Activity 3 Interdisciplinary Approach of Gender Studies

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Activity #3:

Based on the discussion of Lesson 3 – The Interdisciplinary Approach of Gender

Studies, what are your learnings? Is there anything in the lesson that you could apply or
use in your everyday life?

IMPORTANT- Non-submission means lost opportunity for a grade in


Topic The Interdisciplinary Approach of Gender Studies

Gender is both an empirical category and a theoretical

conceptualization that aids in the understanding and
description of social relations and divisions. Gender studies,
Learnings according to Connell, have incorporated studies of
masculinity, and interdisciplinary approaches, according to
Hooks, have emphasized the possibilities of transformation
of traditional stereotypical masculinities. Gender is not just
about women, as has frequently been the case in the
promotion of equal-opportunities policies in neoliberal
democracies in recent years. Men are gendered as well, and
the questioning of hegemonic masculinity challenges power
structures in a wide range of social, economic, cultural, and
political systems where traditional, seemingly gender neutral
norms are called into question. However, challenges to an
essentialized category of 'woman' have resulted in the
marginalization, and even absence, of some structural
oppression critiques, such as patriarchy, which was a key
concept in second-wave feminist critiques of the operation of
power at all levels. Many of the tensions and contradictions
of gender studies are those of interdisciplinary studies, at a
time when there is also a push to reintroduce single
disciplines in the field of higher education, which is suffering
from financial constraints and limited resources. Gender
studies offer productive opportunities for knowledge
contributions that are distinctively interdisciplinary and go far
beyond attempts to mainstream gender into traditional
disciplinary structures.
Gender is vital because sex, love, care, and reproduction
are fundamental aspects of life; however, the meaning of
gender is contested. Gender studies provides politically
Lesson that can be significant empirical knowledge about gendered practices,
used in everyday life norms, and discourses. To be open to girls' and boys'
learning and development choices, gender awareness helps
us explore who they are and make connections to people
around them, as well as gain self-confidence, well-being,
peer acceptance, and social support.

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