EEE302 SampQs Merged

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Q2. Consider the Quadrature Carrier Multiplex (QCM) system.

The multiplexed signal s(t)

produced at the output of the transmitter is applied to a communication channel of transfer
function H(f). The output of this channel is in turn applied to QCM receiver input. Determine
the condition necessary on H(f) for recovery of the both message signals at the receiver output.

EEE 302 Sample

Part 2
4 Apr 2018
EEE 302 Principles of Communications
Q1. (50 pts) The output signal from a conventional AM modulator is given as

s(t )  5 cos(1800t )  20 cos(2000t )  5 cos(2200t )

a) Compute and sketch the spectrum of the modulated signal s(t).

b) Determine the modulating signal and the carrier signal. What is the
amplitude sensitivity factor?
c) Determine if an envelope detector can be used to recover m(t).
d) Determine the ratio of the power in the sidebands to the power in the carrier.
What is the transmission bandwidth?
Q2. (50 pts) The message signal

m(t )  2 cos(2 40t )  cos(2 90t )

is to be transmitted using SSB-LS modulation technique. The carrier wave
is given as
c(t )  10 cos(2 1000t ).

a) Determine the analytic expression for the modulated signal. Sketch the
amplitude spectrum of the modulated signal.
b) Determine the transmission bandwidth and power of the modulated signal.
c) Sketch the block diagram of the receiver to recover the message signal.
EEE 302
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 12 July 2021


Q1. (30 pts) Consider a message signal with a power spectral density given as
 f

S M ( f ) = a W , f  W

 0, otherwise
where a and W are positive constants. Assume transmission channel adds noise
with a power spectral density of :

Assume that a suitable BPF is used at the input of the receiver to limit the out-of-
band noise.
(a) Determine the pre-detection (channel) SNR at the receiver if SSB
modulation with a carrier frequency of 150 kHz and a carrier amplitude of
Ac = 1 V is used to transmit above message signal with a=2 and W=10 kHz.
(b) Draw the block diagram of the SSB receiver.
(c) Determine the post-detection SNR at the output of the SSB receiver.
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 12 July 2021

Q2. (35 pts) The received signal in an FM system contains some residual
amplitude modulation a(t) as shown below:

 t

r (t ) = a(t ) cos 2f c t + 2k f  m( )d .
 0 
Assume that the received signal is restricted to a frequency band of width BT
centered at fc, where BT is the transmission bandwidth of the FM signal in the
absence of amplitude modulation, and that the amplitude modulation is slowly
varying compared with the phase of FM signal.

(a) Determine the lowpass equivalent signal (or complex envelope) of the
received signal r(t). What is the approximate bandwidth of the lowpass
equivalent signal?
(b) Sketch the block diagram of an ideal frequency discriminator used to
demodulate an FM signal.
(c) Determine the output of an ideal frequency discriminator with input signal
(d) Assuming an AWGN transmission channel with a power spectral density of
Sn ( f ) = ,
2 determine the expression of the output SNR.
Note: The expression of the output SNR of standart FM receiver is given
3 Ac2 k 2f Pm
2 N 0W 3
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 12 July 2021

Q3. (35 pts) A pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) signal is produced by using the
modulating signal
m(t ) = Am cos( 2f mt ),
assuming a modulation frequency fm = 0.25 Hz, sampling period Ts = 1 s, and
pulse duration T = 0.45 s.

(a) Write down the analytic expression of the PAM signal, sPAM(t).

(b) Determine and plot the spectrum of the PAM signal.

(c) Draw the block diagram of PAM receiver.

(d) Using an ideal reconstruction (low-pass) filter, plot the spectrum of the
filter output. Explain the difference between the original message signal
and filter output. How can we recover m(t) from the filter output?
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 12 July 2021
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 12 July 2021
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021


Q1. (50 pts) Consider the Quadrature Carrier Multiplex (QCM) system shown

a) Find the expression of the multiplexed QCM or QAM signal s(t) produced
at the output of the transmitter.
b) Determine the spectrum R(f) of the received signal r(t).
c) Draw the block diagram of the QCM receiver to recover the message
signals, m1(t) and m2(t).
d) The multiplexed signal s(t) produced at the output of the transmitter is
applied to a communication channel of transfer function H(f). The output
of this channel is in turn applied to QCM receiver input. Determine the
necessary condition on H(f) for recovery of the both message signals at
the receiver output.
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021

Q2. (50 pts) A VSB modulated signal can be generated as follows:

c(t ) = cos( 2 10000t )

m(t ) = 0.5 cos(1000t ) + cos(500t )
 0, 0  f  9500 
 f − (10000 − 500) 
H( f ) =  , 9500  f  10500 
 1000 
 1, 10500  f  12500
Assume that the band-pass filter impulse response is real.

a) Determine the analytic expression for the VSB modulated signal.

b) Determine and plot its amplitude spectrum.
c) Show (analytically) that a coherent demodulator can be used to recover
the original message signal.
d) Assuming an Additive White Gaussian Channel, compute the output SNR
and FOM of the coherent receiver.
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021
EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021


EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021

EEE 302 Principles of Communications 29 May 2021

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