C
4H* Slam try with S support: opener goes past 4S only with 3 aces Signoff
4S 6RKCB1430 with 2 TQ
4NT* Signoff
Others *
1S 2D
3NT* Special NF raise: 5=2=4=2, A or K everywhere, including ace of S
4C* Slam try in D: next bid by responder=SPL
4D* Slam try with S support: opener goes past 4S only with 3 aces RKCB1430-D
4H* Signoff
4S 6RKCB1430 with 2 TQ
4NT* Signoff
Others *
1H 2C
3NT* Special NF raise: 2=5=2=4, A or K everywhere, including ace of H
4C* Slam try in C: next bid by responder=SPL RKCB1430-C
4D* Signoff
4H 6RKCB1430 with 2 TQ
4S* Slam try with H support: opener goes past 5C only with 3 aces Signoff
Others *
1H 2D
3NT* Special NF raise: 2=5=4=2, A or K everywhere, including ace of H
4C* Slam try in D: next bid by responder=SPL RKCB1430-D
4D* Signoff
4H 6RKCB1430 with 2 TQf
4S* Slam try with H support: opener goes past 5D only with 3 aces Signoff
Others *
1M 2m
5m* No losers outside TOPLESS m; e.g. AKQxx --- AKx xxxxx (1S-2C; 5C)
Opener’s Jump Shift Rebid
1S 2C 1S 2D 1H 2C 1M 2D
3R* 3H* 3D* 4C*
Opener’s JUMP SHIFT rebid over a response of 2C or 2D s a SPL raise of responder’s suit, promising at
least four-card support and at least a well-constructed sound opening. The prototype would be
something like:
Responder can count on opener for the ace or king in the unbid suit when considering a move toward
slam or stopping in 3NT. In contrast, when opener raises 2m to 3m and later shows a SPL there is a real
likelihood that he will not have a control in the unbid suit. When opener has a strong and/or
concentrated two-suiter with which he would have used a NATURAL jump shift, he must bid the second
suit cheaply, then rebid it if expedient to do so. While it would be useful to get that sort of hand across
wholesale (see “High Reverses” below) the frequency of the SPL raise is higher. Discovering that opener
has a prime fit and particular shortness BELOW THE LEVEL OF 3NT (not possible when opener has a
singleton club and diamond support) is very important for constructive bidding, both for slam zone deals
and choice-of- games deals. NOTE that 1H-2m; 3S (JUMP REVERSE) is a SPL raise of m; 1H-2C; 4D and
1S-2C; 4R (DOUBLE JUMP SHIFT) and 1H-2m; 4S (DOUBLE JUMP REVERSE) show voids and strong
support and are treated as EXCLUSION RKCB0314-m.
1S 2D 1S 2H 1H 2D 1S 2H
3C 3D 3C 3C*
With his three-level non-jump rebid in a minor – a so-called “High Reverse” – 1H/1S opener indicates an
extra-value hand with at least five-five in the bid suits with both suits headed by at least three of the top
five cards. Examples
AKJTx xx x AQJxx (1S-2D; 3C) KQJxx Ax AQTxx x (1S-2H; 3D) x AKJxx Kx AKJTx (1H-2D;
3C) AQJxx KJ x KQTxx (1S-2H; 3C)
Responder may rebid a six-card suit or support either of opener’s suits with at least three-card support
(an advantage in requiring five cards in the second suit, at variance with standard bidding, which simply
insists on extra values). Note that with only four cards in the second suit opener rebids 2M, not 3m, thus
adhering to the rule that hands unsuitable for a SPECIFIC rebid choose the default agreement (2M).
Responder’s 3NT and 4NT over 3m are both natural. Opener continues over 3NT only with extras and
may show shortness by bidding his short suit, which will often be responder’s long suit. Thus, when
opener bids the fourth suit over 3NT, responder’s 2/1 suit may still be trumps. Responder’s continuation
in that suit suggests this possibility.
The Special Case of 1S-2H; 3C
In the system, one of the HIGH REVERSE sequences (1S-2H; 3C) is reserved for a special DOUBLE DUTY
mission. In addition to the “normal” expected 5+/5+ with strong suits and extra values, opener may also
have SPECIFICALLY 5=3=1=4 or 5=3=4=1 shape, i.e. a particular H raise that might be awkward to
describe otherwise. The idea is to remove some of the strain on the bulky sequence 1S-2H; 3H, one of the
worst sequences in bridge simply because of the order of the suits. Developments follow:
1S 2H
3C* Either (a) normal, 5+/5+ CONC, OR (b) 5=3=1=4/5=3=4=1 H raise
3D* Inquiry
3H* 5+/5+ CONC [with no known fit, it’s best to stay below 3NT]
3S 6+/5+ CONC [with no known fit, stay below 3NT]
3NT* 5=3=1=4 (lower SUIT); non-minimum; Responder can set C easily 5=3=4=1 (higher SUIT); non-
4C* minimum; Responder can set D easily
4D* 5=3=1=4 (lower SUIT); minimum; Cue-bidding mode; opener’s 6C later=NAT 5=3=4=1 (higher
4H* SUIT); minimum; Cue-bidding mode; opener’s 6D later=NAT
1S 2H
3C* Either (a) normal, 5+/5+ CONC, OR (b) 5=3=1=4/5=3=4=1 H raise
3H NAT, 6+H (looking for raise with some 5/5+ types NAT, usually NOT xxx (else use 3D* Inquiry)
3S NAT. Responder's clubs tell him that opener has a heart raise and responder has weak hearts,
3NT good minors. Opener continues with 4m* SPL at his own risk (he might well have significant extra
1S 2H
3C* Either (a) normal, 5+/5+ CONC, OR (b) 5=3=1=4/5=3=4=1 H raise
3H NAT, 6+H (looking for raise with some 5/5+ types
3S* 6+S/5+C
3NT* NAT (in context); 5S/5C, diamond stopper That m SPL, the 5=3=(4-1) “raise” type
4m* NOT the SUPPORT hand; i.e. opener has 5=2=1=5 or H-suitable 5=1=2=5
1S 2H
3C* Either (a) normal, 5+/5+ CONC, OR (b) 5=3=1=4/5=3=4=1 H raise
3S NAT, usually better support than xxx
3NT* 6=1=1=5
4m* That m SPL, the 5=3=(4-1) "raise" type 5+S/5C, LOWER SPL (D) with the 5/5 type
4H* 5+S/5C, HIGHER SPL (H) with the 5/5 type
NOTE: If responder bids 4S* IMMEDIATELY after discovering that opener has the 5=3=(4-1) H raise
type, that is RKCB1430-H. Although all the developments are logical, it’s easy to lose focus in this
somewhat complex structure and confuse opener’s hand types. Thorough study is essential before
adopting the two- way 3C high reverse. After responder “sets” a minor, opener’s cheap step is
RKCB1430-m (the reason it’s not a 6KC situation is that opener may have great S to discard H.
1S-2H Continuations
We’ve eliminated some complex heart raises by building them into 1S-2H; 3C, but that’s just a start. What
follows is a combination of various theoretical ideas (some of them based on work done by Eddie
An alternative (closer to standard) structure is also included. Presented here too is the rest of the structure
dealing with auctions that begin: 1S-2H.
1S 2H
3H Ambiguous strength, 3+H (but not 53(41); 6S3H certainly okay
4H* Classic “PICTURE” jump, NF: e.g. AKJxx AQxx xx xx (a maximum)
3NT* Special NF raise: 5=4=2=2, SA plus ace or king in the other suits
4m* 5S4H, SPL, e.g. AQxxx QJ10x Kxx x (minimum for 4C)
NOTE: 4C SPL needn't guarantee D control (room to show it),
but 4D SPL guarantees C control (we’ve preempted 4C cue)]
2S Neutral, the default rebid with hands inappropriate for a different specific action
2NT NAT, 15+HCP, stoppers, responder expects 5=2=3=3
3C* Either (a) normal, 5+/5+ CONC, OR (b) 5=3=1=4/5=3=4=1 H raise
3D 5+S/5+D, “High Reverse” with 3/5 top cards in both long suits
3S NAT, extra values, long suit with at most one loser
4S NAT, like a 4S opening, with a side ace or high-card trick
4NT RKCB1430-H [NOTE that 4S is unavailable as it’s NAT]
5S* ART, Grand Slam Force in H (fourth step shows A or K with extra length)
1S 2H
2NT 3m NAT, five-card suit expected as opener will usually be 5=2=3=3
3H 6+H, initially a choice of games: responder’s 4x next=SPL/4H=mild try
3S True support [opener’s 3NT is NAT, a warning with a fairly slow hand]
3NT Might bury three-card S support with a notrump-oriented hand
4m* SPL agreeing S [opener’s 4H=H honors/4NT=6RKCB1430-S]
4H* Solid H (more likely 7 than 6, else 3NT, no side A or K, minimum range
1S 2H
4m* BAL 17-19, concealed three-card H support, cheapest m control (optional)
4H BAL 15-16, concealed three-card H support (optional)
4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT NAT, INV, 18-19, 5=2=3=3
1S 2H
2NT 3m
3H Expect one or two H honors doubleton (could be 17-19 with three H)
3S* Fair hand for responder’s minor unwilling to go past 3NT unilaterally
4m Sound three-card support [then 4H=NAT, 4 cheapest=RKCB1430-m 6KC (HK)]
4H BAL 15-16, concealed three-card H support (optional); with more bid 3H
4S* RKCB1430-H 6KC (mK)
4NT NAT, INV, 18-19
1S 2H
2NT 3H 6+H, initially a choice of games
3NT/4H Preference for 3NT/4H respectively (not slam suitable) 3S* Good hand for
H, S control
4m* Good hand for H, no S control, cheapest m control
1S 2H
2NT 3H 6+H, initially a choice of games 3NT Preference for 3NT
4m* m SPL, slam try, H trumps
4H Mild slam try (else raise to 3NT or pass 3NT), as opening bid facing 15-17)
4S* RKCB1430-H
1S 2H
3NT* Special NF raise: 5=4=2=2, Ace or King everywhere, including ace of S 4C*
Slam try in H: next bid by responder=SPL
4D* Slam try with S support: opener goes past 4H only with 3 aces 4H* Signoff (could be
concealed S support, minimum)
4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT* 6RKCB1430-H/S with 2 TQ
1S 2H
4m* 5S4H, SPL, e.g. AQTxx QJ10x Kxx x (minimum for 4C) 4H Signoff
4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT* 6RKCB1430-H/S = 2 TQ
4D* “Last Train” slam try, not related to D (where available)
1S 2H
4H* “Picture” raise
4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT* 6RKCB1430-H/S with 2 TQ
1S 2H
3H Many different hands but not 5=3=(4-1), not SPL raise, not most 15-19 3-card raises
3S* Artificial slam try based on unknown SPL (3NT asks which: show up-the-line) Slam
3NT* try of general nature; relatively BAL (cue-bidding mode)
4m* Slam try based on genuine length in this minor (side SPL possible/likely)
4H Some minimum, not narrowly defined
4S* Picture jump, 4=5=2=2, concentrated; e.g. KJxx AK10xx Jx xx
4NT* RKCB1430-H, [NOTE: 4S KICKBACK unavailable, reserved for PICTURE) 5m/5S*
EXCLUSION RKCB0314-H; 5S has the values for a clear 7-try
1S 2H Many different hands but not 5=3=(4-1), not SPL raise, not most 15-19 3-card raises Artificial slam
3H try based on unknown SPL (6331 family most likely)
3NT* Which? (4m=m SPL, 4H=S SPL/NF; 4S=S SPL/Forcing, 4NT=S void)
4C* SPL C, opener prefers to SHOW his own SPL (likely 6=3=3=1)
4D* SPL D, prefer to show, etc (likely 6=3=1=3)
4H* Delayed picture: AKJxx KQx xxx xx (definitely a hand worth SHOWING)
NOTE: when opener shows his own SPL rather than ask for responder’s SPL, responder should devalue a
holding like three small spades but should promote any S honors. A singleton spade will be more
valuable in combination with at least six decent trumps.
1S 2H
3H Many different hands but not 5=3=(4-1), not SPL raise, not most 15-19 3-card raises 3NT*
General slam try (relatively BAL)
4m* Fine to cue-bid a king opposite known length 4H Signoff
4S* 6RKCB1430*-H [SK important] opposite known length]
4NT* NAT, probably 5=4=2=2 with strength in both short suits (else maybe 2NT over 2H) 5m* SPL,
typically 6331 type (direct SPL shows four-card support)
1S 2H
3H Many different hands but not 5=3=(4-1), not SPL raise, not most 15-19 3-card raises 4C
Slam try based on genuine C length (side SPL possible/likely)
4D* “Last Train” slam try, more or less unrelated to D (bidding over 4H makes 4D a cue) 4H Signoff:
new suit by responder=SPL
4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT* S cue-bid, surely the ace
5C* Any useful honors in C, both S and D aces but can’t take control
1S 2H
3H Many different hands but not 5=3=(4-1), not SPL raise, not most 15-19 3-card raises 4D
Slam try based on genuine D length (side SPL possible/likely)
4H Signoff: new suit by responder=SPL 4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT S cue-bid, surely the ace
5C* C cue-bid; much more likely to be ace opposite two-suiter, no SA 5D* Any useful honors in D,
both S and C aces but can’t take control
1M 2x
4NT RKCB1430-x (a six or seven hand so substitute RKCB not important)
Opener introduces new suit freely at two-level (EXCEPTION: minimum hand with six M, weak four-card
lower-ranking suit, rebid 2M).
Opener's simple rebid of his M is the DEFAULT choice; it neither denies nor implies extra length or
Opener's jump rebid of his major describes a long suit with AT MOST one loser, some extra values.
Opener's minor suit raise suggests four+ trumps, some extra playing strength.
Opener's 2NT rebid indicates 15-20 HCP; responder assumes 15-17.
Opener's jump shift and jump reverse are SPL raises of responder’s suit. A double jump shift or double
jump reverse indicate voids and show strong support; they act as EXCLUSION RKCB0314.
Opener’s HIGH REVERSE shows extra values and at least five-five in the bid suits, both of which include
at least three of the top five cards. However, NOTE: that 1S-2H; 3C is TWO-WAY, either a normal high
reverse or a special three-card H raise with four-one in the minors, either way. Responder's direct
PREFERENCE tends to be genuine support.
Opener's jump rebid of 3NT is 5422 "special raise," with A or K in each suit, NF (includes A of own
major). Opener's jump raise shows CONCentrated 5422, significant extra values if jump to 4m.
Opener's jump to 4NT is RKCB1430 for responder's suit, a six or seven hand.
All JUMPS after two-over-one response and rebid are "PICTURE" bids rather than fast arrival.
Jump reverse or jump shift by two-over-one responder is LIMITED (in theory) SPLinter raise of opener's
suit immediately preceding the jump, typically with the minimum number of trumps for the bid,
e.g. 1S-2C; 2S-4D suggests 3-card support and something like: Qxx Axx x AQJxxx; 1S-2C; 2H-
4D suggests 4-card support and something like: Kx KJxx x AQ10xxx.
The keys for opener are a fitting honors in responder's suit, good trumps, help in the "third" suit, lack of
duplication in the short suit, etc.
Responder's jump to 3NT after a two-over-one and opener’s rebid shows (typically) 5332 pattern, roughly
15-17 HCP, allowing an "unbalanced" opener to correct (i.e. no "FAST ARRIVAL").
Accordingly responder’s second-round 2NT takes up most of the slack for a wide variety of hands. It is
partnership practice for responder to bid 2NT if at all possible, and for opener to introduce new suits or
show extra values afterwards. There is strong emphasis for opener to show "delayed" support for
responder's main suit (doubleton honors may do) over 2NT.
SPECIAL slam tries after 1S-2H; 3H raise: 3S=some SPL/3NT=General try; 4m=length try.
After showing ten cards in two suits or eleven (CANAPE), use a RESIDUE-showing scheme after an
inquiry: low-high singletons; then low-high voids, but with NATURAL 6/5 and 6/6 hands, bid naturally
within that scheme.
Opener uses THE SINGLETON RULE after showing nine cards in two suits and catching a fit at two-
level, with bids in notrump or opener’s major describing honors location in hands with 5422 shape.
Opener also uses THE SINGLETON RULE after raising 2m to 3m and hearing 3M (support) from
responder, but his “shortness” hands are constrained by the failure to offer a SPL raise DIRECTLY, either
because he lacks control in the fourth suit or because he is too strong to relinquish captaincy or because
he does not wish to go past 3NT in the relevant cases.
FOURTH suit by 2x responder is used ARTIFICIALLY only INFREQUENTLY, and would be looking for
a stopper in a hand unsuitable for any sensible natural bid.
After THIRD SUIT suit by 2/1 responder, opener’s jump to 3NT confirms a four-card fit in the third suit
with at least one stopper in the remaining suit.
After partner passes in first or second position, we may open ANY four-card major freely (1H usually
with 4/4 majors in fourth position) but only with a less-than-sound opening bid, prepared to pass a semi-
forcing response of 1NT or 1S (should have 3S). Open light distributional major suit hands that offer an
easy rebid or significant lead value. ALWAYS consider a weak 2M opening as an ALTERNATIVE.
There are problems with 4/4 majors, 13-14 HCP, where passing a semi-forcing 1NT response might lead
to a missed 25/26-point game (NOTE: responder’s PH jump to 2NT over 1M=minors). Therefore we must
open a weak notrump and not 1M with a sound minimum willing to accept an invitation in notrump.
NOTE: a light 1m is not a viable alternative to a weak notrump when holding a balanced hand.
In Third and fourth position:
1H: 11-23 HCP when real (i.e. NOT psychic); may open ANY four-card H suit in third position with
minimum hands, but must be prepared to pass "semi-forcing" 1NT or 1S response (i.e. must have 3+S or a
very good excuse); With 4H and 4S and minimum, open 1H in fourth position. Opener’s 1NT rebid
suggests 15-18- HCP, but may have to guess with less and only two spades; respond 1S freely to 1H (even
with bad suit).
In third position...
Open: xx AQ10x Kxxxx xx, with 1H, then pass 1NT; hope to get lucky over 1S response (by passing; a 2D
rebid would suggest a genuine opening bid of sorts)
Open: xx KQ10xx Axx xxx, with 2H. Open 1H only if feeling particularly lucky Pass: xx KJxx Axxx Qxx.
The alternatives are 1H and [gasp] 1NT, NOT 1D
1S: 11-23 HCP when real; may be ANY four-card S suit if minimum. Open light for the lead or to
shut someone out. As there is no need to rebid, you might, in third position,
A weak 2S is always a possible alternative with a good five-card suit at reasonable vulnerabilities.
If the decision to open in fourth position is close, add the number of HCP to the number of spades. If the
total is at least 15, open with a one-bid.
Pass 1H
1S NAT, NF, could be modest four-card suit, could be quite a good hand
1NT* Semi-forcing, could be up to 12 HCP without heart support Drury-Fit, at least 3-card support,
2C* 10+ support points
2D* NAT, NF, at least a six-card suit unsuitable for 1D/2D/3D openings, modest values Defined as
2H* “not a terrible raise,” usually three trumps
2S* Fit-showing jump: 5+S/4+H, e.g. AQTxx QJxx xxx x (new suit next=SPL) 5+C/5+D, game
2NT* interest
3C* NAT,NF 6+ decent clubs unsuitable for a 1C or 3C opening, probably no second suit Fit-
3D* showing jump: 5+D/4H
3H* 5-trump “mixed” raise, no SPL , e.g. Kx QTxxx Kxxx xx
3S* Special artificial game raise with unspecified SPL and 1 SURE defensive trick Full-value SPL
3NT* (short S), at least five trumps
4m* 4H Full-value SPL (short m), at least five trumps PRE
4S NAT, whatever that might be this year
Pass 1S
1NT* Semi-forcing, could be up to 12 HCP without heart support
2C* Drury-Fit, at least 3-card support, 10+ support points
2D* NAT, NF, at least a six-card suit unsuitable for 1D/2D/3D openings, modest values NAT, NF,
2H at least a six-card suit unsuitable for 1H/2H/3H openings, modest values Defined as “not a
2S* terrible raise,” usually three trumps
2NT* 5+C/5+D, game interest
3C* NAT,NF 6+ decent clubs unsuitable for a 1C or 3C opening, probably no second suit Fit-
3D* showing jump: 5+D/4+S, e.g. QJxx xx AQJxx xx (new suit next=SPL)
3H* Fit-showing jump: 5+H/4+S
3S* 5-trump “mixed” raise, no SPL , e.g. QJxxx AJxx xx xx
3NT* Special artificial game raise with unspecified SPL and 1 SURE defensive trick Full-value SPL
4m/4H* (short m), at least five trumps
Pass 2C*1H
Drury-Fit: artificial, 10+ support points, 3+M.
2D* Not enough for game (including possible PSYCH) with only 4H; OR a hand
preparing to make a THREE-WAY game try (see below).
2H* No game but 5+H, so that we might compete over a reopening action. 2S 5+H/4S, FG, good four-
card suit, slam-suitable
2NT 15-20 HCP, BAL, stoppers; FG
3m 5+H/4m, FG, good four-card suit, slam-suitable 3S/4m* “Autosplinter” slam try
3H Long (6+) quality H, hoping to hear 3NT, FG 3NT Long (6+) quality H, stoppers, game
choice 4H No slam
4S* RKCB1430-H
4NT* EXCLUSION RKCB0314-H, short S
5m* EXCLUSION RKCB0314, short m