2020 Uace Bio I Guide
2020 Uace Bio I Guide
2020 Uace Bio I Guide
1D 2B 3C 4C 5A 6A 7A
8D 9C 10D
11C 12A 13C 14B 15D 16A 17C
18 19A/B 20B
21C 22A 23A 24C 25A 26D 27B 28 29C 30A
31A 32 33D 34A 35A 36C 37B 38A 39D 40C
41. (a) (i) Tissue fluid/interstitial fluid/intercellular fluid; accept extracellular fluid
(ii) at the arterial end of the capillary pressure is high; due to pumping action of the heart and
narrowness of the capillaries; the hydrostatic pressure forces the fluid part of the blood through the
capillary walls; into the intercellular space by ultrafiltration ;
(b) at the venous end of the capillary bed hydrostatic pressure is low; increased OP of the plasma
proteins in blood; causes tissue fluid to be drawn back into the capillaries; excess tissue fluid is drawn
into the lymph vessels;
42.(a)(i) loss of alleles from one population and gain by another ;alters allele frequency for both; which
leads to increased genetic variation; in both populations; continued/regular gene flow makes gene pools
Similar; (BS 914)
(ii) this makes certain individuals within the population have an increased reproductive potential;
while others have decreased reproductive potential ;altering their allele frequency in subsequent
(b) (i) lower oxygen content of the soil; promoting denitrification; which lowers nitrogen content
of the soil;
(ii) Reduces the moisture content of the soil; reducing the rate of decomposition; lowering
nitrogen content of soil;
(c) – causes decline in root growth/reduces plant growth;
-corrodes rocks;
44. (a) (i) the rate of photosynthesis increases rapidly up to 3 arbitrary units+/- 0.5 of light intensity; and
then remains constant up to 10 arbitrary units;
(b) Rate of photosynthesis attains maximum at lower light intensity for curve A; because carbon
dioxide becomes a limiting factor; /Rate of photosynthesis attains a higher maximum for curve B
because carbon dioxide is no longer a limiting factor;
(c) Carbondioxide; and temperature; become limiting factors Accept low temperature, low carbon
- provides energy for photolysis of water; which releases H+ for reduction of NADP; providing
electrons to stabilize PSII;
45. (a) (i) the potential difference across the membrane of a nerve cell at rest; where the inside is
negatively charged relative to the outside;
(ii) This is a synapse between a motor neurone and a muscle; where the axon of a motor neurone
divides to form fine branches ending in a synaptic knob;
(iii) Action potentials only form at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated nerves; hence impulses jump from one
node to another;
(b) (i) the active pumping of sodium ions out of axon and potassium ions into the axon; making the
inside more negative relative to the outside;
46. (a) (i) increases rapidly to a maximum; due to reabsorption of water/diffusion of ions; then
decreases rapidly; due to active reabsorption of solutes into the interstitial fluid;
(ii) The concentration of solutes increases rapidly; due to increased osmotic reabsorption of
(b) Mammals are able to excrete hypertonic urine; and conserve water in the body;
(c) Insufficient production of ADH; resulting into little reabsorption of water from the collecting duct;