Anna University:: Chennai - 600 025 Model Question Paper: V Semester
Anna University:: Chennai - 600 025 Model Question Paper: V Semester
Anna University:: Chennai - 600 025 Model Question Paper: V Semester
1. Suggest one application for AM, SSB, DSB and VSB modulation techniques and
justify your answer.
2. When a signal m(t) = 3 cos (2π x 103t ) modulates a carrier c(t) = 5 cos (π x 106t), find
the modulation index and transmission bandwidth if the modulation is AM.
3. Distinguish between Narrowband and Wideband FM.
4. A 15 KHz audio signal is frequency modulated with modulation index= 5.Calculate
the transmission bandwidth of FM Signal.
5. What do you understand by additive white Gaussian Noise? Explain.
6. Define Noise figure and Noise Temperature.
7. Discuss the factors that influence the choice of intermediate frequency in a radio
8. What is meant by FM Threshold? Explain.
9. Define entropy of a discrete memory less source emitting K symbols.
10. State channel capacity theorem and Explain.
PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11.i) An RF Communication system has a channel power loss of the 80dB and No = 10 -14
W/Hz. The base band message signal has the bandwidth of 5MHz and a uniform
amplitude distribution in the interval ± 2 Volts. Calculate the transmitter power
required for SNRo = 40dB when the modulation is (a) SSB (b) AM with Ka = 0.8.
(ii) A sinusoidal message signal of frequency 1000Hz is used as modulating signal in
FM and AM systems. The unmodulated carrier amplitude is the same in both systems.
The peak frequency deviation of the FM system is set to 4 times the bandwidth of the
AM system. The magnitude of the spectral components at fc± 1000Hz are equal for
both systems. Determine the modulation index of AM and FM systems.
12.a) Describe the square law method of generating AM signal and envelope detector for
12.b) Explain ring modulator for DSB signal generation and phase shift method for SSB
signal generation.
13.a) Show that spectrum of a single tone FM wave is
n= ∝
(i) S(f) = Ac/2 Σ Jn (β ) [δ (f – fc- nfm) +δ ( f + fc +nfm)] where the symbols have the
usual meaning.
ii) Draw the tone modulated line spectrum with β =2 for the above and comment about
the transmission bandwidth.
13.b) Show how a narrow band noise can be represented as n(t) = nc(t) cosω ct – ns(t)
sinω ct where nc(t) and ns(t) are the in-phase and quadrature phase components of
noise respectively.
14.a) Derive an expression for the output SNR of an FM receiver and hence obtain the
figure of merit.
14.b)i) Show that the figure of merit of an AM receiver is K a2Pm/(1+ Ka2Pm), where the
symbols denote the usual meaning.
ii) Distinguish between Coherent and non – coherent reception.
i A B C D j
P(i 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.1 A B C
i A 0 0.8 0.2
15.b)i) Explain and obtain an expression for mutual information and hence define the
capacity of discrete noisy channel. Also derive the capacity of Binary symmetric
ii) Encode the following source using Huffman procedure and find the coding